Рассказ про кремль на английском языке

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Московский Кремль/ The Moscow Kremlin с переводом на русский язык.

The Moscow Kremlin Московский Кремль
The Moscow Kremlin is one of the most famous landmarks of Russia and the symbol of former Soviet authority. It is a long red brick wall with 20 towers, which were built at the end of the 15th century on the order of Ivan the Great. Московский Кремль является одним из самых известных достопримечательностей России и символом бывшей советской власти. Это длинная красная кирпичная стена с 20 башнями, которые были построены в конце 15-го века по заказу Ивана Великого.
The most renowned and important tower is the Spasskaya Tower, which leads to Red Square. The tower was put up in 1491 by an Italian architect Pietro Solario. It has a belfry, a ruby star and the chimes, which are broadcast by radio as a time signal to the whole nation. Other famous towers are the Nikolskaya, Troitskaya, Kutafya and Borovitskaya. The name Kremlin means “fortress”. Наиболее известной и важной башней является Спасская башня, выходящая на Красную площадь. Башня была построена в 1491 году итальянским архитектором Пьетро Солари. Она оснащена колокольней, рубиновой звездой и курантами, которые транслируются по радио как сигнал времени всей нации. Другие известные башни – это Никольская, Троицкая, Кутафья и Боровицкая. Название «Кремль» означает «крепость».
This historic fortified complex is situated at the heart of Moscow and overlooks the Moskva River and Red Square. It is the best known kremlin of Russia. Apart from the walls and towers it includes five strikingly beautiful palaces and four cathedrals. All of them are open to public. Этот исторический укрепленный комплекс расположен в самом центре Москвы с видом на Москву-реку и Красную площадь. Он является самым известным кремлем России. Помимо стен и башен он включает в себя пять поразительно красивых дворцов и четыре собора. Все они открыты для посетителей.
The heart of the Kremlin is the Cathedral Square with the main church of Moscow – the Cathedral of Dormition, where all the tsars were once crowned. The church has a massive limestone facade and five golden domes. Other notable structures include two domestic churches and the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great. The largest bell in the world is also situated here. It’s called the Tsar Bell. Сердце Кремля – это Соборная площадь с главной церковью Москвы – Успенским собором, где все цари были когда-то коронованы. Церковь имеет массивный известняковый фасад и пять золотых куполов. К другим известным зданиям относятся две внутренне церкви и колокольня Ивана Великого. Самый большой колокол в мире также находится здесь. Он называется Царь-колокол.
The oldest structure within the Kremlin walls is the Palace of Facets, which holds the imperial thrones. The other old building is the house of the royal family – the Terem Palace. Both these palaces are linked by the Grand Kremlin Palace. There are also several interesting museums inside the Kremlin walls. For example, the Arsenal, which was originally built for Peter the Great, and the Armoury building, which houses Russian state regalia and Diamond fund. Самая старая постройка в стенах Кремля – это Грановитая палата, в которой императорские троны. Другим старым зданием является дом королевской семьи – Теремной дворец. Оба эти дворцы связаны Большим Кремлевским дворцом. В стенах Кремля есть также несколько интересных музеев. Например, Арсенал, который первоначально был построен для Петра Великого, и Оружейная Палата, в которой находится русские государственные регалии и Алмазный фонд.
At the moment, the complex of Kremlin serves as the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation. На данный момент комплекс Кремля служит официальной резиденцией президента России.

Описание Московского Кремля

 Факты проверены       Текст проверен, ошибок быть не должно

The Moscow Kremlin is a fortified complex in the center of Moscow. It overlooks the Moskva River to the south, Saint Basil’s Cathedral and Red Square to the east, and the Alexander Garden to the northwest.

The complex now serves as the official residence of the President of the Russian Federation and as a museum.

The Kremlin’s crenellated red brick walls and its 20 towers were built at the end of the 15th century.

The irregular triangle of the Kremlin wall encloses an area of 27,5 hectares. Its overall length is 2,235 metres. The height ranges from 5 to 19 metres, depending on the terrain.

The Spasskaya Tower is one of the Kremlin’s 20 towers. It overlooks Red Square. Its height is 71 metresThe Kremlin Clock is a historic clock on the Spasskaya Tower. The Kremlin clock faces have a diameter of 6.12 metres and are placed on all four sides of the Spasskaya tower.

In 1990 the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

The word «Kremlin» is often used to refer to the government of the Russian Federation in a similar sense to how «White House» refers to the Executive Office of the President of the United States.

  • Red Square – Красная площадь »

  • The Spasskaya Tower – Спасская башня »

  • Saint Basil’s Cathedral – Храм Василия Блаженного »

  • Официальный сайт музеев Московского Кремля

Перевод на русский язык

Московский Кремль – это укрепленный комплекс в центре Москвы. Его южная стена обращена к Москве-реке, восточная – к собору Василия Блаженного и Красной площади, северо-западная – к Александровскому саду.

В настоящее время комплекс служит официальной резиденцией Президента Российской Федерации и музеем.

Кремлевские зубчатые стены из красного кирпича и 20 его башен были построены в конце 15 века.

Неправильный треугольник кремлевской стены занимает площадь 27,5 га. Его общая длина составляет 2235 метров. Высота колеблется от 5 до 19 метров, в зависимости от местности.

Спасская башня – одна из 20 башен Московского Кремля. Она выходит на Красную площадь. Ее высота 71 метр. Часы на Спасской башне – это исторические часы. Кремлевские циферблаты имеют диаметр 6,12 метра и расположены по всем четырем сторонам Спасской башни.

В 1990 году Московский Кремль и Красная площадь были внесены в Список всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Слово «Кремль» часто используется для обозначения правительства Российской Федерации в том же смысле, что и «Белый дом» для обозначения Администрации Президента США.

  • Краткий текст на английском языке про Москву »

  • Tourist attractions in Moscow – Достопримечательности Москвы »

  • Tourist attractions in Russia – Достопримечательности России »

The Moscow Kremlin

Московский Кремль

The Moscow Kremlin is a symbol not only of the capital of Russia, but it is also a heart of the whole country. It is a redbrick fortress (the word “Kremlin” means “a citadel inside a city”). It is included into the UNESCO List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Московский Кремль–это символ не только российской столицы, но также сердце целой страны. Он представляет собой крепость из красного кирпича (слово «Кремль» означает «цитадель внутри города»). Он включён в список Всемирного наследия Юнеско.

The Moscow Kremlin has a long history. At first, its walls were wooden. It was built in the 12th century. Then, during the ruling of Prince Dmitry Donskoi, it became stone; however, its walls were white. Great Prince Ivan III invited Italian architects who made the Kremlin redbrick like we see it nowadays. Today the Kremlin is closely connected with the Russian President and the Government.

 Московский Кремль имеет длинную историю. Сначала его стены были деревянными. Он был построен в XII веке. Затем, во время правления князя Дмитрия Донского, он стал каменным; однако, его стены были белыми. Великий князь Иван III пригласил итальянских архитекторов, которые создали Кремль из красного кирпича – такой, каким мы видим его сегодня.   Сегодня Кремль тесно связан с Российскими Президентом и Правительством.

 The Moscow Kremlin is one of the greatest tourist attractions in Russia. Every year many people take pictures of it. Moreover, there are many places to get to know something new: the Armoury Chamber (the greatest Russian treasury), the Ivan the Great’s Bell Tower (it is marking the exact center of Moscow and is similar to a burning candle), cathedrals: the Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation cathedrals, the Church of Laying Our Lady’s Holy Robe, the Twelve Apostles’ Church. There are twenty towers in the Moscow Kremlin. The highest one is the Troitskaya – 80 metres. The Spasskaya Tower is famous for its clock, which is important for all Russian people: with its chimes people start celebrating the New Year. It is also worth seeing Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell.

Московский Кремль–это одна из величайших достопримечательностей в стране. Каждый год большое количество людей его фотографируют. Более того, здесь есть места, где можно узнать что-то новое: Оружейная Палата (величайшая российская сокровищница), Колокольня Ивана Великого (она стоит ровно в центре Москвы и напоминает горящую свечу), соборы: Успенский, Благовещенский, церковь Ризоположения и церковь двенадцати апостолов. В Московском Кремле двадцать башен. Самой высокой является Троицкая – 80 метров. Спасская башня известна своими часами, которые важны для всех россиян: с их ударами начинается празднование Нового года. Также стоит увидеть Царь-Пушку и Царь-Колокол.

  • сочинения

Часто одной из первых ассоциаций, приходящих в голову при слове «Россия», является Кремль. Это одна из самых старейших и знаменитых достопримечательностей страны. Поэтому важно уметь рассказать о нем на английском языке.

Многие туристы, приезжая в Москву, первым же делом стараются попасть на Красную площадь, рядом с которой находится Кремль. Рассказывая про эту достопримечательность иностранцам, желательно устроить настоящую экскурсию. Если рассказ необходимо подготовить для занятия по английскому языку, то можно распечатать соответствующие картинки.

  • Начнем рассказ с истории

Свой рассказ можно начать именно с небольшой исторической справки. Здесь можно привести дату строительства, интересные исторические факты, например:

The construction of the Moscow Kremlin as a red-brick stone fortress began in the late 15th century. At that time Ivan III ruled over the united Russian state, and he invited Italian architects to supervise the reconstruction of the Kremlin. The newly-built stronghold was a massive brick wall with 20 towers. It surrounded the most important buildings, the construction of which was continued later. Now the Kremlin is one of the most ancient parts of the city.

Строительство Кремля началось в конце 15-го века. Тогда Русью правил Иван III, который пригласил итальянских архитекторов для строительства Кремля. В итоге была возведена кирпичная стена, имеющая 20 башен. Они окружали самые важные постройки, строительство которых продолжалось позже. Сейчас Кремль – старейшая часть города.

  • Поговорим об архитектуре и особенностях Кремля

Можно рассказать о самом названии, особенностях архитектуры, рассказать про башни и основные строения, которые находятся здесь. Может получиться примерно так:

The meaning of the word “Kremlin” is «a fortress, a citadel inside a city», and its name corresponds to its appearance. From a bird’s-eye view the Kremlin looks like an irregular triangle. Each corner has one tower. But the Kremlin is not only a brick wall and imposing towers, it also includes five incredibly magnificent palaces and four cathedrals. The Spasskie Gates are the main entrance to the fortified complex. Cathedral Square and the Cathedral of the Dormition are situated in its heart. For 300 years the coronation of all Russian monarchs took place in the Cathedral of the Dormition.

Само слово Кремль имеет значение «крепость», название соответствует внешнему виду. С высоты птичьего полет, Кремль выглядит как неправильный треугольник. На каждом углу находится башня. Кремль — это не только стена и башни, в него входят пять невероятно красивых дворцов и четыре собора. Спасские ворота представляют собой главный вход. В центральной части достопримечательности находится Соборная площадь и Успенский собор. В течение 300 лет в Успенском соборе происходила коронация царей.

Но Кремль — это не только туристическая достопримечательность. В нем также находятся главные правительственные здания, и этому обязательно нужно уделить внимание.

The Kremlin is also the the seat of the Russian government. The Grand Kremlin Palace is the principal building, and the through-passage to it is located in the Nikolskaya Tower. The complex serves as the residence of the President of the Russian Federation.

Здесь располагаются и различные государственные учреждения. Главным зданием является Большой Кремлевский дворец. Проход к государственным учреждениям осуществляется через Никольские ворота. Здесь находится резиденция президента Российской Федерации.

Рассказ можно дополнить интересными фактами, это сделает его более занимательным.

The Ivan the Great Bell Tower is renowned for once being the tallest building in old Moscow and the tallest belfry in Russia. The Tsar Bell was installed nearby. It is the world’s largest bell and it weighs about 200 tons. The famous Tsar Cannon was constructed in 1586. The tallest tower of the whole Kremlin complex is the the Troitskaya Tower. One of the most popular towers is the Spasskaya Tower. Its senior architect was the famous Pietro Solari. The main Kremlin clock is situated here, and with its chimes the Russians celebrate the New Year.

Колокольня Ивана Великого знаменита тем, что она длительное время являлась самой высокой колокольней на Руси. Рядом был установлен Царь-Колокол. Он считается самым большим колоколом в мире и весит 200 тон. Знаменитая Царь-Пушка была создана в 1586 г. Самой высокой башней является Троицкая башня. Одной из популярнейших башен является Спасская башня. Ее строительство возглавил итальянский архитектор Пьетро Солари. На ней находятся часы, с боем курантов которых россияне встречают Новый год.

И в заключение можно рассказать о своих впечатлениях, поделиться своим опытом посещения Кремля. Если до сих пор не было возможности лично побывать там, то можно высказать намерение посетить Кремль в ближайшем будущем.

Кремль описание на английском

Знаменитое здание в России (Московский Кремль)

A famous building in Russia

Московский Кремль

The Moscow Kremlin is probably the most famous building not only in Russia, but also far from its borders. And though it’s a cluster of facilities, it is famous firstly for the Spasskaya (Saviour)Tower. It’s worth mentioning that the well-known symbol of our country was erected in the 15th century by the Swiss architect Pietro Solari. And later another foreigner Christopher Galloway built its multistage Gothyc style upper part.

Initially the tower wasn’t called so. It was named Frolovskaya or Frololavrskaya after the Frol and Lavr’s church the way form which it laid. But on the day of Alexey Romanov’s coronation a blind person Petr Palkin was cured by the the icon of ‘Spas Nerukotvorny’ (‘The Saviour Not Made by Hands’), which was in Vyatka then. This was considered a good sign and in January 1647 the icon was carried through the tower’s gate, Since then both the gate and the building have been called Saviour.

Throughout its existence the edifice has been reconstructed many times. And even the Kremlin chimes have been restored and renovated. In 1937 a ruby star was installed at the top of the tower. During the Great Patriotic War strafings the Kremlin stars were covered by special sheetings for them not to be damaged.


Московский Кремль – пожалуй, самое известное сооружение не только в России, но и далеко за её пределами. И хотя это целый комплекс построек, наибольшую славу ему принесла Спасская башня. Интересно, что знаменитый символ нашей страны был построен в XV веке архитектором-швейцарцем Пьетро Солари. А позднее другой иностранец Христофор (Кристофер) Галовей надстроил многоярусный верх в готическом стиле.

Изначально  она носила другое название. Её называли Фроловской или Фрололаврской по названию церкви Фрола и Лавра, в сторону которой вела дорога от её ворот. Но в день венчания на царство Алексея Романова слепой Петр Палкин исцелился от иконы Спаса Нерукотворного, которая тогда находилась в Вятке. Это посчитали добрым знаком и в январе 1647 г. икону внесли в стены Кремля через ворота, которые с тех пор стали называться Спасскими. Также стала именоваться и башня.

За время своего существования это сооружение претерпело значительные изменения. Оно несколько раз перестраивалось и в современном виде уже мало напоминает первоначальное строение. Даже установленные на ней куранты неоднократно реставрировались и заменялись. В 1937 году навершие в виде рубиновой звезды украсило верхнюю часть башни. Во время Великой Отечественной войны во время обстрелов кремлёвские звезды закрывали специальными чехлами, чтобы они не пострадали.     

Spasskaya Tower in Moscow The Moscow Kremlin is one of the most recognizable landmarks of Moscow. For many years, the “Moscow Kremlin” was the center of the state and the center of power of Russia. The Kremlin is the residence of the President of the Russian Federation now. It is the most visited place in Moscow along with the Red Square.

The Moscow Kremlin is the oldest part of the Moscow city surrounded by a fortress wall. It is located on the left bank of the Moskva River, on the Borovitsky hill. The first fortress on this place was built in the 11th century. Originally it was simple wooden fence with guard towers. The wooden walls were replaced by white-stone walls in 1367 (during the reign of Dmitry Donskoy). Moscow Kremlin walls were rebuilt in the second half of the 15th century (during the reign of Grand Prince Ivan III). Construction work was carried out under the supervision of Italian architects. Red bricks had been used in construction of walls and towers. Construction work lasted for many centuries on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.

  • General information.
  • Sights to see.
  • Museum and tickets.
  • Location (how to get there).

Moscow and the Kremlin were captured by Napoleon’s army in 1812. The French army entered the Kremlin September 1812, but soon withdrew from Moscow because of the fire. The city was severely damaged. The communists government was settled in the Kremlin in 1917. Many historic buildings have been destroyed on the Moscow Kremlin territory at the time of the Soviet Union.

In the years 1935 — 1937, five-pointed stars of a red glass were installed on the top of five towers. There are proposals to remove these stars from the towers of the Kremlin and install two-headed eagles. The Kremlin has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990.

The Moscow Kremlin

This photo was taken from the opposite bank of the Moscow River.

The Kremlin is the central, fortified part of the city in old Russian cities. The Kremlin was surrounded by a fortress wall on all sides. The Kremlin has survived in several Russian cities.

Facts and Figures

  • Years of construction: 1482 — 1495.
  • Length of the walls of the Moscow Kremlin: 2235 meters.
  • Wall height: from 5 to 19 meters.
  • Wall thickness: from 3.5 to 6.5 meters.
  • Number of towers: 20.
  • Area: 27.5 hectares (275,000 m2).

The Moscow Kremlin area is like a loose triangle in shape. The south wall of the fortress is built along the riverbank.
There is “Aleksandrovski Sad” park near the north-western wall of the Kremlin. Next to the eastern wall of the Moscow Kremlin is located the “Red Square”.
Cathedral Square is the heart of the Kremlin. It is surrounded by six buildings, including three cathedrals.

Existing walls and towers were built in the years 1485 — 1516. Double-horned notched “teeth” crown the top of the walls. The wall height is ranging from 2 to 2.5 meters and thickness from 65 to 75 centimeters. There are 20 towers along the Moscow Kremlin walls. Four of towers have gates. The main gate is through the “Spasskaya” tower. It is normally closed to the public (with the exception of official and religious ceremonies). Perhaps the passage through the Spassky Tower will be allowed in the near future. The gate under the “Nikolskaya” tower is often used for service duties only. Visitors normally enter the Kremlin via the gates under the “Troitskaya” tower. Armory chamber and the Treasury fond normally are accessible via the gates of the “Borovitskaya tower”. The tallest tower has a height 79.3 meters.

There are some interesting for tourists buildings located on the territory of the Kremlin: Grand Kremlin Palace, Armory, The Diamond Fund, Cathedral of the Dormition, Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, Cathedral of the Annunciation, the Patriarch’s Palace, Church of the Twelve Apostles (1653–56), Church of the Deposition of the Virgin’s Robe, the bell tower of Ivan the Great, Tsar Bell, Tsar Cannon. Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin is a symbol of Moscow.

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Buildings located in Moscow Kremlin

Spasskaya tower

The Spasskaya Tower is the most famous tower of Moscow Kremlin. The tower is located in the central part of Red Square. There is the main gate into the Kremlin (the Spassky Gate) in the tower. The tower was built in 1491 by architect Pietro Antonio Solari. The upper part of the tower was completed in the years 1624 — 1625. Originally, it was named the Frolovskaya Tower. The tower’s modern name comes from the icon of “Spas Nerukotvorny” (The Saviour image Not Made by Hands), which was placed above the gates on the inside wall in 1658 (it was removed in 1917) and the wall-painted icon of Spas Smolensky (Smolensky Saviour), which was created in the 16th century on the outside wall of tower (plastered over in 1937, reopened and restored in 2010).
The clock on the tower existed since the 16th century. The modern Kremlin clock has been made in the years 1851-1852. The height of the tower without a star is 67,3 meters. The tower height together with the star is 71 meters.

“Ivan the Great” bell tower

“Ivan the Great” Bell Tower is located on the north-east corner of the Cathedral Square. Bell Tower was the tallest building in Moscow until the beginning of XVIII century. The church was built in the period from 1505 to 1508 years. In 1600, the height of the bell tower has been increased to 81 meters. Currently, it is a functioning church and a museum.

“Ivan the Great” Bell Tower

Palace of the Facets

Palace of the Facets is one of the oldest preserved secular buildings in Moscow, a monument of architecture. The building was constructed in 1487 — 1491 years (Ivan III reigns) by architects Marco Ruffo and Pietro Antonio Solari. Palace of Facets is currently one of official ceremonial hall in the residence of the President of the Russian Federation and thus admission is limited for prearranged tours only.

The Grand Kremlin Palace

The Grand Kremlin Palace was built in the years 1838 — 1849 by order of Emperor Nicholas I. The length of the palace is 125 meters, height — 47 meters. Great Kremlin Palace in Moscow served as the residence of Russian emperors and their families. The Grand Kremlin Palace is currently the official residence of the President of Russia. Important national ceremonies are held in the halls of the palace.

Museum and tickets

The State Historical and Cultural Museum «The Moscow Kremlin» operates on the Kremlin territory. The museum provides guided tours to museums of the Moscow Kremlin.
The territory of the Moscow Kremlin and its museums are open daily, except Thursdays, from 10.00 to 17.00 (2013). Moscow Kremlin may be closed for tourists during some events (official events).

Tickets to the territory of the Moscow Kremlin and its museums are sold at the Kremlin tickets office. Ticket office is located in the “Aleksandrovskiy sad” park (Alexander Garden), near of the metro station “Arbatskaya” exit (also exits of the metro stations “Biblioteka imeni Lenina” and “Aleksandrovskiy sad”). At the box office of the Moscow Kremlin may be a long line during the hot season.

The Internet provides a convenient opportunity to prepare for a trip without leaving home.
Tickets to the Kremlin can be bought online
as well. Look for tickets and guided tours here.


The Kremlin is located in the city center, on the left bank of the Moskva River, on the Borovitsky hill. The distance from the Kremlin is: to Sheremetyevo Airport about 35 kilometers, to the Tretyakov Gallery 2 kilometers, to the Luzhniki Stadium 8 kilometers, to Moscow University 11 kilometers.

Most of the tourists usually come to the Red Square and want to get on the territory of the Kremlin. The nearest metro stations to Red Square and to the Moscow Kremlin are “Ploshchad Revolutsii”, “Okhotny Ryad”, “Kitay Gorod”, “Biblioteka imeni Lenina”, “Aleksandrovskiy Sad”.

You can find the location of buildings, museums and attractions in the Kremlin on the tourist map.

The Kremlin

The Kremlin is the symbol of first Russian and later Soviet power and authority. Its crenellated red brick walls and 20 towers were built at the end of the 15th century, when a host of Italian builders arrived in Moscow at the invitation of Ivan III the Great. Of the most important towers, the Saviour (Spasskaya) Tower leading to Red Square was built in 1491 by Pietro Solario, who designed most of the main towers; its belfry was added in 1624-25. The chimes of its clock are broadcast by radio as a time signal to the whole nation. Also on the Red Square front is the St. Nicholas (Nikolskaya) Tower, built originally in 1491 and rebuilt in 1806. The two other principal gate towers — the Trinity (Troitskaya) Tower, with a bridge and outer barbican (the Kutafya Tower), and the Borovitskaya Tower — lie on the western wall.
Within the Kremlin walls is one of the most striking and beautiful architectural ensembles in the world: a combination of churches and palaces, which are open to the public and are among the city’s most popular tourist attractions, and the highest offices of the state, which are surrounded by strict security. Around the central Cathedral Square (Sobornaya Ploshchad) are grouped three magnificent cathedrals, superb examples of Russian church architecture at its height in the late 15th and early 16th centuries. These and the other churches in the Kremlin ceased functioning as places of worship after the Revolution and are now museums. The white stone Cathedral of the Assumption (Uspensky Sobor) is the oldest, built in 1475-79 in the Italianate-Byzantine style. Its pure, simple, and beautifully proportioned lines and elegant arches are crowned by five golden domes. The Orthodox metropolitans and patriarchs of the 14th to the 18th century are buried there. Across the square is the Cathedral of the Annunciation (Blagoveshchensky Sobor), built in 1484-89 by craftsmen from Pskov; though burned in 1547, it was rebuilt in 1562-64. Its cluster of chapels is topped by golden roofs and domes. Inside are a number of early 15th-century icons attributed to Theophanes the Greek and to Andrey Rublyov, considered by many to be the greatest of all Russian icon painters. The third cathedral, the Archangel (Arkhangelsky), was rebuilt in 1505-08; in it are buried the princes of Moscow and tsars of Russia (except Boris Godunov) up to the founding of St. Petersburg.
Just off the square stands the splendid, soaring white bell tower of Ivan the Great; built in the 16th century and damaged in 1812, it was restored a few years later. At its foot is the enormous Tsar Bell (Tsar-Kolokol), cast in 1733-35 but never rung. Nearby is the Tsar Cannon (Tsar-Pushka), cast in 1586. Beside the gun are located the mid-17th-century Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles (Sobor Dvenadtsati Apostolov) and the adjoining Patriarchal Palace.
On the west of Cathedral Square is a group of palaces of various periods; the Palace of Facets (Granovitaya Palata)—so called from the exterior finish of faceted, white stone squares—was built in 1487-91. Behind it is the Terem Palace of 1635-36, which incorporates several older churches, including the Resurrection of Lazarus (Voskreseniye Lazarya), dating from 1393. Both became part of the Kremlin Great Palace, built as a royal residence in 1838-49 and formerly used for sessions of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R.; its long, yellow-washed facade dominates the riverfront. It is connected to the Armoury Palace (Oruzheynaya Palata), built in 1844-51 and now the Armoury Museum, housing a large collection of treasures of the tsars. Along the northeast wall of the Kremlin are the Arsenal (1702-36), the former Senate building (1776-88), and the School for Red Commanders (1932-34). The only other Soviet-period building within the Kremlin is the Palace of Congresses (1960-61), with a vast auditorium used for political gatherings and as a theatre.


Кремль — символ русской и более поздней советской власти. Его зубчатые красные кирпичные стены и 20 башен были построены в конце 15-ого столетия, когда итальянские строители прибыли в Москву по приглашению Ивана III Великого. Из самых важных башен, Спасская (Spasskaya) Башня, ведущая к Красной площади была построена в 1491 Пьетро Соларио, который спроектировал большинство главных башен; её колокольня была добавлена в 1624-25. Перезвоны курантов передаются по радио как сигнал времени для целой нации. Также на Красной площади — Никольская (Nikolskaya) Башня, построенная первоначально в 1491 и восстановленная в 1806. Две другие основные башни — Троитская (Troitskaya) Башня, с мостом и внешним барбаканом, и Боровитская Башня — находятся на западной стене.
В пределах Кремлевских стен — один из самых поразительных и красивых архитектурных ансамблей в мире: комбинация церквей и дворцов, которые являются открытыми для публики и одними из самых популярных достопримечательностей города, и наивысших органов власти государства, которые окружены строгой секретностью. Вокруг центральной Соборной площади сгруппированы три великолепных собора, — превосходные примеры российской церковной архитектуры в ее расцвете в конце 15-го и начале 16-го века. Они и другие церкви в Кремле прекратили функционировать как храмы после Революции и теперь музеи. Белый каменный Успенский Собор является самым старым, построенным в 1475-79 в итало-византийском стиле. Его чистые, простые, и красиво распределяемые линии и изящные арки коронуются пятью золотыми куполами. Православные митрополиты и патриархи 14-ого -18-ого веков похоронены там. Поперек площади — Благовещенский Собор, построенный в 1484-89 мастерами из Пскова; хотя он был сожжен в 1547, его было восстановлено в 1562-64. Его группа часовен возвышается золотыми крышами и куполами. Внутри — множество икон, датируемых 15-м столетием, приписанных Теофану Греку и Андрею Рублёву, которого многие считают самым великим из всех русских иконописцев. Третий собор, Архангельский, был восстановлен в 1505-08; в нем хоронились князья Москвы и цари России (кроме Бориса Годунова) до основания Санкт-Петербурга.
Недалеко от площади роскошная, взлетевшая белая колокольня Ивана Великого; построенная в 16-ом столетии, поврежденная в 1812, и восстановленная несколько лет спустя. У подножья — огромный Царь- Колокол, вылитый в 1733-35, но никогда не звонивший. Поблизости — Царь-Пушка, вылитая в 1586. Около оружия расположены Собор Двенадцати Апостолов, относящийся к середине 17-го века и смежный Патриархальный Дворец.
На западе Соборной площади — группа дворцов различных периодов; Грановитая Палата — так называемый от интерьера из граненых, белых каменных пластин — был построен в 1487-91. Позади него — Дворец Терем, 1635-36, который включает несколько старых церквей, включая Воскресение Лазаря, датируемая 1393. Оба стали частью Кремлевского Большого Дворца, построенного как место жительства царей в 1838-49 и прежде используемого для сессий Верховного Совета СССР; его длинный, желтый фасад доминирует над набережной. Он связан с Оружейной Палатой, построенной в 1844-51 и теперь- Музей оружия, в котором размещено большое собрание сокровищ царей. По северо-восточной стене Кремля — Арсенал (1702-36), прежде здание Сената, построенный в (1776-88), и Школа Красных Командиров (1932-34). Единственное другое здание советского периода в пределах Кремля — Дворец Конгрессов (1960-61), с обширной заллой, используемой для политических собраний и как театр.

  • Back in medieval times, a Kremlin referred to the fortified central part of Russian cities where the population would hide in case of danger.
  • This historical complex featuring impressive architecture of different epochs and exciting museumsis inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
  • The Kremlin is the official residence of the President of Russia.
  • The area of the Moscow Kremlin is more than 27 hectares, with a 2,235-meter-long defensive wall.
  • The Kremlin is more than six centuries old,and no major reconstruction has been undertaken here since the 15th century.
  • The observation platform of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and the Kremlin’s walls give a splendid panoramic view of Moscow.
  • Visitor information and guided tours are available in English.


The Kremlin is one of the most important examples of Russian architecture and Europe’s largest fortress still in regular use. Apart from its towers and walls, the Kremlin is a gorgeous architectural ensemble: its walls conceal magnificent cathedrals and palaces of different epochs as well as the Armoury ChamberRussian: Oruzheynaya palata or Оружейная палата and the Diamond FundRussian: Almazny fond or Алмазный фонд, all of which extremely interesting museums. Today, the Kremlin1080_image2_s is the main historical and cultural complex of the city and the official residence of the President of Russia.

In fact, the Moscow Kremlin is located on Borovitsky Hillone of the seven hills of Moscow, on the high left bank of the Moskva RiverRussian: Moskva-reka or Москва-река. Its present exterior is ancient however it is not original state. Seen in an aerial view, the Kremlin is an irregular triangle. It overlooks the Moskva River to the south, the Alexander GardenRussian: Aleksandrovskiy sad or Александровский сад to the north-west, and Red Square to the east. For years, the complex grew larger every time it was reconstructed until it reached its current size in the 15th century, during the reign of Ivan III the Greathe ended the dominance of the Golden Horde over the Rus’. Just imagin: the area of the first known fortress on this site was only 3 hectares, while currently the Kremlin area takes up over 27 hectares, its defensive wall being 2,235 metres long! Just to compare: the area of the Tower of London with its Liberties is only 7 hectares.

What is the Kremlin?

Generally, the word ‘kremlin’ denotes the fortified central part of a feudal city, the most secure area in military terms (ukromny, meaning ‘unexposed’). According to other theories, this word derives from the Greek cremnos (‘rock’). Kremlins used to serve as public buildings and homes for nobility. Most of the population lived in adjacent posadstrading and manufacturing quarters, and hid behind the thick kremlin walls in the presence of danger. Such fortresses were typically located on high ground, surrounded with defense walls, moats, and loophole towers with secret passages and hidden drinking water wells. All of the above is just as true for the country’s main Kremlin in Moscow. It has weathered a good deal over the six centuries of its history, yet it still delights us with its elegant and ornate look.

The construction

Archaeologists date the first settlements on the site to as early as the Bronze Age. Then, the Finno-Ugric peoples settled there to be later replaced by peoples of the Dyakovo culturean Iron Age culture which occupied a significant part of the Upper Volga, Valday and Oka River area. The land was occupied by the Slavic peoples of Vyatichia tribe of West Slavs or East Slavs who inhabited a part of the Oka basin in the 10th century, when two fortified structures were excavated on the site of the Kremlin. In addition to the fortifications and palisades, the Vyatichi used local gullies to make a moat.

1082_image4_sThe site of present-day central Moscow once belonged to the Kuchkos, a family of Suzdalone of the oldest Russian towns boyarsmembers of the highest rank of the feudal society in Russia. However, the genuine founder of Moscow is believed to be Prince (KniazRussian: князь) Yuri Dolgorukiyliterally ‘Yuri the Long-Armed’. As legend has it, Prince Dolgorukiy was once passing through the Kuchkos’ estate, and the boyar refused to bow before him, for which the Prince ordered him to be beheaded. Thus, the Kuchko boyars’ estates along the Moskva River passed into Yuri Dolgorukiy’s ownership. This is where he founded a town which was soon renamed as Moscow, after the river. Yuri Dolgorukiy’s far-sightedness should be given credit: the city developed rapidly, as the river was used for trade actively and two land trade routes met there.

When was the Kremlin built?

1083_image5_sThe first written reference to Moscow is dated the 4th April 1147, when a feast was held (probably on the site of the present Kremlin) to celebrate the alliance between Yuri Dolgorukiy and Sviatoslav, the Prince of Chernigovtoday a city on the Desna River to the north-north-east of Kiev. The very first, wooden kremlin was built in 1156. Ivan Kalita, a shrewd prince who ruled under the voke of the Golden Hordea Mongol and later Turkicized khanate established in the 13th century and originating as the northwestern sector of the Mongol Empire, was able to build a powerful fortress right under the Horde warriors’ nose. The Kremlin was given strong oak walls and towers in 1339.

Further development and expansion of the Kremlin was ordered by Prince Dmitry Donskoyhe was the first prince of Moscow to openly challenge Mongol authority in Russia. The wooden Kremlin was turned into a stone citadel in the 1360s. From then on, Moscow started to be described as belokamennaya, or ‘white-stone’, in records. Incidentally, the strengthening of the Kremlin occurred in good time because the city successfully withstood sieges by Algirdas, Grand Duke of Lithuania, as soon as in 1368 and 1370.

.The Kremlin acquired new look, and the one we associate with it today, a century later, in 1485–1495. During the reign of Grand Prince Ivan III, commonly known as Ivan the Great, Muscovy was liberated from under the yoke of the Golden Horde, and large-scale construction was started by Ivan the Great in order to create a residence worthy of the Grand Prince of All Rus’. He invited Italian architects—Aristotele Fioravanti, Pietro Antonio Solari, and others—to ensure ultramodern fortifications. The involvment of these architects is why the Kremlin architecture style bears so much resemblance to the castles of Northern Italy. In addition, the top parts of the merlons of its crenellated walls, the so-called swallow tails. They became very popular in Russia and later were widely used in fortress building. Moreover, brick had never been used in construction before. Archaeologists have also found some stones remaining from the white-stone fortress of Prince Dmitry Donskoy in the Kremlin foundation. You can see them today if you walk along the Kremlin wall from the side of the Alexander Garden.

The historical fact

is that the Kremlin has not been rebuilt significantly after Ivan the Great; it’s only the exterior that has seen a few changes. One example is the tented roofs with which the towers were crowned in the 17th century. We are used to them today, and they make the Kremlin look more like a beautiful toy rather than an austere fortress. However, it was considered a truly impregnable fortress in the 15th–16th centuries and has never been taken by force. Moats were dug around the Kremlin with time and more ground fortifications were built (which Peter the Greatruled from 1682 until 1725 later supplemented with bastions). The Kremlin was only accessible by several suspension bridges, the entrance to which was guarded by barbicans. The KutafyaRussian: Кутафья barbican is the only one of them which has survived; it is used as the entrance to this architectural ensemble by visitors. Interestingly each of the twenty Kremlin towers is completely unique from all the others!

Orthodox cathedrals

1085_image7_sCathedral SquareRussian: Sobornaya ploschad’ or Соборная площадь is the heart of the Moscow Kremlin. The first wooden churches appeared on the site as early as the 13th century. Russian architects Krivtsov and Myshkin were commissioned to erect the large stone Cathedral of the DormitionRussian: Uspenskiy sobor or Успенский собор in 1471, during Ivan the Great’s rule. They began construction, but when the building was already vaulted, it collapsed. Ivan the Great invited Italian architect Aristotele Fioravanti to erect a new Cathedral of the Dormition. The mandatory requirement was that the Moscow cathedral should be modelled after the Dormition Cathedral in Vladimira city located on the Klyazma River, 200 kilometers to the east of Moscow. In 1475–1479, Fioravanti built the cathedral that we admire today. Despite its great resemblance to traditional Russian churches, the Cathedral of the Dormition has a totally different layout: its inner space is divided into twelve equal sections. The neighbouring Cathedral of the ArchangelRussian: Arkhangel’skiy sobor or Архангельский собор was constructed a bit later as a necropolis for the Grand Prince’s family. The Cathedral of the AnnunciationRussian: Blagoveshchenskiy sobor or Благовещенский собор, the family church of Moscow princes, and the Church of the Deposition of the RobeRussian: Tserkov’ Rizopolozheniya or Церковь Ризоположения, the home church of the Patriarch, were rebuilt in stone around the same time. The construction of the bell tower to be named after Ivan the Great also began. All of these cathedrals can be viewed today. Apart from seeing the ancient paintings and icons, you can also visit the permanent historical exhibitions they offer. The Ivan the Great Bell TowerRussian: Kolokol’nya Ivana Velikogo or Колокольня Ивана Великого has an observation desk open in summertime.

Besides the gorgeous Kremlin and Red Square, there are a lot of outstanding historical landmarks in Moscow. You should visit Novodevichy convent, Moscow cathedral of Annunciation and other unique sights. You can read about them on our website pages about Moscow history and Moscow Architecture.

The 17th–21st centuries

Terem PalaceThe Kremlin was occupied by Polish-Lithuanian invaders at the beginning of the 17th century. As Moscow was liberated by the People’s MilitiaPeople’s Volunteer Army, large-scale construction of secular buildings, for example, the wonderful fairytale-like Terem PalaceRussian: Teremnoy dvorets or Теремной дворец, commenced under the reign of the House of Romanovthe second dynasty to rule Russia, after the House of Rurik, reigning from 1613 until the February Revolution in1917. However, the beginning of the reign of Peter the Great radically changed the course of history. The Kremlin ceased to be royal residence: Peter moved to the village of PreobrazhenskoeRussian: Преображенское near Moscow and later started to build Saint Petersburg, the new capital.

Yet, the Kremlin was not totally neglected: following the fire of 1701, it was completely forbidden to construct wooden buildings inside the Kremlin, and the vacant space was used to build the Arsenala former armory built within the grounds of the Moscow Kremlin. Under Catherine the GreatEmpress of Russia from 1762 until 1796, two departments of the Senate were relocated to the Kremlin from Saint Petersburg, and architect Matvey Kazakov built the first classicist building in the Kremlin ensemble to accommodate them. It bears the same name—the Senate—and has been used as senior state officials’ workplace ever since.

The War of 1812war between the Russian Empire and Napoleonic France on the territory of Russia in 1812 is an important milestone in the history of the Kremlin. It affected the whole country, and the Kremlin began to be perceived a symbol of the country’s military glory. Napoleon gave orders to blow it up and unfortunately, despite the fact that not all the bombs exploded, the Kremlin was damaged so severely that it took twenty years to restore it. 1086_image8_s
As a result of its restoration, the fortress towers acquired their present appearance, the Moscow ManegeRussian: Moskovskiy Manezh or Московский Манеж was constructed nearby, and the Alexander Garden was arranged to catch the attention of Muscovites. The majestic Grand Kremlin PalaceRussian: Bol’shoy Kremlevskiy dvorets or Большой Кремлевский дворец was erected within the Kremlin area. In the late 19th century, the pageantry and historical importance of the Moscow fortress was emphasised by the construction of the Armoury and the State Historical MuseumRussian: Istoricheskiy muzey or Исторический музей.

Spasskaya TowerIn 1918, almost 200 years after Peter the Great moved the capital from Moscow to Saint Petersburg, the Kremlin recovered its status of the residence of the country’s leaders, now – the Soviet ones. The double-headed eagles on the towers were replaced with stars of gilded copper encrusted with Uralian gemstones, which were later replaced with stars made of ruby glass. Then a sad chapter in Kremlin’s history followed. The public access to the Kremlin was closed, and the cathedral bells fell silent. The most important monument of Russian architecture had never suffered such large-scale damage as it did in the Soviet times. Even the Great Patriotic War had not inflicted any significant losses on it, because its roofs and squares were camouflaged with sheets of plywood painted with streetscapes making the Kremlin inconspicuous to German bombers. Under the Soviet rule, monuments were toppled, icons were removed from the front gate, and the precious church plate was confiscated. The Grand Kremlin Palace was repurposed to hold party congresses, the Tsarina’s Golden ChamberRussian: Zolotaya Tsaritsyna palata or Золотая Царицына палата served as a kitchen, and the fabulous Palace of FacetsRussian: Granovitaya Palata or Грановитая палата became a public canteen. The Church of Saint CatherineRussian: Yekaterininskaya tserkov’ or Екатерининская церковь of the Ascension ConventVoznesenskiy monastyr’ or Вознесенский монастырь was converted into a gym, and the Chudov MonasteryRussian: Chudov monastyr’ or Чудов монастырь served as hospital. The Kremlin was partially reopened to the public as an open-air museum in 1955 only, and was at last inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1990.

SenateNowadays, despite all the tragic events in its history, the Kremlin is a magnificent example of architecture. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions Moscow, so be ready to wait in a long queue for tickets in summer and on weekends. Your patience, however, will be rewarded in spades by the view on the Cathedral Square and the panorama that can be seen from the walls of the Kremlin.

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