Рассказ про бейсбол на английском

Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the United States of America. But it is also played in more than 100 countries around the world. This ball game is thought to have originated from the English game which was brought to America in the 17th century by the first English settlers.

In 1845, Alexander Cartwright, a sportsman from the USA, wrote a set of rules that form the basis of modern baseball. 25 years later, the first professional baseball team, the Cincinnati Red stockings, was founded.

On the field, two teams of nine players take a turn to bat and field. The pitcher throws the ball, and the batter attempts to hit it and the score runs by progressing around four bases. The game has nine innings.

Baseball is a hard-ball game, and protective equipment is required for the catcher, batter, and base runners. Each team has its own equipment, and players wear identical uniforms in league baseball.

A baseball player needs to have the proper safety equipment. Players wear protective helmets, masks, mitts, body padding, and buckled shin guards. Cleats are shoes that help the players get a grip on the ground. A baseball uniform includes a cap, a jersey, pants — all in matching colors.

Catchers and fielders wear padded leather gloves to protect their hands from the highspeed impact of traveling balls. Batters wear gloves. All catchers and batters must wear helmets to protect them from swinging bats and balls that travel at great speed. These plastic helmets have soft foam inserts.


Бейсбол ‒ один из самых популярных видов спорта в Соединенных Штатах Америки. Но в него также играют в более чем 100 странах мира. Считается, что эта игра с мячом возникла из английской игры, которая была привезена в Америку в XVII веке первыми английскими поселенцами.

В 1845 году Александр Картрайт, спортсмен из США, написал свод правил, которые составляют основу современного бейсбола. 25 лет спустя была основана первая профессиональная бейсбольная команда, Цинциннати Ред Сокс.

На поле две команды из девяти игроков по очереди сражаются с битой на поле. Питчер бросает мяч, и бьющий пытается отбить его и набирает очки, продвигаясь по четырем базам. В игре девять подач.

Бейсбол — игра с жестким шаром, и для кетчера, бьющего и бегунов требуется защитное снаряжение. У каждой команды есть свое снаряжение, а игроки бейсбольной лиги носят одинаковую форму.

Бейсболист должен иметь надлежащее снаряжение для обеспечения безопасности. Игроки носят защитные шлемы, маски, рукавицы, щитки. Бутсы — это обувь, которая помогает игрокам справиться с ситуацией. Бейсбольная форма включает в себя кепку, майку, брюки ‒ все в соответствующих цветах.

Ловцы и полевые игроки носят кожаные перчатки с мягкой подкладкой, чтобы защитить руки от высокоскоростного удара мячей. Бьющий надевает перчатки. Все ловцы и бьющие должны носить шлемы, чтобы защитить их от бит и шаров, которые летают с большой скоростью. Эти пластиковые шлемы имеют вставки из мягкой пены.

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бейсбол текст на английском языке

Сегодня мы почитаем и послушаем простой текст на английском для начинающих о бейсболе. В тексте коротко рассказывается об игре и ее роли в жизни американцев. Это текст для начинающих, рассчитанный на практику чтения и аудирования, он специально сделан очень простым.

Как выполнять задание?

  1. Прочитайте текст с переводом.
  2. Посмотрите видео – оно состоит из двух частей.
  3. В первой части аудио сопровождается текстом – слушайте и читайте.
  4. Во второй части текста нет. Вам нужно понять текст на слух. Если вы выполнили пункты 1 – 3, то это будет несложно.

Текст о бейсболе на английском + перевод

Разберите текст, чтобы аудио проще воспринималось на слух.

Текст на английском языке Перевод
Baseball is a sport played on a field by two teams. Бейсбол — это спорт (спортивная игра), в который играют на поле две команды.
Baseball is a bat-and-ball sport, it means that the players play with a bat and ball. Бейсбол — это игра с битой и мячом, это значит, что игроки играют в нее с битой и мячом.
A player on one team throws a small ball at a player on the other team. Игрок из одной команды бросает маленький мяч игроку из другой команды.
That player has a bat, their goal is to hit the ball with the bat. У этого игрока есть бита, его цель — отбить мяч битой.
If the player hits the ball, they drop  the bat and run around the field. Если игрок отбивает мяч, он бросаем биту и бежит по полю.
There are three points on the ground called bases. На земле есть три точки, которые называются базы.
The player needs to reach those bases and get back to where they started. Игроку нужно достичь этих баз и вернуться туда, откуда от начал.
If the player succeeds, the team gets points. Если игроку это удается, команда зарабатывает очки.
The other team’s goal is to catch the ball and interrupt the player from the other team. Цель другой команды — поймать мяч и прервать игрока из другой команды.
If the player with the bat misses three times, the other team gets points. Если игрок с битой промахивается три раза, другая команда получает очки.
It might sound complicated, but it is simpler than it sounds. Это может звучать сложно, но это проще, чем звучит.
Baseball started in the United States in the 19th century. Бейсбол появился в Соединенных Штатах в 19 веке.
It is very popular in the United States and Japan. Он очень популярен в США и Японии.
In the US, baseball is called the national pastime, В США бейсбол называют национальным досугом,
because so many people in the United States spend a lot of time playing or watching baseball games. потому что так много людей в США проводят много времени, играя в бейсбол или смотря игры.

Полезные слова:

  • sport – вид спорта
  • to play – играть
  • field – поле (в т.ч. спортивное)
  • team – команда
  • bat – бита
  • ball – мяч
  • baseball – 1) игра бейсбол, 2) бейсбольный мяч
  • player – игрок в спортивной команде
  • to throw smt at smb – бросать что-то в кого-то
  • to drop smt – выронить, бросить что-то на землю
  • point – 1) точка, пункт, 2) очко
  • base – база, в данном случае термин из бейсбола
  • to reach smt – достичь чего-то
  • to succeed – преуспеть
  • to get points – получать очки
  • to interrupt – прерывать
  • to miss – промахиваться (также «скучать», но не в этом случае)
  • complicated – сложный, запутанный
  • pastime – досуг, времяпрепровождение
  • to watch a game – смотреть игру (матч)

В тексте по отношению к игроку используется местоимение they — они. Это не ошибка. В английском, если речь идет о третьем лица неизвестного пола, принято говорить «he or she», либо «they». В русском языке обычно говорят «он», если само существительное мужского рода (в данном случае «игрок»).

Текст о бейсболе на английском для чтения и аудирования

Посмотрите видео. Первая часть – это текст + аудио. С текстом разобрать речь намного проще, чем без него. Вторая часть сложнее – там только аудио.


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Baseball is a nine-a-side game played with bat, ball, and glove, mainly in the U.S.A. Teams consist of a pitcher and catcher, called the battery, first, second, and third basemen, and shortstop, called the infield, and right, centre, and left fielders, called the outfield. Substitute players may enter the game at any time, but once a player is removed he cannot return.

The standard ball has a cork-and-rubber centre wound with woollen yarn and covered with horse-hide. It weighs from 5 to 5 1/4 oz. (148 g.) and is from 9 to 9 1/2 in. (approx. 23 cm.) in circumference. The bat is a smooth, round, tapered piece of hard wood not more than 2 3/4 in. (approx. 7 cm.) in diameter at its thickest part and no more than 42 in. (1.07 m.) long.

Originally, fielders played barehanded, but gloves have been developed over the years. First basemen wear a special large mitt, and catchers use a large, heavily-padded mitt as well as a chest protector, shin guards, and a metal mask. Catchers were at first unprotected. Consequently, they stood back at a distance from home plate and caught pitched balls on the bounce, but the introduction of the large, round, well-padded mitt or «pillow glove» and the face mask enabled them to move up close behind the plate and catch pitched balls on the fly. Players wear shoes with steel cleats and, while batting and running the bases, they use protective plastic helmets.

The game is played on a field containing four bases placed at the angles of a 90-ft (27.4 m.) square (often called a diamond): home plate and, in counter-clockwise order, first, second, and third base. Two foul lines form the boundaries of fair territory. Starting at home, these lines extend past first and third base the entire length of the field, which is often enclosed by a fence at its farthest limits.

The object of each team is to score more runs than the other. A run is scored whenever a player circles all the bases and reaches home without being put out The game is divided into innings, in each of which the teams alternate at bat and in the field. A team is allowed three outs in each halfinning at bat, and must then take up defensive positions in the field while the other team has its turn to try to score. Ordinarily, a game consists of nine innings; in the event of a tie, extra innings are played until one team outscores the other in the same number of innings.

The players take turns batting from home plate in regular rotation. The opposing pitcher throws the ball to his catcher from a slab (called the «rubber») on the pitcher’s mound, a slightly raised area of the field directly between home and second base. Bases are canvas bags fastened to metal pegs set in the ground.

The batter tries to reach base safely after hitting the pitched ball into fair territory. A hit that enables him to reach first base is called a «single,» a two-base hit is a «double,» a three-base hit a «triple,» and a four-base hit a «home-run.» A fair ball hit over an outfield fence is automatically a home run. A batter is also awarded his base if the pitcher delivers four pitches which, in the umpire’s judgement, do not pass through the «strike zone» — that is, over home plate between the batter’s armpits and knees; or if he is hit by a pitched ball; or if the opposing catcher interferes when he swings the bat. To prevent the batter from hitting safely, baseball pitchers deliver the ball with great speed and accuracy and vary its speed and trajectory. Success in batting, therefore, requires courage and a high degree of skill.

After a player reaches base safely, his progress towards home depends largely on his team mates’ hitting the ball in such a way that he can advance.

Players may be put out in various ways. A batter is out when the pitcher gets three ‘strikes’ on him. A strike is a pitch that crosses the plate in the strike zone, or any pitch that is struck at and missed or is hit into foul territory. After two strikes, however, foul balls do not count except when a batter bunts — lets the ball meet the bat instead of swinging at it — and the ball rolls foul. A batter is also out if he hits the ball in the air anywhere in fair or foul territory and it is caught by an opponent before it touches the ground. He is out if he hits the ball on the ground and a fielder catches and throws it to a player at first base, or catches it and touches that base, before the batter (now become a base runner) gets there.

A base runner may be put out if, while off base, he is tagged by an opposing player with the hand or glove holding the ball, or if he is forced to leave his base to make room for another runner and fails to reach the next base before an opposing player tags him or the base; or if he is hit by a team mate’s batted ball before it has touched or passed a fielder.

An umpire-in-chief «calls» balls and strikes from his position directly behind the catcher at home plate, and one or more base umpires determine whether runners are safe or out at the other three bases.


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    Определи молярную массу смеси двух разрежённых газов 1 и 2 в закрытом резервуаре, учитывая их физические характеристики: массы — m1 = 9г и m2 = 15г, молярные массы — M1 = 2г/моль и M2 = 4г/моль. (Ответ округли до сотых.)

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Baseball is a nine-a-side game played with bat, ball, and glove, mainly in the U. S. A. Teams consist of a pitcher and catcher, called the battery, first, second, and third basemen, and shortstop, called the infield, and right, centre, and left fielders, called the outfield. Substitute players may enter the game at any time, but once a player is removed he cannot return.

The standard ball has a cork-and-rubber centre wound with woollen yarn and covered with horse-hide. It weighs from 5 to 5 1/4 oz. and is from 9 to 9 1/2 in. in circumference. The bat is a smooth, round, tapered piece of hard wood not more than 2 3/4 in. in diameter at its thickest part and no more than 42 in. long.

Originally, fielders played barehanded, but gloves have been developed over the years. First basemen wear a special large mitt, and catchers use a large, heavily-padded mitt as well as a chest protector, shin guards, and a metal mask. Catchers were at first unprotected. Consequently, they stood

back at a distance from home plate and caught pitched balls on the bounce, but the introduction of the large, round, well-padded mitt or “pillow glove” and the face mask enabled them to move up close behind the plate and catch pitched balls on the fly. Players wear shoes with steel cleats and, while batting and running the bases, they use protective plastic helmets.

The game is played on a field containing four bases placed at the angles of a 90-ft square : home plate and, in counter-clockwise order, first, second, and third base. Two foul lines form the boundaries of fair territory. Starting at home, these lines extend past first and third base the entire length of the field, which is often enclosed by a fence at its farthest limits.

The object of each team is to score more runs than the other. A run is scored whenever a player circles all the bases and reaches home without being put out The game is divided into innings, in each of which the teams alternate at bat and in the field. A team is allowed three outs in each halfinning at bat, and must then take up defensive positions in the field while the other team has its turn to try to score. Ordinarily, a game consists of nine innings; in the event of a tie, extra innings are played until one team outscores the other in the same number of innings.

The players take turns batting from home plate in regular rotation. The opposing

pitcher throws the ball to his catcher from a slab on the pitcher’s mound, a slightly raised area of the field directly between home and second base. Bases are canvas bags fastened to metal pegs set in the ground.

The batter tries to reach base safely after hitting the pitched ball into fair territory. A hit that enables him to reach first base is called a “single,” a two-base hit is a “double,” a three-base hit a “triple,” and a four-base hit a “home-run.” A fair ball hit over an outfield fence is automatically a home run. A batter is also awarded his base if the pitcher delivers four pitches which, in the umpire’s judgement, do not pass through the “strike zone” – that is, over home plate between the batter’s armpits and knees; or if he is hit by a pitched ball; or if the opposing catcher interferes when he swings the bat. To prevent the batter from hitting safely, baseball pitchers deliver the ball with great speed and accuracy and vary its speed and trajectory. Success in batting, therefore, requires courage and a high degree of skill.

After a player reaches base safely, his progress towards home depends largely on his team mates’ hitting the ball in such a way that he can advance.

Players may be put out in various ways. A batter is out when the pitcher gets three ‘strikes’ on him. A strike is a pitch that crosses the plate in the strike zone, or any pitch that is struck at and missed or is hit into foul territory. After two strikes, however, foul balls do not count except when a batter bunts – lets the ball meet the bat instead of swinging at it – and the ball rolls foul. A batter is also out if he hits the ball in the air anywhere in fair or foul territory and it is caught by an opponent before it touches the ground. He is out if he hits the ball on the ground and a fielder catches and throws it to a player at first base, or catches it and touches that base, before the batter gets there.

A base runner may be put out if, while off base, he is tagged by an opposing player with the hand or glove holding the ball, or if he is forced to leave his base to make room for another runner and fails to reach the next base before an opposing player tags him or the base; or if he is hit by a team mate’s batted ball before it has touched or passed a fielder.

An umpire-in-chief “calls” balls and strikes from his position directly behind the catcher at home plate, and one or more base umpires determine whether runners are safe or out at the other three bases.

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