Рассказ по английскому языку про красную площадь

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Красная площадь/ Red Square с переводом на русский язык.

Red Square Красная площадь
Red Square is a central city square in Moscow, the capital of Russia. It is always open to visitors and tourists love taking pictures there. Красная площадь – это центральная городская площадь в Москве, столицы России. Она всегда открыта для посетителей, и туристы любят там фотографироваться.
Along with the Kremlin, which is a former royal fortress and current residence of the President, Red Square is on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List from 1990. In fact, Red Square separates the Kremlin from the historic merchant quarter called Kitai-gorod. Moscow major streets also originate from Red Square. Наряду с Кремлем, который является бывшей королевской крепостью и нынешней резиденцией президента, Красная площадь входит в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО с 1990 года. На самом деле, Красная площадь отделяет Кремль от исторического торгового квартала под названием Китай-город. Главные улицы Москвы также берут начало от Красной площади.
The name of the square comes from the color of the bricks around it. Many famous Russian artists pictured the square in their works. Among them Vasily Surikov and Viktor Vasnetsov. Red Square has a rich history. It used to be Moscow’s main marketplace. It was also the place for important public ceremonies. Particularly, a coronation for Russian tsars took place at Red Square. Название площади происходит от цвета кирпичей вокруг неё. Многие известные русские художники изображали эту площадь в своих работах. Среди них Василий Суриков и Виктор Васнецов. Красная площадь имеет богатую историю. Раньше она считалась главным рынком Москвы. Это было также место для важных государственных церемоний. В частности, коронация русских царей проходила на Красной площади.
Today the square is surrounded by many significant buildings, such as Lenin’s Mausoleum, glorious Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the palaces and towers of the Kremlin, GUM – the main department store of the Soviet Union, the restored Kazan Cathedral, the State Historical Museum and several other objects. Сегодня площадь окружена множеством значимых зданий, таких как Мавзолей Ленина, великолепный Собор Василия Блаженного, дворцы и башни Кремля, ГУМ – главный универмаг Советского Союза, восстановленный Казанский Собор, Государственный исторический музей и некоторые другие объекты.
The only monument on the square is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. They once helped to clear Moscow from the Polish invaders. Единственный памятник на площади – это бронзовая статуя Кузьме Минину и Дмитрию Пожарскому. Они когда-то помогли очистить Москву от польских захватчиков.
Every winter Red Square hosts a large and merry ice-rink, where residents and visitors of the capital can skate. Каждую зиму на Красной площади появляется большой и веселый каток, где жители и гости столицы могут кататься на коньках.
The square also serves as a venue for high-profile concerts. Such celebrities as Paul McCartney, Shakira, Linkin Park, Scorpions have already performed there. Площадь также служит местом для высококлассных концертов. Такие знаменитости, как Пол Маккартни, Шакира, Линкин Парк, Скорпионз уже выступили там.

Описание Красной площади

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Even those who’ve never been to Moscow recognize the Kremlin and the colorful domes of St. Basil’s Cathedral, which sit on Red Square. Red Square is the main square in Moscow. It is the most famous square in Russia.

The Kremlin stands on the west side of Red Square. The Spasskaya Tower is one of the Kremlin’s 20 towers. It overlooks Red Square. Its height is 71 metres. The Kremlin Clock is a historic clock on the Spasskaya Tower.

Lenin’s tomb is situated along the Kremlin side of Red Square. The former leader’s embalmed body has been inside since 1924.

GUM is on the east side of the square. The building functions as a shopping mall. GUM also became a tourist attraction for its remarkable size and ornate interior.

The State Historical Museum stands at the northern end of the square. Directly opposite, at its southern end, is Saint Basil’s Cathedral.

Lobnoye mesto and The Monument to Minin and Pozharsky are also located on Red Square.

The Kremlin and Red Square were added to UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 1990.

  • The Moscow Kremlin – Московский Кремль »

  • The Spasskaya Tower – Спасская башня »

  • Saint Basil’s Cathedral – Храм Василия Блаженного »

Перевод на русский язык

Даже те, кто никогда не был в Москве, узнают Кремль и разноцветные купола собора Василия Блаженного на Красной площади. Красная площадь – главная площадь Москвы. Это самая известная площадь в России.

Кремль стоит на западной стороне Красной площади. Спасская башня – одна из 20 башен Московского Кремля. Она выходит на Красную площадь. Ее высота 71 метр. Часы на Спасской башне – это исторические часы.

Мавзолей Ленина расположен вдоль кремлевской стороны Красной площади. Забальзамированное тело бывшего лидера находится внутри с 1924 года.

ГУМ находится на восточной стороне площади. Здание функционирует как торговый центр. ГУМ также стал туристической достопримечательностью благодаря своим поразительным размерам и богато украшенному интерьеру.

Государственный исторический музей стоит в северном конце площади. Прямо напротив, в ее южном крае, находится собор Василия Блаженного.

Лобное место и Памятник Минину и Пожарскому также расположены на Красной площади.

Кремль и Красная площадь были включены в Список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО в 1990 году.

  • Краткий текст на английском языке про Москву »

  • Tourist attractions in Moscow – Достопримечательности Москвы »

  • Tourist attractions in Russia – Достопримечательности России »

Сочинение на тему «Красная площадь» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Red Square

Красная площадь

There are many famous architectural monuments in Russia: the amazing residence of Peter I – Peterhof Palace, poetic bridges of Saint Petersburg, the ancient Cathedral of Saint Sofia in Novgorod… However, it is impossible to compare any Russian place of interest with Moscow Red Square, one of the most important historical centers in our country. The Kremlin, the main symbol of Russia and the habitation of its state authority, is located on Red Square, so its traditional name is “the country’s heart”.

В России много знаменитых архитектурных памятников: потрясающая резиденция Петра I – Петергоф, поэтичные мосты Санкт-Петербурга, древний Софийский собор в Новгороде… Однако невозможно сравнить какую-либо российскую достопримечательность с московской Красной площадью, одним из самых важных исторических центров в нашей стране. Кремль, главный символ России и обитель её государственной власти, находится на Красной площади, поэтому её традиционно называют «сердцем страны».

The Kremlin has a rich and long history: an ancient fortress on its place existed already in the 12th century; in the 14th century Dmitry Donskoy, the prince of Moscow, founded there a white stone castle. Ivan III, the first great ruler of the united Rus, began large reconstruction of the Kremlin and created its modern ensemble with brick walls. The Kremlin, especially its majestic Spasskaya Tower, could impress everyone.

У Кремля богатая и долгая история: древняя крепость на его месте существовала уже в XII веке; в XIV веке Дмитрий Донской, князь Московский, основал там твердыню из белого камня. Иван III, первый великий государь объединённой Руси, начал масштабное переустройство Кремля и создал его современный ансамбль с кирпичными стенами. Кремль, особенно его величественная Спасская башня, способен впечатлить каждого.

Besides, visitors of Red Square can see other remarkable constructions: Saint Basil’s Cathedral with its brightness and particular beauty, the State Historical Museum of Russia, Kazan Cathedral founded in the 17th century. In front of Saint Basil’s Cathedral rises the monument to Minin and Pozharsky who saved Russia from Polish interventionists. A special part of Red Square is dedicated to the Soviet heritage: there are Lenin’s Mausoleum and Necropolis consisting of urns with Soviet Union statesmen ashes.

Кроме того, посетители Красной площади могут увидеть другие примечательные строения: Храм Василия Блаженного с его яркостью и необычной красотой, Государственный исторический музей России, Казанский собор, основанный в XVII
в. Перед Храмом Василия Блаженного возвышается памятник Минину и Пожарскому, которые спасли Россию от польских интервентов. Особая часть Красной площади посвящена советскому наследию: здесь находятся мавзолей Ленина и некрополь, где стоят урны с прахом государственных деятелей Советского Союза.

Of course, every day Red Square attracts plenty of Russian and foreign tourists. Several years ago I also visited Moscow and saw this place; the day spent there was actually unforgettable.

Конечно, ежедневно Красная площадь привлекает множество русских и зарубежных туристов. Несколько лет назад я тоже посетила Москву и видела это место; день, проведённый там, был действительно незабываемым.

  • Red Square is a major architectural ensemble including 15th-to-20th-century buildings of various styles, monuments and even a necropolis.
  • The word ‘red’ in the Square’s name means ‘beautiful’.
  • The State Historical Museum (19th c.) displays a rich collection of archeological findings, icons and decorative and applied art objects.
  • Historical Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan and St. Basil’s Cathedral: the latter also operates as a museum hosting a collection of icons (16th to 17th centuries).
  • GUM, a huge shopping mall (19th c.) in the eclectic style where, among other things, you can find ice cream with ‘that very’ flavor.
  • Lenin’s Mausoleum (1920s) and memorial graves of outstanding Soviet leaders such as Stalin, Budenny, Zhukov, Brezhnev and so on.

Red Square is the heart of Moscow and the main square of Russia. One cannot visit Moscow without seeing Red Square. Its monuments embody Moscow’s centuries-old history in all of its manifestations. Few squares in the world combine churches, defensive walls and towers, museums, a cemetery with a mausoleum, and a huge department store in a single space. Buildings of different styles and centuries—from the 15th to the 20th—coexist in a single composition, forming a unified architectural ensemble, so beautiful in its diversity.
Red Square still remains in the thick of the country’s life, hosting festivals, concerts, and street parties and turning into an ice-skating rink in winter. Annual parades are held in the square on May 9 to commemorate the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. Not only tourists but Muscovites as well come here to enjoy a stroll, as the square hasn’t turned into a frozen open air museum but keeps up with the pace of the modern megalopolis.


Red Square is the heart of Moscow. shutterstock.comIt took some time for any empty space to form beside the Kremlin walls. The late 15th century witnessed the construction of the stone Kremlin walls and merchants’ rows from the eastern side of them. A big fire of 1493 destroyed the small wooden shops, and the place remained burnt and empty, which is why common people called it simply PozharRussian: Пожар, meaning ‘burnt’. Three streets—NikolskayaRussian: Никольская, VarvarkaRussian: Варварка, and IlyinkaRussian: Ильинка—led through Pozhar to the Kremlin gates. In the 16th century, the Cathedral of Intercession on the MoatRussian: sobor Pokrova na Rvu or собор Покрова на Рву, commonly known as St. Basil’s CathedralRussian: khram Vasiliya Blazhennogo or храм Василия Блаженного, was built on the northern side by the river, and trading rows made of stone started to emerge here at the end of the century. The Spasskaya TowerRussian: Spasskaya bashnya or Спасская башня was later built over the gate, and the entire area around the tower and the cathedral was named Krasnaya PloshchadRussian: Красная площадь, meaning ‘beautiful square’ (which is why the contemporary translation of the name into English as ‘Red Square’ is actually wrong). The territory of Red Square gradually extended southwards to reach its modern boundaries eventually.

Besides the gorgeous Kremlin and Red Square, there are a lot of outstanding historical landmarks in Moscow. You should visit Novodevichy convent, Moscow cathedral of Annunciation and other unique sights. You can read about them on our website pages about Moscow Historical Places, “World religions in Moscow” and “History and Architecture”.

Resurrection Gate and Moscow State Historical Museum

kpiei3_sThe best starting point for exploring the history of Red Square is Manezhnaya SquareRussian: Manezhnaya ploshchad’ or Манежная площадь, from where you can enter Red Square through the ResurrectionVoskresenskie, or IberianIverskie Gate. The gate was constructed in the 16th century and was originally called the LionRussian: Lvinye or Львиные Gate for being located next to the ditch where Tsar Ivan the Terribleruled from 1533 to 1584’s lions were kept. Two ornate towers were placed above the passage in the 17th century. Traditionally, the Iberian Gate was the main gate of Moscow, leading from Tverskaya StreetRussian: ulitsa Tverskaya or улица Тверская, the city’s main artery, to Red Square. The gate was solemnly entered by victorious troops and foreign ambassadors. The Iberian IverskayaChapel was built in 1781 to enshrine the Icon of the Iviron TheotokosRussian: ikona Iverskoy Bogomateri or икона Иверской Богоматери, one of the most revered shrines in Russia. People have been asking it for success in all kinds of efforts, as well as for protection and auspices.

The State Historical MuseumRussian: Gosudarstvennyi Istoricheskiy muzey or Государственный Исторический музей is located to the right of the gate. It was built in the 1870s–1880s by architect Vladimir Sherwood in an unusual pseudo-Russian style to match the look of the Kremlin and the St. Basil’s Cathedral. The museum building is large and ornate, with spires and turrets echoing the outlines of the Kremlin towers. The museum sets the northern boundary of the square.

The permanent exhibition gives a vivid overview of the history of Russia since the most ancient times. It displays archaeological finds, utensils, as well as icons, paintings, arts and crafts. The interior design of the exhibition halls deserves special attention, representing an excellent museum space arrangement solution.

Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan

kpiei4_sThe Cathedral of Our Lady of KazanRussian: Sobor Kazanskoy ikony Bozhiey Materi or Собор Казанской иконы Божией Матери is located to the left of the museum. Although its recently reconstructed appearance raises certain questions among architectural historians, the Kazan CathedralRussian: Sobor Kazanskoy Ikony Bozhey Materi or Собор Казанской Иконы Божией Матери is a symbolic monument for Moscow. It was built in the 17th century and financed from the private funds of Tsar Feodor I (Fyodor Mikhailovich), the first tsar of the Romanov dynastyrulers of Russia from 1613 until the Russian Revolution of 1917, to commemorate the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders. The event took place on November 4, which is the feast day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of GodRussian: Kazanskaya ikona Bogomateri or Казанская икона Богоматери. Today, the National Unity Day is celebrated on this date. The Kazan Cathedral has an appearance typical of its time: it is a pillarless (with no supports inside) single-domed church featuring a set of recurring decorative elements such as kokoshnikssemicircular or keel-like exterior decorative elements in traditional Russian architecture, panels, and window surrounds.


kpiei5_sNext to the Kazan Cathedral, you will see the GUMRussian: ГУМ, which is an abbreviation for Gosudarstvenny Universalny MagazinRussian: Государственный Универсальный Магазин, meaning State Department Store. Red Square has long been known as a trading place: trade was carried on in stone shops, commonly referred to as the “trading rows”, ever since the times of Ivan the Terrible. Architect Joseph (Osip) Bovean Italian-Russian neoclassical architect redeveloped the square in the first half of the 19th century, after the 1812 Fire of Moscowduring the war between the Russian Empire and Napoleonic France on the territory of Russia in 1812: the moat near the Kremlin wall was refilled with sand, the ramparts were eliminated, and a large Classicist building with trading rows was built to replace the numerous shops.

Bove’s building dilapidated and required serious reconstruction by the end of the 19th century. New trading rows designed by Alexander Pomerantsev in the eclectic style were constructed in the 1880s. Pomerantsev created sort of a few fancy streets with small shops arranged in three levels and covered with a glass roof resting on a curved steel framework (designed by engineer Vladimir Shukhov, renowned for designing the famous Shukhov Radio Towera broadcasting tower built in the period 1920–1922 in Moscow). Thus, the resulting space was perceived as naturally functional, well-lit, and ornate.
Today’s GUM is a huge shopping centre, largely offering expensive premium-segment items. However, if you have a proper look around, you can find an eatery that serves reasonably priced meals as well as some interesting shops with rather moderate prices. Muscovites often drop into the GUM to get an ice cream – the local old-timers claim that the famous wafer cups still have ‘that very’ taste of the much-loved Soviet-time treat.

After 1812, Red Square acquired not only the Trading Rows but also the bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharskythey gathered an all-Russian volunteer army and expelled the forces of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from Moscow made by Ivan Martos. It now stands in front of the St. Basil’s Cathedral, but originally it was located on the central axis of the old trading rows. Russia experienced patriotic uplift after the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 and the liberation of Moscow from the French. Curiously, the victory over Poland had taken place in 1612, exactly 200 yekpiei6_sars before the French were driven out of Moscow. Ivan Martos created an image of two heroes, leaders of the People’s MilitiaVolunteer Army Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. Despite the difference in their social background, they are depicted as equal political actors united by a common impulse in the face of great danger. Minin is pointing forward, calling Pozharsky along with all the Russians to fight for the right cause. When the monument stood in its original location, Minin was extending his hand towards the dome of the Senate rising above the Kremlin wall. There was symbolism as well as a compositional intent in it: the monument served as a visual link between the trading rows and the building of the Senate, emphasising the compositional axis of the square. However, as the square was rearranged in 1931, the monument was transferred to neighbour the St. Basil’s Cathedral. This transfer is informally explained by the ambiguous associations that arose during the first decade of the Soviet era: Kuzma Minin, while calling for a fight against invaders, was pointing right at the Lenin’s MausoleumRussian: Mavzoley V.I. Lenina or Мавзолей В.И. Ленина.


Spasskaya TowerA necropolis with tombs of Soviet statesmen is located beside the Kremlin wall in front of the GUM department store. Stalin, Budyonny, Voroshilov, Zhukov, and Brezhnev, among others, are buried here. The necropolis is centered on both sides of Lenin’s Mausoleum built in the 1920s to Alexey Shchusevan acclaimed Russian and Soviet architect’s design. The architect did not follow the techniques of Vladimir Sherwood and Alexander Pomerantsev: the style of historicism was alien to him. Despite its totally modern shape, the building of the Mausoleum blended well into the ensemble of the square. Located on the GUM–Senate TowerRussian: Senatskaya bashnya or Сенатская башня axis, it falls in line with this composition, complementing rather than destroying it.

The Spasskaya Tower is one of the most prominent and iconic buildings in Red Square. Having acquired its present appearance in the 17th century, it dominates the local skyline and connects the square with the Kremlin. The Spasskie Gate of the Kremlin has been traditionally considered a sacred, Tsar’s gate, and everyone who passed through it had to take their hats off in former times. Legend has it that Napoleon didn’t do so in 1812, but a sudden gust of wind swept his bicorne off to the ground. The chime of the clock bells on Spasskaya Tower is familiar to all Russians, marking the beginning of every new year. A 16th-century fresco depicting Christ the Saviour with St. Sergius of Radonezha spiritual leader and monastic reformer of medieval Russia and Varlaam Khutynskylived in the 12th century and founded a monastery of the Transfiguration, which had been plastered over, was discovered on the tower wall not so long ago, in 2010. Now, an Orthodox icon and a five-pointed star, which replaced the two-headed eagle, the coat of arms of tsarist Russia, in the 1930s (and can also be seen as a work of art and a symbol of its time), coexist paradoxically on the same tower.


kpiei7_sThe perspective of Red Square is completed by the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God on the Moat, or St. Basil’s Cathedral. This remarkable 16th-century architectural monument has become a symbol of Moscow and the focal point of the square. It captures viewers’ attention, shapes the space around, and serves as a wonderful backdrop for parades and concerts. The cathedral was created to commemorate the capture of Kazanthe capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia by Ivan the Terrible’s troops, an important military victory of medieval Russia.
It is noteworthy that the cathedral is made up of nine separate churches set on one base and arranged into a single composition—this is how Russian architect Barma Postnik, the project author, solved the challenging problem of designing a cathedral with nine side altars. The churches were sanctified in honour of festivals and saints whose feast and natal days are concurrent with the milestone dates of the military campaign against Kazan.

The cathedral functions as a museum today, though regular services are held at the Church of Basil the Blessed. While visiting the cathedral, special attention should be paid to the beautiful icons of the 16–17th centuries kept in its churches as well as the wall paintings in the gallery. Lobnoye MestoRussian: Лобное место can be seen near the cathedral. Contrary to the popular belief, it wasn’t designed for public executions. Instead, it was a platform used for delivering public speeches and reading out tsars’ edicts.

View of the Lenin's MausoleumThus, as we can see, Red Square is home to monuments that tell about the great victories in Russia’s history. St. Basil’s Cathedral reminds us of the Siege of Kazan, the Kazan Cathedral—of the liberation from the Poles, and the memorial to Minin and Pozharsky—of the War of 1812. The necropolis beside the Kremlin wall illustrates Russia’s revolutionary past and the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. The original protective function of the Kremlin is indicated by the teeth on its wall; the cathedrals and icons remind us that it used to be the royal residence; and the stars on the towers take us back to the Soviet epoch. The GUM symbolises the trading past of the square, Lobnoye Mesto brings the political past to mind, and the Historical Museum illustrates the history of Russia since the earliest times. Red Square is a melting pot of religion and politics, festivals and mourning, the past and the present of Moscow.

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Red Square is the main square of Moscow and the most visited place in the capital of Russia. The most famous Moscow sights, such as the Moscow Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral are located near Red Square. The square is located in the city centre, along of the Kremlin eastern wall. Currently, it is a pedestrian area. Red Square of Moscow is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites list.

The total length of the Red Square is 330 meters, width — 70 meters, the area about 23,1 m². You will find a lot of information about Red Square and other places on this page.

The nearest metro stations: “Ploschad Revolutsii”, “Okhotny Ryad”, “Teatralnaya”, “Kitay-gorod” and “Biblioteka imeni Lenina”.

Moscow Red Square The territory which is occupied by the square nowadays was originally built up with various buildings. Located here buildings were destroyed by a fire at the end of the 15th century. Buildings construction was not made in subsequent years on this area. Territory had been used for market for several centuries. Located next to the eastern wall of the Kremlin territory was called “Fire place”, later “Torg” (trading place). The place became known as the “Red Square” (Красная Площадь) in the 17th century. (“Krasnaya ploschad” words have meanings not only “Red square”, but also “Beautiful square”.)

Buildings construction had been carried out on the surrounding square territory for many years. Some buildings had been built along the perimeter of the square and survived to this day: St. Basil’s Cathedral (1555 — 1561), the Kazan Cathedral (17th century), shopping arcade, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky, the Historical Museum, the Mausoleum of Lenin. Square is paved with cobblestones.

Public events is often held on Red Square.
A military parade is held on the square every year at May 9th.
“Kremlin stars» military orchestras’ festival is held on the “Red Square” at the end of the summer.
Big ice rink is built on the Red Square every winter in the last years.

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Red Square landmarks

Spasskaya Tower of Moscow Kremlin Moscow “Red Square” is located between the “Moscow Kremlin” (to the west) and “Kitay-Gorod” area (in the east).

There are several well-known sites located on the square: “Lobnoye mesto” (also known as the Place of Skulls), “Minin and Pozharsky” monument, the Lenin Mausoleum, Kremlin Wall Necropolis, GUM (State Department Store), the History Museum, Kazan Cathedral, St. Basil’s Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral).

Manezhnaya Square is located northwest of Red Square (behind the building of the Historical Museum).
“Vasilyevsky Spusk” square (Vasilevsky descent) is located between “Red Square” and banks of the “Moscow river” (behind St. Basil’s Cathedral). Zaryadye Park, which has become popular recently, is located there too.
Nikolskaya street is laid from the Kazan Cathedral in the north-east to Lubyanka Square. This pedestrian street is also very popular with tourists.

The Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin (Московский Кремль) is the most famous attraction in Moscow. One of the Kremlin walls is located along the western border of the square. Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin is situated in the middle of the wall. The Kremlin is the oldest part of the Moscow, surrounded by a fortress wall. The Moscow Kremlin is the center of the state and the center of power in Russia for many years. Most of tourists come to Red Square and visit the Moscow Kremlin while being in Moscow. There is residence of the President of the Russian Federation located in the Kremlin.
You can visit The Moscow Kremlin page for more information.

St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the most beautiful churches of Russia. The cathedral was built in the years 1555 — 1561 on the orders of Ivan the Terrible to commemorate the capture of Kazan and the victory over the Kazan Khanate. It is an active church and a monument of architecture. The temple is located on the southern boundary of the Red Square. St. Basil’s Cathedral is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Russia. There is Minin and Pozharsky monument located next to the cathedral.
For more information, please visit about cathedral page.

History Museum

The State History Museum is located on the northern edge of Red Square. The museum was founded by decree of Emperor Alexander II, 21 February 1872. The museum building was built in 1875 — 1881 years. It keeps artifacts, which reflect the history and culture of Russia. The museum has an area 4 000 square meters. The museum collection includes about 22 thousand items. There are some branches of the museum: Pokrovsky Cathedral (St. Basil), Novodevichy monastery, Lenin Museum, the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812.
For more information, please visit Moscow museums page.


GUM (State Department Store) is located on the eastern border of the Red Square. It is one of the oldest department stores in Russia. This place has been used for trade since founding of Moscow. Upper Trading Rows new building was constructed in the 19th century here. Construction was completed in 1893. Currently, it is a private company, but the name “GUM” (State Department Store) remained.
Get more information about GUM.

Nikolskaya Street (Никольская улица) connects Red Square and Lubyanka Square. The north side of the street is lined with historic buildings, such as the Kazan Cathedral, the Old Mint, Monastery of the Holy Saviour. It is a pedestrian street and part of luxury shopping district.

See also:

  • Moscow attractions: location on the map.
  • Metro stations: location on the Moscow metro map.
  • The most famous sights of Moscow.

Most tourists get to the Red Square by metro. The nearest stations are located about 300 – 400 meters away (“Ploschad Revolutsii”, “Okhotny Ryad”, “Teatralnaya”). You can also take a taxi.

It may be interesting for you: Hotels near Red Square in Moscow.

Tickets to the Kremlin can be bought online. Look for tickets and guided tours here.

The route planner will help you to make a route across Moscow. (Find out how to get to the place you need.)

There are several cafes in the department store GUM. Among the most popular are cafes «Festivalnoye» and «Canteen №57» (on the 3rd floor).

Кремль и его окрестности

In the 15th century, all wooden buildings around the Kremlin were demolished by order of Tsar Ivan III to create the square (now known as The Red Square), as these buildings threatened the Royal residence with constant fires.

This area was created for small trade. Initially, it was called-the Trade one, but in 16th century it got a new name — the Trinity one, because of the Church of the Trinity which was located in the southern part of the square. According to the official documents, the present name of the square was received in 1661by decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The name of the Red Square comes from the old Russian word «beautiful».

The main sights on the square are: the Moscow Kremlin, Mausoleum, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Monument to Minin and Pozharsky, a place of skulls, GUM Department store, Kazan Cathedral, Historical Museum, etc. The Total amount of places of interest are 22 ones. There is also The Red mint there. At the present moment the building is not functioning for its intended purpose. It nominally belongs to the Historical Museum, but in fact its premises are occupied by different lessees.

The dimensions are 330 x75 meters, and the total area is 24 750 m2. This place is the most visited place in Moscow.


В XV веке все деревянные здания вокруг Кремля были снесены по приказу царя Ивана III для создания площади (ныне именуемой Красной площадью), так как эти здания угрожали царской резиденции регулярными пожарами.

Это пространство организовывалось для мелкой торговли. Первоначально она называлась-Торговой, но в 16 веке получил новое название-Троицкой, в честь Церкви Троицы, которая находилась в южной части площади. Согласно официальным данным, нынешнее название площадь обрела в 1661 году по указу царя Алексея Михайловича. Название Красной площади происходит от древнерусского слова «красивая».

Основными достопримечательностями на площади являются: Московский Кремль, Мавзолей, Собор Василия Блаженного, памятник Минину и Пожарскому, Лобное место, универмаг ГУМ, Казанский Собор, Исторический музей и др. Общее количество достопримечательностей-22 штуки. Там же находится монетный двор. В настоящее время здание не функционирует по прямому назначению. Оно номинально принадлежит историческому музею, но на самом деле его помещения заняты разными арендаторами.

Ее размеры — 330 х75 метров, а общая площадь 24 750 м2. Это место является самым посещаемым местом в Москве.

На английском языке Перевод на русский язык
Red Square Красная площадь
Red Square is a central city square in Moscow, the capital of Russia. It is always open to visitors and tourists love taking pictures there. Along with the Kremlin, which is a former royal fortress and current residence of the President, Red Square is on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List from 1990. In fact, Red Square separates the Kremlin from the historic merchant quarter called Kitai-gorod. Moscow major streets also originate from Red Square. The name of the square comes from the color of the bricks around it. Many famous Russian artists pictured the square in their works. Among them Vasily Surikov and Viktor Vasnetsov. Red Square has a rich history. It used to be Moscow’s main marketplace. It was also the place for important public ceremonies. Particularly, a coronation for Russian tsars took place at Red Square. Today the square is surrounded by many significant buildings, such as Lenin’s Mausoleum, glorious Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the palaces and towers of the Kremlin, GUM – the main department store of the Soviet Union, the restored Kazan Cathedral, the State Historical Museum and several other objects. The only monument on the square is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. They once helped to clear Moscow from the Polish invaders. Every winter Red Square hosts a large and merry ice-rink, where residents and visitors of the capital can skate. The square also serves as a venue for high-profile concerts. Such celebrities as Paul McCartney, Shakira, Linkin Park, Scorpions have already performed there. Красная площадь – это центральная городская площадь в Москве, столице России. Она всегда открыта для посетителей, и туристы любят там фотографироваться. Наряду с Кремлем, который является бывшей королевской крепостью и нынешней резиденцией президента, Красная площадь входит в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО с 1990 года. На самом деле, Красная площадь отделяет Кремль от исторического торгового квартала под названием Китай-город. Главные улицы Москвы также берут начало от Красной площади. Название площади происходит от цвета кирпичей вокруг нее. Многие известные русские художники изображали эту площадь в своих работах. Среди них Василий Суриков и Виктор Васнецов. Красная площадь имеет богатую историю. Раньше она считалась главным рынком Москвы. Это было также место для важных государственных церемоний. В частности, коронация русских царей проходила на Красной площади. Сегодня площадь окружена множеством значимых зданий, таких как Мавзолей Ленина, великолепный Собор Василия Блаженного, дворцы и башни Кремля, ГУМ – главный универмаг Советского Союза, восстановленный Казанский Собор, Государственный исторический музей и некоторые другие объекты. Единственный памятник на площади – это бронзовая статуя Кузьме Минину и Дмитрию Пожарскому. Они когда-то помогли очистить Москву от польских захватчиков. Каждую зиму на Красной площади появляется большой и веселый каток, где жители и гости столицы могут кататься на коньках. Площадь также служит местом для высококлассных концертов. Такие знаменитости, как Пол Маккартни, Шакира, Линкин Парк, Скорпионз уже выступили там.

Красная площадь/ Red Square

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