Рассказ об улице москвы на английском языке

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Улица Арбат/ Arbat Street с переводом на русский язык.

Arbat Street Улица Арбат
The Arbat is definitely one of the most famous streets in Moscow. Every tourist when he comes to Moscow tries to visit this street and take some photos. Арбат — это, вне всякого сомнения, самая знаменитая улица Москвы. Приезжая в столицу, каждый путешественник стремится непременно прогуляться по ней и сделать памятные фотографии.
Everybody knows that the Arbat is a pedestrian street but not everybody knows that it hasn’t been not always this way. Long ago there were some horse carriages here then at the beginning of the XX century there were first tramcars and later some trolleybuses. And only in 1990s the Arbat became the way we know it today with no traffic. Все знают, что Арбат — это пешеходная улица, но мало кому известно, что так было далеко не всегда. Раньше здесь ездили экипажи, запряженные лошадьми, затем, в начале XX века, — первые трамваи, а после уже и троллейбусы. Лишь только в 1990 годах движение транспорта по Арбату перекрыли, и он приобрел свой современный статус.
Today this street looks like bright fair with lots of different shops, souvenirs kiosks, cafes bad restaurants. The Arbat was this way at the beginning of the XIX century when the first merchants came here and opened apartment houses, shops and cafes. Сегодня улица очень похожа на нарядную ярмарку со множеством различных магазинов, сувенирных лавок, кафе и ресторанов. Подобный статус Арбат приобрел примерно в конце XIX века, когда здесь стали появляться купцы, содержащие доходные дома, торговые лавки и заведения общественного питания.
Before that in the XVII century there were a lot of palace and shooters’ slobodas and their names still remain the same you can see it in the names of the side streets close to the Arbat. Later on in the XVIII century the Arbat became one of the most aristocratic streets of the city. До этого времени, в XVII веке, на Арбате было выстроено множество дворцовых и стрелецких слобод, названия которых сохранились до сих пор в наименованиях примыкающих к улице переулков. Затем в XVIII веке Арбат превратился в одну из самых аристократических улиц города.
Generally speaking the Arbat is over 500 year old. It was mentioned in 1493 for the first time. At first the word «Arbat» (actually «Orbat») meant «suburb» in Arabic and the whole area to the West from the Kremlin till the Garden Ring was called this way. Then people started calling this street this way and right now it became a real symbol of our capital. Вообще, история Арбата насчитывает уже более пятисот лет, ведь первое упоминание о нем появилось еще в 1493 году. Сначала словом «Арбат» (а точнее, «Орбат»), означающим «пригород» в переводе с арабского языка, называли всю территорию, лежащую к западу от Кремля до Садового кольца. Потом постепенно так стали именовать и улицу, которая теперь стала настоящим символом нашей столицы.

The main street of Russia – Tverskaya Street – is the center of Moscow’s life.

Here you can find the 5-star Ritz-Carlton and National, fashionable shops, numerous cafeterias and restaurants, famous Eliseev’s food store, one of the city’s main bookstores, Moscow City Hall and opposite it the monument to the founder of the city – Yury the Long Armed…

Starting at the very heart of Moscow, Manezh Square, the street stretches out for about 2 km northwest. If you continue moving in this direction you will eventually reach St. Petersburg that is about 760 km from Moscow. That’s why it is called the main Russian thoroughfare.

There is much to see and do at Tverskaya Street (Tverskaya Ulitsa), and we highly recommend you to visit it during your own exploration of the city or on a private Moscow tour!

National Hotel

The luxury 5-star National hotel occupies one of the premier locations in the country. Russia’s main sights – Red Square and the Kremlin – are literally across the street. Operating since 1903, this hotel is executed in the best architectural traditions of the late 19th century – eclectic style with elements of Art Nouveau. More than its 30 rooms boast a picturesque views of the Kremlin, St. Basil Cathedral and Red Square.

Address: 15/1 Mokhovaya Street, bld. 1 

Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Next door the National Hotel, is the famous Ritz-Carlton Moscow. It opened its doors in 2007 and offers panoramic views of the historic area of Moscow.  

This luxury hotel provides a full range of services – from GYM and spacious SPA-center with a swimming pool to personal butler service. Over 300 of its large guest rooms and suits are furnished in marble from Altai and Portugal mountains.

The O2 Lounge, that is on the roof the Ritz, provides the best views of the Kremlin and Red Square.

Address: 3, Tverskaya Street

Kamergersky Pereulok

Kamergerskiy Pereulok (Kamergersky Side Lane) is one of the favorite places for locals and tourists alike.  It is a pedestrian street and full of cafes and restaurants of French, Italian, Chinese and Japanese cuisines. It also provides a choice of coffee shops including Starbucks and local Shokoladnitsa.

Where to enjoy the best coffee in Moscow?Top 8 Moscow Coffee Shops

Moscow City Hall and Monument to Yuriy the Long Armed

On the left side of Tverskaya, if moving from the Kremlin, stands a classical red-and-white structure the Moscow City Hall. Its central part is decorated with an 8-column portico with a pediment and the presence of two flags – State and Moscow – indicates that it is a government building. After an extensive reconstruction, finished in 2014, the building shines with newness and the Moscow Coat of Arms, decorating its top part, attracts with luster of gold.

Opposite the Moscow City Hall is a monument to the founder of the city – Yuriy the Long Armed.

Address: 13, Tverskaya Street

Eliseev Food Store

A little further along Tverskaya Street and moments away from Pushkin Square is another attraction – Eliseevskiy Store (Eliseev Food Store). 

Opened in 1901, it keeps traditions of quality along with its luxury neo-baroque decoration.  It occupies an 18th century building, where Pushkin and Baratynskiy were known to read their poems.

The Store is open 24/7, 365 days a year.

Address: 14, Tverskaya Street

Pushkin Square and Alexander Pushkin Monument

At the intersection of Tverskaya Street and Tverskoy Boulevard is a square that bears name of a great Russian poet – Alexander Pushkin. At the center of it stands the late 19th century monument to the poet. Take a moment to come closer and look at it – it is one of the rare monuments that reveal a deep thought and soul of the poet. It is by far one of the best monuments in Moscow.

What other monuments and buildings are a must-see in Moscow?Moscow Architecture – Buildings and Monuments

Pushkin Cafe

Opposite Pushkin Monument, at Tverskoy Boulevard is Pushkin Café. It opened its doors in 1999 and quickly gained fame among locals and city guests. 

The reputation of the restaurant is so high, that it seems impossible to visit Moscow without lunch or dinner at Pushkin Café. It is an international place indeed, with English heard more often than Russian.

The internal space of the restaurant is arranged into several halls incl. Drugstore and Orangery on the ground floor, and Library Hall on the 2nd floor. Russian nobleman cuisine is served on the Drugstore area 24/7.

Address: 26/5 Tverskoy Bulevard.

Museum of Contemporary History of Russia

Walking up Tverskaya Street and passing by Pushkin Square, your attention will be caught by a classical 18th century building, executed in red and white colors with gates decorated with lions. Museum of Contemporary History of Russia occupies this former noble mansion. The Museum traces Russian history from the end of the 19th century to the present days and is the best place to learn about the events, which led to the Russian Revolution of 1917, and life in Russia during the USSR time.

Address: 21, Tverskaya street 

Walk along this main street of Russia while on one of our Moscow tours. Your private Moscow tourist guide will share their knowledge and love for the city and make you a great company for the day!


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  • Tverskaya Street is Moscow’s thoroughfare that joins Red Square to Triumphalnaya Square.
  • Tverskaya Street abounds with high-end brand boutiques and Moscow’s best restaurants.
  • Several 18th— and 19th-century architectural monuments have survived to our days.
  • Buildings such as the National Hotel, the Central Telegraph, the town residence of the Savino-Storozhevsky Monastery and the building hosting Moscow City Government deserve special attention.
  • The Eliseyev Food Hall, renowned for its luxurious interior decoration and rich history, is located at 14, Tverskaya Street.
  • Building No. 21 once accommodated the English Club, one of the most prestigious social institutions in imperial Russia, now Museum of Contemporary History of Russia.

shutterstock_278453999Tverskaya StreetRussian: Tverskaya ulitsa or Тверская улица is Moscow’s main thoroughfare. It joins the Red SquareRussian: Krasnaya poschad or Красная площадь with the Triumfalnaya SquareRussian: Triumfalnaya ploschad or Триумфальная площадь, continues further as Tverskaya-Yamskaya StreetRussian: Tverskaya-Yamskaya ulitsa or Тверская-Ямская улица and, passing the Belorussian Railway StationRussian: Belorusskiy vokzal or Белорусский вокзал, it evolves into Leningradsky AvenueRussian: Leningradskiy prospekt or Ленинградский проспект .  Many historic buildings dating back to the 19th and 20th centuries are located along Tverskaya Street. Of special interest are the Stalinist neoclassical blocks. Museums, theatres, shops, restaurants and cozy parks are scattered along Tverskaya Street and in the neighbouring lanes.

Every building on Tverskaya Street deserves special attention. Memorial plaques on these buildings communicate many interesting things about their history as well as those who lived there. There are buildings from different time periods and built in varying styles, providing an overall picture of 19th and 20th-century Moscow architecture and recreating the ancient, solemn atmosphere of the capital city.

History of Tverskaya street

Гостиница НациональThe modern Tverskaya Street is the continuation of a road which once connected Moscow with Tvera city located 180 kilometres northwest of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Several monuments dating from the 19th and even the 18th centuries have survived, including the National HotelRussian: gostinitsa «Natsional» or гостиница «Националь» and mansions owned by illustrious noble families. However, Tverskaya Street owes its modern appearance mostly to the 1930s. Before that, it had been a narrow and winding road typical of old Moscow where urban development was rarely carried out according to any cohesive plan. The street was enlarged and straightened in Soviet times, but, in order to do this, many historic buildings had to be torn down. Highly valuable architectural landmarks were preserved, but hidden inside residential neighbourhoods. This seems incredible even today, and it was even more so in the past century: multi-storey buildings could move with people inside, and the relocation was so smooth that some people kept sleeping without even noticing it.

Even if you are in a beautiful historic area or a tidy park, walking around the huge city takes up a lot of energy. For you to have a rest in the best way, on the pages of our website there is a lot of information about the best restaurants in Moscow (Russia), best bars in Moscow etc.

Highlights of Tverskaya street

276_image2_sTverskaya Street is a single ensemble, where every building and every façade is unique and worthy of attention. The National Hotel, built by N. Benua in the early 20th century and located on the right side of the Manezhnaya SquareRussian: Manezhnaya ploschad or Манежная площадь, is a fine example of eclectic design. Fretwork decorates the building’s exteriors, and the interiors are enhanced with mosaics and stained-glass windows. Its convenient location in the very heart of Moscow, beautiful views from the windows and intricate interiors make it one of the most upscale hotels in the city.

Buildings No. 2, 4 and 6 built by G. Mordvinov on the right side of Tverskaya Street are fine examples of Stalinist architecturean architecture of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, between 1933 and 1955 with their arches and giant columns, coffered ceilings, protrusive cornices and reliefs. The three buildings look alike and shape the continuous framing of the street, making it both grand and festive.

Подворье Саввино-Сторожевского монастыряBuilding No. 7 on the left side of the street is the Central TelegraphRussian: Tsentralnyi telegraf or Центральный телеграф, a real hallmark of its time. The 20th century is an epoch of great technological discoveries and styles, and the austere façade of the building with its reinforced concrete framework and its main decoration in the form of a big glass globe are very much in the spirit of the time. Architects S. Ginzburg and I. Rerberg constructed this building in the late 1920s before the rise of Stalinist architecture, which accounts for the absence of traditional porches, colonnades and arches as well as the predominance of austere constructivist features.

277_image3_sThe city residence of the Savino-Storozhevsky MonasteryRussian: podvore Savino-Storozhevskogo monastyrya or подворье Савино-Сторожевского монастыря is hidden inside the court of Building No. 6 on the right side of Tverskaya Street. It is one of the buildings that had to be moved during the reconstruction of the street. Today, not all Muscovites know about the structure hidden behind the façade of a more recent high-rise. The old city residence, built in the early 20th century by I. Kuznetsov, is one of the best examples of Moscow Art Modern architecture. Neo-Russian elements successfully combine with Baroque and Classical details. The overall design is also very well thought out, and the arches lead into inner courtyards proportionate with the overall design.

Building No. 13 on the left side of Tverskaya Street houses Moscow City GovernmentRussian: zdanie Merii or здание Мэрии (the former house of the Governor-General). Built in the late 18th century by Matvey Kazakov, it initially only had four storeys. During reconstruction, the Tverskoy House was moved further, and two more floors were added on top in the 1940s. Architect Andrey Burov was originally offered the project, but he refused, unwilling to mutilate this historic building. This decision cost him his job at the Moscow Institute of Architecture and his atelier. The project was eventually carried out by Dmitry Chechulin. A large cornice marks the exact boundary between the historical part of the building and the added superstructure.

Tverskaya square

278_image4_sOpposite the Moscow City Government is Tverskaya SquareRussian: Tverskaya ploschad or Тверская площадь, with a monument to Prince Yuri DolgorukiyRussian: pamyatnik knyazu Yuriyu Dolgorukomu or памятник князю Юрию Долгорукому, the presumed founder of the city of Moscow in its centre. A monument to the Russian general Mikhail Skobeleva Russian general famous for his conquest of Central Asia and heroism during the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878 had stood here before the Bolsheviksmembers of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers’ Party, which, led by Lenin, seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power demolished it in protest – a great loss to Russian culture. The demolished monument gave place to an Obelisk featuring plaques with inscriptions from the Russian Constitution of 1918. Only in 1947 was it replaced with the current monument by Sergey Orlov in commemoration of the 800th anniversary of the city.

Building No. 14 on the right side of Tverskaya Street (the former tenement house by E. Kozitskaya) is famous for housing the Eliseyev Food HallRussian: Magazin Eliseeva or Магазин Елисеева. This classical style building was initially built by Matvey Kazakov, but its appearance underwent major transformations in the subsequent years. At the end of the 19th century, merchant Grigory Eliseyev purchased it and opened a grocery store on the first floor. In Soviet times, the store was renamed for ‘Gastronom No. 1Russian: Гастроном №1’, but it was still commonly known by the name of its founder. Its interiors decorated with mirrors, fancy columns, friezes and splendid chandeliers create the sensation of wealth and luxury. The same building houses the memorial museum of Nikolay Ostrovskya Soviet socialist realist writer, of Ukrainian origin, who is best known for his novel How Steel was Tempered. Today, this museum is involved the promotion of art among people with disabilities. This emphasis is due to the fact that Ostrovsky was bedridden for nine years.

Building No. 17, erected by architect Arcady Mordvinov, is an excellent example of Stalinist architecture, notable for its big arch connecting Tverskaya Street with a lane, which is typical for Tverskaya Street where even small-scale crossings are beautifully decorated. The corner tower is also interesting. A statue of a ballet dancer once stood there, so the building itself was commonly known as “the house under the skirt”.

Pushkin square

279_image5_sPushkin SquareRussian: Pushkinskaya ploschad or Пушкинская площадь is located at the junction of Tverskaya Street and the Boulevard RingRussian: Bulvarnoe koltso or Бульварное кольцо. The Passion MonasteryRussian: Strastnoy monastyir or Страстной монастырь, demolished in 1938, once stood here. The monument to Alexander PushkinRussian: pamyatnik Aleksandru Pushkinu or памятник Александру Пушкину by sculptor Alexander Opekushin was moved to the other side of Tverskaya Street, and the square received its present-day name.  The Constructivist building of the Izvestiya Publishing HouseRussian: izdatelstvo gazety «Izvestiya» or издательство газеты «Известия» (Building No. 5) is the creation of Grigory Barkhin who had to tackle the challenging task of slotting the building into a narrow and inconvenient plot of land, a task he managed to accomplish.

English Club BuildingBuilding No. 21 on the left side of Tverskaya Street once housed the English ClubRussian: Angliyskiy klub or Английский клуб, one of the most prestigious social institutions in imperial Russia. It is a fine example of late Moscow Classicism architecture, with an austere Doric porch, laconic décor and lions on top of the gate. The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of RussiaRussian: Gosudarstvennyi muzey sovremennoy istorii Rossii or Государственный музей современной истории России is now located in this building. Visitors will not only become acquainted with exhibits illustrating the most significant events in Russian history, but also see authentic 19th-century interiors.

Building No. 25 on the left side of Tverskaya Street is one of the best examples of Stalinist residential architecture. This is the Narkomles buildingRussian: dom Narkomlesa or дом Наркомлеса constructed by Andrey Burov, featuring a beautiful balanced façade, free of monotony, pomposity and unjustified pathos. Its artistic decoration executed by Vladimir Favorsky deserves special attention.

Triumphalnaya Square

280_image6_sThe Triumphalnaya Square is located at the end of Tverskaya Street, more precisely at its intersection with the Garden RingRussian: Sadovoe koltso or Садовое кольцо. Here stands a monument to MayakovskyRussian: pamyatnik Mayakovskomu or памятник Маяковскому by Aleksandr Kibalnikov. Outdoor poetry readings were once held here. This tradition is now reviving, and creative meetings now take place at the foot of the monument once a month. The Pekin HotelRussian: gostinitsa «Pekin» or гостиница «Пекин» built by Dmitry Chechulin is the most notable building of the square. Its tower-like peak echoes one of Stalin’s high-rises, the Kudrinskaya SquareRussian: Kudrinskaya ploschad or Кудринская площадь Building, which is easily visible from Tverskaya Street. Other notable buildings located on this square include the Tchaikovsky Concert HallRussian: kontsertnyi zal im. Chaykovskogo or концертный зал им. Чайковского, the Moscow Satire TheatreRussian: teatr Satiry or театр Сатиры and the Sovremennik TheatreRussian: teatr «Sovremennik» or театр «Современник». It is no accident that the Triumphalnaya Square is commonly known as the “second Theatre SquareRussian: Teatralnaya ploschad or Театральная площадь”.

The Triumphalnaya Square had been a long-standing and serious challenge for architects. Located at the intersection of two thoroughfares, this vast, uninviting, noisy and shapeless square was not at all relaxing. Today, architects are trying tackle the issue by creating a recreational zone here. The space around the monument to Mayakovsky has been fenced and decorated with flowerbeds and benches, and the area now features several little shops, cafés and swings for little ones.

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