Рассказ про гамбола на английском

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Gumball Tristopher Watterson

  • Season 3 onwards

  • Season 2

  • Season 1

  • Toddler

  • Teenager

  • Infant

  • Early reel

  • Human

Season 3 Gumball.png


Gumball gumball 174x252.png





Human Gumball.png

Character Information

Gender: Male ♂
Also known as: Gummypuss (by Nicole in «The Meddler»)
Trisha (in «The Club»)
The blue one (by Granny Jojo in «The Kiss»)
GumballOopsEggWobbleUnderpants (in «The Dress»)
G-Ball (by Tobias in «The Slap»)
Greg (by Darwin in «The Puppy» and the Internet in «The Intelligence»)
Ferzandelerp (alias in «The Guy»)
The blue Waterson (by Principal Brown in «Darwin’s Yearbook: Banana Joe»)
Species: Cat
Age: 12
Friends: Darwin, Penny (girlfriend), Carrie, Tobias, Banana Joe, Leslie, Rocky, Tina, Mr. Robinson (unrequited), Bobert, Molly, Sarah, Sussie, Alan (at times),
Enemies: Rob (nemesis), Miss Simian, Jamie, Mrs. Robinson, Chi Chi, Ribbit, Chi Chi’s parents, Frank, Howdy, Grady, Zach, William (at times), Alan (at times)
Relatives: Darwin (adoptive brother)
Anais (sister)
Nicole (mother)
Richard (father)
Granny Jojo (paternal grandmother)
Frankie (paternal grandfather)
Louie (paternal step-grandfather)
Daniel (maternal grandfather)
Mary (maternal grandmother)
Occupation: Student
First Appearance: The early reel (prototype)
«The DVD» (final concept)
Voice: Nicky Jones (early reel)
Logan Grove (seasons 1–2, most of «The Kids»)
Jacob Hopkins («The Kids»–»The Copycats»)
Nicolas Cantu
(«The Copycats»–»The Inquisition»)
Duke Cutler («Gumball Chronicles: The Curse of Elmore» onwards)
Gallery Quotes
Color Scheme
fur cloth eye nose


Gumball (formerly Zach) Tristopher Watterson is the protagonist of The Amazing World of Gumball. He is a twelve-year-old, blue male cat that goes to Elmore Junior High, with his adopted brother Darwin and his four-year-old sister Anais. Gumball is in Miss Simian’s class. As of «The Shell,» Gumball is dating Penny.


Early concept

Originally, Gumball was meant to be a blue dog. Not much thought was put into this choice as it was more of a placeholder than a final design. As the creators developed the character further, they decided to make him a black cat, as it fit the personality they had in mind for him: unlucky, but optimistic (black cats symbolize bad luck in European culture). The creators found this trait to be too restricting in terms of possible plots and stories. In addition, a silhouette cat would be «hard to read» on the backgrounds planned for the show.

The decision was finally reached to have him blue, a decision that the show creator Ben Bocquelet liked, because he thought blue was not a color usually found on cats, and it had a «70’s-80’s Japanese mascot» sort of feel.

Final design

In the actual show, Gumball is a light blue cat. On his oversized head, he has six whiskers, but only five are visible most of the time. He usually wears grey trousers, coupled with a tan sweater, which has brown cuffs and a brown collar. Like his mother, father, and sister, Gumball lacks shoes, and he is the only member of the Wattersons without visible eyelashes, although, in some episodes, he is seen with visible eyelashes, like in «The Refund» and «The Boss.» One of his sharp canine teeth can also be seen hanging out of the corner of his mouth. The inside of his mouth is pink, his tongue is light pink, and his nose is orange.

In season 2, his design changes slightly. His head and his whiskers are bigger, while his eyes are rounder. His canine teeth are rounder and no longer present when his mouth is closed. The corner of his snout can sometimes be seen bending down at a sharp angle.

In season 3, Gumball’s eyes are permanently round along with the rest of the Wattersons’.


Gumball is a very imaginative person. Despite his mediocre academic performance, he can be surprisingly brilliant when it comes to formulating all sorts of mischievous schemes. This side of him can be seen in episodes such as «The Plan,» in which he quickly formulates a basic outline to he and his siblings plan to «save» their mother, and in «The Scam,» in which he forms a crafty scheme that will allow him to cleanly heist the town’s candy effortlessly. Such a side may also suggest Gumball is smarter than he lets on, as hinted by his expansive vocabulary, cooking skills, and ukulele skills as well.

Gumball is also pretty optimistic. Despite his cynicism towards society itself, as seen in episodes such as «The Bumpkin» and «The Money,» he is still fairly positive in what to expect out of people (though there are exceptions). When his family is financially suffering in «The Money,» he reminds them of the joys of family and pushes them to be more optimistic. In «The Others,» he is quick to reject Clare’s notion of «no happy ending,» only wanting to see her have a happy ending (no matter how forced it was). He’s also happy to help others, as seen in «The Void,» «The Upgrade,» and «The Slide,» in which in all three he went great lengths to assist Molly, Bobert, and Rocky, respectively.

In general, Gumball is very protective of his loved ones. On multiple occasions, he is quick to go into a sort of «over-protective» mode whenever anybody tries to hurt his siblings, Darwin and Anais, as seen in «The Parasite,» in which he tried to nearly poison Jodie when he thought she was hurting Anais, or in «The Rerun,» in which he aimlessly tried to attack Rob out of rage when Darwin died.

Gumball has a very sarcastic nature. He is quick to diffuse all sorts of quips towards others, ranging from fairly harmless to sometimes blunt and rude. As demonstrated in episodes such as «The Stories» and «The Test,» these snarky comments are impulsive.

Gumball also has a fairly massive ego, which seems to be a fault of his. When not tamed properly, his ego can drive him to do some pretty jerky things. Darwin tapping into his musical talents in «The Triangle» causes Gumball to have short-lived jealousy towards him before he realizes he is wrong. His ego also explains his relationship with Alan; the fact that Alan is so effortlessly loved drives Gumball to expose him for being scummier than he lets on (which later turns out to be accurate). This ego also makes him very sensitive, as seen in «The Meddler,» in which he becomes an emotional wreck when he is told his cheerleading performance was terrible.


Main article: Gumball Watterson/Relationships


Click here to view the gallery for Gumball Watterson.
Click here to view the gallery.

Voice actors


Gumball’s voice-Multilanguage

  • Logan Grove (US/UK/AU/CAN) (season 1–2, most of «The Kids»)
  • Jacob Hopkins (US/UK/AU/CAN) (the end of «The Kids,» the rest of season 3–»The Copycats»)
  • Nicolas Cantu (US/UK/AU/CAN) («The Copycats»–»The Inquisition»)
  • Duke Cutler («Gumball Chronicles: The Curse of Elmore»–present)
  • Nicky Jones (the early reel only)
  • Junko Takeuchi (Japan)
  • Arthur Dubois (France, seasons 1–4)
  • Sophie Pyronnet (France, season 5–present)
  • Federico Bebi (voice, seasons 1-2, most of season 3) and Leonardo Caneva (sing) (Italy)
  • Alessio Puccio (Italy, season 3-present)
  • Paolo Filio (season 1, only five episodes) / Isabel Martiñón (present) (Latin America)
  • Mario García (season 1) (Spain)
  • Pilar Martín (season 2) (Spain)
  • Rebekka Weissfeld (Denmark)
  • Omar Hakeem (Middle East, seasons 1 and 2 until «The Lesson»)
  • Hadi Baydhoun (Middle East, season 2, «The Game»–»The Finale»)
  • Hassan Mahdi (Middle East, seasons 1–2, most of «The Kids»)
  • Fares Smerat (Middle East, the end of «The Kids» and the rest of season 3–present)
  • Eduardo Drummond (Brazil, season 1 and 2)
  • João Victor Granja (Brazil, season 3)
  • Christian Nieuwenhuizen (Netherlands)
  • Miłosz Konkel (Poland, season 1)
  • Jakub Zdrójkowski (Poland, seasons 2 and 3)
  • Hubert Szczurek (Poland, seasons 4 and 5)
  • Filip Rogowski (Poland, seasons 5 — present)
  • Elif Erdal (Turkey)
  • Valgeir Hrafn Skagfjörð (Iceland)
  • Lev Akselrod (Ukraine)
  • Лев Аксельрод (Russia)


Main article: Gumball Watterson/Quotes


  • He can play the ukulele and sing well, as seen in «The Knights.» Despite this, he is shown to be failing music class in «The Apology.»
  • He apparently had his appendix removed and also kissed Sussie, as said by Darwin in «The Skull.»
  • Gumball was voiced by Nicky Jones (best known for voicing the title character of Chowder) in the early reel, but Logan Grove started voicing Gumball for seasons 1 and 2. He voiced Gumball for the final time in season 3’s «The Kids.» Jacob Hopkins then took his place for the rest of season 3, 4, and part of 5. Nicolas Cantu then replaced Hopkins in the season 5 episode «The Copycats.»
  • In Project Exonaut, Gumball is available as an exosuit for 1,000 coins.
  • In FusionFall, Gumball is available as a Nano.
  • Gumball’s sweater was revealed to have been found by his dad in a sewage outlet in «The Date.»
  • Gumball is terrible at catching things, as shown in «The Quest.»
  • Gumball has been shown to be a horrible liar on numerous occasions.
  • Although Gumball has six whiskers, only five of them are visible because of the angle of his head. In «The Poltergeist,» when Gumball impersonates a pea on a fork in the attic, one can see that he has six whiskers.
    • In «The Pressure,» when Gumball squishes between Masami and Darwin at the girls’ lunch table, his six whiskers can be seen.
      • In «The Bros,» when Penny says she needs space, Gumball is so shocked that all his whiskers pop out, similar to Richard’s whiskers.
  • He has very wide hips, which is unusual because this feature is more commonly seen on female characters in animation.
  • In season 1, he has a slightly wobbly outline in certain scenes.
  • In «The Club,» Nicole reveals that she and Richard agreed to give Gumball the middle name «Christopher,» but Richard confused it for «Tristopher» on Gumball’s birth certificate. His middle name was also confirmed as «Tristopher» on James Lamont’s Formspring.
  • Gumball has arachnophobia, which is a strong fear of spiders, as shown in «The Date.»
    • Gumball may have a fear of drowning, or perhaps, claustrophobia, as reflected in a dream where he hyperventilates and panics in a sinking car in «The Dream.»
  • Gumball’s face is shown to be extremely malleable, as in «The Photo»; Darwin was able to mold it into various poses, and it has been shown to go very floppy on occasions.
  • In «The Treasure,» it is revealed that Gumball was a really ugly baby, though this may have been contradicted in «The Choices.»
  • Gumball is shown to be good at whistling, demonstrating his skill in «The Colossus» and «The Fridge.»
  • The first time Jacob Hopkins could be heard voicing Gumball was in the «Welcome to Elmore» promo.
  • In «The Promise,» it is revealed that the name «Gumball» is just a nickname.
    • In «The Name,» his real name is revealed to be «Zach.» At the end of the episode, he legally changes his name to Gumball.
  • Gumball has appeared in every episode except for «The Singing,» «The Sucker,» and «The Spinoffs.»
v • e Characters
Italicized characters are considered extremely minor
Watterson family Gumball • Darwin • Anais • Nicole • Richard • Granny Jojo • Louie • Evil Turtle (family pet) • Frankie
Robinson family Gaylord • Margaret • Rocky
Fitzgerald family Penny • Patrick • Judith • PollyMr. Cuddles (family pet)
Wilson family Tobias • Jackie • Harold • Rachel
Banana family Banana Joe • Banana Barbara • Banana Bob
Rex family Tina • Mr. Rex
Keane family Alan • DexterJessica
Jötunheim family Hector • Mrs. Jötunheim
Parham family Felicity • Billy
Yoshida family Masami • Mr. YoshidaYuki
School faculty Nigel Brown • Lucy Simian • Steve Small • Coach Russo • Joan Markham • Librarian • Moonchild Corneille • Tree librarian
Student body Carrie • Bobert • Sarah • Leslie • Teri • Colin and Felix • Carmen • Molly • Jamie • Idaho • Anton • Ocho • Juke • Sussie • Clayton • William • Rob • Hot Dog Guy • Julius • Green bear • MushroomFuzzballRazor8-bit dogReaperMowdownRotten cupcakeScythe • Clare • JaredWilsonJodieRainbow octopusBulldogGregoryMoleJoshPeter
Senior citizens Marvin • Gary • Alison • Blue elephant • Betty • Donald
Other Elmore residents Larry • Donut Cop • Sal Left Thumb • Martha • Kenneth • Karen • Pantsbully • Tony • Hexagon lady • Santa Claus • Paperball • Lenny • Construction men • Hobo • Shooting starRosieClipboard menEgg manCube dogsCyclops dogRatsSunEarthMoonPurple squirrelPink squirrelCreatures • Orange guards • Bandage doctorMelted cheese guyHamburger CopCowboy • Jeff • SusanSicilianaQuattroHaydenInternetExercise bacon • Shape people • Teal tow truck driverSaturnSausage dogTan dogCarltonTroyGreen security guardBandage paramedicsGhostsCoffee copMr. VerdeIdaho’s familyFrench friesAnton’s parentsRichwood High studentsGumball’s brainDr. ButtSussie’s parentsRipley 2000 manager«Porky» Cassidy GoblinDolphin manSpray-paint bottleButterknifeMr. ChanaxManly warriorPest controllerSoulless office workerOval familyTimmyCharlieDrum kit guyHot Dog Guy lookalikeCupcake manMikeKenKip SchlezingerClownHand security officerSally the SnakeEarlSphere citizensLeonard DanielsVan shopkeeperHumanMilk guyOld doctorGargarothBrydieMayor of ElmoreFlight attendantDanielMaryMariaJoaoPhilKayvonCharlie-AnnBook doctorTeapotDebbie
Single appearance JealousyBlitzerVirusMr. KreeseDaniel LennardAnt-OneAnt-TwoAnton clonesZachScary old manScary old ladyChicken BucketChris MorrisVladSluzzle DudeButterflyChimeraNew BobertAbraham Lincoln goatEvil Turtle’s babiesChi ChiRibbitChi Chi’s parentsTrollGame ChildHowdyFrankGradyRussian agentsEthel and BernieMr. GruberAzraelRainbow Factory shareholdersFuzzy
Objects Daisy the Donkey • Elmore dollarSolar System

Main Characters

MainCharactersNav Gumball.png MainCharactersNav Darwin.png MainCharactersNav Anais.png MainCharactersNav Nicole.png MainCharactersNav Richard.png
Gumball Darwin Anais Nicole Richard

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Пожалуйста напишите рассказа о Гамболе из мультфильма Удивительный мир Гамбола. Кратко на английском с переводом

1 ответ:



Gumball Watterson is the main character of the cartoon «The Amazing World of Gumball».

Gumball is a twelve-year-old blue cat. He has got an adopted brother Darwin (who is a fish) and a four-year-old sister Anais (a pink rabbit).

Gumball is smart, although he studies not very well. He is also optimistic and he loves his family.

Gumball has got a girlfriend Penny.


Гамбол Уоттерсон — главный герой мультфильма «Удивительный мир Гамболла».

Гамбол — двенадцатилетний котёнок со светло-голубой шерстью . У него есть приемный брат Дарвин ( рыбка) и четырехлетняя сестра Анаис (розовый кролик).

Гамбол умный, хотя учится не очень хорошо. Он оптимист и любит свою семью.

У Гамбола есть подружка Пенни.

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He returns in the evening.
They put her to bed now.
He called the doctor.
You can shake your head.
The doctor should come.
<span>We will have a girlie day.</span>

My winter holidays were very good and interesting. At first , I went to Moscow to my friends with whom I celebrated the New year. I ate so many delicious dishes on new year’s day. I together with my family and friends went to launch fireworks after the new year chimes. On 1 January we went to the shops and bought presents. I also went to the Imax movie on the film Star wars: the force awakening. It was cool! I liked this film. I was walking with friends in the remaining part of the winter holidays . I read the books. Also I was preparing for the new school semester. I’m happy with my new year’s holiday!

!Придумывала сама. Такого текста пока нигде нет

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Всего ответов: 1

Funny cartoon world Gambolò. This cartoon of a blue cat, he did not have a normal family, my mother worked all day, and my father all day sleeping, resting and watching the telly, but still it is very stupid, which is why until now he has no job. Sister Gambolò Anais is smarter than he is a hundred times, and although she is 4 years. Brother Darwin Gambolò be honest it is their home but their fish as a son. This cartoon made that would have been funny people and I always feel funny. This is only a cartoon Mom Nicole Mom Nicole Gambolò name and Anais smart. Gambolò and Darwin chto-to always done, remember one series now and tell, once their friend has not returned them to disk, they are very angry, well, that’s Gambolò says, if he did not give our drive if we select it for something important that she gave the disc! Darwin said, always command the you can be the case, I’ll take me? Gambolò said okay. And Darwin comes home with mom friend Gambolò very surprised view says that you did When I spoke to steal something doragoe I did not mean my mother? And they began to carry my mother back, closed her eyes that she did not see who it stole her legs cancers that would not have escaped his mouth and that would not have cried .Prishli they suddenly their friend and says hello to the guys, I’m sorry that you did not give drive time, my mother hid him only she knows where he is. Gambolò and Darwin with a frightened look they say you can keep. Heh was a funny series. Gambolò learns in school Elmore. One girl Penny, too, there is learning and Gambolò in love with her and she is also in it. It seems to me that Penny is very similar to my mother Gambolò tell a story. Once Gambolò and Darwin asked his mother to buy it buy clothes for karate and my mother bought them clothes they wore clothes and began to say things like that, even in the school we ninja! Hiiyaya! And all the school children began to laugh at them, their mother worried about them because she was afraid that they would like their father. She told them the story. When their father was small as they are, he wore a blue plisch and called himself a hero and all the kids laughing over how Gambolò and once Nicole said the children: Why do you laugh at him? He at least has the courage to show your character! And all were silent in the end my mother said that’s why I do not want you wore those clothes. They promised her not to wear those clothes but they deceived mother because this morning Gambolò had to do the trick for karate theme but it failed, and my mother learned that she had been deceived but she had no time, he had already lost and crying but this mament Nicole Penny said He said: why do you laugh at him? At least he dared to show his character and what he wants to do. She said my mother as a child Gambolò. That is why I believe that the penny is like a Nikol.Konets story.

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Рассказ про семью гамбола на английском пожалуйста!!!!!

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Funny cartoon world Gambolò. This cartoon of a blue cat, he did not have a normal family, my mother worked all day, and my father all day sleeping, resting and watching the telly, but still it is very stupid, which is why until now he has no job. Sister Gambolò Anais is smarter than he is a hundred times, and although she is 4 years. Brother Darwin Gambolò be honest it is their home but their fish as a son. This cartoon made that would have been funny people and I always feel funny. This is only a cartoon Mom Nicole Mom Nicole Gambolò name and Anais smart. Gambolò and Darwin chto-to always done, remember one series now and tell, once their friend has not returned them to disk, they are very angry, well, that’s Gambolò says, if he did not give our drive if we select it for something important that she gave the disc! Darwin said, always command the you can be the case, I’ll take me? Gambolò said okay. And Darwin comes home with mom friend Gambolò very surprised view says that you did When I spoke to steal something doragoe I did not mean my mother? And they began to carry my mother back, closed her eyes that she did not see who it stole her legs cancers that would not have escaped his mouth and that would not have cried .Prishli they suddenly their friend and says hello to the guys, I’m sorry that you did not give drive time, my mother hid him only she knows where he is. Gambolò and Darwin with a frightened look they say you can keep. Heh was a funny series. Gambolò learns in school Elmore. One girl Penny, too, there is learning and Gambolò in love with her and she is also in it. It seems to me that Penny is very similar to my mother Gambolò tell a story. Once Gambolò and Darwin asked his mother to buy it buy clothes for karate and my mother bought them clothes they wore clothes and began to say things like that, even in the school we ninja! Hiiyaya! And all the school children began to laugh at them, their mother worried about them because she was afraid that they would like their father. She told them the story. When their father was small as they are, he wore a blue plisch and called himself a hero and all the kids laughing over how Gambolò and once Nicole said the children: Why do you laugh at him? He at least has the courage to show your character! And all were silent in the end my mother said that’s why I do not want you wore those clothes. They promised her not to wear those clothes but they deceived mother because this morning Gambolò had to do the trick for karate theme but it failed, and my mother learned that she had been deceived but she had no time, he had already lost and crying but this mament Nicole Penny said He said: why do you laugh at him? At least he dared to show his character and what he wants to do. She said my mother as a child Gambolò. That is why I believe that the penny is like a Nikol.Konets story.



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