Рассказ про коалу на английском языке 3 класс с переводом


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    Нужна ли запятая перед и?
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In translation from language of the Australian natives «Koala» means «not drinking», as a Koala do not drink water. They eat leaves eucalyptus, the contained there liquid suffices to them.

The Koala weighs from four up to fifteen kgs and reaches eighty centimeters in length. Life expectancy — about 12 years.

At a Koala a pear-shaped body, large round head with small eyes and large black nose. The tail at a Koala is not. The Koala is covered with thick, strong gray fur, because of which for them hunt. On legs the Koala has — five fingers, with which he clasps a trunk of a tree.

Till eighteen — twenty two hours per day sleep on trees, and on ground is lowered only for transition to a new tree. Sleep a Koala in of trees.

Koala — single animal. The mothers very well care of children, the fathers the participations in education of the kids do not accept.

The small Koala is born underdeveloped and continues the development in a bag. The newborn Koala weighs some grammes and length about two centimeters. In a bag he will carry spend six months, eating there by parent milk. Then about one year the kid sits on Bottom or on a stomach of the mother, having seized in her fur, and for reception of food to put out a head from a bag

Surprisingly that the Koala is able well to float and to jump on trees, though he is usual moves very slowly.

The Koala meets only in Australia and only in eucalyptus woods in a southeast of the country. They are under protection of the state, as they are threatened with extinction. These harmless, lovely and curious animals have a lot of enemies. They are production for the foxes, dogs Dingo and predatory birds.

The poachers kill them for the sake of valuable fur. Koalas perish on fire. The cutting down eucalyptus of woods conducts to reduction of territory them habitats. The new generation at Koalas occurs very slowly- child occurs all once per two years!

The project about a Koala

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Астафьев Дмитрий 11-А


Коала — одно из наиболее известных и любимых Австралийских животных. Его называют как медведь, хотя Коала не связана с какими медведями.

В переводе с языка Австралийских аборигенов «Коала» означает » не пьющий «, поскольку Коала не пьет воду. Они едят эвкалипт листьев, содержащийся, там жидкость удовлетворяет на них.

Коала весит от четыре до пятнадцати кг и достигает восемьдесяти сантиметров в длине. Продолжительность жизни — приблизительно 12 лет.

В Коале грушевидный тело, большая круглая голова маленькими глазами и большим черным носом. Хвост в Коале — нет. Коала закрыта толстым, сильным серым мехом, из-за которого для них охотятся. На ногах Коала имеет — пять пальцев, которыми он сжимает ствол дерева.

До восемнадцать — двадцать два часа в день сон на деревьях, и на основании{*земле*} понижен только для перехода к новому дереву. Сон Коала в деревьев.

Коала — единственное животное. Матери очень хорошо забота{*осторожность*} о детях, отцы участия на образовании детей не принимают.

Маленькая Коала рождена слаборазвитой и продолжает развитие в мешке. Новорожденная Коала весит некоторые граммы и длину приблизительно два сантиметра. В мешке он будет нести, проводят шесть месяцев, едящий там родительским молоком. Тогда приблизительно один год дитя сидит на Основании или на животе матери, захватив в ее мехе, и для приема продовольствия, чтобы произвести голову от мешка

Удивительно то, что Коала способна хорошо, чтобы плавать и подскакивать на деревья, хотя он — обычные шаги очень медленно.

Коала встречается только в Австралии и только в лесе эвкалипта в юго-востоке страны. Они находятся под защитой государства, поскольку они находятся под угрозой исчезновения. Эти безопасные, прекрасные и любопытные животные имеют много врагов. Они — производство для лис, собаки Dingo и хищные птицы.

Браконьеры убивают их ради ценного меха. Коалы погибают в огне. Сокращение эвкалипт леса проводит к сокращению территории их среды обитания. Новое поколение в Коалах происходит очень медленно — ребенок происходит все однажды в два года!

Описать коалу на английском языке 5 класс с переводом

Рассказ про коалу на английском языке

коала рассказ

Рассказы на английском

Рассказ про коалу на английском языке с переводом и интересные факты помогут подготовиться к уроку.

Рассказ про коалу на английском языке

The koala is a small bear-like, tree-dwelling, herbivorous marsupial which averages about 9kg (20lb) in weight. Its fur is thick and usually ash grey with a tinge of brown in places.

Koalas live in eastern Australia, where the eucalyptus trees they love are most plentiful. During the day they doze, tucked into forks or nooks in the trees, sleeping for up to 18 hours.

When not asleep a koala feeds on eucalyptus leaves, especially at night. Koalas do not drink much water and they get most of their moisture from these leaves. Each animal eats a tremendous amount for its size—about two and a half pounds of leaves a day. Koalas even store snacks of leaves in pouches in their cheeks.

Интересные факты о коале на английском

Koalas are native to Australia.

Koalas are not bears – they’re marsupials!

Koala fossils found in Australia have been dated as long ago as 20 million years.

The brain size of modern koalas has reduced substantially from their ancestors, possibly as an adaptation to the low energy they get from their diets.

The closest living relative of the koala is the wombat.

Koalas have sharp claws which help them climb trees.

Koalas have similar fingerprints to humans.

Koalas have large noses that are coloured pink or black.

Joeys live in their mother’s pouch for around six months and remain with them for another six months or so afterwards.

Koalas cannot be kept legally as pets.

Koalas eat eucalypt leaves and almost nothing else.
Koalas can eat up to a kilogram a day!
However, they can be quite picky eaters, eating less than 50 of over 700 eucalypt species.

Koalas can sleep up to 18 hours a day

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Рассказы на английском

The closest living relative of the koala is the wombat.

Kratkoe. com

25.08.2019 9:12:04

2019-08-25 09:12:04


Https://kratkoe. com/rasskaz-pro-koalu-na-angliyskom-yazyike/

Описание коалы на английском языке с переводом » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Описать коалу на английском языке 5 класс с переводом

Описание коалы на английском языке с переводом

Описание коалы на английском языке с переводом

коала рассказ

Рассказы на английском

Описание коалы на английском языке 3 класс может использовать чтобы написать свое сочинение. Описать коалу на английском языке можно так:

Описание коалы на английском языке

Koalas are well-known marsupials that live in Australia.

These furry marsupials are objectively adorable, with dense fur, round bodies, fluffy ears, and large oval-shaped noses. Their fur is usually grey or grey-brown in color, and their undersides are lighter than their backs.

Most of these fuzzy animals are about two and a half feet long, and weigh at least 10 pounds. Males are larger and heavier than their female counterparts. Koalas in different regions also vary slightly in size and color.

They are cute, charismatic, and often become symbolic of Australia.

They primarily feed on eucalyptus, and they spend the rest of their time sleeping. Thus, they live primarily in eucalyptus groves and forests.

Краткое описание коалы на английском с переводом

Коалы — известные сумчатые, которые живут в Австралии.

Эти пушистые сумчатые объективно очаровательны, с плотным мехом, круглыми телами, пушистыми ушами и большими овальными носами. Их мех обычно серого или серо-коричневого цвета, а их нижняя сторона светлее, чем спина.

Большинство этих нечетких животных имеют длину около двух с половиной футов и весят не менее 10 фунтов. Самцы крупнее и тяжелее своих коллег-женщин. Коалы в разных регионах также немного различаются по размеру и цвету.

Они милые, харизматичные и часто становятся символом Австралии.

В основном они питаются эвкалиптом, а остаток времени проводят во сне. Таким образом, они живут в основном в эвкалиптовых рощах и лесах.

Рассказы на английском

Рассказы на английском.

Kratkoe. com

01.06.2020 20:09:16

2020-06-01 20:09:16


Https://kratkoe. com/opisanie-koaly-na-anglijskom-yazyke-s-perevodom/

Рассказ о коале на английском языке с переводом » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Описать коалу на английском языке 5 класс с переводом

Рассказ о коале на английском языке с переводом

Рассказ о коале на английском языке с переводом

Koala is a very interesting animal. It’s not so big, but rather fat. It likes to spend its life in the trees, eating eucalyptus leaves. Its colour is black and white. And it has bushy fur. It’s very funny animal which reminds small baby. There are many toys like alive koalas. I like this animal.

Коала — очень интересное животное. Она не очень большая, но довольно упитанная. Она любит проводить время на деревьях, поедая эвкалиптовые листья. Она черно-белого цвета. Имеет пушистый мех. Это очень забавное животное, которое напоминает маленького ребенка. Существует много игрушек, похожих на живых коал. Мне нравится это животное.

I like this animal.

Vashurok. ru

09.10.2019 21:35:01

2019-10-09 21:35:01


Https://vashurok. ru/questions/rasskaz-o-koale-na-angliyskom-yazike-s-perevodom

Как описать себя, рассказать на английском языке с переводом 2-5, 6 класс? » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Описать коалу на английском языке 5 класс с переводом

Как описать себя, рассказать на английском языке с переводом 2-5, 6 класс

Как описать себя, рассказать на английском языке с переводом 2-5, 6 класс?

Как описать себя на английском языке 5 класс с переводом?

Как описать себя на английском языке с переводом 6 класс?

Как написать про себя на английском языке?

Как рассказать о себе на английском?

Как рассказать о себе на английском языке текст для примера?

Как рассказать о себе на английском языке?

Как рассказать о себе на английском языке текст для примера с переводом?

Как рассказать о себе на английском языке текст?

Как рассказать о себе на английском языке 2 класс?

Write about Yourself?

Краткий рассказ о себе для 2 класса.

My name is Anna/ Phillip.

Меня зовут Анна/Филлип( пишете ваше имя)

I am 7 (8,9,10) years old.

Мне 7 лет. (Пишете ваш возраст)

I live in Moscow/ Saint Petersburg.

Я живу в Москве/ Санкт-Петербурге. (Пишете название вашего города)

I am a pupil and I am in the first/second/ third grade.

Я ученик и я учусь в первом/ во втором/ в третьем классе. ( выбираете из вариантов или пишете в каком классе вы учитесь)

I have got a big family.

У меня большая семья.

I have a brother and a sister. / I have a brother/ I have a sister.

У меня есть брат и сестра. / у меня есть брат/ у меня есть сестра. (выбираете один из вариантов)

My hobbies are reading, singing, listening to music, painting. Мои хобби — это читать, слушать музыку, петь, рисовать.

My hobby is reading/ listening to music/ painting. Мое хобби — это чтение. (выбираете из наиболее подходящих вариантов)

Hello, my name is Olga.

I’m 10 years old. I’m tall and slim, my eyes are green, my hair is dark. I live in Moscow. I have got a large family: mother, father and two brothers. We like to go for a walk together. I have got a friend, too. Her name is Rimma. We study at the same school, we like to play together, go to the cinema and spend a good time.

Здравствуйте, меня зовут Ольга.

Мне 10 лет. Я высокая и худая, мои глаза зеленые, мои волосы темные. Я живу в Москве. У меня большая семья: мама, папа и два брата. Нам нравится ходить гулять вместе. У меня также есть подруга. Ее зовут Римма. Мы учимся в одной школе, нам нравится играть вместе, ходить в кино и хорошо проводить время.

I live in Moscow Saint Petersburg.

Www. bolshoyvopros. ru

30.04.2018 21:45:41

2018-04-30 21:45:41


Http://www. bolshoyvopros. ru/questions/3458404-kak-opisat-sebja-rasskazat-na-anglijskom-jazyke-s-perevodom-2-5-6-klass. html

Как написать рассказ про кошку на английском языке с переводом 2- 5 класс? » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Описать коалу на английском языке 5 класс с переводом

Как написать рассказ про кошку на английском языке с переводом 2- 5 класс

Как написать рассказ про кошку на английском языке с переводом 2- 5 класс?

Как составить рассказ про кошку на английском языке для 2 класса?

Как составить рассказ про кошку на английском языке для 3 класса?

Как составить рассказ про кошку на английском языке для 4 класса?

Как составить рассказ про кошку на английском языке для 5 класса?

Предлагаю взять за образец такой вариант рассказа про кота на английском языке. При необходимости его можно творчески переработать ( поменять имя питомца, возраст, окраску, предпочтения в еде и так далее ).

I adore cats. We’ve got a cat. Its name is Bimka.

I found a kitten in the street two years ago.

The kitten looked ill and hungry. My parents agreed to take it home.

The kitten grew up. Now Bimka is a beautiful black cat.

When we live in the country Bimka hunts for mice and rats.

It eats nearly everything but prefers milk and fish.

Bimka likes to play.

Я обожаю кошек. У нас есть кот. Его зовут Бимка.

Два года назад я нашел на улице котенка. Он выглядел больным и голодным.

Родители согласились взять его домой.

Котенок вырос. Сейчас это красивый черный кот.

Когда мы живём за городом, он ловит мышей и крыс.

Он ест почти все, но предпочитает молоко и рыбу.

Бимка любит играть.

Рассказ про кота, кошку на английском языке для ученика 2-5 класса должен состоять из 5-10 предложений.

Приведу пример рассказа на английском языке про кота с переводом.

I have a favorite pet. This is a cat named Fluffy.

Fluffy is still a kitten, he is one year old. I found it in the summer at the dacha. Mom didn’t mind taking him home.

Fluffy is a fluffy black and white cat. He is affectionate and loyal. He likes to play and run after butterflies. Fluff catches mice.

My cat likes to eat fish, so he goes fishing with me in the summer.

У меня есть любимый питомец. Это кот по кличке Пушок.

Пушок ещё котёнок, ему один год. Я нашёл его летом на даче. Мама была не против взять его домой.

Пушок пушистый чёрно-белый кот. Он ласковый и преданный. Любит играть и бегать за бабочками. Пушок ловит мышей.

Мама была не против взять его домой.

Www. bolshoyvopros. ru

07.07.2020 18:14:22

2020-07-07 18:14:22


Http://www. bolshoyvopros. ru/questions/3454449-kak-napisat-rasskaz-pro-koshku-na-anglijskom-jazyke-s-perevodom-2—5-klass. html

Тексты (топики) на английском языке 5, 6 класс с вопросами. Часть 1 | The English Inn » /> » /> .keyword { color: red; } Описать коалу на английском языке 5 класс с переводом

Тексты (топики) на английском языке 5, 6 класс с вопросами. Часть 1

Тексты (топики) на английском языке 5, 6 класс с вопросами. Часть 1

Тематические тексты (топики) для тех, кто изучает английский язык в школе (5-6 класс). Данные Тексты на английском языке предназначены для повторения пройденных тем, развития письменной и разговорной речи. Вопросы к текстам могут быть использованы, как основа для диалогов. Слова и выражения в текстах соответствуют пройденной в этих классах лексике. К сайту подключен словарь. Чтобы узнать перевод незнакомого слова, нужно кликнуть по нему 2 раза. К текстам прилагаются списки слов для повторения по указанным ниже темам, а также задания по теме «Личное письмо».

Тексты (топики) на английском языке (5-6 класс)

Текст 1. About Myself

My name is … . I am … years old.

I am in the … th form. We learn different subjects but my favourite subject is …

I live in … . I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. My family is friendly and loving.

I am tall (short). My hair is straight and long. I have big brown eyes.

I have got many friends. My best friend is … . We often spend time together. We like to ….

Текст 2. My Family and Me

My family is large. There are 6 of us: father, mother, my sister, two brothers and me. My family is friendly and loving.

My father’s name is …. He is clever and kind. He is a doctor by profession.

My mother’s name is …. She is busy and loving. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife.

My elder sister’s name is … She is a very beautiful girl. Her hobby is singing.
My younger brother’s name is … He is very active. He likes sport.

My hobby is drawing. I like to draw in my free time. Also I like reading books. My favourite writer is …

At the weekends all the members of our family spend time together. We go for a walk, visit museums, go to the cinema or to the theatre.

I love my family very much.

Текст 3. My Friends

I have got a close friend. His name is… My friend is in the same form as me. He studies well. He is a good pupil and a good friend. He often helps me to do homework.

I like to spend time with my friend. We go for a walk, talk about music and go to the cinema together.

I have got another friend…. (his/her name). She is a nice girl. Her favourite subject is English. She spends a lot of time on it and knows it very well. Also she is fond of music. She can play the piano very well.

I like my friend very much and think that we are true friends.

Текст 4. My Place

    neither … nor — ни … ни… It’s a pity! — Жаль!

I live in a flat. It is neither big nor small. It is on the fifth floor. Our flat has two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall.

Our living room is big. It is light because it has a large window. To the left of the window there is a piano. To the right of the window there is an old wardrobe. In the middle of the room there is a big round table. We often gather together at this table and play table games. On the walls there are beautiful paintings of modern artists.

I have my own room. It is small. It hasn’t got much furniture but it is very cosy. It is a pity that there is no balcony in my room.

Our kitchen is big and comfortable. We have a big fridge and a microwave oven. We usually have breakfast and supper in the kitchen.

I like my flat.

Текст 5. My School

I live in Russia. In my country the school year starts in September. It has four or three terms.

I go to school № 2009. This year I am in the 5 th form. I have 5 or 6 lessons a day. The lessons start at half past 8. My favourite lesson is Art. I like drawing and our teacher is very kind. She always gives us good marks. I have many other subjects in my timetable too.

I have lunch at half past 10. I have dinner at school, too. I don’t go home after dinner. I stay at school and have fun with my friends. I sometimes do my homework at school, too.

I like school, but I don’t like lessons. The school year finishes in May. We have summer holidays in June, July and August. I love summer!

Текст 6. My Birthday

I have my birthday on the … of … (month). I like my birthday because I get a lot of presents.

Last year I got a … This year I hope my parents will give me … as a birthday present.

I usually have a birthday party at home and we have a big meal. All my family gather around a big table. There is a birthday cake with candles on it. All my relatives say “Happy birthday” to me.

Next day I invite my friends and organize games and quizes, sing songs and play jokes. We usually have fun.

I enjoy my birthday party very much.

Текст 7. My Day

I usually get up at 7 o’clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. At the weekends I get up late because I don’t have to go to school (work).
After that I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Next I make my bed and dress.
I have breakfast at half past 7. I usually have a glass of juice and a sandwich.
I leave home at 8 o’clock. My school is near my house and it takes me 5 minutes to get there. I usually have 6 lessons at school. For example, today I have English, Russian, Science, Maths, History and Art.
I come home at 2 o’clock and have dinner. Then I have a little rest and start doing my homework.
In the evening I have supper and then watch TV or play computer games.
I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

Текст 8. How I help about the house

I live with my parents and I have to help about the house. Every Sunday I do my room. I dust the furniture and vacuum the carpet. I water the flowers once a week.
I help my mother to lay the table. I wash the dishes after dinner. We Take turns with my brother.
Sometimes I help my mother make cakes and pies. I seldom go shopping only when my mother asks me. I buy bread and fruit.
I understand that I must help my parents because they work hard. And I Don’t mind doing it.

Текст 9. My Hobby

Hobby is what people like to do in their free time. We choose a hobby to our tastes. Hobby makes our life interesting. Sometimes it helps us to choose our future profession.
I have got a hobby too. My hobby is …… When I have free time, I always … (describe your hobby)
Also I like to make toys in my free time. I like reading books, too. My favourite writer is …
If your hobby is cooking, you can say how you make cakes and pies.

Текст 10. My Pet

I keep a hamster as a pet. — Я держу дома хомяка.

Hello there! I would like to tell you about my pet. It is a hamster and her name is Sue.

Sue is about one year old. She is very funny. She has soft skin and bright black eyes. Sue is very lively (подвижная) and likes To run around a wheel in her cage.

I Keep her cage in the hall because she makes noise at night. But in the daytime I let her run about the flat and play with her.

Sue eats vegetables and I Feed her every day. I Clean her cage every week. I like to Take care of my pet.

I hope that one day my parents will buy me one more pet. I would like to get a rabbit on my birthday.

Эти тексты нужно дополнить и уметь рассказывать. Заучивать наизусть тексты НЕ НАДО. Ниже вы найдете Список вопросов к текстам, на которые надо уметь отвечать.

Задания и вопросы к текстам на английском языке (5-6 класс)

Text 1. About Myself

1. Complete the text.

My name is _______. I am ________years old. I live in _______.

I have a ______ family. There are 6 of ______: my parents, my grandparents, my sister and me.

As for my appearance, you can see yourself. I am _______. I have ______hair and ______ eyes.

I like _______and always go to the ______ in my free time.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

Introduce yourself. What are you? How old are you? Is your hair long or short? What are eyes like? Can you describe (описать) yourself? Where do you live? Have you any friends?

Text 2. My Family and Me.

1. Complete text 1.

There are ………….of us in my family. We are a close family. We are sociable and …

My mother is a ………………… My mother is loving and ……….

My father is a ……………………… My father is strong and …………..

As for me, I think I am ……………………… I would like to be more ……..

I have (not) got……. My elder brother is active and …….
My little sister is pretty but ……….

I love my family ……

2. Answer the questions to the text.

    main characteristic — главная черта характера
    Повторить слова по теме «My Family. Список №2 (прилагательные)» Повторить слова по теме «Jobs and Occupation. Список №1 (профессии)»

How would you describe your family? What do your parents do? What are your parents’ main characteristics? What are your main characteristics? Have you got any brothers or sisters? How old are they? What are they like? What do you like doing together?

2. Complete text 2 with the words: close, sociable, get on, hobby, card, typical, intelligent, naughty, humour.

ОБРАЗЕЦ ПИСЬМА на тему «My Family»

Dear Ann,
Thank you for your letter. You asked me to write about my family.

Well, our family is a _____ Russian family: a father, a mother, two children (my little sister and me) and a cat. We are a _____ family and _____ well with each other.

My mum is a teacher at school. She is _____. Her ______ is painting. My dad is a computer _________. He is _________. He has a good sense of __________. My little sister Ann is funny and sometimes ____________.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

Text 3. My Friends.

1. Complete the text.

I have a _____ friend. Her name is….. . She is a ______ girl. She has got ______ brown hair and ______ blue eyes. She is slim and ______. She is crazy about collecting dolls. She is very proud of her big _________.

We meet every day because we are in the same form. We talk during the ______and often _____ time together after school.

She is a good student and sometimes help me with my _______.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

Have you got many friends? Who is your best friend? When did you make friends? What does your friend look like? Why do you like him (her)? What do you have in common? Do you share ideas? How often do you phone each other? How do you like to spend your time together? What does your friend like doing?

Text 4. My Place.

1. Complete the text.

My family lives on the _______ floor in a big house. Our flat is ______. We have two bedrooms, a _______, a _________ , a ________ and a toilet.

The biggest room in our flat is the _______. It is a _____ room with a big table in the center. In the _____ there is a cosy sofa. Just on the opposite wall there is a large flat screen.

When we are at home, we often _____ in the room and spend time playing games or watching TV.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

Do you live in a flat or in a house? Is it big or small? How many rooms has it? What is there in the living-room? What is there in the kitchen? Do you have your own room?

Text 5. My School.

1. Complete the text.

My name is ____ I am ____. I am in the______ at school number _____.

I _____ a lot of subjects this year. I study Maths, History, Russian, English, Science, _______. I like _______. I don’t like _________.

I like school because I like to ________my friends during the breaks.

But I don’t like to get _____marks.

3. Answer the questions to the text.

What school do you study at? What form are you in? What lessons / subjects do you like? What lessons / subjects don’t you like? How many subjects do you have? What are they? What subjects do you have in your timetable (on Monday)? What do you do at your English lessons? What subject would you like to study? Do you like breaks? Some schoolchildren don’t like school. Do you think why?

Text 6. My Birthday.

1. Complete the text.

My Last Birthday Party

Last year my sisters arranged a birthday party for me.

When I was out, they got _________for the party. They _________the house and _______ pizza. They decorate my room with the balloons. They _______on their best clothes and looked ________.

When I rang the doorbell, the music started playing. I came into the room and saw a big _________ on the table. _______ 13 candles on it.

My sisters sang to me, «Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, ……Happy birthday to you. »

I was very ……

Обратите внимание на слова: прежде всего, потом, и, итак, также. Они делают ваш рассказ более связным. Еще о словах-связках читайте ЗДЕСЬ (скоро)

How to Arrange a School Party

I am _____________to have a school party next week.

First of all, I will arrange date and time and write ____________ (приглашения).

Then I will think who can help me to organise the party. I think I will ask my friend Ilya to bring CDs. He will be responsible for ___________. I am _______ to ask my friend Slava to ________a guitar. He can play the guitar very __________. I will ask Anya to ________food.

And I will ask Sveta to make a____________. So, the girls will be ______________ for the meal.

Also I am ______ to buy small presents for my friends because we will have quizes and contests at the party.

I hope the party will be _____________.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

How old are you now? When is your birthday? Do you like birthday parties? How do you celebrate your birthday? Whom do you invite to your birthday party? You like to get presents, don’t you? What kind of presents do you like to get best of all?

Text 7. My Day (My Working Day / My Day Out)

1. Complete the text.

My school day begins early.

I get up at 7 o’clock, _______my face and dress. Then I ______ my bed and go to the _______to have my breakfast.

I leave home for school at 8 o’clock. On the way to school I often _____ my friends and we go the school ______.

I ______home at 3 o’clock.

I have dinner and after that______ because I am often _____. When I have little homework, I can go to _______ or_______.

In the evening I usually ______ or______.

I ________to bed at 10 p. m.

2.1. Answer the questions to the text «My working Day».

When do you get up on your working days? It is difficult for you to get up early, isn’t it? Do you usually make your bed? What do you usually have for breakfast? When do you leave home for school? Where is your school? How long does it take you to get to your school on foot? When do you come home? What do you do after that? What do you like to do in the evenings? When do you go to bed?

2.2. Answer the questions to the text «My Day Out»

Do you like weekends? Why? What time do you get up? What do you do in the morning/ in the afternoon/ in the evening? Do you like to watch TV? Do you go to the park? Do you go swimming? Do you meet your friends? Who does shopping in your family? Do you like shopping?

2.3 Составьте свой рассказ по плану ниже. Обязательно используйте слова, передающие последовательность действий(СКОРО). Они выделены в тексте жирным шрифтом.

My Usual Day

I usually get up at about (около) …

Then I …

Next I

At school I …

When I come home from school, I …

We usually eat dinner at about…

I help my mother with dinner. I ….

After I do my homework, I like …

I always do …. Before I go to bed.

Text 8. How I help about the house.

1. Complete the text.

My name is_____________. I live with parents.

I love my family and help my parents ________the house.

I always vacuum the ________. Sometimes I help my mother to _______the table. And I usually ________ up after meals. I often ______my room and __________the flowers.

But I never do the___________. I don’t like it.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

Do your friends help their parents? Do you help your parents about the house? Can you clean your room? Do you water the flowers? Do you wash the dishes? Do you help to lay the table? Do you vacuum the carpet? Do you go to the shops and buy food? What don’t you like to do?

Text 9. My Hobby.

1. Complete the text.

Our Hobbies

Different people like ____________ things. That’s why we have ____________ hobbies.

I am fond of________________________ ( 3 предложения о себе ).

My friend Nastya likes __________ . She is crazy about_____________( 3 предложения о своем друге/ подруге)

I think hobbies make our life ______________.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

What hobbies do you know? Do you play any musical instrument? What is your hobby? Do you think your hobby may help you in future? What do you want to be?

Text 10. My Pet.

1. Complete the text.

The animals we keep at home are our_____. They can be dogs, _______,________,
________ or _______.

People are fond of pets. They like to watch them and treat them as real members of the family. Dogs and cats are our _________pets.

I have got _____pets. In my house _________three cats, a dog, two hamsters and a parrot. I love them all and I am very _________ when I play with them. I _______care of them, too. My mum helps me to ________ them. When I grow up, I want to _______a vet and take ________of animals.

2. Answer the questions to the text.

Have you got a pet? What pet is it? What is your pet like? How do you take care of your pet? Would you like to have one more pet?

Для написания статьи использованы разработки к различным учебникам, а также пособие Т. Ю. Журина «Английский язык. 55 устных тем по английскому языку для школьников 5-11 класс» (частично переработанное и дополненное)

I live in Russia. In my country the school year starts in September. It has four or three terms. I go to school № 2009. This year I am in the 5 th form. I have 5 or 6 lessons a day. The lessons start at half past 8. My favourite lesson is Art. I like drawing and our teacher is very kind. She always gives us good marks. I have many other subjects in my timetable too. I have lunch at half past 10. I have dinner at school, too. I don’t go home after dinner. I stay at school and have fun with my friends. I sometimes do my homework at school, too. I like school, but I don’t like lessons. The school year finishes in May. We have summer holidays in June, July and August. I love summer!

Тексты (топики) на английском языке 5, 6 класс с вопросами. Часть 1

Тематические тексты (топики) для тех, кто изучает английский язык в школе (5-6 класс). Данные Тексты на английском языке предназначены для повторения пройденных тем, развития письменной и разговорной речи. Вопросы к текстам могут быть использованы, как основа для диалогов. Слова и выражения в текстах соответствуют пройденной в этих классах лексике. К сайту подключен словарь. Чтобы узнать перевод незнакомого слова, нужно кликнуть по нему 2 раза. К текстам прилагаются списки слов для повторения по указанным ниже темам, а также задания по теме «Личное письмо».

Текст 1. About Myself

My name is … . I am … years old.

I am in the … th form. We learn different subjects but my favourite subject is …

I live in … . I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. My family is friendly and loving.

I am tall (short). My hair is straight and long. I have big brown eyes.

I have got many friends. My best friend is … . We often spend time together. We like to ….

Текст 2. My Family and Me

My family is large. There are 6 of us: father, mother, my sister, two brothers and me. My family is friendly and loving.

My father’s name is …. He is clever and kind. He is a doctor by profession.

My mother’s name is …. She is busy and loving. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife.

My elder sister’s name is … She is a very beautiful girl. Her hobby is singing.
My younger brother’s name is … He is very active. He likes sport.

My hobby is drawing. I like to draw in my free time. Also I like reading books. My favourite writer is …

At the weekends all the members of our family spend time together. We go for a walk, visit museums, go to the cinema or to the theatre.

I love my family very much.

Текст 3. My Friends

I have got a close friend. His name is… My friend is in the same form as me. He studies well. He is a good pupil and a good friend. He often helps me to do homework.

I like to spend time with my friend. We go for a walk, talk about music and go to the cinema together.

I have got another friend…. (his/her name). She is a nice girl. Her favourite subject is English. She spends a lot of time on it and knows it very well. Also she is fond of music. She can play the piano very well.

I like my friend very much and think that we are true friends.

Текст 4. My Place

    neither … nor — ни … ни… It’s a pity! — Жаль!

I live in a flat. It is neither big nor small. It is on the fifth floor. Our flat has two rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall.

Our living room is big. It is light because it has a large window. To the left of the window there is a piano. To the right of the window there is an old wardrobe. In the middle of the room there is a big round table. We often gather together at this table and play table games. On the walls there are beautiful paintings of modern artists.

I have my own room. It is small. It hasn’t got much furniture but it is very cosy. It is a pity that there is no balcony in my room.

Our kitchen is big and comfortable. We have a big fridge and a microwave oven. We usually have breakfast and supper in the kitchen.

I like my flat.

Текст 5. My School

I live in Russia. In my country the school year starts in September. It has four or three terms.

I go to school № 2009. This year I am in the 5 th form. I have 5 or 6 lessons a day. The lessons start at half past 8. My favourite lesson is Art. I like drawing and our teacher is very kind. She always gives us good marks. I have many other subjects in my timetable too.

I have lunch at half past 10. I have dinner at school, too. I don’t go home after dinner. I stay at school and have fun with my friends. I sometimes do my homework at school, too.

I like school, but I don’t like lessons. The school year finishes in May. We have summer holidays in June, July and August. I love summer!

Текст 6. My Birthday

I have my birthday on the … of … (month). I like my birthday because I get a lot of presents.

Last year I got a … This year I hope my parents will give me … as a birthday present.

I usually have a birthday party at home and we have a big meal. All my family gather around a big table. There is a birthday cake with candles on it. All my relatives say “Happy birthday” to me.

Next day I invite my friends and organize games and quizes, sing songs and play jokes. We usually have fun.

I enjoy my birthday party very much.

Текст 7. My Day

I usually get up at 7 o’clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. At the weekends I get up late because I don’t have to go to school (work).
After that I go to the bathroom and wash my face. Next I make my bed and dress.
I have breakfast at half past 7. I usually have a glass of juice and a sandwich.
I leave home at 8 o’clock. My school is near my house and it takes me 5 minutes to get there. I usually have 6 lessons at school. For example, today I have English, Russian, Science, Maths, History and Art.
I come home at 2 o’clock and have dinner. Then I have a little rest and start doing my homework.
In the evening I have supper and then watch TV or play computer games.
I go to bed at 10 o’clock.

Текст 8. How I help about the house

I live with my parents and I have to help about the house. Every Sunday I do my room. I dust the furniture and vacuum the carpet. I water the flowers once a week.
I help my mother to lay the table. I wash the dishes after dinner. We Take turns with my brother.
Sometimes I help my mother make cakes and pies. I seldom go shopping only when my mother asks me. I buy bread and fruit.
I understand that I must help my parents because they work hard. And I Don’t mind doing it.

Текст 9. My Hobby

Hobby is what people like to do in their free time. We choose a hobby to our tastes. Hobby makes our life interesting. Sometimes it helps us to choose our future profession.
I have got a hobby too. My hobby is …… When I have free time, I always … (describe your hobby)
Also I like to make toys in my free time. I like reading books, too. My favourite writer is …
If your hobby is cooking, you can say how you make cakes and pies.

Текст 10. My Pet

I keep a hamster as a pet. — Я держу дома хомяка.

Hello there! I would like to tell you about my pet. It is a hamster and her name is Sue.

Sue is about one year old. She is very funny. She has soft skin and bright black eyes. Sue is very lively (подвижная) and likes To run around a wheel in her cage.

I Keep her cage in the hall because she makes noise at night. But in the daytime I let her run about the flat and play with her.

Sue eats vegetables and I Feed her every day. I Clean her cage every week. I like to Take care of my pet.

I hope that one day my parents will buy me one more pet. I would like to get a rabbit on my birthday.

Эти тексты нужно дополнить и уметь рассказывать. Заучивать наизусть тексты НЕ НАДО. Ниже вы найдете Список вопросов к текстам, на которые надо уметь отвечать.

There are ………….of us in my family. We are a close family. We are sociable and … My mother is a ………………… My mother is loving and ………. My father is a ……………………… My father is strong and ………….. As for me, I think I am ……………………… I would like to be more …….. I have (not) got……. My elder brother is active and …….
My little sister is pretty but ………. I love my family ……

What do you like to do in the evenings.

Englishinn. ru

10.12.2020 11:11:42

2020-12-10 11:11:42


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