Рассказ про курган на английском

Курган расположен в местности, получившей точное, красивое название Зауралье.

The mound is located in the area, which received the exact, beautiful name of the Trans-Ural region.

Курган – это ворота в Сибирь. The mound is the gateway to Siberia.

Раньше, Курган использовался в качестве ссыльного места для каторжников-декабристов. Earlier, Kurgan was used as an exile place for convicts-Decembrists.

Благодаря ссыльным и началось быстрое развитие города. Thanks to exiles, the rapid development of the city began.

Все декабристы были людьми образованными, которые старались улучшить жизнь в провинциальном городке. All the Decembrists were educated people who tried to improve life in a provincial town.

Светское общество одевалось по модным журналам и умели танцевать французскую кадриль. Secular society dressed in fashion magazines and was able to dance the French quadrille.

Курган – один из крупнейших транспортных железнодорожных узлов, средоточие машиностроительной промышленности. Kurgan is one of the largest transport railway junctions, the focus of the machine-building industry.

Во время Второй мировой войны в область было эвакуировано множество предприятий. During the Second World War, many enterprises were evacuated to the region.

Интересные достопримечательности – Interesting attractions:

  • Курганский авиационный музей.
    Kurgansky aviation museum.
  • Дом-музей фотографа Кочешева А.И.
    House-Museum of the photographer A.I. Kocheshev.
  • Музей декабристов.
    Museum of the Decembrists.
  • Пожарная каланча.
    Fire Tower.
  • Памятник родителям.
    Monument to parents.
  • Памятник Нулевой километр.
    Memory Zero kilometer.

Природа в Кургане очень красивая. Nature in the mound is very beautiful.

На территории области протекает множество рек и ручьев, расположено большое количество красивых озер. On the territory of the region there are many rivers and streams, there are a lot of beautiful lakes.

Многие озера содержат лечебные минеральные воды. Many lakes contain medicinal mineral waters.

Одно из красивых и уникальных мест- озеро Медвежье. One of the most beautiful and unique places is Lake Medvezhye.

По легенде, медведь излечил в его воде раненую лапу и взамен подарил этому красивому месту форму своего тела.

According to legend, the bear healed a wounded paw in his water and in return gave this beautiful place the shape of his body.

Russia is a big country, but among its expanses, for sure, each of us has one place in which we feel great, our soul and body are in complete harmony. It is about our hometown Kurgan. Kurgan is a small but sometimes very beautiful town. Among the very modest three-storey buildings of the railway station there are two ancient water towers. They are of historical value. Also in the city there is a Gorky Park. It is very beautiful there, especially in the fall, when the leaves fall from the trees and become golden in color, you seem to be in a fairy tale! There are benches on the street, people are sitting on them and talking about something sweetly, but you don’t care for it — you admire the urban nature. In the center of the city there is a square — the pride of Kurgan. She is gorgeous! There is a monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin on the background of the building of the City Administration. In order to finally be convinced of the beauty of the Kurgan, it’s enough to go somewhere on the nature. We have a lot of birch groves in Kurgan. There you can relax, have a picnic. In a word, Kurgan has everything that a beautiful city needs: historical buildings, magnificent nature and, most importantly, good people.


Россия — большая страна, но среди ее просторов, наверняка, у каждого из нас есть одно местечко, в котором мы чувствуем себя великолепно, наша душа и тело находятся в полной гармонии.Речь идет о нашем родном городе Кургане. Курган — это небольшой, но местами очень красивый городок. Среди весьма скромных трехэтажных зданий железнодорожного вокзала возвышаются две старинные водонапорные башни. Они представляют историческую ценность. Также в городе есть ЦПКиО. Там очень красиво, особенно осенью, когда листья падают с деревьев и становятся золотистого цвета, ты будто оказываешься в сказке! На улице стоят скамейки, на них сидят люди и о чем то мило беседуют, но тебе не до этого — ты любуешься городской природой. В центре города есть площадь — гордость Кургана. Она великолепна! На фоне здания Администрации города красуется памятник Владимиру Ильичу Ленину.Чтобы окончательно убедиться в красоте Кургана, достаточно выехать куда-нибудь на природу.Там очень свежий воздух, порой можно даже встретить белку, которая запасается шишками. У нас в Кургане много березовых рощ. Там можно хорошо отдохнуть, устроить пикник. Одним словом, в Кургане есть все, что нужно иметь красивому городу: исторические здания, великолепная природа и самое главное — хорошие люди.

Motherland Calls
!» The statue towers over the countryside at 52 meters. The hill on which stands a monument to Motherland, bulk-its height is about meters. Height Motherland considering the sword is 85 meters, and sculpture is one of the tallest statues in the world. Both sides to the top of

Mamaev Kurgan

are several tracks, one of which is from the area of the Tribulation. Along the path, there are several tombstones — with the name of those who gave their lives in the battles of Stalingrad. There is also the tomb of the unknown soldier. 

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The Motherland Calls

Motherland Calls Statue — Motherland Calls is the centre for constructing the monument-collections «Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad» at Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia. It was designed by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich and architect Nikolai Nikitin, and announced the world’s tallest statue in 1967.

Stalingrad Memorial — Just a mound under the statue in Russia «The Motherland Calls» whose reward was to be 34,505 soldiers buried right here — the defenders of Stalingrad. On the top of the hill at the foot of Mother Motherland is a winding path along which the 35 granite tombstones heroes of the Soviet Union, members of the Stalingrad Battle. The foot of the mound to its tip serpentine consists of precisely 200 granite steps height of 15 cm. Around the monument, there is always a lot of rumours and gossip. Perhaps the most pressing issue was the mystery of the prototype of the world-famous sculpture Yevgeny Vuchetich. Some believe that Vuchetich sculpted the body figure to discus thrower  Nina Dumbadzeand a face from his wife, Vera. The prototype of the prominent figures of Mamayev Kurgan was Valentina Izotova — waitress (Rodina Mat Zovyot) of city restaurant «Volgograd,» she was 26 years old.

The Motherland calls statue

Russian statue — Sculpture «The Motherland Calls» Volgograd is mounted on a pedestal height of two meters, which rests on a foundation hidden underground. Construction of the Russian monument » The Motherland Calls» on Mamayev Kurgan Hill went step by step using unique technology. The Russian sculpture inside is supported not only rigid frame but hundreds of strong ropes that keep the frame to bend under the weight of concrete. The monument stands on a 16-meter foundation. 

First Image Credit © Vadim Burkovsky

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The Motherland Calls Statue

The Motherland Monument — During the design of the sculpture «The Motherland Calls,» Volgograd statue constantly had to make changes to the construction plan. Little know that initially, The Motherland statue had to look differently: the original draft suggested the existence of 2 figures (and a kneeling woman soldier). In his hand, Motherland had not held a sword and a red banner. Not found it necessary to Vucetich and sumptuously decorated pedestal of the mother and the stairs, so initially in the project, were replaced path, like a ribbon that encircled the Russian Motherland.

Statue with Sword — Dimensions sculptures have also been changed — The original 36 meters «grown-up» to 52 meters. And finally, the construction began in May 1959. The opening of the Volgograd monument occurred on the 15th of October 1967. Its height — 52 meters, the length of her arms outstretched, ups — 20 meters, the size of the sword — 33 meters. Overall height sculptures — 85 meters. Weight monument without foundations — about 8000 tons.

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Soviet Statue — Sword of the Motherland was initially made of stainless steel, titanium lined with leaves. In 1972 replaced the blade, which still has too high a wind-age and was strongly swayed by the wind. Threatening structural strength. New sword made from fluoridated steel with holes in the top of the blade.

Motherland Monument — Motherland on Mamev Hill presented in the form of mothers convening their heroes to defend the homeland. Sharp lines of the figure, messy hair in the wind, her eyes wide and mouth woman, hand-stretched out over the city — all this creates a feeling of power and voltage, the atmosphere of anxiety and movement.

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Image Credit IREX

The Motherland Calls Statues
— In a sharp, swift rush, a woman stood on the mound. With sword in hand, she encourages her son to defend the Fatherland. Her right foot slightly back, torso and head vigorously deployed to the left. Face stern and resolute. Frown, wide open screaming mouth, fanned by wind gusts short hair, strong hands, body shape fitting long dress, fanned by wind gusts ends handkerchief — all this creates a feeling of strength, expression and irresistible striving froward. 

Monument of Russia — In the background of the sky, it is like a bird soaring in the sky. Mother Motherland sculpture looks excellent on all sides of the year: In the summer, when the mound is covered with a continuous grass carpet, and a winter evening — bright, lit by the rays of searchlights. Majestic stature, speaking on the background of dark blue sky as if it grows out of the mound, merging it with the snow cover.

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From the foot of Mother Motherland, extensive views of all the elements of the ensemble, the city, the Vogoa, Zavolzhe. Motherland is visible within the Mamaev Kugan — It dominates the whole town, and it is visible from ten kilometers. 

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«To Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad» 

The Motherland Calls | Map

The Motherland Calls | Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia — Video

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Today, more than two million visitors from all over the world come here to remember those who fought and lost their lives. A 72-year-old grandmother was the model for Russia’s most famous Soviet war memorial, Rodina Mat (Motherland Mother). For nearly forty years, she kept silent about her part in its artistic creation.

Mamayev Kurgan is famous for its memorial complex

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Mamayev Kurgan is famous for its memorial complex «The Motherland Calls».

The central figure of the complex is a statue of a woman holding a sword. The height of the sculpture is 85 metres from the feet to the tip of the sword.

This complex commemorates the Battle of Stalingrad. Mamayev Kurgan was the place where fierce fighting occured.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Мамаев курган известен его мемориальный комплекс «Родина-мать зовет». Центральная фигура комплекса является статуя женщина, держащая меч. Высота скульптуры составляет 85 метров от ног до кончика меча. Этот комплекс в честь Сталинградской битвы. Мамаев курган был местом, где произошли ожесточенные бои.

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Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Мамаев Курган славится своим мемориального комплекса «Родина — мать зовет».

Центральная фигура комплекса является статуя женщины , держащей меч. Высота скульптуры составляет 85 метров от ног до кончика меча.

Этот комплекс в память о Сталинградской битве. Мамаев курган был местом , где происходили ожесточенные бои.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


мамаев курган славится своей мемориального комплекса «родина — мать».центральной фигурой комплекса — статуя женщина с мечом.высота скульптуры — 85 метров с ноги на острие меча.этот комплекс отмечает сталинградская битва.мамаев курган был местом, где произошли ожесточенные бои.

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Drenched in history, Volgograd is the city whose cultural significance rivals that of any other in Russia. The vast hill looming over the city is one of the premier reasons for this, standing witness to the many trials and tribulations its residents went through down the ages. Mamaev Kurgan by name, today the hill hosts a modern memorial complex dedicated to people who fell victim to the Battle of Stalingrad. It is considered one of the seven wonders of Russia and is in many ways the beating heart of her people.

There is something unmistakably profound about this place. Is it the thousands that lie dead at every strata of its 102 meters height? Or maybe the hollow hum pervading the air while taking the 200 stairs to the top? Whatever it is, visiting Mamaev Hill is an experience you won’t forget anytime soon.

Must-watch: Mamaev Kurgan, Volgograd City & Stalingrad Panorama Museum Video.
Video by Extreme.tv & Kultura State TV channel


  • 1 Not a Step Back!
  • 2 Climbing the ‘Height 102’
  • 3 Stand to Death!
  • 4 ‘The Iron Wind’
  • 5 Fire Eternally Lit
  • 6 The Sorrowful Mother
    • 6.1 The Mama
  • 7 The Descent

Not a Step Back!

But first, let’s brush up on some history.

Historically, this cap-shaped hill has been significant to all people who lived here. Russians, for their part, defended it with all their might during the Stalingrad battle. They had to because ‘to retreat further means to waste ourselves, and our Motherland’ – as Stalin pointed out in the order No 227. During majority of the battle, defending Mamaev Kurgan meant the difference between victory and defeat.

Consequently, the hillock venued some of the fiercest shelling and killing in the battle. It is recorded that its soil remained black long after the battle was over; no snow or grass could lend their respective colors for all the blood and metal that was ingrained in it. Mamaev Kurgan was the only way for Germans to reach the Volga, and Nazis poured their forces to get hold of it. Today, built in almost 2 decades, the hill is turned into the largest WWII memorial complex anywhere in the world. It offers a mention and a resting place for the unfortunate thousands who fought, defended, and died heroes here.

Climbing the ‘Height 102’

The ‘Height 102’, as the war maps named the hillock, is the highest point in Volgograd decorated by the stupendous Motherland Calls! statue. To get there, to experience the full magnetism of this fascinating place, we ought to take the fated 200 stairs, one for each day that that the battle was fought.

Bur before we set our foot to the first of the 200, we are greeted by the Memory of Generations stone composition. It depicts people, young and old, walking in reverence and paying their respects for the victims. Head bowed in reverence and held high in pride, let’s take a walk with them.

Check out this great Mamaev Kurgan Interactive Map to plan your visit there. It is available in English too (click the language switcher at the bottom). Adobe flashplayer will be required to take this Mamaev Kurgan online tour.

Stand to Death!

Walking along more than 200m-long Alley of Poplar Trees, the distant view of the Motherland Calls! opens up to our first stop – Standing to Death Square. The focal point here is the statue is the middle, showing a soldier fearless in the face of danger. He’s dynamic, caught mid-action as he’s about to plunge a grenade into the heart of his enemies.

History buffs might recognize the soldier as Vasily Chuikov, one of the foremost protagonists of the Stalingrad battle and later designers of the memorial. He stands in the middle of a 35m round pool, his back facing the hill top, defying the odds with his strength and courage.‘Only Forward’

Continuing our ascension, we ought to pass though the Hot Gates of Mamaev Kurgan – the Ruined Walls monument. It is a stair passage framed by massive, 17,5m high stone walls on both sides. The walls depict fragments of war, figures affected by and slogans people chanted in defiance of it. Various Inscriptions and audible war songs portray the sentiment of the people during the first half of the 1940s.

‘The Iron Wind’

The walled passage leads to our most significant stop before we reach the top of the hill. Square of Heroes is marked by a huge pond in the middle and the banner-like wall to one side.

The other side is columned by 6 statues each standing 6 meters tall. The figures come in pairs and are emblematic of the archetypal war situations – a wounded soldier carrying on with his comrade, a nurse helping a soldier up, or another one picking up a banner from his fallen comrade. Gazing back at the wall and reading its larger-than-life inscription, 3 words in particular stand out; the words read: ‘are they mortal?’ Only one answer to that.

From the square leading to our next destination we see a grand wall showcasing the Soviet victory. Here, sealed by its stony safety is a capsule, due to be opened at the WWII victory centenary. It contains a letter for future generations, and we’ll find out its content on May 9, 2045.

You can visit Mamaev Kurgan as part of our Volgograd Day Tour, but for now, we extend our hand in an attempt to give you a snippet of this fascinating place.

Fire Eternally Lit

The entire journey is spiced by some remarkable views of the Volga River stretching into distance. But now we enter an enclosed space, a round hall with the immortal Shubert humming in the background. This is the Hall of Military Glory, the home of the eternal fire lit on a torch supported by a large hand-shaped marble. The hall resembles a shrine, a temple, with the fire safeguarded by an endless array of the 46th Infantry Company who change their posts every hour until 8 pm. The banners you see hanging all around contain more than 7000 names of the city defenders.

The Sorrowful Mother

We leave the solemn atmosphere of the Military Hall only to arrive at Square of Sorrow. The central figure here is a large female statue surrounded by the lake of tears, weeping, weeping for her loved ones who sacrificed for the better world. She might also be weeping for the great Soviet Marshall Vasily Chuikov, whose grave adorns the garden nearby. Therefrom we are almost there, almost at the summit of Mamaev Kurgan.

The Mama

Covering some 1.5 km from hill foot to hilltop, we’re finally there. Like lost ship the North Star, we followed where she beckoned us, always keeping one eye on her mighty posture. The Motherland Calls! statue is the center piece of Mamaev Kurgan – its largest and most celebrated monument. At 85m it is the tallest figure of a woman in the world, and still the tallest one in Europe and Russia.

Crying a patriotic call in defense of the land, she extends her mighty sword towards the blue. Eternally pompous, ‘Mama’ as the locals call her is the greatest symbolic portrayal of the Russian people during the World War 2. Resolute, defiant, not unlike them, she presides over her beloved city, safeguarding it from any potential danger.

Erecting such an enormous statue is no small feat. A few structural inventions had to be pulled off in order for the statue to safely stand. These went successful though, and resulted in an impressive figure that can be seen from almost any point in the city.

The Descent

We dare you to climb down from Mamaev Hill and not be a changed person. It’s just that sort of place, where tragic historical significance finds solace in majestic sensory experience. Our Volgograd Day Tour devotes 2.5 hours to the complex, but you can spend days here and still be dazzled by the new. Still, don’t be daunted by its scope, but rather be intoxicated by its beauty. Come, the ‘Mama’ calls!




Kuybyshev Street in Kurgan

Kuybyshev Street in Kurgan

Flag of Kurgan


Coat of arms of Kurgan

Coat of arms

Location of Kurgan

Kurgan is located in Russia



Location of Kurgan

Kurgan is located in Kurgan Oblast



Kurgan (Kurgan Oblast)

Coordinates: 55°28′N 65°21′E / 55.467°N 65.350°ECoordinates: 55°28′N 65°21′E / 55.467°N 65.350°E
Country Russia
Federal subject Kurgan Oblast[1]
Founded 1679
City status since 1782
 • Body City Duma[2]
 • Head Elena Vyacheslavovna Sitnikova (Елена Вячеславовна Ситникова)


 • Total 393 km2 (152 sq mi)
Elevation 75 m (246 ft)

 (2010 Census)[4]

 • Total 333,606
 • Estimate 


318,045 (−4.7%)
 • Rank 53rd in 2010
 • Density 850/km2 (2,200/sq mi)

Administrative status

 • Subordinated to Kurgan City Under Oblast Jurisdiction[1]
 • Capital of Kurgan Oblast[1], Kurgan City Under Oblast Jurisdiction[1]

Municipal status

 • Urban okrug Kurgan Urban Okrug[6]
 • Capital of Kurgan Urban Okrug[6]
Time zone UTC+5 (MSK+2 Edit this on Wikidata[7])
Postal code(s)[8]


Dialing code(s) +7 3522
OKTMO ID 37701000001
Website www.kurgan-city.ru

Kurgan (Russian: Курган, IPA: [kʊrˈgan]) is the largest city and the administrative center of Kurgan Oblast in the south of the Urals Federal District of Russia. Population: 310,911 (2021 Census);[9] 333,606 (2010 Census);[4] 345,515 (2002 Census);[10] 355,517 (1989 Census).[11].

Until 1782 Kurgan bore the name Tsaryovo Gorodishche.


An urban settlement was established here between 1659 and 1662 as Tsaryovo Gorodishche (Царёво Городи́ще, meaning Imperial Citadel) by Timofey Nevezhin, a farmer from Tyumen.[citation needed] In the ensuing years it was developed as a fortress town. It served as a frontier post and its fortified position enabled it to defend other Russian settlements from nomad attacks. Nevertheless, it was itself not always able to withstand such attacks, and was sometimes plundered and burnt down.[citation needed]

The city was granted city privileges by the Empress Catherine the Great in 1782, which is when it acquired its present name and became the seat of an uyezd.[citation needed] The present name is taken from a large kurgan (burial mound) close to the original settlement.

Its coat of arms was granted on 17 March 1785, and it became the administrative center of Kurgan Oblast in 1943.[citation needed] Kurgan was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour in 1982.[citation needed]

Administrative and municipal status[edit]

Kurgan is the administrative center of the oblast.[1] Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Kurgan City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts.[1] As a municipal division, Kurgan City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Kurgan Urban Okrug.[6]

Economy and military[edit]

Kurgan stands on the Trans-Siberian Railway line, between Yekaterinburg and Omsk. It is served by two railway stations and the Kurgan Airport, and it was home to the Kurgan West air base during the Cold War. It is also home to Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics, KAvZ autobus plant, and the machine building company Kurganmashzavod which produces the widely known BMP-1, BMP-2 and BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles.


Kurgan has a humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification Dfb). Influenced by the Siberian High, it is a relatively dry climate. Winters are cold, although not severe by Siberian standards. Summers are variable but relatively moderate, even though heat waves can bring temperatures well above the 26 °C (79 °F) average July highs.

Climate data for Kurgan (1991–2020, extremes 1893–present)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 4.3
Average high °C (°F) −11.4
Daily mean °C (°F) −15.5
Average low °C (°F) −19.4
Record low °C (°F) −47.9
Average precipitation mm (inches) 18
Average extreme snow depth cm (inches) 24
Average rainy days 1 1 4 10 16 16 15 17 18 14 6 2 120
Average snowy days 23 18 14 6 2 0.1 0 0 1 9 17 21 111
Average relative humidity (%) 82 80 78 66 59 63 69 72 74 77 81 81 74
Mean monthly sunshine hours 72 118 185 237 279 306 300 251 180 109 69 56 2,162
Source 1: Pogoda.ru.net[12]
Source 2: NOAA (sun, 1961–1990)[13]

Educational facilities[edit]

  • Agricultural academy
  • Kurgan State University
  • Kurgan International University
  • Military Academy
  • Railroad Academy
  • Various theaters
  • Academy of Labor and Social Relations


  • Lenin Square [ru]

  • Marshal Golikov avenue

    Marshal Golikov avenue

  • Kurgan Regional Philharmonic Society [ru]

  • Kurgan Drama Theater [ru]

  • Cinema "Rossiya"

    Cinema «Rossiya»

  • Wilhelm Küchelbecker house museum

  • Russian Orthodox Church Alexander Nevsky Cathedral [ru]

  • Main post office

    Main post office

  • Kurgan Airport

  • Railway station [ru]

  • Central market

    Central market

  • Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics

  • Kurganmashzavod

  • City center of culture and leisure

    City center of culture and leisure

  • Children's art school

    Children’s art school

  • Kurgan Aviation Museum [ru]

  • River Tobol

Notable people[edit]

  • Oleg Bogomolov (born 1950), governor of Kurgan Oblast
  • Dmitri Bushmanov (born 1978), association football player
  • Maxim Fadeev (born 1968), singer-songwriter, composer and producer
  • Yuri Galtsev (born 1961), Honored Artist of the Russian Federation
  • Gavriil Ilizarov (1921–1992), physician, known for inventing the Ilizarov apparatus for lengthening limb bones
  • Vyacheslav Kamoltsev (born 1971), association football player
  • Larisa Korobeynikova (born 1987), fencer
  • Evgeni Krasilnikov (1965–2014), volleyball player
  • Leonid Krasin (1870–1926), politician and diplomat
  • Ivan Kurpishev (born 1969), powerlifter
  • Dmitri Loskov (born 1974), association football player
  • Aleksey Markovsky (born 1957), swimmer
  • Aleksandr Menshchikov (born 1973), wrestler
  • Yana Romanova (born 1983), biathlete
  • Sergei Rublevsky (born 1974), chess grandmaster
  • Yulia Savicheva (born 1987), singer
  • Alexander Solonik (1960–1997), Russian mobster and hitman
  • Elena Temnikova (born 1985), singer
  • Sergei Teryayev (born 1994), professional ice hockey defenceman
  • Alexander Vinogradov (1930–2011), journalist and writer
  • Sergey Vinogradov (1958–2010), journalist, translator, and writer
  • Sergei Yakovlev (1925–1996), actor
  • Mikhail Znamensky (1833–1892), writer, memoirist, painter, caricaturist, archeologist and ethnographer

International relations[edit]

Twin towns and sister cities[edit]

Kurgan is twinned with:



  1. ^ a b c d e f g Law #316
  2. ^ КУРГАНСКАЯ ГОРОДСКАЯ ДУМА (из Устава города Кургана)
  3. ^ «Паспорт муниципального образования Курганской области город Курган». City of Kurgan. Archived from the original on May 10, 2012. Retrieved October 28, 2012.
  4. ^ a b Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том 1 [2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1]. Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  5. ^ «26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года». Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2019.
  6. ^ a b c Law #419
  7. ^ «Об исчислении времени». Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2019.
  8. ^ Почта России. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. (Russian Post). Поиск объектов почтовой связи (Postal Objects Search) (in Russian)
  9. ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Всероссийская перепись населения 2020 года. Том 1 [2020 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1] (XLS) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  10. ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service (May 21, 2004). Численность населения России, субъектов Российской Федерации в составе федеральных округов, районов, городских поселений, сельских населённых пунктов – районных центров и сельских населённых пунктов с населением 3 тысячи и более человек [Population of Russia, Its Federal Districts, Federal Subjects, Districts, Urban Localities, Rural Localities—Administrative Centers, and Rural Localities with Population of Over 3,000] (XLS). Всероссийская перепись населения 2002 года [All-Russia Population Census of 2002] (in Russian).
  11. ^ Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 г. Численность наличного населения союзных и автономных республик, автономных областей и округов, краёв, областей, районов, городских поселений и сёл-райцентров [All Union Population Census of 1989: Present Population of Union and Autonomous Republics, Autonomous Oblasts and Okrugs, Krais, Oblasts, Districts, Urban Settlements, and Villages Serving as District Administrative Centers]. Всесоюзная перепись населения 1989 года [All-Union Population Census of 1989] (in Russian). Институт демографии Национального исследовательского университета: Высшая школа экономики [Institute of Demography at the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 – via Demoscope Weekly.
  12. ^
    «Weather and Climate-The Climate of Kurgan» (in Russian). Weather and Climate. Retrieved November 8, 2021.
  13. ^
    «Kurgan Climate Normals 1961–1990». National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Retrieved November 7, 2021.
  14. ^ «Sister Cities». appleton.org. Retrieved August 30, 2020.


  • Курганская областная Дума. Закон №316 от 27 декабря 2007 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Курганской области», в ред. Закона №60 от 2 июля 2015 г. «О внесении изменения в Закон Курганской области «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Курганской области»». Вступил в силу по истечении десяти дней со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Новый мир», Документы, выпуск №1, 11 января 2008 г. (Kurgan Oblast Duma. Law #316 of December 27, 2007 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Kurgan Oblast, as amended by the Law #60 of July 2, 2015 On Amending the Law of Kurgan Oblast «On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Kurgan Oblast». Effective as of the day ten days after the official publication date.).
  • Курганская областная Дума. Закон №419 от 6 июля 2004 г. «О наделении муниципальных образований статусом городского округа, муниципального района, сельского поселения, городского поселения, о месте нахождения представительных органов муниципальных районов, сельских поселений, об установлении наименований представительных органов муниципальных образований, глав муниципальных образований, местных администраций (исполнительно-распорядительных органов муниципальных образований)», в ред. Закона №70 от 2 июля 2015 г. «О внесении изменений в некоторые Законы Курганской области». Вступил в силу со дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Новый мир», №142, 31 июля 2004 г. (Kurgan Oblast Duma. Law #419 of July 6, 2004 On Granting the Municipal Formations the Status of Urban Okrug, Municipal District, Rural Settlement, Urban Settlement; on Establishing the Places Where the Representative Organs of the Municipal Districts, Rural Settlements Sit; on Establishing the Names of the Representative Organs of the Municipal Formations, of the Heads of the Municipal Formations, of the Local Administrations (the Executive Organs of the Municipal Formations), as amended by the Law #70 of July 2, 2015 On Amending Various Laws of Kurgan Oblast. Effective as of the day of the official publication.).

External links[edit]

  • Official website of Kurgan (in Russian)
  • Kurgan news portal (in Russian)
  • Cultural heritage of Kurgan (in Russian)

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