Рассказ о чебоксарах на английском языке

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Чебоксары/ Cheboksary с переводом на русский язык.

Cheboksary Чебоксары
Cheboksary is the capital of the Chuvash Republic and one of the most beautiful Russian cities, located on the Volga River. There are many parks and gardens on its territory. Probably that is why Cheboksary was acknowledged the most improved city of Russia in the 2001. Чебоксары — это столица Чувашской республики и один из красивейших русских городов, расположенных на Волге. На его территории находится множество парков и скверов. Вероятно, именно поэтому Чебоксары в 2001 году были признаны самым благоустроенным городом России.
It’s amazing how architectural and cultural monuments belonging to different periods of Russian history coexist in Cheboksary. The oldest building of Cheboksary is the Presentation Cathedral, which was erected in the 17th century. Today it is considered the main functional cathedral in Chuvashia. The statue of the Mother and Patroness of the Chuvash people admires by its size and monumentality. This sculpture was created in the 2003. The height of the monument is 46 meters, which far exceeds all other monuments in the city. Удивительно, как в Чебоксарах органично соседствуют памятники архитектуры и культуры, относящиеся к различным периодам отечественной истории. Старейшим зданием Чебоксар является Введенский собор, который был построен еще в XVII веке. Сегодня он считается главным действующим храмом в Чувашии. Своими масштабами и монументальностью восхищает статуя Матери-покровительницы чувашского народа. Эта скульптура была создана в 2003 году. Высота памятника составляет 46 метров, что значительно превышает размеры всех других монументов в городе.
Cheboksary has quite many interesting museums, which include the Chuvash National Museum and the Museum of V.I. Chapaev, as well as the Museum of History and the Museum of beer. I know that beer is the national drink of the Chuvash people, and that is why the exposition dedicated to it was opened in Cheboksary in the 1997. At this exhibition, you can not only see an interesting collection of old beer bottles and labels of different times, but also taste the present homemade Chuvash beverage that is brewed specially for the Museum in the village of Komsomolskoye located 120 kilometers from the city. В Чебоксарах есть немало интересных музеев, к числу которых можно отнести Чувашский национальный музей, Музей В. И. Чапаева, а также музей истории трактора и музей пива. Я знаю, что пиво является национальным напитком чувашского народа, и именно поэтому в Чебоксарах в 1997 году была открыта экспозиция, посвященная ему. На этой выставке можно не только увидеть интересную коллекцию старинных пивных бутылок и этикеток разных времен, но и попробовать настоящее домашний чувашский хмельной напиток, который варят специально для музея в селе Комсомольское, расположенном в 120 километрах от города.
I’d like to head to Cheboksary: to admire the beauty of the Volga nature, to visit the Museum of beer and other local attractions. I take interest in technique since childhood, so it would be interesting to me to also visit the Interactive Museum of tractors in this city. I read that it gathered the largest collection of such vehicles. Here you can not only watch tractors, but also to try your hand at driving. Мне бы очень хотелось побывать в Чебоксарах: полюбоваться красотой волжской природы, заглянуть в музей пива и посмотреть другие местные достопримечательности. Я с детства увлекаюсь техникой, поэтому мне было бы интересно также посетить интерактивный музей тракторов в этом городе. Я читал, что в нем собрана самая большая коллекция таких транспортных средств. Тракторы здесь можно не только посмотреть, но и попробовать свои силы в управлении ими.

Cheboksary is the capital of the Chuvash Republic. This city is located on the right bank of the Volga river. — Чебоксары – столица Чувашской республики. Город расположен на правом берегу реки Волги.

The city was founded in 1469. Its area is 250,8 square kilometers, there are 481 thousand people indwelled there. The distance between Cheboksary and Moscow is 660 kilometers. — Город был основан в 1469 году. В нём проживает 481 тыс. человек, Его площадь – 250,8 квадратных километров, в нём проживает 481 тыс. человек. Расстояние между Чебоксарами и Москвой составляет 660 км.

The climate in Cheboksary is moderately continental. Average temperature in winter is 12-14 degrees Centigrade, the same in summer is 19-25 degrees Centigrade. — Климат в Чебоксарах умеренно-континентальный. Средняя температура зимой: 12-14 градусов по Цельсию, средняя температура летом: 19-25 градусов по Цельсию.

Cheboksary consists of 4 districts: Kalininsky, Leninsky, Moscovsky and Zavolzhye. — В состав Чебоксар входит 4 района: Калининский, Ленинский, Московский и Заволжье.

Cheboksary is famous for its monasteries: Holy Trinity Orthodox Monastery and Savior Transfiguration Women’s Monastery. The Vvedensky Cathedral and Archangel Michael Church are also worthy of attention. — Чебоксары известны своими монастырями: Свято-Троицким православным мужским и Спасо-Преображенским женским монастырями. Также достойны внимания Введенский кафедральный собор и церковь Михаила Архангела.

The Chapaev Square, the Grove of Guzovsky, the Central Park of Culture and Rest Lakreevsky Forest are the ideal places for unhurried summer walks. — Сквер имени Чапаева, роща Гузовского, центральный парк культуры и отдыха Лакреевский лес – идеальные места для неспешных летних прогулок.

There is highly developed road network in Cheboksary, about 85 % of all transport is road transport. There is also air and rail transport in this city. — В Чебоксарах очень развита автодорожная сеть, около 85 % от всего транспорта составляет автомобильный транспорт. Также в этом городе присутствует авиа- и железнодорожный транспорт.

History of Cheboksary

Foundation of Cheboksary

Cheboksary is a city with a relatively long history. According to archaeological excavations, an urban-type settlement arose on the site of present Cheboksary at the turn of the 13th-14th centuries, when a Bulgar-Chuvash settlement existed here.

The Russian chronicles mentioned “Cheboksar” as a settlement on the Volga route in connection with the military campaign against the Kazan Khanate in May 1469: “… we spent the night in Cheboksar, and went on from Cheboksar all day and all night, and came to Kazan early dawn …”.

Today, 1469 is considered the year of the founding of Cheboksary and it is reflected on the coat of arms of the city. Some historians insist on a revision of this date. Most probably the settlement was founded by migrants who came from the town of Suvar of Volga Bulgaria after the Mongol invasion in the middle of the 13the century.

The settlement, as well as the lands surrounding it, came under the control of the Tsardom of Russia after the troops of Ivan the Terrible captured Kazan in 1552 and the Kazan Khanate ceased to exist. In 1555, in this settlement named Cheboksary, a wooden fortress was laid. Punitive functions were assigned to the garrison of the fortress to “pacify the discontented” and collect taxes from the local population. In 1625, there were 458 soldiers in Cheboksary.

More historical facts…

Cheboksary in the 17th-18th centuries

The Russian government kept a significant garrison in Cheboksary in the event of a possible Tatar rebellion. The location of the town on the banks of the Volga provided advantages for the development of trade. The increasing spread of Orthodoxy and the mass baptism of the Chuvash people led to the architectural heyday of the town — Cheboksary was full of churches and temples. It grew mainly due to Russian colonists, the share of the Chuvash people was small.

The next period of the history of Cheboksary covers the time from the 1650s to the end of the 18th century and is characterized by the development of stone architecture. After a big fire that destroyed almost the entire town, a stone church was built — Vvedensky Cathedral (1651-1657). This is the first stone architecture monument that has survived to this day.

Since the end of the 17th century, the military significance of Cheboksary decreased. In 1704, after another fire, it was decided not to rebuild the fortress. The construction of stone buildings continued in the 18th century. A lot of stone churches were built at the expense of parishioners. Merchants built two-story and one-story stone houses. Stone churches and other buildings largely transformed the town of Cheboksary.

In 1723, there were 1,924 taxed people in Cheboksary (men). The middle of the 18th century became the period of the highest development for Cheboksary. In 1767, Empress Catherine II, sailing along the Volga River past Cheboksary, expressed her admiration for the picturesque views of the town and said that Cheboksary “in everything is better than Nizhny Novgorod”.

Later, the town could not withstand competition with such large trade centers as Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan. In 1781, Cheboksary acquired the status of a provincial town of the Kazan Governorate and received a coat of arms. Five flying wild ducks depicted on it meant their abundance in the vicinity of the town. At the end of the 18th century, Cheboksary was the largest urban settlement in the territory of Chuvashia.

Cheboksary in the 19th-20th centuries and beyond

At the beginning of the 19th century, Cheboksary entered a period of stagnation. Over the course of the century, urban population growth was less than a thousand people. In 1879, 4,498 people lived in the town (2,308 women and 2,190 men), there were 783 houses (including 33 stone houses), 91 shops and a store, 3 schools, 2 hospitals, 1 bank. At the beginning of the 20th century, about 5,000 thousand people lived in Cheboksary.

After the creation of the Chuvash autonomy in 1920, Cheboksary becomes its capital. In 1925, the autonomy was transformed into the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1926, the population of Cheboksary was about 9,000 people. The status of the capital had a positive effect on the development of the city. In 1940, its population was more than 40,000 people, in 1959 — about 104,000 people.

During the Second World War, Kharkov and Moscow electrical equipment plants were evacuated to Cheboksary. On November 4, 1941, the city was attacked — in the dark, one German plane dropped about 20 bombs, as well as propaganda leaflets, 2 people were killed and about two dozen were injured. In total, 13,632 residents of Cheboksary were called up to the Red Army, 5,038 of them died in the battles, another 523 people died from wounds and illnesses, 2,567 went missing.

In the postwar years, a number of new city-forming industrial enterprises were built. In the late 1950s and early 1960s, Cheboksary grew rapidly. In 1967, Chuvash University was founded. In the 1970s, the Cheboksary Tractor Plant was built. In 1970, the population of Cheboksary was about 216,000 people.

In 1968, the construction of the Cheboksary Hydroelectric Station began. By 1987, in connection with this construction, an artificial bay was created in the city center on the site of several blocks of old buildings. A lot of historical buildings were lost. In 1987, the population of the city was about 414,000 people.

Since 1992, Cheboksary is the capital of the Chuvash Republic, which is part of the Russian Federation. In 2019, the city celebrated its 550th anniversary.

Pictures of Cheboksary

Perekrestok supermarket in Cheboksary

Perekrestok supermarket in Cheboksary

Summer in Cheboksary

Summer in Cheboksary

Author: Peter Alendeev

Monument Mother-Patroness in Cheboksary

Monument Mother-Patroness in Cheboksary

Author: Dmitry A.Shchukin

Cheboksary — Features

The city of Cheboksary is located on the Volga Upland on the right bank of the Cheboksary reservoir of the Volga River. Cheboksary has a satellite city — Novocheboksarsk. Together they form an agglomeration with a population of more than 680 thousand people.

The climate of Cheboksary is temperate continental. Winter is frosty, snowy, lasting an average of five months. Summer is warm, sometimes hot, lasting three months. The average temperature in January is minus 12.9 degrees Celsius, in July — plus 18.8 degrees Celsius.

According to the 2010 census, about 59% of the population in Cheboksary were Chuvash, about 32% — Russians, as well as Tatars (1%), Ukrainians (0.5%), Mari (0.4%), Mordvinians (0.4%).

The city economy is characterized, first of all, by developed industry. The leading industries of Cheboksary are electrical energy equipment, engineering, and food processing. The economic and geographical position of the city is characterized by the presence of the Nizhny Novgorod-Cheboksary-Ulyanovsk highways, the road to Kazan and Yoshkar-Ola going along the dam of the Cheboksary Hydroelectric Station. Two federal highways pass through Cheboksary: M7 Volga and P176 Vyatka.

The distance to Moscow is 671 km, Kazan — 152 km, Nizhny Novgorod — 243 km, Ulyanovsk — 244 km, Yoshkar-Ola — 93 km. From Kazan station in Moscow there is a branded train “Chuvashia” running to Cheboksary. The airport of the city offers regular flights to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Public transport is represented by trolleybuses, buses, minibuses, and taxis.

Cheboksary has a large river station. It is a place to stop during the Volga River cruises. Such destinations as Astrakhan, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd, the Caspian and the Black seas are located downstream of the Volga south of the city; Nizhny Novgorod, Moscow, Yaroslavl, and other northern regions of Russia are reachable if you sail upstream of the Volga west of Cheboksary.

Cheboksary is regularly included in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable cities in Russia. There is a lot of greenery: dozens of public gardens, groves, shady alleys, as well as specially protected natural sites.

The City Day of Cheboksary is celebrated on the third Sunday of August.

Main Attractions of Cheboksary

Monument “Mother-Patroness” (2003). On a large hill in the western part of the embankment of the Cheboksary Bay there is a monument symbolizing Chuvashia — a woman in national clothes embracing the entire city of Cheboksary.

This is the main monument of Chuvashia, which rises 46 meters above the bay and is one of the symbols of the city. The phrase “Blessed are my children who live in peace and love” is written in two languages (Russian and Chuvash) on a tablet attached to the bottom of the pedestal.

The Cheboksary Bay, an artificial bay created in the city center during the construction of the Cheboksary Hydroelectric Power Station, is probably the most interesting part of Cheboksary. Most of the attractions of this city, monuments of architecture and culture, as well as cafes, bars, and restaurants are concentrated around it. In the warmer months, you can sail on boats and catamarans here.

Tractor History Museum — a science and technology museum with over 50 wheeled and tracked vehicles for agricultural and industrial purposes. The museum also has a collection of 600 models on a scale of 1:42 of various tractor equipment, as well as other exhibits. Mira Avenue, 1, Building #2.

Chuvash National Museum — the largest repository of monuments of nature, history, material and spiritual culture of the Chuvash and other ethnic groups. Here you can see a large number of different exhibits from the Stone Age to the present day (archeology, history, art, technology, etc.), folk costumes, embroidery, and jewelry of the Chuvash people.

Merchant Efremov Boulevard — a pedestrian street (a renamed part of Karla Marksa Street) in the historic district of Cheboksary. There are cafes and shops in buildings of the 19th century here, as well as souvenir tents. The street is decorated with monuments, flower beds, and other elements of landscape design.

One of them is an architectural composition of three stones of “the sun, love, and happiness” brought from the Taganai Range of the Southern Urals. Here you can also find a monument to Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov — the characters of Ilf and Petrov’s novel “12 Chairs”, the Beer Museum, the Chuvash Embroidery Museum (Karla Marksa Street, 32), the Chuvash State Academic Drama Theater.

Vvedensky Cathedral (1657) — the oldest building in Cheboksary and Chuvashia, an architectural monument of federal significance. Despite numerous restorations, the church and its free-standing bell tower almost completely retained their original appearance. Konstantina Ivanova Street, 21.

Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God (1763) — one of the symbols of Cheboksary and the most recognizable building in the city. The main feature of this building is the fact that the first floor that we see today is actually its second floor.

During the construction of the Cheboksary Hydroelectric Station and the subsequent rise of the level of the Volga River, the original first floor of this church was filled with sand, and the area around it was concreted to prevent flooding and destruction of the monument. Nearby, you can find the complex of buildings of the Holy Trinity Orthodox Monastery and the Church of Archangel Michael (1702). Konstantina Ivanova Street, 1.

Chuvash State Art Museum. Here you can see the works of icon painting, Russian and foreign art of the 18th-20th centuries, Chuvash artists of the 20th-21st centuries, folk and decorative art of Russia and Chuvashia. Kalinina Street, 60. The department of Russian and foreign art is located at Konstantina Ivanova Street, 4.

Memorial Park “Victory”. Located on a high hill near the bank of the Volga, in the most beautiful place of Cheboksary, it is dedicated to the memory of soldiers who did not return from the fronts of the Second World War, the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya, the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. The best observation deck in Cheboksary is located here. There is also an open-air museum of military equipment.




Other transcription(s)
 • Chuvash Шупашкар
Left to right, top to bottom: A View of Red Square from Cheboksary Bay on Chuvash Republic Day; Hospital Square, Universitetskaya Street; Cheboksary Airport, Chapayev Monument on Chapayev Square; Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

Left to right, top to bottom: A View of Red Square from Cheboksary Bay on Chuvash Republic Day; Hospital Square, Universitetskaya Street; Cheboksary Airport, Chapayev Monument on Chapayev Square; Chuvash State Agricultural Academy

Flag of Cheboksary


Coat of arms of Cheboksary

Coat of arms

Anthem: Anthem of Cheboksary[2][3]

Location of Cheboksary

Cheboksary is located in Chuvash Republic



Location of Cheboksary

Cheboksary is located in European Russia



Cheboksary (European Russia)

Cheboksary is located in Europe



Cheboksary (Europe)

Coordinates: 56°09′N 47°14′E / 56.150°N 47.233°ECoordinates: 56°09′N 47°14′E / 56.150°N 47.233°E
Country Russia
Federal subject Chuvashia[1]
First mentioned 1469[4]
City status since 1781[4]
 • Body City Assembly of Deputies[5]
 • Head[5] Oleg Nikolayev[6]


 • Total 250.9 km2 (96.9 sq mi)
Elevation 150 m (490 ft)

 (2010 Census)[8]

 • Total 453,721
 • Estimate 


492,331 (+8.5%)
 • Rank 39th in 2010
 • Density 1,800/km2 (4,700/sq mi)

Administrative status

 • Subordinated to city of republic significance of Cheboksary[1]
 • Capital of Chuvash Republic[1]
 • Capital of city of republic significance of Cheboksary[1]

Municipal status

 • Urban okrug Cheboksary Urban Okrug[10]
 • Capital of Cheboksary Urban Okrug[10]
Time zone UTC+3 (MSK Edit this on Wikidata[11])
Postal code(s)[12]

428000–428006, 428008–428015, 428017–428025, 428027–428029,428031, 428032, 428034–428038, 428899, 428999, 996200

Dialing code(s) +7 8352
OKTMO ID 97701000001
City Day Third Sunday of August
Website gov.cap.ru/main.asp?govid=81

Cheboksary (; Russian: Чебокса́ры; Chuvash: Шупашкар, tr. Şupaşkar) is the capital city of Chuvashia, Russia and a port on the Volga River.


The city is located in the Volga Upland region and stands on the shore of the Cheboksary Reservoir. Its area is 250.9 square kilometers (96.9 sq mi).[7] The satellite city of Novocheboksarsk is located about 6 kilometers (3+12 mi) east of Cheboksary.


Cheboksary was first mentioned in written sources in 1469,[4] but according to archaeological excavations, the area had been populated much earlier. The site hosted a Bulgarian city of Veda Suvar, which appeared after Mongols defeated major Volga Bulgarian cities in the 13th century. During Khanate period the town is believed by some[who?] to have had a Turkic (probably, Tatar[citation needed]) name Çabaqsar and that the current Russian and English names originate from it. However, in maps by European travelers it was marked as Cibocar (Pizzigano, 1367), Veda-Suar (Fra Mauro, 1459). Shupashkar, the Chuvash name literally means the «fortress of the Chuvash».

In 1555, the Russians built a fortress and established a settlement here. In 1625, there were 458 soldiers quartered in Cheboksary, and in 1646 there were 661 males living in the settlement. At the end of the 17th century, Cheboksary was regarded as a major commercial city of the Volga region, and in 1781 it was granted town status[4] within Kazan Governorate. In the beginning of the 19th century the population was about 5500, the town had a sawmill and several small manufactures.

In the 16th and the first half of the 17th century the Vvedensky cathedral, four monasteries and eight churches had been built, in the 18th century the stone buildings of treasury and archive, magistracy, court, and ten churches. In 1880, here were counted 783 houses (33 of them from stone), 91 stores, 3 schools, 2 hospitals, and a bank.[citation needed]

In the beginning of the 20th century, 5,100 people lived in Cheboksary. In 1965, the population was 163,000.

Administrative and municipal status[edit]

Cheboksary is the capital of the republic.[1] Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is, together with two urban-type settlements (Novye Lapsary and Sosnovka) and two rural localities, incorporated as the city of republic significance of Cheboksary—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts.[1] As a municipal division, the city of republic significance of Cheboksary is incorporated as Cheboksary Urban Okrug.[10]

City divisions[edit]

For administrative purposes, Cheboksary is divided into three city districts: Kalininsky, Leninsky, and Moskovsky.


Population: 453,721 (2010 Census);[8] 440,621 (2002 Census);[13] 419,592 (1989 Census).[14]

The city of Cheboksary together with the satellite city Novocheboksarsk forms a polycentric agglomeration with a population of more than 680 thousand people.

Ethnic composition[edit]

The population of Cheboksary consists mainly of the two following ethnic groups; the Chuvash (62%), and ethnic Russians (34%).[15] Mixed marriages are quite common.


Cheboksary possesses many cultural opportunities. These include the Public Order (Badge of Honor) Russian Drama Theater, a philharmonic orchestra, the Chuvash State Puppet Theater and numerous theaters (showing productions in both Russian and Chuvash languages). However, a very popular gathering place for the locals is the recently[when?] completed zaliv (bay), situated in the middle of the city. Cheboksary also has boardwalks and beaches along the Volga River, where people swim in the summer. There are also a number of heated pools, health clubs, and museums (including the Chuvash National Museum and Russia’s only beer museum).[16]

Cheboksary hosted a language festival in 1996.


Cheboksary regularly hosts athletics meetings and racewalking events, including the 2008 IAAF World Race Walking Cup, the 2015 European Team Championships Super League, and the 2016 Russian athletics and masters athletics championships.[17] The 2016 IAAF World Race Walking Team Championships were moved from Cheboksary to Rome as part of IAAF sanctions against doping in Russia.


Educational institutions include the Chuvash State University, Chuvash State Agriculture Academy, the Chuvash State Pedagogical University, and the Cheboksary Cooperative Technical School.

  • Cheboksary Physics and Mathematics School
  • Cheboksary Cooperative Institute


Cheboksary is located near the Cheboksary Dam generating up to 1,404 MW, with a reservoir of 2,274 square kilometers (878 sq mi). Cheboksary is the location of the headquarters of the Concern Tractor Plants, Russia’s leading machine building company and one of the largest heavy mechanical engineering companies in the world.[16][18]


Local public transportation[edit]

Cheboksary trolleybus, the blue stripe at the bottom symbolizes the Volga River

An extensive system of trolleybuses, autobuses, and minibuses covers the city, providing quick, convenient access to all parts of the city. For those who prefer taxis, there are several taxi agencies available, but the favorite means of transportation among locals are so-called «Gypsy» cabs. In Russia, anybody who owns a car is potentially a taxi. This can be a convenient way to get around but it is also potentially dangerous. Official taxis cost less than 6 dollars for travel between most points within the city.[16]


Intercity hydrofoil river tram in Chuvash colors

Because the Volga River runs through Chuvashia, Cheboksary is a frequent stop on the many boat tours that travel along the major cities up and down the Volga.
To the south, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Astrakhan, the Caspian Sea, and Black Sea are directly reachable. To the west, the Volga River connects Cheboksary with Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Moscow, and the northern regions of Russia. By using river-sea vessels, it is possible to take cargo from Chuvash riverports all the way to Saint Petersburg, Novorossiysk (on the Black Sea), Astrakhan, and ports situated on the Danube river. However, the river is frozen from December to April.[16]


The Cheboksary Airport (IATA CSY, ICAO UWKS, international airport since 1995) receives both cargo and passenger aircraft of practically all types and sizes. There are regularly scheduled flights to Moscow and other destinations. Chuvashia Airlines was based at this airport until operations ceased in 2009.
Cheboksary is located about a four-hour drive from Strigino International Airport near Nizhny Novgorod, which offers more flight connections.


The climate in the region is continental (Köppen: Dfb), and it is similar to the climate in Moscow, although colder in winter, which lasts from late November until late March with a permanent snow cover.

Climate data for Cheboksary (1991–2020 normals, extremes 1929–present)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 4.7
Average high °C (°F) −7.3
Daily mean °C (°F) −10.0
Average low °C (°F) −12.7
Record low °C (°F) −42.3
Average precipitation mm (inches) 32
Average rainy days 2 0 3 10 16 15 13 12 20 15 11 10 127
Average snowy days 25 16 16 4 0 0 0 0 0 7 14 23 105
Average relative humidity (%) 85 80 79 58 56 59 52 62 74 79 87 86 71
Source: Погода и Климат[19]


  • The new Government House of the Chuvash Republic

    The new Government House of the Chuvash Republic

  • The Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theater

    The Chuvash State Opera and Ballet Theater

  • Chuvash State Art Museum

    Chuvash State Art Museum

  • Chuvash National Library

    Chuvash National Library

  • Chuvashia Hotel

    Chuvashia Hotel

  • Chuvash Drama Theater

    Chuvash Drama Theater

  • Assumption Church

    Assumption Church

  • Mother Patroness Monument in center of the city

  • Monument of Vasily Chapaev

    Monument of Vasily Chapaev

  • Cheboksary railway station before reconstruction

    Cheboksary railway station before reconstruction

  • Chuvash State Puppet Theater

    Chuvash State Puppet Theater

  • Vvedensky Cathedral

    Vvedensky Cathedral

  • Old house, architectural monument

    Old house, architectural monument

  • the old house of the merchant Kadomtsev

    the old house of the merchant Kadomtsev

  • The oldest pharmacy Cheboksary

    The oldest pharmacy Cheboksary

  • Peasant's House

    Peasant’s House

Notable people[edit]

  • Yuri Yevlampyev (born 1966), former Russian professional footballer

Twin towns – sister cities[edit]

Cheboksary is twinned with:[20][21]



  1. ^ a b c d e f g Law #28
  2. ^ Charter of Cheboksary, Article 4
  3. ^ Decision #1525
  4. ^ a b c d Энциклопедия Города России. Moscow: Большая Российская Энциклопедия. 2003. pp. 510–512. ISBN 5-7107-7399-9.
  5. ^ a b Charter of Cheboksary, Article 23
  6. ^ Official website of Cheboksary. Leonid Ilyich Cherkesov, Head of the City of Cheboksary (in Russian)
  7. ^ a b Resolution #2083
  8. ^ a b Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том 1 [2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1]. Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  9. ^ «26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года». Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2019.
  10. ^ a b c Law #37
  11. ^ «Об исчислении времени». Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2019.
  12. ^ Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. (Russian Post). Поиск объектов почтовой связи (Postal Objects Search) (in Russian)
  13. ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service (May 21, 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3 тысячи и более человек [Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000] (XLS). Всероссийская перепись населения 2002 года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  14. ^ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers]. Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly.
  15. ^ Национальный состав населения районов и городов Чувашской Республики по данным переписи населения 2002 года
  16. ^ a b c d Steven Brown and Olin Lagon (June 2001). «Economic Overview of the Republic of Chuvashia». United States Peace Corps Business Development Volunteers in Chuvashia. Archived from the original on July 4, 2005. Retrieved January 10, 2009.
  17. ^ Ebel, Francesca; Silchenko, Veronika (June 19, 2016). «Despair and defiance as Russian athletes react to doping ban». Associated Press. Retrieved October 18, 2017.
  18. ^ «Company Profile». Concern Tractor Plants. Archived from the original on May 23, 2009. Retrieved July 14, 2009.
  19. ^ «Climate Cheboksary». Pogoda.ru.net. Retrieved November 5, 2021.
  20. ^ «Города — побратимы г. Чебоксары». gcheb.cap.ru (in Russian). Cheboksary. Retrieved February 2, 2020.
  21. ^ «Kardeş Şehir Hamm». afyon.bel.tr (in Turkish). Afyonkarahisar. Retrieved February 2, 2020.


  • Государственный Совет Чувашской Республики. Закон №28 от 19 декабря 1997 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Чувашской Республики», в ред. Закона №37 от 30 июля 2013 г. «О внесении изменений в отдельные законодательные акты Чувашской Республики и признании утратившим силу Закона Чувашской Республики «О едином балансе активов и пассивов Чувашской Республики»». Вступил в силу со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Ведомости Государственного Совета ЧР», №23, 1998. (State Council of the Chuvash Republic. Law #28 of December 19, 1997 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of the Chuvash Republic, as amended by the Law #37 of July 30, 2013 On Amending Several Legislative Acts of the Chuvash Republic and on Abrogating the Law of the Chuvash Republic «On Consolidated Balance of Assets and Liabilities of the Chuvash Republic». Effective as of the official publication date.).
  • Государственный Совет Чувашской Республики. Закон №37 от 24 ноября 2004 г. «Об установлении границ муниципальных образований Чувашской Республики и наделении их статусом городского, сельского поселения, муниципального района и городского округа», в ред. Закона №54 от 9 октября 2015 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон Чувашской Республики «Об установлении границ муниципальных образований Чувашской Республики и наделении их статусом городского, сельского поселения, муниципального района и городского округа»». Вступил в силу через 10 дней со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Республика», №49-50, 30 ноября 2004 г. (State Council of the Chuvash Republic. Law #37 of November 24, 2004 On Establishing the Borders of the Municipal Formations of the Chuvash Republic and on Granting Them Status of Urban, Rural Settlement, Municipal District, and Urban Okrug, as amended by the Law #54 of October 9, 2015 On Amending the Law of the Chuvash Republic «On Establishing the Borders of the Municipal Formations of the Chuvash Republic and on Granting Them Status of Urban, Rural Settlement, Municipal District, and Urban Okrug». Effective as of the day which is 10 days after the official publication date.).
  • Чебоксарское городское Собрание депутатов. Решение №40 от 30 ноября 2005 г. «Устав муниципального образования города Чебоксары — столицы Чувашской Республики», в ред. Решения №1743 от 20 ноября 2014 г. «О внесении изменений в Устав муниципального образования города Чебоксары — столицы Чувашской Республики». Вступил в силу 1 января 2006 г. (за исключением отдельных положений). Опубликован: «Чебоксарские новости», №255–260, 31 декабря 2005 г. (Cheboksary City Assembly of Deputies. Decision #40 of November 30, 2005 Charter of the Municipal Formation of the City of Cheboksary—the Capital of the Chuvash Republic, as amended by the Decision #1743 of November 20, 2014 On Amending the Charter of the Municipal Formation of the City of Cheboksary—the Capital of the Chuvash Republic. Effective as of January 1, 2006 (with the exception of certain clauses).).
  • Чебоксарское городское Собрание депутатов. Решение №1525 от 24 декабря 2009 г. «О гимне муниципального образования города Чебоксары — столицы Чувашской Республики». Вступил в силу со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Чебоксарские новости», №148–149, 29 декабря 2009 г. (Cheboksary City Assembly of Deputies. Decision #1525 of December 24, 2009 On the Anthem of the Municipal Formation of the City of Cheboksary—the Capital of the Chuvash Republic. Effective as of the day of the official publication.).
  • Администрация города Чебоксары Чувашской Республики. Постановление №2083 от 1 июля 2013 г. «О социальном паспорте города Чебоксары за 2012 год». Опубликован: «Вестник органов местного самоуправления города Чебоксары», №12, 10 июля 2013 г. (Administration of the City of Cheboksary of the Chuvash Republic. Resolution #2083 of July 1, 2013 On the 2012 Social Passport of the City of Cheboksary. ).

External links[edit]

  • Official website of Cheboksary (in Russian)
  • Cheboksary Business Directory (in Russian)
  • Photos from Cheboksary

Обновлено: 10.01.2023

Cheboksary is the capital of the Chuvash Republic. This city is located on the right bank of the Volga river. — Чебоксары – столица Чувашской республики. Город расположен на правом берегу реки Волги.

The city was founded in 1469. Its area is 250,8 square kilometers, there are 481 thousand people indwelled there. The distance between Cheboksary and Moscow is 660 kilometers. — Город был основан в 1469 году. В нём проживает 481 тыс. человек, Его площадь – 250,8 квадратных километров, в нём проживает 481 тыс. человек. Расстояние между Чебоксарами и Москвой составляет 660 км.

p, blockquote 1,0,1,0,0 —>

The climate in Cheboksary is moderately continental. Average temperature in winter is 12-14 degrees Centigrade, the same in summer is 19-25 degrees Centigrade. — Климат в Чебоксарах умеренно-континентальный. Средняя температура зимой: 12-14 градусов по Цельсию, средняя температура летом: 19-25 градусов по Цельсию.

p, blockquote 2,0,0,0,0 —>

Cheboksary consists of 4 districts: Kalininsky, Leninsky, Moscovsky and Zavolzhye. — В состав Чебоксар входит 4 района: Калининский, Ленинский, Московский и Заволжье.

p, blockquote 3,1,0,0,0 —>

Cheboksary is famous for its monasteries: Holy Trinity Orthodox Monastery and Savior Transfiguration Women’s Monastery. The Vvedensky Cathedral and Archangel Michael Church are also worthy of attention. — Чебоксары известны своими монастырями: Свято-Троицким православным мужским и Спасо-Преображенским женским монастырями. Также достойны внимания Введенский кафедральный собор и церковь Михаила Архангела.

p, blockquote 4,0,0,1,0 —>

The Chapaev Square, the Grove of Guzovsky, the Central Park of Culture and Rest Lakreevsky Forest are the ideal places for unhurried summer walks. — Сквер имени Чапаева, роща Гузовского, центральный парк культуры и отдыха Лакреевский лес – идеальные места для неспешных летних прогулок.

p, blockquote 5,0,0,0,0 —> p, blockquote 6,0,0,0,1 —>

There is highly developed road network in Cheboksary, about 85 % of all transport is road transport. There is also air and rail transport in this city. — В Чебоксарах очень развита автодорожная сеть, около 85 % от всего транспорта составляет автомобильный транспорт. Также в этом городе присутствует авиа- и железнодорожный транспорт.

  • Для учеников 1-11 классов и дошкольников
  • Бесплатные сертификаты учителям и участникам

Выполнила: Вилюкова С.М. преподаватель английского языка филиала Сам ГУПС вг.

Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

Выполнила: Вилюкова С.М. преподаватель английского языка филиала Сам ГУПС вг.

Выполнила: Вилюкова С.М. преподаватель английского языка филиала Сам ГУПС вг.Алатыре Chuvashia is my Motherland

 The Chuvash Republic is situated on the picturesque bank of the Volga river.

The Chuvash Republic is situated on the picturesque bank of the Volga river in the European part of RussiaThe territory of Chuvashia is18.3 thousand square km.

The state symbols of the Chuvash Republic The state flag . The Coat of Arms

The state symbols of the Chuvash Republic The state flag . The Coat of Arms

Chuvashia is a subject to the Russian Federation. The head of the Republic is.

Chuvashia is a subject to the Russian Federation. The head of the Republic is Michail Vassilyevich Ignatyev.

Chuvashia is located in a temperate continental climate, and is included in t.

Chuvashia is located in a temperate continental climate, and is included in the step and forest natural areas

Cheboksary is the capital of our republic. Cheboksary is an administrative, e.

Cheboksary is the capital of our republic. Cheboksary is an administrative, economic and cultural center. It was founded in 1469 it is an ancient city. Cheboksary is situated on the right bank of the Volga River.

A bay is the pearl of the chuvash capital. There we can see beautiful singin.

A bay is the pearl of the chuvash capital. There we can see beautiful singing fountains, water bikes and street cafes.

There are many monuments in our capital. The most famous is the Monument of G.

There are many monuments in our capital. The most famous is the Monument of Glory.

There are several museums and theatres in Cheboksary. Among the theatres, the.

There are several museums and theatres in Cheboksary. Among the theatres, there is the Drama Theatre, the Musical Theatre. Among the museums the most famous are Arts Museum, Chapayev museum.

Alatyr is my native town. It was founded in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible. Today.

Alatyr is my native town. It was founded in 1552 by Ivan the Terrible. Today it is an industrial, cultural and administrative centre.

There are many historical buildings in our town . Many churches were build i.

There are many historical buildings in our town . Many churches were build in Alatyr.

I am a student of Railway technical school. There are many cities and towns.

I am a student of Railway technical school. There are many cities and towns in Russia, but I like my native town most of all.

Chuvash folk traditions are rich and various.

Chuvash folk traditions are rich and various.

I think the Chuvash people are very hard – working, kind and hospitable I am.

I think the Chuvash people are very hard – working, kind and hospitable I am proud of my Motherland and invite you to come and see it. You are welcome!

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Сочинение Мой город на английском языке

Учимся писать сочинение Мой город на английском – общие принципы выполнения работы

Для начала поговорим о том, что нам нужно сделать для написания сочинения. В это вопросе есть две составляющих:

  • Моральная подготовка – психологический настрой, отсутствие волнения, собранность и целеустремленность.
  • Практическая подготовка – достаточное знание английской грамматики, лексики, речевых конструкций и нюансов произношения.

Для взрослых новичков уровня A1-A2 сочинение с переводом My Native Town уже считается более серьезной письменной работой. В пределах объема на 100-150 слов необходимо представиться читателю, описать на английском языке свой родной город и завершить текст красивой обобщающей смысл всего вышесказанного фразой. При этом по знаниям требуется владение временами Present и Past Simple, понимание to be и неправильных глаголов, а также наличие достаточного словарного запаса.

Возможно также будут полезны другие сочинения:

Итак, представляем вашему вниманию рассказ о своем городе на английском языке с переводом.

My town

I live in Vologda. This is my home town. It is on the Vologda river. My town is not very big city, but it is very beautiful. I like to walk along the streets of my town with my parents or friends. Vologda is an ancient city. There are a lot of museums, beautiful churches and nice buildings. My town is also full of wonderful parks and green zones. I love Vologda very much and I invite you to come and see my home town.

Я живу в Вологде. Это мой родной город. Он расположен на берегах реки Вологда. Мой город не очень большой, но очень красивый. Я люблю прогуливаться по городским улочкам с родителями или друзьями. Вологда – старинный город. Здесь есть множество музеев, красивых церквей и прекрасных зданий. Мой город также полон чудесными парками и зелеными зонами. Я очень сильно люблю Вологду и приглашаю вас приехать и полюбоваться моим родным городом.

My home town

My name is Pavel. I was born in a small town Vyazma. It is located on the Vyazma river, about halfway between Smolensk and Mozhaisk.

Nowadays Vyazma is a famous industrial city of Russia. The town’s main industries are engineering, leather working, graphite products, and flax textiles. Also there are many museums, parks, ancient churches and monuments in the Vyazma. In addition, my city is the native land of many famous people, such as the pilot Yury Yanov, starry actor Anatoly Papanov, and others. I’m proud to be living in this city.

Меня зовут Павел. Я родился в небольшом городке Вязьма. Он расположен на реке Вязьма, практически на одинаковом расстоянии между Смоленском и Можайском.

В настоящее время Вязьма – знаменитый промышленный город России. Главными промышленными отраслями города считаются машиностроение, кожевенное производство, изготовление изделий из графита и пошив текстильных тканей. Также в Вязьме есть множество музеев, парков, старинных церквей и памятников. В добавок, мой город является малой родиной многих знаменитых людей: например, летчика Юрия Янова, популярного киноактера Анатолия Папанова и многих других. Я горжусь тем, что живу в этом городе.

My native city

Hello! My name is Olga and I am 17 years old. I want to tell you about my native city.

I live in Pskov city, which lies in the north-west of Russia. It is one of the oldest Russian cities, because it was founded in 903. Pskov is located on the Velikaya river. It has a significant historic importance: the river provided Pskov with access to the sea, via Lake Peipus and the Narva River. By the 14th century, the city became the capital of the sovereign Pskov Republic and was a trading post of the Hanseatic League. Later Pskov came under the control of Moscow and Russian Empire. So it is a very old place, with rich and fascinating history.

The population of Pskov is slightly more than 210 000 people. My native city is not big, but it is very comfortable. The climate is mild in my city, although closeness the Baltic Sea and Gulf of Finland influences greatly the weather conditions. Winter is long and mild, summer is warm, but not long. Fall and summer we have more precipitation than winter and spring.

Many attractions of my city are included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. So, Pskov is a world-known as the city of ancient churches and buildings. Of course, a lot of beautiful new houses and shops are built there every year, but most central streets have preserved their historical look. Ancient churches are the most remarkable part of the architectural heritage of Pskov. My home town has a lot of unique churches of the 12th-16th centuries. The most popular places of interest in Pskov are the Krom (Kremlin), Trinity Cathedral, Mirozhsky Monastery, Snetogorsky monastery, St. Basil’s on the Hill and the Pskov Monastery.

It is also impossible not to say about Izborsk, a seat of Rurik’s brother in the 9th century and one of the most formidable fortresses of medieval Russia. Mikhailovskoe, the family nest of the famous Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, is among the other attractions of Pskov. I am very proud that the national poet of Russia wrote some of the best known lines in the Russian language in my city.

Of course, there are many museums, theaters, cinemas, cafes and parks in the Pskov. I’ve already said, that my town is very interesting and comfortable. And in my opinion, it’s one of the most beautiful parts of Russia. I like Pskov and it will always be the best place on the planet for me.

Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Ольга, мне 17 лет. Я хочу с вами поделиться рассказом о моем родном городе.

Я живу в городе Псков, что находится на северо-западе России. Это один из старейших русских городов, поскольку город был основан в 903 году. Псков расположен на реке Великая. Она имеет важное историческое значение: эта река обеспечила Пскову выход к морю через Чудское озеро и реку Нарва. К 14 веку город стал столицей суверенной Псковской Республики и был важным торговым пунктом Ганзейского союза. Позднее Псков перешел под контроль Московского Царства и Российской империи. Так что это старинное место, с богатой и впечатляющей историей.

Население Пскова немногим превышает планку в 210 000 людей. Мой родной город не большой, но очень уютный. Климат в моем городе мягкий, хотя близость к Балтийскому морю и Финскому заливу значительно сказывается на погодных условиях. Зима долгая и несуровая, а лето теплое, но не длинное. Осенью и летом осадков у нас выпадает больше, чем зимой и весной.

Многие достопримечательности моего города внесены в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Так, Псков известен на весь мир, как город старинных церквей и зданий. Конечно, каждый год здесь строятся многие красивые новые дома и магазины, но большинство центральных улиц сохраняют свой исторический облик. Старинные церкви – наиболее значимая часть архитектурного наследия Пскова. Мой родной город обладает множеством уникальных церквей, возведенных в 12-16 столетиях. Наиболее популярными достопримечательностями Пскова являются Кром (Кремль), Троицкий собор, Мирожский монастырь, Снетогорский монастырь, Храм Василия Блаженного и Псковский монастырь.

Также невозможно не упомянуть о Изборске, резиденции брата Рюрика в 9 веке и одной из самых неприступных крепостей средневековой Руси. Михайловское, семейное гнездо знаменитого русского поэта Александра Пушкина, также стоит выделить среди достопримечательностей Пскова. Я очень горжусь тем, что самый народный поэт России написал несколько известных строк на русском языке в моем городе.

Конечно, в Пскове есть множество музеев, театров, кинотеатров, кафе и парков. Я уже говорила, что мой город интересный и уютный. И, по моему мнению, он является одним из самых красивых регионов России. Мне нравится Псков, и он всегда для меня будет лучшим местом на всей планете.

текст на английском my hometown мой город

My Hometown или My Homecity?

Отмечу такой момент. Вы наверняка знаете, что town — это маленький городок, а city — большой город. Кажется логичным, что, если вы из Москвы, то нужно писать homecity, не так ли? На самом деле, не совсем так. Слово homecity в принципе возможно и понятно, но обычно под hometown подразумевают родной город независимо от его размеров. Вот пример из Cambridge Dictionary:

He was born in Miami, but he considers New York his hometown since he’s lived there most of his life. — Он родился в Майами, но считаю Нью Йорк своим родным городом, так как прожил там большую часть жизни.

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

My Hometown — Мой город. Сочинение на английском языке + аудио

It is a very lively place, located in Central Russia. It was founded in 1221. Back then it used to be a major trading hub. People from all over the country came to Nizhny Novgorod to buy and sell goods. Now it has a population of one million and five hundred thousand citizens, it is the 6th biggest city in Russia.

Nowadays it is a large city with a big city center and suburbs. A lot of companies have their headquarters in Nizhny Novgorod. It is one of the biggest economic centers in Russia.

Of course, each city has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the advantages. There are many ways of transportation in Nizhny Novgorod. You can travel by bus, by trolley, you can even take the underground. Also, Nizhny Novgorod has an advantageous geographical location because it is located between two major cities — Moscow and Kazan.

However, there are also some disadvantages. First of all, it is very dirty and noisy because of traffic jams. Second, it hasn’t got a lot of public areas, such as parks, where you can spend your time with friends. Third, life here is pretty expensive, and the prices of houses and apartments are quite high.

Ниже идет тот же текст, но с переводом. Обратите внимание на выделенные слова – я выделил наиболее примечательные пары “слово-перевод”.

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Светило науки — 2 ответа — 206 раз оказано помощи

Cheboksary (chuvash. Shupashkar) — a city in Russia, the capital of the Chuvash Republic, administrative, scientific, industrial and cultural center of the Chuvash Republic. The population is estimated at 1 January 2012 with the census of 2010, is 460.4 thousand people, with subordinate rural areas — 470.9 thousand people [2] City Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of August. Winner of the «most comfortable city in Russia» in 2001. Located in the upper reach of the Cheboksary GES, on the right (high) bank Cheboksary reservoir.

Cheboksary is a satellite town — Cheboksary. March 2, 2008 a referendum was held to unite the city of Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk one urban district, but the majority voted against the merger novocheboksartsev

There are many versions of the origin of the name of the city, but all of them do not have enough solid and tangible evidence. «And slept on Cheboksary, and went from Cheboksary day all night but all that passed, and priidosha near Kazan in the early dawn, APRIL 21, in the 50th week» — from the records of governors of Ivan the Terrible, who was walking to Kazan from 19 to 20 May 1469. Scholars dispute. 1. Map of the 15th century Italian cartographer Fra Mauro city designated as «Veda Soir.» Many modern historians are focused precisely on that name, believing that it is translated as «New Suvar» (with the old Chuvash), and the city founded by refugees from the city Suvar. 2. Great confusion makes the modern name of the city «Shupashkar.» The fact that it comes from the original «Cheboksary» and not vice versa, as many historians, in their opinion, the word translated as «City.» 3. According to another version, the city is called «Shupashkar» from the first settlers named Shubash and Kar, or from a single settler named Shebashkar. Most likely, the origin of the word Shupashkar later, and maybe it means «ghetto», which was evicted after 1555 unbaptized Chuvash. 4. Someone said that the name comes from the personal name of the Finno-Ugric dace or Chebaksa with the prefix «al», which means «river», and collectively «River dace.» 5. According to another hypothesis, the name sounds like soups-sara (with Chuvash — «The place is rich in fish.» From the Tartar city name translates as «The Golden Hat» (Chebok-sara). Perhaps «Sari» is derived from the Arabic «barn», which means Palace. And then Cheboksary means fortress Cheboka. Maybe it was the name of the local or the Bulgarian ruler, which grew around the residence city. Information taken from an old newspaper.
The modern coat of arms of the city of Cheboksary is a silver crossed board the French form, divided into chapters and base. In azure field base — natural shapes «Five silver ducks» flying envelope. In the field and in the scarlet head, separated from the base of a zigzag line (in the Chuvash ornamentation — the image of the river — in this case, the Volga) three silver stylized ornament Chuvash — silhouettes of oaks. The internal field of the two extreme oaks scarlet, field average silhouette — Azure. On an azure field a silver oak figure «1469» — the date of the first historical mention of Cheboksary.

Escutcheon crowned natural figures — three a four octagonal purple, fringed with gold stars and framed by symmetrical decorative stylized ornamental motif (Hops) golden, closed at the bottom motto cartouche with the inscription in two lines «Shupashkar» — «Cheboksary» in the purple field.

Cheboksary (chuvash. Shupashkar) — a city in Russia, the capital of the Chuvash Republic, administrative, scientific, industrial and cultural center of the Chuvash Republic. The population is estimated at 1 January 2012 with the census of 2010, is 460.4 thousand people, with subordinate rural areas — 470.9 thousand people [2] City Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of August. Winner of the «most comfortable city in Russia» in 2001. Located in the upper reach of the Cheboksary GES, on the right (high) bank Cheboksary reservoir.

Cheboksary is a satellite town — Cheboksary. March 2, 2008 a referendum was held to unite the city of Cheboksary and Novocheboksarsk one urban district, but the majority voted against the merger novocheboksartsev

There are many versions of the origin of the name of the city, but all of them do not have enough solid and tangible evidence. «And slept on Cheboksary, and went from Cheboksary day all night but all that passed, and priidosha near Kazan in the early dawn, APRIL 21, in the 50th week» — from the records of governors of Ivan the Terrible, who was walking to Kazan from 19 to 20 May 1469. Scholars dispute. 1. Map of the 15th century Italian cartographer Fra Mauro city designated as «Veda Soir.» Many modern historians are focused precisely on that name, believing that it is translated as «New Suvar» (with the old Chuvash), and the city founded by refugees from the city Suvar. 2. Great confusion makes the modern name of the city «Shupashkar.» The fact that it comes from the original «Cheboksary» and not vice versa, as many historians, in their opinion, the word translated as «City.» 3. According to another version, the city is called «Shupashkar» from the first settlers named Shubash and Kar, or from a single settler named Shebashkar. Most likely, the origin of the word Shupashkar later, and maybe it means «ghetto», which was evicted after 1555 unbaptized Chuvash. 4. Someone said that the name comes from the personal name of the Finno-Ugric dace or Chebaksa with the prefix «al», which means «river», and collectively «River dace.» 5. According to another hypothesis, the name sounds like soups-sara (with Chuvash — «The place is rich in fish.» From the Tartar city name translates as «The Golden Hat» (Chebok-sara). Perhaps «Sari» is derived from the Arabic «barn», which means Palace. And then Cheboksary means fortress Cheboka. Maybe it was the name of the local or the Bulgarian ruler, which grew around the residence city. Information taken from an old newspaper.
The modern coat of arms of the city of Cheboksary is a silver crossed board the French form, divided into chapters and base. In azure field base — natural shapes «Five silver ducks» flying envelope. In the field and in the scarlet head, separated from the base of a zigzag line (in the Chuvash ornamentation — the image of the river — in this case, the Volga) three silver stylized ornament Chuvash — silhouettes of oaks. The internal field of the two extreme oaks scarlet, field average silhouette — Azure. On an azure field a silver oak figure «1469» — the date of the first historical mention of Cheboksary.

Escutcheon crowned natural figures — three a four octagonal purple, fringed with gold stars and framed by symmetrical decorative stylized ornamental motif (Hops) golden, closed at the bottom motto cartouche with the inscription in two lines «Shupashkar» — «Cheboksary» in the purple field.

My Town

I live in the most beautiful town in Russia. It is Cheboksary the capital of Chuvashia. It stands on the Volga river located on the right bank.

 I have many favourite places in my town: the Volga Bay, parks and cinemas.

You can see many people and children on the Volga Bay. There are many exciting coloured fountains here. In summer you can boat and in winter you can skate.

We have a lot of parks. Each park is very nice and cozy, where children and their parents gather for the  merry and bright holidays, musical fairy tales, theatrical performances. Cheboksary is situated on both banks of the Volga, and is one of the most beautiful green cities in Russia. The main advantage of the Chuvash Republic is good location on the Volga River, which flows through the picturesque and green places. Volga and Sursko beaches, attractive natural landscape are attractive moments for tourism development.

The town also has a cinema. I love to go and watch movies with friends and parents.

We have a lot of monuments. Cheboksary is the cultural center of the republic and has more than 100 monuments, including prominent figures of culture and art.

I like Cheboksary very much and I love my city.

Мой город

Я живу в самом красивом городе в России. Это Чебоксары столица Чувашии. Он стоит на берегу Волги, расположенном на правом берегу.

У меня много любимых мест в моем городе: Залив, парки и кинотеатры.

Вы можете увидеть много людей и детей на Заливе. Здесь много интересных цветных фонтанов. В летнее время можно кататься на лодке и зимой можно кататься на коньках.

У нас есть много парков. Каждый парк очень красивый и уютный, где дети и их родители собираются на веселые  и яркие праздники, музыкальные сказки, театрализованные представления. Чебоксары расположен на обоих берегах Волги, и является одним из самых красивых зеленых городов России. Главное преимущество Чувашской Республики — стоит в хорошем месте на Волге, которая протекает через живописные и зеленые места: Волга и Сурские пляжи, привлекательный природный ландшафт являются привлекательными моментами для развития туризма.

В городе также есть кинотеатр. Я люблю ходить и смотреть фильмы с друзьями и родителями.

У нас есть много памятников. Чебоксары — культурный центр республики и имеет более чем 100 памятников, в том числе выдающихся деятелей культуры и искусства.

Мне нравится в Чебоксарах очень сильно, и я люблю свой город

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