Рассказ про любимое место на английском

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Моё любимое место в Москве/ My Favorite Place in Moscow с переводом на русский язык.

My Favorite Place in Moscow Моё любимое место в Москве
There are a lot of beautiful places in Moscow and a lot of them are my favorite. I love going there especially when we have guests. I usually show them the Red Square, the Arbat, the State Tretyakov Gallery, Gorky Central Park, Tverskaya Street, Clean Ponds park, the Moscow Zoo and so on. But the most favorite place is Sparrow Hills. В Москве очень много красивых мест, которые являются моими любимыми местами. Я люблю там бывать, особенно тогда, когда к нам приезжают гости. Обычно, я веду их на Красную площадь, улицу Арбат, в Третьяковскую галерею, парк Горького, на Тверскую улицу, в парк Чистые пруды, в Зоопарк и в некоторые другие красивые места. Но самое моё любимое место – это Воробьёвы горы.
I like several things about it. First of all, Vorobyevskaya Naberezhnaya. You can get there by exiting the metro station Sparrow hills. You can walk along it slowly enjoying those beautiful views. When the weather is nice you can sit on the grass and even get some suntan. It’s a very nice place to relax and have some rest from city noise and chaos. Мне нравится там сразу несколько вещей. Во-первых, это Воробьёвская набережная. Выйти на неё можно со станции метро «Воробьёвы горы». По ней можно неспешно прогуливаться, наслаждаясь прекрасными видами. В жаркое время можно полежать на траве и даже позагорать. Очень хорошее место для отдыха от городской суеты и шума.
Secondly, you can have a great panoramic view of the city from the observation deck. You can get there by using a cableway. This spot is considered one of the best viewing places in the city. You can see a lot of sights from there including the Moskva River. The first thing you see is Luzhniki Stadium where a lot of football matches were held during the World Cup 2018 including the final game. Besides the stadium, you can also see the House of the Government, Radisson Royal Hotel — Ukraine, Ostankino Tower, the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow Business City and so on. There are always a lot of tourists over there including foreigners and it’s very interesting to watch them. Во-вторых, это, конечно же, потрясающий вид на город со смотровой площадки. На неё можно легко подняться с набережной по канатной дороге. Этот вид считается самым полным и с самым хорошим обзором в городе. С него видно множество достопримечательностей и Москву-реку. Первое, что вы увидите, это стадион «Лужники», где прошли матчи Чемпионата мира по футболу в 2018 году, в том числе финальный матч турнира. Кроме стадиона, хорошо видны Дом Правительства, гостиница «Украина», Останкинская телебашня, здание МИД, небоскрёбы «Москва-Сити» и многое другое. В этом месте всегда много туристов, в том числе иностранцев, за которыми интересно наблюдать.
There are several other interesting places at Sparrow Hills such as the most famous university in Russia — MSU and also such an unusual object as a ski jump.. На Воробьёвых горах находится ещё несколько интересных мест. Это самый известный университет в России – МГУ, а также такой необычный объект, как лыжный трамплин.

Updated On — Saturday , November 6 2021

My favorite place essay ,Every human being in the world has a favorite place to go where his captivity feels comfortable and safe. A place to go in times of grief. A place where he sheds his concerns or a place that may remind you of beautiful memories and you love sitting in it to remember those moments. All this will be found here in My favorite place essay .

My favorite place essay

Every man in the world has a favorite place to go.  Where he captive his mind, feels comfortable and safe. Place to go in times of sadness. A place to throw concerns away or a place that may remind you of beautiful memories and you love sitting in it reminiscences those moments. Also it may be a place to change the mood.

Sea is that horizon that takes you to another world, where you reminiscences your beautiful memories, which gives you the psychological comfort and happiness with its breaking waves.

The sea is one of the most beautiful blessings for man, which shows the greatness of the Creator.  Words can’t describe the sea beauty and charm, which is an inspiration to many poets and writers. Poems and thoughts that talked about sea are uncountable.

The beach is my favorite place. Sit down to relax and think. I also go to it to practice many activities and games.

I join my friends in playing treasure hunt in the sand, which is based on hiding various objects down the sand and writing instructions on paper cards to help others reach them.

I build sand in the form of castles, palaces and compete with my friends to choose the ideal building design.

I go with my children to the beach. I make a kite and fly it in the sky. It’s fun if you take your children with you.

When I go with my friends and relatives, I arrange a barbecue on the sea with friends or relatives and enjoy the climate while listening to music and watching the scenery.

One of the most fun activities when I’m with my friends on the beach is playing the XO game on sand. Besides playing water war or fighting water balloons, they are fun games that you can also play in the sea.

Other activity I do on the beach with my friends is the volleyball game. In particular, you do not need to be professional to practice it!

The sea has a great impact on human soul. It is a source of hope and renewed activity.

Everyone I know likes to go to the beach as a natural place to have fun and rest.

My Favourite place essay

My favorite place is the beach, where I practice my hobby of fishing, which I love very much. I feel so happy from the start of the day that I start getting ready to go out for fishing and contemplate the beauty of nature.

I find it wonderful to have a happy and fun time at the same time. I can enjoy the beach and see the water and sunset. Also take advantage of the sun’s rays and get vitamin D. And also hunting and bringing out the energy inside me.

I liked these activities very much. I think I loved it because my father shared with me, and now my younger brother comes with me to learn from me. All this helps me to continue my hobby.

I often think of trying other ways to have fun like riding a fishing boat and spending time on it. I might do that in the future.

Essay on my Favourite place

My favorite place is on stage, I love acting very much. Therefore, a few years ago, I participated in several training workshops to teach acting. I am in the school theater group.

The happiest time of my life I find when we present a work of art and the audience comes to watch the show. Everything is done perfectly, and I hear the laughter and applause of the masses.

The audience’s interaction with the actor is like food for the soul. In these moments, he becomes more focused and energetic and strives to give the best.

Then comes the time for artistic criticism that comes from family, friends, or our followers. I care a lot about hearing other people’s opinions.

I would love to hear some compliments on my work from time to time. But I would be happy if the whole work and the staff are commended.

The success of the work also represents your success. Therefore, the stage represents a lot to me, and it is my favorite place, which I like to be in on a permanent basis.

Essay on my favourite place

My favorite place is the garden, I like to visit the garden very much with my family. We can practice many sports activities with the participation of my brothers or parents.

We very much enjoy the air and the vast scenic views. I really like the smell of roses in the air. Especially in the spring. This is the perfect time that I love to spend time in the garden.

My brothers and I like to start a game of soccer when we arrive. After that we sit for a while to rest and have some drinks and food. Seeing the vast green spaces around me helps me improve my appetite.

Then my dad joins us for a tug-of-war challenge. We laugh a lot when we beat him and there is great fun and joy when he shares this game with us.

After that, my brothers and I go back to ride some rides in the par and enjoy it. And when it gets dark we usually sit down and play some of the games we bring with us. This place is my favorite place that I  enjoy spending a lot of time in.

My Favourite place essay 200 words

There is no doubt that many of our habits have changed as a result of the spread of the Corona epidemic (Covid-19), after I used to prefer going with my friends to the club, where we used to spend a good time playing football, it became better to stay at home, so I prepared some things Which makes me happy, including the library, I have set up a library in my room, it contains many valuable books, I bought some of these books and others my father bought and gave to me.

My room has become my favorite place, and reading has become my favorite hobby. I enjoy reading books in general, and historical books in particular, because historical books educate me and provide me with important information. To make my room pleasant, I put some beautiful flowers on my desk, and my mother also I made a suggestion that they liked, which is to summarize the book that I have finished reading, and read it to the rest of the family, because in the evening

This idea encouraged my brothers to read as well, and thus there was competition between us and we invested our time in something useful, and I also played with my brother in the garden of the house, because exercising is ve

Ry important to maintain our health, and thus we have impleme

Nted the health instructions for combating the spread of the Corona virus without to be bored.

My Favourite place essay in English

My favorite place is at my aunt’s home. I  have no brothers. I have a father’s sister whom I love very much and she loves me and takes care of me a lot since my mother’s death.

My mother passed away a few years ago, and since then my aunt has been taking care of me and helping me and my father.

I love playing with her children and picnicking in the parks. I love the way she receives me, as she loves kissing me a lot, calling me my dear son.

I love my cousins ​​too, they love to play with me and involve me in many activities. The first person who taught me to ride a bike was my cousin. He helped me a lot and was patient with me until I could learn it. We go out a lot to spend some time cycling, but I like sitting at home with all the family members.

This may not be a favorite place for many people but this is my favorite place where I find the company that I love and spend some happy time with them.

My favorite place descriptive essay

My name is (..). We are a family of 5 people. I have two siblings younger than me. I am (..) years old. My favorite place that I like to spend my time in is the sea.

I have been fishing with my father since the age of seven. I liked very much to go out in the boat in the early morning, to prepare for fishing.

The area we live in contains different types of fish I love tuna a lot, it is one of the strongest types of fish we have. To catch it we must work hard  and struggle to keep the fish hanging in our strings.

The hard work does not end until the fish is on the boat. Only then we can rest and laugh a little. I love this place so much and would like to spend my whole life there.

Essay on my Favourite place in 200 words

My favorite place that I enjoy spending a lot of time in is The Animal Care Association. I love animals of all kinds, I love helping them find shelter, or offering them some simple customized foods.

A year and a half ago I was able to join The Animal Care Association. I got to know them through a friend of mine. He told me about them after he saw me care a lot about animals and I love taking care of them and helping them.

Therefore, this association aroused my curiosity as soon as he talked to me about. It is a non-governmental association, which includes a very large number of people.

We volunteer a lot when calls come to the association to go and help animals, especially small ones that have lost their father and mother, or an animal that was crossing the road and had an accident. Such things I love to do.

Three months ago there was a little stray puppy on the side of the road, a person called the association and told them. We went to see what would happen, I was so worried about crossing the road and having an accident.

I was so happy when we found him on the side of the road and he didn’t cross. I cared about him a lot and played with him for a while to calm him down.

I suggested to the supervisor that we walk around the residential areas to see if we can find his parents. And indeed, after a little searching, we found his  owner was looking for him.

The little puppy lost his identification collar, which made him unidentified. We are all so happy to him to his owner again.

My favorite place essay in English

My favorite place is the library. I love reading books and attending discussions that take place in  the library’s theater in my city.

I would very much like to become a writer in the future. I loved writing a lot after knowing that writing in the past was just symbols, and they were called hieroglyphs.

This was the beginning through which I admired the contemporary reading and writing of our time. After knowing how writing originated and using many images to express speech, writing has now become easier in all countries of the world.

I find great happiness in writing because it expresses my personality and I can express my imagination. I also find strong accuracy in transmitting news or information. Also, every written thing is taken more seriously than the oral style.

So I find the library is my favorite place. I love to read literature and contemporary history and learn a lot so that I have a lot of information to help me achieve my dream in the future.

My Favourite Place Essay for Class 6

There is no doubt that every person has a favorite place that he loves to be in and spend activities or just be there. I love being in football clubs, in the midst of big crowds, and listening to the crazy cheering for the players.

Not a year goes by without my father and I attending many matches. I support my city team (write the name of my club here). But I also love Real Madrid very much. I watch it on satellite channels. I am very happy for their winning.

This is my favorite place to be on holidays.

My favorite place paragraph

My favorite place to spend time is the theatre. I very much like to attend summer theater rehearsals, and participate in some theatrical performance or singing activities. Last year I had so much fun. We did Romeo and Juliet.

Certainly, it is a famous story and there is intense conflict, and many transitions, which required us to work great and continuous training in order to master the movements and express the content of the play properly.

I loved my participation last year in this play and I am very excited to participate this year and discover what we will offer. I hope it’s something as wonderful as the works of The Merchant of Venice. or something similar.

My favourite place to visit essay

My favorite place is the beach. But I am certainly not talking about ordinary beaches that contain water and sunshine only.

I am talking about the beaches that contain volleyball and basketball courts, an area dedicated to strength games, and places for celebrations and drinks.

Such beaches are my favourite, as I like to do all three sports, I love volleyball very much and I love to join my friends in playing.

In the early morning I like to exercise a little on some weights and do some fitness moves. In the evening I like very much to participate in basketball matches.

I like this atmosphere very much, and this is my favorite place, which I enjoy a lot and I like the competitive atmosphere in it.

My Favourite Place Essay 150 Words

My favorite place in the American football field, I love training and doing exercises that help me improve my fitness,
I love everything about this stadium, the color of the grass, the shape of the stands especially when they are full,
I love the cheers of encouragement, I love watching the joy of victory in the eyes of coaches and fans.

I also feel great enthusiasm every day on the field because of the continuous training that helps me improve my abilities and broaden my horizons. Every day I find myself better than I was the day before.

I aspire to do my best this year, get my team to the finals, and play a great match that will impress our fans and satisfy the coaches. I certainly hope to win first place, so my friends and I work hard and hope to be the best at the end of the season. We are achieving great victories that help us in the next stage and move to big teams.

Every student has a goal he would like to achieve, whether at the scientific or professional level, and I would very much like to remain involved in the stadiums even when I grow up. I would like to become a coach for this sport that I love so much.

Speech on my Favourite place

My favorite place that I like to spend time in on a regular and continuous basis and I do not tired to go to it at all is the shop that my father owns.

I am very happy to go and help my father with work, organization and cleaning. After that, I receive buyers, deal with them and serve them. This makes me feel very happy and confident.

My father works in a trade of (type a trade name). I love this trade very much and I like to choose some of the commodities that I have to order and search on the Internet for the required commodities and tell my father about them.

I am very happy if my analysis was correct and there is a great demand for one of the products and my father was able to benefit from my help.

I would very much like to work permanently in this trade and expand and enlarge it when I grow up. But now I enjoy a lot of my time with the help of my father and gain some skills and experience in addition to the confidence in dealing and communicating with others.

I feel this is a great opportunity to work in the market and be able to treat everyone. This breaks the dread inside me since I was young and gives me a lot of experience that will greatly benefit me in my future.

My favourite place paragraph for class 5

My favorite place is at the seaside, when the weather is great I go to spend some time swimming, and when the weather is cooler, I am always at the sea fishing. I love fishing, and the best place I like to be in on a daily basis is on the seashore, seeing the sea and hearing the sound of waves, looking at the sunrise or sunset every day and enjoying the wonderful view and breathing in the fresh air that carries the beautiful smell of the sea.

This is my favorite place that I like to spend time in and whenever I have the opportunity to go with my family members or friends I go and I never hesitate.

My favourite place in the world essay

My favorite place that I am very happy to be in is the soccer field. This is the best place in the world that I love to be in, especially when the fans of the two teams come to watch the match, and hear the shouts of encouragement in my name and the names of my friends.

This gives me a strong motivation and feeling to do the best and strive even if I am tired and cannot continue. I find myself regaining my strength as soon as I hear my name chanting from the fans, I feel awake and energized and my  fatigue are over.

The football field represents to me many things such as dreaming of fame, self-realization, accomplishing something important in my life, and certainly the financial return as well. So I take things seriously and try to be responsible as much as possible.

A favorite place to relax topic sentence

I would very much like to talk about a favorite place to relax, which helps me a lot in getting rid of many stressful thoughts that occupy my mind and make me psychologically exhausted.

This place is the beach where fishing, I really like to go fishing when I am tired of thinking a lot. I feel when I am fishing and looking at the water that I am completely numb and no longer think of anything to occupy my mind.

I find myself caring only what I do, and I would be very happy if I could catch a fish, it changes my mood and makes me more optimistic and happy.
I take advantage of the beach near us, and go to release the negative energy inside me so that I can return to study and activities that I do with all the vitality and energy.

My favorite place to live essay

I would much rather live in the middle of forests and rivers than city life. Whenever I go with my family for camping, or spend some times and occasions with my family and relatives in rural areas far from the city and its hustle and bustle, I find a wonderful inner feeling, which I can describe to peace and comfort.

After a few days, I find myself feeling energetic. I also notice that I sleep better, without frequent worry throughout the night, beside enjoying the smell that spreads everywhere, emanating from the trees, roses and green life surrounding us from everywhere.

I enjoy very much fishing in the lakes and relaxing from time to time. This is the life I want to spend my life in, away from the fast life, stress and anxiety, and live in fear.

My favourite natural place essay

I find the true magic in everything from God’s creation, and no matter how much man has developed and built architectural buildings and established entertainment clubs and others that do not match the beauty of nature and the landscapes that are God’s creation.

I always find myself happier and more comfortable in the vast areas, which contain mountains and green areas, and seeing the city from the outside, and not from the inside, I feel great pressure and lack of focus when I am in the city.
As soon as I go out and see the city from outside, I feel like I have put a heavy weight on my shoulders.

Therefore, my favorite place that I like to spend time in is the natural areas outside the city, which contain large areas and are not crowded.

My favorite place in the world essay

My favorite place in the whole world is the beach. There is no specific beach I prefer to be in, what I like about the beach is the smell of the sea, seeing the sea and the water in front of me moving and forming waves.

I feel calm and psychologically comfortable when I listen to the sounds of the waves around me as I look and breathe deeply on the shore.

I don’t much prefer to swim, I do it from time to time, but I enjoy walking on the beach without shoes on my feet, walking around feeling the sand on my toes, and letting the water wet my feet, this is the most beautiful feeling I love and prefer.

Describe your favorite place essay

My favorite place is camping in the desert, seeing the yellow sand surrounding me from every side, moving away from technology and any modern gadgets, returning to barbecue using traditional methods, sleeping in tents, and talking to each other automatically and naturally without any electronic devices.

I feel comfortable and calm in such places, and I feel that my mind is taking a break from everything around me that requires focus and attention.

Being in such places helps me to feel my surroundings, and I see many things that I used to neglect to see despite my presence because I was busy communicating with my friends on the phone, or playing while I was wandering outside.

Therefore, I find that this is my favorite place that I would like to spend great times in and return to from time to time.

In this way, we have given you  My favorite place essay ,and you can read more through the following link:

  • Essay on city

Текст My favourite place с переводом.

My favourite place
Мое любимое место

Everyone has a special place, somewhere they have happy memories of. Well, for me it’s Osoyoos Lake in British Columbia, Canada. It’s my favourite place in the world and I spent many happy summer holidays there as a child. The lake is in a truly spectacular location and there are many exciting things to see and do there. У каждого есть особое место – то, о котором человек вспоминает. Итак, для меня это озеро Осойуз в Британской Колумбии в Канаде. Это мое любимое место в мире, и в детстве я провел много счастливых выходных там. Озеро является поистине зрелищным местом, и там можно увидеть и сделать много увлекательных вещей.
The lake and the area around it are both unique and stunningly beautiful. Located in Canada’s only desert, it provides a welcome break with its sandy shores and cool, shady trees. As you approach the lake area, through field after field of orchards stretching as far as the eye can see, you are struck by the wonderful scent of all kinds of fruit such as apricots, plums and cherries. Озеро и место вокруг него уникальны и поразительно красивы. Расположенное в единственной канадской пустыне, оно является прекрасным разнообразием своими песчаными берегами и прохладными, тенистыми деревьями. Как только вы приближаетесь к району озера, через поля с орхидеями, простирающимися так далеко, как может видеть глаз, вас поражает удивительный аромат всевозможных фруктов, таких как абрикосы, сливы и вишни.
There are many interesting and fun activities to do at Osoyoos Lake. Water sports such as water skiing, boating and fishing are particularly popular. As kids, my brothers and I spent many long, hot afternoons swimming and jumping off the raft we made every summer! In the evenings, we would light a campfire, roast marshmallows and listen to the sound of crickets chirping loudly in the background. На озере Осойуз есть много интересных и забавных видов деятельности. Особенно популярен водный спорт, например: водные лыжи, катание на лодках и рыбалка. Будучи детьми мы с братом проводили много длинных жарких дней, плавая и прыгая с плотов, которые мы делали каждое лето! По вечерам мы зажигали огонь в палаточном лагере, жарили маршмеллоу и слушали звуки сверчков, стрекочущих громко позади.
Osooyos Lake is a fantastic place! I have many unforgettable memories of the unique sights, sounds and smells there and the exciting things we did. It will always hold a very special place in my heart. Озеро Осойуз – это фантастическое место! У меня много незабываемых воспоминаний об уникальных видах, звуках и запахах там и о тех интересных вещах, которые мы делали. Оно всегда будет занимать особое место в моем сердце.

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Мы все любим путешествовать. Нам нравится посещать новые страны и города, мы стараемся увидеть как можно больше достопримечательностей, нас привлекают памятники архитектуры. Но иногда человек может заблудиться, находясь в незнакомом городе. Хорошо, если с вами будет карта посещаемого города. Но порой сориентироваться можно, лишь спросив жителей этого города, куда вам нужно идти. Вот в этой ситуации и нужно знать описание города на английском языке, а если быть точнее, название заведений и строений, транспорта и предлоги для ориентирования на местности. Возможна и другая ситуация. Вы принимаете у себя в гостях иностранца (или работаете экскурсоводом), и вам нужно показать человеку город, рассказав о значимых местах. Без описания города на английском языке никак не обойтись!

My Native City

I was born in a small town but I love it with all my heart. I liked to walk around, discover new places, hang out with my friends in the center and so on. Today I know everything here. I have to say that in childhood I didn’t really like it. I wanted to move to another town. I wanted to live in a big city where I can meet new people every day. I really thought that my town was boring. But today I see how beautiful and interesting my city is.

My native town is Odintsovo. This town had been founded in 1470. It is located 4 kilometers away from Moscow, in west part of Moscow region.

During the Second World War our town suffered a lot. Many firms were opened here after 1960. People here are very hospitable and friendly. As I said it’s not very big and everyone knows each other. And I really like it.

Few of my friends went away to study. They say they miss Odintsovo a lot. And they are always happy to come back here. That’s why I am sure I will miss this town.

The best place in my town is the center. It is beautiful and always full of people. Teenagers often come here in the evenings. And when there is some celebration in our town, it’s always here in the center. There are some shops here, bars and cafe, offices and bank.

Our town is not so popular and famous like Moscow or Saint Petersburg, but there are also beautiful streets and buildings.

For me my home town is the best. I was born here and grew up. I have many friends and relatives in this town. My best memories, holidays and celebrations were here. I understood how much I love it only when I have become elder. And in future I am sure wherever I go I will always come back in Odintsovo at least once in a year. Because a piece of my heart will stay here forever.

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Топик (сочинение) по английскому языку на тему «Моя комната / My room»

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We have recently moved to a new flat, which is situated not far from the city center. It’s a spacious three bedroom flat on the 5th floor. One room is for my parents, one room is for me and the last one if for our guests in case they decide to stay overnight.

I like all the rooms in this flat but my favourite place is, of course, my bedroom. It’s like a small world where I keep all my textbooks, CDs, stuffed animals, dresses, magazines, posters and else. I should say that my room is not big at all, but it stores lots of my possessions. The only furniture I have there is my bed, my desk with the chair, my bookcase and my wardrobe. All my stuffed animals are placed on the bed. The books and magazines are in the bookcase and all my clothes are in the wardrobe.

Sometimes I make a mess, but then I have to clean up my room. On the desk there is a lamp, a computer, some school textbooks and lots of stationery, such as pens, pencils, markers, rulers, erasers and else. My favourite musical band is Evanescence so I have several posters with them. Some of them are hung over my bed and some – over the desk. There is also a small balcony next to my bedroom, which is also considered to be mine. I keep lots of old and unnecessary things there. Speaking of pets, I have a funny turtle, which also lives in my room. I spend most of the time in my room and I’m glad that it’s so cozy.


Мы недавно переехали в новую квартиру, которая находится недалеко от центра города. Это просторная трехкомнатная квартира на 5-ом этаже. Одна комната предназначена для моих родителей, одна комната — для меня, и последняя — для наших гостей, в случае, если они решат остаться на ночь.

Мне нравятся все комнаты в этой квартире, но мое любимое место, конечно, это моя спальня. Это как маленький мир, где я храню все свои учебники, компакт-диски, мягкие игрушки, платья, журналы, плакаты и т.д. Я должна сказать, что моя комната вовсе и не большая, но она вмещает многие мои принадлежности. Единственная мебель, которая у меня есть, это моя кровать, мой рабочий стол со стулом, мой книжный шкаф и мой гардероб. Все мои мягкие игрушки находятся на кровати, книги и журналы в книжном шкафу, и вся моя одежда в гардеробе.

Иногда у меня образуется беспорядок, но тогда я убираю свою комнату. На столе есть лампа, компьютер, некоторые школьные учебники и много канцелярских принадлежностей, таких как ручки, карандаши, маркеры, линейки, ластики и т.д. Моя любимая музыкальная группа – это Evanescence, поэтому у меня есть несколько плакатов с ними. Некоторые из них висят над моей кроватью, а некоторые — над столом. Рядом с моей спальней есть также небольшой балкон, который также считается моим. Я храню много старых и ненужных вещей там. Говоря о домашних животных, у меня есть смешная черепашка, которая также живет в моей комнате. Я провожу большую часть времени в моей комнате, и я рада, что в ней так уютно.

Мой родной город

Я родился в маленьком городке, но люблю его всем сердцем. Мне нравится тут гулять, открывать новые места, зависать с друзьями на центре и так далее. Сегодня я знаю здесь абсолютно все. Должен сказать, что в детстве я не очень любил свой город. Мне хотелось переехать куда-нибудь ещё. Я хотел жить в большом городе, где смогу встречать новых людей каждый день. Мне действительно казалось, что мой город очень скучный. Но сегодня я вижу, в каком красивом и интересном городке я живу.

Мой родной город — Одинцово. Он был основан в 1470 году. Расположен он всего в 4 километрах от Москвы, в западной части Московского района. Во время Второй Мировой войны город сильно пострадал. Зато после 1960 года он начал расти и развиваться, стали появляться фирмы и заводы. Люди тут очень гостеприимные и дружелюбные. Как я уже сказал, город не очень большой и все тут практически знают друг друга. И мне это очень нравится.

Несколько моих друзей уехали в другие города учиться. Они говорят, что очень скучают по Одинцово. И они всегда рады, когда приезжают сюда на каникулы. И я тоже уверен, что буду скучать по родному городу.

Лучшее место здесь — это центр города. Тут красиво и всегда полно людей. Подростки часто приходят сюда по вечерам. А когда приближается какое-либо празднование, то обычно это случается в центре города. Здесь есть несколько магазинов, бары и кафе, офисы и банк.

Наш город не такой известный и популярный, как Москва или Санкт-Петербург. Но тут есть тоже красивые улицы и здания. Для меня мой родной город — самый лучший. Я тут родился и вырос. Здесь живет много моих друзей и родственников. Мои лучшие воспоминания, праздники и всевозможные торжества прошли тут. Я понял, как сильно люблю свой город, только когда стал старше. И в будущем я уверен, куда бы я не уехал, сюда буду возвращаться хотя бы раз в год. Потому что частичка моего сердца навсегда останется здесь.

Город и его части

Слово «город» может переводиться как a town и a city, но последнее более распространено. A town – это небольшой город, в то время как a city – большой и оживленный. Каждый город поделен на районы (districts), и у каждого города есть пригород (a suburb) и окрестности (neighbourhoods). Человек также может оказаться в a village (деревне).

Как правило, в каждом городе есть улицы (streets), площади (squares), парки (parks) и скверы (public gardens). А в пригороде или окрестностях вы можете увидеть поле (a field), реку (a river) или канал (a canal).

  • Хотите узнать, как города Америки получают свои никнеймы? Тогда статья «История прозвищ американских городов» придется вам по вкусу.

Прилагательные для описания города

Самое важное в описании города – какое впечатление он производит на людей, его посетивших. И тут вам на помощь придут следующие прилагательные, которые вы можете использовать в английском:

  • ancient – древний;
  • historic – исторический;
  • attractive – привлекательный;
  • lovely – милый;
  • bustling – шумный, суетливый;
  • contemporary – современный;
  • lively – оживленный;
  • picturesque – живописный;
  • charming – очаровательный;
  • touristic – туристический;
  • dull – тусклый;
  • boring – скучный.

Транспорт в городе

Путешествуя по городу, вы будете пользоваться общественным транспортом (public transport). Стоит выучить, как называют поезд (a train), железнодорожную станцию (a railway station), трамвай (a tram), троллейбус (a trolley bus), автобус (a bus), метро (a tube/subway) и пароход (a steamer).

  • Удобный разговорник на эту тему представлен в статье «Городской транспорт»
  • А подробное описание общественного транспорта вы найдете в статье «Means of transport. Транспорт на английском языке»

Места, которые можно посетить

Достопримечательностей (sights) в каждом городе масса. Находясь в другом городе, вы, вероятно, захотите посетить театр (a theatre), музей (a museum), кинотеатр (a cinema) или галерею (an art gallery). Насладиться музыкой можно в концертном зале (a concert hall) или в опере (an opera house). Любителям архитектуры можно посоветовать посетить церковь (a church), собор (a cathedral) или замок (a castle).

  • Выбирайте себе развлечение по душе вместе с нашей статьей «Let’s have some fun, или Все о развлечениях».

Учатся дети и студенты в школе (a school), колледже (a college), университете (a university), а книги берут в библиотеке (a library). Названия всех этих учреждений помогут вам найти любую достопримечательность или выбранное вами место для посещения.

Подкрепиться можно в кафе (a café) или ресторане (a restaurant). Любителей совершать покупки привлекут огромные торговые центры (shopping malls). Обычные же магазины и супермаркеты именуются соответственно shops и supermarkets (department stores). А также каждому туристу следует знать, как по-английски называют банк (a bank), аптеку (a drugstore), больницу (a hospital), полицейский участок (a police station), отделение почтовой связи (a post office).

  • В случае чрезвычайной ситуации вам могут понадобиться фразы из нашей статьи «Survival guide: медицинская помощь туристам за границей». Надеемся, что слова из статьи вам не пригодятся, но знать их надо абсолютно всем.

Сочинение 0898. (C). Мой любимый город

Рыскалина Наталья. Высшая Школа Экономики, Москва, Россия Сочинение на английском языке с переводом. Номинация Мой мир.

Everyone has a city which he adores and loves with all his heart. For some people it can be their hometown and for others it can be some other city, which, for example, they have dreamt of visiting for years. As for me, my favorite city is Moscow and below you can see the reasons why.

First of all, it should be mentioned, that I am not a Muscovite. I was born in Izhevsk, but when I was a little child, my parents used to bring me to Moscow and gradually I fell in love with it. I remember that when our train arrived at the Moscow station, I was very excited and my mood all at once became great. I was always looking forward to my summer holidaysas only then we could go to Moscow.

Almost two years ago I arrived in Moscow to study at the university. Finally, my dream came true and I could enjoy all the sights this magnificent city had.

In my opinion, in Moscow you have every opportunity to live your life brightly and fully. Not only can you see lots of mesmerizing sights and views here, but also you have got lots of career possibilities. Most of perspective companies, including international ones, have their offices in this city and to get your dream job you just need to be active, ambitious and sociable. All the opportunities lay in front of you and you just need to have a go and grab them.

For those, who love art, music and movie industry, Moscow has also lots of amusing things to suggest. Every year a certain amount of famous exhibitions from different countries is held in this city, you will also be able to see the performances of famous artists and musicians, who arrive in Moscow as a part of their world tour, and, of course, you will have the opportunity to see world-famous actors, who come in Russia to present their new films and projects.

Moscow is a very beautiful city. Here you can find both ancient and modern architecture. In the centre of the city there are mostly quite old but beautiful buildings and, of course, here you can also find the heart of Moscow and Russia – the Kremlin and the Red Square. This is quite an exceptional place in the city and I think that there’s no one who does not like it. Being there, you can admire the unforgettable architectural style it is built in and you have an incredible feeling of belonging to Russia.

A little bit further from the city centre, just outside the Garden Ring, you can see one of the most famous modern building complexes – Moscow International Business Center with its impressive and shiny skyscrapers. Though this district is not completely built, there you can already see lots of offices and some entertainment features (for example, a big shopping center with cinema complex).

In this city there are also lots of places for family walks, including parks, alleys and natural reserves and among them I have my favorite ones. These are Gorky Central Park, Park Pobedy, the Arbat (both new and old) and quiet boulevards of the Boulevard Ring. There you can spend your free time with your friends or family or meet lots of new interesting people.

Living in Moscow, I feel like I can achieve anything I want if I just put in some efforts. I believe that Moscow is one of the best cities to live in as it has both beautiful sights and the whole ocean of possibilities for those willing to take them. Not everyone will like Moscow with its constant traffic jams, large crowds of people and its fussy and noisy rhythm of life, but for me this city is just perfect and I feel like I belong here. I am extremely happy to live in such place and I hope everyone will be able to find the place where he can feel comfortable and homelike.

У каждого человека есть город, который он любит всем своим сердцем. Для некоторых людей это может быть их родной город, а для других это может быть какой-то другой город, например, посетить который они мечтали много лет. Что касается меня, то мой любимый город – это Москва.

Прежде всего нужно отметить, что я не москвичка. Я родилась в Ижевске, но когда я была маленьким ребенком, мои родители привозили меня в Москву и постепенно я влюбилась в этот город. Я помню, когда наш поезд приезжал на московский вокзал, я была очень возбуждена и мое настроение резко повышалось. Я всегда очень ждала летних каникул, так как только тогда мы могли поехать в Москву.

Почти два года назад я приехала в Москву, чтобы учиться в университете. Наконец, моя мечта исполнилась и я могла насладиться всеми видами этого величественного города.

По моему мнению, в Москве у васесть возможность жить яркой и полной жизнью. Вы не только можете увидеть множество гипнотизирующих мест, но и у вас есть большое количество возможностей построить хорошую карьеру. У большинства перспективных компаний, включая международные, есть свои офисы в этом городе и для того, чтобы заполучить работу своей мечты, вам нужно только быть активным, амбициозным и общительным. Все возможности лежат перед вами и вам нужно лишь попробовать и ухватиться за них.

Для тех, кто любит искусство, музыку и киноиндустрию, Москва также может предложить много интересного. Каждый год в городе проходит определенное количество известных выставок из разных стран, вы также сможете увидеть выступления известных артистов и музыкантов, приезжающих в Москву в рамках своих мировых турне, и, конечно, у вас появится возможность увидеть известных на весь мир актеров, которые прибывают в Россию, чтобы представить свои новые фильмы и проекты.

Москва – очень красивый город. Здесь вы можете найти как древние, так и современные архитектурные сооружения. В центре города в основном находятся достаточно старые, но красивые здания и, конечно, здесь вы также увидите сердце Москвы и России – Кремль и Красную площадь. Это исключительное место в городе, и я думаю, что нет никого, кому бы оно не нравилось. Находясь на Красной площади, ты можешь любоваться ее незабываемым архитектурным стилем и почувствовать свою целостность с Россией.

Чуть вдалеке от центра города, за Садовым кольцом, вашему взору предстанет один из самых известных комплексов — Московский международный деловой центр с его впечатляющими и сияющими небоскребами. Хотя этот район еще не полностью достроен, вы уже можете увидеть там множество офисов и несколько развлекательных учреждений (например, большой торговый центр с кинокомплексом).

В этом городе также много мест для семейных прогулок, включая парки, аллеи и природные заповедники, и среди них у меня есть любимые. Это Центральный парк им. Горького, Парк победы, улица Арбат (и новый, и старый) и тихие бульвары Бульварного кольца. Там вы можете провести свое свободное время с друзьями, членами семьи или встретить много новых и интересных людей.

Живя в Москве, я чувствую, что могу достичь всего, чего пожелаю, если только приложу определенные усилия. По моему мнению, Москва — это один из лучших городов для проживания, так как здесь есть и красивые места, и целый океан возможностей для тех, кому они нужны. Не всем понравится Москва с ее постоянными дорожными пробками, огромными толпами народа и ее суетливым и шумным ритмом жизни, но для меня этот город идеален и я чувствую, что нашла свое место в жизни. Я очень счастлива жить в таком городе, и я надеюсь, что каждый человек сможет найти свой город, в котором ему комфортно и уютно.

Copyright © Russian centres of City and Guilds, 2011-2012

Разбираем английские топики на разные темы для школьников и студентов. Топик Путешествие на английском – Travelling. Топик можно использовать и как сочинение. В уроке вы найдете английский текст с переводом на русский.


Travelling is very popular nowadays. A lot of people travel to different countries if they have such opportunity. Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. I think it is very interesting to discover new things, new places and different ways of life. While on travel, you meet new people, try different meals; see world famous places with your own eyes.

There are many ways of traveling – by train, by plane, by ship, on foot. If you want to visit a far country, you’ll definitely choose a flight. If your aim is to see many countries for a short time, you’ll choose travelling by bus or by car. If you want to be closer to nature, you may choose a trip on foot.

Lots of people nowadays live in big cities. So it’s natural that they want to have a holiday by the sea or in mountains with nothing to do but relaxing. There is other sort of travellers. They want to visit as many countries as possible. So after exploring Europe and North America they go to exotic countries.

People who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. Thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. They motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. Any kind of travelling helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home.

As English people say – A picture is worth a thousand words. And I totally agree with them.

Travelling Путешествия
Travelling is very popular nowadays. A lot of people travel to different countries if they have such opportunity. Travelling allows you to get interesting experience, learn about people’s life in other countries and continents. I think it is very interesting to discover new things, new places and different ways of life. While on travel, you meet new people, try different meals; see world famous places with your own eyes. Путешествия в наше время очень популярны. Много людей путешествуют в другие страны, если у них есть такая возможность. Путешествия позволяют получить новый опыт, узнать о жизни людей в других странах и континентах. Я думаю, что это очень интересно – исследовать что-то новое, новые места и такую разную жизнь. Во время поездки ты встречаешь новых людей, пробуешь новую еду, видишь знаменитые достопримечательности своими глазами.
There are many ways of traveling – by train, by plane, by ship, on foot. If you want to visit a far country, you’ll definitely choose a flight. If your aim is to see many countries for a short time, you’ll choose travelling by bus or by car. If you want to be closer to nature, you may choose a trip on foot. Есть много способов путешествовать – на поезде, на самолете, на корабле, пешком. Если ты хочешь посетить далекую страну, то точно выберешь самолет. Если твоя цель – увидеть много стран за короткое время, то ты выберешь путешествие на автобусе или машине. Если хочешь быть ближе к природе, то, наверное, выберешь пеший поход.
Lots of people nowadays live in big cities. So it’s natural that they want to have a holiday by the sea or in mountains with nothing to do but relaxing. There is other sort of travellers. They want to visit as many countries as possible. So after exploring Europe and North America they go to exotic countries. Многие люди в наше время живут в больших городах. Так что это естественно, что они хотят провести отпуск возле моря или в горах, чтобы ничего не делать и просто отдыхать. Есть другой вид путешественников. Они хотят увидеть как можно больше стран. Так что после исследования Европы и Северной Америки, они ездят в экзотические страны.
People who travel a lot, are very interesting, they always have a good story to tell. Thanks to them you can learn many things which you didn’t know before. They motivate to see something new, to explore the world, which is so easy to do nowadays. Any kind of travelling helps you to understand many things that you would never see or learn at home. Люди, которые путешествуют, очень интересные, у них всегда припасена интересная история. Благодаря им можно узнать много нового. Они мотивируют тебя увидеть что-то новое, исследовать мир, что так легко сделать в наше время. Любое путешествие поможет узнать много нового, чего бы ты точно не узнал дома.
As English people say – A picture is worth a thousand words. And I totally agree with them. Как говорят англичане – Лучше 1 раз увидеть, чем 100 раз услышать. И я полностью с ними соглашусь.

Смотри больше английских топиков и сочинений
Тесты онлайн по теме “Путешествие – Travelling, Tourism”. В каждом тесте аудио + картинка. Тесты помогают тренировать понимание на слух, запоминать слово путем ассоциаций, тренировать правописание слова:

1 International Travel. Types of Travel. (Виды путешествий) 2 International Travel. Arriving at a Destination. (Прибытие в пункт назначения) 3 International Travel. Hotel Communication. (Фразы для общения в отеле) 4 International Travel. Tourist Activities. (Чем заняться в турпоездке) 5 International Travel. Tourist Communication. (Полезные фразы для туристов)

Елена Вогнистая

Меня зовут Елена Викторовна Вогнистая, и я преподаю английский более 15 лет. Автор книги OK English! Английская грамматика для начинающих Я рада поделиться знаниями и опытом с вами. Наши проекты: (500+ статей и уроков по английскому); ok-tests.ru(1000+ тестов по всей грамматике английского); Youtube КАНАЛ OK English (600+ видео уроков по английскому); Группа VK, Группа Facebook
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