Памуккале на английском как пишется


UNESCO World Heritage Site
Pamukkale 30.jpg

Panoramic view of travertine

Official name Hierapolis-Pamukkale
Location Denizli Province, Turkey
Criteria Cultural and Natural: (iii)(iv)(vii)
Reference 485
Inscription 1988 (12th Session)
Area 1,077 ha (4.16 sq mi)
Website www.pamukkale.gov.tr/en
Coordinates 37°55′26″N 29°07′24″E / 37.92389°N 29.12333°ECoordinates: 37°55′26″N 29°07′24″E / 37.92389°N 29.12333°E

Pamukkale is located in Turkey


Location of Pamukkale in Turkey

Pamukkale, meaning «cotton castle» in Turkish, is a natural site in Denizli Province in southwestern Turkey. The area is famous for a carbonate mineral left by the flowing of thermal spring water.[1][2] It is located in Turkey’s Inner Aegean region, in the River Menderes valley, which has a temperate climate for most of the year.

The ancient Greek city of Hierapolis was built on top of the travertine formation which is in total about 2,700 metres (8,860 ft) long, 600 m (1,970 ft) wide and 160 m (525 ft) high. It can be seen from the hills on the opposite side of the valley in the town of Denizli, 20 km away. This area has been drawing visitors to its thermal springs since the time of classical antiquity.[1] The Turkish name refers to the surface of the shimmering, snow-white limestone, shaped over millennia by calcite-rich springs.[2] Dripping slowly down the mountainside, mineral-rich waters collect in and cascade down the mineral terraces, into pools below.

Panoramic view of travertine terraces at Pamukkale

It was added as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1988 along with Hierapolis.


Travertine terrace formations

Pamukkale’s terraces are made of travertine, a sedimentary rock deposited by mineral water from the hot springs.[1] In this area, there are 17 hot springs with temperatures ranging from 35 °C (95 °F) to 100 °C (212 °F). The water that emerges from the spring is transported 320 metres (1,050 ft) to the head of the travertine terraces and deposits calcium carbonate on a section 60 to 70 metres (200 to 230 ft) long covering an expanse of 24 metres (79 ft) to 30 metres (98 ft). When the water, supersaturated with calcium carbonate, reaches the surface, carbon dioxide de-gasses from it, and calcium carbonate is deposited. Calcium carbonate is deposited by the water as a soft gel which eventually crystallizes into travertine.

White Terraces (natural travertine formations and hot pools) in Pamukkale


Travertine terraces at a hot spring at Pamukkale

There are only a few historical facts known about the origin of the city. No traces of the presence of Hittites or Persians have been found. The Phrygians built a temple, probably in the first half of the 7th century BC. This temple, originally used by the citizens of the nearby town of Laodicea, would later form the centre of Hierapolis.

Archaeological site of Hierapolis in Pamukkale, Turkey. The photo shows the Frontinus (or Domitian) Gate at Frontinus Street.

Pools inside the archeological site

Hierapolis was founded as a thermal spa early in the 2nd century BC within the sphere of the Seleucid Empire. Antiochus the Great sent 2,000 Jewish families to Lydia and Phrygia from Babylon and Mesopotamia, later joined by more from Judea. The Jewish congregation grew in Hierapolis and has been estimated as high as 50,000 in 62 BC.[3] Hierapolis became a healing centre where doctors used the thermal springs as a treatment for their patients. The city began minting bronze coins in the 2nd century BC. These coins give the name Hieropolis. It remains unclear whether this name referred to the original temple (ἱερόν, hieron) or honoured Hiera, the wife of Telephus, son of Heracles and the Mysian princess Auge. This name eventually changed into Hierapolis («holy city»),.[4] In 133 BC, when Attalus III died, he bequeathed his kingdom to Rome. Hierapolis thus became part of the Roman province of Asia. In AD 17, during the rule of Emperor Tiberius, a major earthquake destroyed the city.

Through the influence of the Christian Apostle Paul, a church was founded here while he was at Ephesus.[5] The Christian Apostle Philip spent the last years of his life here.[6] The town’s Martyrium was alleged to have been built upon the spot where Philip was crucified in AD 80. His daughters were also said to have acted as prophetesses in the region.[7][8] During the 4th century, the Christians filled Pluto’s Gate (a ploutonion) with stones, suggesting that Christianity had become the dominant religion and had begun displacing other faiths in the area. Originally a see of Phrygia Pacatiana,[9] the Byzantine Emperor Justinian raised the bishop of Hierapolis to the rank of metropolitan in 531. The Roman baths were transformed to a Christian basilica. During the Byzantine period, the city continued to flourish and also remained an important centre for Christianity.


The museum contains historical artifacts from Hierapolis, as well as those from Laodiceia, Colossae, Tripolis, Attuda and other towns of the Lycos (Çürüksu) valley. The museum also has a section devoted to artifacts found at Beycesultan Hüyük that includes examples of Bronze Age craft. Artifacts from the Caria, Pisidia and Lydia regions are also on display. The museum’s exhibition space consists of three closed areas[clarification needed] of the Hierapolis Bath and the open areas in the eastern side which are known to have been used as the library and gymnasium. The artifacts in open exhibition space are mostly marble and stone.

World heritage site[edit]

Pamukkale is recognized as a World Heritage Site together with Hierapolis. Hierapolis-Pamukkale was made a World Heritage Site in 1988.[2] It is a tourist attraction because of this status and its natural beauty.

Sister cities[edit]

The city of Pamukkale has two sister cities:

Similar places[edit]

These locations are also well known for their travertine formations:

  • Badab-e Surt in Iran
  • Mammoth Hot Springs in the United States
  • Pink and White Terraces in New Zealand[10][11]
  • Hierve el Agua in Mexico[12]
  • Bagni San Filippo in Siena, Italy
  • Baishuitai in China
  • Tatev in Armenia
  • Terme di Saturnia in Italy
  • Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area in Sichuan, China


  1. ^ a b c Scheffel, Richard L.; Wernet, Susan J., eds. (1980). Natural Wonders of the World. United States of America: Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. p. 286. ISBN 978-0-89577-087-5.
  2. ^ a b c «Hierapolis-Pamukkale World Heritage Site». UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Retrieved 2007-06-23.
  3. ^ Padfield.com. «Jewish Congregation in Hierapolis».
  4. ^ Kevin M. Miller (July 1985). «Apollo Lairbenos». Numen. 32 (1): 46–70. doi:10.1163/156852785X00157. JSTOR 3269962.
  5. ^ Colossians 4:13.
  6. ^ Papias. Early Christian Writings Archived 2015-09-24 at the Wayback Machine.
  7. ^ «NPNF2-01. Eusebius Pamphilius: Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine — Christian Classics Ethereal Library». www.ccel.org. Archived from the original on 4 May 2018. Retrieved 4 May 2018.
  8. ^ «NPNF2-01. Eusebius Pamphilius: Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine — Christian Classics Ethereal Library». www.ccel.org. Archived from the original on 14 October 2017. Retrieved 4 May 2018.
  9. ^ RAMSAY, Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia (Oxford, 1895–1897)
  10. ^ Bunn, Rex; Nolden, Sascha (2017-06-07). «Forensic cartography with Hochstetter’s 1859 Pink and White Terraces survey: Te Otukapuarangi and Te Tarata». Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 48: 39–56. doi:10.1080/03036758.2017.1329748. ISSN 0303-6758. S2CID 134907436.
  11. ^ Bunn and Nolden, Rex and Sascha (December 2016). «Te Tarata and Te Otukapuarangi: Reverse engineering Hochstetter’s Lake Rotomahana Survey to map the Pink and White Terrace locations». Journal of New Zealand Studies. NS23: 37–53.
  12. ^ Hasnain I, Iqra A. «Hierve el Agua | A flowing Cascade». NaturesRim. Retrieved 2020-07-21.

Further reading[edit]

Turkey’s mysterious portal to the underworld — BBC

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pamukkale.

  • Pamukkale official site
  • Pamukkale travel guide from Wikivoyage
  • Pamukkale — spherical panorama 360 degree
  • UNESCO World Heritage site datasheet
  • The Marble Stairs of Heaven on Earth: Pamukkale
  • Hierapolis-Pamukkale at NASA Earth Observatory
  • Video from Pamukkale (4k, UltraHD)
  • Top Tips For Visiting Pamukkale In The Summer

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Перевод «Памуккале» на английский

Говорят, что вода Памуккале хороша против болезней разного рода.

İt has been said that the water of Pamukkale is good against different kind of illnesses.

В Памуккале летние месяцы предложат лучшие возможности для комфортного дня.

In Pamukkale, summer months will offer better opportunities for a comfortable day.

Там ничего подобного в других странах, так Памуккале является совершенно уникальным.

There’s nothing like this in other countries, so Pamukkale is quite unique.

В первой стране хорошее лечение предоставят в Памуккале.

In the first country, good treatment will be provided in Pamukkale.

Она бросилась в один из естественных бассейнов в Памуккале и превратилась в красавицу.

She threw herself in to one of the natural pools at Pamukkale and was transformed in to a ravishing beauty.

С древних времен источники Памуккале рассматривались как дар природы для человечества.

Since ancient times, the springs of Pamukkale have been seen as gift from nature for the mankind.

Геологические события, которые сформировали термальный источник Памуккале, затронули широкий регион.

The geological events that have formed the thermal springs of Pamukkale have also affected a large region.

Памуккале — необычное природное и историческое место с блестящими каскадамиводы.

Pamukkale — unusual natural and historical site with brilliant cascades of water.

На въезде в маленький городок Памуккале практически невозможно пропустить его главную достопримечательность.

On arrival into the small town of Pamukkale, it is almost impossible to miss the town’s main attraction.

Окунитесь в терапевтические воды природного травертина — бассейны Памуккале.

Take a dip into the therapeutic waters of natural travertine pools of Pamukkale.

Новому поселению дали имя Памуккале, или «хлопковый замок».

The new settlement was given the name Pamukkale, or «cotton castle».

Геологические события, вызвавшие термальный источник Памуккале, который затрагивает большую территорию.

Geological events that have caused the thermal source of Pamukkale, which affects a large area.

В Памуккале мы проведем З часа.

We will be at Pamukkale for three hours.

Второй день будет посвящен посещению удивительной природной достопримечательности — Памуккале.

The second day will be dedicated to the visit to amazing natural attraction — Pamukkale.

Не забудьте включить Памуккале в свой тур, удивительное географическое явление, уникальное в мире.

Don’t forget to include Pamukkale in your tour, an amazin geographical phenomenon, unique in the world.

Стоит провести ночь в Памуккале, особенно во время полнолуния.

It is worth spending the night in Pamukkale, especially during a full moon.

За миллионы лет горячие источники в Памуккале преобразовали пейзаж.

Over millions of years, the hotsprings in Pamukkale have transformed the landscape.

Воздух Памуккале полезен больным астмой, ревматизмом.

Air Pamukkale useful to patients with asthma, rheumatism.

Благодаря их лечебным свойствам в Памуккале приезжали лечиться еще в глубокой древности.

Due to their healing properties, people in Pamukkale came to be treated in ancient times.

Общее время, которое проводят группы в Памуккале составляет З часа.

The total time that we will spend in the Pamukkale is 3 hours.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 222. Точных совпадений: 222. Затраченное время: 86 мс


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Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 2


overnight in pamukkale.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

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people in paddling pools in pamukkale


людей в детский бассейн в Памуккале

Last Update: 2018-02-21

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homepage pamukkale (hierapolis) how can i get there?


Главная страница Памуккале (Иераполис) Как туда добраться

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


pamukkale is awaiting its visitors to explore its natural and historical landmarks.


Теперь Ваша очередь познакомиться с природой и историческими чудесами Памуккале!

Last Update: 2018-02-21

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conference centres in turkey — pamukkale, venues, business hotels, congresses


Конференционные центры в turkey — pamukkale, venues, business hotels, congresses

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


on 20 december 2013, he signed with gamateks pamukkale Üniversitesi for the rest of the season.


20 декабря 2013 года, подписал контракт с турецким «Денизли Баскет» до окончания сезона 2013/2014.

Last Update: 2016-03-03

Usage Frequency: 1


at pamukkale there are 17 thermal springs with water temperatures between 35-100-c.


В Памуккале расположены 17 источников горячей воды с температурой от 35 до 100 ºС.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


description: situated in a quieter area of town, but just five minutes walk to the famous pamukkale travertines.


Описание: situated in a quieter area of town, but just five minutes walk to the famous pamukkale travertines.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


the events and organizations carried out by the municipality of denizli and pamukkale university are attended by many local and foreign guests visiting the city.


В течение года, организовывая мероприятие со стороны муниципалитета Денизли и Университета Памуккале, в город посещают много местных и иностранных гостей со всего мира.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


hierapolis has been frequented by visitors since its early years and continued to evolve as it is located near to the pamukkale thermal region which is considered to be curative.


Иераполис, расположен недалеко от города Памуккале, считается целебным районом с теплыми термальными водами, что имеет большое значение для развития страны. С самого начала образования привлекает гостей.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


famous for its thousands of years old precious sites such as pamukkale and hierapolis, denizli province has become a major archeological site with many excavation works still in progress.


Как и города Иераполис и Памуккале, Денизли также известен своей тысячелетней историей, здесь до сих пор продолжаются археологические исследования.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


a short walk from hotel takes you directly to the unequalled pamukkale travertine’s, a natural wonder basking in the sun and embraced by greenery and the blue sky.


a short walk from hotel takes you directly to the unequalled pamukkale travertine’s, a natural wonder basking in the sun and embraced by greenery and the blue sky.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


in the vicinity of pamukkale and of religious significance as it is claimed to be the site where the christian apostle st. philip was killed, the ancient city has been a popular place of visit for centuries.


Филипп получил религиозное значение и его близость к Памуккале на протяжении веков гостеприимно встречал гостей.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


description: kale hotel is a family run guesthouse, located in pamukkale, with a two minute walk to the white terraces (travertines).


Описание: kale hotel is a family run guesthouse, located in pamukkale, with a two minute walk to the white terraces (travertines).

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1


a natural phenomena bringing together the thermal waters of lycos (Çürüksu) valley with the travertine resulting from environmental factors and chemical reactions, pamukkale, has attracted attention for its healing waters for thousands of years. in addition, the site fascinates visitors with its nebulous view.


В результате экологических факторов и химических реакций, источники термальной водой являющиеся травертины в долине Чоруксу, состоящие из сочетания интересов и исцеления в течение тысяч лет в Памуккале, очарует вас своими пейзажами туманности.

Last Update: 2018-02-21

Usage Frequency: 1

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The travertine hot springs.

Pamukkale is a hot spring with calcium-coated cliffs and pools in inland southeastern Aegean Turkey.


Pamukkale, which has been used as a spa since the second century BC, literally means «cotton castle» in Turkish.

The travertine features have their origins in the shifting of a fault in the valley of the Menderes river (between here and Denizli). As the fault shifted, very hot springs with a very high mineral content (notably chalk) arose at this location. Apart from the slightly radioactive minerals, the calcium and hydrogen carbonate react to create calcium carbonate (also known as travertine) and limestone. This is what gives Pamukkale its whiteness and created the pools.


Pamukkale has a subcontinental Mediterranean climate, therefore, it can get quite hot in summer. A hat and especially sunglasses will certainly be very helpful against the sun and the reflecting sun rays from the chalky cascades. On the other hand, the chilly winter climate could make the experience slightly uncomfortable. Climbing up the cascades barefoot, with cold water running downstream, will be a tough task. Check the Denizli article (the nearby city with a very similar climate) for more information.

Get in[edit]

By dolmuş[edit]

The nearest major city is Denizli, where you will likely arrive first before getting to Pamukkale. From Denizli bus terminal (otogar), take a dolmuş from platform 76 (lower level of the station). 20-min ride and 4.50 TL per trip. Some go further by the northern and eastern entrances.

By bus[edit]

Buses to Pamukkale/Denizli can be found from almost all Turkish cities.

There are almost no bus companies that take you directly to Pamukkale despite what the ticket sellers tell you. (However, at least one company was complained of because they dropped people at Pamukkale instead of Denizli. Good luck trying to find it out.)

By plane[edit]

  • Closest airport is Denizli Cardak Airport, 65 km or 1 hr away. There are flights six times daily to Istanbul.
  • Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport is another alternative to the area. Pamukkale is 252 km from the airport, a drive of about 4 hr (4½-5 hr by bus) or 6-7 hr by train.

By train[edit]

The nearest train station is in Denizli, which has TCDD services from Izmir and a weekly service to and from Eskişehir, called the Pamukkale Express.

Get around[edit]

Map of Pamukkale

Even when you’re way on the edge of the village, you can reach everything (i.e. the village center and the travertine pools) on foot in 10-15 min.


Travertines and Hierapolis[edit]

Roman theater

There are three entry gates, one at the bottom of the travertines and two at the top. A shuttle will take you between gates for 2 TL. Entry to Hierapolis and the travertines is a single ticket that costs 150 TL (June 2022). Entrance is daily from 08:00-21:00.

The travertine terraces above Pamukkale and below the ancient city of Hierapolis are a UNESCO World Heritage site. This «Cotton Castle» is accessed via a gate near Pamukkale, and the walk up takes about 30 min and offers numerous opportunities to soak in pools that are generally no more than a foot deep. Tough pollution control regulations require removing your shoes in order to walk on them (so bring something to put your shoes in!), so the travertines stay white as ever. This job is made tougher in winters when the water flowing down the chalky cascades will be freezing cold.

Unfortunately in winter they not let water into the pools you can usually soak in in summer. Instead, just a little river is going downhill for warm your feet and a small waterfall to the side, but nothing to fully soak in.

At the top of the travertines lies the ancient Roman city of Hierapolis. The ruins of the city sprawl over a large area, but sites are well-marked and there are trails that can be easily followed. The 12,000-seat amphitheater is in excellent condition and is a highlight, as are the town gates and main road. In addition, the town is home to the Martyrium of St. Phillip, a pilgrimage site that is supposedly the site where the apostle Philip was martyred and buried. The church at the site is in ruins, but its foundations reveal an unusual octagonal plan.

  • 1 Cleopatra Pools (Thermal pool in the Hierapolis). Swim with Roman ruins in a large natural swimming pool located just past the topmost travertines. It’s a hot spring pool that has sections of the original marble columns in it. A shop sells bathing suits (10 TL) and towels if you don’t bring your own. However, many have complained that it is just a crowded, green swamp. 100 TL. (updated Dec 2020)
  • 2 Museum. 08:00-17:00 (closed Mondays). The museum is housed in the former Roman baths and can be visited. It contains three rooms housing some of the artifacts found during excavations of Hierapolis and the surrounding area, including sarcophagi. 8 TL. (updated Dec 2019)

Other sights[edit]


  • You can walk down barefoot in the waterfalls from the village. The place is crowded when the tour-buses arrive. No shoes are allowed on the travertines. If you don’t want to walk back to top, you can use the buses dropping off people back to top, which depart from near lower end of the travertines. You should wear swimming suit. A lot of people bath in the baths here.
  • Paragliding. Lots of paragliding options. Some are short another last longer. If you want to record your action, it’s better to do it yourself, because they will ask you to pay 3 times as much as the paragliding price to get photos and videos from them. 110 TL (for example). (updated Nov 2017)
  • Hot air balloon. Various companies offer hot-air balloon rides. €65-85. (updated Nov 2017)
  • Boat ride (before entrance to travertines there is a nice park with a lake, free entrance). You can try riding a boat or feeding ducks there. 
  • Gyrocopter Flight. You can fly over Pamukkale with gyrocopters. €90-110. (updated May 2020)


The Pamukkale/Denizli area is famous for its cotton and homewares. These are becoming sought after world wide (Arnold Schwarzenegger decked out his house in curtains and furnishings especially made in Denizli — so the story goes!) and the best place to go is the town of Buldan, about 30 minutes drive from Pamukkale. Many of the other souvenirs and traditional Turkish wares that you can find in other parts of Turkey are cheaper around Denizli/Pamukkale because they are produced there.

Safak Halı Pazarı, Atatürk Caddesi No 30, +90 258 272 2317. You can find locally handmade carpet and kilim, towels, tablecloths, ceramics, onyx, scarfs, and many different kind of souvenirs. Homewares are also cheap here. (updated Oct 2016)


The best and freshest food is to be found in the small family run pensions, but for a great open air restaurant where you can eat ‘borek’ the Turkish pancakes and gaze across the valley, try Alis on the main highway just before you come into the town.

  • Mehmet’s Heaven, on the main street near the Travertines has an excellent view of Pamukkale from his porch out back. Great Turkish food and well priced — pide, beer or local wine 15 TL (Nov 2017). The owner and his wife are super nice.
  • Kayas Wine House, Kale Mah. Ataturk Cad. No 3 (centre), +90 258 272 2267. Also serves Turkish and international (Korean, Japanese) food in traditional but trendy surroundings. Located in the centre of town, close to all the major hotels. 
  • Lamuko’s Lokanta, Main Street Pamukkale, +90 542 390 8175. Japanese and Korean food in the centre of Pamukkale, next to Pamukkale Bus Company office. Delicious! 
  • Kale Hotel, Atatürk Cad. 16 (on the main street in the centre of town), +90 258 272-26-07. This place has great Chinese, Korean, and Japanese food at an excellent deal. It also serves Turkish food, but is a great change if you’d like something other than gözleme, pide or kebabs. Entrees are around 10 TL and it has beer and wine. (updated Oct 2016)


  • Ayran is a salty yogurt drink similar to a salty lassi. It may be an acquired taste, but should be tried while in Turkey.
  • The wines produced in the Pamukkale area are becoming quite famous and are winning awards for the quality and standard. Turkish wine may disappoint.
  • Raki is a traditional Turkish alcoholic drink, generally served with mezes (tapas like appetizers, generally followed by a fish or meat dish). With an anise-seed flavor, it may be an acquired taste. Great with fish or any long meal as it is meant to open up your appetite.
  • Efes or Tuborg are the go-to beers in all of Turkey, and are often the only beers available.


There are small family-run pensions at the village south of the travertines. Most have swimming-pools filled with the warm greenish milky water from the travertines. They also offer very delicious Turkish food.

  • Artemis Yoruk Hotel, Atatürk Cad. 48/A, +90 258 272-26-74, fax: +90 258 272-26-75, info@artemisyorukhotel.com. Hotel just opposite the bus stop with a pool and a nice garden, and a rooftop restaurant which serves traditional Turkish food. Rooms with en-suite, TV, and air-con. Owners can speak English. €12/€20 single/double rooms, including breakfast. On their advertisements, dorms are touted as €9 pp, including breakfast, but they insist on a price of 25 TL if you just show up. There are cheaper accommodations of this type further down the road. 
  • Hotel Dört Mevsim (While the Turkish name dört mevsim translates to “Four Seasons”, the hotel is neither affiliated nor has any similarity to the hotel chain), +90 258 272-20-09, fax: +90 258 272-26-32, info@hoteldortmevsim.com. Check-in: 07:30-23:30, check-out: 11:30. Very friendly and welcoming family-run hotel with free wi-fi, swimming pool, free car park, babysitting service, and air-con. They allow pets at no extra cost. They also have a campground on their yard. Very delicious dinner is freshly cooked in the evening for 15 TL pp. from €18/€26 single/double rooms, €10 pp dorms, all including breakfast. Visa, Euro/Mastercard are accepted. (updated Oct 2016)
  • 1 Kale Hotel, Kale Mah. Atatürk Cad. 16 (on the main street in the centre of town), +90 258 272-26-07, fax: +90 258 272-26-07, info@otelkale.com. Check-out: 11:00. A family-run guesthouse. Rooms with satellite TV. Roof-top terrace, swimming pool, free wi-fi, Ottoman Corner, restaurant, day trips and excursions. Verify the reviews on popular booking sites, as they don’t seem that good. €12. (updated Oct 2016)
  • Koray Hotel, Pamuk Mah. Fevzi Çakmak Cad. 29, +90 258 272-22-22, fax: +90 258 272-20-95, info@otelkoray.com. Friendly and family-run, with garden bar and restaurant and a large swimming pool. Rooms with satellite TV. The hotel can organize day tours, express bus tickets, plane tickets, and offers a transfer service. 
  • Melrose House Hotel, Vali Vekfi Ertürk Cad. 8, +90 258 272-22-50, fax: +90 258 272-31-20, sales@melroseresidence.com. A nice family-run pansiyon at the eastern end of town with nice rooms, all of which have air-con. The friendly owners serve cheap but tasty home cooked meals. There’s a laundry service and a pool filled with spring water. ~€30 double rooms, including breakfast. Credit cards are not accepted. 
  • Öztürk White Hill Hotel, Pamuk Mah. Fevzi Çakmak Cad. 31. A small family-owned hostel. 
  • Sinter Terasse Hause Hotel, Pamuk Mah. Hasan Tahsin Cad. 22, +90 531 708 81 16, fax: +90 258 272-22-33, sami.kanmaz@hotmail.com. A comfortable, family-run hotel with wireless internet access and cable TV. Rooms with en suite bathroom, and air-con. Staff can speak English and German. €20/€28 single/double rooms, including breakfast. (updated Oct 2016)
  • Venüs Hotel, Pamuk Mah. Hasan Tahsin Cad. 16, +90 258 272-21-52, fax: +90 258 272-29-93, info@venushotel.net. A comfortable hotel with wireless internet access, a swimming pool filled with thermal water from travertines. Rooms with en suite bathroom, and air-con. Staff can speak English. €20/€28 single/double rooms, including breakfast. (updated Oct 2016)

Go next[edit]

  • It is also worth making the effort to get to the remains of the ancient city of Aphrodisias—one of the best preserved Roman sites in southeastern Aegean. You can rent a van from Denizli to get there. Local bus companies will arrange bus tours for 30-40 TL pp (usually a minimum of 4 people is required).
  • Of moderate interest might be visiting Denizli. It’s a bit dull but there’s a lively market.
  • From Denizli one can transfer to, among other options, Selçuk and its Roman ruins of Ephesus, or the popular Mediterranean resort city of Antalya.

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