Рассказ о сувенире из россии английский язык 5 класс

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Сувениры России/ Russian Souvenirs с переводом на русский язык.

Russian Souvenirs Сувениры России
There are a lot of souvenirs that are sold in Russia. Some of them exist for a long time and some of them are relatively new. В России продаётся много различных сувениров. Какие-то существуют уже много лет, какие-то появились совсем недавно.
Probably the most popular and famous Russian souvenir is a matreshka. There are thousands of matreshkas with different drawings on them, different number of dolls inside and different themes. Usually traditional Russian theme are depicted on them such as winter, bears, Russian life style etc. Вероятно самый популярный и известный сувенир России — это матрёшка. Есть тысячи матрёшек с разными картинами, количеством вложений и темами на них. Чаще всего они расписаны на российскую тему – зима, медведи, русский быт и т.д.
Another popular souvenir is amber products. A lot of different things are made of it: necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pictures, pendants, caskets, photo frame and so on. Другой популярный сувенир – это изделия из янтаря. Чего только из него не делают: бусы, серьги, браслеты, картины, кулоны, шкатулки, рамки для фотографий и многое, многое другое.
Khokhloma painting is another famous thing. Usually things made of wood are painted in khokhloma style such as plates, spoons, trays, caskets, chopping boards and even samovars. It’s main competitor is Gzhel painting that is used for pottery such as plates and figurines. Другая известная тема сувениров – роспись хохлома. Чаще всего хохломой расписывает такие деревянные вещи, как: посуду, ложки, подносы, шкатулки, разделочные доски и даже самовары. Конкурирует с ней гжель, ещё одна роспись, но уже по керамике. Основные предметы росписи – посуда и статуэтки.
Other popular and cheap souvenirs are magnets, caps and t-shirts. Besides pictures of place where they are sold, pictures of politicians and famous people are depicted on it along with some words and phrases. Популярными и доступными сувенирами являются также магниты, бейсболки, футболки. Кроме популярных достопримечательностей того места, где они продаются, на них наносят изображения политиков и просто известных людей, а также различные слова и фразы.
Besides souvenirs I have already mentioned I also want to add balalaikas, USSR related things, copies of Faberge eggs, winter hats, chess sets, dolls and military related souvenirs. Кроме перечисленных, хочется ещё упомянуть такие сувениры в России, как: балалайка, предметы СССР, копии яиц Фаберже, зимние шапки, шахматы, куклы и предметы на военную тематику.


Соловьёва Анна, Строй Виолетта

Презентация  учениц 5 «Г» класса МБОУ Лицей №1 Соловьёвой Анны, Строй Виолетты  им. Г.С. Титова,

на тему «Сувениры из России»  к учебнику «Spotlight» для  5 класса авторы Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.Дули, О.Е. Подоляко, В.Эванс.


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The work was done by the students of the 5th»G» class of the MBOU Lyceum №1 them. G.S. Titova. Stroy Violetta, Solovyeva Anna English teacher: Anikushina Larisa Ivanovna. « Russian souvenirs »

Слайд 2

This is a Russian matryoshka from Moscow. It is wooden dolls in colorful dress enclosed one in another. The number of nested dolls are usually three or more. Matryoshka

Слайд 3

Khokhloma Khokhloma — an ancient Russian folk craft, born in the XVII century under Nizhny Novgorod. It is a decorative painting of wooden utensils and furniture, made in red, green and golden tones on a black background .

Слайд 4

Balalaika is a Russian folk stringed musical instrument. The balalaika has a body of triangular shape, the strings — three. The balalaika is one of the tools that, along with the harmony, has become a symbol of the Russian people. Balalaika The most famous Russian instrument.

Слайд 5

Gzhel is a Russian folk craft of ceramics and porcelain production and a kind of Russian folk painting . Gzhel

Слайд 6

Amber The most popular souvenir from Kaliningrad. Souvinirs of amber: pictures , icons and jewelry are very beautiful and unique.

Слайд 7

Gus- Khrustalny The souvenirs of crystal are exclusive gifts. Wonolerlue crystal glass from Gus- Khrustalny are very popular in Russia.

Слайд 8

To remember Russia don’t forget souvenirs!

Слайд 9

Информационные источники https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A5%D0%BE%D1%85%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B0 https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%93%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BA%D0%B0 https://www.google.ru/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd https://www.google.ru/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd


1 Matryoshka (a set of wooden Russian dolls; nested dolls beautifully decorated with a ruddy face)

2 Balalayka (a musical instrument)

3 Valenki (winter footwear)

4 Orenburg downy shawls (head kerchifs)

5 Clay Dymkovo toys

6 Palekh caskets (small beautifully painted wooden boxes)

7 Kasli Art casting (metal statuettes)

8 Wooden painted dishes and spoons

9 Souvenir painted Eggs

10 Samovar (a big metal kettle)

1 Матрёшка (набор русских деревянных кукол)

2 Балалайка (музыкальный инструмент)

3 Валенки (зимняя обувь)

4 Оренбургские пуховые платки

5 Глиняная дымковская игрушка

6 Шкатулки из Палеха 

7 Каслинское художественное литьё

8 Деревянная посуда и ложки

9 Яйца сувенирные

10 Cамовар

Usually tourists buy such traditional Russian souvenirs, as Matryoshka dolls, beautifully painted mugs, plates and wooden spoons from the village of Khokhloma and Palekh beautifully decorated wooden boxes. Those who have more money buy amber, furs, art books and caviar. Some tourists are more interested in badges, magnets with Russian landmarks, T-shirts with Russian print and Russian ushanka-hats (hat-ear flaps).

Russian souvenirs — this is not only the national products, but also various crafts of minerals, bones and stones, such as porcelain cups, statuettes made of bone, ashtrays, writing sets and clocks made of stone. Also popular with tourists is tableware, decorated with images of cathedrals, cities’ landmarks and national patterns. Most of these dishes, which sell different gift shops, stylize capital of Russia — Moscow, which is very interesting for Russian guests from other countries.

Обычно туристы покупают такие традиционные русские сувениры, как матрешки, красиво расписанные кружки, тарелки и деревянные ложки из села Хохлома и из Палеха — красиво украшенные деревянные шкатулки. Те, у кого больше денег, покупают янтарь, меха, книги по искусству и икру. Некоторых туристов больше интересуют значки, магниты с русскими ориентирами, футболки с русским принтом и русские шапки (шапки-ушанки).

Русские сувениры — это не только национальные изделия, но и различные поделки из минералов, костей и камней, такие, как фарфоровые чашки, статуэтки из кости, пепельницы, письменные наборы и часы из камня. Также популярностью у туристов пользуется посуда, украшенная изображениями соборов, достопримечательностей городов и национальными узорами. Большинство этих блюд, которые продают различные сувенирные магазины, стилизуют столицу России-Москву, что очень интересно российским гостям из других стран.


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What do you know about traditional souvenirs from Russia? Most probably you’ve heard of Russian nesting doll (it’s called ‘mastryoshka’ in Russian), but not many visitors to our country can remember other traditional crafts. During your Moscow tour you’ll be able to see beautiful Palekh and Fedoskino wooden boxes, bright shawls from Pavlovsky Posad, elegant amber jewelry, funny felt boots and numerous other souvenirs.

This section represents the history of the main Russian crafts. You’ll have an idea of what to look for during your trip to the country and learn the story of the Russian folk art.  Your Moscow tour guide will help you to find the perfect gift from Russia. A very famous place to buy souvenirs is the Izmailovo market, which offers the largest selection of items of decorative and applied art, fine art, and folk handicrafts.

If you’re not into shopping souvenirs it might be a good idea to buy something traditional you can eat or drink, and we’ll give you some tips on what food or drink could be a good present to your friends.

Matryoshka doll

Matryoshka doll
Matryoshka is the best known and most popular Russian souvenir. It is a set of painted wooden dolls of decreasing sizes one hidden inside another. The number of nested figures usually varies from three to ten, but in some rare cases can reach 50 and even more. Traditional matryoshka doll represents a woman dressed in a Russian peasant dress wearing a scarf on her head.read more


Amber is a common name for fossilized tree resin known since ancient time for its natural beauty and magic qualities.
90 % of all amber in ther world comes from Kalinigrad region in the west of Russia. During your tour to Moscow or St Petersburg you’ll have a great opportunity to get an elegant piece of jewelry with amber.read more

Pavlovo Posad shawls.

Pavlovo Posad shawls.
Pavlovo Posad is a small town not far from Moscow known all over Russia for its shawls and scarves factory. The factory has been in town since the end of the 18th century but its production is in great demand up to now. The shawls usually feature bright floral pattern. read more


Khokhloma is a traditional Russian craft originated in the 17th century in the area of Nizhniy Novgorod. It’s the style of painting on wooden tableware and furniture. Khokhloma style can be recognized for its red and gold flower pattern on a dark background. read more

Lacquer boxes

Lacquer boxes
Lacquer boxes are among the most beautiful crafts of Russia in the 20th century. They are made of unusual material; it’s not wood as it seems to be but papier-mâché. The boxes feature miniature paintings, the themes range from Russian landscapes to Fairy tales.read more


Gzhel is a style of Russian ceramics which originates from the village of Gzhel not far from Moscow. The pottery feature distinctive blue designs on white background. The range of Gzhel production is very diverse, among most popular items are tea and coffee services, clocks, lamps.read more


Valenki or Russian felt boots used to be very popular footwear in winter. They’re not so widespread today in big cities but are still common in the countryside. Valenki are among the warmest footwear that can be used in severe winters, today valenki are usually worn by little kids.read more

Birch bark crafts

Birch bark crafts
Birch bark crafts have been popular in Russia since ancient times.During your tour of Moscow you can get numerous boxes, jewelry, baskets made of birch bark.read more

Bogorodsk wooden toys

Bogorodsk wooden toys
Bogorodsk toys are wooden carved figures of animals, birds and people doing various tasks such as pecking chicken, bears chopping the wood or hare playing musical instruments. These toys are excellent educational material for the kids and will be a lot of fun for the whole family.read more

Soviet Memorabilia

Soviet Memorabilia
During your Moscow tour practically in every gift shop you will certainly find a lot of souvenirs, reminding of Soviet period of Russian history. Famous writer Maxim Gorky said “Without knowing the past, it’s impossible to understand the true meaning of the present and the aims of the future”. Your Moscow tour guide invites you to dive into the depth of Soviet history to learn more about some curious things that you can buy while visiting Russia.read more

Russian chocolate and sweets

Russian chocolate and sweets
During your Moscow Tour don’t miss the chance to enjoy different sorts of confectionery, chocolate and sweets. Firstly you should pay attention to ring-shaped rolls called baranki and soushki, pastila and filled chocolates. Let your Moscow tour guide introduce you to the most delicious Russian sweets and pastries, you can’t find in any other country.
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Rostov enamels

Rostov enamels
Rostov enamels today are very popular in Russia. During your tour around the country you can find beautiful earrings, brooches, necklaces, boxes with miniature paintings on enamel. This art is popular since the 17th century. read more

Russian vodka

Russian vodka
Even if you are in Russia for the first time during your Moscow tour you probably heard something about Russian vodka. How comes this strong alcohol drink became an integral part of the Russian life? Let’s get acquainted with the history of vodka with the help of your Moscow tour guide and learn some interesting facts about Russian vodka.read more

Ushanka (winter hat)

Ushanka (winter hat)
Ushanka or shapka ushanka is a traditional Russian fur hat. It has ear flaps that might be tied at the chin to protect ears and neck from the cold or fixed at the back of the head. It is known in the west sometimes as simply ‘shapka” (which actually means “hat’ in Russian) and its name ‘ushanka’ derives from the Russian word ushi (“ears”).read more


Budenovka is a hat used as the uniform of the Soviet troops from 1918 until 1940. Nobody wears it now but it became an iconic image from the Russian Сivil war.read more

Faberge Eggs

Faberge Eggs
Willing to get a Faberge egg? The cost of such a lovely souvenir can be around 10-20 millions USD. Does it sound a bit pricey? You might go for a much cheaper option and get a replica.read more

Orenburg shawls

Orenburg shawls
Orenburg down shawls may become a great souvenir for women, who appreciate handmade things.This type shawl originated in the Orenburg area about 250 years ago. The shawls are made of a special blend of silk and thin goat fiber.
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Zhostovo trays

Zhostovo trays
Beautiful metal trays painted with mixed garden and wild flowers come from a small village Zhostovo.Nowadays Zhostovo trays still produced in Mytishchi Area are considered a great present that keeps the warmth of craftsmen hands a peace of mysterious Russian soul.read more


This metal container, traditionally used for heating water during the tea ceremony, is often mentioned in our literature, songs and folklore. read more


Составить легкий рассказ о матрешке на английском СОС!

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Matryoshka is a national Russian toy. It is made of wood and painted with colors. In each matryoshka there is another matryoshka, smaller in size. And so many times. They can be arranged in a row in size. Each matryoshka can be either the same or different in coloring. Tourists visiting our country always buy matryoshki for souvenirs.

Матрёшка — национальная русская игрушка. Её делают из дерева и расписывают красками. В каждой матрёшке находится другая матрёшка, меньшая по размеру. И так много раз. Их можно выстроить в ряд по размеру. Каждая матрёшка может быть как одинаковой, так и разной по раскраске. Туристы, посещающие нашу страну всегда покупают матрёшки на сувениры.

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<span>There is a piano, a violin and a flute in the room.
I can play the triangle. It’s easy.
My brother plays football almost every day.
Put the guitar into my room, please.
I like the song of the violin because it’s soft and sentimental.

Я несу в руках , из лозы сплетеную,в ней снизу до верху лежит,то ,что будет приготовлено.

Удивительное спасение
В тот ветреный осенний день, Грег Гибсон, член вертолетной спасательной единицы береговой охраны США, только начал свою смену. Он пил горячий кофе, когда поступил сигнал бедствия.
Грузовое судно с экипажем в 26 человек на борту село на мель в Беринговом море. Два вертолета, включая Грега и лодка береговой охраны начали спасательную операцию, чтобы спасти экипаж тонущего корабля. Море было бурным и сильные порывы ветра трясли вертолеты, но, несмотря на ужасную погоду, спасательная операция проходит как по маслу, и 18 человек были быстро переброшены по воздуху в безопасное место. Вертолеты заправились и вернулись, чтобы забрать оставшихся членов экипажа, но едва второй вертолет был готов возвратиться случилось что-то ужасное.
Гигантская волна ударила в корабль и отправила огромную стену воды в воздух. Грег и другие спасатели с ужасом наблюдали, как она проглотила вертолет и он рухнул в море. Грег немедленно схватился за дело. «Быстро! Давайте вытащим их оттуда!», Он прокричал он. Зависая на 150 футах над водой, Грег опустил спасательную корзину с такой точностью, что ему удалось собрать оставшихся в живых из бурлящего моря, не теряя ни секунды.
<span>После нескольких утомительных часов, все были в целости и сохранности и восстанавливались в больнице. «Я рад, что все закончилось», сказал Грег, он и его экипаж были свободны, что все они вернулись на сушу, их друзья и коллеги были живы. Через несколько месяцев, Грег был награжден золотой медалью в знак признания его ловкой и храброй работы под давлением.</span>


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