Однажды в сказке хранитель

Эта статья посвящена эпизоду седьмого сезона.
Для персонажей, которые были известны как «Хранители», см. Хранители.

«Хранитель» — восемнадцатая серия седьмого сезона сериала «Однажды в сказке».


После смерти Ника, Уивер обнаруживает, что «кинжал Тёмного» пропал и намеревается вернуть его, даже если это означает предательство доверия Рони. Тем временем, Марго берет Тилли на свидание, но их время вместе делает неожиданный поворот. В воспоминании, Румпель, отчаявшись воссоединиться с Белль, платит Алисе за посещение.


Удаленные сцены[]


Эта сцена включена в Blu-ray Однажды в сказке: Полный седьмой сезон, но не в DVD.

Актерский состав[]

*: Только архивные кадры

Интересные факты[]


7x18 - The Guardian - Promo

7×18 — The Guardian — Promo


Однажды в сказке: Первый сезон

Пилотная серия •
То, что мы больше всего любим •
Белоснежка полюбила •
Цена золота •
Этот тихий голос •
Пастух •
Сердце — одинокий охотник •
Отчаявшиеся души •
Строго на север •
7:15 до полудня •
Плод ядовитого дерева •
Внешность обманчива •
Что случилось с Фредериком •
Мечтатель •
Пойманный с поличным •
Сердце тьмы •
Трюк со шляпой •
Конюх •
Возвращение •
Странник •
Красное как кровь яблоко •
Страна без волшебства

Однажды в сказке: Второй сезон

Сломлено •
Мы похожи •
Владычица Озера •
Крокодил •
Доктор •
Таллахасси •
Дитя луны •
В глубину •
Королева Червей •
Игра в Крикет •
Аутсайдер •
Во имя брата •
Кроха •
Манхэттен •
Королева мертва •
Дочь мельника •
Добро пожаловать в Сторибрук •
Самоотверженный, храбрый и честный •
Лейси •
Злая Королева •
От второй звезды направо •
И прямо до утра

Однажды в сказке: Третий сезон

Сердце истинно верующего •
Потерянная девочка •
Очень знакомая фея •
Дурные привычки •
Хорошие манеры •
Ариэль •
Тёмная лощина •
Думай о хорошем •
Спасти Генри •
Новая Нетландия •
Дорога домой •
Нью-Йоркская серенада •
Охота на ведьм •
Башня •
Тихие голоса •
Непросто быть зелёной •
Весёлый Роджер •
Истекая кровью •
Нечто любопытное •
Канзас •
Метель •
Нет ничего лучше родного дома

Однажды в сказке: Четвёртый сезон

Повесть о двух сёстрах •
Белая мгла •
Каменистая дорога •
Подмастерье •
Разбитое зеркало •
Семейное дело •
Снежная Королева •
Разбить зеркало •
Падение •
Обман зрения •
Герои и злодеи •
Тьма у границы города •
Непрощенный •
Пришествие дракона •
Бедная несчастная душа •
Безупречный план •
Золотое сердце •
Сочувствие к Де Виль •
Лили •
Мама •
Операция Мангуст. Часть 1 •
Операция Мангуст. Часть 2

Однажды в сказке: Пятый сезон

Тёмный лебедь •
Цена •
Гибельное седалище •
Разрушенное королевство •
Ловец снов •
Медведь и лук •
Нимуэ •
Рождение •
Медвежий король •
Разбитое сердце •
Лебединая песня •
Души усопших •
Безвозмездный труд •
Дьявольские долги •
Братья Джонс •
Наше разрушение •
Её прекрасный герой •
Рубиновые башмачки •
Сестры •
Жар-Птица •
Последние обряды •
Только ты •
Нерассказанная история

Однажды в сказке: Шестой сезон

Спаситель •
Горький осадок •
Другая туфелька •
Странная история •
Уличные крысы •
Тёмные воды •
Бессердечные •
Я буду твоим зеркалом •
Подменыши •
Хочу, чтобы ты был здесь •
Выносливее остальных •
Убийство не по правилам •
Предвещающие знаки •
Страница 23 •
Дивное место •
Мамин маленький помощник •
Пробуждение •
Где летают синие птицы •
Чёрная фея •
Песня в твоём сердце •
Финальная битва. Часть 1 •
Финальная битва. Часть 2

Однажды в сказке: Седьмой сезон

Гиперион Хайтс •
Пиратская жизнь •
Сад расходящихся тропок •
Красавица •
Лягушки •
Пробуждающий звонок •
Элоиза Гарденер •
Красотка в голубом •
Одна маленькая слезинка •
Восьмая ведьма •
Тайный сад •
Вкус высоты •
Падение рыцаря •
Девушка в башне •
Союз сестер •
Хлебные крошки •
Избранная •
Дитя цветов •
Это Генри Миллс? •
Возвращение домой •
Покидая Сторибрук

Однажды в Стране Чудес

Вниз по кроличьей норе •
Доверься мне •
Узелок на память •
Змея •
Каменное сердце •
Кто такая Алиса? •
Грязная кровь •
Дома •
Нечего бояться •
Грязные маленькие секреты •
Суть дела •
Поймать вора •
И жили они…


  • Будем искать среди персонажей фандома




Бог Подземного мира. Брат Зевса и дядя Геркулеса. Имеет власть только в своём мире; в мире живых, который он называет Надземным, его могущество ограничено. Возлюбленный Зелены, питавший и к ней весьма уверенную страсть.

Айзек Хеллер

Isaac Heller


Автор книги сказок, в которой написано о каждом сказочном герое, и владелец волшебного пера. В дальнейшем написал книгу «Герои и злодеи», но поскольку создал счастливый финал для себя, то лишился звания Автора. После возвращения в реальный мир попал в тюрьму Сторибрука.




Вор из Аграбы, известен также как Спаситель, бывший им задолго до Эммы. Возлюбленный принцессы Жасмин.




Главная героиня. Пытаясь найти доказательства существования страны чудес, в которой она побывала в детстве, отправляется туда снова уже взрослой.

Подробнее »




Мать Сайруса. Колдунья, которая обучила магии Джафара.




Лидер стаи оборотней, живущей в провалившемся под землю старом замке. Мать Красной Шапочки. Научила её контролировать себя во время полнолуния.




Русалочка, спасшая тонущую Белоснежку, когда та убегала от стражей Злой Королевы. Влюблена в принца Эрика, выбирая между любовью и подругой, лишилась голоса. После помогла Реджине и Румпельштильцхену, получила свой голос обратно и воссоединилась с Эриком в Сторибруке. После второго проклятия живет с Эриком, своей истинной любовью, на острове Висельника.

Бабушка (вдова Лукас)

Granny (widow Lucas)


Бабушка Красной Шапочки, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. Отлично стреляет из арбалета. Имеет остаточные способности оборотня. В Сторибруке содержит гостиницу-кафе «У бабушки». У неё проблемы со здоровьем. Есть внучка Руби, которую эти проблемы удерживают от переезда в другой город.

Белль (Лейси Френч)

Belle (Lacey French)


Героиня сказки «Красавица и Чудовище». Возлюбленная Румпельштильцхена. В Сторибруке Белль 28 лет, пока действовало проклятие, провела запертой в психбольнице.

Белоснежка (Мэри Маргарет Бланшар)

Snow White (Mary Margaret Blanchard)


Жена Прекрасного Принца и мать Эммы, одна из самых добрых персонажей Зачарованного Леса. В Сторибруке — учительница школы, где учится Генри.

Белый Кролик

White Rabbit


Именно он привел Алису и Уилла в Страну Чудес.




Глава гномов. Объясняет гномам, кто они такие, помогает освоиться после рождения

Бреннан Джонс

Brennan Jones


Отец Лиама и Киллиана Джонсов, бросивший их детьми. Много лет провёл под проклятием Вечного сна, которое разрушила его сиделка. Был убит капитаном Крюком.

Бэлфайр (Нил Кэссиди)

Baelfire (Neal Cassidy)


Сын Румпельштильцхена, давний возлюбленный Эммы и отец Генри.




Девушка из Камелота, в которую влюблён Генри.

Великан Антон (Кроха)

Giant «Tiny» Anton


Последний из живых великанов. Впервые появляется в сериале, когда Эмма и капитан Крюк взобрались по волшебному стеблю за компасом, в ходе чего был усыплён маковыми зернами. Эмма сохранила ему жизнь. В дальнейшем он оказывается в Сторибруке, где выращивает бобовые стебли.

Венди Дарлинг

Wendy Darling


Приютила юного Бэлфайра у себя дома, в Лондоне. Летала добровольно с Тенью Питера Пэна в Неверленд. Вскоре была уже похищена Тенью, в итоге стала пленницей Питера Пэна в Неверленде и была вынуждена во всем ему подчиняться.




Один из семи гномов, получил своё имя, потому что всегда весёлый, на его лице по жизни сияет улыбка.

Виктор Франкенштейн (доктор Виктор Уэйл)

Victor Frankenstein (Dr. Victor Whale)


До проклятия жил в чёрно-белом мире, основанном на не сказках, а на «бульварных ужасах» и экранизациях. В Сторибруке — врач больницы.

Волшебник Страны Оз (Уолш)

Wizard of Oz (Walsh)


Был неудачливым фокусником в реальном мире, но затем оказался в Стране Оз, где притворялся Волшебником. Разоблачён Зелиной и превращён ей в летающую обезьяну. Шпионил за Эммой, встречаясь с ней, пока она и Генри жили в Нью-Йорке.

Волшебное Зеркало (Сидни Гласс)

Magic Mirror (Sidney Glass)


Джинн, одураченный и обольщённый Злой Королевой. В реальном мире стал репортёром местной газеты Сторибрука.

Ворчун (Лерой)

Grumpy (Leroy)


Один из семи гномов, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. В реальном мире — разнорабочий и главный смутьян Сторибрука.




Бывший жених Белль. Румпельштильцхен превратил его в розу, которую подарил Белль.




Жена Артура, королева Камелота. Испытывает чувства к Ланселоту, о чём Артур с помощью волшебного песка заставил её забыть.

Генри Джекилл

Dr. Henry Jekyll


Доктор из Страны Нерассказанных Историй, изобретатель сыворотки, отделяющей тёмную сущность от светлой. Альтер-эго — Хайд. Для создания сыворотки, отделяющей добрую часть человека от злой принял помощь Румпельштильцхена.

Генри Миллс

Henry Mills


Сын Эммы Свон и Нила Кэссиди, отданный Эммой на усыновление сразу после рождения. Приёмный сын Реджины Миллс.




Полубог, сын Зевса и племянник Аида. Дружил с молодой Белоснежкой и научил её стрелять из лука. Погиб во время выполнения одного из своих подвигов: не смог убить Цербера, и попал в Подземный мир. В дальнейшем разобрался со своим неоконченным делом и взошёл на Олимп вместе с Мегарой.

Герхардт Франкенштейн

Gerhardt Frankenstein


Младший брат Виктора Франкенштейна (доктора Виктора Уэйла), офицер. Был застрелен. Являлся первым, кого «оживил» Виктор.

Гидеон Голд

Gideon Gold


Сын Румпельштильцхена (мистера Голда) и Белль.

Голубая фея (мать-настоятельница)

Blue Fairy (Mother Superior)


Главная фея, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. Так как феи бессмертны, является старейшим жителем Зачарованного Леса. В Сторибруке возглавляет монашеский приход, в котором все монахини — бывшие феи.

Грег Мэнделл (Оуэн Флинн)

Greg Mendell (Owen Flynn)


Курт Флинн и его маленький сын Оуэн были в походе в лесу штата Мэн в 1983 году, ночуя под открытым небом, когда проклятие вступило в силу. Наутро они увидели, что на месте леса вокруг появился Сторибрук. После гибели отца Оуэн убежал, но все эти годы не забывал о том, что случилось. После разрушения заклятия уже взрослый Оуэн под другим именем попадает в аварию на границе Сторибрука.

Грэйс (Пейдж)

Grace (Paige)


Дочь Сумасшедшего Шляпника. В Сторибруке её зовут Пейдж, и она живёт в другой семье. Учится в одном классе с Генри.




Работала на Джафара, после того, как он освободил ее из заточения, так как у него находился кинжал с помощью котого можно было лишить ее магических сил. Питается страхом.




Темный маг. Пытался собрать трех джинов, чтобы получить силу,которая сможет сможет нарушить законы магии.

Подробнее »




Возлюбленный Клоринды, её жених.

Джепетто (Марко)

Geppetto (Marco)


Мастер-столяр из сказки Карло Коллоди «Приключения Пиноккио. История деревянной куклы».

Джон Дарлинг

John Darling


Один из Потерянных мальчиков Питера Пэна. Британец двадцати с небольшим лет. Прибыл в Сторибрук, чтобы помешать жителям города найти артефакт против Питера Пэна. Средний ребёнок в семье Дарлинг.

Дороти Гейл

Dorothy Gale


Молодая девушка из Канзаса, чей дом ураганом принесло в Страну Оз. Возвращается домой при помощи серебряных туфелек, которые ей обманом дала Зелина, боящаяся, что Дороти займёт её место Волшебницы Запада.

Подробнее »

Дэвид Нолан (Прекрасный Принц)

David Nolan (Prince Charming)


Глава Военного совета Зачарованного Леса, муж Белоснежки и отец Эммы. Во время проклятия находился в коме, из которой вышел вскоре после того, как сдвинулись стрелки часов. Снова влюбился в Белоснежку (ставшую в реальном мире Мэри Маргарет Бланшар), но никак не мог решиться быть с ней. После снятия проклятия воссоединился с женой, дочерью и внуком и участвовал во всех дальнейших приключениях.




Первая любовь Реджины. Они хотели сбежать и тайно сыграть свадьбу, но Кора узнала об их планах. В итоге Кора убила Дэниэла, вырвав ему сердце и уничтожив его на глазах своей дочери. Реджина применила противотленное заклинание, чтобы Дэниэл никогда не разложился. В Сторибруке его гроб находился в фамильном склепе Реджины. После снятия проклятия был неудачно воскрешен доктором Виктором Уэйлом (он же Франкенштейн). Из-за того, что Дэниэл сильно страдал после оживления и не мог себя контролировать: поначалу атаковал Реджину и едва не убил Генри — Реджине пришлось при помощи магии убить его.




Принцесса Аграбы, искала Алладина, чтобы он спас её государство от деспотизма колдуна Джафара.




Верховный бог в древнегреческой мифологии, брат Аида. Хочет одолеть его, чтобы тот оставил свои планы по завоеванию Надземного мира.




Злая ведьма Запада, сводная сестра Злой Королевы. Всю свою жизнь в волшебной стране Оз она сильно завидовала сестре. От безудержной зависти ее кожа в буквальном смысле стала зеленой. Ведьма направила свои магические силы на месть сестре и всем, кто станет у неё на пути. Она могла управлять проклятием, которое переместило всех жителей Зачарованного Леса обратно в Сторибрук. Именно там Зелина пыталась привести свой тщательно продуманный план в исполнение, но он провалился. Была убита Румпельштильцхеном, но сумела воскреснуть.

Злая Королева (Реджина Миллс)

Evil Queen (Regina Mills)


Мачеха Белоснежки, владеющая магией и сумевшая наложить проклятие на Зачарованный Лес. В реальном мире — мэр Сторибрука и приёмная мать Генри.

Реджина родилась в семье принца Генри, сына короля Ксавьера, и Коры, дочери мельника

Золушка (Эшли Бойд)

Cinderella (Ashley Boyd)


Первоначально была горничной у своей мачехи, потом при помощи Румпельштильцхена попала на бал и встретилась с принцем Томасом. За это она должна отдать Тёмному своего первенца. Ребенка она спасает, но её возлюбленный Томас исчезает. В Сторибруке она девятнадцатилетняя Эшли Бойд, одинокая беременная горничная. В дальнейшем воссоединяется со своим принцем и рожает дочь Александру.

Капитан Крюк (Киллиан Джонс)

Captain Hook (Killian Jones)


Пират, потерявший возлюбленную и руку из-за Румпельштильцхена, жаждущий мести. Около трёхсот лет провёл в Неверленде. В отношениях с Эммой Свон.

Капитан Немо



Основан на одноимённом герое романа «Двадцать тысяч лье под водой», был описан представителями телеканала ABC так: «ожесточившийся лидер подводной лодки Наутилус, ревностно веривший в причину того, что привело его от двадцати тысяч лье под водой к судьбе, которой он не даст никому помешать». По отечески относится к Лиаму Джонсу, пытается помогать заблудшим душам, вроде Крюка, живущего одной лишь местью Румпельштильцхену.




Приемная сестра Золушки. На самом деле «добрая сестра».

After Regina cast Drizella’s curse to save Henry’s life, Jack becomes Nick Branson, with memories of a brief relationship with Jacinda, resulting in the birth of her daughter, Lucy. Jacinda eventually dumped Nick, which motivated him to stop playing drums in his mother’s basement and graduate from law school. («Hyperion Heights», «Pretty in Blue», «The Eighth Witch»)

Ten years later, Jacinda’s friend, Sabine, does some social media stalking and learns that Nick has finished law school, suggesting that Jacinda contact him for help in regaining custody of Lucy. She eventually does and Nick heads to Roni’s, where Jacinda works, and meets Henry. They briefly bond over their shared musical interests before Jacinda arrives and introduces them. When Henry learns that Nick is Lucy’s father, he begins worrying that Jacinda may end up back together with him. Nick leaves but invites Jacinda to a new restaurant to look over their case. Once there, he questions her on the location of the papers relating to her stepmother, Victoria, winning custody of Lucy and Jacinda promises that she will get them to him soon. After they are finished, they head to the garage where the food truck Jacinda and Sabine are refurbishing is being kept, just in time to see Henry successfully turn on the engine. Seeing Jacinda and Nick arrive together, Henry leaves, heartbroken. Going by Henry’s advice, Jacinda later admits to Nick that Victoria never won custody of Lucy as she gave up her daughter voluntarily out of fear she would lose the case if she tried to fight her stepmother. With this information, Nick is able to get Lucy back for her and is there when Lucy emerges from her foster home, where Jacinda introduces Nick to Lucy. («Pretty in Blue»)

After Victoria gives her the paperwork for custody of Lucy, Jacinda calls Nick over to check and make sure her stepmother isn’t trying to trick her. Nick confirms that the papers are legitimate and they joyously celebrate Jacinda’s victory. In the heat of the moment, they kiss, but Jacinda quickly pulls away and tells him that she can’t. Nick apologizes for misreading her signals, although Jacinda admits he wasn’t wrong but that she is grateful towards him and what she actually wishes for is for him to have a relationship with Lucy. («One Little Tear»)

When Lucy is taken to the hospital, Sabine suggests calling Nick. He promptly comes to hear news about his «daughter». («The Eighth Witch»)

With Lucy continuing to be nonresponsive, Doctor Sage runs tests to find the cause of her condition, however, the results are inconclusive. The doctor then asks for a blood donation from both of the girl’s parents as proof of a genetic match in case an emergency arises and a donor is needed. Both Nick and Jacinda then go to begin the procedure. Thanks to Mr. Samdi, who somehow slips him a bit of memory potion, Nick regains his memories from before the curse. Later, Doctor Sage is looking over the results, including Henry’s, as he asked to be tested despite supposedly not having any genetic relation to Lucy. However, Nick’s test shows he is not the biological father of Lucy, while Henry’s test confirms he is. As Doctor Sage looks over these results in her office, she realizes something is wrong with her drink just as the poison, planted by Nick, takes its effect, killing her. Nick slips into the office, cuts off a lock of her hair, and takes the papers before escaping. («Secret Garden», «Sisterhood», «Chosen», «Is This Henry Mills?»)

Continuing his witch-killing spree, Nick attacks another coven member, Hilda Braeburn, in her bakery, handcuffing her to a table and allowing gas from her ovens to fill the building. However, before she dies, she is rescued by Rogers and Weaver and taken to a hospital where her room is guarded by the police. After Eloise tells Rogers about the killer’s penchant for gifting his victims a heart-shaped box with chocolate marzipan truffles before he kills them, Nick plants one of these boxes at a local flower shop, distracting Rogers and Weaver long enough with a false lead so he can attack Hilda, this time infiltrating her hospital room by killing the guards and successfully stabbing her to death. Tilly is framed for the crime as she is found in the hospital with the bloody scalpel, has a poster of the coven’s logo with two of the points crossed out, and later the locks of hair Nick took from his victims are found in her backpack. However, she is proven innocent when she is seen on security camera footage walking past the Fremont Troll. («A Taste of the Heights», «Knightfall», «The Girl in the Tower», «Sisterhood»)

Because of the heart-shaped boxes that his victims receive, Nick becomes known by the inhabitants of Hyperion Heights as the «Candy Killer». While Ivy attempts to find her sister, Anastasia, Eloise Gardener reveals that she has received the same chocolates, but Ivy is unconcerned about being the killer’s next target. Ivy is walking to her car in a parking garage when she hears someone approaching and warns the person that she has pepper spray. However, as Nick turns all of the lights out, she begins to panic and tries to escape back through the door, only to find it locked. Nick appears, wearing a mask and carrying a keychain and a knife, and attacks her, but she pepper sprays him in the face, kicks him with her stiletto, and escapes while he’s still on the ground. («Sisterhood»)

Later, Nick receives a text from Lucy asking him to meet her at Flynn’s Barcade. However, this turns out to be a ruse to get him to hang out with Henry and Rogers. Despite the trick, Nick and Rogers elect to spend some time with Henry, playing Galaga and drinking with him as he laments his failed relationship with Jacinda. In order to get him out of his funk, Nick and Rogers encourage him to ask out the next girl to walk through the door, who turns out to be Jacinda herself. As Henry and Jacinda discuss their fate, Rogers and Nick play pool and discuss the Candy Killer, with Nick playing dumb. Later, as they leave the barcade, Nick finds that his car tire has a flat but assures Henry and Rogers that he can handle it. Once they’re gone, he begins working and places one of his tools in the trunk, where he keeps the mask he wore while attacking Ivy and several identical boxes of chocolate to the ones received by his victims. («Sisterhood»)

The day after Ivy and Anastasia return to the New Enchanted Forest, Nick sits alone drinking at Roni’s when Henry greets him. Nick claims to be in a bad mood because a «client» got away from him last night, but Henry reassures him that he’ll get back on his feet. When Henry’s phone rings, Nick jokingly says it’s destiny. Later, when Henry’s car gets a flat tire, Nick comes across him and offers to give him a ride to the airport, but Henry would rather go see Jacinda. As Nick drives him to Jacinda’s apartment, Henry mentions his collaboration with Detective Weaver on the Candy Killer case, mentioning the killer thinks he is Hansel from Hansel and Gretel. Nick’s grip tightens as Henry laughs at the notion, but the latter does not notice. When the car swerves around a corner, Nick moves his hand to keep his keys from falling, exposing his burned forearms to Henry. This causes Henry, who earlier reasoned to Weaver that the killer was possibly a burn victim, to realize that Nick is the Candy Killer. Hurriedly, Henry attempts to come up with an excuse to leave the car, saying that he can hop out at the hotel and take a shuttle to the airport. Nick pulls over but locks the doors as Henry tries to get out. Henry moves to unlock it, but Nick injects Henry with a tranquilizer, knocking him unconscious. Nick brings Henry back to his apartment and ties him to a post, where Henry comes to as Nick silences an incoming call from Jacinda on Henry’s phone. A dazed Henry finally acknowledges Nick as Hansel, to which the latter smirks and declares he has not heard his real name in a very long time, proving he is awake. Henry asks what Nick plans to do with him, but Nick has not yet decided. Henry pleads for Nick to turn himself in, saying that if Nick believes he’s Hansel, they’ll think he’s insane and he’ll get off from the charges because of it. Nick refuses, saying in that scenario, he doesn’t get to keep killing. He finishes by ominously telling Henry that he’s not done killing yet. («Breadcrumbs»)

After choosing Kelly, the former Wicked Witch who physically burned him when he was a child, as his next victim by leaving a box of chocolates for her outside the bar, Nick sends a text to Jacinda on Henry’s phone to give her the impression that Henry is in New York and went on his job interview. Henry tries to sympathize with Nick’s ideations because he is clearly still not over losing his sister, while Nick agrees that the pain is quite real and Henry will help him get revenge on the one who hurt him the most. Later when Henry refuses water from his captor in fear of it being poisoned, Nick is reminded of Henry’s 19th birthday, during which he bought Henry the first of the many drinks he has ever had. Nick tells him about how becoming Jack was like a second chance at life for him, especially when Henry gave him the nickname «Jack the Giant Killer» and suddenly he could be a hero without having to remember the trauma of being Hansel. However, he admits it went awry for him when Henry’s family came along as he believes all witches, including Henry’s mom and aunt, are inherently bad and need to be killed. Henry continues to play along by asking for the identity of the witch who burned him, and when Nick reveals she is Henry’s aunt Zelena, he suggests Nick untie him so he can rewrite his story and fix things. Nick declines, knowing Henry would only ever offer to do that to fool a villain, though he insists he himself is not a villain but a hero out to rid the world of evil witches. Growing desperate the longer he is held captive, Henry proposes Nick can let him go and he’ll help him bring Zelena to the cops. Nick laughs at the idea, telling him about how he too used to not believe just like Henry until one day he somehow regained his true memories. In the hopes that giving proof will help Henry to believe, Nick shows him the blood test result he swiped from Doctor Sage after he killed her, which confirms Henry is actually Lucy’s father. Henry instead rejects it as a forgery, and upon learning Nick believes Zelena is Kelly, he berates his thinking as nothing but a delusional fantasy. Perplexed by Henry’s stubbornness, Nick decides to go forward with his plans whether Henry fully understands him or not. He then apologizes and knocks Henry out to prevent him from undoing his own restraints. Nick leaves Henry there to be found by Rogers, while he poses as a New York doctor and lures Kelly’s fiancé, Chad, to Hyperion Heights by telling him that Kelly was in a cycling accident. («Chosen»)

After kidnapping Chad and making him call Kelly, Nick speaks into the phone, telling her to do as he says or her fiancé is doomed. Nick later leaves Chad as bait in the bar basement for Kelly before he entraps her in the room. Kelly begs him to stop making other people pay for her mistakes, to which Nick agrees that he should when he can just end her. He jabs his knife to stab her, but Kelly blocks and incapacitates him with several kicks to his gut. She then pulls him up and against a wall to hold the knife at his throat, with Nick telling her to finish him off, but she declines as she has changed from who she once was and settles for knocking him out instead. Nick is left tied up in the basement until the police arrive to take him to the station. As he waits in the interrogation room, the lights flicker before someone enters the room. Rather than a police officer, Mr. Samdi arrives, revealing he was the one who woke up Nick as he wished for him to get rid of Gothel, who is his competition for the Dark One Dagger. Nick asks for another chance to have a go at Gothel, but Samdi laments that the opportunity has passed since he was caught by the police and now he is too much of a wild card that he needs to be taken out of the deck. Pricking a voodoo doll, Samdi kills Nick, causing him to have severe chest pains until he collapses dead over the table. («Chosen»)

After Nick’s death, Weaver and Rogers enter the interrogation room to find him dead. Rogers speculates Nick had a medical condition, but Weaver finds straw from the voodoo doll Samdi used to kill him. Later, Rogers reviews the footage of Nick prior to his death and is unable to see anything beyond that because of a hardware malfunction. Henry, still uneasy about some of the things Nick told him, asks Rogers for permission to speak with him, but the latter informs him of Nick’s recent passing. He eventally persuades Rogers to let him enter Nick’s apartment to retrieve the blood test result. Upon being warned by Drew to take a closer look at how Nick died in order to understand why his killer Samdi is so powerful, Rogers discovers from the coroner report that he apparently died from being stabbed in the heart from inside his body. («The Guardian»)

From Nick’s body, Weaver extracts some blood and uses it to distill a bit of memory potion before later giving it to Roni to possibly help Henry regain his memories. («Is This Henry Mills?»)

After Regina cast Drizella’s curse to save Henry’s life, Jack becomes Nick Branson, with memories of a brief relationship with Jacinda, resulting in the birth of her daughter, Lucy. Jacinda eventually dumped Nick, which motivated him to stop playing drums in his mother’s basement and graduate from law school. («Hyperion Heights», «Pretty in Blue», «The Eighth Witch»)

Ten years later, Jacinda’s friend, Sabine, does some social media stalking and learns that Nick has finished law school, suggesting that Jacinda contact him for help in regaining custody of Lucy. She eventually does and Nick heads to Roni’s, where Jacinda works, and meets Henry. They briefly bond over their shared musical interests before Jacinda arrives and introduces them. When Henry learns that Nick is Lucy’s father, he begins worrying that Jacinda may end up back together with him. Nick leaves but invites Jacinda to a new restaurant to look over their case. Once there, he questions her on the location of the papers relating to her stepmother, Victoria, winning custody of Lucy and Jacinda promises that she will get them to him soon. After they are finished, they head to the garage where the food truck Jacinda and Sabine are refurbishing is being kept, just in time to see Henry successfully turn on the engine. Seeing Jacinda and Nick arrive together, Henry leaves, heartbroken. Going by Henry’s advice, Jacinda later admits to Nick that Victoria never won custody of Lucy as she gave up her daughter voluntarily out of fear she would lose the case if she tried to fight her stepmother. With this information, Nick is able to get Lucy back for her and is there when Lucy emerges from her foster home, where Jacinda introduces Nick to Lucy. («Pretty in Blue»)

After Victoria gives her the paperwork for custody of Lucy, Jacinda calls Nick over to check and make sure her stepmother isn’t trying to trick her. Nick confirms that the papers are legitimate and they joyously celebrate Jacinda’s victory. In the heat of the moment, they kiss, but Jacinda quickly pulls away and tells him that she can’t. Nick apologizes for misreading her signals, although Jacinda admits he wasn’t wrong but that she is grateful towards him and what she actually wishes for is for him to have a relationship with Lucy. («One Little Tear»)

When Lucy is taken to the hospital, Sabine suggests calling Nick. He promptly comes to hear news about his «daughter». («The Eighth Witch»)

With Lucy continuing to be nonresponsive, Doctor Sage runs tests to find the cause of her condition, however, the results are inconclusive. The doctor then asks for a blood donation from both of the girl’s parents as proof of a genetic match in case an emergency arises and a donor is needed. Both Nick and Jacinda then go to begin the procedure. Thanks to Mr. Samdi, who somehow slips him a bit of memory potion, Nick regains his memories from before the curse. Later, Doctor Sage is looking over the results, including Henry’s, as he asked to be tested despite supposedly not having any genetic relation to Lucy. However, Nick’s test shows he is not the biological father of Lucy, while Henry’s test confirms he is. As Doctor Sage looks over these results in her office, she realizes something is wrong with her drink just as the poison, planted by Nick, takes its effect, killing her. Nick slips into the office, cuts off a lock of her hair, and takes the papers before escaping. («Secret Garden», «Sisterhood», «Chosen», «Is This Henry Mills?»)

Continuing his witch-killing spree, Nick attacks another coven member, Hilda Braeburn, in her bakery, handcuffing her to a table and allowing gas from her ovens to fill the building. However, before she dies, she is rescued by Rogers and Weaver and taken to a hospital where her room is guarded by the police. After Eloise tells Rogers about the killer’s penchant for gifting his victims a heart-shaped box with chocolate marzipan truffles before he kills them, Nick plants one of these boxes at a local flower shop, distracting Rogers and Weaver long enough with a false lead so he can attack Hilda, this time infiltrating her hospital room by killing the guards and successfully stabbing her to death. Tilly is framed for the crime as she is found in the hospital with the bloody scalpel, has a poster of the coven’s logo with two of the points crossed out, and later the locks of hair Nick took from his victims are found in her backpack. However, she is proven innocent when she is seen on security camera footage walking past the Fremont Troll. («A Taste of the Heights», «Knightfall», «The Girl in the Tower», «Sisterhood»)

Because of the heart-shaped boxes that his victims receive, Nick becomes known by the inhabitants of Hyperion Heights as the «Candy Killer». While Ivy attempts to find her sister, Anastasia, Eloise Gardener reveals that she has received the same chocolates, but Ivy is unconcerned about being the killer’s next target. Ivy is walking to her car in a parking garage when she hears someone approaching and warns the person that she has pepper spray. However, as Nick turns all of the lights out, she begins to panic and tries to escape back through the door, only to find it locked. Nick appears, wearing a mask and carrying a keychain and a knife, and attacks her, but she pepper sprays him in the face, kicks him with her stiletto, and escapes while he’s still on the ground. («Sisterhood»)

Later, Nick receives a text from Lucy asking him to meet her at Flynn’s Barcade. However, this turns out to be a ruse to get him to hang out with Henry and Rogers. Despite the trick, Nick and Rogers elect to spend some time with Henry, playing Galaga and drinking with him as he laments his failed relationship with Jacinda. In order to get him out of his funk, Nick and Rogers encourage him to ask out the next girl to walk through the door, who turns out to be Jacinda herself. As Henry and Jacinda discuss their fate, Rogers and Nick play pool and discuss the Candy Killer, with Nick playing dumb. Later, as they leave the barcade, Nick finds that his car tire has a flat but assures Henry and Rogers that he can handle it. Once they’re gone, he begins working and places one of his tools in the trunk, where he keeps the mask he wore while attacking Ivy and several identical boxes of chocolate to the ones received by his victims. («Sisterhood»)

The day after Ivy and Anastasia return to the New Enchanted Forest, Nick sits alone drinking at Roni’s when Henry greets him. Nick claims to be in a bad mood because a «client» got away from him last night, but Henry reassures him that he’ll get back on his feet. When Henry’s phone rings, Nick jokingly says it’s destiny. Later, when Henry’s car gets a flat tire, Nick comes across him and offers to give him a ride to the airport, but Henry would rather go see Jacinda. As Nick drives him to Jacinda’s apartment, Henry mentions his collaboration with Detective Weaver on the Candy Killer case, mentioning the killer thinks he is Hansel from Hansel and Gretel. Nick’s grip tightens as Henry laughs at the notion, but the latter does not notice. When the car swerves around a corner, Nick moves his hand to keep his keys from falling, exposing his burned forearms to Henry. This causes Henry, who earlier reasoned to Weaver that the killer was possibly a burn victim, to realize that Nick is the Candy Killer. Hurriedly, Henry attempts to come up with an excuse to leave the car, saying that he can hop out at the hotel and take a shuttle to the airport. Nick pulls over but locks the doors as Henry tries to get out. Henry moves to unlock it, but Nick injects Henry with a tranquilizer, knocking him unconscious. Nick brings Henry back to his apartment and ties him to a post, where Henry comes to as Nick silences an incoming call from Jacinda on Henry’s phone. A dazed Henry finally acknowledges Nick as Hansel, to which the latter smirks and declares he has not heard his real name in a very long time, proving he is awake. Henry asks what Nick plans to do with him, but Nick has not yet decided. Henry pleads for Nick to turn himself in, saying that if Nick believes he’s Hansel, they’ll think he’s insane and he’ll get off from the charges because of it. Nick refuses, saying in that scenario, he doesn’t get to keep killing. He finishes by ominously telling Henry that he’s not done killing yet. («Breadcrumbs»)

After choosing Kelly, the former Wicked Witch who physically burned him when he was a child, as his next victim by leaving a box of chocolates for her outside the bar, Nick sends a text to Jacinda on Henry’s phone to give her the impression that Henry is in New York and went on his job interview. Henry tries to sympathize with Nick’s ideations because he is clearly still not over losing his sister, while Nick agrees that the pain is quite real and Henry will help him get revenge on the one who hurt him the most. Later when Henry refuses water from his captor in fear of it being poisoned, Nick is reminded of Henry’s 19th birthday, during which he bought Henry the first of the many drinks he has ever had. Nick tells him about how becoming Jack was like a second chance at life for him, especially when Henry gave him the nickname «Jack the Giant Killer» and suddenly he could be a hero without having to remember the trauma of being Hansel. However, he admits it went awry for him when Henry’s family came along as he believes all witches, including Henry’s mom and aunt, are inherently bad and need to be killed. Henry continues to play along by asking for the identity of the witch who burned him, and when Nick reveals she is Henry’s aunt Zelena, he suggests Nick untie him so he can rewrite his story and fix things. Nick declines, knowing Henry would only ever offer to do that to fool a villain, though he insists he himself is not a villain but a hero out to rid the world of evil witches. Growing desperate the longer he is held captive, Henry proposes Nick can let him go and he’ll help him bring Zelena to the cops. Nick laughs at the idea, telling him about how he too used to not believe just like Henry until one day he somehow regained his true memories. In the hopes that giving proof will help Henry to believe, Nick shows him the blood test result he swiped from Doctor Sage after he killed her, which confirms Henry is actually Lucy’s father. Henry instead rejects it as a forgery, and upon learning Nick believes Zelena is Kelly, he berates his thinking as nothing but a delusional fantasy. Perplexed by Henry’s stubbornness, Nick decides to go forward with his plans whether Henry fully understands him or not. He then apologizes and knocks Henry out to prevent him from undoing his own restraints. Nick leaves Henry there to be found by Rogers, while he poses as a New York doctor and lures Kelly’s fiancé, Chad, to Hyperion Heights by telling him that Kelly was in a cycling accident. («Chosen»)

After kidnapping Chad and making him call Kelly, Nick speaks into the phone, telling her to do as he says or her fiancé is doomed. Nick later leaves Chad as bait in the bar basement for Kelly before he entraps her in the room. Kelly begs him to stop making other people pay for her mistakes, to which Nick agrees that he should when he can just end her. He jabs his knife to stab her, but Kelly blocks and incapacitates him with several kicks to his gut. She then pulls him up and against a wall to hold the knife at his throat, with Nick telling her to finish him off, but she declines as she has changed from who she once was and settles for knocking him out instead. Nick is left tied up in the basement until the police arrive to take him to the station. As he waits in the interrogation room, the lights flicker before someone enters the room. Rather than a police officer, Mr. Samdi arrives, revealing he was the one who woke up Nick as he wished for him to get rid of Gothel, who is his competition for the Dark One Dagger. Nick asks for another chance to have a go at Gothel, but Samdi laments that the opportunity has passed since he was caught by the police and now he is too much of a wild card that he needs to be taken out of the deck. Pricking a voodoo doll, Samdi kills Nick, causing him to have severe chest pains until he collapses dead over the table. («Chosen»)

After Nick’s death, Weaver and Rogers enter the interrogation room to find him dead. Rogers speculates Nick had a medical condition, but Weaver finds straw from the voodoo doll Samdi used to kill him. Later, Rogers reviews the footage of Nick prior to his death and is unable to see anything beyond that because of a hardware malfunction. Henry, still uneasy about some of the things Nick told him, asks Rogers for permission to speak with him, but the latter informs him of Nick’s recent passing. He eventally persuades Rogers to let him enter Nick’s apartment to retrieve the blood test result. Upon being warned by Drew to take a closer look at how Nick died in order to understand why his killer Samdi is so powerful, Rogers discovers from the coroner report that he apparently died from being stabbed in the heart from inside his body. («The Guardian»)

From Nick’s body, Weaver extracts some blood and uses it to distill a bit of memory potion before later giving it to Roni to possibly help Henry regain his memories. («Is This Henry Mills?»)

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