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The following is a list of the cast and characters from the NBC television series Grimm.

Main characters[edit]

Actor Character Seasons
1 2 3 4 5 6
David Giuntoli Nicholas «Nick» Burkhardt Main
Russell Hornsby Hank Griffin Main
Bitsie Tulloch Juliette Silverton / Eve Main
Silas Weir Mitchell Monroe Main
Sasha Roiz Captain Sean Renard Main
Reggie Lee Sergeant Drew Wu Main
Bree Turner Rosalee Calvert Recurring Main
Claire Coffee Adalind Schade Recurring Main

Nick Burkhardt[edit]

Nicholas Burkhardt (played by David Giuntoli) is the show’s protagonist and titular Grimm. Nick is a homicide detective who discovers he is descended from a line of Grimms, hunters who fight supernatural forces. Even before his abilities manifested, Nick had an exceptional ability to make quick and accurate deductions about individuals’ motivations and pasts. This power has now expressed itself in his ability to perceive the supernatural that nobody else can see. Nick had wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Juliette, for some time, but he felt that he would have to tell her about his life as a Grimm beforehand.

Throughout the first season, Nick struggles to balance his normal life and life as a Grimm. When he works cases involving Wesen, which are creatures from the Grimm world, the two frequently cross paths. As Nick dives deeper into his Grimm heritage, he begins to train with Monroe to learn about the Wesen in Portland and to use the weapons that his aunt Marie left behind. As of episode 19, Nick had successfully killed three reapers, creatures that are sent out to kill Grimms (hence the Grimm reaper title). He kills the first in defense of Marie, and the other two are killed in self-defense after being sent as Nick’s lead suspect in a case. The latter two have their heads returned home with a note instructing them to send the best the next time. In the season finale, Nick’s worries about a scratch Juliette received from Adalind’s cat force him to reveal his Grimm heritage to her, which makes Juliette believe he has gone crazy. When bringing her to the trailer is not enough to convince her, they go to Monroe’s house so that Nick can show her his blutbad form, though before Monroe can show her, Juliette collapses. Rosalee discovers that Juliette is going through memory loss, but when Juliette wakes up, the only thing she has forgotten is Nick.

Nick, after believing for eighteen years that both of his parents died in a car crash, discovers that his mother is alive and well in the first episode of season two. At this time, but he still does not know her true motives or agenda. At the end of season three, Nick’s Grimm powers are removed by Adalind as a result of sleeping with her – she had disguised herself as Juliette. He regains his powers in «Highway Of Tears.»

Nick later learns that Adalind is pregnant with his child, which is revealed to be a boy when Adalind gives birth. She names the boy «Kelly» after Nick’s mother. At the beginning of Season 5, Nick and the group become involved in a secret war between Hadrian’s Wall (HW) – a secret government organization that Trubel and Meisner are a part of, and Black Claw, a worldwide Wesen revolutionary group. Nick sells his home and buys a secret, fortified loft to better protect Adalind and Kelly. As Nick and Adalind raise Kelly together, they grow closer, and Nick shows himself to be a devoted father. At the end of «Wesen Nacht,» Nick is shocked to learn that Juliette has survived, Wesen Nacht and is now working for HW under the new persona of Eve. In «Map of the Seven KnightsWesen Nacht,» Nick comes into contact with Monroe’s uncle, who is killed by Black Claw. After avenging his murder, Nick acquires twenty new Grimm books, a new cache of weapons, and three more map keys. With these, he figures out the location of the Templar’s hidden treasure. In «Key Move» and «Into the Schwarzwald,» Nick and Monroe travel to Germany to find this treasure. The group discovers that the treasure is a stick of wood with healing properties. Nick learns that Renard is working with Black Claw to become Mayor and that Renard may use Diana to get to Adalind. Rosalee reveals to Nick that Adalind’s Hexenbiest powers have returned while he was in Germany, but states he should not let Adalind discover he knows until Adalind herself tells him. Adalind is forced by Renard, Bonaparte, and, unknowingly, Diana, to take Kelly and leave Nick. Nick becomes distraught over losing his son and girlfriend and fights hard to get them back, which culminates in a vicious fight between him and Renard at the police station. Nick is arrested for assault but is later set free by Eve, Trubel, and Wu. Diana warns Nick that Black Claw is coming for them. He subsequently leads the group into a tunnel underneath his loft while he stays behind to deal with the attackers. Despite overwhelming numbers and the stick’s healing powers, Nick kills all of the assailants before being confronted byh Renard and Bonaparte Into the Schwarzwald. Diana, who learned Bonaparte had tortured Adalind to reveal their location, kills Bonaparte before Nick can .

It is assumed that Nick and Adalind got married sometime after the series finale.

Hank Griffin[edit]

Hank Griffin (played by Russell Hornsby) is Nick’s detective partner and best friend who, like Juliette, was not aware that Nick is a Grimm until season 2. He is sarcastic at times and had gone through at least four marriages by the time the series begins. Throughout the first season, Hank starts to notice the strange occurrences in Portland and in some of the cases he works on with Nick. Adalind, in an attempt to get closer to Nick, gave Hank a «lovesick» potion that caused him to develop obsessive behavior towards her. In «Big Feet,» Hank accidentally runs into a transformed Monroe, who was leading search dogs away from a friend of his. This, combined with seeing a dead suspect change back into human form, causes Hank to have nightmares and paranoia when he is home. In «Bad Moon Rising,» Hank starts to doubt whether he can continue police work given his state of mind.

When searching for the missing daughter of an old friend from high school, Hank learns Nick is a Grimm. Hank tells Nick that he is comfortable knowing the truth, reflecting that, while he may be crazy, at least there is someone else who is crazy as well. After this, Hank becomes increasingly invested in the Wesen world, even participating in Nick’s hunts to stop enemy Wesen. In season 3, when Wu first encounters the Wesen world, Hank wants to reveal everything so that Wu does not face the same issues he did. In «Wesenrein,» Hank tells Wu that he related to him, having been in the same position himself. In Season 5, Hank joins Hadrian’s Wall, a secret government organization fighting a worldwide Wesen revolutionary group known as Black Claw. He soon starts a relationship with his former physical therapist, Zuri (also a Wesen), whom he later discovers to be working with Black Claw.

Juliette Silverton / Eve[edit]

Juliette Silverton (seasons 1 to 4), later Eve (seasons 5 & 6), (played by Bitsie Tulloch) is Nick’s girlfriend. She works as a veterinarian, and spent much of her childhood with her grandmother in Spain, which made her fluent in Castilian Spanish (although her accent is similar to that found in Latin America). Although Marie suggested that Nick should leave Juliette for her safety, he decided to stay with her. He postponed his original plans to propose to her while he explored his new life as a Grimm. However, in «The Thing with Feathers,» he proposes, only for her to turn him down because she felt he was hiding something. In «Woman in Black,» Juliette suffers a scratch while treating Adalind Schade’s cat. When Nick reacts with horror, Juliette demands he tell her what’s going on. Nick tries to explain by bringing her to the trailer and then to Monroe, but Juliette falls unconscious and is taken to the hospital.

She eventually awakens from her coma with help from Rosalee, and a potion prepared for and delivered by Renard. Due to a spell, all her memories of Nick have been erased – though she can remember everything else about her life. She begins to develop an unusual attraction to Captain Renard due to his role in awakening her. She fights this attraction due to her complicated relationship with Nick. After drinking a potion to break the compulsive attraction, she starts hallucinating sounds and images, such as imagining that the floor of her house had collapsed. She thinks that she is going crazy, but is really regaining her memories of Nick. In «One Angry Fuchsbau,» she begins seeing many clear visions of Nick, which overwhelms her. Seeking help, she contacts the Mexican woman she met in «La Llorona» who tells her to concentrate on La Llorona a single memory at a time to completely remember them. In «Kiss of the Muse,» she returns to the trailer by herself and remembers what Nick told her the first night she went there. In «The Waking Dead,» Juliette convinces Monroe to tell her the truth about Grimms and the Wesen world, which he, along with Rosalee and Bud, do by wogeing in front of her. From this point on, she starts to become increasingly interested in Nick’s Grimm activities and joins him and his allies in fighting zombies. She later helps Nico find a cure for a rare disease that gives humans a ghostly appearance.

She becomes a Hexenbiest after using a spell to sleep with Nick to give him back his Grimm powers, which leads to drastic changes in her personality. She becomes far colder and less empathetic, starting fights with everyone she comes across, and she begins to enjoy the powers she now possesses. She begins working for the royals after learning Adalind had become pregnant with Nick’s child. She sets fire to Nick’s trailer and lures his mother into a trap so that the royals can take Diana. She was later killed by Trubel in the Season 4 finale, «Cry Havoc,» after trying to kill Nick.

However, Hadrian’s Wall saved her life, broke her down to nothing, and then rebuilt her as an emotionally distant assassin called Eve. Having conquered her rage and properly practiced her powers, Eve becomes incredibly powerful, able to kill twenty Black Claw members by herself.[1] She goes to any extreme to complete her missions, such as assassinate a known Black Claw organizer in a crowded restaurant or breathing in a potion to transform herself into Renard to learn of their leaders. However, Eve still has remnants of Juliette’s personality. She is drawn to Nick due to their past and threatens Adalind not to hurt him. In «The Beginning of the End,» Eve is gravely injured by the Black Claw leader, Bonaparte, who is a powerful magician in his own right. When Nick saves her with the Templar treasure (a wooden stick with healing properties), she suffers a seizure. Upon awakening, she is very emotional and confused, leading Nick to wonder if Juliette has returned.


Monroe (played by Silas Weir Mitchell) is a creature of the Grimm world (a wieder blutbad) who aids Nick with his cases. He becomes a good friend of Nick’s, even though he has some issues with Grimms since a Grimm killed his grandfather. Monroe had not known that there were any Grimms left until he meets Nick. In the first season, Monroe is attacked by the reapers because he helps Nick with his cases. After the attack, Nick tells Monroe that he will not ask for any more assistance. Monroe, despite his occasional dissatisfaction with the demands Nick places on him, decides to continue helping Nick, saying that he enjoys disrupting the «status quo.» Monroe is knowledgeable about the supernatural creatures that Nick goes up against. Whenever the second-hand knowledge that Nick acquires from his ancestors’ books is inadequate, Monroe serves as Nick’s direct source of insight and information. He also helps make contact with creatures that would avoid Nick due to his status as a Grimm, and assists Nick when cases require him to rely on someone who knows about the threats he faces.

In «Big Feet,» when Monroe’s friend is injured and suffering from the side effects of an experimental drug, he takes his friend’s jacket and makes the search dogs chase him. While being chased in the forest, he is surrounded by the search dogs and transforms into his blue bad form to scare them off, but runs into Hank when he heads back to his house. Because he allowed his changed form to be seen by normal beings, Hank was able to see it before he ran off. In «Woman in Black,» Nick brings Juliette over to Monroe’s place so that he can change in front of her, to prove his Grimm heritage. However, before Monroe can allow himself to be seen by her, Juliette collapses from the scratch made by Adalind’s cat.

Monroe explores a relationship with Rosalee, although they are taking their time due to their pre-existing friendship. While running the spice shop, Monroe comes into contact with Sean Renard, who complains of obsessive behavior. Monroe says he can make the compulsions go away, but he needs both Sean and the person he is obsessed with together. In «To Protect and Serve Man,» he discovers that the obsession Sean has been fighting against is for Juliette, which puts him in a very difficult and awkward situation. He and Rosalee help Juliette and Captain Renard break the bond between them. In season 3 «A Dish Best Served Cold,» Monroe asks Rosalee to move in with him which she does in the next episode, «One Night Stand.» Monroe and Rosalee get married in «Blond Ambition.»

In season 4, an old medieval Wesen group, whose goal is to keep Wesen pure (no hybridization or inter-Wesen marriages), capture Monroe and attempt sto kill him for his «crimes.» He is later freed with the help of Nick and Rosalee, among others. In season 5, Monroe is drawn into the war between Hadrian’s Wall and Black Claw. He is concerned for Rosalee when her ex-boyfriend, Tony, begins reaching out to her. The battle becomes personal for him when his uncle, who had recently acquired a large number of Grimm books for Nick, is murdered by Black Claw. Upon learning the location of the Templar’s treasure, Monroe and Nick travel to Germany to find it, but Monroe is bitten and his wound becomes infected by the time they get back. The treasure is a piece of wood that somehow heals Monroe’s wound. In the last two episodes of season 5, Monroe comes face-to-face with Tony when it is discovered that Tony is a member of Black Claw. Upon escaping Black Claw’s clutches, Rosalee reveals she is pregnant with his child, which delights him.

His last name has not been stated so far. In a phone call, his parents called him Monroe, seeming to indicate that it is his first name. However, the season 1 boxset features stated Monroe’s name as ‘Eddie Monroe,’ though actor Silas Weir Mitchell has since dismissed this as Monroe’s full name.[2]

Sean Renard[edit]

Sean Renard (played by Sasha Roiz) is a politically adept police captain who is Nick’s superior officer. Unknown to Nick during the first season, Renard is a human–creature hybrid with magical abilities called a Zauberbiest (the male form of Hexenbiest). In «Last Grimm Standing,» he is addressed as Your Highness, implying that he belongs to royalty in the creature community, and he is later revealed to be a prince connected to royal blood. He references my canton, which implies that he has a leadership role. This is emphasized when he appears to protect Wesen from engaging in illicit acts. In «The Kiss,» he consumed a potion to make him pure of heart so that he could wake Juliette, wanting to keep her active so that he could ensure Nick’s continued presence in his city. In «The Other Side,» his brother, Eric, mentioned to Adalind that Sean’s mother was a Hexenbiest and that he only had royal blood on one side of his family – this is one reason why Catherine Schade referred to him as a bastard. As a result of his illegitimate status, he and his mother were forced to flee from Europe. He now considers himself independent of the royal families and is a known ally of the resistance against them. He developed an attraction to Juliette due to his role in awakening her from the coma but attempts to resist it. He, Nick, and Juliette all drink a potion mixed by Rosalee that breaks the compulsion.

Since the revelation of his heritage, Sean has been more open with Nick about Grimm-related cases. He admits that he is distant from his family and prefers Nick over them. He is the father of Adalind’s daughter Diana, who has unique powers.

During season 4, he experiences moments of unexplained bleeding after his mother saves his life using an ancient spell. It is revealed after the season that the bleeding is a result of him being «possessed» by the spirit of Jack the Ripper – who was a killer of Wesen in life – until the rest of the team can «exorcise» Jack from his body.

In season 5, he is subtly manipulated by the pro-Wesen group, Black Claw, to take on the role of running for mayor, eventually coming to favor their power campaign. However, after he attempts to get Nick and his allies accused of murder, Nick can get Renard to step down as mayor. Nick does this by using a complex spell to turn himself into Renard and publicly abdicate while claiming that the accusations against Nick were part of a sting operation.

Drew Wu[edit]

Drew Wu (played by Reggie Lee) is a police sergeant who works with Nick and Hank. He tends to do the «grunt work» for them, collecting facts and information. He is often sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor.

In «Island of Dreams,» when Adalind gives Hank some Zaubertrank (love potion) cookies as part of her revenge plot against Nick, Wu eats one. Since the Zaubertrank was not created for him, it causes adverse effects. Nick advises him to visit the spice shop, but as he arrives he passes out and his face breaks out in lesions. Fortunately, Rosalee has seen this effect before and manages to quickly create a potion to cure him. The cure causes Wu to have brief hallucinations of everyone’s faces melting, but is ultimately a success. Though cured of the welts and sickness, Wu is left with a lasting effect of the Zaubertrank – he tries to ingest inedible things, such as paper clips and coins. Two episodes later, in «Love Sick,» Rosalee creates another potion that clears the last of the Zaubertrank effects. No, after-effects are shown and he has no memory of what he had been doing.

In «Mommy Dearest,» he becomes traumatized by a Wesen called the Aswang – a creature whose inclusion was inspired by Filipino folklore. As a child, his grandmother told him stories of the Aswang which scared him. He sees one when trying to protect his childhood friend, Dana, which gives him flashbacks to his grandmother’s storytelling. The trauma caused by this incident makes Wu check himself into a psychiatric hospital. Later, Juliette visits him and confides in Wu, sharing the experience of regaining her memories. She tells him she thought she was going crazy and seeing ghosts. When Wu asks how she got over thinking it was real, she tells him that it didn’t matter whether it was real, what mattered was losing her fear of it. This has a big impact on Wu and he later feels well enough to check out of the hospital.

However, in «Chupacabra,» he is told by Nick that Wesen is real, which puts him on edge, and eventually leaves him in a state of shock. After going to a bar in «Wesenrein» and causing a disturbance, Nick and Hank take him to the trailer, Wu learns that Nick is a Grimm. After saving Monroe’s life, Wu becomes increasingly fascinated with the Wesen world and accurately deduces whenever a case has Wesen-like qualities.

In season 5, after being scratched by a Lycanthrope (a Blutbad with a genetic disease), he has night sweats, joint pains, and strange dreams. This culminates when, in a heightened emotional state, he transforms into a Neanderthal-like version of himself with enhanced strength and Wesen-like ferocity. At first, he blacks out and cannot recall what happened. Upon learning of his condition, Wu demonstrates greater control over his primal form, becoming self-aware and can distinguish friend from foe. He even can use his powers to help others and fight off evil Wesen.

Rosalee Calvert[edit]

Rosalee Calvert (recurring season 1; regular seasons 2 to 6), (played by Bree Turner) is a fox-like creature, called a Fuchsbau, and the sister of Freddie, the proprietor of the herb shop used as a front for the Geier organ trafficking business seen in «Organ Grinder.» After Freddie’s death in «Island of Dreams,» Rosalee comes to Portland to sort out her brother’s affairs and decides to stick around. Before living in Portland she tried to follow her parents’ profession as an apothecary, but despite her aptitude for it, did not like the job. She became hooked on a highly addictive Wesen-oriented street drug-named ‘J’ and left Portland to get clean. After deciding to keep her brother’s shop running, Rosalee assists Nick and Monroe in their efforts by providing additional information and remedies to supernatural problems.

Rosalee shares a powerful connection with Monroe. In «Quill,» they go on their first date and share their first kiss, after which Rosalee uncharacteristically attempts to seduce Monroe. This seduction attempt turns out to be the manifestation of a common symptom from the Wesen virus Rosalee had been exposed to during their date. After being cured, Rosalee and Monroe agree that the attraction between them was real, but decide to take it slow before becoming intimate with each other. In season 3, «A Dish Best Served Cold,» Monroe asks Rosalee to move in with him and she does so in the next episode, «One Night Stand.» In «The Wild Hunt,» Monroe proposes to her and she accepts, but this is met with frosty reception from his parents who are very traditional about inter-species marriages. Monroe and his parents have since mended their relationship.

Rosalee marries Monroe at the end of season 3, but throughout half of season 4, they are stalked and ridiculed by a Wesen purity group called Wesenrein. After learning of Juliette’s new status as a Hexenbiest, Rosalee tries to reach out to her. She is unsuccessful but does not give up trying to save her until Juliette almost killed Monroe. In season 5, she and the group get involved in a war between Hadrian’s Wall and Black Claw. During this time, she becomes friends with Adalind after Kelly’s birth. Tony, a former boyfriend, starts reaching out to her, and appears in «Into the Schwarzwald.» He asks Rosalee for money and assaults her when she refuses. When Adalind defends herself and Rosalee from Tony, Rosalee sees that her powers have returned, and encourages her to tell Nick. Upon learning that she did not, Rosalee tells Nick about Adalind’s powers returning but encourages him to let Adalind tell him in her own time.

In the season 5 finale, Rosalee reveals to Monroe that she is pregnant with their first child. In season 6, she and Monroe find out she is having triplets.

Adalind Schade[edit]

Adalind (recurring seasons 1 & 2 (part); regular seasons 2 (part) to 6), (played by Claire Coffee) is a witch-like creature called a Hexenbiest who seemed to be working for Renard during season 1. In «Love Sick,» after ingesting Nick’s blood, she becomes a completely normal human. Renard tells her that she is no longer useful to him since she is no longer a Wesen. Although not a true Hexenbiest anymore, Adalind retains her knowledge and skill with potions, and Nick now describes her as a witch. In «Woman in Black,» she gets Juliette scratched by a poisoned (or magicked) cat. Monroe and Rosalee retrieve the cat but find that Adalind has vanished.

Sometime later, Adalind resurfaces in Vienna to rendezvous with Eric Renard. She becomes pregnant with the child of Eric or Sean Renard – which one is unspecified – then attempts to bargain with the royal families. She asks her Hexenbiest powers to be given back in return for the child, threatening to terminate the pregnancy if they do not do so.

In «Mommy Dearest,» Adalind becomes a Hexenbiest again after giving birth to her daughter, whom she names Diana. Later, after beginning her search for her missing child, she discovers that she is pregnant with Nick’s son. She lies to the royals about the child, claiming it is Viktor’s, but Prince Kenneth uncovers the truth after informing her that Viktor is sterile. When he decides to lure Juliette into working for him to find Diana, Adalind tells Nick the truth about his child. Later, her powers are suppressed when she tests a potion meant for Juliette. After complications from giving birth to her son by C-section, she names him «Kelly» after Nick’s late mother, who died protecting her daughter Diana.

Adalind becomes more compassionate after the birth of her son, even telling Rosalee that she does not want to be a Hexenbiest anymore; she does not want there to be friction between her and Nick that could affect Kelly. While she and Nick are living together to raise Kelly, they let go of past animosities and develop romantic feelings for one another. In episode 100, Adalind’s Hexenbiest powers return when she defends herself against Rosalee’s ex-boyfriend, breaking all of his fingers in the process. She fears that Nick would abandon her if he finds out her powers are back. During this time, she returns to her old job as a lawyer, but she is antagonized by Renard and Black Claw leader Bonaparte, who claim her daughter is with them. Soon, Adalind tells Nick the truth about her powers and her fears that Renard and Black Claw will use Diana to get to her. Given a dangerous ultimatum by Diana disguised as Renard, Adalind is forced to leave with Kelly. Despite Renard’s attempts to win her back and Bonaparte threatening her, Adalind remains loyal to Nick, refusing to reveal his location to them. When Bonaparte tortures the location out of her, Adalind has Diana send Nick a message about the danger heading his way. Diana kills Bonaparte in revenge for the torture he put Adalind through.

It is assumed that Nick and Adalind got married sometime after the series finale.

Recurring characters[edit]

Marie Kessler[edit]

Marie Kessler (played by Kate Burton) is a Grimm who is Nick’s aunt. She told Nick that she worked as a librarian, but it is unclear whether this was true or she worked as a Grimm full-time. She is injured by a reaper when she comes to visit Nick, although she was already dying of cancer. Despite assassination attempts being thwarted by Nick and Monroe, she eventually dies of her injuries in season 1, episode 2 – with her last words, she reminds Nick to fight «the bad ones.» She leaves Nick her trailer, containing all of her books and tools about the creatures that he would face as a Grimm, which he keeps in the middle of a deserted storage lot and consults when necessary. She returns in the series finale along with Kelly, to help Nick in the final fight against the Zerstorer.

Kelly Kessler Burkhardt[edit]

Kelly Kessler Burkhardt (played by Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) is Nick Burkhardt’s mother and is also a Grimm. Her first appearance is in the last episode of season 1 (episode 22). For 18 years, Nick believed that both of his parents had died in a car crash. After learning that he was a Grimm Nick discovers that his parents had been murdered; but in reality, Kelly has been alive the whole time. When Nick reunites with his mother in episode 23 (season 2, episode 1), she tells Nick that his father was killed in the car crash but that the woman with him was mistaken for Kelly by both the authorities and the killer. Kelly explains to Nick that she had pretended to be dead for 18 years because it was the best way to protect Nick from his father’s murderer. Kelly assists Nick with his investigation on the attacks by the «Mauvais Dentes.» Nick takes his mother to Marie’s trailer, which Kelly and Marie had bought together after their father became ill. Later, in episode 24 (season 2, episode 2), Kelly talks with Catherine Schade in an attempt to find a cure for Juliette. Catherine tells Kelly that a prince is in Portland, but Kelly accidentally kills Catherine before being able to find out the prince’s identity. At the end of the episode, Nick, thinking that she was going to Zakynthos to destroy the «coins of Zakynthos,» takes Kelly to the train station. After Nick drives away from the station, Kelly is seen stealing a car instead of entering the station.

In season 3, she returns to Portland with Adalind and newly born Diana. She is last seen leaving in a truck with Adalind’s baby, in an attempt to keep her safe.

In the season 4 episode, «Headache,» Nick returns home to find Kelly’s severed head in a box as a result of an ambush by the royals. He deduces that Juliette, working for the royals, lured Kelly into a trap so they could take Diana. Kelly never finds out that Adalind is pregnant with her grandson Kelly, who is named after her. Until the finale episode in season 6, where she tells Nick to look after her grandson, and that she likes the name they gave him.

Theresa «Trubel» Rubel[edit]

Theresa Rubel (played by Jacqueline Toboni) often known as Trubel (pronounced «trouble»), is a vagrant runaway and a Grimm, although she has no prior knowledge of what «Grimm» means. She has had to defend herself from wesen who recognizes her as a Grimm, but when she describes her experiences, she is called mad or lying. As a result, she spends time in several mental institutions. Monroe identifies her as a Grimm during their initial (and almost deadly) encounter. At the end of season 3, she is staying at Nick’s home and learning about the world of Grimms and Wesen.

At the start of season 4, she acts as the local Grimm, keeping the bads of the Wesen community in check until Nick gets his powers back. After helping Nick find a way to get back to being a Grimm, she goes on her own with Josh Porter, to teach him how to fight and survive without Grimm’s powers. She also aims to become her Grimm by searching for herself. She later returns to help after receiving a phone call from Monroe and Rosalee. She kills Juliette with a crossbow in the season 4 finale «Cry Havoc» because Juliette was trying to kill Nick. In season 5, she works for Hadrian’s Wall along with Eve and Meisner but was still considered to be primarily an ally to Nick’s team rather than a member of Hadrian’s Wall, to the extent that Nick told her about the mystery healing stick while keeping it secret from the organization as a whole.

Dr. Harper[edit]

Dr. Harper (played by Sharon Sachs) is a medical examiner, who occasionally works on Nick and Hank’s cases. In episode 13, she is beaten by a Schakal who was looking for the Coins of Zakynthos. Throughout «Three Coins in a Fuchsbau,» Harper is referred to as «Parker.»

Bud Wurstner[edit]

Bud Wurstner (played by Danny Bruno) is a beaver-like creature, called an Eisbiber, who first encounters Nick when he is repairing his fridge. He is initially frightened of Nick, believing him to be as violent as the mythical Grimms. Because of this, Bud behaves subserviently towards Nick, offering to fix things and giving Nick gifts. It is only after Nick calls upon Bud for help in a murder case that Bud realizes Nick is a good person. The two become friends, although he is still somewhat jittery when he and Nick meet. Bud played an important role in stopping a Wesen lawyer who used his pheromones to manipulate juries to favor his clients.


Sergeant Franco (played by Robert Blanche) is a police officer who works in the Homicide Department, apparently under Sergeant Wu. He appears to share many of Wu’s duties and possibly fills in for Sergeant Wu whenever the latter is busy elsewhere.

Catherine Schade[edit]

Catherine Schade (played by Jessica Tuck) is a Hexenbiest and Adalind’s mother. She is first seen in episode 17 (season 1, episode 17). She taught Adalind everything she knew about being a Hexenbiest. The last time she spoke to her daughter was episode 17 (season 1, episode 17) when Adalind ingests Nick’s blood, removing her Hexenbiest abilities. She was accidentally killed in episode 24 (season 2, episode 2) by Nick’s mother when the latter was trying to find a cure for Juliette.

Eric Renard[edit]

Eric Renard (played by James Frain) is the brother of Sean Renard. He is fluent in English and French and lives in a Norman-style castle. He first appears in episode 23 (season 2, episode 1) when he is seen approaching a man undergoing torture, demanding the names of people in the resistance. Eric is a recurring character in season 2. He arrives in Portland in the season finale in an attempt to abduct Nick involving an army of zombie-like individuals. Despite Eric’s efforts, Nick manages to escape. Eric is killed by a bomb planted by Sean Renard in retaliation.


Sebastien (played by Christian Lagadec) is a lawyer in the service of Eric Renard’s royal family. He is an undercover ally of Sean Renard and regularly aids him by providing information regarding the family. Viktor eventually discovers his betrayal and kills him in the episode «The Show Must Go On» (season 3, episode 16).

Ryan Smulson[edit]

Ryan Samuelson (played by Michael Grant Terry) is an intern at the Portland police department who appears to worship Nick. He is later revealed to be finding Wesen using police information, then torturing and killing them, similar to ancient historical Grimms. When Nick confronts him, he turns out to be a leech-like Wesen and is arrested.


Pilar (played by Bertila Damas) is fluent in Spanish and English, who helps when Juliette loses her memory of Nick. Pilar has not been revealed to be Wesen or a Grimm, but she can identify that Juliette is cursed. She gives Juliette advice to allow her to regain her memories. In «El Cucuy,» Juliette and Nick visit her again to ask if she knows about El Cucuy.

Stefania Vaduva Popescu[edit]

Stefania Vaduva Popescu (played by Shohreh Aghdashloo) is a Zigeverisprathes or Queen of Schwartzwald Roma at the House of Kronenberg. She helps Adalind get her Wesen powers back. She is a rival of Frau Pech.

Frau Pech[edit]

Frau Pech (played by Mary McDonald-Lewis) is a Hexenbiest who, at the cost of her life, helps Adalind recover her Hexenbiest powers.

Baron Samedi[edit]

Baron Samedi (played by Reg E. Cathey) is a Cracher-Mortel, a Wesen who works with Eric Renard. He arrives in Portland at the end of season 2 and turns several people into zombie-like creatures as a cover-up for the abduction of Nick. After being abducted, Nick wakes up on a plane leaving Portland and fights Baron Samedi, causing the plane to crash. Baron Samedi is killed in the crash, while Nick (and the other zombies) are eventually cured by Rosalee.

Viktor Albert Wilhelm George Beckendorf[edit]

Viktor Albert Wilhelm George Beckendorf (played by Alexis Denisof) is a second cousin of Eric and Sean Renard who becomes the new Crown Prince after Eric’s death. He threatens Captain Renard with death if he doesn’t give up Adalind’s baby, to which Renard acquiesces. After a short time, the baby is put in the hands of Kelly Burkhardt, Nick’s mother. He fools Adalind into thinking that he has her baby, which is revealed at the end of episode 71 (season 4, episode 5). When Adalind learns she was pregnant with Nick’s child, she attempts to pass it off as Viktor’s, but this backfires when it is revealed that Viktor is sterile.


Alexander (played by Spencer Conway) a Wesen who works for the Wesen Council. He comes to Portland three different times. In the episode «Once We Were Gods,» he asks Nick to stop someone from stealing an old mummy.

Martin Meisner[edit]

Martin Meisner (played by Damien Puckler) is a human member of the resistance. While not a Grimm, Meisner can identify Wesen on sight and is familiar with the different types of Wesen, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. He possesses superior combat skills and can easily defeat multiple Wesen in close combat. He helps deliver Adalind’s daughter Diana and escorts them both from Austria to Switzerland. He returns in the season 4 season finale, rescuing Diana from the royal king and killing him in the process. In season 5 he goes back to Portland and works for Hadrian’s Wall, a government-funded group that deals with Black Claw and the Wesen uprising. When special agent Chavez dies at the beginning of season 5, Meisner takes over as the head of Hadrian’s Wall for the Portland compound. In the episode «Beginning of the End, Parts One and Two,» Meisner is choked by Bonaparte, but Renard shoots him to prevent a slow death.

In the final season, his ghost haunts Renard.

Diana Schade-Renard[edit]

Diana Schade-Renard (played by Isley and Aria Zamora in season 3, Sloane McGinnis in season 4, and Hannah R. Loyd in seasons 5 and 6) is the daughter of Adalind Schade and Sean Renard. She is also the older half-sister of Kelly Schade-Burkhardt. She displays powers of telekinesis, pyrokinesis, casting illusions, and precognition. Her eyes tend to turn to glow purple whenever she uses her powers. Diana is seen riding in a truck with Kelly Burkhardt to an unknown location. She returns as a young child in the season 4 episode «Headache» with Kelly, when they are ambushed by the royals with the help of Juliette.

As a preteen, Diana reunites with her father in the season 5 episode «Inugami» with the help of Rachel Wood. In the episode «Good to the Bone,» she is reunited with her mother. It is later revealed that her powers have grown considerably in the episode «The Taming of the Wu.» She is now able to project her image as well as copy voices perfectly. When Diana loses her temper, she can be prone to using her abilities in fits of rage. One of Diana’s signature uses of her powers is to create the image of a skull from various media, often meant as a warning. She is also able to use her powers to project a brief image of herself to her mother, though she is unable to hear Adalind trying to speak to the projection. Because of how Adalind assumed Juliette’s identity in the past, and vice versa, Diana sometimes communicates with Eve inadvertently. Diana is further able to manipulate radio frequencies, a form of electromagnetic energy, to dial a specific cell phone. When doing so, she can also perform a perfect impersonation of any other individual’s voice. Similar to how Henrietta could manipulate Nick’s emotions when she was close to him, Diana can manipulate the emotions and actions of those within several feet of her. She can also manipulate people through the use of Voodoo dolls, which is how she killed Bonaparte once she learned what he did to her mother.

Josh Porter[edit]

Josh Porter (played by Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) is the non-Grimm son of Roland «Rolek» Porter. Rolek Porter, who was a Grimm, died in episode 65 (season 3, episode 21). After his father’s death, Josh is tasked with giving Nick the Grimm tools and books owned by Roland, including one of the seven map keys. In episode 71 (season 4, episode 5), Josh gives Nick a call to tell him that «this Grimm stuff» is ruining his life. He says that his home in Philadelphia has been ransacked by members of the Verrat in search of the key. In episode 73 (season 4, episode 7), he is seen leaving with Trubel heading to Philadelphia.

Elizabeth Lascelles[edit]

Elizabeth Lascelles (played by Louise Lombard) is Sean Renard’s mother and is also a Hexenbiest. Elizabeth had an affair with King Frederick, which resulted in Sean’s birth. When the Queen found out, she sent people to have Elizabeth and Sean killed. Later, while her son is dying in the hospital, Elizabeth uses a two-headed snake to revive him. He then tells her of her granddaughter Diana’s existence. Before she leaves, she tells Sean that she would be looking for her granddaughter and advises him to keep the witch’s hat.


Henrietta (played by Garcelle Beauvais) is a Hexenbiest and old friend of Elizabeth Lascelles and Sean Renard, being one of the reasons they come to Portland. Sean sends Juliette to Henrietta to help her deal with her new Hexenbiest powers. She is killed by Sean Renard while he is under the influence of Jack the Ripper.

Kelly Burkhardt[edit]

Kelly Burkhardt (played by Owynn and Quinn Ingersoll, Emma and Claire Dezellem, and 2+ other sets of unknown twins in season 5) is the son of Adalind Schade and Nick Burkhardt, named after Nick’s recently deceased mother Kelly Burkhardt. He is also the younger half-brother of Diana Schade-Renard. He is conceived when Adalind uses the potion to disguise herself as Juliette to take away Nick’s Grimm powers by sleeping together. Adalind does not know she was pregnant until Henrietta senses it and tells her. Soon telling Nick that she was pregnant with his child, she reveals that she is having a boy. He is born by an emergency C-section due to his arm being above his head when Adalind was giving birth to him. He currently lives with his parents in Portland. Since Adalind’s powers were suppressed before his birth, it is unknown whether he has Hexenbiest powers like his half-sister, or will have Nick’s Grimm powers when he is older, or both.

Andrew Dixon[edit]

Andrew Dixon is a candidate running for mayor of Portland. His first appearance in the series is the season 5 episode «Wesen Nacht». He asks Sean Renard, a police captain, to endorse him so he would be elected for the mayor position. Renard supports him because he believes that Dixon is a good man. Dixon dies in the season 5 episode «Key Move» when he is assassinated by a Wesen terrorist working with Black Claw. Renard realizes Black Claw set this up so Renard could take his place as mayor of Portland.

Conrad Bonaparte[edit]

Conrad Bonaparte (played by Shaun Toub) is a powerful Zauberbiest and a co-founder of Black Claw who first appeared in the episode «The Taming of the Wu». He has significant involvement in Black Claw’s manipulative plans. Bonaparte meets with Renard and is disappointed with the situation regarding Adalind and Diana. He also threatens to kill Adalind if she chooses to stay with Nick. Later, he meets Adalind and Kelly at her office, where he gives her an ultimatum. The ultimatum leads her to take Kelly to leave Nick. After having the talk with Adalind at the Black Claw’s Hideout, Bonaparte reveals that he is a full Zauberbiest and uses his abilities to make Adalind believe that she is turning into stone. He also gives her an engagement ring but warns her what will happen to her children when she takes it off. After Bonaparte and Renard kill Meisner, Nick is enraged and gets arrested for assault on Renard. Bonaparte interrogates Nick with his powers of illusion to find the location of the Grimm ancestry book, which is in Nick’s possession. However, he leaves after the fighting begins between the Black Claw members and Nick’s friends. Later, after returning to the mansion, he uses his powers on Adalind to make her give up Nick’s location. After a standoff between him, Renard and Nick, when Bonaparte uses his powers in an attempt to choke Nick to death, he is stabbed in the back by Renard, who is being controlled by Diana.


The show refers to its numerous creatures as Wesen, which is German for creature or nature. While the species of each creature often has a German name, although disregarding correct spelling or grammatical, most of the Wesen in the series do not exist by these names in Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Some creatures have different names in the German synchronization of the series. For example, the Fuchsbau («fox den») are called fuchsteufel («fox-devil») in the German translation of the series.

Wesen are theriomorphic humans with certain traits and abilities characteristic in animals or mythological creatures. The non-human traits and abilities appear when Wesen are aggressive or otherwise emotionally agitated, which is referred to as wogeing from the German wogen, meaning surge. According to the character Monroe, normal people can see only the human appearance of a Wesen, not the woged form. However, Wesen can allow themselves to be seen, which is the source of legends and stories passed down as fairy tales by The Brothers Grimm.

The Wesen community has its politics and institutions, led by the Wesen Council which has the functions of judiciary and legislature. Separately, the seven Royal Houses in Europe are aware of the Wesen community in the series and are vying to restore their former influence in the world. There are also the German: Verrat («betrayal»), a secret police of Wesen working for the Royal Houses to manipulate others in the Wesen community; the Laufer, a Wesen resistance movement against the Royal Houses; and the reapers, assassins mainly concerned with eliminating Grimms. It is never clearly stated in the series whether members of the Royal families are Wesen themselves; however Wesen–Royal romantic relationships are frowned upon.

Wesen and others[edit]

Name Language /meaning Description
Alpe German: nightmare A sleep eating Wesen with green eyes that feeds off melatonin, causing its victim severe insomnia. 116 (Breakfast in Bed)
Anubis Greek name for an Egyptian god A jackal creature considered godlike protectors of the dead by ancient Egyptians. They are respectful of artifacts, and are involved with the Beati Paoli, a group of Wesen dedicated to preservation of Wesen culture. See also Schakal. 59 (Once We Were Gods)
Aswang Tagalog: evil spirit A ghoul creature from Filipino mythology. In the series, Aswang attack pregnant women with their piercing tongue, injecting a tranquilizer and sucking the infant and amniotic fluid out of the womb. It is a tradition (which some Aswang consider barbaric) for the eldest son to give up his first conceived child for his mother’s consumption to extend her lifespan. 58 (Mommy Dearest)
Apgadnieks Latvian: wage earner, bread winner, supporter A husky like creature with either body that is white, brown, or both, and a nosed dog-like rhinarium. 91 (Lost Boys)
Ataktos Fuse Greek: mischievous nature / Latin: Bestia Festiva A cicada-like Wesen with yellowish-brown exoskeleton. They are inspiration for the Greek god Dionysus. 115 (The Seven Year Itch
Balam Yucatec: jaguar A jaguar creature that tends to act before thinking. It is closely related to the Yaguaraté. 31 (La Llorona)
Barbatus Ossifrage Latin: bearded bone-breaker A Bearded vulture-like creature that preys on the mortally wounded. It breaks its victims’ bones and then liquefies them for consumption. 106 (Good to the Bone)
Bauerschwein German: farmer pig A pig creature. They are in a centuries-old feud with the Blutbads. This Wesen is portrayed as the mythological basis for the Three Little Pigs. 06 (The Three Bad Wolves)
Blutbad German: bloodbath A wolf-like creature with a keen sense of smell that is provoked by the color red. The creature is derived from the Big Bad Wolf in Grimms’ fairy tales. The Blutbad–Bauerschwein feud has lasted for centuries. 01 (Pilot)
Coyotl Nahuatl: coyote A coyote-like creature that usually lives in packs. They practice a mating ritual for females soon after their seventeenth birthday. 25 (Bad Moon Rising)
Cracher Mortel French: deadly spit A creature like a Puffer fish that uses its spit to induce a trance in its victims to create obedient zombie slaves. Baron Samedi, a loa (spirit) of Haitian Vodou, is portrayed as a Cracher-Mortel working for the royal families, in particular Captain Renard’s brother Eric. 43 (The Waking Dead)
Chupacabra Spanish: goat-sucker A contemporary-legend cryptid that preys on livestock. They are rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas, with the first sightings reported in Puerto Rico in 1995. The series presents chupacabra as a woge manifestation brought on by a mosquito-borne disease. An afflicted Wesen has no memory of transforming into a chupacabra that rips the throats and drinks the blood of its victims. 74 (Chupacabra)
Dämonfeuer German: demon fire A rare draconic creature with the ability to vaporize their own fat, which they cough up as flammable particles that can ignite. The appearance of breathing fire is presented as the inspiration for myths about dragons. 14 (Plumed Serpent)
Dickfellig German: insensitive (literal: thick-furred) A rhinoceros-like creature which is good at fighting. 12 (Last Grimm Standing)
Drang-Zorn German: «impulsive wrath» A creature like a badger that is prone to violent outbursts. A child Drangzorn who experiences woge before the age of 13 becomes unstable and violent. 29 (The Bottle Imp)
Eisbiber German: ice beaver A Beaver-like creature. They are somewhat meek and cowardly (less so than Mausherz) and have a knack for repair and crafts. 05 (Danse Macabre)
El Cucuy Spanish: el Coco «the bogeyman» A vigilante creature with long claws, wide mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, and superhuman hearing (even when in human form). El Cucuy can hear cries for help from miles away, and comes after people who commit bad actions towards others. Julliette speculates it may not actually be a Wesen. 49 (El-Cucuy)
Curupira Tupi: covered in blisters A mythological fairy from Brazilian Folklore that dwells in the forest. They ride collared peccary (musk pig) and dislike people who hunt animals. They are similar to caipora in Tupi-Guarani mythology with a small dark skinned black mane mischievous Indian who smoked cigar. 119 (Tree People)
Cupiditas Spanish: desire, longing, lust / greed is the root of evil A cupid-like Wesen that collects victims’ hair to make amor de infierno (Spanish: hellish love), which makes one madly in love or themselves. 117 (Blind Love)
El Cuegle Spanish: monster El Cuegle are creatures who possess either blue, or purple-gray skin. They have a third eye which grants future visions with regards to the children that they meet. Depending upon the vision, they then eat the babies to stop potential evil. 114 (El Cuegle)
Excandesco Latin: glow, become white-hot / catch fire Presented in the show as the possible origin of the Phoenix, this creature spontaneously bursts into flame at will by controlling phosphorus emitted through the skin. 79 (Trial by Fire)
Folterseele German: torture soul A created like a poison dart frog or golden poison dart frog. They secrete batrachotoxin through their skin. 82 (Heartbreaker)
Fuchsbau German: fox hole A fox-like creature that is sly and cunning. 10 (Organ Grinder)
Fuchsteufelwild German: livid / hopping mad A goblin creature equipped with blade-like bony fingers that can slice a victim in half while secreting acid. Its strong legs enable it to leap long distances and stomp with considerable force. Its large ego cannot accept defeat, which can result in suicide upon losing the intricate games played with victims. A Fuchsteufelwild will adopt an anagram name made up of the letters in Rumpelstiltskin, such as Trinket Lipslums. 38 (Nameless)
Fuilcré Irish: blood clay A bovine creature known for using an ancient Wesen ritual called; «Fulicre rain crucifixion rituals», which involves water runes, crosses, blood and sacrifice victims as a ceremony to bring rain. 97 (Star Crossed)
Furis Rubian Latin: red demon A creature like a horned toad. Although harmless, they are commonly mistaken for the devil on account of their appearance. 104 (The Believer)
Gedächtnis Esser German: memory eater An octopus-like creature that removes memories by forcing its tentacles into the back of a victim’s head. Upon waking, a victim has amnesia and with pain, with no memory of the attacker. 67 (Thanks for the Memories)
Gefrierengeber German: freeze giver A creature mentioned by Monroe. They are the inspiration for Santa Claus. 07 (Let Your Hair Down)
Geier German: vulture A vulture-like creature known for harvesting human organs and blood from live victims, to make effective medicinal remedies for the Wesen community. 10 (Organ Grinder)
Gelumcaedus Latin: cold kill A ferocious and aggressive crocodile creature that inhabits the city’s sewers and attacks with little provocation. They both fear and respect Grimms, referring to Grimms as Decapitare, meaning he who decapitates. 51 (Cold Blooded)
Genio innocuo Latin: harmless genius A non-violent tortoise creature that originates from the Galápagos Islands, often possessing genius-level intellect. Genio Innocuo are rare because a Grimm hunted and killed most of their population. 30 (The Other Side)
Glühenvolk German: glow-people A rare luminous creature mistaken for extraterrestrial life. Glühenvolk are a benevolent species of Wesen that avoid killing, but can become violent if their mate is threatened. 41 (Endangered)
Golem Hebrew: unshaped form A being made of clay and stone being. In Jewish folklore, it is an animated anthropomorphic being, magically created entirely from inanimate matter. This being is not considered a Wesen. 70 (Dyin’ on a Prayer)
Grausen Germany: horror Grausen is a condition caused by a unicellular eukroytoic parasite called daemon adespicon (Latin: I see the devil) that infects human children. 50 (Stories We Tell Our Young)
Gevatter Tod Germany: grim reaper/Godfather of death An assassin-bug like Wesen that kills their prey through venomous saliva containing large amounts of Hyaluronidase. They are often employed by the Wesen community to peacefully euthanize Wesen who suffer from Dementia. 120 (Blood Magic)
Hasenfussige Schnecke German: cowardly slug A blobfish-like creature known for being peaceful, but cowardly. They consider flies to be delicious. 94 (Wesen Nacht)
Hässlich German: ugly A troll creature fond of stewarding bridges and extorting tolls from the Eisbiber folk who built them. Several work in construction for the purpose of continued extortion and upholding ancient traditions. 19 (Leave It To Beavers)
Heftigauroch German: violent bison A bull-like creature that is good at fighting when enraged, but is generally nonviolent and reluctant to fight. 69 (The Last Fight)
Hexenbiest (female) German: witch-beast A witch creature (the female counterpart of Zauberbiest), which appears to have rotting flesh in Wesen form, but is strikingly attractive in human form. They excel at concocting potions having various compulsive, emotive, or deadly effects and possess various supernatural abilities such as telekinesis. Ingesting the blood of a Grimm causes a Hexenbiest to lose her abilities and become human. 01 (Pilot)
Höllentier German: hell animal A hellhound creature whose lineage can be traced to the ancient Egyptian empire. In modern times, the species is considered unpleasant, and they often have criminal records. Nick described this creature as half Hundjäger and half Dämonfeuer. 49 (El Cucuy)
Hundjäger German: dog-hunter A hound creature with a talent for tracking. These creatures often work for the Verrat organization as hit men or bounty hunters. The Verrat and their Hundjäger are widely feared by other Wesen, resulting in the resistance movement called Laufer. 18 (Cat and Mouse)
Huntha Lami Muuaji Swahili: hermaphrodite tar murder A flatworm creature whose epidermis secretes enzymes, that can burn human skin. It can also change its gender at will. 81 (Double Date)
Indole Gentile Italian: gentle nature A deer-like creature. During adolescence, a rare genetic disorder may manifest itself as a transformation into a kallikantzaros (see below). The Greek-American families of Indole Gentile were members of the Greek Orthodox Church. 73 (The Grimm Who Stole Christmas)
Inugami Japanese: god dog A ghost-like white dog creature from Japanese mythology. Honorable and loyal to ancient traditions, if someone saves their life the Inugami will forever act as a guardian to them and their family. 105 (Inugami)
Jack the Ripper NA A malevolent spirit that possess people and forces them commit horrifying murders. The being is not a Wesen. 86 (You Don’t Know Jack)
Jägerbär German: hunter-bear A bear creature that uses a claw-like scoop to disembowel victims. According to the Grimm journal, a Jägerbär tends to be a lawyer, mortgage lender or politician, and can live peacefully among humans when avoiding alcohol. The series presents them as the mythological basis for The Story of the Three Bears. 02 (Bears Will Be Bears)
Jinnamuru Xunte Maninka: limping evil spirit A fly-like creature from Africa that feeds off the victims’ tears, removing their eyesight. 37 (Mr. Sandman)
Kallikantzaroi Greek: beautiful centaur Malevolent nocturnal goblin creature from Greek folklore. In the series, a kallikantzaros arises from a rare genetic disorder in gentile deer-like Wesen, indole gentile, during early adolescence. The disorder manifests itself at night, when the child transforms into a goblin that engages in destructive mischief. 73 (The Grimm Who Stole Christmas)
Kinoshimobe Japanese: servant of the tree A kinoshimobe is an elemental humanoid tree-like non-Wesen creature made of plant material. They have chlorophyll for blood and a symbolic relationship with jukokko tree (Japanese: vampire tree) 119 (Tree People)
Kitsune Japanese: fox A white fox-like creature from Japanese folklore. 105 (Inugami)
Klaustreich German: thievery stroke An alley cat creature that tends to be popular with women. Relationships often end badly due to the creature’s possessiveness and proclivity toward violence. Females are notably less violent. The name is intended to mean «scrounging prankster» according to NBC’s Grimm guide.[3] 16 (The Thing With Feathers)
Königschlange German: royal serpent A creature like a King cobra, similar in name to the German word for boa constrictor, königsschlange («king’s snake»). The creature in the Grimm series can use its tongue to check body temperature, pulse, and other vital signs – skills sought by those wishing to confirm an individual’s death. Königschlangen also have toxic fangs, and have fast reflexes exceeding those of a Grimm. 28 (Over My Dead Body)
Koschei Russian: Коще́й, possibly derived from кость (bone) A radioactive skeleton with the ability to heal other beings from serious injuries and ailments, as well as afflict people with radiation poisoning. Koschei are resistant or immune to toxins and poisons, have quick reflexes, and are difficult to kill. Grigori Rasputin’s healing power is attributed to him being a koschei. In traditional stories, the creature is described mainly as an antagonist who abducts the hero’s wife. 53 (Red Menace)
Krampus German: Claw The «Anti-Santa» demon, Krampus is Yule Lord (a half-demon, half-goat creature with black fur), who traditionally punishes misbehaving children. In the series, a Krampus exists for three weeks per year to kidnap and devour naughty children before midnight of the winter solstice. His human self is unaware of his other side, having no recollection of being Krampus. Monroe said that he is not sure if this creature is a Wesen. 52 (Twelve Days of Krampus)
Kackenkopf German: poop head A creature like a Dung beetle. 100 (Into the Schwarzwald)
La Llorona Spanish: The Weeping Woman A supernatural apparition of a crying woman from Mexican folklore. La Llorona kidnaps and drowns little children during Halloween, hoping the children can take the place of her own children who drowned centuries ago. The creature is not believed to be a Wesen. 31 (La Llorona)
Leshy NA A Leshy is a Wesen guardian spirit of the forests in Slavic folklore. 119 (Tree People)
Lausenschlange German: louse-snake A snake creature that preys on weaker creatures such as Mausherz. It uses its powerful arms to crush victims like a boa constrictor. 09 (Of Mouse and Man)
Lebensauger German: life sucker A lamprey-like creature having a large funnel mouth filled with sharp teeth. A Lebensauger tries to keep its true nature secret, even to other Wesen. 32 (The Hour of Death)
Löwen German: lions A lion creature that runs gladiatorial games (since the time of ancient Rome) in which Wesen are forced to fight each other to the death. 12 (Last Grimm Standing)
Luisant-Pêcheur French: shining fisherman An otter creature that has the ability to swim underwater for long periods of time. They are somewhat less skittish than an Eisbiber. 42 (Kiss of the Muse)
Luison Guarani: werewolf A wolf creature from Guarani mythology. A Luison shows a suave and polite exterior that disguises a greedy and manipulating interior. Less prone to violence than a Blutbad, a Luison relies more on fear and deception. 71 (Cry Luison)
Lycanthrope Greek: human wolf A lycanthrope is a therianthropic hybrid wolf creature with a genetic Wesen disease specific to Blutbaden that inspired modern day werewolf myth. When lycanthropia manifests physically, its makes lycanthropes insane during 3 nights of the full moon. 102 (Lycanthropia)
Malin Fatal French: cunning deadly A boar-like creature with tusks protruding from the lower jaw. 53 (Red Menace)
Manticore Persian: man eater A scorpion-tailed lion creature that kills by stabbing with its poisonous tail. Manticores are a legendary Persian cryptid. 55 (The Good Soldier)
Matança Zumbido Portuguese: buzz kill An electric eel creature that can kill using a sustained electric discharge that chars the victim, blowing out the eyeballs and teeth. 77 (Death Do Us Part)
Mauvais-Dentes French: bad teeth A Saber-tooth tiger creature that is a smart, swift, and deadly killing machine. According to Grimm documents, a single Mauvais-Dentes can wipe out an entire village. The few left in the world answer to members of the royal families. 23 (Bad Teeth)
Mausherz German: mouse heart A timid, cowardly mouse creature. It has been left undocumented by grimms due to never having done anything to attract attention. 09 (Of Mouse and Man)
Mellifer Latin: honey-bearing A bee-like creature with a hive mentality that lives as part of a swarm. They harvest their own venom for use as a weapon, and can use swarms of normal honeybees to provide cover for their movements. A Mellifer’s natural enemy is a Hexenbiest. Although they are Wesen, Mellifers have historically enjoyed a good relationship with Grimms. 03 (Beeware)
Mishipeshu Algonquin: underwater panther An underwater lynx-like creature from Canadian Algonquin Ojibwe Mythology. They live with a tribe of shape shifting Algonquin Native Americans on Michipicoten Island. In the series, they are a dark and mysterious Native American myth called that is half cougar and half dragon.[4] The creature is not believed to be a Wesen. 84 (Mishipeshu)
Murciélago Spanish: bat A bat-like creature from Spain, also called a geölterblitz (German: greased lightning) by blutbads. They can emit a powerful shriek that is fatal to victims. Murciélagos can be disoriented by loud noises imperceptible to humans. 20 (Happily Ever Aftermath)
Musasat Alsh-Shabab Arabic: youth sucker A scarab beetle creature that can suck the youth out of their victims and regurgitate it as an anti-aging cream. 103 (Skin Deep)
Musai Greek: muse A small muse creature that inspires artistic creativity in those with whom they become emotionally close. The kiss of a Musai secretes a psychotropic substance that causes obsessive infatuation. A relationship sealed with such a kiss inevitably leads to madness, destruction, and death, while inspiring great creativity in the Musai’s afflicted lover. True love for someone else is the only thing that can break the induced infatuation. 42 (Kiss of the Muse)
Naiad Middle English: naiad An aquatic nymph creature from Greek legend. Male Naiads are born sterile, and female Naiads can only conceive in water with humans. As a result, all Naiads are born to mixed parents, creating tension between males and females. 48 (One Night Stand)
Neanderthal NA A Neanderthal creature. Sgt. Wu had scratch from Lycanthrope when he woged into a Neanderthal. The species is named after Neanderthal (Neander Valley) in Germany. Lycanthropia is a genetic mutation passed down in Blutbaden (see Lycanthrope). 106 (Good to the Bone)
Nuckelavee Scottish: supernatural horse A horse- or centaur-like creature from Orcadian folklore. The Nuckelavee was said to be the cause of blight, disaster, floods, and more because of his evil nature. 26 (Quill)
Peau de la Mort French: skin of death A creature mentioned by Monroe. 82 (Heartbreaker)
Pflichttreue German: devotion to duty A white panther / snow leopard creature that is quick and stealthy, able to appear and disappear without a trace. Because they are smart, fearless, and loyal, several are used by the Wesen Council to help with difficult dirty work. 50 (Stories We Tell Our Young)
Phansigar English: use the noose/Hindi: snare doing A Komodo dragon creature with a long tongue that can strangle or cut the throat of a victim. Every three years they kidnap a male and female human couple for a ritual sacrifice. 72 Highway of Tears)
Pista Falsa Latin: red herring A red herring Wesen 116 (Breakfast in Bed)
Primal Wu NA Primal Wu is the name given to Wu’s Neanderthal form. It is non-Wesen. 107 The Taming of the Wu
Quijada Vil Spanish: jaw vile A large creature like a venomous lizard with razor sharp teeth from Southwestern US. Quijada vil lulls its victims into a false sense of security. 90 (Clear & Wesen Danger)
Raubkondor German: predatory condor A condor-like creature. They are dangerous hunters with night-vision and the ability to turn their head almost completely in either direction. 41 (Endangered)
Reinigen German: to clean A rat creature presented as the mythological basis for The Pied Piper, with a musical ability that controls the behavior of normal rats. A Reinigen is nonviolent unless pushed. Historically, Grimms have not pursued them as enemies. 05 (Danse Macabre)
Riesen-Ratte / Les Rogeus Roi German: giant rat / French: king of rodents A giant rat king, formed when several Reinigen merge in an event as known the Erklarend. They are thought to be a myth by the Wesen community. 93 (The Rat King)
Sairento Shi Japanese: silent death A praying mantis creature uses speedy attacks with armed blades to behead its victims. They are known as ninjas. 98 (Map of the Seven Knights)
Schakal German: jackal A jackal creature that is ferocious and thieving. They are able to stand against a Grimm longer than most other Wesen. See also Anubis. 13 (Three Coins in a Fuchsbau)
Scharfblicke German: sharp-eyed An owl-like creature with extraordinary eyesight. They have the ability that can see what otherwise cannot be seen, such as peering directly into a lock to decipher the mechanism inside. 35 (Face Off)
Schinderdiv German and Persian: flayer / oppressor demon A warthog creature, portrayed in the series as a boxing trainer that wants to win at any cost. 69 (The Last Fight)
Seelengut German: soul good A timid and peaceful creature like a sheep. They are almost never violent, are highly social and have a herd mentality. A Blutbad would consider both a Seelengut and a Bauerschwein as prey. 27 (The Good Shepherd)
Seltenvogel German: rare bird Nearly extinct golden bird creatures, once kept as pets by royal families. Once in its lifetime, a Seltenvogel will develop a glandular bump on its neck, containing a golden item called unbezahlbar (meaning «priceless»). The item must be cut out before it grows too large or the Seltenvogel will die. The unbezahlbar, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, becomes worthless if it is broken. 16 (The Thing with Feathers)
Siegbarste German: victory burst An ogre-like creature known for its high pain threshold, dense bone structure, incredible strength, potent body odor and a tendency to carry on vendettas «to the grave.» They are vulnerable to a rare toxin specifically cultivated for use against them, which must be fired from a high-power rifle, such as an elephant gun, to pierce their defenses. 08 (Game Ogre)
Skalengeck German: scale-fool A lizard creature that intimidates prey with a hostile, tongue-hanging grin. 01 (Pilot (Grimm)) and 15 (Island of Dreams)
Skalenzähne German: scale-teeth A crocodile-like creature. They are relatively peaceful in human society, although the taste of human flesh causes violent behavior and a craving for human meat. They are popular contenders in the Löwen games. 12 (Last Grimm Standing)
Spinnetod German: spider-death A spider creature based on the jorōgumo demon from Japanese folklore. Females are afflicted with a condition that causes them to age rapidly, requiring them to suck the life out of young men in order to age normally. They are incapable of stopping themselves, though they often feel remorse. 11 (Tarantella)
Stangebär German: stick-bear A creature like a porcupine that can expose and retract needle-like quills as a defense mechanism. They are generally peaceful, similar in nature to other rodent Wesen such as Mauzherz, Reinigen, and Eisbiber. 26 (Quill)
Steinadler German: stone eagle / Golden eagle A hawk creature known for noble behavior. They are associated with the military and heroics. 13 (Three Coins in a Fuchsbau)
Taureus-Armenta Latin: bull cattle A Minotaur creature with the head of a bull and body of a man, respected on the battlefield. They are known for stubbornness and courage in the face of adversity, as well as an inclination to volunteer for dangerous tasks. They are considered the most honorable Wesen. 40 (Volcanilis)
Taweret Ancient Egypt: «great» or «great one» A Wesen like a hippopotamus. 115 (The Seven Year Itch)
Uhranuti Czech: memory A falcon creature with exceptional eyesight. 99 (Key Move)
Ungeziefer Greifer German: vermin grab A weasel creature 99 (Key Move)
Varme Tyv Norway: heat thief A cold blooded blue racer snake. As they are cold blooded, during cold seasons they either need to enter brumation or steal the body heat of humans to remain alive. 83 (Hibernaculum)
Vibora Dorada Spanish: golden viper A chimeric creature like a snake, based upon the Aztec deity Xipe Totec. Vibora dorada are able to inject a paralyzing neurotoxin into their victims through their fangs which can force a Wesen to stay in woge even after death. 101 (Silence to the Slams)
Volcanalis Latin: High Priest of God of Fire In ancient Roman religion, Flamen Volcanalis is a high priest assigned to the cult of the deity Vulcan. In the series, Volcanilis is an entity of fire and earth, resembling the Hawaiian goddess Pele. It manifests as a lava-burning humanoid in mountainous areas with potential volcanic activity. It is nearly invulnerable, except to sub-zero substances like liquid nitrogen. Witnesses associate it with demonic beings or the devil. The creature is not believed to be a Wesen. 40 (Volcanalis)
Vulpesmyrca Latin/Old English: dark fox A black fox creature with incredible speed. They excel in the profession of Leporem Venator (Latin: hare hunter), which is the hunting for Willahara for their left foot to be sold as a fertility talisman to Wesen couples who have difficulty conceiving a child. 80 (Bad Luck)
Willahara Old English: pleasure hare A rabbit-like creature hunted by Leporem Venators (Latin: hare hunter) for their left foot. Willahara are presented in the show as the origin of folklore regarding the lucky rabbit’s foot (see vulpesmyrca). 80 (Bad Luck)
Wældreór Anglo-Saxon: blood of the slain A Wesen suffering from a rare disease related to dengue fever that only affects dog-like Wesen. Wældreór are the inspiration of the chupacabra legend. 74 (Chupacabra)
Wasser Zahne German: water teeth An aquatic reptilian-like creature that is an exceptional swimmer. They are very dangerous when in their element. They are the basis for the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. 96 (A Reptile Dysfunction)
Wendigo Algonquian: evil spirit A savage human. In Algonquian tradition, the creature could possess humans or transform from a monster to a person, and was associated with cannibalism. In the series, they store the remains of their victims in pits near their dining area. 33 (To Protect and Serve Man)
Weten Ogen Dutch: knowing eyes A creature like a lynx. They are known to have a tradition called maagd zoektocht (Virgin Quest) where suitors must complete a trial to earn a female Weten Ogen’s hand in marriage. 92 (Maiden Quest)
Wettbewerbsgewinner German: competition winner An avian and reptilian creature that is both male and female. They have hard scales, spines and beautiful plumage. A deadly toxin coats their claws that can kill human beings in matter of minutes. 100 (Into the Schwarzwald)
Wildermann German: wild man A bigfoot-like creature. In medieval Europe tradition, they are hairy men that live in the wild, comparable to the yeti or sasquatch. In the series, they are normally friendly, intelligent loners who enjoy nature. 21 (Big Feet)
Wildesheer German: wild army A bear creature inspired by the Norse berserkers who wore coats made from bear pelts. It kills people whom it deems «worthy», collecting their scalps to make a coat. 56 (The Wild Hunt)
Yaguaraté Spanish: jaguar A fast and agile jaguar creature that is shy compared to their relative, the balam. They have a temper that they control and release to become effective killers, particularly when a matter involves a family member or loved one. A gang called Northend Cru are all Yaguaraté. 54 (Eyes of the Beholder)
Zauberbiest (male) German: Magic-beast A male warlock creature (male counterpart of hexenbiest). 01 (first mentioned in pilot; seen and featured in 24 (The Kiss)
Zerstörer Germany: Destroyer Black skull like devil creature with green eyes from mirror dimension about a lot of prophecies called; «shaphat (child bride),» makes a young girl as his bride. 122 (Blood Magic)
Ziegevolk German: goat people A goat-like creature that releases pheromones to spellbind others. Consuming a Sonoran desert toad enhances the pheromone effectiveness. Ziegevolk are considered nonviolent, more intent on breeding than fighting. Some ziegevolk are «herders» who capture and keep women for breeding. They take the form of men of ordinary appearance who have an ability to attract women. 04 (Lonelyhearts)


  • Grimm, Universal Television et al., 2011–2014.
  1. ^ «Bitsie Tulloch Teases Nick’s «Wild Reaction» To Eve When Grimm Season 5 Returns». moviepilot.com. Retrieved January 18, 2016.
  2. ^ «Grimm’s Silas Weir Mitchell Speaks! | Blogcritics». blogcritics.org. Archived from the original on October 7, 2013.
  3. ^ «Klaustreich». Grimm Guide. NBC. Archived from the original on May 10, 2013.
  4. ^ «Mishipeshu Native American Spirit». Archived from the original on August 14, 2016. Retrieved December 26, 2016.

The following is a list of the cast and characters from the NBC television series Grimm.

Main characters[edit]

Actor Character Seasons
1 2 3 4 5 6
David Giuntoli Nicholas «Nick» Burkhardt Main
Russell Hornsby Hank Griffin Main
Bitsie Tulloch Juliette Silverton / Eve Main
Silas Weir Mitchell Monroe Main
Sasha Roiz Captain Sean Renard Main
Reggie Lee Sergeant Drew Wu Main
Bree Turner Rosalee Calvert Recurring Main
Claire Coffee Adalind Schade Recurring Main

Nick Burkhardt[edit]

Nicholas Burkhardt (played by David Giuntoli) is the show’s protagonist and titular Grimm. Nick is a homicide detective who discovers he is descended from a line of Grimms, hunters who fight supernatural forces. Even before his abilities manifested, Nick had an exceptional ability to make quick and accurate deductions about individuals’ motivations and pasts. This power has now expressed itself in his ability to perceive the supernatural that nobody else can see. Nick had wanted to propose to his girlfriend, Juliette, for some time, but he felt that he would have to tell her about his life as a Grimm beforehand.

Throughout the first season, Nick struggles to balance his normal life and life as a Grimm. When he works cases involving Wesen, which are creatures from the Grimm world, the two frequently cross paths. As Nick dives deeper into his Grimm heritage, he begins to train with Monroe to learn about the Wesen in Portland and to use the weapons that his aunt Marie left behind. As of episode 19, Nick had successfully killed three reapers, creatures that are sent out to kill Grimms (hence the Grimm reaper title). He kills the first in defense of Marie, and the other two are killed in self-defense after being sent as Nick’s lead suspect in a case. The latter two have their heads returned home with a note instructing them to send the best the next time. In the season finale, Nick’s worries about a scratch Juliette received from Adalind’s cat force him to reveal his Grimm heritage to her, which makes Juliette believe he has gone crazy. When bringing her to the trailer is not enough to convince her, they go to Monroe’s house so that Nick can show her his blutbad form, though before Monroe can show her, Juliette collapses. Rosalee discovers that Juliette is going through memory loss, but when Juliette wakes up, the only thing she has forgotten is Nick.

Nick, after believing for eighteen years that both of his parents died in a car crash, discovers that his mother is alive and well in the first episode of season two. At this time, but he still does not know her true motives or agenda. At the end of season three, Nick’s Grimm powers are removed by Adalind as a result of sleeping with her – she had disguised herself as Juliette. He regains his powers in «Highway Of Tears.»

Nick later learns that Adalind is pregnant with his child, which is revealed to be a boy when Adalind gives birth. She names the boy «Kelly» after Nick’s mother. At the beginning of Season 5, Nick and the group become involved in a secret war between Hadrian’s Wall (HW) – a secret government organization that Trubel and Meisner are a part of, and Black Claw, a worldwide Wesen revolutionary group. Nick sells his home and buys a secret, fortified loft to better protect Adalind and Kelly. As Nick and Adalind raise Kelly together, they grow closer, and Nick shows himself to be a devoted father. At the end of «Wesen Nacht,» Nick is shocked to learn that Juliette has survived, Wesen Nacht and is now working for HW under the new persona of Eve. In «Map of the Seven KnightsWesen Nacht,» Nick comes into contact with Monroe’s uncle, who is killed by Black Claw. After avenging his murder, Nick acquires twenty new Grimm books, a new cache of weapons, and three more map keys. With these, he figures out the location of the Templar’s hidden treasure. In «Key Move» and «Into the Schwarzwald,» Nick and Monroe travel to Germany to find this treasure. The group discovers that the treasure is a stick of wood with healing properties. Nick learns that Renard is working with Black Claw to become Mayor and that Renard may use Diana to get to Adalind. Rosalee reveals to Nick that Adalind’s Hexenbiest powers have returned while he was in Germany, but states he should not let Adalind discover he knows until Adalind herself tells him. Adalind is forced by Renard, Bonaparte, and, unknowingly, Diana, to take Kelly and leave Nick. Nick becomes distraught over losing his son and girlfriend and fights hard to get them back, which culminates in a vicious fight between him and Renard at the police station. Nick is arrested for assault but is later set free by Eve, Trubel, and Wu. Diana warns Nick that Black Claw is coming for them. He subsequently leads the group into a tunnel underneath his loft while he stays behind to deal with the attackers. Despite overwhelming numbers and the stick’s healing powers, Nick kills all of the assailants before being confronted byh Renard and Bonaparte Into the Schwarzwald. Diana, who learned Bonaparte had tortured Adalind to reveal their location, kills Bonaparte before Nick can .

It is assumed that Nick and Adalind got married sometime after the series finale.

Hank Griffin[edit]

Hank Griffin (played by Russell Hornsby) is Nick’s detective partner and best friend who, like Juliette, was not aware that Nick is a Grimm until season 2. He is sarcastic at times and had gone through at least four marriages by the time the series begins. Throughout the first season, Hank starts to notice the strange occurrences in Portland and in some of the cases he works on with Nick. Adalind, in an attempt to get closer to Nick, gave Hank a «lovesick» potion that caused him to develop obsessive behavior towards her. In «Big Feet,» Hank accidentally runs into a transformed Monroe, who was leading search dogs away from a friend of his. This, combined with seeing a dead suspect change back into human form, causes Hank to have nightmares and paranoia when he is home. In «Bad Moon Rising,» Hank starts to doubt whether he can continue police work given his state of mind.

When searching for the missing daughter of an old friend from high school, Hank learns Nick is a Grimm. Hank tells Nick that he is comfortable knowing the truth, reflecting that, while he may be crazy, at least there is someone else who is crazy as well. After this, Hank becomes increasingly invested in the Wesen world, even participating in Nick’s hunts to stop enemy Wesen. In season 3, when Wu first encounters the Wesen world, Hank wants to reveal everything so that Wu does not face the same issues he did. In «Wesenrein,» Hank tells Wu that he related to him, having been in the same position himself. In Season 5, Hank joins Hadrian’s Wall, a secret government organization fighting a worldwide Wesen revolutionary group known as Black Claw. He soon starts a relationship with his former physical therapist, Zuri (also a Wesen), whom he later discovers to be working with Black Claw.

Juliette Silverton / Eve[edit]

Juliette Silverton (seasons 1 to 4), later Eve (seasons 5 & 6), (played by Bitsie Tulloch) is Nick’s girlfriend. She works as a veterinarian, and spent much of her childhood with her grandmother in Spain, which made her fluent in Castilian Spanish (although her accent is similar to that found in Latin America). Although Marie suggested that Nick should leave Juliette for her safety, he decided to stay with her. He postponed his original plans to propose to her while he explored his new life as a Grimm. However, in «The Thing with Feathers,» he proposes, only for her to turn him down because she felt he was hiding something. In «Woman in Black,» Juliette suffers a scratch while treating Adalind Schade’s cat. When Nick reacts with horror, Juliette demands he tell her what’s going on. Nick tries to explain by bringing her to the trailer and then to Monroe, but Juliette falls unconscious and is taken to the hospital.

She eventually awakens from her coma with help from Rosalee, and a potion prepared for and delivered by Renard. Due to a spell, all her memories of Nick have been erased – though she can remember everything else about her life. She begins to develop an unusual attraction to Captain Renard due to his role in awakening her. She fights this attraction due to her complicated relationship with Nick. After drinking a potion to break the compulsive attraction, she starts hallucinating sounds and images, such as imagining that the floor of her house had collapsed. She thinks that she is going crazy, but is really regaining her memories of Nick. In «One Angry Fuchsbau,» she begins seeing many clear visions of Nick, which overwhelms her. Seeking help, she contacts the Mexican woman she met in «La Llorona» who tells her to concentrate on La Llorona a single memory at a time to completely remember them. In «Kiss of the Muse,» she returns to the trailer by herself and remembers what Nick told her the first night she went there. In «The Waking Dead,» Juliette convinces Monroe to tell her the truth about Grimms and the Wesen world, which he, along with Rosalee and Bud, do by wogeing in front of her. From this point on, she starts to become increasingly interested in Nick’s Grimm activities and joins him and his allies in fighting zombies. She later helps Nico find a cure for a rare disease that gives humans a ghostly appearance.

She becomes a Hexenbiest after using a spell to sleep with Nick to give him back his Grimm powers, which leads to drastic changes in her personality. She becomes far colder and less empathetic, starting fights with everyone she comes across, and she begins to enjoy the powers she now possesses. She begins working for the royals after learning Adalind had become pregnant with Nick’s child. She sets fire to Nick’s trailer and lures his mother into a trap so that the royals can take Diana. She was later killed by Trubel in the Season 4 finale, «Cry Havoc,» after trying to kill Nick.

However, Hadrian’s Wall saved her life, broke her down to nothing, and then rebuilt her as an emotionally distant assassin called Eve. Having conquered her rage and properly practiced her powers, Eve becomes incredibly powerful, able to kill twenty Black Claw members by herself.[1] She goes to any extreme to complete her missions, such as assassinate a known Black Claw organizer in a crowded restaurant or breathing in a potion to transform herself into Renard to learn of their leaders. However, Eve still has remnants of Juliette’s personality. She is drawn to Nick due to their past and threatens Adalind not to hurt him. In «The Beginning of the End,» Eve is gravely injured by the Black Claw leader, Bonaparte, who is a powerful magician in his own right. When Nick saves her with the Templar treasure (a wooden stick with healing properties), she suffers a seizure. Upon awakening, she is very emotional and confused, leading Nick to wonder if Juliette has returned.


Monroe (played by Silas Weir Mitchell) is a creature of the Grimm world (a wieder blutbad) who aids Nick with his cases. He becomes a good friend of Nick’s, even though he has some issues with Grimms since a Grimm killed his grandfather. Monroe had not known that there were any Grimms left until he meets Nick. In the first season, Monroe is attacked by the reapers because he helps Nick with his cases. After the attack, Nick tells Monroe that he will not ask for any more assistance. Monroe, despite his occasional dissatisfaction with the demands Nick places on him, decides to continue helping Nick, saying that he enjoys disrupting the «status quo.» Monroe is knowledgeable about the supernatural creatures that Nick goes up against. Whenever the second-hand knowledge that Nick acquires from his ancestors’ books is inadequate, Monroe serves as Nick’s direct source of insight and information. He also helps make contact with creatures that would avoid Nick due to his status as a Grimm, and assists Nick when cases require him to rely on someone who knows about the threats he faces.

In «Big Feet,» when Monroe’s friend is injured and suffering from the side effects of an experimental drug, he takes his friend’s jacket and makes the search dogs chase him. While being chased in the forest, he is surrounded by the search dogs and transforms into his blue bad form to scare them off, but runs into Hank when he heads back to his house. Because he allowed his changed form to be seen by normal beings, Hank was able to see it before he ran off. In «Woman in Black,» Nick brings Juliette over to Monroe’s place so that he can change in front of her, to prove his Grimm heritage. However, before Monroe can allow himself to be seen by her, Juliette collapses from the scratch made by Adalind’s cat.

Monroe explores a relationship with Rosalee, although they are taking their time due to their pre-existing friendship. While running the spice shop, Monroe comes into contact with Sean Renard, who complains of obsessive behavior. Monroe says he can make the compulsions go away, but he needs both Sean and the person he is obsessed with together. In «To Protect and Serve Man,» he discovers that the obsession Sean has been fighting against is for Juliette, which puts him in a very difficult and awkward situation. He and Rosalee help Juliette and Captain Renard break the bond between them. In season 3 «A Dish Best Served Cold,» Monroe asks Rosalee to move in with him which she does in the next episode, «One Night Stand.» Monroe and Rosalee get married in «Blond Ambition.»

In season 4, an old medieval Wesen group, whose goal is to keep Wesen pure (no hybridization or inter-Wesen marriages), capture Monroe and attempt sto kill him for his «crimes.» He is later freed with the help of Nick and Rosalee, among others. In season 5, Monroe is drawn into the war between Hadrian’s Wall and Black Claw. He is concerned for Rosalee when her ex-boyfriend, Tony, begins reaching out to her. The battle becomes personal for him when his uncle, who had recently acquired a large number of Grimm books for Nick, is murdered by Black Claw. Upon learning the location of the Templar’s treasure, Monroe and Nick travel to Germany to find it, but Monroe is bitten and his wound becomes infected by the time they get back. The treasure is a piece of wood that somehow heals Monroe’s wound. In the last two episodes of season 5, Monroe comes face-to-face with Tony when it is discovered that Tony is a member of Black Claw. Upon escaping Black Claw’s clutches, Rosalee reveals she is pregnant with his child, which delights him.

His last name has not been stated so far. In a phone call, his parents called him Monroe, seeming to indicate that it is his first name. However, the season 1 boxset features stated Monroe’s name as ‘Eddie Monroe,’ though actor Silas Weir Mitchell has since dismissed this as Monroe’s full name.[2]

Sean Renard[edit]

Sean Renard (played by Sasha Roiz) is a politically adept police captain who is Nick’s superior officer. Unknown to Nick during the first season, Renard is a human–creature hybrid with magical abilities called a Zauberbiest (the male form of Hexenbiest). In «Last Grimm Standing,» he is addressed as Your Highness, implying that he belongs to royalty in the creature community, and he is later revealed to be a prince connected to royal blood. He references my canton, which implies that he has a leadership role. This is emphasized when he appears to protect Wesen from engaging in illicit acts. In «The Kiss,» he consumed a potion to make him pure of heart so that he could wake Juliette, wanting to keep her active so that he could ensure Nick’s continued presence in his city. In «The Other Side,» his brother, Eric, mentioned to Adalind that Sean’s mother was a Hexenbiest and that he only had royal blood on one side of his family – this is one reason why Catherine Schade referred to him as a bastard. As a result of his illegitimate status, he and his mother were forced to flee from Europe. He now considers himself independent of the royal families and is a known ally of the resistance against them. He developed an attraction to Juliette due to his role in awakening her from the coma but attempts to resist it. He, Nick, and Juliette all drink a potion mixed by Rosalee that breaks the compulsion.

Since the revelation of his heritage, Sean has been more open with Nick about Grimm-related cases. He admits that he is distant from his family and prefers Nick over them. He is the father of Adalind’s daughter Diana, who has unique powers.

During season 4, he experiences moments of unexplained bleeding after his mother saves his life using an ancient spell. It is revealed after the season that the bleeding is a result of him being «possessed» by the spirit of Jack the Ripper – who was a killer of Wesen in life – until the rest of the team can «exorcise» Jack from his body.

In season 5, he is subtly manipulated by the pro-Wesen group, Black Claw, to take on the role of running for mayor, eventually coming to favor their power campaign. However, after he attempts to get Nick and his allies accused of murder, Nick can get Renard to step down as mayor. Nick does this by using a complex spell to turn himself into Renard and publicly abdicate while claiming that the accusations against Nick were part of a sting operation.

Drew Wu[edit]

Drew Wu (played by Reggie Lee) is a police sergeant who works with Nick and Hank. He tends to do the «grunt work» for them, collecting facts and information. He is often sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor.

In «Island of Dreams,» when Adalind gives Hank some Zaubertrank (love potion) cookies as part of her revenge plot against Nick, Wu eats one. Since the Zaubertrank was not created for him, it causes adverse effects. Nick advises him to visit the spice shop, but as he arrives he passes out and his face breaks out in lesions. Fortunately, Rosalee has seen this effect before and manages to quickly create a potion to cure him. The cure causes Wu to have brief hallucinations of everyone’s faces melting, but is ultimately a success. Though cured of the welts and sickness, Wu is left with a lasting effect of the Zaubertrank – he tries to ingest inedible things, such as paper clips and coins. Two episodes later, in «Love Sick,» Rosalee creates another potion that clears the last of the Zaubertrank effects. No, after-effects are shown and he has no memory of what he had been doing.

In «Mommy Dearest,» he becomes traumatized by a Wesen called the Aswang – a creature whose inclusion was inspired by Filipino folklore. As a child, his grandmother told him stories of the Aswang which scared him. He sees one when trying to protect his childhood friend, Dana, which gives him flashbacks to his grandmother’s storytelling. The trauma caused by this incident makes Wu check himself into a psychiatric hospital. Later, Juliette visits him and confides in Wu, sharing the experience of regaining her memories. She tells him she thought she was going crazy and seeing ghosts. When Wu asks how she got over thinking it was real, she tells him that it didn’t matter whether it was real, what mattered was losing her fear of it. This has a big impact on Wu and he later feels well enough to check out of the hospital.

However, in «Chupacabra,» he is told by Nick that Wesen is real, which puts him on edge, and eventually leaves him in a state of shock. After going to a bar in «Wesenrein» and causing a disturbance, Nick and Hank take him to the trailer, Wu learns that Nick is a Grimm. After saving Monroe’s life, Wu becomes increasingly fascinated with the Wesen world and accurately deduces whenever a case has Wesen-like qualities.

In season 5, after being scratched by a Lycanthrope (a Blutbad with a genetic disease), he has night sweats, joint pains, and strange dreams. This culminates when, in a heightened emotional state, he transforms into a Neanderthal-like version of himself with enhanced strength and Wesen-like ferocity. At first, he blacks out and cannot recall what happened. Upon learning of his condition, Wu demonstrates greater control over his primal form, becoming self-aware and can distinguish friend from foe. He even can use his powers to help others and fight off evil Wesen.

Rosalee Calvert[edit]

Rosalee Calvert (recurring season 1; regular seasons 2 to 6), (played by Bree Turner) is a fox-like creature, called a Fuchsbau, and the sister of Freddie, the proprietor of the herb shop used as a front for the Geier organ trafficking business seen in «Organ Grinder.» After Freddie’s death in «Island of Dreams,» Rosalee comes to Portland to sort out her brother’s affairs and decides to stick around. Before living in Portland she tried to follow her parents’ profession as an apothecary, but despite her aptitude for it, did not like the job. She became hooked on a highly addictive Wesen-oriented street drug-named ‘J’ and left Portland to get clean. After deciding to keep her brother’s shop running, Rosalee assists Nick and Monroe in their efforts by providing additional information and remedies to supernatural problems.

Rosalee shares a powerful connection with Monroe. In «Quill,» they go on their first date and share their first kiss, after which Rosalee uncharacteristically attempts to seduce Monroe. This seduction attempt turns out to be the manifestation of a common symptom from the Wesen virus Rosalee had been exposed to during their date. After being cured, Rosalee and Monroe agree that the attraction between them was real, but decide to take it slow before becoming intimate with each other. In season 3, «A Dish Best Served Cold,» Monroe asks Rosalee to move in with him and she does so in the next episode, «One Night Stand.» In «The Wild Hunt,» Monroe proposes to her and she accepts, but this is met with frosty reception from his parents who are very traditional about inter-species marriages. Monroe and his parents have since mended their relationship.

Rosalee marries Monroe at the end of season 3, but throughout half of season 4, they are stalked and ridiculed by a Wesen purity group called Wesenrein. After learning of Juliette’s new status as a Hexenbiest, Rosalee tries to reach out to her. She is unsuccessful but does not give up trying to save her until Juliette almost killed Monroe. In season 5, she and the group get involved in a war between Hadrian’s Wall and Black Claw. During this time, she becomes friends with Adalind after Kelly’s birth. Tony, a former boyfriend, starts reaching out to her, and appears in «Into the Schwarzwald.» He asks Rosalee for money and assaults her when she refuses. When Adalind defends herself and Rosalee from Tony, Rosalee sees that her powers have returned, and encourages her to tell Nick. Upon learning that she did not, Rosalee tells Nick about Adalind’s powers returning but encourages him to let Adalind tell him in her own time.

In the season 5 finale, Rosalee reveals to Monroe that she is pregnant with their first child. In season 6, she and Monroe find out she is having triplets.

Adalind Schade[edit]

Adalind (recurring seasons 1 & 2 (part); regular seasons 2 (part) to 6), (played by Claire Coffee) is a witch-like creature called a Hexenbiest who seemed to be working for Renard during season 1. In «Love Sick,» after ingesting Nick’s blood, she becomes a completely normal human. Renard tells her that she is no longer useful to him since she is no longer a Wesen. Although not a true Hexenbiest anymore, Adalind retains her knowledge and skill with potions, and Nick now describes her as a witch. In «Woman in Black,» she gets Juliette scratched by a poisoned (or magicked) cat. Monroe and Rosalee retrieve the cat but find that Adalind has vanished.

Sometime later, Adalind resurfaces in Vienna to rendezvous with Eric Renard. She becomes pregnant with the child of Eric or Sean Renard – which one is unspecified – then attempts to bargain with the royal families. She asks her Hexenbiest powers to be given back in return for the child, threatening to terminate the pregnancy if they do not do so.

In «Mommy Dearest,» Adalind becomes a Hexenbiest again after giving birth to her daughter, whom she names Diana. Later, after beginning her search for her missing child, she discovers that she is pregnant with Nick’s son. She lies to the royals about the child, claiming it is Viktor’s, but Prince Kenneth uncovers the truth after informing her that Viktor is sterile. When he decides to lure Juliette into working for him to find Diana, Adalind tells Nick the truth about his child. Later, her powers are suppressed when she tests a potion meant for Juliette. After complications from giving birth to her son by C-section, she names him «Kelly» after Nick’s late mother, who died protecting her daughter Diana.

Adalind becomes more compassionate after the birth of her son, even telling Rosalee that she does not want to be a Hexenbiest anymore; she does not want there to be friction between her and Nick that could affect Kelly. While she and Nick are living together to raise Kelly, they let go of past animosities and develop romantic feelings for one another. In episode 100, Adalind’s Hexenbiest powers return when she defends herself against Rosalee’s ex-boyfriend, breaking all of his fingers in the process. She fears that Nick would abandon her if he finds out her powers are back. During this time, she returns to her old job as a lawyer, but she is antagonized by Renard and Black Claw leader Bonaparte, who claim her daughter is with them. Soon, Adalind tells Nick the truth about her powers and her fears that Renard and Black Claw will use Diana to get to her. Given a dangerous ultimatum by Diana disguised as Renard, Adalind is forced to leave with Kelly. Despite Renard’s attempts to win her back and Bonaparte threatening her, Adalind remains loyal to Nick, refusing to reveal his location to them. When Bonaparte tortures the location out of her, Adalind has Diana send Nick a message about the danger heading his way. Diana kills Bonaparte in revenge for the torture he put Adalind through.

It is assumed that Nick and Adalind got married sometime after the series finale.

Recurring characters[edit]

Marie Kessler[edit]

Marie Kessler (played by Kate Burton) is a Grimm who is Nick’s aunt. She told Nick that she worked as a librarian, but it is unclear whether this was true or she worked as a Grimm full-time. She is injured by a reaper when she comes to visit Nick, although she was already dying of cancer. Despite assassination attempts being thwarted by Nick and Monroe, she eventually dies of her injuries in season 1, episode 2 – with her last words, she reminds Nick to fight «the bad ones.» She leaves Nick her trailer, containing all of her books and tools about the creatures that he would face as a Grimm, which he keeps in the middle of a deserted storage lot and consults when necessary. She returns in the series finale along with Kelly, to help Nick in the final fight against the Zerstorer.

Kelly Kessler Burkhardt[edit]

Kelly Kessler Burkhardt (played by Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio) is Nick Burkhardt’s mother and is also a Grimm. Her first appearance is in the last episode of season 1 (episode 22). For 18 years, Nick believed that both of his parents had died in a car crash. After learning that he was a Grimm Nick discovers that his parents had been murdered; but in reality, Kelly has been alive the whole time. When Nick reunites with his mother in episode 23 (season 2, episode 1), she tells Nick that his father was killed in the car crash but that the woman with him was mistaken for Kelly by both the authorities and the killer. Kelly explains to Nick that she had pretended to be dead for 18 years because it was the best way to protect Nick from his father’s murderer. Kelly assists Nick with his investigation on the attacks by the «Mauvais Dentes.» Nick takes his mother to Marie’s trailer, which Kelly and Marie had bought together after their father became ill. Later, in episode 24 (season 2, episode 2), Kelly talks with Catherine Schade in an attempt to find a cure for Juliette. Catherine tells Kelly that a prince is in Portland, but Kelly accidentally kills Catherine before being able to find out the prince’s identity. At the end of the episode, Nick, thinking that she was going to Zakynthos to destroy the «coins of Zakynthos,» takes Kelly to the train station. After Nick drives away from the station, Kelly is seen stealing a car instead of entering the station.

In season 3, she returns to Portland with Adalind and newly born Diana. She is last seen leaving in a truck with Adalind’s baby, in an attempt to keep her safe.

In the season 4 episode, «Headache,» Nick returns home to find Kelly’s severed head in a box as a result of an ambush by the royals. He deduces that Juliette, working for the royals, lured Kelly into a trap so they could take Diana. Kelly never finds out that Adalind is pregnant with her grandson Kelly, who is named after her. Until the finale episode in season 6, where she tells Nick to look after her grandson, and that she likes the name they gave him.

Theresa «Trubel» Rubel[edit]

Theresa Rubel (played by Jacqueline Toboni) often known as Trubel (pronounced «trouble»), is a vagrant runaway and a Grimm, although she has no prior knowledge of what «Grimm» means. She has had to defend herself from wesen who recognizes her as a Grimm, but when she describes her experiences, she is called mad or lying. As a result, she spends time in several mental institutions. Monroe identifies her as a Grimm during their initial (and almost deadly) encounter. At the end of season 3, she is staying at Nick’s home and learning about the world of Grimms and Wesen.

At the start of season 4, she acts as the local Grimm, keeping the bads of the Wesen community in check until Nick gets his powers back. After helping Nick find a way to get back to being a Grimm, she goes on her own with Josh Porter, to teach him how to fight and survive without Grimm’s powers. She also aims to become her Grimm by searching for herself. She later returns to help after receiving a phone call from Monroe and Rosalee. She kills Juliette with a crossbow in the season 4 finale «Cry Havoc» because Juliette was trying to kill Nick. In season 5, she works for Hadrian’s Wall along with Eve and Meisner but was still considered to be primarily an ally to Nick’s team rather than a member of Hadrian’s Wall, to the extent that Nick told her about the mystery healing stick while keeping it secret from the organization as a whole.

Dr. Harper[edit]

Dr. Harper (played by Sharon Sachs) is a medical examiner, who occasionally works on Nick and Hank’s cases. In episode 13, she is beaten by a Schakal who was looking for the Coins of Zakynthos. Throughout «Three Coins in a Fuchsbau,» Harper is referred to as «Parker.»

Bud Wurstner[edit]

Bud Wurstner (played by Danny Bruno) is a beaver-like creature, called an Eisbiber, who first encounters Nick when he is repairing his fridge. He is initially frightened of Nick, believing him to be as violent as the mythical Grimms. Because of this, Bud behaves subserviently towards Nick, offering to fix things and giving Nick gifts. It is only after Nick calls upon Bud for help in a murder case that Bud realizes Nick is a good person. The two become friends, although he is still somewhat jittery when he and Nick meet. Bud played an important role in stopping a Wesen lawyer who used his pheromones to manipulate juries to favor his clients.


Sergeant Franco (played by Robert Blanche) is a police officer who works in the Homicide Department, apparently under Sergeant Wu. He appears to share many of Wu’s duties and possibly fills in for Sergeant Wu whenever the latter is busy elsewhere.

Catherine Schade[edit]

Catherine Schade (played by Jessica Tuck) is a Hexenbiest and Adalind’s mother. She is first seen in episode 17 (season 1, episode 17). She taught Adalind everything she knew about being a Hexenbiest. The last time she spoke to her daughter was episode 17 (season 1, episode 17) when Adalind ingests Nick’s blood, removing her Hexenbiest abilities. She was accidentally killed in episode 24 (season 2, episode 2) by Nick’s mother when the latter was trying to find a cure for Juliette.

Eric Renard[edit]

Eric Renard (played by James Frain) is the brother of Sean Renard. He is fluent in English and French and lives in a Norman-style castle. He first appears in episode 23 (season 2, episode 1) when he is seen approaching a man undergoing torture, demanding the names of people in the resistance. Eric is a recurring character in season 2. He arrives in Portland in the season finale in an attempt to abduct Nick involving an army of zombie-like individuals. Despite Eric’s efforts, Nick manages to escape. Eric is killed by a bomb planted by Sean Renard in retaliation.


Sebastien (played by Christian Lagadec) is a lawyer in the service of Eric Renard’s royal family. He is an undercover ally of Sean Renard and regularly aids him by providing information regarding the family. Viktor eventually discovers his betrayal and kills him in the episode «The Show Must Go On» (season 3, episode 16).

Ryan Smulson[edit]

Ryan Samuelson (played by Michael Grant Terry) is an intern at the Portland police department who appears to worship Nick. He is later revealed to be finding Wesen using police information, then torturing and killing them, similar to ancient historical Grimms. When Nick confronts him, he turns out to be a leech-like Wesen and is arrested.


Pilar (played by Bertila Damas) is fluent in Spanish and English, who helps when Juliette loses her memory of Nick. Pilar has not been revealed to be Wesen or a Grimm, but she can identify that Juliette is cursed. She gives Juliette advice to allow her to regain her memories. In «El Cucuy,» Juliette and Nick visit her again to ask if she knows about El Cucuy.

Stefania Vaduva Popescu[edit]

Stefania Vaduva Popescu (played by Shohreh Aghdashloo) is a Zigeverisprathes or Queen of Schwartzwald Roma at the House of Kronenberg. She helps Adalind get her Wesen powers back. She is a rival of Frau Pech.

Frau Pech[edit]

Frau Pech (played by Mary McDonald-Lewis) is a Hexenbiest who, at the cost of her life, helps Adalind recover her Hexenbiest powers.

Baron Samedi[edit]

Baron Samedi (played by Reg E. Cathey) is a Cracher-Mortel, a Wesen who works with Eric Renard. He arrives in Portland at the end of season 2 and turns several people into zombie-like creatures as a cover-up for the abduction of Nick. After being abducted, Nick wakes up on a plane leaving Portland and fights Baron Samedi, causing the plane to crash. Baron Samedi is killed in the crash, while Nick (and the other zombies) are eventually cured by Rosalee.

Viktor Albert Wilhelm George Beckendorf[edit]

Viktor Albert Wilhelm George Beckendorf (played by Alexis Denisof) is a second cousin of Eric and Sean Renard who becomes the new Crown Prince after Eric’s death. He threatens Captain Renard with death if he doesn’t give up Adalind’s baby, to which Renard acquiesces. After a short time, the baby is put in the hands of Kelly Burkhardt, Nick’s mother. He fools Adalind into thinking that he has her baby, which is revealed at the end of episode 71 (season 4, episode 5). When Adalind learns she was pregnant with Nick’s child, she attempts to pass it off as Viktor’s, but this backfires when it is revealed that Viktor is sterile.


Alexander (played by Spencer Conway) a Wesen who works for the Wesen Council. He comes to Portland three different times. In the episode «Once We Were Gods,» he asks Nick to stop someone from stealing an old mummy.

Martin Meisner[edit]

Martin Meisner (played by Damien Puckler) is a human member of the resistance. While not a Grimm, Meisner can identify Wesen on sight and is familiar with the different types of Wesen, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. He possesses superior combat skills and can easily defeat multiple Wesen in close combat. He helps deliver Adalind’s daughter Diana and escorts them both from Austria to Switzerland. He returns in the season 4 season finale, rescuing Diana from the royal king and killing him in the process. In season 5 he goes back to Portland and works for Hadrian’s Wall, a government-funded group that deals with Black Claw and the Wesen uprising. When special agent Chavez dies at the beginning of season 5, Meisner takes over as the head of Hadrian’s Wall for the Portland compound. In the episode «Beginning of the End, Parts One and Two,» Meisner is choked by Bonaparte, but Renard shoots him to prevent a slow death.

In the final season, his ghost haunts Renard.

Diana Schade-Renard[edit]

Diana Schade-Renard (played by Isley and Aria Zamora in season 3, Sloane McGinnis in season 4, and Hannah R. Loyd in seasons 5 and 6) is the daughter of Adalind Schade and Sean Renard. She is also the older half-sister of Kelly Schade-Burkhardt. She displays powers of telekinesis, pyrokinesis, casting illusions, and precognition. Her eyes tend to turn to glow purple whenever she uses her powers. Diana is seen riding in a truck with Kelly Burkhardt to an unknown location. She returns as a young child in the season 4 episode «Headache» with Kelly, when they are ambushed by the royals with the help of Juliette.

As a preteen, Diana reunites with her father in the season 5 episode «Inugami» with the help of Rachel Wood. In the episode «Good to the Bone,» she is reunited with her mother. It is later revealed that her powers have grown considerably in the episode «The Taming of the Wu.» She is now able to project her image as well as copy voices perfectly. When Diana loses her temper, she can be prone to using her abilities in fits of rage. One of Diana’s signature uses of her powers is to create the image of a skull from various media, often meant as a warning. She is also able to use her powers to project a brief image of herself to her mother, though she is unable to hear Adalind trying to speak to the projection. Because of how Adalind assumed Juliette’s identity in the past, and vice versa, Diana sometimes communicates with Eve inadvertently. Diana is further able to manipulate radio frequencies, a form of electromagnetic energy, to dial a specific cell phone. When doing so, she can also perform a perfect impersonation of any other individual’s voice. Similar to how Henrietta could manipulate Nick’s emotions when she was close to him, Diana can manipulate the emotions and actions of those within several feet of her. She can also manipulate people through the use of Voodoo dolls, which is how she killed Bonaparte once she learned what he did to her mother.

Josh Porter[edit]

Josh Porter (played by Lucas Near-Verbrugghe) is the non-Grimm son of Roland «Rolek» Porter. Rolek Porter, who was a Grimm, died in episode 65 (season 3, episode 21). After his father’s death, Josh is tasked with giving Nick the Grimm tools and books owned by Roland, including one of the seven map keys. In episode 71 (season 4, episode 5), Josh gives Nick a call to tell him that «this Grimm stuff» is ruining his life. He says that his home in Philadelphia has been ransacked by members of the Verrat in search of the key. In episode 73 (season 4, episode 7), he is seen leaving with Trubel heading to Philadelphia.

Elizabeth Lascelles[edit]

Elizabeth Lascelles (played by Louise Lombard) is Sean Renard’s mother and is also a Hexenbiest. Elizabeth had an affair with King Frederick, which resulted in Sean’s birth. When the Queen found out, she sent people to have Elizabeth and Sean killed. Later, while her son is dying in the hospital, Elizabeth uses a two-headed snake to revive him. He then tells her of her granddaughter Diana’s existence. Before she leaves, she tells Sean that she would be looking for her granddaughter and advises him to keep the witch’s hat.


Henrietta (played by Garcelle Beauvais) is a Hexenbiest and old friend of Elizabeth Lascelles and Sean Renard, being one of the reasons they come to Portland. Sean sends Juliette to Henrietta to help her deal with her new Hexenbiest powers. She is killed by Sean Renard while he is under the influence of Jack the Ripper.

Kelly Burkhardt[edit]

Kelly Burkhardt (played by Owynn and Quinn Ingersoll, Emma and Claire Dezellem, and 2+ other sets of unknown twins in season 5) is the son of Adalind Schade and Nick Burkhardt, named after Nick’s recently deceased mother Kelly Burkhardt. He is also the younger half-brother of Diana Schade-Renard. He is conceived when Adalind uses the potion to disguise herself as Juliette to take away Nick’s Grimm powers by sleeping together. Adalind does not know she was pregnant until Henrietta senses it and tells her. Soon telling Nick that she was pregnant with his child, she reveals that she is having a boy. He is born by an emergency C-section due to his arm being above his head when Adalind was giving birth to him. He currently lives with his parents in Portland. Since Adalind’s powers were suppressed before his birth, it is unknown whether he has Hexenbiest powers like his half-sister, or will have Nick’s Grimm powers when he is older, or both.

Andrew Dixon[edit]

Andrew Dixon is a candidate running for mayor of Portland. His first appearance in the series is the season 5 episode «Wesen Nacht». He asks Sean Renard, a police captain, to endorse him so he would be elected for the mayor position. Renard supports him because he believes that Dixon is a good man. Dixon dies in the season 5 episode «Key Move» when he is assassinated by a Wesen terrorist working with Black Claw. Renard realizes Black Claw set this up so Renard could take his place as mayor of Portland.

Conrad Bonaparte[edit]

Conrad Bonaparte (played by Shaun Toub) is a powerful Zauberbiest and a co-founder of Black Claw who first appeared in the episode «The Taming of the Wu». He has significant involvement in Black Claw’s manipulative plans. Bonaparte meets with Renard and is disappointed with the situation regarding Adalind and Diana. He also threatens to kill Adalind if she chooses to stay with Nick. Later, he meets Adalind and Kelly at her office, where he gives her an ultimatum. The ultimatum leads her to take Kelly to leave Nick. After having the talk with Adalind at the Black Claw’s Hideout, Bonaparte reveals that he is a full Zauberbiest and uses his abilities to make Adalind believe that she is turning into stone. He also gives her an engagement ring but warns her what will happen to her children when she takes it off. After Bonaparte and Renard kill Meisner, Nick is enraged and gets arrested for assault on Renard. Bonaparte interrogates Nick with his powers of illusion to find the location of the Grimm ancestry book, which is in Nick’s possession. However, he leaves after the fighting begins between the Black Claw members and Nick’s friends. Later, after returning to the mansion, he uses his powers on Adalind to make her give up Nick’s location. After a standoff between him, Renard and Nick, when Bonaparte uses his powers in an attempt to choke Nick to death, he is stabbed in the back by Renard, who is being controlled by Diana.


The show refers to its numerous creatures as Wesen, which is German for creature or nature. While the species of each creature often has a German name, although disregarding correct spelling or grammatical, most of the Wesen in the series do not exist by these names in Grimms’ Fairy Tales. Some creatures have different names in the German synchronization of the series. For example, the Fuchsbau («fox den») are called fuchsteufel («fox-devil») in the German translation of the series.

Wesen are theriomorphic humans with certain traits and abilities characteristic in animals or mythological creatures. The non-human traits and abilities appear when Wesen are aggressive or otherwise emotionally agitated, which is referred to as wogeing from the German wogen, meaning surge. According to the character Monroe, normal people can see only the human appearance of a Wesen, not the woged form. However, Wesen can allow themselves to be seen, which is the source of legends and stories passed down as fairy tales by The Brothers Grimm.

The Wesen community has its politics and institutions, led by the Wesen Council which has the functions of judiciary and legislature. Separately, the seven Royal Houses in Europe are aware of the Wesen community in the series and are vying to restore their former influence in the world. There are also the German: Verrat («betrayal»), a secret police of Wesen working for the Royal Houses to manipulate others in the Wesen community; the Laufer, a Wesen resistance movement against the Royal Houses; and the reapers, assassins mainly concerned with eliminating Grimms. It is never clearly stated in the series whether members of the Royal families are Wesen themselves; however Wesen–Royal romantic relationships are frowned upon.

Wesen and others[edit]

Name Language /meaning Description
Alpe German: nightmare A sleep eating Wesen with green eyes that feeds off melatonin, causing its victim severe insomnia. 116 (Breakfast in Bed)
Anubis Greek name for an Egyptian god A jackal creature considered godlike protectors of the dead by ancient Egyptians. They are respectful of artifacts, and are involved with the Beati Paoli, a group of Wesen dedicated to preservation of Wesen culture. See also Schakal. 59 (Once We Were Gods)
Aswang Tagalog: evil spirit A ghoul creature from Filipino mythology. In the series, Aswang attack pregnant women with their piercing tongue, injecting a tranquilizer and sucking the infant and amniotic fluid out of the womb. It is a tradition (which some Aswang consider barbaric) for the eldest son to give up his first conceived child for his mother’s consumption to extend her lifespan. 58 (Mommy Dearest)
Apgadnieks Latvian: wage earner, bread winner, supporter A husky like creature with either body that is white, brown, or both, and a nosed dog-like rhinarium. 91 (Lost Boys)
Ataktos Fuse Greek: mischievous nature / Latin: Bestia Festiva A cicada-like Wesen with yellowish-brown exoskeleton. They are inspiration for the Greek god Dionysus. 115 (The Seven Year Itch
Balam Yucatec: jaguar A jaguar creature that tends to act before thinking. It is closely related to the Yaguaraté. 31 (La Llorona)
Barbatus Ossifrage Latin: bearded bone-breaker A Bearded vulture-like creature that preys on the mortally wounded. It breaks its victims’ bones and then liquefies them for consumption. 106 (Good to the Bone)
Bauerschwein German: farmer pig A pig creature. They are in a centuries-old feud with the Blutbads. This Wesen is portrayed as the mythological basis for the Three Little Pigs. 06 (The Three Bad Wolves)
Blutbad German: bloodbath A wolf-like creature with a keen sense of smell that is provoked by the color red. The creature is derived from the Big Bad Wolf in Grimms’ fairy tales. The Blutbad–Bauerschwein feud has lasted for centuries. 01 (Pilot)
Coyotl Nahuatl: coyote A coyote-like creature that usually lives in packs. They practice a mating ritual for females soon after their seventeenth birthday. 25 (Bad Moon Rising)
Cracher Mortel French: deadly spit A creature like a Puffer fish that uses its spit to induce a trance in its victims to create obedient zombie slaves. Baron Samedi, a loa (spirit) of Haitian Vodou, is portrayed as a Cracher-Mortel working for the royal families, in particular Captain Renard’s brother Eric. 43 (The Waking Dead)
Chupacabra Spanish: goat-sucker A contemporary-legend cryptid that preys on livestock. They are rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas, with the first sightings reported in Puerto Rico in 1995. The series presents chupacabra as a woge manifestation brought on by a mosquito-borne disease. An afflicted Wesen has no memory of transforming into a chupacabra that rips the throats and drinks the blood of its victims. 74 (Chupacabra)
Dämonfeuer German: demon fire A rare draconic creature with the ability to vaporize their own fat, which they cough up as flammable particles that can ignite. The appearance of breathing fire is presented as the inspiration for myths about dragons. 14 (Plumed Serpent)
Dickfellig German: insensitive (literal: thick-furred) A rhinoceros-like creature which is good at fighting. 12 (Last Grimm Standing)
Drang-Zorn German: «impulsive wrath» A creature like a badger that is prone to violent outbursts. A child Drangzorn who experiences woge before the age of 13 becomes unstable and violent. 29 (The Bottle Imp)
Eisbiber German: ice beaver A Beaver-like creature. They are somewhat meek and cowardly (less so than Mausherz) and have a knack for repair and crafts. 05 (Danse Macabre)
El Cucuy Spanish: el Coco «the bogeyman» A vigilante creature with long claws, wide mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth, and superhuman hearing (even when in human form). El Cucuy can hear cries for help from miles away, and comes after people who commit bad actions towards others. Julliette speculates it may not actually be a Wesen. 49 (El-Cucuy)
Curupira Tupi: covered in blisters A mythological fairy from Brazilian Folklore that dwells in the forest. They ride collared peccary (musk pig) and dislike people who hunt animals. They are similar to caipora in Tupi-Guarani mythology with a small dark skinned black mane mischievous Indian who smoked cigar. 119 (Tree People)
Cupiditas Spanish: desire, longing, lust / greed is the root of evil A cupid-like Wesen that collects victims’ hair to make amor de infierno (Spanish: hellish love), which makes one madly in love or themselves. 117 (Blind Love)
El Cuegle Spanish: monster El Cuegle are creatures who possess either blue, or purple-gray skin. They have a third eye which grants future visions with regards to the children that they meet. Depending upon the vision, they then eat the babies to stop potential evil. 114 (El Cuegle)
Excandesco Latin: glow, become white-hot / catch fire Presented in the show as the possible origin of the Phoenix, this creature spontaneously bursts into flame at will by controlling phosphorus emitted through the skin. 79 (Trial by Fire)
Folterseele German: torture soul A created like a poison dart frog or golden poison dart frog. They secrete batrachotoxin through their skin. 82 (Heartbreaker)
Fuchsbau German: fox hole A fox-like creature that is sly and cunning. 10 (Organ Grinder)
Fuchsteufelwild German: livid / hopping mad A goblin creature equipped with blade-like bony fingers that can slice a victim in half while secreting acid. Its strong legs enable it to leap long distances and stomp with considerable force. Its large ego cannot accept defeat, which can result in suicide upon losing the intricate games played with victims. A Fuchsteufelwild will adopt an anagram name made up of the letters in Rumpelstiltskin, such as Trinket Lipslums. 38 (Nameless)
Fuilcré Irish: blood clay A bovine creature known for using an ancient Wesen ritual called; «Fulicre rain crucifixion rituals», which involves water runes, crosses, blood and sacrifice victims as a ceremony to bring rain. 97 (Star Crossed)
Furis Rubian Latin: red demon A creature like a horned toad. Although harmless, they are commonly mistaken for the devil on account of their appearance. 104 (The Believer)
Gedächtnis Esser German: memory eater An octopus-like creature that removes memories by forcing its tentacles into the back of a victim’s head. Upon waking, a victim has amnesia and with pain, with no memory of the attacker. 67 (Thanks for the Memories)
Gefrierengeber German: freeze giver A creature mentioned by Monroe. They are the inspiration for Santa Claus. 07 (Let Your Hair Down)
Geier German: vulture A vulture-like creature known for harvesting human organs and blood from live victims, to make effective medicinal remedies for the Wesen community. 10 (Organ Grinder)
Gelumcaedus Latin: cold kill A ferocious and aggressive crocodile creature that inhabits the city’s sewers and attacks with little provocation. They both fear and respect Grimms, referring to Grimms as Decapitare, meaning he who decapitates. 51 (Cold Blooded)
Genio innocuo Latin: harmless genius A non-violent tortoise creature that originates from the Galápagos Islands, often possessing genius-level intellect. Genio Innocuo are rare because a Grimm hunted and killed most of their population. 30 (The Other Side)
Glühenvolk German: glow-people A rare luminous creature mistaken for extraterrestrial life. Glühenvolk are a benevolent species of Wesen that avoid killing, but can become violent if their mate is threatened. 41 (Endangered)
Golem Hebrew: unshaped form A being made of clay and stone being. In Jewish folklore, it is an animated anthropomorphic being, magically created entirely from inanimate matter. This being is not considered a Wesen. 70 (Dyin’ on a Prayer)
Grausen Germany: horror Grausen is a condition caused by a unicellular eukroytoic parasite called daemon adespicon (Latin: I see the devil) that infects human children. 50 (Stories We Tell Our Young)
Gevatter Tod Germany: grim reaper/Godfather of death An assassin-bug like Wesen that kills their prey through venomous saliva containing large amounts of Hyaluronidase. They are often employed by the Wesen community to peacefully euthanize Wesen who suffer from Dementia. 120 (Blood Magic)
Hasenfussige Schnecke German: cowardly slug A blobfish-like creature known for being peaceful, but cowardly. They consider flies to be delicious. 94 (Wesen Nacht)
Hässlich German: ugly A troll creature fond of stewarding bridges and extorting tolls from the Eisbiber folk who built them. Several work in construction for the purpose of continued extortion and upholding ancient traditions. 19 (Leave It To Beavers)
Heftigauroch German: violent bison A bull-like creature that is good at fighting when enraged, but is generally nonviolent and reluctant to fight. 69 (The Last Fight)
Hexenbiest (female) German: witch-beast A witch creature (the female counterpart of Zauberbiest), which appears to have rotting flesh in Wesen form, but is strikingly attractive in human form. They excel at concocting potions having various compulsive, emotive, or deadly effects and possess various supernatural abilities such as telekinesis. Ingesting the blood of a Grimm causes a Hexenbiest to lose her abilities and become human. 01 (Pilot)
Höllentier German: hell animal A hellhound creature whose lineage can be traced to the ancient Egyptian empire. In modern times, the species is considered unpleasant, and they often have criminal records. Nick described this creature as half Hundjäger and half Dämonfeuer. 49 (El Cucuy)
Hundjäger German: dog-hunter A hound creature with a talent for tracking. These creatures often work for the Verrat organization as hit men or bounty hunters. The Verrat and their Hundjäger are widely feared by other Wesen, resulting in the resistance movement called Laufer. 18 (Cat and Mouse)
Huntha Lami Muuaji Swahili: hermaphrodite tar murder A flatworm creature whose epidermis secretes enzymes, that can burn human skin. It can also change its gender at will. 81 (Double Date)
Indole Gentile Italian: gentle nature A deer-like creature. During adolescence, a rare genetic disorder may manifest itself as a transformation into a kallikantzaros (see below). The Greek-American families of Indole Gentile were members of the Greek Orthodox Church. 73 (The Grimm Who Stole Christmas)
Inugami Japanese: god dog A ghost-like white dog creature from Japanese mythology. Honorable and loyal to ancient traditions, if someone saves their life the Inugami will forever act as a guardian to them and their family. 105 (Inugami)
Jack the Ripper NA A malevolent spirit that possess people and forces them commit horrifying murders. The being is not a Wesen. 86 (You Don’t Know Jack)
Jägerbär German: hunter-bear A bear creature that uses a claw-like scoop to disembowel victims. According to the Grimm journal, a Jägerbär tends to be a lawyer, mortgage lender or politician, and can live peacefully among humans when avoiding alcohol. The series presents them as the mythological basis for The Story of the Three Bears. 02 (Bears Will Be Bears)
Jinnamuru Xunte Maninka: limping evil spirit A fly-like creature from Africa that feeds off the victims’ tears, removing their eyesight. 37 (Mr. Sandman)
Kallikantzaroi Greek: beautiful centaur Malevolent nocturnal goblin creature from Greek folklore. In the series, a kallikantzaros arises from a rare genetic disorder in gentile deer-like Wesen, indole gentile, during early adolescence. The disorder manifests itself at night, when the child transforms into a goblin that engages in destructive mischief. 73 (The Grimm Who Stole Christmas)
Kinoshimobe Japanese: servant of the tree A kinoshimobe is an elemental humanoid tree-like non-Wesen creature made of plant material. They have chlorophyll for blood and a symbolic relationship with jukokko tree (Japanese: vampire tree) 119 (Tree People)
Kitsune Japanese: fox A white fox-like creature from Japanese folklore. 105 (Inugami)
Klaustreich German: thievery stroke An alley cat creature that tends to be popular with women. Relationships often end badly due to the creature’s possessiveness and proclivity toward violence. Females are notably less violent. The name is intended to mean «scrounging prankster» according to NBC’s Grimm guide.[3] 16 (The Thing With Feathers)
Königschlange German: royal serpent A creature like a King cobra, similar in name to the German word for boa constrictor, königsschlange («king’s snake»). The creature in the Grimm series can use its tongue to check body temperature, pulse, and other vital signs – skills sought by those wishing to confirm an individual’s death. Königschlangen also have toxic fangs, and have fast reflexes exceeding those of a Grimm. 28 (Over My Dead Body)
Koschei Russian: Коще́й, possibly derived from кость (bone) A radioactive skeleton with the ability to heal other beings from serious injuries and ailments, as well as afflict people with radiation poisoning. Koschei are resistant or immune to toxins and poisons, have quick reflexes, and are difficult to kill. Grigori Rasputin’s healing power is attributed to him being a koschei. In traditional stories, the creature is described mainly as an antagonist who abducts the hero’s wife. 53 (Red Menace)
Krampus German: Claw The «Anti-Santa» demon, Krampus is Yule Lord (a half-demon, half-goat creature with black fur), who traditionally punishes misbehaving children. In the series, a Krampus exists for three weeks per year to kidnap and devour naughty children before midnight of the winter solstice. His human self is unaware of his other side, having no recollection of being Krampus. Monroe said that he is not sure if this creature is a Wesen. 52 (Twelve Days of Krampus)
Kackenkopf German: poop head A creature like a Dung beetle. 100 (Into the Schwarzwald)
La Llorona Spanish: The Weeping Woman A supernatural apparition of a crying woman from Mexican folklore. La Llorona kidnaps and drowns little children during Halloween, hoping the children can take the place of her own children who drowned centuries ago. The creature is not believed to be a Wesen. 31 (La Llorona)
Leshy NA A Leshy is a Wesen guardian spirit of the forests in Slavic folklore. 119 (Tree People)
Lausenschlange German: louse-snake A snake creature that preys on weaker creatures such as Mausherz. It uses its powerful arms to crush victims like a boa constrictor. 09 (Of Mouse and Man)
Lebensauger German: life sucker A lamprey-like creature having a large funnel mouth filled with sharp teeth. A Lebensauger tries to keep its true nature secret, even to other Wesen. 32 (The Hour of Death)
Löwen German: lions A lion creature that runs gladiatorial games (since the time of ancient Rome) in which Wesen are forced to fight each other to the death. 12 (Last Grimm Standing)
Luisant-Pêcheur French: shining fisherman An otter creature that has the ability to swim underwater for long periods of time. They are somewhat less skittish than an Eisbiber. 42 (Kiss of the Muse)
Luison Guarani: werewolf A wolf creature from Guarani mythology. A Luison shows a suave and polite exterior that disguises a greedy and manipulating interior. Less prone to violence than a Blutbad, a Luison relies more on fear and deception. 71 (Cry Luison)
Lycanthrope Greek: human wolf A lycanthrope is a therianthropic hybrid wolf creature with a genetic Wesen disease specific to Blutbaden that inspired modern day werewolf myth. When lycanthropia manifests physically, its makes lycanthropes insane during 3 nights of the full moon. 102 (Lycanthropia)
Malin Fatal French: cunning deadly A boar-like creature with tusks protruding from the lower jaw. 53 (Red Menace)
Manticore Persian: man eater A scorpion-tailed lion creature that kills by stabbing with its poisonous tail. Manticores are a legendary Persian cryptid. 55 (The Good Soldier)
Matança Zumbido Portuguese: buzz kill An electric eel creature that can kill using a sustained electric discharge that chars the victim, blowing out the eyeballs and teeth. 77 (Death Do Us Part)
Mauvais-Dentes French: bad teeth A Saber-tooth tiger creature that is a smart, swift, and deadly killing machine. According to Grimm documents, a single Mauvais-Dentes can wipe out an entire village. The few left in the world answer to members of the royal families. 23 (Bad Teeth)
Mausherz German: mouse heart A timid, cowardly mouse creature. It has been left undocumented by grimms due to never having done anything to attract attention. 09 (Of Mouse and Man)
Mellifer Latin: honey-bearing A bee-like creature with a hive mentality that lives as part of a swarm. They harvest their own venom for use as a weapon, and can use swarms of normal honeybees to provide cover for their movements. A Mellifer’s natural enemy is a Hexenbiest. Although they are Wesen, Mellifers have historically enjoyed a good relationship with Grimms. 03 (Beeware)
Mishipeshu Algonquin: underwater panther An underwater lynx-like creature from Canadian Algonquin Ojibwe Mythology. They live with a tribe of shape shifting Algonquin Native Americans on Michipicoten Island. In the series, they are a dark and mysterious Native American myth called that is half cougar and half dragon.[4] The creature is not believed to be a Wesen. 84 (Mishipeshu)
Murciélago Spanish: bat A bat-like creature from Spain, also called a geölterblitz (German: greased lightning) by blutbads. They can emit a powerful shriek that is fatal to victims. Murciélagos can be disoriented by loud noises imperceptible to humans. 20 (Happily Ever Aftermath)
Musasat Alsh-Shabab Arabic: youth sucker A scarab beetle creature that can suck the youth out of their victims and regurgitate it as an anti-aging cream. 103 (Skin Deep)
Musai Greek: muse A small muse creature that inspires artistic creativity in those with whom they become emotionally close. The kiss of a Musai secretes a psychotropic substance that causes obsessive infatuation. A relationship sealed with such a kiss inevitably leads to madness, destruction, and death, while inspiring great creativity in the Musai’s afflicted lover. True love for someone else is the only thing that can break the induced infatuation. 42 (Kiss of the Muse)
Naiad Middle English: naiad An aquatic nymph creature from Greek legend. Male Naiads are born sterile, and female Naiads can only conceive in water with humans. As a result, all Naiads are born to mixed parents, creating tension between males and females. 48 (One Night Stand)
Neanderthal NA A Neanderthal creature. Sgt. Wu had scratch from Lycanthrope when he woged into a Neanderthal. The species is named after Neanderthal (Neander Valley) in Germany. Lycanthropia is a genetic mutation passed down in Blutbaden (see Lycanthrope). 106 (Good to the Bone)
Nuckelavee Scottish: supernatural horse A horse- or centaur-like creature from Orcadian folklore. The Nuckelavee was said to be the cause of blight, disaster, floods, and more because of his evil nature. 26 (Quill)
Peau de la Mort French: skin of death A creature mentioned by Monroe. 82 (Heartbreaker)
Pflichttreue German: devotion to duty A white panther / snow leopard creature that is quick and stealthy, able to appear and disappear without a trace. Because they are smart, fearless, and loyal, several are used by the Wesen Council to help with difficult dirty work. 50 (Stories We Tell Our Young)
Phansigar English: use the noose/Hindi: snare doing A Komodo dragon creature with a long tongue that can strangle or cut the throat of a victim. Every three years they kidnap a male and female human couple for a ritual sacrifice. 72 Highway of Tears)
Pista Falsa Latin: red herring A red herring Wesen 116 (Breakfast in Bed)
Primal Wu NA Primal Wu is the name given to Wu’s Neanderthal form. It is non-Wesen. 107 The Taming of the Wu
Quijada Vil Spanish: jaw vile A large creature like a venomous lizard with razor sharp teeth from Southwestern US. Quijada vil lulls its victims into a false sense of security. 90 (Clear & Wesen Danger)
Raubkondor German: predatory condor A condor-like creature. They are dangerous hunters with night-vision and the ability to turn their head almost completely in either direction. 41 (Endangered)
Reinigen German: to clean A rat creature presented as the mythological basis for The Pied Piper, with a musical ability that controls the behavior of normal rats. A Reinigen is nonviolent unless pushed. Historically, Grimms have not pursued them as enemies. 05 (Danse Macabre)
Riesen-Ratte / Les Rogeus Roi German: giant rat / French: king of rodents A giant rat king, formed when several Reinigen merge in an event as known the Erklarend. They are thought to be a myth by the Wesen community. 93 (The Rat King)
Sairento Shi Japanese: silent death A praying mantis creature uses speedy attacks with armed blades to behead its victims. They are known as ninjas. 98 (Map of the Seven Knights)
Schakal German: jackal A jackal creature that is ferocious and thieving. They are able to stand against a Grimm longer than most other Wesen. See also Anubis. 13 (Three Coins in a Fuchsbau)
Scharfblicke German: sharp-eyed An owl-like creature with extraordinary eyesight. They have the ability that can see what otherwise cannot be seen, such as peering directly into a lock to decipher the mechanism inside. 35 (Face Off)
Schinderdiv German and Persian: flayer / oppressor demon A warthog creature, portrayed in the series as a boxing trainer that wants to win at any cost. 69 (The Last Fight)
Seelengut German: soul good A timid and peaceful creature like a sheep. They are almost never violent, are highly social and have a herd mentality. A Blutbad would consider both a Seelengut and a Bauerschwein as prey. 27 (The Good Shepherd)
Seltenvogel German: rare bird Nearly extinct golden bird creatures, once kept as pets by royal families. Once in its lifetime, a Seltenvogel will develop a glandular bump on its neck, containing a golden item called unbezahlbar (meaning «priceless»). The item must be cut out before it grows too large or the Seltenvogel will die. The unbezahlbar, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, becomes worthless if it is broken. 16 (The Thing with Feathers)
Siegbarste German: victory burst An ogre-like creature known for its high pain threshold, dense bone structure, incredible strength, potent body odor and a tendency to carry on vendettas «to the grave.» They are vulnerable to a rare toxin specifically cultivated for use against them, which must be fired from a high-power rifle, such as an elephant gun, to pierce their defenses. 08 (Game Ogre)
Skalengeck German: scale-fool A lizard creature that intimidates prey with a hostile, tongue-hanging grin. 01 (Pilot (Grimm)) and 15 (Island of Dreams)
Skalenzähne German: scale-teeth A crocodile-like creature. They are relatively peaceful in human society, although the taste of human flesh causes violent behavior and a craving for human meat. They are popular contenders in the Löwen games. 12 (Last Grimm Standing)
Spinnetod German: spider-death A spider creature based on the jorōgumo demon from Japanese folklore. Females are afflicted with a condition that causes them to age rapidly, requiring them to suck the life out of young men in order to age normally. They are incapable of stopping themselves, though they often feel remorse. 11 (Tarantella)
Stangebär German: stick-bear A creature like a porcupine that can expose and retract needle-like quills as a defense mechanism. They are generally peaceful, similar in nature to other rodent Wesen such as Mauzherz, Reinigen, and Eisbiber. 26 (Quill)
Steinadler German: stone eagle / Golden eagle A hawk creature known for noble behavior. They are associated with the military and heroics. 13 (Three Coins in a Fuchsbau)
Taureus-Armenta Latin: bull cattle A Minotaur creature with the head of a bull and body of a man, respected on the battlefield. They are known for stubbornness and courage in the face of adversity, as well as an inclination to volunteer for dangerous tasks. They are considered the most honorable Wesen. 40 (Volcanilis)
Taweret Ancient Egypt: «great» or «great one» A Wesen like a hippopotamus. 115 (The Seven Year Itch)
Uhranuti Czech: memory A falcon creature with exceptional eyesight. 99 (Key Move)
Ungeziefer Greifer German: vermin grab A weasel creature 99 (Key Move)
Varme Tyv Norway: heat thief A cold blooded blue racer snake. As they are cold blooded, during cold seasons they either need to enter brumation or steal the body heat of humans to remain alive. 83 (Hibernaculum)
Vibora Dorada Spanish: golden viper A chimeric creature like a snake, based upon the Aztec deity Xipe Totec. Vibora dorada are able to inject a paralyzing neurotoxin into their victims through their fangs which can force a Wesen to stay in woge even after death. 101 (Silence to the Slams)
Volcanalis Latin: High Priest of God of Fire In ancient Roman religion, Flamen Volcanalis is a high priest assigned to the cult of the deity Vulcan. In the series, Volcanilis is an entity of fire and earth, resembling the Hawaiian goddess Pele. It manifests as a lava-burning humanoid in mountainous areas with potential volcanic activity. It is nearly invulnerable, except to sub-zero substances like liquid nitrogen. Witnesses associate it with demonic beings or the devil. The creature is not believed to be a Wesen. 40 (Volcanalis)
Vulpesmyrca Latin/Old English: dark fox A black fox creature with incredible speed. They excel in the profession of Leporem Venator (Latin: hare hunter), which is the hunting for Willahara for their left foot to be sold as a fertility talisman to Wesen couples who have difficulty conceiving a child. 80 (Bad Luck)
Willahara Old English: pleasure hare A rabbit-like creature hunted by Leporem Venators (Latin: hare hunter) for their left foot. Willahara are presented in the show as the origin of folklore regarding the lucky rabbit’s foot (see vulpesmyrca). 80 (Bad Luck)
Wældreór Anglo-Saxon: blood of the slain A Wesen suffering from a rare disease related to dengue fever that only affects dog-like Wesen. Wældreór are the inspiration of the chupacabra legend. 74 (Chupacabra)
Wasser Zahne German: water teeth An aquatic reptilian-like creature that is an exceptional swimmer. They are very dangerous when in their element. They are the basis for the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. 96 (A Reptile Dysfunction)
Wendigo Algonquian: evil spirit A savage human. In Algonquian tradition, the creature could possess humans or transform from a monster to a person, and was associated with cannibalism. In the series, they store the remains of their victims in pits near their dining area. 33 (To Protect and Serve Man)
Weten Ogen Dutch: knowing eyes A creature like a lynx. They are known to have a tradition called maagd zoektocht (Virgin Quest) where suitors must complete a trial to earn a female Weten Ogen’s hand in marriage. 92 (Maiden Quest)
Wettbewerbsgewinner German: competition winner An avian and reptilian creature that is both male and female. They have hard scales, spines and beautiful plumage. A deadly toxin coats their claws that can kill human beings in matter of minutes. 100 (Into the Schwarzwald)
Wildermann German: wild man A bigfoot-like creature. In medieval Europe tradition, they are hairy men that live in the wild, comparable to the yeti or sasquatch. In the series, they are normally friendly, intelligent loners who enjoy nature. 21 (Big Feet)
Wildesheer German: wild army A bear creature inspired by the Norse berserkers who wore coats made from bear pelts. It kills people whom it deems «worthy», collecting their scalps to make a coat. 56 (The Wild Hunt)
Yaguaraté Spanish: jaguar A fast and agile jaguar creature that is shy compared to their relative, the balam. They have a temper that they control and release to become effective killers, particularly when a matter involves a family member or loved one. A gang called Northend Cru are all Yaguaraté. 54 (Eyes of the Beholder)
Zauberbiest (male) German: Magic-beast A male warlock creature (male counterpart of hexenbiest). 01 (first mentioned in pilot; seen and featured in 24 (The Kiss)
Zerstörer Germany: Destroyer Black skull like devil creature with green eyes from mirror dimension about a lot of prophecies called; «shaphat (child bride),» makes a young girl as his bride. 122 (Blood Magic)
Ziegevolk German: goat people A goat-like creature that releases pheromones to spellbind others. Consuming a Sonoran desert toad enhances the pheromone effectiveness. Ziegevolk are considered nonviolent, more intent on breeding than fighting. Some ziegevolk are «herders» who capture and keep women for breeding. They take the form of men of ordinary appearance who have an ability to attract women. 04 (Lonelyhearts)


  • Grimm, Universal Television et al., 2011–2014.
  1. ^ «Bitsie Tulloch Teases Nick’s «Wild Reaction» To Eve When Grimm Season 5 Returns». moviepilot.com. Retrieved January 18, 2016.
  2. ^ «Grimm’s Silas Weir Mitchell Speaks! | Blogcritics». blogcritics.org. Archived from the original on October 7, 2013.
  3. ^ «Klaustreich». Grimm Guide. NBC. Archived from the original on May 10, 2013.
  4. ^ «Mishipeshu Native American Spirit». Archived from the original on August 14, 2016. Retrieved December 26, 2016.

Братья Гримм

По сказочному фэнтези-триллеру Терри Гиллиама «Brothers Grimm»

Братья Гримм

По сказочному фэнтези-триллеру Терри Гиллиама «Brothers Grimm»


  • Будем искать среди персонажей фандома




Проводница братьев, «чертовка», как называют ее в деревне, дочь охотника, пропавшего в лесу много лет назад.




Один из помощников Братьев, в основном, играющий троллей и наиболее страшных существ.

Ваварин Делатомб

Vavarin Delatombe


Французский генерал, настроенный уничтожить и сжечь деревню и лес, убить братьев.

Вильгельм Гримм (Уилл)

Wilhelm Grimm (Will)


Старший и наиболее эмоциональный брат. Заводила, составляющий планы для команды авантюристов.




Одна из жертв Королевы, потерявшаяся в лесу.


The Queen


Зеркальная королева, заточившая себя в башне и промышлявшая черной магией ради своего бессмертия.




Отец Анжелики, обращенный волком и прислуживающий Королеве.




Слуга генерала Делатомба.




Мать Уильяма и Якова.

Меркуцио Кавальди

Mercurio Cavaldi


Итальянец, прислуживающий Делатомбу. Изначально был против братьев и всячески им мешал, но в дальнейшем изменил свою отношение.




Девочка из деревни, одна из жертв Королевы.




Один из помощников братьев, исполняющий роли ведьм в авантюрных планах.

Яков Гримм (Джейк)

Jakob Grimm (Jake)


Младший из братьев, верящий в сказания и составляющий сборник историй. В детстве он купил на последние деньги семьи «сказочные бобы», что привело к смерти их маленькой сестры.

Список сказок и произведений братьев Гримм

Список сказок и произведений братьев Гримм

Фото: Doppelporträt der Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann / wikipedia.org

На этой странице вы найдёте список детских сказок братьев Гримм в алфавитном порядке, а также названия других произведений их авторства, написанных братьями вместе или по отдельности. Все названия даны на двух языках – русском и немецком. Популярные сказки выделены зелёным цветом. Сказки, на которые даны ссылки, можно почитать прямо на сайте (на немецком языке). Сказки c переводом на русский отмечены текстом: «+ перевод», с аудио — «+ аудио» и так далее. Для удобства навигации по странице можно использовать меню ниже.

Список сказок братьев Гримм

  • «Барабанщик»  —  „Der Trommler“
  • «Бедность и смирение ведут к спасению»  —  „Armut und Demut führen zum Himmel“
  • «Бедный батрак и кошечка» («Бедный работник с мельницы и кошечка»)  —  „Der arme Müllerbursch und das Kätzchen“
  • «Бедный малый в могиле» («Бедный пастух в могиле»)  —  „Der arme Junge im Grab“
  • «Бедняк и богач»  —  „Der Arme und der Reiche“
  • «Бедняк на небе» («Мужичок на небе»)  —  „Das Bürle im Himmel“
  • «Белая змея»  —  „Die weiße Schlange“
  • «Белая и чёрная невеста»  —  „Die weiße und die schwarze Braut“
  • «Белоснежка» («Снегурочка»)  —  „Schneewittchen“
  • «Беляночка и Розочка» («Белоснежка и Алоцветик»)  —  „Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot“
  • «Бесстрашный королевич» («Королевич, который ничего не боялся»)  —  „Der Königssohn, der sich vor nichts fürchtet“
  • «Бог накормил»  —  „Gottes Speise“
  • «Божьи звери и чёртовы звери» («Звери господни и чёртовы звери»)  —  „Des Herrn und des Teufels Getier“
  • «Брат-Весельчак»  —  „Bruder Lustig“
  • «Братец и сестрица»  —  „Brüderchen und Schwesterchen“
  • «Бременские уличные музыканты»  —  „Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten“
  • «Великан и портной»  —  „Der Riese und der Schneider“
  • «Веретенце, челнок и иголка»  —  „Spindel, Weberschiffchen und Nadel“
  • «Верный Иоганнес» («Верный Иоганн»)  —  „Der treue Johannes“
  • «Ветка орешника»  —  „Die Haselrute“
  • «Волк и лиса»  —  „Der Wolf und der Fuchs“
  • «Волк и семеро козлят»  —  „Der Wolf und die sieben Geißlein“
  • «Волк и человек»  —  „Der Wolf und der Mensch“
  • «Вор в терновнике» («Монах в терновнике»)  —  „Der Jude im Dorn“
  • «Вор и его учитель»  —  „De Gaudeif un sien Meester“
  • «Воробей и его четверо деток»  —  „Der Sperling und seine vier Kinder“
  • «Ворона»  —  „Die Rabe“
  • «Вошка и блошка»  —  „Läuschen und Flöhchen“
  • «Время жизни» («Срок жизни»)  —  „Die Lebenszeit“
  • «Всякий сброд»  —  „Das Lumpengesindel“
  • «Выгодный оборот» («Удачная торговля»)  —  „Der gute Handel“
  • «Выпь и удод»  —  „Rohrdommel und Wiedehopf“
  • «Ганс в счастье» («Счастливый Ганс»)  —  „Hans im Glück“
  • «Ганс женится»  —  „Hans heiratet“
  • «Ганс-ёжик» («Ганс мой Ёж»)  —  „Hans mein Igel“
  • «Гансль-Игрок»  —  „De Spielhansl“
  • «Гвоздика»  —  „Die Nelke“
  • «Гвоздь»  —  „Der Nagel“
  • «Гензель и Гретель» («Пряничный домик»)  —  „Hänsel und Gretel“
  • «Господин Корбес»  —  „Herr Korbes“
  • «Госпожа Метелица» («Хозяйка Подземелья»)  —  „Frau Holle“
  • «Госпожа Труда» («Фрау Труда»)  —  „Frau Trude“
  • «Гриф-птица»  —  „Der Vogel Greif“
  • «Гусятница у колодца»  —  „Die Gänsehirtin am Brunnen“
  • «Гусятница»  —  „Die Gänsemagd“
  • «Дары маленького народца» («Подарки маленьких людей»)  —  „Die Geschenke des kleinen Volkes“
  • «Два брата»  —  „Die zwei Brüder“
  • «Два странника»  —  „Die beiden Wanderer“
  • «Двенадцать апостолов»  —  „Die zwölf Apostel“
  • «Двенадцать братьев»  —  „Die zwölf Brüder“
  • «Двенадцать ленивых работников»  —  „Die zwölf faulen Knechte“
  • «Двенадцать охотников»  —  „Die zwölf Jäger“
  • «Дева Малейн» («Девица Малеен»)  —  „Jungfrau Maleen“
  • «Девушка из Бракеля»  —  „Dat Mäken von Brakel“
  • «Девушка-безручка» («Безручка»)  —  „Das Mädchen ohne Hände“
  • «Диковинная птица» («Чудо-птица»)  —  „Fitchers Vogel“
  • «Дитмарская сказка-небылица» («Сказка-небылица»)» («Не любо не слушай, а лгать не мешай»)  —  „Das Dietmarsische Lügenmärchen “
  • «Догадливая Гретель» («Умная Гретель»)  —  „Die kluge Gretel“
  • «Доктор Всезнайка»  —  „Doktor Allwissend“
  • «Домашние слуги» («Домашняя челядь»)  —  „Das Hausgesinde“
  • «Домовые»  —  „Die Wichtelmänner“
  • «Дружба кошки и мышки» («Кошка и мышка вдвоем»)  —  „Katze und Maus in Gesellschaft“
  • «Дух в склянке» («Дух в бутылке»)  —  „Der Geist im Glas“
  • «Железная печь»  —  „Der Eisenofen“
  • «Железный Ганс»  —  „Der Eisenhans“
  • «Жених-разбойник» («Разбойник-жених»)  —  „Der Räuberbräutigam“
  • «Живая вода»  —  „Das Wasser des Lebens“
  • «Загадка»  —  „Das Rätsel“
  • «Заяц и ёж»  —  „Der Hase und der Igel“
  • «Звёздные талеры» («Звёзды-талеры»)  —  „Die Sterntaler“
  • «Земляной человечек» («Подземный человечек»)  —  „Dat Erdmänneken“
  • «Зимели-гора» («Гора Симели»)  —  „Simeliberg“
  • «Золотая птица»  —  „Der goldene Vogel“
  • «Золотой гусь»  —  „Die goldene Gans“
  • «Золотой ключик»  —  „Der goldene Schlüssel“
  • «Золотые дети»  —  „Die Goldkinder“
  • «Золушка» («Замарашка»)  —  „Aschenputtel“ — перевод
  • «Искусный вор» («Ловкий вор»)  —  „Der Meisterdieb“
  • «Истинная невеста» («Настоящая невеста»)  —  „Die wahre Braut“
  • «Истоптанные башмаки» («Стоптанные туфельки»)  —  „Die zertanzten Schuhe“
  • «Йоринда и Йорингель»  —  „Jorinde und Joringel“
  • «Камбала»  —  „Die Scholle“
  • «Кнойст и трое его сыновей»  —  „Knoist un sine dre Sühne“
  • «Кованный заново человек» («Помолодевший старик»)  —  „Das junggeglühte Männlein“
  • «Королевские дети»  —  „De beiden Künigeskinner“
  • «Королёк и медведь»  —  „Der Zaunkönig und der Bär“
  • «Королёк»  —  „Der Zaunkönig“
  • «Король Дроздобород» («Король-Дроздовик»)  —  „König Drosselbart“
  • «Король с Золотой горы»  —  „Der König vom goldenen Berg“
  • «Король-лягушонок, или Железный Гейнрих» («Король-лягушонок»)  —  „Der Froschkönig oder der eiserne Heinrich“
  • «Красавица Катринелье и Пиф-Паф-Польтри»  —  „Die schöne Katrinelje und Pif Paf Poltrie“
  • «Красная Шапочка»  —  „Rotkäppchen“
  • «Ленивая пряха»  —  „Die faule Spinnerin“
  • «Ленивый Гейнц»  —  „Der faule Heinz“
  • «Лесной домик» («Лесная избушка»)  —  „Das Waldhaus“
  • «Лиса и гуси»  —  „Der Fuchs und die Gänse“
  • «Лиса и кот»  —  „Der Fuchs und die Katze“
  • «Лиса и кума»  —  „Der Fuchs und die Frau Gevatterin“
  • «Лиса и лошадь»  —  „Der Fuchs und das Pferd“
  • «Луна»  —  „Der Mond“
  • «Любовь и горе поровну» («Всё поровну»)  —  „Lieb und Leid teilen“
  • «Мальчик в раю»  —  „Die himmlische Hochzeit “
  • «Мальчик-с-пальчик в пути» («Странствия Мальчика-с-пальчика»)  —  „Daumerlings Wanderschaft“
  • «Мальчик-с-пальчик»  —  „Daumesdick“
  • «Мастер Пфрим»  —  „Meister Pfriem“
  • «Медвежник» («Медвежатник»)  —  „Der Bärenhäuter“
  • «Милый Роланд» («Милейший Роланд»)  —  „Der Liebste Roland“
  • «Могильный холм»  —  „Der Grabhügel“
  • «Молодой великан» («Юный великан»)  —  „Der junge Riese“
  • «Морская свинка» («Морская рыбка»)  —  „Das Meerhäschen “
  • «Мужичок и чёрт»  —  „Der Bauer und der Teufel“
  • «Мужичонка» («Мужичок»)  —  „Das Bürle“
  • «На пути на дороге» («Как по белу свету скитаться»)  —  „Up Reisen gohn“
  • «Найдёнышек» («Птица-найдёныш»)  —  „Fundevogel“
  • «Неблагодарный сын»  —  „Der undankbare Sohn“
  • «Невеста зайчика» («Заячья невеста»)  —  „Häsichenbraut“
  • «Неравные Евины детки»  —  „Die ungleichen Kinder Evas“
  • «О мышке, птичке и колбаске»  —  „Von dem Mäuschen, Vögelchen und der Bratwurst“
  • «Одноглазка, Двуглазка и Трёхглазка»  —  „Einäuglein, Zweiäuglein und Dreiäuglein“
  • «Осёл-оборотень» («Салатный осёл»)  —  „Der Krautesel“
  • «Ослик»  —  „Das Eselein“
  • «От солнца ясного ничто не скроется» («Солнце ясное всю правду откроет»)  —  „Die klare Sonne bringt’s an den Tag“
  • «Очёски» («Отбросы»)  —  „Die Schlickerlinge“
  • «Пастушок»  —  „Das Hirtenbüblein“
  • «Певчий попрыгун-жаворонок» («Певун и прыгун-жаворонок»)  —  „Das singende springende Löweneckerchen“
  • «Пёстрая Шкурка» («Девушка-Дикарка»)  —  „Allerleirauh“
  • «Петушиное бревно»  —  „Der Hahnenbalken“
  • «Портной на небе» («Портной в раю»)  —  „Der Schneider im Himmel“
  • «Поющая косточка»  —  „Der singende Knochen“
  • «Предвестники смерти» («Посланцы смерти»)  —  „Die Boten des Todes“
  • «Приёмыш Богоматери» («Дитя Марии»)  —  „Marienkind“
  • «Разумники» («Умные люди»)  —  „Die klugen Leute“
  • «Ранец, шапочка и рожок» («Котомка, шляпёнка и рожок»)  —  „Der Ranzen, das Hütlein und das Hörnlein“
  • «Рапунцель» («Колокольчик»)  —  „Rapunzel“
  • «Репа»  —  „Die Rübe“
  • «Роза»  —  „Die Rose“
  • «Румпельштильцхен» («Хламушка-Крошка»)  —  „Rumpelstilzchen“
  • «Русалка в пруду»  —  „Die Nixe im Teich“
  • «Русалка» («Ундина»)  —  „Die Wassernixe“ — перевод + аудио-сказка
  • «Саван»  —  „Das Totenhemdchen“
  • «Сапог из буйволовой кожи»  —  „Der Stiefel von Büffelleder“
  • «Свадьба госпожи Лисы» («Свадьба лисички-сестрички»)  —  „Die Hochzeit der Frau Füchsin“
  • «Своевольное дитя» («Своенравный ребёнок»)  —  „Das eigensinnige Kind“
  • «Семеро швабов» («Семеро храбрецов»)  —  „Die Sieben Schwaben“
  • «Семь воронов»  —  „Die sieben Raben“
  • «Сильный Ганс» («Могучий Ганс»)  —  „Der starke Hans“
  • «Синяя свечка»  —  „Das blaue Licht“
  • «Сказка о заколдованном дереве» («Сказка про можжевельник»)  —  „Von dem Machandelboom“
  • «Сказка о кончине курочки» («Про смерть курочки»)  —  „Von dem Tode des Hühnchens“
  • «Сказка о рыбаке и его жене»  —  „Vom Fischer und seiner Frau“
  • «Сказка о стране небывалой» («О блаженной стране небывалой»)  —  „Das Märchen vom Schlauraffenland“
  • «Сказка о том, кто ходил страху учиться» («Сказка о добром молодце, который страха не знал»)  —  „Märchen von einem, der auszog das Fürchten zu lernen“
  • «Сказка-загадка» («Загадочная сказка»)  —  „Rätselmärchen“
  • «Сказки об уже» («Сказки про жерлянку»)  —  „Märchen von der Unke“
  • «Сладкая каша» («Волшебный горшочек»)  —  „Der süße Brei“
  • «Смерть в кумовьях»  —  „Der Gevatter Tod“
  • «Сметливый портняжка» («Про умного портняжку»)  —  „Vom klugen Schneiderlein“
  • «Смотрины»  —  „Die Brautschau“
  • «Смышлёный Ганс» («Ганс-разумник»)  —  „Der gescheite Hans“
  • «Собака и воробей»  —  „Der Hund und der Sperling“
  • «Сова»  —  „Die Eule“
  • «Соломинка, уголёк и боб»  —  „Strohhalm, Kohle und Bohne“
  • «Спящая красавица» («Шиповничек»)  —  „Dornröschen“ (+ перевод, аудио, фильм)
  • «Стаканчики Богоматери»  —  „Muttergottesgläschen“
  • «Старая нищенка» («Старуха нищая»)  —  „Die alte Bettelfrau“
  • «Старец в лесу»  —  „Der heilige Joseph im Walde“
  • «Старуха в лесу» («Лесная старуха»)  —  „Die Alte im Wald“
  • «Старушка»  —  „Das alte Mütterchen“
  • «Старый Гильдебранд»  —  „Der alte Hildebrand“
  • «Старый дед и внучёк»  —  „Der alte Großvater und der Enkel“
  • «Старый Ринкранк»  —  „Oll Rinkrank“
  • «Старый Султан»  —  „Der alte Sultan“
  • «Стеклянный гроб»  —  „Der gläserne Sarg“
  • «Столик-накройся, золотой осёл и дубинка из мешка» («Скатерка-самовёртка, золотой осел и дубинка из мешка»)  —  „Tischchen deck dich, Goldesel und Knüppel aus dem Sack“
  • «Тощая Лиза»  —  „Die hagere Liese“
  • «Три брата»  —  „Die drei Brüder“
  • «Три зелёные ветви»  —  „Die drei grünen Zweige“
  • «Три змеиных листочка»  —  „Die drei Schlangenblätter“
  • «Три лентяя»  —  „Die drei Faulen“
  • «Три маленьких лесовика» («Три человечка в лесу»)  —  „Die drei Männlein im Walde“
  • «Три пёрышка»  —  „Die drei Federn“
  • «Три пряхи»  —  „Die drei Spinnerinnen“
  • «Три птички»  —  „De drei Vügelkens“
  • «Три счастливца»  —  „Die drei Glückskinder“
  • «Три фельдшера»  —  „Die drei Feldscherer“
  • «Три чёрные принцессы»  —  „De drei schwatten Prinzessinnen“
  • «Три языка»  —  „Die drei Sprachen“
  • «Трое подмастерьев»  —  „Die drei Handwerksburschen“
  • «Украденный грош»  —  „Der gestohlene Heller“
  • «Умная дочь крестьянская»  —  „Die kluge Bauerntochter“
  • «Умная Эльза»  —  „Die kluge Else“
  • «Умный слуга» («Умный работник»)  —  „Der kluge Knecht“
  • «Учёный егерь» («Учёный охотник»)  —  „Der gelernte Jäger“
  • «Ференанд Верный и Ференанд Неверный»  —  „Ferenand getrü und Ferenand ungetrü“
  • «Фридер и Катерлизхен» («Муженёк и жёнушка»)  —  „Der Frieder und das Katherlieschen“
  • «Хлебные крошки на столе»  —  „Die Brosamen auf dem Tisch“
  • «Хлебный колос»  —  „Die Kornähre“
  • «Храбрый портняжка»  —  „Das tapfere Schneiderlein“
  • «Хрустальный шар»  —  „Die Kristallkugel“
  • «Царица пчёл» («Пчелиная матка»)  —  „Die Bienenkönigin“
  • «Цеп с неба»  —  „Der Dreschflegel vom Himmel“
  • «Чёрт в кумовьях» («Кум»)  —  „Der Herr Gevatter“
  • «Чёрт и его бабушка»  —  „Der Teufel und seine Großmutter“
  • «Чёрт с тремя золотыми волосами» («Тролль с тремя золотыми волосками»)  —  „Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren“
  • «Чёртов чумазый брат»  —  „Des Teufels rußiger Bruder“
  • «Четверо искусных братьев»  —  „Die vier kunstreichen Brüder“
  • «Чудаковатый музыкант» («Дивный музыкант»)  —  „Der wunderliche Spielmann“
  • «Шестеро слуг»  —  „Die sechs Diener“
  • «Шестеро через весь свет пройдут» («Шестеро весь свет обойдут»)  —  „Sechse kommen durch die ganze Welt“
  • «Шесть лебедей»  —  „Die sechs Schwäne“
  • «Ягнёнок и рыбка»  —  „Das Lämmchen und Fischchen“

Другие произведения братьев Гримм

  • «Немецкие саги»  —  Deutsche Sagen
  • «Ирландские сказки про эльфов»  —  Irische Elfenmärchen
  • «Немецкий словарь братьев Гримм»  —  Deutsches Wörterbuch
  • Die beiden ältesten deutschen Gedichte aus dem achten Jahrhundert: Das Lied von Hildebrand und Hadubrand und das Weißenbrunner Gebet

Произведения Якоба Гримм

  • «Немецкая грамматика»  —  Deutsche Grammatik
  • «Древности германского права»  —  Deutsche Rechtsalterthümer
  • «Райнхарт Лис»  —  Reinhart Fuchs
  • «Немецкая мифология»  —  Deutsche Mythologie
  • «Якоб Гримм о своём изгнании»  —  Jacob Grimm über seine Entlassung

Произведения Вильгельма Гримм

  • «Стародатские песни о героях, баллады и сказки»  —  Altdänische Heldenlieder, Balladen und Märchen
  • «Золотая кузница» Конрада фон Вюрцбурга (с пояснениями)  —  Die goldene Schmiede von Conrad von Würzburg. Aus Gothaischen Handschriften herausgegeben und erklärt von W. C. Grimm

  • Персонажи сказки щелкунчик картинки раскрашки
  • Персонажи сказки чиполлино картинки
  • Персонажи сказки тысяча и одна ночь
  • Персонажи сказки три поросенка
  • Персонажи сказки три медведя