Рассказ про менеджера на английском

Менеджер – Manager – |ˈmænɪdʒər|
Начальник – Chief – |tʃiːf|
Коллеги – Colleagues – |ˈkɑːliɡz|
Организация – Organization – |ˌɔːrɡənəˈzeɪʃn|
Управление – Control – |kənˈtroʊl|
Предприятие – Company – |ˈkʌmpəni|
Подчиненные – Subordinate – |səˈbɔːrdɪnət|

Диалог о менеджере на английском языке

– Привет, я на работе.
– А кем ты работаешь?
– Я работаю менеджером.
– Ты управляешь персоналом?
– Да, а еще развиваю компанию, мотивирую себя и коллег к достижению цели!

– Hi, I’m at work.
– And who are you working for?
– I work as a manager.
– Do you manage the personnel?
– Yes, I also develop the company, I motivate myself and my colleagues to achieve the goal!

Рассказ о менеджере на английском языке

Менеджер является должностным лицом предприятия, в котором он работает, и входит в средний и высший руководящий состав предприятий или сферы услуг. Цель работы менеджера – обеспечение стабильной конкурентоспособности фирмы.

Определяющим признаком управляющего является наличие подчиненных. В зависимости от величины и количества объектов управления различают уровни управления, а, следовательно, и управляющих.

Общепринято выделять менеджеров низшего звена, менеджеров среднего звена и менеджеров высшего звена.

Основные функции менеджеров — управление, организация, мотивация, контроль и развитие.

В общем, чтобы стать хорошим менеджером, нужно постоянно работать над улучшением своих навыков по пяти указанным выше функциям.

Теперь перевод:

The manager is the official of the enterprise in which he works, and is included in the middle and top management of enterprises or services. The goal of the manager is to ensure the firm’s stable competitiveness.

The determining sign of the manager is the presence of subordinates. Depending on the size and number of control objects, the levels of management are distinguished, and, consequently, managers.

It is generally accepted to assign low-level managers, middle managers and senior managers.

The main functions of managers are management, organization, motivation, control and development.

In general, in order to become a good manager, you need to constantly work on improving your skills for the five functions mentioned above.

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Моя будущая профессия — менеджер/ My Future Profession Is A Manager с переводом на русский язык.

My Future Profession Is A Manager Моя будущая профессия — менеджер
As the school comes to an end, we need to think about our future career. There are certainly many interesting and worthy professions in the modern world, but I think that people should choose what’s best for them. Так как школа скоро заканчивается, нужно думать о будущей карьере. В современном мире есть много интересных и достойных профессий, но я думаю, что люди должны выбирать то, что лучше всего подходит им.
For example, if someone is good at foreign language, why not to become an interpreter. If someone is good at maths, he or she can become an accountant or a financier. The same is true about me. Например, если кому-то хорошо даются иностранные языки, то почему бы не стать переводчиком. Если кому-то легко дается математика, то можно стать бухгалтером или финансистом. И я следую тому же правилу.
My teachers say that I’m rather good at maths, social and natural sciences. I have also good organizational skill, which makes it perfect for a manager. At the moment I’m at my last year in school, so I need to decide what type of institution to enter. I have made up my mind to become a manager. My friends and parents support my decision. They say I’m on the right path. Being a manager is an interesting and exciting profession. It is full of new twists and gives plenty of career opportunities. For example, at first I can be a lower level manager. If I work hard and show my best qualities, I can get a promotion and soon become a top manager. Мои учителя говорят, что я достаточно способный в математике, обществознании и естественных науках. Также, у меня хорошие организационные навыки, что идеально подходит для менеджера. На данный момент я учусь в последнем классе школы, так что мне нужно решить, в какой институт поступать. Я решил, что стану менеджером. Мои друзья и родители поддерживают это решение. Они говорят, что я на правильном пути. Быть менеджером интересно и увлекательно. Эта профессия полна новых поворотов и дает много возможностей для карьерного роста. Например, сначала я могу быть менеджером низшего звена. Если я буду упорно трудиться и демонстрировать свои лучшие качества, то смогу получить повышение по службе и вскоре стану топ-менеджером.
My father works for one large company as a managing director and his job is well-paid. I understand that this work requires lots of responsibility but I’m ready to give it a try. Мой отец работает в одной крупной компании в качестве управляющего директора и его работа хорошо оплачиваемая. Я понимаю, что эта работа требует большой ответственности, но я готов рискнуть.
The main functions of a manager are planning, organizing, motivating and controlling. The level of difficulty depends on the size and number of controlled objects. Certain personal qualities are also required to succeed in this field. First of all, management is mainly dealing with people. As for me, I have good communication skills that should help me with my future job. Основные функции менеджера – это планирование, организация, мотивация и контроль. Уровень сложности зависит от размера и количества контролируемых объектов. Некоторые личные качества также важны для достижения успеха в этой области. Прежде всего, менеджмент – это работа с людьми. Что касается меня, то у меня отличные коммуникационные навыки, которые должны помочь мне с будущей работой.

want me to explain what management is? Well, I guess I can manage
that! Actually, management as we understand it today is a fairly
recent idea. Most economists in the eighteenth and nineteenth
centuries, for example, wrote about factors of production such as
land, labour and capital, and about supply and demand, as if these
were impersonal and objective economic forces which left no room for
human action. An exception was Jean-Baptiste, who invented the term
‘entrepreneur’, the person who sees opportunities to use
resources in more productive ways

хотите, чтобы я объяснил, каково
управление? Ну, я предполагаю, что могу
управлять этим! Фактически, управление,
поскольку мы понимаем его сегодня,
является довольно недавней идеей.
Большинство экономистов в восемнадцатых
и девятнадцатых веках, для экс-усилителя
le, написало о факторах производства,
таких как земля, труд и капитал, и о
спросе и предложении, как будто они были
безличными и объективными экономическими
силами, которые не оставили комнаты для
человеческой деятельности. Исключением
был Жан-Батист, который изобрел термин
‘предприниматель’, человек, который
видит возможности использовать ресурсы
более производительными способами.

are people who are alert to so-far undiscovered profit opportunities.
They perceive opportunities to commercialize new technologies and
products that will serve the market better than it is currently being
served by their competitors. They are happy to risk their own or
other people’s capital. They are frequently unconventional,
innovative people. But entrepreneurship isn’t the same as
management, and most managers aren’t entrepreneurs

— люди, которые остерегаются до сих пор
неоткрытых возможностей прибыли. Они
чувствуют возможности коммерциализировать
новые технологии и продукты, которые
будут служить рынку лучше, чем он в
настоящее время подается их конкурентами.
Они счастливы рискнуть капиталом своих
собственных или других людей. Они — часто
нетрадиционные, инновационные люди. Но
предпринимательство не то же самое как
управление, и большинство менеджеров
не предприниматели.

what’s management?
Well, it’s essentially a matter of organizing people. Managers,
especially senior managers, have to set objectives for their
organization, and then work out how to achieve them. This is true of
the managers of business enterprises, government departments,
educational institutions, and sports teams, although for government
services, universities and so on we usually talk about administrators
and administration rather than managers and management. Managers
analyse the activities of the organization and the relations among
them. They divide the work into distinct activities and then into
individual jobs. They select people to manage these activities and
perform the jobs. And they often need to make the people responsible
for performing individual jobs form effective teams

что такое управление?
Ну, это — по существу вопрос организации
людей. Менеджеры, особенно старшие
менеджеры, должны установить цели для
своей организации, и затем решить, как
достигнуть их. Это верно для менеджеров
коммерческих предприятий, ведомств,
образовательных учреждений и спортивных
команд, хотя для правительственных
услуг, университеты и так далее мы обычно
говорим об администраторах и правительстве,
а не менеджерах и управлении. Менеджеры
анализируют действия организации и
отношений среди них. Они делят работу
на отличные действия и затем на отдельные
рабочие места. Они выбирают людей, чтобы
управлять этими действиями и выполнить
рабочие места. И они часто должны делать
людей ответственными за выполнение,
отдельные рабочие места формируют
эффективные команды.

have to be good at communication and motivation. They
need to communicate the organization’s objectives to the people
responsible for attaining them. They have to motivate their staff to
work well, to be productive, and to contribute something to the
organization. They make decisions about pay and promotion. Managers
also have to measure the performance of their staff, and to ensure
that the objectives and performance targets set for the whole
organization and for individual employees are reached. Furthermore,
they have to train and develop their staff, so that their performance
continues to improve

должны быть способными к коммуникации
и побуждению. Они
должны сообщить цели организации людям,
ответственным за достижение их. Они
должны заставить свой штат работать
хорошо, быть производительным, и вносить
что-то в организацию. Они принимают
решения относительно платы и поощрения.
Менеджеры также должны определить
эксплуатационные качества своего штата,
и гарантировать, что цели и поставленные
задачи, установленные для целой
организации и для отдельных сотрудников,
достигнуты. Кроме того, они должны
обучать и развить свой штат, так, чтобы
их работа продолжила улучшаться.

managers obviously
perform these tasks better than others. Most achievements and
failures in business are the achievements or failures of individual

менеджеры, очевидно,
выполняют эти задачи лучше, чем другие.
Большинство успехов и неудач в бизнесе
— успехи или неудачи отдельных менеджеров.

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Слово “Менеджмент” стало часто употребляться в сфере бизнеса. Хоть это и широкое понятие, но в целом, менеджмент означает организацию и координацию группы людей для направления их к реализации цели. Этот процесс может включать в себя манипуляцию различными ресурсами: людскими, финансовыми, природными, технологическими и т. д. Помимо организации лиц, менеджмент использует и другие функции, такие как прогнозирование, планирование, кадровое обеспечение, контроль, исполнение,

управление. Говоря об этимологии слова “менеджмент”, следует отметить, что оно имеет итальянские корни. Оно означает уметь справляться с чем-либо. Люди, которые несут ответственность за управление малыми фирмами или крупными компаниями, являются либо директорами, либо менеджерами. Эти люди имеют право принимать решения относительно предприятия.

Одной из наиболее важных функций, реализуемых менеджментом, является планирование. На данном этапе менеджеры определяют цели, а затем думают о стратегиях их достижения. Сюда входит создание плана и последующее разумное поведение. Когда цели установлены, менеджеры готовят задания и приступают к их организации в различных подразделениях и отделах. Следующий этап менеджмента – это управление. На этом этапе

менеджер распределяет задачи сотрудникам и имеет право контролировать процесс их выполнения. Контроль является важным этапом, так как менеджер может привносить некоторые коррективы в деятельность каждого работника. Он или она должны убедиться, что производительность соответствует плану. Заключительный этап – это согласование, то есть объединение результатов коллективной работы.

Большинство международных компаний имеют трехуровневую систему управления, которая состоит из:

– Менеджеров первого звена
– Менеджеров среднего звена
– Менеджеры высшего звена.

Менеджеры первого звена занимаются, в первую очередь, контролем и направлением. В эту группу входят супервайзеры или руководители подразделений. Кроме того, они могут мотивировать сотрудников и вести отчет производительности. Менеджеры среднего звена являются руководителями филиалов или отделений, и отвечают за функционирование отдела. Они уделяют больше времени организационным вопросам, чем менеджеры первого звена. Менеджеры верхнего звена представлены советом директоров. Их обязанность заключается в том, чтобы управлять и контролировать работу всей организации. Они пытаются следить за мировой экономикой, политикой и рынком конкуренции.

“Management” has become a frequent word in business area. It’s a wide notion, but in general, management means organizing and coordinating a group of people for directing them towards accomplishing a goal. This process can include manipulation of various resources: human, financial, natural, technological, etc. Apart from organizing entities, management uses other functions, such as forecasting, planning, staffing, controlling, actuating, commanding. Speaking of its etymology, the word ‘manage’ has Italian roots. It means to handle something. People, who have the responsibility to manage small firms or large companies, are either directors or managers. These people have the authority to make decisions according the enterprise.

One of the most important functions, that management implements, is planning. At this stage managers set objectives and then think of strategies for achieving them. It involves the creation of a plan followed by intelligent behavior. When the objectives are set, managers prepare tasks and proceed to organizing them within various sections or departments. Next stage of management is commanding. At this stage the manager hands out the tasks to employees ad has the right to supervise whether the y are being carried out. Controlling is an important stage, when manager can bring some corrections to the individuals’ activities. He or she should make sure that performance is according to the plan. The final stage is coordinating, i. e. bringing together the results of collective work.

Most international companies have a three-leveled management system, which comprises of:

    First-level managers Middle-level managers Top-level managers.

First-level managers focus on controlling and directing on the first place. This group includes supervisors or section leaders. Other than that, they can motivate employees and keep performance feedback. Middle-level managers are branch or department leaders, who are responsible for department’s function. They devote more time to organizing than lower management. Top-level managers are presented by the board of directors. Their responsibility is to control and oversee the performance of the whole organization. They try to follow the world economies, politics and broad competition.


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  • matematika

    1 минута назад

    Нужно упростить выражение (никак не могу решить)

  • algebra

    1 минута назад

    Алгебра, решите уравнение графически

  • literatura

    1 минута назад

    Помогите пожалуйста с литературой

  • geometriya

    6 минут назад

    Алгебра степени, упростите выражение

  • obshtestvoznanie

    6 минут назад

    Алгебра помогите пожалуйста


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                                           How To Be A Better Manager.

        What is management? What do managers do? How do I manage? These are standard questions that most of us in the management profession have been asked more than once.                

        Contemporary period in the development of Russian economics, when the radical changes have been made in the sphere of human resource management, is characterized by the acute shortage of qualified trained managers selected on the basis of ability and expertise. During last years interesting books on the personnel management have appeared, however, still there is lack of monographs, books and research works based on the modern management theory and a long history of work. So it turns out to be important to study the questions, concerning personnel and personal management either in business or in state and municipal management.

        A management career path is not a straight line. Nor is it the same for everyone. Yet all management career paths have a starting point. All have milestones along the way. This page is the starting point for several management paths. Each path leads managers to what they need to know based on where you are in your career and where your interests lie. On each visit you can go further along the path, retrace steps along the same path, or start down a new path. Five paths are listed below.

Considering Management

This person wonders whether a management career is for them. Maybe someone has suggested it. Maybe they just feel they can do it better than their current boss. Take this path to learn more about what management does and whether management might be for you.

Going For It

This person has decided to try the management career path. They have no management experience yet, but are interested and motivated. This path leads to the knowledge and skill needed to land that first management job.

Just Starting Management

This person has just started, or is about to start, their first management job. This path will guide you through those first confusing, challenging days and months. It takes you through the basic knowledge needed to be a manager and how to deal with the problems that crop up.

Experienced Manager

This manager has had several years experience in management. He or she has had time to make some mistakes and achieve some successes in the real world and now want to improve. This path leads to the resources to improve their skills and their promotion potential.

Management Pros and Consultants

These are veteran managers interested in increasing and sharing their professional knowledge and experience. They have managed different and difficult opportunities, but they know there is always more to learn. This path connects them with their peers and to cutting-edge theory.

Most urgent problems of personnel management:

•        New approaches to organization of work of personnel, work regulations and scientific labor organizations, team — building, theory of leadership.

•        Important problems of motivation, payment, methods of personnel estimation and effectiveness of work.

•        The personnel of the state and municipal management bodies and business;

•        The notion and classification of the methods of state and municipal management and business;

•        The manpower policy in the state and municipal management and business;

•        The competitive basis of the manpower policy in the state and municipal management and business;

•        The staff appraisal procedure in the bodies of the state and municipal management and business;

•        The staff estimation procedure based on the estimation center method;

•        The international experience of the personnel training and skills improvement for the state and municipal management bodies and business;

•        The personnel management at the bodies of state and municipal administration and so on.

         Managers spend a lot of time giving direction to people. When done well you can achieve great results. Make a little slip up and everything goes wrong. Here’s how to do it right.

        Management is both art and science. It is the art of making people more effective than they would have been without you. The science is in how you do that. There are four basic pillars: plan, organize, direct, and monitor. Four workers can make 6 units in an eight-hour shift without a manager. If I hire you to manage them and they still make 6 units a day, what is the benefit to my business of having hired you? On the other hand, if they now make 8 units per day, you, the manager, have value. The same analogy applies to service, or retail, or teaching, or any other kind of work. Can your group handle more customer calls with you than without? Sell higher value merchandise? Impart knowledge more effectively? That is the value of management — making a group of individual more effective.                                                                    

       Management starts with planning. Good management starts with good planning. And proper prior planning prevents… well, you know the rest of that one. Without a plan you will never succeed. If you happen to make it to the goal, it will have been by luck or chance and is not repeatable. You may make it as a flash-in-the-pan, an overnight sensation, but you will never have the track record of accomplishments of which success is made. Look at all the probable scenarios. Plan for them. Figure out the worst possible scenario and plan for that too. Evaluate your different plans and develop what, in your best judgments, will work the best and what you will do if it doesn’t. Figure out what your goal is (or listen when your boss tells you). Then figure out the best way to get there. What resources do you have? What can you get? Compare strengths and weaknesses of individuals and other resources. Will putting four workers on a task that takes 14 hours cost less than renting a machine that can do the same task with one worker in 6 hours? If you change the first shift from an 8 AM start to a 10 AM start, can they handle the early evening rush so you don’t have to hire an extra person for the second shift? One of the most often overlooked management planning tools is the most effective. Ask the people doing the work for their input.

      Now that you have a plan, you have to make it happen. Is everything ready ahead of your group so the right stuff will get to your group at the right time? Is your group prepared to do its part of the plan? Is the downstream organization ready for what your group will deliver and when it will arrive? Are the workers trained? Are they motivated? Do they have the equipment they need? Are there spare parts available for the equipment? Has purchasing ordered the material? Is it the right stuff? Will it get here on the appropriate schedule? Do the legwork to make sure everything needed to execute the plan is ready to go, or will be when it is needed. Check back to make sure that everyone understands their role and the importance of their role to the overall success.

       Now flip the «ON» switch. Tell people what they need to do. I like to think of this part like conducting an orchestra. Everyone in the orchestra has the music in front of them. They know which section is playing which piece and when. They know when to come in, what to play, and when to stop again. The conductor cues each section to make the music happen. That’s your job here. You’ve given all your musicians (workers) the sheet music (the plan). You have the right number of musicians (workers) in each section (department), and you’ve arranged the sections on stage so the music will sound best (you have organized the work). Now you need only to tap the podium lightly with your baton to get their attention and give the downbeat.

      Now that you have everything moving, you have to keep an eye on things. Make sure everything is going according to the plan. When it isn’t going according to plan, you need to step in and adjust the plan, just as the orchestra conductor will adjust the tempo. Problems will come up. Someone will get sick. A part won’t be delivered on time. A key customer will go bankrupt. That is why you developed a contingency plan in the first place. You, as the manager, have to be always aware of what’s going on so you can make the adjustments required.

      A manager’s most important, and most difficult, job is to manage people. Managing people is not easy. You must lead, motivate, inspire, and encourage them. Sometimes you will have to hire, fire, and discipline or evaluate employees.  However, it can be done successfully. And it can be a very rewarding experience. Remember that management, like any other skill, is something that you can improve at with study and practice.                                                          

                                                  Management Styles

Managers have to perform many roles in an organization and how they handle various situations will depend on their style of management. A management style is an overall method of leadership used by a manager. There are two sharply contrasting styles that will be broken down into smaller subsets later:



Each style has its own characteristics:

Autocratic: Leader makes all decisions unilaterally.

Permissive: Leader permits subordinates to take part in decision making and also gives them a considerable degree of autonomy in completing routine work activities.

Combining these categories with democratic (subordinates are allowed to participate in decision making) and directive (subordinates are told exactly how to do their jobs) styles give us four distinct ways to manage.

                                Ten Things To Do Today To Be A Better Manager  

Listed below are ten things you can do to become a better manager. Pick one. Do it today. Pick another one for tomorrow. In two weeks you will be a better manager.

1. Select the best people

 As a manager, you are only as good as the people on your team. Give yourself a better chance to succeed by picking the best people from the start.

2. Be a motivator

 Human beings do things because we want to. Sometimes we want to because the consequences of not wanting to do something are unpleasant. However, most of the time we want to do things because of what we get out of it.

It’s no different at work, people do good work for the pay, or the prestige, or the recognition. They do bad work because they want to take it easy and still get paid. They work really hard because they want to impress someone. To motivate your people better, figure out what they want and how you can give that to them for doing what you want them to do.

3. Build Your Team

 It is not enough that people are motivated to succeed at work. They have to work together as a team to accomplish the group’s objective. After all, if we just want them to all «do their own things» we don’t need you as a manager to mold them into a team, do we?

Here are some ways to improve your team building skills:

4. Be a Leader, Not Only a Manager

 You have built the best team from the best employee available. You motivated them to peak performance. What is missing? Motivating a team is worthless unless you provide direction; unless you turn that motivation toward a goal and lead the team to it. Enthusiasm, dedication and charisma are some of the more important characteristics of leadership. Leaders are seen as good and evil, and take on many personalities and roles, from managers or coaches to world leaders. It is believed that every leader possesses a charisma that provides change and success. Thus leadership begins with vision, concern and mentorship. Leadership, a critical management skill, is the ability to motivate a group of people toward a common goal. Perhaps the one personal skill that has the greatest impact on your job satisfaction, promotion potential, and career success is your ability to communicate effectively with others. By improving your communications skills at work you increase your ability to achieve success, have your successes noted, and get yourself those promotions you deserve. It is the ability to lead others that truly sets a manager apart from their peers. Remember that leaders are found at all levels of the organization, so be one.

5. Improve as a Communicator

 Communication may be the single most important skill of a manager. After all, all the others depend on it. You can’t be a leader if you can’t communicate your vision. You can’t motivate people if they can’t understand what you want. Communication skills can be improved through practice.

6. Get Better at Managing Money

To stay in business, a company has to make money. That means bringing money in the door and it means spending less than you bring in. Depending on your function in the organization, you may have more influence on one area or the other, but you need to understand both. You can help your company, your employees, and yourself be getting better at managing the company’s money.

7. Get Better at Managing Time

The one thing you will probably have less of at work than money is time. The better you get at managing time, yours and others, the more effective you will be as a manager.

 8. Improve Yourself

Don’t focus so hard on your people that you forget about yourself. Identify the areas in which you are weak and improve them. The fact that you are reading this article shows you understand the concept. You need to put it into practice.

9. Practice Ethical Management

Ethics is very important in business.

10. Take a Break

You are less effective as a manager if you are over-stressed. You are less tolerant. You snap at people more. No one wants to be anywhere near you. Take a break. Give yourself a chance to relax and recharge your batteries. Your increased unbelievable productivity when you return will more than make up for the time you take off. Have a good laugh or go lie on a beach somewhere.

        Management is a skill that can be learned. You can improve as a manager by working every day to get better. Good managers always stick to his task until it gets completed from his staff. If you pick one subject each day, and work on improving in that area, you will be a better manager before you know it. And others will notice it too.

                                                New Paradigm in Management

Around the 1960s and on to today, the environment of today’s organizations has changed a great deal. A variety of driving forces provoke this change. Increasing telecommunications has “shrunk» the world substantially. Increasing diversity of workers has brought in a wide array of differing values, perspectives and expectations among workers. Public consciousness has become much more sensitive and demanding that organizations be more socially responsible. Much of the third-world countries has joined the global marketplace, creating a wider arena for sales and services. Organizations became responsible not only to stockholders (those who owned stock) but to a wider community of “stakeholders.” For a social discipline, such as management, the assumptions are actually a good deal more important than are the paradigms for a natural science. The paradigm — that is, the prevailing general theory — has no impact on the natural universe. Whether the paradigm states that the sun rotates around the earth, or that, on the contrary, the earth rotates around the sun, has no effect on sun and earth. But a social discipline, such as management, deals with the behavior of people and human institutions. The social universe has no «natural laws» as the physical sciences do. It is thus subject to continuous change. This means that assumptions that were valid yesterday can become invalid and, indeed, totally misleading in no time at all.

As a result of the above driving forces, organizations were required to adopt a “new paradigm,” or view on the world, to be more sensitive, flexible and adaptable to the demands and expectations of stakeholder demands. Many organizations have abandoned or are abandoning the traditional top-down, rigid and hierarchical structures to more “organic” and fluid forms.

Today’s leaders and/or managers must deal with continual, rapid change. Managers faced with a major decision can no longer refer back to an earlier developed plan for direction. Management techniques must continually notice changes in the environment and organization, assess this change and manage change. Managing change does not mean controlling it, rather understanding it, adapting to it where necessary and guiding it when possible.

Managers can’t know it all or reference resources for every situation. Managers must count on and listen more to their employees. Consequently, new forms of organizations are becoming more common, e.g., worker-centered teams, self-organizing and self-designing teams, etc.

                                              Traits of the New Paradigm

Marilyn Ferguson, in The New Paradigm: Emerging Strategic for Leadership and Organizational Change (provides a very concise overview of the differences between the old and new paradigm.

New Paradigm

Old Paradigm

appropriate consumption

promote consumption at all costs

jobs to fit people

people to fit jobs

autonomy encouraged, worker participation

imposed goals, top-down decision making

cross-fertilization by specialists seeing wide relevance

fragmentation in work and roles

identity transcends job description

identification with job

recognition of uncertainty

clock model of company


aggression, competition

blurring of work and play

work and play separate

cooperation with nature

manipulation and dominance

sense of change, of becoming

struggle for stability

qualitative as well as quantitative


spiritual values transcend material gain

strictly economic motives

transcends polarities


ecologically sensitive


rational and intuitive


harmonious work environment

emphasis on short-term solutions

decentralized operations when possible

centralized operations

appropriate technology

runaway, unbridled technology

attempt to understand the whole, locate deep underlying causes of disharmony

allopathic treatment of symptoms

                          Parts of speech (части речи).

 Word formation ( Способы словообразования )

1 суффиксальный (with the help of suffixes )

2 префиксальный ( with the help of prefixes )

3 суффиксально- префиксальный ( with the help of prefixes and suffixes )

4 образование слова путем соединения нескольких слов ( сложные прилагательные, сложные существительные и т.п.)

5 Совпадение форм (слова пишутся и произносятся одинаково, но являются различными частями речи )

Nouns (существительные)

1 management ( суффикс -ment ) – менеджмент, управление

2 effectiveness ( суффиксы –ive; -ness ) — эффективность

3 leadership ( суффиксы –er; -ship ) — лидерство

4 communication (суффикс –ion ) – общение, коммуникация

5 disharmony ( префикс –dis; суффикс –y ) — дисгармония

Verbs (глаголы)

1 to improve ( префикс –im ) — улучшать

2 to encourage ( префикс – en ) – поощрять, ободрять

3 to motivate ( суффикс –ate ) – побуждать, мотивировать

4 to cooperate ( префикс – co ) — сотрудничать

5  to identify ( суффикс – fy ) – выявлять                                                

Adjectives ( прилагательные)

1 international ( префикс – inter; суффикс –al ) — международный

2 qualified ( окончание –ed ) — квалифицированный

3 considerable ( суффикс –able ) — значительный

4  different ( суффикс –ent ) — различный

5 unbelievable ( префикс –un; суффикс –able) — невероятный

Adverbs (наречия)

1 effectively ( суффиксы –ive; ly ) — эффективно

2 consequently ( суффикс –ly ) — следовательно

3 continually ( суффиксы –al; -ly ) — непрерывно

4 closely ( суффикс – ly ) – тесно ( например, тесно связанный с чем –либо )

5 successfully ( суффиксы –ful; -ly ) — успешно

Примеры словообразования путем соединения нескольких слов

1 team-building – создание команды

2  management – making – осуществление управления

3 marketplace – место торговли

4  stakeholder – заинтересованная сторона

5 third- world countries – страны третьего мира

6 downstream – вниз по течению

Совпадение форм

1  change – 1.изменять; 2.изменение

2 check – 1.проверять; 2.проверка

3 plan – 1.план; 2.планировать

4 impact – 1.столкновение; 2.прочно укреплять

5 kind – 1.вид; 2.добрый

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