Рассказ на английском про спортивное событие в россии

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Спорт в России/ Sport in Russia с переводом на русский язык.

Sport in Russia Спорт в России
Lots of people in the world are fond of sports and games. Some like keeping fit and healthy, some like doing sport to become more organized and disciplined, and some like sport because it’s a competitive activity. Многие люди в мире любят спортивные состязания и игры. Некоторым нравится заботиться о своей фигуре и здоровье, некоторые любят заниматься спортом, чтобы стать более организованными и дисциплинированными, а некоторые любят спорт из-за соперничества.
Russian people are no exception. They also like different types of sport both doing them and watching. Moreover, sport has always been very popular in our country and there are hundreds of Olympic champions who come from Russia. Among them, Larisa Latynina, Lyubov Yegorova, Yevgeny Kafelnikov, Ilia Kulik, Elena Berezhnaya and many others. Российский народ не является исключением. Они также любят различные виды спорта, как заниматься ими, так и смотреть их. Кроме того, спорт всегда был очень популярен в нашей стране, и существуют сотни олимпийских чемпионов, выходцев из России. Среди них, Лариса Латынина, Любовь Егорова, Евгений Кафельников, Илья Кулик, Елена Бережная и многие другие.
Nearly every Russian city has a number of stadiums, swimming-pools, tennis courts, skiing slopes, ice rinks, and many other sports facilities. Почти каждый город России имеет ряд стадионов, бассейнов, теннисных кортов, горнолыжных трасс, катков и многих других спортивных сооружений.
Traditionally all sports in the country are divided into professional and amateur. Professional sportsmen take part in different important competitions and championships. Lots of world records in sports have been set by Russian sportsmen, especially by weightlifters, swimmers, gymnasts, figure skaters, tennis players, runners, jumpers and other professionals in their field. Apart from that, Russian sportsmen have won lots of gold, silver and bronze medals for their country in the Olympic Games. Традиционно все виды спорта в стране делятся на профессиональные и любительские. Профессиональные спортсмены принимают участие в различных важных соревнованиях и чемпионатах. Многие мировые рекорды в спорте были установлены русскими спортсменами, особенно тяжелоатлетами, пловцами, гимнастами, фигуристами, теннисистами, бегунами, прыгунами и другими специалистами в своей области. Кроме того, российские спортсмены завоевали множество золотых, серебряных и бронзовых медалей для своей страны на Олимпийских играх.
Thanks to the growing popularity of sport, there appear more and more fitness centers, where not only professional sportsmen but also the amateurs can do yoga, aerobics and bodybuilding exercises. It’s useful fro every person, as it helps to keep fit and in good shape. Other amateurs prefer simply to ride a bicycle or roller-skate in the nearest parks. More expensive and risky activities, which are available for amateurs in Russia, include scuba-diving, horse-riding, car-racing, skiing and some other sports. Благодаря растущей популярности спорта, появляется все больше и больше фитнес — центров, где не только профессиональные спортсмены, но и любители могут заниматься йогой, аэробикой и упражнениями бодибилдинга. Это полезно для каждого человека, так как помогает поддерживать себя здоровье и хорошую форму. Другие любители просто предпочитают кататься на велосипеде или роликовых коньках в ближайших парках. Более дорогие и рискованные мероприятия, доступные для любителей в России, включают подводное плавание, верховую езду, авто — гонки, катание на лыжах и другие виды спорта.


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  • himiya

    24 секунд назад

    Определить коэффициенты активности и активность всех ионов в водном растворе Na2SO4 с молярной концентрацией 0,005 М. 

  • himiya

    52 секунд назад

    Определить значение рН 0,01 М водного раствора аммиака.

  • himiya

    1 минута назад

    Определите растворимость в воде (s, моль/л) труднорастворимой соли Tl2CO3 . Какой станет растворимость этой же соли при добавлении 0,2 М раствора карбоната натрия? 

  • istoriya

    2 минуты назад

    Помогите выбрать верный вариант прошу

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    7 минут назад

    Помогите с Химией!!


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  • himiya

    24 секунд назад

    Определить коэффициенты активности и активность всех ионов в водном растворе Na2SO4 с молярной концентрацией 0,005 М. 

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    52 секунд назад

    Определить значение рН 0,01 М водного раствора аммиака.

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Sports events in Russia have always been popular. Uniting people and nations, sport has earned great love and respect in our country. Russians posses a huge sports potential and are widely known as passionate spectators. This is exactly why we have gathered up-to-date information on Russia sports events 2018!


  • 1 Moscow Marathon Series 2018
  • 2 Match Russia-Brazil 2018
  • 3 Biathlon World Cup in Tyumen
  • 4 Proriv Festival
  • 5 2018 FIFA World Cup
  • 6 UFC fight show
  • 7 Formula 1 2018 VTB Grand Prix

Moscow Marathon Series 2018

Photo: https://moscowmarathon.runc.run/

April Race

On April 1 over 7500 people will meet at the Luzhniki sports complex to have a good 5 km race, make new friends and to start the month with a massive portion of incredible emotions. Detailed information on how to join the run can be found on the official site.

Fox Hill Cross Country

The Fox Hill Cross Country is another exciting April marathon. It will take place at the fascinating Bitsev park on April 15. The distance will be chosen for each person individually depending on the runners age. At the end of the race first three winners in every age category will be rewarded. Participation will cost 600 rubles ($11).

When and where: April 15, Bitsev Forest park

Photo: https://moscowmarathon.runc.run/

Moscow Half Marathon

On May 20 the largest half marathon in Russia is being held. All citizen and guests are invited to join the major running event to run along Moskva-river embankments with views of world-famous landmarks, such as the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, St. Basil’s Cathedral and the Kremlin. The Marathon promises to be thrilling. You can find more information on the official site.

Color Run

Photo: https://colorrun5km.runc.run/

Color Run is  the craziest, the most exciting and vivid Marathon of the year. Complete a 5 km distance all covered in paint! Some amazing shoots can be made, can’t they? You are welcome to complete an online registration and join us in this most colorful event on June 10! Detailed information is given on the official website. If you’ve ever run races, you know how crowd support can immensely boost runners’ spirits.

Please don’t be shy to encourage passing runners even if you don’t know them. You can also register to become a volunteer. Each volunteer will receive a t-shirt, experience in organizing a major sporting event, positive emotions and gratitude of the runners.

Moscow Night Run

Photo: https://nightrun10km.runc.run/

On June 28 our guests have a chance to join a fascinating 10 km run through the center of the beautiful Russian capital. A mesmerizing view, warm weather, new friends and lots of positive emotions! More detailed information is given on the official site.

Hurry up to register before April to get a 200 ruble discount and pay 1000 rubles ($18) for a ticket instead of 1200($21).

Luzhniki Half Marathon Moscow

Photo: https://luzhnikihalf.runc.run/en/

Another exciting marathon will take place in Luzhniki on August 26. Our dear guests are welcome to take part in this fascinating event or simply encourage friends! Luzhniki Half Marathon course runs along embankments in the center of Moscow. This most cheerful but rather difficult course will be supported by 4 drink and food stations. Judges will refresh runners with water streams! The official site will give you useful information on when and where the Marathon will start.

Moscow Marathon

The biggest and the most important running event of the country is surely the Moscow Marathon! It is a long 42 km and a shorter 10 km run for all guests and citizen of Moscow. The participants must have a medical certificate proving that running will be safe for the owners health. The marathon will take place on September 21. This will be a dynamic, fun and exciting run for all participants and volunteers! The official site will give more details on this major running event.

Visiting Moscow in 2018? Great! Check out these top 15 Moscow 2018 events.

Match Russia-Brazil 2018

On March 23 a friendly match between two opponing football teams is being held on the famous Luzhniki arena, that has been brilliantly prepared for the FIFA World Cup final. Russia and Brazil will meet on the field to prove their dignity and their countries talent in sports! Tickets can be bought on the official website. This one is a crucial match for the Russian team right before the FIFA World Cup in June!

Biathlon World Cup in Tyumen

Photo: http://wcb.csp72.ru/

The Biathlon World Cup in Tyumen is a curious event, awaited by everyone who is passionate about sports. The Biathlon Cup 9 is actively attracting impatient Biathlon fans from all over the world. Tickets on the best row A are already sold out!

We have gathered useful advice on where to buy tickets and precious news on what to do between the games for our guests to avoid any information-searching fuss. You can attend different entertaining events while waiting for the next match such as performances, concerts and historical museum visits.

Tyumen is a cozy and heartfelt place that is ready to hospitably meet biathlon fans from March 21 to March 25 and give you all incredible emotions and everlasting memories!

Proriv Festival

Photo: https://vk.com/album-112273446_263578333

Out of all of the Moscow Festivals Proriv can surely be called the most dangerous, thrilling and spectacular festival of the year. On March 31 the famous Olympiyskiy sports complex in Moscow will introduce a mind blowing international festival of extreme sports! The planet’s best extreme sportsmen will demonstrate their unique talents in Moto freestyle, mountain boarding, drifting, street workout and other most breathtaking sports activities!

Astonishing speed, impressive physical exertion and jaw dropping height will give some crazy experience to all the spectators! The 11th Proriv Festival this year promises to be bright and memorable, like always!

2018 FIFA World Cup

The most popular sport event for Russia this year is definitely the FIFA World Cup! Football fans from all over the planet will have a chance to enjoy newly reconstructed football stadiums in 11 different Russian cities.

From June 14 to July 15 Russia will host 32 national teams! A total of 64 matches will be held in 12 different, specially prepared venues with a long-awaited final at the famous, outstanding Luzhniki stadium on June 15.

Our guests will have a chance to enjoy other special events in Russia, such as festivals and historical tours while waiting for the next football match. 2018 is curious to give all visitors in Russia some unforgettable memories and exciting travel experience. For sure, the FIFA World Cup 2018 will step into sports history as a massive, vivid and memorable event.

UFC fight show

This year all passionate fans of Ultimate Fight Championship might have a chance to visit one of the most spectacular and awaited fights between two legendary lightweight champions.

Khabib Nurmagomedov, an undefeated Russian MMA fighter and his most serious opponent – inimitable Conor Mcgregor are likely to meet on the Olympiyskiy sports complex arena for the first time! The two fighters have already had an internet-battle in twitter, promising to defeat each other. Hopefully, on September 15 (as it is being planned) we will finally find out who the real champion is.

Formula 1 2018 VTB Grand Prix

This year the Olympic park in Sochi, which has hosted the Olympic Winter Games 2014, is now ready to meet excited Formula 1 fans! Sochi is impatiently waiting for the world’s best racers and thrilled spectators to enjoy the most modern circuit in Eastern Europe. The track has been built especially for Formula 1 and will impress the crowd again, this time on September 30.

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