Принцесса тиана однажды в сказке

After Regina cast Drizella’s curse to save Henry’s life, Tiana becomes Sabine, and is roommates with Jacinda in Hyperion Heights. Sabine and Jacinda’s daughter Lucy sometimes make beignets together, and during one of these times, she tells Lucy about how she used to be too poor to make wishes on stars so she made wishes on fireflies instead. In her cursed life, Sabine also remembers being a student at a cooking school, along with her friend Drew, who later dropped out to work at his family’s restaurant. («Hyperion Heights», «Greenbacks», «The Eighth Witch», «A Taste of the Heights»)

One morning, Sabine takes too long in the apartment bathroom, causing Jacinda to be late for work at Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack. Later as Sabine is cooking in the kitchen, she sees Jacinda return home after quitting her job due to her overbearing boss Louie. Sabine acknowledges Louie is unfair but that she needed that job to pay her share of the rent. She questions what Victoria, Jacinda’s stepmother, will think, considering she was unhappy about letting her have custody of Lucy. Jacinda decides to not tell her stepmother anything and then asks whether Lucy has gotten up yet. Sabine mentions Lucy’s bedroom door has been closed all morning, to which Jacinda goes to check up on her daughter, only to find her missing. («Hyperion Heights»)

After Victoria takes custody of Lucy, Sabine does her best to support Jacinda. They learn from Ivy that Victoria has decided to make the tickets to Lucy’s ballet recital cost $550.00, fifty dollars more than Jacinda’s paycheck. Sabine uses the WorkBunny app to try to find Jacinda a secondary job to earn the extra cash she needs, but Jacinda isn’t satisfied with any of the options. Their planning is interrupted when Henry arrives to see Jacinda. After realizing who Henry is, Sabine quickly excuses herself to let the pair talk in private. Later, as Sabine and Jacinda are walking down the streets of Hyperion Heights and are about to give up, Sabine is surprised to see the perfect job listing for them: caterers for the ballet recital. Jacinda and Sabine take the jobs but Jacinda becomes upset when Henry reveals that he’s the one who put the job on the app. They go through with the job anyway and Sabine watches as Jacinda and Lucy are reunited, then spots Henry’s reaction to the heartfelt reunion. Sabine asks him if he’s in love with Jacinda, and as Henry becomes flustered and makes excuses before eventually explaining he’s just trying to make up for his mistake for causing Jacinda to lose Lucy to Victoria. To this, Sabine smiles knowingly and remarks that it’s at least a start of something. Later, Detectives Weaver and Rogers reveal that Victoria’s bracelet was stolen sometime during the recital and Weaver announces their intention to search the caterers, presumably including Sabine; however, the bracelet is nowhere to be found. («A Pirate’s Life»)

Hearing Jacinda return home, Sabine comes out to greet her and sees her sitting dejectedly on the couch reading a letter from Lucy. She tries to comfort Jacinda but receives a text from Louie asking where she is, to which she begins leaving for work. («The Garden of Forking Paths»)

After making some of her homemade beignets, Sabine drops by Belfrey Towers to give them to Lucy, who is waiting for Victoria to pick her up for ballet lessons. When Victoria does show up, she casually announces to Sabine that her rental agreement is being raised by 8%, curtly adding that it’s a family discount. Sabine is floored by Victoria’s cruelty but vows to fight back against her. Coming up with the idea to sell her beignets and earn big money, she invests all of her and Jacinda’s accumulated rent money in order to buy the ingredients needed to make the pastries in bulk amounts. Jacinda thinks her plan is too risky and it could all backfire, but Sabine convinces her that they need to take a chance for themselves and Lucy. Taking advantage of the fact that her boss Louie is away at a regional managers’ convention, With the creation of an online advertisement, Sabine advertises her beignets online in order to draw customers to Mr. Cluck’s. Lucy later suggests stamping the beignet bags with a firefly imprint as an homage to Sabine and how she used to wish on fireflies. Jacinda, excited by how quickly their business is growing, imagines setting up a stand at the farmer’s market, however, Sabine dreamily envisions having a food truck with a jazzy and sophisticated atmosphere. The two are pleased by how much they accomplished, but things take a bad turn when a fire breaks out, prompting Sabine to grab a box and hit the fire alarm before following Jacinda out to flee the area. Jacinda is furious at Sabine for persuading her into pursuing this crazy venture with the hopes that their lives could get better when it won’t. Sabine hands over the box, which contains ten months of rent money until Jacinda can find a new job, and agrees to move out from their apartment. As Sabine is packing up, Lucy begs her not to go, but Sabine’s mind is made up as she believes she has to let go of her failed dreams and accept her stark reality. Lucy insists she is actually running away and that she is meant to stay with her and Jacinda as a family, with Sabine promising Lucy will always have her but that there are things in life even she can’t fight against. Later, Jacinda apologizes, having realized that Sabine has been the one to help her be optimistic when life gets her down. Further recognizing that Sabine also needs the same from her, she shows her a food truck which she bought from the impound lot that they can use for their future business. After this reconciliation, Sabine visits Rogers and gifts him a bag of beignets as thanks since he helped Jacinda find the truck. She learns from him that the cause of the fire was arson and the likely suspect is Victoria. («Greenbacks»)

With Jacinda unable to regain custody of Lucy, who is now with social services because Victoria is in jail, Sabine suggests getting help from her Nick Branson as he just graduated from law school. Jacinda thinks this will only complicate matters since Jack is not only her ex but also Lucy’s biological father, but Sabine insists she has to risk it if she means doing anything and everything to get Lucy back. Sabine later returns home to show Jacinda their new food truck uniforms and sees her roommate dolling herself up for what appears to be a date. Jacinda admits she and Nick were supposed to meet in his office to discuss the custody case but he instead moved the location to his friend’s new restaurant. Sabine takes notice that Jacinda is really prettying herself up, and though the latter states she just wants to look presentable enough to convince Nick she can look after Lucy, Sabine suspects she is falling for Nick again. While Jacinda is on her date, Sabine finds Henry working on fixing the food truck engine. She can clearly tell he is competing with Nick for Jacinda’s affections and wants to impress her, even though Henry insists he wanted to help with getting the engine going. After Henry turns it on, Sabine marvels at his handiwork, just as Jacinda and Nick walk in together. Sabine then watches uneasily as an uncomfortable Henry tosses Jacinda the truck keys before departing on his own. («Pretty in Blue»)

After Lucy resumes living in the apartment once Nick helps Jacinda regain custody of her, Sabine is pouring herself some coffee as she overhears the girl ask her mom to invite Henry over so they can share the good news with him. Jacinda promises to consider it, and once Lucy leaves the room, Sabine comments on Lucy’s persistence with trying to get her and Henry together. Sabine asks if she intends to let the meeting happen, and Jacinda admits she went to the bar looking for Henry but was told he left for a trip with Roni. Later, Sabine answers the door and is shocked to see Victoria, who comes in to formally renounce any custody claims on Lucy and give Jacinda the paperwork for it as proof. As Sabine is working on a to-do list inside her food truck, which now has a new paint job with the name Rollin’ Bayou, Rogers follows up with her about the fire at Mr. Cluck’s, despite that she was already questioned by Weaver the other day. Sabine tells him about Weaver showing her a discarded object found in the dumpster which he said was used by the arsonist to forcibly open the back door at Mr. Cluck’s. When Rogers asks her to describe the object, she instead draws it for him, revealing it is a pointy dagger-shaped weapon and that Weaver not only made her hold it but kept asking if she «felt» anything from it. («One Little Tear»)

As Lucy is wheeled into the hospital into intensive care, Sabine reassures Jacinda that her daughter will be fine and she suggests notifying Nick and Henry about what has happened. Jacinda agrees to do just that, and Sabine goes to tell Rogers so he can investigate where Lucy was before she collapsed. («The Eighth Witch»)

Sabine joins Henry and Jacinda in keeping vigil at Lucy’s bedside, but when the girl begins waking up, she rushes out of the room to get a nurse. («Secret Garden»)

After Victoria’s unexpected death, Sabine finds a newspaper by the fence outside her food truck which features an article about the woman’s real estate deals. She is in the midst of listening to the first episode of Henry’s podcast H-Town when Jacinda and Lucy come visiting. They offer to help with her truck for the upcoming food fair, but Sabine prefers to do it herself, citing that she is a perfectionist, though Jacinda lovingly describes her as a control freak. Sabine instead suggests the mother-daughter pair spend more time together, and she further encourages Jacinda to say yes when Lucy wants to invite Henry over for game night. While Sabine sets up her beignets and gumbo soup, her old cooking classmate Drew arrives to catch up with her. Drew praises her exceptional skills but tells her she can be a bit controlling when it comes to food, and he demonstrates this by trying to dunk one of her beignets in a soup dish, which freaks Sabine out to the point she stops him from ruining his lunch. When Sabine learns Drew is also partaking in the food fair with his own truck, Flamin’ Cajun, she samples his beignets to see what she is up against. She finds that the treat is too sugary and tells herself she will «kill him dead», which a police officer overhears after coming to her truck to look over her licenses and permits. After regaining her composure, Sabine shows him her permits, however, the officer states her food safety permit is missing. She explains she mailed in her paperwork but haven’t received it back yet, but that she desperately needs to be at the fair. The officer refuses to turn a blind eye and reveals someone gave him an anonymous tip about her missing permit. («A Taste of the Heights»)

Suspecting Drew tattled on her, Sabine confronts him, to which he admits his associate, Mr. Samdi, is likely the one who did it as he offered him guaranteed success with his food truck. Sabine is furious, berating Drew for having everything while she has had to work for it only to lose it all in one swipe. To make it up to her, Drew gives her his food safety permit so she can continue running her truck. He agrees with her earlier assessment of him getting everything handed to him and reveals he actually flunked out of cooking school instead of dropping out. Drew admits he was not good at cooking and he would rather help her succeed instead. As customers line up at Rollin’ Bayou, Sabine serves the officer, who previously declined her food because he was on a diet, a bag of beignets and a bowl of gumbo soup. Later that night, Drew helps dump the garbage, during which Samdi approaches him to insist he continue deceiving Sabine. When Sabine comes to drop off the last garbage bag, she asks if he was talking to someone, which Drew plays off by saying he was just congratulating himself. («A Taste of the Heights»)

As Lucy works to purposely keep Henry and her mom apart, due to her knowledge that Henry will die if they share true love’s kiss and break the curse, Jacinda has a night out with Sabine at a restaurant. Jacinda goes next door to Flynn’s Barcade while Sabine stays at the restaurant to wait for their reserved seats. After Sabine texts her about the seats being ready, Jacinda leaves to go meet her. («Sisterhood»)

To help out Rogers, Sabine agrees to hire Tilly as a worker in the food truck. She gives Rogers his favorite order in a bag after he drops off Tilly, whom she decides can work odd days since Drew currently works even days. Tilly tries her hand at making and frying beignets, but one of them is in the shape of a heart organ rather than the usual triangular shape. Sabine then suggests she can work out front and sell the beignets to customers instead. As Tilly goes out, Jacinda comes in as Sabine figures out from her expression that she is having boy troubles. Jacinda tells her about Henry’s job offer in New York and how she encouraged him to do what is best for his career, however, Sabine believes Henry only told her so she could persuade him not to go and insists she call him. In the evening, Rogers comes by again, noticing that Sabine is frying up the beignets instead of Tilly. Sabine happily reports that Tilly has a knack for selling the beignets after coming up with the idea to hand out free samples in order to get more customers to buy them. As Tilly finishes up her shift, she shares with Sabine and Rogers that people know her name now from talking to her, unlike the past when she stole food and went unseen by them. Sabine continues operating the food truck as Tilly thanks her for the job opportunity before walking off with Rogers. («Breadcrumbs»)

During a morning at the apartment, Sabine sees Jacinda spacing out and continually beating egg yolks in a bowl as pancakes simmer in a pan. She then scoops up the pancakes onto a plate before they burn, which Jacinda thanks her for as she was distracted thinking about Henry because he hasn’t texted her since his departure to New York. However, Jacinda suddenly gets a text from him about the interview going well, making her worried this means he really will leave Hyperion Heights to take the job. Sabine assures her that a good interview doesn’t guarantee anything and encourages her to reply back to Henry. She then leaves for work and says goodbye to Lucy on her way out. As Sabine works with Drew inside the food truck, she comments about Tilly’s ability to appeal to their customers by selling the beignets but Drew himself has a talent for frying them. Drew notices they are out of beignet batter, though Sabine pulls out another bag, noting that she made extra in case. When Sabine hands it to him, she and Drew trade a smile with each other before she leaves to go fetch her «secret ingredient» to add to the batter. While she is gone, Samdi intimidates Drew, who is awake, into fulfilling the debt he still owes him. Sabine later goes home for the night but Drew stays at the food truck, where he makes a beignet and gives it to Samdi. Samdi, having specifically wanted a beignet from Drew because Sabine trusted him enough to teach him how to make them, taps some of the beignet’s powdered sugar onto a voodoo doll, seemingly imbuing it with magic. That evening, Sabine is at home with Jacinda and Lucy when Henry returns after Rogers rescued him from Nick’s captivity. Sabine heads to the kitchen to make him a cup of hot cocoa, and as she passes him, she wryly remarks on the fact he is likely not going to make that interview in New York. («Chosen»)

After Drew bails on work, Sabine texts Jacinda to ask if she can come in and help her man the fryers in the food truck. («Flower Child»)

When Henry and Jacinda finally become a couple and decide to go with Lucy to Bainbridge Island, Jacinda and Lucy begin packing. Sabine gives them a bag to use, commenting on how many clothes they’re packing and how bad the weather is, and complains that she still hasn’t heard back from Drew. Lucy finds a tarot card belonging to Mr. Samdi in the bag and asks if Drew once used the bag before, and when Sabine confirms this, Lucy suggests that Sabine should ask Samdi about where Drew is. Jacinda joins her as they head to Samdi’s office to confront him. He willingly tells Sabine to look in his closet, where she finds Drew tied up; however, he then orders both Sabine and Jacinda to get in the closet with Drew. When Sabine attempts to protest against this, he uses a voodoo doll to prick her in the knee and threaten her, to which Jacinda complies with Samdi by pulling her into the closet. («Is This Henry Mills?»)

After Regina cast Drizella’s curse to save Henry’s life, Tiana becomes Sabine, and is roommates with Jacinda in Hyperion Heights. Sabine and Jacinda’s daughter Lucy sometimes make beignets together, and during one of these times, she tells Lucy about how she used to be too poor to make wishes on stars so she made wishes on fireflies instead. In her cursed life, Sabine also remembers being a student at a cooking school, along with her friend Drew, who later dropped out to work at his family’s restaurant. («Hyperion Heights», «Greenbacks», «The Eighth Witch», «A Taste of the Heights»)

One morning, Sabine takes too long in the apartment bathroom, causing Jacinda to be late for work at Mr. Cluck’s Chicken Shack. Later as Sabine is cooking in the kitchen, she sees Jacinda return home after quitting her job due to her overbearing boss Louie. Sabine acknowledges Louie is unfair but that she needed that job to pay her share of the rent. She questions what Victoria, Jacinda’s stepmother, will think, considering she was unhappy about letting her have custody of Lucy. Jacinda decides to not tell her stepmother anything and then asks whether Lucy has gotten up yet. Sabine mentions Lucy’s bedroom door has been closed all morning, to which Jacinda goes to check up on her daughter, only to find her missing. («Hyperion Heights»)

After Victoria takes custody of Lucy, Sabine does her best to support Jacinda. They learn from Ivy that Victoria has decided to make the tickets to Lucy’s ballet recital cost $550.00, fifty dollars more than Jacinda’s paycheck. Sabine uses the WorkBunny app to try to find Jacinda a secondary job to earn the extra cash she needs, but Jacinda isn’t satisfied with any of the options. Their planning is interrupted when Henry arrives to see Jacinda. After realizing who Henry is, Sabine quickly excuses herself to let the pair talk in private. Later, as Sabine and Jacinda are walking down the streets of Hyperion Heights and are about to give up, Sabine is surprised to see the perfect job listing for them: caterers for the ballet recital. Jacinda and Sabine take the jobs but Jacinda becomes upset when Henry reveals that he’s the one who put the job on the app. They go through with the job anyway and Sabine watches as Jacinda and Lucy are reunited, then spots Henry’s reaction to the heartfelt reunion. Sabine asks him if he’s in love with Jacinda, and as Henry becomes flustered and makes excuses before eventually explaining he’s just trying to make up for his mistake for causing Jacinda to lose Lucy to Victoria. To this, Sabine smiles knowingly and remarks that it’s at least a start of something. Later, Detectives Weaver and Rogers reveal that Victoria’s bracelet was stolen sometime during the recital and Weaver announces their intention to search the caterers, presumably including Sabine; however, the bracelet is nowhere to be found. («A Pirate’s Life»)

Hearing Jacinda return home, Sabine comes out to greet her and sees her sitting dejectedly on the couch reading a letter from Lucy. She tries to comfort Jacinda but receives a text from Louie asking where she is, to which she begins leaving for work. («The Garden of Forking Paths»)

After making some of her homemade beignets, Sabine drops by Belfrey Towers to give them to Lucy, who is waiting for Victoria to pick her up for ballet lessons. When Victoria does show up, she casually announces to Sabine that her rental agreement is being raised by 8%, curtly adding that it’s a family discount. Sabine is floored by Victoria’s cruelty but vows to fight back against her. Coming up with the idea to sell her beignets and earn big money, she invests all of her and Jacinda’s accumulated rent money in order to buy the ingredients needed to make the pastries in bulk amounts. Jacinda thinks her plan is too risky and it could all backfire, but Sabine convinces her that they need to take a chance for themselves and Lucy. Taking advantage of the fact that her boss Louie is away at a regional managers’ convention, With the creation of an online advertisement, Sabine advertises her beignets online in order to draw customers to Mr. Cluck’s. Lucy later suggests stamping the beignet bags with a firefly imprint as an homage to Sabine and how she used to wish on fireflies. Jacinda, excited by how quickly their business is growing, imagines setting up a stand at the farmer’s market, however, Sabine dreamily envisions having a food truck with a jazzy and sophisticated atmosphere. The two are pleased by how much they accomplished, but things take a bad turn when a fire breaks out, prompting Sabine to grab a box and hit the fire alarm before following Jacinda out to flee the area. Jacinda is furious at Sabine for persuading her into pursuing this crazy venture with the hopes that their lives could get better when it won’t. Sabine hands over the box, which contains ten months of rent money until Jacinda can find a new job, and agrees to move out from their apartment. As Sabine is packing up, Lucy begs her not to go, but Sabine’s mind is made up as she believes she has to let go of her failed dreams and accept her stark reality. Lucy insists she is actually running away and that she is meant to stay with her and Jacinda as a family, with Sabine promising Lucy will always have her but that there are things in life even she can’t fight against. Later, Jacinda apologizes, having realized that Sabine has been the one to help her be optimistic when life gets her down. Further recognizing that Sabine also needs the same from her, she shows her a food truck which she bought from the impound lot that they can use for their future business. After this reconciliation, Sabine visits Rogers and gifts him a bag of beignets as thanks since he helped Jacinda find the truck. She learns from him that the cause of the fire was arson and the likely suspect is Victoria. («Greenbacks»)

With Jacinda unable to regain custody of Lucy, who is now with social services because Victoria is in jail, Sabine suggests getting help from her Nick Branson as he just graduated from law school. Jacinda thinks this will only complicate matters since Jack is not only her ex but also Lucy’s biological father, but Sabine insists she has to risk it if she means doing anything and everything to get Lucy back. Sabine later returns home to show Jacinda their new food truck uniforms and sees her roommate dolling herself up for what appears to be a date. Jacinda admits she and Nick were supposed to meet in his office to discuss the custody case but he instead moved the location to his friend’s new restaurant. Sabine takes notice that Jacinda is really prettying herself up, and though the latter states she just wants to look presentable enough to convince Nick she can look after Lucy, Sabine suspects she is falling for Nick again. While Jacinda is on her date, Sabine finds Henry working on fixing the food truck engine. She can clearly tell he is competing with Nick for Jacinda’s affections and wants to impress her, even though Henry insists he wanted to help with getting the engine going. After Henry turns it on, Sabine marvels at his handiwork, just as Jacinda and Nick walk in together. Sabine then watches uneasily as an uncomfortable Henry tosses Jacinda the truck keys before departing on his own. («Pretty in Blue»)

After Lucy resumes living in the apartment once Nick helps Jacinda regain custody of her, Sabine is pouring herself some coffee as she overhears the girl ask her mom to invite Henry over so they can share the good news with him. Jacinda promises to consider it, and once Lucy leaves the room, Sabine comments on Lucy’s persistence with trying to get her and Henry together. Sabine asks if she intends to let the meeting happen, and Jacinda admits she went to the bar looking for Henry but was told he left for a trip with Roni. Later, Sabine answers the door and is shocked to see Victoria, who comes in to formally renounce any custody claims on Lucy and give Jacinda the paperwork for it as proof. As Sabine is working on a to-do list inside her food truck, which now has a new paint job with the name Rollin’ Bayou, Rogers follows up with her about the fire at Mr. Cluck’s, despite that she was already questioned by Weaver the other day. Sabine tells him about Weaver showing her a discarded object found in the dumpster which he said was used by the arsonist to forcibly open the back door at Mr. Cluck’s. When Rogers asks her to describe the object, she instead draws it for him, revealing it is a pointy dagger-shaped weapon and that Weaver not only made her hold it but kept asking if she «felt» anything from it. («One Little Tear»)

As Lucy is wheeled into the hospital into intensive care, Sabine reassures Jacinda that her daughter will be fine and she suggests notifying Nick and Henry about what has happened. Jacinda agrees to do just that, and Sabine goes to tell Rogers so he can investigate where Lucy was before she collapsed. («The Eighth Witch»)

Sabine joins Henry and Jacinda in keeping vigil at Lucy’s bedside, but when the girl begins waking up, she rushes out of the room to get a nurse. («Secret Garden»)

After Victoria’s unexpected death, Sabine finds a newspaper by the fence outside her food truck which features an article about the woman’s real estate deals. She is in the midst of listening to the first episode of Henry’s podcast H-Town when Jacinda and Lucy come visiting. They offer to help with her truck for the upcoming food fair, but Sabine prefers to do it herself, citing that she is a perfectionist, though Jacinda lovingly describes her as a control freak. Sabine instead suggests the mother-daughter pair spend more time together, and she further encourages Jacinda to say yes when Lucy wants to invite Henry over for game night. While Sabine sets up her beignets and gumbo soup, her old cooking classmate Drew arrives to catch up with her. Drew praises her exceptional skills but tells her she can be a bit controlling when it comes to food, and he demonstrates this by trying to dunk one of her beignets in a soup dish, which freaks Sabine out to the point she stops him from ruining his lunch. When Sabine learns Drew is also partaking in the food fair with his own truck, Flamin’ Cajun, she samples his beignets to see what she is up against. She finds that the treat is too sugary and tells herself she will «kill him dead», which a police officer overhears after coming to her truck to look over her licenses and permits. After regaining her composure, Sabine shows him her permits, however, the officer states her food safety permit is missing. She explains she mailed in her paperwork but haven’t received it back yet, but that she desperately needs to be at the fair. The officer refuses to turn a blind eye and reveals someone gave him an anonymous tip about her missing permit. («A Taste of the Heights»)

Suspecting Drew tattled on her, Sabine confronts him, to which he admits his associate, Mr. Samdi, is likely the one who did it as he offered him guaranteed success with his food truck. Sabine is furious, berating Drew for having everything while she has had to work for it only to lose it all in one swipe. To make it up to her, Drew gives her his food safety permit so she can continue running her truck. He agrees with her earlier assessment of him getting everything handed to him and reveals he actually flunked out of cooking school instead of dropping out. Drew admits he was not good at cooking and he would rather help her succeed instead. As customers line up at Rollin’ Bayou, Sabine serves the officer, who previously declined her food because he was on a diet, a bag of beignets and a bowl of gumbo soup. Later that night, Drew helps dump the garbage, during which Samdi approaches him to insist he continue deceiving Sabine. When Sabine comes to drop off the last garbage bag, she asks if he was talking to someone, which Drew plays off by saying he was just congratulating himself. («A Taste of the Heights»)

As Lucy works to purposely keep Henry and her mom apart, due to her knowledge that Henry will die if they share true love’s kiss and break the curse, Jacinda has a night out with Sabine at a restaurant. Jacinda goes next door to Flynn’s Barcade while Sabine stays at the restaurant to wait for their reserved seats. After Sabine texts her about the seats being ready, Jacinda leaves to go meet her. («Sisterhood»)

To help out Rogers, Sabine agrees to hire Tilly as a worker in the food truck. She gives Rogers his favorite order in a bag after he drops off Tilly, whom she decides can work odd days since Drew currently works even days. Tilly tries her hand at making and frying beignets, but one of them is in the shape of a heart organ rather than the usual triangular shape. Sabine then suggests she can work out front and sell the beignets to customers instead. As Tilly goes out, Jacinda comes in as Sabine figures out from her expression that she is having boy troubles. Jacinda tells her about Henry’s job offer in New York and how she encouraged him to do what is best for his career, however, Sabine believes Henry only told her so she could persuade him not to go and insists she call him. In the evening, Rogers comes by again, noticing that Sabine is frying up the beignets instead of Tilly. Sabine happily reports that Tilly has a knack for selling the beignets after coming up with the idea to hand out free samples in order to get more customers to buy them. As Tilly finishes up her shift, she shares with Sabine and Rogers that people know her name now from talking to her, unlike the past when she stole food and went unseen by them. Sabine continues operating the food truck as Tilly thanks her for the job opportunity before walking off with Rogers. («Breadcrumbs»)

During a morning at the apartment, Sabine sees Jacinda spacing out and continually beating egg yolks in a bowl as pancakes simmer in a pan. She then scoops up the pancakes onto a plate before they burn, which Jacinda thanks her for as she was distracted thinking about Henry because he hasn’t texted her since his departure to New York. However, Jacinda suddenly gets a text from him about the interview going well, making her worried this means he really will leave Hyperion Heights to take the job. Sabine assures her that a good interview doesn’t guarantee anything and encourages her to reply back to Henry. She then leaves for work and says goodbye to Lucy on her way out. As Sabine works with Drew inside the food truck, she comments about Tilly’s ability to appeal to their customers by selling the beignets but Drew himself has a talent for frying them. Drew notices they are out of beignet batter, though Sabine pulls out another bag, noting that she made extra in case. When Sabine hands it to him, she and Drew trade a smile with each other before she leaves to go fetch her «secret ingredient» to add to the batter. While she is gone, Samdi intimidates Drew, who is awake, into fulfilling the debt he still owes him. Sabine later goes home for the night but Drew stays at the food truck, where he makes a beignet and gives it to Samdi. Samdi, having specifically wanted a beignet from Drew because Sabine trusted him enough to teach him how to make them, taps some of the beignet’s powdered sugar onto a voodoo doll, seemingly imbuing it with magic. That evening, Sabine is at home with Jacinda and Lucy when Henry returns after Rogers rescued him from Nick’s captivity. Sabine heads to the kitchen to make him a cup of hot cocoa, and as she passes him, she wryly remarks on the fact he is likely not going to make that interview in New York. («Chosen»)

After Drew bails on work, Sabine texts Jacinda to ask if she can come in and help her man the fryers in the food truck. («Flower Child»)

When Henry and Jacinda finally become a couple and decide to go with Lucy to Bainbridge Island, Jacinda and Lucy begin packing. Sabine gives them a bag to use, commenting on how many clothes they’re packing and how bad the weather is, and complains that she still hasn’t heard back from Drew. Lucy finds a tarot card belonging to Mr. Samdi in the bag and asks if Drew once used the bag before, and when Sabine confirms this, Lucy suggests that Sabine should ask Samdi about where Drew is. Jacinda joins her as they head to Samdi’s office to confront him. He willingly tells Sabine to look in his closet, where she finds Drew tied up; however, he then orders both Sabine and Jacinda to get in the closet with Drew. When Sabine attempts to protest against this, he uses a voodoo doll to prick her in the knee and threaten her, to which Jacinda complies with Samdi by pulling her into the closet. («Is This Henry Mills?»)



Имя Принцесса Тиана/Сабина
Возраст 27 лет
Раса Человек
Титул Принцесса
Место Жительства Зачарованный Лес Соедененное Королевство
Родственники Эудора — мать


Тиана выросла как принцесса, частично благодаря ее отцу, который получил титул принца после того, как помог выиграть войну и заработал Рубин Светлячка. Спустя годы после смерти ее отца, она и ее мать Эудора вынуждены распродать ценные вещи из их имущества из-за тирании короля. Она сталкивается с дочерью леди Тремейн Дризеллой, которая замечает, что Рубин Светлячка выставлен на обозрение. Тиана отказывается от продажи, так как вспоминает, как ее отец получил ее из-за его героизма, на что Дризелла ловко отмечает, что он не сможет спасти ее и ее мать от банкротства.


[IC]Тиана выросла как принцесса, частично благодаря ее отцу, который получил титул принца после того,

Когда Тиана, к несчастью, разговаривает со своей матерью о том, чтобы не жить очарованной жизнью, которую, как она думала, она получит, Эудора предлагает найти героя, чтобы спасти их. Тиана решает найти способного принца и пытается найти его через доктора Фасилье. Она бродит по палаточному переулку в поисках магазина доктора Фасильера, но в итоге ее узнают простые люди, которые отчаянно умоляют ее о помощи, поскольку они страдают от налогов короля. Доктор Фасильер прогоняет людей, прежде чем помочь Тиане, предсказав, что она встретит принца, если пойдет за красной вороной. После того, как Тиана находит таверну под названием «Багровая ворона», недисциплинированный покровитель пытается запугать ее, чтобы она отдала свои серьги, однако ее спас принц по имени Мариас. Принц приглашает ее пообедать с ним, а позже ночью он разговаривает с Тианой на балконе ее замка. Тиана рассказывает историю о рубине Светлячка своего отца и о том, как получение титула принца привело его к восстановлению королевства. Она боится потерять свой дом сейчас, когда ей и ее матери грозит финансовый крах, хотя он заверяет ее, что этого не допустит. Мариас желает ей спокойной ночи с обещанием увидеть ее снова, но когда он уходит, Тиана видит, что Рубин Светлячка пропал, и понимает, что украл его. Она быстро останавливает его и требует объяснения, которому он признается, что его настоящее имя Роберт, и он следовал приказам доктора Фасильера, потому что мужчина держит свою настоящую любовь в плену. Позже Тиана признается своей матери о том, насколько она эгоистична, поскольку отчаяние Роберта заставило ее увидеть, что люди повсюду, а не только она, страдают из-за короля. С сожалением отправив ее в поисках героя, когда Тиана является тем, кто нужен людям, Экдора прикрепляет медальон к платью своей дочери и призывает ее нести наследство отца, будучи героем, которым она является. Чтобы освободить настоящую любовь Роберта, она лишается рубина Светлячка доктору Фасилиеру. Он использует куклу вуду, чтобы причинить ей боль, но ей удается опрокинуть ее. Пока доктор Фасильер сбегает с рубином, Тиана воссоединяет Роберта со своей настоящей любовью, которая заперта в форме лягушки. Она приглашает их присоединиться к ее Сопротивлению, так как ее следующий шаг в свержении короля — посещение бала, где сын короля будет искать невесту, но Роберт отказывается, прежде чем поцеловать его любовь и вернуться к своей настоящей форме: лягушке.


[IC]Тиана выросла как принцесса, частично благодаря ее отцу, который получил титул принца после того,

Позже она знакомиться с Золушкой и ее спутником Грензелем. Они реша ются свергнуть короля, что пора было сделать уже давно. Позже когда королевство оказывается у них в руках, то Элла и Грензель остаются жить у них в замке, а позже еще и воспитывают там свою дочь Люси.

После объеденения миров.

Тиана так же осталась править своим королевством, но еще открыла собственный ресторан в Сторибруке, как давно об этом мечтала.



[IC]Тиана выросла как принцесса, частично благодаря ее отцу, который получил титул принца после того,


[IC]Тиана выросла как принцесса, частично благодаря ее отцу, который получил титул принца после того,


В самом начале, она была беззащитной, потому что надеялась, что в этом мире все сделают за нее, но жизнь обернулась не так, как бы она хотела. Ей пришлось стать такой же как ее отец храброй и смелой, чтобы стать настоящей королевой, которая нужна своему народу.


[IC]Тиана выросла как принцесса, частично благодаря ее отцу, который получил титул принца после того,


Любит посвещать свободное время выпечке.


[IC]Тиана выросла как принцесса, частично благодаря ее отцу, который получил титул принца после того,

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  • Будем искать среди персонажей фандома




Бог Подземного мира. Брат Зевса и дядя Геркулеса. Имеет власть только в своём мире; в мире живых, который он называет Надземным, его могущество ограничено. Возлюбленный Зелены, питавший и к ней весьма уверенную страсть.

Айзек Хеллер

Isaac Heller


Автор книги сказок, в которой написано о каждом сказочном герое, и владелец волшебного пера. В дальнейшем написал книгу «Герои и злодеи», но поскольку создал счастливый финал для себя, то лишился звания Автора. После возвращения в реальный мир попал в тюрьму Сторибрука.




Вор из Аграбы, известен также как Спаситель, бывший им задолго до Эммы. Возлюбленный принцессы Жасмин.




Главная героиня. Пытаясь найти доказательства существования страны чудес, в которой она побывала в детстве, отправляется туда снова уже взрослой.

Подробнее »




Мать Сайруса. Колдунья, которая обучила магии Джафара.




Лидер стаи оборотней, живущей в провалившемся под землю старом замке. Мать Красной Шапочки. Научила её контролировать себя во время полнолуния.




Русалочка, спасшая тонущую Белоснежку, когда та убегала от стражей Злой Королевы. Влюблена в принца Эрика, выбирая между любовью и подругой, лишилась голоса. После помогла Реджине и Румпельштильцхену, получила свой голос обратно и воссоединилась с Эриком в Сторибруке. После второго проклятия живет с Эриком, своей истинной любовью, на острове Висельника.

Бабушка (вдова Лукас)

Granny (widow Lucas)


Бабушка Красной Шапочки, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. Отлично стреляет из арбалета. Имеет остаточные способности оборотня. В Сторибруке содержит гостиницу-кафе «У бабушки». У неё проблемы со здоровьем. Есть внучка Руби, которую эти проблемы удерживают от переезда в другой город.

Белль (Лейси Френч)

Belle (Lacey French)


Героиня сказки «Красавица и Чудовище». Возлюбленная Румпельштильцхена. В Сторибруке Белль 28 лет, пока действовало проклятие, провела запертой в психбольнице.

Белоснежка (Мэри Маргарет Бланшар)

Snow White (Mary Margaret Blanchard)


Жена Прекрасного Принца и мать Эммы, одна из самых добрых персонажей Зачарованного Леса. В Сторибруке — учительница школы, где учится Генри.

Белый Кролик

White Rabbit


Именно он привел Алису и Уилла в Страну Чудес.




Глава гномов. Объясняет гномам, кто они такие, помогает освоиться после рождения

Бреннан Джонс

Brennan Jones


Отец Лиама и Киллиана Джонсов, бросивший их детьми. Много лет провёл под проклятием Вечного сна, которое разрушила его сиделка. Был убит капитаном Крюком.

Бэлфайр (Нил Кэссиди)

Baelfire (Neal Cassidy)


Сын Румпельштильцхена, давний возлюбленный Эммы и отец Генри.




Девушка из Камелота, в которую влюблён Генри.

Великан Антон (Кроха)

Giant «Tiny» Anton


Последний из живых великанов. Впервые появляется в сериале, когда Эмма и капитан Крюк взобрались по волшебному стеблю за компасом, в ходе чего был усыплён маковыми зернами. Эмма сохранила ему жизнь. В дальнейшем он оказывается в Сторибруке, где выращивает бобовые стебли.

Венди Дарлинг

Wendy Darling


Приютила юного Бэлфайра у себя дома, в Лондоне. Летала добровольно с Тенью Питера Пэна в Неверленд. Вскоре была уже похищена Тенью, в итоге стала пленницей Питера Пэна в Неверленде и была вынуждена во всем ему подчиняться.




Один из семи гномов, получил своё имя, потому что всегда весёлый, на его лице по жизни сияет улыбка.

Виктор Франкенштейн (доктор Виктор Уэйл)

Victor Frankenstein (Dr. Victor Whale)


До проклятия жил в чёрно-белом мире, основанном на не сказках, а на «бульварных ужасах» и экранизациях. В Сторибруке — врач больницы.

Волшебник Страны Оз (Уолш)

Wizard of Oz (Walsh)


Был неудачливым фокусником в реальном мире, но затем оказался в Стране Оз, где притворялся Волшебником. Разоблачён Зелиной и превращён ей в летающую обезьяну. Шпионил за Эммой, встречаясь с ней, пока она и Генри жили в Нью-Йорке.

Волшебное Зеркало (Сидни Гласс)

Magic Mirror (Sidney Glass)


Джинн, одураченный и обольщённый Злой Королевой. В реальном мире стал репортёром местной газеты Сторибрука.

Ворчун (Лерой)

Grumpy (Leroy)


Один из семи гномов, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. В реальном мире — разнорабочий и главный смутьян Сторибрука.




Бывший жених Белль. Румпельштильцхен превратил его в розу, которую подарил Белль.




Жена Артура, королева Камелота. Испытывает чувства к Ланселоту, о чём Артур с помощью волшебного песка заставил её забыть.

Генри Джекилл

Dr. Henry Jekyll


Доктор из Страны Нерассказанных Историй, изобретатель сыворотки, отделяющей тёмную сущность от светлой. Альтер-эго — Хайд. Для создания сыворотки, отделяющей добрую часть человека от злой принял помощь Румпельштильцхена.

Генри Миллс

Henry Mills


Сын Эммы Свон и Нила Кэссиди, отданный Эммой на усыновление сразу после рождения. Приёмный сын Реджины Миллс.




Полубог, сын Зевса и племянник Аида. Дружил с молодой Белоснежкой и научил её стрелять из лука. Погиб во время выполнения одного из своих подвигов: не смог убить Цербера, и попал в Подземный мир. В дальнейшем разобрался со своим неоконченным делом и взошёл на Олимп вместе с Мегарой.

Герхардт Франкенштейн

Gerhardt Frankenstein


Младший брат Виктора Франкенштейна (доктора Виктора Уэйла), офицер. Был застрелен. Являлся первым, кого «оживил» Виктор.

Гидеон Голд

Gideon Gold


Сын Румпельштильцхена (мистера Голда) и Белль.

Голубая фея (мать-настоятельница)

Blue Fairy (Mother Superior)


Главная фея, член Военного совета Зачарованного Леса. Так как феи бессмертны, является старейшим жителем Зачарованного Леса. В Сторибруке возглавляет монашеский приход, в котором все монахини — бывшие феи.

Грег Мэнделл (Оуэн Флинн)

Greg Mendell (Owen Flynn)


Курт Флинн и его маленький сын Оуэн были в походе в лесу штата Мэн в 1983 году, ночуя под открытым небом, когда проклятие вступило в силу. Наутро они увидели, что на месте леса вокруг появился Сторибрук. После гибели отца Оуэн убежал, но все эти годы не забывал о том, что случилось. После разрушения заклятия уже взрослый Оуэн под другим именем попадает в аварию на границе Сторибрука.

Грэйс (Пейдж)

Grace (Paige)


Дочь Сумасшедшего Шляпника. В Сторибруке её зовут Пейдж, и она живёт в другой семье. Учится в одном классе с Генри.




Работала на Джафара, после того, как он освободил ее из заточения, так как у него находился кинжал с помощью котого можно было лишить ее магических сил. Питается страхом.




Темный маг. Пытался собрать трех джинов, чтобы получить силу,которая сможет сможет нарушить законы магии.

Подробнее »




Возлюбленный Клоринды, её жених.

Джепетто (Марко)

Geppetto (Marco)


Мастер-столяр из сказки Карло Коллоди «Приключения Пиноккио. История деревянной куклы».

Джон Дарлинг

John Darling


Один из Потерянных мальчиков Питера Пэна. Британец двадцати с небольшим лет. Прибыл в Сторибрук, чтобы помешать жителям города найти артефакт против Питера Пэна. Средний ребёнок в семье Дарлинг.

Дороти Гейл

Dorothy Gale


Молодая девушка из Канзаса, чей дом ураганом принесло в Страну Оз. Возвращается домой при помощи серебряных туфелек, которые ей обманом дала Зелина, боящаяся, что Дороти займёт её место Волшебницы Запада.

Подробнее »

Дэвид Нолан (Прекрасный Принц)

David Nolan (Prince Charming)


Глава Военного совета Зачарованного Леса, муж Белоснежки и отец Эммы. Во время проклятия находился в коме, из которой вышел вскоре после того, как сдвинулись стрелки часов. Снова влюбился в Белоснежку (ставшую в реальном мире Мэри Маргарет Бланшар), но никак не мог решиться быть с ней. После снятия проклятия воссоединился с женой, дочерью и внуком и участвовал во всех дальнейших приключениях.




Первая любовь Реджины. Они хотели сбежать и тайно сыграть свадьбу, но Кора узнала об их планах. В итоге Кора убила Дэниэла, вырвав ему сердце и уничтожив его на глазах своей дочери. Реджина применила противотленное заклинание, чтобы Дэниэл никогда не разложился. В Сторибруке его гроб находился в фамильном склепе Реджины. После снятия проклятия был неудачно воскрешен доктором Виктором Уэйлом (он же Франкенштейн). Из-за того, что Дэниэл сильно страдал после оживления и не мог себя контролировать: поначалу атаковал Реджину и едва не убил Генри — Реджине пришлось при помощи магии убить его.




Принцесса Аграбы, искала Алладина, чтобы он спас её государство от деспотизма колдуна Джафара.




Верховный бог в древнегреческой мифологии, брат Аида. Хочет одолеть его, чтобы тот оставил свои планы по завоеванию Надземного мира.




Злая ведьма Запада, сводная сестра Злой Королевы. Всю свою жизнь в волшебной стране Оз она сильно завидовала сестре. От безудержной зависти ее кожа в буквальном смысле стала зеленой. Ведьма направила свои магические силы на месть сестре и всем, кто станет у неё на пути. Она могла управлять проклятием, которое переместило всех жителей Зачарованного Леса обратно в Сторибрук. Именно там Зелина пыталась привести свой тщательно продуманный план в исполнение, но он провалился. Была убита Румпельштильцхеном, но сумела воскреснуть.

Злая Королева (Реджина Миллс)

Evil Queen (Regina Mills)


Мачеха Белоснежки, владеющая магией и сумевшая наложить проклятие на Зачарованный Лес. В реальном мире — мэр Сторибрука и приёмная мать Генри.

Реджина родилась в семье принца Генри, сына короля Ксавьера, и Коры, дочери мельника

Золушка (Эшли Бойд)

Cinderella (Ashley Boyd)


Первоначально была горничной у своей мачехи, потом при помощи Румпельштильцхена попала на бал и встретилась с принцем Томасом. За это она должна отдать Тёмному своего первенца. Ребенка она спасает, но её возлюбленный Томас исчезает. В Сторибруке она девятнадцатилетняя Эшли Бойд, одинокая беременная горничная. В дальнейшем воссоединяется со своим принцем и рожает дочь Александру.

Капитан Крюк (Киллиан Джонс)

Captain Hook (Killian Jones)


Пират, потерявший возлюбленную и руку из-за Румпельштильцхена, жаждущий мести. Около трёхсот лет провёл в Неверленде. В отношениях с Эммой Свон.

Капитан Немо



Основан на одноимённом герое романа «Двадцать тысяч лье под водой», был описан представителями телеканала ABC так: «ожесточившийся лидер подводной лодки Наутилус, ревностно веривший в причину того, что привело его от двадцати тысяч лье под водой к судьбе, которой он не даст никому помешать». По отечески относится к Лиаму Джонсу, пытается помогать заблудшим душам, вроде Крюка, живущего одной лишь местью Румпельштильцхену.




Приемная сестра Золушки. На самом деле «добрая сестра».

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