Рассказ про 9 мая на английском кратко

Представлено сочинение на английском языке День Победы/ Victory Day с переводом на русский язык.

Victory Day День Победы
One of the most remarkable public events in my country is the Victory Day. It is traditionally celebrated on the 9th of May. This patriotic holiday commemorates the victory of the USSR over the Nazi Germany. Одним из самых знаменательных государственных праздников в моей стране является День Победы. Его традиционно празднуют 9-го мая. Этот патриотический праздник чтит память победы Советского Союза над нацистской Германией.
Every year in honour of this day in all cities across the country lots of parades and celebrations are held. Despite the fact that the holiday is celebrated in a flamboyant way, May 9 is a sad day for the majority of our population. Many people have lost their loved ones and close relatives during this ruthless war. Ежегодно, в честь этого дня, во всех городах на территории страны, проводится множество парадов и празднеств. Несмотря на то, что этот праздник празднуется очень помпезно, 9 мая является грустным днём для большей части нашего населения. Многие потеряли своих любимых людей и близких родственников во время этой безжалостной войны.
From one hand everyone is happy that the country wasn’t occupied by the fascist invaders, from the other hand everyone grieves over their loss. On this day we are grateful to our saviors, to those who sacrificed their lives for us. That’s why we try to celebrate this day with honours. С одной стороны, все счастливы, что страна не была оккупирована фашистскими захватчиками, с другой стороны, все скорбят о своей потере. В этот день, мы благодарны своим спасителям, людям, которые пожертвовали свои жизни ради нас. По этой причине, мы стараемся праздновать этот день с почестями.
Some part of younger generation doesn’t understand the importance of this event, which I think is disrespectful. In my opinion, the Victory Day is one of the greatest holidays during the year. Some of my ancestors also took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1945, and I’m proud of them. Какая-то часть молодого поколения не понимает важности этого события, и я считаю это неуважительным. На мой взгляд, День Победы, это один из важнейших праздников в году. Некоторые мои предки также участвовали в Великой Отечественной войне 1945-го года, и я ими горжусь.

Сочинение на тему “День Победы” на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Victory Day

День Победы

I think every nation has holidays which are something special and important for it. Such holidays can be connected with some cultural, religious or historical events. I think one of such significant holidays for Russia is Victory Day. It is celebrated on the 9th of May every year. This day is non-labour one. There are many films and works of literature and music dedicated to Victory Day.

Я считаю, что у каждого народа есть праздники, которые являются особенными и важными. Такие праздники могут быть связаны с некоторыми культурными, религиозными или историческими событиями. Я считаю, что одним из таких значимых для России праздников является День Победы. Он празднуется ежегодно 9 мая. Этот день нерабочий. Существует много фильмов и произведений литературы и музыки, посвященных Дню Победы.

The victory of the USSR over Germany in the Great Patriotic War is celebrated on this day. The first celebration of Victory Day which was held on the 9th of May in 1945 was completed by great firework. Then the military parade was held on the 24th of June in 1945. Nowadays the military parade is the important part of the celebration of 9 May.

Этот праздник знаменует победу СССР над Германией в Великой Отечественной войне. Первое празднование Дня Победы, которое состоялось 9 мая 1945 года, завершилось большим фейерверком. Тогда военный парад состоялся 24 июня 1945 года. В настоящее время военный парад является важной частью празднования 9 мая.

Beside the military parade, there is a tradition to lay wreathes to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In 2012 it was the first time when people took part in the Immortal Regiment march. Since that year thousands of people in many cities take part in the Immortal Regiment march. People take part in it with the photos of their relatives who took part in war actions. Besides, there is an opportunity to write a family story connected with veterans on the special website.

Помимо военного парада, существует традиция возложения венков к Могиле Неизвестного Солдата. В 2012 году люди впервые приняли участие в шествии Бессмертного полка. С этого года тысячи людей во многих городах участвуют в шествии Бессмертного полка. Люди несут транспаранты с фотографиями своих родственников, которые воевали. Кроме того, есть возможность написать семейную историю, связанную с ветеранами, на специальном сайте.

Victory Day is an important holiday in Russia.

День Победы – важный праздник в России.

Victory Day is one of the most important and revered holidays in the Russian calendar. The war that killed more than 27 million Russian people, and according to some estimates, more than 29 million, did not spare a single Russian home from loss of life or injury of a family member.

9th of May: Victory Day in Russia

In Russia, unlike in Europe, Victory Day is celebrated on May 9th. According to some sources, Stalin did not like the first signed act of surrender, and marshal Georgy Zhukov was instructed once again to accept a general surrender from representatives of all types of German armed forces in Berlin. The new Act was signed on the night of May 9, at 00.43 Moscow time. In Europe, it was still 8th of May.

The Great Patriotic War

World War II is recognized as the largest, destructive and bloody war in the history of mankind. Russian people more often refer to it as the Great Patriotic War.

The war came to Russia on June 22, 1941. Russian troops immediately began to suffer huge losses, the inhabitants of the captured territories found themselves in German captivity and were sent into camps as slaves. However, despite the fact that the Soviet army was losing, it still managed to stop the Germans on the way to Leningrad, Moscow and Novgorod.

Leningrad was taken into blockade, the inhabitants of the city remained without the supply of food, fuel, medicines and everything necessary for life for long 872 days.

Blockade of Leningrad in pictures

On November 19, 1942, a counterattack of the Soviet troops began, which yielded significant results – one German and four allied armies were destroyed. The Soviet army continued to attack in all directions, they managed to crush several armies, begin the pursuit of the Germans and push the front line back towards the west.

Thanks to the military industry of the USSR that managed to build up the resources, the Soviet army began to substantially overpower the German one and now could not only resist, but also dictate its own conditions. From the defending army it turned into a striker.

Russian Pod 101

In 1943-1945, the Soviet army continued to advance towards Berlin, reconquering the captured territories. In January 1943, the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, and by 1944, Soviet troops moved towards Poland, and then to Germany. On May 8, Berlin was taken, and the German troops declared unconditional surrender.

The significance of the Victory Day for the Russian people

Victory Day unites both young and old people of Russia. Each family can tell the stories of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers who have defended the freedom not only of Russia, but also of Europe. The Russian people paid a high price for this Victory, and to this day they remember and honor the millions who died.

Russian Verb Conjugation

The war was a tragedy, but it allowed to show the best of Russian people: perseverance and courage, unity and solidarity in the face of the enemy, diligence and dedication, talent of engineers and military leaders, military prowess and love for the Motherland.

Fewer and fewer veterans remain alive and can personally tell their stories to the young generation. Victory Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to all who fought or worked in the rear during wartime.

How do Russians celebrate their victory

Victory Day is a public holiday in Russia. According to the tradition of recent years, St. George ribbons are distributed everywhere by volunteers, which not only veterans but also young people wear as a symbol of the connection between generations and the memory of the Great Victory.

St. George ribbon attached to a car

St. George ribbon attached to a car

On this day, flower and wreath laying ceremonies are held everywhere at monuments for the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Also, various events are held to honor war veterans and rear front workers, festive concerts are organized, courage lessons in schools are conducted and reconstruction of battles are held in some places.

The tradition of recent years is the civil-patriotic action called “Immortal Regiment”, which today has become an international public movement to preserve the personal memory of the generation of the Great Patriotic War. Participants of the annual movement on Victory Day walk through the streets of cities with photos of their relatives. Veterans of the army and navy, partisans, underground fighters, resistance fighters, home front workers, concentration camp prisoners, blockaders, children of war all gather on that day.Family stories are also written about them in the People’s Chronicle on the site of the movement “Immortal regiment”. This action happens in more than 80 countries and territories.

1 millions Russians at Immortal Regiment march in Moscow

На английском языке Перевод на русский язык
Victory Day День Победы
One of the most remarkable public events in my country is the Victory Day. It is traditionally celebrated on the 9th of May. This patriotic holiday commemorates the victory of the USSR over the Nazi Germany. Every year in honour of this day in all cities across the country lots of cheerful parades and celebrations are held. Despite the fact that the holiday is celebrated in a flamboyant way, May 9 is a sad day for the majority of our population. Many people have lost their loved ones and close relatives during this ruthless war. From one hand everyone is happy that the country wasn’t occupied by the fascist invaders, from the other hand everyone grieves over their loss. On this day we are grateful to our saviors, to those who sacrificed their lives for us. That’s why we try to celebrate this day with honours. Some part of younger generation doesn’t understand the importance of this event, which I think is disrespectful. In my opinion, the Victory Day is one of the greatest holidays during the year. Some of my ancestors also took part in the Great Patriotic War of 1945, and I’m proud of them. Одним из самых знаменательных государственных праздников в моей стране является День Победы. Его традиционно празднуют 9-го мая. Этот патриотический праздник чтит память победы Советского Союза над нацистской Германией. Ежегодно, в честь этого дня, во всех городах на территории страны, проводится множество веселых парадов и празднеств. Несмотря на то, что этот праздник празднуется очень помпезно, 9 мая является грустным днем для большей части нашего населения. Многие потеряли своих любимых людей и близких родственников во время этой безжалостной войны. С одной стороны, все счастливы, что страна не была оккупирована фашистскими захватчиками, с другой стороны, все скорбят о своей потере. В этот день, мы благодарны своим спасителям, людям, которые пожертвовали свои жизни ради нас. По этой причине, мы стараемся праздновать этот день с почестями. Какая-то часть молодого поколения не понимает важности этого события, и я считаю это неуважительным. На мой взгляд, День Победы, это один из важнейших праздников в году. Некоторые мои предки также участвовали в Великой Отечественной войне 1945-го года, и я ими горжусь.

День Победы/ Victory Day

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