Однажды в сказке шериф грэм актер

Охотник — жил и охотился в Сказочной Стране. Он же Шериф Грэм в Сторибруке.


Оставленный своими родителями, Охотник был воспитан у волков. Выращенный ими, Охотник растет в их стае, но позже он покидеет их при таинственных обстоятельствах. Для одного из участников стаи, Адаира, это было большим предательством. После, Охотника нанимает Злая Королева, чтобы он убил её падчерицу, Белоснежку.

Охотник отпускает Белоснежку

Хотя он обычно убивал людей легко, поскольку он полагал, что они эгоистичны и у них нет чести, Охотник отказывается убить Белоснежку после того, как она показывает что у неё чистое сердце и он говорит ей убежать. Чтобы попытаться обмануть Королеву, он дает ей сердце оленя вместо сердца Белоснежки. Поняв, что она была обманута, Королева, вырывает его сердце. Она держит Охотника как своего раба и угрожает убить его, если он когда-либо пытается оставить её или бросить ей вызов. («Сердце — одинокий охотник», «Тень Королевы»)

Однажды зимой Охотник идет в королевские серебряные рудники, чтобы собрать дань с сельских жителей для Королевы. Под принуждением министр признает, что у сельских жителей есть сделанные из серебра товары, которые они продают, чтобы спастись от голодания. Поскольку Охотник посредничает в соглашении, Королева за «проявленную слабость» начинает сживать его сердце. Внезапно, вмешиваются стражники, и Охотник быстро их одолевает. Следующим утром он собирает серебро с сельских жителей. В лесах волки нападают на Охотника, но они становятся людьми, волшебством Королевы. Один из них, Адаир, гневно противостоит Охотнику из-за измены последнего. Используя серебряные стрелы как угроза им, Королева обещает не убивать волков, если они помогут найти Белоснежку. В волчьем логове Адаир заявляет себя как новый вожак стаи, так как их предыдущий лидер, Анита, была убита своей же дочерью, Красной Шапочкой. Он соглашается помочь Королеве, если волки будут лишены вероломства людей и будут управлять рудниками. Путешествуя с волками, одинокий волк выбивает коробку — содержащее сердце Охотника — из рук Королевы. Освободившись от ее контроля, Охотник выпускает стрелу в Адаира и убегает с коробкой, хотя до этого её украл одинокий волк. Спустившись вниз вор-волк, которая оказалась Красная Шапочка — угрожает убить его за его сотрудничество с Королевой. Однако Охотник объясняет ей, что Королева похитила его сердце, вынудив его повиноваться ей, так как он сохранил Белоснежке жизнь. Эти двое присоединяются к Белоснежке в королевстве короля Мидаса, и отправляются на Озеро Онондага. Там есть тотем способный превратить оборотней в истинных волков, но сила тотема подействует только один раз. По дороге Охотник и Красная Шапочка натыкаются на стаю волков. В то время как Охотник захватывает тотем, его компаньоны удерживают стаю волков. Однако Красная Шапочка и Белоснежка падают в озеро, в которое он прыгнул за ними. Из-за способности тотема, все прое превращаются в водных существ. Прежде, чем возвратить человеческую форму, Охотник убеждает Красную Шапочку поговорить со стаей. Они приближаются к Адаиру, который отказывается слушать и вызывает волков. Королева, угрожая Охотнику берёт в заложники Адаира, но сама его убивает; побуждая волков напасть на неё. Поскольку Королева противостоит им, Красная Шапочка убеждает Охотника забрать Белоснежку, пока она обеспечивает безопасность стаи. Вместо этого, Охотник отделяется от Красной Шапочки и возвращает своё сердце Королеве. («Тень Королевы»)

Когда Королева запирает Принца в темнице, Охотник помогает ему бежать.

«Твой друг.»

Принц просит его пойти с ним, но он отвечает, что не может уйти, потому что отдал своё сердце за жизнь Белоснежки. Он просит Принца сделать все, чтобы его жертва (потеря его сердца) не была напрасной. Узнав, что пленник сбежал, а Охотник дал ему уйти, Королева хотела его убить, но потом передумала. («Страна без волшебства»)

Во время первого проклятья

После наложения проклятья Грэм становится шерифом Сторибрука, поддерживающим интимные отношения с мэром Реджиной Миллс.

Однажды Реджина оказывается встревожена прибытием в город посторонних людей, Курта Флинна и его сына Оуэна. Тем не менее, она привязывается к ним, но Курт твердо намерен покинуть Сторибрук. В отчаянии Реджина приказывает Грэму, при помощи зачарованного сердца, арестовать мистера Флинна за вождение в нетрезвом виде. За этим занятием её застает Курт, который сразу пытается уйти, но оказывается задержан шерифом. Вовремя борьбы с ним Курт сбрасывает на пол шкатулку с сердцем, отчего у Грэма возникает боль в груди. Воспользовавшись этим, Курт сбегает. Вместе с шерифом мэр преследует его машину и вскоре настигает. Курта арестовывают. Оуэн отказывается остаться в городе, и Реджина его отпускает. («Добро пожаловать в Сторибрук»)

Десять лет спустя Генри Миллс, приемный сын мэра, сбегает в Бостон. Реджина в панике звонит Грэму, который приезжает к ней домой для поддержки. Вскоре Генри возвращается с родной матерью Эммой Свон. Пока Грэм проверяет в порядке ли Генри, Реджина приглашает незваную гостью в дом, чтобы выпить немного яблочного сидра. Потом он уходит и той же ночью забирает в участок пьяного Лероя и Эмму, врезавшуюся на машине в дорожный знак. Утром шериф освобождает Лероя. Эмма пытается оправдаться за происшествие на дороге, но Грэм убеждён в её алкогольном опьянении яблочным сидром. В участок заходит мэр, обеспокоенная пропажей Генри. Эмма предлагает помощь в поисках за освобождение. Через компьютер мальчика она выходит на учительницу начальных классов Мэри Маргарет Бланшар, чьей картой воспользовался Генри для оплаты сайта «Кто твоя мама?». («Пилотная серия»)

Он первоначально выполняет указания Реджины, арестовывая Эмму дважды, но потом он предлагает Эмме работу в качестве помощника шерифа. Он очень хорошо знает лесные окрестности Сторибрука. У Грэма с мэром была интрижка, но он чувствовал связь с Эммой. После того, как Эмма узнаёт о романе, он целует её, чтобы доказать, что у него нет никаких чувств к Реджине, и это восстанавливает его воспоминания, как Охотника. Он расстаётся с Реджиной и вскоре полностью восстанавливает воспоминания о своей прошлой жизни, становясь первым персонажем, который будет освобожден от проклятия. Однако, вскоре после этого, он был убит Реджиной, которая стёрла в порошок его сердце.

Основа персонажа[]

Охотник основан на одноимённом персонаже из сказки, «Белоснежка и Семь Гномов».


Once Upon a Time: Первый сезон
«Пилотная серия»: «То, что мы больше всего любим»: «Белоснежка полюбила»: «Цена золота»: «Этот тихий голос»: «Пастух»: «Сердце — одинокий охотник»: «Отчаявшиеся души»: «Строго на север»: «7:15 до полудня»: «Плод ядовитого дерева»:



«Внешность обманчива»: «Что случилось с Фредериком»: «Мечтатель»: «Пойманный с поличным»: «Сердце тьмы»: «Трюк со шляпой»: «Конюх»: «Возвращение»: «Странник»: «Красное как кровь яблоко»: «Страна без волшебства»:


Once Upon a Time: Второй сезон
«Сломлено»: «Мы похожи»: «Владычица Озера»: «Крокодил»: «Доктор»: «Таллахасси»: «Дитя луны»: «В глубину»: «Королева Червей»: «Игра в Крикет»: «Аутсайдер»:

«Во имя брата»: «Кроха»: «Манхэттен»: «Королева мертва»: «Дочь мельника»: «Добро пожаловать в Сторибрук»: «Самоотверженный, храбрый и честный»: «Лейси»: «Злая Королева»: «От второй звезды направо»: «И прямо до утра»:



  1. «Отчаявшиеся души», Однажды в сказке ABC

After the casting of the Dark Curse, Graham becomes the local sheriff of Storybrooke while maintaining an intimate and physical relationship with the mayor, Regina Mills. She is alarmed that two outsiders, Kurt Flynn and his son Owen, have managed to enter the town. Graham expresses just as much surprise as Regina at their unfamiliar faces. However, in a short time, Regina becomes very fond of Owen and suggests that he and his father can stay in Storybrooke permanently. This offer is rejected by Kurt, so Regina, at her wit’s end, speaks into Graham’s heart to manipulate him into thinking Kurt needs to be arrested for drunk driving. Kurt accidentally overhears her during this, and as he nervously tries to back out of her office, Graham bursts into Regina’s office to wrestle him onto the desk. As Kurt resists, he tries to tell Graham that Regina is somehow controlling him with something and knocks onto the ground the box containing his heart. The heart hits the floor, to which Graham gasps in pain and accidentally releases Kurt, who escapes out the door. Graham questions what that thing is, but Regina doesn’t answer him. He helps Regina chase after Kurt and Owen in his sheriff police car and blocks them at the town border. As he takes hold of Kurt and cuffs him, Owen is forced to run out of town on his father’s orders. («Welcome to Storybrooke»)

Twenty-eight years later, Regina’s adopted son, Henry, disappears from town. In a panic, she calls and has Graham come over for support. Henry is found when his birth mother, Emma, returns him on Regina’s doorstep. Regina invites Emma in for some apple cider as Graham checks up on Henry in his bedroom, and assures the mayor that her son is fine. He leaves, but later picks up the town drunk, Leroy, as well as Emma, who crashed her car into the town marker, and puts them into jail cells for the night. In the morning, he releases Leroy, and scoffs at Emma’s apparent excuse that a wolf on the road caused her to crash the car. He finds it more plausible that Regina’s apple cider was probably too strong for her. Regina comes into the station requesting help as Henry has once again run away. With Emma’s sleuthing skills, they discover Henry secretly used his teacher’s credit card to track down his birth mother. («Pilot»)

While spending a morning at the diner, he is surprised to see Emma decided to stay in town. She pointedly rejects his offering of a free cinnamon cocoa drink, though Graham confusedly states that he never ordered it. From another table booth, Henry admits that he’s actually the one who requested the drink, and invites Emma to walk him to school. On the same day, Graham receives a call from Archie claiming that Emma stole Henry’s patient file from his office. He goes to Emma’s guest room at the bed and breakfast. Upon seeing the file papers spread out on the bed, he arrests and takes her to the station to take mug shots. She insists Regina set her up, though Graham doesn’t believe the mayor is capable of that. Emma takes a jab at him for being under Regina’s thumb. Surprisingly, Henry and Mary Margaret show up to bail Emma out. Graham has time to mull over what Emma said, and later speaks to Regina about Archie’s accusations possibly being fabricated by her. He dissuades her against continuing to fight with Emma as the one getting hurt in all this is Henry. («The Thing You Love Most»)

When a coma patient, John Doe, goes missing from the hospital, he is called in to investigate. As John Doe’s emergency contact, Regina also shows up, but quickly leaves to let Graham take care of it. Emma and Mary Margaret stay to help as they look over surveillance security footage from the prior night. Neither the security guard, Walter, nor the janitor, Leroy, saw anything happen, but the footage clearly shows John Doe awakening and wandering out into the forest. With the two women, Graham begins tracking John Doe just as Henry, having followed them, pops up. After finding a patient tag, they reach an unconscious John Doe near the Toll Bridge as Mary Margaret resuscitates him with mouth-to-mouth while Graham calls an ambulance. Back at the hospital, Graham and the others watch from outside the door as John Doe is put into recovery when a blonde woman, Kathryn, rushes in. As it turns out, Kathryn is John Doe’s long lost wife, and his real name is David Nolan. («Snow Falls»)

Graham stops Emma in her tracks, literally, on the street when he pulls up in his sheriff car with sirens blaring. He is quite impressed by her work in the case of John Doe, and wants to hire her as deputy sheriff. She is still unsure, and asks for time to think about it. After checking into a bed and breakfast guest room, he and Regina meet for a tryst. She leaves first, and while Graham is still half dressed and looking for his clothes beneath the bed, he receives a phone call from Emma, who accepts the deputy position. («The Price of Gold»)

Emma officially receives the deputy’s uniform, but passes on wearing it. As Graham hands her the deputy’s badge, a large earthquake rumbles through Storybrooke. He and Emma investigate at a caved in sinkhole. Disdainfully, Regina catches on that Emma is now part of the police force team, but can’t argue against it when Graham asserts his decision. Both Archie and Henry’s lives are at stake when the two venture into the mines. With Pongo’s sense of smell, the dog tracks them to under a mine shaft. Graham assists as Emma is lowered down on a pulley to haul Archie and Henry to safety. («That Still Small Voice»)

Graham requests Emma to take the evening shift, citing that he has business as a volunteer at the animal shelter, though this is nothing but a cover story for him and Regina to have a rendezvous over at her house. Afterwards, he climbs out of the house window and jumps down to the ground. Emma mistakenly believes it is an intruder and tackles him to the ground. Graham tries to cover up his previous lie by stating that he actually does like animals, but she is too disgusted by the truth of his affair with Regina, especially carrying on with it while Henry is asleep in the house. («The Shepherd»)

While drinking and playing darts at the diner, Graham sees Emma walk in and throws a dart to stop her from leaving. When she exits, he chases her down to explain his relationship with Regina is purely physical. In the moment, Graham kisses her, and he receives a flash of memories. Emma then rejects his advances, so he spends the night in Regina’s bed. That night, he has a dream involving a wolf, a huntsman, and a woman resembling Mary Margaret. Upon going outside to get some air, Graham sees the wolf. The next day, he asks Mary Margaret if they have met somewhere prior to Storybrooke, but she cannot recall anything from before. Noticing Henry has a fairytale storybook, he talks to the boy about the wolf and a possible past life connection. Henry relates the story of the Huntsman who was raised by wolves. On orders of the Evil Queen, this man had to rip out Snow White’s heart. When the Huntsman spared her life, the Queen took his heart so he could never feel again. From this, Graham realizes he can’t feel anything and goes to search for his heart. He gains Emma’s help, and they end up breaking into the tomb of Regina’s deceased father, but his heart is not there. Regina catches them snooping and offers to take him home, but Graham breaks things off with her for good. He then stops a fight between the two women and leaves with Emma. At the sheriff station, while tending to Emma’s bruises, Graham kisses her again as all his Enchanted Forest memories rush back. Graham states he remembers everything now, though Emma doesn’t understand. Suddenly, he suffers a fatal heart attack, caused by Regina crushing his heart to ash, and dies as Emma helplessly watches. («The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter»)

After the casting of the Dark Curse, Graham becomes the local sheriff of Storybrooke while maintaining an intimate and physical relationship with the mayor, Regina Mills. She is alarmed that two outsiders, Kurt Flynn and his son Owen, have managed to enter the town. Graham expresses just as much surprise as Regina at their unfamiliar faces. However, in a short time, Regina becomes very fond of Owen and suggests that he and his father can stay in Storybrooke permanently. This offer is rejected by Kurt, so Regina, at her wit’s end, speaks into Graham’s heart to manipulate him into thinking Kurt needs to be arrested for drunk driving. Kurt accidentally overhears her during this, and as he nervously tries to back out of her office, Graham bursts into Regina’s office to wrestle him onto the desk. As Kurt resists, he tries to tell Graham that Regina is somehow controlling him with something and knocks onto the ground the box containing his heart. The heart hits the floor, to which Graham gasps in pain and accidentally releases Kurt, who escapes out the door. Graham questions what that thing is, but Regina doesn’t answer him. He helps Regina chase after Kurt and Owen in his sheriff police car and blocks them at the town border. As he takes hold of Kurt and cuffs him, Owen is forced to run out of town on his father’s orders. («Welcome to Storybrooke»)

Twenty-eight years later, Regina’s adopted son, Henry, disappears from town. In a panic, she calls and has Graham come over for support. Henry is found when his birth mother, Emma, returns him on Regina’s doorstep. Regina invites Emma in for some apple cider as Graham checks up on Henry in his bedroom, and assures the mayor that her son is fine. He leaves, but later picks up the town drunk, Leroy, as well as Emma, who crashed her car into the town marker, and puts them into jail cells for the night. In the morning, he releases Leroy, and scoffs at Emma’s apparent excuse that a wolf on the road caused her to crash the car. He finds it more plausible that Regina’s apple cider was probably too strong for her. Regina comes into the station requesting help as Henry has once again run away. With Emma’s sleuthing skills, they discover Henry secretly used his teacher’s credit card to track down his birth mother. («Pilot»)

While spending a morning at the diner, he is surprised to see Emma decided to stay in town. She pointedly rejects his offering of a free cinnamon cocoa drink, though Graham confusedly states that he never ordered it. From another table booth, Henry admits that he’s actually the one who requested the drink, and invites Emma to walk him to school. On the same day, Graham receives a call from Archie claiming that Emma stole Henry’s patient file from his office. He goes to Emma’s guest room at the bed and breakfast. Upon seeing the file papers spread out on the bed, he arrests and takes her to the station to take mug shots. She insists Regina set her up, though Graham doesn’t believe the mayor is capable of that. Emma takes a jab at him for being under Regina’s thumb. Surprisingly, Henry and Mary Margaret show up to bail Emma out. Graham has time to mull over what Emma said, and later speaks to Regina about Archie’s accusations possibly being fabricated by her. He dissuades her against continuing to fight with Emma as the one getting hurt in all this is Henry. («The Thing You Love Most»)

When a coma patient, John Doe, goes missing from the hospital, he is called in to investigate. As John Doe’s emergency contact, Regina also shows up, but quickly leaves to let Graham take care of it. Emma and Mary Margaret stay to help as they look over surveillance security footage from the prior night. Neither the security guard, Walter, nor the janitor, Leroy, saw anything happen, but the footage clearly shows John Doe awakening and wandering out into the forest. With the two women, Graham begins tracking John Doe just as Henry, having followed them, pops up. After finding a patient tag, they reach an unconscious John Doe near the Toll Bridge as Mary Margaret resuscitates him with mouth-to-mouth while Graham calls an ambulance. Back at the hospital, Graham and the others watch from outside the door as John Doe is put into recovery when a blonde woman, Kathryn, rushes in. As it turns out, Kathryn is John Doe’s long lost wife, and his real name is David Nolan. («Snow Falls»)

Graham stops Emma in her tracks, literally, on the street when he pulls up in his sheriff car with sirens blaring. He is quite impressed by her work in the case of John Doe, and wants to hire her as deputy sheriff. She is still unsure, and asks for time to think about it. After checking into a bed and breakfast guest room, he and Regina meet for a tryst. She leaves first, and while Graham is still half dressed and looking for his clothes beneath the bed, he receives a phone call from Emma, who accepts the deputy position. («The Price of Gold»)

Emma officially receives the deputy’s uniform, but passes on wearing it. As Graham hands her the deputy’s badge, a large earthquake rumbles through Storybrooke. He and Emma investigate at a caved in sinkhole. Disdainfully, Regina catches on that Emma is now part of the police force team, but can’t argue against it when Graham asserts his decision. Both Archie and Henry’s lives are at stake when the two venture into the mines. With Pongo’s sense of smell, the dog tracks them to under a mine shaft. Graham assists as Emma is lowered down on a pulley to haul Archie and Henry to safety. («That Still Small Voice»)

Graham requests Emma to take the evening shift, citing that he has business as a volunteer at the animal shelter, though this is nothing but a cover story for him and Regina to have a rendezvous over at her house. Afterwards, he climbs out of the house window and jumps down to the ground. Emma mistakenly believes it is an intruder and tackles him to the ground. Graham tries to cover up his previous lie by stating that he actually does like animals, but she is too disgusted by the truth of his affair with Regina, especially carrying on with it while Henry is asleep in the house. («The Shepherd»)

While drinking and playing darts at the diner, Graham sees Emma walk in and throws a dart to stop her from leaving. When she exits, he chases her down to explain his relationship with Regina is purely physical. In the moment, Graham kisses her, and he receives a flash of memories. Emma then rejects his advances, so he spends the night in Regina’s bed. That night, he has a dream involving a wolf, a huntsman, and a woman resembling Mary Margaret. Upon going outside to get some air, Graham sees the wolf. The next day, he asks Mary Margaret if they have met somewhere prior to Storybrooke, but she cannot recall anything from before. Noticing Henry has a fairytale storybook, he talks to the boy about the wolf and a possible past life connection. Henry relates the story of the Huntsman who was raised by wolves. On orders of the Evil Queen, this man had to rip out Snow White’s heart. When the Huntsman spared her life, the Queen took his heart so he could never feel again. From this, Graham realizes he can’t feel anything and goes to search for his heart. He gains Emma’s help, and they end up breaking into the tomb of Regina’s deceased father, but his heart is not there. Regina catches them snooping and offers to take him home, but Graham breaks things off with her for good. He then stops a fight between the two women and leaves with Emma. At the sheriff station, while tending to Emma’s bruises, Graham kisses her again as all his Enchanted Forest memories rush back. Graham states he remembers everything now, though Emma doesn’t understand. Suddenly, he suffers a fatal heart attack, caused by Regina crushing his heart to ash, and dies as Emma helplessly watches. («The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter»)

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