Рассказ про белорусскую школу на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Образование в Беларуси/ Education In Belarus с переводом на русский язык.

Education In Belarus Образование в Беларуси Belarusian education is well-appreciated and valued in the world so many foreign students want to receive training there. The educational system of the country is rather developed and comprises of pre-school, school and further education. Almost 70% of children start attending nursery before going to school. This stage is not compulsory, but is recommended. Белорусское образование ценят и почитают во всем мире, поэтому многие иностранные студенты хотят обучаться именно там. Образовательная система страны достаточно развита и состоит из дошкольного, школьного и дополнительного образования. Почти 70% детей начинают посещать детский сад до начала школы. Этот этап не является обязательным, но рекомендован. School education starts at the age of 6 and lasts for about ten years. This education is compulsory and children have to follow basic curriculum. When the secondary school is over, children receive a certificate of general education completion. Школьное образование начинается в возрасте 6 лет и продолжается около десяти лет. Это образование является обязательным и дети должны следовать основной учебной программе. По окончании средней школы, дети получают сертификат об общем образовании. At the age of 15 they are free to choose their further education. Some wish to serve in the military or join the workforce. Others continue studying at vocational schools or go for a higher education. There are two official languages in Belarusian system of education: Russian and Belarusian. В возрасте 15 лет они могут свободно выбирать свое дальнейшее образование. Некоторые хотят служить в армии или сразу приступить к работе. Другие продолжают обучение в профессионально-технических училищах или получают высшее образование. В белорусской системе образования два официальных языка: русский и белорусский. There are over 50 Higher Education institutions throughout the country. Most of them are state-owned. Higher education is considered to be prestigious due to its high quality and affordability. That’s why most teenagers wish to continue studies after they finish school. The courses usually run for five years and provided either full-time or by correspondence. Gifted students have a chance to receive a scholarship or grant. В стране более 50 высших учебных заведений. Большинство из них носят государственный характер. Высшее образование считается престижным из-за своего высокого качества и доступности. Вот почему большинство подростков желают продолжить учебу после окончания школы. Курсы обычно длятся пять лет, и предоставляются в очной либо заочной форме. Одаренные студенты имеют возможность получить стипендию или грант. Vocational schools are another post-school option. They offer refresher courses and retraining opportunities, which last for three years. Еще одна опция дополнительного образования – это профессионально-технические училища. Они предлагают курсы повышения квалификации и возможности переподготовки, которые длятся три года. The most venerable institution in the country is, of course, the Belarusian State University. Наиболее почтенным учреждение в стране, конечно же, является Белорусский государственный университет.







and British Schools: Differences and Similarities

goes without saying

that education is very important in our life. It opens the doors into
adult successful life and children should understand this from their
childhood when they start primary school. I‘m
pretty sure
practically every country in the world gives such an opportunity as
educational systems in many countries are arranged according to
common international educational standards, though there can be some

Britain and Belarus are different countries that differ in their
languages, traditions and culture. But their educational systems have
much in common.
First of all
in both countries there the same stages of school education –
Primary and Secondary schools. Though in Great Britain children start
Primary education at
Belarusian pupils go to school at the age
of 7
In Great Britain there are about 8%
of independent schools
in Britain quite a lot of parents can allow themselves to pay for
their children’s education in public school like Eton.
In our country this type of schools isn’t so popular, but as
I know

there are some private schools in Belarus as well.

far as

subjects in curriculum are
here we have a lot of similarities as well as differences. For
instance, students of both countries study Maths, Physics, History,
and Chemistry. Of
we study English in different ways, just because for us it’s a
foreign language, for them – their mother tongue. What
is more
the Brits have such classes as Cooking
we don’t.

more point I’d like to cover

is a foreign language. Sure,
the British students study a variety of them, but the most popular
foreign language in the UK is French.
Pupils are also actively taught Spanish
and Italian.
In Belarus English is the main foreign language at school and it is
pretty understandable – it is a source of international
communication. By
the way
and French
are also popular with language-students. So, as you can see British
and Belarusian school systems have both differences and similarities.

sum up I would like to say

that there is no perfect school in the world. I
am of an opinion

that Belarusian educational system is really good but as
for me

it would be great to add such subjects like Art or Religion into our
curriculum, as well as to have a long break for lunch like the Brits
have that lasts for an hour. So
I consider

if we borrowed the best inventions from the others, we could improve
our system of education.

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The system of Education in Belarus.

Scientific and intellectual potential is the main strategic resource of Belarus. In 1989, according to the results of the census, 899 people per each thousand engaged in the national economy had higher and secondary education. Thus we can say that Belarus had a developed system of education. It embraced 11,000 educational establishments; 33 per cent of population attended different forms of classes.

Nowadays the number of students attending different educational establishments is nearly the same. The republic guarantees its citizens the right to universal secondary education and creates means for further professional education. It tries to preserve the democratic character of education, paying much attention to common human values, developing independent critical thinking instead of simple perception of information.

The republic has reformed its system of education with the aim of creating an independent, qualitatively new national school, corresponding to international standards and ensuring each citizen the right to the high-quality education according to his abilities and inclinations.

The reform envisaged a continuity of study at all stages, such as pre-school, secondary school, vocational training and specialized secondary school, and at the higher school level. It gives teachers and students freedom in the choice of educational forms and methods, while the results must correspond to the state educational standards.

Education in Belarus consists of some levels. The first level is known as kindergarten. Children at the age of 3 to 6 attend it. The second level is primary school and 6-10-year-olds go there. The following level is secondary school and if you are 10-15-year-olds you study at 5-9 forms. After secondary school you may enter high school or lyceum and college and study there for 2 years (15-17-year-olds).

After primary, secondary and high schools students take compulsory subjects. At first they sit 3 exams: Maths, the Russian and Belarusian Languages. At the end of the 9th year of education they sit 4 exams: Maths, the Russian and Belarusian languages and History of Belarus. They get GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and may go to lyceum or college or continue their education at high school. All the subjects at secondary school are compulsory. Leaving high school pupils sit 3 exams: 2 compulsory – Maths and one of the languages Russian or Belarusian, and one optional (since 2012 students will take 3 compulsory exams. They will have English as a compulsory exam.).

Besides comprehensive schools students can study at gymnasia. Entrance to gymnasia is based on the competitive exams. All the schools in Belarus are free of charge. They are mixed-sex schools although it is possible to find single-sex schools.

The school year in Belarus lasts from the 1st of September to late May. It is divided into 4 terms. There are 4 standard holidays: autumn-a week; winter- 2 weeks; spring-a week; summer-3 months. Students study 5 days a week. Generally school day starts at 8 a.m. or 9 a.m. and finishes at 2 p.m. or 3 p.m. students usually have 6 or 7 lessons a day. They study such subjects as Mathematics, Literatures – Russian and Belarusian, History, a foreign language, Geography, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, PE, Art, Music, Drama and others.

Graduating from high schools pupils usually enter universities and institutes. To enter these ones it is necessary to pass 3 centralized tests.

The main principles of the educational system in Belarus are the priority of human values, national culture as the basis of education, humanism, sense of ecological purpose, scientific basis, democracy, support of gifted children and others.

There have been changes in the organization of education itself. New types of educational establishments have appeared: gymnasia, lyceum, experimental school, college. There appeared non-state-owned schools of various kinds, private kindergartens, schools at home and commercial institutes.


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  • russkii-yazyk
    Русский язык

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    Помогите определить тип связи

  • fizika

    4 минуты назад


    Определи молярную массу смеси двух разрежённых газов 1 и 2 в закрытом резервуаре, учитывая их физические характеристики: массы — m1 = 9г и m2 = 15г, молярные массы — M1 = 2г/моль и M2 = 4г/моль. (Ответ округли до сотых.)

    Ответ:_______ г/моль.

  • russkii-yazyk
    Русский язык

    8 минут назад

    Списать, расставив запятые. Подчеркнуть грамматические основы, начертить схемы, указать вид придаточных предложений.

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