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MIREA — Russian Technological University

(MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT, VNIITE, RosNIIIT and AP, IPK of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation)

Recognized both in Russia and abroad as a modern educational and research center, MIREA — Russian Technological University combines classical university traditions with modern educational technologies in its work. Since its creation, the higher education institution has always kept up to date constantly expanding the range of academic programs according to the state demand for engineering staff, increasing quality of specialists’ training and achieving international recognition. MIREA — Russian Technological University is one of the leaders in the field of training of highly qualified specialists for quickly developing knowledge-intensive branches of science and technology: telecommunications, information and computer technologies, automatic equipment, cybernetics, radio engineering and electronics, chemistry and biotechnologies.

The University implements a unique system of training «higher education institution — base chair — base enterprise» which provides high efficiency of educational process and guarantees fast adaptation of graduates to real conditions of modern production environment. Today, MIREA — Russian Technological University has more than 50 base chairs at Research Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, design offices and hi-tech enterprises of the Moscow region. Having blended general scientific theoretical training and students’ practical activities at the largest industry forming innovative enterprises with advanced technologies, MIREA — Russian Technological University guarantees effective students’ training which meets the requirements of future employment.

MIREA — Russian Technological University has the developed network of research centers, scientific laboratories and students design offices.

The faculty of University includes 21 fellow and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as more than 280 members of other academies and scientific organizations including international ones. Internationally recognized achievements of scientific schools and researchers of MIREA — Russian Technological University are the basis of strong partnership with universities, scientific centers, production corporations of Germany, France, South Korea, Singapore, Finland, China, Japan and other countries.

International Training Institute of the University has more than 1200 foreign students from 84 countries. There are traditional exchanges of teaching and scientific personnel with European universities for mutual training. Students programs of academic exchange, including double diploma programs are actively developed as well.

MIREA — Russian Technological University offers various forms of pre-university training and renders career guidance assistance. The University provides different training courses and the evening physical and mathematical school with more than 20 branches in sponsored schools of the Moscow region.

MIREA — Russian Technological University is proud of its highly qualified faculty, modern technical and material resources, vigorous scientific activity and extensive international links.

MIREA – Russian Technological University

МИРЭА – Российский технологический университет

MIREA logo.png

Other name

VZEI, MIREA, MIREA (TU), MGTU MIREA, MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT, Moscow Technological University
Motto Best among equal – equal among the best!
Optimus inter pares — par inter optimos!
Type Public
Established 1947
President Alexander S. Sigov[1]
Rector Stanislav A. Kudzh[1]
Undergraduates More than 25000




Coordinates: 55°40′12″N 37°28′51″E / 55.6700°N 37.4808°E

Website english.mirea.ru/

MIREA — Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA) is The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «MIREA — Russian Technological University» (RTU MIREA). It is a higher educational institution in Moscow, Russia, which is a modern educational, research and innovation complex.

General information[edit]

RTU MIREA is one of the largest European technical universities, which includes 8 institutes, 160 departments, 38 research units, and more than 50 specialized departments.
The university provides highly professional training in 112 areas and specialties (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s, postgraduate studies) in IT, cyber security, electronics, radio engineering, robotics, chemistry, biotechnology, etc. The university also provides an opportunity to receive additional education. Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh, Doctor of Technical Sciences is Rector of RTU MIREA.

The university employs over 2,500 people as teaching staff (77% have an academic degree), including 21 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 280 members of other academies, Russian and international scientific societies, as well as more than 400 doctors of sciences and more than 1,300 candidates of sciences.

A number of lectures and training courses are delivered by visiting foreign professors. Practicing designers, chief engineers and general directors of partner enterprises act as lecturers and trainers at the specialized departments for students (starting from the 3rd year).

Every year the university is allocated 4,367 budgetary places and about 26,000 students are currently studying[2] here. About 1,200 international students from 80 countries of the world study at the Institute of International Education of RTU MIREA. Upon graduation, a diploma is issued recognized both in the Russian Federation and abroad.[3]

Historical background[edit]

The history of RTU MIREA begins on May 28, 1947 when the Correspondence Institute for Advanced Training of Engineering and Technical Workers of the Ministry of Power Plants and Electrical Industry of the USSR was transformed into the All-Union Correspondence Power Engineering Institute for the Training and Improvement of Engineers (VZEI). Being the leading university in the system of correspondence education in energy and radio engineering specialties, it had branches in Leningrad, Kiev, Baku, Tashkent, Sverdlovsk, and Novosibirsk. Later, on the basis of these branches and training and consulting centers, a number of technical universities were opened in Omsk, Kemerovo, Kirov and other cities of the USSR.

The university got the name of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA) on June 30, 1967. The training of highly qualified engineering personnel for the science-intensive industries of the electronic and radio industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making, automation equipment and control systems started in a full-time mode, not just by correspondence. Nikolai Nikolayevich Evtikhiev was elected Rector of MIREA.

In 1993, MIREA was granted the status of a technical university. Between 1998 and 2013, Alexander Sergeevich Sigov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was Rector of MSTU MIREA, and later, since 2013, he has been president of the university.

The year of 2013 becomes a landmark for the university. Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh takes up the position of rector, and an active process of combining the potential of research and educational institutions begins: the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Engineering Systems (the Federal State Budget Institution ROSNIIITIAP) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Industrial Art (VNIITE) (2013), the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science (MGUPI), the Institute of Professional Administration and Complex Energy Efficiency (IPAIKE) (2014), Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies (MITHT) (2015). Today the latter has the name of Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies.

In 2018, by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal State Budget Educational Institution «MIREA — Russian Technological University» was created as part of the Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MSTU MIREA), the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science (MGUPI), Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Engineering Systems (FSI ROSNIIITIAP), the All-Russian Research Institute of Industrial Art (VNIITE), the Institute of Professional Administration and Integrated Energy Efficiency (IPK Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) and the Institute of Modern Educational Technologies and Projects (ISEPP).[4][5]

RTU MIREA today[edit]

University structure (institutes and divisions)[edit]

Within its structure RTU MIREA has a number of institutes that implement higher education programs (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate studies):

  • Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming;
  • Institute of Information Technologies;
  • Institute of Artificial Intelligence;
  • Institute for Cybersecurity and Digital Technologies;
  • Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics;
  • Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies;
  • Institute of Management Technologies.

Apart from that, there are institutes of

  • additional education;
  • pre-university training;
  • youth policy and international relations;
  • international education.

Reserve officers, reserve sergeants and reserve soldiers are trained by the Military Training Center. Every year, students and graduates are selected for research squadrons/companies of the Russian Ministry of Defense.[6]

The College of Instrumentation and Information Technologies provides training for students to further continue their study at RTU MIREA under higher education programs.[7]
The university has two branches, which are located in Stavropol (South of Russia) and Fryazino (Moscow region).

Educational activities[edit]

The educational programs of the university are certified in conformity with the international standards; modern laboratories and academies with the participation of world famous manufacturers (Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, EMC, Huawei and many others) have been opened, the Cyberzone Cybersport Center has started to operate.

RTU MIREA successfully cooperates with enterprises in high-tech industries and research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and more than 50 specialized departments have been created in affiliation with them. Thanks to the cluster system «university — partner enterprise — specialized department», fundamental education in junior courses is combined with high-quality training of senior students at potential workplaces. In particular, since 2019, the Department of Immunological Chemistry has been functioning at the Federal State Budget Institution National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which will be headed by Denis Yuryevich Logunov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director for Research of the Gamaleya Center, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who in 2020 led the team of developers of the world’s first registered vaccine against coronavirus infection — «Sputnik V».[8]

In May 2021, RTU MIREA signed a roadmap for long-term cooperation with the Federal State Budget Institution «National Medical Research Center of Radiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia opening the Research and Educational Center for Medical Radiology and Dosimetry. The center is equipped with a high-tech system of virtual imaging in the field of radiation therapy VERT, and training is conducted with the participation of the leading specialists from the Research Center named after Tsyba, Herzen National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center, and the Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS[9]).

In July 2021, the university entered into a cooperation agreement with the educational platform Skillbox (its CEO, Dmitry Krutov, is an RTU MIREA alumnus). In the near future, it is planned to develop and implement joint higher education programs, create conditions for both online and offline education and training, and conduct scientific and practical conferences and other events.[10]

University and Research Mega-laboratories[edit]

Every year, since 2015, modern laboratories have been launched at the university: universal research and technical centers where the developments of several departments or institutes, as well as educational, scientific and production capacities are combined.

2015: interdepartmental specialized educational and research laboratory «Intelligent autonomous and multi-agent robotic systems».
2016: Innovative technologies in microelectronics (2016).

2017: specialized educational and research laboratories of Information Technologies of the Internet of Things (the Samsung IT Academy educational project is under way) and Multimedia Technologies equipped within the framework of cooperation with Samsung Electronics.

2018: space center simulation equipment; a universal educational and research laboratory of technologies for analytics, modeling, design and digital prototyping on the basis of the Institute of Information Technologies.

2019: Inter-Institute Training Center «Industry 4.0 Digital Robotic Manufacturing»; educational and research center for catalytic and mass transfer processes; precision information-measuring analytical systems.

2020: Research and educational center for biosynthesis, isolation and purification of monoclonal antibodies, a number of laboratories — digital and additive technologies in mechanical engineering (3D modeling module); immersive technologies; digital design and modeling of radio electronic equipment; technological processes for the production of radio-electronic equipment; assembly and installation of radio electronic equipment; tuning and adjustments of radio electronic means; 3D prototyping and inspection of multilayer printed circuit boards; Geographic Information Systems; tracking and motion capture technology equipped with Vicon equipment.

Research activity[edit]

Achievements of RTU MIREA scientists and academic schools are the basis for mutually beneficial partnerships with universities, research centers and industrial corporations of European (Germany, France, Finland) and Asian countries (South Korea, Singapore, China, Japan).
In particular, within the framework of international cooperation, physicists from RTU MIREA, A.M. Prokhorov Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (Lille, France), a new method for controlling the polarization of terahertz radiation was proposed, which proved to be simpler and more efficient than the previous one.[11]
In October 2020, RTU MIREA, together with Technomash Research Institute of the Ruselectronics holding (State Corporation Rostec), the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS) and Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials (ISPM RAS) created a research and educational consortium «Polymer materials for advanced technologies». It is planned to conduct fundamental and applied research, implement educational programs, develop research and educational infrastructure, launch the production of high-tech products, participate in the «Science» national project.[12][13]
Since December 2020, the university has become a single platform for the collection, accumulation and subsequent analysis of information on indicators in the scientific and educational spheres. The Situation Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia was inaugurated with the participation of V.N. Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and P.V. Malkov, Head of Rosstat.[13]

International programs[edit]

RTU MIREA is a member of international university associations and unions — the Association of Technical Universities of Europe (T.I.M.E.), the Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China (ATURK), the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the University League Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). A significant number of educational programs have received international certificates.

The most important component of the development of the university is strengthening ties with the leading foreign universities — over 60 of them participate in joint research projects, seminars and conferences, teaching and student mobility programs.

RTU MIREA implements academic exchange and double degree programs with the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), the North China University of Technology (China), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), Saitama University (Japan). Also, RTU MIREA has a Coordination Bureau for annual Russian-Japanese youth exchanges.[13]

In March 2021, RTU MIREA and BSUIR (Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics) signed a roadmap for the development of cooperation: joint training programs for specialists, masters, advanced training and retraining, with the account of the requirements set and the need to issue educational documents of both parties.[14]

University campuses and dormitories[edit]

The university has 7 campuses equipped with modern facilities and devices, including multi-service infrastructure and high-speed Wi-Fi:

  • 78, Vernadsky prospect, — the main campus.
  • 86, Vernadsky prospect, — a complex of buildings of Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies (construction was carried out from 1980 to 2004).
  • 1, Malaya Pirogovskaya Street, building 5. The object is listed as the cultural heritage object of Moscow — part of the Ensemble of Moscow Higher Courses for Women.
  • 20, Stromynka Street. One of the oldest buildings in Sokolniki, a federal cultural heritage site.
  • 22, 5th Street of Sokolinaya Gora, — the first building in the ownership of MIREA, built in 1970.
  • 7/1, Usacheva Street, — Military Training Center.
  • 23, 1st Shchipkovsky Lane, — College of Instrumentation and Information Technologies.

For nonresident and international students, graduate students, doctoral students and interns, the university has six dormitories catering for 3,228 people. Each dormitory has a library, Internet access, a canteen, a medical isolation ward and a left-luggage office. For security purposes, access control and round-the-clock video surveillance, fire and alarm buttons, and a warning system are installed.

Altair Children’s Technopark[edit]

Since August 2019, the Altair Children’s Technopark has been operating on the premises of RTU MIREA for inquisitive and motivated high school students. The Technopark is equipped with unique high-tech facilities and devices. Its training programs were developed with the participation of industrial partners, such as Yandex, Mail.ru Group, Rostelecom Solar, Samsung Electronics, Oracle, Roselectronics, Generium, etc.[13]
The training is free of charge. Short-term courses are also provided in the form of popular science lectures, master classes, excursions; and long-term programs (at least 36 academic hours), the result of which is contests and competitions, project defense or case solution developed together with industrial partners.
Prize-winning places in competitions, conferences and Olympiads based on the results of training score additional points for admission to specialized universities. The best and most able graduates have an advantage in selecting targeted training programs of industrial partners and the opportunity to internships in companies concluding at the same time a deferred employment contract.
The Technopark received a special Digital Volunteer award of the Digital Summits 2020 national award[15] which was granted as an appreciation of its activity at the time of quarantine when all the programs were transferred expeditiously to the VKontakte platform. In March 2021, it received the status of a Federal innovation platform.[16]

Positions in ratings[edit]

  • 100 best Russian universities according to Forbes — 50th place (2020).[17]
  • The best universities in Russia RAEX — 57th place (2020).[18]
  • Russian National University Ranking — 51st place (2020).[19]
  • The best universities in the world — THE World University Rankings — 2021 (1,527 universities from 93 countries) — 17th place among 48 Russian universities included in the ranking.[20]
  • One of the leading universities in terms of positive student feedback, according to the Tabiturient project (2018, 2019, 2020).[21]
  • Ranking of the best Russian universities in engineering and mathematics and natural sciences — 23rd place (2021).[22]

University editions[edit]

  • Russian Technological Journal[23]
  • Journal Fine Chemical Technologies[24]


  1. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  2. TASS: Society — the Source: two Moscow universities will be joined
  3. University Symbols — Media Center — RTU MIREA, www.mirea.ru


  1. ^ a b Administration, MIREA
  2. ^ MIREA today
  3. ^ MIREA on the Portal Rustudent.Org.
  4. ^ Regulation of MIREA
  5. ^ https://priem.mirea.ru/docs/official/ustav.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  6. ^ MIREA
  7. ^ MIREA-Faculty of secondary education.
  8. ^ RIA Novosti
  9. ^ MIREA — Center of radiology
  10. ^ MIREA — IT
  11. ^ Nature.Com
  12. ^ MIREA — Roselektronica
  13. ^ a b c d MIREA — Ministry of Education
  14. ^ MIREA — Russian Newspaper
  15. ^ MIREA — Mos.Ru
  16. ^ MIREA — RG
  17. ^ MIREA — Forbes
  18. ^ MIREA — RAEX
  19. ^ MIREA Interfax
  20. ^ MIREA — Hotcources
  21. ^ MIREA — NARIA
  22. ^ MIREA RAEX2
  23. ^ Russian Technological Journal
  24. ^ Fine Chemical Technologies

External links[edit]

  • Official site of the University (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
  • Admission Committee of RTU MIREA (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
  • Official website of the branch in Fryazino (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
MIREA – Russian Technological University

МИРЭА – Российский технологический университет

MIREA logo.png

Other name

VZEI, MIREA, MIREA (TU), MGTU MIREA, MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT, Moscow Technological University
Motto Best among equal – equal among the best!
Optimus inter pares — par inter optimos!
Type Public
Established 1947
President Alexander S. Sigov[1]
Rector Stanislav A. Kudzh[1]
Undergraduates More than 25000




Website english.mirea.ru/

MIREA building in 2015

MIREA building in 2015

MIREA — Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA) is The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «MIREA — Russian Technological University» (RTU MIREA). It is a higher educational institution in Moscow, Russia, which is a modern educational, research and innovation complex.

General information

RTU MIREA is one of the largest European technical universities, which includes 8 institutes, 160 departments, 38 research units, and more than 50 specialized departments.
The university provides highly professional training in 112 areas and specialties (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s, postgraduate studies) in IT, cyber security, electronics, radio engineering, robotics, chemistry, biotechnology, etc. The university also provides an opportunity to receive additional education. Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh, Doctor of Technical Sciences is Rector of RTU MIREA.

The university employs over 2,500 people as teaching staff (77% have an academic degree), including 21 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 280 members of other academies, Russian and international scientific societies, as well as more than 400 doctors of sciences and more than 1,300 candidates of sciences.

A number of lectures and training courses are delivered by visiting foreign professors. Practicing designers, chief engineers and general directors of partner enterprises act as lecturers and trainers at the specialized departments for students (starting from the 3rd year).

Every year the university is allocated 4,367 budgetary places and about 26,000 students are currently studying[2] here. About 1,200 international students from 80 countries of the world study at the Institute of International Education of RTU MIREA. Upon graduation, a diploma is issued recognized both in the Russian Federation and abroad.[3]

Historical background

The history of RTU MIREA begins on May 28, 1947 when the Correspondence Institute for Advanced Training of Engineering and Technical Workers of the Ministry of Power Plants and Electrical Industry of the USSR was transformed into the All-Union Correspondence Power Engineering Institute for the Training and Improvement of Engineers (VZEI). Being the leading university in the system of correspondence education in energy and radio engineering specialties, it had branches in Leningrad, Kiev, Baku, Tashkent, Sverdlovsk, and Novosibirsk. Later, on the basis of these branches and training and consulting centers, a number of technical universities were opened in Omsk, Kemerovo, Kirov and other cities of the USSR.

The university got the name of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA) on June 30, 1967. The training of highly qualified engineering personnel for the science-intensive industries of the electronic and radio industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making, automation equipment and control systems started in a full-time mode, not just by correspondence. Nikolai Nikolayevich Evtikhiev was elected Rector of MIREA.

In 1993, MIREA was granted the status of a technical university. Between 1998 and 2013, Alexander Sergeevich Sigov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was Rector of MSTU MIREA, and later, since 2013, he has been president of the university.

The year of 2013 becomes a landmark for the university. Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh takes up the position of rector, and an active process of combining the potential of research and educational institutions begins: the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Engineering Systems (the Federal State Budget Institution ROSNIIITIAP) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Industrial Art (VNIITE) (2013), the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science (MGUPI), the Institute of Professional Administration and Complex Energy Efficiency (IPAIKE) (2014), Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies (MITHT) (2015). Today the latter has the name of Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies.

In 2018, by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal State Budget Educational Institution «MIREA — Russian Technological University» was created as part of the Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MSTU MIREA), the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science (MGUPI), Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Engineering Systems (FSI ROSNIIITIAP), the All-Russian Research Institute of Industrial Art (VNIITE), the Institute of Professional Administration and Integrated Energy Efficiency (IPK Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) and the Institute of Modern Educational Technologies and Projects (ISEPP).[4][5]


University structure (institutes and divisions)

Within its structure RTU MIREA has a number of institutes that implement higher education programs (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate studies):

  • Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming;
  • Institute of Information Technologies;
  • Institute of Artificial Intelligence;
  • Institute for Cybersecurity and Digital Technologies;
  • Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics;
  • Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies;
  • Institute of Management Technologies.

Apart from that, there are institutes of

  • additional education;
  • pre-university training;
  • youth policy and international relations;
  • international education.

Reserve officers, reserve sergeants and reserve soldiers are trained by the Military Training Center. Every year, students and graduates are selected for research squadrons/companies of the Russian Ministry of Defense.[6]

The College of Instrumentation and Information Technologies provides training for students to further continue their study at RTU MIREA under higher education programs.[7]
The university has two branches, which are located in Stavropol (South of Russia) and Fryazino (Moscow region).

Educational activities

The educational programs of the university are certified in conformity with the international standards; modern laboratories and academies with the participation of world famous manufacturers (Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, EMC, Huawei and many others) have been opened, the Cyberzone Cybersport Center has started to operate.

RTU MIREA successfully cooperates with enterprises in high-tech industries and research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and more than 50 specialized departments have been created in affiliation with them. Thanks to the cluster system «university — partner enterprise — specialized department», fundamental education in junior courses is combined with high-quality training of senior students at potential workplaces. In particular, since 2019, the Department of Immunological Chemistry has been functioning at the Federal State Budget Institution National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which will be headed by Denis Yuryevich Logunov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director for Research of the Gamaleya Center, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who in 2020 led the team of developers of the world’s first registered vaccine against coronavirus infection — «Sputnik V».[8]

In May 2021, RTU MIREA signed a roadmap for long-term cooperation with the Federal State Budget Institution «National Medical Research Center of Radiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia opening the Research and Educational Center for Medical Radiology and Dosimetry. The center is equipped with a high-tech system of virtual imaging in the field of radiation therapy VERT, and training is conducted with the participation of the leading specialists from the Research Center named after Tsyba, Herzen National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center, and the Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS[9]).

In July 2021, the university entered into a cooperation agreement with the educational platform Skillbox (its CEO, Dmitry Krutov, is an RTU MIREA alumnus). In the near future, it is planned to develop and implement joint higher education programs, create conditions for both online and offline education and training, and conduct scientific and practical conferences and other events.[10]

University and Research Mega-laboratories

Every year, since 2015, modern laboratories have been launched at the university: universal research and technical centers where the developments of several departments or institutes, as well as educational, scientific and production capacities are combined.

2015: interdepartmental specialized educational and research laboratory «Intelligent autonomous and multi-agent robotic systems».
2016: Innovative technologies in microelectronics (2016).

2017: specialized educational and research laboratories of Information Technologies of the Internet of Things (the Samsung IT Academy educational project is under way) and Multimedia Technologies equipped within the framework of cooperation with Samsung Electronics.

2018: space center simulation equipment; a universal educational and research laboratory of technologies for analytics, modeling, design and digital prototyping on the basis of the Institute of Information Technologies.

2019: Inter-Institute Training Center «Industry 4.0 Digital Robotic Manufacturing»; educational and research center for catalytic and mass transfer processes; precision information-measuring analytical systems.

2020: Research and educational center for biosynthesis, isolation and purification of monoclonal antibodies, a number of laboratories — digital and additive technologies in mechanical engineering (3D modeling module); immersive technologies; digital design and modeling of radio electronic equipment; technological processes for the production of radio-electronic equipment; assembly and installation of radio electronic equipment; tuning and adjustments of radio electronic means; 3D prototyping and inspection of multilayer printed circuit boards; Geographic Information Systems; tracking and motion capture technology equipped with Vicon equipment.

Research activity

Achievements of RTU MIREA scientists and academic schools are the basis for mutually beneficial partnerships with universities, research centers and industrial corporations of European (Germany, France, Finland) and Asian countries (South Korea, Singapore, China, Japan).
In particular, within the framework of international cooperation, physicists from RTU MIREA, A.M. Prokhorov Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (Lille, France), a new method for controlling the polarization of terahertz radiation was proposed, which proved to be simpler and more efficient than the previous one.[11]
In October 2020, RTU MIREA, together with Technomash Research Institute of the Ruselectronics holding (State Corporation Rostec), the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS) and Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials (ISPM RAS) created a research and educational consortium «Polymer materials for advanced technologies». It is planned to conduct fundamental and applied research, implement educational programs, develop research and educational infrastructure, launch the production of high-tech products, participate in the «Science» national project.[12][13]
Since December 2020, the university has become a single platform for the collection, accumulation and subsequent analysis of information on indicators in the scientific and educational spheres. The Situation Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia was inaugurated with the participation of V.N. Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and P.V. Malkov, Head of Rosstat.[13]

International programs

RTU MIREA is a member of international university associations and unions — the Association of Technical Universities of Europe (T.I.M.E.), the Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China (ATURK), the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the University League Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). A significant number of educational programs have received international certificates.

The most important component of the development of the university is strengthening ties with the leading foreign universities — over 60 of them participate in joint research projects, seminars and conferences, teaching and student mobility programs.

RTU MIREA implements academic exchange and double degree programs with the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), the North China University of Technology (China), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), Saitama University (Japan). Also, RTU MIREA has a Coordination Bureau for annual Russian-Japanese youth exchanges.[13]

In March 2021, RTU MIREA and BSUIR (Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics) signed a roadmap for the development of cooperation: joint training programs for specialists, masters, advanced training and retraining, with the account of the requirements set and the need to issue educational documents of both parties.[14]

University campuses and dormitories

The university has 7 campuses equipped with modern facilities and devices, including multi-service infrastructure and high-speed Wi-Fi:

  • 78, Vernadsky prospect, — the main campus.
  • 86, Vernadsky prospect, — a complex of buildings of Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies (construction was carried out from 1980 to 2004).
  • 1, Malaya Pirogovskaya Street, building 5. The object is listed as the cultural heritage object of Moscow — part of the Ensemble of Moscow Higher Courses for Women.
  • 20, Stromynka Street. One of the oldest buildings in Sokolniki, a federal cultural heritage site.
  • 22, 5th Street of Sokolinaya Gora, — the first building in the ownership of MIREA, built in 1970.
  • 7/1, Usacheva Street, — Military Training Center.
  • 23, 1st Shchipkovsky Lane, — College of Instrumentation and Information Technologies.

For nonresident and international students, graduate students, doctoral students and interns, the university has six dormitories catering for 3,228 people. Each dormitory has a library, Internet access, a canteen, a medical isolation ward and a left-luggage office. For security purposes, access control and round-the-clock video surveillance, fire and alarm buttons, and a warning system are installed.

Altair Children’s Technopark

Since August 2019, the Altair Children’s Technopark has been operating on the premises of RTU MIREA for inquisitive and motivated high school students. The Technopark is equipped with unique high-tech facilities and devices. Its training programs were developed with the participation of industrial partners, such as Yandex, Mail.ru Group, Rostelecom Solar, Samsung Electronics, Oracle, Roselectronics, Generium, etc.[13]
The training is free of charge. Short-term courses are also provided in the form of popular science lectures, master classes, excursions; and long-term programs (at least 36 academic hours), the result of which is contests and competitions, project defense or case solution developed together with industrial partners.
Prize-winning places in competitions, conferences and Olympiads based on the results of training score additional points for admission to specialized universities. The best and most able graduates have an advantage in selecting targeted training programs of industrial partners and the opportunity to internships in companies concluding at the same time a deferred employment contract.
The Technopark received a special Digital Volunteer award of the Digital Summits 2020 national award[15] which was granted as an appreciation of its activity at the time of quarantine when all the programs were transferred expeditiously to the VKontakte platform. In March 2021, it received the status of a Federal innovation platform.[16]

Positions in ratings

  • 100 best Russian universities according to Forbes — 50th place (2020).[17]
  • The best universities in Russia RAEX — 57th place (2020).[18]
  • Russian National University Ranking — 51st place (2020).[19]
  • The best universities in the world — THE World University Rankings — 2021 (1,527 universities from 93 countries) — 17th place among 48 Russian universities included in the ranking.[20]
  • One of the leading universities in terms of positive student feedback, according to the Tabiturient project (2018, 2019, 2020).[21]
  • Ranking of the best Russian universities in engineering and mathematics and natural sciences — 23rd place (2021).[22]

University editions

  • Russian Technological Journal[23]
  • Journal Fine Chemical Technologies[24]


  1. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  2. TASS: Society — the Source: two Moscow universities will be joined
  3. University Symbols — Media Center — RTU MIREA, www.mirea.ru


  1. ^ a b Administration, MIREA
  2. ^ MIREA today
  3. ^ MIREA on the Portal Rustudent.Org.
  4. ^ Regulation of MIREA
  5. ^ https://priem.mirea.ru/docs/official/ustav.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  6. ^ MIREA
  7. ^ MIREA-Faculty of secondary education.
  8. ^ RIA Novosti
  9. ^ MIREA - Center of radiology
  10. ^ MIREA - IT
  11. ^ Nature.Com
  12. ^ MIREA - Roselektronica
  13. ^ a b c d MIREA - Ministry of Education
  14. ^ MIREA - Russian Newspaper
  15. ^ MIREA - Mos.Ru
  16. ^ MIREA - RG
  17. ^ MIREA - Forbes
  18. ^ MIREA - RAEX
  19. ^ MIREA Interfax
  20. ^ MIREA - Hotcources
  21. ^ MIREA - NARIA
  22. ^ MIREA RAEX2
  23. ^ Russian Technological Journal
  24. ^ Fine Chemical Technologies

External links

  • Official site of the University (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
  • Admission Committee of RTU MIREA (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
  • Official website of the branch in Fryazino (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)

This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 09:01

Moscow State Institute of Radio-engineering Electronics and Automation
or Московский государственный технический университет радиотехники, электроники и автоматики

higher education institution in Russia.

MIREA began its academic activity in1947.
The main building of the university proudly stands in Moscow inside an urban campus.

Application process and the cost of tuition.

The main criterion of admission is the academic performance of the applicant.
It is worth mentioning that MIREA is characterized by a mild competition among the students, there are only 2 applicants per seat.
The academic year in MIREA is divided to 2 academic semesters.
2,500 USD/год.
A master’s degree of MIREA will cost a student a significant sum of 2,500 USD per year.

More information regarding tuition, admission and programs is available on the official website http://www.mirea.ru.

The composition of the university.

Being a medium scale university, Moscow State Institute of Radio-engineering Electronics and Automation teaches more than 7 thousand students.
Being a foreign citizen does not exclude you from the admission process.

The ratio is 1 foreign student to 7 local ones.
The education is provided by more than 1600 teachers and professors.
The university is an active participant of international programs aimed at academic exchange of students between the educational institutions.

Infrastructure of MIREA.

The students have access to the university’s library.

Московский государственный технический университет радиотехники, электроники и автоматики
Country Russia
City Moscow

Bachelor (citizens)

Check the current price on the official website of the university

14 USD/year.

Master (citizens)

Check the current price on the official website of the university

14 USD/year.

Bachelor (foreigners)

Check the current price on the official website of the university

2,500 USD/year.

Master (foreigners)

Check the current price on the official website of the university

2,500 USD/year.

Living expenses

$434 -967 USD/month

Acceptance Rate 40.00%
Official Website www.mirea.ru

General information

Finance type Nonprofit
Organization type Public
Established 1947
Abbreviation MIREA
Teachers 1,573
Students 7,000
Foreigners 14%
Religion None
Academic calendar Semesters
Admission Based on past academic records
Gender limitation No limits
Campus type Urban
Exchange programs Available
Library Available
Optimus inter pares — par inter optimos!
• Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
• Top Industrial Managers for Europe (TIME)


World ranking 2781
Country ranking 107
International rankings
UniPage World University Ranking 2781

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Universities related to MIREA — Russian Technological University

Universities in this city

Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.

Title Bachelor Master
1 1 Harvard University

from  7,918 USD

to  52,645 USD

from  7,748 USD

to  73,420 USD

2 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

58,224 USD

58,224 USD

3 3 Stanford University

57,678 USD

from  56,472 USD

to  76,929 USD

4 1 University of Cambridge

from  28,354 USD

to  37,108 USD

from  15,190 USD

to  55,266 USD

5 4 California Institute of Technology

48,098 USD

48,098 USD

Universities in this country

Information is exploratory. For accurate information, refer to the official website of the school.

Title City Bachelor Master
1 1 Harvard University Cambridge

from  7,918 USD

to  52,645 USD

from  7,748 USD

to  73,420 USD

2 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Boston

58,224 USD

58,224 USD

3 3 Stanford University Stanford

57,678 USD

from  56,472 USD

to  76,929 USD

4 1 University of Cambridge Cambridge

from  28,354 USD

to  37,108 USD

from  15,190 USD

to  55,266 USD

5 4 California Institute of Technology Pasadena

48,098 USD

48,098 USD

✔️ State university

Upon graduation from RTU MIREA, graduates receive a state diploma recognized both in Russia and abroad.

✔️ Qualified teaching staff

77% of teachers have academic degrees and academic titles. Leading foreign scientists and teachers are invited to give lectures and training courses.

✔️ Comfortable conditions for study and rest

The educational process takes place on 7 campuses, which are located near metro stations. All of them are equipped with modern multimedia equipment with high-speed Wi-Fi. There are cafes, libraries, conference rooms on the territory.

✔️ 6 hostels in Moscow

The campus of RTU MIREA accommodates more than 3,200 people. The buildings have created conditions for comfortable living, preparation for training sessions, sports and recreation.

✔️ Demand for graduates

90% of university graduates are employed, including in leadership positions. They are in high demand in partner companies and among industry enterprises in general.

✔️ Preparation for work in science-intensive areas

RTU MIREA students participate in R&D and design work in electronics, radio engineering, aerospace industry and other science-intensive industries using modern equipment in research centers and laboratories of the university. They are also actively involved in international scientific projects.

✔️ Opportunities for additional education

University students have ample opportunities for additional education: joint programs with the largest companies in the IT industry (Cisco, Microsoft, Huawei, 1C-Bitrix, etc.), foreign language courses, MBA and others.

✔️ Interesting student life

For students, free classes are organized in theater, vocal and dance studios, a guitar school, photo and climbing clubs, pedagogical, rescue, search and archaeological teams work.

✔️ Sports opportunities

The university has 4 modern sports complexes, where everyone can attend numerous sports sections: from fitness and cheerleading to football and powerlifting. On the territory of the complexes there are indoor tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, a swimming pool and even a climbing wall.

The structure of RTU MIREA includes 7 educational institutes:

  1. Institute of Information Technology

    The Institute of Information Technologies trains bachelors and masters in the following priority areas: software engineering, applied informatics, informatics and computer engineering, applied mathematics. Within the framework of these directions a wide range of bachelor and master degree programs covering all possible spheres of interests and employment of modern and perspective professionals in the sphere of information and communication technologies is realized. The Institute graduates who have devoted enough effort to mastering the educational programs offered by the Institute find jobs in commercial and state structures and organizations of the Russian Federation and abroad without any difficulty.

  2. Institute of Artificial Intelligence

    The Institute of Artificial Intelligence trains specialists in research, development and application of artificial intelligence technologies in the fields of modeling, control, processing and protection of information, including such scientific areas as computer science, applied mathematics, computer engineering, automation of technological processes and industries, mechatronics and robotics, control in technical systems, system analysis and management, information and computer security, biotechnical systems and technolo

    Graduates deal with the development of a new generation of samples of mechatronic and robotic systems and complexes, aviation, missile and space, measuring and medical equipment, with the introduction of methods of systems engineering in the development of complex technical objects, with the creation of large databases, with information security of data processing and transmission means in the state authorities and law enforcement agencies, state enterprises, institutions and organizations, joint stock companies, commercial organizations, etc.

  3. Institute of Cyber Security and Digital Technologies

    The Institute of Cyber Security and Digital Technology trains specialists in the field of information security, protection of national cyberspace, economic security, legal support of national security and law enforcement, information technologies and software systems, special and analytical instrumentation. More than 20 years of experience makes the Institute one of the leaders in specialized education.  
    The Institute of Cybersecurity and Digital Technology offers professions that are in high demand by employers. These include information security specialist, information security analyst, reverse-engineering specialist, virus analyst, competitive intelligence specialist, game designer, web programmer, interface developer, big data infrastructure developer, DevOps engineer, digital footprint data analyst, artificial intelligence systems architect, system administrator, developer of cross-platform business applications, mobile, Web and multimedia applications, economist, lawyer, investigator, arbitration.

  4. Institute of Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming

    The Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming trains specialists in various fields: full-stack development, computer and graphic design, advanced digital technologies of additive manufacturing, optical and laser technologies, nanoelectronics, nanotechnology, microsystems engineering, materials science, metrology and standardization.
    Graduates of the institute work in various companies and enterprises belonging to the defense sector, rocket and space industry, as well as in commercial structures. Many of them become entrepreneurs and implement their own innovative developments.

  5. Institute of Radioelectronics and Informatics

    The Institute of Radioelectronics and Informatics trains specialists in the sphere of research, design and development of radio engineering and infocommunication systems and devices. Students get fundamental physical and mathematical training in combination with industrial training at the leading enterprises of Moscow and the Moscow region.

  6. The Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technology. M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies

    M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technology provides training in chemistry, chemical technology, biotechnology and industrial pharmacy, technology of new unique materials, ecology and industrial safety.

  7. Institute of Management Technologies

    The Institute of Management Technologies implements a wide range of demanded educational programs of higher education designed with account of modern market realities and wishes of employers’ representatives. Educational programs of the Institute are relevant and practice-oriented, and in the framework of the educational process the tools are used, contributing to the development of students’ comprehensive approach to the solution of problems of professional activity. The Institute has a modern material and technical base that allows the formation of fundamental and applied knowledge, which graduates successfully apply in the future professional sphere. The availability of highly qualified teachers and active interaction with industrial partners ensure high-quality practical training of specialists demanded by the modern labor market.


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uniRank University Ranking

University Overview

Founded in 1947, Moscow Technical University — MIREA is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the large metropolis of Moscow (population range of over 5,000,000 inhabitants). Officially recognized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Moscow Technical University — MIREA (MTU) is a medium-sized (uniRank enrollment range: 7,000-7,999 students) coeducational Russian higher education institution. Moscow Technical University — MIREA (MTU) offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized higher education degrees such as bachelor degrees, master degrees in several areas of study. See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further details. This 75 years old Russian higher-education institution has a selective admission policy based on students’ past academic record and grades. The admission rate range is 30-40% making this Russian higher education organization a very selective institution. International students are welcome to apply for enrollment. MTU also provides several academic and non-academic facilities and services to students including a library, sports facilities, study abroad and exchange programs, as well as administrative services.

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University Location

Address 78 Vernadskogo prospekt
119454 Moscow
Tel +7 (495) 433 0044
Fax +7 (495) 434 9287

Yearly Tuition Range

uniRank Tuition Range Matrix

Undergraduate Postgraduate
1,000-2,500 US$
(750-1,800 Euro)
1,000-2,500 US$
(750-1,800 Euro)
1,000-2,500 US$
(750-1,800 Euro)
1,000-2,500 US$
(750-1,800 Euro)

Tip: search for Moscow Technical University — MIREA’s tuition fees with the uniRank Search Engine

University Admissions

Gender Men and Women (coed)
International Students Yes, international applicants are welcome to apply for admission
Selection Type Yes, based on students’ past academic record and grades
Admission Rate 30-40%
Admission Office 78 prospect Vernadskogo
Moscow 119454
(495) 433-04-55

Tip: search for Moscow Technical University — MIREA’s admission policy with the uniRank Search Engine

Size and Profile

Student Enrollment 7,000-7,999
Academic Staff 600-699
Control Type Public
Entity Type Non-Profit
Academic Calendar Semesters
Campus Setting Urban
Religious Affiliation None

Facilities and Services

Library Yes Go to Moscow Technical University - MIREA's Library
Housing Not reported
Sport Facilities Yes
Financial Aids Not reported
Study Abroad Yes
Distance Learning Not reported
Academic Counseling Not reported
Career Services Not reported
Institutional Hospital Not reported

Tip: search for Moscow Technical University — MIREA’s facilities and services with the uniRank Search Engine

Memberships and Affiliations

  • Top Industrial Managers for Europe (TIME)

Online Courses

iTunes U

Not reported

Open Education Global

Not reported

Tip: search for Moscow Technical University — MIREA’s online or distance education courses with the uniRank Search Engine

Wikipedia Article

Video Presentation

Not available; please submit an official general video presentation of this higher education institution.

Errors and Update

Site last updated: Thursday, 11 August 2022

MIREA – Russian Technological University

МИРЭА – Российский технологический университет

MIREA logo.png

Other name

VZEI, MIREA, MIREA (TU), MGTU MIREA, MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT, Moscow Technological University
Motto Best among equal – equal among the best!
Optimus inter pares — par inter optimos!
Type Public
Established 1947
President Alexander S. Sigov[1]
Rector Stanislav A. Kudzh[1]
Undergraduates More than 25000




Coordinates: 55°40′12″N 37°28′51″E / 55.6700°N 37.4808°E

Website english.mirea.ru/

MIREA — Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA) is The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «MIREA — Russian Technological University» (RTU MIREA). It is a higher educational institution in Moscow, Russia, which is a modern educational, research and innovation complex.

General information[edit]

RTU MIREA is one of the largest European technical universities, which includes 8 institutes, 160 departments, 38 research units, and more than 50 specialized departments.
The university provides highly professional training in 112 areas and specialties (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s, postgraduate studies) in IT, cyber security, electronics, radio engineering, robotics, chemistry, biotechnology, etc. The university also provides an opportunity to receive additional education. Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh, Doctor of Technical Sciences is Rector of RTU MIREA.

The university employs over 2,500 people as teaching staff (77% have an academic degree), including 21 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 280 members of other academies, Russian and international scientific societies, as well as more than 400 doctors of sciences and more than 1,300 candidates of sciences.

A number of lectures and training courses are delivered by visiting foreign professors. Practicing designers, chief engineers and general directors of partner enterprises act as lecturers and trainers at the specialized departments for students (starting from the 3rd year).

Every year the university is allocated 4,367 budgetary places and about 26,000 students are currently studying[2] here. About 1,200 international students from 80 countries of the world study at the Institute of International Education of RTU MIREA. Upon graduation, a diploma is issued recognized both in the Russian Federation and abroad.[3]

Historical background[edit]

The history of RTU MIREA begins on May 28, 1947 when the Correspondence Institute for Advanced Training of Engineering and Technical Workers of the Ministry of Power Plants and Electrical Industry of the USSR was transformed into the All-Union Correspondence Power Engineering Institute for the Training and Improvement of Engineers (VZEI). Being the leading university in the system of correspondence education in energy and radio engineering specialties, it had branches in Leningrad, Kiev, Baku, Tashkent, Sverdlovsk, and Novosibirsk. Later, on the basis of these branches and training and consulting centers, a number of technical universities were opened in Omsk, Kemerovo, Kirov and other cities of the USSR.

The university got the name of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA) on June 30, 1967. The training of highly qualified engineering personnel for the science-intensive industries of the electronic and radio industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making, automation equipment and control systems started in a full-time mode, not just by correspondence. Nikolai Nikolayevich Evtikhiev was elected Rector of MIREA.

In 1993, MIREA was granted the status of a technical university. Between 1998 and 2013, Alexander Sergeevich Sigov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was Rector of MSTU MIREA, and later, since 2013, he has been president of the university.

The year of 2013 becomes a landmark for the university. Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh takes up the position of rector, and an active process of combining the potential of research and educational institutions begins: the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Engineering Systems (the Federal State Budget Institution ROSNIIITIAP) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Industrial Art (VNIITE) (2013), the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science (MGUPI), the Institute of Professional Administration and Complex Energy Efficiency (IPAIKE) (2014), Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies (MITHT) (2015). Today the latter has the name of Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies.

In 2018, by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal State Budget Educational Institution «MIREA — Russian Technological University» was created as part of the Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MSTU MIREA), the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science (MGUPI), Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Engineering Systems (FSI ROSNIIITIAP), the All-Russian Research Institute of Industrial Art (VNIITE), the Institute of Professional Administration and Integrated Energy Efficiency (IPK Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) and the Institute of Modern Educational Technologies and Projects (ISEPP).[4][5]

RTU MIREA today[edit]

University structure (institutes and divisions)[edit]

Within its structure RTU MIREA has a number of institutes that implement higher education programs (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate studies):

  • Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming;
  • Institute of Information Technologies;
  • Institute of Artificial Intelligence;
  • Institute for Cybersecurity and Digital Technologies;
  • Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics;
  • Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies;
  • Institute of Management Technologies.

Apart from that, there are institutes of

  • additional education;
  • pre-university training;
  • youth policy and international relations;
  • international education.

Reserve officers, reserve sergeants and reserve soldiers are trained by the Military Training Center. Every year, students and graduates are selected for research squadrons/companies of the Russian Ministry of Defense.[6]

The College of Instrumentation and Information Technologies provides training for students to further continue their study at RTU MIREA under higher education programs.[7]
The university has two branches, which are located in Stavropol (South of Russia) and Fryazino (Moscow region).

Educational activities[edit]

The educational programs of the university are certified in conformity with the international standards; modern laboratories and academies with the participation of world famous manufacturers (Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, EMC, Huawei and many others) have been opened, the Cyberzone Cybersport Center has started to operate.

RTU MIREA successfully cooperates with enterprises in high-tech industries and research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and more than 50 specialized departments have been created in affiliation with them. Thanks to the cluster system «university — partner enterprise — specialized department», fundamental education in junior courses is combined with high-quality training of senior students at potential workplaces. In particular, since 2019, the Department of Immunological Chemistry has been functioning at the Federal State Budget Institution National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which will be headed by Denis Yuryevich Logunov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director for Research of the Gamaleya Center, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who in 2020 led the team of developers of the world’s first registered vaccine against coronavirus infection — «Sputnik V».[8]

In May 2021, RTU MIREA signed a roadmap for long-term cooperation with the Federal State Budget Institution «National Medical Research Center of Radiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia opening the Research and Educational Center for Medical Radiology and Dosimetry. The center is equipped with a high-tech system of virtual imaging in the field of radiation therapy VERT, and training is conducted with the participation of the leading specialists from the Research Center named after Tsyba, Herzen National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center, and the Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS[9]).

In July 2021, the university entered into a cooperation agreement with the educational platform Skillbox (its CEO, Dmitry Krutov, is an RTU MIREA alumnus). In the near future, it is planned to develop and implement joint higher education programs, create conditions for both online and offline education and training, and conduct scientific and practical conferences and other events.[10]

University and Research Mega-laboratories[edit]

Every year, since 2015, modern laboratories have been launched at the university: universal research and technical centers where the developments of several departments or institutes, as well as educational, scientific and production capacities are combined.

2015: interdepartmental specialized educational and research laboratory «Intelligent autonomous and multi-agent robotic systems».
2016: Innovative technologies in microelectronics (2016).

2017: specialized educational and research laboratories of Information Technologies of the Internet of Things (the Samsung IT Academy educational project is under way) and Multimedia Technologies equipped within the framework of cooperation with Samsung Electronics.

2018: space center simulation equipment; a universal educational and research laboratory of technologies for analytics, modeling, design and digital prototyping on the basis of the Institute of Information Technologies.

2019: Inter-Institute Training Center «Industry 4.0 Digital Robotic Manufacturing»; educational and research center for catalytic and mass transfer processes; precision information-measuring analytical systems.

2020: Research and educational center for biosynthesis, isolation and purification of monoclonal antibodies, a number of laboratories — digital and additive technologies in mechanical engineering (3D modeling module); immersive technologies; digital design and modeling of radio electronic equipment; technological processes for the production of radio-electronic equipment; assembly and installation of radio electronic equipment; tuning and adjustments of radio electronic means; 3D prototyping and inspection of multilayer printed circuit boards; Geographic Information Systems; tracking and motion capture technology equipped with Vicon equipment.

Research activity[edit]

Achievements of RTU MIREA scientists and academic schools are the basis for mutually beneficial partnerships with universities, research centers and industrial corporations of European (Germany, France, Finland) and Asian countries (South Korea, Singapore, China, Japan).
In particular, within the framework of international cooperation, physicists from RTU MIREA, A.M. Prokhorov Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (Lille, France), a new method for controlling the polarization of terahertz radiation was proposed, which proved to be simpler and more efficient than the previous one.[11]
In October 2020, RTU MIREA, together with Technomash Research Institute of the Ruselectronics holding (State Corporation Rostec), the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS) and Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials (ISPM RAS) created a research and educational consortium «Polymer materials for advanced technologies». It is planned to conduct fundamental and applied research, implement educational programs, develop research and educational infrastructure, launch the production of high-tech products, participate in the «Science» national project.[12][13]
Since December 2020, the university has become a single platform for the collection, accumulation and subsequent analysis of information on indicators in the scientific and educational spheres. The Situation Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia was inaugurated with the participation of V.N. Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and P.V. Malkov, Head of Rosstat.[13]

International programs[edit]

RTU MIREA is a member of international university associations and unions — the Association of Technical Universities of Europe (T.I.M.E.), the Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China (ATURK), the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the University League Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). A significant number of educational programs have received international certificates.

The most important component of the development of the university is strengthening ties with the leading foreign universities — over 60 of them participate in joint research projects, seminars and conferences, teaching and student mobility programs.

RTU MIREA implements academic exchange and double degree programs with the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), the North China University of Technology (China), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), Saitama University (Japan). Also, RTU MIREA has a Coordination Bureau for annual Russian-Japanese youth exchanges.[13]

In March 2021, RTU MIREA and BSUIR (Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics) signed a roadmap for the development of cooperation: joint training programs for specialists, masters, advanced training and retraining, with the account of the requirements set and the need to issue educational documents of both parties.[14]

University campuses and dormitories[edit]

The university has 7 campuses equipped with modern facilities and devices, including multi-service infrastructure and high-speed Wi-Fi:

  • 78, Vernadsky prospect, — the main campus.
  • 86, Vernadsky prospect, — a complex of buildings of Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies (construction was carried out from 1980 to 2004).
  • 1, Malaya Pirogovskaya Street, building 5. The object is listed as the cultural heritage object of Moscow — part of the Ensemble of Moscow Higher Courses for Women.
  • 20, Stromynka Street. One of the oldest buildings in Sokolniki, a federal cultural heritage site.
  • 22, 5th Street of Sokolinaya Gora, — the first building in the ownership of MIREA, built in 1970.
  • 7/1, Usacheva Street, — Military Training Center.
  • 23, 1st Shchipkovsky Lane, — College of Instrumentation and Information Technologies.

For nonresident and international students, graduate students, doctoral students and interns, the university has six dormitories catering for 3,228 people. Each dormitory has a library, Internet access, a canteen, a medical isolation ward and a left-luggage office. For security purposes, access control and round-the-clock video surveillance, fire and alarm buttons, and a warning system are installed.

Altair Children’s Technopark[edit]

Since August 2019, the Altair Children’s Technopark has been operating on the premises of RTU MIREA for inquisitive and motivated high school students. The Technopark is equipped with unique high-tech facilities and devices. Its training programs were developed with the participation of industrial partners, such as Yandex, Mail.ru Group, Rostelecom Solar, Samsung Electronics, Oracle, Roselectronics, Generium, etc.[13]
The training is free of charge. Short-term courses are also provided in the form of popular science lectures, master classes, excursions; and long-term programs (at least 36 academic hours), the result of which is contests and competitions, project defense or case solution developed together with industrial partners.
Prize-winning places in competitions, conferences and Olympiads based on the results of training score additional points for admission to specialized universities. The best and most able graduates have an advantage in selecting targeted training programs of industrial partners and the opportunity to internships in companies concluding at the same time a deferred employment contract.
The Technopark received a special Digital Volunteer award of the Digital Summits 2020 national award[15] which was granted as an appreciation of its activity at the time of quarantine when all the programs were transferred expeditiously to the VKontakte platform. In March 2021, it received the status of a Federal innovation platform.[16]

Positions in ratings[edit]

  • 100 best Russian universities according to Forbes — 50th place (2020).[17]
  • The best universities in Russia RAEX — 57th place (2020).[18]
  • Russian National University Ranking — 51st place (2020).[19]
  • The best universities in the world — THE World University Rankings — 2021 (1,527 universities from 93 countries) — 17th place among 48 Russian universities included in the ranking.[20]
  • One of the leading universities in terms of positive student feedback, according to the Tabiturient project (2018, 2019, 2020).[21]
  • Ranking of the best Russian universities in engineering and mathematics and natural sciences — 23rd place (2021).[22]

University editions[edit]

  • Russian Technological Journal[23]
  • Journal Fine Chemical Technologies[24]


  1. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  2. TASS: Society — the Source: two Moscow universities will be joined
  3. University Symbols — Media Center — RTU MIREA, www.mirea.ru


  1. ^ a b Administration, MIREA
  2. ^ MIREA today
  3. ^ MIREA on the Portal Rustudent.Org.
  4. ^ Regulation of MIREA
  5. ^ https://priem.mirea.ru/docs/official/ustav.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  6. ^ MIREA
  7. ^ MIREA-Faculty of secondary education.
  8. ^ RIA Novosti
  9. ^ MIREA — Center of radiology
  10. ^ MIREA — IT
  11. ^ Nature.Com
  12. ^ MIREA — Roselektronica
  13. ^ a b c d MIREA — Ministry of Education
  14. ^ MIREA — Russian Newspaper
  15. ^ MIREA — Mos.Ru
  16. ^ MIREA — RG
  17. ^ MIREA — Forbes
  18. ^ MIREA — RAEX
  19. ^ MIREA Interfax
  20. ^ MIREA — Hotcources
  21. ^ MIREA — NARIA
  22. ^ MIREA RAEX2
  23. ^ Russian Technological Journal
  24. ^ Fine Chemical Technologies

External links[edit]

  • Official site of the University (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
  • Admission Committee of RTU MIREA (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
  • Official website of the branch in Fryazino (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
MIREA – Russian Technological University

МИРЭА – Российский технологический университет

MIREA logo.png

Other name

VZEI, MIREA, MIREA (TU), MGTU MIREA, MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT, Moscow Technological University
Motto Best among equal – equal among the best!
Optimus inter pares — par inter optimos!
Type Public
Established 1947
President Alexander S. Sigov[1]
Rector Stanislav A. Kudzh[1]
Undergraduates More than 25000




Coordinates: 55°40′12″N 37°28′51″E / 55.6700°N 37.4808°E

Website english.mirea.ru/

MIREA — Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA) is The Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «MIREA — Russian Technological University» (RTU MIREA). It is a higher educational institution in Moscow, Russia, which is a modern educational, research and innovation complex.

General information[edit]

RTU MIREA is one of the largest European technical universities, which includes 8 institutes, 160 departments, 38 research units, and more than 50 specialized departments.
The university provides highly professional training in 112 areas and specialties (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s, postgraduate studies) in IT, cyber security, electronics, radio engineering, robotics, chemistry, biotechnology, etc. The university also provides an opportunity to receive additional education. Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh, Doctor of Technical Sciences is Rector of RTU MIREA.

The university employs over 2,500 people as teaching staff (77% have an academic degree), including 21 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, more than 280 members of other academies, Russian and international scientific societies, as well as more than 400 doctors of sciences and more than 1,300 candidates of sciences.

A number of lectures and training courses are delivered by visiting foreign professors. Practicing designers, chief engineers and general directors of partner enterprises act as lecturers and trainers at the specialized departments for students (starting from the 3rd year).

Every year the university is allocated 4,367 budgetary places and about 26,000 students are currently studying[2] here. About 1,200 international students from 80 countries of the world study at the Institute of International Education of RTU MIREA. Upon graduation, a diploma is issued recognized both in the Russian Federation and abroad.[3]

Historical background[edit]

The history of RTU MIREA begins on May 28, 1947 when the Correspondence Institute for Advanced Training of Engineering and Technical Workers of the Ministry of Power Plants and Electrical Industry of the USSR was transformed into the All-Union Correspondence Power Engineering Institute for the Training and Improvement of Engineers (VZEI). Being the leading university in the system of correspondence education in energy and radio engineering specialties, it had branches in Leningrad, Kiev, Baku, Tashkent, Sverdlovsk, and Novosibirsk. Later, on the basis of these branches and training and consulting centers, a number of technical universities were opened in Omsk, Kemerovo, Kirov and other cities of the USSR.

The university got the name of the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA) on June 30, 1967. The training of highly qualified engineering personnel for the science-intensive industries of the electronic and radio industry, mechanical engineering and instrument making, automation equipment and control systems started in a full-time mode, not just by correspondence. Nikolai Nikolayevich Evtikhiev was elected Rector of MIREA.

In 1993, MIREA was granted the status of a technical university. Between 1998 and 2013, Alexander Sergeevich Sigov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was Rector of MSTU MIREA, and later, since 2013, he has been president of the university.

The year of 2013 becomes a landmark for the university. Stanislav Alekseevich Kudzh takes up the position of rector, and an active process of combining the potential of research and educational institutions begins: the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Engineering Systems (the Federal State Budget Institution ROSNIIITIAP) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Industrial Art (VNIITE) (2013), the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science (MGUPI), the Institute of Professional Administration and Complex Energy Efficiency (IPAIKE) (2014), Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies (MITHT) (2015). Today the latter has the name of Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies.

In 2018, by the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal State Budget Educational Institution «MIREA — Russian Technological University» was created as part of the Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MSTU MIREA), the Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science (MGUPI), Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies, the Russian Research Institute of Information Technologies and Computer-Aided Engineering Systems (FSI ROSNIIITIAP), the All-Russian Research Institute of Industrial Art (VNIITE), the Institute of Professional Administration and Integrated Energy Efficiency (IPK Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) and the Institute of Modern Educational Technologies and Projects (ISEPP).[4][5]

RTU MIREA today[edit]

University structure (institutes and divisions)[edit]

Within its structure RTU MIREA has a number of institutes that implement higher education programs (bachelor’s, specialist’s, master’s and postgraduate studies):

  • Institute for Advanced Technologies and Industrial Programming;
  • Institute of Information Technologies;
  • Institute of Artificial Intelligence;
  • Institute for Cybersecurity and Digital Technologies;
  • Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics;
  • Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies;
  • Institute of Management Technologies.

Apart from that, there are institutes of

  • additional education;
  • pre-university training;
  • youth policy and international relations;
  • international education.

Reserve officers, reserve sergeants and reserve soldiers are trained by the Military Training Center. Every year, students and graduates are selected for research squadrons/companies of the Russian Ministry of Defense.[6]

The College of Instrumentation and Information Technologies provides training for students to further continue their study at RTU MIREA under higher education programs.[7]
The university has two branches, which are located in Stavropol (South of Russia) and Fryazino (Moscow region).

Educational activities[edit]

The educational programs of the university are certified in conformity with the international standards; modern laboratories and academies with the participation of world famous manufacturers (Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, EMC, Huawei and many others) have been opened, the Cyberzone Cybersport Center has started to operate.

RTU MIREA successfully cooperates with enterprises in high-tech industries and research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and more than 50 specialized departments have been created in affiliation with them. Thanks to the cluster system «university — partner enterprise — specialized department», fundamental education in junior courses is combined with high-quality training of senior students at potential workplaces. In particular, since 2019, the Department of Immunological Chemistry has been functioning at the Federal State Budget Institution National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which will be headed by Denis Yuryevich Logunov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director for Research of the Gamaleya Center, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who in 2020 led the team of developers of the world’s first registered vaccine against coronavirus infection — «Sputnik V».[8]

In May 2021, RTU MIREA signed a roadmap for long-term cooperation with the Federal State Budget Institution «National Medical Research Center of Radiology» of the Ministry of Health of Russia opening the Research and Educational Center for Medical Radiology and Dosimetry. The center is equipped with a high-tech system of virtual imaging in the field of radiation therapy VERT, and training is conducted with the participation of the leading specialists from the Research Center named after Tsyba, Herzen National Medical Research Radiological Centre of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center, and the Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS[9]).

In July 2021, the university entered into a cooperation agreement with the educational platform Skillbox (its CEO, Dmitry Krutov, is an RTU MIREA alumnus). In the near future, it is planned to develop and implement joint higher education programs, create conditions for both online and offline education and training, and conduct scientific and practical conferences and other events.[10]

University and Research Mega-laboratories[edit]

Every year, since 2015, modern laboratories have been launched at the university: universal research and technical centers where the developments of several departments or institutes, as well as educational, scientific and production capacities are combined.

2015: interdepartmental specialized educational and research laboratory «Intelligent autonomous and multi-agent robotic systems».
2016: Innovative technologies in microelectronics (2016).

2017: specialized educational and research laboratories of Information Technologies of the Internet of Things (the Samsung IT Academy educational project is under way) and Multimedia Technologies equipped within the framework of cooperation with Samsung Electronics.

2018: space center simulation equipment; a universal educational and research laboratory of technologies for analytics, modeling, design and digital prototyping on the basis of the Institute of Information Technologies.

2019: Inter-Institute Training Center «Industry 4.0 Digital Robotic Manufacturing»; educational and research center for catalytic and mass transfer processes; precision information-measuring analytical systems.

2020: Research and educational center for biosynthesis, isolation and purification of monoclonal antibodies, a number of laboratories — digital and additive technologies in mechanical engineering (3D modeling module); immersive technologies; digital design and modeling of radio electronic equipment; technological processes for the production of radio-electronic equipment; assembly and installation of radio electronic equipment; tuning and adjustments of radio electronic means; 3D prototyping and inspection of multilayer printed circuit boards; Geographic Information Systems; tracking and motion capture technology equipped with Vicon equipment.

Research activity[edit]

Achievements of RTU MIREA scientists and academic schools are the basis for mutually beneficial partnerships with universities, research centers and industrial corporations of European (Germany, France, Finland) and Asian countries (South Korea, Singapore, China, Japan).
In particular, within the framework of international cooperation, physicists from RTU MIREA, A.M. Prokhorov Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) and the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies (Lille, France), a new method for controlling the polarization of terahertz radiation was proposed, which proved to be simpler and more efficient than the previous one.[11]
In October 2020, RTU MIREA, together with Technomash Research Institute of the Ruselectronics holding (State Corporation Rostec), the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INEOS RAS) and Enikolopov Institute of Synthetic Polymeric Materials (ISPM RAS) created a research and educational consortium «Polymer materials for advanced technologies». It is planned to conduct fundamental and applied research, implement educational programs, develop research and educational infrastructure, launch the production of high-tech products, participate in the «Science» national project.[12][13]
Since December 2020, the university has become a single platform for the collection, accumulation and subsequent analysis of information on indicators in the scientific and educational spheres. The Situation Center of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia was inaugurated with the participation of V.N. Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and P.V. Malkov, Head of Rosstat.[13]

International programs[edit]

RTU MIREA is a member of international university associations and unions — the Association of Technical Universities of Europe (T.I.M.E.), the Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China (ATURK), the European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA), the International Association of Universities (IAU) and the University League Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). A significant number of educational programs have received international certificates.

The most important component of the development of the university is strengthening ties with the leading foreign universities — over 60 of them participate in joint research projects, seminars and conferences, teaching and student mobility programs.

RTU MIREA implements academic exchange and double degree programs with the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy), the North China University of Technology (China), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan), Saitama University (Japan). Also, RTU MIREA has a Coordination Bureau for annual Russian-Japanese youth exchanges.[13]

In March 2021, RTU MIREA and BSUIR (Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics) signed a roadmap for the development of cooperation: joint training programs for specialists, masters, advanced training and retraining, with the account of the requirements set and the need to issue educational documents of both parties.[14]

University campuses and dormitories[edit]

The university has 7 campuses equipped with modern facilities and devices, including multi-service infrastructure and high-speed Wi-Fi:

  • 78, Vernadsky prospect, — the main campus.
  • 86, Vernadsky prospect, — a complex of buildings of Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies (construction was carried out from 1980 to 2004).
  • 1, Malaya Pirogovskaya Street, building 5. The object is listed as the cultural heritage object of Moscow — part of the Ensemble of Moscow Higher Courses for Women.
  • 20, Stromynka Street. One of the oldest buildings in Sokolniki, a federal cultural heritage site.
  • 22, 5th Street of Sokolinaya Gora, — the first building in the ownership of MIREA, built in 1970.
  • 7/1, Usacheva Street, — Military Training Center.
  • 23, 1st Shchipkovsky Lane, — College of Instrumentation and Information Technologies.

For nonresident and international students, graduate students, doctoral students and interns, the university has six dormitories catering for 3,228 people. Each dormitory has a library, Internet access, a canteen, a medical isolation ward and a left-luggage office. For security purposes, access control and round-the-clock video surveillance, fire and alarm buttons, and a warning system are installed.

Altair Children’s Technopark[edit]

Since August 2019, the Altair Children’s Technopark has been operating on the premises of RTU MIREA for inquisitive and motivated high school students. The Technopark is equipped with unique high-tech facilities and devices. Its training programs were developed with the participation of industrial partners, such as Yandex, Mail.ru Group, Rostelecom Solar, Samsung Electronics, Oracle, Roselectronics, Generium, etc.[13]
The training is free of charge. Short-term courses are also provided in the form of popular science lectures, master classes, excursions; and long-term programs (at least 36 academic hours), the result of which is contests and competitions, project defense or case solution developed together with industrial partners.
Prize-winning places in competitions, conferences and Olympiads based on the results of training score additional points for admission to specialized universities. The best and most able graduates have an advantage in selecting targeted training programs of industrial partners and the opportunity to internships in companies concluding at the same time a deferred employment contract.
The Technopark received a special Digital Volunteer award of the Digital Summits 2020 national award[15] which was granted as an appreciation of its activity at the time of quarantine when all the programs were transferred expeditiously to the VKontakte platform. In March 2021, it received the status of a Federal innovation platform.[16]

Positions in ratings[edit]

  • 100 best Russian universities according to Forbes — 50th place (2020).[17]
  • The best universities in Russia RAEX — 57th place (2020).[18]
  • Russian National University Ranking — 51st place (2020).[19]
  • The best universities in the world — THE World University Rankings — 2021 (1,527 universities from 93 countries) — 17th place among 48 Russian universities included in the ranking.[20]
  • One of the leading universities in terms of positive student feedback, according to the Tabiturient project (2018, 2019, 2020).[21]
  • Ranking of the best Russian universities in engineering and mathematics and natural sciences — 23rd place (2021).[22]

University editions[edit]

  • Russian Technological Journal[23]
  • Journal Fine Chemical Technologies[24]


  1. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  2. TASS: Society — the Source: two Moscow universities will be joined
  3. University Symbols — Media Center — RTU MIREA, www.mirea.ru


  1. ^ a b Administration, MIREA
  2. ^ MIREA today
  3. ^ MIREA on the Portal Rustudent.Org.
  4. ^ Regulation of MIREA
  5. ^ https://priem.mirea.ru/docs/official/ustav.pdf[bare URL PDF]
  6. ^ MIREA
  7. ^ MIREA-Faculty of secondary education.
  8. ^ RIA Novosti
  9. ^ MIREA — Center of radiology
  10. ^ MIREA — IT
  11. ^ Nature.Com
  12. ^ MIREA — Roselektronica
  13. ^ a b c d MIREA — Ministry of Education
  14. ^ MIREA — Russian Newspaper
  15. ^ MIREA — Mos.Ru
  16. ^ MIREA — RG
  17. ^ MIREA — Forbes
  18. ^ MIREA — RAEX
  19. ^ MIREA Interfax
  20. ^ MIREA — Hotcources
  21. ^ MIREA — NARIA
  22. ^ MIREA RAEX2
  23. ^ Russian Technological Journal
  24. ^ Fine Chemical Technologies

External links[edit]

  • Official site of the University (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
  • Admission Committee of RTU MIREA (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)
  • Official website of the branch in Fryazino (in Russian) (Translate to English: Google, Bing, Yandex)

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