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профессиональный артист, который озвучивает персонаж в аниме
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > профессиональный артист, который озвучивает персонаж в аниме
См. также в других словарях:
Пикачу — Национальный Покедекс Арбок → Пикачу (#025) → Райчу Английское имя Pikachu Японское имя ピカチュウ (пикатю:) … Википедия
Пикатю — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Пичу — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Список серий сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» — Покемон: Лига Индиго Страна Япония ТВ канал … Википедия
Покемон (аниме) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Покемон Обложка DVD издания первого сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» … Википедия
Покемоны — Покемон Официальное американское лого Покемона ポケットモンスター, Poketto monsutâ (яп.) Pokémon (англ.) Покемон (рус.) Ж … Википедия
Покемон: Фильм первый — Покемон: Мьюту против Мью 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 (Pokémon: The First Movie) Pocket Monsters the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Жанр на … Википедия
Отани, Икуэ — Икуэ Отани 大谷育江 Дата рождения: 18 августа 1965(1965 08 18) (47 лет) Место рождения: префектура … Википедия
Покемон (первое поколение) — Содержание 1 Герои 2 Локации 2.1 Канто … Википедия
Pokémon Yellow — Обложка североамериканского издания игры Разработчик Game Freak Издатель Nintendo … Википедия
Покемон — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Официальный английский и международный логотип серии «Покемон» « … Википедия
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- Пикачу как переводится с английского?
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Пикачу как переводится с английского?
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02 Май, 18
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в категории Английский язык
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02 Май, 18
(187 баллов)
оставил комментарий
02 Май, 18
(25 баллов)
Здравствуйте! На сайте Otvet-Master.ru собраны ответы и решения на все виды школьных задач и университетских заданий. Воспользуйтесь поиском решений на сайте или задайте свой вопрос онлайн и абсолютно бесплатно.
Алексей Артысевич
9 лет назад
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Пикачу не пострадал и должен пойти в покемон центра.
Pikachu is hurt and needs to go to the pokemon center.
Давай, Пикачу, отойди и наблюдай.
Okay, Pikachu, I want you to hang back and watch.
Мы собираемся использовать его, чтобы поймать Пикачу.
We were just about to put it through its paces by catching Pikachu.
Интересно, зачем Мимикью носит костюм Пикачу.
I wonder why Mimikyu wears a rag shaped like Pikachu.
Дальше выступает сплочённая команда — Эш и Пикачу.
Next up is the close-knit team of Ash and Pikachu.
Или это был ты, или в Нью-Йорк приехал Пикачу.
It was either you, or Pikachu is visiting New York.
Меня это почти не зацепило, потому что я кореец, а Пикачу — японец.
That one barely grazed me, because I’m Korean, and Pikachu is Japanese.
У меня новые формочки Пикачу, не терпится их испробовать.
I have a new Pikachu mold I’ve been dying to try out.
Красивое специальное издание Пикачу находится между нами
A beautiful special edition of Pikachu is here between us
Это Розерейд, а это Пикачу.
This is Roserade, this is Pikachu.
Так же, как Пикачу эволюционирует в Райчу.
Like how Pikachu evolves into Raichu.
Давай, Пикачу, Быстрая Атака!
Now, Pikachu, use Quick Attack!
Пойпол просто обожает Пикачу, правда?
Poipole seems to be really fond of Pikachu, don’t you think?
Пойпол очень привязался к Пикачу и другим Покемонам!
Poipole has really taken to Pikachu and the other Pokémon too!
Итак, Пикачу, Стальной Хвост!
All right, Pikachu, Iron Tail!
Это ведь наш шанс поймать Пикачу для Босса!
This is our chance to get Pikachu for the boss!
Эш и Пикачу с блеском прошли Квалификационное испытание.
Ash and Pikachu passed their pre-trial rematch with flying colors!
Эш и Пикачу тоже рвутся в бой.
Ash and Pikachu are excited too.
А вот и мои напарники: Пикачу, Ротом и Пойпол.
I’d like you to meet my partners Pikachu, Rotom and Poipole.
Эш немедленно отправляется в путь во главе с обеспокоенным Пикачу.
Ash immediately sets out, led by the troubled Pikachu.
Результатов: 107. Точных совпадений: 107. Затраченное время: 56 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
профессиональный артист, который озвучивает персонаж в аниме
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > профессиональный артист, который озвучивает персонаж в аниме
См. также в других словарях:
Пикачу — Национальный Покедекс Арбок → Пикачу (#025) → Райчу Английское имя Pikachu Японское имя ピカチュウ (пикатю:) … Википедия
Пикатю — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Пичу — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Список серий сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» — Покемон: Лига Индиго Страна Япония ТВ канал … Википедия
Покемон (аниме) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Покемон Обложка DVD издания первого сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» … Википедия
Покемоны — Покемон Официальное американское лого Покемона ポケットモンスター, Poketto monsutâ (яп.) Pokémon (англ.) Покемон (рус.) Ж … Википедия
Покемон: Фильм первый — Покемон: Мьюту против Мью 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 (Pokémon: The First Movie) Pocket Monsters the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Жанр на … Википедия
Отани, Икуэ — Икуэ Отани 大谷育江 Дата рождения: 18 августа 1965(1965 08 18) (47 лет) Место рождения: префектура … Википедия
Покемон (первое поколение) — Содержание 1 Герои 2 Локации 2.1 Канто … Википедия
Pokémon Yellow — Обложка североамериканского издания игры Разработчик Game Freak Издатель Nintendo … Википедия
Покемон — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Официальный английский и международный логотип серии «Покемон» « … Википедия
оставил комментарий
02 Май, 18
(25 баллов)
Здравствуйте! На сайте Otvet-Master.ru собраны ответы и решения на все виды школьных задач и университетских заданий. Воспользуйтесь поиском решений на сайте или задайте свой вопрос онлайн и абсолютно бесплатно.
Алексей Артысевич
9 лет назад
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Пикачу не пострадал и должен пойти в покемон центра.
Pikachu is hurt and needs to go to the pokemon center.
Давай, Пикачу, отойди и наблюдай.
Okay, Pikachu, I want you to hang back and watch.
Мы собираемся использовать его, чтобы поймать Пикачу.
We were just about to put it through its paces by catching Pikachu.
Интересно, зачем Мимикью носит костюм Пикачу.
I wonder why Mimikyu wears a rag shaped like Pikachu.
Дальше выступает сплочённая команда — Эш и Пикачу.
Next up is the close-knit team of Ash and Pikachu.
Или это был ты, или в Нью-Йорк приехал Пикачу.
It was either you, or Pikachu is visiting New York.
Меня это почти не зацепило, потому что я кореец, а Пикачу — японец.
That one barely grazed me, because I’m Korean, and Pikachu is Japanese.
У меня новые формочки Пикачу, не терпится их испробовать.
I have a new Pikachu mold I’ve been dying to try out.
Красивое специальное издание Пикачу находится между нами
A beautiful special edition of Pikachu is here between us
Это Розерейд, а это Пикачу.
This is Roserade, this is Pikachu.
Так же, как Пикачу эволюционирует в Райчу.
Like how Pikachu evolves into Raichu.
Давай, Пикачу, Быстрая Атака!
Now, Pikachu, use Quick Attack!
Пойпол просто обожает Пикачу, правда?
Poipole seems to be really fond of Pikachu, don’t you think?
Пойпол очень привязался к Пикачу и другим Покемонам!
Poipole has really taken to Pikachu and the other Pokémon too!
Итак, Пикачу, Стальной Хвост!
All right, Pikachu, Iron Tail!
Это ведь наш шанс поймать Пикачу для Босса!
This is our chance to get Pikachu for the boss!
Эш и Пикачу с блеском прошли Квалификационное испытание.
Ash and Pikachu passed their pre-trial rematch with flying colors!
Эш и Пикачу тоже рвутся в бой.
Ash and Pikachu are excited too.
А вот и мои напарники: Пикачу, Ротом и Пойпол.
I’d like you to meet my partners Pikachu, Rotom and Poipole.
Эш немедленно отправляется в путь во главе с обеспокоенным Пикачу.
Ash immediately sets out, led by the troubled Pikachu.
Результатов: 107. Точных совпадений: 107. Затраченное время: 56 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
профессиональный артист, который озвучивает персонаж в аниме
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > профессиональный артист, который озвучивает персонаж в аниме
См. также в других словарях:
Пикачу — Национальный Покедекс Арбок → Пикачу (#025) → Райчу Английское имя Pikachu Японское имя ピカチュウ (пикатю:) … Википедия
Пикатю — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Пичу — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Список серий сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» — Покемон: Лига Индиго Страна Япония ТВ канал … Википедия
Покемон (аниме) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Покемон Обложка DVD издания первого сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» … Википедия
Покемоны — Покемон Официальное американское лого Покемона ポケットモンスター, Poketto monsutâ (яп.) Pokémon (англ.) Покемон (рус.) Ж … Википедия
Покемон: Фильм первый — Покемон: Мьюту против Мью 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 (Pokémon: The First Movie) Pocket Monsters the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Жанр на … Википедия
Отани, Икуэ — Икуэ Отани 大谷育江 Дата рождения: 18 августа 1965(1965 08 18) (47 лет) Место рождения: префектура … Википедия
Покемон (первое поколение) — Содержание 1 Герои 2 Локации 2.1 Канто … Википедия
Pokémon Yellow — Обложка североамериканского издания игры Разработчик Game Freak Издатель Nintendo … Википедия
Покемон — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Официальный английский и международный логотип серии «Покемон» « … Википедия
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Перевод «Пикачу» на английский
На четвертой битве появится Пикачу, и поймать его не составит труда.
In the fourth battle Pikachu will appear, and catch it will not be difficult.
Надеюсь, Пикачу и остальным там весело.
I wonder if Pikachu and the gang are having a good time.
Мы собираемся использовать его, чтобы поймать Пикачу.
We were just about to put it through its paces by catching Pikachu.
Пикачу не пострадал и должен пойти в покемон центра.
Pikachu is hurt and needs to go to the pokemon center.
Пикачу способен выпускать электрические разряды различной интенсивности.
Pikachu is able to release electric discharges of varying intensity.
Он предположил, что Пикачу свалилась со спины матери.
He assumed that Pikachu fell from the back of the mother.
Детектив Пикачу» уже приступили к работе над продолжением картины о самом известном покемоне.
Detective Pikachu have already begun work on the continuation of the picture of the most famous Pokemon.
Однажды вечером он сталкивается с милым покемоном Пикачу, который называет себя суперсыщиком.
But one night, he encounters a pretty-type Pokémon, Pikachu, who calls himself supersyshhikom.
Дальше выступает сплочённая команда — Эш и Пикачу.
Next up is the close-knit team of Ash and Pikachu.
Покемон Пикачу является одним из самых узнаваемых покемонов в мире.
Pikachu is arguably one of the most well-known Pokémon in the world.
Детектив Пикачу» выглядят действительно ярко и забавно.
«Detective Pikachu» actually looks like a lot of fun.
Образ покемона Пикачу был создан с помощью программы по захвату движения с использованием 3D-графики.
The image of the Pokémon Pikachu was created with the help of a motion capture program using 3D graphics.
Покемон революционизировал то, что означало, что символы, как Пикачу, оживают.
Pokémon revolutionized what it meant to make characters like Pikachu come alive.
У меня новые формочки Пикачу, не терпится их испробовать.
I have a new Pikachu mold I’ve been dying to try out.
Эш немедленно отправляется в путь во главе с обеспокоенным Пикачу.
Ash immediately sets out, led by the troubled Pikachu.
Пойпол просто обожает Пикачу, правда?
Poipole seems to be really fond of Pikachu, don’t you think?
Красивое специальное издание Пикачу находится между нами
A beautiful special edition of Pikachu is here between us
Например, с новым телефоном вы можете помахать изображению Пикачу и получить ответный женст.
With the new phone, for example, you can wave to an image of Pikachu and have it wave back.
Тогда актер переоделся в ее любимого Пикачу и показал, что ничего страшного в этом нет.
He put on the costume of her favorite Pikachu and showed her that there’s nothing scary about it.
Жизнь в лесных районах, Пикачу встречается нагула для ягод она жарится с электричеством, чтобы сделать их ставки достаточно, чтобы поесть.
Living in forested areas, Pikachu is found foraging for berries it roasts with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
Результатов: 400. Точных совпадений: 400. Затраченное время: 42 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Произношение Пикачу
Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио
Пикачу – 18 результатов перевода
— Нет, хватит уже Покемонов! — Нет, папа, не хватит.
Я хочу играть с Пикачу, Шармандером, Бластози и Бульбиззаром!
Пока, дети, до завтра.
No, enough of the Pokemons…
I wanted the Pokemons with Pikachu, Charmander, Blastoise and Bulbasaur.
See you tomorrow.
Это Пикачу.
Фишка в том, что многие люди не знают…
This is Pikachu.
The thing is, what many people don’t know …
Могу поклясться, что видела, как ты шнырял возле «Кайфа».
Или это был ты, или в Нью-Йорк приехал Пикачу.
Меня это почти не зацепило, потому что я кореец, а Пикачу — японец.
‘Cause I swear I saw you lurking around outside The High.
It was either you, or Pikachu is visiting New York.
That one barely grazed me, because I’m Korean, and Pikachu is Japanese.
Или это был ты, или в Нью-Йорк приехал Пикачу.
Меня это почти не зацепило, потому что я кореец, а Пикачу — японец.
Ничего вы не знаете про покемонов.
It was either you, or Pikachu is visiting New York.
That one barely grazed me, because I’m Korean, and Pikachu is Japanese.
You don’t know anything about Pokemon.
Мечтать не вредно.
Ты можешь!
Wake up, girl!
You can do it!
Черт, так что я хочу, чтобы ты меня отвел.
Я выбираю тебя, Пикачу.
— Хорошо, ладно.
Shit, so I want you to take me.
I choose you, Pikachu.
— All right, then.
Мне пришлось ждать, пока их не выкакаю.
I just had to wait to poop them out.
Ж: Двигай попой!
Ж: Он тут, рядом с почившим хомяком Пикачу.
Ж: Точно.
Move your butt, girl!
It’s here, beside Picachu the hamster’s final resting place.
— Right.
Я восстанавливаюсь после недавнего расставания и я решил, что свидания с другой женщиной помогут мне чувствовать себя лучше.
И, как Эш Кетчум сказал пикачу, я выбираю тебя.
I’m recovering from a recent breakup, and I’m told asking out another woman might make me feel better.
And as Ash Ketchum said to Pikachu, «I choose you.»
Нет, это Пикачен.
Кто такой Пикачен?
Ну, он похож на лебедя.
No, it’s a Pikachen.
What’s a Pikachen?
Well, it’s like a swan.
О, куда ушел Хан Соло?
У стенда с покемонами начался флешмоб и им был нужен Пикачу.
Смертоносная Сучка!
Oh, where’s Han Solo going?
Uh… the Pokémon booth started a flash mob and they needed a Pikachu.
Death Bitch!
Просто люблю Пикачу.
Мне больше нравится Чаризард.
Just love me some Pikachu.
I’m more of a Charizard girl.
Сметанин, Моторин,
Пикачев, Южин, и Поляков.
Все до одного.
Smirtonin, Motorin…
Pikazov, Yuzhin and Polyakov.
Every single one.
Нет, это Пикачен.
Кто такой Пикачен?
No, it’s a Pikachen.
What’s a Pikachen?
Поговорим о Голливуде.
— Скажи «Пикачу«!
— Прочь!
Can we talk about Hollywood?
Say «Pikachu!»
Get out of my way!
Можно принести желе на десерт?
У меня новые формочки Пикачу, не терпится их испробовать.
Это те формочки Пикачу из которых получился ты?
Can I bring a Jell-O dessert?
I have a new Pikachu mold I’ve been dying to try out.
Is it the same Pikachu mold that you came out of?
У меня новые формочки Пикачу, не терпится их испробовать.
Это те формочки Пикачу из которых получился ты?
Ах да, о той вечеринке, куда мы все приглашены, выпивка будет бесплатной или нам снова придется шариться по кабинетам?
I have a new Pikachu mold I’ve been dying to try out.
Is it the same Pikachu mold that you came out of?
Ah, so, about this party we’re all invited to, is it open bar, or do we have to go through the cabinets again?
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Мы используем только переведенные профессиональными переводчиками фразы Пикачу для формирования нашей постоянно обновляющейся базы. Это позволяет максимально точно переводить не просто слова, но и целые фразы, учитывая контекст и особенности их использования.
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Морфемный разбор слова:
Однокоренные слова к слову:
1 seiyuu
См. также в других словарях:
Пикачу — Национальный Покедекс Арбок → Пикачу (#025) → Райчу Английское имя Pikachu Японское имя ピカチュウ (пикатю:) … Википедия
Пикатю — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Пичу — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Список серий сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» — Покемон: Лига Индиго Страна Япония ТВ канал … Википедия
Покемон (аниме) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Покемон Обложка DVD издания первого сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» … Википедия
Покемоны — Покемон Официальное американское лого Покемона ポケットモンスター, Poketto monsutâ (яп.) Pokémon (англ.) Покемон (рус.) Ж … Википедия
Покемон: Фильм первый — Покемон: Мьюту против Мью 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 (Pokémon: The First Movie) Pocket Monsters the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Жанр на … Википедия
Отани, Икуэ — Икуэ Отани 大谷育江 Дата рождения: 18 августа 1965(1965 08 18) (47 лет) Место рождения: префектура … Википедия
Покемон (первое поколение) — Содержание 1 Герои 2 Локации 2.1 Канто … Википедия
Pokémon Yellow — Обложка североамериканского издания игры Разработчик Game Freak Издатель Nintendo … Википедия
Покемон — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Официальный английский и международный логотип серии «Покемон» « … Википедия
1 профессиональный артист, который озвучивает персонаж в аниме
См. также в других словарях:
Пикачу — Национальный Покедекс Арбок → Пикачу (#025) → Райчу Английское имя Pikachu Японское имя ピカチュウ (пикатю:) … Википедия
Пикатю — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Пичу — Пикачу (Pikachu) Все покемоны Арбок → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#025) → Райчу Нумерация Дзёто Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#022) → Райчу Нумерация Хоэнн Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#156) → Райчу Нумерация Синно Пичу → Пикачу (Pikachu) (#104) → Райчу Японское… … Википедия
Список серий сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» — Покемон: Лига Индиго Страна Япония ТВ канал … Википедия
Покемон (аниме) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Покемон Обложка DVD издания первого сезона «Покемон: Лига Индиго» … Википедия
Покемоны — Покемон Официальное американское лого Покемона ポケットモンスター, Poketto monsutâ (яп.) Pokémon (англ.) Покемон (рус.) Ж … Википедия
Покемон: Фильм первый — Покемон: Мьюту против Мью 劇場版ポケットモンスター ミュウツーの逆襲 (Pokémon: The First Movie) Pocket Monsters the Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Жанр на … Википедия
Отани, Икуэ — Икуэ Отани 大谷育江 Дата рождения: 18 августа 1965(1965 08 18) (47 лет) Место рождения: префектура … Википедия
Покемон (первое поколение) — Содержание 1 Герои 2 Локации 2.1 Канто … Википедия
Pokémon Yellow — Обложка североамериканского издания игры Разработчик Game Freak Издатель Nintendo … Википедия
Покемон — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Покемон (значения). Официальный английский и международный логотип серии «Покемон» « … Википедия
Теперь вы знаете какие однокоренные слова подходят к слову Как пишется пикачу по английскому, а так же какой у него корень, приставка, суффикс и окончание. Вы можете дополнить список однокоренных слов к слову «Как пишется пикачу по английскому», предложив свой вариант в комментариях ниже, а также выразить свое несогласие проведенным с морфемным разбором.
Какие вы еще знаете однокоренные слова к слову Как пишется пикачу по английскому:
Pikachu (ピカチュウ, Pikachuu) is an Electric-type Pokémon which was introduced in Generation I. Pikachu is renowned for being the most well-known and recognizable Pokémon. Over the years, Pikachu has become so popular that it serves as the Pokémon franchise mascot. It is the Version Mascot and First partner Pokémon for the game Pokémon Yellow and its remake, Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!. It is also well known from the anime, where Ash Ketchum, the protagonist, owns a Pikachu.
It evolves from Pichu when leveled up with high friendship and evolves into Raichu using a Thunderstone.
Pikachu are small, and cute mouse-like Pokémon. They are almost completely covered by yellow fur. They have long yellow ears that are tipped with black. A Pikachu’s back has two brown stripes, and its large tail is notable for being shaped like a lightning bolt, yet its brown tip is almost always forgotten. Pikachu have short arms with five tiny fingers on forehands and three sharp fingers on their hind legs. On its cheeks are two circle-shaped red pouches used for storing electricity. They turn yellow and spark with electricity when it’s about to use an Electric attack, such as Thunderbolt. It has also been known to generate small surges of electrical energy in anger or for protection, like in the anime.
A female Pikachu looks almost exactly the same as a male, with the exception of her tail, which is rounded at the end and has an inward dent, giving it the appearance of a heart. However, in earlier anime episodes, and in the games prior to Generation IV, female and male Pikachu look identical.
As Gigantamax Pikachu, it becomes larger and chubbier (similar to its Generation 1 design). Its tail becomes longer and stores all of the electricity it generates, causing it to glow a bright yellow and enabling it to become as powerful as a Iightning strike. Its power is equal to that a power plant; however, it is difficult to use it in peoples’ homes since Pikachu can only remain in its Gigantamax form for a short time.
When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity can cause lightning storms.
A Shiny Pikachu is slightly orange.
In «A Plethora of Pikachu!», according to Pikala, the fur from Pikachu in the Kanto region sparkles in sunlight, while the Pikachu from Alola fur is silky smooth and shines in sunlight.
Pikachu are usually friendly creatures that love to be cuddled. They love having their tails rubbed, especially at the base; they also like being stroked. However, if threatened or angered, this Pokémon can be quite aggressive. If someone pulls or steps on its tail, it is most likely it will bite or shock anyone in the area, including the one who pulled its tail.
However, in the anime and in the wild of the Kanto region they live in big groups deep in forests and are wary of humans.
In Kanto according to Ash in PJ035, Pikachu also greet one another by shocking them and sometimes they’ll gather up in big groups to search for Thunderstones so they can evolve.
The Pikachu that live in the Pikachu Valley in Alola in the anime, greet each other by sniffing one another and rubbing their tails together. Also, they can start duels with one another by sending electric signals and the winner is decided when the opponent’s tail is bitten.
Spceial abilities
Pikachu’s special ability is Static, which can cause paralysis in battle if hit by a physical move. In Pokémon Black and White’s Dream World, the Trainer receives a Pikachu with the Lightning Rod ability.
Pikachu are capable of learning Volt Tackle, a powerful Electric-type physical move exclusive to the Pikachu family of Pokémon.
Partner Pikachu is also capable to learning special moves: Zippy Zap, Floaty Fall, Splishy Splash, and the Partner Power, Pika Papow.
Pikachu is one of the few Pokémon in Sun and Moon which have a special Z-Move dedicated to them.
The Z-Move Catastropika is Pikachu’s signature move. The move is activated by the Z-Crystal, Pikanium Z. Its base is Volt Tackle. Catastropika can be learned only by a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, and becomes unusable if Volt Tackle is forgotten or if the Pikachu evolves into Raichu.
The Z-Move 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt is Ash Pikachu’s signature move. The move is activated by the Z-Crystal, Pikashunium Z. Its base is Thunderbolt.
Pikachu, being an Electric-type, is capable of using the Z-Crystal, Electrium Z, to use the Z Move Gigavolt Havoc.
Pikachu is one of the 32 Pokémon in Sword and Shield that can Gigantamax by having a special member from it species or, with The Isle of Armor Expansion Pass, using Max Soup on a Pikachu.
Gigantamax Pikachu is the only known Pokémon capable of using the G-Max Move, G-Max Volt Crash.
Pikachu evolves into a Raichu by using a Thunder Stone. It evolves from Pichu when its happiness is maxed with the trainer in game. It will evolve into Alolan Raichu if using a Thunder Stone in the Alola region.
Game info
Game locations
Locations | ||
Version(s) | Area(s) | Rarity |
Red and Blue | Viridian Forest, Power Plant | Uncommon |
Yellow | First partner Pokémon, Trade | One |
Gold and Silver | Route 2 | Common |
Crystal | Route 2 | Rare |
Ruby and Sapphire | Safari Zone | Rare |
FireRed and LeafGreen | Viridian Forest (uncommon if chosen Charmander), Power Plant | Rare |
Emerald | Safari Zone | Rare |
Diamond and Pearl | Trophy Garden | Common |
Platinum | Trophy Garden | Common |
HeartGold and SoulSilver | Route 2, Viridian Forest | Common |
Black and White | Poké Transfer, Dream World | None |
X and Y | Santalune Forest, Route 3 | Rare |
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire | Safari Zone or by winning your first Contest | Uncommon/One |
Sun and Moon | Route 1, Hau’oli City (SOS Battle) | Rare |
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Route 1 (SOS Battle) | Common |
Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! | First partner Pokémon (Partner Pikachu), Viridian Forest (Pikachu) | Rare (Partner Pikachu) |
Sword and Shield | Route 4, Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness
Max Raid Battle: Giant’s Cap, Giant’s Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Motostoke Riverbank Meetup Spot (Gigantamax Pikachu; Gift) by talking to a girl if the player has save data of Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! |
Common |
Pokédex entries
- Red and Blue
When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
- Yellow
It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you.
- Gold
This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
- Silver
It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.
- Crystal
When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
- Ruby
Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a blackened berry, it’s evidence that this Pokémon mistook the intensity of its charge.
- Sapphire
This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up.
- FireRed
It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks. If threatened, it looses electric charges from the sacs.
- LeafGreen
When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
- Emerald
It stores electricity in the electric sacs on its cheeks. When it releases pent-up energy in a burst, the electric power is equal to a lightning bolt.
- Diamond
It lives in forests with others. It stores electricity in the pouches on its cheeks.
- Pearl
If it looses crackling power from the electrical pouches on its cheeks, it is being wary.
- Platinum
Pikachu can differentiate between the electricity from the shock of a weakened companion as well as a healthy one.
- HeartGold
This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
- SoulSilver
It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.
- Black
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
- White
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
- Black 2
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
- White 2
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
- X
It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.
- Y
It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks. If threatened, it looses electric charges from the sacs.
- Omega Ruby
Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a blackened berry, it’s evidence that this Pokémon mistook the intensity of its charge.
- Alpha Sapphire
This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up.
- Sun
A plan was recently announced to gather many Pikachu and make an electric power plant.
- Moon
It’s in its nature to store electricity. It feels stressed now and then if it’s unable to fully discharge the electricity.
- Ultra Sun
Its nature is to store up electricity. Forests where nests of Pikachu live are dangerous, since the trees are so often struck by lightning.
- Ultra Moon
While sleeping, it generates electricity in the sacs in its cheeks. If it’s not getting enough sleep, it will be able to use only weak electricity.
- Let’s Go, Pikachu!
This forest-dwelling Pokémon stores electricity in its cheeks, so you’ll feel a tingly shock if you touch it.
- Let’s Go, Eevee!
This forest-dwelling Pokémon stores electricity in its cheeks, so you’ll feel a tingly shock if you touch it.
- Sword
Pikachu that can generate powerful electricity have cheek sacs that are extra soft and super stretchy.
Gigantamax: Its Gigantamax power expanded, forming its supersized body and towering tail. - Shield
When Pikachu meet, they’ll touch their tails together and exchange electricity through them as a form of greeting.
Gigantamax: When it smashes its opponents with its bolt-shaped tail, it delivers a surge of electricity equivalent to a lightning strike.
Pikachu in a cap
- Sun
This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner.
- Moon
This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
- Ultra Sun
This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner.
- Ultra Moon
This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
- Sword
Original Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through many different regions.
Hoenn Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Hoenn region.
Sinnoh Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Sinnoh region.
Unova Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Unova region.
Kalos Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Kalos region.
Alola Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Alola region.
Partner Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of when they first met.
World Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through different regions. - Shield
Original Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled across many regions together.
Hoenn Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Hoenn region together.
Sinnoh Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Sinnoh region together.
Unova Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Unova region together.
Kalos Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Kalos region together.
Alola Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Alola region together.
Partner Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is a precious symbol of a fateful encounter.
World Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is a precious symbol that travels across different regions with Pikachu.
Pikachu’s Stats | |
HP |
35 |
Attack |
55 |
Defense |
40 |
Sp. Atk |
1 |
Sp. Def |
1 |
Speed |
90 |
Total |
222 |
Pikachu’s Stats | |
HP |
35 |
Attack |
55 |
Defense |
30 |
Sp. Atk |
1 |
Sp. Def |
1 |
Speed |
90 |
Total |
212 |
Pikachu’s Stats | |
HP |
45 |
Attack |
80 |
Defense |
50 |
Sp. Atk |
1 |
Sp. Def |
1 |
Speed |
120 |
Total |
297 |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation VII | ||||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type | Cat. |
TM01 | Headbutt | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Physical |
TM03 | Helping Hand | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM05 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM06 | Light Screen | — | —% | 30 | Psychic | Status |
TM07 | Protect | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM08 | Substitute | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM09 | Reflect | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM10 | Dig | 80 | 100% | 10 | Ground | Physical |
TM12 | Facade | 70 | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM13 | Brick Break | 75 | 100% | 15 | Fighting | Physical |
TM15 | Seismic Toss | — | 100% | 20 | Fighting | Physical |
TM16 | Thunder Wave | — | 90% | 20 | Electric | Status |
TM19 | Iron Tail | 100 | 75% | 15 | Steel | Physical |
TM23 | Thunder Punch | 75 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Physical |
TM27 | Toxic | — | 90% | 10 | Poison | Status |
TM33 | Calm Mind | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM36 | Thunderbolt | 90 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Special |
TM38 | Thunder | 110 | 70% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM57 | Pay Day | — | —% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation VII | ||||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type | Cat. |
TM06 | Toxic | — | 90% | 10 | Poison | Status |
TM10 | Hidden Power | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM16 | Light Screen | — | —% | 30 | Psychic | Status |
TM17 | Protect | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM18 | Rain Dance | — | —% | 5 | Water | Status |
TM21 | Frustration | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM24 | Thunderbolt | 90 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Special |
TM25 | Thunder | 110 | 70% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM27 | Return | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM31 | Brick Break | 75 | 100% | 15 | Fighting | Physical |
TM32 | Double Team | — | —% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM42 | Facade | 70 | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM44 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM45 | Attract | — | 100% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM48 | Round | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM49 | Echoed Voice | 40 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM56 | Fling | — | 100% | 10 | Dark | Physical |
TM57 | Charge Beam | 50 | 90% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM72 | Volt Switch | 70 | 100% | 20 | Electric | Special |
TM73 | Thunder Wave | — | 90% | 20 | Electric | Status |
TM86 | Grass Knot | — | 100% | 20 | Grass | Special |
TM87 | Swagger | — | 85% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM88 | Sleep Talk | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM90 | Substitute | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM93 | Wild Charge | 90 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Physical |
TM100 | Confide | — | —% | 20 | Normal | Status |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation V | ||||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type | Cat. |
TM06 | Toxic | — | 90% | 10 | Poison | Status |
TM10 | Hidden Power | — | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM16 | Light Screen | — | —% | 30 | Psychic | Status |
TM17 | Protect | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM18 | Rain Dance | — | —% | 5 | Water | Status |
TM21 | Frustration | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM24 | Thunderbolt | 95 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Special |
TM25 | Thunder | 120 | 70% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM27 | Return | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM28 | Dig | 80 | 100% | 10 | Ground | Physical |
TM31 | Brick Break | 75 | 100% | 15 | Fighting | Physical |
TM32 | Double Team | — | —% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM42 | Facade | 70 | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM44 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM45 | Attract | — | 100% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM48 | Round | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM49 | Echoed Voice | 40 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM56 | Fling | — | 100% | 10 | Dark | Physical |
TM57 | Charge Beam | 50 | 90% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM70 | Flash | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Status |
TM72 | Volt Switch | 70 | 100% | 20 | Electric | Special |
TM73 | Thunder Wave | — | 100% | 20 | Electric | Status |
TM86 | Grass Knot | — | 100% | 20 | Grass | Special |
TM87 | Swagger | — | 90% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM90 | Substitute | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM93 | Wild Charge | 90 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Physical |
TM94 | Rock Smash | 40 | 100% | 15 | Fighting | Physical |
HM04 | Strength | 80 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Physical |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation II | |||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type |
TM01 | Dynamic Punch | 100 | 50% | 5 | Fighting |
TM02 | Headbutt | 70 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM03 | Curse | — | —% | 10 | ??? |
TM04 | Rollout | 30 | 90% | 20 | Rock |
TM06 | Toxic | — | 85% | 10 | Poison |
TM07 | Zap Cannon | 100 | 50% | 5 | Electric |
TM10 | Hidden Power | — | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM13 | Snore | 40 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM17 | Protect | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM18 | Rain Dance | — | —% | 5 | Water |
TM20 | Endure | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM21 | Frustration | — | 100% | 20 | Normal |
TM23 | Iron Tail | 100 | 75% | 15 | Steel |
TM25 | Thunder | 120 | 70% | 10 | Electric |
TM27 | Return | — | 100% | 20 | Normal |
TM31 | Mud-Slap | 20 | 100% | 10 | Ground |
TM32 | Double Team | — | —% | 15 | Normal |
TM34 | Swagger | — | 90% | 15 | Normal |
TM35 | Sleep Talk | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM39 | Swift | 60 | —% | 20 | Normal |
TM40 | Defense Curl | — | —% | 40 | Normal |
TM41 | Thunder Punch | 75 | 100% | 15 | Electric |
TM43 | Detect | — | —% | 5 | Fighting |
TM44 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic |
TM45 | Attract | — | 100% | 15 | Normal |
HM05 | Flash | — | 100% | 20 | Normal |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation I | |||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type |
TM01 | Mega Punch | 80 | 85% | 20 | Normal |
TM05 | Mega Kick | 120 | 75% | 5 | Normal |
TM06 | Toxic | — | 85% | 10 | Poison |
TM08 | Body Slam | 85 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM09 | Take Down | 90 | 85% | 20 | Normal |
TM10 | Double-Edge | 120 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM16 | Pay Day | 40 | 100% | 20 | Normal |
TM17 | Submission | 80 | 80% | 25 | Fighting |
TM19 | Seismic Toss | — | 100% | 20 | Fighting |
TM20 | Rage | 20 | 100% | 20 | Normal |
TM24 | Thunderbolt | 95 | 100% | 15 | Electric |
TM25 | Thunder | 120 | 70% | 10 | Electric |
TM31 | Mimic | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM32 | Double Team | — | —% | 15 | Normal |
TM33 | Reflect | — | —% | 20 | Psychic |
TM34 | Bide | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM39 | Swift | 60 | —% | 20 | Normal |
TM40 | Skull Bash | 100 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM44 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic |
TM45 | Thunder Wave | — | 100% | 20 | Electric |
TM50 | Substitute | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
HM05 | Flash | — | 70% | 20 | Normal |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
Generation VIII | ||||||
Machine | Move | Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP |
TR01 | Body Slam | Physical | 80 | 100% | 15 | |
TR04 | Surf | Special | ? | 100% | 10 | |
TR08 | Thunderbolt | Special | 90 | 100% | 15 | |
TR09 | Thunder | Special | 110 | 70% | 10 | |
TR12 | Agility | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR20 | Substitute | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR21 | Reversal | Physical | 80 | 100% | 15 | |
TR26 | Endure | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR27 | Sleep Talk | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR30 | Encore | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR31 | Iron Tail | Physical | 80 | 100% | 15 | |
TR35 | Uproar | Special | 90 | 100% | 10 | |
TR68 | Nasty Plot | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR77 | Grass Knot | Special | ? | 100% | 10 | |
TR80 | Electro Ball | Special | ? | 100% | 10 | |
TR86 | Wild Charge | Physical | 90 | 100% | 15 | |
TR90 | Play Rough | Physical | 90 | 90% | 10 | |
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
To see the Egg Moves that Pikachu can learn, refer to Pichu. |
Pikachu’s Red and Blue sprite
Pikachu’s Yellow sprite
Pikachu’s Green sprite
Pikachu’s back sprite
Pikachu’s Gold sprite
Pikachu’s Silver sprite
Pikachu’s back sprite
Pikachu’s Gold shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Silver shiny sprite
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Ruby & Sapphire sprite
Pikachu’s FireRed and LeafGreen sprite
Pikachu’s back sprite
Pikachu’s Ruby and Sapphire shiny sprite
Pikachu’s FireRed and LeafGreen shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Emerald shiny sprite
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Diamond and Pearl sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Diamond and Pearl sprite ♀
Pikachu’s Platinum sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Platinum sprite ♀
Pikachu’s HeartGold and SoulSilver sprite ♂
Pikachu’s HeartGold and SoulSilver sprite ♀
Pikachu’s back sprite ♂
Pikachu’s back sprite ♀
Pikachu’s Diamond and Pearl shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Diamond and Pearl shiny sprite ♀
Pikachu’s Platinum shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Platinum shiny sprite ♀
Pikachu’s HeartGold and SoulSilver shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s HeartGold and SoulSilver shiny sprite ♀
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Black and White/Black 2 & White 2 sprite
Pikachu’s Black and White/Black 2 & White 2 sprite ♀
Pikachu’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire sprite ♂
Pikachu’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire sprite ♀
Pikachu’s GO sprite
Pikachu’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire shiny sprite ♀
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! sprite
Pikachu’s Sword and Shield sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Sword and Shield sprite ♀
Pikachu’s Sword and Shield shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Sword and Shield shiny sprite ♀
Side Game Data
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia | |||||||
No. | Pokémon | Group | Field Move | Poké Assist | |||
R-002 | Pikachu | Electric | Recharge 3 | Recharge | |||
Capture Points* | On Sight** | ||||||
645 | No reaction. | ||||||
Browser Entry | |||||||
It attacks by blasting electricity from its body. | |||||||
* — This is the amount of points required to capture the Pokémon (excluding boss Pokémon). ** — This is the reaction of the Pokémon when players approach it. |
Super Smash Bros.

Pikachu’s alternate costumes in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Pikachu’s alternate costumes in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Pikachu has also appeared in all Super Smash Bros. Series games, with most of its main appearance is mostly males. Pikachu is a very agile and mobile playable character. In Super Smash Bros., Pikachu was considered the strongest playable character. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pikachu’s Skull Bash move was introduced, and its Quick Attack ability was upgraded so that it did a small amount of damage to opponents. Pikachu has also once again appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a playable character, with its exclusive attack Volt Tackle as its Final Smash. If you look at the hat Pikachu and you look at the shiny above and the hat, you would notice it’s the Shiny Pikachu with Red’s Japanese hat.
Each of Pikachu’s alternate forms in Brawl and SSB4 can be seen as a tribute to different Pokémon games; The blue goggles come from Pokémon Colosseum and the red hat comes from the Kanto region games while the green headband comes from Pokémon Emerald. In the fourth title, one alternate form is that of Calem. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate gives Pikachu its two female alternates, one is based on Moon, and another is the Libre cosplay which is known appearing in Pokken Tournament (DX).
Along with Mario, Link, and Kirby, Pikachu is a mascot for the Super Smash Bros. series.
Ash’s Gigantamax Pikachu.
A Shiny Pikachu in the anime.
Richie’s Pikachu, Sparky.
Cosplay Pikachu in the anime.
- Ash’s Pikachu
- Goh’s Pikachu
- Nurse Joy’s Pikachu
- Ritchie’s Pikachu
- Puka (Surflng Pikachu in the anime)
- Pikachutwo (a clonc)
- Pikachu (TB039)
- Exam instructor’s Pikachu
- Shopper’s Pikachu
- Travis’ Pikachu
- Aura Guardian’s Pikachu
- Ayumi’s Pikachu
- Mirror Ash’s Pikachu
- Pikachu (MS018)
- Frank’s Pikachu
- Spike
- Ash’s Pikachu (MS020)
- Boss
- Curly
- Pikachu (SM091)
- Mystery Dungecn Serics
- Pikachu (Mystery Dungeon)
- Pikachu (Gates to Infinity trailer)
Pika and Chuchu
Main articles: Pika and Chuchu
In the Pokémon Adventures Manga, Red owns a Pikachu named «Pika» and Yellow also owns a Pikachu named «Chuchu».
- Pikachu and Eevee are the only First partner Pokémon in the canon RPG games that deviates from the usual Grass, Fire, and Water-typings.
- Pikachu is the only Pokémon to have appeared in every episode, special, and movie in the series in some shape or form.
- Though Pikachu isn’t in the Unova Pokédex, an image of it can be found in a building in Castelia City before the National Pokédex is obtained, as well as on a billboard above the Castelia City Pokémon Center. There are also several Pikachu shaped hedges in Striaton City. Also, there is a giant Pikachu float next to the Nimbasa City Gym.
- In the game Pokémon Battle Revolution, Pikachu can use the HMs Surf and Fly.
- Starting from Pokémon X and Y, Ikue Ōtani provides the voice of Pikachu in the place of a cry.
- In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there are three variations of Pikachu. One has a headband similar to Brendan’s hat, one has a hat similar to Ash’s hat and another has goggles. The goggles variant is a reference to Pichu having an alt with goggles.
- Pikachu has appeared on more merchandise than any other Pokémon, including the limited edition N64, Game Boy Color, DS and 3DS consoles.
- In the 2011 Guinness World Records Book: Gamers Edition, Pikachu placed 20th in the «Top 50 VideoGame Characters of All Time.»
- Pikachu is the Japanese mascot for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
- It is the first Pokémon in Pokédex order to have a baby form.
- Pikachu and Meowth have inverse Pokédex numbers, 25 and 52. Coincidently, they are based on a cat and a rodent. Even more coincidently, Ash’s Pikachu and Team Rocket’s Meowth are rivals, like the popular cartoon, Tom and Jerry. (Ash and co. usually thwarting Team Rocket’s various crazy schemes.)
- Having a Pikachu hold a Light Ball will double its Special Attack and Attack stats, making its stats higher than its evolution, Raichu. Raichu also cannot hold a Light Ball unless it evolves from a Pikachu that is holding one
- Though not the first Pokémon created, Pikachu was the first Electric-type Pokémon created, conceived after the type was suggested to Sugimori and designed around the concept of electricity and the common symbol for lightning.
- Pikachu is one of Veronica Taylor’s favourite Pokémon.
- A protein is named after Pikachu, the name of the protein is «pikachurin».
- Pikachu is one of the 16 Pokémon to be made into a puppet in Japan.
- A 2002 Carl’s Jr toy features Pikachu playing the saxophone.
- There are two Pikachu-centric spin off games, Hey You, Pikachu! (N64) and Detective Pikachu (3DS).
- Pikachu was originally set to have a third evolution named Goruchu but, the idea was however scrapped.
- Pokémon Black and White and their sequels are the only games you cannot find Pikachu in the wild. Instead, you have to transfer one over from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl or Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
- Pikachu was the only Pokémon until Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! to have its cry from the anime in the main RPG games. This was then reused for Eevee in the Let’s Go games and onwards.
- Special forms of Pikachu, such as Pikachu’s wearing hats, cannot evolve into Raichu
- The Partner Pikachu in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! is shiny locked. This means that your partner cannot be a Shiny Pokémon.
- Pikachu’s in-game cry for Generations II through V can be heard at 0:08 in the intro of Ed Sheeran’s «Celestial» music video. [1]
- When the Pokémon franchise was localized in the US, Nintendo wanted to redesign every known Pokémon back then, including Pikachu, to be more appealing to American children. Therefore, Pikachu was initially redesigned into a tiger with huge breasts. Fortunately, this idea had been scrapped.
- Pikachu ranked 7th, among all Pokémon, in the Pokémon of the Year 2021 poll by The Pokémon Company. It also ranked 2nd among all Kanto Pokémon.
Pokémon designer Atsuko Nishida stated that Pikachu was originally based on a squirrel, though it also shares similarities to a mouse. The stripes on the back and the lightning bolt tail were added as details in the appearance, and the black ear tips are the remnant of an earlier design resembling a daifuku, a small Japanese dessert.
Its Gigantamax form appears to be based on earlier depictions of Pikachu when it debuted in Pokémon Red and Green Version. During this time, its official artwork and sprites depicted it as fatter and rounder, though its Gigantamax form overall uses Pikachu’s modern design while using the body shape of its earlier appearance.
Pikachu comes from two different onomatopoeia found in Japanese. These are pikapika (the sound of electricity sparkling) and chuchu (the sound of a mouse squeaking).
Pikachu Pop Star
Pikachu Rock Star
Pikachu Belle
Pikachu Libre
Pikachu Ph. D
A Pikachu plush
Artwork of Pikachu’s costumes
See also
- Pokémon.com Pokédex
- Legendary Pokémon data
- The Pokémon Database
- Pokémon Dream Pokédex data
- Psypokes Psydex data
v · d · eFirst partner Pokémon | |
Kanto |
Bulbasaur · Charmander · Squirtle · PikachuYP · EeveeE |
Johto |
Chikorita · Cyndaquil · Totodile |
Hoenn |
Treecko · Torchic · Mudkip |
Sinnoh |
Turtwig · Chimchar · Piplup |
Hisui |
Rowlet · Cyndaquil · Oshawott |
Unova |
Snivy · Tepig · Oshawott |
Kalos |
Chespin · Fennekin · Froakie |
Alola |
Rowlet · Litten · Popplio |
Galar |
Grookey · Scorbunny · Sobble |
Paldea |
Sprigatito · Fuecoco · Quaxly |
v · d · eGigantamax Pokémon | |
Generation I |
Venusaur · Charizard · Blastoise · Butterfree · Pikachu · Meowth · Machamp · Gengar · Kingler · Lapras · Eevee · Snorlax |
Generation V |
Garbodor |
Generation VII |
Melmetal |
Generation VIII |
Rillaboom · Cinderace · Inteleon · Corviknight · Orbeetle · Drednaw · Coalossal · Flapple · Appletun · Sandaconda · Toxtricity · Centiskorch · Hatterene · Grimmsnarl · Alcremie · Copperajah · Duraludon · Urshifu |
Mega Evolution |
v · d · eGeneration I Pokémon | |
See also |
Generation II · Generation III · Generation IV · Generation V · Generation VI · Generation VII · Generation VIII · Generation IX |
Generation I |
v · d · eEvolutionary Line |
bananas include potassium.
Pikachu (ピカチュウ, Pikachuu) is an Electric-type Pokémon which was introduced in Generation I. Pikachu is renowned for being the most well-known and recognizable Pokémon. Over the years, Pikachu has become so popular that it serves as the Pokémon franchise mascot. It is the Version Mascot and First partner Pokémon for the game Pokémon Yellow and its remake, Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu!. It is also well known from the anime, where Ash Ketchum, the protagonist, owns a Pikachu.
It evolves from Pichu when leveled up with high friendship and evolves into Raichu using a Thunderstone.
Pikachu are small, and cute mouse-like Pokémon. They are almost completely covered by yellow fur. They have long yellow ears that are tipped with black. A Pikachu’s back has two brown stripes, and its large tail is notable for being shaped like a lightning bolt, yet its brown tip is almost always forgotten. Pikachu have short arms with five tiny fingers on forehands and three sharp fingers on their hind legs. On its cheeks are two circle-shaped red pouches used for storing electricity. They turn yellow and spark with electricity when it’s about to use an Electric attack, such as Thunderbolt. It has also been known to generate small surges of electrical energy in anger or for protection, like in the anime.
A female Pikachu looks almost exactly the same as a male, with the exception of her tail, which is rounded at the end and has an inward dent, giving it the appearance of a heart. However, in earlier anime episodes, and in the games prior to Generation IV, female and male Pikachu look identical.
As Gigantamax Pikachu, it becomes larger and chubbier (similar to its Generation 1 design). Its tail becomes longer and stores all of the electricity it generates, causing it to glow a bright yellow and enabling it to become as powerful as a Iightning strike. Its power is equal to that a power plant; however, it is difficult to use it in peoples’ homes since Pikachu can only remain in its Gigantamax form for a short time.
When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity can cause lightning storms.
A Shiny Pikachu is slightly orange.
In «A Plethora of Pikachu!», according to Pikala, the fur from Pikachu in the Kanto region sparkles in sunlight, while the Pikachu from Alola fur is silky smooth and shines in sunlight.
Pikachu are usually friendly creatures that love to be cuddled. They love having their tails rubbed, especially at the base; they also like being stroked. However, if threatened or angered, this Pokémon can be quite aggressive. If someone pulls or steps on its tail, it is most likely it will bite or shock anyone in the area, including the one who pulled its tail.
However, in the anime and in the wild of the Kanto region they live in big groups deep in forests and are wary of humans.
In Kanto according to Ash in PJ035, Pikachu also greet one another by shocking them and sometimes they’ll gather up in big groups to search for Thunderstones so they can evolve.
The Pikachu that live in the Pikachu Valley in Alola in the anime, greet each other by sniffing one another and rubbing their tails together. Also, they can start duels with one another by sending electric signals and the winner is decided when the opponent’s tail is bitten.
Spceial abilities
Pikachu’s special ability is Static, which can cause paralysis in battle if hit by a physical move. In Pokémon Black and White’s Dream World, the Trainer receives a Pikachu with the Lightning Rod ability.
Pikachu are capable of learning Volt Tackle, a powerful Electric-type physical move exclusive to the Pikachu family of Pokémon.
Partner Pikachu is also capable to learning special moves: Zippy Zap, Floaty Fall, Splishy Splash, and the Partner Power, Pika Papow.
Pikachu is one of the few Pokémon in Sun and Moon which have a special Z-Move dedicated to them.
The Z-Move Catastropika is Pikachu’s signature move. The move is activated by the Z-Crystal, Pikanium Z. Its base is Volt Tackle. Catastropika can be learned only by a Pikachu with Volt Tackle, and becomes unusable if Volt Tackle is forgotten or if the Pikachu evolves into Raichu.
The Z-Move 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt is Ash Pikachu’s signature move. The move is activated by the Z-Crystal, Pikashunium Z. Its base is Thunderbolt.
Pikachu, being an Electric-type, is capable of using the Z-Crystal, Electrium Z, to use the Z Move Gigavolt Havoc.
Pikachu is one of the 32 Pokémon in Sword and Shield that can Gigantamax by having a special member from it species or, with The Isle of Armor Expansion Pass, using Max Soup on a Pikachu.
Gigantamax Pikachu is the only known Pokémon capable of using the G-Max Move, G-Max Volt Crash.
Pikachu evolves into a Raichu by using a Thunder Stone. It evolves from Pichu when its happiness is maxed with the trainer in game. It will evolve into Alolan Raichu if using a Thunder Stone in the Alola region.
Game info
Game locations
Locations | ||
Version(s) | Area(s) | Rarity |
Red and Blue | Viridian Forest, Power Plant | Uncommon |
Yellow | First partner Pokémon, Trade | One |
Gold and Silver | Route 2 | Common |
Crystal | Route 2 | Rare |
Ruby and Sapphire | Safari Zone | Rare |
FireRed and LeafGreen | Viridian Forest (uncommon if chosen Charmander), Power Plant | Rare |
Emerald | Safari Zone | Rare |
Diamond and Pearl | Trophy Garden | Common |
Platinum | Trophy Garden | Common |
HeartGold and SoulSilver | Route 2, Viridian Forest | Common |
Black and White | Poké Transfer, Dream World | None |
X and Y | Santalune Forest, Route 3 | Rare |
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire | Safari Zone or by winning your first Contest | Uncommon/One |
Sun and Moon | Route 1, Hau’oli City (SOS Battle) | Rare |
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon | Route 1 (SOS Battle) | Common |
Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! | First partner Pokémon (Partner Pikachu), Viridian Forest (Pikachu) | Rare (Partner Pikachu) |
Sword and Shield | Route 4, Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness
Max Raid Battle: Giant’s Cap, Giant’s Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Lake of Outrage, Motostoke Riverbank |
Common |
Pokédex entries
- Red and Blue
When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
- Yellow
It keeps its tail raised to monitor its surroundings. If you yank its tail, it will try to bite you.
- Gold
This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
- Silver
It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.
- Crystal
When it is angered, it immediately discharges the energy stored in the pouches in its cheeks.
- Ruby
Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a blackened berry, it’s evidence that this Pokémon mistook the intensity of its charge.
- Sapphire
This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up.
- FireRed
It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks. If threatened, it looses electric charges from the sacs.
- LeafGreen
When several of these Pokémon gather, their electricity could build and cause lightning storms.
- Emerald
It stores electricity in the electric sacs on its cheeks. When it releases pent-up energy in a burst, the electric power is equal to a lightning bolt.
- Diamond
It lives in forests with others. It stores electricity in the pouches on its cheeks.
- Pearl
If it looses crackling power from the electrical pouches on its cheeks, it is being wary.
- Platinum
Pikachu can differentiate between the electricity from the shock of a weakened companion as well as a healthy one.
- HeartGold
This intelligent Pokémon roasts hard berries with electricity to make them tender enough to eat.
- SoulSilver
It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.
- Black
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
- White
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
- Black 2
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
- White 2
It occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened state.
- X
It raises its tail to check its surroundings. The tail is sometimes struck by lightning in this pose.
- Y
It has small electric sacs on both its cheeks. If threatened, it looses electric charges from the sacs.
- Omega Ruby
Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it blasts it with a jolt of electricity. If you come across a blackened berry, it’s evidence that this Pokémon mistook the intensity of its charge.
- Alpha Sapphire
This Pokémon has electricity-storing pouches on its cheeks. These appear to become electrically charged during the night while Pikachu sleeps. It occasionally discharges electricity when it is dozy after waking up.
- Sun
A plan was recently announced to gather many Pikachu and make an electric power plant.
- Moon
It’s in its nature to store electricity. It feels stressed now and then if it’s unable to fully discharge the electricity.
- Ultra Sun
Its nature is to store up electricity. Forests where nests of Pikachu live are dangerous, since the trees are so often struck by lightning.
- Ultra Moon
While sleeping, it generates electricity in the sacs in its cheeks. If it’s not getting enough sleep, it will be able to use only weak electricity.
- Let’s Go, Pikachu!
This forest-dwelling Pokémon stores electricity in its cheeks, so you’ll feel a tingly shock if you touch it.
- Let’s Go, Eevee!
This forest-dwelling Pokémon stores electricity in its cheeks, so you’ll feel a tingly shock if you touch it.
- Sword
Pikachu that can generate powerful electricity have cheek sacs that are extra soft and super stretchy.
Gigantamax: Its Gigantamax power expanded, forming its supersized body and towering tail. - Shield
When Pikachu meet, they’ll touch their tails together and exchange electricity through them as a form of greeting.
Gigantamax: When it smashes its opponents with its bolt-shaped tail, it delivers a surge of electricity equivalent to a lightning strike.
Pikachu in a cap
- Sun
This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner.
- Moon
This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
- Ultra Sun
This form of Pikachu is somewhat rare. It wears the hat of its Trainer, who is also its partner.
- Ultra Moon
This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. Since the cap’s not the right size, the fit is a bit loose.
- Sword
Original Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through many different regions.
Hoenn Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Hoenn region.
Sinnoh Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Sinnoh region.
Unova Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Unova region.
Kalos Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Kalos region.
Alola Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through the Alola region.
Partner Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of when they first met.
World Cap: This Pikachu wears its partner’s cap, which is brimming with memories of traveling through different regions. - Shield
Original Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled across many regions together.
Hoenn Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Hoenn region together.
Sinnoh Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Sinnoh region together.
Unova Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Unova region together.
Kalos Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Kalos region together.
Alola Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is proof that the two traveled throughout the Alola region together.
Partner Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is a precious symbol of a fateful encounter.
World Cap: This Pikachu is wearing its Trainer’s cap. The cap is a precious symbol that travels across different regions with Pikachu.
Pikachu’s Stats | |
HP |
35 |
Attack |
55 |
Defense |
40 |
Sp. Atk |
1 |
Sp. Def |
1 |
Speed |
90 |
Total |
222 |
Pikachu’s Stats | |
HP |
35 |
Attack |
55 |
Defense |
30 |
Sp. Atk |
1 |
Sp. Def |
1 |
Speed |
90 |
Total |
212 |
Pikachu’s Stats | |
HP |
45 |
Attack |
80 |
Defense |
50 |
Sp. Atk |
1 |
Sp. Def |
1 |
Speed |
120 |
Total |
297 |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation VII | ||||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type | Cat. |
TM01 | Headbutt | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Physical |
TM03 | Helping Hand | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM05 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM06 | Light Screen | — | —% | 30 | Psychic | Status |
TM07 | Protect | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM08 | Substitute | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM09 | Reflect | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM10 | Dig | 80 | 100% | 10 | Ground | Physical |
TM12 | Facade | 70 | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM13 | Brick Break | 75 | 100% | 15 | Fighting | Physical |
TM15 | Seismic Toss | — | 100% | 20 | Fighting | Physical |
TM16 | Thunder Wave | — | 90% | 20 | Electric | Status |
TM19 | Iron Tail | 100 | 75% | 15 | Steel | Physical |
TM23 | Thunder Punch | 75 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Physical |
TM27 | Toxic | — | 90% | 10 | Poison | Status |
TM33 | Calm Mind | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM36 | Thunderbolt | 90 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Special |
TM38 | Thunder | 110 | 70% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM57 | Pay Day | — | —% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation VII | ||||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type | Cat. |
TM06 | Toxic | — | 90% | 10 | Poison | Status |
TM10 | Hidden Power | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM16 | Light Screen | — | —% | 30 | Psychic | Status |
TM17 | Protect | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM18 | Rain Dance | — | —% | 5 | Water | Status |
TM21 | Frustration | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM24 | Thunderbolt | 90 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Special |
TM25 | Thunder | 110 | 70% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM27 | Return | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM31 | Brick Break | 75 | 100% | 15 | Fighting | Physical |
TM32 | Double Team | — | —% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM42 | Facade | 70 | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM44 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM45 | Attract | — | 100% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM48 | Round | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM49 | Echoed Voice | 40 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM56 | Fling | — | 100% | 10 | Dark | Physical |
TM57 | Charge Beam | 50 | 90% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM72 | Volt Switch | 70 | 100% | 20 | Electric | Special |
TM73 | Thunder Wave | — | 90% | 20 | Electric | Status |
TM86 | Grass Knot | — | 100% | 20 | Grass | Special |
TM87 | Swagger | — | 85% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM88 | Sleep Talk | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM90 | Substitute | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM93 | Wild Charge | 90 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Physical |
TM100 | Confide | — | —% | 20 | Normal | Status |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation V | ||||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type | Cat. |
TM06 | Toxic | — | 90% | 10 | Poison | Status |
TM10 | Hidden Power | — | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM16 | Light Screen | — | —% | 30 | Psychic | Status |
TM17 | Protect | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM18 | Rain Dance | — | —% | 5 | Water | Status |
TM21 | Frustration | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM24 | Thunderbolt | 95 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Special |
TM25 | Thunder | 120 | 70% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM27 | Return | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM28 | Dig | 80 | 100% | 10 | Ground | Physical |
TM31 | Brick Break | 75 | 100% | 15 | Fighting | Physical |
TM32 | Double Team | — | —% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM42 | Facade | 70 | 100% | 20 | Normal | Physical |
TM44 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic | Status |
TM45 | Attract | — | 100% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM48 | Round | 60 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM49 | Echoed Voice | 40 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Special |
TM56 | Fling | — | 100% | 10 | Dark | Physical |
TM57 | Charge Beam | 50 | 90% | 10 | Electric | Special |
TM70 | Flash | — | 100% | 20 | Normal | Status |
TM72 | Volt Switch | 70 | 100% | 20 | Electric | Special |
TM73 | Thunder Wave | — | 100% | 20 | Electric | Status |
TM86 | Grass Knot | — | 100% | 20 | Grass | Special |
TM87 | Swagger | — | 90% | 15 | Normal | Status |
TM90 | Substitute | — | —% | 10 | Normal | Status |
TM93 | Wild Charge | 90 | 100% | 15 | Electric | Physical |
TM94 | Rock Smash | 40 | 100% | 15 | Fighting | Physical |
HM04 | Strength | 80 | 100% | 15 | Normal | Physical |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation II | |||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type |
TM01 | Dynamic Punch | 100 | 50% | 5 | Fighting |
TM02 | Headbutt | 70 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM03 | Curse | — | —% | 10 | ??? |
TM04 | Rollout | 30 | 90% | 20 | Rock |
TM06 | Toxic | — | 85% | 10 | Poison |
TM07 | Zap Cannon | 100 | 50% | 5 | Electric |
TM10 | Hidden Power | — | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM13 | Snore | 40 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM17 | Protect | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM18 | Rain Dance | — | —% | 5 | Water |
TM20 | Endure | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM21 | Frustration | — | 100% | 20 | Normal |
TM23 | Iron Tail | 100 | 75% | 15 | Steel |
TM25 | Thunder | 120 | 70% | 10 | Electric |
TM27 | Return | — | 100% | 20 | Normal |
TM31 | Mud-Slap | 20 | 100% | 10 | Ground |
TM32 | Double Team | — | —% | 15 | Normal |
TM34 | Swagger | — | 90% | 15 | Normal |
TM35 | Sleep Talk | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM39 | Swift | 60 | —% | 20 | Normal |
TM40 | Defense Curl | — | —% | 40 | Normal |
TM41 | Thunder Punch | 75 | 100% | 15 | Electric |
TM43 | Detect | — | —% | 5 | Fighting |
TM44 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic |
TM45 | Attract | — | 100% | 15 | Normal |
HM05 | Flash | — | 100% | 20 | Normal |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
TMs, TRs, and HMs Generation I | |||||
TM/HM/TR | Move | Power | Accuracy | PP | Type |
TM01 | Mega Punch | 80 | 85% | 20 | Normal |
TM05 | Mega Kick | 120 | 75% | 5 | Normal |
TM06 | Toxic | — | 85% | 10 | Poison |
TM08 | Body Slam | 85 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM09 | Take Down | 90 | 85% | 20 | Normal |
TM10 | Double-Edge | 120 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM16 | Pay Day | 40 | 100% | 20 | Normal |
TM17 | Submission | 80 | 80% | 25 | Fighting |
TM19 | Seismic Toss | — | 100% | 20 | Fighting |
TM20 | Rage | 20 | 100% | 20 | Normal |
TM24 | Thunderbolt | 95 | 100% | 15 | Electric |
TM25 | Thunder | 120 | 70% | 10 | Electric |
TM31 | Mimic | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM32 | Double Team | — | —% | 15 | Normal |
TM33 | Reflect | — | —% | 20 | Psychic |
TM34 | Bide | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
TM39 | Swift | 60 | —% | 20 | Normal |
TM40 | Skull Bash | 100 | 100% | 15 | Normal |
TM44 | Rest | — | —% | 10 | Psychic |
TM45 | Thunder Wave | — | 100% | 20 | Electric |
TM50 | Substitute | — | —% | 10 | Normal |
HM05 | Flash | — | 70% | 20 | Normal |
Bold indicates this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
Generation VIII | ||||||
Machine | Move | Type | Category | Power | Accuracy | PP |
TR01 | Body Slam | Physical | 80 | 100% | 15 | |
TR04 | Surf | Special | ? | 100% | 10 | |
TR08 | Thunderbolt | Special | 90 | 100% | 15 | |
TR09 | Thunder | Special | 110 | 70% | 10 | |
TR12 | Agility | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR20 | Substitute | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR21 | Reversal | Physical | 80 | 100% | 15 | |
TR26 | Endure | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR27 | Sleep Talk | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR30 | Encore | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR31 | Iron Tail | Physical | 80 | 100% | 15 | |
TR35 | Uproar | Special | 90 | 100% | 10 | |
TR68 | Nasty Plot | Status | — | 100% | 10 | |
TR77 | Grass Knot | Special | ? | 100% | 10 | |
TR80 | Electro Ball | Special | ? | 100% | 10 | |
TR86 | Wild Charge | Physical | 90 | 100% | 15 | |
TR90 | Play Rough | Physical | 90 | 90% | 10 | |
Bold indicates that this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. Italic indicates that an evolved or alternate form of this Pokémon receives STAB from this move. |
To see the Egg Moves that Pikachu can learn, refer to Pichu. |
Pikachu’s Red and Blue sprite
Pikachu’s Yellow sprite
Pikachu’s Green sprite
Pikachu’s back sprite
Pikachu’s Gold sprite
Pikachu’s Silver sprite
Pikachu’s Crystal sprite
Pikachu’s back sprite
Pikachu’s Gold shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Silver shiny sprite
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Ruby & Sapphire sprite
Pikachu’s FireRed and LeafGreen sprite
Pikachu’s Emerald sprite
Pikachu’s back sprite
Pikachu’s Ruby and Sapphire shiny sprite
Pikachu’s FireRed and LeafGreen shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Emerald shiny sprite
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite
Pikachu’s Diamond and Pearl sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Diamond and Pearl sprite ♀
Pikachu’s Platinum sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Platinum sprite ♀
Pikachu’s HeartGold and SoulSilver sprite ♂
Pikachu’s HeartGold and SoulSilver sprite ♀
Pikachu’s back sprite ♂
Pikachu’s back sprite ♀
Pikachu’s Diamond and Pearl shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Diamond and Pearl shiny sprite ♀
Pikachu’s Platinum shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Platinum shiny sprite ♀
Pikachu’s HeartGold and SoulSilver shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s HeartGold and SoulSilver shiny sprite ♀
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Black and White/Black 2 & White 2 sprite
Pikachu’s Black and White/Black 2 & White 2 sprite ♀
Pikachu’s back sprite
Pikachu’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire sprite ♂
Pikachu’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire sprite ♀
Pikachu’s GO sprite
Pikachu’s back sprite
Pikachu’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s X and Y/Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire shiny sprite ♀
Pikachu’s back shiny sprite
Cosplay Pikachu
Shiny Cosplay Pikachu
Pikachu Rock Star
Shiny Pikachu Rock Star
Pikachu Belle
Shiny Pikachu Belle
Pikachu Pop Star
Shiny Pikachu Pop Star
Pikachu, Ph.D.
Shiny Pikachu Ph.D.
Pikachu Libre
Shiny Pikachu Libre
Pikachu’s Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! sprite
Original Cap Pikachu
Hoenn Cap Pikachu
Sinnoh Cap Pikachu
Unova Cap Pikachu
Kalos Cap Pikachu
Alola Cap Pikachu
Partner Cap Pikachu
Pikachu’s Sword and Shield sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Sword and Shield sprite ♀
Pikachu’s Sword and Shield shiny sprite ♂
Pikachu’s Sword and Shield shiny sprite ♀
Original Cap Pikachu
Hoenn Cap Pikachu
Sinnoh Cap Pikachu
Unova Cap Pikachu
Kalos Cap Pikachu
Alola Cap Pikachu
Partner Cap Pikachu
World Cap Pikachu
Gigantamax Pikachu
Shiny Gigantamax Pikachu
Side Game Data
Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia | |||||||
No. | Pokémon | Group | Field Move | Poké Assist | |||
R-002 | Pikachu | Electric | Recharge 3 | Recharge | |||
Capture Points* | On Sight** | ||||||
645 | No reaction. | ||||||
Browser Entry | |||||||
It attacks by blasting electricity from its body. | |||||||
* — This is the amount of points required to capture the Pokémon (excluding boss Pokémon). ** — This is the reaction of the Pokémon when players approach it. |
Super Smash Bros.

Pikachu’s alternate costumes in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Pikachu’s alternate costumes in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Pikachu has also appeared in all Super Smash Bros. Series games, with most of its main appearance is mostly males. Pikachu is a very agile and mobile playable character. In Super Smash Bros., Pikachu was considered the strongest playable character. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pikachu’s Skull Bash move was introduced, and its Quick Attack ability was upgraded so that it did a small amount of damage to opponents. Pikachu has also once again appeared in Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a playable character, with its exclusive attack Volt Tackle as its Final Smash. If you look at the hat Pikachu and you look at the shiny above and the hat, you would notice it’s the Shiny Pikachu with Red’s Japanese hat.
Each of Pikachu’s alternate forms in Brawl and SSB4 can be seen as a tribute to different Pokémon games; The blue goggles come from Pokémon Colosseum and the red hat comes from the Kanto region games while the green headband comes from Pokémon Emerald. In the fourth title, one alternate form is that of Calem. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate gives Pikachu its two female alternates, one is based on Moon, and another is the Libre cosplay which is known appearing in Pokken Tournament (DX).
Along with Mario, Link, and Kirby, Pikachu is a mascot for the Super Smash Bros. series.
Ash’s Gigantamax Pikachu.
A Shiny Pikachu in the anime.
Richie’s Pikachu, Sparky.
Cosplay Pikachu in the anime.
- Ash’s Pikachu
- Goh’s Pikachu
- Nurse Joy’s Pikachu
- Ritchie’s Pikachu
- Puka (Surflng Pikachu in the anime)
- Pikachutwo (a clonc)
- Pikachu (TB039)
- Exam instructor’s Pikachu
- Shopper’s Pikachu
- Travis’ Pikachu
- Aura Guardian’s Pikachu
- Ayumi’s Pikachu
- Mirror Ash’s Pikachu
- Pikachu (MS018)
- Frank’s Pikachu
- Spike
- Ash’s Pikachu (MS020)
- Boss
- Curly
- Pikachu (SM091)
- Mystery Dungecn Serics
- Pikachu (Mystery Dungeon)
- Pikachu (Gates to Infinity trailer)
Pika and Chuchu
Main articles: Pika and Chuchu
In the Pokémon Adventures Manga, Red owns a Pikachu named «Pika» and Yellow also owns a Pikachu named «Chuchu».
- Pikachu and Eevee are the only First partner Pokémon in the canon RPG games that deviates from the usual Grass, Fire, and Water-typings.
- Pikachu is the only Pokémon to have appeared in every episode, special, and movie in the series in some shape or form.
- Though Pikachu isn’t in the Unova Pokédex, an image of it can be found in a building in Castelia City before the National Pokédex is obtained, as well as on a billboard above the Castelia City Pokémon Center. There are also several Pikachu shaped hedges in Striaton City. Also, there is a giant Pikachu float next to the Nimbasa City Gym.
- In the game Pokémon Battle Revolution, Pikachu can use the HMs Surf and Fly.
- Starting from Pokémon X and Y, Ikue Ōtani provides the voice of Pikachu in the place of a cry.
- In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, there are three variations of Pikachu. One has a headband similar to Brendan’s hat, one has a hat similar to Ash’s hat and another has goggles. The goggles variant is a reference to Pichu having an alt with goggles.
- Pikachu has appeared on more merchandise than any other Pokémon, including the limited edition N64, Game Boy Color, DS and 3DS consoles.
- In the 2011 Guinness World Records Book: Gamers Edition, Pikachu placed 20th in the «Top 50 VideoGame Characters of All Time.»
- Pikachu is the Japanese mascot for the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
- It is the first Pokémon in Pokédex order to have a baby form.
- Pikachu and Meowth have inverse Pokédex numbers, 25 and 52. Coincidently, they are based on a cat and a rodent. Even more coincidently, Ash’s Pikachu and Team Rocket’s Meowth are rivals, like the popular cartoon, Tom and Jerry. (Ash and co. usually thwarting Team Rocket’s various crazy schemes.)
- Having a Pikachu hold a Light Ball will double its Special Attack and Attack stats, making its stats higher than its evolution, Raichu. Raichu also cannot hold a Light Ball unless it evolves from a Pikachu that is holding one
- Though not the first Pokémon created, Pikachu was the first Electric-type Pokémon created, conceived after the type was suggested to Sugimori and designed around the concept of electricity and the common symbol for lightning.
- Pikachu is one of Veronica Taylor’s favourite Pokémon.
- A protein is named after Pikachu, the name of the protein is «pikachurin».
- Pikachu is one of the 16 Pokémon to be made into a puppet in Japan.
- A 2002 Carl’s Jr toy features Pikachu playing the saxophone.
- There are two Pikachu-centric spin off games, Hey You, Pikachu! (N64) and Detective Pikachu (3DS).
- Pikachu was originally set to have a third evolution named Goruchu but, the idea was however scrapped.
- Pokémon Black and White and their sequels are the only games you cannot find Pikachu in the wild. Instead, you have to transfer one over from Pokémon Diamond and Pearl or Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
- Pikachu was the only Pokémon until Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Let’s Go, Eevee! to have its cry from the anime in the main RPG games. This was then reused for Eevee in the Let’s Go games and onwards.
- Special forms of Pikachu, such as Pikachu’s wearing hats, cannot evolve into Raichu
- The Partner Pikachu in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! is shiny locked. This means that your partner cannot be a Shiny Pokémon.
- Pikachu’s in-game cry for Generations II through V can be heard at 0:08 in the intro of Ed Sheeran’s «Celestial» music video. [1]
- When the Pokémon franchise was localized in the US, Nintendo wanted to redesign every known Pokémon back then, including Pikachu, to be more appealing to American children. Therefore, Pikachu was initially redesigned into a tiger with huge breasts. Fortunately, this idea had been scrapped.
- Pikachu ranked 7th, among all Pokémon, in the Pokémon of the Year 2021 poll by The Pokémon Company. It also ranked 2nd among all Kanto Pokémon.
Pokémon designer Atsuko Nishida stated that Pikachu was originally based on a squirrel, though it also shares similarities to a mouse. The stripes on the back and the lightning bolt tail were added as details in the appearance, and the black ear tips are the remnant of an earlier design resembling a daifuku, a small Japanese dessert.
Its Gigantamax form appears to be based on earlier depictions of Pikachu when it debuted in Pokémon Red and Green Version. During this time, its official artwork and sprites depicted it as fatter and rounder, though its Gigantamax form overall uses Pikachu’s modern design while using the body shape of its earlier appearance.
Pikachu comes from two different onomatopoeia found in Japanese. These are pikapika (the sound of electricity sparkling) and chuchu (the sound of a mouse squeaking).
Pikachu Pop Star
Pikachu Rock Star
Pikachu Belle
Pikachu Libre
Pikachu Ph. D
A Pikachu plush
Artwork of Pikachu’s costumes
See also
- Pokémon.com Pokédex
- Legendary Pokémon data
- The Pokémon Database
- Pokémon Dream Pokédex data
- Psypokes Psydex data
v · d · eFirst partner Pokémon | |
Kanto |
Bulbasaur · Charmander · Squirtle · PikachuYP · EeveeE |
Johto |
Chikorita · Cyndaquil · Totodile |
Hoenn |
Treecko · Torchic · Mudkip |
Sinnoh |
Turtwig · Chimchar · Piplup |
Hisui |
Rowlet · Cyndaquil · Oshawott |
Unova |
Snivy · Tepig · Oshawott |
Kalos |
Chespin · Fennekin · Froakie |
Alola |
Rowlet · Litten · Popplio |
Galar |
Grookey · Scorbunny · Sobble |
Paldea |
Sprigatito · Fuecoco · Quaxly |
v · d · eGigantamax Pokémon | |
Generation I |
Venusaur · Charizard · Blastoise · Butterfree · Pikachu · Meowth · Machamp · Gengar · Kingler · Lapras · Eevee · Snorlax |
Generation V |
Garbodor |
Generation VII |
Melmetal |
Generation VIII |
Rillaboom · Cinderace · Inteleon · Corviknight · Orbeetle · Drednaw · Coalossal · Flapple · Appletun · Sandaconda · Toxtricity · Centiskorch · Hatterene · Grimmsnarl · Alcremie · Copperajah · Duraludon · Urshifu |
Mega Evolution |
v · d · eGeneration I Pokémon | |
See also |
Generation II · Generation III · Generation IV · Generation V · Generation VI · Generation VII · Generation VIII · Generation IX |
Generation I |
v · d · eEvolutionary Line |
bananas include potassium.
Произношение Пикачу
Ваш броузер не поддерживает аудио
Пикачу – 18 результатов перевода
— Нет, хватит уже Покемонов! — Нет, папа, не хватит.
Я хочу играть с Пикачу, Шармандером, Бластози и Бульбиззаром!
Пока, дети, до завтра.
No, enough of the Pokemons…
I wanted the Pokemons with Pikachu, Charmander, Blastoise and Bulbasaur.
See you tomorrow.
Это Пикачу.
Фишка в том, что многие люди не знают…
This is Pikachu.
The thing is, what many people don’t know …
Могу поклясться, что видела, как ты шнырял возле «Кайфа».
Или это был ты, или в Нью-Йорк приехал Пикачу.
Меня это почти не зацепило, потому что я кореец, а Пикачу — японец.
‘Cause I swear I saw you lurking around outside The High.
It was either you, or Pikachu is visiting New York.
That one barely grazed me, because I’m Korean, and Pikachu is Japanese.
Или это был ты, или в Нью-Йорк приехал Пикачу.
Меня это почти не зацепило, потому что я кореец, а Пикачу — японец.
Ничего вы не знаете про покемонов.
It was either you, or Pikachu is visiting New York.
That one barely grazed me, because I’m Korean, and Pikachu is Japanese.
You don’t know anything about Pokemon.
Мечтать не вредно.
Ты можешь!
Wake up, girl!
You can do it!
Черт, так что я хочу, чтобы ты меня отвел.
Я выбираю тебя, Пикачу.
— Хорошо, ладно.
Shit, so I want you to take me.
I choose you, Pikachu.
— All right, then.
Мне пришлось ждать, пока их не выкакаю.
I just had to wait to poop them out.
Ж: Двигай попой!
Ж: Он тут, рядом с почившим хомяком Пикачу.
Ж: Точно.
Move your butt, girl!
It’s here, beside Picachu the hamster’s final resting place.
— Right.
Я восстанавливаюсь после недавнего расставания и я решил, что свидания с другой женщиной помогут мне чувствовать себя лучше.
И, как Эш Кетчум сказал пикачу, я выбираю тебя.
I’m recovering from a recent breakup, and I’m told asking out another woman might make me feel better.
And as Ash Ketchum said to Pikachu, «I choose you.»
Нет, это Пикачен.
Кто такой Пикачен?
Ну, он похож на лебедя.
No, it’s a Pikachen.
What’s a Pikachen?
Well, it’s like a swan.
О, куда ушел Хан Соло?
У стенда с покемонами начался флешмоб и им был нужен Пикачу.
Смертоносная Сучка!
Oh, where’s Han Solo going?
Uh… the Pokémon booth started a flash mob and they needed a Pikachu.
Death Bitch!
Просто люблю Пикачу.
Мне больше нравится Чаризард.
Just love me some Pikachu.
I’m more of a Charizard girl.
Сметанин, Моторин,
Пикачев, Южин, и Поляков.
Все до одного.
Smirtonin, Motorin…
Pikazov, Yuzhin and Polyakov.
Every single one.
Нет, это Пикачен.
Кто такой Пикачен?
No, it’s a Pikachen.
What’s a Pikachen?
Поговорим о Голливуде.
— Скажи «Пикачу«!
— Прочь!
Can we talk about Hollywood?
Say «Pikachu!»
Get out of my way!
Можно принести желе на десерт?
У меня новые формочки Пикачу, не терпится их испробовать.
Это те формочки Пикачу из которых получился ты?
Can I bring a Jell-O dessert?
I have a new Pikachu mold I’ve been dying to try out.
Is it the same Pikachu mold that you came out of?
У меня новые формочки Пикачу, не терпится их испробовать.
Это те формочки Пикачу из которых получился ты?
Ах да, о той вечеринке, куда мы все приглашены, выпивка будет бесплатной или нам снова придется шариться по кабинетам?
I have a new Pikachu mold I’ve been dying to try out.
Is it the same Pikachu mold that you came out of?
Ah, so, about this party we’re all invited to, is it open bar, or do we have to go through the cabinets again?
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Хотите знать еще больше переводов Пикачу?
Мы используем только переведенные профессиональными переводчиками фразы Пикачу для формирования нашей постоянно обновляющейся базы. Это позволяет максимально точно переводить не просто слова, но и целые фразы, учитывая контекст и особенности их использования.
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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
Перевод «пикачу» на английский
Самый любимый персонаж покемонов — это пикачу.
I guess my favorite Pokemon character is Pikachu.
И, как Эш Кетчум сказал пикачу, я выбираю тебя.
And as Ash Ketchum said to Pikachu, I choose you.
«Мне нравится эта картина, потому что она не только выглядит так, как будто Чуй только что вышел из моего пикачу, но и похожа на ZZ Top.
I like this picture because it not only looks like Chuy just got out of my Pikachu, but like ZZ Top.
И, как Эш Кетчум сказал пикачу, я выбираю тебя.
And as Ash Ketchum said to Pikachu, «I choose you.»
Читайте также Как поймать пикачу в Pokemon Go
Also Read: How to Catch Pikachu in Pokemon Go
На четвертой битве появится Пикачу, и поймать его не составит труда.
In the fourth battle Pikachu will appear, and catch it will not be difficult.
Надеюсь, Пикачу и остальным там весело.
I wonder if Pikachu and the gang are having a good time.
Мы собираемся использовать его, чтобы поймать Пикачу.
We were just about to put it through its paces by catching Pikachu.
Пикачу не пострадал и должен пойти в покемон центра.
Pikachu is hurt and needs to go to the pokemon center.
Пикачу способен выпускать электрические разряды различной интенсивности.
Pikachu is able to release electric discharges of varying intensity.
Он предположил, что Пикачу свалилась со спины матери.
He assumed that Pikachu fell from the back of the mother.
Детектив Пикачу» уже приступили к работе над продолжением картины о самом известном покемоне.
Detective Pikachu have already begun work on the continuation of the picture of the most famous Pokemon.
Однажды вечером он сталкивается с милым покемоном Пикачу, который называет себя суперсыщиком.
But one night, he encounters a pretty-type Pokémon, Pikachu, who calls himself supersyshhikom.
Дальше выступает сплочённая команда — Эш и Пикачу.
Next up is the close-knit team of Ash and Pikachu.
Покемон Пикачу является одним из самых узнаваемых покемонов в мире.
Pikachu is arguably one of the most well-known Pokémon in the world.
Детектив Пикачу» выглядят действительно ярко и забавно.
«Detective Pikachu» actually looks like a lot of fun.
Образ покемона Пикачу был создан с помощью программы по захвату движения с использованием 3D-графики.
The image of the Pokémon Pikachu was created with the help of a motion capture program using 3D graphics.
Покемон революционизировал то, что означало, что символы, как Пикачу, оживают.
Pokémon revolutionized what it meant to make characters like Pikachu come alive.
У меня новые формочки Пикачу, не терпится их испробовать.
I have a new Pikachu mold I’ve been dying to try out.
Эш немедленно отправляется в путь во главе с обеспокоенным Пикачу.
Ash immediately sets out, led by the troubled Pikachu.
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200