Прилагательные, описывающие Ёжика Карточки |
другие животные
1 |
prickly |
колючий |
2 |
nocturnal |
ночной |
3 |
nosed |
носатый |
4 |
little |
маленький |
5 |
funny |
забавный |
6 |
cute |
милый |
7 |
round |
круглый |
8 |
hasty |
торопливый |
Look at the picture. |
Посмотрите на картинку. |
You can see a hedgehog sitting on the ground. |
Вы можете видеть ежа, сидящего на земле. |
It’s prickly. |
Он колючий. |
It has small black ears. |
У него маленькие черные уши. |
Its muzzle is elongated. |
Его морда вытянута. |
It has a black nose and two black eyes. |
У него черный нос и два черных глаза. |
It has a short tail as well. |
У него также есть короткий хвост. |
If it opens its mouth, one can see its sharp teeth. |
Если он открывает рот, можно видеть его острые зубы. |
It has 5 fingers with sharp claws on each paw. |
У него есть 5 пальцев с острыми когтями на каждой лапе. |
It has a cone-shaped / triangular face. |
Он имеет конусообразное / треугольное лицо. |
Its hind legs are longer than the front ones. |
Его задние ноги длиннее, чем передние. |
Its needles on its body are sharp. |
Его иглы острые. |
His head and belly are covered with dark hair. |
Его голова и живот покрыты темными волосами. |
It looks cute. |
Он выглядит мило. |
Общая информация о ёжике:
Look at the picture. You can see a hedgehog sitting on the ground. The hedgehog belongs to the mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae, in the eulipotyphlan family, Erinaceidae.
It has small black ears, which are usually less than 3.5 cm. Its muzzle is elongated with a black nose that is sharp and constantly moist. The length of its body is 20-30 cm, the tail — about 3 cm. The body weight is 700-800 g . On the upper jaw of the hedgehog we can’t see 20 small sharp teeth, and on the bottom there are 16 teeth but they are there.
Its head is relatively large, wedge-shaped, with a little lined face. It has 5 fingers with sharp claws on the paws. Its hind legs are longer than the front ones. The needles are about 2 cm. The needles are hollow inside, just filled with air. The needles grow with the same speed as the hair. Between the needles there are thin, long, very rare hair. The head and belly are covered with coarse and usually dark-colored hair.
The hedgehog is an animal that is active at night time. It does not like to leave his house for a long time. The hedgehog spends its day in a nest or other shelter.
Hedgehogs are quite fast for their size animals. They are able to run at speeds up to 3 m / s. They are also good at swimming and jumping.
Like many nocturnal animals, the hedgehog has poorly eyesight, but they have a sharp sense of smell and hearing.
When it becomes cold, European hedgehogs close the entrance to the burrow and fall into sleep. Usually such a hibernation lasts from October to April.
The hedgehog is an omnivore animal. The basis of its nutrition is insects, caterpillars, slugs, sometimes earthworms and even mice.
Hedgehog can be a carrier of diseases such as dermatomycosis, yellow fever, salmonellosis, leptospirosis, rabies. They are found in large numbers of mites and fleas. Its needles are a good shelter for these microbes and bacteria that is difficult for hedgehogs to get rid of.
In nature these animals live 3-5 years, in captivity they can live up to 8-10 years.
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– eared hedgehog.
Главатских Елена
big-eared hedgehog is one of the rare animals listed in the Red Book. It lives
in deserts, southern steppes of Europe and Central Asia. The hedgehog got its
name due to the unique size and shape of the auricle. In comparison with his
«earless» relatives, our hero boasts quite impressive parameters: just think,
the length of his ear is more than 35 cm, and short games are equipped with
longitudinal grooves.
for the mass, on the contrary, it is inferior to the weight of ordinary
hedgehogs, and three times. In Russia, the eared hedgehog can be found in the
Volga region, Siberia and the Urals. In winter, the hedgehog hibernates, feeds
mainly on insects, as well as bird eggs, chicks, frogs and lizards.
there is no other place to spend the night, the enterprising hedgehog finds
shelter in the burrows of other animals. The greatest activity of this animal
is observed at night, during the day it is very difficult to see the big-eared
hedgehog with your own eyes, in particular given its rather rare population on
the territory of our Homeland.
the way, the eared hedgehog is not limited to insects and birds in its diet: it
willingly eats berries, seeds, fruits, which it is able to find in its place of
residence. However, if it happens that one of the days the big-eared does not
find food, he will not be upset at all, because the hedgehog and his relatives
are able to do without food and water for about 10 weeks.
rather interesting fact is that this representative of the animal world is
practically not harmed by the bites of poisonous animals, let’s say snakes –
therefore, our hero is pretty invulnerable to poison. By the way, he can even
eat beetles, which contain not very useful substances.
search of food, the hedgehog develops unprecedented speed, he moves much faster
than his usual needle friends. Most of all, he is attracted to dry terrain,
possibly with an addition in the form of clay and sand, respectively, deserts
are still the main area.
for the places where our big-eared heroes do not like to settle at all, these
include places prone to drought and burnout. Hibernation begins in October –
November, and before that time the animal actively accumulates fat for the
winter. As for the regions with a warm climate, there the hedgehog may not
hibernate at all if it has food. By the way, plowing the steppes is one of the
factors due to which the population of the eared hedgehog is significantly
animal is also known in Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, Iraq, Pakistan,
Afghanistan, and Ukraine. The truth here, as in other places, is quite rare.
You can meet his relatives alone, and even then in very rare cases.
is a pity that such a rare and interesting species is already among the rare,
what will happen to it after decades? On the one hand, it can be assumed that
all animals of the Red Book are doomed to extinction sooner or later. On the
other hand, I would like to think positively and hope that in many years the
eared hedgehogs will still be present on the territory of our planet.