Однажды в сказке тамара кто она

Нил знакомит Тамару с Эммой Свон, матерью своего ребенка. («Королева мертва»)

Тамара переезжает в Сторибрук к Нилу, который сообщает ей о своём магическом прошлом. Изначально она относится к этому скептически, но впоследствии она начинает верить в это. Их навещают Эмма с Генри. Мальчик просит рассказать как они, с Нилом, познакомились. Когда они уходят Тамара просит Нила определиться кого он любит и с кем хочет быть; с ней или с Эммой, к которой у него до сих пор остались чувства.

Однако выясняется, что она уже знает про магию. Она находит полностью одеревеневшего Августа в его фургоне и предлагает ему зелье Дракона, которое она у него украла. Но зелье находится в квартире Тамары в Нью-Йорке, и, чтобы поехать и забрать его, Август должен дать слово оставить Сторибрук навсегда. Но когда он узнаёт, что Тамара убила Дракона, он возвращается, чтобы предупредить Эмму об обмане. Август звонит Эмме из шерифского участка, но успевает только сказать «город в опасности: она хочет…» перед тем, как Тамара смертельно ранила его электрошокером. Но его воскрешает Мать-Настоятельница (Голубая Фея) за самоотверженность в образе 7-летнего мальчика, который не может вспомнить, кто напал на него, как и не помнит свою жизнь в этом мире. («Самоотверженный, храбрый и честный»)

Тамара остаётся в Сторибруке с Нилом, который не подозревает, что она лишь притворяется, что любит его. На самом деле она — возлюбленная Грега Менделла, незнакомца, который попал в аварию на границе города. Тамара и Грег были отправлены в Сторибрук на миссию по уничтожению магии. Они получают волшебные бобы и «триггер», который может уничтожить Сторибрук. Они похищают мэра Реджину Миллс (Злая Королева), чтобы узнать что стало с отцом Грега. («Злая Королева»)

Грег с Тамарой мучают Реджину, но Тамара узнает, что Эмма подозревает её в исчезновении Реджины и они, с Нилом, идут, чтобы проверить на берегу ли она. Эмма сообщает Тамаре, что Реджина пропала. Тамара говорит, что всегда готова помочь им, и продолжает свою «пробежку». («От второй звезды направо»)

После того, как Эмма раскрывает обман, Тамара просит Нила уйти, не желая причинять ему боль, но Нил отказывается и Тамара стреляет в него, Нил падает в портал, который она открыла волшебным бобом. План Грега и Тамары по уничтожению Сторибрука провалился. Тогда они похищают Генри и отправляются через портал в Нетландию, утверждая, что Генри важнее, чем уничтожение магии. («И прямо до утра»)

At some point in time, Tamara and Neal become engaged. Her partner-in-crime, Greg, whether by accident or intentional, crashes his car into Storybrooke and is admitted into the hospital as a patient. While he is out cold, she calls his cell phone, but no one picks up. After Greg has been through surgery and on his way to recovery from the car crash, he calls Tamara. She learns from Greg about a man he saw at the town border, who conjured a fireball from his hand. («The Outsider», «In the Name of the Brother», «The Queen Is Dead»)

When Greg is discharged from the hospital, he phones Tamara again to let her know about his decision to stay longer in town, and sends her a recorded video of a woman using magic to levitate items into the air. On the same day, she receives a text from Neal asking to borrow her car, which Tamara allows. By chance, she sees him on the street with a blonde woman as the two approach the parked car. Tamara runs over to give Neal a warm greeting while wondering where he is headed off to. She introduces herself to the blonde woman, and learns from Neal that her name is Emma. («The Queen Is Dead»)

Tamara is informed of the circumstances surrounding her fiancé‎ and Emma, as the two were romantically involved in the past, and Neal only recently learned a child was conceived from this prior relationship. Neal goes to Storybrooke with Emma and his son, Henry, but later asks Tamara to come, too. She grabs some of her things from Neal’s apartment only to discover Hook in the storage room closet. On Hook’s arm, she finds a cuff which she later sends to the Home Office for testing, and then moves Hook’s body into a truck. Tamara arrives in town as Neal wanted and stops over at the inn where she meets up with him, Emma and Henry. The foursome have a very awkward breakfast in silence until Henry prompts for a story of how she and Neal met, to which Tamara happily details the encounter for him. After Emma and Henry leave, Neal attempts to share his past life in the Enchanted Forest. She accuses him of trying to get rid of her with a crazy story so he can rekindle his old relationship with Emma. Neal assures her this is not the case, but she angrily storms out. As she leaves, Tamara asks him to find her when he’s ready to be truthful. At the diner, she overhears Mary Margaret disclose August’s whereabouts to Emma and Marco. Tamara heads there first and shocks August with her surprise visit. Seeing as he is now completely wooden, she promises him the Dragon’s potion if he leaves for her New York apartment now. August promptly departs, but she accosts him in the sheriff’s office when he comes back and tries to warn Emma via phone about Tamara. After tearing out the phone line, she tases him to death to prevent her true agenda from coming to light. Later, she witnesses some of the townspeople trying to save a dying August, who is transformed by Mother Superior into Pinocchio. She dodges a bullet when Emma questions him about what he was saying earlier, but the boy cannot recall, much to Tamara’s relief. Having received «proof» of Neal’s claims, Tamara feeds him another lie; stating she will stay in town for his sake. While Neal is busy in the shower, Tamara calls Greg on his phone and shows up at his inn room. («Selfless, Brave and True», «The Evil Queen»)

In Tamara’s inn room, she looks over a map of Storybrooke with pinpointed areas where Greg observed magic being used. Tamara remarks that the town is lousy with magic and promises to be careful in evading Neal’s suspicion. Greg, having once escaped from Storybrooke when he was a child while his father Kurt was left behind, mentions he is not having much success tracking down his father’s whereabouts. Before Tamara leaves the room, she confirms that the «package» she and Greg are expecting will be in town by tonight. During the evening, she drives a truck into Storybrooke and opens the back compartment to show him the «package»: Hook. («Lacey»)

Believing Hook can be of some use to gain Regina’s trust, they bring the pirate to the top of the clock tower and give him a mini-telescope for a look outside. Despite Hook’s satisfaction over apparently killing his nemesis and enemy, the Dark One, he is stunned to see an alive and well Mr. Gold walking on the street with Lacey. Greg convinces him that he cannot win against the Dark One without their help, and Tamara encourages him to align with them since they know how to kill magical creatures. Flashing the cuff that she previously took from Hook’s arm and had sent to the Home Office, she explains it was returned to her with the ability to absorb magic from the wearer. In an assembled plan, they ask him to forge a fake alliance with Regina and put the cuff on her. Neal, in an effort to help his girlfriend adjust to Storybrooke’s magical nature, gives her a list of residents and their fairytale names. Tamara stops by the diner to pick up breakfast, where Emma purposely bumps into her and scatters Tamara’s belongings. Emma asks how she adjusting to Neal’s secret, and Tamara admits it’s a lot to take in. Emma is worried about the town’s secret being exposed to outsiders, but Tamara reassures her that she is trustworthy, and won’t give them away. After breakfast, she and Neal huddle under an umbrella as they head out in the rain. When Hook finally gains Regina’s trust, they go to a cave in the clock tower to search for a trigger to destroy Storybrooke. Regina uses Hook as bait for the cave guardian, Maleficent, though Tamara and Greg rescue him. At the ground library floor, the three of them confront Regina as she comes back up in the elevator. She attempts to use magic, but the cuff prevents her from it. Tamara pulls out the list and asks which fairytale counterpart she is, to which Greg smugly replies, «The Queen». On Greg’s orders, Tamara places a bag over Regina’s head, obscuring her vision. («The Evil Queen»)

After kidnapping Regina to the town cannery, Tamara uses an override code to get into Regina’s office to steal various items, such as the magic beans. The following morning, she dresses in running clothes under the pretense of training for a marathon. She goes to check on Greg, who is hooking Regina to an electrocution machine with plans of questioning her about his father’s whereabouts. Tamara excitedly shows Greg the magic beans, which Neal told her all about. He becomes jealous at the mention of Neal, but she promises Neal’s engagement ring will come off when everything is finished. As a replacement ring, Greg hands her the trigger, an object which Tamra sends, along with the rest of the their data, to the Home Office. When Emma persuades Neal that Tamara might be responsible for Regina’s disappearance, they comb the beach, where Emma believes Tamara went after seeing sand on the floor of the inn room. However, Tamara provides a reasonable explanation for changing her jogging area from the woods to the shoreline to keep Neal from suspecting her. Later, on the security monitor, she sees David, Emma, Mary Margaret and Neal enter the cannery. Tamara urges Greg to escape with her, but he refuses, wanting to stay behind to continue grilling Regina. Tamara then leaves alone, but on her way out, she knocks out an unsuspecting Emma before aiming her gun at Neal. She finally admits to lying to him since the first day they met, and although she believes he is a good man, her job is more important. After Tamara shoots him in the abdomen, Emma wrestles the gun away, but the latter distracts her by opening a portal with a bean and running away. She eventually regroups with Greg in the woods, where he is reburying his father’s remains and reveals the trigger has been proven by the Home Office to be the key to destroying magic. («Second Star to the Right»)

On orders from the Home Office, Greg and Tamara are to kidnap Henry and bring him to Neverland, and to keep the townpeople distracted until then, they set off the trigger. Desperate to save his own life, Hook aligns himself away from the pair and gives away their location in helping David to steal back the remaining beans. David and Hook follow Greg into the cannery building. Inside, David threatens to pull the trigger unless the beans are handed over. As Greg pulls out a small clear bottle containing them, Tamara shoots as an ambush attack, though David manages to dodge while getting grazed by the bullet. Hook tackles Greg to the ground; causing the bottle to break on the floor. While David chases after Tamara, Hook wrestles for the beans and eventually grabs one of them while Greg makes off with the other. She is chased by David, which shortly ends when Greg tackles him and they flee. With the trigger seconds away from destroying Storybrooke, Emma combines her magic powers with Regina to deactivate it, causing a blast of magic to throw everyone backwards. During this short period, Greg and Tamara grab Henry and begin dragging him to the harbor. On the way there, they divulge to the boy that it was never their true intention to put an end to magic once Henry became more valuable to them. As Henry’s family rush over in a futile attempt to stop them, the duo use their last magic bean to open a portal to Neverland and force the boy to jump in along with them. («And Straight On ‘Til Morning»)

Landing on the shores of Neverland’s island, Tamara tries to use a communicator to reach the Home Office, but it isn’t working. Greg has a look at the device and opens the battery case. Stunned, she watches as nothing but sand pours out from it. Henry calls into question how little they know about the Home Office, which causes Tamara to begin doubting her employers, though Greg brushes off the boy’s ominous comment. Greg ventures into the jungle and makes a campfire to signal the Home Office, but instead, a group of boys approach out of the bush. The leader, Felix, states that they are indeed the Home Office. Tamara is mortified that they’ve been working for a bunch of teenagers, but Henry corrects her to say they are Lost Boys. They soon discover the Home Office is not what it’s cracked up to be, and it was never their quest to eliminate magic. Upset at being duped, the pair refuse to hand over Henry. To counter the defiance, Felix summons a shadow to kill Greg. Fearing a similar fate, Tamara urges Henry to run while she does the same. She does not make it far before being impaled by an arrow to the back. Left alone after the Lost Boys run off to chase after Henry, Tamara is unable to walk and struggles to crawl away. Mr. Gold stumbles upon her state and helps to heal her wounds. When asked by him about where Henry is, she shakily describes what occurred. Tamara apologizes for everything, including Neal’s death, and swears she had not known the true intentions of the Home Office. Though she begs for his forgiveness, Mr. Gold calmly declines and tears out her heart before crushing it to ash. («The Heart of the Truest Believer»)

At some point in time, Tamara and Neal become engaged. Her partner-in-crime, Greg, whether by accident or intentional, crashes his car into Storybrooke and is admitted into the hospital as a patient. While he is out cold, she calls his cell phone, but no one picks up. After Greg has been through surgery and on his way to recovery from the car crash, he calls Tamara. She learns from Greg about a man he saw at the town border, who conjured a fireball from his hand. («The Outsider», «In the Name of the Brother», «The Queen Is Dead»)

When Greg is discharged from the hospital, he phones Tamara again to let her know about his decision to stay longer in town, and sends her a recorded video of a woman using magic to levitate items into the air. On the same day, she receives a text from Neal asking to borrow her car, which Tamara allows. By chance, she sees him on the street with a blonde woman as the two approach the parked car. Tamara runs over to give Neal a warm greeting while wondering where he is headed off to. She introduces herself to the blonde woman, and learns from Neal that her name is Emma. («The Queen Is Dead»)

Tamara is informed of the circumstances surrounding her fiancé‎ and Emma, as the two were romantically involved in the past, and Neal only recently learned a child was conceived from this prior relationship. Neal goes to Storybrooke with Emma and his son, Henry, but later asks Tamara to come, too. She grabs some of her things from Neal’s apartment only to discover Hook in the storage room closet. On Hook’s arm, she finds a cuff which she later sends to the Home Office for testing, and then moves Hook’s body into a truck. Tamara arrives in town as Neal wanted and stops over at the inn where she meets up with him, Emma and Henry. The foursome have a very awkward breakfast in silence until Henry prompts for a story of how she and Neal met, to which Tamara happily details the encounter for him. After Emma and Henry leave, Neal attempts to share his past life in the Enchanted Forest. She accuses him of trying to get rid of her with a crazy story so he can rekindle his old relationship with Emma. Neal assures her this is not the case, but she angrily storms out. As she leaves, Tamara asks him to find her when he’s ready to be truthful. At the diner, she overhears Mary Margaret disclose August’s whereabouts to Emma and Marco. Tamara heads there first and shocks August with her surprise visit. Seeing as he is now completely wooden, she promises him the Dragon’s potion if he leaves for her New York apartment now. August promptly departs, but she accosts him in the sheriff’s office when he comes back and tries to warn Emma via phone about Tamara. After tearing out the phone line, she tases him to death to prevent her true agenda from coming to light. Later, she witnesses some of the townspeople trying to save a dying August, who is transformed by Mother Superior into Pinocchio. She dodges a bullet when Emma questions him about what he was saying earlier, but the boy cannot recall, much to Tamara’s relief. Having received «proof» of Neal’s claims, Tamara feeds him another lie; stating she will stay in town for his sake. While Neal is busy in the shower, Tamara calls Greg on his phone and shows up at his inn room. («Selfless, Brave and True», «The Evil Queen»)

In Tamara’s inn room, she looks over a map of Storybrooke with pinpointed areas where Greg observed magic being used. Tamara remarks that the town is lousy with magic and promises to be careful in evading Neal’s suspicion. Greg, having once escaped from Storybrooke when he was a child while his father Kurt was left behind, mentions he is not having much success tracking down his father’s whereabouts. Before Tamara leaves the room, she confirms that the «package» she and Greg are expecting will be in town by tonight. During the evening, she drives a truck into Storybrooke and opens the back compartment to show him the «package»: Hook. («Lacey»)

Believing Hook can be of some use to gain Regina’s trust, they bring the pirate to the top of the clock tower and give him a mini-telescope for a look outside. Despite Hook’s satisfaction over apparently killing his nemesis and enemy, the Dark One, he is stunned to see an alive and well Mr. Gold walking on the street with Lacey. Greg convinces him that he cannot win against the Dark One without their help, and Tamara encourages him to align with them since they know how to kill magical creatures. Flashing the cuff that she previously took from Hook’s arm and had sent to the Home Office, she explains it was returned to her with the ability to absorb magic from the wearer. In an assembled plan, they ask him to forge a fake alliance with Regina and put the cuff on her. Neal, in an effort to help his girlfriend adjust to Storybrooke’s magical nature, gives her a list of residents and their fairytale names. Tamara stops by the diner to pick up breakfast, where Emma purposely bumps into her and scatters Tamara’s belongings. Emma asks how she adjusting to Neal’s secret, and Tamara admits it’s a lot to take in. Emma is worried about the town’s secret being exposed to outsiders, but Tamara reassures her that she is trustworthy, and won’t give them away. After breakfast, she and Neal huddle under an umbrella as they head out in the rain. When Hook finally gains Regina’s trust, they go to a cave in the clock tower to search for a trigger to destroy Storybrooke. Regina uses Hook as bait for the cave guardian, Maleficent, though Tamara and Greg rescue him. At the ground library floor, the three of them confront Regina as she comes back up in the elevator. She attempts to use magic, but the cuff prevents her from it. Tamara pulls out the list and asks which fairytale counterpart she is, to which Greg smugly replies, «The Queen». On Greg’s orders, Tamara places a bag over Regina’s head, obscuring her vision. («The Evil Queen»)

After kidnapping Regina to the town cannery, Tamara uses an override code to get into Regina’s office to steal various items, such as the magic beans. The following morning, she dresses in running clothes under the pretense of training for a marathon. She goes to check on Greg, who is hooking Regina to an electrocution machine with plans of questioning her about his father’s whereabouts. Tamara excitedly shows Greg the magic beans, which Neal told her all about. He becomes jealous at the mention of Neal, but she promises Neal’s engagement ring will come off when everything is finished. As a replacement ring, Greg hands her the trigger, an object which Tamra sends, along with the rest of the their data, to the Home Office. When Emma persuades Neal that Tamara might be responsible for Regina’s disappearance, they comb the beach, where Emma believes Tamara went after seeing sand on the floor of the inn room. However, Tamara provides a reasonable explanation for changing her jogging area from the woods to the shoreline to keep Neal from suspecting her. Later, on the security monitor, she sees David, Emma, Mary Margaret and Neal enter the cannery. Tamara urges Greg to escape with her, but he refuses, wanting to stay behind to continue grilling Regina. Tamara then leaves alone, but on her way out, she knocks out an unsuspecting Emma before aiming her gun at Neal. She finally admits to lying to him since the first day they met, and although she believes he is a good man, her job is more important. After Tamara shoots him in the abdomen, Emma wrestles the gun away, but the latter distracts her by opening a portal with a bean and running away. She eventually regroups with Greg in the woods, where he is reburying his father’s remains and reveals the trigger has been proven by the Home Office to be the key to destroying magic. («Second Star to the Right»)

On orders from the Home Office, Greg and Tamara are to kidnap Henry and bring him to Neverland, and to keep the townpeople distracted until then, they set off the trigger. Desperate to save his own life, Hook aligns himself away from the pair and gives away their location in helping David to steal back the remaining beans. David and Hook follow Greg into the cannery building. Inside, David threatens to pull the trigger unless the beans are handed over. As Greg pulls out a small clear bottle containing them, Tamara shoots as an ambush attack, though David manages to dodge while getting grazed by the bullet. Hook tackles Greg to the ground; causing the bottle to break on the floor. While David chases after Tamara, Hook wrestles for the beans and eventually grabs one of them while Greg makes off with the other. She is chased by David, which shortly ends when Greg tackles him and they flee. With the trigger seconds away from destroying Storybrooke, Emma combines her magic powers with Regina to deactivate it, causing a blast of magic to throw everyone backwards. During this short period, Greg and Tamara grab Henry and begin dragging him to the harbor. On the way there, they divulge to the boy that it was never their true intention to put an end to magic once Henry became more valuable to them. As Henry’s family rush over in a futile attempt to stop them, the duo use their last magic bean to open a portal to Neverland and force the boy to jump in along with them. («And Straight On ‘Til Morning»)

Landing on the shores of Neverland’s island, Tamara tries to use a communicator to reach the Home Office, but it isn’t working. Greg has a look at the device and opens the battery case. Stunned, she watches as nothing but sand pours out from it. Henry calls into question how little they know about the Home Office, which causes Tamara to begin doubting her employers, though Greg brushes off the boy’s ominous comment. Greg ventures into the jungle and makes a campfire to signal the Home Office, but instead, a group of boys approach out of the bush. The leader, Felix, states that they are indeed the Home Office. Tamara is mortified that they’ve been working for a bunch of teenagers, but Henry corrects her to say they are Lost Boys. They soon discover the Home Office is not what it’s cracked up to be, and it was never their quest to eliminate magic. Upset at being duped, the pair refuse to hand over Henry. To counter the defiance, Felix summons a shadow to kill Greg. Fearing a similar fate, Tamara urges Henry to run while she does the same. She does not make it far before being impaled by an arrow to the back. Left alone after the Lost Boys run off to chase after Henry, Tamara is unable to walk and struggles to crawl away. Mr. Gold stumbles upon her state and helps to heal her wounds. When asked by him about where Henry is, she shakily describes what occurred. Tamara apologizes for everything, including Neal’s death, and swears she had not known the true intentions of the Home Office. Though she begs for his forgiveness, Mr. Gold calmly declines and tears out her heart before crushing it to ash. («The Heart of the Truest Believer»)

Тамара — антагонистка, которая появляется во втором сезоне фэнтезийного шоу ABC Once Upon a Time . Тамара — человеческая женщина, которая считает магию нечестивой и ее следует отменить. Она пыталась убить и Дракона, и Пиноккио , и Нила Кэссиди ; Однако всем троим удалось выжить.


  • 1 Профиль

    • 1.1 Предпосылки
    • 1.2 До-Сторибрукская жизнь
  • 2 Галерея


Задний план

В какой-то момент своей жизни Тамара возненавидела всех магических существ на Земле.

Пред- Storybrooke Жизнь

Прежде чем она обручилась с Нилом Кэссиди (Бэлфайр), Тамара выследила и убила множество магических существ. В Гонконге Тамара находится в комнате ожидания Дракона, когда приходит ее очередь увидеться с ним. Когда она встает, она роняет свой телефон, и Август Бут , который тоже был там, чтобы увидеть Дракона, возвращает его ей. Тамара лжет и говорит Дракону, что у нее злокачественная форма рака, и он вручает ей мистическое зелье. Позже Тамара снова посещает Дракона и говорит ему, что вещество зелья не соответствует ни одному элементу, найденному на Земле, и она думает, что это магия. Когда Дракон начинает открываться перед ней, Тамара достает антимагическое устройство и пытается убить его. Однако таинственным образом Дракону удается выжить.


v e d
Шоу: Однажды в сказкеОднажды в стране чудес

Книги: Однажды в сказке: Тень королевыОднажды в сказке: Из прошлогоОднажды в сказке: Нерасказанная история РедаОднажды в сказке: Возрождение Регины

Однажды в сказке :
Первый сезон: Эмма Свон Белоснежка / Мэри Маргарет Бланшар Прекрасный принц / Дэвид Нолан Румпельштильцхен / Мистер. Голд / Уивер Злая Королева / Реджина Миллс / Рони Белль / Лейси Френч Генри Миллс Хэппи Снизи / Том Кларк Застенчивый Док Дурман Сонный / Уолтер Джимини Крикет / Арчи Хоппер Скрытный Виктор Франкенштейн / Доктор. Кит Синяя феяВдова Лукас / бабушка Король Джордж / Альберт Спенсер Джин / Волшебное зеркало / Сидни Гласс Безумный Шляпник / Джефферсон Принц Генри / Валет Червовый валет Шериф Ноттингемский / Кейт Крестная фея Эбигейл / Кэтрин Нолан Красная Шапочка Худ / Волк / Рубин Охотник / Шериф Грэм Бэлфайр / Нил Кэссиди Пиноккио / Август У. Бут Фредерик / Джим Суровая медсестра Мэр Томкинс Гензель и Гретель / Николас и Ава ЦиммерДровосек / Майкл ТиллманМартинМирнаСтивенДоннаПринц ДжеймсСлепая ведьмаПитерСиренаПонгоГастонКороль / Митчелл ГерманКороль ЛеопольдКороль МидасЗосоПринц Томас / Шон ГерманГрейсДаниэль КолтерНоваВересковый шипДжеппетто / МаркоГас / Билли Рут Темный

Второй сезон: Киллиан Джонс / Крюк / РоджерсАврораПринц ФилиппМуланМилаДева МэрианКуиннАльфонс ФранкенштейнАнита ЛукасДжекКороль КсавьерАнтонУильям СмиГрег МендельТамараДраконКоролева ЕваПровидецЛанселотРобин ГудВенди ДарлингНанаМэри DarlingДжордж ДарлингДжон ДарлингМайкл ДарлингТеневойLost Boys

Season Three:
Peter Pan / Malcolm / КрысоловАриэльЗелена / Злая Ведьма ЗападаГлинды / The Good Witch ЮжногоВолшебник из страны Оз / УолшСнежная королева ЭльзаТинкер БеллЧерная БородаЛюмьерМорская богиня УрсулаДжонатанДороти ГейлВедьма ВостокаРапунцельМать РапунцельОтец РапунцельШериф ГамелинаМедузаПринц ЭрикЛиам ДжонсРоланд

Четвертый сезон:
АннаКристоффГансГранд ПаббиСвенМорская ведьма УрсулаЗефирЛиттл Бо ПипУченицаИнгридЛили ПейджКолеттДубКороль ЭренделлаКоролева ГердаКруэлла Де ВильПосейдонГерцог ВезелтонБратья ГансаЧернабогКороль СтефанИсаак / АвторМадленМерлин / Волшебник

Пятый сезон:
МеридаКоролева ЭлеонораКороль ФергусХаррис, Хьюберт и ХэмишВедьмаЛорд МакгаффинЛорд МакинтошЛорд ДингуоллКороль АртурСэр КейГвиневраХаронБреннан ДжонсАидМегараГеркулесЦерберПугалоТотоКлео ФоксТетя ЭмДоктор ДжекилМистер ХайдЗлая королева

Шестой сезон:
Граф Монте-КристоАладдинГидеонЖасминКрасная птицаКапитан НемоЛеди ТремейнКлориндаТисбеДжейкобОракулКоролевская гвардияСултанБеовульфЧерная феяТигровая лилияРобертПринц АхмедСтанумТрусливый левЛюси

Седьмой сезон:
Рапунцель Тремейн / Виктория БелфриЗолушка / Джасинда ВидриоТиана / СабинаАлиса / ТиллиДризелла / Айви БелфриАнастасия Готель / Элоиза Гарденер Юдора Доктор Фасилье / г-н. Самди Гензель / Джек / Ник Брэнсон Маркус Тремейн Сесилия Ковен восьми Мадам Леота Навин / Дрю Слепая ведьма / Хильда Гретель Чад Серафина Флора Исла Зорро

Однажды в стране чудес : Алиса Сайрус Анастасия / Красная королева Перси / Белый кролик Эдвин Джаббервоки Серебряный туман Султан / Старый узник Твидл Ди и Твидл Дум Миссис Кролик Элизабет / Ящерица Амара Bandersnatch Милли
Обе серии: Уилл Скарлет / Червовый валет Золушка / Эшли Бойд Робин Гуд Маленький ДжонБрат Так Ворчун / Лерой Кора / Королева червей Гусеница Малефисента Джафар Доктор Лидгейт

Первый сезон: « Пилот » • « То, что ты любишь больше всего » • « Снегопад » • « Цена золота » • « Этот тихий тихий голос » • « Пастух » • « Сердце — одинокий охотник » • « Отчаяние» Души »•« Истинный север »•« 7:15 утра »•« Плод ядовитого дерева »•« Глубокая кожа »•« Что случилось с Фредериком »•« Мечтательный »•« С поличным »•»Сердце тьмы »•« Хет-трик »•« Конюшня »«•« Возвращение »•« Незнакомец »•« Красное, как кровь, яблоко »•« Земля без волшебства »

Второй сезон: « Сломанный » • « Мы оба » • « Леди озера » • « Крокодил » • « Доктор » • « Таллахасси » • « Дитя Луны » • « В глубину » • « Королева Сердца »•« Игра в крикет »•« Посторонний »•« Во имя брата »•« Крошечный »•« Манхэттен »•« Королева мертва »•« Мельник »s Дочь »•« Добро пожаловать в Сторибрук »•« Самоотверженный, храбрый и верный »•»Лэйси »•« Злая королева »•« Вторая звезда направо »•« И прямо до утра »
Третий сезон: « Сердце истинно верующего »•« Пропавшая девушка »•« Совершенно обычная фея »•» Грязные привычки »•« Хорошая форма »•« Ариэль »•« Темная лощина »•« Думай о прекрасных мыслях »•« Спасти Генри »•« Новый Неверленд »•« Возвращение домой »•»Нью-Йоркская серенада »•« Охота на ведьм »•« Башня »«•« Спокойные умы »•« Непросто быть зеленым »•« Веселый Роджер »•« Кровотечение »•« Любопытная штука »•« Канзас »•« Снежные заносы »•« Нет места лучше дома »,
четвертый сезон : « Сказка о двух сестрах » • « Белая мгла » • « Скалистая дорога » • « Подмастерье » • « Бьющееся стекло » • « Семейный бизнес » • « Снежная королева »• « Разбить зеркало » • « Падение » • « Разбитое зрение»• « Герои и злодеи » • « Тьма на окраине города » • « Непрощенный » • « Войдите в дракона » • « Бедная несчастная душа » • « Лучшие планы » • « Золотое сердце » • « Сочувствие к Де». Вил »•« Лилия »•« Мать »•« Операция Мангуст »
Пятый сезон: « Темный лебедь »•« Цена »•« Гибельная осада »•« Разбитое королевство »•«Ловец снов » • « Медведь и лук » • « Нимуэ»• « Рождение » • « Медвежий король » • « Разбитое сердце » • « Лебединая песня » • « Души усопших » • « Труд любви » • « Дьявольский долг » • « Братья Джонс » • « Наш распад » • « Ее красивый герой » • « Рубиновые туфли » • « Сестры » • « Жар-птица » • « Последние обряды » • « Только ты » • « Нерассказанная история »
Шестой сезон:« Спаситель » • « Горький напиток » • « Другая туфля»• « Странный случай » • « Уличные крысы » • « Темные воды » • « Бессердечный » • « Я буду твоим зеркалом » • « Подмена » • « Желаю, чтобы ты был здесь » • « Сильнее остальных » • « Убийство» Самый грязный • « Образцы дурного настроения » • « Стр. 23 » • « Удивительное место » • « Маленький помощник матери » • « Пробуждение » • « Где летают синие птицы » • »Черная фея »•« Песня в твоем сердце »•« Последняя битва »
Седьмой сезон: « Гиперион Хайтс » • « Жизнь пирата » • « Сад расходящихся тропок » • « Красавица » • « Зеленые спины » • « Призыв к пробуждению » • « Элоиза Гарденер » • « Красотка в синем » • « Одна маленькая» Слеза »•« Восьмая ведьма »•« Тайный сад »•« Вкус высот »•« Падение рыцарей »•« Девушка в башне »•« Сестричество »•»Панировочные сухари »•« Избранник »•« Хранитель »•»Дитя цветов «•» Это Генри Миллс? «•« Возвращение домой »•« Уезжая из Сторибрука »

Однажды в стране чудес : « В кроличью нору » • « Поверь мне » • « Не забывай меня » • « Змей » • « Каменное сердце » • « Кто такая Алиса? » • « Плохая кровь » • « Дом » • « Нечего бояться » • « Маленькие грязные секреты » • « Сердце дела » • « Поймать вора » • « И они выжили … »

Once Upon a Time: BostonDark PalaceMaurice’s CastleDark Castle/Rumplestiltskin’s CastleLibraryKing’s CastleTremaine estateMaurice’s CastleDwarves’ CottageDwarf MinesGeppetto’s HomeNew York CityKing Stefan’s CastleThe BeanstalkGiant’s LairEnglandLondonDarling NurseryNeverlandBig BenSkull RockHamelinMaritime CastleRapunzel’s TowerVault of the Dark OneLand of OzYellow Brick RoadEmerald CityArendelleValley of the Living RockArendelle CastleElsa’s Ice PalaceWandering Oaken’s Trading Post and SaunaBald MountainRing of StonesDunBrochWitch’s CottageCastle DunBrochUnderworldMount OlympusPoppy FieldsAuntie’s Chicken & WafflesCave of WondersPleasure IslandMagical ForestSeattleHyperion HeightsBelle & Gold’s HouseFacilier’s LairGothel’s GardenTiana’s PalaceSan FranciscoMemento MoriMaldoniaFlynn’s BarcadeUnited RealmsSnow White’s Farm

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Wonderland CastleThe Mad Hatter’s HouseWhite Rabbit’s HouseUnderlandTulgey Wood
Both series: StorybrookeMaineEnchanted ForestForbidden FortressWonderlandWonderland MazeAgrabahSherwood ForestThe Sultan’s Palace

Once Upon a Time: Once Upon a Time (Book)Snow White’s Glass CoffinRed Riding HoodMaleficent’s StaffMagic WandGlass SlipperPoisoned AppleSpinning WheelMagic LampDark One’s DaggerChipped CupJefferson’s HatMagic BeansCaptain Hook’s HooksEnchanted CandlePixie DustDreamshadeSalad ForkPandora’s BoxSilver SlippersSorcerer HatEnchanted BroomTridentEnchanted ShellHeroes and Villains (Book)Merida’s BowMagical RoseExcaliburOlympian CrystalCinderella’s DressGolden Scarab BeetleRapunzel’s Frying PanMagical Golden FlowerShrinking PotionFloating LanternsTarot CardsMaui’s Fish Hook

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland: Vorpal Blade
Both series: Jafar’s Snake StaffEnchanted HeartsJafar’s Lamp

Songs Featured
«Give a Little Whistle» • «Heigh-Ho» • «With a Smile and a Song» • «Beauty and the Beast» • «Part of Your World» • «Fathoms Below» • «Cruella De Vil • «Some Day My Prince Will Come» • «The Unbirthday Song»

Original Songs: «Powerful Magic» • The Queen SingsLove Doesn’t Stand a ChanceRevenge Is Gonna Be MineWicked Always WinsCharmings vs. Evil QueenEmma’s ThemeA Happy Beginning

The Jolly RogerMagic CarpetRoyal ShipCruella’s carNautilusCinderella’s Coach
Феи Единороги Драконы Мостовые тролли Оборотни Призрак Огры Русалки Кракен Летающие обезьяны Скальные тролли Огоньки Уилла Фурии Жевуны Древесные нимфы

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