Рассказ на английском языке про необычный дом

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My unusual flying houseI`ve got a very nice house. There are a lot of big and small rooms in it. There are two cozy bedrooms and my room upstairs. There is a large living — room with a comfortable sofa and armchairs. In the middle of the living-room and on the roof there is a tall tree. There is a kitchen, a hall and two bathrooms on the ground-floor. There is a long ladder outside the house.You can see a large bridge in front of the house. There are some small towers at the top of the house.My house looks like an old fairy-tale castle flying in the blue sky among the white clouds and big orange fishes. They can fly because they are fairy-tale fishes too.My house is very unusual. It doesn`t stand on the ground. It is in the sky and it can travel to different countries and to the Moon. My flying house is very warm. The sun warms it up in good weather and there is a fire-place in it when it is cold and rainy.I like to rest with my friends and pets in my nice house. And I can talk with the fishes from the windows of my house. My friends and I like to watch different towns and villages on the ground sitting in my flying house.У меня есть очень красивый дом. В нем много больших и маленьких комнат. На верхнем этаже расположены две уютные спальни и моя комната.Есть большая гостиная с удобным диваном и креслами. Посреди гостиной и на крыше растет высокое дерево. На первом этаже находятся кухня. прихожая и две ванные комнаты. Снаружи дома есть длинная лестница.Перед домом вы видите большой мост. Наверху дома расположены небольшие башенки.Мой дом, летящий по голубому небу среди белых облаков и большущих оранжевых рыб. Они умеют летать. потому что они тоже сказочные.Мой дом очень необычный. Он не стоит на земле. Он в небе, и он может путешествовать по разным странам и на Луну. Мой летающий дом очень теплый. Солнышко обогревает его в хорошую погоду, а когда холодно и дождливо есть камин.Я люблю отдыхать с друзьями и моими домашними животными в своем хорошем доме. А из окон я могу разговаривать с рыбами. Мы с друзьями любим смотреть на разные города и деревушки на земле, сидя в моем летающем доме.

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Помогите описание необычных домов мира на английском

1 ответ:



В Техасе, США, существует дом-чайник. Странное сооружение, не имеющее жильцов. Откуда и когда он появился местные жители уже и не помнят, но туда регулярно наведывается некто, хотя правды толком не знает никто.                                                                                                                                                               Перевод:                                                            In Texas, USA, there is a kettle house. A strange building without tenants. Where and when he appeared local residents already do not remember, but there regularly visits someone, although no one really knows the truth.                                                                                                                                                          2.Здание.                                                              В Китае есть потрясающее здание. Посреди пустыря стоит огромный рояль с прислоненной к нему скрипкой. Дом не является жилым, это место, где студенты музыкального колледжа совершенствуют свои таланты.                                                                                                                                                              Перевод:                                                           In China, there is an amazing building. In the middle of the vacant lot there is a huge piano with a violin propped against it. The house is not residential, this is the place where students of the College of Music improve their talents.                                                                                                                                                                            3.Здание.                                                             В Сопоте, Польша, существует «Кривой дом». Странное, все изогнутое, но при этом поразительно гармоничное здание, возведенное всего за год. Его хозяева — известный шведский художник и польский иллюстратор живут в нем по сей день.                                                                                                                 Перевод:                                                      n Sopot, Poland, there is a «Crooked House». Strange, all curved, but at the same time strikingly harmonious building erected in just a year. Its owners — a famous Swedish artist and Polish illustrator live in it to this day.

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<span>(C) He does not … He is

<span>How old are they? Twelve.
Сколько им лет? Двенадцать.
</span><span>Where are they from? Moscow
</span>Откуда они? Из Москвы.
Have they got a big family? <span>mum,dad and sister Julia
</span>У них большая семья? Мама, папа и сестра Джулия.
What are they like? <span>a talented sportsman,merry,brave and smart
</span>Что в них нравится? Они талантливые спортсмены, очаровательны, храбры и умны.
What do they like? <span>sport and travelling
</span>Что им нравится? Спорт и путешествия.
What are they good at? <span>skateboarding,snowboarding and carting
</span>В чём они хороши? В скейтбординге, сноубординге и картинге.
What are they famous for? <span>Master ofSports in carting
</span>Чем они знамениты? Они — мастера спорта в картинге.
<span>What are their dream jobs? a sportsman
</span>Кем они хотят работать? Спортсменами.

My sister is a very good dentist, isn’t she?They are not writing now, are they?Jim has got much money, hasn’t he?Olga can’t swim fast, can she?Students must come to University in time, mustn’t they?You will cross the street at the green light, won’t you?Olga met her boy-friend yesterday, didn’t she?Father didn’t buy car last week, did he?Father didn’t buy car last week, did he?

1) It sounds like you are afraid of the bear that we saw yesterday.
2) How about climbing in mountains tomorrow?
3) There are realy the variety of things that I am not awared of!
4) Yes, I have heard something about that race.
5) Has she ever heard about The New York Times?
6) Have you learned well about those swimming facilities? 
7) It is so boring in space, is not it?

1.I am eating an ice-cream now
2.He is running around
3.Why are you laughing?
4. What are you doing?
5.We are landing in Heathrow in 20 minutes.

My unusual flying houseI’ve got a very nice house. There are a lot of big and small rooms in it. There are two cozy bedrooms and my room upstairs. There is a large living — room with a comfortable sofa and armchairs. In the middle of the living-room and on the roof there is a tall tree. There is a kitchen, a hall and two bathrooms on the ground-floor. There is a long ladder outside the house. You can see a large bridge in front of the house. There are some small towers at the top of the house. My house looks like an old fairy-tale castle flying in the blue sky among the white clouds and big orange fishes. They can fly because they are fairy-tale fishes too. My house is very unusual. It doesn’t stand on the ground. It is in the sky and it can travel to different countries and to the Moon. My flying house is very warm. The sun warms it up in good weather and there is a fire-place in it when it is cold and rainy. I like to rest with my friends and pets in my nice house. And I can talk with the fishes from the windows of my house. My friends and I like to watch different towns and villages on the ground sitting in my flying house.

У меня есть очень красивый дом. В нем много больших и маленьких комнат. На верхнем этаже расположены две уютные спальни и моя комната. Есть большая гостиная с удобным диваном и креслами. Посреди гостиной и на крыше растет высокое дерево. На первом этаже находятся кухня. прихожая и две ванные комнаты. Снаружи дома есть длинная лестница. Перед домом вы видите большой мост. Наверху дома расположены небольшие башенки. Мой дом, летящий по голубому небу среди белых облаков и большущих оранжевых рыб. Они умеют летать. потому что они тоже сказочные. Мой дом очень необычный. Он не стоит на земле. Он в небе, и он может путешествовать по разным странам и на Луну. Мой летающий дом очень теплый. Солнышко обогревает его в хорошую погоду, а когда холодно и дождливо есть камин. Я люблю отдыхать с друзьями и моими домашними животными в своем хорошем доме. А из окон я могу разговаривать с рыбами. Мы с друзьями любим смотреть на разные города и деревушки на земле, сидя в моем летающем доме.

Слайд 1World’s Most Unusual Houses — 
Home Sweet Home

World's Most Unusual Houses - Home Sweet Home

Слайд 2Home is probably one of the safest and most peaceful places

for a person to be at. No matter how it looks like, its has a charm of comfort and a glow of peacefulness.
Its hard to believe if the residents of the houses below think the same too.

You will love to see them but the question is whether you have the guts to live in one?

Home is probably one of the safest and most peaceful places for a person to be at.

Слайд 3Kettle House
The Kettle House in Texas, United not only looks like

a kettle but also works like one.

Kettle House The Kettle House in Texas, United not only looks like a kettle but also works

Слайд 4Stone House

This Stone House in Portugal is one of the best

examples of elements of nature put to good use. As surprising as it may seen but people actually live in that house.

Stone House This Stone House in Portugal is one of the best examples of elements of nature

Слайд 5Crooked House
The Crooked House stands as an example of the one

of the best architectures ever made. Its curve structure makes it one of the most exceptional and unusual houses of the world.

Crooked HouseThe Crooked House stands as an example of the one of the best architectures ever made.

Слайд 6Cubic House
The Cubic Houses from Rotterdamn, Netherlands is a group of

homes group together to make a geometry of cubes. The amazing factor here is how these houses manage to not fall down.

Cubic HouseThe Cubic Houses from Rotterdamn, Netherlands is a group of homes group together to make a

Слайд 7Dome House
The Dome House in Flora, United States is a pleasant

looking white house with some exceptional dome architecture.

Dome HouseThe Dome House in Flora, United States is a pleasant looking white house with some exceptional

Слайд 8Cob House
The Cob House from Vancouver, Canada is made purely out

of clay, sand, straw and water.

Cob House The Cob House from Vancouver, Canada is made purely out of clay, sand, straw and

Слайд 9Hole House
The Hole House from Texas, United Stats is either an

art project or the aftermath of a terrible accident. Whatever it may be, its definitely exceptional.

Hole HouseThe Hole House from Texas, United Stats is either an art project or the aftermath of

Слайд 10Shoe House
Looks like someone is a big fan of fairy tales

eh? This Shoe House from Pennsylvania, United States resembles a shoe in all aspects except for that its missing laces.

Shoe HouseLooks like someone is a big fan of fairy tales eh? This Shoe House from Pennsylvania,

Слайд 11UFO House
The UFO House in Taiwan definitely looks scary but is

totally Alien-less we guarantee that. A similar house is there in China, too.

UFO HouseThe UFO House in Taiwan definitely looks scary but is totally Alien-less we guarantee that. A

Слайд 12Pickle House
Ever seen a pickle barrel? The Pickle House in Minnesota,

United States is a one amazing yet unusual house full of people (not pickles).

Pickle HouseEver seen a pickle barrel? The Pickle House in Minnesota, United States is a one amazing

Слайд 13Bart Prince Homes
Bart Prince is an architect who is well

known for his unusual structures. These include many unusual homes that break the mould of the box-shaped buildings we all drew as children and are some of the world’s most unusual houses. Each home revolves around a central theme, and is designed from the ‘inside out’. Bart Prince’s own home is of course a testament to this original and quirky design – some kind of metallic snake-like looking building that is suspended in the air and features unusual looking antennae along with some other mysterious features.

Bart Prince Homes Bart Prince is an architect who is well known for his unusual structures. These

Слайд 14Dal al Hajar
Dal al Hajar in Yemen is one of the

world’s most unusual houses for sure but it quite different from those designs of Bart Prince. This is really more of a palace than a house per-se, but was designed to be a summer home. Cut straight into the rock that forms its base it is highly tall and narrow in its design and made up from many different layers and levels.

Dal al HajarDal al Hajar in Yemen is one of the world's most unusual houses for sure

Слайд 15Bubble House
The bubble house in Tourettes-su-Loup, France is listed as a

historic monument despite being designed in the 70s and being as-yet incomplete. The design is highly futuristic and you might expect from the name it is made up from several ‘bubble’ shapes give it round ceilings and walls – which is reflected in the curved convex windows and doors too. It also features a range of round pools and waterfalls and if that wasn’t enough it’s situated on a volcanic terrain.

Bubble HouseThe bubble house in Tourettes-su-Loup, France is listed as a historic monument despite being designed in

Слайд 16Upside Down House
Situated in Szymbark in Poland, the upside down house

is essentially exactly what it sounds like – a house that is completely upside down. Looking like any other wooden home apart from that rather distinguishing feature, it was designed to be a statement on ‘communism and the end of the world’ (whatever that means…). Apparently just standing inside the building can make you feel dizzy and seasick. One of the world’s most unusual houses and apparently one of the most sickening and disorientating as well!

Upside Down HouseSituated in Szymbark in Poland, the upside down house is essentially exactly what it sounds

Слайд 17Toilet Shaped House
Again this is a house that is adequately described

by its title – the toilet shaped house is a house that is shaped like a toilet, or more accurately a toilet seat with a distinct lack of cistern at the back. The windows are glass around the outside making for a very spacious and light interior. This masterpiece can be found in Suweon, South Korea.

Toilet Shaped HouseAgain this is a house that is adequately described by its title – the toilet

Слайд 18What house
do you, personally, dream about?

What house  do you, personally, dream about?

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