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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Лохнесское чудовище/ Loch Ness Monster с переводом на русский язык.

Loch Ness Monster Лохнесское чудовище
It seemed we already know everything about the world we live in but still there are some mysteries that we want to reveal. Кажется, мы уже все знаем о мире, в котором живем, но все еще существуют некоторые тайны, которые мы хотим раскрыть.
Loch Ness is the home of probably the world’s most famous monster. People say that from time to time you can see a big monster who they call “Nessie” in this lake. There are some reports about seeing great black humps on the surface of the lake and then their disappearing. The main question is – is it a fact or fiction? Лох-Несс – место, где обитает возможно одно из самых знаменитых чудовищ во всем мире. Люди говорят, что в озере время от времени можно увидеть большого монстра, которого они называют «Несси». Есть заявления о том, что кто-то видел большие черные горбы на поверхности озера, которые затем исчезали. Главный вопрос – правда это или вымысел?
Experts have been discussing that question for years, but in recent times more and more people believe that a whole colony of giant creatures may live in the lake. In 1962 a group of people formed an organization called the Bureau for the Investigation of the Loch Ness Phenomena. Эксперты обсуждают этот вопрос на протяжении многих лет, но в последнее время все больше и больше людей верят, что существует целое поселение огромных существ в озере. В 1962 году группа людей создала организацию под названием Бюро расследований Лох-Несс.
Each summer they invite volunteers who watch the lake. And in 1966, they installed cameras on the banks to prove ‘Nessie’s’ existence. Other people made some photographs on the lake’s surface, but the pictures weren’t good enough to convince anyone, although a film made in 1961 convinced a lot of people that something exists in this lake. The film showed an object twenty-eight metres long, travelling at sixteen kilometers per hour. Каждое лето они приглашают волонтеров наблюдать за озером. В 1966 году они установили камеры на берегу, чтобы доказать существование Несси. Другие делали фотографии поверхности озера, но они не были достаточно хорошего качества, чтобы убедить кого-либо, хотя в 1961 году был снят фильм, который убедил многих, что в озере существует что-то. Этот фильм показывал объект двадцать метров в длину, который двигался со скоростью 16 километров в час.
People who claim they saw a monster describe it in a very similar way: it has four fins, a tail and it has a length of around eighteen meters. Те, кто заявляют о том, что видели монстра, описывают его примерно одинаково: у него четыре плавника, хвост и он имеет длину около 18 метров.
Some years ago an 18-year old girl from England had a thirty-seven kilometers journey across Loch Ness. It took her thirty hours, some of which she was swimming in the darkness and everyone applauded her for her strength and bravery. Несколько лет назад восемнадцатилетняя англичанка проплыла 37 километров через озеро Лох-Несс. Это заняло у нее 30 часов, несколько из которых она плыла в темноте и все ей аплодировали за ее силу и смелость.

Mysterious creatures … some legend & myths of our region…

Mysterious creatures

some legend & myths of our region…

Monsters: Barabashka Mermaids Shubin Vodyanoy Chupakabra


  • Barabashka
  • Mermaids
  • Shubin
  • Vodyanoy
  • Chupakabra

Barabashka Barabashka or Domovoy is a protective spirit in Slavic folklore. He is a small hairy creature with a beard. At daytime no one can see him. But when the night comes he appears to do all his undone work about the house. People believe that barabashka guards the house from evil. But sometimes he could be naughty himself. For example he could hide things or break them loudly.


Barabashka or Domovoy is a protective spirit in Slavic folklore. He is a small hairy creature with a beard. At daytime no one can see him. But when the night comes he appears to do all his undone work about the house. People believe that barabashka guards the house from evil. But sometimes he could be naughty himself. For example he could hide things or break them loudly.

Mermaid Mermaid or as we call them – rusalka is a water nymph, a female spirit in Slavic mythology and folklore. It is believed that the soul of a young woman who had died in a river or a lake would come back to haunt that waterway. Her main purpose is to capture young men, seduced by either her looks or her voice. Her body would instantly become very slippery and not allow the victim to cling on to her body in order to reach the surface. She would then wait until the victim had drowned, or, on some occasions, tickle them to death, as she laughed. It is also believed, that rusalki can change their appearance to match the tastes of men they are about to seduce.


Mermaid or as we call them – rusalka is a water nymph, a female spirit in Slavic mythology and folklore.

It is believed that the soul of a young woman who had died in a river or a lake would come back to haunt that waterway. Her main purpose is to capture young men, seduced by either her looks or her voice. Her body would instantly become very slippery and not allow the victim to cling on to her body in order to reach the surface. She would then wait until the victim had drowned, or, on some occasions, tickle them to death, as she laughed. It is also believed, that rusalki can change their appearance to match the tastes of men they are about to seduce.

 Shubin Shubin or kind Shubin is a mythical character of miner folklore. He looks like gnome , holding pick and candle to light his way. He is called Master of mine. Miners believe that he exist and always help in difficult situations. They say that he is kind but also he could be evil.


Shubin or kind Shubin is a mythical character of miner folklore. He looks like gnome , holding pick and candle to light his way. He is called Master of mine. Miners believe that he exist and always help in difficult situations. They say that he is kind but also he could be evil.

 Vodyanoy  Vodyanoy is a male water spirit . He is the Master of water area & is said to appear as an old man with greenish beard, and long hair, with his body covered in algae and muck, usually covered in black fish scales. He has webbed paws instead of hands, a fish's tail, and eyes that burn like red-hot coals. He usually rides along his river on a half-sunk log, making loud splashes. Local drownings are said to be the work of the vodyanoy (or rusalkas).  When angered, the vodyanoy breaks dams, washes down water mills, and drowns people and animals. He would drag down people to his underwater dwelling to serve him as slaves.


Vodyanoy is a male water spirit . He is the Master of water area & is said to appear as an old man with greenish beard, and long hair, with his body covered in algae and muck, usually covered in black fish scales. He has webbed paws instead of hands, a fish’s tail, and eyes that burn like red-hot coals. He usually rides along his river on a half-sunk log, making loud splashes. Local drownings are said to be the work of the vodyanoy (or rusalkas).

When angered, the vodyanoy breaks dams, washes down water mills, and drowns people and animals. He would drag down people to his underwater dwelling to serve him as slaves.

Chupacabra The chupacabra or literally


The chupacabra or literally «goat-sucker»; from chupar, «to suck», and cabra, «goat»is a legendary creature in the folklore . The name comes from the animal’s reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats.

Physical descriptions of the creature vary. It is a heavy creature, the size of a small bear, with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail.

Eyewitness sightings have been claimed in Puerto Rico, and have since been reported in countries like Russia and Ukraine too.

THE END Thanks for watching


Thanks for watching

Текст In search of Nessie and other mysterious monsters с переводом.

In search of Nessie and other mysterious monsters
В поисках Несси и других загадочных существ

We’ve all heard well-known stories of ancient mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns and giants, but to this day, people all over the world continue to report sightings of various mysterious monsters! So… we asked our readers to tell us about any creatures like these from their country … Мы все слышали хорошо известные истории о древних мифических существах, таких как драконы, единороги и гиганты, но до сегодняшнего дня люди по всему миру продолжают сообщать об обнаружении различных загадочных монстров! Поэтому мы попросили наших читателей рассказать нам о каких-нибудь существах, наподобие этих, из своих стран…
A) I’m Kevin from Inverness, Scotland! I’m sure you’ve all heard of our famous Loch Ness Monster, with its humped back, long tail and snake-like head. But you probably didn’t know that people have been reporting sightings of this strange monster since the 6th century! The first modern sighting was in 1933 when a couple who were driving home saw a creature rolling and diving in the lake. Since then there have been over a thousand recorded sightings and even some photos taken of Nessie. Some people believe that Nessie is a dinosaur called a plesiosaur that somehow survived in Loch Ness but the truth is still a mystery. Я Кевин из города Инвернесс, Шотландия! Я уверен, что вы все слышали о нашем знаменитом Лох-Несском чудовище с изогнутой спиной, длинным хвостом и змеиной головой. Но, вероятно, вы не знаете, что люди сообщают о встрече с этим странным монстром с 6-го века! Первая встреча в новом времени произошло в 1933 году, когда пара, которая ехала домой, увидела существо, колыхающееся и ныряющее в озере. С того момента существуют свыше тысячи зафиксированных случаев и даже фотографий Несси. Некоторые люди верят, что Несси – это динозавр под названием плезиозавр, который выжил в Лох-Нессе, но истина является до сих пор тайной.
B) I’m Jens from Norway and we have the legend of the Kraken, a horrifying deep-sea monster that was a mile and a half across. As ships approached, the Kraken would wrap its giant tentacles around them or create a violent whirlpool to pull them down to the bottom of the ocean. The Kraken are a species of giant squid. In 2007, fishermen caught a ten-metre long squid with eyes the size of dinner plates and sharp hooks on some of its tentacles off the coast of Antarctica. There’s no doubt that giant squid exist, but exactly how big they can grow to and whether they have destroyed ships still remains a mystery. Я Дженс из Норвегии, и у нас есть легенда о кракене, ужасном глубоководном монстре размером в одну с половиной мили. При приближении кораблей кракен охватывал их своими гигантскими щупальцами и создавал мощную воронку, чтобы затянуть их на дно океана. Кракен – это вид гигантского кальмара. В 2007 году у побережья рыбаки выловили десятиметрового кальмара с глазами размером с обеденную тарелку и острыми крюками на некоторых из его щупальцев. Несомненно гигантский кальмар существует, но все еще остается загадкой, насколько большими они являются и разрушали ли они корабли.
C. I’m Mary from Oregon, USA. As you probably already know, a strange-looking big hairy creature called Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) has been part of American folklore for years. Since the 1800s, there have been more than 3,000 sightings of Bigfoot, who most witnesses describe as being a two-legged creature two to three metres tall that has long arms and a short neck. Investigators say there’s no way that its footprints, at around 40cm long, could be human prints! Some scientists believe that Bigfoot could be a species of extinct ape, but unfortunately so far no one has found a Bigfoot body, fossil or skeleton. Я Мэри из Орегона, США. Как вы, вероятно, уже знаете, на протяжении многих лет часть американского фольклора является большое волосатое существо под названием йети (или саскуотч). С 1800 года было более 3000 встреч с йети, которого большинство свидетелей описывало как существа с двумя ногами, высотой от двух до трех метров, имеющего длинные руки и короткую шею. Исследователи говорят, что, несомненно, его следы, длинной примерно в 40 см., не могут быть человеческими следами! Некоторые ученые полагают, что йети может быть видом вымершей человекоподобной обезьяны, но, к сожалению, до сих пор никто не нашел тела йети, его останков или скелета.

Источник: Spotlight, 9 класс

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