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Она умная и красивая, добрая и милая. Ей было весело жить с гномами, она не боялся никого, думала что в мире нет зла. Она верила в то что мачеха добрая хорошая женщина которая хорошо подходит для её отца. Белоснежка так думала даже после его смерти, до того момента пока мачеха не заказала убить Белоснежку, и принести её сердце. Но к счастью тот человек которому приказали убить Белоснежку добрый парень, он не устоял перед красотой белоснежки. И отпустил её. После знакомства с гномами. Она поняла что мачеха не такая уж и хорошая как казалось ей когда-то. Несмотря на запрет гномов, не открывать никому дверь, она все- равно открывала, был даже случай когда мачеха почти убила Белоснежка. Мачеха превратилась в бабушку, и дала ей отравление яблоко. Белоснежка спаслась, она всегда спасается, даже в таких ситуациях, только после этого случая у Белоснежки появился принц. Белоснежка никогда не грусти. Её кожа белая как снег, а губы алые как кровь. это на русском.
I’ll talk about Snow White.She’s smart and beautiful, kind and sweet. She was fun to live with the dwarves, she was not afraid of anybody, I think that there is no evil in the world. She believed in what kind stepmother good woman is a good fit for her father. Snow White thought so even after his death, until not long stepmother ordered to kill Snow White and bring her heart. But luckily the man who ordered to kill Snow White a good guy, he could not resist the beauty of Snow White. And let her go. After becoming acquainted with the dwarves. She realized that her stepmother is not so good as it seemed to her once. Despite the banGNOMES, do not open the door to anyone, it is still all-opened, there was even the case when the stepmother of Snow White is almost killed. Stepmother became a grandmother, and gave her a poisoned apple. Snow saved, it will always be saved, even in such situations, but after this incident appeared in Snow White’s Prince. Snow White will never be sad. Her skin is white as snow, lips as red as blood.
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Белоснежка родилась красивее своей матчихи и за это матчиха решила погубить её, оставив в лесу. Она убежала. И нашла дом гномиков. Она встретилась с гномами и они были удивленны и сражены красотой белонежки! И она осталась у гномов. Белоснежка оставалась дома и ухаживала за ним. Но вдруг матчиха узнала, что белоснежка жива, и она оборотилась в бабулю. Отравила яблочко, и пошла в дом белоснежки и гномиков с яблочком. Дала беоснежке яблоко. «Яблочко наливное, спелое, вкусненькое… » Говорила ведьма. Белоснежка не устояла и откусила кусочек яблочка. Вдруг белоснежка упала и потеряла сознание. Ведьма исчезла, а белоснежка осталась лежать на полу с ябоком в руке. Тут вернулись гномы и увидели белоснежку. Они очень огорчились и решили похоронить её. Похоронили её в прозрачном гробе, усыпанным лепестками роз. Принц скакал на коне мимо. Решил заглянуть в гроб и увидил белоснежку и влюбился! Он поцеловал белоснежку и она ожила! И белоснежка с принцем стали вместе жить-поживать и добра наживать! Snow White was born beautiful its matchihi and for this matchiha decided to destroy it, leaving the forest. She ran away. I found the house Dwarfs. She met with gnomes and they were surprised and battling beauty belonezhki! And she stayed with gnomes. Snow White stayed home and nursed him. But suddenly matchiha learned that Snow White is alive and it’s turnover in granny. Poisoned apple, and went into the house of Snow White and Dwarfs with apple. Dala beosnezhke apple. «Apple Filling, ripe, delicious …» She said the witch. Snow White could not resist and took a bite bullseye. Suddenly Snow White fell and lost consciousness. Witch disappeared, and Snow White was left lying on the floor with yabokom in hand. Then came back and saw Snow White dwarfs. They are very disappointed and decided to bury her. They buried her in a transparent coffin, strewn with rose petals. Prince rode on horseback past. I decided to look into the coffin and see Snow White and the love! He kissed Snow White and she came alive! And Snow White with Prince began to live together happily ever after and good!
Белоснежка (Snowdrop) — сказка братьев Гримм на английском языке
Известная сказка Братьев Гримм «Белоснежка и семь гномов» или «Белоснежка»(Snowdrop) на английском языке.
Snowdrop — с английского языка переводится как подснежник или белоснежный. После сказки на английском вы найдете ссылку на русскую версию сказки и видео ролик оригами — как сделать подснежник из бумаги. Скачать сказку братьев Гримм «Snowdrop» на английском языке |
Snowdropby The Brothers Grimm |
But this queen died; and the king soon married another wife, who became queen, and was very beautiful, but so vain that she could not bear to think that anyone could be handsomer than she was. She had a fairy looking-glass, to which she used to go, and then she would gaze upon herself in it, and say: ‘Tell me, glass, tell me true! Of all the ladies in the land, Who is fairest, tell me, who?’ And the glass had always answered: ‘Thou, queen, art the fairest in all the land.’ But Snowdrop grew more and more beautiful; and when she was seven years old she was as bright as the day, and fairer than the queen herself. Then the glass one day answered the queen, when she went to look in it as usual: ‘Thou, queen, art fair, and beauteous to see, But Snowdrop is lovelier far than thee!’
Then poor Snowdrop wandered along through the wood in great fear; and the wild beasts roared about her, but none did her any harm. In the evening she came to a cottage among the hills, and went in to rest, for her little feet would carry her no further. Everything was spruce and neat in the cottage: on the table was spread a white cloth, and there were seven little plates, seven little loaves, and seven little glasses with wine in them; and seven knives and forks laid in order; and by the wall stood seven little beds. As she was very hungry, she picked a little piece of each loaf and drank a very little wine out of each glass; and after that she thought she would lie down and rest. So she tried all the little beds; but one was too long, and another was too short, till at last the seventh suited her: and there she laid herself down and went to sleep.
In the morning Snowdrop told them all her story; and they pitied her, and said if she would keep all things in order, and cook and wash and knit and spin for them, she might stay where she was, and they would take good care of her. Then they went out all day long to their work, seeking for gold and silver in the mountains: but Snowdrop was left at home; and they warned her, and said, ‘The queen will soon find out where you are, so take care and let no one in.’ But the queen, now that she thought Snowdrop was dead, believed that she must be the handsomest lady in the land; and she went to her glass and said: ‘Tell me, glass, tell me true! Of all the ladies in the land, Who is fairest, tell me, who?’ And the glass answered: ‘Thou, queen, art the fairest in all this land: But over the hills, in the greenwood shade, Where the seven dwarfs their dwelling have made, There Snowdrop is hiding her head; and she Is lovelier far, O queen! than thee.’ Then the queen was very much frightened; for she knew that the glass always spoke the truth, and was sure that the servant had betrayed her. And she could not bear to think that anyone lived who was more beautiful than she was; so she dressed herself up as an old pedlar, and went her way over the hills, to the place where the dwarfs dwelt. Then she knocked at the door, and cried, ‘Fine wares to sell!’ Snowdrop looked out at the window, and said, ‘Good day, good woman! what have you to sell?’ ‘Good wares, fine wares,’ said she; ‘laces and bobbins of all colours.’ ‘I will let the old lady in; she seems to be a very good sort of body,’ thought Snowdrop, as she ran down and unbolted the door. ‘Bless me!’ said the old woman, ‘how badly your stays are laced! Let me lace them up with one of my nice new laces.’ Snowdrop did not dream of any mischief; so she stood before the old woman; but she set to work so nimbly, and pulled the lace so tight, that Snowdrop’s breath was stopped, and she fell down as if she were dead. ‘There’s an end to all thy beauty,’ said the spiteful queen, and went away home. In the evening the seven dwarfs came home; and I need not say how grieved they were to see their faithful Snowdrop stretched out upon the ground, as if she was quite dead. However, they lifted her up, and when they found what ailed her, they cut the lace; and in a little time she began to breathe, and very soon came to life again. Then they said, ‘The old woman was the queen herself; take care another time, and let no one in when we are away.’ When the queen got home, she went straight to her glass, and spoke to it as before; but to her great grief it still said: ‘Thou, queen, art the fairest in all this land: But over the hills, in the greenwood shade, Where the seven dwarfs their dwelling have made, There Snowdrop is hiding her head; and she Is lovelier far, O queen! than thee.’
‘Thou, queen, art the fairest of all the fair.’ And then her wicked heart was glad, and as happy as such a heart could be.
Then he told her all that had happened, and said, ‘I love you far better than all the world; so come with me to my father’s palace, and you shall be my wife.’ And Snowdrop consented, and went home with the prince; and everything was got ready with great pomp and splendour for their wedding. To the feast was asked, among the rest, Snowdrop’s old enemy the queen; and as she was dressing herself in fine rich clothes, she looked in the glass and said: ‘Tell me, glass, tell me true! Of all the ladies in the land, Who is fairest, tell me, who?’ And the glass answered: ‘Thou, lady, art loveliest here, I ween; But lovelier far is the new-made queen.’ When she heard this she started with rage; but her envy and curiosity were so great, that she could not help setting out to see the bride. And when she got there, and saw that it was no other than Snowdrop, who, as she thought, had been dead a long while, she choked with rage, and fell down and died: but Snowdrop and the prince lived and reigned happily over that land many, many years; and sometimes they went up into the mountains, and paid a visit to the little dwarfs, who had been so kind to Snowdrop in her time of need. |
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English Joke
A young man asked an old rich man how he made his money.
The old guy fingered his worsted wool vest and said, «Well, son, it was 1932. The depth of the Great Depression. I was down to my last nickel.
I invested that nickel in an apple. I spent the entire day polishing the apple and, at the end of the day, I sold the apple for ten cents.
The next morning, I invested those ten cents in two apples. I spent the entire day polishing them and sold them at 5:00 pm for 20 cents. I continued this system for a month, by the end of which I’d accumulated a fortune of $1.37.»
«And that’s how you built an empire?» the boy asked.
«Heavens, no!» the man replied. «Then my wife’s father died and left us two million dollars.»
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моя любимая сказка Белоснежка.Это о
моя любимая сказка Белоснежка.Это очень интересная сказка .
жил в старом замке король. Жена у него умерла и он женился второй раз на злой женщине.мачеха не любила Белоснежку , потому что Белоснежка была красивее её и поэтому приказала стражнику убить её. Но у стражника было доброе сердце и он отпустил её. Она долго бродила по лесу. Но вскоре нашла маленький домик и вошла в него. в доме стояло семь кроватей. Белоснежка убрали все комнаты. И заснула. Вскоре пришли семь гномов и увидели Белоснежку. Она проснулась и всё им рассказала. гномы предложили остоться.
Однажды в дверь постучали старуха, это была переодетая мачеха. Старуха угостила Белоснежку яблоком. она откусила его и упала как мёртвая. Гномы пытались Беложнежку. потом гномы положили её в гроб . Они каждий день приходили к Белоснежке.
Как-то по лесу гулял принц.Он увидел Белоснежку и она была очень красивая . Он поцеловал её. Белоснежка ожила и принц увёх еоролевство.
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
my favorite fairy tale snow white is a very interesting tale. He lived in the old Castle of the King. His wife died and he married a second time on the evil stepmother hated woman. snow white, because Snow White was more beautiful and therefore ordered the guard to kill her. But the guardian has a good heart and he let go of her. She wandered through the Woods. But he soon found a small house and entered it. in the House there were seven beds. Snow White came off all rooms. And fell asleep. Soon came the seven dwarfs and snow white saw. She woke up and everything they said. dwarves called ostot′sâ. Once in the door knocked an old woman, it was dressed stepmother. The old woman has treated with snow white an Apple. She has bitten off it and fell as dead. The gnomes attempted to Beložnežku. then the dwarves put her in a coffin. They each day come to snow white.The forest was walking he saw snow white Prince and it was very beautiful. He kissed her. Snow White came to life and Prince uvëh eorolevstvo.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
My favorite fairy tale Belosnezhka.Eto very interesting tale.
lived in the old castle of the king. His wife died and he married a second time on the evil zhenschine.macheha not like Snow White because Snow White was more beautiful than her and therefore ordered the guard to kill her. But the guard had a good heart, and he let her go. She wandered through the woods. But soon found a small house and entered it. The house was seven beds. Snow White cleaned all the rooms. And went to sleep. Soon came the Seven Dwarfs Snow White and the saw. She woke up and told them everything. Gnomes offered ostotsya.
One knock on the door an old woman, it was disguised as a stepmother. The old woman has treated Snow White apple. She took it and fell as dead. Gnomes tried Belozhnezhku. then dwarves put her in a coffin. Every day they came to Snow White.
Somehow the forest walked prints.On saw Snow White and she was very beautiful. He kissed her. Snow White and Prince revived uvёh eorolevstvo.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
My favorite fairy tale Snow White.It is a very interesting tale.
lived in the old castle the king. The wife died and he married a second time at the angry woman.Cinderella does not loved Белоснежку ,Because the controlled underwater vehicles was nicer it and therefore стражнику ordered to kill her. But the Dimir House Guard was kind heart and he let her. Glass paperweight over it for a long time in the forest. But soon found a small cottage and entered in it.In the house called seven beds. Controlled underwater vehicles removed all of the rooms. And authors. Soon came seven dwarfs’ and saw Белоснежку. She woke up and all them had described. gnomes suggested остоться.
One Day in the door «Hallo bundle,This was why feignest thou thyself stepmother. Bundle угостила Белоснежку bone. it has bitten off his and fell as dead. The gnomes have tried Беложнежку. Then the gnomes put her in the coffin. They Alytus day came to Белоснежке.
As the forest chess board prince.He saw Белоснежку and she was very beautiful. He wasn’t kiss her. Snow White and prince realize увех еоролевство.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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