Рассказ про корову на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Корова/ Cow с переводом на русский язык.

Cow Корова
A beautiful spotty cow has been considered a pride of any village farm since long time ago. Countrymen knew that any family that had this animal would never starve because they would always have milk, cottage cheese, cheese, butter and sour cream. Пятнистая красавица-корова еще в древние времена считалась гордостью любого сельского двора. Крестьяне знали, что та семья, которая держит это домашнее животное, никогда не будет голодать, поскольку на их столе всегда будут молоко, творог, сыр, масло и сметана.
Nowadays people still breed cattle in villages. You can often see them there pasturing in the fields or simply walking in the streets. When pasturing they slowly walk in thick grass chewing something all the time and waving their tails to get rid of annoying flies. When it gets hot, they just lie on the ground and in the evening when it gets cooler they hurry up and got to a river or a pond to drink some water. Сегодня коров по-прежнему разводят в деревнях. Там их часто можно увидеть пасущимися на лугу или шагающими прямо по улице. Находясь на выгуле, животные неторопливо ходят среди густой травы, постоянно пережевывая что-то и отмахиваясь длинным тонким хвостом от назойливых мух. В жаркую погоду коровы просто лежат на земле, а вечером, когда спадает зной, торопятся к реке или пруду на водопой.
Cows look very calm and even lazy. When you look at them it is hard to imagine that their ancestors were wild bulls that are known for their violent temper. However, males are always more aggressive than females that’s why even domestic oxen show their character sometimes. Коровы выглядят спокойными и даже ленивыми. Глядя на них, сложно даже представить себе, что предками этих животных были дикие быки, известные своим буйным нравом. Впрочем, самцы всегда ведут себя более агрессивно, чем самки, потому и домашние быки любят порой показать характер.
It’s very hard to make a cow mad. Probably only dogs are able to do it with their loud barking and can make a cow chase them. And scared dogs squeal and run away from heavy hooves. Корову же крайне сложно вывести из себя. Пожалуй, это удается лишь дворовым собакам, который своим громким лаем так сильно злят ее, что животное начинает гнаться за обидчиком. Испуганные же псы с визгом убегают из-под тяжелых копыт.
Nowadays cattle, milk and dairy production are one of the most important agricultural industries. Some time ago a cow was considered holy animal and was worshiped just like gods. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that a cow Nut was an ancestress of the sky and in India killing a cow was considered a mortal sin. Сегодня содержание коров, производство молока и молочных продуктов давно уже стало одной из ключевых отраслей сельского хозяйства. А некогда были времена, когда корова считалась священным животным и ее почитали наравне с богами. Например, египтяне верили, что корова Нут была прародительницей неба, а в Индии убийство этого животного приравнивалось к смертному греху.
Cows has been living by the humans for centuries and people have taken care of them and their health. In exchange this animal gives us a lot of important foods and we can call this partnership mutually beneficial and very strong. На протяжении многих веков корова живет рядом с человеком, который выращивает ее и заботится о ее здоровье. Взамен животное дает людям много ценных продуктов, поэтому такой союз можно назвать взаимовыгодным и потому очень крепким.


Главатских Елена

cow belongs to herbivorous animals. In the cold season, the cow can be fed
thanks to grain crops, as well as corn. But in summer, an adult animal can eat
at least 45 kg of grass. If a cow belongs to a dairy breed, then it is
necessary to add compound feed to its diet. In addition, water and rock salt
should be freely available for the cow. In agriculture, almost all over the
world, the cow has a wide distribution. It was with the help of cow’s milk that
people learned to make cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.

order for a cow to give a lot of milk, she needs to drink at least 60 liters of
water a day. On average, a cow can give from 3 to 4 buckets of milk a day.
Every year the animal must calf. Milking a cow must be carried out at least 2
or three times a day. Milking can be done on special installations or manually.
The manual milking method is quite simple, it can be learned in a short time.

animals became pets thousands of years ago. Scientists suggest that they
originated from tours, which incidentally ceased to exist around the 17th
century in Europe and Asia. Interestingly, these animals have a fairly
developed musical ear. The herd can be trained to go out to pasture and leave
it by the sound of a certain song. By the way, scientists have proved that cows
like music and if you find the right one, the quality of milk will be higher.
But, here the cow’s eyesight is quite primitive. Firstly, the animal
practically does not see colors, and secondly, the image is enlarged, so the
cow can easily be frightened by the sight of a person or animal standing close
by. But the taste qualities of the cow, on the contrary, are developed. An
animal almost like a person distinguishes tastes and if a cow does not like the
taste, she will not eat.

cow can be found in almost every country on our planet. Domesticated
individuals are divided into two types. The former have a small hump, the
latter do not. The former live in Southern Asia, as well as in the south of
America and Africa. But, on these continents, they breed ordinary individuals
without withers and humps, as well as on other other continents.

animal is among the first domesticated cattle. Today, the cow is a reliable and
useful source of meat and dairy products for people. By the way, a cow is
sometimes used for hard work. In many countries, there are huge farms with
their own large pastures and warm shelters that provide people with meat and
food all year round.

of course, gave offspring. When crossing different types of cows, as well as
due to their different living conditions and mutations, the appearance and main
characteristics of this animal have changed significantly. For example: body
weight has changed, color, hearing and vision have become worse, and legs have
become shorter and thicker.

date, in modern agriculture, the following main types of cows are
distinguished: dairy, meat, as well as mixed, meat and dairy.  The dairy
direction includes, for example: Kholmogorskaya, Yaroslavl, black-and-white
breeds of cows. More than 80% of the total mass of all cattle is this

meat direction in Russia includes such breeds as the Kazakh white-headed,
Kalmyk, Russian komolaya and others. Many cows of the meat and dairy direction,
such as Kostroma, Lebedinskaya, Yorkshire and many others, have also become

husbandry, in particular, the breeding of cows, is a very profitable business,
as milk and beef (cow meat) are among the most popular products in the
country’s food markets.

general, the importance of cows in human life is difficult to overestimate.
First of all, because cow’s milk is the most valuable protein food. By the way,
as it was believed since ancient times, eating such a product develops the
human brain in the best way.

fact! In India, the cow is considered a sacred animal. In this country, since
ancient times, the cow has been «assigned» the status of a mother. It is such
maternal feelings as kindness and calmness, modesty and wisdom that endow this
beautiful and noble animal.

Текст Pet the coo! с переводом.

Pet the coo!
Приласкайте корову!

When you think of Scotland, the first animal that probably comes to mind is Nessie, the legendary and shy monster from Loch Ness. However, the Scottish Highlands are home to another creature which is much easier to spot: the Highland coo. Когда вы думаете о Шотландии, то первым животным, которое, вероятно приходит на ум, является Несси, легендарный и осторожный монстр озера Лох-Несс. Шотландское нагорье является домом для еще одного существа, которого гораздо легче обнаружить – хайлендская корова.
In Scotland, cows are called “coos”. The Highland coo is an ancient Scottish breed with long horns, long hair and a fringe that makes it look different to other cows. Legend has it that a long time ago, a farmer wanted to impress his wife with a new variety of cow that would actually last through the long winters. The coo is also unique because it can survive on poor grazing grounds, eating plants that other animals don’t. В Шотландии коровы называются словом “coos”. Хайлендская корова – это древняя шотландская порода с длинными рогами, длинной шерстью и бахромой, которая отличает ее от других коров. Легенда гласит, что давным-давно один фермер хотел удивить свою жену новым видом коров, которые хорошо выдерживают зиму. Эта корова уникальна еще и потому, что она может выжить на обедненных травой землях, употребляя растения, которые не едят другие животные.
The farmer crossed a standard Hereford cow with a longer-haired smaller cow and got one of Scotland’s most popular tourist attractions! Фермер скрестил обычную герефордскую породу коров с более мелкой, но более длинношерстной коровой и получил одно из самых популярных достопримечательностей Шотландии.
This cute animal is also known as “shaggy coo” or “hairy coo”. It has become a national symbol of Scotland and is important for farming as well as tourism. Это замечательное животное известно также как “лохматая корова” или “волосатая корова”. Она стала национальным символом Шотландии и имеет значение для фермерства, а также для туризма.
If you take a bus tour to the Scottish Highlands, don’t miss the chance to take a photograph of this animal! Если вы отправитесь в автобусный тур по Шотландскому нагорью, то не упустите возможность сфотографировать это животное!

Источник: Spotlight, 8 класс, модуль 5 culture corner.


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The cow is a domestic animal .It is white with dark spots.Сow eats plants.Baby cow — calf,which drinks mother`s milk. The cow have a lot of milk , she eats a juicy summer grass and winter hay.Home cow gives milk, from which then make butter , cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream.And it gives us the meat.T<span>he cow is a useful animal!</span>

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his brother said that dick was not at home

i noticed that we were discussing a serious problem

i answer that my dad has already finished his work

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