Рассказ про московское метро на английском языке 6 класс

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Московский метрополитен/ The Moscow Metro с переводом на русский язык.

The Moscow Metro Московский метрополитен
The Moscow Metro is considered one of the main sightseeing of the capital. If you visit it, it’s almost the same as visiting Red Square and every tourist should do it. Московский метрополитен по праву считается одной из главных достопримечательностей нашей столицы. Посетить его, так же как и побывать на Красной площади, непременно должен каждый турист, находящийся в городе.
Today our metro is one of the biggest and busiest in the world. It has a huge network that consists of 215 metro stations and it’s 365 kilometers long. But of course, it was not always this way. Сегодня столичное метро является одним из самых крупных и оживленных во всем мире. Оно представляет собой глобальную сеть, состоящую из 215 станций и имеющую протяженность почти 365 километров. Но, конечно же, так было не всегда.
At the beginning of the XX century there was no Metro but there were plans on how to build it. The government started doing in the 30s. And on May 15, 1935 the grand opening finally took place in Soviet Union. Back then it was only 11,2 kilometers long. В начале ХХ века метро в Москве еще не существовало, но уже тогда имелось несколько проектов его постройки. К реализации одного из таких планов правительство преступило лишь в 30-х годах. И вот, 15 мая 1935 года состоялось торжественное открытие первого в СССР метрополитена. Тогда протяженность его линий составляла всего 11, 2 км.
Since that time our metro has been constantly developing. Even during the second world war they built 7 new stations. С тех пор работы по расширению и преобразованию метро велись в нашей стране беспрерывно. Даже во время Великой Отечественной войны было построено 7 новых станций.
Building of transport system so deep under the ground was a unique achievement for our country so they had a special slogan for it: «Let’s create a palace for people!» And indeed, most of the stations were built with solemnity and monumental features. Some of them such as «Mayakovskay», «Revolution Square» and «Teatralnaya» can be called masterpieces. Поскольку прокладка транспортной ветви на большой глубине была своего рода культовым событием для нашей страны, это мероприятие проходило под лозунгом: «Создадим дворец для народа!» И действительно, архитектура большинства станций метрополитена, построенных в то время, отличается торжественностью и монументальностью. Такие из них, как «Маяковская», «Площадь революции» и «Театральная» могут по праву считаться настоящими произведениями искусства.
Nowadays the Moscow Metro continues developing. For example, in 2002 when «Dmitriy Donskoy’s boulevard» station was open the Moscow Metro went beyond MKAD. Right now they are building 46 new stations and rebuilding the old ones. Generally speaking, the Moscow Metro is getting bigger and bigger every year which means it’s getting more comfortable for residents that started buying apartments far from the city center. So today the Moscow Metro continues its development. Сегодня Московский метрополитен продолжает активно развиваться. Так, в 2002 году после открытия станции «Бульвар Дмитрия Донского» он впервые вышел за пределы МКАД. На данный момент под землей ведется строительство 46 новых станций, а также проходят работы по реконструкции уже имеющихся объектов. Словом, столичное метро с каждым годом становится все более и более крупным, а следовательно, максимально удобным для жителей города, которые теперь все чаще покупают квартиры в отдаленных от центра районах.

Перевод задания
Приезжая в Москву, обязательно прокатитесь на одном из самых удивительных метрополитенов в мире.
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Взгляд на Россию в подземном дворце Москвы.
Москва − столица России. Это один из крупнейших городов Европы. Там проживает около одиннадцати миллионов человек. Многие туристы ежегодно посещают Москву, чтобы увидеть ее знаменитые достопримечательности и фантастическую архитектуру.
Самый популярный вид транспорта у местных жителей и гостей города − метро. Московское метро очень быстрое. В городе 164 станции, и он всегда очень загружен. Ежедневно с 6 утра до 1 ночи им пользуются семь миллионов пассажиров. По голосу дикторов пассажиры могут сказать, куда идет поезд. Все поезда, идущие в центр, имеют мужской голос, а поезда, идущие от центра, имеют женский голос.
Метро идет ко всем основным достопримечательностям. Станция «Площадь Революции» ведет к Кремлю и Красной площади. Станция метро «Театральная» находится недалеко от Большого и Малого театров. Но метро − также и достопримечательность. В народе его называют «Подземный дворец», потому что многие станции действительно красивы, с мозаичными потолками, чудесными люстрами, красивыми скульптурами и блестящими картинами.
Для настоящих приключений каждому посетителю этого прекрасного города стоит прокатиться на подземном метро. Это одна из главных достопримечательностей Москвы.
Вам нравится путешествовать в метро? Какая твоя любимая станция? Напишите и сообщите нам, чтобы выиграть бесплатные билеты на метро на неделю.
• Есть ли в вашем городе метро? Сравните его с московским метро.
• Каким видом транспорта вы пользуетесь чаще всего? Почему?
• В парах решите, где вы находитесь в Москве. Спросите / расскажите дорогу до МГУ, Большого театра, Ботанического сада, ЦПКиО им. Горького и усадьбы Царицыно. Названия на карте метро могут вам помочь.

1) Is there a metro in your town? Compare it to Moscow’s metro.

There is a metro in my city but it is smaller than Moscow’s metro. There are only two lines in Nizhny Novgorod’s metro.

2) Which type of transport do you use most? Why?

I use buses most because it goes everywhere and I can reach any place in the city by bus.

3) In pairs decide where you are in Moscow. Ask for / tell the way to Moscow State University, Bolshoi Theatre, Botanic Garden, Gorky Central Park of Culture and Tsaritsino estate. The names on the metro map can help you.

− Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Moscow State University?

− Well, from Tverskaya station you need to take a train to Teatralnaya station and change to the red line. Then you need to get to the station ‘Universitet’.

− Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Tsaritsino state?

− Well, from Sviblovo station you need to take a train to Tretyakovskaya station and change to the green line. Then you need to get to the station ‘Tsaritsino’.

Перевод ответа
1) Есть ли в вашем городе метро? Сравните его с московским метро.
В моем городе есть метро, но оно меньше московского. В метро Нижнего Новгорода всего две линии.
2) Каким видом транспорта вы пользуетесь чаще всего? Почему?
Я чаще всего пользуюсь автобусами, потому что они везде ходят, и я могу добраться до любого места в городе на автобусе.
3) Попарно решите, где вы находитесь в Москве. Спросите / расскажите дорогу до МГУ, Большого театра, Ботанического сада, ЦПКиО им. Горького и усадьбы Царицыно. Названия на карте метро могут вам помочь.
− Простите, не могли бы вы подсказать дорогу в Московский Университет?
− Ну, со станции Тверская нужно сесть на поезд до станции Театральная и перейти на красную ветку. Затем вам нужно добраться до станции «Университет».

− Извините, не могли бы вы подсказать дорогу в Царицыно?
− Ну, со станции Свиблово нужно сесть на поезд до станции Третьяковская и перейти на зеленую ветку. Затем вам нужно добраться до станции «Царицыно».

Metro in Moscow Metro Сорокина Г.В. МОУ «СШИ №2» г. Магнитогорск

Metro in Moscow


Сорокина Г.В.

МОУ «СШИ №2»

г. Магнитогорск

 The most popular means of transport in Moscow is the metro. It’s very fast. It takes the people not much time to get to the different parts of the city

The most popular means of transport in Moscow is the metro. It’s very fast.

It takes the people not much time to get to the different parts of the city

  The first line was opened on  May 15, 1935  and the line went from the station “Sokolniki” to the station “Park Kultury”

  The first line was opened on  May 15, 1935  and the line went from the station “Sokolniki” to the station “Park Kultury”

Interesting facts The interval in the movement of trains in rush hour is  90 seconds .  The average operating  speed of trains  is 41.61 km / h. .   The  longest line  is dark blue, Arbat-Pokrovskaya, with the length of 45.1 km.  The  shortest line  is Kakhovskaya – only 3.3 km long with only 3 stops

Interesting facts

  • The interval in the movement of trains in rush hour is  90 seconds .
  • The average operating  speed of trains  is 41.61 km / h. . 
  • The  longest line  is dark blue, Arbat-Pokrovskaya, with the length of 45.1 km.
  • The  shortest line  is Kakhovskaya – only 3.3 km long with only 3 stops

 Passengers pay for their trip and go through the turnstile

Passengers pay for their trip and go through the turnstile

 It is always very busy. Seven million people use it every day from 6 am to 1 am

It is always very busy. Seven million people use it every day from 6 am to 1 am

 At that moment there are 12 underground lines. The total length is about 325-330 km, and it consists of almost 200 stations

At that moment there are 12 underground lines. The total length is about 325-330 km, and it consists of almost 200 stations

 The most of the stations are under the ground, but 9 stations are on the surface of the earth (on the street), and 5 stations are generally located above the ground  (at bridges…)

The most of the stations are under the ground, but 9 stations are on the surface of the earth (on the street), and 5 stations are generally located above the ground

(at bridges…)

 The deepest underground station in Moscow is Victory Park, witch received its name in honor of the eponymous park.  Its depth is approximately 80 meters, the length of escalators is 126.8 meters

The deepest underground station in Moscow is Victory Park, witch received its name in honor of the eponymous park.

Its depth is approximately 80 meters, the length of escalators is 126.8 meters

 The distance between the stations may have different lengths. For example, the longest is 6.5 km. from Krylatskoye to Strogino, the shortest is only 0.5 km. from International to Business Centre

The distance between the stations may have different lengths. For example, the longest is 6.5 km. from Krylatskoye to Strogino, the shortest is only 0.5 km. from International to Business Centre

There are a lot of signs for not to get lost

There are a lot of signs for not to get lost

 Moscow metro system is the most beautiful in the world. It looks like a wonderful palace Kievskaya

Moscow metro system is the most beautiful in the world. It looks like a wonderful palace












Internet resources: http://webfacts.ru/interesnye-facty/raznoe/interesnye-fakty-o-moskovskom-metro.html https://yandex.ru/images/search?p=9&text=%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B2%D0%B5%20%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B8%D0%B8&img_url=http%3A%2F%2F360tv.ru%2Fmedia%2Farticle_media%2F991652ba657741e5a9a2c31ccb8ebf30_201604190929.jpg&pos=289&rpt=simage https://friendlylocalguides.com/blog/fun-facts-about-moscow-metro

Internet resources:



30 Fun Facts about Moscow Metro


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  • The Moscow Metro is areal underground museum of changing architectural styles, ideologies and historical events.
  • Each of its222 stations boasts a unique design and many are stunning architectural masterpieces.
  • The interior décor is representative of different styles such as Art Deco, the Empire style, gothic as well as Russian folk patterns.
  • The design of the newly opened Rumyantsevo Metro Station is inspired by the work of the Dutch abstract artist Piet Mondrian.
  • All Moscow tours have the Moscow Metro on their must-see list.

The Moscow MetroRussian: Moskovskiy metropoliten or Московский метрополитен is considered to be one of the most beautiful transit systems in the world. Architecturally, it is a true underground museum which can be accessed for the price of one ride. Each of its 222 stations is unique, with many of those built in the Soviet era being recognised as masterpieces of architecture. You will find elements of the Empire style, Art Deco, gothic architecture and, naturally, Russian national motifs. The Moscow Metro is an integral part of any guided tour of Moscow intended for those interested in architecture and history.

Revolution Square.Detal1The Moscow Metro is the only underground system in the world where every station has a unique design. This tradition was observed from when the metro opened in 1935 and the first section from Park KulturyRussian: Парк Культуры to SokolnikiRussian: Сокольники was constructed. The reason for such a focus on design probably lies in the desire of Soviet leaders to communicate the power of the union to citizens and foreign visitors in every possible way. It is no coincidence that the most exquisite stations are designed in Stalin’s Empire style, a nod to the era of Napoleonic wars and the reign of Alexander Ireigned as Emperor of Russia from 1801 to 1825 — the great empires of yesterday.

Two more lines were opened before the outbreak of World War II. Construction continued during wartime, but most of the construction of the metro took place in the postwar period. The interior design of the stations was dependent on the station layout and even on the tunnel depth to some extent. Stations were designed in various ways to make it easier for commuters to find their way around the underground; people recognise where they are based on the familiar features of a station seen from train windows. Station Kievskaya. Fresco Dance. shutterstock.comThe overall Soviet approach to architecture changed somewhat in the 1960s, as planned construction based on pre-developed design came to the fore. The standard designs of metro stations became more elaborate, but they have always been subject to minor modifications and style customisations in order to continue the long-established tradition of uniqueness. More than 20 stations are decorated with real fossils discovered during tunnel excavation.

Of course, there is no official list of the best and most beautiful metro stations. Nonetheless, some of them are truly remarkable. Not only do they illustrate the evolution of architectural styles but they also refer to specific ideological aspects or historical events, glorifying the life of the country and its individual nations and heroes.


This station, on the green line, is remarkable for a number of reasons. The first deep column station in the world, it won the international Grand Prix for Architecture in Paris in 1937 and in New York in 1939. It is often named as the most beautiful station in the Moscow Metro. The decorations of MayakovskayaRussian: Маяковская were designed by a large team of architects, artists and sculptors, including Alexey Dushkin, who designed the station and one of its halls, and Alexander Deinekaa Soviet Russian painter, graphic artist and sculptor, who drew the sketches for the semidome mosaic. The station is recognised as a masterpiece of Art Deco, which was the dominant style of that time. Although the platform is narrower than other similar stations, Mayakovskaya is incredibly light and elegant. Its three-aisled column hall is virtually translucent. The widely-spaced columns dressed in stainless steel and red granite flow into the white domed ceiling with inlaid mosaics. Deineka’s One Day of the Soviet SkyRussian: Sutki sovetskogo neba or Сутки советского неба creates the impression of a real sky above the heads of commuters.


KomsomolskayaRussian: Комсомольская metro station, on the red line, (SokolnicheskayaRussian: Сокольническая) has an interesting architectural design, but its neighbour Komsomolskaya on the Koltsevaya LineRussian: Koltsevaya liniya or Кольцевая линия is rightfully considered as one of the most beautiful stations in the system. While Myakovskaya has a majestic, yet restrained appearance, Komsomolskaya Koltsevaya creates an atmosphere of celebration and festivity. The station designed by Dmitry Chechulin and A. Tarkhov opened in 1935. It was named after the young communists (Komsomola political youth organization in the Soviet Union members) involved in the construction. This is the crux of Stalin’s Empire stylearchitecture of the Soviet Union under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, between 1933 and 1955, the glorification of the Soviet ‘happy present’. The ceiling features mosaic panels made of cobalt glass and semiprecious stones, which tell the story of the Russian people struggling for its independence from Ancient Rus’ to the revolutionary early 20th century.


Ploshchad RevolyutsiiRussian: Площадь Революции; means Revolution Square station is a masterpiece by Alexander Dushkin and Matvey Manizer, a popular Soviet sculptor. It is on the blue Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya LineRussian: Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya liniya or Арбатско-Покровская линия, and it opened in 1938. Its interior design was originally intended partially for entertainment, as a large cinema was going to be built nearby. However, plans changed during the course of construction, and it was decided to dedicate the station to the heroes of the Soviet revolution of 1917. In the end, therefore, the station became a gallery of heroic revolutionary characters. 80 bronze sculptures decorate the four corners of each of the 20 pillars. The sculptures are so massive that they seem to hardly fit into the areas allocated to them. Nevertheless, this quirk of design adds some spice to the overall impression of the station. Also, rubbing the nose of the frontier guard’s bronze dog is believed to guarantee exam success for students, while rubbing the leg of the female student is believed to heal broken hearts. The inventor’s pencil and the sailor’s revolver are especially popular items with thieves; they are stolen with unfailing regularity, so present-day sculptors have to recast them over and over again to hoist them back where they are supposed to be.

If the Russian history is a subject of your interest and you want to know, for example, what is the oldest church in Moscow, what are the famous monasteries around Moscow, which style of architecture Moscow you can see only in this town, you can read about it on our website pages “Kremlin and Red square” and “History and Architecture”.


TaganskayaRussian: Таганская station of the Koltsevaya Line, designed with a somewhat Gothic architecture in mind, opened in 1950. The semicircular vaults are wedged in by sharp triangles of the Majolica panels, which evolve into identical triangular patterns on the ceiling. The very delicate, refined decorations look extremely dignified. Three colours dominate the panels: white, cream, and light blue. However, putting aside the Gothic motifs, a purely Russian pattern of richly decorated triangular kokoshniksOld Russian hair-pieces can also be traced in those panels. The vitrified Majolica panels represent white reliefs with lace-like ornamentation on a pastel blue background. The central role in these exquisite panels is played by the bas-reliefs of servicemen of various forces. Each of the portraits have a description beneath.


Another station on the Koltsevaya Line, opened in 1952, was NovoslobodskayaRussian: Новослободская station designed by architects Alexey Dushkin (his last metro project) and Alexander Strelkov. It was decorated by Pavel Korin. Circular shapes dominate the interior design: round vaults, conical chandeliers and semicircular niches at the end of the platform, rounded arches and stained glass panels between them. Even the pylons themselves do not stand upright but lean inwards visibly, like trees in a gust of wind. The magnificent stained-glass panels on each of the 32 pylons were manufactured in Latvia using glass which had originally been intended for the Nativity of Christ Cathedral in Riga. Each panel is edged with brass moulding, which look as if they are descended from the pages of Pavel Bazhov’s The Stone FlowerRussian: Kamennyi tsvetok or Каменный цветок fantasy book.


The ArbatskayaRussian: Арбатская station on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya Line opened in 1953. It was designed by a team of architects led by Leonid Polyakov. Its three passages (the central one plus two platforms for commuters) are separated by large pylons. Like Novoslobodskaya station, the interior of Arbatskaya is full of round shapes. However, the main tunnel is rather elliptical in cross-section – the pylons seem to lean towards one another from both sides, echoing the pointed arches typical of Gothic architecture. The decorations incorporate elements of the Baroque style. The colours are very restrained, yet the detail within the work is exquisite, and astoundingly sophisticated. In contrast to the lightweight and luminous upper part with mouldings, the lower part of the pylons is faced with red marble.


The KrasnopresnenskayaRussian: Краснопресненская station on the Koltsevaya Line opened in 1954. This is yet another station dedicated to the revolutions of 1905 and 1917, although it is not as impressive or eye-catching as Ploshchad Revolyutsii. It is named after Krasnaya PresnyaRussian: Красная Пресня Street, the main artery of the PresnyaRussian: Пресня District which was the centre of the violent uprising of Moscow workers in 1905against the Imperial Government for better socio-democratic conditions. The white vaults evolve smoothly into the pylons richly decorated with ornaments and bas-reliefs depicting the events of the revolution. The pylons themselves represent massive red granite pedestals with white marble cornices.


KiyevskayaRussian: Киевская station opened in 1954 to celebrate 300 years of Russo-Ukrainian unity. Designed by Yevgeny Katonin, Vadim Skugarev and Georgy Golubev, the station was constructed after the death of Joseph Stalin, when Nikita Khrushchev had come to power in the Soviet Union. The new leader wanted to eternalise his home republic in bright and festive motifs, and the project designers did their best to fulfill his desire. The pylon feet and the vaults are white, making a perfect background to 18 large mosaics with unique plots, mostly representing the friendship between the Russian and Ukrainian peoples and their unity within the Soviet Union. There is an interesting story about this station – one of the mosaics allegedly reveal a man from the future, a guerilla warrior who is talking on the phone and holding a box on his knees. The device in his hands thought to be a cell phone and the box to be a laptop, which caused a little stir. However, a closer analysis has shown that the telephone is a famous field model used in wartime and the box is just the telephone system cover.


There are also some remarkable stations among those which have only recently been built. DostoyevskayaRussian: Достоевская station on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya LineRussian: Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya liniya or Люблинско-Дмитровская линия, opened in 2010, is decorated with panels depicting scenes from various works by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. His memorial apartment is located nearby, in the house where the great writer was born and raised. The station walls are decorated with black-and-white Florentine mosaics. Many found the station too gloomy and depressing when it was opened, predicting that it would become a popular suicide spot because of the scenes of death in the illustrations from Idiot and Crime and Punishment – there were even demands for the station to be redesigned.


The Soviet underground is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful underground systems in the world. Limited budgets do not allow modern architects to compete with the stations of the 1930s and 1950s, when every new station was built with the intent to make it a majestic underground palace. However, today’s architects carry on the tradition established by their Soviet predecessors by designing every new station in a unique way. RumyantsevoRussian: Румянцево station on the red Sokolnicheskaya Line is one of the recently built stations that deserve special mention. The decoration of Rumyantsevo, opened in 2016, revolves around fantasies inspired by the works of Piet Mondrian, a famous Dutch abstract painter.

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  • Рассказ про мультяшного героя на английском 5 класс

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