Однажды в сказке элоиза гарденер

Эта статья посвящена второй версии Матушки Готель
Чтобы узнать о первой версии «Матушки Готель», см. Рапунцель.
Чтобы узнать о той, за кого Готель себя выдавала, см. Рапунцель Тремейн.
Чтобы узнать о эпизоде седьмого сезона, см. «Элоиза Гарденер».
Чтобы узнать о уголовном деле, см. Дело Элоизы Гарденер.

Я всю жизнь была садовником. И я могу честно сказать, что нет большего вредителя, чем человек.

—Элоиза Гарденер Марго в «Дитя цветов»

Матушка Готель, также известная как Мать Природа и Ведьма, и в Гиперион Хайтс известная как Элоиза Гарденер — персонаж сериала «Однажды в сказке».


После пятого проклятья[]

В Мире Желания Злая Королева встречает Крюка и предлагает ему сделку для ещё одного шанса на месть Румпельштильцхену, когда её проклятие потерпело неудачу. Крюк соглашается, а затем отправляется с мистером Сми в Другое королевство, где он ищет волшебный цветок ведьмы, способный уничтожить бессмертного, такого как Румпельштильцхен. Он попадает в башню Готель и встречает Рапунцель. После того, как Крюк объясняет свою миссию, чтобы найти цветок ведьмы, Рапунцель объясняет, что в саду ведьм есть только один такой цветок, и, чтобы получить его, он должен ему спеть. Она рассказывает ему историю об её заключении в башне и её потребности в том же цветке, чтобы спасти себя. Крюк соглашается взять цветок для них обоих, хотя Рапунцель боится, что он просто достанет его для себя и оставит её.

Позже, Рапунцель слышит, как Крюк поднимается вверх по башне. Она рада, что он сдержал своё обещание, но когда он спрашивает, как она будет использовать цветок, чтобы убежать, она уверяет его, что было бы утомительно спрашивать, как и вместо этого уверяет, что всё, что ему нужно знать, так это то, что это поможет ей. Проведя ночь вместе, Крюк идёт к Рапунцель и предлагает уйти. Внезапно они оба слышат крик от младенца. Рапунцель заявляет, что это её выход, когда она подходит к тому месту, где идёт звук, и показывает ему новорождённого ребёнка. Шокированный пират понимает, что это его ребенок. «Рапунцель» принимает свой истинный облик — Готель, тем самым раскрывая своё истинное «я», объясняя, что цветок помог ускорить беременность. Также она говорит, что магия крови в башне, державшая её всё это время, требует того, чтобы кто-то из её родственников занял её место. Это единственный способ для неё сбежать из башни. Она призывает Крюка пойти с ней сейчас, но, видя его нежелание, она упрекает его в том, что он плохо относится к отказу от своего ребёнка, когда она знает, что он уже многим пожертвовал ради мести. Когда Киллиан отказывается от предложения, Готель уходит из башни, а Крюк отказывается от мести, затем возвращается, чтобы позаботиться о своей дочери, которую он назвал Алисой, в честь своей матери. («Элоиза Гарденер»)

Магические способности[]

  • Зелья — Возможность создания жидких веществ различного назначения путем комбинирования набора ингредиентов.
  • Магия крови — Использование своей или чужой крови для различных и более продвинутых заклинаний, которые могут быть разрушены только кем-то из той же линии крови.
    • Защитные заклинания — Способность накладывать магическую защиту, которую может разрушить только человек, родственник по крови.
  • Колдовство — Возможность накладывать Заклинания и/или проклятья.
    • Фотокинез — Способность контролировать и манипулировать растениями.
    • Перевоплощение — Способность изменять внешний вид себя или других людей.
    • Телепортация — Способность магически телепортировать себя и/или других из одного места в другое.
    • Защитные заклинания — Способность магически защитить место, предмет или человека различными способами.
    • Создание — способность создать из ничего любой предмет.
  • Гипноз — способность заставлять других делать что-то против своей воли.

During Rogers’s first year on the job as a cop in Hyperion Heights, he is assigned to Eloise’s missing person case. After getting a lead on where she may be, he heads into a dark alley and is shot. He remembers a blonde woman holding her hand to his wound and keeping him alive until the ambulance arrived. However, he never found Eloise, a fact which haunts him. («A Pirate’s Life»)

Ten years later, Rogers continues this investigation with the help of Henry and Roni. After assisting in the arrest of Sam Ochotta, Rogers spies a tattoo on his wrist that matches a symbol Eloise drew multiple times in her journal. He interrogates him about the image but Sam insists he knows nothing about Eloise and that only got the tattoo in prison to ward off evil. However, Sam also suggests that whatever the girl was running from, it must have been something bad if she drew the symbol. After his release, he tells someone over the phone that they have trouble as someone is looking for the girl. («Greenbacks»)

In reality, Eloise Gardener is the cursed identity of Gothel, which she received after Regina cast Drizella’s curse to save Henry’s life. As part of her plan, Eloise is locked at the top of Belfrey Towers by Victoria Belfrey. One day, after Victoria successfully obtains the coffin of her daughter Anastasia from the Community Gardens, she visits her prisoner. Victoria discusses her plans to use Lucy as a means to revive Anastasia, although Eloise cautions that the girl must forfeit her belief willingly for it to work. Victoria wishes for her help to accomplish this, but Eloise declines, refusing to be intimidated by the latter. She issues an ominous warning to Victoria, in that even if she is able to defeat the heroes and bring back Anastasia from the dead, she will have to deal with her next. («The Garden of Forking Paths», «The Eighth Witch»)

Visited again by Victoria, Eloise notes she must be having trouble breaking Lucy’s belief if she is back to see her again so soon. She criticizes Victoria for her naiveté about belief, which is not something that can be removed in one swipe because belief grows deep and she must sever it from the root. Victoria offers her a cup of tea, but this seems to set off Eloise, who attempts to lunge at her, only for her chains to keep her from going any further. Eloise angrily demands her special tea, however, Victoria only agrees to give it to her if she tells her about which root to start with. After the information is presumably exchanged, Victoria obtains the herbs for the tea from her daughter Ivy before returning to make the brew for Eloise. When Ivy brings Roni to Eloise’s hideout to prove she is serious about taking down Victoria, Eloise is told by Ivy to stay out of view so Roni does not see her, though Roni finds a photo of herself and Henry which Ivy planted. Ivy later returns to seek out Eloise, who scares her by reappearing behind her, causing a startled Ivy to break the tea set. Eloise, seemingly in a secret alliance with Ivy that Victoria doesn’t know about, asks if she was able to gain the trust of the heroes. Ivy confirms she did and boasts about them trusting her as much as her mother does. Eloise praises Ivy for her good work and openly suggests that, while Victoria cannot see how clever her daughter is, she can. Ivy is pleased by her recognition, but then, regains her cool to instruct her to resume playing her part with Victoria as they discussed. Eloise promises to do just that and calls her «my sweet Ivy», though as Ivy herself turns to leave, she asks Eloise to refer to her by her real name: Drizella. («Greenbacks», «Wake Up Call»)

From Victoria’s office, Ivy brings a bouquet of hyacinths to Eloise, who detects a small seed of magic in them. Eloise insists the magic can only continue to grow in fertile soil, which Ivy is unhappy about having to fetch, but she reminds the girl that they must be patient if they wish to survive. She suggests to Ivy that giving the photo to Roni was a mistake, though Ivy assures her that Regina won’t be a problem soon enough. After Ivy gets the soil, Eloise buries some of the hyacinth petals on it and enchants them into taking the form of a spiky plant. Ivy plucks one of the spikes, with Eloise cautioning her of the dangerous path it will take someone down, however, Ivy decides that they will have to see how it will affect Regina and then squeezes the spike’s liquid into a small bottle. («Wake Up Call»)

While Lucy still stubbornly holding to her belief, Victoria pays another visit to Eloise, during which she sees a speck of dirt on the ground. Eloise implies Victoria must’ve brought it in from her shoes, however, Victoria is onto her, cautioning that she will most certainly find out if she has had help. After discovering Ivy’s dirt covered shoes, Victoria returns to confront Eloise, who proposes that if she wants to blame anyone, she should blame her own blind incompetence. Victoria, appalled that Eloise has only been pretending to help her all this time, demands to know when she woke Drizella up, but the latter admits her daughter has always been awake except Victoria has been too obsessed with Anastasia to see the truth. When Eloise reveals Ivy wishes to see her suffer, Victoria reminds her of the true nature of the ivy plant, which can’t grow unless it clings to something else, namely Eloise. Victoria vows to bring her down so Ivy will have nothing and then warns her that she will never feel the warm light of day ever again. After Victoria has moved Eloise to another building, Rogers closes in on her there in search of Eloise, whom he believes she is holding captive. Rogers enters a room where the Witch has hidden herself under a blanket, but upon hearing him call her Eloise and coaxing her out, she unveils herself and accepts his help. Following the rescue, the cops come to arrest Victoria. While Ivy smugly taunts her mother now that she is the prisoner and the Witch is free, Victoria angrily denounces Ivy for unleashing someone who is more dangerous than she can fathom. Eloise is then placed into a social services truck and Rogers gets in with her. («Eloise Gardener»)

Later, Eloise is provided with a place to stay in a transitional home. She visits Rogers at the police station, where she gifts him a cake as thanks for rescuing her. Rogers asks about how she is doing and if she has seen her therapist yet, to which Eloise admits she still has nightmares and that she did try to go to therapy but it didn’t work out. Rogers hands her his card, telling her to call him if she ever needs anything, with Eloise thanking him for being her white knight. Later when Roni visits Rogers, she notices Eloise’s cake on his desk, and pushes it into the trash, seemingly not wanting him to eat it because it is too sugary. At a secure location, Ivy visits Eloise as she practices magic and fails due to the low amount of magic in the town. She states her plans to find her sister, and when Eloise questions why she needs Anastasia’s body, she says that there is magic in her that she intends to claim for herself. Eloise, also wanting the same magic, waits until Ivy returns with Anastasia’s coffin so they can wake up the girl. As they both work together to remove the coffin lid, they soon find that she is not inside and deduct that Victoria must’ve hidden her somewhere else. («Pretty in Blue»)

As Eloise joins Ivy in her car to tail Victoria, who has teamed up with Weaver since leaving jail, she regards the small tree-shaped ornament on the vehicle mirror as strange and ponders why people of this world recreate nature in that way, to which Ivy points out that it’s air freshener. The pair observe Weaver reentering Victoria’s car, with Eloise noting that the man’s alliance with Ivy’s mother is troublesome and that they should not underestimate Victoria, though Ivy insists she knows from experience that her mother always makes the wrong choices. They follow Weaver and Victoria to the mausoleum but enter the building later, not realizing Victoria has already left, as only Weaver is inside by then. Ivy leaves shortly after, but Eloise stays behind to chat with Weaver. Weaver is perplexed by the real name she chooses to use, «Mother Gothel», as she is neither a mother in the conventional sense nor is she a nun. Eloise explains that while her name can mean different things to people, she works best attending to people’s needs. She offers her services to Weaver, who declines, to which she cautions that he won’t be able to find the Guardian on his own. Eloise emphasizes that he has yet to know the cost of Victoria awakening Anastasia, which requires sacrificing an innocent’s belief. As an impatient Weaver tells her to just spit it out, Eloise ominously asks him where his great-granddaughter Lucy is; implying that she is the sacrifice Victoria intends to use. («One Little Tear»)

After Anastasia’s resurrection, Eloise finds the girl at the police station in the company of Weaver and Victoria. Anastasia’s powers go haywire as Eloise approaches, causing her to knock out Eloise, Weaver, and Victoria. Ivy, managing to trick Anastasia into wearing magic dampening bracelets, takes her to a remote location, intending to absorb her sister’s powers, however, the opposite happens. Eloise reveals this fact only after Anastasia has unintentionally taken all of Ivy’s magic, and as a stunned Ivy reacts to being betrayed, Eloise pushes her into a pit, where she has also trapped Victoria. Directly after, Eloise leads Anastasia to another room, where several cloaks are on display. She informs the girl that the cloaks belong to her sisters, the Coven of the Eight, and that they will now find the other six members. («The Eighth Witch»)

When Eloise tells Anastasia of her plans to bring her somewhere more suitable as a home, the girl only expresses interest in being with her mother. Eloise dissuades her from this by pulling up Victoria from the pit to reveal her many crimes to Anastasia, who is shocked by all the terrible things her mother has done. After dropping Victoria back into the pit, Eloise goes to the hospital to speak with Kelly, Roni’s sister, whom she believes is in possession of the Resurrection Amulet. She offers to revive Lucy with Anastasia’s magic if Kelly forfeits the amulet to her at the botanical garden greenhouse. Later, Eloise takes Anastasia to her apartment, providing her with cereal and cartoons. The girl is still lost after learning the truth about her mother and being in a world she doesn’t understand. Eloise sympathizes with her feelings as she was once in the same position, particularly in displaying magic early and the fear as well as manipulation she endured from other people because of her abilities. As she tells Anastasia about how she eventually found someone who helped her grow stronger, there is a knock at the door. This scares Anastasia, who causes the table to shake, but Eloise persuades her to calm down and hide in the closet. Anastasia is out of sight just before Rogers enters to check up on Eloise because Victoria has gone missing and he wanted to make sure she didn’t come after her. Rogers becomes suspicious over the food and television, which Eloise insists she has to remind herself of simpler times, although this doesn’t stop Roger from moving towards the closet to investigate. Eloise stops him by purposely dropping a teacup, telling him that closed spaces still scare her, and asks him to walk her to her art therapy class. Rogers agrees, and he leaves the apartment with her shortly after. At the greenhouse, Victoria shows up to give the amulet to Eloise, in an effort to make up for what she did to Lucy. Since the amulet is empty, Eloise has Anastasia touch the stone so it can absorb her magic. She dismisses Anastasia afterward by wiping her memory of the incident and instructing her to leave. As the amulet needs a sacrifice, Eloise summons Ivy into the ritual circle to take her life in exchange for Lucy’s return. Victoria, unaware such a thing was required, tries to stop Eloise at first, but when that doesn’t work, she shoves Ivy from the circle and insists on taking her place. Eloise agrees to the change and then drains Victoria’s life force into the amulet, which kills her. («Secret Garden»)

While Rogers and Weaver believe the recent deaths of Doctor Sage and Victoria, as well as the attempted murder of Hilda Braeburn, is linked to Eloise’s purported cult of women, Eloise shows up at the police station to provide information about the killer. However, when Weaver asks where she was the night of Victoria’s death, Eloise becomes upset at his accusation and refuses to cooperate unless she is only speaking to Rogers. After Eloise receives this accommodation, Rogers returns to the room to say his partner is away on a coffee break, though Eloise knows without a doubt that Weaver is observing the conversation through the security monitor. She persuades Rogers that to find the killer, he must know himself first. Rogers plays along with her game by acquiescing to her request to see his favorite painting and he brings her one of a ship at sea. Upon seeing the painting, Eloise inquiries about the story behind it. Rogers tells her about his childhood fascination with the ocean, though he eventually grew up and forgot about it. On further probing by Eloise, Rogers admits he never fulfilled his dream in adulthood because he has no one to share it with. Eloise then tells him that while he expressed his pain through painting, the killer has expressed it through murder and both victims were given a specific gift before their deaths, chocolate marzipan truffles in a heart-shaped box. However, when Rogers and Weaver go to a shop where one of the boxes was last delivered, they discover the woman it is addressed to already died years ago, revealing the killer set them up. («Knightfall», «Sisterhood»)

For reasons unexplained, Anastasia disappears on her own, leaving Eloise unsure of her whereabouts. Eloise goes to Belfrey Towers, where she notices a pink bag outside of Victoria’s old office. She takes it with her when she goes in to converse with Ivy about renewing their prior deal they had to find Anastasia and obtain her magic, but Ivy declines to help her as it means her sister will die and the magic will go to Eloise so she can get her hands on the Dark One Dagger. Eloise muses that while Ivy’s desire to honor Victoria’s dying wish is noble, she won’t find Anastasia if she has run out of time and then hands her the bag. Ivy inspects the heart-shaped box inside it, which proves she is the next on the killer’s hit list. Eloise mentions she already siphoned some of Anastasia’s magic and intends to take the rest once Ivy is gone, however, Ivy is unconcerned about the killer. As Ivy continues to refuse to give in to her, Eloise leaves her to her fate. While Ivy chooses to turn Anastasia over to Mr. Samdi so he can extract her sister’s magic and enchant a magic bean to allow her to escape the killer, Eloise shows up to wake Anastasia and urges her to kill Ivy as revenge for betraying her. Anastasia is spurred on by the belief Ivy never cared for her but gradually comes to her senses when Ivy reveals Eloise is using both of them to get Anastasia’s magic either way no matter who kills who. After Anastasia sides with her sister, Eloise is forced to retreat with her plans failed. Ivy and her sister later return to the New Enchanted Forest, where they can be a family again and ensure Eloise can never have Anastasia’s Guardian powers. («Sisterhood»)

To bring back the coven to its full strength, Eloise magically persuades the desk sergeant, Samuel, into tracking down her coven sisters. She then approaches Tilly, her biological daughter, and tries to win her over by revealing herself to be her mother. Eloise seemingly repents for abandoning her and agrees she was selfish and cruel because the world was cruel to her, but she wants to change if only Tilly can forgive her. Tilly rejects her and states she already has people in her life who care for her. Eloise introduces herself to Tilly’s girlfriend, Margot, as a relation of Tilly before engrossing her in a conversation about how humanity has destroyed nature. She then uses her magical ability to freeze Margot in place and steals some of her blood. Later, the coven members gather inside the lower level of theater, which is the site of Gothel’s old home thousands of years ago, except only the tree from the grove still remains. After Samuel purposefully alerts Rogers about them knowing he will come to investigate, Rogers and Tilly have a stakeout in his car as Eloise enters the building, prompting them to follow her in. However, it is a trap and both of them are caught by Eloise and the coven members, who haul them to the theater’s lower level. Intending to induct Tilly into the coven and gain her help to cast a spell, Eloise reveals that Tilly’s father is Rogers, and though she was born between the two worlds of nature and humanity, she wants to help her choose the right path in life. Eloise promises to be the mother that Tilly has always wanted if she joins her, but Tilly professes that she is no mother to her. Later, Eloise finds the key to the grove hidden in the hollow of the three. She then takes some of Rogers’ blood and threatens to take his life as well if Tilly continues to refuse her. When Tilly finally agrees, Eloise begins a ritual by sacrificing three items; Rogers’ blood as Tilly’s «old love», Margot’s blood as Tilly’s «new love», and the key as «love betrayed» as it should have been Tilly’s inheritance had things been different. After the coven symbol becomes active from these sacrifices, Eloise chants a spell before all the witches, including Tilly, link hands with each other in a circle and a pillar of fire rises from the center of the symbol. («Flower Child»)

With the spell bringing magic to Hyperion Heights as the growth of nature overtakes the city, Eloise tells Roni that by the end, humanity will be wiped out permanently, however, she agrees to spare her and her family if Roni joins her. Roni refuses and insists she will find a way to defeat her. Eloise believes this to be unlikely since she has no magic and not even Henry could break the curse because he no longer believes as he used to. Going to the Community Gardens, where Eloise is waiting by the well for the spell to complete, Roni attempts to attack her with a bat, only for Eloise to pulverize the weapon with a magical wave of her hand. Roni persists by using a piece of the bat as a stake weapon, but Eloise once again overpowers her before flinging her several feet away and knocking her unconscious. When flames appear out of the well, Eloise goes to draw out its power as Henry arrives, giving true love’s kiss to Roni and breaking the curse. («Is This Henry Mills?»)

During Rogers’s first year on the job as a cop in Hyperion Heights, he is assigned to Eloise’s missing person case. After getting a lead on where she may be, he heads into a dark alley and is shot. He remembers a blonde woman holding her hand to his wound and keeping him alive until the ambulance arrived. However, he never found Eloise, a fact which haunts him. («A Pirate’s Life»)

Ten years later, Rogers continues this investigation with the help of Henry and Roni. After assisting in the arrest of Sam Ochotta, Rogers spies a tattoo on his wrist that matches a symbol Eloise drew multiple times in her journal. He interrogates him about the image but Sam insists he knows nothing about Eloise and that only got the tattoo in prison to ward off evil. However, Sam also suggests that whatever the girl was running from, it must have been something bad if she drew the symbol. After his release, he tells someone over the phone that they have trouble as someone is looking for the girl. («Greenbacks»)

In reality, Eloise Gardener is the cursed identity of Gothel, which she received after Regina cast Drizella’s curse to save Henry’s life. As part of her plan, Eloise is locked at the top of Belfrey Towers by Victoria Belfrey. One day, after Victoria successfully obtains the coffin of her daughter Anastasia from the Community Gardens, she visits her prisoner. Victoria discusses her plans to use Lucy as a means to revive Anastasia, although Eloise cautions that the girl must forfeit her belief willingly for it to work. Victoria wishes for her help to accomplish this, but Eloise declines, refusing to be intimidated by the latter. She issues an ominous warning to Victoria, in that even if she is able to defeat the heroes and bring back Anastasia from the dead, she will have to deal with her next. («The Garden of Forking Paths», «The Eighth Witch»)

Visited again by Victoria, Eloise notes she must be having trouble breaking Lucy’s belief if she is back to see her again so soon. She criticizes Victoria for her naiveté about belief, which is not something that can be removed in one swipe because belief grows deep and she must sever it from the root. Victoria offers her a cup of tea, but this seems to set off Eloise, who attempts to lunge at her, only for her chains to keep her from going any further. Eloise angrily demands her special tea, however, Victoria only agrees to give it to her if she tells her about which root to start with. After the information is presumably exchanged, Victoria obtains the herbs for the tea from her daughter Ivy before returning to make the brew for Eloise. When Ivy brings Roni to Eloise’s hideout to prove she is serious about taking down Victoria, Eloise is told by Ivy to stay out of view so Roni does not see her, though Roni finds a photo of herself and Henry which Ivy planted. Ivy later returns to seek out Eloise, who scares her by reappearing behind her, causing a startled Ivy to break the tea set. Eloise, seemingly in a secret alliance with Ivy that Victoria doesn’t know about, asks if she was able to gain the trust of the heroes. Ivy confirms she did and boasts about them trusting her as much as her mother does. Eloise praises Ivy for her good work and openly suggests that, while Victoria cannot see how clever her daughter is, she can. Ivy is pleased by her recognition, but then, regains her cool to instruct her to resume playing her part with Victoria as they discussed. Eloise promises to do just that and calls her «my sweet Ivy», though as Ivy herself turns to leave, she asks Eloise to refer to her by her real name: Drizella. («Greenbacks», «Wake Up Call»)

From Victoria’s office, Ivy brings a bouquet of hyacinths to Eloise, who detects a small seed of magic in them. Eloise insists the magic can only continue to grow in fertile soil, which Ivy is unhappy about having to fetch, but she reminds the girl that they must be patient if they wish to survive. She suggests to Ivy that giving the photo to Roni was a mistake, though Ivy assures her that Regina won’t be a problem soon enough. After Ivy gets the soil, Eloise buries some of the hyacinth petals on it and enchants them into taking the form of a spiky plant. Ivy plucks one of the spikes, with Eloise cautioning her of the dangerous path it will take someone down, however, Ivy decides that they will have to see how it will affect Regina and then squeezes the spike’s liquid into a small bottle. («Wake Up Call»)

While Lucy still stubbornly holding to her belief, Victoria pays another visit to Eloise, during which she sees a speck of dirt on the ground. Eloise implies Victoria must’ve brought it in from her shoes, however, Victoria is onto her, cautioning that she will most certainly find out if she has had help. After discovering Ivy’s dirt covered shoes, Victoria returns to confront Eloise, who proposes that if she wants to blame anyone, she should blame her own blind incompetence. Victoria, appalled that Eloise has only been pretending to help her all this time, demands to know when she woke Drizella up, but the latter admits her daughter has always been awake except Victoria has been too obsessed with Anastasia to see the truth. When Eloise reveals Ivy wishes to see her suffer, Victoria reminds her of the true nature of the ivy plant, which can’t grow unless it clings to something else, namely Eloise. Victoria vows to bring her down so Ivy will have nothing and then warns her that she will never feel the warm light of day ever again. After Victoria has moved Eloise to another building, Rogers closes in on her there in search of Eloise, whom he believes she is holding captive. Rogers enters a room where the Witch has hidden herself under a blanket, but upon hearing him call her Eloise and coaxing her out, she unveils herself and accepts his help. Following the rescue, the cops come to arrest Victoria. While Ivy smugly taunts her mother now that she is the prisoner and the Witch is free, Victoria angrily denounces Ivy for unleashing someone who is more dangerous than she can fathom. Eloise is then placed into a social services truck and Rogers gets in with her. («Eloise Gardener»)

Later, Eloise is provided with a place to stay in a transitional home. She visits Rogers at the police station, where she gifts him a cake as thanks for rescuing her. Rogers asks about how she is doing and if she has seen her therapist yet, to which Eloise admits she still has nightmares and that she did try to go to therapy but it didn’t work out. Rogers hands her his card, telling her to call him if she ever needs anything, with Eloise thanking him for being her white knight. Later when Roni visits Rogers, she notices Eloise’s cake on his desk, and pushes it into the trash, seemingly not wanting him to eat it because it is too sugary. At a secure location, Ivy visits Eloise as she practices magic and fails due to the low amount of magic in the town. She states her plans to find her sister, and when Eloise questions why she needs Anastasia’s body, she says that there is magic in her that she intends to claim for herself. Eloise, also wanting the same magic, waits until Ivy returns with Anastasia’s coffin so they can wake up the girl. As they both work together to remove the coffin lid, they soon find that she is not inside and deduct that Victoria must’ve hidden her somewhere else. («Pretty in Blue»)

As Eloise joins Ivy in her car to tail Victoria, who has teamed up with Weaver since leaving jail, she regards the small tree-shaped ornament on the vehicle mirror as strange and ponders why people of this world recreate nature in that way, to which Ivy points out that it’s air freshener. The pair observe Weaver reentering Victoria’s car, with Eloise noting that the man’s alliance with Ivy’s mother is troublesome and that they should not underestimate Victoria, though Ivy insists she knows from experience that her mother always makes the wrong choices. They follow Weaver and Victoria to the mausoleum but enter the building later, not realizing Victoria has already left, as only Weaver is inside by then. Ivy leaves shortly after, but Eloise stays behind to chat with Weaver. Weaver is perplexed by the real name she chooses to use, «Mother Gothel», as she is neither a mother in the conventional sense nor is she a nun. Eloise explains that while her name can mean different things to people, she works best attending to people’s needs. She offers her services to Weaver, who declines, to which she cautions that he won’t be able to find the Guardian on his own. Eloise emphasizes that he has yet to know the cost of Victoria awakening Anastasia, which requires sacrificing an innocent’s belief. As an impatient Weaver tells her to just spit it out, Eloise ominously asks him where his great-granddaughter Lucy is; implying that she is the sacrifice Victoria intends to use. («One Little Tear»)

After Anastasia’s resurrection, Eloise finds the girl at the police station in the company of Weaver and Victoria. Anastasia’s powers go haywire as Eloise approaches, causing her to knock out Eloise, Weaver, and Victoria. Ivy, managing to trick Anastasia into wearing magic dampening bracelets, takes her to a remote location, intending to absorb her sister’s powers, however, the opposite happens. Eloise reveals this fact only after Anastasia has unintentionally taken all of Ivy’s magic, and as a stunned Ivy reacts to being betrayed, Eloise pushes her into a pit, where she has also trapped Victoria. Directly after, Eloise leads Anastasia to another room, where several cloaks are on display. She informs the girl that the cloaks belong to her sisters, the Coven of the Eight, and that they will now find the other six members. («The Eighth Witch»)

When Eloise tells Anastasia of her plans to bring her somewhere more suitable as a home, the girl only expresses interest in being with her mother. Eloise dissuades her from this by pulling up Victoria from the pit to reveal her many crimes to Anastasia, who is shocked by all the terrible things her mother has done. After dropping Victoria back into the pit, Eloise goes to the hospital to speak with Kelly, Roni’s sister, whom she believes is in possession of the Resurrection Amulet. She offers to revive Lucy with Anastasia’s magic if Kelly forfeits the amulet to her at the botanical garden greenhouse. Later, Eloise takes Anastasia to her apartment, providing her with cereal and cartoons. The girl is still lost after learning the truth about her mother and being in a world she doesn’t understand. Eloise sympathizes with her feelings as she was once in the same position, particularly in displaying magic early and the fear as well as manipulation she endured from other people because of her abilities. As she tells Anastasia about how she eventually found someone who helped her grow stronger, there is a knock at the door. This scares Anastasia, who causes the table to shake, but Eloise persuades her to calm down and hide in the closet. Anastasia is out of sight just before Rogers enters to check up on Eloise because Victoria has gone missing and he wanted to make sure she didn’t come after her. Rogers becomes suspicious over the food and television, which Eloise insists she has to remind herself of simpler times, although this doesn’t stop Roger from moving towards the closet to investigate. Eloise stops him by purposely dropping a teacup, telling him that closed spaces still scare her, and asks him to walk her to her art therapy class. Rogers agrees, and he leaves the apartment with her shortly after. At the greenhouse, Victoria shows up to give the amulet to Eloise, in an effort to make up for what she did to Lucy. Since the amulet is empty, Eloise has Anastasia touch the stone so it can absorb her magic. She dismisses Anastasia afterward by wiping her memory of the incident and instructing her to leave. As the amulet needs a sacrifice, Eloise summons Ivy into the ritual circle to take her life in exchange for Lucy’s return. Victoria, unaware such a thing was required, tries to stop Eloise at first, but when that doesn’t work, she shoves Ivy from the circle and insists on taking her place. Eloise agrees to the change and then drains Victoria’s life force into the amulet, which kills her. («Secret Garden»)

While Rogers and Weaver believe the recent deaths of Doctor Sage and Victoria, as well as the attempted murder of Hilda Braeburn, is linked to Eloise’s purported cult of women, Eloise shows up at the police station to provide information about the killer. However, when Weaver asks where she was the night of Victoria’s death, Eloise becomes upset at his accusation and refuses to cooperate unless she is only speaking to Rogers. After Eloise receives this accommodation, Rogers returns to the room to say his partner is away on a coffee break, though Eloise knows without a doubt that Weaver is observing the conversation through the security monitor. She persuades Rogers that to find the killer, he must know himself first. Rogers plays along with her game by acquiescing to her request to see his favorite painting and he brings her one of a ship at sea. Upon seeing the painting, Eloise inquiries about the story behind it. Rogers tells her about his childhood fascination with the ocean, though he eventually grew up and forgot about it. On further probing by Eloise, Rogers admits he never fulfilled his dream in adulthood because he has no one to share it with. Eloise then tells him that while he expressed his pain through painting, the killer has expressed it through murder and both victims were given a specific gift before their deaths, chocolate marzipan truffles in a heart-shaped box. However, when Rogers and Weaver go to a shop where one of the boxes was last delivered, they discover the woman it is addressed to already died years ago, revealing the killer set them up. («Knightfall», «Sisterhood»)

For reasons unexplained, Anastasia disappears on her own, leaving Eloise unsure of her whereabouts. Eloise goes to Belfrey Towers, where she notices a pink bag outside of Victoria’s old office. She takes it with her when she goes in to converse with Ivy about renewing their prior deal they had to find Anastasia and obtain her magic, but Ivy declines to help her as it means her sister will die and the magic will go to Eloise so she can get her hands on the Dark One Dagger. Eloise muses that while Ivy’s desire to honor Victoria’s dying wish is noble, she won’t find Anastasia if she has run out of time and then hands her the bag. Ivy inspects the heart-shaped box inside it, which proves she is the next on the killer’s hit list. Eloise mentions she already siphoned some of Anastasia’s magic and intends to take the rest once Ivy is gone, however, Ivy is unconcerned about the killer. As Ivy continues to refuse to give in to her, Eloise leaves her to her fate. While Ivy chooses to turn Anastasia over to Mr. Samdi so he can extract her sister’s magic and enchant a magic bean to allow her to escape the killer, Eloise shows up to wake Anastasia and urges her to kill Ivy as revenge for betraying her. Anastasia is spurred on by the belief Ivy never cared for her but gradually comes to her senses when Ivy reveals Eloise is using both of them to get Anastasia’s magic either way no matter who kills who. After Anastasia sides with her sister, Eloise is forced to retreat with her plans failed. Ivy and her sister later return to the New Enchanted Forest, where they can be a family again and ensure Eloise can never have Anastasia’s Guardian powers. («Sisterhood»)

To bring back the coven to its full strength, Eloise magically persuades the desk sergeant, Samuel, into tracking down her coven sisters. She then approaches Tilly, her biological daughter, and tries to win her over by revealing herself to be her mother. Eloise seemingly repents for abandoning her and agrees she was selfish and cruel because the world was cruel to her, but she wants to change if only Tilly can forgive her. Tilly rejects her and states she already has people in her life who care for her. Eloise introduces herself to Tilly’s girlfriend, Margot, as a relation of Tilly before engrossing her in a conversation about how humanity has destroyed nature. She then uses her magical ability to freeze Margot in place and steals some of her blood. Later, the coven members gather inside the lower level of theater, which is the site of Gothel’s old home thousands of years ago, except only the tree from the grove still remains. After Samuel purposefully alerts Rogers about them knowing he will come to investigate, Rogers and Tilly have a stakeout in his car as Eloise enters the building, prompting them to follow her in. However, it is a trap and both of them are caught by Eloise and the coven members, who haul them to the theater’s lower level. Intending to induct Tilly into the coven and gain her help to cast a spell, Eloise reveals that Tilly’s father is Rogers, and though she was born between the two worlds of nature and humanity, she wants to help her choose the right path in life. Eloise promises to be the mother that Tilly has always wanted if she joins her, but Tilly professes that she is no mother to her. Later, Eloise finds the key to the grove hidden in the hollow of the three. She then takes some of Rogers’ blood and threatens to take his life as well if Tilly continues to refuse her. When Tilly finally agrees, Eloise begins a ritual by sacrificing three items; Rogers’ blood as Tilly’s «old love», Margot’s blood as Tilly’s «new love», and the key as «love betrayed» as it should have been Tilly’s inheritance had things been different. After the coven symbol becomes active from these sacrifices, Eloise chants a spell before all the witches, including Tilly, link hands with each other in a circle and a pillar of fire rises from the center of the symbol. («Flower Child»)

With the spell bringing magic to Hyperion Heights as the growth of nature overtakes the city, Eloise tells Roni that by the end, humanity will be wiped out permanently, however, she agrees to spare her and her family if Roni joins her. Roni refuses and insists she will find a way to defeat her. Eloise believes this to be unlikely since she has no magic and not even Henry could break the curse because he no longer believes as he used to. Going to the Community Gardens, where Eloise is waiting by the well for the spell to complete, Roni attempts to attack her with a bat, only for Eloise to pulverize the weapon with a magical wave of her hand. Roni persists by using a piece of the bat as a stake weapon, but Eloise once again overpowers her before flinging her several feet away and knocking her unconscious. When flames appear out of the well, Eloise goes to draw out its power as Henry arrives, giving true love’s kiss to Roni and breaking the curse. («Is This Henry Mills?»)

7-й эпизод седьмого сезона сериала «Однажды в сказке»

«Элоиза Гарденер «
эпизод «Однажды в сказке»
Эпизод № Сезон 7. Эпизод 7
Режиссер Алекс Калимниос
Автор Дэвид Х. Гудман. Бриджит Хейлз
  • Аделаида Кейн в роли Дризеллы / Айви
  • Эмма Бут в роли Ведьмы / Готель
  • Роуз Рейнольдс в роли Алисы / Тилли
  • Миган Уорнер в роли Рапунцель
  • Кристофер Готье в роли Уильяма Сми (Мир желаний)
Хронология эпизодов
← Предыдущий . «Звонок для пробуждения « Следующий →. «Красотка в синем «
Однажды В сказке (сезон 7)
Список эпизодов «Однажды в сказке»

«Элоиза Гарднер »- седьмой эпизод седьмого сезона и 140-й эпизод в целом американская фэнтези — драма сериал Однажды в сказке. Автор сценария Дэвид Х. Гудман и Бриджит Хейлз и режиссер Алекс Калимниос, премьера фильма состоялась ABC в США tes 17 ноября 2017 года.

В эпизоде, первом из двухчасовых прогулок, встреча Крюка с Рапунцель и его связи с Алисой раскрываются в воспоминаниях, в то время как Роджерс ищет пропавшую женщину. играют в наши дни, и план Айви по уничтожению Виктории превращается в беспорядок.


  • 1 Сюжет
    • 1.1 Вступительная последовательность
    • 1.2 В прошлом персонажей
    • 1.3 В Сиэтле
  • 2 Кастинг
  • 3 Прием
    • 3.1 Обзоры
  • 4 Ссылки


Вступительная последовательность

Секретный сад ведьмы и волшебный камень показаны на заднем плане.

В прошлом персонажей

В Царстве Желаний, вскоре после того, как Белоснежка и Прекрасный принц остановили Реджину от наложения проклятия, Реджина подходит к Крюку, чтобы сообщить ему о повороте событий и рассказывает ему, что она нуждается в магии, если они хотят иметь хоть какую-то надежду на выполнение запланированных миссий. Крюк соглашается отправиться в другое царство, чтобы получить для нее магию от ведьмы.

Достигнув вершины башни ведьмы, Крюк находит женщину по имени Рапунцель, которая утверждает, что была волшебным образом заперта в башне ведьмой, и приказывает ему найти золотой цветок, который может помочь им обоим.. Находясь в саду, Крюк и Сми пробуждают гигантского гнома, но могут найти цветок. Крюк отправляет Сми обратно к команде, а он возвращается к Рапунцель и предлагает свою помощь. Рапунцель благодарит его, но внезапно начинает его соблазнять, и они вступают в половую связь. На следующее утро в башне появляется ребенок, поскольку Рапунцель оказывается замаскированной ведьмой Готель. Готель объясняет Крюку, что ребенок является продуктом их совместной ночи и что она спланировала это так, чтобы она могла сбежать, поскольку заклинание башни требует, чтобы кто-то из ее родословной остался на ее месте. Готель выпрыгивает из башни и оставляет Крюка и ребенка.

Крюк возвращается к своей команде и решает передать Веселого Роджера Сми, поскольку он говорит Регине, что отменяет свою миссию против Темного, чтобы разобраться с более важным делом. Он возвращается в башню, чтобы вырастить свою новорожденную дочь, которую он решает назвать Алисой (которая позже вырастет и станет той же Алисой из страны чудес).

В Сиэтле

В Гиперион-Хайтс Роджерс более чем когда-либо полон решимости выяснить, что случилось с Элоизой Гарденер. Генри настаивает на том, чтобы помочь ему разобраться в этом деле, и они также вербуют уличную Тилли. Однако Виктория узнала о миссии Роджерса и велела Уиверу отстранить его от дела. После некоторых раскопок Тилли докладывает Роджерсу и Генри и сообщает им, что некоторые беспризорники сообщили ей, что Элоиза умерла некоторое время назад. Роджерс опустошен этими новостями, но все еще чувствует, что что-то не так. В разговоре с Уивером о завершении дела Роджерс понимает, что Уивер и Тилли сговорились скармливать ему ложную информацию. Уивер не спит, как Румпель, и, вероятно, знает об испытании Крюка / Готель / Алисы, поэтому он предупреждает Роджерса, что Элоиза Гарденер, которую он ищет, не та, которой он ее считает. Несмотря на это, Роджерс направляется в Башни Белфри, чтобы противостоять Виктории.

Примерно в то же время Виктория собирается исполнить другие последствия из-за постоянно отказывающейся от сотрудничества Готель. Однако появляется Роджерс и находит двух женщин, ошибочно полагая, что Готель — пропавшая девушка, и обращается к ней как к Элоизе, личность, которую она слишком охотно принимает, когда он спасает ее от Виктории. Полиция приходит, чтобы арестовать Викторию, которая говорит Дризелле, что она еще не осознала истинную угрозу, которую Готель представляет для мира. Тилли также появляется на сцене, чтобы извиниться перед Роджерсом за ложь, но он только говорит ей, как он разочарован в ней. Он уезжает с места происшествия на машине скорой помощи с Готель, и Готель пристально смотрит на Тилли, узнавая в ней ребенка, которого она бросила.

В перерывах между событиями Реджина пытается дистанцироваться между Генри и Джасиндой, которые вместе работают над грузовиком с едой. Она предлагает Джасинде работу в баре, и когда Джасинда собирается сделать следующий шаг с Генри, Реджина предполагает, что в глазах Службы защиты детей связываться с мужчиной — это не лучший шаг. Джасинда в конечном итоге срывает свидание с Генри из-за этого совета. Генри появляется позже той же ночью, чтобы сообщить хорошие новости об аресте Белфри, и Джасинда убегает за Люси, но ее приветствует Служба по делам детей, которая забирает Люси у Джасинды.


  • Мекия Кокс был указан в этом эпизоде, но не появляется.



Эпизод получил положительные отзывы критиков.

Пол Дэйли из TV Fanatic дал ему 3,5 из 5 звезд.

Entertainment Weekly Джастин Киркленд дал ему B.


  1. ^Дэйли, Пол ( 17 ноября 2017 г.). «Однажды в сказке, сезон 7, серия 7, обзор: Элоиза Гарденер». ТВ Фанатик. Проверено 17 ноября 2017 г.
  2. ^Киркланд, Джастин (17 ноября 2017 г.). «Однажды в сказке: ‘Элоиза Гарденер / Красотка в синем'». Entertainment Weekly. Проверено 17 ноября 2017 г.
«Eloise Gardener«
Once Upon a Time episode
Eloise Gardener.jpeg
Episode no. Season 7
Episode 7
Directed by Alex Kalymnios
Written by David H. Goodman
Brigitte Hales
Guest appearances
  • Adelaide Kane as Drizella/Ivy
  • Emma Booth as Witch/Gothel
  • Rose Reynolds as Alice/Tilly
  • Meegan Warner as Rapunzel
  • Christopher Gauthier as William Smee (Wish Realm)
Episode chronology
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«Wake Up Call»
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«Pretty in Blue»
Once Upon a Time (season 7)
List of episodes

«Eloise Gardener» is the seventh episode of the seventh season and the 140th episode overall of the American fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time. Written by David H. Goodman & Brigitte Hales and directed by Alex Kalymnios, it premiered on ABC in the United States on November 17, 2017.

In the episode, the first of a two-hour outing, Hook’s encounter with Rapunzel and its ties to Alice is revealed in a flashback, while Rogers search for a missing woman comes into play in the present day, and Ivy’s scheme to take down Victoria accelerates into disarray.


Opening sequence[edit]

The Witch’s secret garden and a magic stone is featured in the background.

In the Characters’ Past[edit]

In the Wish Realm, shortly after Snow White and Prince Charming have stopped Regina from casting her curse, Regina approaches Hook to inform him of the turn of events and tells him that she’s in need of magic if they are to have any hope of carrying out their planned missions. Hook agrees to venture off into another realm to obtain magic for her from a witch.

Upon reaching the top of the witch’s tower, Hook finds a woman named Rapunzel, who claims to have been magically locked in the tower by the witch and instructs him to locate a golden flower that could help the both of them. While in the garden, Hook and Smee awaken a giant gnome but are able to find the flower. Hook sends Smee back to the crew, while he goes back to Rapunzel and offers his assistance. Rapunzel thanks him, but suddenly starts seducing him, and they have intercourse. The next morning, a baby appears in the tower as Rapunzel reveals herself to have been the witch Gothel in disguise. Gothel explains to Hook that the baby is a product of their night together and that she had planned it so that she could escape, as the tower’s spell requires someone in her bloodline to be left behind in her place. Gothel jumps out of the tower and leaves Hook and the baby behind.

Hook returns to his crew and decides to hand over the Jolly Roger to Smee, as he tells Regina that he’s calling off his mission against the Dark One to deal with a more important matter. He returns to the tower to raise his newborn daughter, whom he decides to name Alice, after his mother.

In Seattle[edit]

In Hyperion Heights, Rogers is more determined than ever to find out what happened to Eloise Gardener. Henry insists on helping him get to the bottom of the case and they also recruit the street-wise Tilly. However, Victoria has been made aware of Rogers’ mission and tells Weaver to throw him off of the case. After some digging, Tilly reports back to Rogers and Henry and tells them that some fellow street kids had informed her that Eloise had died a while back. Rogers is devastated by the news but is still feeling as if something isn’t quite right. In a talk with Weaver about the conclusion of the case, Rogers realizes that Weaver and Tilly had conspired to feed him false information. Weaver warns Rogers that the Eloise Gardener he seeks is not who he thinks she is. Despite this, Rogers heads over to Belfrey Towers to confront Victoria.

Around the same time, Victoria is about to carry out a different consequence to a continuously un-cooperative Gothel. However, Rogers arrives and finds the two women, mistakenly believing that Gothel is the missing girl and addresses her as Eloise, an identity she is all too willing to assume as he rescues her from Victoria. The police show up to arrest Victoria, who tells Drizella that she has yet to comprehend the true threat Gothel poses to the world. Tilly also shows up to the scene to apologize to Rogers for lying but he only tells her how disappointed he is in her. He drives away from the scene in an ambulance with Gothel, and Gothel glares at Tilly, recognizing her as the child she abandoned.

In between the events, Regina tries to put some distance between Henry and Jacinda, who are working together on the food truck. She offers Jacinda a job at the bar, and when Jacinda is about to take the next step with Henry, Regina suggests that getting involved with a man might not be the best move in the eyes of Child Protective Services. Jacinda ends up blowing off a date with Henry due to this advice. Henry shows up later that night to deliver the good news that Belfrey has been arrested, and Jacinda runs off to get Lucy, only to be greeted by Child Services, who takes Lucy away from Jacinda.


  • Mekia Cox was credited in this episode, but does not appear.



The episode received positive reviews from critics.

Paul Dailly of TV Fanatic gave it a 3.5 out of 5 stars[1]

Entertainment Weekly‘s Justin Kirkland gave it a B.[2]


  1. ^ Dailly, Paul (November 17, 2017). «Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 7 Review: Eloise Gardener». TV Fanatic. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
  2. ^ Kirkland, Justin (November 17, 2017). «Once Upon a Time recap: ‘Eloise Gardener/Pretty in Blue’«. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
«Eloise Gardener«
Once Upon a Time episode
Eloise Gardener.jpeg
Episode no. Season 7
Episode 7
Directed by Alex Kalymnios
Written by David H. Goodman
Brigitte Hales
Guest appearances
  • Adelaide Kane as Drizella/Ivy
  • Emma Booth as Witch/Gothel
  • Rose Reynolds as Alice/Tilly
  • Meegan Warner as Rapunzel
  • Christopher Gauthier as William Smee (Wish Realm)
Episode chronology
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«Wake Up Call»
Next →
«Pretty in Blue»
Once Upon a Time (season 7)
List of episodes

«Eloise Gardener» is the seventh episode of the seventh season and the 140th episode overall of the American fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time. Written by David H. Goodman & Brigitte Hales and directed by Alex Kalymnios, it premiered on ABC in the United States on November 17, 2017.

In the episode, the first of a two-hour outing, Hook’s encounter with Rapunzel and its ties to Alice is revealed in a flashback, while Rogers search for a missing woman comes into play in the present day, and Ivy’s scheme to take down Victoria accelerates into disarray.


Opening sequence[edit]

The Witch’s secret garden and a magic stone is featured in the background.

In the Characters’ Past[edit]

In the Wish Realm, shortly after Snow White and Prince Charming have stopped Regina from casting her curse, Regina approaches Hook to inform him of the turn of events and tells him that she’s in need of magic if they are to have any hope of carrying out their planned missions. Hook agrees to venture off into another realm to obtain magic for her from a witch.

Upon reaching the top of the witch’s tower, Hook finds a woman named Rapunzel, who claims to have been magically locked in the tower by the witch and instructs him to locate a golden flower that could help the both of them. While in the garden, Hook and Smee awaken a giant gnome but are able to find the flower. Hook sends Smee back to the crew, while he goes back to Rapunzel and offers his assistance. Rapunzel thanks him, but suddenly starts seducing him, and they have intercourse. The next morning, a baby appears in the tower as Rapunzel reveals herself to have been the witch Gothel in disguise. Gothel explains to Hook that the baby is a product of their night together and that she had planned it so that she could escape, as the tower’s spell requires someone in her bloodline to be left behind in her place. Gothel jumps out of the tower and leaves Hook and the baby behind.

Hook returns to his crew and decides to hand over the Jolly Roger to Smee, as he tells Regina that he’s calling off his mission against the Dark One to deal with a more important matter. He returns to the tower to raise his newborn daughter, whom he decides to name Alice, after his mother.

In Seattle[edit]

In Hyperion Heights, Rogers is more determined than ever to find out what happened to Eloise Gardener. Henry insists on helping him get to the bottom of the case and they also recruit the street-wise Tilly. However, Victoria has been made aware of Rogers’ mission and tells Weaver to throw him off of the case. After some digging, Tilly reports back to Rogers and Henry and tells them that some fellow street kids had informed her that Eloise had died a while back. Rogers is devastated by the news but is still feeling as if something isn’t quite right. In a talk with Weaver about the conclusion of the case, Rogers realizes that Weaver and Tilly had conspired to feed him false information. Weaver warns Rogers that the Eloise Gardener he seeks is not who he thinks she is. Despite this, Rogers heads over to Belfrey Towers to confront Victoria.

Around the same time, Victoria is about to carry out a different consequence to a continuously un-cooperative Gothel. However, Rogers arrives and finds the two women, mistakenly believing that Gothel is the missing girl and addresses her as Eloise, an identity she is all too willing to assume as he rescues her from Victoria. The police show up to arrest Victoria, who tells Drizella that she has yet to comprehend the true threat Gothel poses to the world. Tilly also shows up to the scene to apologize to Rogers for lying but he only tells her how disappointed he is in her. He drives away from the scene in an ambulance with Gothel, and Gothel glares at Tilly, recognizing her as the child she abandoned.

In between the events, Regina tries to put some distance between Henry and Jacinda, who are working together on the food truck. She offers Jacinda a job at the bar, and when Jacinda is about to take the next step with Henry, Regina suggests that getting involved with a man might not be the best move in the eyes of Child Protective Services. Jacinda ends up blowing off a date with Henry due to this advice. Henry shows up later that night to deliver the good news that Belfrey has been arrested, and Jacinda runs off to get Lucy, only to be greeted by Child Services, who takes Lucy away from Jacinda.


  • Mekia Cox was credited in this episode, but does not appear.



The episode received positive reviews from critics.

Paul Dailly of TV Fanatic gave it a 3.5 out of 5 stars[1]

Entertainment Weekly‘s Justin Kirkland gave it a B.[2]


  1. ^ Dailly, Paul (November 17, 2017). «Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 7 Review: Eloise Gardener». TV Fanatic. Retrieved November 17, 2017.
  2. ^ Kirkland, Justin (November 17, 2017). «Once Upon a Time recap: ‘Eloise Gardener/Pretty in Blue’«. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved November 17, 2017.

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