Рассказ про невский проспект на английском с переводом

Самый известный проспект Санкт-Петербурга- это Невский. Он находится в перевод - Самый известный проспект Санкт-Петербурга- это Невский. Он находится в английский как сказать

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Самый известный проспект Санкт-Пете

Самый известный проспект Санкт-Петербурга- это Невский. Он находится в самом центре города. На Невском проспекте расположен Казанский собор. Есть Дом Книги, можно пройтись по магазинам Большого Гостиного Двора, посмотреть на русский музей,дойти до Аничкова моста, рядом с мостом построен Аничков дворец. Невский проспект очень красивый.


Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]


The most famous Avenue of St. Petersburg is Nevsky. It is located in the heart of the city. Located on Nevsky prospect, Kazansky Cathedral. There is a House of books, you can go shopping, Great Gostiny Dvor, Russian Museum, walk to the Anichkov bridge, next to the bridge built by the anichkov Palace. Nevsky prospect is very beautiful.

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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]


The most famous avenue Saint Peterburga- is Nevsky. It is located in the heart of the city. On Nevsky Prospect is the Kazan Cathedral. There Book House, you can go shopping Bolshoi Gostiny Dvor, look at the Russian Museum, walk to the Anichkov Bridge, next to the bridge constructed Anichkov Palace. Nevsky Prospect is very beautiful.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]


the most famous avenue of st. petersburg’s nevsky. it is located in the heart of the city. nevsky prospekt is located at kazan cathedral. is the house of books, you can go shopping, large yardlook at the russian museum, go to the аничкова bridge, near the bridge built anichkov palace. nevsky prospekt is very beautiful.

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There was a time when many enthusiastically shouted: «Gogol! Nevsky Prospect. «Summary of the work, though not obdaruye writer’s former glory, but it will save grains idea. At the beginning of the story the author describes himself Avenue. Summary introductory part — the life of this place. By 12 o’clock all somewhere to go. With 12 hours — a place of teachings. After 2 days walking dressed ladies, parents and friends. All done decency. Then appear the officials, employees, secretaries. From 4:00 thins Avenue. it again comes to life when it gets dark. come unmarried men: they are well known place for walking after midnight — etonochnoyNevskiy Avenue. zav`yazky Summary — walk along Nevsky Prospekt and Piskareva Pirogov, who noticed two beautiful girls. Piskarev — shy artist. He emboldened and decided to find out where beauty lives. itbeckoned him, and he experienced the happiness two minutes. But he learned that her blood — a brothel, and disappointed fled. Then he had a dream: they danced among luxury. The days he spent in anticipation of her vision, but sleep did not come. Familiar persiyanyn gave him opium in exchange for a picture. After another dream about her, he rushed between dream and reality. Hoping that her soul was poisoned brothels of despair, he decided to save her. Piskarev been looking for a place where it drew on when the card expired Night Nevsky Prospekt. Kratkoesoderzhaniekulminatsii — their conversation. He found her and offered her his hand, heart and honest work. It posmiyavshys at him, contemptuously said that work — it’s not for her. He humiliated again escaped and tired after came to his home, locked it and calmed down. That’s what brought him Nevsky Prospect. Summary of the story rozv`yazky fatal. A week broke down the door and found the corpse of his throat with a razor throat. It was evident that he had long suffered before death. Above his grave no one cried. Next comes the story of the pie. Lieutenant He likes to laugh women. He liked the blonde. He later z`yasuvav she married a German woman. He became the order of Schiller — her husband — the Spurs, and then be set for the dagger. Tinsmith asked him a large fee and Pirogov straight woman kissed him on the lips. Learning to Frau cute silly that on Sunday her husband is away, he came to it. And in this story was the cause troubles Nevsky prospekt.Kratkoe content climax — the audacity Pirogov. When he kissed her leg, entered p`yani friends and people. An unexpected ending author shows the reader how dangerous for inexperienced people Nevsky Prospect. Summary rozv`yazky second story — a punishment. The Germans thwarted all of Pirogov civilian clothes, Schiller carved hurt him. Pirogov wished him the worst punishment, but on the way home went to the bakery and ate, walked along the Nevsky Prospect and decided not to disturb the Sunday general, and in the evening already danced the mazurka. Let everyone in love with the art of St. Petersburg knows that the author of the novel «Nevsky Prospect» — Gogol. Summary of the final part of the work reveals the same idea, which indicates their findings by the author. Nevsky Prospect — is a fraud, it lies especially at night when the lights are burning. Do not look at the ladies hats, ladies because they lie!


St. Petersburg is a Russian port city on the Baltic Sea. It was the imperial capital for 2 centuries, having been founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. The city remains Russia’s cultural center, with its world-famous museums, palaces and theatres.

The Hermitage is one of the largest and oldest museums in the world. It was founded by Catherine the Great. The museum includes masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Renoir, Vincent van Gogh, Rembrandt and many others. Experts say it would take 11 years to examine about 3 million exhibits in the Hermitage.

Nevsky Prospekt is the main street in St. Petersburg which was cut through thick woodland in 1718. Kazan Cathedral with its impressive colonnade is located just in the heart of the street. The prospect is lined with numerous cafés, restaurants and shops.

Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood with its colourful domes and bright mosaics was constructed in the early 20th century on the spot of the 1881 assassination of Tsar Alexander II. Used by the Soviets to store potatoes during the Second World War 900-day siege of the city by Nazi forces, the church was finally reopened to the public in 1997.

Peter and Paul Fortress was one of the first buildings to be erected in St Petersburg in 1703, including the Baroque Peter and Paul Cathedral, which is the final resting place of almost all of Russia’s pre-revolutionary leaders (Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Nicholas II and others). Other sights include an impressive statue of Peter the Great named “The Bronze horseman”, a working mint and the cells where revolutionaries were held.

Mariinsky Theatre was first opened in 1860. The theatre has long been one of the world’s most prominent venues for ballet and opera. Its dance school trained such world-famous ballet dancers as Rudolf Nureyev and Vatslav Nijinsky.

While the State Hermitage displays fine art from all over the world, the Russian Museum contains home-grown masterpieces. Opened in 1898, the museum exhibits everything from priceless orthodox icons to paintings by such famous artists as Surikov, Vasnetsov, Aivazovsky, Kandinsky. Among outstanding works are “The Last Day of Pompeii” by Karl Bryullov, and Ilya Repin’s “The Zaporozhye Cossacks Writing a Letter to the Turkish Sultan”.

The gold-domed 19th-century St Isaac’s Cathedral is one of St Petersburg’s most famous landmarks. It offers wonderful views of the city from its gilded viewing platform. Statues of the apostles stand guard at the top of St Isaac’s, while its massive doors are decorated with biblical scenes. Inside, the cathedral boasts a vast ceiling painting by Karl Bryullov as well as St Catherine’s Chapel.

Vasilevskiy Island — the largest island in St Petersburg which offers a bizarre selection of attractions including a pair of 15th-century sphinxes from Egypt on the river side and a museum of biological oddities “Kunstkamera” where you can see the skeleton and the heart of Peter the Great’s gigantic personal servant. The island is also home to the 19th-century Rostral Columns whose torches are lit on special occasions. It’s a great place to wander along the banks of the Neva river.



Санкт-Петербург – российский город-порт на Балтийском побережье. В течение двух столетий он оставался государственной столицей, основанной в 1703 г Петром Великим. Город все так же является культурным центром России, с его всемирно известными музеями, дворцами и театрами.

Эрмитаж – один из крупнейших и старейших музеев мира. Он был основан Екатериной Великой. Музей включает в себя шедевры Леонардо да Винчи, Пикассо, Ренуара, Винсента ван Гога, Рембрандта и других. Эксперты утверждают, что потребовалось бы целых 11 лет на изучение 3 миллионов экспонатов Эрмитажа.

Невский проспект – это главная улица Санкт-Петербурга, которая была прорублена сквозь густые леса в 1718 г. Казанский Собор с его впечатляющей колоннадой расположен в самом сердце улицы. Проспект застроен многочисленными кафе, ресторанами и магазинами.

Храм Спаса на Крови с его разноцветными куполами и яркой мозаикой был сооружен в начале 20 века на месте убийства царя Александра II в 1881 г. Используемая советскими властями для хранения картофеля во время 900-дневной блокады города нацистами во время Второй Мировой войны, храм был окончательно открыт для публики в 1997 г.

Петропавловская крепость – одно из первых зданий, возведенных в Санкт-Петербурге в 1703 г, включая Петропавловский собор в стиле барокко, ставший последним пристанищем почти для всех российских дореволюционных глав (Петра Великого, Екатерины Великой, Николая II и других). К другим достопримечательностям относятся впечатляющая статуя Петра Первого под названием «Медный всадник», действующий монетный двор и камеры, в которых держали революционеров.

Мариинский театр был впервые открыт в 1860 г. Долгое время театр является одним из наиболее выдающихся мест проведения балетных и оперных представлений. Его балетная школа выпустила таких всемирно известных балетных танцоров, как Рудольф Нуриев и Вацлав Нижинский.

В то время, как Государственный Эрмитаж представляет произведения изящного искусства со всего мира, Русский музей содержит отечественные шедевры. Открытый в 1898 г, музей представляет все: от бесценных православных икон до полотен таких знаменитых художников, как Суриков, Васнецов, Айвазовский, Кандинский. Среди выдающихся картин можно увидеть «Последний день Помпеи» Карла Брюллова и «Запорожские казаки пишут письмо турецкому султану» Ильи Репина.

Исаакиевский собор 19 века с его золотыми куполами – одна из известнейших визитных карточек Санкт-Петербурга. Он предлагает прекрасную панораму города со своей золоченой обзорной площадки. На крыше собора стоят на посту статуи апостолов, массивные двери украшены библейским сценами. Внутри собор может гордиться огромным расписным потолком, выполненным Брюлловым, а также Часовней Св.Катерины.

Васильевский остров – крупнейший остров в Санкт-Петербурге, предлагающий причудливую коллекцию достопримечательностей, включающих пару египетских сфинксов 15 века на побережье и музей биологических странностей «Кунсткамера», в котором можно увидеть скелет и сердце личного слуги-гиганта Петра Первого. На острове также стоят Ростральные колонны 19 века, чьи факелы зажигаются по особым случаям. Это отличное место для прогулок вдоль берегов реки Нева.

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Listen, CD (2), choose and circle the right answers (a − d) to these questions.
Задание рисунок 1
1. How long is Nevsky Prospect?

3,5 km

4 km

4,5 km

5 km
2. What is the Russian Museum famous for?

a) its architecture

b) its history

c) its collection of pictures

d) its collection of Russian paintings

3. How long did it take to build Kazan Cathedral?

a) seven years

b) eight years

c) nine years

d) ten years

4. How many times did they rebuild the bridge in the place where the Anichkov Bridge is situated now?

a) once

b) two times

c) three times

d) four times


Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Афанасьева. UNIT One. I. Listening. Номер №2


Перевод задания
Прослушайте CD (2), выберите и обведите правильные ответы (a − d) на эти вопросы.
1. Какая длина у Невского проспекта?
а) 3,5 км

4 км

4,5 км

5 км
2. Чем славится Русский музей?
а) его архитектурой

его историей

его коллекцией картин

его коллекцией русских картин
3. Сколько времени заняло строительство Казанского собора?
а) семь лет

восемь лет

девять лет

десять лет
4. Сколько раз они перестраивали мост в том месте, где сейчас находится Аничков мост?
а) один раз

два раза

три раза

четыре раза

Nevsky Prospect

Nevsky Prospect is the main street in the city of St Petersburg. Peter the Great planned this street as the beginning of the road to Novgorod and to Moscow. Now Nevsky Prospekt runs from the building of the Admiralty for four and half kilometres. Many people think it’s the most beautiful street of the city and are proud of it. If you walk along Nevsky Prospekt you can see a lot of wonderful places which are situated in it or not far from it. There are squares and bridges, theatres and museums, palaces, monuments and cathedrals. The Russian museum, Kazan Cathedral and the Anichkov Bridge are some of them. Everybody who comes to St Petersburg would like to see these places. The Russian Museum has the world’s largest collection of Russian paintings. Kazan Cathedral is one of the most important churches in St Petersburg. Its building began in
1801 and after 10 years, in 1811, the people of the city could see that beautiful cathedral with its graceful columns. The Anichkov Bridge is one of the most wonderful bridges in St Petersburg. It is 54 metres long and 37 metres wide. It is situated where Nevsky Prospect and Fontanka River meet. The bridge you can see now is the third bridge in this place. The first bridge was wooden. It appeared in 1715. The Anichkov Bridge is famous for its four horse sculptures.
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Невский проспект
Невский проспект − главная улица города Санкт−Петербурга. Петр Великий планировал эту улицу как начало пути в Новгород и в Москву. Сейчас Невский проспект протягивается от здания Адмиралтейства на четыре с половиной километра. Многие думают, что это самая красивая улица города и гордятся ею. Если вы прогуляетесь по Невскому проспекту, то увидите множество замечательных мест, которые находятся на нем или недалеко от него. Здесь есть площади и мосты, театры и музеи, дворцы, памятники и соборы. Русский музей, Казанский собор и Аничков мост − вот некоторые из них. Все, кто приезжает в Санкт−Петербург, хотели бы увидеть эти места. Русский музей обладает крупнейшей в мире коллекцией русской живописи. Казанский собор − одна из важнейших церквей Санкт−Петербурга. Его строительство началось в 1801 году, и через 10 лет, в 1811 году, жители города увидели этот красивый собор с его изящными колоннами. Аничков мост − один из самых замечательных мостов в Санкт−Петербурге. Это 54 метра в длину и 37 метров в ширину. Он расположен на пересечении Невского проспекта и реки Фонтанки. Мост, который вы видите сейчас, является третьим мостом в этом месте. Первый мост был деревянным. Он появился в 1715 году. Аничков мост известен своими скульптурами четырех лошадей.



St. Petersburg is an incredibly beautiful city rich in sights. Unusual atmosphere and picturesque image will forever remain in the memory of those who will visit it at least once. One of the most popular attractions of the city is Nevsky Prospect. It is about 4.5 kilometers long and up to 60 meters wide. It will take about an hour to walk the avenue from start to finish, but it will be one of the most unforgettable hours in your life.

Nevsky Prospect St. Petersburg

Nevsky Prospect is the main street of St. Petersburg. Its beauty was described in masterpieces of such famous Russian writers as A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol. Literally, every square meter of this avenue has its own history. Nevsky Prospect got its name in honor of Grand Duke Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky.

The need for its construction appeared after the founding of the city to connect the industrial center — the Admiralty with the Novgorod highway. The founding of Nevsky Prospect would also mean that there would be a way leading to Moscow and Novgorod. Then it was decided to lay a direct road from the Admiralty to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Since the roads from the Admiralty and the Lavra were laid at different times, it was not possible to precisely connect them. This explains the break in the street in the area of the modern Vosstaniya Square. The construction of Nevsky Prospect was completed in 1720. There are houses on both sides of Nevsky Prospect, most of which were built in the 18th and 19th centuries. The first name of this avenue — Nevskaya Perspektivnaya Street was given in 1838. And only in 1944, it received the name which is known nowadays — Nevsky Prospect.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the entire territory of the Anichkov Bridge was a wetland, and there was a checkpoint on it (at that time it was wooden). That exact point was considered the entrance to such a wonderful city. The famous Anichkov Palace is situated behind the Anichkov Bridge. For a long period of time, it passed from the property of one owner to the property of another, as it was a gift more than once, most often in honor of weddings. In this exact palace, a meeting of A.S. Pushkin with the Emperor about the upcoming duel took place.

Also, there is the Beloselsky-Belozersky Palace on Nevsky Prospect, which was erected around the middle of the 19th century. The decoration of the facade consists of figures of the Atlanteans who hold the columns going to the second floor. This place looks very sophisticated and stunning inside.

The most remarkable building on Nevsky Prospeсt is the Kazan Cathedral, which was built at the beginning of the 18th century. Initially, it was built to store a list of the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God. During the 1812 war, it became a repository of relics. There are also monuments to the great commanders Barclay de Tolly and Kutuzov in front of the cathedral. In 1900, Kazan Square appeared near the Kazan Cathedral. Later, it became a great date spot. “Nevsky Prospect is a whole concept” — the famous literary critic Andronnikov wrote. Among the secrets of Nevsky Prospect, this talented storyteller noted not only its architectural “discipline”, a unique calculation of the harmony of buildings, but also an amazing synthesis of architectural solutions. After all, Nevsky Prospect was rebuilt a lot, its palaces and houses changed their appearance, adopting new aesthetics of styles. But the spirit of Nevsky Prospect and its beauty only blossomed, without impoverishing or destroying the greatness of the past.

Last modified: 06.10.2021

Nevsky Prospekt

NEVSKY PROSPEKT — The heart of St. Petersburg. If one wants to find the best clubs, hotels, restaurants, and café’s, Nevsky Prospect is the place to go. One cannot describe the effect that Nevsky puts on oneself. The aurora and the beauty of the street make all wanting to come back for more. Nevsky Prospect starts at Plosshad Alexandra Nevskogo, and ends after the Hermitage. The architecture, history, and beauty of Nevsky, leaves all in awe of the street after visiting it. The center and heart of the city, Nevsky Prospect, is a must see for all who visit St. Petersburg.

Nevsky  Prospekt  was planned by the French architect Alexandre Jean Baptiste LeBlond, whilst working for the city’s founder, Tsar Peter I (the Great).  

Originally called the Great Perspective Road until 1738. It was cut through almost 4.5 km of forest land (c1718) and it varies between 25 and 60 meters in width. From(1918 — 44) it was officially known as the Avenue of the 25th of October, alluding to the day of the October revolution, It’s stretching from the historic Admiralty in the north to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.

Alexander Nevsky was a 13th century Russian national hero who was given credit for defeating the separate Swedish and German invading armies. He was later canonized and lies buried in the Lavra, which is the monastery named after him by Peter the Great.

Nevsky Prospekt has five Metro stations along its length, with each having its own unique identity. These are; «Ploshchad  Aleksandra Nevskogo», «Ploshchad Vosstaniya», «Mayakovskaya», «Gostinyy Dvor» and «Nevsky Prospekt». & sixth station called ‘Admiralty ‘just off Nevsky on Bolshaya Morskaya ul. How many streets in the world can boast of having six separate underground stations?  you can admire majestic buildings as the Russian National Library, the literary Cafe, the Stroganov Palace, churches of various denominations and even fine monuments, one dedicated to Catherine the Great in Ostrovsky Square or beautiful statues of horses located near the Bridge Anichkov. It’s just on the Nevsky Prospekt that you can find most of the shops of the city, where a merry nightlife should not miss as well as the massive Mall of the eighteenth century.The residents of St. Petersburg are fortunate that Lenin decided to transfer the capital of Russia to Moscow, as that decision ensured that Nevsky Prospekt and the city centre retained its uniqueness and was not blighted with towering characterless skyscrapers as Moscow has been.

Nevsky Prospekt   Nevsky Prospekt Nevsky Prospekt

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