Пересказ сказки на английском языке с переводом

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  1. Сказки на английском языке с переводом
  2. Сказка «Спящая красавица» на английском языке
  3. «Златовласка и три медведя» на английском языке
  4. Сказка «Красная шапочка» на английском языке
  5. Сказка «Три поросенка» на английском языке
  6. Сказка «Золушка» на английском языке

76/сказки на английском с переводом на русский

Ведь сказака — это путешествие, а сказка на английском — это путешествие в мир английского языка. Благодаря сказкам на английском языке, вы сделаете для своего ребенка обучение английского улекательным и интересным.

Сказки на английском языке с переводом

Сказка «Спящая красавица» на английском языке


Сказка «Спящая красавица» на английском языке расскажет вам о доброй, жизнерадостной принцессе, которая в один момент из-за обстоятельств засыпает на всю оставшуюся жизнь. В сказке встречаются очень много полезных фраз на английском, которые можно применить в реальной жизни. Также сказка «Спящая красавица» поможет вам отточить произношение вашего английского языка.

Sleeping Beauty Спящая красавица
One day, a good King
and his beautiful Queen have a baby.
They are very happy.»Let’s have a party,» says the King.The King and Queen invite their friends to the party.
They also invite seven good fairies.Today is the party!
Everybody gives a present to the baby princess.
The fairies also give presents.
Their presents are very special.

«You will be beautiful,» says the first fairy.
«You will be clever,» says the second fairy.
«You will be kind,» says the third fairy.
«You will sing,» says the fourth fairy.
«You will dance,» says the fifth fairy.
«You will always be happy,» says the sixth fairy.

Suddenly, somebody knocks on the palace door.

Однажды, у доброго Короля
и его красивой Королевы появляется младенец.
Они очень счастливы.»Давай устроим званый вечер» говорит Король.
Король и Королева приглашают своих друзей на званый вечер.
Они также приглашают семь добрых фей.Сегодня званый вечер!
Все дарят по подарку маленькой принцессе.
Феи также дарят подарки.
Их подарки очень особенные.»Ты будешь красивой» говорит первая фея.
«Ты будешь умной» говорит вторая фея.
«Ты будешь доброй» говорит третья фея.
«Ты будешь петь» говорит четвёртая фея.
«Ты будешь танцевать» говорит пятая фея.
«Ты будешь всегда счастливой» говорит шестая фея.

Вдруг, кто-то стучится в дверь дворца.

«Златовласка и три медведя» на английском языке


Сказка «Златовласка и три медведя» на английском языке является популярной английской сказкой для детей. В сказке рассказывается о девочке, которая ушла в лес и заблудилась, а дальше события развевались все интереснее и интереснее. Сказка на английском адаптирована и легко читается. Вы получаете большой запас лексики и хорошую практику английского языка.

Goldilocks and the three bears Златовласка и три медведя
This is the story of a little girl.
Her name is Goldilocks.
She’s got golden hair.
Everyone loves her.
Every day she goes to the village.»Hello, Goldilocks! How are you?»
everyone asks.
Goldilocks smiles and says,
«I’m fine. How are you?»Goldilocks is eating her dinner with her mother.
She asks, «Why is the forest bad, Mother?»
«There are dangerous animals in the forest, Goldilocks.
Don’t go there!» says her mother.But Goldilocks wants to go there.
She wants to see the animals.
She wants to see the trees and flowers in the forest.
She thinks about the forest every day.
Эта история о маленькой девочке.
Её имя Златовласка.
Цвет её волос словно золото.
Все любят её.
Каждый день она ходит в своей деревне.»Здравствуй, Златовласка! Как ты?»
спрашивает каждый.Златовласка улыбается и отвечает:
«Хорошо. А как вы?»Златовласка ужинает со своей матушкой.
Она спрашивает: «Матушка, почему лес плохой?»
«В лесу опасные звери, Златовласка.
Не ходи туда!» говорит её матушка.

Но Златовласка хочет сходить туда.
Она хочет посмотреть на зверей.
Она хочет посмотреть на деревья и цветы в лесу.
Каждый день она думает о лесе.

Сказка «Красная шапочка» на английском языке


Сказка Красная шапочка на английском языке расскажет вам об одной интересной и познавательной истории, которая легко читается на английском языке и несет в себе много полезных слов на английском, которые очень часто можно встретить в современном мире.

Little Red Riding Hood Красная шапочка
This is the story of Little Red Riding Hood. She’s got a red coat with a hood. She loves the coat. She wears it every day. She’s very happy today. It’s her birthday.

Little Red Riding Hood’s father is a woodcutter. He works in the forest every day. A lot of animals live in the forest, and a wolf lives there too!

Little Red Riding Hood’s mother says: «Grandmother is ill in bed. Go to her house. Take her some bread and jam. But be careful! A wolf lives in the forest!»
«Yes, Mother,» says Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood loves Grandmother. She is happy. She wants to see her.

Эта история о маленькой Красной Шапочке. У неё красный плащ с капюшоном. Она любит этот плащ. Она носит его каждый день. Сегодня она очень счастлива. Это(сегодня) её день рождения.

Отец маленькой Красной Шапочки дровосек. Он работает в лесу каждый день. Множество животных живёт в том лесу, и волк живёт там тоже!

Матушка маленькой Красной Шапочки говорит (ей): «Бабушка больна (и находится) в кровати. Отправляйся к её дому. Возьми ей хлеб и варенье. Но будь осторожна! В лесу живёт волк!»
«Хорошо, Матушка», сказала Красная Шапочка.

Красная Шапочка любит Бабушку. Она счастлива. Она хочет увидеть её.

Сказка «Три поросенка» на английском языке


Сказка «Три поросенка» на английском языке на английском языке является одной из самых популярных сказок. Из сказки вы узнаете, что всегда надо быть предусмотрительным при решении вопросов и не быть беспечным. А прочитав сказку три поросенка на английском языке вы выучите много новой лексики и отлично попрактикуете свой английский.

The three little pigs Три поросенка
The three little pigs are brothers.
They are going into the forest.
They want to build three houses.»Let’s build our houses here,»
says the first little pig, Percy.
«Yes,» says the second little pig, Peter.
«That’s a good idea,»
says the third little pig, Patrick.The first little pig, Percy, gets some straw
and he starts to build a house of straw.
He sings, «Hum de hum, dum de dum,
hee de dum, dee de hum,» when he works.The second little pig, Peter, gets some wood
and he starts to build a house of wood.
He sings, «Hum de hum, dum de dum,
hee de dum, dee de hum,» when he works.

The third pig, Patrick, is very clever.
He gets some bricks and he starts to
build a house of bricks.
He sings, «Hum de hum, dum de dum,
hee de dum, dee de hum,» when he works.

Now all the houses are ready.
The three little pigs make a fence and they
paint it red.

Три поросёнка братья.
Они направляются в лес.
Они хотят построить три дома.»Давайте построим наши дома здесь»
говорит первый поросёнок, Перси.
«Да» говорит второй поросёнок, Питер.
«Это хорошая мысль»
говорит третий поросёнок, Патрик.Первый поросёнок, Перси, собирает солому
и начинает строить дом из соломы.
Он поёт: «Хай де хам, дам де дам,
хи де дам, ди де хам» когда строит.Второй поросёнок, Питер, добывает древесину
и начинает строить дом из дерева.
Он поёт: «Хай де хам, дам де дам,
хи де дам, ди де хам» когда строит.

Третий поросёнок, Патрик, очень умный.
Он добывает кирпичи и начинает
строить дом из кирпичей.
Он поёт: «Хай де хам, дам де дам,
хи де дам, ди де хам» когда строит.

Теперь все домики готовы.
Три поросёнка ставят забор и они
красят его красным.

Сказка «Золушка» на английском языке


Сказка Золушка на английском языке расскажет вам об одной из самых добрых и милых девушек-героинь в мире сказок. Мораль сказки очень проста и доступна даже детям. В сказке вы встретите много новых английских слов.

Cinderella Золушка
Cinderella lives with her step-mother and two bad and ugly step-sisters. She has to work all day while her sisters do nothing but play and try on new dresses and shoes. There is a ball at the prince’s palace tonight and Cinderella’s sisters are ready to go to it. Cinderella is very sad. She is not allowed to go to the ball.

Suddenly, a Fairy Godmother comes to the house. «Do not worry, Cinderella», — she says. She waves her magic wand. In a moment a very beautiful dress appears and there is a coach with two horses ready to take her to the ball. «But remember, — says the Fairy Godmother. — You must come back before midnight».

Cinderella is in the palace. There are many nice-looking young ladies but she is the prettiest of all. The prince dances with Cinderella all the time, but nobody knows the name of the beauty. When the clock strikes twelve, Cinderella runs away without saying goodbye. She leaves a beautiful little slipper on the stairs in a hurry.

The prince and his men travel through the kingdom looking for the beautiful lady from the ball. They come to Cinderella’s house. Cinderella’s sisters are ready to try on the little slipper. But their feet are too big. The step-mother is furious. Then Cinderella puts on the slipper. It is just right. «Now I know, — the prince says. — You are my beautiful dancer. I want you to be my wife!»

There was a big wedding party at the palace. Cinderella and prince were very happy. They had so many guests! There were the king, the queen and the Fairy Godmother. They all danced and had a lot of fun. The prince and Cinderella lived long and happily ever after.

Золушка живёт вместе с мачехой и двумя злыми и безобразными сестрами. Она должна целый день работать, а её сестры только веселятся да примеряют новые платья и туфли. Сегодня во дворце короля бал, и Золушкины сестры собираются пойти туда. Золушка очень печальна. Она не может пойти на бал. Неожиданно в дом приходит добрая фея.

“Не волнуйся, Золушка”, — говорит она. Она достаёт свою волшебную палочку. Через мгновение у Золушки появляется прекрасное платье и карета с двумя лошадьми, готовыми отвезти её на бал. “Но помни, — говорит фея. — Ты должна вернуться домой до полуночи”.

Золушка во дворце. Там много прекрасных молодых девушек, но она самая красивая из всех. Принц танцует с ней весь вечер. Никто не знает имени прекрасной незнакомки. Когда часы бьют двенадцать, Золушка убегает, не попрощавшись ни с кем. В спешке она оставляет на лестнице красивую маленькую туфельку.

Принц и его слуги ищут прекрасную незнакомку по всему королевству. Они приезжают в дом Золушки. Её сестры примеряют башмачок, но их ноги слишком велики. Мачеха вне себя от гнева. Тогда башмачок примеряет Золушка. Он приходится ей впору.”Теперь я знаю, —говорит принц, — ты та девушка, с которой танцевал на балу. Будь моей женой!”

Во дворце праздновали помолвку Золушки и принца. Золушка и принц были очень счастливы.У них собралось столько гостей! Там были король с королевой и добрая фея. Все танцевали и веселились. Золушка и принц жили долго и счастливо.

Источник: http://ouenglish.ru/tales

Приветствую, мои прекрасные читатели.

Помнится, я не раз упоминала, что сказки для детей на английском языке — один из моих самых любимых и очень эффективных методов обучения. Однажды я уже делала подборку лучших аудио-сказок, а также недавно оформила подборку видео сказок, но сегодня я хочу дать вам текстовый вариант, которые вы можете уже сегодня начать использовать со своими малышами.

У меня для вас несколько коротких и всем известных сказок, а также советы, как лучше построить обучение ребенка.

Если вы готовы, тогда начнем, пожалуй, с советов:

  • Для начинающих попробуйте адаптированные сказки. Это рассказы, в которых используется лексика определенного уровня.
  • Работайте с рассказами играючи. Запоминайте слова из текста, показывайте малышу картинки с героями, во время чтения играйте с интонациями и вызывайте интерес у малыша. После прочтения повторяйте с ребенком слова, пытайтесь строить диалоги и использовать новую лексику.
  • Ищите сказки с переводом. Начальный уровень просто не позволит вашему малышу браться за  сложные тексты без перевода.
  • Беритесь за русские сказки на английском языке. Ведь что может быть проще, чем читать на английском то, что уже слышал на русском?
  • Пробуйте аудиокниги. С развитием лексической базы полезно развивать и навыки восприятия английской речи на слух. Найдите рассказы, которые можно слушать онлайн или по необходимости можно будет скачать бесплатно. У меня есть небольшая подборка здесь — слушайте и учитесь прямо онлайн.

Ну что, готовы приступить к главному?  Тогда ловите.

  • The round little bun. Колобок.


An old man and an old woman lived poorly. The man asked the woman to make a bun. —“We have no flour. What do I need to make it?” She found some flour, made a bun and placed it on the open window to cool. The little bun suddenly rolled off.

The bun was rolling along the forest and faced a hare. The hare said: “I will eat you!” The little bun asked not to eat him and sang a song for the hare. While the little bun was singing, the hare distracted and didn’t get when the bun ran away.

The little bun rolled on and faced a wolf. And everything happened as with the hare. He sang a song and rolled away. The same happened with the bear. The little bun ran from everyone until he met a fox. She wasn’t as stupid as other animals. She asked the bun to sing.

When he finished she said: “What a beautiful song. But sweet bun, I am so old, so can you sit closer on my nose and sing to me one more time?” The bun did as he was asked and — bump — the fox ate him!

Старик и старуха жили бедно. Старик попросил жену сделать колобок. «У нас нет муки. Из чего мне нужно сделать его? «Она нашла муку, сделала колобок и положила его на открытое окно, чтобы охладиться. Маленький колобок вдруг скатился.

Колобок катился по лесу и столкнулся с зайцем. Заяц сказал: «Я тебя съемКолобок попросил не есть его и спел песню для зайца. В то время как колобок пел, заяц отвлекся и не понял, когда колобок убежал.

Колобок покатился дальше и столкнулся с волком. И все произошло так, как с зайцем. Он спел песню и укатился. То же самое произошло с медведем. Колобок убежал от всех, пока не встретил лису. Она не была так глупа, как другие животные. Она попросила его спеть.

Когда он закончил, она сказала: «Какая красивая песня. Но сладенький мой, я так стара, так что ты можешь сесть ближе на мой носок и мне спеть еще разок? «колобок сделал, как ему было предложено, и — бумс лиса съела его!

Не могу удержаться от того, чтобы не поделиться  с вами своей очередной находкой, дорогие родители и учителя! Если вы хотите сделать ребенку оригинальный подарок, то именная сказка — это то, что ему нужно! Не буду много говорить, лучше посмотрите сами. Я совсем недавно обнаружила на просторах интернета такое эксклюзивное предложение, там сейчас неплохая скидка, поэтому если подобная идея вам по душе, то надо брать, как говорится :-).

  • The Turnip. Репка.


Grandmother grew a very big turnip. The grandfather came to pick it out, he tried so hard but couldn’t pull it out.

He called the grandmother. She pulled the grandfather, and he pulled the turnip but they didn’t manage anyway.

Then they called the granddaughter. They tried but still — no success.

The granddaughter called the dog. They tried to do it but the story happened again.

Then the dog called the cat but still they didn’t pull out the turnip.

Then they called the mouse. And finally they pulled the turnip out!

Бабушка вырастила очень большую репку. Дед пришел, чтобы забрать ее, так старался, но не смог вытащить репку.

Он позвал бабушку. Она взялась за деда, дед за репку, но им не удалось вытащить ее.

Тогда они позвали внучку. Они пытались, но все равно — никакого успеха.

Внучка позвала собаку. Они пытались вытащить репку, но история повторялась снова.

Тогда собака позвала кошку, но они так и не вытащили репку.

Тогда они позвали мышку. И тогда они вытащили репку!

Много сказок и видео на английском языке для детей и взрослых можно найти на сайте LinguaLeo. После бесплатной регистрации нужно пройти в раздел «Для детей». Подробнее о том, как использовать этот сервис в обучении детей английскому, я писала в одной из своих статей. Кстати, там же можно приобрести и пройти с ребенком интересный познавательный онлайн курс «Английский для самых маленьких». Со своей дочкой мы его уже прошли. Нам понравилось!

  • Chicken-Licken. Цыпленок Цып-цып.


One day Chicken-Licken was walking under the nut tree. Bang — the nut fell on his head. “Oh. No! The sky is falling!” — screamed Chicken-Licken.

He ran and ran and met a Hen-Len. He told her that the sky was falling and they ran together.

They ran and ran and met the Cock-Lock. They told him that the sky was falling and they ran together.

They ran and ran and met a Duck-Luck. They screamed: “The sky is falling! Run!” The Duck-Luck said to them: “No, sky is not falling! Take a look!” They looked up the sky. The sky wasn’t falling. She showed them the nuts and explained that was the nut but not the sky.

“Oh, no!” said the Chiken-Licken.

Однажды Цыпленок Цып-цып  шел под ореховым деревом. Бумс  орешек упал ему на голову. «Ой. Нет! Небо падает! «- закричал цыпленок Цып-цып.

Он бежал и бежал, и встретил Курочку-Рябушку. Он сказал ей, что небо падает, и они бежали вместе.

Они бежали и бежали и встретили петушка Золотого Гребешка. Они сказали ему, что небо падает, и они бежали вместе.

Они бежали и бежали и встретили Уточку-Удачу. Они закричали ей: Небо падает!“ Уточка сказала имНет, небо не падает! Взгляните! «Они посмотрели на небо. Небо не падало. Она показала им орешки и объяснила, что это были они, а не небо.

«О, нет!» Сказал цыпленок Цып-цып.

В преддверии Нового Года (Китайского, я имею в виду!) вот вам новогодняя сказка.

  • 12 Months. 12 Месяцев

The stepdaughter was sent to the forest for the brushwoods. As she came back home with the brushwoods her stepmother sent her to the wood again to get the snowdrops. IN DECEMBER! Where could she get the snowdrops in December?

She spends hours in the forest but still no snowdrops. Then she finds a fireplace with 12 men sitting around. They invite her to join and get warm. As she tells them the story why she is here, the Brother April asks the Brother January to allow him to take his place for some minutes.

When they do it the whole place becomes full of snowdrops. The girl takes some, thanks the brothers and goes home. That is how some wishes can be fulfilled for the New Year.

Падчерица была отправлена в лес за хворостом. Когда она вернулась домой с хворостом, мачеха отправила ее в лес еще раз, чтобы достать подснежники. В ДЕКАБРЕ! Где она могла взять подснежники в декабре?

Она проводит часы в лесу, но до сих пор не может найти подснежники. Затем она находит костер с 12 мужчинами, сидящими вокруг. Они приглашают ее присоединиться и согреться. Когда она рассказывает им историю, почему она здесь, брат Апрель просит брата Январь, чтобы позволить ему занять его место в течение нескольких минут.

Когда они это делают, все вокруг становится полным подснежников. Девушка собирает их, благодарит братьев и идет домой. Вот так некоторые пожелания могут быть выполнены на Новый Год.

Ну что, мои дорогие, уверена, что уже сейчас вы можете идти читать эти маленькие рассказы. Если этого мало, то подписывайтесь на мою рассылку – я постоянно пополняю запасы новыми материалами.

Кроме этого, вы можете купить сборник сказок на английском языке, не выходя из дома. Для этого есть ozon – мой любимый интернет-магазин полезных товаров для всей семьи.

1000948562Мой любимый сборник — диснеевских сказок! С ним отлично начинать погружение в английский вместе с ребенком.

1005290627Или это прекрасное пособие с 5 известными русскими сказками на английском языке. Кроме сказок есть словарик и интересные задания!

До новых встреч!

Используя русские сказки для изучения английского, можно добиться хороших результатов, в особенности при обучении детей младшего возраста. Прежде всего, это связано с тем, что сказки просты для понимания, интересны, увлекательны и познавательны.


  • 1 Изучаем английский язык по русским сказкам
  • 2 Этапы работы со сказками на уроке
  • 3 Русские сказки для изучения английского языка. Формы использования
  • 4 Плюсы использования русских сказок для изучения английского языка:
  • 5 Русские сказки для изучения английского языка. Результаты:
  • 6 Использование сказки «Колобок» для изучения английского языка.
  • 7 Русские сказки для изучения английского с переводом:
    • 7.1 Сказка о рыбаке и золотой рыбке
    • 7.2 Колобок
    • 7.3 Сказка о царе Салтане
    • 7.4 Машенька и три медведя
    • 7.5 Снегурочка
    • 7.6 Царевна-лягушка
    • 7.7 Аленький цветочек
    • 7.8 Сестрица Аленушка и братец Иванушка

Изучаем английский язык по русским сказкам

Отвечая на вопрос можно ли пользоваться на уроке сказками, которые переведены с русского на английский, ответ здесь очевиден: конечно же, можно. В этом нет ничего плохого, если сделан грамотный перевод сказки. Например, мы с детства читаем и смотрим сказки многих зарубежных писателей, которые первоначально были написаны не на русском языке. Кроме этого, многие дети любят читать и смотреть русские народные сказки на английском языке, которые знакомы им с детства, чем сказки, изначально написанные на английском языке.

Этапы работы со сказками на уроке

Для того, чтобы обучение английскому языку приносило хорошие результаты, необходимо соблюдать определённые этапы при использовании русских сказок, переведённых на английский язык:

а) Подготовительный этап

Перед просмотром или прослушиванием русской сказки на английском языке важно провести с ребёнком дружественную беседу, для чего нам нужен английский язык, потому что необходимо с самых первых азов привить ребёнку интерес к языку и развить в нём желание знать  новый язык. Упустив этот этап, в результате, можно прийти к обратному, сколько бы ни показывать и читать сказки, ребёнок просто замкнётся в себе от незнакомого материала и будет пассивно наблюдать за всем происходящим. Таким образом, очень важно серьёзно отнестись к выбору сказки. В конце статьи можно посмотреть видео русской сказки, переведённую на английский язык, с разбором тем.

б) Средний этап (просмотр или прослушивание сказки)

Во время просмотра сказки, самое главное – не торопить ребёнка и не требовать от него полного понимания речи на английском языке. Изначально спокойно обсуждать с ним героев сказки, картинки. Время от времени, просматривать сказку вновь и вновь, с каждым разом непринуждённо усложняя задания: назвать героев на английском языке, повторить отдельные фразы, спеть песню и т.д.

в) Завершающий этап

После просмотра или прослушивания сказки несколько раз можно попросить ребёнка нарисовать рисунок к сказке и попробовать вместе по рисунку назвать изображённых героев, рассказать небольшие эпизоды из сказки.

Русские сказки для изучения английского языка. Формы использования

При изучении английского языка можно использовать разные формы русских сказок, переведённых на английский язык:

— небольшие адаптированные тексты;

— аудиозапись сказки;

— яркий анимационный мультфильм.

Все дети индивидуальны, поэтому разным детям подойдёт разная форма использования сказок. Таким образом, нужно опробовать разные формы и остановиться на той, которая лучше всего подойдёт конкретному ребёнку.

Плюсы использования русских сказок для изучения английского языка:

1. Схожесть сюжетов русской сказки и сказки, переведённой на английский язык, благодаря которой у ребёнка не появится чувство непонимания сказки на другом языке. Он знает сюжет сказки на родном языке, значит и поймёт его на английском языке на уровне интуиции.

2. Ребёнок знает перевод сказки на родном языке, значит ему не нужно будет постоянно пользоваться словарём для перевода и понимания сказки на английском языке. И это упрощает ребёнку восприятие и понимание языка.

3. Ребёнку легче понять смысл и значение незнакомых слов и выражений. Идёт развитие языковой интуиции.

4. Понимая сюжет сказки на родном языке и зная перевод английских слов и выражений, ребёнку намного легче запомнить эти слова. Идёт пополнение словарного запаса.

Русские сказки для изучения английского языка. Результаты:

— расширение словарного запаса;

— при умении читать, развитие навыков чтения на английском языке;

— неосознанное запоминание правильных грамматических структур;

— развитие фантазии и концентрации внимания;

— расширение общего кругозора;

— улучшения восприятия английского языка на слух.

Использование сказки «Колобок» для изучения английского языка.

Можно просматривать эту сказку при изучении и закреплении следующих тем:

  1. Страноведческий материал (Небольшая вступительная часть про историю России);
  2. Знакомство

— Who are you…?

— I am … ;

  1. Название животных;
  2. Использование времён Future и в частности конструкции to be going to …;
  3. Использование времени Past Simple;
  4. Глаголы действия.
  5. Русские сказки на английском языке

Русские сказки для изучения английского с переводом:

Сказка о рыбаке и золотой рыбке

русские сказки для изучения английского 11

Once  upon a  time, there  was an old man  and an old lady who  lived near the black sea  in their little old house  for over 3 plus 3 years. Every  day the man goes outside to go  fishing, while the old lady sits  inside her little house remembering about  her old life where she had everything she could.  A maid, a big house and whatever she wanted.

Her  dad was  a thief and  was the one who  brought home money.  Every day the girl went  out and one day, she got  married to a young man who was  just like her. But one day, her  dad got sent to jail. She and her  husband spent every last penny dad ever  earned. The bank even took their house because  they owned a lot of money.

One  day the  old man went  out to catch fish  by the sea but he couldn’t  get a bite, not one. The sun  already had gone down, and suddenly  the fishing rod started to pull and  soon after the man saw a golden colored  fish.

“Please  let me go,  please let me  go back into the  sea. I’m begging you”  said the fish.

“If  you let  me go, I’ll grant  you three wishes, but  please let me go”.

“What  can you  do anyway,  little fish?   But I’ll let you  go back into the sea”   said the man.

“Thank you, and now I’ll grant your first wish, choose wisely” the magical fish replied as the old man let it go.

“Now  make a  wish old  man and I  will grant your  wish” the fish said.

“Well,  I suppose  I would want  my bucket to be full of fish”   Said the man.

As  soon  as the  man finished  his sentence, the  bucket was full to the  top. Happy and satisfied  the old man went home and hoped  that his wife will be happy. As he  walked in, his wife saw the bucket full  of fish and truly smiled.

“Oh,  what luck  I had today!”   the man said as  he continued to tell her  all about the strange encounter  with the magical fish.

As  he finished  telling the story,  evil flashed over the  eyes of his wife.

“You  fool, you  should’ve asked  for something bigger  or better rather than a  bucket of fish! Like a house.  Now go back to the fish and ask  it for a big house with water and  gas” said the woman.

The  old man  went back  to the Black  Sea and started to  ask for the fish to  come by. The fish swam  and stopped.

“What  are you  ought?” Said  the fish.

“My  wife,  she’s not  happy, she wants  a white stone bricks  house and that there should  be water and gas.”    Replied  the man.

“Don’t  worry, go  home. You will  have your white stone  house waiting for you”  said the fish.

The  man came  home and sees  the house he asked  for from the fish. But  his wife was still not happy.

“You  fool, you  got a house,  but who’s going  to clean it? Go back  to your stupid magical fish.  Ask him who’s going to work in  it? I expect maids, who do everything  I say” said the wife.

The  man set  off back to  the Black Sea  and is asking for  the fish again. The  fish swam by again and  asked him.

“What  do you  need, old  man?” asked  the fish.

“My  wife isn’t  happy yet, the  wants maids so that  they do everything she tells  them too” the man said.

“Don’t  be sad,  go back home  and you will find  yourself maids” replied the  fish.

And  the man  came home.  When the man  comes home, he heard  his wife screaming, beating  and ordering the maids. His wife  comes running towards him and says.

“Go  back to  your stupid  fish, I need  more. I want to  sit in the presidential  chair, I want to rule the   country, and even more I want the  whole world afraid of me. I want them  to bow down to me, I want to be feared.  And you, I’ll put you as a deputy, you’re  not fit for anything else” ordered the wife.

«The  fish only  promised to  fulfill three  wishes!” argued  the man.

“Go  back to  the Black  Sea, and you  do whatever it  takes to fulfill  my desires!” the woman  screamed towards him.

The  man walked  back to the  Sea and he sits  down. He doesn’t say  a word, he can’t call  the fish. But the fish came  by itself.

“What’s  the matter  now? What do  you need” asked  the fish.

“Oh,  my wife  is mad again.  She wants to sit  in the presidential  seat and she wants the  whole world to fear her.  I don’t know what to do.” said  the man.

Suddenly,  the sky dimmed  down. A big black  cloud covered the ground. Then  came loud lightning that hit the  ground. Big high waves came roaring  and they roared down onto the shore.

And  when the  clouds cleared  up, bright sunshine  lighted everything up.

And  their  white stone  house disappeared  and so did the old  man and his wife.

Serves  the mean  old lady right.  And that serves the  plain foolish man right.


русские сказки для изучения английского 121) One day the old man says to his wife, «Please, bake me a bun». The old woman takes some flour, some sour cream, some butter and some water, and makes a bun. She puts it on the windowsill to cool.

But the bun cannot sit on the windowsill! It jumps from the windowsill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door, and runs away.

The bun runs along the road and meets a hare. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the hare. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother. And I can run away from you, little hare!’ says the bun and runs away.

The bun runs along the road and meets a wolf. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the wolf. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare. And I can run away from you, grey wolf!’ says the bun and runs away.

The bun runs along the road and meets a bear. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the bear. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf. And I can run away from you, big bear!’ says the bun again and runs away.

The bun runs along the road and meets a fox. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the fox. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother, I ran away from the hare, I ran away from the wolf, I ran away from the bear. And I can run away from you, old fox!’

‘What a nice song!’ says the fox. ‘But little bun, I’m old and I cannot hear you well. Sit on my nose and sing your song again.’ The bun jumps on the fox’s nose and … the fox eats it!

2) Once there lived an old man and old woman.The old man said, «Old woman, bake me a bun.» «What can I make it from? I have no flour.» «Eh, eh, old woman! Scrape the cupboard, sweep the flour bin, and you will find enough flour.» The old woman picked up a duster, scraped the cupboard, swept the flour bin and gathered about two handfuls of flour.

She mixed the dough with sour cream, fried it in butter, and put the bun on the window sill to cool. The bun lay and lay there. Suddenly it rolled off the window sill to the bench, from the bench to the floor, from the floor to the door. Then it rolled over the threshold to the entrance hall, from the entrance hall to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the courtyard through the gate and on and on.

The bun rolled along the road and met a hare. «Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up!» said the hare. «Don’t eat me, slant-eyed hare! I will sing you a song,» said the bun, and sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And coolled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma And I’ll get away from you, hare! And the bun rolled away before the hare even saw it move!

The bun rolled on and met a wolf. «Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up,» said the wolf. «Don’t eat me, gray wolf!» said the bun. «I will sing you a song.» And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And coolled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the hare, And I’ll get away from you, gray wolf! And the bun rolled away before the wolf even saw it move!

The bun rolled on and met a bear. «Little bun, little bun, I shall eat you up,» the bear said. «You will not, pigeon toes!» And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And coolled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma I got away from the hare, I got away from the wolf, And I’ll get away from you, big bear! And again the bun rolled away before the bear even saw it move!

The bun rolled and rolled and met a fox. «Hello, little bun, how nice you are!» said the fox. And the bun sang: I was scraped from the cupboard, Swept from the bin, Kneaded with sour cream, Fried in butter, And coolled on the sill. I got away from Grandpa, I got away from Grandma, I got away from the hare, I got away from the wolf, I got away from bear, And I’ll get away from you, old fox!

«What a wonderful song!» said the fox. «But little bun, I have became old now and hard of hearing. Come sit on my snout and sing your song again a little louder.» The bun jumped up on the fox’s snout and sang the same song. «Thank you, little bun, that was a wonderful song. I’d like to hear it again. Come sit on my tongue and sing it for the last time,» said the fox, sticking out her tongue. The bun foolishly jumped onto her tongue and- snatch!- she ate it.

Сказка о царе Салтане

русские сказки для изучения английского 18
Three fair maidens, late one night,

Sat and spun by candlelight.

«Were our tsar to marry me,»

Said the eldest of the three,

«I would cook and I would bake —

Oh, what royal feasts I’d make.»

Said the second of the three:

«Were our tsar to marry me,

I would weave a cloth of gold

Fair and wondrous to behold.»

But the youngest of the three

Murmured: «If he married me —

I would give our tsar an heir

Handsome, brave, beyond compare.»

At these words their chamber door

Gently creaked-and lo, before

These three maidens’ very eyes

Stood their tsar, to their surprise.

He had listened by their gate

Whither he’d been led by fate,

And the words that he heard last

Made his heart with love beat fast.

«Greetings, maiden fair,» said he —

«My tsaritsa you shall be,

And, ere next September’s done,

See that you bear me a son.

As for you, fair sisters two,

Leave your home without ado;

Leave your home and follow me

And my bride that is to be.

Royal weaver, YOU I’ll make,

YOU as royal cook I’ll take.»

Then the tsar strode forth, and they

Palacewards all made their way.

There, he lost no time nor tarried

That same evening he was married;

Tsar Saltan and his young bride

At the feast sat side by side.

Then the guests, with solemn air,

Led the newly wedded pair

To their iv’ry couch, snow-white,

Where they left them for the night.

Bitterly, the weaver sighed,

And the cook in passion cried,

Full of jealousy and hate

Of their sister’s happy fate.

But, by love and duty fired,

She conceived, ere night expired,

In her royal husband’s arms.

These were days of war’s alarms.

Ere he rode forth for the strife,

Tsar Saltan embraced his wife,

Bidding her to take good care

Of herself and coming heir;

While he battled on the field,

Forcing countless foes to yield,

God gave unto her an heir —

Lusty, large of limb, and fair.

Like a mother eagle, she

Guarded him most jealously;

Sent the news of God’s glad gift

To the tsar, by rider swift.

But the royal cook, and weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver,

Sought to ruin her, so they

Had him kidnapped on the way,

Sent another in his stead.

Word for word, his message read:

«Your tsaritsa, sire, last night

Was delivered of a fright —

Neither son nor daughter, nor

Have we seen its like before.»

At these words, the royal sire

Raved and raged in furious ire,

«Hang that messenger!» roared he,

«Hang him on the nearest tree!»

But, relenting, spared him, and

Sent him back with this command:

«From all hasty steps refrain

Till the tsar comes home again.»

Back the messenger rode fast,

Reached the city gates at last.

But the royal cook, and weaver,

With their mother, sly deceiver,

Made him drunk; and in his sleep

Stole the message from his keep

And, before he could recover,

They replaced it by another.

So, with feet unsteady, he

Reached the court with this decree:

«Have the queen and have her spawn

Drowned in secret ere the dawn.»

Grieving for their monarch’s heir,

For the mother young and fair,

Solemnly the tsar’s boyards

Told the queen of this ukaz,

Of the cruel doom which fate

So unkindly had in wait.

This unpleasant duty done,

Put the queen and put her son

In a cask, and sealed it fast;

Tarred it well, and then they cast

Cask and burden in the sea —

Such, forsooth, the tsar’s decree.

Stars gleam in the dark blue sky,

Dark blue billows heave and sigh.

Storm clouds o’er the blue sky creep,

While the cask rides o’er the deep.

Like a widowed bride distressed,

Sobbed the queen and beat her breast,

While the babe to manhood grew

As the hours swiftly flew.

Morning dawned, the queen still wailed

But her son the billows hailed:

«O, you wanton waves so blue —

Free to come and go are you,

Dashing when and where you please,

Wearing rocks away with ease —

You, who flood the mountains high,

You, who ships raise to the sky —

Hear my prayer, o waves, and spare us —

Safely onto dry land bear us.»

So the waves, without ado,

Bore the cask and prisoners two

Gently to a sandy shore,

Then, receding, splashed no more.

Son and mother, safe and sound,

Feel that they’re on solid ground.

From their cask, though, who will take them?

Surely God will not forsake them?

Murmuring: «I wonder how

We could break our prison now?»

Up the son stood on his toes,

Stretched himself, and said: «Here goes!» —

Thrust his head against the lid,

Burst it out — and forth he slid.

Son and mother, free again,

Saw a hillock on a plain;

On its crest, an oak tree grew;

Round them flowed the ocean blue.

Quoth the son: «Some food and drink

Wouldn’t come amiss, I think.»

From the oak, a branch he rent

And a sturdy bow he bent.

With the silken cord that hung

Round his neck, the bow he strung.

From a slender reed and light,

Shaped an arrow, true in flight.

Then explored the isle for game,

Till he to the sea-shore came.

Just as he approached the beach,

Our young hunter heard a screech…

Of distress at sea it told.

He looked round him, and, behold,

Saw a swan in evil plight;

Circling over it — a kite,

Talons spread, and bloodstained beak

Poised, prepared her death to wreak,

While the helpless bird was splashing,

With her wings the waters lashing.

But his shaft, with baneful note,

Struck the kite full in the throat.

Bleeding, in the sea it fell,

Screeching like a soul in hell.

He, with lowered bow, looked on

As, with beak and wings, the swan,

Dealing ruthless blow on blow

On the cruel kite, her foe,

Sped its death, till finally

Lifeless it sank in the sea.

Then, in Russian accents, she

Murmured plain as plain could be:

«O, tsarevich, champion peerless,

My deliverer so fearless —

Grieve not that because of me

Your good shaft is in the sea;

That you’ll have to fast three morrows —

This is but the least of sorrows.

Your kind deed I will repay —

I will serve you too, one day;

Tis no swan that you set free,

But a maiden charmed, you see;

Twas a wizard, not a kite,

That you slew, O noble knight;

I shall ne’er forget your deed —

I’ll be with you in your need.

Now go back and take your rest —

All will turn out for the best.»

Then the swan-bird flew from view

While, perforce, the luckless two,

Famished, laid them down to sleep,

Praying God their souls to keep.

Driving slumber from his eyes

As the sun rose in the skies,

Our tsarevich, much amazed,

At a spacious city gazed,

Girdled by a wide and tall,

Strong-embattled snow-white wall.

Churches golden-domed stood there,

Holy cloisters, mansions fair.

«Mother mine, awake!» cried he —

«Oh!» she gasped; he said: «I see

Things have only just begun —

My white swan is having fun.»

Citywards their steps they bent,

Through the city gates they went.

Belfries thundered overhead

Loud enough to wake the dead.

Round them poured a mighty throng,

Choir boys praised the Lord in song;

Nobles, splendidly arrayed,

Came in coaches, gold inlaid.

All the people cheered them madly,

As their prince acclaimed him gladly.

With his mother’s blessing, he,

Acquiescing graciously,

That same day began to reign

In his newly-found domain,

Sat in state upon the throne

And was crowned as Prince Guidon.

Breezes o’er the ocean play,

Speed a barque upon its way;

Sails all spread, it skims the seas,

Running swiftly ‘fore the breeze.

Sailors, merchants, crowd the decks,

Marvel loud and crane their necks.

Wondrous changes meet their view

On an island which they knew!

There, a golden city grand

Newly built, and fortress stand.

Cannons with a mighty roar

Bid the merchants put to shore.

When the merchants land, Guidon

Bids them be his guests anon;

Feasts them first with meats and wine,

Then he says: «Now, masters mine —

Tell me what you have for sale,

Whither bound, and whence you hail?»

Said the merchants: «If you please,

We have sailed the seven seas;

Costly furs, prince, were our ware,

Silver fox and sables rare.

Now our time is overstayed,

East-due East-our course is laid,

Past the island of Buyan,

Back to gracious Tsar Saltan.»

«Gentles,» murmured Prince Guidon —

«May fair breezes speed you on,

And, when Tsar Saltan you see

Bow down low to him for me.»

Here the merchants made their bows,

And the prince, with pensive brows,

Watched their ship put out from shore

Till it could be seen no more.

Suddenly, before Guidon

Swam the graceful snow-white swan.

«Greetings, my fair prince,» said she —

«Why are you so sad, tell me?

Why are you so dismal, say,

Like a gloomy, cloudy day?»

«Grief is gnawing at my breast,»

Answered Prince Guidon, distressed.

«I have only one desire-

I should like to see my sire.»

«Is that all?» was her reply —

«Listen-would you like to fly,

Overtake that ship at sea?

Why, then-a mosquito be!»

Then she flapped her pinions two,

Loudly thrashed the waters blue,

Drenching him from head to toe

Ere he could say yes or no.

And he hovered, then and there,

A mosquito, in the air.

Buzzed, and flying rapidly,

Overtook the ship at sea,

Settled noiselessly, and stole

Out of sight, into a hole.

Merrily the breeze is singing,

O’er the waves a ship is winging

Past the Island of Buyan

To the realm of Tsar Saltan. Now his longed-for land so dear

Stands out in the distance, clear.

Now the ship at anchor rests

And the merchants, honoured guests,

Palacewards their footsteps make

With our gallant in their wake.

There, in regal raiments, sate

Tsar Saltan in royal state.

On his head — his jewelled crown;

On his face — a pensive frown,

While the royal cook, and weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver,

Sitting on his left and right,

Stared at him with all their might.

Tsar Saltan, with royal grace,

Gave the merchants each his place,

Then he said: «Now, masters mine,

Sailed you far across the brine?

Are things well where you have been?

What strange wonders have you seen?»

Quoth the merchants: «If you please,

We have sailed the seven seas;

Peace reigns overseas, serene.

There, we saw this wondrous scene:

There’s an island in the sea,

Shores as steep as steep can be;

Cheerless once, deserted, bare —

Nothing but an oak grew there.

Now it has a new-built city,

Stately mansions, gardens pretty,

Churches tall with domes of gold,

Fair and wondrous to behold.

Prince Guidon reigns there, and he

Sends his compliments to thee.»

Here the tsar said, in amaze:

«If but God prolong my days,

I shall visit this strange isle,

Guest with this Guidon a while.»

But the royal cook, and weaver,

With their mother, sly deceiver,

Did not wish to let their tsar

See this wondrous isle so far.

«What a wonder,» quoth the cook,

Winking at the others-«Look:

There’s city by the shore!

Have you heard the like before?

Here’s a wonder, though, worth telling —

There’s a little squirrel dwelling

In a fir tree; all day long,

Cracking nuts, it sings a song.

Nuts-most wondrous to behold!

Every shell is solid gold;

Kernels — each an emerald pure!

That’s a wonder, to be sure.»

Tsar Saltan thought this most curious,

Our mosquito waxed most furious

And, with his mosquito might,

Stung his aunt’s right eye, in spite.

Turning pale, she swooned from pain —

But her eye ne’er saw again.

Sister, serving maids and mother

Chased him, tripping one another,

Screamed: «You cursed insect, you!

Only wait!» But he just flew

Through a casement, o’er the main,

Swiftly to his own domain.

Pensively Guidon once more

Gazes seaward from the shore.

Suddenly, before his sight

Swam the graceful swan, snow-white.

«Greetings, my fair prince,» said she —

«Why are you so sad, tell me?

Why are you so dismal, say,

Like a gloomy, cloudy day?»

«Grief is gnawing at my breast,»

Answered Prince Guidon, distressed —

«There’s a wonder, I confess,

That I’m burning to possess.

Tis a wonder well worth telling —

Somewhere, there’s a squirrel dwelling

In a fir tree; all day long,

Cracking nuts, it sings a song.

Nuts, most wondrous, I am told;

Every shell is solid gold,

Kernels — each an emerald pure.

But can I of this be sure?»

Here the swan said in reply:

«Yes — this rumour does not lie;

Marvel — not-though this may be

Strange for you, ’tis not for me.

Grieve not — I will gladly do

This slight service, prince, for you.»

Home he sped with cheerful stride,

Gained his palace courtyard wide.

There, beneath a fir-behold! —

Cracking nuts all made of gold,

Emeralds left and right a-flinging,

Sat that wonder-squirrel, singing:

«Through the garden there she goes,

Tripping on her dainty toes.»

With its tail the squirrel sweeps

Shells and stones in tidy heaps,

While a charmed and happy throng

Listened to the squirrel’s song.

Struck with wonder, Prince Guidon

Whispered softly: «Thank you, swan!

God grant you felicity

And such joy as you gave me.»

Then a squirrel’s house he built,

Crystal, glass, and silver gilt;

Set a guard, a scribe as well,

Who recorded every shell.

Thus the prince’s treasures grew,

And the squirrel’s glory too.

Breezes o’er the ocean play,

Speed a barque upon its way;

Sails all spread, it skims the seas,

Running swiftly ‘fore the breeze

Past a craggy island, where

Stands a city, proud and fair.

Cannons with a mighty roar

Bid the merchants put to shore;

When the merchants land, Guidon

Bids them be his guests anon;

Feasts them first with meats and wine,

Then he says: «Now, masters mine —

Tell me what you have for sale,

Whither bound, and whence you hail?»

Said the merchants: «If you please,

We have sailed the seven seas,

Selling horses, Prince Guidon-

Stallions from the steppes of Don.

We are overdue, you know,

And we still have far to go —

Past the Island of Buyan,

Back to gracious Tsar Saltan.»

«Gentles,» murmured Prince Guidon —

«May fair breezes speed you on

O’er the ocean, o’er the main,

Back to Tsar Saltan again.

When your gracious tsar you see,

Give him compliments from me.»

Bowing low before him, they

Left Guidon and sailed away.

He, though, hastened to the shore,

Where he met the swan once more,

Told her that his heart was burning,

For his sire, his soul was yearning. ..

In the twinkling of an eye

He became a tiny fly,

And he flew across the sea

Where, ‘twixt sky and ocean, he

Settled on the deck and stole

Out of sight into a hole.

Merrily the breeze is singing.

O’er the waves a ship is winging,

Past the Island of Buyan,

To the realm of Tsar Saltan.

Now his longed-for land so dear,

Stands out in the distance, clear,

Now the ship at anchor rests,

And the merchants, honoured guests,

Palacewards their footsteps make

With our gallant in their wake.

There, in regal raiments, sate

Tsar Saltan in royal state.

On his head-his jewelled crown,

On his face-a pensive frown,

While the one-eyed cook, and weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver,

Sit around the Tsar and stare

At him with a toad-like glare.

Tsar Saltan, with royal grace,

Gave the merchants each his place,

Then he said: «Now, masters mine —

Sailed you far across the brine?

Are things well where you have been?

What strange wonders you have seen?»

Quoth the merchants: «If you please,

We have sailed the seven seas;

Peace reigns overseas, serene.

There, we saw this wondrous scene:

On an island, far away,

Stands a city, grand and gay —

Churches tall, with golden domes,

Gardens green and stately homes;

By the palace grows a fir

In whose shade, O royal sir,

Stands a crystal cage; and there

Dwells a squirrel, strange and rare-

Full of frolic; all day long,

Cracking nuts, it sings a song,

Nuts, most wondrous to behold —

Every shell is solid gold,

Kernels — each an emerald bright;

Sentries guard it day and night.

It has slaves, like any lord,

Yes, and scribes each nut record.

Troops in passing give salute

With the martial drum and flute.

Maidens store these gems away

Under lock and key each day;

Coins are minted from each shell,

Coins with which they buy and sell.

People live in plenty there,

Not in huts, but mansions fair.

Prince Guidon reigns there, and he

Sends his compliments to thee.»

Here the tsar said, in amaze:

«If but God prolong my days,

I shall visit this strange isle

Guest with this Guidon a while.»

But the cook, and royal weaver,

With their mother, sly deceiver,

Did not wish to let the tsar

See this wondrous isle so far.

And the weaver, smiling wryly,

Thus addressed the tsar, most slyly:

«Wherein lies this wonder, pray?

Squirrels cracking nuts all day —

Heaping emeralds, we’re told,

Left and right a-throwing gold!

Nothing strange in this see I!

Be this true, or but a lie,

I know of a better wonder.

Lo! The ocean swells in thunder,

Surges with a mighty roar,

Overflows a barren shore,

Leaving, wonderful to see,

Thirty stalwart knights and three,

All in mail a-gleaming bright,

Marching proudly left and right;

Each one brave beyond compare,

Tall of stature, young and fair,

All alike beyond belief,

Led by Chernomor, their chief.

That’s a wonder, now, for you,

Marvellously strange, but true.»

Wisely, though, the guests were mute —

They with her did not dispute.

But the tsar waxed very curious,

And Guidon waxed very furious.

Fiercely buzzed and settled right

On his aunt’s left eye, in spite.

Turning pale, she gave a cry —

She was blinded in her eye.

Screams of anger filled the air —

«Catch it! Kill that insect there!

O you nasty insect, you!»

But Guidon just calmly flew

Through the casement, o’er the main,

Swiftly to his own domain.

By the blue sea he is pacing,

On the blue sea he is gazing:

And once more, before his sight

Swam the graceful swan, snow-white.

«Greetings, my fair prince,» said she,

«Why are you so sad, tell me?

Why are you so dismal, say,

Like a gloomy, cloudy day?»

«Grief is gnawing at my breast,»

Answered Prince Guidon, distressed-

«There’s a wonder, I confess,

That I’m longing to possess.»

«Tell me then, what is this wonder?»

«Somewhere swells the sea in thunder,

Breakers surge, and with a roar,

Sweeping o’er a barren shore,

Leave behind, for all to see

Thirty stalwart knights and three,

All in mail a-gleaming bright,

Marching proudly left and right;

Each one brave beyond compare,

Tall of stature, young and fair.

All alike beyond belief,

Led by Chernomor, their chief.»

In reply, the snow-white swan

Murmured: «Is this all, Guidon?

Wonder not-though this may be’

Strange for you, ’tis not for me,

For these sea-knights, prince, are none

But my brothers, every one.

Do not grieve; go home and wait,

Meet my brothers at your gate.»

He obeyed her cheerfully,

Climbed his tower and scanned the sea:

Lo! The waters, with a roar,

Seethed and swept the barren shore,

Leaving, wonderful to see,

Thirty stalwart knights and three,

All in mail a-gleaming bright,

Marching proudly left and right,

Two by two; and Chernomor,

Hoary-headed, went before,

Leading them in martial state

Right up to the city gate.

Prince Guidon, with flying feet,

Ran in haste his guests to greet;

Crowds pressed round in unbelief

«Prince,» proclaimed the hoary chief —

«It is by the swan’s request

And, at her express behest,

We have come from out the sea

Your fair city’s guards to be.

Henceforth, from the ocean blue,

We will always come to you,

Every day, on guard to stand

By your lofty walls so grand.

Now, however, we must go —

We’re not used to land, you know;

We’ll return, I promise you.»

And they disappeared from view.

Breezes o’er the ocean play,

Speed a barque upon its way;

Sails all spread, it skims the seas,

Running swiftly ‘fore the breeze,

Past a craggy island, where

Stands a city, proud and fair.

Cannons with a mighty roar

Bid the merchants put to shore;

When the merchants land, Guidon

Bids them be his guests anon;

Feasts them first with meats and wine,

Then he says: «Now, masters mine —

Tell me what you have for sale,

Whither bound, and whence you hail?»

Said the merchants: «If you please,

We have sailed the seven seas;

Swords of Damask steel we’ve sold,

Virgin silver, too, and gold.

Now we’re overdue, you know,

And we still have far to go-

Past the Island of Buyan,

Back to gracious Tsar Saltan.»

«Gentles,» murmured Prince Guidon —

«My fair breezes speed you on,

O’er the ocean, o’er the main,

Back to Tsar Saltan again.

Yes, and when your tsar you see,

Give him compliments from me.»

Bowing low before him, they

Left the prince and sailed away.

He, though, hastened to the shore

Where he met the swan once more;

Told her that his heart was burning,

For his sire, his soul was yearning..

So she drenched him, head to toe.

In a trice, he shrank, and lo!

Ere he could even gasp,

He had turned into a wasp.

Then he buzzed, and rapidly

Overtook the ship at sea;

Gently settled aft, and stole

Out of sight, into a hole.

Merrily the breeze is singing,

O’er the waves a ship is winging

Past the Island of Buyan

To the realm of Tsar Saltan.

Now his longed-for land so dear

Stands out in the distance, clear.

Now the ship at anchor rests,

And the merchants, honoured guests,

Palacewards their footsteps make

With our gallant in their wake.

There, in regal raiments, sate

Tsar Saltan in royal state.

On his head-his jewelled crown,

On his face — a pensive frown,

Near him-royal cook, and weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver.

With four eyes, though they be three,

Stare at him voraciously.

Tsar Saltan, with royal grace,

Gave the merchants each his place.

Then he said: «Now, masters mine —

Sailed you far across the brine?

Are things well where you have been?

What strange wonders have you seen?»

Quoth the merchants: «If you please,

We have sailed the seven seas;

Peace reigns overseas, serene,

There we saw this wondrous scene:

There’s an island far away-

On this isle — a city gay;

There, each dawn brings in new wonders:

There, the ocean swells and thunders,

Breakers, with a mighty roar,

Foaming, flood its barren shore,

Leaving, wonderful to see,

Thirty stalwart knights and three,

All in mail a-gleaming bright,

Marching proudly left and right;

Each one brave beyond compare,

Tall of stature, young and fair,

All alike beyond belief;

Hoary Chernomor, their chief,

Marches with them from the deep,

Counts them off, by twos, to keep

Guard of this fair isle; and they

Cease patrol nor night nor day.

Nor can you find guards so true,

Vigilant and fearless, too.

Prince Guidon reigns there, and he

Sends his compliments to thee.»

Here the tsar said, in amaze:

«If but God prolong my days,

I shall visit this strange isle,

Guest with this Guidon a while.»

Silent were the cook and weaver.

But their mother, sly deceiver,

Said, as she smiled crookedly:

«You may think this strange — not we!

Fancy! Idle mermen play

Sentry-go on land all day!

Be this true, or but a lie,

Nothing strange in this see I —

Stranger things exist, mark you —

This report, though, is quite true:

There’s a young princess, they say,

That she charms all hearts away.

Brighter than the sun at noon,

She outshines the midnight moon,

In her braids a crescent beams,

On her brow, a bright star gleams.

She herself is sweet of face,

Full of majesty and grace.

When she speaks, her voice doth seem

Like the music of a stream.

That’s a wonder, now, for you —

Marvellously strange, but true.»

Wisely, though, the guests prefer

Not to bandy words with her.

Tsar Saltan, he waxed most curious,

Our tsarevich waxed most furious,

But decided that he’d spare

Granny’s eyes for her grey hair.

Buzzing like a bumble-bee,

Round his granny circled he,

Stung her nose with all his might,

Raising blisters red and white.

Panic once more filled the air:

«Murder! Catch that insect there!

Help! O don’t you let it go!

Catch it! — Hold it! — Kill it!- O!

O you nasty insect, you!

Just you wait!» Guidon, though, flew

Through the casement, o’er the main,

Back to his domain again.

By the sea, the prince now paces,

On the blue sea now he gazes.

Suddenly, before Guidon

Swam the graceful snow-white swan.

«Greetings, my fair prince,» said she —

«Why are you so sad, tell me?

Why are you so dismal, say,

Like a gloomy, cloudy day?»

«Grief is gnawing at my breast,»

Answered Prince Guidon, distressed —

«Every youth has his own bride —

Only I unmarried bide.»

«Who is she you wish to wed?

Tell me, now.» Guidon then said:

«There’s a fair princess; they say

That she charms all hearts away —

Brighter than the sun at noon,

She outshines the midnight moon;

In her braids, a crescent beams,

On her brow, a bright star gleams.

She herself is sweet of face,

Full of majesty and grace.

When she speaks, her sweet voice seems

Like the flow of tinkling streams.

Is this true, though, or a lie?»

Anxiously, he waits reply.

Silently, the snow-white swan

Pondered; then she said: «Guidon —

Yes-this maiden I can find;

But a wife’s no mitten, mind,

From your lily hand to cast,

Or unto your belt make fast;

Listen now to my advice:

Weigh this matter well — think twice,

So that on your marriage morrow

You do not repent in sorrow.»

Here Guidon with ardour swore

That he’d thought of this before;

That ’twas high time he was married,

Too long single had he tarried;

That for this princess so fair

He would any perils dare,

Sacrifice his very soul,

Barefoot, walk right to the pole.

Sighing thoughtfully, the swan

Murmured: «Why so far, Guidon?

Know, your future bride is here —

I am that princess, my dear.»

Then she spread her wings, to soar

O’er the waves towards the shore.

There, amid a clump of trees,

Folded them with graceful ease,

Shook herself, and then and there

Turned into a maiden fair —

In her braids, a crescent beamed,

On her brow, a bright star gleamed;

She was sweet in form and face,

Full of majesty and grace.

When she spoke, her sweet voice seemed

Like the flow of tinkling streams.

He embraced the fair princess,

Folded her unto his breast.

Hand in hand with her he sped

To his mother dear, and said,

Falling on his bended knees:

«Mother darling — if you please,

I have chosen me a bride —

She will be your love and pride.

Your consent we crave to wed,

And your blessing, too,» he said —

«Bless our marriage, so that we

Live in love and harmony.»

O’er the kneeling pair, she stands,

Holy icon in her hands,

Smiling through her happy tears,

Saying: «God bless you, my dears.»

Prince Guidon did not delay —

They were married that same day,

Settled down, a happy pair,

Lacking nothing but an heir.

Breezes o’er the ocean play,

Speed a barque upon its way;

Sails all spread, it skims the seas,

Running swiftly Tore the breeze,

Past a craggy island, where

Stands a city proud and fair.

Cannons with a mighty roar

Bid the merchants put to shore.

When the merchants land, Guidon

Bids them be his guests anon;

Feasts them first with meats and wine,

Then he says: «Now, masters mine —

Tell me what you have for sale,

Whither bound and whence you hail?»

Said the merchants: «If you please,

We have sailed the seven seas,

Contraband, prince, was our ware,

And our profits-rich and rare.

We have far to travel yet —

Homewards — East — our course is set,

Past the Island of Buyan,

Back to gracious Tsar Saltan.»

«Gentles,» murmured Prince Guidon —

«May fair breezes speed you on,

O’er the ocean, o’er the main,

Back to Tsar Saltan again.

Pray remind your tsar from me,

That his gracious majesty

Said he’d visit us some day;

We regret his long delay.

Give him my regards.» Thereon

Off the merchants went. Guidon

This time stayed with his fair bride,

Never more to leave her side.

Merrily the breeze is singing,

O’er the waves a ship is winging

Past the Island of Buyan

To the realm of Tsar Sal tan.

Now his longed-for land, so dear,

Stands out in the distance, clear.

Now each merchant is the guest

Of the tsar, by his behest.

On his royal throne of state,

Crowned in glory, there he sate,

While the royal cook, and weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver,

With four eyes, though they be three,

Stared at him voraciously.

Tsar Saltan, with royal grace,

Gave the merchants each his place.

Then he said: «Now, masters mine-

Sailed you far across the brine?

Are things well where you have been?

What strange wonders have you seen?»

Quoth the merchants: «If you please,

We have sailed the seven seas.

Peace reigns overseas, serene.

There, we saw this wondrous scene:

On an island, far away,

Stands a city grand and gay-

Churches tall with golden domes,

Gardens green, and stately homes.

Near its palace grows a fir

In whose shade, O royal sir,

Stands a crystal cage; and there

Dwells a squirrel strange and rare,

Full of frolic; all day long,

Cracking nuts, it sings a song.

Nuts, most wondrous to behold —

Shells of purest yellow gold,

All the kernels — emeralds bright.

Sentries guard it day and night.

There we saw another wonder —

Every morn, the breakers thunder

And the waves, with mighty roar,

Overflow the barren shore,

Leaving, wonderful to see,

Thirty stalwart knights and three.

Each one brave beyond compare,

Tall of stature, young and fair,

All in mail a-gleaming bright,

Marching proudly left and right;

All alike beyond belief,

Led by Chernomor, their chief.

Nor will you find guards so true,

Vigilant and fearless, too.

Prince Guidon reigns there in glory,

He is praised in song and story

And his wife is fair, O sire —

Gaze on her — you’ll never tire.

Brighter than the sun at noon,

She outshines the midnight moon;

In her braids, a crescent beams,

On her brow, a bright star gleams.

Prince Guidon sends his respects,

Bade us say he still expects

You to visit him one day

And regrets your long delay.»

All impatient, Tsar Saltan

Gave command his fleet to man,

But the royal cook, and weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver,

Did their best to keep their tsar

From this wondrous isle so far.

He, to their persuasions deaf,

Bade the women hold their breath.

«I’m your tsar and not a child!»

Shouted he in passion wild —

«We will sail today. No more!»

Stamped his foot and slammed the door.

From his casement, silently,

Prince Guidon gazed at the sea.

Scarce a ripple stirred the deep

As it sighed as though in sleep.

On the far horizon blue

Sails came one by one in view.

Tsar Saltan’s fleet, at long last,

O’er the seas was sailing fast.

At this sight, Guidon rushed out,

Uttering a mighty shout:

«Mother dear, come hither, do —

You, my fair princess, come too —

Only look out yonder — there

Sails my father, I declare!»

Through his spyglass, Prince Guidon

Sees the royal fleet sail on;

While on deck, his father stands,

Spyglass also in his hands.

With him are the cook, and weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver;

Wonder in their gaze, they stare

At this isle so strange and fair.

In salute the cannons roared,

Carols sweet from belfries soared.

To the shore Guidon then ran,

There to welcome Tsar Saltan,

And the royal cook, and weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver.

Citywards the tsar led he —

Not a single word said he.

Now the palace came in sight,

Sentries, clad in armour bright.

Tsar Saltan looked on to see

Thirty stalwart knights and three —

Each one brave beyond compare,

Tall of stature, young and fair,

All alike beyond belief,

Led by Chernomor, their chief.

Then he reached the courtyard wide,

Where a lofty fir he spied.

In its shadow — lo, behold,

Creacking nuts of solid gold,

Sat a little squirrel, singing,

Emeralds into sacklets flinging.

Golden nutshells lay around

On the spacious courtyard ground.

Further on the guests now press,

Meet the wonderful princess:

In her braids, a crescent beams,

On her brow, a bright star gleams;

She is fair of form and face,

Full of majesty and grace,

Tsar Saltan’s own wife beside her.

He gazed on and recognised her.

And his heart began to leap.

«Am I dreaming in my sleep?»

Gasped the tsar in stark surprise,

Tears a-streaming from his eyes.

He embraced his wife in pride,

Kissed his son, his son’s fair bride;

Then they all sat down to feast

Where their laughter never ceased.

While the cook, and royal weaver,

And their mother, sly deceiver,

Fled and hid beneath the stairs

But were dragged out by their hairs.

Weeping, each her crimes confessed,

Begged forgiveness, beat her breast.

So the tsar, in his great glee

Sent them home across the sea.

Late at night, with tipsy head,

Tsar Saltan was put to bed.

I drank beer and mead there — yet

Only got my whiskers wet.

Машенька и три медведя

русские сказки для изучения английского 17
1) Once upon a time there were three bears: Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Little Bear. They lived in a house deep in a forest. One day Mama Bear made some porridge. The porridge was too hot. So the three bears went for a walk first.

Just then, along came a little girl named Masha. She saw the house and looked inside. Nobody was there and she came in.

Masha was hungry. She saw three bowls of porridge on the table. First she tried Papa Bear’s porridge from his big bowl. It was too hot. Then she tried Mama Bear’s porridge from her medium-size bowl. It was too sweet. Finally, she tried Little Bear’s porridge from his small blue bowl. It was perfect. She began to eat it.

Masha was tired. So she wanted to sit down. First she sat on Papa Bear’s chair. It was too large. Then she sat on Mama Bear’s chair. It was too high. Then she sat on Little Bear’s chair and smiled. It was very comfortable. Sitting on Little Bear’s chair she ate all his porridge from the small blue bowl. Then she rocked and climbed, rocked and climbed till she broke it.

After the meal Masha was sleepy. She came to another room. There were three beds. First she tried Papa Bear’s bed. It was too hard. Then she tried Mama Bear’s bed. It was too soft. Finally, she tried Little Bear’s bed. It was so comfortable that she fell asleep immediately.

A little while later, the three bears came home. The bears looked at the table. Papa Bear roared: «Who has been eating my porridge?» Then Mama Bear roared:» Who has been eating my porridge?» A Little Bear saw his bowl and cried:» Who has been eating my porridge and now it is all gone?»

Then the bears looked at their chairs. Papa Bear roared: » Who has been seating on my chair?» Then Mama Bear roared:» Who has been seating on my chair?» And Little Bear saw his chair and cried:» Who has been seating on my chair and now it is broken!»

Then the bears went to their bedroom and looked at their beds. Papa Bear roared:» Who has been sleeping in my bed?» Mama Bear roared: «Who has been sleeping in my bed?» And Little Bear looked at his bed and cried: «Who has been sleeping in my bed…Look, there she is, catch her, catch her!»

Masha opened her eyes, saw the bears, jumped out of the bed and ran away. She ran as fast as she could. And the three bears never saw her again.

2) This is the story of a little girl. Her name is Goldilocks. She’s got golden hair. Everyone loves her. Every day she goes to the village.

«Hello, Goldilocks! How are you?» everyone asks.

Goldilocks smiles and says, «I’m fine. How are you?»

Goldilocks is eating her dinner with her mother. She asks, «Why is the forest bad, Mother?» «There are dangerous animals in the forest, Goldilocks. Don’t go there!» says her mother.

But Goldilocks wants to go there. She wants to see the animals, the trees and flowers in the forest. She thinks about the forest every day.

The next day, Goldilocks talks to her mother. «Mother, I’m going to Alice’s house,» she says. But Goldilocks isn’t going to Alice’s house. She is going to the forest!

The blacksmith sees her and he says, «Hello, Goldilocks. Where are you going?» But Goldilocks doesn’t say anything. She walks quickly out of the village and goes into the forest. Goldilocks sees green trees, beautiful birds and butterflies, a squirrel and a rabbit.

«It’s a beautiful forest!» she exclaimed. «It isn’t dangerous!» Goldilocks plays with the animals. She looks at the beautiful trees and flowers.

After an hour, Goldilocks is hungry and thirsty. She sees a house in the forest. «I can get water there,» she thinks. She walks to the house and knocks on the door. She listens for a minute and she opens the door. The house is nice and tidy. She looks in the kitchen. There is a table. There are three bowls of soup on the table. Goldilocks is hungry. She wants to eat the soup. Goldilocks eats some soup from the first bowl. It’s very hot! She eats some soup from the second bowl. It’s very cold! She eats some soup from the third bowl. It’s very good. She eats all the soup.

Now Goldilocks is tired. She wants to sleep. She goes to the bedroom. There are three beds. The first bed is very big and the next one is very old and the last bed is very nice. Goldilocks sleeps in the third bed.

Later, three brown bears come into the house. They live there. Every day before lunch, they walk in the forest. «My spoon is dirty!» says Father Bear. «My spoon is dirty!» says Mother Bear. «My spoon is dirty, and where’s my soup?» asks Baby Bear. «Who is in our house?» asks Father Bear.

The bears go into the bedroom. «My bed isn’t tidy!» says Father Bear. «My bed isn’t tidy!» says Mother Bear. «My bed isn’t tidy and there’s a girl in it!» says Baby Bear. «Who are you?» asks Father Bear. Goldilocks hears the bears. She wakes up. She sees the three brown bears next to her.

«Help!» she shouts. «What are you doing here?» asks Father Bear. «Are… are you dangerous animals?» asks Goldilocks. «Dangerous? Oh no, we aren’t dangerous,» says Mother Bear. «We’re good bears,» says Baby Bear. Goldilocks is crying. She wants to go home. «I want to go home,» she says. «I want my mother!» Mother Bear is very nice. She says, «Don’t cry, little girl. Baby Bear can take you to the village.»

Goldilocks and Baby Bear leave. They walk quickly in the forest. They see the village. «Please come into the forest again,» says Baby Bear. «We can play.» Goldilocks’s mother is looking for her. «Oh, there you are, Goldilocks!» she says. Mother smiles and kisses Goldilocks and is very happy to see her.

Goldilocks tells her mother about the bears. «They aren’t dangerous, Mother. I want to go and play with them again,» she answered. Every day, Goldilocks says to her mother, «I’m going into the forest. I want to play with Baby Bear.» Her mother doesn’t believe her but she smiles and says, «Yes, OK.» Now Goldilocks and Baby Bear are very good friends. They play every day.


русские сказки для изучения английского 16
1) Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, a peasant woman looked out the window of her cottage to watch the village children play in the snow. She did this often because, although she led a very happy life with her husband, there was still a longing in her heart. The woman and her husband had no children of their own, and their biggest wish was to one day be able to watch their own child play in the snow.

Husband one day suggested to his wife that they should go outside and build a snowman, instead of sitting in the house all day. Wife agreed, but wanted instead to build a girl — a snowmaiden. Couple spent that whole day carefully building and molding a snowmaiden. They inserted two bright blue beads for eyes, and a bright red ribbon for her mouth. Then they stood back to look at their beautiful creation. As they watched they noticed something, it looked as if the snowmaiden was smiling. The couple then realized that she was coming to life. After she smiled her hair curled up and she walked into the house. The peasant couple finally had a daughter of their own!

Snowmaiden grew to be beautiful. Her eyes gleamed bright blue and her flaxen hair hung down to her waist. Snowmaiden was however very pale, with no color in her cheeks or lips, but this did not make her any less beautiful. As winter melted into spring, and the weather started getting warmer, Snowmaiden started to behave strangely. She no longer wanted to go outside to play with the other children, and she began to hide in the dark places of the house. The husband and wife began to worry about her.

Soon summer came and Snowmaiden was more withdrawn than ever. One day her friends asked her to join them on a trip into the woods to pick berries. Snowmaiden was reluctant to join, but at the persistence of her parents went along. In the woods Snowmaiden was sure to stay in the shade. When nightfall came her friends built a fire, and played games jumping over it. Snowmaiden, however, sat by an icy river. Her friends called to her to join their games, but Snowmaiden did not want to go. But as the night went on Snowmaiden grew very lonely by herself at the river, and decided to join their games. «Jump over the fire!» her friends yelled at her. Snowmaiden took a step, ran towards the fire, jumped, and melted away. The poor peasant couple were once again childless.

2) There was once a daughter born to Fairy Spring and Father Frost. This daughter was the most beautiful maiden that had ever been known, she had skin as pale as the snow, eyes blue like the sky, and thick blond hair that hung to her waist. She was named Snowmaiden.

Fairy Spring had to hide her daughter from the Sun God, whose rays could easily destroy the beautiful girl, so for a very long time Snowmaiden lived deep within the woods. But it was very lonely there, and one day Snowmaiden decided to take a long walk. As she walked she heard a beautiful sound. At first it was very far away, but it drew Snowmaiden closer and closer to its source. Snowmaiden followed it for a long time, all the way to the edge of the forest.

There in an open field sat Lyel, a farm boy, playing his flute. Snowmaiden listened and watched form the edge of the forest, and became enchanted with Lyel. Snowmaiden went to the edge of the forest every day to listen to the farm boy play his flute. Lyel always ignored the beautiful girl standing in the shade of the trees, and instead danced with the girls who sat with him in the field. This broke Snowmaiden’s tender heart, and she decided to go speak with her mother about it.

«Mother,» Snowmaiden began, «please let me feel real love.» Fairy Spring understood that her daughter wanted the farm boy to fall in love with her. «If you want real love,» Fairy Spring answered, «you must leave the protection of the forest and go into the open field where the boy plays his flute.» The next day Snowmaiden once again followed the sweet sound of Lyel’s music to the edge of the woods. She stepped out of the trees, and walked into the opening. Lyel turned to look at her, and thought she was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen in his life. Just then Snowmaiden stepped into a ray of sunshine, which illuminated her beauty to its fullest. But the Sun God’s ray was to strong for Snowmaiden, and she melted before Lyel’s eyes.


русские сказки для изучения английского 15
In days gone by there was a King who had three sons. When his sons came of age the King called them to him and said, «My dear lads, I want you to get married so that I may see your little ones, my grandchildren, before I die.»

And his sons replied, «Very well, Father, give us your blessing. Who do you want us to marry?»

«Each of you must take an arrow, go out into the green meadow and shoot it. Where the arrows fall, there shall your destiny be.»

So the sons bowed to their father, and each of them took an arrow and went out into the green meadow, where they drew their bows and let fly their arrows.

The arrow of the eldest son fell in the courtyard of a nobleman, and the nobleman’s daughter picked it up. The arrow of the middle son fell in the yard of a merchant, and the merchant’s daughter picked it up. But the arrow of the youngest son, Prince Ivan, flew up and away he knew not where. He walked on and on in search of it, and at last he came to a marsh, where what should he see but a frog sitting on a leaf with the arrow in its mouth. Prince Ivan said to it, «Frog, frog, give me back my arrow.»

And the frog replied, «Marry me!»

«How can I marry a frog?»

«Marry me, for it is your destiny.»

Prince Ivan was sadly disappointed, but what could he do? He picked up the frog and brought it home. The King celebrated three weddings: his eldest son was married to the nobleman’s daughter, his middle son to the merchant’s daughter, and poor Prince Ivan to the frog.

One day the King called his sons and said, «I want to see which of your wives is most skilled with her needle. Let them each sew me a shirt by tomorrow morning.»

The sons bowed to their father and went out. Prince Ivan went home and sat in a corner, looking very sad. The frog hopped about on the floor and said to him, «Why are you so sad, Prince Ivan? Are you in trouble?»

«My father wants you to sew him a shirt by tomorrow morning.»

Said the frog, «Don’t be downhearted, Prince Ivan. Go to bed; night is the mother of counsel.» So Prince Ivan went to bed, and the frog hopped out on to the doorstep, cast off her frog skin, and turned into Vasilisa the Wise, a maiden fair beyond compare. She clapped her hands and cried, «Maids and nurses, get ready, work steady! By tomorrow morning sew me a shirt like the one my own father used to wear!»

When Prince Ivan awoke the next morning, the frog was hopping about on the floor again, and on the table, wrapped up in a linen towel, the shirt lay. Prince Ivan was delighted. He picked up the shirt and took it to his father. He found the King receiving gifts from his other sons. When the eldest laid out his shirt, the King said, «This shirt will do for one of my servants.» When the middle son laid out his shirt, the King said, «This one is good only for the bath-house.» Prince Ivan laid out his shirt, handsomely embroidered in gold and silver.

The King took one look at it and said, «Now this is a shirt indeed! I shall wear it on the best occasions.»

The two elder brothers went home and said to each other, «It looks as though we had laughed at Prince Ivan’s wife for nothing — it seems she is not a frog, but a sorceress.»

Again the King called his sons. «Let your wives bake me bread by tomorrow morning,» he said. I want to know which one cooks the best.»

Prince Ivan came home looking very sad again. The frog said to him, «Why are you so sad, Prince?»

«The King wants you to bake bread for him by tomorrow morning,» replied her husband.

«Don’t be downhearted, Prince Ivan. Go to bed; night is the mother of counsel.»

Now those other daughters-in-law had made fun of the frog at first, but this time they sent an old henwife to see how the frog baked her bread. But the frog was cunning and guessed what they were about. She kneaded the dough, broke the top of the stove and emptied the dough-trough straight down the hole. The old henwife ran back to the other wives and told them what she had seen, and they did as the frog had done.

Then the frog hopped out onto the doorstep, turned into Vasilisa the Wise, and clapped her hands and cried, «Maids and nurses, get ready, work steady! By tomorrow morning bake me a soft white loaf like the ones I ate when I lived at home.»

Prince Ivan woke up in the morning, and there on the table he saw a loaf of bread with all kinds of pretty designs on it. On the sides were quaint figures -royal cities with walls and gates. Prince Ivan was ever so pleased. He wrapped the loaf up in a linen towel and took it to his father. Just then the King was receiving the loaves from his elder sons.

Their wives had dropped the dough into the fire as the old henwife had told them, and it came out just a lump of charred dough. The King took the loaf from his eldest son, looked at it and sent it to the servants’ hall. He took the loaf from his middle son and did the same with that. But when Prince Ivan handed him his loaf the King said, «Now that is what I call bread! It is fit to be eaten only on holidays.»

And the King bade his sons come to his feast the next day and bring their wives with them. Prince Ivan came home grieving again. The frog hopped up and said, «Why are you so said, Prince Ivan? Has your father said anything unkind to you?»

«Froggy, my frog, how can I help being sad? Father wants me to bring you to his feast, but how can you appear before people as my wife?»

«Don’t be downhearted, Prince Ivan,» said the frog. «Go to the feast alone and I will come later. When you hear a knocking and a banging, do not be afraid. If you are asked, say it is only your Froggy riding in her box.»

So Prince Ivan went by himself. His elder brothers drove up with their wives, rouged and powdered and dressed in fine clothes. They stood there and mocked Prince Ivan: «Why did you not bring your wife? You could have brought her in a handkerchief. Where, indeed, did you find such a beauty? You must have searched all the marshes for her!»

The King and his sons and daughters-in-law and all the guests sat down to feast at the oaken tables covered with handsome cloths. All at once there was a knocking and a banging that made the whole palace shake. The guests jumped up in fright, but Prince Ivan said, «Do not be afraid, good people, it is only my Froggy riding in her box.»

Just then a gilded carriage drawn by six white horses dashed up to the palace door and out of it stepped Vasilisa the Wise in a dress of sky-blue silk strewn with stars and a shining moon upon her head — a maiden as fair as the sky at dawn, the fairest maiden ever born. She took Prince Ivan by the hand and led him to the oaken tables with the handsome cloths on them.

The guests began to eat, drink and make merry. Vasilisa the Wise drank from her glass and emptied the dregs into her left sleeve. Then she ate some swan meat and put the bones in her right sleeve. The wives of the elder princes saw her do this and they did the same.

When the eating and drinking were over, the time came for dancing. Vasilisa the Wise took Prince Ivan and tripped off with him. She whirled and danced, and everybody watched and marveled. She waved her left sleeve, and lo! a lake appeared! She waved her right sleeve, and white swans began to swim on the lake. The King and his guests were struck with wonder.

Then the other daughters-in-law went to dance. They waved one sleeve, but only splashed wine over the guests; they waved the other, but only scattered bones, and one bone hit the King right in the forehead. The King flew into a rage and drove both daughters-in-law away.

Meanwhile, Prince Ivan slipped out and ran home. There he found the frog skin and threw it into the fire. When Vasilisa the Wise came home, she looked for the frog skin but could not find it. She sat down on a bench, sorely grieved, and said to Prince Ivan, «Ah, Prince Ivan, what have you done? Had you but waited three more days I would have been yours forever. But now, farewell. Seek me beyond the Thrice-Nine Lands, in the Thrice-Ten Kingdom , where Koshchei the Deathless dwells.» So saying, Vasilisa the Wise turned herself into a gray cuckoo and flew out of the window.

Prince Ivan wept long and hard, then bowed in all four directions and went forth he knew not where to seek his wife, Vasilisa the Wise. How long he walked is hard to say, but his boots wore down at the heels, his tunic wore out at the elbows, and his cap became battered by the rain. By and by he met a little man, as old as old can be.

«Good day, my lad,» said the little old man. «Where are you going and what is your errand?»

Prince Ivan told him about his trouble.

«Ah, why did you burn the frog skin, Prince Ivan?» said the little old man. «It was not yours to keep or do away with. Vasilisa the Wise was born wiser than her father, and that made him so angry that he turned her into a frog for three years. Ah, well, it cannot be helped now. Take this ball of yarn and follow it without fear wherever it rolls.»

Prince Ivan thanked the little old man and followed the ball of yarn. It rolled on and he came after. In an open field he met a bear. Prince Ivan took aim and was about to kill it, but the bear spoke in a human voice: «Do not kill me, Prince Ivan, for you may have need of me someday.»

Prince Ivan spared the bear’s life and went on farther. Suddenly he saw a drake flying overhead. He took aim with his bow, but the drake said in a human voice, «Do not kill me, Prince Ivan, for you may have need of me someday.»

He spared the drake and went on. A hare came running by. Again Prince Ivan snatched his bow to shoot it, but the hare said in a human voice, «Do not kill me, Prince Ivan, for you may have need of me someday.»

So he spared the hare and went on. He came to the blue sea and saw a pike lying on the sandy beach gasping for breath. «Ah, Prince Ivan,» said the pike, «take pity on me and throw me back into the blue sea.»

So he threw the pike into the sea and walked on along the shore. By and by the ball of yarn rolled into a forest, and there stood a little hut on hen’s feet, turning round and round. «Little hut, little hut, turn your back to the trees and your face to me, please.»

The hut turned its face to him and its back to the trees. Prince Ivan walked in, and there, sitting in the corner, was Baba-Yaga, the witch with a broom and a switch, a bony hag with a nose like a snag. When she saw him she said, «Ugh, ugh, Russian blood, never met by me before, now I smell it at my door. Who comes here? Where from? Where to?»

«You might give me meat and drink and a steam bath before asking questions,» retorted Prince Ivan. So Baba-Yaga gave him a steam bath, gave him meat and drink, and put him to bed. Then Prince Ivan told her he was seeking his wife, Vasilisa the Wise.

«I know, I know,» said Baba Yaga. «Your wife is now in the power of Koshchei the Deathless. It will be hard for you to get him back. Koshchei is more than a match for you. His death is at the point of a needle. The needle is in an egg; egg is in a duck; duck is in a hare; hare is in a stone casket; casket is at the top of a tall oak tree that Koshchei the Deathless guards as the apple of his eye.»

Prince Ivan spent the night at Baba-Yaga’s, and in the morning she showed him the way to the tall oak. How long he walked it is hard to say, but by and by he came to the tall oak tree with the stone casket at the top of it. But it was hard to reach.

Suddenly, up came the bear whose life he had spared, and pulled the tree out, roots and all. Down fell the casket and broke open. Out of the casket sprang a hare and scampered off as fast as it could. The other hare, whose life Prince Ivan had spared, gave chase, caught it and tore it to bits. Out of the dead hare flew a duck, and shot high into the sky. But in a twinkling, the drake, whose life Prince Ivan had spared, was at it. The duck dropped the egg, and down it fell into the blue sea.

At this Prince Ivan wept bitter tears. How could he find the egg in the sea? But all at once the pike, whose life Prince Ivan had spared, swam up with the egg in its mouth. Prince Ivan broke the egg, took the needle out, and set about breaking the point off. The more he bent it, the more Koshchei the Deathless writhed and screamed, but all in vain. Prince Ivan broke off the point of the needle and Koshchei fell down dead.

Prince Ivan went to Koshchei’s white stone palace. Vasilisa the Wise came running out to meet him and kissed him deeply. And Prince Ivan and Vasilisa the Wise went back to their own home and lived in peace and happiness to a ripe old age.

Аленький цветочек

русские сказки для изучения английского 14
Once upon a time in a far away land a merchant was preparing to set out on a long journey. This merchant had three daughters, and he asked all of them what they would like as gifts for themselves when he returned from his voyage. The first daughter requested a golden crown, and the second one wanted a crystal mirror. Small daughter asked only for «the little scarlet flower.»

The merchant set out on his journey. It did not take him very long to find a beautiful golden crown and a fine crystal mirror. He had difficulty however, finding the third gift, the scarlet flower. He searched everywhere, and eventually his search led him into a magical forest. Deep within these woods there was situated a palace, in whose courtyard grew a beautiful flower. As the merchant drew closer to the flower he realized what it was, the scarlet flower. Cautiously, the merchant picked the flower that his youngest daughter wanted so badly. Upon picking the scarlet flower he was confronted by a hideous beast, who demanded that in return for picking the flower the merchant must send one of his daughters deep into the enchanted forest, to live with the beast forever.

Upon receiving the scarlet flower, the merchant’s youngest daughter agreed to go to the beast. She journeyed alone into the forest and found the castle where she would dwell forever. For a time, she lived there very happily. The beast had not revealed himself to her, and showered her daily with kindness and gifts. She started to grow quite fond of her invisible keeper, and one day asked that he show himself. The beast reluctantly gave into her plea, and just as he had feared, she recoiled in terror at the site of him.

That night the girl had a haunting dream about her father falling deathly ill. She begged the beast to release her, so that she could find her dying father. Touched by her concern, the beast released her on one condition — that she return to him in three days time. The girl found her father, and prepared to return to the beast in the alloted time. However, her sisters altered the time on the clocks, making her arrive late. There upon her arrival the girl was horrified at what she encountered. The beast was dead, lying there clutching her scarlet flower. Heartbroken, the girl embraced the dead beast, and declared her love for him. Having done this, she unknowingly broke the evil spell, and her beloved beast awoke, turning into a handsome prince.

They lived happily ever after.

Сестрица Аленушка и братец Иванушка

русские сказки для изучения английского 13
Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen who had two children: a girl and a boy. The girl’s name was Alyonushka, the boy’s was Ivanushka. Then the king and the queen died. The children were left alone and decided to go into the world.

They walked on and on and came to a pond, with a herd of cows grazing nearby. «I am so thirsty», said Ivanushka. «Do not drink, little brother. If you do, you will turn into a calf», said his sister. Ivanushka heeded her words and on they went until they came to a pond, with a drove of horses nearby. «I am still thirsty», said Ivanushka. «Do not drink, little brother. If you do, you will turn into a foal», said his sister. Ivanushka heeded her words and on they went until they came to a pond, with a flock of goats nearby. «I must have a drink», said Ivanushka. «Do not drink, little brother. If you do, you will turn into a kid», said his sister. But this time Ivanushka did not heed his sister’s words and drank some water. At once he turned into a kid.

Alyonushka burst into tears and the kid was skipping around her and bleating. At this time a king from a nearby kingdom was riding by on his horse. He saw the girl crying bitterly and came to ask what the trouble was. Alyonushke told him about her parents and her brother. The king came to like the pretty girl and decided to marry her. Alyonushka liked the king too and went to live in his palace. They took the kid with them.

One day when the king had gone hunting, a witch turned into an old woman and came into the palace. She asked Alyonushka to take her to the pond nearby. Alyonushka did not think it kind to refuse so she agreed. When they came to the pond, the witch tied a heavy stone to Alyonushka’s neck and threw it into the water. Then she turned into Alyonushka and went to live in the king’s palace. She did not know that the kid had followed them and had seen everything.

When he came back, the king was surprised to find Alyonushka changed a lot. The witch began to insist on slaughtering the kid. Ivanushka the kid got desperate. He went to the pond and started calling to his sister saying:

«Alyonushka, my sister dear,

Rescue me from my fate.

Hurry up! Or I fear

It should be too late.»

And his sister said:

«Ivanushka, my brother dear,

A heavy stone is pulling me down,

A vicious viper has sucked my heart.»

But the king had followed the kid to the pond. He heard the kid calling his sister and her answering him. The king dived into the pond, tore the rope off Alyonushka’s neck and carried her out ashore. Alyonushka returned to life and they all went into the palace. When she knew that Alyonushka had been rescued, the witch died in a fit of rage. And Ivanushka was turned into a boy. The king and Alyonushka lived happily ever after.

Короткие сказки и рассказы на английском для детей

Малыши с радостью познают окружающий мир, впитывая в себя все, что в нем происходит. Воспользуйтесь этой искренней любознательностью и добавьте в окружение малыша английскую речь, читая с ним рассказы на английском для детей. Небольшие английские сказки дадут ребенку возможность ознакомиться со звучанием языка, узнать новые слова и фразы, научиться читать и понимать по-английски. В сегодняшнем материале вы найдете легкие и интересные детские рассказы на английском языке с переводом текста на русский, а также полезные рекомендации по проведению таких занятий.


  • Учим английский язык по сказкам и рассказам
  • Сказки и рассказы на английском для детей
    • The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs (Гусь, несущий золотые яйца)
    • The crocodile (Крокодильчик)
    • The boy who cried “Wolf!” (Мальчик, который кричал «Волки!»)

Учим английский язык по сказкам и рассказам

Прежде чем привлекать малыша к чтению на английском, необходимо тщательно продумать план своего занятия и отобрать подходящие материалы.

Детишкам, только начинающим знакомство с иностранным языком, рекомендуется брать адаптированную литературу на английском языке для детей. Эти сказки переработаны и упрощены до минимума: текст написан короткими предложениями, с часто повторяющимися словами и яркими вспомогательными картинками.

Не забывайте и о том, что у сказки для детей на английском обязательно должен быть перевод. Так и вы, и малыш, будете чувствовать себя увереннее, зная, что всегда можно свериться с правильным значением слов.

Чтобы привлечь непосед к чтению или прослушиванию сказок, используйте игровые методы и свою неограниченную фантазию. Главное, постоянно взаимодействовать с ребенком и не дать ему заскучать. Просматривайте с малышом красивые картинки и играйте в «вопросы и ответы» (кто/что это?), прочитывайте реплики героев разными голосами, вместе заучивайте новую лексику и старайтесь строить небольшие диалоги.

Необязательно изучать рассказы для детей и истории на английском только в текстовом формате. Сочетайте все возможные методы познавания языка: прослушивайте аудиоверсии сказок, записанные носителями языка, или отвлекайтесь на просмотр красочных и динамичных видеороликов с текстом сказки.

Усвоив все приведенные выше советы, перейдем к воплощению их на практике. Далее приводим короткие рассказы на английском с параллельным русским переводом.

Сказки и рассказы на английском для детей

The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs (Гусь, несущий золотые яйца)

Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose. It was not an ordinary goose. This goose laid a golden egg every day.

Однажды мужу и жене посчастливилось купить гуся. Это был не обычный гусь. Этот гусь каждый день нес золотые яйца.

It was a great luck! But the man and his wife soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough.

Удача улыбнулась им! Но вскоре муж и жена начали думать, что так они еще долго не станут зажиточными богачами.

They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be made of gold. And they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once, they would get mighty rich very soon.

Они вообразили себе, что раз птичка несет золотые яйца, то, наверняка, она и изнутри вся золотая. И они решили, что можно сразу добыть весь драгоценный металл и сиюминутно разбогатеть.

So the man and his wife decided to kill the bird. However, upon cutting the goose open, they were shocked to find that its innards were like that of any other goose!

Так муж и жена решились убить птицу. Однако, разделывая гуся, они были сильно удивлены: изнутри он был точно такой же, как и все подобные ему птицы!

The crocodile (Крокодильчик)

There was once a baby crocodile. He had a beautiful shiny tail. All the other crocodiles were jealous of him.

Жил-был на свете маленький крокодильчик. У него был очень красивый и блестящий хвостик. Другие крокодилы страшно завидовали его красоте.

One day the little baby crocodile counted all his beautiful shiny scales and there were a thousand. A lot more than he thought.

Однажды малыш-крокодил посчитал все свои блестящие чешуйки, и получилась их целая тысяча. Их было намного больше, чем он думал прежде.

He counted all the other crocodiles and there were twenty. He decided that he had many scales and could spare forty from his tummy.

Он подсчитал других крокодилов. Всего их было 20. Он решил, что у него слишком много чешуи, и, пожалуй, он мог бы поделиться 40 чешуйками со своего животика.

He wished for forty of his scales to be on his pillow by morning, but there weren’t any. Even three weeks later there weren’t any.

Крокодильчик загадал перед сном, чтобы на подушку выпало 40 чешуинок. Но этого не случилось. Не выпали они и через три недели.

Then one day a magic crocodile granted him a wish. He wished for forty of his scales to be on his pillow.

И вот в один прекрасный день волшебник-крокодил подарил малышу одно желание. Он снова загадал, чтобы 40 чешуечек оказались у него на подушке.

He woke up. There were forty beautiful shiny scales on his pillow! He gave all twenty crocodiles, two scales each. From then on everybody was kind to the little baby crocodile.

Крокодильчик проснулся, и о чудо! На подушке лежало 40 блестящих чешуек. Он раздал их 20 крокодилам: каждому по 2 чешуйки. С тех пор все подружились с добрым малышом-крокодильчиком.

The boy who cried “Wolf!” (Мальчик, который кричал «Волки!»)

Once upon a time there lived a little boy. He lived in the village, and looked after sheep. But he was not a good boy because he often told lies.

Однажды жил на свете маленький мальчик. Он жил в деревне и следил за овечками. Но он не был очень хорошим мальчиком, потому что он часто врал.

He had a joke which he often played on the people. The boy ran down and cried out very loudly: Wolf! Wolf! Help me anyone! There is a wolf!”

У него была одна шутка, которую он часто играл с людьми. Мальчик бежал вниз и очень громко выкрикивал: Волк! Волк! Помогите мне кто-нибудь! Здесь волк!

The neighbors ran very fast to him because they wanted to save his life. But when they came the boy laughed at them. He was playing the same trick again and again.

Соседи быстро бежали к нему, потому что они хотели спасти жизнь мальчика. Но когда они приходили, сорванец смеялся над ними. Он проделывал этот трюк снова и снова.

Once upon a time there was a wonderful warm day. The boy was sleeping at the tree. Suddenly he heard a strange sound. The boy woke up and saw a big dark animal. It was a wolf.

Однажды выдался замечательный теплый денек. Мальчишка спал под деревом. Вдруг он услышал странный звук. Мальчик проснулся и увидел крупного серого зверя. Это был волк.

Now the boy really alarmed.

Aaaaa! – he cried. – Pray, anybody, do come and help me! Please! The wolf is running after me!

Теперь мальчик действительно обеспокоился.

«Аааа!»– кричит он. –«Умоляю, кто-нибудь придите и помогите мне! Пожалуйста! Волк гонится за мной!»

But nobody came to save the boy this time. Because there is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth. When the boy didn’t return home at night the people went to look for him. But they never found the boy.

Но на этот раз никто не пришел спасать мальчика. Потому что никто не поверит лгуну, даже если он вдруг решит сказать правду. Когда мальчик не вернулся ночью домой, люди отправились его искать. Но им так никогда и не удалось отыскать мальчишку.

Надеемся, что вам были полезны приведенные рассказы и сказки на английском для детей. Успехов и до новых встреч!

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