Однажды в сказке эпизод lacey

Эта статья посвящена эпизоду второго сезона.
Для персонажа, временно известного как Лейси, см. Белль.

«Лейси» — девятнадцатая серия второго сезона сериала «Однажды в сказке».


Мистер Голд заручается поддержкой Дэвида, чтобы помочь ему попытаться избавиться от проклятых воспоминаний Белль и заставить ее снова полюбить его; и когда выясняется, что волшебные бобы, которые собирали Антон и гномы, прорастает и может, возможно, переместить всех домой, Эмма терзается, хочет ли она жить в сказочной стране или остаться в нашем мире. Между тем, в Сказочной Стране, Румпельштильцхен заставляет Белль сопровождать его на охоте, чтобы убить вора, которого она освободила во имя милосердия.


Когда Румпельштилцхен приходит в темницу, где живет Белль, он просит ее плакать потише, это мешает ему прясть золото. Вдруг они слышат, как кто-то ворвался в замок и намерен украсть волшебную палочку. У вора заколдованный лук, выстрелив из которого нельзя промахнуться. Тем не менее, обхитрив вора Румпель ловит и мучает его. Белль освобождает его и говорит, что сама не может покинуть замок из-за своей семьи.

Румпельштилцхен взбешен тем, что Белль освободила вора и заставляет ее идти с ним на поиски, чтобы она видела как Румпель убьет воришку, т.к. все кто ворует у Темного заслуживают только смерти. На пути им встречается шериф Шервудского леса, который знает вора, но скажет кто он и как его найти если Румпель отдаст взамен Белль шерифу. Румпель говорит, что она не продается и тогда из-за наглости шерифа вырывает ему язык и говорит, что в обмен на него лучше бы сказать где этот вор и кто он. Шерифу ничего не остается и он говорит, что вором является Робин Гуд, который увел невесту шерифа Мэриан и опозорил его на весь Нотингем.

Румпель и Белль находят Робина Гуда и видят, что он исцеляет волшебной палочкой свою любимую и при этом она еще беременнна. Белль говорит, что Румпель не тот человек, каким его считала и он промахивается из лука и Робину Гуду удается сбежать с девушкой. Белль понимает, что из зачарованного лука нельзя промахнуться и считает, что все же есть добро в сердце Румпельштилцхена.

Мистеру Голду снится, как он убивает Генри из-за пророчества. Он говорит Реджине, что Нил — его сын и Голд таким образом дед Генри. Она не верит, что это совпадение и думает, что Голд это подстроил. Он лишь говорит, что это судьба и он тут не при чем.

Голд навещает Белль в госпитале и говорит, что поможет вспомнить кто она. Позже Реджина приходит к Белль и притворяется, что что-то упало и поднимает спичечный коробок бара «Кроличья нора» («The rabbit hole»). Белль вспоминает кто она из Сторибрука.

Дэвид и Мэри Маргарет отвозят Эмму, которая занята мыслями о последних словах деревянного Августа Бута про опасность для Сторибрука, чтобы показать ей бобовое поле, выращенное Крохой, пока Эмма была в Нью-Йорке. Скоро ей предстоит решить в каком мире оставаться.

Голд идет в бар и узнает, что Белль теперь Лэйси, которая любит выпить. Голд просит Реджину вернуть память прежней Белль, она говорит, что не в силах. Тогда он обращается к Дэвиду спросив как Дэвид смог покорить Мэри Маргарет и вернуть их личности друг другу. Дэвид дает совет, что надо быть таким же как тогда, когда Белль полюбила в зачарованном лесу Румпельштилцхена Темного. Голд следуя совету зовет Лэйси на свидание и она соглашается.

Реджина проследила за Дэвидом, Мэри Маргарет и гномами, чтобы узнать, где они проводят время днем и узнает, что есть поле с волшебными бобами.

На свидании всё идет хорошо, пока Лэйси не исчезает и Голд увидев, как она за кафе целуется с парнем, разнимает их. Позже он этого парня избивает и Лэйси видит это. В данный момент Голд не притворяется и произносятся те же фразы из Зачарованного леса, ставшие рефреном серии:

— «я думала ты не такой, каким тебя считают люди!»

— «темнее, намного темнее».

Оуэн и Тамара продолжают поиски отца Оуэна. Он ее спрашивает про багаж из Нью-Йорка, она отвечает, что он «стабилен». Она говорит, что в их деле можно положиться только на одного человека — пирата (среди багажа в грузовике показывают связанного Киллиана Джонса).

Актерский состав[]

Интересные факты[]

  • В заставке присутствует Робин Гуд, стреляющий из зачарованного лука, который Румпельштильцхен оставит впоследствии себе.
  • Когда Румпельштилцхен показал свою библиотеку Белль и говорил, что тут можно только убираться — это еще одна отсылка к сказке «Красавица и судовище», так как Белль любила книги
  • Тамара солгала Нилу и Эмме, сказав, что Крюк как-то выбрался из чулана в Нью-Йорке.

Хронология событий[]


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Однажды в сказке: Первый сезон

Пилотная серия •
То, что мы больше всего любим •
Белоснежка полюбила •
Цена золота •
Этот тихий голос •
Пастух •
Сердце — одинокий охотник •
Отчаявшиеся души •
Строго на север •
7:15 до полудня •
Плод ядовитого дерева •
Внешность обманчива •
Что случилось с Фредериком •
Мечтатель •
Пойманный с поличным •
Сердце тьмы •
Трюк со шляпой •
Конюх •
Возвращение •
Странник •
Красное как кровь яблоко •
Страна без волшебства

Однажды в сказке: Второй сезон

Сломлено •
Мы похожи •
Владычица Озера •
Крокодил •
Доктор •
Таллахасси •
Дитя луны •
В глубину •
Королева Червей •
Игра в Крикет •
Аутсайдер •
Во имя брата •
Кроха •
Манхэттен •
Королева мертва •
Дочь мельника •
Добро пожаловать в Сторибрук •
Самоотверженный, храбрый и честный •
Злая Королева •
От второй звезды направо •
И прямо до утра

Однажды в сказке: Третий сезон

Сердце истинно верующего •
Потерянная девочка •
Очень знакомая фея •
Дурные привычки •
Хорошие манеры •
Ариэль •
Тёмная лощина •
Думай о хорошем •
Спасти Генри •
Новая Нетландия •
Дорога домой •
Нью-Йоркская серенада •
Охота на ведьм •
Башня •
Тихие голоса •
Непросто быть зелёной •
Весёлый Роджер •
Истекая кровью •
Нечто любопытное •
Канзас •
Метель •
Нет ничего лучше родного дома

Однажды в сказке: Четвёртый сезон

Повесть о двух сёстрах •
Белая мгла •
Каменистая дорога •
Подмастерье •
Разбитое зеркало •
Семейное дело •
Снежная Королева •
Разбить зеркало •
Падение •
Обман зрения •
Герои и злодеи •
Тьма у границы города •
Непрощенный •
Пришествие дракона •
Бедная несчастная душа •
Безупречный план •
Золотое сердце •
Сочувствие к Де Виль •
Лили •
Мама •
Операция Мангуст. Часть 1 •
Операция Мангуст. Часть 2

Однажды в сказке: Пятый сезон

Тёмный лебедь •
Цена •
Гибельное седалище •
Разрушенное королевство •
Ловец снов •
Медведь и лук •
Нимуэ •
Рождение •
Медвежий король •
Разбитое сердце •
Лебединая песня •
Души усопших •
Безвозмездный труд •
Дьявольские долги •
Братья Джонс •
Наше разрушение •
Её прекрасный герой •
Рубиновые башмачки •
Сестры •
Жар-Птица •
Последние обряды •
Только ты •
Нерассказанная история

Однажды в сказке: Шестой сезон

Спаситель •
Горький осадок •
Другая туфелька •
Странная история •
Уличные крысы •
Тёмные воды •
Бессердечные •
Я буду твоим зеркалом •
Подменыши •
Хочу, чтобы ты был здесь •
Выносливее остальных •
Убийство не по правилам •
Предвещающие знаки •
Страница 23 •
Дивное место •
Мамин маленький помощник •
Пробуждение •
Где летают синие птицы •
Чёрная фея •
Песня в твоём сердце •
Финальная битва. Часть 1 •
Финальная битва. Часть 2

Однажды в сказке: Седьмой сезон

Гиперион Хайтс •
Пиратская жизнь •
Сад расходящихся тропок •
Красавица •
Лягушки •
Пробуждающий звонок •
Элоиза Гарденер •
Красотка в голубом •
Одна маленькая слезинка •
Восьмая ведьма •
Тайный сад •
Вкус высоты •
Падение рыцаря •
Девушка в башне •
Союз сестер •
Хлебные крошки •
Избранная •
Хранитель •
Дитя цветов •
Это Генри Миллс? •
Возвращение домой •
Покидая Сторибрук

Однажды в Стране Чудес

Вниз по кроличьей норе •
Доверься мне •
Узелок на память •
Змея •
Каменное сердце •
Кто такая Алиса? •
Грязная кровь •
Дома •
Нечего бояться •
Грязные маленькие секреты •
Суть дела •
Поймать вора •
И жили они…

Once Upon a Time episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 19
Directed by Milan Cheylov
Written by Edward Kitsis
Adam Horowitz
Original air date April 21, 2013
Guest appearances
  • Sonequa Martin-Green as Tamara
  • Ethan Embry as Owen Flynn/Greg Mendell
  • Michael Raymond-James as Baelfire/Neal Cassidy
  • Tom Ellis as Robin Hood
  • Wil Traval as Keith/The Sheriff of Nottingham
  • Christie Laing as Marian
  • Jorge Garcia as Anton/Tiny
  • Beverley Elliot as Granny
Episode chronology
← Previous
«Selfless, Brave and True»
Next →
«The Evil Queen»
Once Upon a Time (season 2)
List of episodes

«Lacey» is the 19th episode of the second season of the American ABC fantasy/drama television series Once Upon a Time, and the show’s 41st episode overall. It aired on April 21, 2013.

In this episode, Mr. Gold goes on a date with Belle. In flashbacks, Rumpelstiltskin forces Belle to accompany him on his search to catch a thief.

It was co-written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, while being directed by Milan Cheylov.


Opening Sequence[edit]

Robin Hood shooting an arrow in the forest is featured.

In the Characters’ Past[edit]

In the Enchanted Forest, soon after Belle has gone to live with Rumplestiltstkin, she cries at night and he gives her a pillow – not for comfort, but to stifle her sobs. They are interrupted by the sound of an intruder. Rumple captures a thief (Tom Ellis) who is trying to steal a magic wand, after being unharmed by the thief’s magically unerring bow and arrow. Rumple locks him up and plans to torture him to death as an example to others. Belle fails to persuade him to let the thief go, so she releases him herself. He invites her to run away with him, but she stands by her pledge to serve Rumple. Rumple is enraged, and then shows Belle that the thief took the wand when he left. Belle still has faith in the possibility that the thief is a good person, saying that Rumple can’t know a person’s heart without truly knowing the person. Rumple demands Belle accompany him in hunting down the thief with his own bow.

The two later track the thief to Sherwood Forest, where the Sheriff of Nottingham (Wil Traval) reveals, after Rumple magically takes his tongue when the man asks to have his way with Belle in exchange for information, that the thief is his own nemesis, Robin Hood, who stole his love. When Rumple and Belle finally see Robin Hood from a distance, Rumple magically imprisons Belle in the ground to force her to watch as he kills him. But after Robin Hood uses the wand to heal his pregnant and apparently deathly ill lover, Marian (Christie Laing), Belle begs Rumple not to leave the child fatherless. Rumple «misses» with his arrow and lets the couple escape. Receiving a warm hug from Belle for his change of heart, Rumple later delights her with access to his vast library, flippantly calling it just another room for her to clean.

In Storybrooke[edit]

During a dream, Mr. Gold is holding a birthday party for Henry in front of family: David (Josh Dallas), Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin), Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), and Neal (Michael Raymond-James). When Henry picks a wand as his gift, Mr. Gold turns him into a porcelain puppet and faces the wrath of the family. As he explains what the Seer told him, that «the boy would be [his] undoing,» he smashes the porcelain Henry, only to wake up from what turns out to be a nightmare. As Mr. Gold later watches Neal practice sword-fighting with Henry, Regina (Lana Parrilla) asks him what they’re doing together. Noting that «apparently fate has a sense of humor,» Gold explains that they’re family because Neal is Henry’s father. Annoyed, and thinking Gold was responsible for that happening, Regina responds, «If your own son couldn’t bring out the good in you, who will?»

So Mr. Gold turns to the only person who he feels will be a key to helping him feel loved by visiting Belle at the hospital, where she is happy to see him and hopes that he’ll help her remember who she was before the accident. However, Regina, who arrives moments before Mr. Gold, makes sure that she doesn’t remember by using a cursed matchbook that she plants on the floor. The matchbook gives her her curse memories of being Lacey, a scantily-dressed barfly. Mr. Gold is furious that Regina interfered, but Regina makes no apologies for her actions, prompting Mr. Gold to use whatever it takes to win her back and reawaken her memories as Belle.

At Granny’s Diner, Mr. Gold approaches David to ask him about his other life during the curse to see if there was some way to win back Belle, so David tells him the only way to win her heart is to be himself, so they trek down to the «Rabbit Hole» where Lacey seems to be enjoying herself with playing pool and taking shots. After much convincing, Lacey agrees to go out with Mr. Gold on a date. As they return to Granny’s, Lacey shocks Mr. Gold with ordering Chicken Parmesan and a full glass of wine instead of hamburgers, and as they make a small conversation he spills the wine on her dress and she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Mr. Gold then becomes suspicious when he checks on her and discovers Lacey out in the back seducing a man called Keith (the Sheriff of Nottingham’s counterpart). Lacey is not happy with Mr. Gold because he wants Belle back and she leaves, but when he confronts Keith again, he takes his tongue out (as he did back in the forest) so he won’t scream and beats him with his cane. When Lacey returns, she sees that the rumors of Mr. Gold’s dark side are true and is glad for it, saying, «You really are as dark as people say,» to which Mr. Gold replies, «Darker dearie, much darker,» and proceeds to continue beating Keith while Lacey watches with a smile.

Meanwhile, David and Mary Margaret reveal to Emma that Anton is in Storybrooke and has been growing magic beans in a field concealed by the Mother Superior/Blue Fairy. Mary Margaret, disturbed by her own recent actions, is now as eager as David to return to the Enchanted Forest, but Emma considers Earth her home and is conflicted over which world she and Henry should live in. When Regina confronts Emma about Henry’s relationship with Neal, Emma warns Regina that her behavior could result in her losing Henry «forever,» which makes Regina suspicious. After David and Mary Margaret drop off the dwarves and Anton for dinner, Regina uses her magic to track them back to the field and discovers the beans. Neal brings a sleeping Henry home, complimenting his sword skills and mentioning he’s befriended August. When Emma asks Neal how he feels about the idea of returning to the Enchanted Forest, he is noncommittal and she doesn’t mention the beans. Emma still hopes to decipher August’s warning.

Greg (Ethan Embry) shows Tamara (Sonequa Martin-Green) a map of where he has observed magic in Storybrooke. He still intends to find his father. Tamara explains to Greg she is going to bring a «package» into town from where she has hidden it nearby. That night at the city limits, Tamara pulls up with a trailer. Tamara opens it and reveals that she tied up Captain Hook (Colin O’Donoghue).


«Lacey» was co-written by series creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, while Milan Cheylov served as the episode’s director.

Cultural references[edit]

Disney references in this episode point to Alice In Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, and elements from the animated version of Robin Hood.



This outing remained steady from the previous episode, with a 2.1/6 among 18-49s with 7.37 million viewers tuning in.[1]


The episode received mixed reviews from critics.

Hilary Busis from Entertainment Weekly had good things to say about this outing but notes that «Rumpbelle fans were undoubtedly fine with that; others may have felt a bit let down by ‘Lacey,’ especially since it aired after three long Once-less weeks.»[2]

Oliver Sava of The A.V. Club gave this episode an «C+»: «Welcome back to Storybrooke, where everyone is either evil or dumb right now. This show certainly does love its status quo, and after pushing characters briefly outside their comfort zones with solid results this season, ‘Lacey’ backtracks on a lot of those developments to create some conflict before the finale.»[3]


  1. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (April 23, 2013). «Sunday Final Ratings: ‘Remember Sunday’ Adjusted Down; No Adjustment for ‘Once Upon a Time’ or ‘The Amazing Race’«. TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on April 25, 2013. Retrieved April 13, 2013.
  2. ^ «‘Once Upon a Time’ recap: The Lady Is a Vamp» from Entertainment Weekly (April 21, 2013)
  3. ^ Once Upon a Time «Lacey» S2/E19 Retrieved April 21, 2013

External links[edit]

  • «Lacey» at IMDb
Once Upon a Time episode
Episode no. Season 2
Episode 19
Directed by Milan Cheylov
Written by Edward Kitsis
Adam Horowitz
Original air date April 21, 2013
Guest appearances
  • Sonequa Martin-Green as Tamara
  • Ethan Embry as Owen Flynn/Greg Mendell
  • Michael Raymond-James as Baelfire/Neal Cassidy
  • Tom Ellis as Robin Hood
  • Wil Traval as Keith/The Sheriff of Nottingham
  • Christie Laing as Marian
  • Jorge Garcia as Anton/Tiny
  • Beverley Elliot as Granny
Episode chronology
← Previous
«Selfless, Brave and True»
Next →
«The Evil Queen»
Once Upon a Time (season 2)
List of episodes

«Lacey» is the 19th episode of the second season of the American ABC fantasy/drama television series Once Upon a Time, and the show’s 41st episode overall. It aired on April 21, 2013.

In this episode, Mr. Gold goes on a date with Belle. In flashbacks, Rumpelstiltskin forces Belle to accompany him on his search to catch a thief.

It was co-written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, while being directed by Milan Cheylov.


Opening Sequence[edit]

Robin Hood shooting an arrow in the forest is featured.

In the Characters’ Past[edit]

In the Enchanted Forest, soon after Belle has gone to live with Rumplestiltstkin, she cries at night and he gives her a pillow – not for comfort, but to stifle her sobs. They are interrupted by the sound of an intruder. Rumple captures a thief (Tom Ellis) who is trying to steal a magic wand, after being unharmed by the thief’s magically unerring bow and arrow. Rumple locks him up and plans to torture him to death as an example to others. Belle fails to persuade him to let the thief go, so she releases him herself. He invites her to run away with him, but she stands by her pledge to serve Rumple. Rumple is enraged, and then shows Belle that the thief took the wand when he left. Belle still has faith in the possibility that the thief is a good person, saying that Rumple can’t know a person’s heart without truly knowing the person. Rumple demands Belle accompany him in hunting down the thief with his own bow.

The two later track the thief to Sherwood Forest, where the Sheriff of Nottingham (Wil Traval) reveals, after Rumple magically takes his tongue when the man asks to have his way with Belle in exchange for information, that the thief is his own nemesis, Robin Hood, who stole his love. When Rumple and Belle finally see Robin Hood from a distance, Rumple magically imprisons Belle in the ground to force her to watch as he kills him. But after Robin Hood uses the wand to heal his pregnant and apparently deathly ill lover, Marian (Christie Laing), Belle begs Rumple not to leave the child fatherless. Rumple «misses» with his arrow and lets the couple escape. Receiving a warm hug from Belle for his change of heart, Rumple later delights her with access to his vast library, flippantly calling it just another room for her to clean.

In Storybrooke[edit]

During a dream, Mr. Gold is holding a birthday party for Henry in front of family: David (Josh Dallas), Mary Margaret (Ginnifer Goodwin), Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), and Neal (Michael Raymond-James). When Henry picks a wand as his gift, Mr. Gold turns him into a porcelain puppet and faces the wrath of the family. As he explains what the Seer told him, that «the boy would be [his] undoing,» he smashes the porcelain Henry, only to wake up from what turns out to be a nightmare. As Mr. Gold later watches Neal practice sword-fighting with Henry, Regina (Lana Parrilla) asks him what they’re doing together. Noting that «apparently fate has a sense of humor,» Gold explains that they’re family because Neal is Henry’s father. Annoyed, and thinking Gold was responsible for that happening, Regina responds, «If your own son couldn’t bring out the good in you, who will?»

So Mr. Gold turns to the only person who he feels will be a key to helping him feel loved by visiting Belle at the hospital, where she is happy to see him and hopes that he’ll help her remember who she was before the accident. However, Regina, who arrives moments before Mr. Gold, makes sure that she doesn’t remember by using a cursed matchbook that she plants on the floor. The matchbook gives her her curse memories of being Lacey, a scantily-dressed barfly. Mr. Gold is furious that Regina interfered, but Regina makes no apologies for her actions, prompting Mr. Gold to use whatever it takes to win her back and reawaken her memories as Belle.

At Granny’s Diner, Mr. Gold approaches David to ask him about his other life during the curse to see if there was some way to win back Belle, so David tells him the only way to win her heart is to be himself, so they trek down to the «Rabbit Hole» where Lacey seems to be enjoying herself with playing pool and taking shots. After much convincing, Lacey agrees to go out with Mr. Gold on a date. As they return to Granny’s, Lacey shocks Mr. Gold with ordering Chicken Parmesan and a full glass of wine instead of hamburgers, and as they make a small conversation he spills the wine on her dress and she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. Mr. Gold then becomes suspicious when he checks on her and discovers Lacey out in the back seducing a man called Keith (the Sheriff of Nottingham’s counterpart). Lacey is not happy with Mr. Gold because he wants Belle back and she leaves, but when he confronts Keith again, he takes his tongue out (as he did back in the forest) so he won’t scream and beats him with his cane. When Lacey returns, she sees that the rumors of Mr. Gold’s dark side are true and is glad for it, saying, «You really are as dark as people say,» to which Mr. Gold replies, «Darker dearie, much darker,» and proceeds to continue beating Keith while Lacey watches with a smile.

Meanwhile, David and Mary Margaret reveal to Emma that Anton is in Storybrooke and has been growing magic beans in a field concealed by the Mother Superior/Blue Fairy. Mary Margaret, disturbed by her own recent actions, is now as eager as David to return to the Enchanted Forest, but Emma considers Earth her home and is conflicted over which world she and Henry should live in. When Regina confronts Emma about Henry’s relationship with Neal, Emma warns Regina that her behavior could result in her losing Henry «forever,» which makes Regina suspicious. After David and Mary Margaret drop off the dwarves and Anton for dinner, Regina uses her magic to track them back to the field and discovers the beans. Neal brings a sleeping Henry home, complimenting his sword skills and mentioning he’s befriended August. When Emma asks Neal how he feels about the idea of returning to the Enchanted Forest, he is noncommittal and she doesn’t mention the beans. Emma still hopes to decipher August’s warning.

Greg (Ethan Embry) shows Tamara (Sonequa Martin-Green) a map of where he has observed magic in Storybrooke. He still intends to find his father. Tamara explains to Greg she is going to bring a «package» into town from where she has hidden it nearby. That night at the city limits, Tamara pulls up with a trailer. Tamara opens it and reveals that she tied up Captain Hook (Colin O’Donoghue).


«Lacey» was co-written by series creators Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, while Milan Cheylov served as the episode’s director.

Cultural references[edit]

Disney references in this episode point to Alice In Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, and elements from the animated version of Robin Hood.



This outing remained steady from the previous episode, with a 2.1/6 among 18-49s with 7.37 million viewers tuning in.[1]


The episode received mixed reviews from critics.

Hilary Busis from Entertainment Weekly had good things to say about this outing but notes that «Rumpbelle fans were undoubtedly fine with that; others may have felt a bit let down by ‘Lacey,’ especially since it aired after three long Once-less weeks.»[2]

Oliver Sava of The A.V. Club gave this episode an «C+»: «Welcome back to Storybrooke, where everyone is either evil or dumb right now. This show certainly does love its status quo, and after pushing characters briefly outside their comfort zones with solid results this season, ‘Lacey’ backtracks on a lot of those developments to create some conflict before the finale.»[3]


  1. ^ Kondolojy, Amanda (April 23, 2013). «Sunday Final Ratings: ‘Remember Sunday’ Adjusted Down; No Adjustment for ‘Once Upon a Time’ or ‘The Amazing Race’«. TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on April 25, 2013. Retrieved April 13, 2013.
  2. ^ «‘Once Upon a Time’ recap: The Lady Is a Vamp» from Entertainment Weekly (April 21, 2013)
  3. ^ Once Upon a Time «Lacey» S2/E19 Retrieved April 21, 2013

External links[edit]

  • «Lacey» at IMDb

When ‘Once Upon a Time’ first started it was highly addictive and made the most of a truly great and creative premise. Really loved the idea of turning familiar fairy tales on their heads and putting own interpretations on them and the show early on clearly had clearly had a ball. Watched it without fail every time it came on and it was often a highlight of the week. Which was why it was sad when it ran out of ideas and lost its magic in the later seasons.

Although still an interesting episode with a good deal to admire, «Lacey» is something of an uneven one too that doesn’t quite hit the target. After Season 2 generally was showing signs of significant plot advancement and characters being given more dimension, «Lacey» felt like it back-tracked on both while not being non-existent. Some strands are better executed than others and there are characters more interesting than others too.

«Lacey» is most successful with the relationship between Belle and Rumplestiltskin, which has a lot of heart and both characters show great chemistry and interesting to watch on their own. The whole stuff with Lacey and the false memories also intrigued and much clearer than it seems on paper. Greg and Tamara, along with Belle and Rumplestiltskin, are the closest the episode gets to progression of plot and setting things up for what is to come.

Not as successful is the Robin Hood conflict. For what it was touted to be, it is not focused on enough or features enough, something of a waste really. It could have easily replaced the filler-like scenes regarding the magic beans. Character advancement also has been done much better before and since, too many characters having lost their complexity and being one-dimensional (Regina being evil rather than conflicted and Emma dumb and selfish). Rumplestiltskin and Belle are exceptions.

It may sound like «Lacey» was a terrible episode. It isn’t, far from it. Robert Carlyle, Lana Parrilla and Emilie De Ravin (with Belle being the most interesting and likeable she’s been yet) give great performances, have nothing to fault with any of the cast but they dominate.

As has been indicated above, there are things that are done very well in the story and «Lacey» certainly isn’t dull pace-wise.

Furthermore, «Lacey» is a very handsomely mounted episode visually, the settings and costumes are both colourful and atmospheric, not too dark or garish and never cookie-cutter. It is photographed beautifully too. The music is haunting, ethereal and cleverly used with a memorable main theme. Writing has the right balance of humour, pathos, mystery and intrigue.

Overall, interesting and generally admirable episode but doesn’t quite hit the target. 7/10 Bethany Cox

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