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The man behind KFC Harland Sanders was born in the USA in 1890, but hi перевод - The man behind KFC Harland Sanders was born in the USA in 1890, but hi русский как сказать

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The man behind KFC Harland Sanders was born in the USA in 1890, but his childhood wasn’t a happy one. His father died when he was only six so his mother needed to find a job. She went to work in a shirt factory and Harland stayed at home to look after his younger brother and sister. That was when he first learned to cook.
He left home when he was twelve and worked on a nearby farm. After that he had a lot of different jobs and in 1930 he became a service station manager in Corbin, Kentucky. He started cooking meals for hungry travelers who stopped at the service station, and soon people came only for the food. Harland moved to a 142-seat restaurant across the street where he could serve all his customers. Over the next nine years he developed the secret chicken recipe that made him famous.
In the early 1950s he closed the restaurant and decided to sell his recipe to other business. The first official Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant didn’t open until August 1952-by 1964 there were more than 600 KFCs in North America. That year Sanders sold the company for $2 million, but he continued to work as KFC’s public spokesman and visited restaurants all over the world. He traveled 250,000 miles every year until he died in 1980, aged 90. Six years later PepsiCo bought KFC for $840 million.
There are now KFC restaurants in more than 80 countries and they sell 2.5 billion chicken dinners every year-and the recipe is still a secret!


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Человек за KFC Харланд Сандерс родился в США в 1890 году, но его детство не было счастливым. Его отец умер, когда ему было только шесть, так что его мать необходимо найти работу. Она пошла на работу в фабрике рубашку и Харланд остался дома, чтобы ухаживать за его младший брат и сестра. Это было, когда он впервые узнал, готовить. Он оставил дома, когда ему было Двенадцать и работал на близлежащей ферме. После того, как он имел много различных рабочих мест, а в 1930 году он стал менеджером станции технического обслуживания в Corbin, штат Кентукки. Он начал приготовления пищи для голодных путешественников, которые остановились на сервисной станции, и вскоре люди пришли только для еды. Харланд переехал в 142-местный ресторан через улицу, где он мог бы обслуживать своих клиентов. В течение следующих девяти лет он разработал секретный курица рецепт, который сделал его знаменитым. В начале 1950-х годов он закрыт ресторан и решил продать свой рецепт приготовления к другим делам. Первый официальный Кентукки Жареная курица Ресторан не работает до августа 1952-1964 году насчитывалось более 600 KFCs в Северной Америке. Сандерс год продал компанию за $2 млн, но он продолжал работать как KFC в Общественный представитель и посетил рестораны по всему миру. Он путешествовал 250,000 миль каждый год, пока он не умер в 1980 году, в возрасте 90. Шесть лет позже PepsiCo купил KFC за $840 млн. Есть в настоящее время ресторанов KFC в более чем 80 странах, и они продают 2,5 миллиарда куриные ужины каждый год- и рецепт еще секрет!

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Человек за KFC Харланд Сандерс родился в США в 1890 году, но его детство не было счастливым. Его отец умер , когда ему было только шесть лет, так что его мать нужно было найти работу. Она пошла на работу в рубашке завода и Харланд остался дома , чтобы ухаживать за своим младшим братом и сестрой. Это было , когда он впервые научился готовить.
Он ушел из дома , когда ему было двенадцать лет и работал на соседней ферме. После этого у него было много разных рабочих мест , а в 1930 году он стал менеджером станции технического обслуживания в Корбин, штат Кентукки. Он начал готовить еду для голодных путешественников , которые останавливались на станции технического обслуживания, и вскоре люди приходили только для еды. Харланд переехал в ресторан на 142 мест на противоположной стороне улицы , где он мог бы служить всем своим клиентам. В течение следующих девяти лет он разработал секретный рецепт цыпленка , который сделал его знаменитым.
В начале 1950 — х годов он закрыл ресторан и решил продать свой рецепт другого бизнеса. Первый официальный ресторан Kentucky Fried Chicken не открыт до августа 1952-к 1964 году насчитывалось более 600 KFCS в Северной Америке. В этом году Сандерс продал компанию за $ 2 миллиона, но он продолжал работать в качестве общественного представителя KFC и посетили рестораны во всем мире. Он путешествовал 250000 миль каждый год , пока он не умер в 1980 году, в возрасте 90. Шесть лет спустя PepsiCo купил KFC за $ 840 млн.
Есть теперь рестораны KFC в более чем 80 странах мира , и они продают 2,5 млрд куриные обеды каждый год, а рецепт до сих пор секрет!

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


человек за KFC харланд сандерс родился в сша в 1890 году, но его детство было не счастливый.его отец умер, когда ему было всего шесть его мать, нужно найти работу.она пошла работать в рубашке, завод и харланд остался дома, чтобы ухаживать за его младший брат и сестра.это было, когда он впервые научились готовить.он ушел из дома, когда ему было двенадцать лет и работал на соседней ферме.после этого у него было много разных мест и в 1930 году он стал службы станции в корбин, штат кентукки.он начал готовить блюда для голодных людей, которые остановили на станции технического обслуживания, и вскоре люди приходили только за еду.харланд переехал на 142 место ресторан через улицу, где он мог бы служить всем своим клиентам.в ближайшие девять лет он создал секретный рецепт курицы, что сделал его известным.в начале 50 — х годов он закрыл ресторан и решил продать его рецепт на другие вопросы.первый официальный Kentucky Fried Chicken ресторан не открывать до августа 1952 года в 1964 году насчитывалось более 600 рестораны KFC в северной америке.в этом году сандерс продал компанию за $2 миллиона, но он продолжал работать, как KFC общественной пресс — секретаря и посетили ресторанов по всему миру.он путешествовал по 250 тысяч миль каждый год, пока он не умер в 1980 году, в возрасте 90.шесть лет спустя PepsiCo купила KFC в $840 млн.в настоящее время KFC ресторанов более чем в 80 странах, и они продать 2,5 млрд куриных обеды каждый год, и рецепт по — прежнему секрет!

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC for short, has grown from a backroom in a fuel station in the middle of nowhere, to become the de facto chicken fast food restaurant chain in the world. Today it enjoys a massive global presence and its food is enjoyed by millions of people every day.

But how did it start out and where is it going in the future? 


How KFC was started?

Kentucky Fried Chicken, known today as KFC, was incorporated in 1955 by Col. Harland Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky. But its story began a little before then.

Sanders was born in 1890 and at the age of 12, he left home to work as a farmhand after a troubled childhood. At the age of 15, he left the farm to work a series of jobs with mixed success.

His various jobs included trying his hand as a painter, railroad fireman, plowman, streetcar conductor, ferryboat operator, insurance salesman, justice of the peace, and service-station operator.

By 1929, Harland had opened his own gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. Here he cooked for his family and the occasional customer in the back room. 

Sanders, by all accounts, used to enjoy using the recipes his mother taught him to make. Pan-fried chicken, country ham, fresh vegetables, and homemade biscuits to name but a few.

It appears he was a ‘dab hand’ at cooking and news began to spread far and wide enabling him to open a 142-seat restaurant and motel nearby — — The Harland Sanders Court and Cafe

In 1936, Sanders was honored with the title of «Kentucky Colonel» by the state’s governor. 

Around this time, Sanders also managed to perfect a method of speeding up the cooking process for his chicken — pressure cooking. This reduced the time needed to cook his chicken while retaining, in his view, the quality of the food. 

Things were going well and he even received an endorsement in Duncan Hine’s Adventures in Good Eating in 1939. 

By the early-1940s, Sanders had managed to perfect his «Original recipe» of 11 herbs and spices. This was never revealed to the public but was, as he famously admitted, made of ingredients that «stand on everybody’s shelf». 

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But the advent of the Second World War and gas rationing forced him to shut shop as tourism dropped off. The motel and cafe limped on and after a brief uptick post-war, the planned construction of Interstate 75 in the 1950s that would bypass Corbin entirely threatened the future viability of his business. 

Sanders needed a new plan. 

history of KFC chain

Source: aureliefrance/iStock

Col. Sander sold up and traveled the U.S. to franchise his recipe to other restaurant owners. KFC, as we know it today, was born.

How old was Colonel Sanders when he started KFC?

This is a little tricky to answer because, as we have seen, exactly when KFC began can be debatable. But using the incorporation date, Colonol Sanders would have been 65 years old. 

In the early-1950s, Col. Sanders began to sell franchises for his recipe after he was forced to close his own restaurant and motel. His first franchisee, Peter Harman, owned a hamburger restaurant in Salt Lake City,  Utah.

Over the following four years, Sanders persuaded several other restaurant owners to add his «Kentucky Fried Chicken» to their menus. 

By this time, Sanders had retired and was living off his social security income and savings. Using some of this money he incorporated and took his recipe on the road around the U.S. 

He sold much of his business to a group of investors in 1964 and moved to Canada where he lived until his death in 1980. 

Since then KFC has conquered the world as the largest fast-food chicken operator, developer, and franchiser in the world. Today KFC is owned by Yum! Brands.

How is KFC using tech to future-proof their business?

KFC isn’t a brand that has rested on its laurels throughout its history. From its early beginnings, the latest tech has been sought to keep them ahead of the game. 

Recently, KFC has announced that they are trialing plant-based «chicken» to add to their repertoire of meal options in Atlanta, Georgia. By working with Beyond Meat, a plant-based protein company, customers will be given the option on a free sample basis to seek their feedback.

They have also experimented with cryptocurrency in recent years. KFC Canada has allowed, since January of last year, customers to buy «The Bitcoin Bucket» via KFC’s website. 

KFC’s success is not just about the great quality and flavor of their food. Marketing has been one of their ace cards since the early days of the 1950s. Back in 2017 in a fantastic piece of PR, KFC announced that they’re launching a Chicken Sandwich into space. 

But their embrace of technology has also been extended to the training of its staff. Tech like voice-activated devices, social media, and VR codes are helping them improve their workforce’s skills. 

In China, franchises are also experimenting with facial-recognition to help create «smart restaurants». The idea is to remember a customer’s previous choices and create personalized options for them when they next visit. 

Why did KFC change the name?

Back in 1991, Kentucky Fried Chicken officially rebranded as KFC. But why?

As it turns out the reason was pretty mundane, but there are many theories as to why this happened. 

One theory is that there was a problem with the company’s name including the word «chicken». At the time there were claims that KFC was using «mutant» chemically engineering birds — — this was later found to be «fake news».

Other theories abounded including the company’s desire to remove any reference to the term fried to prevent health-conscious patrons from being put off.

history of kfc meal

Source: pjohnson1/iStock

But the real reason is far less dramatic. They simply wanted to shorten the name.

KFC is much faster to say and customers were already using it as shorthand for their brand. However, this still hasn’t stifled other rumors you can find on the net.

We’ll let you decide on what the truth really is. Just remember to apply Occam’s Razor; «the simplest explanation is usually the correct one».

Why did KFC change their slogan?

KFC’s famous slogan «It’s Finger-lickin’ good» was first coined by Peter Harman, Sanders’ first franchisee. This, he felt, helped differentiate him from his competitors.

Harman also introduced the now-famous «bucket meal» in the late 1950s. 

But, as you are probably aware today, this slogan was abandoned back in 2011 in favor of «So good!».

The rationale? According to a Telegraph article from the time, KFC wanted to change their marketing to become more health-conscious.

After all, fried food is not the healthiest of dietary choices.

The move was also tandem with some changes to the way they cook and package their food. Moves were made to show calorific information on their packaging and new Brazer options were added to their menu.

This enabled KFC to provide griddled, not fried, food options on their menu. These options include a burger and tortilla-style wraps that contain fewer calories, salt, and fat than KFC’s standard offerings.

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From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kentucky Fried Chicken
KFC Corporation

KFC logo (Straight).png


Industry Restaurants
Genre Fast food restaurant
  • Sanders Court & Café:
    March 20, 1930; 92 years ago
    North Corbin, Kentucky, U.S.
  • First franchise:
    September 24, 1952; 70 years ago
    Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.
Founder Colonel Harland Sanders
Pete Harman
Headquarters 1441 Gardiner Lane
Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.
Dallas, Texas, U.S. (global)

Number of locations

24,104[1] (2020)

Key people

  • Sabir Sami (CEO)
  • Dyke Shipp (President)
  • Monica Rothgery (COO)[2]
  • Catherine Tan (CMO)
  • Staci Rawls (CCO)
  • Fried chicken
  • Hamburgers
  • Chicken sandwiches
  • Wraps
  • French fries
  • Soft drinks
  • Milkshakes
  • Salads
  • Desserts
  • Breakfast
Revenue US$27.9 billion (2020)[3]
Parent Yum! Brands
Website www.kfc.com

KFC (abbreviation of Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a chain of fast food restaurants known for their fried chicken. It was started by Colonel Sanders in Corbin, Kentucky in 1952. They are now all over the world. They not only sell chicken, but also other food like salads and french fries. KFC, also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken, is an American fast food restaurant chain that specializes in fried chicken. Headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, it is the world’s second-largest restaurant chain after McDonald’s, with almost 20,000 locations globally in 123 countries and territories as of December 2015.

Advertising[change | change source]

KFC is well known for their «finger lickin’ good» slogan. It was first used, along with others, beginning in 1956. It is the current slogan.

Upon the corona virus pandemic in 2020, the slogan was temporarily changed to «fork licking good» to discourage the spread of the virus from eating with potentially contaminated hands.

Other early slogans included «North America’s Hospitality Dish» (1956–1966) and «We fix Sunday dinner seven nights a week» from 1957 until 1968.[4][5] The two slogans were phased out in favor of the «finger lickin’ good» slogan. It was trademarked in 1956.[6]

After a local KFC TV ad showed an employee licking his fingers in the background, a viewer phoned the station to complain.[6] The main actor in the ad answered back: «Well, it’s finger lickin’ good.»[6] The phrase was adopted nationally by the company in the 1960s. It became one of the best-known slogans of the twentieth century.[6]

When the trademark expired in the United States in 2006, it was replaced with «Follow your taste» until 2010.[7] In 2011, the «finger lickin’ good» slogan was dropped in favor of «So good», to be used around the world.[6] The meaning was supposed to include employees and service, as well as food.[8]

The slogan «Nobody does chicken like KFC» was first started by KFC Australia in 1998. It is still used by KFC in some worldwide markets.[9]

Criticism[change | change source]

KFC has been criticised on different issues. Greenpeace accused KFC of destroying the Amazon Rainforest. This is because KFC bought their soy they use for chicken food from Cargill. The soy has been traced back to the European KFC. Cargill has reportedly been exporting soy illegally for several years.[10] The Greenpeace organization researched the issue and brought it to the attention of the parent company YUM! Brands, Inc. The parent company denied the illegal operation, and said that their supply of soy is grown in parts of Brazil.[10] Greenpeace has called on KFC to stop purchasing soy from Cargill, to avoid contributing to the destruction of the Amazon.[10][11]

Since 2003, animal rights and welfare organizations, led by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), have been protesting KFC’s treatment of the animals used for its products. These groups claim that the recommendations of the KFC Animal Welfare Advisory Council have been ignored.[12] Adele Douglass, a former member of the council, said in an SEC filing reported on by the Chicago Times, that KFC «never had any meetings. They never asked any advice, and then they touted to the press that they had this animal-welfare advisory committee. I felt like I was being used.»[13][14]

KFC responded by saying the chickens used in its products are bought from suppliers like Perdue Farms, Tyson Foods, and Pilgrim’s Pride, and that these suppliers are routinely monitored for animal welfare violations.[15] Several PETA undercover investigations and videos of these and other KFC suppliers purport to show chickens being beaten, ripped apart, and thrown against walls contradict KFC’s claims.[16] PETA has criticised some of the practices of chicken breeders, such as beak trimming and overcrowding, but KFC says its suppliers meets UK legal requirements. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs recommends a maximum stocking density of 34 kg—around 30 chickens—per square metre, and say that in circumstances where beak trimming needs to be carried out to prevent the birds injuring each other, only one third of the beak should be trimmed «measured from the tip towards the entrance of the nostrils».[17] PETA states that they have held more than 12,000 demonstrations at KFC outlets since 2003 because of this alleged mistreatment of chickens by KFC suppliers.[18]

In June 2008, KFC Canada agreed to PETA’s demands for better welfare standards, including favoring suppliers who use controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK) of chickens, and other welfare standards as well as introducing a vegan sandwich at 65% of its outlets. PETA has called off its campaign against KFC Canada, but continues to demonstrate against KFC elsewhere in the world.[19]

Toys[change | change source]

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References[change | change source]

  1. «KFC: restaurants worldwide 2019». Statista. Retrieved 2021-04-05.
  2. Luna, Nancy (May 13, 2019). «KFC promotes Monica Rothgery to COO of U.S. division». Nation’s Restaurant News. Retrieved May 15, 2019.
  3. «KFC». Forbes. Retrieved 2021-04-05.
  4. «North America’s Hospitality Dish». Trademarkia. KFC Corporation. Retrieved March 24, 2016.
  5. Dukes, Terry (2000). «KFC: The Animated Colonel Campaign». Institute of Practitioners in Advertising. WARC [World Advertising Center].
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Momen Putrym, Goldie (February 21, 2010). «So Good? KFC Drops Famous Catchphrase». Sky News. Retrieved March 24, 2016.
  7. «IT’S FINGER LICKIN’ GOOD — Reviews & Brand Information — KFC Corporation Louisville, TX — Serial Number: 72209171». Trademarkia. Retrieved March 24, 2016.
  8. Reynolds, John (April 6, 2011). «Profile: Jennelle Tilling, vice-president of marketing, UK and Ireland at KFC». PR Week. Retrieved March 24, 2016.
  9. Thornton, Phil (May 31, 1998). «True lies». The Sun Herald (Sydney, Australia).
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Greenpeace (2006). «KFC exposed for trashing the Amazon rainforest for buckets of chicken». Greenpeace. Archived from the original on October 31, 2007. Retrieved October 28, 2007.
  11. brazzilmag.com (2006). «KFC’s Secret Ingredients Include Soy That’s Destroying the Amazon, Says Greenpeace». Brazil Magazine. Archived from the original on December 22, 2007. Retrieved October 28, 2007.
  12. Dr. Temple Grandin, Dr. Johan Raj, Dr. Ian Duncan (2005). «Animal welfare recommendations and proposed plan of action for implementation at KFC suppliers» (PDF). People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Retrieved October 28, 2007.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  13. Securities and Exchange Commission (2006). «Relating to an Animal Welfare Standards Report – Shareholder Proposal». EDGAR Online, Inc. Retrieved October 28, 2007.
  14. David Montgomery (2003). «Small But Mighty Rights Group Tries Gentler Approach». Archived. Chicago Tribune. Archived from the original on December 21, 2007. Retrieved October 28, 2007.
  15. CNN (2003). «Pamela Anderson takes on KFC». CNN. Retrieved October 28, 2007.
  16. PETA (2005). «Undercover Investigations». PETA. Retrieved October 28, 2007.
  17. Andrew Shanahan (2005-10-28). «Anatomy of a dish:KFC Family Feast – eight pieces of chicken(known as the «finger lickin chicken»), four regular fries, gravy and corn cobettes, £9.99″. the Guardian. Retrieved 2008-01-17.
  18. PETA v. KFC — Campaign Highlights
  19. «‘Kentucky Fried Cruelty’ comes to an end». Edmontonsun.com. 2008-06-01. Archived from the original on 2009-04-04. Retrieved 2009-03-13.

Other websites[change | change source]

  • KFC owner Success Story In English
  • KFC website

Сочинение на тему “Фаст фуд” на английском языке с переводом на русский язык

Fast food

Фаст фуд

Modern people are very busy. They spend much time at work, at school or at university. Often they do not have free time to cook something. Ones of them eat at the restaurants or in the canteen. Another people prefer to eat fast food, just because they need not cook it.

Современные люди очень заняты. Они проводят много времени на работе, в школе или в университете. Часто у них нет свободного времени, чтобы приготовить что-нибудь. Одни из них кушают в ресторанах или в столовых. Другие люди предпочитают употреблять фаст-фуд, просто потому что им не нужно готовить его.

Fast food is the food that is ready to be eaten. We all know that fast food is not healthy. It has a negative effect on our bodies. First of all, fast food contains a lot of lipids and carbs. If you eat a lot of fast food, you can gain weight. Also problems with digestive system may be caused by eating it. Fast food can also be the cause of problems with skin health.

Фаст-фуд – это еда, которая готова к употреблению. Мы все знаем, что фаст-фуд вреден. Его употребление отрицательно влияет на наши организмы. Прежде всего, фаст-фуд содержит много жиров и углеводов. Если вы употребляете в пищу много фаст-фуда, вы можете набрать вес. Также проблемы с пищеварительной системой могут быть вызваны его употреблением. Фаст-фуд также может быть причиной проблем со здоровьем кожи.

What are the examples of fast food? They are sandwiches, pizza, hamburgers, potato crisps and so on. Nowadays it is popular to keep a healthy lifestyle. So people try to make even fast food healthier. For example, many people like cooking and eating vegetable pizza.

Что можно назвать в качестве примеров фаст-фуда? Это сэндвичи, пицца, гамбургеры, картофельные чипсы и т. д. В наше время популярно вести здоровый образ жизни. Поэтому люди стараются сделать даже фаст-фуд более здоровым. Например, многие люди любят готовить и кушать овощную пиццу.

I do not like fast food. Some people cannot refuse fast food. I do not understand it. Of course, this kind of food is quite delicious but it makes no differ. Healthy food may also be delicious. I do not want to say that fast food is something you should refuse completely. Sometimes my friends arrange parties and fast food is very good for it. But it should not be eaten every day.

Я не люблю фаст-фуд. Некоторые люди не могут отказаться от фаст-фуда. Я не понимаю этого. Конечно, этот вид еды довольно вкусный, но это ничего не меняет. Здоровая пища также может быть очень вкусной. Я не хочу сказать, что фаст-фуд – это то, от чего вы должны отказаться полностью. Иногда мои друзья устраивают вечеринки, и фаст-фуд очень хорошо подходит для этого. Но его нельзя употреблять в пищу каждый день.

KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders, an entrepreneur who began selling fried chicken from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky, during the Great Depression. Sanders identified the potential of restaurant franchising, and the first «Kentucky Fried Chicken» franchise opened in Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1952. KFC popularized chicken in the fast-food industry, diversifying the market by challenging the established dominance of the hamburger. Branding himself «Colonel Sanders», the founder became a prominent figure of American cultural history, and his image remains widely used in KFC advertising. The company’s rapid expansion made it too large for Sanders to manage, so in 1964 he sold the company to a group of investors led by John Y. Brown, Jr. and Jack C. Massey.

KFC was one of the first fast-food chains to expand internationally, opening outlets in Britain, Mexico, and Jamaica by the mid-1960s. Throughout the 1970s and 80s, KFC experienced mixed success domestically, as it went through a series of changes in corporate ownership with little or no experience in the restaurant business. In the early 1970s, KFC was sold to the spirits distributor Heublein, which was taken over by the R. J. Reynolds food and tobacco conglomerate, which later sold the chain to PepsiCo. The chain continued to expand overseas, and in 1987 KFC became the first Western restaurant chain to open in China.

In 1997, PepsiCo spun off its restaurants division as Tricon Global Restaurants, which changed its name to Yum! Brands in 2002. Yum! has proven to be a more focused owner than Pepsi, and although KFC’s number of outlets has declined in the US, the company has continued to grow in Asia, South America, and Africa. The chain has expanded to 18,875 outlets across 118 countries and territories, with 4,563 outlets in China alone, KFC’s largest market.

Origin of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)[edit]

Harland Sanders was born in 1890 and raised on a farm outside Henryville, Indiana.[1] His father died in 1895, and to make ends meet his mother took work at a canning plant.[2] As the eldest child at the age of five, Sanders was left to care for his two siblings.[2] When he turned seven his mother taught him how to cook.[1] After leaving the family home at age 13, Sanders pursued several professions including railroad worker and insurance salesman, with mixed success.[3] In 1930, he took over a Shell filling station on US Route 25 just outside North Corbin, a small city on the edge of the Appalachian Mountains.[2] By June, he had converted a storeroom into a small eating area using his own dining table, serving meals such as steaks and country ham to travelers.[4]

In 1934, Sanders took over the lease of the Pure Oil filling station on the other side of the road, due to its greater visibility for motorists.[5] He then began to sell fried chicken.[6] To improve his skills, Sanders took an eight-week restaurant-management course at the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration.[7] By 1936, his business had proved successful enough for him to be given the honorary title of Kentucky colonel by Governor Ruby Laffoon.[8] In 1937, Sanders expanded his restaurant to 140 seats, and in 1940 purchased a motel across the street, the Sanders Court & Café.[9]

Sanders was dissatisfied with the 35 minutes it took to prepare his chicken in an iron frying pan, but he did not want to deep fry. Although a much faster process, in Sanders’ opinion it produced dry and crusty chicken that was unevenly cooked.[10] On the other hand, if he prepared the chicken in advance of an order, there was sometimes waste at the end of the day.[1] In 1939, the first commercial pressure cookers were released onto the market, predominantly designed for steaming vegetables.[11] Sanders bought one and modified it into a pressure fryer, which he then used to prepare chicken.[12] The new method reduced production time to be comparable with deep frying, yet, in Sanders’ opinion, retained the quality of pan-fried chicken.[10] In July 1940, Sanders finalized what came to be known as his Original Recipe of 11 herbs and spices.[13] Although he never publicly revealed the recipe, he admitted to the use of salt and pepper, and claimed that the ingredients «stand on everybody’s shelf».[9][14]

After being recommissioned as a Kentucky colonel in 1950 by Governor Lawrence Wetherby, Sanders began to dress the part, growing a goatee and wearing a black frock coat (later switching to a white suit), a string tie, and referring to himself as «Colonel».[9][15] His associates went along with the title change, «jokingly at first and then in earnest», according to biographer Josh Ozersky.[16]

Early franchisees of KFC[edit]

The Sanders Court & Café generally served travelers, so when the route planned in 1955 for Interstate 75 bypassed Corbin, Sanders sold his properties and traveled the US to market his chicken concept to restaurant owners.[17] Independent restaurant owners would pay four cents on each chicken sold as a franchise fee (later increased to five cents), in exchange for Sanders’ «secret blend of herbs and spices», his recipe and method, and the right to advertise using his name and likeness.[1][18] In 1952 he had already successfully franchised his chicken recipe to Pete Harman of South Salt Lake, Utah, the operator of one of the largest restaurants in the city.[19]

Rodney L. Anderson, a sign painter from Roy Utah who was hired by Harman, coined the name «Kentucky Fried Chicken».[20] Sanders adopted the name because it distinguished his product from the deep-fried «Southern fried chicken» product found in restaurants.[21] Harman claimed that in his first year of selling «Kentucky Fried Chicken», his restaurant sales more than tripled, with 75 percent of the increase coming from the sale of fried chicken.[22] In Utah, a product from Kentucky was exotic and evoked imagery of Southern hospitality.[20]

As a franchise-led operation, KFC’s success depended on the work of the early franchisees, and Harman has been described as the «virtual co-founder» of the chain by Sanders’ biographer.[23] Harman trademarked the phrase «It’s finger lickin’ good», which was eventually adopted as a slogan across the entire chain.[18] In 1957 Harman bundled 14 pieces of chicken, five bread rolls and a pint of gravy into a cardboard bucket, and offered it to families as «a complete meal» for US$3.50 (around US$30 in 2014).[20] He first test-trialed the packaging as a favor to Sanders, who had called on behalf of a Denver franchisee who did not know what to do with 500 cardboard buckets he had bought from a traveling salesman.[20]

By 1956, Sanders had six or eight franchisees, including Dave Thomas, who eventually founded the Wendy’s restaurant chain.[1][24] Thomas developed the rotating red bucket sign, was an early advocate of the take-out concept that Harman had pioneered, and introduced a bookkeeping form that Sanders rolled out across the entire KFC chain.[18][24][25] Thomas sold his shares in 1968 for US$1 million (around US$7 million in 2013), and became regional manager for all KFC restaurants east of the Mississippi before founding Wendy’s in 1969.[24][26]

In 1956, Sanders moved the company headquarters from Corbin to Shelbyville, Kentucky, which offered superior transport links through which he could distribute his spices, pressure cookers, take-out cartons and advertising material to franchisees.[1][7]

In the 1960s, John Wayne Gacy purchased some KFC franchises; abused some of his workers around this time and would start his murder spree later.[27]

Sale by Sanders and rapid growth[edit]

KFC popularized chicken in the fast food industry, diversifying the market by challenging the established dominance of the hamburger.[28] In 1960 the company had around 200 franchised restaurants; by 1963 this had grown to over 600, making it the largest fast food operation in the United States.[17] In 1963, Sanders met John Y. Brown, Jr, a young Kentucky encyclopaedia salesman, who explained that he was keen to join the company.[29][30] Sanders instead proposed the sale of the company, as he lacked an obvious or willing heir among his relatives.[29][31]

Lacking sufficient funds himself, Brown convinced the financier Jack C. Massey to provide 60 percent of the acquisition capital, and provided a major contribution himself, with smaller contributions from franchise holder Pete Harman and company officials Lee Cummings and Harlan Adams.[32] Sanders then began to have doubts about selling the company, as some members of his family were against it.[33][34] The group acquired the company in 1964 for US$2 million (around US$15 million in 2013).[8] The contract included a lifetime salary for Sanders and the agreement that he would be the company’s quality controller and trademark.[35]

Harland Sanders in character as «The Colonel» c. 1974

Massey and Brown introduced standardization to the fragmented company.[32] After visiting Pete Harman’s operations in Utah, they began to implement the stand-alone take-out model across the entire chain.[32] Franchisees were ordered to delist their own menu items so that they could concentrate on KFC products.[36] The restaurants were re-branded with a distinctive red-and-white striped color pattern and mansard roofs with cupolas.[37] The roll-out of freestanding stores accelerated the company’s growth as outlets exclusively selling fried chicken proved to be more appealing to potential franchisees.[18]

Despite selling the company, Sanders retained significant moral authority over executives and franchisees and made his feelings clear when he disagreed with corporate decisions.[1] When Massey moved company headquarters from Kentucky to Nashville, Tennessee, Sanders was quoted as saying, «This ain’t no goddam Tennessee Fried Chicken, no matter what some slick, silk-suited son-of-a-bitch says».[38] He believed that the company had reneged on their contract with him when they opened operations in Canada, arguing that the contract had granted him the exclusive rights to operate there.[39] KFC was forced to renegotiate with Sanders regarding the Canadian activities, as he owned $1.5 million worth of stock and was using it to prevent Massey from listing the company publicly until his points of issue were addressed.[40] Brown and Massey claimed that Sanders only had the rights to process chicken in Canada.[39] After they renegotiated the contract to guarantee Sanders exclusive rights over Canada, he sold his stock to them, and the company went public in 1966.[40] After going public, the company bought out its 600 franchisees and directly operated them itself.[34] Later that year, Massey resigned from day-to-day management of the company (although he remained as chairman), and Brown relocated company headquarters to Louisville, Kentucky.[38]

KFC had become the sixth largest restaurant chain in the US by sales volume by 1967, and 30 percent of sales were take-out.[36][37] Brown felt that the company had to expand quickly, or else emerging rivals such as Church’s Chicken would steal the company’s lead; 863 outlets were opened in 1968.[34] The company’s growth pushed its stock value to «stratospheric» levels, according to Reuters, and in 1969 it was listed on the New York Stock Exchange.[33][41] Meanwhile, KFC entered into ventures with other companies. Brown believed that the Colonel Sanders brand could be used to market anything, and launched the «Kentucky Roast Beef» restaurant chain, and «Colonel Sanders Inns» motels.[42][43] The two ventures quickly failed.[1][43] That same year, KFC entered into a joint venture with the California-based fish and chips chain H. Salt Esq. Fish & Chips, which proved more successful, although the stake was ultimately divested in 1980.[44][45]

Massey resigned as chairman of the company in March 1970, and Brown took over his role.[46] The chain had reached 3,000 outlets in 48 countries by 1970, but expansion was often chaotic and poorly executed.[36] When he was promoted to regional manager, Dave Thomas complained that the company had become too «corporate», sent him «a lot of Mickey Mouse memos» and that Brown lacked motivational skill.[47] A member of KFC senior management described the international strategy as «throwing some mud against the map on the wall, and hoping some of it would stick.»[48] The first outlet in Japan was opened after just two weeks preparation, and it proved to be a costly failure, losing $400,000 during its opening month and wasting more chicken than it sold.[48] Operational problems became clear in July 1971, after the company reported its first ever profit loss from the prior six-month period.[49]

Heublein and strained relations with Sanders; R. J. Reynolds[edit]

This sign displays the KFC logo as used between 1978 and 1991, the UK however still used this logo until 1993.

Once too large for Sanders to manage, Kentucky Fried Chicken grew to overwhelm John Y. Brown as well.[41] In July 1971, Brown sold the company to the Connecticut-based Heublein, a packaged food and drinks corporation, for US$285 million (around US$1.6 billion in 2013).[50] Brown personally gained around $35 million from the sale.[51] Reuters opined that the takeover probably saved the company from disaster.[41] Heublein planned to increase KFC’s volume with its sales and marketing expertise.[52]

Meanwhile, Church’s Chicken had encroached on KFC’s market share with its offer of indoor seating and its «Crispy Chicken» product.[53] KFC introduced its own «Extra Crispy Chicken» in 1972.[54] The introduction of barbecue spare ribs in 1973 caused «tremendous» operating problems.[53] After the product was launched there was a shortage of pork, which pushed prices beyond what customers were willing to pay.[55] When management withdrew the product, they realized that fried chicken sales had been decreasing.[53] Meanwhile, Sanders increasingly regretted selling the company, and his relationship with the new owners had soured.[56] He began to complain of the company’s declining food quality to the media:

My God, that gravy is horrible! They buy tap water for 15–20 cents a thousand gallons and then they mix it with flour and starch and end up with pure wallpaper paste … And another thing. That new crispy recipe is nothing in the world but a damn fried doughball stuck on some chicken.[57]

The outburst prompted a KFC franchisee in Bowling Green, Kentucky, to unsuccessfully attempt to sue Sanders for libel.[9] In 1973, Heublein attempted to sue Sanders after he opened a restaurant in Shelbyville, Kentucky, under the name of «Claudia Sanders, the Colonel’s Lady Dinner House».[58] In retaliation, Sanders attempted to sue Heublein for US$122 million (around US$570 million in 2013) over the alleged misuse of his image in promoting products he had not helped develop, and for hindering his ability to franchise restaurants.[59] A Heublein spokesman described it as a «nuisance suit».[59] Heublein ultimately settled out of court with Sanders for US$1 million (around US$4 million in 2013) in 1975, and allowed his restaurant venture to go ahead under the reworked name: «Claudia Sanders Dinner House».[58]

Heublein had no previous experience in the operation of fast food outlets.[53] Overconfidence led KFC to fail in such overseas markets as Hong Kong, which the company abandoned in 1975 after two years in operation.[60] Sanders continued to attack Heublein publicly, and in 1976 complained that the company «doesn’t know what it’s doing» and that it was «downright embarrassing» to have his image associated with their poor quality product.[61] The 800 company-owned stores had become unprofitable by 1978.[53]

Heublein appointed Michael A. Miles to manage the business from 1977.[62] He was credited with saving the ailing company by instituting a back-to-basics formula.[62] Miles refurbished the stores, and introduced indoor seating and drive-thru windows.[53] Electronic tills produced daily customer counts, inventories and profit and loss statements so that problems could be identified quickly.[53] KFC expanded internationally in the 1970s and 80s, particularly in Japan, Australia and the United Kingdom.[63] Miles also lured Sanders back, and listened to his recommendations for the business.[62] Subsequent changes resulted in 30 months of consecutive per store sales increases by late 1980.[53]

Sanders died in 1980 from pneumonia at the age of 90, having continued to travel 200,000–250,000 miles a year up to this time, largely by car, promoting his product.[22][64] By branding himself as «Colonel Sanders», Harland became a prominent figure of American cultural history, and his image remains widely used in KFC advertising.[28]

There were 5,800 KFC outlets worldwide by 1983, located across 55 countries.[65] That year, General Cinema Corporation acquired 18 percent of Heublein, who, fearing a hostile takeover, approached R. J. Reynolds, the tobacco firm, to act as a white knight and acquire the company for $1.3 billion.[66] That year, Michael Miles resigned as chairman of KFC to take the role of CEO at Kraft Foods, and Richard Mayer took over his role.[67] Reynolds had to contend with the introduction of Chicken McNuggets across the McDonald’s chain in 1983; KFC introduced its own brand of chicken nuggets, called «Kentucky Nuggets» in 1985.[68] In 1984, Reynolds dedicated $168 million for capital expansion at KFC.[69]

Acquisition by PepsiCo[edit]

In July 1986, Reynolds sold KFC to PepsiCo for a book value of $850 million (around US$1.8 billion in 2013).[70] At the time, PepsiCo had interests in soft drinks and snacks, and also owned the restaurant chains Pizza Hut and Taco Bell. Reynolds divested KFC in order to pay off debt related to its recent purchase of Nabisco and to concentrate on its tobacco and packaged food business.[71] It was anticipated that PepsiCo would bring their merchandising expertise to the company.[71] Dan Koeppel of Adweek believed that the chain had been suffering from corporate neglect, menu stagnation and mixed marketing messages; Nancy Giges of Advertising Age felt that the chain had been «smartly revived» by R. J. Reynolds.[72][73] KFC chairman Richard Mayer was of the opinion that Reynolds had treated their restaurants division as a «hobby».[74]

PepsiCo’s acquisition was seen by some analysts as a means for the company to increase its soft drinks sales.[73] PepsiCo chairman D. Wayne Calloway denied that soft drink preference was a factor in the KFC takeover.[73] KFC management had previously given franchisees the freedom to sell any soft drinks they wanted, but PepsiCo stated that it hoped it could convince them to stock Pepsi products.[73] Before the takeover, only 1,000 of the 6,500 KFC outlets sold Pepsi Cola, and PepsiCo switched 1,800 company-owned stores to their own soft drinks with immediate effect.[75] The purchase of KFC by PepsiCo led to some fast food competitors switching from Pepsi to Coca-Cola.[76] One of the first to switch was Wendy’s, whose chairman, Robert Barney, stated, «[PepsiCo’s] interests are now in conflict with Wendy’s and we will not support a company that is trying to make our customers its customers.»[76] Burger King, which had switched from Coca-Cola to PepsiCo in 1983, returned to Coca-Cola in 1990, citing the growth of the PepsiCo chains as a «large factor» in the switch.[77] By 1998, the majority of KFC franchisees had agreed to stock PepsiCo soft drink products.[78]

In November 1987, KFC became the first Western restaurant chain in China, with an outlet in Beijing.[79] In 1989, first quarter sales at KFC rose 30 percent to US$280 million.[80] In July, president and CEO Richard Mayer left KFC in order to become the CEO at Kraft Foods, and was replaced by John Cranor III.[81]

International growth and franchisee disputes under John Cranor III[edit]

Zinger chicken burgers in India.

In August 1989, Cranor proposed amendments to the existing 1976 contract for US franchisees: PepsiCo could take over weak franchises, existing restaurants would not be safeguarded against competition from new outlets, and PepsiCo would have the right to increase royalty fees.[82] The contract proved controversial amongst franchisees, who countered with a lawsuit, and the issue was not resolved until 1996.[83] PepsiCo was accused of behaving in an imperious manner towards franchisees, who it believed were holding back the firm’s growth, while the franchisees believed they had been the backbone of the company during a succession of indifferent corporate owners.[72]

Cranor spent $42 million restructuring the company’s operations worldwide.[84] He invested an additional $50 million to refurbish outlets and $20 million on a new computer system to link outlet cash registers to the kitchen, drive-through window, manager’s office and company headquarters.[84] Cranor also expanded the chain into non-traditional locations, beginning with a 150 sq ft limited menu kiosk at a General Motors assembly plant in Dayton, Ohio.[84] Between 1986 and 1991, the chain built a further 2,000 outlets to bring its total number to 8,500, and sales grew from $3.5 to $6.2 billion.[84] The chain had to contend with the rise of grilled chicken as Americans became increasingly health-conscious.[81] KFC found itself competing against the growing El Pollo Loco restaurant chain, as well as with Burger King, which had just introduced the BK Broiler, a grilled chicken burger.[81] Delays in product development, cramped kitchens, and the ongoing franchisee contract dispute prevented the chain from rolling out a grilled product of its own.[72]

In March 1991 the KFC name was officially adopted, although the chain was already widely known by that initialism.[85] The change was advised by the Schechter Group brand consultancy agency.[86] Research demonstrated that 80 percent of customers already associated the «KFC» initials with Kentucky Fried Chicken.[86] A spokesman for the chain said that it represented its diversified menu, which was moving away from solely fried products.[87] Kyle Craig, president of KFC US, admitted the change was an attempt to distance the chain from the unhealthy connotations of «fried».[88] In 1994, Milford Prewitt praised the «crafty and well-timed repositioning» in Nation’s Restaurant News.[89] On the other hand, a 2005 editorial in Advertising Age stated, «the chain’s jettisoning of a venerable name—and distancing from the word fried—was ill-conceived and damaging. It made a clear brand fuzzy.»[90]

The early 1990s saw successful major products launched throughout the chain, including spicy «Hot Wings» (launched in 1990), popcorn chicken (1992), and, outside the US, the «Zinger», a spicy chicken fillet burger (1993).[91] In 1993, rotisserie style chicken, under the name «Colonel’s Rotisserie Gold», was introduced at over 30 percent of US outlets.[92] However, despite a $100 million investment in marketing, the product failed to gain sales traction.[93] The launch of skinless chicken, designed to appeal to health-conscious customers, failed; customers disliked the unfamiliar texture, and the product resulted in increased overheads, which contributed to a 37 percent decline in operating profits in 1991.[94][95]

In June 1991, Singapore was chosen for the launch of the first-ever KFC breakfast menu.[96] Products included chicken, omelettes and scrambled eggs, sold under the «Colonel’s Country Breakfast» banner.[96] Singapore was chosen for the launch due to the growth of the breakfast market in that country.[96]

While the US division struggled, becoming the weakest part of PepsiCo’s restaurants division, elsewhere sales boomed, with particular success in Japan.[77] By 1992, almost half of company turnover came from outside the US.[97] By 1993, KFC in the Asia Pacific region accounted for 22 percent of all KFC sales.[79] John Cranor announced, «We’re looking at almost unlimited opportunity for growth in Asia».[98] By 1993, KFC was the leading Western fast food chain in South Korea, China, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, and was second to McDonald’s in most other Asian markets, including Japan and Singapore.[98] Overseas operations often flourished while local management ignored or even defied orders from Louisville headquarters.[99]

David Novak appointed President[edit]

By 1994, KFC had a total of 9,407 outlets worldwide, including 5,149 outlets in the US, and over 100,000 employees.[100] That year, the chain began to struggle after competitors such as McDonald’s introduced value menu offerings.[101] After a disappointing set of quarterly earnings, Cranor left the company in January 1994.[89] In his wake, two executives with marketing backgrounds were charged with reviving the company.[102] Roger Enrico was appointed as the CEO of PepsiCo Worldwide Restaurants, and David C. Novak was appointed President of KFC in North America.[102]

In 1995, Novak introduced two successful new products— Crispy Strips (breaded strips of chicken) and the chicken pot pie— the chain’s first major new product launches in almost two years.[101] Novak credits an improved, more «open» relationship with franchisees for the introduction of the two new items: Crispy Strips were invented by an Arkansas franchisee, and the pot pie was similarly developed alongside franchisees.[103] Meanwhile, less popular items, such as corn muffins, were removed from the menu.[104] At the same time, Enrico scaled back the increasing competition between KFC and its sister companies, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut; Taco Bell had begun offering its own chicken products, and KFC had attacked Pizza Hut in its marketing.[104]

In 1996 the company repaired its relationship with its franchisees by immediately dropping the most contentious of the contract terms that had been proposed by chairman John Cranor five years previously.[105] The 1976 contract was restored, including the 1.5 mile outlet exclusivity zone, while the parent company gained greater control over national advertising.[105] Novak also axed the Colonel’s Rotisserie Gold product and introduced a new non-fried item called the Tender Roast.[93] Tender Roast was served by piece, as with the fried chicken, in contrast with the rotisserie product, which had been sold in quarter, half or whole chicken portions.[93] Afterwards, Novak oversaw ten fiscal quarters of consecutive growth at KFC North America.[106] As a result of his success at KFC North America, Novak became President and CEO of the entire KFC organization in 1996.[107]

Spin-off as Tricon (later Yum! Brands)[edit]

Protesters outside a KFC in Michigan in 2007

In August 1997, PepsiCo spun off its poorly performing restaurants division as a public company valued at US$4.5 billion (around US$6.5 billion in 2013).[108] Although KFC had been doing well, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell had been under-performing. One PepsiCo executive admitted, «restaurants weren’t our schtick».[109][110] The new company, named Tricon Global Restaurants, had 30,000 outlets and annual sales of US$10 billion (around US$14 billion in 2013) at the time, making it second only to McDonald’s in global sales.[111]

Since the turn of the 3rd millennium, fast food has been criticised for its animal welfare record, its links to obesity and its environmental impact.[112] Eric Schlosser’s book Fast Food Nation (2002) and Morgan Spurlock’s film Super Size Me (2004) reflected these concerns.[20] Since 2003, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has protested KFC’s choice of poultry suppliers worldwide with the Kentucky Fried Cruelty campaign.[113] PETA have held thousands of demonstrations, sometimes in the home towns of KFC executives, and CEO David Novak was soaked in fake blood by a protester.[114] KFC President Gregg Dedrick said PETA mischaracterized KFC as a poultry producer rather than a purchaser of chickens.[115] In 2008, Yum! stated: «[As] a major purchaser of food products, [Yum!] has the opportunity and responsibility to influence the way animals supplied to us are treated. We take that responsibility very seriously, and we are monitoring our suppliers on an ongoing basis.»[116]

The Double Down sandwich was launched in 2010

Tricon was renamed Yum! Brands in May 2002.[117] In that year, the chain had to contend with Burger King’s launch of the Chicken Whopper, as well as fried chicken offerings from the Domino’s and Papa John’s pizza chains.[95][118] Within three months, the Chicken Whopper became Burger King’s most successful launch of all time, with sales of 50 million.[95] In September 2002, KFC sales were down 10 percent against the previous year.[118] From 2002 to 2005, KFC experienced three years of weak sales, when underinvestment in product development left the brand looking «tired and poorly positioned», according to Restaurant Research, an independent consultancy.[110] A roast chicken product line introduced in 2004 proved unsuccessful, and the worldwide avian flu scare of 2005 temporarily decreased sales by as much as 40 percent.[119][120] KFC responded in March 2005 by adding a cheap, small chicken burger to the menu called the «Snacker».[110] It proved to be one of the chain’s most successful product launches to date, with over 100 million in sales.[121] In international markets, KFC introduced the «Boxmaster», a meal-sized wrap in a box. KFC also began a makeover of the US brand image, bringing back the full «Kentucky Fried Chicken» name at some outlets and returning portraits of Colonel Sanders to prominence.[110]

In 2009, KFC International launched the Krusher (Krushem in some markets) line of frozen beverages. The product was an attempt to introduce a between-meals snack to KFC, and was marketed towards teenagers.[122] In April 2010, the Double Down sandwich was launched.[123] Criticised as an unhealthy product, it featured two pieces of fried chicken in lieu of a conventional bread bun.[123] It has proved to be a success for the company, with 15 million Double Downs sold worldwide between March 2011 and March 2013.[124] In September 2012, the Chicken Little sandwich returned in the US.[125]

By December 2013, there were 18,875 KFC outlets in 118 countries and territories around the world.[126][127] KFC is the second largest restaurant chain in the world by sales after McDonald’s.[128]

In April 2014, Yum! announced that first quarter KFC sales had risen by 11 percent in China, following a 15 percent fall in 2013.[129]

In July 2014, Chinese authorities closed down the Shanghai operations of the OSI Group, amidst allegations that it had supplied KFC with expired meat.[130] Yum! immediately terminated its contract with the supplier, and stated that the revelation had led to a significant decline in sales.[131]


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