Рассказ о арбате на английском языке с переводом

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Улица Арбат/ Arbat Street с переводом на русский язык.

Arbat Street Улица Арбат
The Arbat is definitely one of the most famous streets in Moscow. Every tourist when he comes to Moscow tries to visit this street and take some photos. Арбат — это, вне всякого сомнения, самая знаменитая улица Москвы. Приезжая в столицу, каждый путешественник стремится непременно прогуляться по ней и сделать памятные фотографии.
Everybody knows that the Arbat is a pedestrian street but not everybody knows that it hasn’t been not always this way. Long ago there were some horse carriages here then at the beginning of the XX century there were first tramcars and later some trolleybuses. And only in 1990s the Arbat became the way we know it today with no traffic. Все знают, что Арбат — это пешеходная улица, но мало кому известно, что так было далеко не всегда. Раньше здесь ездили экипажи, запряженные лошадьми, затем, в начале XX века, — первые трамваи, а после уже и троллейбусы. Лишь только в 1990 годах движение транспорта по Арбату перекрыли, и он приобрел свой современный статус.
Today this street looks like bright fair with lots of different shops, souvenirs kiosks, cafes bad restaurants. The Arbat was this way at the beginning of the XIX century when the first merchants came here and opened apartment houses, shops and cafes. Сегодня улица очень похожа на нарядную ярмарку со множеством различных магазинов, сувенирных лавок, кафе и ресторанов. Подобный статус Арбат приобрел примерно в конце XIX века, когда здесь стали появляться купцы, содержащие доходные дома, торговые лавки и заведения общественного питания.
Before that in the XVII century there were a lot of palace and shooters’ slobodas and their names still remain the same you can see it in the names of the side streets close to the Arbat. Later on in the XVIII century the Arbat became one of the most aristocratic streets of the city. До этого времени, в XVII веке, на Арбате было выстроено множество дворцовых и стрелецких слобод, названия которых сохранились до сих пор в наименованиях примыкающих к улице переулков. Затем в XVIII веке Арбат превратился в одну из самых аристократических улиц города.
Generally speaking the Arbat is over 500 year old. It was mentioned in 1493 for the first time. At first the word «Arbat» (actually «Orbat») meant «suburb» in Arabic and the whole area to the West from the Kremlin till the Garden Ring was called this way. Then people started calling this street this way and right now it became a real symbol of our capital. Вообще, история Арбата насчитывает уже более пятисот лет, ведь первое упоминание о нем появилось еще в 1493 году. Сначала словом «Арбат» (а точнее, «Орбат»), означающим «пригород» в переводе с арабского языка, называли всю территорию, лежащую к западу от Кремля до Садового кольца. Потом постепенно так стали именовать и улицу, которая теперь стала настоящим символом нашей столицы.

The Arbat is a unique phenomenon both for Moscow and for the whole Russia. It became a pedestrian street after its reconstruction in 1986. This street still attracts hundreds and thousands of tourists from all over the world. It is simply impossible to walk along the Arbat without meeting a foreigner. The Arbat is a synonym to all the pedestrian streets in Russian cities. It is not a very long street with the length of only 1.2 km (0.75 miles). That is why it is better to combine a walk along the street with a visit to the Red Square or Alexander Garden.

Although one can walk along the Arbat all day long. In the Arbat one can visit plenty of souvenir shops, have lunch or dinner in one of its restaurants, order a portrait from a street artist or stop and listen to street musicians. With such a program a day will go too quickly and may be will not be enough for the whole Arbat.
Arbat, Moscow

As for the name of the street there are several versions none of which is 100 percent true. Anyway, the most popular one says that the name «arbat» was brought by eastern merchants. In their language the word «arbad» means suburb, outskirts. The street was not officially renamed to the Old Arbat though there is the New Arbat Street nearby since 1994. A part of Kalinina Prospect received this new name. The New Arbat is not a pedestrian street that is why the Arbat still remains to be the center of attraction for tourists and has an unofficial name of the Old Arbat.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

How to Get to the Arbat in Moscow

The easiest and fastest way to start a walking tour along Moscow is by metro. The Old Arbat lies between two metro stations. «Arbatskaya» metro station is in the beginning of the street and «Smolenskaya» metro station is in its end. In case if you plan to combine a walk along the Arbat with a visit to the Red Square it would be wiser to see the street from its end to the beginning that is from «Smolenskaya» metro station to «Arbatskaya» one. It is easy to walk three quarters along Vozdvizhenka Street from «Arbatskaya» metro station and you will find yourself in Alexander Garden by the walls of the Moscow Kremlin.

Walking Tour along the Arbat

The Arbat has incorporated all the flair of the USSR, the reformation period and the modern Russia. The Old Arbat is one of the few places in Russia where one can feel the special atmosphere of junk markets that used to be popular in the 90-s alongside with that of the merchants buildings of the 19th century and modern shops and restaurants. It is in the Arbat where a foreigner can buy anything that is in his or her opinion is the symbol of Russia. So the Arbat offers winter fur caps, matryoshkas (Russian nesting dolls), flags, and amber, jeweled eggs of Faberge, souvenirs with the Kremlin, the Moskva (Moscow) River, and Saint Basil’s Cathedral and so on and so forth.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

Apart from all of these things the Arbat can at the same time show its absolutely different nature, but this is for those who want to appreciate the gist of things. People wrote and sang a lot about the Arbat. This is the street where many famous people lived and many great writers walked. Mikhail Bulgakov for example liked to walk along the Arbat. He even used that street as the scenery in his novel «The Master and Margarita».

There is the famous restaurant Prague in the very beginning of the street. This is the place where the so beloved by all Russians cake called «Ptichye Moloko» (pigeon milk) was invented. In fact «Ptichye Moloko» was the first culinary product to obtain a patent in the USSR. There is a confectionary on the ground floor of the restaurant today. Everyone can taste the legendary cake there.

One can never leave the Old Arbat being hungry. Here is a wide range of snack bars, cafes, fast food restaurants, canteens, bars and traditional restaurants. Such a competition makes them constantly improve the quality of food and service. They also use bright facades to attract tourists.
Arbat, Moscow

Still the main and most famous attraction of the Arbat is the street artists. They give the street the long forgotten flair of the 90-s, the flair of freedom and Coke.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

The Arbat has received a new better look within the last years. Apart from being the most famous street in the country it also received a proper decoration. Besides it is now possible not only to walk along it, but also to sit and rest.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

The Arbat and its Attractions

There is no exaggeration in saying that each building in the Arbat bears the impress of history or its owners. This is the hotel by A. Echkin that exists since 1904.
Arbat, Moscow

The next building is the house of Association of Russian Doctors. The hero of the war with Napoleon in 1812 Denis Davydov used to live here for some time.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

Our walking rout passes by the most famous building in the Old Arbat. This is the so called «house with knights». It was built in 1914 and in those times it looked like a real sky-scraper and offered apartments for the richest residents.
Arbat, Moscow

There is a memorial-fountain to Princess Turandot right in front of the «house with knights». This memorial decorates the entrance to the Eugenie Vahktangov State Academic Theatre.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

This is when we came to the most controversial attraction in the Arbat. This is Viktor Tsoi memorial wall. Tsoi was the legendary rock-star and his fans and admirers turned and ordinary garage wall into a memorial. The signs on the wall keep on changing, but the meaning is eternal: «Tsoi lives!» This legendary phrase, which carries so much meaning, as well as the famous «Elvis has left the building!»
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

There is a memorial to Bulat Okudzhava on the cross of the Arbat and Plotnikov Lane. He was a great soviet poet. Bulat Okudzhava was born in Moscow and devoted a lot of his songs to Moscow and the Arbat in particular.
Arbat, Moscow

Pushkin Museum in the Arbat in Moscow

We came to the house of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin by the end of our excursion along the Old Arbat, since it is situated at the very end of the street. It is hard to miss the house – there is a memorial tablet on it. Besides there is a memorial to the poet and his wife Natalia Goncharova right in front of the house. The memorial shows the couple with a reason since this the house where the newlyweds spend the first few months after the wedding. Right until the poet broke up with his mother-in-law who interfered into their affairs. After that the couple left for Saint-Petersburg.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

The building behind the Pushkin house is one of the Stalin’s high-rises. It is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
Arbat, Moscow

The house itself is of two floors. The museum displays things that belonged to the poet and his close relations alongside with some copies, drafts and letters. It is always interesting to visit a place where a famous person lived and the memory of whom will live forever. Although he it did not spend too much time here.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

The Arbat attracts hundreds of visitors every day. The street is so famous that it is included into top-5 must-sees for both Russian and foreign tourists. This street is only deserted in early morning at about 8 a.m. when all the citizens wake up and hurry to work. This is the time when the Arbat is not a pedestrian street yet, but an ordinary rout from somebody’s home to somebody’s work. But the street turns into the residence of street art, souvenir shops and restaurants at the midday.
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow
Arbat, Moscow

Обновлено: 10.01.2023

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале подготовлено описание достопримечательностей Москвы. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.

Red Square

Red Square is one of the most famous Russia’s places of interest. It is located right in the heart of Moscow.

Many significant buildings surround Red Square. There is the Kremlin, Lenin’s Mausoleum, Saint Basil’s Cathedral, GUM trading house and Kazan Cathedral there. The State Historical Museum is also located in the square.

Red Square is the place where a lot of festivals are celebrated.

The Kremlin

The Kremlin is a fortified complex in the centre of Moscow. It is the main political and historical place of the city.

The walls of the Kremlin are made in the form of an irregular triangle. The Troitskaya Tower is the tallest tower of the Kremlin. Its height is 80 metres . The Spasskaya Tower features the clock which is known as the Kremlin chimes. The Kremlin has 20 towers in total.

Today the Kremlin is the official residence of the President of Russia.

Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Saint Basil’s Cathedral is located in Red Square. This Orthodox church is a world-famous landmark. The church was built in the XVI century by order of Ivan the Terrible . There are 11 domes in Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Its height is 65 metres .

In the XX century the church was open for public as a museum. It is one of the most recognizable tourist attractions. Saint Basil’s Cathedral is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The Bolshoi Theatre

The Bolshoi Theatre is one of the most renowned theatres in the world. It is located in the heart of Moscow in Theatre Square. The performances of ballet and opera are held there.

The Bolshoi Theatre was founded in 1776. Since then more than 800 productions have been staged there.

A lot of artists who work in the Bolshoi Theatre are awarded honorary titles. From 2005 to 2011 the theatre was closed for reconstruction.

The State Tretyakov Gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery is one of the largest depositaries of Russian fine art in the world. It was founded in 1856 by Pavel Tretyakov, a Moscow merchant.

At first the gallery was located in a mansion owned by the Tretyakov family but with the growth of the collection new extensions were added to the mansion.

During the Great Patriotic War the collection was conveyed to Novosibirsk and in May 1945 returned to Moscow.

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour was built in the XIX century. The cathedral is a memorial to those who died during the invasion of Napoleon Bonaparte.

It took 44 years for the cathedral to be built. In 1931 it was destroyed and only in 1994-1997 rebuilt anew. The overall height of the cathedral is 103 metres .

Ostankino Tower

Ostankino Tower is the 8th tallest freestanding structure in the world and the tallest in Europe and Russia. Its height is 540,1 metres .

Ostankino Tower is open for tourists. There is the Seventh Heaven restaurant and two observation platforms. One of the platforms is outdoor and the other one is indoor. There is also a concert hall in Ostankino Tower where different events are held.

The Moscow Metro

The first line of the Moscow Metro was opened in 1935. Today the Moscow Metro is the 5th busiest metro in the world.

A lot of underground stations are landmarks.

The Moscow Metro consists of 13 lines with 203 stations (2017). Nearly all of them are underground. During rush hours the minimum interval between trains is 90 seconds.

Moscow City

Moscow City is a business district in the centre of Moscow. The area is still under construction.

In Moscow City there are office buildings, shopping malls, leisure centres, exhibition centre, restaurants, elite apartments and flats and even Matrimonial Centre.

Sparrow Hills

Sparrow Hills is one of the most significant Moscow’s landmarks. It reaches the height of 80 metres above the Moskva river.

Sparrow Hills is one of the most scenic places in Moscow. The observation platform on the hill is a place worth visiting. It gives the best panoramic view of the city which both residents of the city and tourists can admire.

In 1987 this landmark was declared a natural sanctuary.

Знаменитые достопримечательности Москвы

Красная Площадь

Красная площадь – одна из самых известных достопримечательностей России. Она находится в самом центре Москвы.

Многочисленные значимые здания окружают Красную площадь. На ней расположен Кремль, мавзолей Ленина, храм Василия Блаженного, ГУМ и Казанский собор. Государственный исторический музей также находится на площади.

На Красной площади проводятся многочисленные празднования.


Кремль – это крепость в центре Москвы. Это главное политическое и историческое место города.

Стены Кремля образуют неправильный треугольник. Троицкая башня – самая высокая башня Кремля. Ее высота – 80 метров . На Спасской башне установлены часы, известные как Кремлевские куранты. В общей сложности в Кремле 20 башен.

Сегодня Кремль является официальной резиденцией президента России.

Собор Василия Блаженного

Собор Василия Блаженного расположен на Красной площади. Эта православная церковь является всемирно известной достопримечательностью. Собор был построен в XVI веке по приказу Ивана Грозного . В соборе Василия Блаженного 11 колоколов. Его высота составляет 65 метров.

В XX веке собор был открыт в качестве музея. Это одна из самых узнаваемых достопримечательностей. Храм Василия Блаженного включен в Список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Большой театр

Большой театр – один из самых известных театров мира. Он расположен в самом центре Москвы на Театральной площади. В нем ставят балет и оперу.

Большой театр был основан в 1776 году. С тех пор на его сцене было поставлено более 800 произведений.

Многие артисты, работающие в Большом театре, удостоены почетных званий. С 2005 по 2011 год театр был закрыт на реконструкцию.

Государственная Третьяковская галерея

Государственная Третьяковская галерея содержит одну из самых крупных коллекций русского изобразительного искусства в мире. Она была основана в 1856 году Павлом Третьяковым, московским купцом.

Сначала галерея располагалась в особняке, принадлежащем семье Третьяковых, но по мере роста коллекции к нему пристраивались другие помещения.

Во время Великой Отечественной войны коллекция была перевезена в Новосибирск и только в мае 1945 года была вновь привезена в Москву.

Храм Христа Спасителя

Храм Христа Спасителя был воздвигнут в XIX веке. Храм является памятником воинам, погибшим во время нашествия Наполеона Бонапарта.

Храм строился 44 года. В 1931 здание было разрушено и только в 1994-1997 годах заново возведено. Высота храма составляет 103 метра .

Останкинская телебашня

Московский метрополитен

Первая линия Московского метро открылась в 1935 году. На сегодняшний день Московское метро является 5-м в мире по интенсивности использования.

Многие станции метро являются памятниками архитектуры.

В Московском метро 13 линий, на которых располагаются 203 станции (2017) . Почти все станции метро являются подземными. В часы пик минимальный интервал между поездами составляет 90 секунд.


Москва-Сити – это деловой район в центре Москвы. Район до сих пор строится.

В Москва-Сити есть офисные здания, торговые и развлекательные центры, выставочный центр, рестораны, элитные апартаменты и квартиры и даже Дворец Бракосочетаний.

Воробьевы горы

Воробьевы горы – одна из самых значимых достопримечательностей Москвы. Они возвышаются на 80 метров над уровнем Москвы-реки.

Воробьевы горы – одно из красивейших мест Москвы. Смотровая площадка на холмах – это место, которое стоит посетить. С нее открывается самая лучшая панорама, которой могут полюбоваться как жители города, так и туристы.

The Arbat is a unique phenomenon both for Moscow and for the whole Russia. It became a pedestrian street after its reconstruction in 1986. This street still attracts hundreds and thousands of tourists from all over the world. It is simply impossible to walk along the Arbat without meeting a foreigner. The Arbat is a synonym to all the pedestrian streets in Russian cities. It is not a very long street with the length of only 1.2 km (0.75 miles). That is why it is better to combine a walk along the street with a visit to the Red Square or Alexander Garden.

Arbat, Moscow

Although one can walk along the Arbat all day long. In the Arbat one can visit plenty of souvenir shops, have lunch or dinner in one of its restaurants, order a portrait from a street artist or stop and listen to street musicians. With such a program a day will go too quickly and may be will not be enough for the whole Arbat.

How to Get to the Arbat in Moscow

Walking Tour along the Arbat

The Arbat has incorporated all the flair of the USSR, the reformation period and the modern Russia. The Old Arbat is one of the few places in Russia where one can feel the special atmosphere of junk markets that used to be popular in the 90-s alongside with that of the merchants buildings of the 19th century and modern shops and restaurants. It is in the Arbat where a foreigner can buy anything that is in his or her opinion is the symbol of Russia. So the Arbat offers winter fur caps, matryoshkas (Russian nesting dolls), flags, and amber, jeweled eggs of Faberge, souvenirs with the Kremlin, the Moskva (Moscow) River, and Saint Basil’s Cathedral and so on and so forth.

Arbat, Moscow

One can never leave the Old Arbat being hungry. Here is a wide range of snack bars, cafes, fast food restaurants, canteens, bars and traditional restaurants. Such a competition makes them constantly improve the quality of food and service. They also use bright facades to attract tourists.

Still the main and most famous attraction of the Arbat is the street artists. They give the street the long forgotten flair of the 90-s, the flair of freedom and Coke.

The Arbat has received a new better look within the last years. Apart from being the most famous street in the country it also received a proper decoration. Besides it is now possible not only to walk along it, but also to sit and rest.

The Arbat and its Attractions

Arbat, Moscow

There is no exaggeration in saying that each building in the Arbat bears the impress of history or its owners. This is the hotel by A. Echkin that exists since 1904.

The next building is the house of Association of Russian Doctors. The hero of the war with Napoleon in 1812 Denis Davydov used to live here for some time.

Arbat, Moscow

There is a memorial to Bulat Okudzhava on the cross of the Arbat and Plotnikov Lane. He was a great soviet poet. Bulat Okudzhava was born in Moscow and devoted a lot of his songs to Moscow and the Arbat in particular.

Pushkin Museum in the Arbat in Moscow

We came to the house of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin by the end of our excursion along the Old Arbat, since it is situated at the very end of the street. It is hard to miss the house – there is a memorial tablet on it. Besides there is a memorial to the poet and his wife Natalia Goncharova right in front of the house. The memorial shows the couple with a reason since this the house where the newlyweds spend the first few months after the wedding. Right until the poet broke up with his mother-in-law who interfered into their affairs. After that the couple left for Saint-Petersburg.

Arbat, Moscow

The building behind the Pushkin house is one of the Stalin’s high-rises. It is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

The house itself is of two floors. The museum displays things that belonged to the poet and his close relations alongside with some copies, drafts and letters. It is always interesting to visit a place where a famous person lived and the memory of whom will live forever. Although he it did not spend too much time here.

The Arbat attracts hundreds of visitors every day. The street is so famous that it is included into top-5 must-sees for both Russian and foreign tourists. This street is only deserted in early morning at about 8 a.m. when all the citizens wake up and hurry to work. This is the time when the Arbat is not a pedestrian street yet, but an ordinary rout from somebody’s home to somebody’s work. But the street turns into the residence of street art, souvenir shops and restaurants at the midday.

The Old Arbat is a picturesque pedestrian street in Moscow, running west from Arbat Square (which is part of the Boulevard Ring) towards Smolenskaya Square (which is part of the Garden Ring). The Old Arbat has the reputation of being Moscow’s most touristy street, with lots of entertainment and souvenirs sold. It is distinct from the New Arbat, a street running parallel to it and lined with Soviet skyscrapers made of steel, concrete, and glass.

The first mention of the Arbat was in 1493 as a road leading from the Moscow Kremlin to Smolensk. The origin of the name is Tatar and means suburb (the same as Rabat). During the 16th and 17th centuries, the neighbourhood was graced with elegant churches, notably the one featured in Vasily Polenov’s celebrated painting A Courtyard in Moscow (1879).

In the 18th century, the Arbat came to be regarded by the Russian nobility as the most prestigious living area in Moscow. The street was almost completely destroyed by the great fire during Napoleon’s occupation of Moscow in 1812 and had to be rebuilt. Alexander Pushkin lodged in one of its mansions for a short time, and there is a statue of him and his wife, Natalie, in front of this house. Another famous native was the writer Andrey Bely, many of whose novels feature impressionist portrayals of this patriarchal area.

Arbat Street in Moscow.In the 20th century, the street succumbed to limited renovations in the Art Nouveau and Constructivist styles. Probably the most original monument to this new trend is the Melnikov Mansion. The street’s confluence with the Garden Ring was marked with a flamboyant wedding-cake skyscraper of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Simultaneously, most of the Arbat’s churches were demolished, including that of St Nicholas, regarded as one of the finest examples of Godunov style.

The Arbat District before the Russian Revolution.

The Arbat at night.Since 1986, the Arbat has been dotted with distinctive street lanterns. It has several notable statues, including one to Princess Turandot in front of the Vakhtangov Theatre and another to Soviet-era folk singer, bard, and poet, Bulat Okudzhava, who wrote several poignant songs about the Arbat. During Perestroika, the street was a gathering place for informal youth movements (like hippies or punks), as well as street musicians and artists. Viktor Tsoi’s wall in one of the Arbat side-streets (Krivoarbatskiy Pereulok) remains a curious monument to those turbulent years. To this day, Russian youth frequently gather on the Arbat to play the songs of Tsoi and other Russian songwriters.

The Arbat is home to the headquarters of oil company TNK-BP — a modern building at the beginning of the street. It also contains numerous restaurants, including The Hard Rock Cafe. Many of these restaurants are geared towards visitors to Moscow and are considered by many residents to be over-priced and of low quality compared to those in other parts of the city. There are also a few restaurants and cafes that cater to the working population and middle class; these include Kruzhka, Praim, and Mu-Mu’s.

Напишите сочинение про улицу Арбат на 80 слов , на английском языке .

One of the main sights in Moscow is Arbat Street.

There are more sights in this street than in Red Square.

Old Arbat is not long.

In fact it’s 1, 2km.

But it’s a must to see even if you are

going to spend in Russian capital just a few days.

It is situated in historical

central Arbat district of Moscow.

The beginning of the street is in square Arbat

Gates and it ends in Smolenskaya square.

(Metro stations Arbatskaya or

Smolenskaya square) There is no traffic in this street.

Arbat is a pedestrian

It is a very old street.

The first houses were built in it in the 15th

In this street there are monuments and museums to many

famous people, who lived here.

There is Pushkin’s house — museum and opposite it

you’ll see a sculpture of him and his wife Natalia.

There are Lermontov’s,

Skryabin’s and Ocudjava’s houses.

Alexander Suvorov was born in one of the houses in this

There are monuments to B.

find one of the youth cult places a Wall, devoted to Viktor Tsoy, the leader of the

musical group “Cinema”.

If the weather is warm you will see a lot of street musicians

and painters in Arbat.

You are offered a wide choice of Russian souvenirs : wooden and clay, balalaykas and Matryoshras in

There are a lot of shops for tourists on both sides of the street

and cosy cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy Russian cuisine : tasty pies and pancakes with caviar.

Напишите, пожалуйста, небольшое сочинение про известный бренд одежды, его историю и его создателя на английском языке?

Напишите, пожалуйста, небольшое сочинение про известный бренд одежды, его историю и его создателя на английском языке.

Напишите, пожалуйста, сочинение «Почему я люблю английский язык» и «Как поможет мне английский язык в будущем?

Напишите, пожалуйста, сочинение «Почему я люблю английский язык» и «Как поможет мне английский язык в будущем!

» Не меньше 500 слов.

На английском и русский перевод!

Напишите сочинение (на английском) про главную улицу Вашингтона))?

Напишите сочинение (на английском) про главную улицу Вашингтона))!

Напишите мне сочинения на английском языке на тему моя будушая профессия?

Напишите мне сочинения на английском языке на тему моя будушая профессия.

Я хочу быть юристом.


Напишите правила дорожного движения на английском языке!

Напиши сочинение по английскому языку на тему , «мода подростков в наше время » , заранее большое спасибо?

Напиши сочинение по английскому языку на тему , «мода подростков в наше время » , заранее большое спасибо.

Напишите сочинение на Английском языке про достопримечательности Новосибирска?

Напишите сочинение на Английском языке про достопримечательности Новосибирска.

Напишите пожалуйста сочинения на английском языке Тема : школьный день Заранее спасибо?

Напишите пожалуйста сочинения на английском языке Тема : школьный день Заранее спасибо!

Напишите 5 предложений про Экскурсию по Москве на Английском языке?

Напишите 5 предложений про Экскурсию по Москве на Английском языке.


Напишите небольшое сочинение о Чили, на английском (с переводом).

Вы открыли страницу вопроса Напишите сочинение про улицу Арбат на 80 слов , на английском языке ?. Он относится к категории Английский язык. Уровень сложности вопроса – для учащихся 5 — 9 классов. Удобный и простой интерфейс сайта поможет найти максимально исчерпывающие ответы по интересующей теме. Чтобы получить наиболее развернутый ответ, можно просмотреть другие, похожие вопросы в категории Английский язык, воспользовавшись поисковой системой, или ознакомиться с ответами других пользователей. Для расширения границ поиска создайте новый вопрос, используя ключевые слова. Введите его в строку, нажав кнопку вверху.

A — 2 B — 6 C — 8 D — 4 E — 1 F — 5 G — 3.

1. Friends have left the party by that time yesterday 2. Have you ever been to any foreign country? 3. They had builtthe bridge before wecfme) to village 4. She was surfing in Hawaii when a shark attacked her 5. Robin Hood tried to help the poor ..

1 — my 2 — their 3 — his 4 — our 5 — her 6 — its.

1. b 2. D 3. a 4. C 5. e Может быть, так.

My sister don’t play with dolls.

Прошедшее : Вчера мы читали очень интересную книгу. Неделю назад мы писали контрольную по географии. Настоящее : Я решила нарисовать картину. Они идут в театр Будущее : Завтра я буду учится кататься на роликах. Мы будем ждать одноклассника с боль..

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Arbat Street is one of the most tourist crowded street in Moscow. Arba перевод - Arbat Street is one of the most tourist crowded street in Moscow. Arba русский как сказать

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Arbat Street is one of the most tourist crowded street in Moscow. Arbat is walking street, no cars are here. There are a lot of souvenirs shops. Arbat is Arabic word means suburb. In 15th century Arbat was a suburb for Moscow Kremlin, in those days Krimlin was the City. Now Arbat is in the center of Moscow, its about 20 minutes walking distance from Kremlin. In those times merchants from East stay here during their visits to Moscow. In 16-17th centuries there lives craftsmen. But in 18-19 Arbat became the most popular place to live for Russian nobles. Now its one of the most prestigious place in Moscow. Price for real estate in Arbat are starting from $7000 for square metre. One bedroom apartment in old house will cost you appr. a quarter of a million US dollars.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Арбат является одним из самых переполненных туристических улиц в Москве. Арбат пешеходной улице, здесь нет машин. Есть много магазинов сувениров. Арбат является арабское слово означает пригородом. В XV веке Арбат был пригородом для Московского Кремля, в те времена город был Krimlin. Теперь Арбат в центре Москвы, его около 20 минут ходьбы от Кремля. В те времена купцы с Востока остаться здесь во время их визитов в Москву. В 16-17 веков живет мастеров. Но в 18-19 Арбат стал самым популярным местом для жизни для российских дворян. Теперь его одним из самых престижных мест в Москве. Цены на недвижимость на Арбате начиная от $7000 за квадратный метр. Двухкомнатная квартира в старом доме будет стоить вам прибл. четверть миллиона долларов США.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Арбат является одним из самых туристического людной улице в Москве. Арбат пешеходной улице, нет машин здесь. Есть много магазинов с сувенирами. Арбат является арабское слово означает пригород. В 15-м веке Арбат был пригород для Московского Кремля, в те дни Krimlin был город. Теперь Арбат находится в центре Москвы, его примерно 20 минут ходьбы от Кремля. В те времена купцы с Востока остаться здесь во время своих визитов в Москву. В 16-17 веках живет мастеров. Но в 18-19 Арбат стал самым популярным местом для жизни русских дворян. Теперь его одним из самых престижных в Москве. Цена на недвижимость в Арбате, начиная с $ 7000 за квадратный метр. Двухкомнатная квартира в старом доме будет стоить вам ок. Четверть миллиона долларов США.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


Арбат — это один из самых туристических переполненных улиц в Москве. Арбат — пешеходная улица, автомобили не здесь. Существует множество сувенирных магазинов. Арбат — арабский язык слово означает пригороде. В 15-м веке Арбат был пригород для Москвы, в эти дни Krimlin был город. Теперь Арбат» находится в самом центре Москвы, в 20 минутах ходьбы от Кремля.В те времена торговцев с востока остаться здесь во время их визитов в Москву. В 16- 17-го века в жизни ремесленников. Но в 18 — 19 Арбат стал наиболее популярным местом для жизни в России. Теперь его одной из самых престижных в Москве. Цены на недвижимость в Арбат, начиная от $7000 за квадратный метр. Апартаменты с одной спальней в старый дом будет стоить вам прим.На четверть миллиона долларов США.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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