Рассказ о владивостоке на английском языке с переводом


Попова Дарья, ученица 9 «Б» класса ГБОУ СОШ № 1924 г. Москвы

Сочинение на английском языке об основных достопримечательностях Владивостока.


Предварительный просмотр:

About Vladivostok


Ф.И.О. участника

Попова Дарья Алексеевна


Образовательное учреждение

ГБОУ СОШ №1924



Я ученица 9 «Б» класса. Решила написать о Владивостоке, т.к. это мой родной город, который мне очень дорог.

My name is Dasha Popova. I study in the 9 form “B” school №1924. I live in Moscow, but I was born in Vladivostok.

Vladivostok is a port city. The Japanese sea washes it. Vladivostok is so beautiful city, and it’s relatively young. It is 151. “Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation” Summit will be held on Rysskiy Island in 2012, so people are building the bridge from this island to Vladivostok now and reconstructing many buildings.

Vladivostok has got many museums, theatres and cinemas. The most popular museum is “Seaside State United Museum was named in honor V.K. Arseniev”. So Vladivostok is a port city. It has a big and nice Oceanarium. There is a historical monument and museum “Submarine C-56”, it’s a popular and interesting attraction for tourists.

Drama Art is so important for this city. When I studied in the first and second form, I danced in “Seaside Boundary Academic Theatre it was named in honor M. Gorky”. It’s difficult to say what great emotions I felt. Actors put all their souls in every show. Audiences felt it and applauded.

The most of Vladivostok’s cinemas were built in the USSR. One of them is the cinema “Ocean” has got the biggest display within the Far East.

Many famous people were born in Vladivostok. One of them was Yul Brynner. Yul Brynner was a famous Hollywood actor, the “Oscar” winner. And he was born in Vladivostok.

Anna Shchetinina was the first sea woman-captain of the world. And she was born in Vladivostok too.

I am very proud that I was born in Vladivostok, because it is the most beautiful and my favorite city in the world.


Yul Brynner

Anna Shchetinina

“Seaside Boundary Academic Theatre it was named in honor M. Gorky”

Cinema “Ocean”

“Submarine C-56”


Владивосток – Vladivostok [владивосток]
Россия – Russia [раша]
Город – city [сити]
Дальний Восток – Far East [фар ист]
Приморский край – Primorskiy region [приморский риджн]
Морской порт – sea port [си порт]
Экскурсия – excursion [экскуршн]
Обзорная экскурсия – sightseeing tour [сайтсин тур]
Водная экскурсия – water excursion [вотэ экскуршн]
Музей – museum [мьюзиум]
Театр – theater [сете]
Достопримечательность – sight [сайт]
Памятник – monument [моньюмэнт]
Набережная – embankment [эмбэнкмэнт]
Маяк – lighthouse [лайтхаус]
Крепость – fort [форт]
Мост – bridge [бридж]
Бухта – bay [бэй]
Море – sea [си]
Остров – island [айлэнд]
Парк – park [парк]
Гулять – to walk [ту вок]
Фотографировать – to make photo [ту мэйк фото]
Посещать – to visit [ту висит]

Полезные фразы:

Какие достопримечательности входят в эту экскурсию? What sights are included in the excursion?
Сколько стоит экскурсия? How much does the excursion cost?
Какова продолжительность экскурсии?
How long is the excursion?

Диалоги о Владивостоке на английском языке

– Я могу поехать на обзорную экскурсию по городу?
– Can I go to sightseeing tour around the city?
– Да. Цены экскурсии 1500 рублей. Вы сможете увидеть основные достопримечательности, центральную площадь города, маяк и подводную лодку.
– Yes. The price of excursion is 1500 rubles. You can see the main sights, city central square, lighthouse and submarine.
– А сколько времени длится экскурсия?
– And how long does this excursion take?
– Продолжительность около 3 часов.
– Duration is about 3 hours.
– Какие еще экскурсии вы можете посоветовать?
– What other excursions can you advise?
– Мы предлагаем вечернюю экскурсию. Вы сможете полюбоваться городом в вечернее время со смотровых площадок и прогуляться по набережной.
– We offer evening excursion. You can admire the city in the evening from viewpoints and walk along embankment.

– Во Владивостоке есть морские экскурсии?
– Are there some water excursions in Vladivostok?
– Конечно! Ты сможешь поплавать по морю на катере или яхте. Также можно заняться дайвингом или снорклингом.
– Certainly! You can swim in the sea on a boat or a yacht. Also you can go diving or snorkeling.
– А можно ли посетить какие-нибудь острова?
– And can I visit any islands?
– Да. Есть экскурсии на пляжи и на остров Русский, где можно посетить старый форт.
– Yes. There are some excursions to beaches and on the Russkiy island where you can visit old fort.

Vladivostok is a port city in the Russian Far East. It is located on a peninsula, washed by the Sea of Japan. Vladivostok is the capital of Primorsky Krai. This contemporary city is changing rapidly: over the last few years, a number of unique constructions and institutions have appeared in Vladivostok, including Russky and Golden Horn bridges, a huge university campus, and the Primorsky Opera Theatre. The city hosts events of an international level, including the APEC summit, and the Eastern Economic Forum.

Leading Centre of Education and Science

The Primorsky Scientific Centre of the Far Eastern division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dozens of institutions of higher education, R&D organizations, the Botanical Garden-Institute, and the largest and most modern university campus in Russia are all located here.

Gates to Asia

Vladivostok is 750 km away from Seoul, 1,335 km away from Beijing, and a little over 1,000 km away from Tokyo. Local travel agencies offer affordable flights, boat tours and cruises to Asian countries, including Thailand, Vietnam, and Singapore. If you wish to visit these and other countries, you need to ensure you arrange a visa at the embassy of the corresponding country beforehand.

Coastal City

Tourists are also offered unforgettable cruises around the picturesque coast of Vladivostok and the 50 nearby islands. There is a well-established infrastructure in the city for the rental of boats, motor boats, and SeaDoos. There are many clean and comfortable beaches and recreation camps in and around Vladivostok. Local restaurants and cafes offer a great variety of seafood and fish.

City of Parks

Parks are a favourite recreation spot for the locals and visitors of the city. Most of them are immersed in greenery, they are equipped with rides and attractions for visitors of all ages and offer a convenient infrastructure. Every park is equipped with a skating rink in winter. A number of cultural and entertainment events is held throughout the year: festivals, concerts, contests, and tournaments. Pokrovsky and Phantasia parks, Primorsky Safari Park, and the Botanical Garden-Institute are most popular among the locals.

Multiconfessional City

Orthodox Christianity has the largest number of followers in Vladivostok. There are also Jewish, Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Baptist, and other religious communities in the city.

City of Animal Activists

Tiger Day has been held in Vladivostok since 2000. This is an environmental event when people dressed like tigers march along the central streets of the city. The main purpose of this annual initiative is to draw attention of society to the challenge of preserving the population of the Amur tiger (Siberian tiger) that inhabits the Primorsky and Khabarovsk areas.

What to See

Bird’s-Eye View of Vladivostok

The peak of Orlinoye Gnezdo is the highest point of the city, served by a cable railway – two wagons with a cable drive moving rails. Take the cable railway to enjoy the most beautiful view of Vladivostok.

Bridges of Vladivostok

Russky Bridge connects Russky Island with continental Vladivostok. The bridge is 324 metres high. This is the world’s longest bridge by length of span (1,104 metres). This is the present-day symbol of Vladivostok. Golden Bridge is 1,388 metres long and stretching across Golden Horn Bay with its unique V-shaped towers is just as grand.

Golden Horn Bay

The picturesque bay where Vladivostok lies is one of the most beautiful places in the city, offering magnificent views. It is a convenient for mooring vessels. The rocky and bluff shores of the bay were levelled and equipped with mooring berths, docks, and piers.

Vladivostok Fortress

The fortress constructed in Vladivostok at the end of the 19th/early 20th century – is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city. Structures with a complex system of labyrinths, underground passes, deep tunnels, and casemates are open for visitors.

Primorsky Aquarium

This is a magnificent construction, shaped like a clamshell (35,000 sq. m) on Russky Island. The construction is scheduled to be finished in December 2015. The total volume of water will reach 25,000 tons. Over 500 species of sea and freshwater animals will be shown in the aquarium. A dolphinarium with a dolphin therapy department will be located in the same building.

Museum of Ancient Motor Vehicles

The exposition includes automobiles, motorcycles, and other machines developed between the 1920s and 1970s by Soviet and foreign engineers. There are over 50 exhibits in the collection. A library, a lecture hall, and a video library are available for motor vehicle lovers.

Near the City

Russky Island near Vladivostok (100 sq. km) is a recreation spot popular among locals and visitors of the city. It is especially popular for picnics, fishing, and diving. The island amazes with its fort constructions, picturesque forests, peaks, and bays. The multifunctional campus of Far-Eastern Federal University (the most modern in Russia), beaches and recreation camps offer everything you could possibly need to enjoy leisure here. To get to the island, you can take a ferry or use public transport that crosses Russky Bridge.

Egersheld Lighthouse, the main reference point at the entrance to the port of Vladivostok for over 100 years, is also well worth a visit. It is located on Tokarevskaya Koshka, the tip of a narrow marine sand bar. You can get there on a mini-cruiser, a barge, or on foot.



Vladivostok (Russian: Владивосто́к; IPA: [vlədʲɪvɐˈstok] ( listen)) is a city and the administrative center of Primorsky Krai, Russia, situated at the head of the Golden Horn Bay, not far from Russia’s borders with China and North Korea. The population of the city, according to the preliminary results of the 2010 Census, is 592,069,[3] down from 594,701 recorded in the 2002 Census.[4]
The city is the home port of the Russian Pacific Fleet and the largest Russian port on the Pacific Ocean.
Vladivostok is hosting the ongoing 24th Summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. In preparation for the event, the infrastructure of the city was renovated and improved. Two giant cable-stayed bridges were constructed in Vladivostok, namely the Zolotoy Rog bridge over the Golden Horn Bay in the center of the city, and the Russky Island Bridge from the mainland to Russky Island, where the summit is taking place. The latter bridge will be awarded the distinction of longest cable-stayed bridge in the world.The city’s main industries are shipping, commercial fishing, and the naval base. Fishing accounts for almost four-fifths of Vladivostok’s commercial production. Other food production totals 11%.
A very important employer and a major source of revenue for the city’s inhabitants is the import of Japanese cars.[15] Besides salesmen, the industry employs repairmen, fitters, import clerks as well as shipping and railway companies.[16] The Vladivostok dealers sell 250,000 cars a year, with 200,000 going to other parts of Russia.[16] Every third worker in the Primorsky Krai has some relation to the automobile import business. In recent years, the Russian government has made attempts to improve the country’s own car industry. This has included raising tariffs for imported cars, which has put the car import business in Vladivostok in difficulties. To compensate, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ordered the car manufacturing company Sollers to move one of its factories from Moscow to Vladivostok. The move was completed in 2009, and the factory now employs about 700 locals. It is planned to produce 13,200 cars in Vladivostok in 2010.[15]

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