Рассказ про лего на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Моя любимая игрушка — Лего/ My Favorite Toy Is LEGO с переводом на русский язык.

My Favorite Toy Is LEGO Моя любимая игрушка — Лего
Constructing is a favorite pastime of many boys, and I am one of them as well. I have a lot of prefabs from different sets in my home collection, but my favorite is to play with LEGO. Конструирование — это любимое занятие многих мальчишек, и я также отношусь к их числу. В моей домашней коллекции есть множество сборных моделей из различных наборов, но больше всего мне нравится играть с LEGO.
LEGO can be called a universal construction set that is suitable for all ages. So, when I was little, I loved to play with LEGO DUPLO, building my first ships and cities from large blocks. As I got older, I got carried away with the usual «Lego», represented by many thematic series. LEGO можно назвать универсальным конструктором, который подходит для всех возрастов. Так, когда я был маленьким, то любил играть с LEGO DUPLO, собирая свои первые корабли и города из крупных блоков. Став старше, я увлёкся обычным «Лего», представленным множеством тематических серий.
Today there is already a fire station and a pirate ship in my home collection, as well as Hogwarts Castle, where the heroes of the Harry Potter films and books live. I really like the LEGO Bionicle series — these are large transforming robots that can be assembled from many small parts and combined with each other. Сегодня в моей домашней коллекции уже есть пожарная станция и пиратский корабль, а также замок Хогвартс, где живут герои фильмов и книг о Гарри Поттере. Мне очень нравится серия LEGO Bionicle — это большие роботы-трансформеры, которых можно собирать из множества мелких деталей и комбинировать между собой.
When I play with my favorite constructing kit, I usually do not just build certain locations out of it, but also come up with a certain plot. I like to voice my characters, write stories that could happen to them, destroy and rebuild something during the game. Когда я играю с любимым конструктором, то обычно не просто строю из него определённые локации, но и обязательно придумывают некий сюжет. Мне нравится озвучивать своих персонажей, сочинять истории, которые могли бы произойти с ними, что-то разрушать и перестраивать в процессе игры.
I can spend hours this way alone in my room, but it’s much more fun playing LEGO with my friends. Usually they come to visit me with their sets, and by combining our kits, we create new completely unexpected decorations and plots. Так я могу часы напролёт проводить один в своей комнате, но гораздо веселее играть в LEGO с друзьями. Обычно они приходят ко мне в гости вместе со своими наборами, и объединяя наши конструкторы, мы создаём новые совершенно неожиданные декорации и сюжеты.
I am pleased with the wide range of possibilities LEGO has to offer. There are not only blocks and toys of different sizes, but also accessories, animals, plants, dishes, devices for various mechanisms. Recently, my parents also gave me a kit that allows me to build my own robot and connect it to a computer, setting a series of simple programs that it will execute. Меня радует широкий диапазон возможностей LEGO. Здесь есть не только разных размеров блоки и человечки, но также аксессуары, животные, растения, посуда, приспособления для различных механизмов. Недавно родители также подарили мне набор, который позволяет сконструировать своего робота и подключить его к компьютеру, задав ряд простых программ, которые он будет выполнять.
For now this gift has become the best one for me. Every day when I play with it I feel incredibly happy and I never get tired of thanking my parents for such a wonderful surprise. На сегодняшний день этот подарок стал самым лучшим для меня. Играя с ним, каждый день я чувствую себя невероятно счастливым и не устаю благодарить родителей за такой чудесный сюрприз.

Здравствуйте, друзья. Сегодня мы научимся говорить о своей любимой игрушке. Детям в начальных классах часто дают задание — написать сочинение о своей любимой игрушке (My favourite toy). В уроке вы найдете пример сочинения и его подробный разбор.

 Моя любимая игрушка шаблон

I want to tell you about my favourite toy.I have got many toys. I have got cars, planes, soldiers, lego, stuffed animals, dolls, balls, robots, different games. I like them all. But most of all I like my teddy bear. I have this teddy for 2 years. My grandmother gave it to me for my birthday. Teddy is not very big. It has a funny face. Its colour is brown. It is very soft. I like to hug it. And I like to sleep with it sometimes.

Разбор текста:

  • I want to tell you about my favourite toy. – Я хочу рассказать вам о своей любимой игрушке.
  • I have got many toys. – У меня много игрушек.
  • I have got … – У меня есть… (выбираем игрушки из списка)
  • cars — машинки
  • planes — самолеты
  • soldiers — солдатики
  • lego – лего
  • stuffed animals – плюшевые игрушки
  • dolls — куклы
  • balls – мячи
  • robots – роботы
  • different games – разные игры
  • I like them all. – Они мне все нравятся.
  • But most of all I like my teddy bear. – Но больше всего я люблю моего плюшевого мишку.
  • I have this teddy for 2 years. – Этот мишка у меня уже 2 года.
  • My grandmother gave it to me for my birthday. – Моя бабушка подарила его мне на день рожденья.
  • Teddy is not very big. – Мишка не очень большой.
  • It has a funny face. – У него смешная мордочка.
  • Its colour is brown. – Он коричневого цвета.
  • It is very soft. – Он очень мягкий.
  • I like to hug it. – Я люблю его обнимать.
  • And I like to sleep with it sometimes. – И иногда я люблю с ним спать.

Ко второму классу школы у ребят уже накапливается определенный багаж лексических знаний, но их еще недостаточно, чтобы составить полноценный рассказ. Поэтому каждая тема начинается с пополнения вокабуляра новыми словами, и вот какие термины и комбинации предлагает изучить английский язык по топику «Моя любимая игрушка» на 2 класс.

Лексика Английская транскрипция Русское произношение Перевод
toy [tɔɪ] [той] игрушка
favourite toy [ˈfeɪvərɪt tɔɪ] [фэйвэрит той] любимая игрушка
doll [dɒl] [дол] кукла
soldier [ˈsəʊlʤə(r)] [соулджэ(р)] солдатик
ball [bɔːl] [бол] мяч
robot [ˈrəʊbɒt] [роубот] робот
lego [ˈlɛgɒ] [лего] конструктор Лего
plane [pleɪn] [плэйн] самолет
car [kɑː(r)] [каа(р)] машина
train [treɪn] [трэйн] поезд
stuffed animal [stʌft ˈænɪmə] [стафт энимэл] плюшевый зверек
I have got… [aɪ hæv gɒt] [ай хэв гот] У меня есть…
I would like to tell you about… [aɪ wʊd laɪk tuː tɛl juː əˈbaʊt] [ай ууд лайк ту тэл ю эбаут] Я хотел бы вам рассказать о…
I like… [aɪ laɪk] [ай лайк] Мне нравится …
It is a birthday present. [ɪt ɪz ə ˈbɜːθdeɪ ˈprɛznt] [ит из э бёсдэй прэзэнт] Это подарок на день рождения.
It has… [ɪt hæz] [ит хэс] У него (нее) есть…
I got it from… [aɪ gɒt ɪt frɒm] [ай гот ит фром] Я получил это от…(мне это подарили …)
My parents gave it to me for… [maɪ ˈpeərənts geɪv ɪt tuː miː fɔ:] [май пэрэнтс гэйв ит ту ми фо] Мои родители подарили мне это на…
It is the best toy for me! [ɪt ɪz ðə bɛst tɔɪ fɔː miː] [ит из зэ бэст той фо ми] Для меня это самая лучшая игрушка!

Примеры рассказов «Моя любимая игрушка»

Теперь, когда мы поняли смысл данной работы и ознакомились с тематической лексикой, пора переходить непосредственно к составлению текста.

И чтобы у вас перед глазами был правильный образец того, как пишется по-английски сочинение «Моя любимая игрушка», мы составили несколько примеров. Отметим только, что у мальчишек и девчонок интересы зачастую прямо противоположные, поэтому мы сразу решили разделить тексты на две категории. Начнем с описания мальчишеских забав.

My favourite toy (Lego)


My favourite toy is Lego. I got it as a birthday present. My parents gave it to me. I have already got some sets of Lego City. This one is about builders.

The set includes a big digger, two builders, a small wheelbarrow and a couple of building tools. One of the builders holds a shovel in his hands and the other one pushes the wheelbarrow with some bricks. They both wear hard hats.

The digger has a big bucket. You can open the doors of the digger. There is a steering wheel and a seat for the driver inside the cab. The digger has huge wheels and an orange blinker on the top. The digger is yellow in colour.

I like Lego because you can build everything on your own by following the instructions booklet. The instructions are very clear and easy to follow. If you have a few Lego sets, you can build them all and play for a very long time. Lego City collection includes a fire engine, police patrol, garbage truck and lots of other vehicles. I hope that one day I will collect them all.

 Моя любимая игрушка (Лего)

Моя любимая игрушка – это конструктор «Лего». Я получил его в подарок на день рождения. Мне его подарили мои родители. У меня уже есть несколько наборов «Лего Сити». Этот набор – о строителях.

В наборе есть большой экскаватор, двое строителей, небольшая тачка и пара строительных инструментов. Один строитель держит в руках лопату, а другой толкает тачку с кирпичами. На обоих надеты строительные каски.

У экскаватора есть большой ковш. Двери у экскаватора открываются. В кабине есть руль и место для водителя. У экскаватора огромные колеса и оранжевая мигалка на крыше. Сам экскаватор желтого цвета.

Мне нравится «Лего», потому что в нем все можно собрать самостоятельно по инструкции. Инструкция очень понятная, и ей легко следовать. Если у вас есть несколько наборов «Лего», можно собрать их все и играть очень долго. В коллекции «Лего Сити» есть пожарная машина, полицейский патруль, мусоровоз и много других машин. Я надеюсь, что когда-нибудь смогу собрать всю коллекцию.

My favourite toy (Barbie doll)

Barbie doll

My favourite toy is Barbie doll. I got it from my dad. I was so happy to get such a gift!

My Barbie has long blonde hair and big beautiful blue eyes. She wears a long pink dress. It is embroidered with spangles. She also wears pink high-heeled shoes.

I have two more outfits for my doll. The first one is a white T-shirt and beige trousers. The second one is a short yellow dress with a blue cardigan. Clothes are not the only add-on you can buy in a shop. You can also buy friends for your Barbie, different accessories and even a huge house with furniture, a car and a pet.

I like my Barbie doll very much. I hope that one day I will get something else for her. I have some friends who also have Barbie dolls. We enjoy playing together. And one more thing, my mom agreed to help me make more clothes for my favourite doll.

Моя любимая игрушка (Барби)

Моя любимая игрушка – это кукла Барби. Мне ее подарил папа. Я была так счастлива получить такой подарок!

У моей Барби длинные светлые волосы и большие красивые голубые глаза. На ней надето длинное розовое платье. Оно расшито блестками. На ногах также надеты розовые туфли на высоком каблуке.

У меня еще есть два наряда для моей куклы. Первый – это белая футболка с бежевыми брюками. Второй – короткое желтое платье с синим кардиганом. Одежда не единственное, что можно купить в дополнение к кукле. В магазине также можно купить подружек для Барби, разные аксессуары и даже огромный дом с мебелью, машину и домашнего питомца.

Мне очень нравится моя кукла Барби. Я очень надеюсь, что когда-нибудь получу в подарок что-то еще для нее. У меня есть несколько подружек, у которых тоже есть Барби. Мы любим играть вместе. А еще моя мама согласилась помочь мне сшить больше одежды для моей любимой куклы.

My favorite toy (продвинутый уровень)

If you recall my childhood, which is associated with memories of toys, my room, the friends that come to the fore a large number of soft toys. As a rule, these were different little animals, from elephants, Hippo, donkey, parrot, foxes, cats, and the last a large number of different sizes of dogs.

Why did I love them and still love the most. One of these toys all the time with me in the room — it was given to me by my godfather when I was just born.

This dog is very large, it is now I lay on the couch, I said to her very much used and translate it with you for the third time since we moved three times already.

First, parents left their grandparents (we all lived together) in a one-room apartment. Then we have bought a new, three-room apartment, modern and more spacious With us moved and my favorite soft furry friend -. Toby.

I have a lot of children’s pictures, my dad likes to take pictures. So, almost in all the pictures, I’m definitely with my favorite Toby. My mother and I wash it in a washing machine, so there is a constant care. He is always white, fluffy and clean.

I have a younger sister, she always wants to pick up a toy that my favorite, I’m not greedy, but it seems to me that if I give it, it thereby betray his friend. So she can play with him, but then he still «sits down» to his place in my room.

When I was very young, I even slept with him in an embrace. Probably, I even shared with him my little children’s secrets. Now I’m grown up, I have a lot longer toys and educational games, but always Toby is near, as it were, «keep me.» For the birthday, different gifts are given again, but such, as mine, already, probably, do not even let out.

Now I have a computer, this is also my favorite toy, but it is more intended not for games, but for lessons. With the help of this smart machine I write essays, looking for something interesting in history, biology and other school subjects.

I’m very attracted to my computer to communicate with my friends on the Internet. I now have a lot of friends in Odnoklassniki, where we can discuss different topics with the guys. You can ask a question and you will be immediately answered, now even the phone is not so often used for communication.

Quite a large part of my free time and home affairs of the time, I have to study various computer programs. I already learned how to create video, work with photos and records with music.

I have many friends with whom we correspond and communicate in skype. It seems to me that this toy helped me in choosing the future profession, I want to be a programmer.

My favourite toy my car for kids

В принципе здесь нет ничего сложного, и родители легко помогут ребенку составить такой текст. А особенно усердные юные эрудиты, возможно, даже справятся с такой задачей самостоятельно, что будет еще похвальней! В любом случае, практикуйтесь в совершенствовании английского и достигайте новых вершин. Успехов!

The history of Lego began in 1932, when Ole Kirk Christiansen founded the company in a Danish carpentry workshop, and continues into the 21st century as a popular and very profitable line of construction toys and related products and services (including Lego board games, retail stores, Lego video games, Lego films, Legoland theme parks, and Lego Serious Play consultant services), with a significant impact on various areas of popular culture. Despite its expansion, the company remains privately held.

Beginnings (1932–1959)[edit]

Hilary Fisher Page’s Interlocking Building Cubes of 1939

The Lego Group began in the carpentry workshop of Ole Kirk Christiansen in Billund, Denmark. In 1916, Christiansen purchased a woodworking shop in Billund, which had been in business since 1895.[1]: 8  The shop mostly helped construct houses and furniture and had a small staff of apprentices. The workshop burned down in 1924 when a fire ignited some wood shavings.[2] Christiansen constructed a larger workshop and worked towards expanding his business even further. When the Great Depression hit, he had fewer customers and had to focus on smaller projects. He began producing miniature versions of his products as design aids. It was these miniature models of stepladders and ironing boards that inspired him to begin producing toys.[3]

On 10 August 1932,[4] Christiansen’s shop started making wooden toys such as piggy banks, pull toys, cars and trucks, and houses, but because of the state of the economy, the business was not profitable. Farmers in the area sometimes traded food in exchange for his toys; Christiansen continued producing practical furniture in addition to toys to stay in business. In the mid-1930s, the yo-yo toy fad gave him a brief period of increased activity until it suddenly collapsed. To reduce waste, he used the leftover yo-yo parts as wheels for toy trucks.[1]: 15  His son Godtfred began working for him, taking an active role in the company.[1]: 15 

In 1934, Christiansen held a contest among his staff to name the company, offering a bottle of homemade wine as a prize.[1]: 17  Christiansen was considering two names himself, «Legio» (with the implication of a «Legion of toys») and «Lego,» a self-made contraction from the Danish phrase leg godt, meaning «play well.» Later the Lego Group discovered that «Lego» could be loosely interpreted as «I put together» or «I assemble» in Latin.[5] Christiansen selected Lego, and the company began using it on its products.

Following World War II, plastics became available in Denmark, and Lego purchased a plastic injection molding machine in 1947.[1]: 25  One of the first modular toys to be produced was a truck that could be taken apart and re-assembled. In 1947, Ole Kirk and Godtfred obtained samples of interlocking plastic bricks produced by the company Kiddicraft. Hilary Fisher Page designed these «Kiddicraft Self-Locking Building Bricks.»[6][7] In 1939, Page had applied for a patent on hollow plastic cubes with four studs on top (British Patent Nº.529,580) that allowed their positioning atop one another without lateral movement.[8][9] In 1944, Page applied an «Improvement to Toy Building Blocks» as an addition to the previous patent, in which he describes a building system based on rectangular hollow blocks with 2X4 studs on top enabling the construction of walls with staggered rows and window openings. The addition was granted in 1947 as British Patent Nº 587,206. In 1949, the Lego Group began producing similar bricks, calling them «Automatic Binding Bricks.» Lego bricks, then manufactured from cellulose acetate, were developed in the spirit of traditional wooden blocks that could be stacked upon one another but could be «locked» together. They had several round «studs» on top, and a hollow rectangular bottom. They would stick together, but not so tightly that they could not be pulled apart. In 1953, the bricks were given a new name: Lego Mursten, or «Lego Bricks.»

Plastic products initially were not well received by customers, who preferred wooden or metal toys. Many of Lego’s shipments were returned, following poor sales. In 1954, Godtfred Christiansen had become the junior managing director of the Lego Group. His conversation with an overseas buyer struck the idea of a toy «system,» with many toys in a line of related products. He evaluated their available products, and saw the plastic bricks as the best candidate for such a system. In 1955, Lego released the «Town Plan» as such a system, using the building bricks.

Lego imported from Switzerland to UK in 1957

The building bricks were moderately received but had some problems from a technical standpoint: their «locking» ability was limited, and they were not versatile. In 1958 the bricks were improved with hollow tubes in the underside of the brick.[10] This change added support in the base, enabling much better locking ability and enhanced versatility. The company patented the new design, as well as several similar designs to avoid competition. Ole Kirk Christiansen died that same year, and Godtfred inherited the leadership of the company.[11]

Change to plastic bricks (1960–1969)[edit]

Another warehouse fire struck the Lego Group in 1960, consuming most of the company’s inventory of wooden toys. Godtfred decided that the plastic line was strong enough to abandon the production of wooden toys. As a result, Godtfred’s brothers Gerhardt (then head of wooden toys) and Karl Georg left the Lego company and began a separate company called «Bilofix.» By the end of the year, the Lego Group was employing more than 450 people.[12]

In 1961, Lego wished to expand sales to North America but did not have the logistical capabilities to do so. Lego made an arrangement allowing Samsonite to begin producing and selling Lego products in the United States and Canada.

1961 and 1962 saw the introduction of the first Lego wheels, an addition that expanded the potential for building cars, trucks, buses, and other vehicles from Lego bricks. Also, during this time, the Lego Group introduced toys targeted explicitly towards the pre-school market.

In 1964, cellulose acetate, the material used to create Lego bricks, was replaced by the more stable acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS plastic), which is still in use today. ABS is non-toxic, less prone to discoloration and warping, and is more resistant to heat, acids, salt, and other chemicals. Samsonite manufacturing in North America did not switch at the same time, and still used some degree of cellulose acetate in its Lego products. 1964 was the first year that saw the inclusion of instruction manuals in Lego sets.

A notable Lego Group series,[citation needed] the Lego train system, was released in 1966. The original train sets included a 4.5-volt (which was changed to a 12-volt version two years later) motor, battery box, and rails.

On 7 June 1968, the first Legoland Park was opened in Billund. This theme park featured elaborate models of miniature towns built entirely from Lego bricks. The three-acre (12,000 m²) park attracted 625,000 visitors in its first year alone. During the next 20 years, the theme park grew to more than eight times its original size and eventually averaged close to a million paying visitors per year. Sales of Lego sets reached more than eighteen million units in 1968.

In 1969, the Duplo system went on sale. Duplo bricks are much larger than Lego bricks, making them safer for young children, but the two systems are compatible: Lego bricks can be fitted neatly onto Duplo bricks, allowing a seamless transition to the Lego system as children outgrow their Duplo bricks. The name Duplo comes from the Latin word duplus, which translates literally as double, meaning that a Duplo brick is exactly twice the dimension of a Lego building brick (2× height by 2× width by 2× depth = 8× the volume of a brick).

Expansion (1970–1991)[edit]

During the last three decades of the 20th century, Lego expanded into new areas of toy making and marketing. In 1971, Lego began to target girls by introducing furniture pieces and dollhouses. In 1972, Lego added boat and ship sets, with floating hull pieces and Godtfred Kirk Christiansen’s son, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, joined the managerial staff, after earning business degrees in Switzerland and Denmark. One of Kjeld’s first achievements with the company was the foundation of manufacturing facilities, as well as a research and development department that would be responsible for keeping the company’s manufacturing methods up to date. Human figures with posable arms made an appearance in 1974 in «Lego family» sets, which went on to become the biggest sellers at the time; the next year, an early version of the «minifigure» miniature Lego person was introduced, but it was not posable and had no face printed on its head. The company opened its first North American Lego production facility in Enfield, Connecticut, in the United States that same year.

In 1975, «Expert Series» sets were introduced, geared towards older, more experienced Lego builders followed by the «Expert Builder» sets in 1977. The technical sets featured moving parts such as gears, differentials, cogs, levers, axles, and universal joints and permitted the construction of realistic models such as automobiles, with functional rack and pinion steering and lifelike engine movements. In 1978 the Lego «minifigure» was added. The small Lego people had posable arms and legs, and initially a single head with a smiling face. The figure was used in many varieties of Lego sets, allowing construction of towns populated with the smiling minifigure Lego citizens. Lego also expanded into space with the creation of Lego Space sets with astronaut minifigures, rockets, lunar rovers, and spaceships, and into the medieval territory with the Castle theme.

In 1979, Lego introduced the Scala series, featuring jewelry elements marketed towards young girls. Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen also became the president of Lego that year.

Since the 1960s, educators had seen Lego bricks’ productive potential as being an invaluable asset in helping children to develop creativity and problem-solving abilities. Teachers had been using Lego bricks in the classroom for a variety of reasons. In 1980, the Lego Group established the Educational Products Department (eventually renamed Lego Dacta, in 1989), to expand the educational possibilities of their toys. A packing and assembly factory opened in Switzerland, followed by another in Jutland, Denmark, that manufactured Lego tyres.

Between the 1960s and ’90s, Lego worked with Royal Dutch Shell in allowing Shell branding on certain items.[13]

In 1981, the second generation of Lego trains appeared. As before, these were available in either 4.5 V (battery-powered) or 12 V (mains powered), but with a much wider variety of accessories, including working lights, remote-controlled points and signals, and decouplers.

The «Expert Builder» series matured in 1982, becoming the «Technic» series. 13th August of that year marked the Lego Group’s 50th anniversary; the book 50 Years of Play was published to commemorate the occasion. In the following year, the Duplo system was expanded to include sets for even younger audiences, particularly infants; new sets included baby rattles and figures with movable limbs. The year after, Lego minifigure citizens gained a realm of knights and horses, with a redesign of the Castle theme. Light & Sound sets made their appearance in 1985; these sets included a battery pack with electrical lights, buzzers, and other accessories to add another dimension of realism to Lego creations. Also, that year, the Lego Group’s educational division produced the Technic Computer Control, which was an educational system whereby Technic robots, trucks, and other motorized models could be controlled with a computer. Manaus, Brazil gained a Lego factory in this year, as well.

In 1984, the Technic line was expanded with the addition of pneumatic components.

This Lego model of a composite of London, including a motorized model of a London Underground train controlled by computers, can be seen in Legoland Windsor.

In August 1988, 38 children from 17 countries took part in the first Lego World Cup building contest, held in Billund. That same year, Lego Canada was established. The Lego line grew again in 1989 with the release of the Lego Pirates theme, which featured a variety of pirate ships, deserted islands, and treasure. The Lego Group’s Educational Products Department was renamed Lego Dakta in this year; the name comes from the Greek word «didactic,» which roughly means «the study of the learning process.» MIT’s Dr. Seymour Papert, from the Laboratory of Computer Learning, was named «Lego Professor of Learning Research,» after his ongoing work in linking the Logo programming language with Lego products.

Until 1989, Lego minifigures only came in yellow-skin color with a standard smiling face, though early prototypes had a variety of skin colours and facial expressions. That year the Lego Group expanded the array of facial expressions (adding them around the standard face of two eyes and smile), with beards and eye patches, sunglasses, lipstick, and eyelashes, mostly for the minifigures in the newly launched Lego Pirates theme, and occasionally Lego Castle, Lego City, and Lego Space. Some older collectors resented the new facial expressions, saying they looked too «cartoon-ish» or «kiddy,» and preferred the simplistic nature of the two eyes and smile. Particularly for Lego Pirates, these more complicated faces, in combination with the torso, headgear (either a helmet or hair), and accessories, allowed for the creation of specific characters and an accompanying backstory.

In 1990, Lego released a new series designed for advanced builders. Three Model Team sets, including a race car and an off-road vehicle, featured a level of detail and realism not previously seen in any Lego series. Where Technic was mechanically accurate, Model Team was visually and stylistically accurate. The Lego Group became one of the top 10 toy companies that year; it was the only toy company in Europe to be among the top 10. Also, that year, Legoland Billund reached more than one million visitors for the first time in its history. The first-ever «Lego Professor of Business Dynamics,» Xavier Gilbert, was appointed to an endowed chair at the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. Lego Malaysia was also established in 1990. In 1991, the Lego Group standardized its electrical components and systems; the Trains and Technic motors were made 9V to bring the systems into line with the rest of the Lego range.

In 1992, two Guinness records were set using Lego products: A castle made from 400,000 Lego bricks, and measuring 4.45 meters by 5.22 meters, was built on Swedish television, and a 545 meters long Lego railway line with three locomotives was constructed. Duplo was augmented with the addition of the Toolo line featuring a screwdriver, wrench, nuts, and bolts; the Paradisa line, targeted towards girls, brought a variety of new pastel colours into the Lego system and focused on leisure resorts, horses and beach life. In 1993 a Duplo train and a parrot-shaped «brickvac» that could scoop Lego pieces up off the floor were released.

A model of St Paul’s Cathedral in London can be seen in Legoland Windsor. It is made of thousands of Lego bricks. The rotating model of the London Eye in the background is also made of Lego bricks.

In the late 1990s, the Lego Group brought out a series of new and specialized ranges aimed at particular demographics. The Slizers/Throwbots line preceded the Bionicle range and uses Technic pieces and specialist moldings to create a set of action figures for boys, while Belville is a more conventional line aimed at girls and featuring large posable figures like those in the Technic range. A «Lego 4 Juniors» group features 2-inch (51 mm) tall medium-sized figures («medi-figure») without jointed arms, and longer legs than the classic Lego minifigure. In 2003, the Lego Group introduced a completely new system, Clikits, aimed at girls and consisting of customizable plastic jewellery and accessories. In 2004, Lego added the QUATRO brick, for ages 1–3. Much like Duplo, a Quatro brick is four times the dimension of a regular Lego brick and is compatible with the Duplo brick. Also, that year, they created the second line of Knights Kingdom themed product.

Decline (1992–2004)[edit]

Lego’s profits had declined since 1992. Around 1995 or 1996, according to designer Mark Stafford, the Lego Group retired many LEGO Designers who had created the sets from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s, replacing them with 30 ‘innovators’ who graduated from the European design colleges around Europe who knew «little specifically about toy design and less about LEGO building». At the time, sets could take over a year to progress from the design stage to store shelves. By 1997, there was a resultant change in the design direction of products, as set details were sacrificed for decreased building times (with fewer pieces) and increased playability features, but this shift drew mixed reception from hardcore Lego fans used to the meticulous construction required of «classic era» sets of the 1980s to mid-1990s. Lego Pirates, which had a strong run since its launch in 1989, was promptly killed off, with 1997 being its last year of production.[14][15]

This change in design teams only served to accelerate the company’s decline. In 1998, Lego posted its first-ever loss, at £23 million.[16] In the same year, the company laid off 1,000 employees.[17]

In 1999, the first Lego products featuring licensed intellectual property, i.e., not designed in-house, were Lego Star Wars and Winnie the Pooh Duplo, followed in 2000 by Lego Harry Potter characters to figures from Steven Spielberg movies.[18] Soren Holm, the head of Lego Concept Lab, said toy weapons had always been heavily debated, but that since the Lego Star Wars release, Lego has grown «more comfortable with conflict.»[18] Mr. Laursen, executive North American operations suggested to make «violence not explicit, but humoristic.»[18] Licensed properties did provide a short-term boost to profits during the release of blockbuster movies; however, sales would taper off after public excitement died down. Furthermore, the added cost of the license resulted in such sets being more expensive which alienated long-time fans, who also bemoaned the declining quality and reduced availability of comparable sets not based on licensing.[14][15]

After 1999, many in-house characters were strongly characterised with media utilisation and non-Lego System merchandising, most notably Bionicle from 2001–2010 and then again in 2016. In 2002, Duplo was merged with Lego Baby into the new label Lego Explore.

In 2003, following the inclusion of Lando Calrissian in a Star Wars set, as well as the Basketball theme featuring the likenesses of actual players, it was decided that minifigs based on real persons and live-action franchises would have natural skin-tones.

In 2004, Lego posted a loss of £174 million, with the executive vice-president of marketing Mads Nipper later describing the company as having been «almost bankrupt» at this point.[16]
He analysed in retrospect that «we continued to invest as if the company were growing strongly. We failed to realise that we were on a slippery path… Children were getting less and less time to play. Some of the western markets had fewer and fewer children. So play trends changed, and we failed to change. We were not making toys that were sufficiently interesting to children. We failed to innovate enough. And we had nowhere cut deep enough to right-size the company».[16]

In 2004, Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen resigned as CEO and appointed Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, the first non-family CEO. The company sold the four Legoland parks to theme-park operators Merlin Entertainments, and manufacturing, 80% of which had been outsourced, was returned to Lego’s control.[16]

Recovery (2005–present)[edit]

A presenter at Bricks Cascade, a Lego convention in Portland, Oregon, in March 2018.

The company focused on its core products and reintroduced the Duplo label in late 2004. Since 2004, manufacturing had been moved to Mexico and distribution relocated from Billund to the Czech Republic.[18] By 2007 a global workforce of 9,100 in 1998 was reduced to 4,200 due to outsourcing.[16] In the US alone, Lego sales increased 32 percent because of Star Wars and Indiana Jones-themed games, while globally 2008 sales increased 18.7 percent.[18] Mr. Laursen, Lego executive of North American operations, said in 2009 that licenses played a more prominent role in the American market than overseas. About 60 percent of Lego’s American sales were estimated to be linked to licenses, twice that of 2004.[18] Laursen stated in 2009 that Lego was «definitely more commercially oriented».[18] In 2009, both Lego Games (board games) and Lego Power Miners were introduced, along with the concept for Lego Ninjago. Despite the Great Recession, profits for 2009 were £99.5 million, with Mads Nipper, Lego executive vice-president of marketing, stating to be «delivering twice the return on sales of any competitor.»[16]

In 2011, Lego launched a new theme called Lego Ninjago, which became a popular theme worldwide, and resumed a long-term contract with Royal Dutch Shell, after using its logo on products from the 1960s through to the 1990s. Greenpeace criticized this co-branding in 2014.[13] After the Greenpeace campaign, Lego decided not to renew the contract,[19] with the Shell logo only appearing in co-licensed sets with Ferrari or BMW.[20]

In 2012, an animated short film titled The Lego Story made by Danish studio Lani Pixels for the 80th anniversary of Lego, depicted the struggles of Ole Kirk Christiansen and his son Godtfred Kirk Christiansen from 1932–1968, as they worked to make the company successful.[21]

In 2014, Warner Bros and The Lego Group released The Lego Movie, a computer-animated adventure comedy film telling the story of an ordinary Lego Minifigure construction worker named Emmet Brickowski prophesied to save the world. It received one of the highest recorded openings for an original animated movie,[22] and the Los Angeles Times noted «nearly unanimous positive reviews» for the film.[23]

In 2015, the Lego firm sparked controversy when it refused a bulk order to Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, who is openly critical of the Chinese Communist government. Ai had previously used Lego bricks to build portraits of world political activists. Lego said it would not sell directly to users with «political intentions.» An opinion piece in the Communist Party mouthpiece Global Times praised Lego for its «good business sense» while the decision drew condemnation online. Lego fans offered to donate Lego bricks to Ai Weiwei instead.[24]

In 2017, Warner Bros, DC Entertainment, and The Lego Group released The Lego Batman Movie as a spinoff based on one of the lead characters of Lego’s first animated movie.[25] Lego has since released another animated film based on one of its toy lines, Ninjago, entitled The Lego Ninjago Movie in 2017.[26]

In the first half of 2017, Lego saw its first revenue decline in 13 years, announcing plans in September 2017 to cut 1,400 jobs.[27]

In February 2019, a sequel to The Lego Movie was produced by Warner Animation Group and released by Warner Bros., titled The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part. Many of the voice actors from the first film reprised their characters for the sequel, but it underperformed in ticket sales compared to its predecessors.

On 25 November 2019, The Lego Group announced the acquisition of Bricklink, the world’s largest Lego fan community, from Nexon for an unknown price, which is expected to finish before the end of 2019.[28]

In November 2020, Lego announced its largest set to date: a replica of the Colosseum in Rome containing 9,036 pieces. The set overtakes the previous record holder, the Millennium Falcon from the Star Wars franchise.[29] In 2021 this record was topped by the Titanic model at 9,090 pieces. In 2022 the second set to reach 10,000 bricks will be released, a replica of the Eiffel Tower. the first was the Lego world map. [30]


  1. ^ a b c d e Willy Horn Hansen (1982). 50 Years of Play. The Lego Group.
  2. ^ Wiencek 1987, p. 37.
  3. ^ Wiencek 1987, p. 39.
  4. ^ «Celebrating 80 Years of LEGO | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine».
  5. ^ «About Us – TimeLine 1932–1939». LEGO.com. Archived from the original on 24 October 2010.
  6. ^ Jim Hughes (n.d.). «Brick Fetish». Jim Hughes. Retrieved 13 February 2013.
  7. ^ «A History of Hilary ‘Harry’ Fisher Page, his life’s work and Kiddicraft». Chas Saunter & hilarypagetoys.com. 13 July 2008. Retrieved 13 February 2013.
  8. ^ Jim Hughes (1 March 2005). «The Automatic Binding Brick». Cincinnati: Jim Hughes &Isodomos.com. Archived from the original on 10 February 2012. Retrieved 12 March 2013.
  9. ^ «photo of Page’s Automatic Binding Brick». Chas Saunter & hilarypagetoys.com. Archived from the original on 22 October 2013. Retrieved 25 July 2014.
  10. ^ «Toy building brick US 3005282 A».
  11. ^ Leo Cendrowicz (28 January 2008). «Lego Celebrates 50 Years of Building». TIME. Retrieved 5 November 2015.
  12. ^ «Lego Toys». Monday, 21 September 2020
  13. ^ a b Katie, Collins (8 July 2014). «Greenpeace is right, Shell-branded Lego is ill-judged». wired.do.uk. Conde Nast. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  14. ^ a b Feloni, Richard. «How Lego Came Back From The Brink Of Bankruptcy». Business Insider. Retrieved 8 February 2021.
  15. ^ a b «How Lego clicked: the brand that reinvented itself | Johnny Davis». the Guardian. 4 June 2017. Retrieved 8 February 2021.
  16. ^ a b c d e f Craig McLean (17 December 2009). «Lego: play it again». The Telegraph. Retrieved 25 July 2014.
  17. ^ «Brick by Brick: The Lego Story». Wisconsin Public Radio. 25 December 2013. Retrieved 25 July 2014.
  18. ^ a b c d e f g Schwartz, Nelson D. (5 September 2009). «Turning to Tie-Ins, Lego Thinks Beyond the Brick». The New York Times.
  19. ^ Lego ends partnership with Shell over Greenpeace campaign, Michelle Starr, CNet.com, Oct 9 2014.
  20. ^ Lego sets tagged ‘Shell’, Brickset.
  21. ^ Trangbæk, Roar Rude. «Video: LEGO Group turns 80: «The LEGO story» — About Us LEGO.com».
  22. ^ «Weekend Report: Everything Is Awesome For ‘The Lego Movie’«. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 10 February 2014.
  23. ^ Gettell, Oliver (7 February 2014). «‘Lego Movie’ a colorful, outside-the-box adventure, reviews say». Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 7 February 2014.
  24. ^ «Chinese dissident artist Ai Weiwei to build Lego donation network after bulk order refused». Hong Kong Free Press. Agence France-Presse. 26 October 2015.
  25. ^ «‘Lego Batman’ Spinoff Movie in the Works at Warner Bros. (Exclusive)». The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 11 June 2017.
  26. ^ The LEGO Ninjago Movie (2017), retrieved 11 June 2017
  27. ^ Chaudhuri, Saabira (5 September 2017). «Lego Hits Brick Wall With Sales, Sheds 8% of Global Workforce». Wall Street Journal. New York City, New York, United States. Retrieved 5 September 2017.
  28. ^ «The Lego Group acquires bricklink, the world’s largest online LEGO® fan community, and marketplace to strengthen ties with adult fans». 25 November 2019. Retrieved 25 November 2019.
  29. ^ Kim, Allen (27 November 2020). «Lego rolls out Colosseum, a model of the Roman amphitheater with over 9,000 pieces». CNN Business. Retrieved 14 April 2021.
  30. ^ https://www.cnn.com/style/amp/tallest-lego-set-eiffel-tower-scli-intl/index.html.

Works cited[edit]

  • Wiencek, Henry (1987). The World of LEGO Toys. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers. ISBN 0-8109-2362-9.

External links[edit]

  • Mortensen, Tine Froberg (9 January 2012). «LEGO History Timeline». Lego.com. The Lego Group. Archived from the original on 8 July 2014. Retrieved 8 July 2014.
  • Lego City

моё хобби лего. Первый конструктор ЛЕГО мне подарили в 3 года. Из конс перевод - моё хобби лего. Первый конструктор ЛЕГО мне подарили в 3 года. Из конс английский как сказать

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моё хобби лего. Первый конструктор

моё хобби лего. Первый конструктор ЛЕГО мне подарили в 3 года. Из конструктора ЛЕГО можно собрать от маленького дерева до огромного города. Я больше всего люблю паровозы, которых у меня более десяти штук. Мне нравится их разнообразность конструкции и наблюдать за их движением. Есть даже паровоз с электродвигателем на пульте управления. Я рад . что мои родители поддерживают меня в моём хобби.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


My LEGO hobby. The first LEGO gave me in 3 years. From LEGO bricks can be assembled from a small tree to a huge city. I love steam locomotives, of which I have more than 10 pieces. I like their diversity of designs and monitor their movement. There is even a locomotive with an electric motor on the control panel. I’m glad. that my parents support me in my hobby.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


my hobby Lego. The first LEGO gave me 3 years. From Lego can be collected from a small tree to a great city. I love most locomotives, which I have more than a dozen pieces. I like their variety of designs and watch their movements. There is even a steam engine with an electric motor on the remote control. I am glad . my parents support me in my hobby.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


My hobby Legault. The first constructor LEGAULT gave me in 3 years. From the designer LEGAULT can be assembled from a small tree up to a cosmopolitan city. I no longer just love movie, which I have more than ten pieces.I like their classification design and to monitor their movement. There are even steam locomotive with the electric motor on the remote control. I am glad that my parents have supported me in my hobby.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Ole Kirk Christiansen Biography

Ole Kirk Christiansen

In this success story, we are going to share Ole Kirk Christiansen biography and the history of LEGO, a great Danish toy company that he founded. Ole Kirk was the inventor of the most popular construction set in the world. Enjoy reading a story about inventions, trials and failures, and brilliant success.

LEGO is one of the most famous brands in the world of toys. It is even more famous than Hasbro and Barbie doll. But few know that the Danish company began its history as a general producer of wood products. And the first LEGO toys were entirely made of wood.

However, the company was able to grow to such size that many counterfeiting companies copy its famous constructor sets nowadays. As Seth Godin once said: “If your products are replicated, it means you’ve done something really great.”


  • Childhood: It All Began With Wooden Toys
  • New Future of LEGO Brand
  • The Rapid Development of LEGO
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Childhood: It All Began With Wooden Toys

LEGO history dates back to 1932 when Ole Kirk Christiansen (April 07, 1891 – March 11, 1958) founded the Danish company to produce goods for daily use. Ole Kirk was born in the Filskov village, located between Sonder Omme and Give in Central Jutland Denmark. He was one of 10 children in his family. His father’s name was Jens Niels Christiansen, and his mother’s name was Kirstine (Andersen) Christiansen.

Ole Kirk’s products were made of wood, and the primary cash inflow was brought by selling ladders and ironing boards for which demand had fallen sharply during the global financial crisis.

Ole Kirk had to find a new niche to save his business. And he found it in the production of wooden toys because the demand for them continued to be unabated even during the hard economic times. Ole Kirk’s principal assistant was his son, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, who started working with his father at the age of 12.

Having launched a toy production, Christiansen started looking for the name of his company. He instructed all employees of the factory to suggest a future company’s name. There were many ideas, but in the end, he chose the name that came up with himself – the word Lego, which is derived from Danish leg and godt, which together mean “play well.” A few years later Ole Kirk learned that the phrase Lego means “I put together” in Latin. Obviously, awareness of this fact had a serious impact on the future history of the company.

When they just started, only 7 employees were working at LEGO; they were all enthusiastic carpenters who derived great pleasure from creating new things and cared about the quality of products. Ole Kirk Christiansen had a personal motto – “Der bedste er ikke for godt” or “Only the best is worthy” which his son Godtfred Kirk Christiansen wrote on a sign and nailed on the wall above the employees’ jobs places.

By 1936, the company had a set of 42 different toys. All of which was not the cheapest pleasure (LEGO constructor sets are now as before are quite expensive). However, the company was still engaged in the production not only of toys but also of other wooden products.

In the 1940s, there were many changes that influenced the history of the company. First, the only single LEGO factory and warehouse burned down. Immediately after the restoration, it became apparent that LEGO would deal only with toys. A number of workers continued to grow, and over the years it reached 40 people in 1943. One year later, in 1944, Ole Kirk Christiansen finally officially registered the company and called it “LegetOjsfabrikken LEGO Billund A/S.”

In 1947, Ole Kirk and Godtfred got samples of plastic self-locking building blocks, manufactured by Kiddicraft. Those building blocks had been developed and patented in the UK by Mr. Hilary Harry Fisher Page, a child psychologist.

LEGO gradually began to move away from the wooden products for plastic. Therefore, in 1947, the Christiansen family purchased the biggest injection-molding machine in Denmark, which allowed them to start mass production of these toys. It must be said that the injection-molding machine cost them as much as 30,000 local crowns, which was a lot of money at those times. For comparison, an expensive toy cost 36 crowns at those days.

In the late ’40s, the company had a stock of over 200 different models of plastic and wooden toys. But LEGO still was not the company that is known today for its unique sets. In 1958, after father’s death, the third son of Ole Kirk, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen, inherited the company patented modern brick design. The modern Lego brick was patented at 1:58 P.M. on January 28, 1958. It was an entirely new system, which allowed interconnecting bricks much stronger. By the way, the bricks from that year are still compatible with modern bricks. It was in this year that the LEGO company decided to market all “non-brick” LEGO products under the BILOfix brand.

New Future of LEGO Brand

On February 04, 1960, the LEGO division for wooden toy manufacturing was struck by lightning and burned down. It was another fire that happened at the LEGO factory. Soon it was decided not to renew the wooden toy production and concentrate solely on plastic toys. By that time, LEGO was already selling more than 50 types of different sets in many countries around the world. In 1962, LEGO opened its own airline company in Billund, Denmark and LEGO construction sets began to be imported to the United States.

Undoubtedly, access to this extremely profitable market was a significant event for the Danish company, which sought to increase sales of their toys in the world. Two years after LEGO started to enclose brief assembly instructions to its construction sets, which had a short step by step tutorial on how to build a model depicted on the packaging. And soon, assembly instructions became an integral part of each LEGO construction set.

In addition, the company started to work more closely with customers, and as a result, it helped them to improve the quality of sets. LEGO was one of the companies that used a customer-centric approach and surveyed customers about their needs in toys. Only after an in-depth analysis, they began to develop new products. Such cooperation has resulted in the emergence of the successful widely sold toys – LEGO train sets.

Needless to say, that by the mid-’60s, more than five hundred people were employed at the main LEGO factory. Moreover, the company did not cease to evolve.

In 1963, cellulose acetate, the material that was used to produce the LEGO building blocks, was replaced by acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS plastic material) and it is used until present times. ABS plastic material is non-toxic, less prone to discoloration, and deformation of the material; it is more resistant to an aggressive environment and heat than cellulose acetate. LEGO bricks made of ABS plastic in 1963, still keep their shape and color after 40 years, and also thoroughly interconnected with the building blocks made these days.

The Rapid Development of LEGO

Speaking about the LEGO products in those years, it seemed that the company was focused solely on the male construction sets. But this is not entirely true, as the toys designed for girls were also available in the assortment of LEGO. For example, in the 70s, they produced dollhouses with furniture. Although, even today, most of LEGO sets are created with a focus on the male audience. That is not discrimination, but the fact is that boys enjoy playing with a construction set more than girls do.

On June 07, 1968, LEGO opened LEGOLAND park. It was built on the territory of 59 hectares in Denmark. During the first season, the park was visited by 625,000 people.

The famous logo of LEGO was designed in 1973, which today is known to most people on the planet. In 1974, there were designed LEGO figures – the LEGO family. This set brought the company a big success around the world. In the same year, there was an opening of the factory LEGO AG in Baar, Zug, Switzerland. First LEGO products were produced outside Denmark (In 1992, the name will be changed to LEGO Produktion AG).

In 1977, the LEGO Group was led by Ole Kirk’s grandson Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen. By that time, the LEGO Group was producing a lot of different sets for all tastes. And the first truly thematic set of LEGO appeared in 1979, and it was called LEGOLAND Space. It inspired LEGO designers to release thousands of sets on different subjects. LEGO Space sets were just the beginning for LEGO, but the very successful beginning.

LEGO types of products were growing by leaps and bounds. But most important was that consumers loved the products of this company. They were really original, attractive, and exciting. In 1980, LEGO fans expressed their love for the

company and built a huge tower of 13.10 meters of LEGO bricks. Impressive, isn’t it? But do not think that this was the highest tower. Not at all! In the late ’90s, there was built another LEGO brick tower in Moscow, and its height reached 24.88 meters. It entered the Guinness Book of Records. And in 2008, the company made another the tallest tower of LEGO in the world in the Legoland Windsor theme park in the United Kingdom. It was constructed of 500,000 LEGO bricks of 30.48 meters high. In 1986, LEGO Group became a supplier of toys of The Royal House of Denmark. And as you guessed, the honorary title is the best advertising for the company.

In the 1990s, LEGO kits had a high demand over the world. And of course, the market was not without fraud, like Atko. However, Atko toys looked different from the original LEGO sets and had much lower quality.

Recession and Rising

In 2003 the company was under protracted crisis. Construction sets lost its appeal due to the omnipresence of computer games. New CEO Jørgen Vig Knudstorp, totally refocused the strategy of the company and moved annual production of 19 billion bricks to lower-cost countries. He also launched a branch of digital design software and the creation of interactive games, such as Star Wars for the Wii or an online Mars Mission game for PC.

Another online game Lego Universe that debuted in 2010 encourages teamwork and lets players order building kits according to their virtual designs. “We’re about many more things than just a set of bricks and a box,” Knudstorp said. “It’s about everyday people getting incremental new ideas.”

That is how LEGO has undergone a dramatic change, getting out of a $300 million loss in 2004 to a $280 million revenue in 2007.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading Ole Kirk Christiansen biography and amazing history of LEGO Company, and it’s inspired you to new discoveries and inventions.

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Many people say that health is above wealth and do their best to be healthy. What are the key elements of people’s health? What do we need to do in order to be healthy?

Многие люди говорят, что здоровье превыше богатства и делают все возможное, чтобы быть здоровыми. Каковы ключевые элементы человеческого здоровья? Что нам нужно сделать для того, чтобы быть здоровыми?

First of all, it is important to have a proper diet. In order to be healthy and feel well a person should have regular meals – at least three times a day plus have snacks in between. A person should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, nuts, fish, lean meat, rye bread, dairy products. A person should avoid eating many sweets – chocolates, candies, pies as they cause obesity. A person should not overeat, as it does not contribute to health.

Прежде всего, важно правильно питаться. Для того, чтобы быть здоровым и чувствовать себя хорошо, человек должен питаться регулярно — по крайней мере, три раза в день, плюс перекусывать между приемами пищи. Необходимо есть много овощей и фруктов, орехи, рыбу, постное мясо, ржаной хлеб, молочные продукты. А так же употреблять поменьше сладостей — шоколад, конфеты, пироги, поскольку они вызывают ожирение. Нам не следует переедать, поскольку это не принесет пользы нашему здоровью.

Secondly, a person should lead an active life. A person should play sports, go jogging, play different games, and walk a lot. Physical activity is an important part of a long and healthy life.

Во-вторых, мы должны вести активный образ жизни. Заниматься спортом, бегать трусцой, играть в разные игры, много гулять. Физическая активность является важной составляющей долгой и здоровой жизни.

Thirdly, people should avoid stressful situations in their life as they lead to health problems such as insomnia, mental disorders, and different illnesses. It is important to balance family life and work. Moreover, people should find time for themselves and their hobbies.

В-третьих, люди должны избегать стрессовых ситуаций в жизни, потому что они вызывают проблемы со здоровьем, такие как бессонница, психические расстройства, различные заболевания. Важно вести сбалансированную жизнь в семье и на работе. Кроме того, люди должны найти время для себя и своих увлечений.

So in order to be healthy and fit it is important to eat useful food containing a lot of nutrients and vitamins, be physically active and avoid stress.

Таким образом, для того, чтобы быть здоровым и поддерживать хорошую форму, важно принимать здоровую пищу, содержащую много питательных веществ и витаминов, быть физически активным и избегать стрессов.

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