Рассказ про буратино на английском


Как описать буратино на английском языке с переводом плиз

1 ответ:



Buratino (or Pinocchio) is a small wooden doll-boy. He has short yellow hair and a very long sharpened nose. His eyes are blue and his mouth is small. Buratino is wearing a paper jacket and paper trousers. On his head he has a striped red and white cap.

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Is there a phone?

No, there isn’t.

Are there books?

Yes, there are.

Are there flowers?

No, there aren’t.

Are there chairs?

No, there aren’t.

Is there a bed?

Yes, there is.

Is there a cat?

Yes, there is.

Конкурс львов-lions competition

<span>Full-grown grasshoppers range in length from 19 to 38 mm. The differential grasshopper is basically brownish-yellow or olive green with contrasting black markings. On the hind femur, these markings resemble chevrons. The redlegged grasshopper has a reddish-brown back, a yellow belly, and bright red hind legs. The twostriped grasshopper is greenish-yellow with contrasting black or brown markings. It has two light color stripes which run from the head to the tips of the wings.</span>

1.were damaged
2.is seen
3.will not be finished
4.have been closed
5.are being reviewed
6.is not to be shipped

1. Have seen; 2. Has done; 3. Have lived; 4. Have bought; 5. Has painted; 6. Has had; 7. Has read

2. Have your parents ever visited the USA? Yes, they have./No, my parents have never visited the USA.
3. Have you ever spoken to a famous person? Yes, I have./ No, I have never spoken to a famous person.
4. Has your friend ever won a competition? Yes, he/she has./No, my friend has never won a competition.
5. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes, I have./ No, I have never ridden a horse.
6. Has you teacher ever wrote a book? Yes, he/she has./No, my teacher has never written a book.
7. Have you ever sung in a concert? Yes, I have./ No, I have never sung in a concert.

1. Have lived; 2. Since; 3. Since; 4. Long; 5. 2009; 6. Has had; 7. Since; 8. Nine months; 9. Ever; 10. Never

Тексты аудиокурса 2 класс к Уроку 11

No 38. Exercise 2.

Внимательно послушай и попытайся догадаться о значении новых слов.
My mother has got a son. Не is my brother.
My mother has got a daughter. She is my sister.

 No 39. Exercise 2.            

Научись задавать вопрос, есть ли у неё (у него) сын или дочь. 

Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)
[ʌ] (3), son (3), a son (3). Has she got a son? (3) Has he got a son? — Yes, he has. Has she got a son? — No, she hasn’t.
[d] (3), [ɔ:] (3), [t] (3), daughter (3), a daughter (3). Has she got a daughter? (3) Has she got a daughter? — Yes, she has. Has he got a daughter? — No, he hasn’t.

No 40 Exercise 4

А. Послушай, что говорит Буратино о своей семье, и постарайся понять.
My name is Buratino. I’ve got a father. His name is Papa Carlo. I haven’t got a mother. I haven’t got a grandmother. I haven’t got a grandfather. I haven’t got a sister. I haven’t got a brother.
В. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)
[æ] (3), have (3), haven’t (3), I haven’t got (3). I haven’t got an aunt. I haven’t got an uncle. I haven’t got a sister. I haven’t got a brother.

No 41 Exercise 5

А. Теперь ты расскажи о семье Буратино. Сначала послушай, как это сделать.
His name is Buratino. Buratino has got a father. His name is Papa Carlo. Buratino hasn’t got a mother. He hasn’t got a grandfather. He hasn’t got a granny. He hasn’t got a sister. He hasn’t got a brother.
В. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)
[æ] (3), has (3), hasn’t (3), hasn’t got (3). He hasn’t got a mother. He hasn’t got a grandmother. He hasn’t got a grandfather. He hasn’t got a sister. He hasn’t got a brother.

No 42 Exercise 6

А. Давай вспомним цифры, которые ты уже знаешь. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)
One, two, three, six, seven.

B. Считаем до трёх. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)
[w] (3), [ʌ] (3), [n] (3), one (3), [t] (3), [u:] (3), two (3), [Ɵ] (3),  [r] (3), [i:] (3), three (3), one, two, three (3).
C. Теперь выучим цифры «четыре» и «пять». Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)
[ɔ:] (3), [f] (3), four (3), [ai] (3), [v] (3), five (3).
D. Считаем от одного до семи. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с па¬узами для повторения.)
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

No 43 Exercise 7

А. Разучиваем английскую считалочку. Тебе встретят ся новые слова: computer — компьютер, more — ещё. Послушай считалочку целиком.
One computer, two computers,
Three computers, four.
Five computers, six computers,
Seven computers, more.
В. Слушай и повторяй. (Записано с паузами для повторения.)
[ju:] (3), computer (3), computers (3), [ɔ:] (3), more (3).
(Считалочка читается с паузами для повторения.)

No 44 Exercise 8

Учимся считать игрушки. Слушай и повторяй.

(Записано с паузами для повторения.)
One doll, two dolls, three dolls, four dolls, five dolls, six dolls, seven dolls, four Barbie dolls, five Matryoshka dolls, two Jack dolls.
Four ships, three ships, one train, five trains. I’ve got two ships and Bob has got five ships. Nick hasn’t got five trains — he has got one train. I’ve got seven Matryoshka dolls. Polly has got five Barbie dolls. Jane has got three teddy bears. Nick has got one teddy bear. Kitty has got four Jack dolls.


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      3 года назад

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  • algebra

    4 минуты назад

    Помогите с алгеброй

  • russkii-yazyk
    Русский язык

    4 минуты назад

    Помогите определить тип связи

  • fizika

    6 минут назад


    Определи молярную массу смеси двух разрежённых газов 1 и 2 в закрытом резервуаре, учитывая их физические характеристики: массы — m1 = 9г и m2 = 15г, молярные массы — M1 = 2г/моль и M2 = 4г/моль. (Ответ округли до сотых.)

    Ответ:_______ г/моль.

  • russkii-yazyk
    Русский язык

    9 минут назад

    Списать, расставив запятые. Подчеркнуть грамматические основы, начертить схемы, указать вид придаточных предложений.

  • algebra

    14 минут назад

    Скажите ответ пж?


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