Парк горького на английском рассказ

  • The central and the most important park in Moscow.
  • Dance workshops, lectures, outdoor sports activities, sports equipment rental and many other options for outdoor leasure during the summer.
  • Great ice rink in the winter.
  • Sunbeds and hammocks for free to have a quiet pastime.
  • Museum of Contemporary Art «Garage» and accompanying exhibitions in the open air.
  • Astonishing view of the Moskva River embankment and many locations for taking amazing pictures.

Gorky ParkRussian: Park Gorkogo or Парк Горького is located in central Moscow and is the city’s most popular park, offering a wide variety of leisure activities ranging from relaxed strolls to modern art exhibitions and beach volleyball. The 45-hectare park, created in 1928, stretches along the picturesque embankment of the Moskva RiverRussian: Moskva-reka or Москва-река. Today, Gorky Park combines several separate territories, each of them with its own special charm. These include the ParterreRussian: Партер, the Park’s main area and the subject of this article, Neskuchny GardenRussian: Neskuchnyi sad or Нескучный сад, Vorobyovy GoryRussian: Vorobyovy gory or Воробьевы горы and the MUZEON Park of ArtsRussian: Park iskusstv MUZEON or Парк искусств МУЗЕОН.

Entrance is free of charge, and Wi-Fi is available throughout the park. Numerous classes, lectures and sports events take place here, there is an open-air cinema and festive events and concerts are also held in this park in summertime. The park quietens in autumn, but as soon as winter comes, one of Europe’s largest ice rinks opens in the park.

Gorky ParkIt is hard to believe that this area served as a dumping ground for waste in the late 19th century. This wasteland was tidied up after the Russian Revolution of 1917, and the First All-Russian Agricultural and Handicraft Industries ExhibitionRussian: 1-ya Vserossiyskaya selskohozyaystvennaya i kustarno-promyishlennaya vyistavka or 1-я Всероссийская сельскохозяйственная и кустарно-промышленная выставка opened here a few years later. When Stalin came to power, this territory was transformed into a real park as part of the reconstruction of Moscow.

Main entrance and observation platform

16_image2_sThe park is only a 5-minute walk away from Oktyabrskaya-KoltsevayaRussian: Октябрьская-кольцевая Metro Station and a 10-minute walk away from Park KulturyRussian: Парк Культуры Metro Station. The main entrance, overlooking Krymsky Val StreetRussian: ulitsa Kryimskiy val or улица Крымский вал, makes it a perfect place to start your discovery of Gorky Park. This monumental arch with columns and its wrought iron gate was built by architect Yuri Shchuko in 1955 in Stalin’s Empire style. It was Aleksandr Vlasov, Moscow’s chief architect of the time, the famous avant-garde architect Konstantin Melnikov and academic Ivan Zholtovsky who came up with the design for the garden, as early as in 1928.

17_image3_sThe Gorky Park MuseumRussian: Muzey Parka Gorkogo or Музей Парка Горького is open to visitors through the columns of the Main Entrance, topped with a roof that has been transformed into an 18-metre-high Observation PlatformRussian: Smotrovaya ploschadka or Смотровая площадка. Using binoculars, you can make out all the details of the dome of the Cathedral of Christ the SaviourRussian: Hram Hrista Spasitelya or Храм Христа Спасителя , the monument to Peter I the Greatruled from 1682 until 1725, the Central House of ArtistsRussian: Tsentralnyi dom hudozhnika or Центральный дом художника and the nearby MUZEON Park of SculpturesRussian: park skulptur MUZEON or парк скульптур МУЗЕОН. On the opposite side, enjoy the view of Vorobyovy Gory and the awe-inspiring Stalinist Main building of the Moscow State UniversityRussian: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyi universitet or Московский государственный университет and the Moscow CityRussian: Moskva-Siti or Москва-Сити skyscrapers. The Observation Platform is open daily from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., except Mondays. A lift is provided for ease of access.

18_image4_sThe Gorky Park Museum is not particularly big, but visitors can learn a lot about the history of the park, see old photographs and a small copy of the parachute tower famous across in the USSR in the 1930s. You can experience a virtual jump from this tower using Augmented Reality SmartGlasses. Back in those times, it was believed that the new Soviet citizen had to be both perfect inside as well as physically strong, and therefore the park attracted mostly people looking for active recreation. Bathhouses were in operation, competitions and sport classes took place here and skydiving was also available. The museum charges an entrance fee, and there is also a souvenir shop at the pylon of the Main Entrance.

Upon entering the park, the famous figured fountain is the first thing the eye is drawn to. At night, it turns into a sound and light show. However, it is worth spending some time at the entrance before getting to the fountain.

Even if you are in a beautiful historic area or a tidy park, walking around the huge city takes up a lot of energy. For you to have a rest in the best way, on the pages of our website there is a lot of information about the best restaurants in Moscow (Russia).

Leisure activities in park premises

20_image6_sStarting in 2011, Gorky Park has been going through consistent redevelopment, setting high standards for other leisure parks in the capital. Numerous benches have been set up throughout the park, and visitors enjoy resting on the cozy poufs and deckchairs scattered on the lawns among beautiful flowerbeds. On the one hand, this is an oasis where peace and quiet reign supreme, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. On the other hand, this place offers city dwellers a variety of sport and cultural activities. This dual purpose of Gorky part was modelled on Europe’s famous parks, such as Hyde Park in London and the Luxembourg Garden in Paris.

In summer and early autumn, you can relax on the grass, deckchairs, sunbathe on the wooden Olivkovy beachRussian: Olivkovyi plyazh or Оливковый пляж, attend a lecture or a master class, rent roller skates, bikes or boats. Sporting facilities include several tennis courts and ping-pong tables (pay per hour). Neskuchny Garden has half-houses for chess and checkers lovers, and you can also rent equipment and facilities to play beach volleyball, football, handball and badminton. Excursions organized by the “Walks with HistoryRussian: Progulki s istoriey or Прогулки с историей” project are on offer in autumn, and the entertainment in winter remains the large ice rink.

Gorky ParkA wide range of free classes are offered from mid-May to late September on a regular basis, including jogging and fitness, roller skating for children aged 4 and above and dancing (twist, Charleston, rock and roll, tango, etc.). Bring your own outfits, enroll in your favourite class and join the fun! You can check the timetable for these activities on the official website.

Ongoing cultural events

To begin with, pay a visit to the Garazh Contemporary Art MuseumRussian: Muzey sovremennogo iskusstva «Garazh» or Музей современного искусства «Гараж» located right on the park premises. This exhibition venue created and funded by Darya Zhukova and Roman Abramovich is one of the most up-to-date and interesting exhibition facilities in Moscow. It holds major exhibitions and numerous master classes and presentations for kids and adults alike. It also features a modern art library and a bookstore.

21_image7_sAn entrance fee is required to gain access to the open-air Pioneer Russian: Пионерsummer cinema, located in Gorky Park. Screenings include both new releases and festival films. The cinema venue also hosts lectures on modern culture and arranges meetings with renowned actors and directors. Entry to these educational sessions is free of charge for all, as a rule.

Open all year round, the Lecture HallRussian: Lektoriy or Лекторий is purported to be one of the major intellectual summer venues in Moscow. Since 2015, literary and writers’ clubs have been hosting their group activities here and famous travelers hold meetings with the public here as well. Foreign language and photography classes are available, too. Most of these activities are available by appointment only.

The People’s ObservatoryRussian: Narodnaya observatoriya or Народная обсерватория is open to the public from May to late September. There is an entrance fee, however it is quite reasonable. Visitors going on one-hour themed excursions will learn a great deal about the formation of the Solar System and have the opportunity to look through a telescope at the visible planets, namely Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Jupiter. The Observatory was opened in Gorky Park in the 1950s, preceded by an astronomical venue which has been operational since the 1930s. Unfortunately, the Observatory was closed to the public for over 20 years, reopening its doors as late as 2012. Today, it features two powerful telescopes as well as a tunnel telescope. You can continue to get to know the universe in the Star Study GroupRussian: Zvyozdnyi kruzhok or Звёздный кружок, open in the Central Entrance to the Lecture Hall.

Visiting with kids

9_image10_sGorky Park features several venues specifically designed for kids. The year-round Green SchoolRussian: Zelyonaya shkola or Зелёная школа offers ecology and gardening classes, along with master classes on art, where kids learn to create cardboard sculptures, paint pictures with natural paints and cook biscuits or pizza. The Green School is located in the long brown building next to Pionersky PondRussian: Pionerskiy prud or Пионерский пруд. In addition, little ones are always excited to feed the squirrels and birds on Golitsinsky PondsRussian: Golitsyinskie prudy or Голицынские пруды.

Neskuchny Garden – walk continuation

12_image13_sThe historical Neskuchny Garden is the most quiet and shady area of the park. The Garden existed long before the “main” Gorky Park. In the 17th century, this area was popular with famous aristocratic families, including the Orlovs, the Golytsins, the Trubetskoys, who all had their country estates built here. Architect Dmitry Ukhtomskythe chief architect of Moscow during the reign of Empress Elizabeth managed, in the mid-18th century, to make the most of the landscape by arranging numerous grottos, bridges and pavilions here. Even today, the garden still lives up to its name, with its shaded alleys, fountains, pavilions, gazebos and parterres. It’s a great place for strolling.

After a walk around Neskuchny Garden, you can rent a bike at a rental place and ride back to the Main Entrance, where you can leave the bike and spend some more time wandering around. Here you can buy many knickknacks, such as fobs, badges, pencils, pens, notebooks, clothes, throw blankets with the park’s logo stamped on it and even perfume.

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In 1928 it was established and named after Maxim Gorky, an outstanding Russian and Soviet writer, so it’s full name is Maxim Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation. The main architect of the Park which covers about 250 ha was Melnikov. The territory of the Park consists of 3 main parts: Parterre, Neskuchny Garden, “Vorobyovy Gory” nature sanctuary and of Moscow State University’s green areas.

Several generations of Soviet people were enjoying themselves and spending their weekends there: dancing, playing chess and strolling the lanes, feasting their eyes on the sculptures of «The Girl with the Paddle» and «The Ballerina», passing by historical buildings.

Since 2011 Park Gorkogo or Park Kultury (as it’s called in Russian) has been laying down new standardsand today with all the improvements, it is still not only a physical but also a conceptual place, a certain atmosphere. People come here to get impressed and relaxed, to do things that they can’t usually manage to do in the intense city rhythm. No wonder this place is cherished by tourists as much as by locals, so everyone is always welcome to visit  Gorky Park Moscow on his / her own or on one of our Moscow private tours.


Services at Gorky Park

  • Free Wi-Fi, plug sockets for charging mobile devices and computers;
  • Cycle lanes, beaches, sunbeds, hammocks arranged throughout the park;
  • Children’s playgrounds and baby changing facility (in the green toilet on Central Alley);
  • Fountains with drinking water on every path;
  • Free library: “bookcases” near some park benches and rental centers. You can choose, read or exchange any book you want, or even take it with you;
  • All steps are fitted with wheelchair ramps for visitors with disabilities;
  • Emergency service panels all over the park;
  • Medical station in the Sports center building;
  • Parking and Promsvyazbank ATM at the Main Entrance;
  • Broad range of snack bars and cafés: Russian, Chinese, Georgian, Italian cuisines, fast food, homemade lemonade, bakery, coffee, etc.



Main Entrance, M. Gorkiy Monument, Park Museum, Giftshop, Observatory, Educational center, Sport center, Music stage, Pioneer pond, Ballerina sculpture, Pushkin quay, Figure and Rosarium fountains, Olive beach and cafe, Large Mass field, Andreevsky pedestrian bridge, Radisson Royal Flotilia pier, Shestigrannik pavilion, Garage museum of contemporary art, Delicate rotunda, Rotundas of Holitsyn hospital, Park Directorate.

Neskuchny Sad (Nonboring Garden)

Green Theatre, The Work Station, Stone bridges, Count Orlov’s Summer house, Hunting lodge, Grotto and Bathhouse; Cascade Fountain, Rotunda commemorating the 800th anniversary of Moscow.

For nature fans there is a guide on where else it’s best to spend time in and around Moscow city:Natural Attractions in Moscow

Vorobyovy Gory (Sparrow Hills)

Observation point, Ski jump, Ecocentre, Escalator gallery, Chairlift, Andreevsky ponds and Monastery, Luzhnetsky Metro Bridge, Church of the Life-giving Trinity, Site of N. Ogarev’s and A. Herzen’s Oath.

Gorkiy Park for Kids

  • The Green School is located near Pioneer Pond, right behind the music stage in the same building as the ‘Garage’ Centre. It’s a club for young naturalists. There live Maffy the Rabbit and Venera the big Snail, parrots, rabbits and turtles. It has a small garden and veranda, woodwork shop, library, greenhouse, culinary studio and crèche);
  • Rabbit Hut – Home of Tolik the Rabbit;
  • Shardam – Winter activities in the park;
  • Mini Zoo in Neskuchny Garden;
  • Monstrum – A playground with unusual entertainment.

Cafes and snack bars at Park Gorkogo Russia

  • Russian, Chinese, Georgian, Italian cuisines;
  • Vegetarian food;
  • Fast food;
  • Homemade lemonade, bakery, coffee, etc.

Things to do at Gorky Park

Park Gorkogo offers a programme of events for all levels of participation, for example:

  • jogging, exercise;
  • working out in the open;
  • any activities on the lawns;
  • free dance and yoga lessons;
  • free lessons of painting and eloquence;
  • sports: traditional and table tennis, basketball, football, beach volleyball and skating

Park Gorky Fauna

Can you imagine a park without any animals? We don’t! Here in Gorky Park you will meet rabbits, dears, swans, ducks, squirrels and pheasants (some of them can be treated with a special feed bought in pavilions). Where to meet them: Mini Zoo, Rabbit Hut, Green School and throughout the park.

You can also bring your own animals but please clean up after your pet. Use muzzles and leads for a large breed.

Where is Gorky Park

Address: 9, Krymsky Val street. The main entrance is easily reached in a 10-minutes walk from the nearest metro stations: Oktyabrskaya or Park Kultury.

Visiting Park Gorkogo

Kremlin Tour offers you an opportunity to have fun and amuse yourself in Gorky Park with a Moscow tour guide on one of our Moscow private tours. It will be an adventure, enjoyable definitely for everyone, especially for travellers with kids!

метки: Горький, Москва, Musical, Neskuchniy, Child, Build, Английский, Flower

Сочинение на английском языке про парк горького

Gorkiy Central Park of Culture and Recreation / Центральный парк культуры и отдыха им. Горького

The most popular park in Moscow is the Central Park of Culture and Recreation named after Maxim Gorkiy. The famous English writer Herbert George Wells called this place “Factory of Happy People” in 1934. And now people of all ages come here to have a good time.

In recent years the park was renovated. It is very beautiful and modern. It is decorated with sculptures, fountains and flower beds. One can see swans in Golitsynsky Pond. There are sunbeds and benches for comfortable rest.

There are various playgrounds for kids with all sorts of swings, slides, sandboxes and climbing structures. Besides one can rent a bike, a scooter or roller skates in summer and use an ice rink in winter. So you can have fun in any season.

If you are interested in contemporary art, you should visit the Garage Museum located in the park. Beside exhibitions the museum organizes lectures and other events. It also has a library.

Many sport events are held in the Gorkiy Park as well as regular fitness and yoga classes. There is also a dance area. One can watch art-house movies in Pioner Open-Air Cinema or participate in quest games. And of course there are cozy restaurants in the park.

So it is a great place which everyone should visit. But I don’t recommend to come here on Saturdays and Sundays, because the place is really crowded on weekends.

Самым популярным парком Москвы является Центральный парк культуры и отдыха имени Максима Горького. Известный английский писатель Герберт Джордж Уэллс назвал это место “фабрикой счастливых людей” в 1934 году. И сейчас люди всех возрастов приходят сюда, чтобы хорошо провести время.

В последние годы парк был реконструирован. Он очень красивый и современный. Парк украшают скульптуры, фонтаны и цветочные клумбы. В Голицынском пруду плавают лебеди. Есть шезлонги и скамейки для комфортного отдыха.

Если вы интересуетесь современным искусством, вам стоит посетить Музей «Гараж», расположенный в парке. Помимо выставок музей организует лекции и другие мероприятия. В музее работает библиотека.

4 стр., 1747 слов

The place i live in сочинение на английском

… in ecotourism One of the most popular places to visit is State Natural National Park Marii Chodra which was established in 1985. This national park is located in the … the chance to go to the Republic of Mari El. The castle is the place where you can see how Russians landowners, landlords and rich people lived at the … регулируемого туризма. В парке существуют четырнадцать … Марий Эл, на левом берегу …

В Парке Горького проводятся многочисленные спортивные мероприятия, а также регулярные занятия фитнесом и йогой. Имеется танцевальная зона. В летнем кинотеатре Пионер можно посмотреть арт-хаусные фильмы; можно поучаствовать в квестах. И, конечно, в парке есть уютные рестораны.

Так что, это отличное место, которое каждому стоит посетить. Но я не рекомендую приходить сюда по субботам и воскресеньям, потому что по выходным здесь очень многолюдно.

Сочинение на английском языке про парк горького

Gorky Park

In the XVIII century, on the future park territory, there was located the Neskushnoe estate owned by Prokofy Demidov. It was very famous not only for its majestic buildings, mansions in the best traditions of the time, but also a magnificent botanical garden. In this garden, according to some reports, there were several thousand different plant species. Even then, the place was quite a popular holiday destination, accessible, however, only the upper class. Later on, Demidov sold his property by parts, and its owners were several people at once. As a result, to this day remain only a few buildings which were located on the mansion land.

The main entrance to the Gorky Park,

constructed in the form of a triumphal arch

Greenery of the Gorky Park is really diverse. There are growing more than 60 different species of trees, including not only the usual lime, birch, maple and oak trees, but also walnut trees which are quite unusual for moscow. There is a huge swimming pool, situated on an area of 5000 square meters. Around him and the other, smaller bodies of water, stretch out a beautiful rose garden and flower beds.

In the western part of the Gorky Park there is Open-air Theater, which was built in the 1928. Often there held concerts of popular performers. The theater was renovated in 1957. In eastern part of the Gorky Park there is the Moscow’s biggest amusement park. Unknown fact about Gorky Park, that there was built the first children’s railway in Russia. It happened in the 30s of last century. Its length was just over 500 meters. Information about the developer of the project and about railway disappearance is not found.

Maxim Gorky monument in Gorky Park

During a summer time in Gorky Park you can also enjoy of ride on boats and catamarans. In winter, the park turns into a great ice rink. The Moscow Gorky Park often hosts a variety of celebrations and competitions. There are several sports and playgrounds, as well as many outdoor cafes and bars. Right behind the Open-air Theater there is the green part of the park, called Neskuchniy Garden. There is the survived building of the Demidov’s Palace which was built in XVIII century.

6 стр., 2538 слов

Топик на английском языке про Москву (Moscow) — с переводом и аудио

… так и ценное. Именно поэтому я и люблю Москву! Топик на английском языке про Москву (Moscow) — с переводом и аудио Если вы понимаете, что вашей … свой родной город, ведь с этим мегаполисом связана вся моя жизнь. Сочинение Москва — мой любимый город Москва была основана в 1147 … all, Moscow is a modern and really diverse city. It naturally combines small cozy streets with 19th–century houses …

10 reasons to visit Gorky Park

Be informed.

Gorky Park

For working out.

Gorky Park famous musical fountain and I

See the music

The size of the bowl of the largest fountains in Moscow 3600 square meters and height of water streams up to 25 m. It is color-musical fountain as well. The fountain is illuminated by LED 400, 16 speakers provide the background music. The entire system is controlled by a computer program. The 30-minute color-musical performance held 5 times a day.

Soak up on the beach

The new beach on the Pushkin promenade is designed for 400 people and is made from environmentally friendly materials. Beach divided into two zones: one from the bottom with umbrellas and sun beds, and another called «wooden dunes», which are multi-level ramps for sunbathing. There are installed showers on the beach and a cafe.

See the show

Gorky Park

The view on the Gorky Park from the Moscow River cruise boat

Taste the Gorky Park

Gorky Park.

Touch the history

In the Neskuchniy Garden the cultural heritage XVIII-XIX centuries very well preserved: graph Orlov’s summer cottages and Prince Rubetskoy’s hunting lodge. In the beginning of the XIX century Neskuchniy Garden was the summer residence of the ruling Romanov family.

Go on nature

There are a few ponds with fish, which are home of swans and mandarin duck. More than 3 hectares of flower beds and lawns create a park atmosphere of the celebration.

Your Moscow Russia Travel Guide

Сочинение на английском языке про парк горького

Тема: Город по-английски

Язык: английский


Перевод: есть

The park is my favorite resting place. The park is a good place for both the growns-up, the elderly and children. In the park you can not only rest outdoors, but also have fun and amuse yourself.

So, in five minutes we are all going to the park. Mom gathered all the necessary things and dad put it into the trunk. Grandparents are meant to be met already in the park, because they do not live with us. In the park I plan to take rides, rent rollerblades for my two sisters who have already learned to roller-blade. As for my youngest sister, there are many rides for small children in the park.

Parents and grandparents will probably take a walk in a park and talk about everything that is going on now in the world. They are unlikely to have a rest. They must be constantly on the alert lest the grandchildren should do some mischiefs.

3 стр., 1171 слов

Центральный парк культуры и отдыха имени Максима Горького (Харьков)

… к 1 июня 2012 года (к чемпионату ЕВРО-2012). Макет нового «парка развлечений» на месте парка Горького был установлен в декабре 2010 года на платформе станции метро «Исторический … Клейн Б. Г., Лаврентьев И. Н., Лейбфрейд А. Ю. и др. Харьков : Архитектура, памятники, новостройки : Путеводитель. — Харьков: Прапор, 1987. — С. 58. Э.Звоницкий, В.Матвиенко Зелёный города наряд. …

Парк – это самое мое любимое место отдыха. Парк – это место, где хорошо и взрослым, и старикам, и детям. В парке можно не только отдыхать на природе, но и развлекаться и веселиться.

У меня довольно большая семья – мама, папа, два дедушки и две бабушка. Я не один ребенок в семье. Всего нас четверо – три девочки и один мальчик. Не сложно понять, что этот мальчик я. Меня зовут Денис и мне 14 лет. Все мои сестры младше меня, поэтому я старший в семье. Поэтому когда мы отправляемся в парк, я пристально слежу за своими сестричками, которым очень ценю и люблю. Мои друзья часто удивляются, почему я редко ссорюсь со своими сестрами. Мне трудно ответить на этот вопрос. Наверное, родители нас так воспитали – принимать друг друга такими, какими мы есть и не придираться по мелочам.

И вот через пять минут мы всей семьей едем в парк. Мама собрала все необходимое, а папа положил это в багажник. Дедушек и бабушек мы встретим уже в парке, так как они не живут вместе с нами. В парке я планирую покататься на аттракционах, взять на прокат ролики для моих двух сестер, которые уже научились кататься на роликах. Что касается моей младшей сестры, то в парке для маленьких детей находится большой выбор аттракционом.

Родители с бабушками и дедушками будут гулять по парку и разговаривать обо всем, что происходит сейчас в мире. Им вряд ли удастся отдохнуть. Они должны быть все время на чеку, чтобы их внуки не натворили каких-нибудь дел.

Gorky Park is once again one of the most popular walking and leisure places for Muscovites and it’s really busy on weekends. It’s definitely one of the must-see sights of Moscow and locals would definitely recommend you visit it at least once. So what to do once you’re in Gorky Park? 

1. Walk with a view

Of course, walking is the main thing to do in any park. Gorky Park offers free entrance 24/7, which, by the way, is a disabled friendly space. The territory of the park is huge and combines several “mini-parks” inside along with a long walking path that lets you follow the Moskva River (just like in Scorpions’ song!) and enjoy the river views and tour boats. At the same time, you can head deeper inside the park and take a stroll along its multiple paths.

And if you are ready for a longer walk to improve those results on your step tracker — take a stroll along the river from Muzeon Park through Gorky Park, and then Neskuchny Sad (literally “Not Boring Garden”), finishing at Vorobyovy Gory (“Sparrow Hills”). By the way, don’t worry about having to turn back after a long walk, because there are metro stations on either side of the park: ‘Park Kultury’ or ‘Okrtyabrskaya’ at one end and ‘Vorobyovy Gory’ at the other. 

2. Use free WI-FI

Komsomolskaya Pravda/Global Look Press

Moscow nowadays is more and more reminiscent of a city of the future, as it has every imaginable service working 24/7, an app for everything you could need, and free WI-FI just about everywhere, including Gorky Park. 

So why not take advantage of it by downloading an audio guide explaining you the history of Gorky Park during WWII, for instance, and add some additional educational value to your walk!

3. Rent a bike or do other sports

There is a long bike track that stretches along the Moskva River within Gorky Park and beyond. You can rent a bike, longboard, skateboard (or even a children’s buggy). You can download a handy cycle audio guide that can help you explore the territory better, with interesting facts about ponds, museums and the park’s many other attractions.

Gorky Park also offers lots of opportunities for other sports. There is an official Nike base that frequently arranges running clubs and workouts. There are also several playgrounds for football, basketball, as well as an extreme skate park. 

Surprisingly or not, you can also play petanque (boules) in Gorky Park. This game popular among retired French people became popular among hipsters, thanks to the former ‘La Boule’ cafe that set up a few lanes back in 2011 (another cafe has since opened at the same place called Cochonnet — Petanque & Fun Cafe).

4. Eat

Gorky Park these days has loads of food venues for any taste, from historical Soviet ice cream to modern street food, as well as plenty of sitdown restaurants. Try Greek Gyros, Vietnamiese ‘Bo’ street food, or just grab a coffee and croissant to go anywhere.

If you’d like to have dinner, choose a place with a view near one of the park’s ponds. You can find a grill restaurant called ‘Zharovnya’ next to the main entrance and Pioneer Pond or one of the many nice restaurants next to Golitsyn Pond: ‘Ostrovok’, ‘Pizzamento’, ‘Lebedinoye Ozero’ (literally “Swan Lake”) and others.

5. Explore Russian & Soviet history 

Gorky Park’s full title is ‘Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after Maksim Gorky’. It opened in 1928 and since 1932 has been named after the famous Soviet writer Maxim Gorky. The place was considered to be the main leisure area for citizens of the capital, and so, was arguably designed by the best architects. One just has to take a look at the magnificent entrance arch! (inside it you can find the Museum of Gorky Park history, while on top is an observation deck).

These days, it’s a modern and stylish park (reconstructed in 2011), but little interesting pockets of Soviet past can be found everywhere still. The park offers guided historical tours and other similar types of so-called “edutainment”. (check the events schedule on the park’s website). If you head over to the adjacent park — Muzeon Park, you’ll find some nice sightseeing there — even a cemetery of old Soviet statues and busts, including ones of Lenin and Stalin, that were “sent to exile” here after the USSR collapsed.

6. Entertain your kids

Gorky Park has always been a family-friendly park and a favorite place for kids of all ages. You can find a lot of entertainment for kids near Pioneer Pond, including a nice carousel and a recently opened  playground. It is an entire mini-world, a cross between a jungle and an aqua park. There are lots of slides and monkey bars, where kids can climb and have fun on, including the ‘Mega swings’: 29 swings that rotate and move all the possible ways and display an awesome night light show.

7. Explore contemporary art

The park hosts the ‘Garage Museum for Contemporary Art’, which is probably the main and most famous institution of its type and founded back in 2008. It hosts large exhibitions of the world’s and Russia’s most interesting artists and runs a big educational program. 

The museum’s building also deserves your attention. It currently looks like a modern  polycarbonate construction. However, it was once an abandoned Soviet restaurant, which was reconstructed and redesigned by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas, who preserved original Soviet elements, such as some mosaics — which you can explore once inside. (You can also find a nice restaurant in the museum)

8. Go to the movies

In summer, Gorky Park has an open air cinema called ‘Pioneer’, which screens a lot of movies — from mainstream to art house. Some movies also have English subtitles. Check the schedule and book tickets in advance here.

Garage museum also has its own cinema called ‘Garage Screen’, which screens a wide range of films and documentaries devoted to art and hosts lectures from a variety of interesting speakers. Check the schedule here. 

9. Rent a boat 

Konstantin Kokoshkin/Global Look Press

Though you might have to stand in a long line to get a boat on weekends, it’s nice to be able to paddle a little in nature, while being in the middle of a megapolis! Both park’s ponds, Golitsyn (a bigger one) and Pioneer, offer boats and catamarans for rent at affordable prices (check them here).

10. Skate the ice rink 

In winter, Gorky Park transforms into a wonderland with one of the most gorgeous ice skating rinks in the city. You can enjoy the additional music, New Year festive atmosphere — and mulled wine (just not on the ice!). There are also plenty of ice skate rental points and very comfortable and warm changing rooms.

Check the ice skating rules here.

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Walking Rout around Moscow

One of the most effective ways to know a city and plunge into its environment is a walking rout. For us it was an individual walking rout around Moscow. Nowadays walking is not an obligatory thing to do since there are other ways to see the city briefly and learn all main and most important attractions. There are plenty of ways to do this in Moscow. For example, there are touristic buses that will carry you around the center of the capital within two hours. You can also sail by ship though the very center of Moscow. We should thank the bed of the Moskva (Moscow) River for a chance to enjoy the most meaningful attractions of the city. By the way, we have already done the sail along the Moskva (Moscow) River.  

But neither the bus nor the ship tours ever give a chance to stop at a place you like, change the route or stop it right on the spot. A walking rout in contrast does allow such luxuries. You only have to decide where to begin and where to end your walking. Apart from walking routs around the historic center of Moscow and the Kremlin we chose the rout that covered the following attractions (in order of walking):

  • Europe Square by the Kievsky Rail Terminal
  • Novodevichy Convent
  • Neskuchny Garden
  • Gorky Park

The length of the rout is 10 km (6.2 miles) and it lasts about 5–6 hours. You can avoid the midday heat and start at about 3 p.m. to enjoy the sunset at Gorky Park at about 8 p.m. It was the perfect plan, but the weather had its own plans for us.

Europe Square in Moscow

We started from Europe Square. It is right above the Kievsky Rail Terminal. Fountain “Europe Ravishment” is shining in the very center of the square.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

This square was renamed after the fountain. People with good imagination can probably see here the ancient Greek story of how Zeus ravished Europe. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in this.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We crossed Bogdan Khmelnitsky pedestrian bridge to get from the right bank of the Moskva (Moscow) River to the left one. The bridge has rolling stairs and that makes walking along it even more comfortable. In some places one can even leave the glazed parts of the bridge and enjoy beautiful views of the Moskva (Moscow) River from the open parts.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

By the way this is the pier by the Kievsky Rail Terminal where ships begin their an-hour-and-a-half-long sails along the Moskva (Moscow) River.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

Having crossed the bridge we found ourselves in Khamovniki District. The biggest part of our walk is in this district. And we began from the Savvinskaya embankment. We walked along it for 1.5 km (0.9 miles). One can rent a bike here to either shorten time or ride as quick as the wind. There are many rent stations in the center of Moscow. Each of them has a map of other stations and instructions on how to rent a bicycle.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

Novodevichi Pounds

We went from the Savvinskaya embankment to the Novodevichy Avenue. Park Novodevichi Pounds is on its right. This place received its name after Novodevichy Convent nearby. The place is very pleasant. We made our firs pit stop here. We sat on a bench, fed ducks (one is better to have a piece of bread for this purpose). Later on we also met squirrels – they prefer nuts, so stock up with them as well.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

A view to Novodevichy Convent opens from here – in particularly to Saved Transfiguration Church in Novodenichy Convent. This is a church over-the-gate that dates back to the 17th century.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

There is a sculpture called “Make Way for Ducklings” on the bank of a Novodevichy Pound. It is named after a famous American book for children. Exactly the same sculpture is in Boston, USA. And this one in Moscow took its place in 1991 as a present from Barbara Bush to soviet children. One can also see from here Savvinskaya Tower of Novodevichy Convent and the tops of dooms of Smolensky Cathedral, dedicated to the icon Our Lady of Smolensk.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

This photo captures Naprudnaya Tower of Novodevichy Convent in addition to the above mentioned buildings. This one is round unlike Savvinskaya Tower.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

There is a little bridge that separates two Novodevichi Pounds. And Novodevichie Cemetery begins right behind the pounds.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We went towards the street Khamovnichesky Val and along it towards the Moskva (Moscow) River. This part of the rout is 2 km (1.2 miles) long. But the rout is not hard to cover. We had to cross roadway several times, but our way mostly ran through pleasant parks and walkways.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

Neskuchny Garden

This way we came to the Moskva (Moscow) River and Andreevsky Bridge. We crossed the bridge to get to the right bank of the river.
Нескучный сад
Нескучный сад
Нескучный сад

There is entrance to Neskuchny Garden right behind the bridge. We could have gone further to Gagarin Square with monument to the first cosmonaut. Another way was to Sparrow Hills Park. To tell you the truth railway-bridge and active traffic confused us and we did not take the risk of walking through road junctions. As soon as we got to Neskuchny Garden it started to rain (not the first time that day). But thick tree crowns and short nature of Moscow rains appeared to be the positive sides of the situation.
Нескучный сад
Нескучный сад

Andreevsky Pound. There is a hunting box not far from here where they film a famous intellectual program called “What? Where? When?” But we could not find it in the thick trees.
Нескучный сад
Нескучный сад

We came across the main architectural composition of Neskuchny Garden which commemorated the 800th anniversary of Moscow.
Нескучный сад
Нескучный сад
Нескучный сад

It is very easy to meet this beloved park habitant in Neskuchny Garden. In order to take a closer look at it we needed those stored nuts.
Нескучный сад

Then we waded into decorative grottoes, passed a pound and came to the embankment and a cascade called “A Woman Diver”.
Нескучный сад
Нескучный сад
Нескучный сад

Along Pushkinskaya embankment which stretches from Andreevsky Bridge we walked towards Pushkinsky Bridge and Gorky Park. The embankment is beautiful. It is pleasant to walk along it and bikeways give a chance to ride here as well.
Нескучный сад

Gorky Park, Moscow

We have already covered a half of our walking rout around Moscow. Only Gorky Park was waiting for us ahead. The border between Neskuchny Garden and Gorky Park is quite nominal and it is easy to miss the moment when you pass from one park to another. In fact we did not care about it. We were walking along the beautiful embankment, enjoying the sun, the view of the Moskva (Moscow) River and passing ships.
Gorky Park Moscow

There is a summer studio of the First Cannel before Pushkinsky Bridge as well as a decorative stone arena. But the beauty of Pushkinsky Bridge diverted us so much that we did not notice them at all.
Gorky Park Moscow

And meanwhile a monument to a diver and a rotunda were waiting for us behind the bridge.
Gorky Park Moscow

Here we turned from the embankment to Gorky Park. It is an unbelievably beautiful flower garden.
Gorky Park Moscow

One can rent a twin-hull boat on Golitsynsky Pound.
Gorky Park Moscow

This is where the central parkway begins. It took us to the sound-and-light fountain and the central entrance arch of Gorky Park.
Gorky Park Moscow

Flower gardens and rest areas are on both sides of the parkway. Park visitors enjoy using them with great pleasure. Apart from standard benches visitors can also lay on lounge chairs and pillows in Gorky Park.
Gorky Park Moscow
Gorky Park Moscow

Here is the fountain and the central entrance to Gorky Park which exists since 1955. In case if you are already tired you can leave home from “Oktyabrskaya” metro station which is very close from here.
Gorky Park Moscow
Gorky Park Moscow
Gorky Park Moscow
Gorky Park Moscow

We decided to go back to the embankment. On our way we admired a sculpture of discus thrower and a hut.
Gorky Park Moscow
Gorky Park Moscow

By the way, apart from ordinary flowers they also grow vegetables in the park. It certainly gives zest to local flower beds.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We returned back to Pushkinsky Bridge along Pushkinskaya embankment. Do not be deceived by the sign, it is really Pushkinsky Bridge. These are only the bays of the old Andreevsky Bridge that base the construction of Pushkinsky Bridge.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

Pushkinsky Bridge

We saw the Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the bridge and a wonderful view to the business center Moscow City.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We crossed the bridge and returned to the left bank of the Moskva (Moscow) River. Here we were back at the Khamovniki District.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We went along the first Frunzenskaya Street to Komsomolsky Avenue. Here are plenty of fast-food cafes on the other side of the street. That is why we had supper here.
Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

There is a park named after Mandelshtam behind the Moscow Youth Palace. Trubetskie used to own the land. And if you are still strong enough you can go up to Devichie Field garden square. There are only two quarters from here to “Park Kultury” metro station along Zubovsky Boulevard. As for us, we finished our ten-kilometer-long walking rout around Moscow with a supper. After that we went to the hotel both full and tired.

Walking rout around Moscow is not very difficult. It only covers three bridges, a whole Moscow district (Khamovniki) and two parks – Neskuchny Garden and Gorky Park. Although the rout passes through the not most obvious and visited places it portrays modern Moscow. And instead of a smart cake Moscow turns into a real, alive, energetic city which is full of strength and ideas. After this walk even though the first part of it was watered with rain Moscow became closer to us.

Обновлено: 10.01.2023

One of the most effective ways to know a city and plunge into its environment is a walking rout. For us it was an individual walking rout around Moscow. Nowadays walking is not an obligatory thing to do since there are other ways to see the city briefly and learn all main and most important attractions. There are plenty of ways to do this in Moscow. For example, there are touristic buses that will carry you around the center of the capital within two hours. You can also sail by ship though the very center of Moscow. We should thank the bed of the Moskva (Moscow) River for a chance to enjoy the most meaningful attractions of the city. By the way, we have already done the sail along the Moskva (Moscow) River.

But neither the bus nor the ship tours ever give a chance to stop at a place you like, change the route or stop it right on the spot. A walking rout in contrast does allow such luxuries. You only have to decide where to begin and where to end your walking. Apart from walking routs around the historic center of Moscow and the Kremlin we chose the rout that covered the following attractions (in order of walking):

  • Europe Square by the Kievsky Rail Terminal
  • Novodevichy Convent
  • Neskuchny Garden
  • Gorky Park

The length of the rout is 10 km (6.2 miles) and it lasts about 5–6 hours. You can avoid the midday heat and start at about 3 p.m. to enjoy the sunset at Gorky Park at about 8 p.m. It was the perfect plan, but the weather had its own plans for us.

Europe Square in Moscow

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We started from Europe Square. It is right above the Kievsky Rail Terminal. Fountain “Europe Ravishment” is shining in the very center of the square.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

This square was renamed after the fountain. People with good imagination can probably see here the ancient Greek story of how Zeus ravished Europe. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in this.

We crossed Bogdan Khmelnitsky pedestrian bridge to get from the right bank of the Moskva (Moscow) River to the left one. The bridge has rolling stairs and that makes walking along it even more comfortable. In some places one can even leave the glazed parts of the bridge and enjoy beautiful views of the Moskva (Moscow) River from the open parts.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

By the way this is the pier by the Kievsky Rail Terminal where ships begin their an-hour-and-a-half-long sails along the Moskva (Moscow) River.

Having crossed the bridge we found ourselves in Khamovniki District. The biggest part of our walk is in this district. And we began from the Savvinskaya embankment. We walked along it for 1.5 km (0.9 miles). One can rent a bike here to either shorten time or ride as quick as the wind. There are many rent stations in the center of Moscow. Each of them has a map of other stations and instructions on how to rent a bicycle.

Novodevichi Pounds

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We went from the Savvinskaya embankment to the Novodevichy Avenue. Park Novodevichi Pounds is on its right. This place received its name after Novodevichy Convent nearby. The place is very pleasant. We made our firs pit stop here. We sat on a bench, fed ducks (one is better to have a piece of bread for this purpose). Later on we also met squirrels – they prefer nuts, so stock up with them as well.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

A view to Novodevichy Convent opens from here – in particularly to Saved Transfiguration Church in Novodenichy Convent. This is a church over-the-gate that dates back to the 17th century.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

There is a sculpture called “Make Way for Ducklings” on the bank of a Novodevichy Pound. It is named after a famous American book for children. Exactly the same sculpture is in Boston, USA. And this one in Moscow took its place in 1991 as a present from Barbara Bush to soviet children. One can also see from here Savvinskaya Tower of Novodevichy Convent and the tops of dooms of Smolensky Cathedral, dedicated to the icon Our Lady of Smolensk.

This photo captures Naprudnaya Tower of Novodevichy Convent in addition to the above mentioned buildings. This one is round unlike Savvinskaya Tower.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

There is a little bridge that separates two Novodevichi Pounds. And Novodevichie Cemetery begins right behind the pounds.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We went towards the street Khamovnichesky Val and along it towards the Moskva (Moscow) River. This part of the rout is 2 km (1.2 miles) long. But the rout is not hard to cover. We had to cross roadway several times, but our way mostly ran through pleasant parks and walkways.

Neskuchny Garden

This way we came to the Moskva (Moscow) River and Andreevsky Bridge. We crossed the bridge to get to the right bank of the river.

There is entrance to Neskuchny Garden right behind the bridge. We could have gone further to Gagarin Square with monument to the first cosmonaut. Another way was to Sparrow Hills Park. To tell you the truth railway-bridge and active traffic confused us and we did not take the risk of walking through road junctions. As soon as we got to Neskuchny Garden it started to rain (not the first time that day). But thick tree crowns and short nature of Moscow rains appeared to be the positive sides of the situation.

Andreevsky Pound. There is a hunting box not far from here where they film a famous intellectual program called “What? Where? When?” But we could not find it in the thick trees.

We came across the main architectural composition of Neskuchny Garden which commemorated the 800th anniversary of Moscow.

Нескучный сад

It is very easy to meet this beloved park habitant in Neskuchny Garden. In order to take a closer look at it we needed those stored nuts.

Then we waded into decorative grottoes, passed a pound and came to the embankment and a cascade called “A Woman Diver”.

Нескучный сад

Along Pushkinskaya embankment which stretches from Andreevsky Bridge we walked towards Pushkinsky Bridge and Gorky Park. The embankment is beautiful. It is pleasant to walk along it and bikeways give a chance to ride here as well.

Gorky Park, Moscow

Gorky Park Moscow

We have already covered a half of our walking rout around Moscow. Only Gorky Park was waiting for us ahead. The border between Neskuchny Garden and Gorky Park is quite nominal and it is easy to miss the moment when you pass from one park to another. In fact we did not care about it. We were walking along the beautiful embankment, enjoying the sun, the view of the Moskva (Moscow) River and passing ships.

Gorky Park Moscow

There is a summer studio of the First Cannel before Pushkinsky Bridge as well as a decorative stone arena. But the beauty of Pushkinsky Bridge diverted us so much that we did not notice them at all.

Gorky Park Moscow

And meanwhile a monument to a diver and a rotunda were waiting for us behind the bridge.

Gorky Park Moscow

Here we turned from the embankment to Gorky Park. It is an unbelievably beautiful flower garden.

Gorky Park Moscow

One can rent a twin-hull boat on Golitsynsky Pound.

Gorky Park Moscow

This is where the central parkway begins. It took us to the sound-and-light fountain and the central entrance arch of Gorky Park.

Flower gardens and rest areas are on both sides of the parkway. Park visitors enjoy using them with great pleasure. Apart from standard benches visitors can also lay on lounge chairs and pillows in Gorky Park.

Here is the fountain and the central entrance to Gorky Park which exists since 1955. In case if you are already tired you can leave home from “Oktyabrskaya” metro station which is very close from here.

We decided to go back to the embankment. On our way we admired a sculpture of discus thrower and a hut.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

By the way, apart from ordinary flowers they also grow vegetables in the park. It certainly gives zest to local flower beds.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We returned back to Pushkinsky Bridge along Pushkinskaya embankment. Do not be deceived by the sign, it is really Pushkinsky Bridge. These are only the bays of the old Andreevsky Bridge that base the construction of Pushkinsky Bridge.

Pushkinsky Bridge

We saw the Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the bridge and a wonderful view to the business center Moscow City.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We crossed the bridge and returned to the left bank of the Moskva (Moscow) River. Here we were back at the Khamovniki District.

Пешеходный маршрут по Москве

We went along the first Frunzenskaya Street to Komsomolsky Avenue. Here are plenty of fast-food cafes on the other side of the street. That is why we had supper here.

There is a park named after Mandelshtam behind the Moscow Youth Palace. Trubetskie used to own the land. And if you are still strong enough you can go up to Devichie Field garden square. There are only two quarters from here to “Park Kultury” metro station along Zubovsky Boulevard. As for us, we finished our ten-kilometer-long walking rout around Moscow with a supper. After that we went to the hotel both full and tired.

Walking rout around Moscow is not very difficult. It only covers three bridges, a whole Moscow district (Khamovniki) and two parks – Neskuchny Garden and Gorky Park. Although the rout passes through the not most obvious and visited places it portrays modern Moscow. And instead of a smart cake Moscow turns into a real, alive, energetic city which is full of strength and ideas. After this walk even though the first part of it was watered with rain Moscow became closer to us.

I would like to tell about Central park. This big and beautiful park is located in the centre of the city. There are always a lot of people in this popular place. There are lovely sunlit lawns and quiet spots hidden in the shade of trees. Right in the middle of the park there is a big lake with crystal clear water. Swans, ducks and other water birds live there.

There are benches along the park’s paths. There are also a few cafes and other eateries where visitors can relax enjoying a cup ofcoffee. Little guests will love to spend time at a small playground. Bicycle lanes run around the park.

In summer this park becomes a very lively place. Some people come to picnic here. Others just sit on soft grass while reading an interesting book or resting. During hot days people come here to lie in the sun. For those who prefer active sports, there is a sports ground to play volleyball and other sport games.

In winter this park becomes especially fascinating. It is always nice to walk along quiet paths and listen to birds’ singing. Dog owners also come here to walk their pets.

Перевод на русский язык

Я бы хотел рассказать о Центральном парке.Этот большой и красивый парк находится в центре города. В этом популярном месте всегда много людей. Здесь есть восхитительные лужайки, залитые солнцем, и тихие местечки, спрятанные в тени деревьев. Прямо в центре парка есть большое озеро с кристально чистой водой. Там живут лебеди, утки и другие водоплавающие птицы.

Вдоль дорожек парка стоят скамейки. Здесь также есть несколько кафе и других закусочных, где посетители могут расслабиться за чашкой кофе. Маленькие посетители с удовольствием проведут время на небольшой игровой площадке. Вокруг парка проходят велосипедные дорожки.

Летом парк становится очень оживленным местом. Некоторые приходят сюда на пикник. Другие просто сидят на мягкой траве, читая интересную книгу или отдыхая. В жаркие дни люди приходят сюда позагорать. Для тех, кто предпочитает активные виды спорта, здесь есть спортивная площадка, чтобы поиграть в волейбол и другие спортивные игры.

Зимой этот парк становится особенно очаровательным. Всегда приятно прогуляться по его тихим аллеям и послушать пение птиц. Владельцы собак также приходят сюда, чтобы выгулять своих питомцев.

Написать про парк горького по английскому, например почему он мне нравится ?

Что там моно делать?

Помогите очень нужно.

Gorky park is one of the famous parks in Moscow, I think.

You have many possibilities there, for example, you can go for a walk there and seat near the fountain.

Also, you can play table tennis or ride on skateboard, if you have it.

In winter, there is a big skating — rink, where you can skatea lot.

Well, to my mind, it’s a very good place for pastime.

If you have some money, you can buy a ticket for riding on a steamer.

Sometimes Gorky park arranges different exhibitions and i think, it’s very cognitive.

Помогите пожалуйста мне нужно написать на английском сочинение почему я люблю первое сентября прошу помогите очень надо?

Помогите пожалуйста мне нужно написать на английском сочинение почему я люблю первое сентября прошу помогите очень надо.

Помогите ?

Нужно написать список того что можно и нельзя делать на кухне на английском !

Помогите пожалуйста?

Мне задали по английскому написать текст про то, что я и мои друзья были в парке животных.

Нужно написать в 1, во 2 и в 3 день кого мы видели в парке животных и что эти животные делали.


Помогите пожалуйста нужно написать на английском языке какой предмет тебе больше всего нравится и почему?

Помогите пожалуйста нужно написать на английском языке какой предмет тебе больше всего нравится и почему.

Мне нравится математика.

Что можно делать в парке зимой?

Что можно делать в парке зимой?

Нужно написать 2 предложения.

Ребят , можете помочь по английскому языку , нужно написать , что мне нравится и , что не нравится ?

Ребят , можете помочь по английскому языку , нужно написать , что мне нравится и , что не нравится .

Помогите пожалуйста написать почему я хочу учить английский язык, очень нужно?

Помогите пожалуйста написать почему я хочу учить английский язык, очень нужно!

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать на английском Напишите немного о том, что вам нравится / не нравится делать(хобби) (60 — 70 слов)?

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать на английском Напишите немного о том, что вам нравится / не нравится делать(хобби) (60 — 70 слов).

Моё хобби рисование и готовить.

Нужно написать открытку другу на тему : как я нахожусь на курорте и рассказываю о нём другу, где я, что я сдесь делал, нравится ли мне здесь?

Нужно написать открытку другу на тему : как я нахожусь на курорте и рассказываю о нём другу, где я, что я сдесь делал, нравится ли мне здесь.

На английском языке.

Написать сочинение что тебе не нравиться делать на английском языке 4 — 6 предложений и перевод?

Написать сочинение что тебе не нравиться делать на английском языке 4 — 6 предложений и перевод.

1) A young man in smart clothes with a harp was brought to Robin Hood one moming. 2) He said that his true love marries some rich old knight. 3)He could play a harp. 4)He could give nothing. 5)It was to take place in the church about five miles a..

1. I wish you liked poetry. 2. I wish I had followed your advice. 3. I wish you were familiar with his works. 4. I wish it were spring now. 5. I wish you had been to England. 6. We wished we had met her in the theater. 7. I wish you came to our..

Уанс ту лител браун берс Фаунд э пеар — фри оф пеарс бат зей куд нот кламб ап хеаре фор за твинк воз смут энд бейар иф ай онли зал э хеар сейд зе элдер браун беар ай вуд гет зе биггест пеар зет ис хенгинг ин зе эйр.

Как ты ответишь на эти вопросы ? Ты и твоё свободное время 1) Сколько свободного времени в день у тебя есть ? A)больше 3 b)от одного до 3 c)меньше часа 2)Ты планируешь своё время a)да b)нет c)иногда 3) Как ты предпочитаешь тратить своё свободное вр..

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 The parks: Gorky Park in Moscow and Hyde Park in London

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

 The parks: Gorky Park in Moscow and Hyde Park in London

The parks: Gorky Park in Moscow and Hyde Park in London

Let’s have a walk! Moscow and London are the capitals of two different count.

Let’s have a walk! Moscow and London are the capitals of two different countries with different traditions, language and culture. But what is in common is that these cities are the centers of political, economic and cultural life where the events change each other with a dizzy speed. Parks remain the places where you can make a break, take a breath and feel every moment of your life… So let’s have a walk!

Gorky park in Moscow Gorky Park is the central park of Moscow, with more than.

Gorky park in Moscow Gorky Park is the central park of Moscow, with more than 40 000 visitors on weekdays. Since 2011 the park has been setting new standards, becoming Russia’s first world-class park and a space for recreation, sport, dance and outdoor games.

Access All facilities of Gorky Park are designed to be accessible for Visitor.

Access All facilities of Gorky Park are designed to be accessible for Visitors with Disabilities. All stairs in the park have wheelchair ramps. Most of the events held on the park’s territory are adopted for everyone to participate. Wi-Fi is available free of charge. You can chat with your friends or read the news while spending a day outdoors.

About the Main Entrance Gorky Park Main Entrance was built in 1995 according.

About the Main Entrance Gorky Park Main Entrance was built in 1995 according to the project of the architects G Shuko and A Spasov. In February 2014, the Main Entrance, as a symbol of the Park and the city was closed for restoration works. The inside part of the building was advanced and consolidated, leaving the original historical appearance of the Entrance from the outside.

Observatory The first astronomical pavilion was opened in the Park of Culture.

Observatory The first astronomical pavilion was opened in the Park of Culture and Recreation in 1929. Gorky Park Observatory was equipped with a five-inch Zeiss refractor telescope. People’s Observatory in Gorky Park remained closed to visitors for more than twenty years. In September 2012, it opened the doors again, now boasting a new powerful telescope and automatic retractable dome.

Hunting lodge of Count Orlov Prince Nikita Yurievich Trubetskoy’s hunting lod.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Founded in 2008 by Dasha Zhukova, Garage is.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art Founded in 2008 by Dasha Zhukova, Garage is the first philanthropic organization in Russia created for contemporary art and culture. Open seven days a week, it was initially housed in the Bakhmetevsky Bus Garage in Moscow, designed by the Constructivist architect Konstantin Melnikov.

Outdoor cinema in Muzeon KARO network of cinemas opens spot in Muzeon Art Par.

Hyde Park in London Hyde Park, which opened to the public in 1637, is the lar.

Hyde Park in London Hyde Park, which opened to the public in 1637, is the largest of several royal parks in London that are connected to each other, forming one large green lung in the center of the city. The park is famous for its Speakers’ Corner. Hyde Park covers more than 142 hectares and hosts many large events, including celebrations and concerts. It is also a popular place for jogging, swimming, rowing, picnicking and even horse riding.

History In 1536 King Henry VIII confiscated Hyde Park from the monks of Westm.

History In 1536 King Henry VIII confiscated Hyde Park from the monks of Westminster Abbey. It was used primarily for hunting. King Charles I opened the park to the public in 1637. The current park layout was planned by architect Decimus Burton in 1825.

Serpentine The Serpentine, a large artificial lake, is located at the south.

Serpentine The Serpentine, a large artificial lake, is located at the south end of the park, where it is called Long Water. Queen Caroline, wife of King George II had the lake constructed in 1730. It is popular for boating and swimming.

Diana Memorial Fountain Just southwest of the Serpentine is a memorial instal.

Diana Memorial Fountain Just southwest of the Serpentine is a memorial installed in honor of princess Diana. The modern fountain was inaugurated in 2004 by Queen Elizabeth II. The memorial was designed by the American landscape architect Kathryn Gustafson. Water flows from two sides at the top into a small pool at the bottom.

Rotten Row At the south end of Hyde park is Rotten Row, a famous bridle path.

Rotten Row At the south end of Hyde park is Rotten Row, a famous bridle path. The road is almost four miles long and is now used as a horse riding and jogging route. In the seventeenth century the road was often used by William III. The term ‘Rotten Row’ is derived from the French ‘route du roi’ or King’s road.

Speakers’ Corner In the nineteenth century Hyde Park had become a popular place for meetings. The Speakers’ Corner was created as a place where people would be allowed to speak freely. Here, every Sunday people stand on a soap box and proclaim their views on political, religious or other items, sometimes interrupted and challenged by their audience.

Marble Arch Near Speakers’ Corner, in the north-east corner of Hyde Park stands the Marble Arch. It was originally built in 1827 as a gateway to Buckingham Palace, but it was moved to its present location in 1851. The design by John Nash was based on the Arch of Constantine in Rome. The upper part of the arch was once in use as a tiny police station.

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