Однажды в сказке нил сын белоснежки

Новое проклятье наложено ни кем иным, как Белоснежкой, чтобы найти Эмму, дабы та остановила Злую Ведьму Запада, Зелину. Тем не менее, из-за вмешательства Зелины, воспоминания каждого обрываются на последнем дне в Сторибруке, когда Реджина остановила заклятье Пэна, и никто не может вспомнить ничего после этого. Крюк получает от кого-то таинственную записку с просьбой дать Эмме зелье памяти. После того, как он продаёт свой корабль, чтобы добыть волшебный боб, он прибывает в Нью-Йорк, и убеждает Свон вернуться назад, к родителям. Семья воссоединяется в Сторибруке, и Мэри Маргарет объясняет Эмме, что единственный намёк на то, что прошёл год, который она имеет, это её собственная беременность («Нью-Йоркская серенада», «Нечто любопытное», «Нет ничего лучше родного дома»).

В городской закусочной Белоснежка читает книгу по уходу за ребенком, чтобы подготовить себя к материнству, но позже сдаётся и соглашается с Генри пойти в библиотеку. Пока Генри надевает куртку, Мэри Маргарет встречает акушерку, Зелину. Благодарная за то, что в городе есть кто-то, кто имеет опыт в принятии родов, она даёт Зелине прикоснуться к своему животу. После того, как Дэвид и Крюк стали свидетелями превращения одного из жителей в летучую обезьяну, они приходят к выводу, что Зелина наслала новое проклятье («Охота на ведьм»).

В то время, как Дэвид, Эмма и Крюк обыскивают офис мэра на наличие каких-либо доказательств, Злая Ведьма исчезает и Реджина составляет Генри компанию, у Мэри Маргарет же запланированная встреча с Зелиной, которую она хочет взять в свои акушерки. Мэри Маргарет рассказывает ей о событиях первого проклятия, при котором она и её муж потеряли дочь при страшных обстоятельствах и изливает своё беспокойство по поводу будущего ребёнка. После того, как она звонит Дэвиду, он возвращается домой, чтобы встретить акушерку. В разговоре, Зелина даёт Дэвиду возможность раскрыть любые свои опасения по поводу второго ребёнка, но он убеждает Мэри Маргарет, что они могут и смогут выдержать всё, какие бы преграды не вставали у них на пути. Дэвид уходит, чтобы возобновить поиски Злой Ведьмы с Эммой и Крюком, а Мэри Маргарет проводит Зелину из своей квартиры. Чтобы её успокоить, Зелина говорит ей не бояться иметь второго ребенка, так как она всегда будет рядом с ней («Башня»).

На утреннем собрании в городской закусочной Мэри Маргарет вместе со своими союзниками обсуждают поиски мистера Голда. Несмотря на то, что она обладает хорошими навыками слежения, Дэвид убеждает её не принимать в этом участия и отдыхать, пока они занимаются поисками. Мэри Маргарет паникует, когда не чувствует движения ребёнка и зовёт Зелину на помощь. Послушная акушерка приходит и успокаивает её, заявив, что это нормально, когда ребёнок в животе двигается нечасто, и даёт ей апельсиновый сок. После того, как она выпила весь сок, она с радостью чувствует, как ребенок толкается. Всё благодаря помощи Зелины. Пока Зелина находится в ванной, Мэри Маргарет пугается из-за того, что Дэвид и Эмма ворвались в квартиру. Она ошеломленно смотрит, как они пинком открывают дверь в ванную, только чтобы понять, что Зелина ушла. Эмма объясняет, что Зелина и есть Злая Ведьма, и в слезах признаётся, что Нил мёртв. («Тихие голоса»)

Мэри Маргарет и многие другие горожане присутствуют на похоронах Нила, чтобы выразить своё почтение. Затем, Зелина неожиданно появляется в закусочной, и угрожает, что любой, ставший у неё на пути, будет убит Тёмным. Дэвид защищает свою жену, и Зелина насмешливо говорит, что Мэри Маргарет и её ребёнок ей не нужны, по крайней мере пока. Зелина публично заявляет, что является сводной сестрой Реджины, и вызывает её на дуэль на главной улице после захода солнца. («Непросто быть зелёной»)

Дэвид и Эмма стараются изо всех сил, делая колыбельку, и Мэри Маргарет настаивает на том, чтобы обратиться за помощью к Марко. Приходит Реджина, чтобы сообщить о новом наложенном ею на дом защитном заклинании, чтобы держать Зелину подальше от квартиры, и сохранить ребенка в безопасности. («Весёлый Роджер»)

В доме Реджины Дэвид и Мэри Маргарет рассуждают о том, как им назвать ребёнка. Мэри Маргарет хочет дать ему имя Леопольд, в честь её отца, но Дэвид говорит, что это плохое имя, и другие будут издеваться над их ребенком. Женщина затем предлагает имя своей матери, Ева, но её муж, кажется, полностью уверен, что у них родится сын. Они прерываются, когда Эмма, Крюк и Реджина приходят, чтобы открыть портал в мир мёртвых и вызвать дух Коры. После неудачной попытки все уходят, кроме Мэри Маргарет, решившей помочь Реджине прибраться. Обе вскоре понимают, что разгневанный дух Коры вселился в своего убийцу. Мэри Маргарет, на время одержимая Корой, видит отрывки её жизни, и узнаёт, что её привело к отказу от Зелины. После, с помощью магии Реджины, дух Коры был возвращён в мир мертвых, и в этот же момент появляются Белль, Дэвид, Эмма и Крюк. Беспокоясь о том, как контакт с Корой мог навредить их ребёнку, они вызывают доктора Вейла, который обследует её и говорит, что с ребенком всё хорошо. («Истекая кровью»)

Новое проклятье было разрушено, когда Реджина дарит Генри поцелуй Истинной любви; в результате, ко всем возвращаются их утерянные воспоминания. («Нечто любопытное»)

Finally aware of the circumstances of his father’s death, Henry pays a visit to his grave. As Emma assures him that Neal died as a hero, Mary Margaret suddenly begins having labor pains and is rushed to the hospital. With Dr. Whale’s help, Mary Margaret gives birth to a healthy baby boy and happily cradles him in her arms as David looks on. The family moment is interrupted by Zelena’s intrusion. David attempts to pull out his sword to defend his wife and child, but he is frozen while Zelena steals the baby for a time spell. With Regina’s acquired power of light magic, she defeats her sister and stops the time spell. After that, David brings his son back to Mary Margaret. A reunion ensues; with Emma and Henry entering the room to meet the latest addition to their family. («Kansas»)

An all-out town diner festivity commences as peace resumes in Storybrooke, or so everyone believes. David and Mary Margaret take their son for his first outing at the party when everyone witnesses the activation of Zelena’s time spell, which was secretly due to Mr. Gold killing the witch. Hook and Emma end up travelling into the time portal and recreate the very first meeting between Prince Charming and Snow White to ensure the future is unchanged. After returning to the present, Emma regroups with her parents, who publicly announce the intended name for their son—Neal. When Regina leaves the party upset because of her lover Robin Hood’s wife, Marian, arriving to the present from a past timeline, Emma follows her out of the diner to apologize. A commotion occurs when Robin Hood introduces Marian to his current lover. Following this, David, Henry and Mary Margaret, with Neal, exit out of the diner; witnessing Marian’s outrage towards Regina. («Snow Drifts», «There’s No Place Like Home», «A Tale of Two Sisters»)

The morning after, David and Mary Margaret take Neal out in his stroller. As David looks at his sleeping son’s face, he ponders out loud if they should have named him Baelfire instead. Later, Mary Margaret assumes control of pushing Neal’s stroller after David stays behind to keep Henry company while he phones Regina. In conversation, Emma admits to her mother that she hasn’t told Henry yet about her relationship with Hook. When Hook himself shows up and questions Emma about whether she is avoiding him, the blonde requests for some privacy with the pirate, so Mary Margaret reverses the stroller and hangs back as the two talk. («A Tale of Two Sisters»)

Having had a busy day, Mary Margaret puts Neal in his crib for the night before resting in a chair. When the town blackout occurs, she stays home while David and Emma investigate the issue at the town border. Unexpectedly, Granny, Happy and Leroy show up at the door. As they let themselves in, Leroy comments on how cute Neal is, but then grumpily states he can’t see the baby after all since it’s too dark. The three persuade Mary Margaret into taking on the role of mayor since Regina is absent. Bringing Neal along with her, Mary Margaret and her friends head to the electrical service site where they attempt to restore power. While Neal sits in a carrier, his mother looks at the circuit system as Granny, Happy and Leroy argue whether Marco or Dr. Whale could help them. Once they continue to complain about the lack of electricity, a fed up Mary Margaret, from lack of sleep and being a full time mother, lashes out at them. In stunned silence, the trio exit, leaving her to figure out things alone. Soon, Neal becomes fussy due to hunger, and after Mary Margaret picks him up, she recognizes that the circuit system simply needs a fuel refill to start up again. In doing so, her job is done and she goes home with her son. («White Out»)

During Mary Margaret’s first conference as the new mayor, she multitasks by holding Neal while also introducing the townspeople to her discussion points on a listed agenda. Due to overwhelming insistence from the attendees that she talk about the ice wall incident first, Mary Margaret informs them that the wall and the creator of it, Elsa, are not dangerous. Nonetheless, the citizens become rifled up at the news, which disturbs a quiet Neal, who begins crying. His mother soothes him and regains the attention of her audience, but Marian’s sudden collapse brings the meeting to a halt. Afterwards, she stays in the mayoral office with Neal as Regina is brought by Robin Hood to help cure Marian. Later, on the street, Mary Margaret juggles her son in one arm as she attempts to collapse the stroller with the other. Archie, noticing how much she is handling in her life right now, cannot help but express concern for her. Happily, Mary Margaret talks about not wanting to miss a moment with Neal since he will grow up fast. Pointedly, Archie is reminded of how much she missed with Emma. He reassures her that it’s all right not to be with Neal for every second, and that by letting go, it will help her, too. Once Archie walks away, Mary Margaret is left to contemplate his words. («Rocky Road»)

As Emma dresses up for her first date with Hook, she shows her parents and Elsa to get their opinions. All three agree she looks amazing. In excitement, Mary Margaret picks up Neal from his crib and tells him, in a sing-songy voice, that his big sister is going on a date. Abashed, Emma tells her not to make a big deal about it, to which Mary Margaret can’t help but snap a photo of her. («The Apprentice»)

When his parents take the night off to spend quality time together, Neal is placed under Belle’s care. While Belle is cradling him as she sits on one of the loft’s beds, David quietly reassures Mary Margaret that everything will be fine. She, however, is worried about being away from her son and fears something could happen while they are away. He eventually convinces her that she needs a break. During the evening, Mary Margaret returns home since pardoning the fugitive Will. As she holds Neal, David walks through the front door. Believing he set up the situation so she could apprehend Will and her old self, Mary Margaret reveals this to her husband and thanks him for his efforts. Even so, David reveals he had no involvement in Will’s escape, but is glad she has found her old self again. («Breaking Glass»)

To better her parenting skills, Mary Margaret brings Neal to a meeting group, Mommy & Me, run by Ashley. As they finish one session, his mother sings to Neal as the other mothers, including Aurora, sing to their babies. Emma arrives to pick up Neal so she can babysit him. Mary Margaret shows her all the essentials, such as Neal’s milk bottle, on the baby stroller. When Emma expresses surprise at the many things, Mary Margaret casually remarks that she wanted Neal to have everything. This resonates with Emma, who never had a mother’s affection at her brother’s age. Emma learns from Ashley that the meetings serve as a support group for first-time mothers, and again, she tries to be understanding of Mary Margaret’s inexperience as a mother even though Neal is her second child. Despite her strong front, Emma’s jealousy comes out through magic when she causes the bottle’s milk to boil, which she nervously explains is due to practicing her powers. Mary Margaret, unsure about what she’s witnessed, refuses to pass Neal into Emma’s arms. Neither say a word, and the tension breaks when Emma is called away to sheriff duty. Later that night, back at the apartment, Mary Margaret lays Neal in the crib as she discusses with David, Hook and Elsa the whereabouts of Emma. («The Snow Queen»)

As his parents leave to search for Emma, Neal is left under Belle’s care for the night. («Smash the Mirror»)

With Ingrid’s spell quickly approaching, his parents request Emma to lock them into separate cells before the curse takes effect. Emma is reluctant to follow through, but eventually complies. Mary Margaret entrusts Neal into Emma’s care, and she then closes her own cell door. When Hook arrives to see Emma one last time, she hands Neal to Elsa, who approaches the cell so that Mary Margaret can touch her son. After a tearful goodbye to Hook, Emma retrieves her brother into her arms once more. As the spell’s mirror shards rain down from the sky and infiltrate the building, she shields Neal from harm. («Fall»)

Realizing she and Elsa must kill the Snow Queen to stop the spell, Emma asks Anna to take care of Neal, to which she hesitantly agrees. When the others leave, Anna witnesses David and Mary Margaret arguing and tries to calm the animosity between them. A furious Regina breaks in the sheriff’s station and, after magically sending Anna and Kristoff away, she draws Mary Margaret into a sword-fight. During the battle, Regina notices baby Neal is fast asleep. As the women fight, David warns them not to break the stroller because it is no longer under warranty. When Ingrid sacrifices herself to break the curse, David, Mary Margaret and Regina return to their normal selves and laugh at the ridiculousness of their prior disputes. The three of them, with Neal in the stroller, regroup with Anna, Elsa, Emma Granny, Henry and the dwarves. («Shattered Sight»)

While Storybrooke regains peace, Mary Margaret returns to her teaching job as Emma continues to act as sheriff. In his mother’s absence, Granny takes care of baby Neal during one morning. («Darkness on the Edge of Town»)

In the middle of the night, Mary Margaret has a nightmare and gets up in a hurry to see Neal, who rests peacefully in the crib, much to her relief. The next day, as his parents move on with a plan to steal Maleficent’s ashes, Neal is placed under Ashley’s care. («Unforgiven»)

Realizing they still owe Maleficent an apology for what they did to her, David and Mary Margaret head out to find her at the mayor’s office, while Belle is left to babysit Neal. («Lily»)

Finally aware of the circumstances of his father’s death, Henry pays a visit to his grave. As Emma assures him that Neal died as a hero, Mary Margaret suddenly begins having labor pains and is rushed to the hospital. With Dr. Whale’s help, Mary Margaret gives birth to a healthy baby boy and happily cradles him in her arms as David looks on. The family moment is interrupted by Zelena’s intrusion. David attempts to pull out his sword to defend his wife and child, but he is frozen while Zelena steals the baby for a time spell. With Regina’s acquired power of light magic, she defeats her sister and stops the time spell. After that, David brings his son back to Mary Margaret. A reunion ensues; with Emma and Henry entering the room to meet the latest addition to their family. («Kansas»)

An all-out town diner festivity commences as peace resumes in Storybrooke, or so everyone believes. David and Mary Margaret take their son for his first outing at the party when everyone witnesses the activation of Zelena’s time spell, which was secretly due to Mr. Gold killing the witch. Hook and Emma end up travelling into the time portal and recreate the very first meeting between Prince Charming and Snow White to ensure the future is unchanged. After returning to the present, Emma regroups with her parents, who publicly announce the intended name for their son—Neal. When Regina leaves the party upset because of her lover Robin Hood’s wife, Marian, arriving to the present from a past timeline, Emma follows her out of the diner to apologize. A commotion occurs when Robin Hood introduces Marian to his current lover. Following this, David, Henry and Mary Margaret, with Neal, exit out of the diner; witnessing Marian’s outrage towards Regina. («Snow Drifts», «There’s No Place Like Home», «A Tale of Two Sisters»)

The morning after, David and Mary Margaret take Neal out in his stroller. As David looks at his sleeping son’s face, he ponders out loud if they should have named him Baelfire instead. Later, Mary Margaret assumes control of pushing Neal’s stroller after David stays behind to keep Henry company while he phones Regina. In conversation, Emma admits to her mother that she hasn’t told Henry yet about her relationship with Hook. When Hook himself shows up and questions Emma about whether she is avoiding him, the blonde requests for some privacy with the pirate, so Mary Margaret reverses the stroller and hangs back as the two talk. («A Tale of Two Sisters»)

Having had a busy day, Mary Margaret puts Neal in his crib for the night before resting in a chair. When the town blackout occurs, she stays home while David and Emma investigate the issue at the town border. Unexpectedly, Granny, Happy and Leroy show up at the door. As they let themselves in, Leroy comments on how cute Neal is, but then grumpily states he can’t see the baby after all since it’s too dark. The three persuade Mary Margaret into taking on the role of mayor since Regina is absent. Bringing Neal along with her, Mary Margaret and her friends head to the electrical service site where they attempt to restore power. While Neal sits in a carrier, his mother looks at the circuit system as Granny, Happy and Leroy argue whether Marco or Dr. Whale could help them. Once they continue to complain about the lack of electricity, a fed up Mary Margaret, from lack of sleep and being a full time mother, lashes out at them. In stunned silence, the trio exit, leaving her to figure out things alone. Soon, Neal becomes fussy due to hunger, and after Mary Margaret picks him up, she recognizes that the circuit system simply needs a fuel refill to start up again. In doing so, her job is done and she goes home with her son. («White Out»)

During Mary Margaret’s first conference as the new mayor, she multitasks by holding Neal while also introducing the townspeople to her discussion points on a listed agenda. Due to overwhelming insistence from the attendees that she talk about the ice wall incident first, Mary Margaret informs them that the wall and the creator of it, Elsa, are not dangerous. Nonetheless, the citizens become rifled up at the news, which disturbs a quiet Neal, who begins crying. His mother soothes him and regains the attention of her audience, but Marian’s sudden collapse brings the meeting to a halt. Afterwards, she stays in the mayoral office with Neal as Regina is brought by Robin Hood to help cure Marian. Later, on the street, Mary Margaret juggles her son in one arm as she attempts to collapse the stroller with the other. Archie, noticing how much she is handling in her life right now, cannot help but express concern for her. Happily, Mary Margaret talks about not wanting to miss a moment with Neal since he will grow up fast. Pointedly, Archie is reminded of how much she missed with Emma. He reassures her that it’s all right not to be with Neal for every second, and that by letting go, it will help her, too. Once Archie walks away, Mary Margaret is left to contemplate his words. («Rocky Road»)

As Emma dresses up for her first date with Hook, she shows her parents and Elsa to get their opinions. All three agree she looks amazing. In excitement, Mary Margaret picks up Neal from his crib and tells him, in a sing-songy voice, that his big sister is going on a date. Abashed, Emma tells her not to make a big deal about it, to which Mary Margaret can’t help but snap a photo of her. («The Apprentice»)

When his parents take the night off to spend quality time together, Neal is placed under Belle’s care. While Belle is cradling him as she sits on one of the loft’s beds, David quietly reassures Mary Margaret that everything will be fine. She, however, is worried about being away from her son and fears something could happen while they are away. He eventually convinces her that she needs a break. During the evening, Mary Margaret returns home since pardoning the fugitive Will. As she holds Neal, David walks through the front door. Believing he set up the situation so she could apprehend Will and her old self, Mary Margaret reveals this to her husband and thanks him for his efforts. Even so, David reveals he had no involvement in Will’s escape, but is glad she has found her old self again. («Breaking Glass»)

To better her parenting skills, Mary Margaret brings Neal to a meeting group, Mommy & Me, run by Ashley. As they finish one session, his mother sings to Neal as the other mothers, including Aurora, sing to their babies. Emma arrives to pick up Neal so she can babysit him. Mary Margaret shows her all the essentials, such as Neal’s milk bottle, on the baby stroller. When Emma expresses surprise at the many things, Mary Margaret casually remarks that she wanted Neal to have everything. This resonates with Emma, who never had a mother’s affection at her brother’s age. Emma learns from Ashley that the meetings serve as a support group for first-time mothers, and again, she tries to be understanding of Mary Margaret’s inexperience as a mother even though Neal is her second child. Despite her strong front, Emma’s jealousy comes out through magic when she causes the bottle’s milk to boil, which she nervously explains is due to practicing her powers. Mary Margaret, unsure about what she’s witnessed, refuses to pass Neal into Emma’s arms. Neither say a word, and the tension breaks when Emma is called away to sheriff duty. Later that night, back at the apartment, Mary Margaret lays Neal in the crib as she discusses with David, Hook and Elsa the whereabouts of Emma. («The Snow Queen»)

As his parents leave to search for Emma, Neal is left under Belle’s care for the night. («Smash the Mirror»)

With Ingrid’s spell quickly approaching, his parents request Emma to lock them into separate cells before the curse takes effect. Emma is reluctant to follow through, but eventually complies. Mary Margaret entrusts Neal into Emma’s care, and she then closes her own cell door. When Hook arrives to see Emma one last time, she hands Neal to Elsa, who approaches the cell so that Mary Margaret can touch her son. After a tearful goodbye to Hook, Emma retrieves her brother into her arms once more. As the spell’s mirror shards rain down from the sky and infiltrate the building, she shields Neal from harm. («Fall»)

Realizing she and Elsa must kill the Snow Queen to stop the spell, Emma asks Anna to take care of Neal, to which she hesitantly agrees. When the others leave, Anna witnesses David and Mary Margaret arguing and tries to calm the animosity between them. A furious Regina breaks in the sheriff’s station and, after magically sending Anna and Kristoff away, she draws Mary Margaret into a sword-fight. During the battle, Regina notices baby Neal is fast asleep. As the women fight, David warns them not to break the stroller because it is no longer under warranty. When Ingrid sacrifices herself to break the curse, David, Mary Margaret and Regina return to their normal selves and laugh at the ridiculousness of their prior disputes. The three of them, with Neal in the stroller, regroup with Anna, Elsa, Emma Granny, Henry and the dwarves. («Shattered Sight»)

While Storybrooke regains peace, Mary Margaret returns to her teaching job as Emma continues to act as sheriff. In his mother’s absence, Granny takes care of baby Neal during one morning. («Darkness on the Edge of Town»)

In the middle of the night, Mary Margaret has a nightmare and gets up in a hurry to see Neal, who rests peacefully in the crib, much to her relief. The next day, as his parents move on with a plan to steal Maleficent’s ashes, Neal is placed under Ashley’s care. («Unforgiven»)

Realizing they still owe Maleficent an apology for what they did to her, David and Mary Margaret head out to find her at the mayor’s office, while Belle is left to babysit Neal. («Lily»)

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