Рассказ о беларуси на английском языке

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Рассказ про Беларусь на английском языке

The Republic of Belarus is a small, beautiful country with the heroic past and interesting present. It is situated in Eastern Europe. The Republic borders on Russia, the Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. It has an area of 207 square kilometers and a population of more than 10 million.

Two-Thirds of Belarus’ population live in cities. There are 97 cities in the Republic. Its capital is Minsk, with the population of about two million people.
The largest cities in Belarus are Minsk, Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, and Mogilev.

Belarussian`s natural scenery is wide, lonely plains covered with hills, and many lakes and forests. The highest place in Belarus is the mount Dzerzhinskaya (345m) in Minsk region.

There are nearly 3.000 rivers with the total length of over 51.000 kilometers in Belarus. The chief rivers are the Dnieper, the Nieman, the Zapadnaya Dvina, thePripyat. In the past they were great trade ways from Europe to Asia and India and many towns appeared on their banks.

There are more than 10800 lakes in Belarus. Most of them are situated in the northern part of the republic. The largest lake is the Naroch(80 sq km) and the deepest one is the Dolgoye(54 metres).

One third of the Republic’s territory is covered with forests. The largest of them are called pushehas. The most beautiful is the Byelovezhskaya.

The climate in the Belarus is moderately continental. The climate is mild and one can travel comfortably here at any time of year.

Today Belarusian industry produces tractors, big lorries, automatic lines, computers, television sets, bicycles, and else. Agriculture specializes in milk and meat production. The main cultures here are potatoes, flax, grain, herbs and vegetables. More than 30 minerals have been discovered nowadays in Belarus. Among them we have oil, natural gas, coal, rock salt, potassium salts, phosphorites, marl, iron ore, dolomites and others.
Belarus is a republic of well- developed science and culture. Every eight person in Belarus has higher education.

Про Беларусь на английском языке с переводом

Республика Беларусь — маленькая, красивая страна с героическим прошлым и интересным настоящим. Она находится в Восточной Европе. Республика граничит с Россией, Украиной, Польшей, Литвой и Латвией. Площадь Беларуси — 207 квадратных километров и население более 10 миллионов человек.

Две трети населения Беларуси живут в городах. В республике 97 городов. Ее столица Минск, с населением около 2 миллионов человек.

Крупнейшие города Беларуси — Минск, Брест, Витебск, Гомель, Гродно и Могилев.

Белорусские природные пейзажи — это широкие равнины, покрытые холмами, множеством озер и лесов. Самое высокое место в Беларуси — гора Дзержинская (345 м) в Минской области.

В Беларуси насчитывается около 3 000 рек общей протяженностью более 51 000 км. Главные реки — Днепр, Неман, Западная Двина, Припять. В прошлом они были отличными торговыми путями из Европы в Азию и Индию, и на их берегах появилось много городов.

В Беларуси более 10800 озер. Большинство из них расположены в северной части республики. Самое большое озеро — Нарочь (80 кв. км), а самое глубокое — Долгое (54 метра).

Одна треть территории республики покрыта лесами. Самые большие из них называются пущами. Самая красивая это Беловежская пуща.

Климат в Беларуси умеренно континентальный. Климат мягкий, и здесь можно путешествовать с комфортом в любое время года.

Сегодня белорусская промышленность выпускает тракторы, большие грузовики, автоматические линии, компьютеры, телевизоры, велосипеды и многое другое. Сельское хозяйство специализируется на производстве молока и мяса. Основными культурами здесь являются картофель, лен, зерно, зелень и овощи.

В настоящее время в Беларуси обнаружено более 30 минералов. Среди них нефть, природный газ, уголь, каменная соль, калийные соли, фосфориты, мергель, железная руда, доломиты и другие.
Беларусь — республика с развитой наукой и культурой. Каждый восьмой человек в Беларуси имеет высшее образование.

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Достопримечательности Беларуси/ Places of Interest in Belarus с переводом на русский язык.

Places of Interest in Belarus Достопримечательности Беларуси
Belarus is a landlocked country in East Europe, which borders with Russia, Poland, Ukraine and Baltic countries. It is one of the most beautiful and interesting countries of this region. Беларусь – это окруженное сушей государство в Восточной Европе, которое граничит с Россией, Польшей, Украиной и странами Балтии. Это одна из самых красивых и интересных стран данного региона.
The biggest city and the capital of Belarus is Minsk. Other major cities include Brest, Gomel, Grodno, Vitebsk and Mogilev. Крупнейший город и столица Беларуси Минск. К другим крупным городам относятся Брест, Гомель, Гродно, Витебск и Могилев.
The country is full of unique landscapes, historical monuments and outstanding architecture. One of the most interesting sights is situated in Brest and Grodno provinces. It’s called Belovezhskaya Pushcha or Bialowieza Forest. It’s an ancient woodland which straddles the border Belarus and Poland. The area it covers is more than 150 square kilometers. The forest includes laboratory facilities and a zoo, where such animals like bison, wild boar, and moose can be seen in their natural habitat. This natural sight is on the UNESCO World Heritage list nowadays. Страна полна уникальных ландшафтов, исторических памятников и выдающейся архитектуры. Одна из самых интересных достопримечательностей расположена в Брестской и Гродненской областях. Она носит название Беловежская пуща или Беловежский лес. Это древние леса, которые колеблется между границей Беларуси и Польши. Они охватывают площадь более 150 квадратных километров. Леса включает в себя лабораторную базу и зоопарк, где можно увидеть таких животных, как зубры, дикие кабаны и лоси в их естественной среде обитания. Эта природная достопримечательность в настоящее время входит в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.
Another worthy place to visit in Belarus is the Mirsky Castle Complex. It is situated in Grodno province and is considered to be a cultural heritage. This Renaissance style castle was built in the 16th century and attracts a great number of visitors each year. Belarus is often described as castle land. Another beautiful castle is situated in Minsk province, in Nesvizh. It is known as the Architectural, Residential and Cultural Complex of the Radziwill Family at Nesvizh. It is a three-storey chateau which was built in the 16th century. Другим стоящим местом для посещения в Беларуси является комплекс Мирского замка. Он расположен в Гродненской губернии и считается культурным наследием. Этот замок в стиле ренессанса было построен в 16 веке и привлекает большое количество посетителей каждый год. Беларусь часто называют страной замков. Другой красивый замок расположен в Минской губернии, в Несвиже. Он известен как архитектурный, жилой и культурный комплекс рода Радзивиллов в Несвиже. Это трехэтажный замок, который был построен в 16 веке.
In Vitebsk province people often visit the St. Sophia Cathedral and the Savior’s Church. Another lovely architectural ensemble is situated in Gomel. It is the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Residence which is the main historical monument of Gomel region. An image of this residence is featured on old the Belarusian 20,000-ruble bill. В Витебской губернии люди часто посещают Софийский собор и церковь Спасителя. Другой прекрасный архитектурный ансамбль расположен в Гомеле. Это дворец Румянцевых-Паскевичей, который является основным историческим памятником Гомельской области. Образ этой резиденции представлен на старой белорусской 20000-рублевой банкноте.
The most interesting sights in Minsk include the National Museum of History and Culture, St. Peter and St. Paul Church, and the National Library of Belarus. К наиболее интересным достопримечательностям Минска относятся Национальный музей истории и культуры, Собор Св. Петра и Павла и Национальная библиотека Беларуси.

The Republic of Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe. It borders on Latvia, Lithuania, the Ukraine, Russia and Poland. Its territory is much larger than such countries as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece and a number of others. Its present population is about 12 million people. Belarus is a land of vast plains and picturesque hills, thick forests and green meadows, deep blue lakes and flowing rivers. Forests cover 2/5 of Belarus, they are scattered all over the country. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in our country. The Dnieper, Pripyat, Beresins, Sozh, Zapadnaya Dvina, Neman are the biggest rivers with more then 500 kilometers in length. The largest lake in Belarus is Lake Naroch which stretches 13 kilometers from West to East. It is a very popular recreation area in our country. Belarus has a moderately continental climate due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean with a warm winter and warm summer.

To most of the world, Belarus is thought of as a relatively new country in Central Europe. For Belorussians, it’s an ancient land. The history of Belarus goes back to ancient times beginning with the Polotsk Principality in the 10th century.

From the 13th century until the 16th centuiy the territory of present -day Belarus was the core of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in which Belarussian was the official language. It was one of the largest, most powerful and flourishing states, in Eastern Europe. The 16th century is considered to be the Golden Age of Belarussian history. This period was marked by prolific growth and foundation of many new cities and towns. There was significant progress in the development of culture and economy of the Belarussian people. As Belarus is situated in the centre of Europe many wars took place on its territory.

One of the worst wars was in 1812 when French emperor Napoleon attacked Russia and as a result, Belarussian lands became a major battlefield arena. A great number of Belarussians took part in this war against Napoleon.

In the 20th century alone Belarus survived three revolutions and three bloody wars. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 was one of the most heroic and tragic periods in the history of the century. For three years the territory of Belarus was occupied by the Nazis.

The country lost more than 3 million people (every third citizen fell in the fight against fascism), many towns and villages were ruined. Belarus lost more then half of its national wealth.

Today Belarus is a developed industrial state. Industry makes up 70% of the Gross National Product. The main industries are engineering, chemical industry, wood-working industry, light and food industries. The major industrial centres in Belarus are Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Soligorsk, Zhodino, Brest and others. Belarussian goods are exported to many countries and are known all over the world. Belarussian agriculture specializes in milk and meat production, flax, vegetables (especially potatoes) and fruit (especially apples). The Republic of Belarus has a well-developed science and educational system.

The Academy of Sciences founded in 1929 is one of the largest centres of science in our country. Its research-institutes work on various important problems in such fields as mathematics, optics, genetics, biology, etc. The demand for higher education remains high. State institutions are the centres both for education and scientific research. Nowadays in Belarus there are 43 universities, academies and institutes which provide training in various spheres of science and humanities.

At present Belarus actively participates in an effective international partnership with the governments of different states and international organizations. As a co-founder of the United Nations, Belarus cooperates with various institutions and organizations of the United Nations, World Bank, World Health Organization, International Labor Organization, UNESCO, the European Union, etc. Belarus has a friendly working relationship with such countries as Germany, Denmark, France, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Great Britain, The USA and many others.

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Топик средней сложности — Belarus — Беларусь

Belarus is my homeland. It is the place where I was born. Officially it is called the Republic of Belarus, a sovereign independent state with its own government, constitution, state emblem, flag and anthem. Belarus is a member-state of the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) and one of the UN (United Nations) founder-members.

Belarus is situated nearly in the centre of Europe in the extreme western part of the East-European Plain within the basins of the Dnieper, the Western Dvina and the Upper Neman. It borders on Poland in the west, the Baltic States — Lithuania and Latvia — in the north-west, on Russia in the north and east, on the Ukraine in the south.

Belarus stretches for 560 kilometres from south to north and for 650 kilometres from east to west. It occupies the territory of 207.6 thousand square kilometres. It is much larger than such countries as Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Portugal, Czechia and Slovakia. Its present-day population is about 10.3 mln people: 78% of Belarusians, 12% of Russians, 4% of Poles and 2% of Ukrainians. 68% of the population live in towns and cities. The largest of which are Minsk, Gomel, Vitebsk, Mogilev, Grodno and Brest.

Belarus is situated on a rolling plain rising to hills, the highest of which is Mt.Dzerzhinskaya reaching 350 metres above sea level.

There are more than 3,000 rivers in Belarus. Seven of them are more than 500 kilometres long each. They are the Dnieper, Neman, Western Dvina, Prypiat, Berezina, Sozh and Vilia.

Belarus is a lake-country. There are about 10,800 lakes here. The lakes are particularly numerous in the north. The largest is Lake Naroch— 80 square kilometres. The lakes are noted for their great depth, transparent water and beautiful scenery.

A third of Belarus is under forest. The largest forests are called pushchas. The Byelovezhskaya Pushcha is famous for its aurochs (European bisons). Fauna is rich and diverse there: one can see elks and deer, wild boars and wolves, bears and foxes, beavers and lynxes, not mentioning myriads of birds.

Forests, pine woods, mighty oak groves, birch groves and all sorts of other mixed forest formations are the charm, wealth and pride of our homeland.

Belarus is situated in the Temperate Zone of 200—500 kilometres away from the Baltic Sea. The climate of Belarus varies from maritime to continental due, to a strong influence of the maritime air of the Atlantic. This results in temperate and mild climate.

The territory of Belarus is divided into 6 regions: Brest, Vitebsk, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, and Mogilev. The capital of Belarus is Minsk with a population of over 1.5 mln people.

By the way, Belarus is the country with unique history and rich cultural heritage. It is an interesting region from the tourist point of view.

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