Сочинение по английскому языку мой любимый супергерой. Можно пожалуйста про халка или флеша. С п…
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Сочинение по английскому языку мой любимый супергерой. Можно пожалуйста про халка или флеша. С переводом пожалуйста
Валерия Кантхожина
Вопрос задан 26 сентября 2019 в
5 — 9 классы,
Английский язык.
Комментариев (0)
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My favorite super hero it is The Hulk. He is the human who knows how to reincarnate to big,strong and very dangerous green being. He is my favorite super hero because he is really good man and he never offends innocent people.
Альбина Шенделова
Отвечено 26 сентября 2019
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Ваш ответ
The most powerful hero of all the numbers? Hulk. The bottom line is that the Hulk possesses infinite physical strength. The stronger the Hulk, the stronger and more powerful it becomes. Just imagine it! How to defeat the one who only increases his strength from the blows of the enemy? If the Hulk hits Flash at its fastest speed, the Hulk will gain strength from which to destroy the universe. I’m not saying that Flash itself will turn into a wet place, because he’s just a person, not an ultra-strong 3-meter green gamma giant. Do you want figures? The Hulk can raise 150 billion tons and this is not even the best of his abilities; Easily broke the walls of the bunker, which by calculation was supposed to support nuclear explosions of a power of several megatons; Overcame the Superapadoid, who had the power of hundreds of powerful superheroes, did not let him collide between matter and antimatter, attracted to each other with immense power; held together the tectonic plates of the planet Sakaar; overcame the energy flow, which had enough power to change the planet’s orbit; One blow destroyed the cosmic body, whose dimensions were twice the size of the Earth; destroyed the Dark Cosmos by clapping hands; destroyed the Nightmare dimension in one blow; attacked Ironclad (Ironclad) with such force that the shock wave went around countless dimensions, causing cataclysms and destruction; a spatio-temporal flow struck (which is impossible from the point of view of common sense, because time flows only in one direction, and in order to move perpendicularly, it is necessary to have a truly infinite force); Confidence that this is not true. It is impossible to drown the chalk, because because of the special gland in his body that emits an «emulsion of carbon monoxide» that creates pressure in the lungs, he can breathe underwater and swim on any depth without any problems from pressure drops or poisoning with nitrogen. Also, the Hulk can neither be poisoned nor infested with any disease that can be safely done with Flash. Halk is practically able to fly, because his leg muscles allow him to travel hundreds of miles in just one jump. And also he can jump to the height of the Earth’s orbit. Thanks to superfast regeneration and impenetrable skin of the Hulk, it is impossible to inflict neither physical, nor magic, nor even mental damage. Hulk can withstand the pressure of any force, extremely high or low temperatures and their swings, almost any physical and energy attack. He hacked, not hurt by the explosion. Supernova Man-Torch, which had a temperature of 555 537.78 ° C, experienced a powerful energy shot of Galactus, attacks of the sun god, Helios; several times survived the destruction of entire planets. In the form of Gamma-giant, the Hulk does not age at all, thanks to its healing factor, and also absorbed gamma radiation and dark magic. Despite its size, the Hulk is extremely fast. During the race, he is able to develop an almost supersonic speed (1050 km / h). Khalk has a mathematical vision of the world and is able to calculate each movement. Despite all the destruction that he had taught over the years, victims among the civilian population and even the soldiers of General Ross and his other enemies were almost never seen. A powerful, unstoppable, inexhaustible, infinitely powerful creature that can distribute your molecules can be pulverized by a shock wave you in space, erase all the signs of your existence. What can we say about his brilliant intellect, which is above almost 99.999 (9)% of the population of the universe. Limitless power and intelligence make him the most powerful superhero ever. If you are asked who is the strongest superhero — you know the answer. Hulk.
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Сочинение по английскому языку мой любимый супергерой. Можно пожалуйста про халка или флеша. С переводом пожалуйста
1 ответ:
My favorite super hero it is The Hulk. He is the human who knows how to reincarnate to big,strong and very dangerous green being. He is my favorite super hero because he is really good man and he never offends innocent people.
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Was I choosing?
Were we buying?
Were you decorating?
Was she hanging?
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1. I … (saw) Tom last night. – Oh, really. I … (have not met) him for ages.
2. We … (have never heard) this song before. Is it famous in your country? — Yes, it is. It … (was) quite popular here for many years.
3. What … (did you do) last Sunday? – I … (spent) it at home. – Oh, that’s great! I … (have not spent) my weekends at home since last year.
4. … (Have you ever won) a cooking contest? – Yes, I … (won) in 2008.
5. When … (did you meet) Alice for the first time? – We … (met) each other
in 1997. – So how long … (have you been) best friends? – We … (have been) friends for
more than 15 years.
<span>1) English is spoken in many countries.
2) My car was repaired last week.
3) The post is delivered at about 7 o’clock every morning.
4) This song was not written by John Lennon.
5) My salary will be paid next month.
6) How often are the Olympic Games held?
7) The building will be pulled down in 2018.
How is your name spelled?
9) The film was made ten years ago.
10) When was this bridge built?
11. Nobody saw him yesterday.
12. The telegram will be brought tomorrow.
13. He will give me this book next week.
14. The answer to this question
can be found in the encyclopedia.
1</span><span>5. </span><span>We showed the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation.
16. You can find interesting information about the life in the USA
in this book.
17. Budapest is divided by the Danube into two parts: Buda and Pest.
18. Yuri Dolgoruki founded Moscow in 1147.
19. Moscow University was founded by Lomonosov.
20. We call Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.</span>
1 is played
2 is kept
3 are made
4 is used
5 were spent