Рассказ про николая коперника

Николай Коперник — биография

Николай Коперник – один из тех людей, кого всегда волновали основы мироздания. Нестандартное мышление этого польского астронома, математика, богослова и медика позволило ему стать величайшим ученым. Ему удалось опровергнуть теорию древних греков, которые были убеждены, что Земля является центром Вселенной, а вокруг нее вращается Солнце, другие планеты. Польский ученый обосновал и создал иную, гелиоцентрическую теорию мироустройства.


Николай Коперник родился в немецком городе Торунь 19 февраля 1473 года. Раньше границы между Пруссией и Польшей трудно было назвать стабильными, они часто менялись, так же как и названия городов. В настоящее время городок Торунь, место рождения великого ученого, находится на территории Польши.

Николай Коперник

Николай Коперник

Семья будущего ученого была интернациональной и многодетной. Его отец, которого тоже звали Николаем, был купцом, уроженцем Кракова. Мать, Барбара Ватценроде, по национальности была немкой. Николай был младшим ребенком, у него был старший брат, две сестры. Когда сестры выросли, одна из них стала монахиней, другая вышла замуж, уехала из Торна. Старшего брата звали Анджей, на протяжении всей жизни он будет верным спутником и соратником Николая. Оба брата получили блестящее образование, вместе обучались в лучших европейских университетах.

Семья Коперников была зажиточной и благополучной. Но время благоденствия внезапно закончилось, в 1482 году в европейских странах началась эпидемия чумы. Страшная болезнь унесла много жизней, среди которых был торговец Коперник. Через семь лет скончалась и Барбара. Круглые сироты остались без всяких средств к существованию. Их положение было катастрофическим, но в дело вмешался дядя, Лукаш Ватценроде, служивший каноником местной епархии.

Каноник Лука принял живое участие в заботе об осиротевших детях своей умершей сестры. Он был высокообразованным человеком, имел степень магистра краковского Ягеллонского университета, степень доктора канонического права Болонского университета. Лука занимал должность каноника, а затем епископа. Он прекрасно понимал — только образование позволит его племенникам найти достойное место в жизни.

Когда Николай окончил местную школу, ему было 18 лет. Дядя решил, что братья должны учиться вместе. Он дал им денег на учебу и отправил в Краков, где братья Коперники стали студентами Ягеллонского университета. Они учились на факультете искусств, и это было прекрасное начало нового этапа жизни Николая Коперника, которое привело его к великим научным открытиям.

Научная деятельность

Через пять лет обучение в краковском университете было завершено. Коперники решили отправиться в Италию. Средств на поездку у них не было, пришлось опять обращаться к дяде, который в то время был уже епископом Эмерландским. Свободных денег у епископа не оказалось, но он предложил братьям прекрасный выход из положения. Коперники стали канониками его епархии, получили жалованье за три года вперед и отправились за границу. Епархия предоставила братьям долгосрочный отпуск, чтобы они продолжили учебу.

Научная деятельность Николая Коперника

Научная деятельность Николая Коперника

Коперники становятся студентами Болонского университета. Они учились на юридическом факультете, предметом изучения было церковное каноническое право. Именно здесь Николай познакомился с Доменико Марией Новарой. Это был преподаватель астрономии, встреча с которым кардинально изменила жизнь молодого студента.

В 1497 году Коперник вместе с Новарой стал заниматься астрономическими наблюдениями. Результатом этих наблюдений стал очень интересный вывод. Ученые выяснили, что расстояние до Луны в квадратуре неизменно в разных фазах, при полнолунии и новолунии. Этот факт стал решающим для Коперника. Он усомнился в правильности теории Птолемея, который утверждал, что все небесные тела вращаются вокруг планеты Земля.

В Болонском университете Коперник изучал юриспруденцию, математику, астрономию, греческий язык. Более всего студента из Польши привлекала астрономия. Но и в других дисциплинах он был успешным, даже находил время для занятия живописью. До нас дошла картина, которую исследователи считают копией автопортрета великого астронома.

В Болонье братья Коперники учились три года. После этого настало время для возвращения на родину. Местом их службы в качестве каноников был назначен город Фрауенбург. Прибыв в этот город, Коперники подали прошение о продолжении обучения. Получив разрешение, Николай и Анджей отправились в Падую. Некоторое время перед этим Николай жил в Риме. Он занимался чтением лекций по математике. Слушателями ученого были благородные сановники, представители высшего общества. Папу римского, Александра VI Борджиа, Николай знакомил с основами астрономии.

В Падуанском университете братья обучались медицине, приобретая не только теоретические знания, но и практический опыт. В университете Феррары предметом их изучения стала теология, Николай вышел из стен этого учебного заведения, имея степень доктора богословия. В 1506 году Коперники возвращаются в Польшу. Николаю в тот период было 33 года, Анджею исполнилось 42 года. Такой возраст для завершения образования в те времена считался обычным.

Церковь дала возможность Николаю получить блестящее образование в лучших учебных заведениях того времени. Теперь настала очередь для возращения долгов и построения карьеры. Он стал не только известным теологом, но и уделял время для занятия научными исследованиями.

Свои труды по изучению мироздания Коперник завершил в конце жизни. Его книги были изданы только после кончины, и это спасло ученого гонений и преследований церковников. Все мы помним о печальной судьбе Джордано Бруно и Галилея. Они были продолжателями и последователями Коперника, и поплатились за свои радикальные взгляды.

Николай Коперник «О вращении небесных сфер»

Николай Коперник «О вращении небесных сфер»

Когда Коперника уже не было в живых, его основные идеи, о которых можно прочитать в книге «О вращении небесных сфер», с невероятной быстротой разошлись по всему миру. И только в 1616 году церковники обратили пристальное внимание на этот труд, назвав теорию Коперника ересью и запретив всяческое упоминание о ней.

Могут быть знакомы

О гелиоцентрической системе

После первых астрономических наблюдений Коперник пришел к выводу, что Птолемей ошибался. Он стал использовать примитивные астрономические инструменты, некоторые из них делал сам. Наблюдения с помощью этих простых приборов позволили ему вывести и обосновать совершенно противоположную теорию, получившей название гелиоцентрической.

В то время не было даже простейших телескопов. Отсутствие оборудования для наблюдений за небесными телами привело ученого к большой ошибке. Он считал, что дальние звезды и светила, за которыми можно наблюдать с Земли, размещены и закреплены на сфере, окружающей нашу планету. От этого заблуждения ученый не избавился до конца своей жизни. Иоганн Кеплер устранил и доработал некоторые детали теории Коперника, где польский астроном придерживался мнения древнегреческих ученых.

В течение тридцати лет Коперник писал свою главную книгу. Ретикус, любимый ученик польского астронома, в 1543 году принимал деятельное участие в издании этого произведения. Книга была опубликована накануне смерти ученого, ему удалось подержать в руках плоды труда всей своей жизни.

Коперник посвятил книгу папе Павлу III. Ученый разделил свой труд на шесть глав. Первая глава была посвящена шарообразности Земли, всего мироздания, во второй можно прочесть об основах сферической астрономии и правилах, которыми пользуются ученые для вычисления расположения планет и звезд. Из третьей части читатели узнавали о природе равноденствий, из четвертой – о Луне. Пятую часть Коперник посвятил всем планетам, в шестой главе он объяснял причины изменения широт. Многолетний труд стал огромным вкладом ученого в развитие астрономии и науки о мироздании.

Изучение движения планет Николаем Коперником

Изучение движения планет Николаем Коперником

Коперник стал ученым с мировым именем благодаря созданию революционной теории гелиоцентрической системы мира. Кроме того, он научился рассчитывать реальное движение планет, сконструировал гидравлическую машину, которая снабжала водой все городские дома, стал соавтором экономического закона Коперника-Грешема, разработал новую монетную систему своей страны.

Личная жизнь

После завершения обучения Николай Коперник в течение шести лет был каноником в Фромборке, советником епископа, канцлером епархии. После кончины дяди он перебрался в Фраенбург, где стал каноником. Его брат Анджей заболел проказой и уехал из Польши.

Четыре года Николай был каноником. Затем его пригласили занять место канцлера Вармийской епархии. Следующие четыре года он жил и работал в городе Ольштын. В то время шла война, пруссаки воевали с рыцарями-тевтонцами. В Ольштыне Коперник проявил свой талант военного стратега, он был главой обороны и защиты крепости, которая смогла устоять под напором тевтонцев.

В 1521 году Николай возвращается в Фромброк. Кроме своих прямых обязанностей, он проявил себя как искусный врачеватель. Пациентами Коперника были его собратья-каноники, но он не отказывал в помощи и другим жителям города.

Николай впервые влюбился в 55 лет. Его избранницу звали Анной, она была дочерью Матца Шиллинга, друга ученого, искусного резчика по металлу. Астроном познакомился с юной девушкой в своем родном городе. Он не мог жениться на Анне, поскольку был католическим священником. Им запрещалось вступать в брак, иметь связь с женщиной.

Коперник пытался бороться с жесткими рамками, в которые его загнала церковь. Назвав Анну дальней родственницей, он поселил ее в своем доме на правах экономки. Но любовь Николая и Анны была недолгой, новый епископ вызвал своего подчиненного, напомнив ему, что католический священник не имеет права искушать паству своим поведением. Анна покинула дом Коперника, а затем и вовсе уехала из города.

Причина смерти

Публиковать свои труды Коперник стал в последние годы жизни. Сначала, в 1542 году, вышел его труд по геометрии, а перед самой кончиной Николай успел подержать в руках книгу «О вращении небесных сфер».

Памятники Николаю Копернику

Он умер счастливым, в окружении близких людей, в мае 1543 года. Многие исследователи биографии Коперника называют причиной его смерти инсульт. Прах великого ученого уже в XXI веке был торжественно перезахоронен в городе Фромброк.


  • О вращениях небесных сфер. Малый комментарий. Послание против Вернера.
  • Малый комментарий


  • Страница в Википедии

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Николай Коперник - краткая биографияНиколай Коперник – знаменитый астроном из Польши – родился в 19 февраля 1473 года. Будучи четвертым ребенком в купеческой семье, он получил начальное образование в школе. Во время эпидемии чумы он потерял своего отца и в дальнейшем был под покровительством своего дяди Лукаша.

С 1491 года Коперник обучался в Краковском университете на факультете искусств. Потом он поступил на юридический факультет университета в Болонье. Там он занимался гражданским и церковным правом.  Также Николай занимался медициной в Падуанском университете. А в Феррарском университете он получил степень доктора богословия.

Свое первое научно-астрономическое наблюдение он провел в 1497 году. А в начале тридцатых годов шестнадцатого столетия закончил работу над созданием труда «Об обращениях небесных сфер». Николай Коперник отодвинул в сторону общепринятые представления о геоцентрической системе мира. Он выдвинул теорию о том, что Земля не является неподвижным центром мира. Солнце и другие небесные тела не вращаются вокруг нее. Все как раз наоборот. Земля и другие планеты движутся вокруг Солнца. А перемещение Солнца в течение суток по небосклону связано с тем, что наша планета вращается вокруг собственной оси. Таким образом, появилась на свет гелиоцентрическая система устройства мира. Первый типографский вариант своего труда Коперник увидел находясь при смерти.

Скончался он 24 мая 1543 года. В 1616 году его книга вошла в список запрещенных. Но это не помешало развитию его идеи, и наука стала двигаться по новому руслу.

Если Вам недостаточно информации по теме биографии Николая Коперника, скачайте краткую контрольную работу (реферат) по этой ссылке.

Документальное видео о теории Николая Коперника

Художественный фильм о Николае Копернике

Николай Коперник

Биография Коперника

19 Февраля 1473 – 24 Мая 1543 гг. (70 лет)


Средняя оценка: 4.6

Всего получено оценок: 204.

Николай Коперник – ведущий ученый эпохи Возрождения, который стал «отцом» первой научно-технической революции. Он был выдающимся механиком, астрономом, математиком, экономистом. Биография Коперника – это история открытий, которые навсегда изменили представления людей о вселенной, вообще, и о Солнечной системе, в частности.

Происхождение и образование

Согласно краткой биографии Коперника, он родился в польском городе Туроне в 1473 году. Интересно то, что польским этот город стал всего лишь за несколько лет до его рождения, а ранее это был прусский город, который контролировался рыцарями – тевтонами. Коперник рано лишился обоих родителей, принадлежавших к купеческому сословию, и стал жить в семье близких родственников матери.

В 1491 году, по настоянию дяди, Коперник поступил в Краковский университет. Там он изучал богословие, медицину, математику и увлекался астрономией. По окончании учебного заведения он стал строить духовную карьеру (дядя к тому времени стал епископом).

В 1497 году он отправился в Болонский университет, где углубил свои познания в богословии и праве, а также продолжил заниматься астрономией.  В 1500 году он отправился в Рим, а потом в Падую, где в местном университете продолжил изучение медицины.

Начало духовной карьеры и астрономические изыскания

В 1506 году Коперник возвратился на родину и стал личным помощником и секретарем дяди – епископа. Кроме этого, он начал преподавать в Краковском университете, читал курс по медицине и астрономии (астрономические наблюдения он продолжил, когда вернулся   домой).

В 1512 (после смерти дяди) он уехал в Фромбок, где числился каноником, начал заниматься приходом, а астрономия стала чем-то, вроде хобби. Именно в  это время он приступил к созданию гелиоцентрической системы мира, что стало делом всей его жизни.

Над глобальным астрономическим трудом он работал более 40 лет, слухи о нем и его изысканиях  быстро распространились. Существует мнение, что на него обратил внимание сам Римский Папа Лев X.  Но Коперника не прельщала слава (так обычно говорится в его биографии, написанной для детей).

Он много работал врачом, даже принял участие в ликвидации последствий эпидемии чумы в 1519 году, улучшал быт жителей Фромбока (построил специальную машину, которая  перегоняла воду во все дома города), и оказался причастным к польско – тевтонскому конфликту, который привел к появлению герцогства Пруссии.

Последние годы жизни

Последние пять лет жизни Коперник посвятил своей книге об устройстве Солнечной системы и ее изданию, но увидеть ее напечатанной и растиражированной ему так и не удалось. Также он много и безвозмездно работал врачом. В 1542 году  его разбил паралич, а в 1543 после нескольких месяцев комы после инсульта, умер у себя дома в Фромбоке.

Другие варианты биографии

Более сжатая для доклада или сообщения в классе

Вариант 2

Интересные факты

  • Интересно, что ученые-биографы до сих пор не определись с национальной принадлежностью великого ученого. Некоторые считают, что он был поляком, другие утверждают, что его мать была немкой и Николай воспитывался в классических немецких традициях.
  • У Николая было две сестры и брат, который также, как и сам Николай, стал каноником. Одна из сестёр ушла в монастырь, а другая вышла замуж. Коперник обожал своих племянников и поддерживал их, как мог, до конца своей жизни.
  • Интересно, что именно Коперник впервые заговорил о законе всемирного тяготения.
  • Коперник прекрасно знал греческий и латынь и даже делал художественные переводы.
  • Долгое время место нахождения могилы ученого было неизвестно. Только в 2005 году, во время раскопок в соборе Фромбока была обнаружена могила, и анализ ДНК показал, что это могила Коперника (анализ ДНК стал возможен благодаря 2 волоскам, которые были обнаружены учеными в  рукописях Коперника). Останки были торжественно перезахоронены в 2010 году.

Тест по биографии

Доска почёта

Доска почёта

Чтобы попасть сюда — пройдите тест.

    Пока никого нет. Будьте первым!

Оценка по биографии


Средняя оценка: 4.6

Всего получено оценок: 204.

А какая ваша оценка за эту биографию?

Коперник Николай (1473-1543) – выдающийся польский астроном, медик, механик, богослов, математик и экономист. Жил и совершал открытия в эпоху Возрождения. Ему принадлежит авторство о гелиоцентрической системе мира, Николай опроверг геоцентрическую систему древних греков и предположил, что центральным небесным телом во Вселенной является Солнце, а вокруг него вращаются Земля и другие планеты. Таким образом, сменив модель мироздания, Коперник положил начало первой научной революции.


Николай родился в городе Торунь Королевской Пруссии 19 февраля 1473 года. Его отец, Николай Коперник-старший, был купцом из Кракова. Мама, Барбара Ватценроде, имела немецкое происхождение.

Прошло более пятисот лет, менялись границы государств и их названия, поэтому до сих пор ведутся споры, в какой стране всё-таки родился великий астроном и кто он по национальности. Город Торунь всего лишь за семь лет до рождения Коперника вошёл в состав Королевства Польского. Национальность отца доподлинно неизвестна.

Корни матери дают полное основание для утверждения, что этнически Николай хотя бы наполовину был немцем. Возможно, из-за политически-территориальной принадлежности сам он считал себя поляком. Точно известно лишь одно: Коперник никогда ни одного документа не написал на польском языке, только на латыни и немецком.

Николай был четвёртым ребёнком в семье. До него родились две девочки и мальчик. Одна из сестёр (Барбара), став взрослой, постриглась в монахини; вторая (Катерина) вышла замуж и уехала из Торуни. У неё было пятеро детей, которых очень сильно любил Николай. Он заботился о них до конца жизни, как о своих родных. Брат Анджей стал Николаю верным спутником и соратником, вместе они учились в университетах, объездили потом половину Европы.

Николай Коперник

Так как отец был купцом, семья жила в достатке. Но счастье это оказалось не долгим. Когда младшему из детей Николаю было всего девять лет, в Европе разразилась эпидемия чумы, которая унесла десятки тысяч человеческих жизней. Страшная болезнь настигла и главу семейства Коперника-старшего, в результате чего он скончался. Все заботы о семье теперь легли на плечи Барбары. Женщине тяжело было справляться со всем, и её с детьми взял на содержание родной брат Лукаш Ватценроде. В 1489 году умерла и мама, дети остались полными сиротами на попечении своего дядюшки.

Лукаш был местным католическим епископом, его считали искусным дипломатом и доверяли различные деликатные поручения политического характера. Дядя был очень начитан и умён, доктор канонического права в Болонском университете, магистр в Краковском Ягеллонском университете. Нрав у Лукаша был крутой, при этом своего младшего племянника Николая он очень любил, дарил ему отцовскую теплоту и часто баловал. В младшем Копернике дядюшка видел своего преемника, поэтому прививал ему интерес к учёбе и стремление к образованности.


Николаю было пятнадцать лет, когда он окончил учёбу в школе родного города, дальнейшее образование получал в кафедральной школе Влоцлавска. Именно здесь он начал живо интересоваться астрономией. Этому способствовал преподаватель, у которого была необычная фамилия Водка. Сам по себе учитель придерживался трезвого образа жизни и просил коллег со студентами называть его Абстемиус, что в переводе с латинского языка значило «воздерживающийся». Преподаватель Водка превосходно мастерил солнечные часы. Общаясь с ним, Коперник впервые задумался о том, что Земля по отношению к Солнцу располагается взаимно.

В 1491 году дядюшка Лукаш составил протекцию для своих племянников Николая и Анджея для поступления в Краковский Ягеллонской университет. Это заведение на тот момент славилось своими учебными программами по астрономии, математике и философии. Парни были приняты в университет на факультет искусства. Здесь поощрялся подход к науке с философской стороны. Братья Коперник занимались углублённым изучением математики, теологии, астрономии, медицины и богословия. В учебном заведении присутствовала интеллектуальная атмосфера, что развивало у учащихся критическое мышление.

Николай Коперник

В Краковском университете молодой Коперник занялся астрономией уже не на уровне праздного интереса, а довольно серьёзно. Он ходил на лекции знаменитых учёных.

В 1494 году Николай окончил университет, но при этом не получил никакого учёного звания. Вместе с братом он хотел отправиться в Италию для продолжения учёбы. Но денег на такую поездку не было, и братья планировали, что материально им поможет дядя Лукаш, который к тому моменту стал епископом Эмерландским. Однако дядя сказал, что у него нет свободных денег. Он предложил племянникам заработать, став в его епархии канониками, а на полученные средства потом отправиться учиться за границу.

Коперник проработал чуть больше двух лет и в 1497 году отправился в Италию. Дядя Лукаш поспособствовал тому, что племяннику предоставили трёхлетний отпуск для обучения, выдали наперёд жалование, а также заочно выбрали в епархию Вармии каноником.

Николай поступил в старейшее учебное заведение Европы – Болонский университет. Он выбрал юридический факультет, где изучал каноническое церковное право. Студентам преподавали древние языки (особенно Николая увлекал греческий язык) и богословие, также он вновь получил возможность заниматься астрономией. Увлекала молодого Коперника и живопись, с той поры до наших дней дошло полотно, которое считается копией его автопортрета. В Болонье Николай познакомился и стал тесно общаться с итальянским учёным Сципион дель Ферро, открытия которого положили начало возрождению европейской математики.

Николай Коперник

Но решающей в судьбе Коперника стала встреча с профессором астрономии Доменико Марией Новарой де Феррара. Вместе с преподавателем Николай провёл первое в своей жизни астрономическое наблюдение, в результате которого они сделали вывод, что в полнолуние и новолуние расстояние до Луны в квадратуре одинаковое. После этого наблюдения Коперник впервые усомнился в действительности теории Птолемея, согласно которой Земля есть центр Вселенной с вращающимися вокруг неё небесными телами.

Отучившись в Болонском университете три года, Николаю нужно было возвращаться на родину, так как закончился срок предоставленного ему для обучения отпуска. Он снова не получил диплома и звания. Прибыв в 1500 году на место службы в город Фрауенбург, они вместе с братом вновь попросили отсрочить им выход на работу и предоставить отпуск для того, чтобы завершить учёбу.

В 1502 году просьба братьев Коперников была удовлетворена, и они снова отправились в Италию для дальнейшего обучения медицинской науке в Падуанском университете.

Николай Коперник

В 1503 году в университете Феррары Николай всё-таки сдал экзамены и вышел из учебного заведения доктором канонического права. Дядюшка Лукаш разрешил ему не возвращаться домой, и Николай занялся медицинской практикой в итальянской Падуе.

Научная деятельность

В 1506 году Копернику пришло письмо о том, что ухудшилось состояние дяди (возможно, оно было надуманное). Николай уехал на родину. В течение следующих шести лет он жил в епископском замке Гейльсберг, исполнял обязанности доверенного лица и секретаря при дяде Лукаше, также являлся его лечащим врачом. При этом он успевал заниматься преподавательской деятельностью в Кракове, вёл астрономические наблюдения и разработал трактат о денежной реформе.

В 1512 году дядюшка Лукаш скончался. Николаю пришлось перебираться в небольшой городок на берегу Вислинского залива Фромборк, где он значился каноником. Тут он начал исполнять свои церковные обязанности, и продолжил заниматься научными наблюдениями. Трудился он в одиночку, не пользовался никакой посторонней помощью или консультацией. Оптических приборов тогда ещё не было, и все исследования Коперник вёл с северо-западной башни крепости, которая располагалась у стены монастыря. Здесь он обустроил свою обсерваторию.

Николай Коперник

Когда новая астрономическая система чётко представилась его сознанию, Николай принялся за книгу, в которой решил описать другую модель мира. Секрета из своих наблюдений он не делал, делился ими с друзьями, среди которых было много единомышленников.

К 1530 году Николай завершил свой первый великий труд «Об обращении небесных сфер». В этой работе он предполагал, что Земля в течение одного дня делает оборот вокруг своей оси, а в течение года вокруг Солнца. Для того времени это была невообразимо фантастическая идея. До этого все считали неподвижную Землю центром Вселенной, вокруг которой вращаются звёзды, планеты и Солнце.

По Европе быстро распространилась весть про нового выдающегося астронома. Гонений на предложенную им концепцию сначала не последовало. Во-первых, свои идеи Николай сформулировал очень осторожно. Во-вторых, церковные отцы ещё долгое время сами не могли решить, считать ли гелиоцентрическую модель мира ересью. Так что Копернику повезло больше, чем его последователям Галилео Галилею и Джордано Бруно.

Николай Коперник

Публиковать свою книгу Коперник не спешил, так как по природе был перфекционистом, и считал, что надо свои наблюдения несколько раз перепроверить. В общей сложности он работал над книгой сорок лет, вносил изменения, коррективы и уточнения, занимался подготовкой новых расчётных астрономических таблиц. Главный труд учёного издали в 1543 году, но он так и не узнал об этом, потому что уже находился в коме на смертном одре. Некоторые детали этой теории в будущем исправил и доработал немецкий астроном Иоганн Кеплер.

Коперник занимался не только научной, но и практической деятельностью:

  • Разработал проект, согласно которому в Польше ввели новую монетную систему.
  • В период польско-тевтонской войны стал организатором обороны епископов от тевтонов. После того как конфликт прекратился, принял участие в мирных переговорах, в результате которых было создано первое протестантское государство – герцогство Пруссия.
  • Спроектировал новую систему водоснабжения в городе Фромборке, благодаря чему была выстроена гидравлическая машина и все дома снабжались водой.
  • В 1519 году, как врач, бросил свои силы на ликвидацию эпидемии чумы.

С 1531 года Николай всё своё время посвящал только гелиоцентрической системе и безвозмездной медицинской практике. Так как его здоровье становилось хуже, во многом Копернику оказывали помощь единомышленники, друзья и ученики.

Николай Коперник

Личная жизнь

Николаю было уже за пятьдесят лет, когда он впервые по-настоящему влюбился. В 1528 году он познакомился с юной девушкой Анной, которая была дочерью его хорошего друга Матца Шиллинга, работавшего резчиком по металлу. Анна и Николай встретились в родном городе Коперника – Торуни.

Так как он был католическим священнослужителем, то иметь связи с женщинами и жениться Николаю запрещалось. Тогда он поселил девушку в своём доме, как дальнюю родственницу и экономку. Но вскоре Анна была вынуждена уехать из дома учёного, так как новый епископ чётко и ясно объяснил своему подчинённому, что церковь подобных действий не приветствует.

Болезнь и смерть

В 1542 году Копернику стало значительно хуже, полностью парализовало правую сторону. В марте 1543 года он впал в состояние комы и находился в ней до самой кончины. 24 мая 1543 года в результате инсульта сердце великого учёного остановилось.

Николай Коперник

Долгое время место его захоронения было неизвестно. В 2005 году в городе Фромборке велись археологические раскопки, в результате которых были обнаружены человеческие останки – кости ног и череп. Проведенная специальными методами реконструкция черепа соответствовала приметам самого Коперника. Известно, что у учёного была сломана переносица, и имелся шрам над левым глазом, такие отметины нашлись и на найденном черепе. Экспертизой была определена и принадлежность черепа – мужчине, умершему в возрасте семидесяти лет. Провели сравнительный ДНК-анализ обнаруженных останков и волос, найденных ранее в одной из книг Коперника (этот раритет хранился в библиотеке шведского университета). В результате было выявлено, что это действительно останки великого учёного-астронома.

В 2010 году их перезахоронили в кафедральном соборе Фромборка. Очень много памятников установлено Копернику по всей Польше, его имя носит университет в Торуни и международный аэропорт в городе Вроцлава. На одном из монументов имеется подпись: «Остановивший Солнце – сдвинувший Землю».

Николай Коперник: биография и его открытия

  • 30 Ноября, 2019
  • Наука и Техника

Николай Коперник – польский астроном, экономист, механик и математик, живший в эпоху Возрождения. Он является создателем так называемой гелиоцентрической картины мира, которая легла в основу первой научной революции. Коперник опроверг геоцентрическую систему, которой придерживались древние греки. По его представлениям, в центре Вселенной находится Солнце, а Земля и другие планеты совершают оборот вокруг него. Биография Николая Коперника свидетельствует о его целеустремленности.

николай коперник биография

Краткая биография астронома

Николай Коперник жил в период с 1473 по 1543 годы. Родился он в Пруссии (г. Торунь) 19.02.1473 года. Мать Коперника была немкой, ее звали Барбара Ватценроде. Отец ученого, которого звали Николай Коперник-старший, был купцом в городе Кракове. Таковы общие данные в биографии Коперника из «Википедии».

портрет коперника

Национальность Коперника

Национальность Николая Коперника точно не известна. Также не до конца ясной остается и страна, в которой он родился. Торунь стал польским городом всего за 7 лет до рождения мыслителя. Сам Коперник всегда писал либо на немецком, либо на латыни. Благодаря матери его можно считать наполовину немцем.

В семье Коперник был 4-м по счету ребенком. Среди оставшихся троих были 2 девочки и 1 мальчик. Одна из сестер стала монахиней, а вторая завела пятерых детей. К этим детям у него было особое отношение. Коперник был для них как заботливый отец. Что касается брата, которого звали Анджей, то они стали близкими друзьями, вместе учились и путешествовали по Европе.

коперник биография

Детство Коперника

Сначала жизнь Николая складывалась неплохо. Будучи купцом, отец неплохо зарабатывал. Однако когда ему исполнилось 9 лет, по Европе прокатилась эпидемия чумы. Отец Коперник-старший не справился с болезнью и умер. После этого вся нагрузка по обеспечению семьи легла на его мать Барбару. Поскольку ей было нелегко, брат Коперника Лукаш Ватценроде стал помогать семье материально. Однако вскоре, в 1489 году, умерла и мама, в результате чего дети остались сиротами. Единственным человеком, который им помогал, был дядюшка.


Краткая биография Коперника сообщает, что в 1491 году он поступил в Краковский Ягелловский университет, где изучал богословие, математику, медицину и астрономию. Последняя была ему особенно интересна. Данный университет был известен преподаванием математики, философии, астрономии. Философская направленность поощрялась. Там он довольно серьезно занимался астрономией. После завершения учебы в вузе Коперник так и не получил ученого звания, поэтому в семье решили, что он станет богословом. Во многом такое решение объяснялось тем, что дядя Коперника, под опекой которого он теперь находился, стал епископом.

В 1494 году Коперник закончил учебу в университете и хотел поехать с братом в Италию, чтобы продолжить учебный процесс. Однако дядя выделить деньги отказался. Он предложил им стать канониками в своей епархии. Коперник работал так в течение 2-х лет. Перед отъездом Николая дядя позаботился о трехлетнем отпуске и жаловании.

коперник биография википедия

В 1497 году Николай уехал в Италию, где поступил в Болонский университет – старейший университет Европы. Кроме изучения церковного права, древних языков и богословия он мог заниматься и астрономией у астронома Доменико Новары. Именно в процессе наблюдений за астрономическими объектами, которое стало первым в его жизни, он усомнился в истинности теории Птолемея, по которой Земля является центром Вселенной, а космические тела обращаются вокруг нее. Был в этом университете и известный европейский математик.

В 1500 году Коперник закончил университет без получения звания или диплома. После этого он, вероятно, преподавал различные дисциплины в Римском университете, однако точной информации по этому поводу нет. Всего он пробыл в Болонском университете 3 года, а затем был вынужден вернуться к себе на родину в связи с исчерпанием выделенного ему срока. Пожив некоторое время на своей родине, Коперник в 1502 году отправился в Падуанский университет, где занимался изучением медицины. В 1503 году он закончил учебу и приобрел ученую степень – доктор канонического права.

Взрослая жизнь

В последующие несколько лет Коперник преподавал в Кракове, занимаясь астрономическими наблюдениями в замке епископа Гейльсберга. При этом он был врачом и доверенным лицом своего дяди. Его состояние ухудшилось в 1506 году, а в 1512 дядя Лукаш скончался. Николай переселился в маленький городок Фромборк, где он числился каноником. Он работал в церкви, но продолжал вести наблюдения. Работал исключительно один, ни с кем не консультировался. Также в то время еще не было оптической техники. Наблюдения он проводил с северо-западной башни, где им была обустроена обсерватория, на которой делались его открытия. Биография Николая Коперника теперь полностью посвящена его исследовательской деятельности.

Научные достижения

Коперника считают автором идеи о гелиоцентрической системе мира. К такому мнению он пришел в ходе длительных наблюдений из своей скромной обсерватории. Полностью осознав открытые им явления, он начинает писать книгу, где описывает свою новую модель. У него было много друзей-единомышленников, с которыми он охотно делился полученной информацией.

Крупный научный труд с названием «Об обращении небесных тел» был выпущен им к 1530 году. Там он предположил, что наша планета делает 1 оборот вокруг своей оси, а за год – полный оборот вокруг Солнца. В то время это казалось чем-то из ряда вон выходящим. Тогда господствовало мнение, что Солнце, звезды и планеты вращаются вокруг неподвижной Земли, которая является центром Вселенной.

Коперник, очевидно, осознавал риски, которые связаны с попранием прежних религиозных догм. Однако он делал это очень осторожно. К тому же церковники пока не определились с тем, противоречит ли новая модель мира библейским канонам, или нет.

Коперник довольно быстро стал известным в Европе. Ему повезло больше, чем более поздним ученым: Джордано Бруно и Галилео Галилею. По своей природе он был перфекционистом и предпочитал неоднократно все перепроверить, прежде чем публиковать. Над своей главной книгой он трудился целых 40 лет. Он создавал астрономические таблицы, вносил изменения, уточнял и корректировал. Эта книга была издана в 1543 году, однако к этому моменту он уже находился в коме. Впоследствии отдельные части его теории доработал и исправил Иоганн Кеплер.

николай коперник

С 1531 года Николай работал исключительно над своей гелиоцентрической системой, занимался безвозмездной медицинской практикой. С этого времени его здоровье стало ухудшаться, поэтому ему помогали ученики, друзья, единомышленники.

Также он одним из первых предположил наличие всемирного тяготения.

В 1509 году Коперник опубликовал собственный перевод 18-ти писем Феофилакта Симокатты – византийского историка 7 века. Перевод был произведен с греческого на латинский язык. Эти письма имеют буколический, любовный, нравоучительный характер. По мнению самого Коперника, они отличаются нравственной чистотой.

Вклад Коперника в политическую жизнь Польши

Коперником была создана инновационная для того времени система водоснабжения. Она была построена в городе Фромборке. Вода поступала в дома из специальной гидравлической машины.

Коперником был разработан проект, в соответствии с которым в Польше была введена новая монетная система.

В 1519 году во время эпидемии холеры Коперник направил силы на ее ликвидацию. Сделать это ему помогло медицинское образование.

Во времена польско-тевтонской войны он организовал оборону епископов от тевтонов. После прекращения конфликта участвовал в мирных переговорах, по завершении которых было образовано новое государство – герцогство Пруссия.

Личная жизнь Николая Коперника

Любовь пришла к Копернику уже в поздние годы его жизни. Когда ему было за 50, он влюбился в юную девушку Анну. Она была дочкой одного из его друзей – Матца Шиллинга. Он работал резчиком металла. Они встретились в городе Торуни – родном городе Коперника.

В обязанности церковного служащего входил запрет на связи с женщинами. Поэтому он поселил ее в своем доме под предлогом того, что она его дальняя родственница и экономка. Однако новый епископ провел с ним разъяснительную беседу и четко объяснил Николаю, что подобные действия церковью не приветствуются.

Последние годы жизни в биографии Николая Коперника

С 1531 года в возрасте 58 лет Николай Коперник сосредоточился на завершающем этапе работы с книгой. Параллельно он работал медиком на безвозмездной основе. Работа продвигалась медленно. А в 1542 году у него ухудшилось здоровье, правая половина тела была парализована.

Умер Коперник 24.05.1543 года от инсульта в возрасте 70 лет. Среди биографов существует расхождение взглядов относительно того, видел ли он свою работу изданной.


В честь Николая Копрника были установлены памятники в Чикаго, в Кракове, в Торуне, в Варшаве, в Монреале, в Зальцбурге и некоторых других городах. В Варшаве, Кракове и Торуне они были поставлены только в 19 веке. На памятнике, расположенном на центральной площади польского города Торуни, установлен бюст Копернику с надписью «остановивший Солнце – сдвинувший Землю».

коперник краткая биография и его открытия

Фильмы и денежные купюры

В 1972 году на экраны вышел польско-немецкий историко-биографический фильм «Коперник», выпущенный по случаю 500-летия со дня рождения исследователя. А в 2011 г. вышел польский мультфильм «Звезда Коперника». В 1979 г. портрет Николая Коперника был размещен на купюре польских денег стоимостью в 100 злотых.

николай коперник краткая биография

В 1923 году в Польше появилась и первая марка с изображением ученого, по случаю его 450-летия. В 1973 году по всему миру отмечали 500-летие Николая Коперника, было выпущено около 200 марок (в том числе 4 из них выпустил Ватикан). В этом процессе приняли участие 47 стран. Во время 450-летнего юбилея со дня смерти 15-ю странами было выпущено около 50 марок.


Таким образом, биография Коперника и его открытия тесно переплетены между собой. Врожденная склонность к научным исследованиям и стечение определенных обстоятельств позволили ему совершить революцию в понимании картины мироздания. Самое главное в биографии Николая Коперника — это его постоянное стремление к получению новых знаний. Ради учебы он готов был жертвовать своей работой, которую был вынужден оставлять. Позже он потратил несколько десятилетий на то, чтобы познать окружающий мир и донести полученные знания до общества.

Николай был осторожным и предусмотрительным человеком, старался не перечить церковникам и многократно все перепроверять. Все это привело к тому, что его книга вышла уже после его смерти. Что касается его последователей, то они вели себя не столь аккуратно и политкорректно, за что и поплатились, погибнув от инквизиции.

Судьба не баловала Коперника. В своей жизни он пережил много лишений и рано остался сиротой. Краткая биография Николая Коперника и его открытия свидетельствуют о важности этого человека в ту средневековую эпоху.


Николай Коперник – выдающийся польский астроном эпохи Возрождения, математик, богослов, медик. Ученый опроверг выдвинутую еще древними греками теорию, согласно которой планеты и Солнце вращаются вокруг Земли, создал и обосновал новую, гелиоцентрическую теорию мироустройства.

Николай Коперник был четвертым ребенком в семье немки Барбары Ватценроде и Николая Коперника, купца из Кракова. За давностью времени границы государств и названия неоднократно менялись, поэтому вопрос о том, где, в какой стране родился ученый, возникает нередко. Произошло это в прусском городе Торне 19 февраля 1473 года. Сегодня городок называется Торунью и располагается на территории современной Польши.

Портрет Николая Коперника

Портрет Николая Коперника

У Николая было две старших сестры, одна впоследствии постриглась в монахини, а другая вышла замуж и уехала из города. Старший брат Анджей стал верным соратником и спутником Николая. Вместе они объездили пол-Европы, обучаясь в лучших университетах.

Коперники жили в достатке и благоденствии до тех пор, пока был жив отец семейства. Когда Николаю исполнилось девять лет, в Европе разразилась эпидемия чумы, унесшая десятки тысяч жизней. Стал жертвой страшной болезни и Коперник-старший, а через несколько лет, в 1489 году, скончалась и мать. Семья осталась без средств к существованию, а дети – сиротами. Все могло бы закончиться плачевно, если бы не дядя, брат Барбары, Лукаш Ватценроде, каноник местной епархии.

Николай Коперник в молодости

Николай Коперник в молодости

Будучи образованным по тем временам человеком, Лука имел степени магистра краковского Ягеллонского университета и доктора канонического права Болонского университета, впоследствии занимал должность епископа. Лука взял на себя заботы о детях умершей сестры и постарался дать образование Николаю и Анджею.

После окончания Николаем местной школы в 1491 году братья по протекции и на средства дяди отправились в Краков, где поступили на обучение в Ягеллонский университет на факультет искусств. Этим событием ознаменовалось начало нового этапа биографии Коперника, первого на пути к будущим великим открытиям в науке и философии.


По окончании краковского университета в 1496 году братья Коперники отправились в путешествие по Италии. Средства на поездку первоначально планировалось получить у дяди, епископа Эмерландского, однако у того не оказалось свободных денег. Лука предложил племянникам стать канониками его собственной епархии и на полученное жалование отправиться учиться за границу. В 1487 году Анджея и Николая заочно приняли на должность каноников с выдачей вперед жалованья и предоставлением трехлетнего отпуска для обучения.  

Братья поступили в Болонский университет на юридический факультет, где изучали церковное каноническое право. В Болонье судьба свела Николая с преподавателем астрономии, Доменико Марией Новарой, и эта встреча стала решающей для молодого Коперника. 

Ученый Николай Коперник

Ученый Николай Коперник

Вместе с Новарой в 1497 году будущий ученый провел первое в жизни астрономическое наблюдение. Результатом стал вывод об одинаковом расстоянии до Луны в квадратуре, при новолунии и полнолунии. Это наблюдение впервые заставило Коперника усомниться в истинности теории Птолемея, согласно которой все небесные тела вращаются вокруг Земли.

Помимо штудирования трудов по праву, математике и занятий астрономией в Болонье Николай изучал греческий язык, увлекался живописью. До наших дней дошла картина, считающаяся копией автопортрета Коперника.

Автопортрет Николая Коперника

Автопортрет Николая Коперника

Отучившись в Болонье три года, братья покинули университет и на некоторое время вернулись на родину в Польшу. В городе Фрауенбурге, по месту службы, Коперники попросили отсрочку и еще несколько лет на продолжение обучения. По некоторым данным, в этот период Николай жил в Риме и читал лекции по математике благородным сановникам из высшего общества, а папе Александру VI Борджиа помогал осваивать законы астрономии.

В 1502 году братья Коперники приехали в Падую. В Падуанском университете Николай приобрел фундаментальные знания и практический опыт в медицине, а в университете Феррары получил степень доктора богословия. В результате такого масштабного обучения в 1506 году Коперник вернулся домой всесторонне образованным взрослым человеком.

"Коперник. Беседа с Богом". Художник Ян Матейко

«Коперник. Беседа с Богом». Художник Ян Матейко

К моменту возвращения в Польшу Николаю было уже 33 года, а брату Анджею – 42 года. По тем временам этот возраст считался общепринятым для получения университетских дипломов и завершения образования.

Дальнейшая деятельность Коперника связана с его должностью каноника. Блестящий ученый сумел сделать карьеру церковника, одновременно занимаясь научными исследованиями. Ему повезло, что труды были закончены только под конец жизни, а книги изданы после смерти.

Коперник счастливо избежал гонений церкви за радикальные взгляды и учение о гелиоцентрической системе, чего не удалось его продолжателям и последователям, Джордано Бруно и Галилео Галилею. После смерти Коперника основные идеи ученого, отраженные в труде «О вращениях небесных сфер», беспрепятственно распространялись по Европе и миру. Только в 1616 году эта теория была объявлена ересью и запрещена католической церковью.

Гелиоцентрическая система

Николай Коперник одним из первых задумался над несовершенством Птолемеевой системы мироздания, согласно которой Солнце и другие планеты вращаются вокруг Земли. Используя примитивные астрономические инструменты, частично самодельные, ученый сумел вывести и обосновать теорию гелиоцентрической солнечной системы.

Гелиоцентрическая система Николая Коперника

Гелиоцентрическая система Николая Коперника

В то же время Коперник до конца жизни полагал, что дальние звезды и светила, видимые с Земли, закреплены на особой сфере, окружающей нашу планету. Это заблуждение было вызвано несовершенством технических средств того времени, ведь в Европе эпохи Возрождения не существовало даже простейшего телескопа. Некоторые детали теории Коперника, в которых придерживался мнения древнегреческих астрономов, впоследствии были устранены и доработаны Иоганном Кеплером.

Главный труд всей жизни ученого стал плодом тридцатилетней работы и был издан в 1543 году при участии любимого ученика Коперника, Ретикуса. Сам астроном имел счастье держать в руках опубликованную книгу накануне смерти.

Николай Коперник в конце жизни

Николай Коперник в конце жизни

Труд, посвященный папе Павлу III, был разделен на шесть частей. В первой части говорилось о шарообразности Земли и всего мироздания, вторая повествовала об основах сферической астрономии и правилах вычисления расположения звезд и планет на небесном своде. Третья часть книги посвящена природе равноденствий, четвертая – Луне, пятая – всем планетам, шестая – причинам изменения широт.

Учение Коперника — большой вклад в развитие астрономии и науки о мироздании.

Личная жизнь

С 1506 по 1512 год, при жизни дяди, Николай служил каноником в Фромборке, затем стал советником епископа, а после – канцлером епархии. После кончины епископа Луки Николай переезжает во Фраенбург и становится каноником местного собора, а брат, заболевший проказой, покидает страну.

В 1516 году Коперник получает должность канцлера Вармийской епархии и на четыре года перебирается в город Ольштын. Здесь ученого застала война, которую Пруссия вела с рыцарями Тевтонского ордена. Церковник показал себя на удивление грамотным военным стратегом, сумев обеспечить должную оборону и защиту крепости, которая выстояла под натиском тевтонцев.

Николай Коперник

Николай Коперник

В 1521 году Коперник вернулся в Фромброк. Он занимался медициной и слыл искусным врачевателем. По некоторым данным, Николай Коперник избавил от недугов и облегчил участь многих больных, по большей части, своих собратьев-каноников.

В 1528 году, на склоне лет, астроном впервые влюбился. Избранницей ученого оказалась юная девушка Анна, дочь друга Коперника, резчика по металлу Матца Шиллингом. Знакомство произошло в родном городе ученого, Торуни. Поскольку католическим священнослужителям было запрещено жениться и иметь связи с женщинами, Коперник поселил Анну у себя в качестве дальней родственницы и экономки.

Однако вскоре девушке пришлось уйти сначала из дома ученого, а потом и вовсе уехать из города, поскольку новый епископ ясно дал понять подчиненному, что такое положение дел церковь не приветствует.


В 1542 году в Виттенберге была издана книга Коперника «О сторонах и углах треугольников как плоских, так и сферических». Главный труд опубликовали в Нюрнберге спустя год. Ученый был при смерти, когда ученики и друзья принесли первый отпечатанный экземпляр книги «О вращении небесных сфер». Великий астроном и математик скончался у себя дома, в Фромборке, в окружении близких  24 мая 1543 года.

Памятник Николаю Копернику

Памятник Николаю Копернику

Посмертная слава Коперника соответствует заслугам и достижениям ученого. Благодаря портретам и фото лицо астронома известно каждому школьнику, памятники стоят в разных городах и странах, а университет Николая Коперника в Польше назван в его честь.

Открытия Коперника

  • создание и обоснование теории гелиоцентрической системы мира, положившей начало первой научной революции;
  • разработка новой монетной системы в Польше;
  • строительство гидравлической машины, снабжавшей водой все дома в городе;
  • соавтор экономического закона Коперника-Грешема;
  • расчет реального движения планет.
  • Доклады
  • Люди
  • Коперник

Николай Коперник был астрономом из Польши. Стал известен созданием гелиоцентрической системы мира. В университете помимо астрономии Копернику хорошо давалось изучение права и медицины.

Родился в городе Торунье в 1473 году. Коперник был не единственным ребенком в семье. У него было две старших сестры, одна из которых стала монахиней. А также у Коперника был брат Анджей, старше его на 9 лет. Он стал ему верным другом, с которым они путешествовали по Европе, а также учились вместе, в одном университете.

Они жили ни о чем, не заботясь, пока был жив их отец. Но когда Николаю было 9 лет, отец скончался от страшной чумы, разразившейся в то время в Польше. Через несколько лет покинула Коперников и их мать. Они остались сиротами. Приютил Николая и Анджея их дядя, который и помог встать им на ноги. Он был каноником.

Делом всей его жизни стало продолжение изучения гелиоцентрической системы Птолемея. Но он усомнился в его работе, так как он не поверил тому, что все планеты вращаются вокруг Земли. Тут и началось долгое изучение системы, с дальнейшими открытиями и корректировками работы Птолемея.

Николай Коперник отдавал свое время не только астрономии, но и любил писать картины, ему нравилась живопись. Совмещая это с изучением греческого языка. Существует картина, дошедшая до наших дней, которая является автопортретом Николая.

В возрасте 30 лет Коперник обучал математике благородное общество Италии, а папе Александру VI Борджиа помогал в изучении астрономии.

После получения диплома о завершении образования Николай Коперник стал каноником. Он совмещал изучение небесных тел с деятельностью церковника. Церковь плохо отзывалась о науке, поэтому великий астроном успел закончить свои труды до того, как он мог поддаться гонениям необычные взгляды на мир. Книги, в которых отображались его труды, были изданы после того, как Коперник умер.

Но, как известно в 1616 году, его теория была запрещена католическими священнослужителями, и окрестилась как ересь.

В возрасте 55 лет Николай впервые влюбляется. Его возлюбленной стала дочь своего старого друга Анна. Единственным препятствием для него стало то, что церковникам не следовало иметь связи с женщинами и иметь семью. Вся жизнь должна была быть посвящена Богу. Но он был настолько влюблен, что поселяет возлюбленную у себя в доме. Он говорил всем, что это его дальняя родственница. Но впоследствии Анне приходится покинуть Николая, так как церковь не приняла такого сожительства.

Перед смертью Николай Коперник получил первый изданный экземпляр своей книги. И вскоре умер у себя дома в окружении близких.

Сообщение про Коперника

Николай Коперник – известный астроном родом из Польши, наблюдения и научные изыскания которого практически перевернули привычную людям его времени картину мира. Он жил в период с 1473 по 1543 годов. Николай Коперник происходил из купеческой семьи, глава которой приехал в Польшу, где и родился Николай, из Германии.

В детстве Коперник получал образование в церковной школе. Случившаяся в Европе эпидемия чумы затронула и Коперников – скончался глава семьи. Поэтому заботы о будущем астрономе пришлось взять на себя его дяде Лукашу, бывшему епископом.

В 1491 году Коперник и его брат Анджей переехали в Краков — обучаться в университете. Там Коперник выбрал факультет искусств. Однако этим его обучение не ограничилось. После Коперник уехал в Болонью, университет в которой был в то время одним из самых престижных. В нем Коперник учился на юридическом факультете, изучая правовое дело, как гражданское, так и церковное. В это время он также начал заниматься астрономическими наблюдениями. Помимо прочего, Коперник также занимался медициной и смог стать доктором богословия.

Он смог полностью вернуться в родную страну только в 1503 году, обосновавшись в небольшом рыбачьем городе Фромборк. Здесь Коперник получил сан каноника. В то же время он начал вплотную заниматься наблюдениями за астрономическими объектами.

Основными приборами, которые использовал Коперник в своих научных изысканиях, были трикветрум, который применяли для измерения зенита светил, и гороскопий – с его помощью можно было измерить угол наклона эклиптики. Приблизительно к 1516 году основные принципы его теории об устройстве мироздания были сформированы, а к началу 1530-х годов многолетний труд был практически закончен.

В труде, названном «Об обращении небесных тел», Коперник резко критикует созданную трудами Птолемея систему мирового устройства. Он утверждал, что не Солнце движется по небу, а Земля обращается вокруг него вместе с остальными планетами. Промежуток времени, за которое планета делает вокруг Солнца полный оборот, и есть земной год.

Увидеть свой труд, отпечатанный в типографии, Коперник смог, уже находясь на смертном одре. Довольно долгое время книгу свободно можно было изучать, лишь когда у учения Коперника появились почитатели и последователи, инквизиция объявила ее ересью и запретила.

Картинка к сообщению Коперник


Популярные сегодня темы

  • Растения сообщение

    Наша планета Земля богата жизнью. И кроме животных, населяющих ее, большую роль играют растения.

  • Электронная почта

    В наш век информационных технологий трудно себе представить человека, который не знал бы, что такое интернет или же электронная почта. Эти понятия стали практически фундаментальными вещами

  • Дождевой червь

    Кольчатый червь малых размеров играет большую роль в природе. Назвали данного червя из-за того, что во время дождей он выползает из-под земли наружу.

  • Созвездие Весы

    Весы относится к созвездиям, которых легко различить на звёздном небе. Наилучшая пора для того, чтобы наблюдать его являются последние месяцы весны. Полностью весы можно увидеть в центральной

  • Экологические проблемы

    Самая масштабная проблема в мире — это экология. Ежедневно население Земли увеличивается на 250 тысяч, что подразумевает под собой увеличение качества жизни человечества. Изобретение машин, б

  • Дымковская игрушка

    Одним из самых старинных промыслов в России считают дымковскую игрушку. Возник он на рубеже 15-16 веков недалеко от небольшого городка Вятки, в слободе Дымково. Там всегда весело и дружно отм

Доклад на тему Николай Коперник сообщение 5, 7 класс

  • Энциклопедия
  • Люди
  • Николай Коперник

Доклад про Николая Коперника

В глубокой древности один из греческих просветителей  Птолемей создал учение о том, что  Вселенная сосредоточена в центре Земли,  вокруг которой в движении находятся Солнце, Луна,  планеты и звезды. Однако польский ученый Коперник опроверг эту теорию. У него получилось  уверить  людей в том, что они проживают  на одной из планет,  которая вращается   вокруг солнечной системы.

Родился будущий ученый в 1473 году  в  семье состоятельного купца. После смерти отца всю заботу об их семье на себя взял их родственник  Лукаш Ваченрове, который позже становится епископом.  В 18-летнем возрасте Николай со старшим братом поступает на обучение в Краковский университет, где он начал серьезно увлекаться астрономией. Впоследствии он отправился учиться в Италию, где он уже начинал проводить некоторые астрономические наблюдения. В этой жаркой стране  он взялся за обучение  древнегреческого  языка, что помогло  ему прочитать в подлинном издании труды Аристотеля, Платона и Птолемея. В 30-летнем возрасте  Коперник возвращается на родину, где входит в совет   высшей духовной и административной курии епископата.  И хотя,  у него было множество дел, он не забывал про астрономию.

Будущий ученый не оставлял без внимания ни одной светлой ночи, наблюдая за тем, как звезды приходили в движение. И чем больше он наблюдал, тем больше делал вывод, что Птолемей ошибался. Найдя свидетельства  и произведя точные  арифметические подсчеты, Коперник привел доказательства того, что наша планета за сутки поворачивается вокруг своей оси , подобно волчку. И вместе с тем, она приходит в движение и вокруг Солнца. Точно также делают и остальные планеты.

Из этого следовало, что по утверждению Коперника центром мироздания стало Солнце. Земля же оказалась простой рядовой планетой. Теперь необходимо было опубликовать свою гипотезу. И в 1515 году появилась книга «О вращениях, которая содержала описание приборов по астрономии, а также обновленный  список недвижимых  звезд. Здесь же разбирается видимое движение Солнца, Луны и планет. И хотя книга была полностью готова, Коперник, опасаясь, что его открытие не поймут, не собирался ее публиковать. Но молодой профессор математики Ретик, посетив ученого и изучив его труды, написал обширное повествование  его теории. Оно было написано таким понятным языком, что было доступно любому человеку.  Работа ученого все-таки вышла в 1543 году, когда автор тяжело заболел. За несколько часов до смерти ему доставили его напечатанную книгу,  после чего он спокойно скончался.  Захоронение  ученого произвели  около  собора во Фромборгске. Последний труд  сразу нашел  отклик у читательской публики.  Его наблюдения  имели огромное  практическое значение. Составленные таблицы движения небесных тел были намного правильнее  расчетов Птолемея, что было особенно важно для тех, кто плавал в море,   потому что, совершая путешествия, они находили путь по звездам. Заслуга ученого состояла в том, что он, обладая таким разумом и свободой мысли, упразднил различие между небесным и земным.

Вариант №2

В 1473 году в Польше на свет появился будущий великий учёный, который прославился большими успехами в области математики, физики,  астрономии и права. Звали этого учёного Николай Коперник.

Николаю Копернику посчастливилось родиться в довольно зажиточной семье. Но, к сожалению, отец данного семейства умер рано, поэтому ответственность за воспитание маленького Николая легла на плечи его дяди. Быть может ощущение того, что в жизни нужно всё стараться делать самому, и помогло Николаю в жизни.

Николаю выпала честь обучаться в Краковском университете. Стажировался он в Падуе и Болонье. В этих заведениях он старательно постигал азы астрономии и медицины. После выпуска Коперник работал доктором, а также секретарём у воспитавшего его дяди.

Настало время, когда дядя Николая умер. Тогда учёный решил переехать во Фромборк и жить в отдельной башне. В устроенной там обсерватории Коперник начал проводить всевозможные исследования и эксперименты. Все свои самые знаменитые открытия он сделал в башне. Например, исследователь создал монетную систему, которую затем ввели в Польше, и построил гидравлический аппарат.

В перерывах между опытами Николай переписывался с выдающимися учёными того времени и умело регулировал всевозможные споры, возникающие между монархами разных стран.

Интересен тот факт, что Николай Коперник усовершенствовал гелиоцентрическую систему Птоломея. Учёный разработал точные пути перемещения небесных тел и добавил в систему свои правки. Благодаря этому мореплавателям стало гораздо легче путешествовать и добираться до места назначения. Коперник утверждал, что Земля – это не центр Вселенной, а всего лишь одна из планет Солнечной системы. Его теория была напечатана перед его смертью, а последователи его учения, к сожалению, подвергались гонениям и притеснениям.

Николай Коперник умер в 1543 году. Последнее пристанище учёный нашёл в костеле Святого Яна, городе Торне. Памятники выдающемуся учёному находятся в Варшаве, Кракове, Торне и других городах мира.

5, 7 класс кратко

Николай Коперник

Николай Коперник

Популярные темы сообщений

  • Творчество Валентина Распутина

    Один из самых известных русских и советских писателей Валентин Григорьевич Распутин родился в Сибири, с которой связана большая часть его жизни и творчества. Родился в Иркутской области в 1937 году,

  • Кук Джеймс

    Великий английский мореплаватель Джеймс Кук был рождён в семье бедного батрака в 1728 году. С юных лет он много трудился, усердно учился в школе и мечтал о морях и путешествиях.

  • Потребители и разрушители экосистемы

    Любая природная система является совокупностью живых и неживых организмов, способов их взаимодействия в пределах среды обитания. Для функционирования каждой системы нужно поддерживать беспрерывный круговорот веществ.

  • Дикие животные

    Нашу замечательную планету населяют самые удивительные и уникальные животные. Многие из них приносят пользу человеку, другие наоборот оказываются очень дикими и опасными. Многие звери прошли долгий путь эволюции. Кто-то полностью исчез,

  • Море Лаптевых

    Море Лаптевых располагается в северной части России в сибирском регионе и прилегает к Северному Ледовитому Океану. В водах моря находится множество островов, при этом море Лаптевых является единственным морем России,

Nicolaus Copernicus

Nikolaus Kopernikus.jpg

The «Toruń portrait» (anonymous, c. 1580)[a]

Born 19 February 1473

Thorn, Royal Prussia, Poland

Died 24 May 1543 (aged 70)

Frauenburg, Royal Prussia, Poland

  • University of Kraków (1491–1495)
  • University of Bologna (1496–1500)
  • University of Padua (1501–1503)
  • University of Ferrara (DCanL, 1503)
Known for
  • Heliocentrism
  • Quantity theory of money
  • Gresham–Copernicus law
Scientific career
  • Astronomy
  • Canon law
  • Economics
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine
  • Politics
Academic advisors Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara
  • Aristotle
  • Averroes
  • Euclid
  • Haly Abenragel
  • Regiomontanus
Influenced Johannes Kepler
Nicolaus Copernicus signature (podpis Mikołaja Kopernika).svg

Nicolaus Copernicus (;[2][3][4] Polish: Mikołaj Kopernik;[b] Middle Low German: Niklas Koppernigk, German: Nikolaus Kopernikus; 19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance polymath, active as a mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic canon, who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center. In all likelihood, Copernicus developed his model independently of Aristarchus of Samos, an ancient Greek astronomer who had formulated such a model some eighteen centuries earlier.[5][c][d][e]

The publication of Copernicus’s model in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), just before his death in 1543, was a major event in the history of science, triggering the Copernican Revolution and making a pioneering contribution to the Scientific Revolution.[7]

Copernicus was born and died in Royal Prussia, a region that had been part of the Kingdom of Poland since 1466. A polyglot and polymath, he obtained a doctorate in canon law and was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, classics scholar, translator, governor, diplomat, and economist. From 1497 he was a Warmian Cathedral chapter canon. In 1517 he derived a quantity theory of money—a key concept in economics—and in 1519 he formulated an economic principle that later came to be called Gresham’s law.[f]


Nicolaus Copernicus was born on 19 February 1473 in the city of Toruń (Thorn), in the province of Royal Prussia, in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland.[9][10]

His father was a merchant from Kraków and his mother was the daughter of a wealthy Toruń merchant.[11] Nicolaus was the youngest of four children. His brother Andreas (Andrew) became an Augustinian canon at Frombork (Frauenburg).[11] His sister Barbara, named after her mother, became a Benedictine nun and, in her final years, prioress of a convent in Chełmno (Kulm); she died after 1517.[11] His sister Katharina married the businessman and Toruń city councilor Barthel Gertner and left five children, whom Copernicus looked after to the end of his life.[11] Copernicus never married and is not known to have had children, but from at least 1531 until 1539 his relations with Anna Schilling, a live-in housekeeper, were seen as scandalous by two bishops of Warmia who urged him over the years to break off relations with his «mistress».[12]

Father’s family

Copernicus’s father’s family can be traced to a village in Silesia between Nysa (Neiße) and Prudnik (Neustadt). The village’s name has been variously spelled Kopernik,[g] Copernik, Copernic, Kopernic, Coprirnik, and today Koperniki.[14]
In the 14th century, members of the family began moving to various other Silesian cities, to the Polish capital, Kraków (1367), and to Toruń (1400).[14] The father, Mikołaj the Elder, likely the son of Jan, came from the Kraków line.[14]

Nicolaus was named after his father, who appears in records for the first time as a well-to-do merchant who dealt in copper, selling it mostly in Danzig (Gdańsk).[15][16] He moved from Kraków to Toruń around 1458.[17] Toruń, situated on the Vistula River, was at that time embroiled in the Thirteen Years’ War, in which the Kingdom of Poland and the Prussian Confederation, an alliance of Prussian cities, gentry and clergy, fought the Teutonic Order over control of the region. In this war, Hanseatic cities like Danzig and Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus’s hometown, chose to support the Polish King, Casimir IV Jagiellon, who promised to respect the cities’ traditional vast independence, which the Teutonic Order had challenged. Nicolaus’s father was actively engaged in the politics of the day and supported Poland and the cities against the Teutonic Order.[18] In 1454 he mediated negotiations between Poland’s Cardinal Zbigniew Oleśnicki and the Prussian cities for repayment of war loans.[14] In the Second Peace of Thorn (1466), the Teutonic Order formally relinquished all claims to its western province, which as Royal Prussia remained a region of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland until the First (1772) and Second (1793) Partitions of Poland.

Copernicus’s father married Barbara Watzenrode, the astronomer’s mother, between 1461 and 1464.[14] He died about 1483.[11]

Mother’s family

Nicolaus’s mother, Barbara Watzenrode, was the daughter of a wealthy Toruń patrician and city councillor, Lucas Watzenrode the Elder (deceased 1462), and Katarzyna (widow of Jan Peckau), mentioned in other sources as Katarzyna Rüdiger gente Modlibóg (deceased 1476).[11] The Modlibógs were a prominent Polish family who had been well known in Poland’s history since 1271.[19] The Watzenrode family, like the Kopernik family, had come from Silesia from near Świdnica (Schweidnitz), and after 1360 had settled in Toruń. They soon became one of the wealthiest and most influential patrician families.[11] Through the Watzenrodes’ extensive family relationships by marriage, Copernicus was related to wealthy families of Toruń (Thorn), Gdańsk (Danzig) and Elbląg (Elbing), and to prominent Polish noble families of Prussia: the Czapskis, Działyńskis, Konopackis and Kościeleckis.[11] Lucas and Katherine had three children: Lucas Watzenrode the Younger (1447–1512), who would become Bishop of Warmia and Copernicus’s patron; Barbara, the astronomer’s mother (deceased after 1495); and Christina (deceased before 1502), who in 1459 married the Toruń merchant and mayor, Tiedeman von Allen.[11]

Lucas Watzenrode the Elder, a wealthy merchant and in 1439–62 president of the judicial bench, was a decided opponent of the Teutonic Knights.[11] In 1453 he was the delegate from Toruń at the Grudziądz (Graudenz) conference that planned the uprising against them.[11] During the ensuing Thirteen Years’ War, he actively supported the Prussian cities’ war effort with substantial monetary subsidies (only part of which he later re-claimed), with political activity in Toruń and Danzig, and by personally fighting in battles at Łasin (Lessen) and Malbork (Marienburg).[11] He died in 1462.[11]

Lucas Watzenrode the Younger, the astronomer’s maternal uncle and patron, was educated at the University of Kraków (now Jagiellonian University) and at the universities of Cologne and Bologna. He was a bitter opponent of the Teutonic Order,[h] and its Grand Master once referred to him as «the devil incarnate».[i] In 1489 Watzenrode was elected Bishop of Warmia (Ermeland, Ermland) against the preference of King Casimir IV, who had hoped to install his own son in that seat.[22] As a result, Watzenrode quarreled with the king until Casimir IV’s death three years later.[23] Watzenrode was then able to form close relations with three successive Polish monarchs: John I Albert, Alexander Jagiellon, and Sigismund I the Old. He was a friend and key advisor to each ruler, and his influence greatly strengthened the ties between Warmia and Poland proper.[24] Watzenrode came to be considered the most powerful man in Warmia, and his wealth, connections and influence allowed him to secure Copernicus’s education and career as a canon at Frombork Cathedral.[22][j]


In Poland

Upon his father’s death, young Nicolaus’s maternal uncle, Lucas Watzenrode the Younger (1447–1512), took the boy under his wing and saw to his education and career.[11] Watzenrode maintained contacts with leading intellectual figures in Poland and was a friend of the influential Italian-born humanist and Kraków courtier Filippo Buonaccorsi.[26] There are no surviving primary documents on the early years of Copernicus’s childhood and education.[11] Copernicus biographers assume that Watzenrode first sent young Copernicus to St. John’s School, at Toruń, where he himself had been a master.[11] Later, according to Armitage,[k] the boy attended the Cathedral School at Włocławek, up the Vistula River from Toruń, which prepared pupils for entrance to the University of Kraków, Watzenrode’s alma mater in Poland’s capital.[27]

In the winter semester of 1491–92 Copernicus, as «Nicolaus Nicolai de Thuronia», matriculated together with his brother Andrew at the University of Kraków (now Jagiellonian University).[11] Copernicus began his studies in the Department of Arts (from the fall of 1491, presumably until the summer or fall of 1495) in the heyday of the Kraków astronomical-mathematical school, acquiring the foundations for his subsequent mathematical achievements.[11] According to a later but credible tradition (Jan Brożek), Copernicus was a pupil of Albert Brudzewski, who by then (from 1491) was a professor of Aristotelian philosophy but taught astronomy privately outside the university; Copernicus became familiar with Brudzewski’s widely read commentary to Georg von Peuerbach’s Theoricæ novæ planetarum and almost certainly attended the lectures of Bernard of Biskupie and Wojciech Krypa of Szamotuły, and probably other astronomical lectures by Jan of Głogów, Michał of Wrocław (Breslau), Wojciech of Pniewy, and Marcin Bylica of Olkusz.[28]

Copernicus’s Kraków studies gave him a thorough grounding in the mathematical astronomy taught at the university (arithmetic, geometry, geometric optics, cosmography, theoretical and computational astronomy) and a good knowledge of the philosophical and natural-science writings of Aristotle (De coelo, Metaphysics) and Averroes, stimulating his interest in learning and making him conversant with humanistic culture.[22] Copernicus broadened the knowledge that he took from the university lecture halls with independent reading of books that he acquired during his Kraków years (Euclid, Haly Abenragel, the Alfonsine Tables, Johannes Regiomontanus’ Tabulae directionum); to this period, probably, also date his earliest scientific notes, now preserved partly at Uppsala University.[22] At Kraków Copernicus began collecting a large library on astronomy; it would later be carried off as war booty by the Swedes during the Deluge in the 1650s and is now at the Uppsala University Library.[29]

Copernicus’s four years at Kraków played an important role in the development of his critical faculties and initiated his analysis of logical contradictions in the two «official» systems of astronomy—Aristotle’s theory of homocentric spheres, and Ptolemy’s mechanism of eccentrics and epicycles—the surmounting and discarding of which would be the first step toward the creation of Copernicus’s own doctrine of the structure of the universe.[22]

Without taking a degree, probably in the fall of 1495, Copernicus left Kraków for the court of his uncle Watzenrode, who in 1489 had been elevated to Prince-Bishop of Warmia and soon (before November 1495) sought to place his nephew in the Warmia canonry vacated by 26 August 1495 death of its previous tenant, Jan Czanow. For unclear reasons—probably due to opposition from part of the chapter, who appealed to Rome—Copernicus’s installation was delayed, inclining Watzenrode to send both his nephews to study canon law in Italy, seemingly with a view to furthering their ecclesiastic careers and thereby also strengthening his own influence in the Warmia chapter.[22]

On 20 October 1497, Copernicus, by proxy, formally succeeded to the Warmia canonry which had been granted to him two years earlier. To this, by a document dated 10 January 1503 at Padua, he would add a sinecure at the Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew in Wrocław (at the time in the Crown of Bohemia). Despite having been granted a papal indult on 29 November 1508 to receive further benefices, through his ecclesiastic career Copernicus not only did not acquire further prebends and higher stations (prelacies) at the chapter, but in 1538 he relinquished the Wrocław sinecure. It is unclear whether he was ever ordained a priest.[30] Edward Rosen asserts that he was not.[31][32] Copernicus did take minor orders, which sufficed for assuming a chapter canonry.[22] The Catholic Encyclopedia proposes that his ordination was probable, as in 1537 he was one of four candidates for the episcopal seat of Warmia, a position that required ordination.[33]

In Italy

Meanwhile, leaving Warmia in mid-1496—possibly with the retinue of the chapter’s chancellor, Jerzy Pranghe, who was going to Italy—in the fall, possibly in October, Copernicus arrived in Bologna and a few months later (after 6 January 1497) signed himself into the register of the Bologna University of Jurists’ «German nation», which included young Poles from Silesia, Prussia and Pomerania as well as students of other nationalities.[22]

During his three-year stay at Bologna, which occurred between fall 1496 and spring 1501, Copernicus seems to have devoted himself less keenly to studying canon law (he received his doctorate in canon law only after seven years, following a second return to Italy in 1503) than to studying the humanities—probably attending lectures by Filippo Beroaldo, Antonio Urceo, called Codro, Giovanni Garzoni, and Alessandro Achillini—and to studying astronomy. He met the famous astronomer Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara and became his disciple and assistant.[22] Copernicus was developing new ideas inspired by reading the «Epitome of the Almagest» (Epitome in Almagestum Ptolemei) by George von Peuerbach and Johannes Regiomontanus (Venice, 1496). He verified its observations about certain peculiarities in Ptolemy’s theory of the Moon’s motion, by conducting on 9 March 1497 at Bologna a memorable observation of the occultation of Aldebaran, the brightest star in the Taurus constellation, by the moon. Copernicus the humanist sought confirmation for his growing doubts through close reading of Greek and Latin authors (Pythagoras, Aristarchos of Samos, Cleomedes, Cicero, Pliny the Elder, Plutarch, Philolaus, Heraclides, Ecphantos, Plato), gathering, especially while at Padua, fragmentary historic information about ancient astronomical, cosmological and calendar systems.[34]

Close-up of plaque[l]

Copernicus spent the jubilee year 1500 in Rome, where he arrived with his brother Andrew that spring, doubtless to perform an apprenticeship at the Papal Curia. Here, too, however, he continued his astronomical work begun at Bologna, observing, for example, a lunar eclipse on the night of 5–6 November 1500. According to a later account by Rheticus, Copernicus also—probably privately, rather than at the Roman Sapienza—as a «Professor Mathematum» (professor of astronomy) delivered, «to numerous… students and… leading masters of the science», public lectures devoted probably to a critique of the mathematical solutions of contemporary astronomy.[35]

On his return journey doubtless stopping briefly at Bologna, in mid-1501 Copernicus arrived back in Warmia. After on 28 July receiving from the chapter a two-year extension of leave in order to study medicine (since «he may in future be a useful medical advisor to our Reverend Superior [Bishop Lucas Watzenrode] and the gentlemen of the chapter»), in late summer or in the fall he returned again to Italy, probably accompanied by his brother Andrew[m] and by Canon Bernhard Sculteti. This time he studied at the University of Padua, famous as a seat of medical learning, and—except for a brief visit to Ferrara in May–June 1503 to pass examinations for, and receive, his doctorate in canon law—he remained at Padua from fall 1501 to summer 1503.[35]

Copernicus studied medicine probably under the direction of leading Padua professors—Bartolomeo da Montagnana, Girolamo Fracastoro, Gabriele Zerbi, Alessandro Benedetti—and read medical treatises that he acquired at this time, by Valescus de Taranta, Jan Mesue, Hugo Senensis, Jan Ketham, Arnold de Villa Nova, and Michele Savonarola, which would form the embryo of his later medical library.[35]

One of the subjects that Copernicus must have studied was astrology, since it was considered an important part of a medical education.[37] However, unlike most other prominent Renaissance astronomers, he appears never to have practiced or expressed any interest in astrology.[38]

As at Bologna, Copernicus did not limit himself to his official studies. It was probably the Padua years that saw the beginning of his Hellenistic interests. He familiarized himself with Greek language and culture with the aid of Theodorus Gaza’s grammar (1495) and Johannes Baptista Chrestonius’s dictionary (1499), expanding his studies of antiquity, begun at Bologna, to the writings of Bessarion, Lorenzo Valla, and others. There also seems to be evidence that it was during his Padua stay that the idea finally crystallized, of basing a new system of the world on the movement of the Earth.[35]
As the time approached for Copernicus to return home, in spring 1503 he journeyed to Ferrara where, on 31 May 1503, having passed the obligatory examinations, he was granted the degree of Doctor of Canon Law (Nicolaus Copernich de Prusia, Jure Canonico … et doctoratus[39]). No doubt it was soon after (at latest, in fall 1503) that he left Italy for good to return to Warmia.[35]

Planetary observations

Copernicus made three observations of Mercury, with errors of −3, −15 and −1 minutes of arc. He made one of Venus, with an error of −24 minutes. Four were made of Mars, with errors of 2, 20, 77, and 137 minutes. Four observations were made of Jupiter, with errors of 32, 51, −11 and 25 minutes. He made four of Saturn, with errors of 31, 20, 23 and −4 minutes.[40]

Other observations

With Novara, Copernicus observed an occultation of Aldebaran by the moon on 9 March 1497. Copernicus also observed a conjunction of Saturn and the moon on 4 March 1500. He saw an eclipse of the moon on 6 November 1500.[41][42]


Having completed all his studies in Italy, 30-year-old Copernicus returned to Warmia, where he would live out the remaining 40 years of his life, apart from brief journeys to Kraków and to nearby Prussian cities: Toruń (Thorn), Gdańsk (Danzig), Elbląg (Elbing), Grudziądz (Graudenz), Malbork (Marienburg), Königsberg (Królewiec).[35]

The Prince-Bishopric of Warmia enjoyed substantial autonomy, with its own diet (parliament) and monetary unit (the same as in the other parts of Royal Prussia) and treasury.[43]

Copernicus was his uncle’s secretary and physician from 1503 to 1510 (or perhaps till his uncle’s death on 29 March 1512) and resided in the Bishop’s castle at Lidzbark (Heilsberg), where he began work on his heliocentric theory. In his official capacity, he took part in nearly all his uncle’s political, ecclesiastic and administrative-economic duties. From the beginning of 1504, Copernicus accompanied Watzenrode to sessions of the Royal Prussian diet held at Malbork and Elbląg and, write Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz, «participated… in all the more important events in the complex diplomatic game that ambitious politician and statesman played in defense of the particular interests of Prussia and Warmia, between hostility to the [Teutonic] Order and loyalty to the Polish Crown.»[35]

In 1504–12 Copernicus made numerous journeys as part of his uncle’s retinue—in 1504, to Toruń and Gdańsk, to a session of the Royal Prussian Council in the presence of Poland’s King Alexander Jagiellon; to sessions of the Prussian diet at Malbork (1506), Elbląg (1507) and Sztum (Stuhm) (1512); and he may have attended a Poznań (Posen) session (1510) and the coronation of Poland’s King Sigismund I the Old in Kraków (1507). Watzenrode’s itinerary suggests that in spring 1509 Copernicus may have attended the Kraków sejm.[35]

It was probably on the latter occasion, in Kraków, that Copernicus submitted for printing at Jan Haller’s press his translation, from Greek to Latin, of a collection, by the 7th-century Byzantine historian Theophylact Simocatta, of 85 brief poems called Epistles, or letters, supposed to have passed between various characters in a Greek story. They are of three kinds—»moral,» offering advice on how people should live; «pastoral», giving little pictures of shepherd life; and «amorous», comprising love poems. They are arranged to follow one another in a regular rotation of subjects. Copernicus had translated the Greek verses into Latin prose, and he now published his version as Theophilacti scolastici Simocati epistolae morales, rurales et amatoriae interpretatione latina, which he dedicated to his uncle in gratitude for all the benefits he had received from him. With this translation, Copernicus declared himself on the side of the humanists in the struggle over the question of whether Greek literature should be revived.[44] Copernicus’s first poetic work was a Greek epigram, composed probably during a visit to Kraków, for Johannes Dantiscus’ epithalamium for Barbara Zapolya’s 1512 wedding to King Zygmunt I the Old.[45]

Some time before 1514, Copernicus wrote an initial outline of his heliocentric theory known only from later transcripts, by the title (perhaps given to it by a copyist), Nicolai Copernici de hypothesibus motuum coelestium a se constitutis commentariolus—commonly referred to as the Commentariolus. It was a succinct theoretical description of the world’s heliocentric mechanism, without mathematical apparatus, and differed in some important details of geometric construction from De revolutionibus; but it was already based on the same assumptions regarding Earth’s triple motions. The Commentariolus, which Copernicus consciously saw as merely a first sketch for his planned book, was not intended for printed distribution. He made only a very few manuscript copies available to his closest acquaintances, including, it seems, several Kraków astronomers with whom he collaborated in 1515–30 in observing eclipses. Tycho Brahe would include a fragment from the Commentariolus in his own treatise, Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata, published in Prague in 1602, based on a manuscript that he had received from the Bohemian physician and astronomer Tadeáš Hájek, a friend of Rheticus. The Commentariolus would appear complete in print for the first time only in 1878.[45]

In 1510 or 1512 Copernicus moved to Frombork, a town to the northwest at the Vistula Lagoon on the Baltic Sea coast. There, in April 1512, he participated in the election of Fabian of Lossainen as Prince-Bishop of Warmia. It was only in early June 1512 that the chapter gave Copernicus an «external curia»—a house outside the defensive walls of the cathedral mount. In 1514 he purchased the northwestern tower within the walls of the Frombork stronghold. He would maintain both these residences to the end of his life, despite the devastation of the chapter’s buildings by a raid against Frauenburg carried out by the Teutonic Order in January 1520, during which Copernicus’s astronomical instruments were probably destroyed. Copernicus conducted astronomical observations in 1513–16 presumably from his external curia; and in 1522–43, from an unidentified «small tower» (turricula), using primitive instruments modeled on ancient ones—the quadrant, triquetrum, armillary sphere. At Frombork Copernicus conducted over half of his more than 60 registered astronomical observations.[45]

Having settled permanently at Frombork, where he would reside to the end of his life, with interruptions in 1516–19 and 1520–21, Copernicus found himself at the Warmia chapter’s economic and administrative center, which was also one of Warmia’s two chief centers of political life. In the difficult, politically complex situation of Warmia, threatened externally by the Teutonic Order’s aggressions (attacks by Teutonic bands; the Polish-Teutonic War of 1519–21; Albert’s plans to annex Warmia), internally subject to strong separatist pressures (the selection of the prince-bishops of Warmia; currency reform), he, together with part of the chapter, represented a program of strict cooperation with the Polish Crown and demonstrated in all his public activities (the defense of his country against the Order’s plans of conquest; proposals to unify its monetary system with the Polish Crown’s; support for Poland’s interests in the Warmia dominion’s ecclesiastic administration) that he was consciously a citizen of the Polish-Lithuanian Republic. Soon after the death of uncle Bishop Watzenrode, he participated in the signing of the Second Treaty of Piotrków Trybunalski (7 December 1512), governing the appointment of the Bishop of Warmia, declaring, despite opposition from part of the chapter, for loyal cooperation with the Polish Crown.[45]

That same year (before 8 November 1512) Copernicus assumed responsibility, as magister pistoriae, for administering the chapter’s economic enterprises (he would hold this office again in 1530), having already since 1511 fulfilled the duties of chancellor and visitor of the chapter’s estates.[45]

His administrative and economic duties did not distract Copernicus, in 1512–15, from intensive observational activity. The results of his observations of Mars and Saturn in this period, and especially a series of four observations of the Sun made in 1515, led to the discovery of the variability of Earth’s eccentricity and of the movement of the solar apogee in relation to the fixed stars, which in 1515–19 prompted his first revisions of certain assumptions of his system. Some of the observations that he made in this period may have had a connection with a proposed reform of the Julian calendar made in the first half of 1513 at the request of the Bishop of Fossombrone, Paul of Middelburg. Their contacts in this matter in the period of the Fifth Lateran Council were later memorialized in a complimentary mention in Copernicus’s dedicatory epistle in Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium and in a treatise by Paul of Middelburg, Secundum compendium correctionis Calendarii (1516), which mentions Copernicus among the learned men who had sent the Council proposals for the calendar’s emendation.[46]

During 1516–21, Copernicus resided at Olsztyn (Allenstein) Castle as economic administrator of Warmia, including Olsztyn (Allenstein) and Pieniężno (Mehlsack). While there, he wrote a manuscript, Locationes mansorum desertorum (Locations of Deserted Fiefs), with a view to populating those fiefs with industrious farmers and so bolstering the economy of Warmia. When Olsztyn was besieged by the Teutonic Knights during the Polish–Teutonic War, Copernicus directed the defense of Olsztyn and Warmia by Royal Polish forces. He also represented the Polish side in the ensuing peace negotiations.[47]

Copernicus for years advised the Royal Prussian sejmik on monetary reform, particularly in the 1520s when that was a major question in regional Prussian politics.[49] In 1526 he wrote a study on the value of money, «Monetae cudendae ratio». In it he formulated an early iteration of the theory, now called Gresham’s law, that «bad» (debased) coinage drives «good» (un-debased) coinage out of circulation—several decades before Thomas Gresham. He also, in 1517, set down a quantity theory of money, a principal concept in economics to the present day. Copernicus’s recommendations on monetary reform were widely read by leaders of both Prussia and Poland in their attempts to stabilize currency.[50]

In 1533, Johann Widmanstetter, secretary to Pope Clement VII, explained Copernicus’s heliocentric system to the Pope and two cardinals. The Pope was so pleased that he gave Widmanstetter a valuable gift.[51] In 1535 Bernard Wapowski wrote a letter to a gentleman in Vienna, urging him to publish an enclosed almanac, which he claimed had been written by Copernicus. This is the only mention of a Copernicus almanac in the historical records. The «almanac» was likely Copernicus’s tables of planetary positions. Wapowski’s letter mentions Copernicus’s theory about the motions of the earth. Nothing came of Wapowski’s request, because he died a couple of weeks later.[51]

Following the death of Prince-Bishop of Warmia Mauritius Ferber (1 July 1537), Copernicus participated in the election of his successor, Johannes Dantiscus (20 September 1537). Copernicus was one of four candidates for the post, written in at the initiative of Tiedemann Giese; but his candidacy was actually pro forma, since Dantiscus had earlier been named coadjutor bishop to Ferber and since Dantiscus had the backing of Poland’s King Sigismund I.[52] At first Copernicus maintained friendly relations with the new Prince-Bishop, assisting him medically in spring 1538 and accompanying him that summer on an inspection tour of Chapter holdings. But that autumn, their friendship was strained by suspicions over Copernicus’s housekeeper, Anna Schilling, whom Dantiscus banished from Frombork in spring 1539.[52]

In his younger days, Copernicus the physician had treated his uncle, brother and other chapter members. In later years he was called upon to attend the elderly bishops who in turn occupied the see of Warmia—Mauritius Ferber and Johannes Dantiscus—and, in 1539, his old friend Tiedemann Giese, Bishop of Chełmno (Kulm). In treating such important patients, he sometimes sought consultations from other physicians, including the physician to Duke Albert and, by letter, the Polish Royal Physician.[53]

In the spring of 1541, Duke Albert—former Grand Master of the Teutonic Order who had converted the Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights into a Lutheran and hereditary realm, the Duchy of Prussia, upon doing homage to his uncle, the King of Poland, Sigismund I—summoned Copernicus to Königsberg to attend the Duke’s counselor, George von Kunheim, who had fallen seriously ill, and for whom the Prussian doctors seemed unable to do anything. Copernicus went willingly; he had met von Kunheim during negotiations over reform of the coinage. And Copernicus had come to feel that Albert himself was not such a bad person; the two had many intellectual interests in common. The Chapter readily gave Copernicus permission to go, as it wished to remain on good terms with the Duke, despite his Lutheran faith. In about a month the patient recovered, and Copernicus returned to Frombork. For a time, he continued to receive reports on von Kunheim’s condition, and to send him medical advice by letter.[54]

Some of Copernicus’s close friends turned Protestant, but Copernicus never showed a tendency in that direction. The first attacks on him came from Protestants. Wilhelm Gnapheus, a Dutch refugee settled in Elbląg, wrote a comedy in Latin, Morosophus (The Foolish Sage), and staged it at the Latin school that he had established there. In the play, Copernicus was caricatured as the eponymous Morosophus, a haughty, cold, aloof man who dabbled in astrology, considered himself inspired by God, and was rumored to have written a large work that was moldering in a chest.[26]

Elsewhere Protestants were the first to react to news of Copernicus’s theory. Melanchthon wrote:

Some people believe that it is excellent and correct to work out a thing as absurd as did that Sarmatian [i.e., Polish] astronomer who moves the earth and stops the sun. Indeed, wise rulers should have curbed such light-mindedness.[26]

Nevertheless, in 1551, eight years after Copernicus’s death, astronomer Erasmus Reinhold published, under the sponsorship of Copernicus’s former military adversary, the Protestant Duke Albert, the Prussian Tables, a set of astronomical tables based on Copernicus’s work. Astronomers and astrologers quickly adopted it in place of its predecessors.[55]


Some time before 1514 Copernicus made available to friends his «Commentariolus» («Little Commentary»), a manuscript describing his ideas about the heliocentric hypothesis.[o] It contained seven basic assumptions (detailed below).[56] Thereafter he continued gathering data for a more detailed work.

At about 1532 Copernicus had basically completed his work on the manuscript of Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium; but despite urging by his closest friends, he resisted openly publishing his views, not wishing—as he confessed—to risk the scorn «to which he would expose himself on account of the novelty and incomprehensibility of his theses.»[52]

In 1533, Johann Albrecht Widmannstetter delivered a series of lectures in Rome outlining Copernicus’s theory. Pope Clement VII and several Catholic cardinals heard the lectures and were interested in the theory. On 1 November 1536, Cardinal Nikolaus von Schönberg, Archbishop of Capua, wrote to Copernicus from Rome:

Some years ago word reached me concerning your proficiency, of which everybody constantly spoke. At that time I began to have a very high regard for you… For I had learned that you had not merely mastered the discoveries of the ancient astronomers uncommonly well but had also formulated a new cosmology. In it you maintain that the earth moves; that the sun occupies the lowest, and thus the central, place in the universe… Therefore with the utmost earnestness I entreat you, most learned sir, unless I inconvenience you, to communicate this discovery of yours to scholars, and at the earliest possible moment to send me your writings on the sphere of the universe together with the tables and whatever else you have that is relevant to this subject …[57]

By then Copernicus’s work was nearing its definitive form, and rumors about his theory had reached educated people all over Europe. Despite urgings from many quarters, Copernicus delayed publication of his book, perhaps from fear of criticism—a fear delicately expressed in the subsequent dedication of his masterpiece to Pope Paul III. Scholars disagree on whether Copernicus’s concern was limited to possible astronomical and philosophical objections, or whether he was also concerned about religious objections.[p]

De revolutionibus orbium coelestium

Copernicus was still working on De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (even if not certain that he wanted to publish it) when in 1539 Georg Joachim Rheticus, a Wittenberg mathematician, arrived in Frombork. Philipp Melanchthon, a close theological ally of Martin Luther, had arranged for Rheticus to visit several astronomers and study with them. Rheticus became Copernicus’s pupil, staying with him for two years and writing a book, Narratio prima (First Account), outlining the essence of Copernicus’s theory. In 1542 Rheticus published a treatise on trigonometry by Copernicus (later included as chapters 13 and 14 of Book I of De revolutionibus).[58]
Under strong pressure from Rheticus, and having seen the favorable first general reception of his work, Copernicus finally agreed to give De revolutionibus to his close friend, Tiedemann Giese, bishop of Chełmno (Kulm), to be delivered to Rheticus for printing by the German printer Johannes Petreius at Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany. While Rheticus initially supervised the printing, he had to leave Nuremberg before it was completed, and he handed over the task of supervising the rest of the printing to a Lutheran theologian, Andreas Osiander.[59]

Osiander added an unauthorised and unsigned preface, defending Copernicus’s work against those who might be offended by its novel hypotheses. He argued that «different hypotheses are sometimes offered for one and the same motion [and therefore] the astronomer will take as his first choice that hypothesis which is the easiest to grasp.» According to Osiander, «these hypotheses need not be true nor even probable. [I]f they provide a calculus consistent with the observations, that alone is enough.»[60]


Toward the close of 1542, Copernicus was seized with apoplexy and paralysis, and he died at age 70 on 24 May 1543. Legend has it that he was presented with the final printed pages of his Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium on the very day that he died, allowing him to take farewell of his life’s work.[q] He is reputed to have awoken from a stroke-induced coma, looked at his book, and then died peacefully.[r]

Copernicus was reportedly buried in Frombork Cathedral, where a 1580 epitaph stood until being defaced; it was replaced in 1735. For over two centuries, archaeologists searched the cathedral in vain for Copernicus’s remains. Efforts to locate them in 1802, 1909, 1939 had come to nought. In 2004 a team led by Jerzy Gąssowski, head of an archaeology and anthropology institute in Pułtusk, began a new search, guided by the research of historian Jerzy Sikorski.[61][62] In August 2005, after scanning beneath the cathedral floor, they discovered what they believed to be Copernicus’s remains.[63]

The discovery was announced only after further research, on 3 November 2008. Gąssowski said he was «almost 100 percent sure it is Copernicus».[64] Forensic expert Capt. Dariusz Zajdel of the Polish Police Central Forensic Laboratory used the skull to reconstruct a face that closely resembled the features—including a broken nose and a scar above the left eye—on a Copernicus self-portrait.[64] The expert also determined that the skull belonged to a man who had died around age 70—Copernicus’s age at the time of his death.[63]

The grave was in poor condition, and not all the remains of the skeleton were found; missing, among other things, was the lower jaw.[65] The DNA from the bones found in the grave matched hair samples taken from a book owned by Copernicus which was kept at the library of the University of Uppsala in Sweden.[62][66]

On 22 May 2010 Copernicus was given a second funeral in a Mass led by Józef Kowalczyk, the former papal nuncio to Poland and newly named Primate of Poland. Copernicus’s remains were reburied in the same spot in Frombork Cathedral where part of his skull and other bones had been found. A black granite tombstone now identifies him as the founder of the heliocentric theory and also a church canon. The tombstone bears a representation of Copernicus’s model of the Solar System—a golden Sun encircled by six of the planets.[67]

Copernican system


Philolaus (c. 470 – c. 385 BCE) described an astronomical system in which a Central Fire (different from the Sun) occupied the centre of the universe, and a counter-Earth, the Earth, Moon, the Sun itself, planets, and stars all revolved around it, in that order outward from the centre.[68] Heraclides Ponticus (387–312 BCE) proposed that the Earth rotates on its axis.[69]
Aristarchus of Samos (c. 310 BCE – c. 230 BCE) was the first to advance a theory that the earth orbited the sun.[70] Further mathematical details of Aristarchus’s heliocentric system were worked out around 150 BCE by the Hellenistic astronomer Seleucus of Seleucia. Though Aristarchus’s original text has been lost, a reference in Archimedes’ book The Sand Reckoner (Archimedis Syracusani Arenarius & Dimensio Circuli) describes a work by Aristarchus in which he advanced the heliocentric model. Thomas Heath gives the following English translation of Archimedes’s text:[71]

You are now aware [‘you’ being King Gelon] that the «universe» is the name given by most astronomers to the sphere the centre of which is the centre of the earth, while its radius is equal to the straight line between the centre of the sun and the centre of the earth. This is the common account (τά γραφόμενα) as you have heard from astronomers. But Aristarchus has brought out a book consisting of certain hypotheses, wherein it appears, as a consequence of the assumptions made, that the universe is many times greater than the «universe» just mentioned. His hypotheses are that the fixed stars and the sun remain unmoved, that the earth revolves about the sun on the circumference of a circle, the sun lying in the middle of the orbit, and that the sphere of the fixed stars, situated about the same centre as the sun, is so great that the circle in which he supposes the earth to revolve bears such a proportion to the distance of the fixed stars as the centre of the sphere bears to its surface.

In an early unpublished manuscript of De Revolutionibus (which still survives), Copernicus mentioned the (non-heliocentric) ‘moving Earth’ theory of Philolaus and the possibility that Aristarchus also had a ‘moving Earth’ theory (though it is unlikely that he was aware that it was a heliocentric theory). He removed both references from his final published manuscript.[c][e]

Copernicus was probably aware that Pythagoras’s system involved a moving Earth. The Pythagorean system was mentioned by Aristotle.[73]

Copernicus owned a copy of Giorgio Valla’s De expetendis et fugiendis rebus, which included a translation of Plutarch’s reference to Aristarchus’s heliostaticism.[74]

In Copernicus’s dedication of On the Revolutions to Pope Paul III—which Copernicus hoped would dampen criticism of his heliocentric theory by «babblers… completely ignorant of [astronomy]»—the book’s author wrote that, in rereading all of philosophy, in the pages of Cicero and Plutarch he had found references to those few thinkers who dared to move the Earth «against the traditional opinion of astronomers and almost against common sense.»

The prevailing theory during Copernicus’s lifetime was the one that Ptolemy published in his Almagest c. 150 CE; the Earth was the stationary center of the universe. Stars were embedded in a large outer sphere that rotated rapidly, approximately daily, while each of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon were embedded in their own, smaller spheres. Ptolemy’s system employed devices, including epicycles, deferents and equants, to account for observations that the paths of these bodies differed from simple, circular orbits centered on the Earth.[75]

Beginning in the 10th century, a tradition criticizing Ptolemy developed within Islamic astronomy, which climaxed with Ibn al-Haytham of Basra’s Al-Shukūk ‘alā Baṭalamiyūs («Doubts Concerning Ptolemy»).[76] Several Islamic astronomers questioned the Earth’s apparent immobility,[77][78] and centrality within the universe.[79] Some accepted that the earth rotates around its axis, such as Abu Sa’id al-Sijzi (d. c. 1020).[80][81] According to al-Biruni, al-Sijzi invented an astrolabe based on a belief held by some of his contemporaries «that the motion we see is due to the Earth’s movement and not to that of the sky.»[81][82] That others besides al-Sijzi held this view is further confirmed by a reference from an Arabic work in the 13th century which states:

According to the geometers [or engineers] (muhandisīn), the earth is in constant circular motion, and what appears to be the motion of the heavens is actually due to the motion of the earth and not the stars.[81]

In the 12th century, Nur ad-Din al-Bitruji proposed a complete alternative to the Ptolemaic system (although not heliocentric).[83][84] He declared the Ptolemaic system as an imaginary model, successful at predicting planetary positions, but not real or physical.[83][84] Al-Bitruji’s alternative system spread through most of Europe during the 13th century, with debates and refutations of his ideas continued up to the 16th century.[84]

Mathematical techniques developed in the 13th to 14th centuries by Mo’ayyeduddin al-Urdi, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, and Ibn al-Shatir for geocentric models of planetary motions closely resemble some of those used later by Copernicus in his heliocentric models.[85] Copernicus used what is now known as the Urdi lemma and the Tusi couple in the same planetary models as found in Arabic sources.[86] Furthermore, the exact replacement of the equant by two epicycles used by Copernicus in the Commentariolus was found in an earlier work by Ibn al-Shatir (d. c. 1375) of Damascus.[87] Ibn al-Shatir’s lunar and Mercury models are also identical to those of Copernicus.[88] This has led some scholars to argue that Copernicus must have had access to some yet to be identified work on the ideas of those earlier astronomers.[89] However, no likely candidate for this conjectured work has yet come to light, and other scholars have argued that Copernicus could well have developed these ideas independently of the late Islamic tradition.[90] Nevertheless, Copernicus cited some of the Islamic astronomers whose theories and observations he used in De Revolutionibus, namely al-Battani, Thabit ibn Qurra, al-Zarqali, Averroes, and al-Bitruji.[91]


As it appears in the surviving autograph manuscript

As it appears in the first printed edition

Copernicus’s major work on his heliocentric theory was Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), published in the year of his death, 1543. He had formulated his theory by 1510. «He wrote out a short overview of his new heavenly arrangement [known as the Commentariolus, or Brief Sketch], also probably in 1510 [but no later than May 1514], and sent it off to at least one correspondent beyond Varmia [the Latin for «Warmia»]. That person in turn copied the document for further circulation, and presumably the new recipients did, too…»[93]

Copernicus’s Commentariolus summarized his heliocentric theory. It listed the «assumptions» upon which the theory was based, as follows:[94]

  1. There is no one center of all the celestial circles[95] or spheres.[96]
  2. The center of the earth is not the center of the universe, but only the center towards which heavy bodies move and the center of the lunar sphere.
  3. All the spheres surround the sun as if it were in the middle of them all, and therefore the center of the universe is near the sun.
  4. The ratio of the earth’s distance from the sun to the height of the firmament (outermost celestial sphere containing the stars) is so much smaller than the ratio of the earth’s radius to its distance from the sun that the distance from the earth to the sun is imperceptible in comparison with the height of the firmament.
  5. Whatever motion appears in the firmament arises not from any motion of the firmament, but from the earth’s motion. The earth together with its circumjacent elements performs a complete rotation on its fixed poles in a daily motion, while the firmament and highest heaven abide unchanged.
  6. What appear to us as motions of the sun arise not from its motion but from the motion of the earth and our sphere, with which we revolve about the sun like any other planet. The earth has, then, more than one motion.
  7. The apparent retrograde and direct motion of the planets arises not from their motion but from the earth’s. The motion of the earth alone, therefore, suffices to explain so many apparent inequalities in the heavens.

De revolutionibus itself was divided into six sections or parts, called «books»:[97]

  1. General vision of the heliocentric theory, and a summarized exposition of his idea of the World
  2. Mainly theoretical, presents the principles of spherical astronomy and a list of stars (as a basis for the arguments developed in the subsequent books)
  3. Mainly dedicated to the apparent motions of the Sun and to related phenomena
  4. Description of the Moon and its orbital motions
  5. Exposition of the motions in longitude of the non-terrestrial planets
  6. Exposition of the motions in latitude of the non-terrestrial planets


Casket with Copernicus’s remains on exhibition in Olsztyn

Georg Joachim Rheticus could have been Copernicus’s successor, but did not rise to the occasion.[51] Erasmus Reinhold could have been his successor, but died prematurely.[51] The first of the great successors was Tycho Brahe[51] (though he did not think the Earth orbited the Sun), followed by Johannes Kepler,[51] who had collaborated with Tycho in Prague and benefited from Tycho’s decades’ worth of detailed observational data.[98]

Despite the near universal acceptance later of the heliocentric idea (though not the epicycles or the circular orbits), Copernicus’s theory was originally slow to catch on. Scholars hold that sixty years after the publication of The Revolutions there were only around 15 astronomers espousing Copernicanism in all of Europe: «Thomas Digges and Thomas Harriot in England; Giordano Bruno and Galileo Galilei in Italy; Diego Zuniga in Spain; Simon Stevin in the Low Countries; and in Germany, the largest group—Georg Joachim Rheticus, Michael Maestlin, Christoph Rothmann (who may have later recanted),[99] and Johannes Kepler.»[99] Additional possibilities are Englishman William Gilbert, along with Achilles Gasser, Georg Vogelin, Valentin Otto, and Tiedemann Giese.[99]

Arthur Koestler, in his popular book The Sleepwalkers, asserted that Copernicus’s book had not been widely read on its first publication.[100] This claim was trenchantly criticised by Edward Rosen,[s] and has been decisively disproved by Owen Gingerich, who examined nearly every surviving copy of the first two editions and found copious marginal notes by their owners throughout many of them. Gingerich published his conclusions in 2004 in The Book Nobody Read.[101]

The intellectual climate of the time «remained dominated by Aristotelian philosophy and the corresponding Ptolemaic astronomy. At that time there was no reason to accept the Copernican theory, except for its mathematical simplicity [by avoiding using the equant in determining planetary positions].»[102] Tycho Brahe’s system («that the earth is stationary, the sun revolves about the earth, and the other planets revolve about the sun»)[102] also directly competed with Copernicus’s. It was only a half-century later with the work of Kepler and Galileo that any substantial evidence defending Copernicanism appeared, starting «from the time when Galileo formulated the principle of inertia…[which] helped to explain why everything would not fall off the earth if it were in motion.»[102] «[Not until] after Isaac Newton formulated the universal law of gravitation and the laws of mechanics [in his 1687 Principia], which unified terrestrial and celestial mechanics, was the heliocentric view generally accepted.»[102]


The immediate result of the 1543 publication of Copernicus’s book was only mild controversy. At the Council of Trent (1545–63) neither Copernicus’s theory nor calendar reform (which would later use tables deduced from Copernicus’s calculations) were discussed.[103] It has been much debated why it was not until six decades after the publication of De revolutionibus that the Catholic Church took any official action against it, even the efforts of Tolosani going unheeded. Catholic side opposition only commenced seventy-three years later, when it was occasioned by Galileo.[104]


The first notable to move against Copernicanism was the Magister of the Holy Palace (i.e., the Catholic Church’s chief censor), Dominican Bartolomeo Spina, who «expressed a desire to stamp out the Copernican doctrine».[105] But with Spina’s death in 1546, his cause fell to his friend, the well-known theologian-astronomer, the Dominican Giovanni Maria Tolosani of the Convent of St. Mark in Florence. Tolosani had written a treatise on reforming the calendar (in which astronomy would play a large role) and had attended the Fifth Lateran Council (1512–1517) to discuss the matter. He had obtained a copy of De Revolutionibus in 1544. His denunciation of Copernicanism was written a year later, in 1545, in an appendix to his unpublished work, On the Truth of Sacred Scripture.[106]

Emulating the rationalistic style of Thomas Aquinas, Tolosani sought to refute Copernicanism by philosophical argument. Copernicanism was absurd, according to Tolosani, because it was scientifically unproven and unfounded. First, Copernicus had assumed the motion of the Earth but offered no physical theory whereby one would deduce this motion. (No one realized that the investigation into Copernicanism would result in a rethinking of the entire field of physics.) Second, Tolosani charged that Copernicus’s thought process was backwards. He held that Copernicus had come up with his idea and then sought phenomena that would support it, rather than observing phenomena and deducing from them the idea of what caused them. In this, Tolosani was linking Copernicus’s mathematical equations with the practices of the Pythagoreans (whom Aristotle had made arguments against, which were later picked up by Thomas Aquinas). It was argued that mathematical numbers were a mere product of the intellect without any physical reality, and as such could not provide physical causes in the investigation of nature.[107]

Some astronomical hypotheses at the time (such as epicycles and eccentrics) were seen as mere mathematical devices to adjust calculations of where the heavenly bodies would appear, rather than an explanation of the cause of those motions. (As Copernicus still maintained the idea of perfectly spherical orbits, he relied on epicycles.) This «saving the phenomena» was seen as proof that astronomy and mathematics could not be taken as serious means to determine physical causes. Tolosani invoked this view in his final critique of Copernicus, saying that his biggest error was that he had started with «inferior» fields of science to make pronouncements about «superior» fields. Copernicus had used mathematics and astronomy to postulate about physics and cosmology, rather than beginning with the accepted principles of physics and cosmology to determine things about astronomy and mathematics. Thus Copernicus seemed to be undermining the whole system of the philosophy of science at the time. Tolosani held that Copernicus had fallen into philosophical error because he had not been versed in physics and logic; anyone without such knowledge would make a poor astronomer and be unable to distinguish truth from falsehood. Because Copernicanism had not met the criteria for scientific truth set out by Thomas Aquinas, Tolosani held that it could only be viewed as a wild unproven theory.[108][109]

Tolosani recognized that the Ad Lectorem preface to Copernicus’s book was not actually by him. Its thesis that astronomy as a whole would never be able to make truth claims was rejected by Tolosani (though he still held that Copernicus’s attempt to describe physical reality had been faulty); he found it ridiculous that Ad Lectorem had been included in the book (unaware that Copernicus had not authorized its inclusion). Tolosani wrote: «By means of these words [of the Ad Lectorem], the foolishness of this book’s author is rebuked. For by a foolish effort he [Copernicus] tried to revive the weak Pythagorean opinion [that the element of fire was at the center of the Universe], long ago deservedly destroyed, since it is expressly contrary to human reason and also opposes holy writ. From this situation, there could easily arise disagreements between Catholic expositors of holy scripture and those who might wish to adhere obstinately to this false opinion.»[110] Tolosani declared: «Nicolaus Copernicus neither read nor understood the arguments of Aristotle the philosopher and Ptolemy the astronomer.»[106] Tolosani wrote that Copernicus «is expert indeed in the sciences of mathematics and astronomy, but he is very deficient in the sciences of physics and logic. Moreover, it appears that he is unskilled with regard to [the interpretation of] holy scripture, since he contradicts several of its principles, not without danger of infidelity to himself and the readers of his book. …his arguments have no force and can very easily be taken apart. For it is stupid to contradict an opinion accepted by everyone over a very long time for the strongest reasons, unless the impugner uses more powerful and insoluble demonstrations and completely dissolves the opposed reasons. But he does not do this in the least.»[110]

Tolosani declared that he had written against Copernicus «for the purpose of preserving the truth to the common advantage of the Holy Church.»[111] Despite this, his work remained unpublished and there is no evidence that it received serious consideration. Robert Westman describes it as becoming a «dormant» viewpoint with «no audience in the Catholic world» of the late sixteenth century, but also notes that there is some evidence that it did become known to Tommaso Caccini, who would criticize Galileo in a sermon in December 1613.[111]


Photograph of a mid-16th-century portrait[t]

Tolosani may have criticized the Copernican theory as scientifically unproven and unfounded, but the theory also conflicted with the theology of the time, as can be seen in a sample of the works of John Calvin. In his Commentary on Genesis he said that «We indeed are not ignorant that the circuit of the heavens is finite, and that the earth, like a little globe, is placed in the centre.»[112] In his commentary on Psalms 93:1 he states that «The heavens revolve daily, and, immense as is their fabric and inconceivable the rapidity of their revolutions, we experience no concussion…. How could the earth hang suspended in the air were it not upheld by God’s hand? By what means could it maintain itself unmoved, while the heavens above are in constant rapid motion, did not its Divine Maker fix and establish it.»[113] One sharp point of conflict between Copernicus’s theory and the Bible concerned the story of the Battle of Gibeon in the Book of Joshua where the Hebrew forces were winning but whose opponents were likely to escape once night fell. This is averted by Joshua’s prayers causing the Sun and the Moon to stand still. Martin Luther once made a remark about Copernicus, although without mentioning his name. According to Anthony Lauterbach, while eating with Martin Luther the topic of Copernicus arose during dinner on 4 June 1539 (in the same year as professor George Joachim Rheticus of the local University had been granted leave to visit him). Luther is said to have remarked «So it goes now. Whoever wants to be clever must agree with nothing others esteem. He must do something of his own. This is what that fellow does who wishes to turn the whole of astronomy upside down. Even in these things that are thrown into disorder I believe the Holy Scriptures, for Joshua commanded the sun to stand still and not the earth.»[102] These remarks were made four years before the publication of On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres and a year before Rheticus’s Narratio Prima. In John Aurifaber’s account of the conversation Luther calls Copernicus «that fool» rather than «that fellow», this version is viewed by historians as less reliably sourced.[102]

Luther’s collaborator Philipp Melanchthon also took issue with Copernicanism. After receiving the first pages of Narratio Prima from Rheticus himself, Melanchthon wrote to Mithobius (physician and mathematician Burkard Mithob of Feldkirch) on 16 October 1541 condemning the theory and calling for it to be repressed by governmental force, writing «certain people believe it is a marvelous achievement to extol so crazy a thing, like that Polish astronomer who makes the earth move and the sun stand still. Really, wise governments ought to repress impudence of mind.»[114] It had appeared to Rheticus that Melanchton would understand the theory and would be open to it. This was because Melanchton had taught Ptolemaic astronomy and had even recommended his friend Rheticus to an appointment to the Deanship of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at the University of Wittenberg after he had returned from studying with Copernicus.[115]

Rheticus’s hopes were dashed when six years after the publication of De Revolutionibus Melanchthon published his Initia Doctrinae Physicae presenting three grounds to reject Copernicanism. These were «the evidence of the senses, the thousand-year consensus of men of science, and the authority of the Bible».[116] Blasting the new theory Melanchthon wrote, «Out of love for novelty or in order to make a show of their cleverness, some people have argued that the earth moves. They maintain that neither the eighth sphere nor the sun moves, whereas they attribute motion to the other celestial spheres, and also place the earth among the heavenly bodies. Nor were these jokes invented recently. There is still extant Archimedes’s book on The Sand Reckoner; in which he reports that Aristarchus of Samos propounded the paradox that the sun stands still and the earth revolves around the sun. Even though subtle experts institute many investigations for the sake of exercising their ingenuity, nevertheless public proclamation of absurd opinions is indecent and sets a harmful example.»[114] Melanchthon went on to cite Bible passages and then declare «Encouraged by this divine evidence, let us cherish the truth and let us not permit ourselves to be alienated from it by the tricks of those who deem it an intellectual honor to introduce confusion into the arts.»[114] In the first edition of Initia Doctrinae Physicae, Melanchthon even questioned Copernicus’s character claiming his motivation was «either from love of novelty or from desire to appear clever», these more personal attacks were largely removed by the second edition in 1550.[116]

Copernicus’s 2010 gravestone in Frombork Cathedral

Another Protestant theologian who disparaged heliocentrism on scriptural grounds was John Owen. In a passing remark in an essay on the origin of the sabbath, he characterised «the late hypothesis, fixing the sun as in the centre of the world» as being «built on fallible phenomena, and advanced by many arbitrary presumptions against evident testimonies of Scripture.»[117]

In Roman Catholic circles, Copernicus’s book was incorporated into scholarly curricula throughout the 16th century. For example, at the University of Salamanca in 1561 it became one of four text books that students of astronomy could choose from, and in 1594 it was made mandatory.[118] German Jesuit Nicolaus Serarius was one of the first Catholics to write against Copernicus’s theory as heretical, citing the Joshua passage, in a work published in 1609–1610, and again in a book in 1612.[119] In his 12 April 1615 letter to a Catholic defender of Copernicus, Paolo Antonio Foscarini, Catholic Cardinal Robert Bellarmine condemned Copernican theory, writing «…not only the Holy Fathers, but also the modern commentaries on Genesis, the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Joshua, you will find all agreeing in the literal interpretation that the sun is in heaven and turns around the earth with great speed, and that the earth is very far from heaven and sits motionless at the center of the world…Nor can one answer that this is not a matter of faith, since if it is not a matter of faith ‘as regards the topic,’ it is a matter of faith ‘as regards the speaker’: and so it would be heretical to say that Abraham did not have two children and Jacob twelve, as well as to say that Christ was not born of a virgin, because both are said by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of prophets and apostles.»[120] One year later, the Roman Inquisition prohibited Copernicus’s work. Nevertheless, the Spanish Inquisition never banned the De revolutionibus, which continued to be taught at Salamanca.[118]


Perhaps the most influential opponent of the Copernican theory was Francesco Ingoli, a Catholic priest. Ingoli wrote a January 1616 essay to Galileo presenting more than twenty arguments against the Copernican theory.[121] Though «it is not certain, it is probable that he [Ingoli] was commissioned by the Inquisition to write an expert opinion on the controversy»,[122] (after the Congregation of the Index’s decree against Copernicanism on 5 March 1616, Ingoli was officially appointed its consultant).[122] Galileo himself was of the opinion that the essay played an important role in the rejection of the theory by church authorities, writing in a later letter to Ingoli that he was concerned that people thought the theory was rejected because Ingoli was right.[121] Ingoli presented five physical arguments against the theory, thirteen mathematical arguments (plus a separate discussion of the sizes of stars), and four theological arguments. The physical and mathematical arguments were of uneven quality, but many of them came directly from the writings of Tycho Brahe, and Ingoli repeatedly cited Brahe, the leading astronomer of the era. These included arguments about the effect of a moving Earth on the trajectory of projectiles, and about parallax and Brahe’s argument that the Copernican theory required that stars be absurdly large.[123]

Two of Ingoli’s theological issues with the Copernican theory were «common Catholic beliefs not directly traceable to Scripture: the doctrine that hell is located at the center of Earth and is most distant from heaven; and the explicit assertion that Earth is motionless in a hymn sung on Tuesdays as part of the Liturgy of the Hours of the Divine Office prayers regularly recited by priests.»[124] Ingoli cited Robert Bellarmine in regards to both of these arguments, and may have been trying to convey to Galileo a sense of Bellarmine’s opinion.[125] Ingoli also cited Genesis 1:14 where God places «lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night.» Ingoli did not think the central location of the Sun in the Copernican theory was compatible with it being described as one of the lights placed in the firmament.[124] Like previous commentators Ingoli also pointed to the passages about the Battle of Gibeon. He dismissed arguments that they should be taken metaphorically, saying «Replies which assert that Scripture speaks according to our mode of understanding are not satisfactory: both because in explaining the Sacred Writings the rule is always to preserve the literal sense, when it is possible, as it is in this case; and also because all the [Church] Fathers unanimously take this passage to mean that the Sun which was truly moving stopped at Joshua’s request. An interpretation that is contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers is condemned by the Council of Trent, Session IV, in the decree on the edition and use of the Sacred Books. Furthermore, although the Council speaks about matters of faith and morals, nevertheless it cannot be denied that the Holy Fathers would be displeased with an interpretation of Sacred Scriptures which is contrary to their common agreement.»[124] However, Ingoli closed the essay by suggesting Galileo respond primarily to the better of his physical and mathematical arguments rather than to his theological arguments, writing «Let it be your choice to respond to this either entirely of in part—clearly at least to the mathematical and physical arguments, and not to all even of these, but to the more weighty ones.»[126] When Galileo wrote a letter in reply to Ingoli years later, he in fact only addressed the mathematical and physical arguments.[126]

In March 1616, in connection with the Galileo affair, the Roman Catholic Church’s Congregation of the Index issued a decree suspending De revolutionibus until it could be «corrected,» on the grounds of ensuring that Copernicanism, which it described as a «false Pythagorean doctrine, altogether contrary to the Holy Scripture,» would not «creep any further to the prejudice of Catholic truth.»[127] The corrections consisted largely of removing or altering wording that spoke of heliocentrism as a fact, rather than a hypothesis.[128] The corrections were made based largely on work by Ingoli.[122]


On the orders of Pope Paul V, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine gave Galileo prior notice that the decree was about to be issued, and warned him that he could not «hold or defend» the Copernican doctrine.[u] The corrections to De revolutionibus, which omitted or altered nine sentences, were issued four years later, in 1620.[129]

In 1633, Galileo Galilei was convicted of grave suspicion of heresy for «following the position of Copernicus, which is contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture»,[130] and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.[131][132]

At the instance of Roger Boscovich, the Catholic Church’s 1758 Index of Prohibited Books omitted the general prohibition of works defending heliocentrism,[133] but retained the specific prohibitions of the original uncensored versions of De revolutionibus and Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Those prohibitions were finally dropped from the 1835 Index.[134]

Languages, name and nationality


Copernicus is postulated to have spoken Latin, German, and Polish with equal fluency; he also spoke Greek and Italian, and had some knowledge of Hebrew.[v][w][x][y] The vast majority of Copernicus’s extant writings are in Latin, the language of European academia in his lifetime.

Arguments for German being Copernicus’s native tongue are that he was born into a predominantly German-speaking urban patrician class using German, next to Latin, as language of trade and commerce in written documents,[142] and that, while studying canon law at the University of Bologna in 1496, he signed into the German natio (Natio Germanorum)—a student organization which, according to its 1497 by-laws, was open to students of all kingdoms and states whose mother-tongue was German.[143] However, according to French philosopher Alexandre Koyré, Copernicus’s registration with the Natio Germanorum does not in itself imply that Copernicus considered himself German, since students from Prussia and Silesia were routinely so categorized, which carried certain privileges that made it a natural choice for German-speaking students, regardless of their ethnicity or self-identification.[143][z][aa][146]


The surname Kopernik, Copernik, Koppernigk, in various spellings, is recorded in Kraków from c. 1350, apparently given to people from the village of Koperniki (prior to 1845 rendered Kopernik, Copernik, Copirnik, and Koppirnik) in the Duchy of Nysa, 10 km south of Nysa, and now 10 km north of the Polish-Czech border. Nicolaus Copernicus’s great-grandfather is recorded as having received citizenship in Kraków in 1386. The toponym Kopernik (modern Koperniki) has been variously tied to the Polish word for «dill» (koper) and the German word for «copper» (Kupfer).[ab] The suffix -nik (or plural, -niki) denotes a Slavic and Polish agent noun.

As was common in the period, the spellings of both the toponym and the surname vary greatly. Copernicus «was rather indifferent about orthography».[147] During his childhood, about 1480, the name of his father (and thus of the future astronomer) was recorded in Thorn as Niclas Koppernigk.[148]
At Kraków he signed himself, in Latin, Nicolaus Nicolai de Torunia (Nicolaus, son of Nicolaus, of Toruń).[ac] At Bologna, in 1496, he registered in the Matricula Nobilissimi Germanorum Collegii, resp. Annales Clarissimae Nacionis Germanorum, of the Natio Germanica Bononiae, as Dominus Nicolaus Kopperlingk de Thorn – IX grosseti.[150][151] At Padua he signed himself «Nicolaus Copernik», later «Coppernicus».[147] The astronomer thus Latinized his name to Coppernicus, generally with two «p»s (in 23 of 31 documents studied),[152] but later in life he used a single «p». On the title page of De revolutionibus, Rheticus published the name (in the genitive, or possessive, case) as «Nicolai Copernici«.


There has been discussion of Copernicus’s nationality and of whether it is meaningful to ascribe to him a nationality in the modern sense.

Nicolaus Copernicus was born and raised in Royal Prussia, a semiautonomous and multilingual region of the Kingdom of Poland.[153][154] He was the child of German-speaking parents and grew up with German as his mother tongue.[155][156][157] His first alma mater was the University of Kraków in Poland. When he later studied in Italy, at the University of Bologna, he joined the German Nation, a student organization for German-speakers of all allegiances (Germany would not become a nation-state until 1871).[158][159] His family stood against the Teutonic Order and actively supported the city of Toruń during the Thirteen Years’ War. Copernicus’s father lent money to Poland’s King Casimir IV Jagiellon to finance the war against the Teutonic Knights,[160] but the inhabitants of Royal Prussia also resisted the Polish crown’s efforts for greater control over the region.[153]

Encyclopedia Americana,[161] The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia,[162] The Oxford World Encyclopedia,[163] and World Book Encyclopedia[164] refer to Copernicus as a «Polish astronomer». Sheila Rabin, writing in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, describes Copernicus as a «child of a German family [who] was a subject of the Polish crown»,[10] while Manfred Weissenbacher writes that Copernicus’s father was a Germanized Pole.[165]

No Polish texts by Copernicus survive due to the rarity of Polish language in literature before the writings of the Polish Renaissance poets Mikołaj Rej and Jan Kochanowski (educated Poles had generally written in Latin); but it is known that Copernicus knew Polish on a par with German and Latin.[166]

Historian Michael Burleigh describes the nationality debate as a «totally insignificant battle» between German and Polish scholars during the interwar period.[167] Polish astronomer Konrad Rudnicki calls the discussion a «fierce scholarly quarrel in … times of nationalism» and describes Copernicus as an inhabitant of a German-speaking territory that belonged to Poland, himself being of mixed Polish-German extraction.[168]

Czesław Miłosz describes the debate as an «absurd» projection of a modern understanding of nationality onto Renaissance people, who identified with their home territories rather than with a nation.[169] Similarly, historian Norman Davies writes that Copernicus, as was common in his era, was «largely indifferent» to nationality, being a local patriot who considered himself «Prussian».[170] Miłosz and Davies both write that Copernicus had a German-language cultural background, while his working language was Latin in accord with the usage of the time.[169][170] Additionally, according to Davies, «there is ample evidence that he knew the Polish language».[170] Davies concludes that, «Taking everything into consideration, there is good reason to regard him both as a German and as a Pole: and yet, in the sense that modern nationalists understand it, he was neither.»[170]


Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 3

The third in NASA’s Orbiting Astronomical Observatory series of missions, launched on 21 August 1972, was named Copernicus after its successful launch. The satellite carried an X-ray detector and an ultraviolet telescope, and operated until February 1981.


Statue of Copernicus outside of Frombork Cathedral

Copernicia, a genus of palm trees native to South America and the Greater Antilles, was named after Copernicus in 1837. In some of the species, the leaves are coated with a thin layer of wax, known as carnauba wax.


On 14 July 2009, the discoverers, from the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany, of chemical element 112 (temporarily named ununbium) proposed to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) that its permanent name be «copernicium» (symbol Cn). «After we had named elements after our city and our state, we wanted to make a statement with a name that was known to everyone,» said Hofmann. «We didn’t want to select someone who was a German. We were looking world-wide.»[171] On the 537th anniversary of his birthday the name became official.[172]

55 Cancri A

In July 2014 the International Astronomical Union launched NameExoWorlds, a process for giving proper names to certain exoplanets and their host stars.[173] The process involved public nomination and voting for the new names.[174] In December 2015, the IAU announced the winning name for 55 Cancri A was Copernicus.[175]


Copernicus is commemorated by the Nicolaus Copernicus Monument in Warsaw, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1822), completed in 1830; and by Jan Matejko’s 1873 painting, Astronomer Copernicus, or Conversations with God.

Named for Copernicus are Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń; Warsaw’s Copernicus Science Centre; Copernicus Hospital, in Poland’s third largest city, Łódź; and Wrocław International Airport (Copernicus Airport Wrocław).

A Copernicus Award has been established jointly by the Foundation for Polish Science and the German Research Foundation, to promote Polish-German scientific cooperation.


Contemporary literary and artistic works inspired by Copernicus include:

  • Mover of the Earth, Stopper of the Sun, overture for symphony orchestra, by composer Svitlana Azarova, commissioned by ONDIF.[176][177]
  • Doctor Copernicus, 1975 novel by John Banville, sketching the life of Copernicus and the 16th-century world in which he lived.

See also

  • Copernican principle
  • Copernicus Science Centre
  • History of philosophy in Poland
  • List of multiple discoveries
  • List of Roman Catholic scientist-clerics


  1. ^ The oldest known portrait of Copernicus is that on the Strasbourg astronomical clock, made by Tobias Stimmer c. 1571–74. According to the inscription next to that portrait, it was made from a self-portrait by Copernicus himself. This has led to speculation that the Toruń portrait, whose provenance is unknown, may be a copy based on the same self-portrait.[1]
  2. ^ Modern pronunciation of the Polish form of the name: [miˈkɔwaj kɔˈpɛrɲik] (listen).
  3. ^ a b The Greek mathematician and astronomer Aristarchus of Samos proposed such a system during the third century BCE (Dreyer 1953, pp. 135–48).In an early unpublished manuscript of De Revolutionibus (which still survives today in the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków), Copernicus wrote that «It is credible that … Philolaus believed in the mobility of the Earth and some even say that Aristarchus was of that opinion», a passage that was removed from the published edition, a decision described by Owen Gingerich as «eminently sensible» «from an editorial viewpoint».[6] Philolaus was not a heliocentrist as he thought that both the Earth and the Sun moved around a central fire. Gingerich says that there is no evidence that Copernicus was aware of the few clear references to Aristarchus’s heliocentrism in ancient texts (as distinct from one other unclear and confusing one), especially Archimedes’s The Sand-Reckoner (which was not in print until the year after Copernicus died), and that it would have been in his interest to mention them had he known of them, before concluding that he developed his idea and its justification independently of Aristarchus.[6]
  4. ^ Dava Sobel (2011) writes: «Copernicus had no idea that Aristarchus of Samos had proposed much the same thing [as Copernicus was contemplating by 1510, when he wrote his Brief Sketch, otherwise also known as the Commentariolus] in the third century B.C. The only work by Aristarchus known to Copernicus—a treatise called On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon—made no mention of a heliocentric plan.» Sobel (2011) pp. 18–19. Sobel further writes that in Copernicus’s dedication of On the Revolutions to Pope Paul III—which Copernicus hoped would dampen criticism of his heliocentric theory by «babblers… completely ignorant of [astronomy]»—the book’s author wrote that, in rereading all of philosophy, in the pages of Cicero and Plutarch he had found references to those few thinkers who dared to move the Earth «against the traditional opinion of astronomers and almost against common sense.» Sobel comments: «He still knew nothing of the Earth-moving plan of Aristarchus, which had not yet been reported to Latin audiences» (pp. 179–82).
  5. ^ a b George Kish (1978) argues that Copernicus knew about Aristarchus’s heliocentric theory, saying: «Copernicus himself admitted that the theory was attributed to Aristarchus, though this does not seem to be generally known. … it is a curious fact that Copernicus did mention the theory of Aristarchus in a passage which he later suppressed.»[72]
  6. ^ «Copernicus seems to have drawn up some notes [on the displacement of good coin from circulation by debased coin] while he was at Olsztyn in 1519. He made them the basis of a report on the matter, written in German, which he presented to the Prussian Diet held in 1522 at Grudziądz… He later drew up a revised and enlarged version of his little treatise, this time in Latin, and setting forth a general theory of money, for presentation to the Diet of 1528.»[8]
  7. ^ «The name of the village, not unlike that of the astronomer’s family, has been variously spelled. A large German atlas of Silesia, published by Wieland in Nuremberg in 1731, spells it Kopernik.»[13]
  8. ^ «In 1512, Bishop Watzenrode died suddenly after attending King Sigismund’s wedding feast in Kraków. Rumors abounded that the bishop had been poisoned by agents of his long-time foe, the Teutonic Knights.»[20]
  9. ^ «[Watzenrode] was also firm, and the Teutonic Knights, who remained a constant menace, did not like him at all; the Grand Master of the order once described him as ‘the devil incarnate’. [Watzenrode] was the trusted friend and advisor of three [Polish] kings in succession: John Albert, Alexander (not to be confused with the poisoning pope), and Sigismund; and his influence greatly strengthened the ties between Warmia and Poland proper.»[21]
  10. ^ «To obtain for his nephews [Nicolaus and Andreas] the necessary support [for their studies in Italy], the bishop [Lucas Watzenrode the Younger] procured their election as canons by the chapter of Frauenburg (1497–1498).»[25]
  11. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969) describe Copernicus having attended school at Włocławek as unlikely.[11]
  12. ^ Translated to English, it reads: «Here, where stood the house of Domenico Maria Novara, professor of the ancient Studium of Bologna, NICOLAUS COPERNICUS, the Polish mathematician and astronomer who would revolutionize concepts of the universe, conducted brilliant celestial observations with his teacher in 1497–1500. Placed on the 5th centenary of [Copernicus’s] birth by the City, the University, the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna, the Polish Academy of Sciences. 1473 [–] 1973.»
  13. ^ Copernicus’s brother Andreas would, before the end of 1512, develop leprosy and be forced to leave Warmia for Italy. In November 1518 Copernicus would learn that his brother had died.[36]
  14. ^ This was based on sketch by Tobias Stimmer (c. 1570), and allegedly based on a self-portrait by Copernicus. It inspired most later Copernicus depictions.[48]
  15. ^ A reference to the «Commentariolus» is contained in a library catalogue, dated 1 May 1514, of a 16th-century historian, Matthew of Miechów, so it must have begun circulating before that date (Koyré, 1973, p. 85; Gingerich, 2004, p. 32). Thoren (1990 p. 99) gives the length of the manuscript as 40 pages.
  16. ^ Koyré (1973, pp. 27, 90) and Rosen (1995, pp. 64, 184) take the view that Copernicus was indeed concerned about possible objections from theologians, while Lindberg and Numbers (1986) argue against it. Koestler (1963) also denies it. Indirect evidence that Copernicus was concerned about objections from theologians comes from a letter written to him by Andreas Osiander in 1541, in which Osiander advises Copernicus to adopt a proposal by which he says «you will be able to appease the Peripatetics and theologians whose opposition you fear». (Koyré, 1973, pp. 35, 90)
  17. ^ According to Bell 1992, p. 111,
    «… Copernicus, on his deathbed, received the printer’s proofs of his epoch-breaking Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium
  18. ^ Koestler 1963, page 189, says the following about a letter from Canon Tiedemann Giese to Georg Joachim Rheticus: «[…] the end came only after several months, on 24 May. In a letter to Rheticus, written a few weeks later, Giese recorded the event in a single, tragic sentence: ‘For many days he had been deprived of his memory and mental vigour; he only saw his completed book at the last moment, on the day he died.'» Koestler attributes this quotation to Leopold Prowe, Nicolaus Copernicus, Berlin 1883–1884, volume 1, part 2, p. 554.
  19. ^ Rosen (1995, pp. 187–92), originally published in 1967 in Saggi su Galileo Galilei . Rosen is particularly scathing about this and other statements in The Sleepwalkers, which he criticizes as inaccurate.
  20. ^ The original painting was looted, and possibly destroyed, by the Germans in World War II during the occupation of Poland.
  21. ^ Fantoli (2005, pp. 118–19); Finocchiaro (1989, pp. 148, 153). On-line copies of Finocchiaro’s translations of the relevant documents, Inquisition Minutes of 25 February 1616 and Cardinal Bellarmine’s certificate of 26 May 1616, have been made available by Gagné (2005). This notice of the decree would not have prevented Galileo from discussing heliocentrism solely as a mathematical hypothesis, but a stronger formal injunction (Finocchiaro, 1989, pp. 147–48) not to teach it «in any way whatever, either orally or in writing», allegedly issued to him by the Commissary of the Holy Office, Father Michelangelo Segizzi, would certainly have done so (Fantoli, 2005, pp. 119–20, 137). There has been much controversy over whether the copy of this injunction in the Vatican archives is authentic; if so, whether it was ever issued; and if so, whether it was legally valid (Fantoli, 2005, pp. 120–43).
  22. ^ «He spoke German, Polish and Latin with equal fluency as well as Italian.»[135]
  23. ^ «He spoke Polish, Latin, and Greek.»[136]
  24. ^ «He was a linguist with a command of Polish, German and Latin, and he possessed also a knowledge of Greek rare at that period in northeastern Europe and probably had some acquaintance with Italian and Hebrew.»[137]
  25. ^ He used Latin and German, knew enough Greek to translate the 7th-century Byzantine poet Theophylact Simocatta’s verses into Latin prose,[44] and «there is ample evidence that he knew the Polish language.»[138] Edward Rosen mentions that Copernicus recorded Polish farm tenants’ names inconsistently, gainsaying that he was fluent in the Polish language.[139] (But decades after Copernicus, each of William Shakespeare’s extant autograph signatures showed a different spelling.[140]) During his several years’ studies in Italy, Copernicus presumably learned some Italian; Professor Stefan Melkowski of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń asserts that Copernicus also spoke both German and Polish.[141]
  26. ^ «Although great importance has frequently been ascribed to this fact, it does not imply that Copernicus considered himself to be a German. The ‘nationes’ of a medieval university had nothing in common with nations in the modern sense of the word. Students who were natives of Prussia and Silesia were automatically described as belonging to the Natio Germanorum. Furthmore, at Bologna, this was the ‘privileged’ nation; consequently, Copernicus had very good reason for inscribing himself on its register.»[144]
  27. ^ «It is important to recognize, however, that the medieval Latin concept of natio, or «nation», referred to the community of feudal lords both in Germany and elsewhere, not to ‘the people’ in the nineteenth-century democratic or nationalistic sense of the word.»[145]
  28. ^ These interpretations date to the dispute about Copernicus’s (Polish vs. German) ethnicity, which had been open since the 1870s, and the «copper» vs. «dill» interpretations go back to the 19th century (Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes, 1875, 534 f), but the dispute became virulent again in the 1960s, culminating in a controversy between E. Mosko («copper») and S. Rospond («dill») in 1963–64, summarized by Zygmunt Brocki, «Wsrôd publikacji o etymologii nazwiska Mikotaja Kopernika [«Some Publications on the Etymology of the Surname of Nicholaus Copernicus»], Komunikaty mazur.-warm., 1970.
  29. ^ «In the [enrollment] documents still in existence we find the entry: Nicolaus Nicolai de Torunia.»[149]


  1. ^ André Goddu, Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition (2010), p. 436 (note 125), citing Goddu, review of Jerzy Gassowski, «Poszukiwanie grobu Mikołaja Kopernika« («Search for Grave of Nicolaus Copernicus»), in Journal for the History of Astronomy, 38.2 (May 2007), p. 255.
  2. ^ Jones, Daniel (2003) [1917], Roach, Peter; Hartmann, James; Setter, Jane (eds.), English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-3-12-539683-8
  3. ^ «Copernicus». Dictionary.com Unabridged (Online). n.d.
  4. ^ «Copernicus». Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  5. ^ Linton 2004, pp. 39, 119.
  6. ^ a b Owen Gingerich, «Did Copernicus Owe a Debt to Aristarchus?», Journal for the History of Astronomy, vol. 16, no. 1 (February 1985), pp. 37–42. «There is no question but that Aristarchus had the priority of the heliocentric idea. Yet there is no evidence that Copernicus owed him anything.(!9) As far as we can tell both the idea and its justification were found independently by Copernicus.»
  7. ^ Edward Rosen, «Copernicus, Nicolaus», Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition, volume 7, Danbury, Connecticut, Grolier Incorporated, 1986, ISBN 0-7172-0117-1, pp. 755–56.
  8. ^ Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, 1951, p. 91.
  9. ^ Iłowiecki, Maciej (1981). Dzieje nauki polskiej (in Polish). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Interpress. p. 40. ISBN 978-83-223-1876-8.
  10. ^ a b Sheila Rabin. «Nicolaus Copernicus». Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 22 April 2007.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 4.
  12. ^ John Freely, Celestial Revolutionary, I.B. Tauris, 2014 pp. 103–04, 110–13 ISBN 978-1780763507
  13. ^ Mizwa, p. 36.
  14. ^ a b c d e Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 3.
  15. ^ Bieńkowska (1973), p. 15
  16. ^ Rybka (1973), p. 23.
  17. ^ Sakolsky (2005), p. 8.
  18. ^ Biskup (1973), p. 16
  19. ^ Mizwa, 1943, p. 38.
  20. ^ Hirshfeld, p. 38.
  21. ^ Moore (1994), pp. 52, 62.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g h i Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 5.
  23. ^ Wojciech Iwanczak (1998). «Watzenrode, Lucas». In Bautz, Traugott (ed.). Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL) (in German). Vol. 13. Herzberg: Bautz. col. 389–93. ISBN 3-88309-072-7.
  24. ^ Moore (1994), p. 62.
  25. ^ «Nicolaus Copernicus» , New Advent (online version of the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia). Retrieved 9 June 2013.
  26. ^ a b c Czesław Miłosz, The History of Polish Literature, p. 38.
  27. ^ Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, p. 55.
  28. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), pp. 4–5.
  29. ^ Sobel (2011), pp. 7, 232.
  30. ^ Jerzy Dobrzycki and Leszek Hajdukiewicz, «Kopernik, Mikołaj», Polski słownik biograficzny (Polish Biographical Dictionary), vol. XIV, Wrocław, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1969, p. 5.
  31. ^ Rosen, Ed (December 1960). «Copernicus was not a priest» (PDF). Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 104 (6). Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 October 2013.
  32. ^ Rosen, Edward (1995). «Chapter 6: Copernicus’ Alleged Priesthood». In Hilfstein, Erna (ed.). Copernicus and his successors. UK: The Hambledon Press. pp. 47–56. Bibcode:1995cops.book…..R. ISBN 978-1-85285-071-5. Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  33. ^ Hagen, J. (1908). «Nicolaus Copernicus». Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved 6 November 2015.
  34. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), pp. 5–6.
  35. ^ a b c d e f g h Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 6.
  36. ^ Sobel (2011), pp. 26, 34, 40.
  37. ^ Rabin (2005).
  38. ^ Gingerich (2004, pp. 187–89, 201); Koyré (1973, p. 94); Kuhn (1957, p. 93); Rosen (2004, p. 123); Rabin (2005). Robbins (1964, p. x), however, includes Copernicus among a list of Renaissance astronomers who «either practiced astrology themselves or countenanced its practice».
  39. ^ «Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe Bd. VI: Urkunden, Akten und NachrichtenDocumenta Copernicana – Urkunden, Akten und Nachrichten, alle erhaltenen Urkunden und Akten zur Familiengeschichte, zur Biographie und Tätigkeitsfeldern von Copernicus, 1996, ISBN 978-3-05-003009-8 [5], pp. 62–63.
  40. ^ Studia Copernicana 16
  41. ^ Sparavigna, Ameila Carolina (2017). «Stellarium software and the occultation of Aldebaran observed by Copernicus». HAL. Retrieved 22 July 2022.
  42. ^ «Nicolaus Copernicus – Biography».
  43. ^ Sedlar (1994).
  44. ^ a b Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, pp. 75–77.
  45. ^ a b c d e Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 7.
  46. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), pp. 7–8.
  47. ^ Repcheck (2007), p. 66.
  48. ^ a b Andreas Kühne, Stefan Kirschner, Biographia Copernicana: Die Copernicus-Biographien des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts (2004), p. 14
  49. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 9.
  50. ^ Volckart, Oliver (1997). «Early Beginnings of the Quantity Theory of Money and Their Context in Polish and Prussian Monetary Policies, c. 1520–1550». The Economic History Review. New Series. 50 (3): 430–49. doi:10.1111/1468-0289.00063.
  51. ^ a b c d e f Repcheck (2007), pp. 78–79, 184, 186.
  52. ^ a b c Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 11.
  53. ^ Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, pp. 97–98.
  54. ^ Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, p. 98.
  55. ^ Kuhn, 1957, pp. 187–88.
  56. ^ Goddu (2010: 245–46)
  57. ^ «Nicholas Copernicus | Calendars». www.webexhibits.org.
  58. ^ Freely, «Celestial Revolutionary» p. 149
  59. ^ Dreyer (1953, p. 319).
  60. ^ Sobel (2011) p. 188.
  61. ^ Gąssowski, Jerzy (2005). «Poszukiwanie grobu Kopernika» [Searching for Copernicus’s Grave]. astronomia.pl (in Polish). Grupa Astronomia. Archived from the original on 8 July 2014. Retrieved 7 December 2017. It results from the research of Dr. Jerzy Sikorski, an Olsztyn historian and an outstanding researcher of the life and work of Nicolaus Copernicus. According to Dr. Sikorski, the canon of the Frombork cathedral was buried in the immediate vicinity of this altar, which was entrusted to their care. This altar was the one who once wore the call of Saint Andrew, and now St. Cross, fourth in the right row.
  62. ^ a b Bogdanowicz, W.; Allen, M.; Branicki, W.; Lembring, M.; Gajewska, M.; Kupiec, T. (2009). «Genetic identification of putative remains of the famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus». PNAS. 106 (30): 12279–82. Bibcode:2009PNAS..10612279B. doi:10.1073/pnas.0901848106. PMC 2718376. PMID 19584252.
  63. ^ a b Easton, Adam (21 November 2008). «Polish tests ‘confirm Copernicus’«. BBC News. Retrieved 18 January 2010.
  64. ^ a b «Copernicus’s grave found in Polish church». USA Today. 3 November 2005. Retrieved 26 July 2012.
  65. ^ Bowcott, Owen (21 November 2008). «16th-century skeleton identified as astronomer Copernicus». The Guardian. Retrieved 18 January 2010.
  66. ^ Gingerich, O. (2009). «The Copernicus grave mystery». PNAS. 106 (30): 12215–16. Bibcode:2009PNAS..10612215G. doi:10.1073/pnas.0907491106. PMC 2718392. PMID 19622737.
  67. ^ «16th-century astronomer Copernicus reburied as hero in Poland». Cleveland Plain Dealer/Associated Press. 25 May 2010.
  68. ^ Dreyer (1953), pp. 40–52; Linton (2004, p. 20).
  69. ^ Dreyer (1953), pp. 123–35; Linton (2004, p. 24).
  70. ^ Dreyer (1953, pp. 135–48); Heath (1913), pp. 301–08)
  71. ^ Heath (1913), p. 302. The italics and parenthetical comments are as they appear in Heath’s original.
  72. ^ George Kish (1978). A Source Book in Geography. Harvard University Press. pp. 51–52. ISBN 978-0-674-82270-2.
  73. ^ Aristotle, De Caelo, Book 2, Part 13
  74. ^ E.Rosen, Nicholaus Copernicus and Giorgio Valla, Physis. Rivista internazionale di Storia della Scienza, 23, 1981, pp. 449–57.
  75. ^ Gingerich, Owen (1997). «Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler». The Eye of Heaven. Springer. pp. 3–51.
  76. ^ Saliba, George (1 July 1995). A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During the Golden Age of Islam. NYU Press. p. 31. ISBN 978-0-8147-8023-7.
  77. ^ Ragep, F. Jamil (2001a), «Tusi and Copernicus: The Earth’s Motion in Context», Science in Context, 14 (1–2): 145–63, doi:10.1017/s0269889701000060, S2CID 145372613
  78. ^ Ragep, F. Jamil; Al-Qushji, Ali (2001b), «Freeing Astronomy from Philosophy: An Aspect of Islamic Influence on Science», Osiris, 2nd Series, 16 (Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions): 49–64 & 66–71, Bibcode:2001Osir…16…49R, doi:10.1086/649338, S2CID 142586786
  79. ^ Adi Setia (2004), «Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi on Physics and the Nature of the Physical World: A Preliminary Survey», Islam & Science, 2, archived from the original on 10 July 2012, retrieved 2 March 2010
  80. ^ Alessandro Bausani (1973). «Cosmology and Religion in Islam». Scientia/Rivista di Scienza. 108 (67): 762.
  81. ^ a b c Young, M.J.L., ed. (2 November 2006). Religion, Learning and Science in the ‘Abbasid Period. Cambridge University Press. p. 413. ISBN 978-0-521-02887-5.
  82. ^ Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (1 January 1993). An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines. SUNY Press. p. 135. ISBN 978-1-4384-1419-5.
  83. ^ a b Samsó, Julio (2007). «Biṭrūjī: Nūr al‐Dīn Abū Isḥāq [Abū Jaʿfar] Ibrāhīm ibn Yūsuf al‐Biṭrūjī». In Thomas Hockey; et al. (eds.). The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. New York: Springer. pp. 133–34. ISBN 978-0-387-31022-0. (PDF version)
  84. ^ a b c Samsó, Julio (1970–1980). «Al-Bitruji Al-Ishbili, Abu Ishaq». Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. ISBN 978-0-684-10114-9.
  85. ^ Esposito 1999, p. 289
  86. ^ Saliba, George (1 July 1995). A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During the Golden Age of Islam. NYU Press. ISBN 978-0-8147-8023-7.
  87. ^ Swerdlow, Noel M. (31 December 1973). «The Derivation and First Draft of Copernicus’s Planetary Theory: A Translation of the Commentariolus with Commentary». Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 117 (6): 423–512. Bibcode:1973PAPhS.117..423S. ISSN 0003-049X. JSTOR 986461.
  88. ^ King, David A. (2007). «Ibn al‐Shāṭir: ʿAlāʾ al‐Dīn ʿAlī ibn Ibrāhīm». In Thomas Hockey; et al. (eds.). The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. New York: Springer. pp. 569–70. ISBN 978-0-387-31022-0. (PDF version)
  89. ^ Linton (2004, pp. 124,137–38), Saliba (2009, pp. 160–65), Swerdlow & Neugebauer (1984, pp. 46–48).
  90. ^ Goddu (2010, pp. 261–69, 476–86), Huff (2010, pp. 263–64), di Bono (1995), Veselovsky (1973).
  91. ^ Freely, John (30 March 2015). Light from the East: How the Science of Medieval Islam Helped to Shape the Western World. I.B.Tauris. p. 179. ISBN 978-1-78453-138-6.
  92. ^ Except for the circle labelled «V. Telluris» in the diagram from the printed edition, representing the orbital path of the Earth, and the first circle in both diagrams, representing the outer boundary of the universe, and of a presumed spherical shell of fixed stars, the numbered circles in the diagrams represent the boundaries of hypothetical spherical shells («orbes» in Copernicus’s Latin) whose motion was assumed to carry the planets and their epicycles around the Sun (Gingerich, 2014, pp. 36–38; 2016, pp. 34–35).
  93. ^ Sobel (2011), p. 18.
  94. ^ Rosen (2004, pp. 58–59); Swerdlow (1973, p. 436)
  95. ^ Latin orbium
  96. ^ Latin sphaerarum
  97. ^ Dreyer, John L.E. (1906). History of the planetary systems from Thales to Kepler. Cambridge University Press. p. 342.
  98. ^ Sobel (2011), pp. 207–10.
  99. ^ a b c Danielson (2006)
  100. ^ Koestler (1959, p. 191).
  101. ^ DeMarco, Peter (13 April 2004). «Book quest took him around the globe». The Boston Globe. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
  102. ^ a b c d e f Donald H. Kobe (1998). «Copernicus and Martin Luther: An Encounter Between Science and Religion». American Journal of Physics. 66 (3): 190. Bibcode:1998AmJPh..66..190K. doi:10.1119/1.18844.
  103. ^ Westman (2011, p. 194)
  104. ^ «CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Nicolaus Copernicus». www.newadvent.org.
  105. ^ Feldhay (1995, p. 205)
  106. ^ a b Westman (2011, p. 195)
  107. ^ Feldhay (1995, pp. 205–07)
  108. ^ Feldhay (1995, p. 207)
  109. ^ Westman (2011, pp. 195–96)
  110. ^ a b Westman (2011, p. 196)
  111. ^ a b Westman (2011, p. 197)
  112. ^ Rosen (1960, p. 437)
  113. ^ Rosen (1960, p. 438)
  114. ^ a b c Rosen (1995, p. 198)
  115. ^ Repcheck (2007, p. 160)
  116. ^ a b Cohen, I. Bernard (1985). Revolution in Science. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. p. 497. ISBN 978-0-674-76778-2.
  117. ^ Owen (1869, p. 310); Rosen (1995, p. 166–67). Owen’s remark appears in volume XI of his collected works, not the volume (XIX) cited by Rosen.
  118. ^ a b Crowther, Kathleen M. (2020). «Sacrobosco’s Sphaera in Spain and Portugal». De Sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: 161–184. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30833-9_7. ISBN 978-3-030-30832-2. S2CID 214562125.
  119. ^ Finocchiaro (2010, p. 71)
  120. ^ Finocchiaro (2010, p. 75)
  121. ^ a b Graney (2015, pp. 68–69)
  122. ^ a b c Finocchiaro (2010, p. 72)
  123. ^ Graney (2015, pp. 69–75)
  124. ^ a b c Finocchiaro (2010, p. 73)
  125. ^ Graney (2015, p. 74)
  126. ^ a b Graney (2015, p. 70)
  127. ^ Decree of the General Congregation of the Index, 5 March 1616, translated from the Latin by Finocchiaro (1989, pp. 148–49). An on-line copy of Finocchiaro’s translation has been made available by Gagné (2005).
  128. ^ Finocchiaro (1989, p. 30)
  129. ^ Catholic Encyclopedia.
  130. ^ From the Inquisition’s sentence of 22 June 1633 (de Santillana, 1976, pp. 306–10; Finocchiaro 1989, pp. 287–91)
  131. ^ Hilliam, Rachel (2005). Galileo Galilei: Father of Modern Science. The Rosen Publishing Group. p. 96. ISBN 978-1-4042-0314-3.
  132. ^ «Galileo is convicted of heresy». history.com. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  133. ^ Heilbron (2005, p. 307); Coyne (2005, p. 347).
  134. ^ McMullin (2005, p. 6); Coyne (2005, pp. 346–47).
  135. ^ Stone, p. 101.
  136. ^ Somerville, p. 10.
  137. ^ Angus Armitage, Copernicus, the founder of modern astronomy, p. 62.
  138. ^ Davies, Norman (2005). God’s playground. A History of Poland in Two Volumes. Vol. II. Oxford University Press. p. 26. ISBN 978-0-19-925340-1.
  139. ^ Edward Rosen, Nicolaus Copernicus Thorunensis.
  140. ^ Sidney Lee, Shakespeare’s Handwriting: Facsimiles of the Five Authentic Autograph Signatures, London, Smith Elder, 1899.
  141. ^ Melkowski, Stefan (May 2003). «O historii i o współczesności» [On History and the Present Day] (in Polish). Archived from the original on 24 January 2004. Retrieved 22 April 2007.
  142. ^ Bogucka, Maria; Samsonowicz, Henryk (1986), Dzieje Miast i Mieszczaństwa w Polsce Przedrozbiorowej (PDF), pp. 266–267
  143. ^ a b Rosen (1995, p. 127).
  144. ^ Koyre, p. 21.
  145. ^ Johnson, p. 23.
  146. ^ Koestler, 1968, p. 129.
  147. ^ a b Gingerich (2004), p. 143.
  148. ^ Biskup (1973), p. 32
  149. ^ Moore (1994), p. 50.
  150. ^ Biskup (1973), pp. 38, 82
  151. ^ Malagola (1878), p. 562–65
  152. ^ «Nicolaus Coppernicus aus Thorn über die Kreisbewegungen der Weltkörper/Vorwort – Wikisource». de.wikisource.org.
  153. ^ a b Krystyna Poray Goddu, Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition, BRILL, 2010, ISBN 978-90-04-18107-6, part 1, chapter 1, p. 7.
  154. ^ Jack Repcheck, Copernicus’ Secret: How the Scientific Revolution Began, Simon & Schuster, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7432-8952-8, p. 32.
  155. ^ Manfred Weissenbacher, Sources of Power: How Energy Forges Human History, Praeger, 2009, ISBN 978-0-313-35626-1, p. 170.
  156. ^ Marvin Bolt, JoAnn Palmeri, Thomas Hockey, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Springer, 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-35133-9, p. 252.
  157. ^ Charles E. Hummel, The Galileo Connection, InterVarsity Press, 1986, ISBN 978-0-87784-500-3, p. 40.
  158. ^ Krystyna Poray Goddu, Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition, BRILL, 2010, ISBN 978-90-04-18107-6, chapter 6, p. 173.
  159. ^ John Freely, Celestial Revolutionary: Copernicus, the Man and His Universe, I.B. Tauris, 2014, ISBN 978-0-85773-490-7, pp. 56–57.
  160. ^ Freely, John (2014). Celestial Revolutionary: Copernicus, the Man and His Universe. I.B.Tauris. p. 6. ISBN 978-0-85773-490-7.
  161. ^ «Copernicus, Nicolaus», Encyclopedia Americana, 1986, vol. 7, pp. 755–56.
  162. ^ «Copernicus, Nicholas», The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, New York, Avon Books, 1983, ISBN 0-380-63396-5, p. 198: «Polish astronomer».
  163. ^ «Copernicus, Nicolaus», The Oxford World Encyclopedia, Oxford University Press, 1998.
  164. ^ Findlen, Paula (2013). «Copernicus, Nicolaus». World Book Advanced. Archived from the original on 18 October 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2013.
  165. ^ Weissenbacher (2009), p. 170.
  166. ^ Karol Górski, Mikołaj Kopernik. Środowisko społeczne i samotność (Mikołaj Kopernik [Nicolaus Copernicus]: His Social Setting and Isolation), Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-83-231-2777-2.
  167. ^ Burleigh, Michael (1988). Germany turns eastwards. A study of Ostforschung in the Third Reich. CUP Archive. pp. 60, 133, 280. ISBN 978-0-521-35120-1.
  168. ^ Rudnicki, Konrad (November–December 2006). «The Genuine Copernican Cosmological Principle». Southern Cross Review: note 2. Retrieved 21 January 2010.
  169. ^ a b Miłosz, Czesław (1983). The history of Polish literature (2 ed.). University of California Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-520-04477-7.
  170. ^ a b c d Davies, Norman (2005). God’s playground. A History of Poland in Two Volumes. Vol. II. Oxford University Press. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-19-925340-1.
  171. ^ Fox, Stuart (14 July 2009). «Newly Discovered Element 112 Named ‘Copernicum’«. popsci.com. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
  172. ^ Renner, Terrence (20 February 2010). «Element 112 is Named Copernicium». International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Archived from the original on 22 February 2010. Retrieved 20 February 2010.
  173. ^ NameExoWorlds: An IAU Worldwide Contest to Name Exoplanets and their Host Stars. IAU.org. 9 July 2014
  174. ^ «NameExoWorlds». nameexoworlds.iau.org. Archived from the original on 15 August 2015. Retrieved 7 January 2016.
  175. ^ Final Results of NameExoWorlds Public Vote Released, International Astronomical Union, 15 December 2015.
  176. ^ World premiere, 23 January 2013, Salle Pleyel
  177. ^ Dutch premiere, 1 March 2014, at Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw – Movers of the Earth


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  • Maurice A. Finocchiaro (2010). Defending Copernicus and Galileo: Critical Reasoning in the Two Affairs. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-90-481-3201-0.
  • Finocchiaro, Maurice A. (1989). The Galileo Affair: A Documentary History. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-06662-5.
  • Gagné, Marc (2005). Finocchiaro, Maurice A. (ed.). «Texts from The Galileo Affair: A Documentary History«. Translated by Finocchiaro. West Chester University course ESS 362/562 in History of Astronomy. Archived from the original on 30 September 2007. Retrieved 15 January 2008. (Extracts from Finocchiaro (1989))
  • Pierre Gassendi; Olivier Thill (September 2002). The Life of Copernicus 1473–1543. Xulon Press. ISBN 978-1-59160-193-7.
  • Gingerich, Owen (2004). The Book Nobody Read. London: William Heinemann. ISBN 978-0-434-01315-9.
  • Gingerich, Owen (2014), God’s Planet, Bibcode:2014gopl.book…..G, ISBN 978-0-674-41710-6
  • Gingerich, Owen (2016), Copernicus: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford & New York, NY: Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-933096-6
  • Goddu, André (2010). Copernicus and the Aristotelian tradition. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-18107-6.
  • Graney, Christopher M. (2015). Setting Aside All Authority: Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the Science Against Copernicus in the Age of Galileo. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. ISBN 978-0-268-02988-3.
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  • Alan W. Hirshfeld (1 May 2002). Parallax: The Race to Measure the Cosmos. Henry Holt and Company. ISBN 978-0-8050-7133-7.
  • Heilbron, John L. (2005). Censorship of Astronomy in Italy after Galileo. In McMullin (2005, pp. 279–322).
  • Hoskin, Michael (18 March 1999). The Cambridge Concise History of Astronomy. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-57600-0.
  • Johnson, Lonnie (28 September 1996). Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbors, Friends. Oxford University Press, US. ISBN 978-0-19-802607-5.
  • Koestler, Arthur (1963) [1959]. The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man’s Changing Vision of the Universe. New York: Grosset & Dunlap. ISBN 978-0-448-00159-3. Original edition published by Hutchinson (1959, London)
  • Arthur Koestler (1968). The Sleepwalkers. Macmillan.
  • Koeppen, Hans; et al. (1973). Nicolaus Copernicus zum 500. Geburtstag. Böhlau Verlag. Bibcode:1973ncz..book…..K. ISBN 978-3-412-83573-6.
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  • Manetho; Ptolemy (1964) [1940]. Manetho Ptolemy Tetrabiblos. Loeb Classical Library edition, translated by W.G.Waddell and F.E.Robbins PhD. London: William Heinemann.
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  • Miłosz, Czesław, The History of Polish Literature, second edition, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1969, ISBN 0-520-04477-0.
  • Mizwa, Stephen, Nicolaus Copernicus, 1543–1943, Kessinger Publishing, 1943.
  • Moore, Patrick (1994). The great astronomical revolution 1543–1687 and the Space Age epilogue. Albion. ISBN 978-1-898563-18-1.
  • Owen, John (1869) [1671], «Of the Original of the Sabbath», in Goold, William H.; Quick, Charles W. (eds.), The Works of John Owen, vol. XI, Philadelphia: The Leighton Publications, pp. 286–326
  • Ptolemy, Claudius (1964) [1940]. Tetrabiblos. translated by F.E. Robbins (Loeb Classical Library ed.). London: William Heinemann.
  • Rabin, Sheila (2005). «Nicolaus Copernicus». In Zalta, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2005 ed.). Retrieved 26 May 2008.
  • Repcheck, Jack (2007). Copernicus’ Secret: How the Scientific Revolution Began. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7432-8951-1.
  • Rosen, Edward (1960). «Calvin’s Attitude toward Copernicus». Journal of the History of Ideas. 21 (3): 431–41. doi:10.2307/2708147. JSTOR 2708147.
  • Rosen, Edward (1995). Hilfstein, Erna (ed.). Copernicus and his Successors. London: Hambledon Press. Bibcode:1995cops.book…..R. ISBN 978-1-85285-071-5.
  • Rosen, Edward (translator) (2004) [1939]. Three Copernican Treatises:The Commentariolus of Copernicus; The Letter against Werner; The Narratio Prima of Rheticus (Second Edition, revised ed.). New York: Dover Publications. ISBN 978-0-486-43605-0.
  • Russell, Jeffrey Burton (1997) [1991]. Inventing the Flat Earth – Columbus and Modern Historians. New York: Praeger. ISBN 978-0-275-95904-3.
  • The Review of the Polish Academy of Sciences. «Ossolineum», the Polish Academy of Sciences Press. 1973.
  • Josh Sakolsky (1 October 2004). Copernicus And Modern Astronomy. The Rosen Publishing Group. ISBN 978-1-4042-0305-1.
  • Saliba, George (2009), «Islamic reception of Greek astronomy» (PDF), in Valls-Gabaud & Boskenberg (2009), vol. 260, pp. 149–65, Bibcode:2011IAUS..260..149S, doi:10.1017/S1743921311002237
  • de Santillana, Giorgio (1976) [1955]. The Crime of Galileo (Midway reprint). Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-73481-1.
  • Sedlar, Jean W. (1994). East Central Europe in the Middle Ages 1000–1500. University of Washington Press. ISBN 978-0-295-97290-9.
  • Dava Sobel, A More Perfect Heaven: How Copernicus Revolutionized the Cosmos, New York, Walker & Company, 2011, ISBN 978-0-8027-1793-1.[unreliable source?] Features a fictional play about Rheticus’ visit to Copernicus, sandwiched between chapters about the visit’s pre-history and post-history.
  • Barbara A. Somervill (1 January 2005). Nicolaus Copernicus: Father of Modern Astronomy. Capstone. ISBN 978-0-7565-0812-8.
  • Daniel Stone (2001). The Polish-Lithuanian State: 1386–1795. University of Washington Press. ISBN 978-0-295-98093-5.
  • Swerdlow, Noel (December 1973), «The Derivation and First Draft of Copernicus’s Planetary Theory—A Translation of the Commentariolus with Commentary», Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 117 (6): 423–512
  • Swerdlow, Noel Mark; Neugebauer, Otto Eduard (1984), Mathematical Astronomy in Copernicus’ De Revolutionibus: In Two Parts, New York: Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-1-4613-8264-5
  • Thoren, Victor E. (1990). The Lord of Uraniborg. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-35158-4. (A biography of Danish astronomer and alchemist Tycho Brahe.)
  • Valls-Gabaud, D.; Boskenberg, A., eds. (2009). The Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture. Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 260.
  • Manfred Weissenbacher (September 2009). Sources of Power: How Energy Forges Human History. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-0-313-35626-1.
  • Westman, Robert S. (2011). The Copernican Question: Prognostication, Skepticism, and Celestial Order. Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-25481-7.

External links

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Primary sources

  • Works by Nicolaus Copernicus at Project Gutenberg
  • Works by or about Nicolaus Copernicus at Internet Archive
  • Works by Nicolaus Copernicus at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
  • De Revolutionibus, autograph manuscript – Full digital facsimile, Jagiellonian University
  • (in Polish) Polish translations of letters written by Copernicus in Latin or German Archived 18 October 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  • Online Galleries, History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Archived 21 July 2013 at the Wayback Machine High resolution images of works by and/or portraits of Nicolaus Copernicus in .jpg and .tiff format.
  • Works by Nicolaus Copernicus in digital library Polona


  • O’Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., «Nicolaus Copernicus», MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, University of St Andrews
  • Nicolaus Copernicus at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
  • Copernicus in Torun
  • Copernicus House, District Museum in Toruń
  • Nicolaus Copernicus Thorunensis by the Copernican Academic Portal
  • Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork
  • Clerke, Agnes Mary (1911). «Copernicus, Nicolaus» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 7 (11th ed.). pp. 100–101.
  • Portraits of Copernicus: Copernicus’s face reconstructed; Portrait Archived 27 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine; Nicolaus Copernicus
  • Copernicus and Astrology Archived 21 January 2009 at the Wayback Machine
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry
  • ‘Body of Copernicus’ identified – BBC article including image of Copernicus using facial reconstruction based on located skull
  • Nicolaus Copernicus on the 1000 Polish Zloty banknote.
  • Copernicus’s model for Mars
  • Retrograde Motion
  • Copernicus’s explanation for retrograde motion
  • Geometry of Maximum Elongation
  • Copernican Model
  • Portraits of Nicolaus Copernicus

About De Revolutionibus

  • The Copernican Universe from the De Revolutionibus
  • De Revolutionibus, 1543 first edition – Full digital facsimile, Lehigh University
  • The text of the De Revolutionibus
  • Digitized edition of De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (1543) with annotations of Michael Maestlin on e-rara


  • Nicolaus Copernicus Prize, founded by the City of Kraków, awarded since 1995

German-Polish cooperation

  • (in English, German, and Polish) German-Polish «Copernicus Prize» awarded to German and Polish scientists (DFG website)
  • (in English, German, and Polish) Büro Kopernikus – An initiative of German Federal Cultural Foundation
  • (in German and Polish) German-Polish school project on Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus

Nikolaus Kopernikus.jpg

The «Toruń portrait» (anonymous, c. 1580)[a]

Born 19 February 1473

Thorn, Royal Prussia, Poland

Died 24 May 1543 (aged 70)

Frauenburg, Royal Prussia, Poland

  • University of Kraków (1491–1495)
  • University of Bologna (1496–1500)
  • University of Padua (1501–1503)
  • University of Ferrara (DCanL, 1503)
Known for
  • Heliocentrism
  • Quantity theory of money
  • Gresham–Copernicus law
Scientific career
  • Astronomy
  • Canon law
  • Economics
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine
  • Politics
Academic advisors Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara
  • Aristotle
  • Averroes
  • Euclid
  • Haly Abenragel
  • Regiomontanus
Influenced Johannes Kepler
Nicolaus Copernicus signature (podpis Mikołaja Kopernika).svg

Nicolaus Copernicus (;[2][3][4] Polish: Mikołaj Kopernik;[b] Middle Low German: Niklas Koppernigk, German: Nikolaus Kopernikus; 19 February 1473 – 24 May 1543) was a Renaissance polymath, active as a mathematician, astronomer, and Catholic canon, who formulated a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at its center. In all likelihood, Copernicus developed his model independently of Aristarchus of Samos, an ancient Greek astronomer who had formulated such a model some eighteen centuries earlier.[5][c][d][e]

The publication of Copernicus’s model in his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), just before his death in 1543, was a major event in the history of science, triggering the Copernican Revolution and making a pioneering contribution to the Scientific Revolution.[7]

Copernicus was born and died in Royal Prussia, a region that had been part of the Kingdom of Poland since 1466. A polyglot and polymath, he obtained a doctorate in canon law and was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, classics scholar, translator, governor, diplomat, and economist. From 1497 he was a Warmian Cathedral chapter canon. In 1517 he derived a quantity theory of money—a key concept in economics—and in 1519 he formulated an economic principle that later came to be called Gresham’s law.[f]


Nicolaus Copernicus was born on 19 February 1473 in the city of Toruń (Thorn), in the province of Royal Prussia, in the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland.[9][10]

His father was a merchant from Kraków and his mother was the daughter of a wealthy Toruń merchant.[11] Nicolaus was the youngest of four children. His brother Andreas (Andrew) became an Augustinian canon at Frombork (Frauenburg).[11] His sister Barbara, named after her mother, became a Benedictine nun and, in her final years, prioress of a convent in Chełmno (Kulm); she died after 1517.[11] His sister Katharina married the businessman and Toruń city councilor Barthel Gertner and left five children, whom Copernicus looked after to the end of his life.[11] Copernicus never married and is not known to have had children, but from at least 1531 until 1539 his relations with Anna Schilling, a live-in housekeeper, were seen as scandalous by two bishops of Warmia who urged him over the years to break off relations with his «mistress».[12]

Father’s family

Copernicus’s father’s family can be traced to a village in Silesia between Nysa (Neiße) and Prudnik (Neustadt). The village’s name has been variously spelled Kopernik,[g] Copernik, Copernic, Kopernic, Coprirnik, and today Koperniki.[14]
In the 14th century, members of the family began moving to various other Silesian cities, to the Polish capital, Kraków (1367), and to Toruń (1400).[14] The father, Mikołaj the Elder, likely the son of Jan, came from the Kraków line.[14]

Nicolaus was named after his father, who appears in records for the first time as a well-to-do merchant who dealt in copper, selling it mostly in Danzig (Gdańsk).[15][16] He moved from Kraków to Toruń around 1458.[17] Toruń, situated on the Vistula River, was at that time embroiled in the Thirteen Years’ War, in which the Kingdom of Poland and the Prussian Confederation, an alliance of Prussian cities, gentry and clergy, fought the Teutonic Order over control of the region. In this war, Hanseatic cities like Danzig and Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus’s hometown, chose to support the Polish King, Casimir IV Jagiellon, who promised to respect the cities’ traditional vast independence, which the Teutonic Order had challenged. Nicolaus’s father was actively engaged in the politics of the day and supported Poland and the cities against the Teutonic Order.[18] In 1454 he mediated negotiations between Poland’s Cardinal Zbigniew Oleśnicki and the Prussian cities for repayment of war loans.[14] In the Second Peace of Thorn (1466), the Teutonic Order formally relinquished all claims to its western province, which as Royal Prussia remained a region of the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland until the First (1772) and Second (1793) Partitions of Poland.

Copernicus’s father married Barbara Watzenrode, the astronomer’s mother, between 1461 and 1464.[14] He died about 1483.[11]

Mother’s family

Nicolaus’s mother, Barbara Watzenrode, was the daughter of a wealthy Toruń patrician and city councillor, Lucas Watzenrode the Elder (deceased 1462), and Katarzyna (widow of Jan Peckau), mentioned in other sources as Katarzyna Rüdiger gente Modlibóg (deceased 1476).[11] The Modlibógs were a prominent Polish family who had been well known in Poland’s history since 1271.[19] The Watzenrode family, like the Kopernik family, had come from Silesia from near Świdnica (Schweidnitz), and after 1360 had settled in Toruń. They soon became one of the wealthiest and most influential patrician families.[11] Through the Watzenrodes’ extensive family relationships by marriage, Copernicus was related to wealthy families of Toruń (Thorn), Gdańsk (Danzig) and Elbląg (Elbing), and to prominent Polish noble families of Prussia: the Czapskis, Działyńskis, Konopackis and Kościeleckis.[11] Lucas and Katherine had three children: Lucas Watzenrode the Younger (1447–1512), who would become Bishop of Warmia and Copernicus’s patron; Barbara, the astronomer’s mother (deceased after 1495); and Christina (deceased before 1502), who in 1459 married the Toruń merchant and mayor, Tiedeman von Allen.[11]

Lucas Watzenrode the Elder, a wealthy merchant and in 1439–62 president of the judicial bench, was a decided opponent of the Teutonic Knights.[11] In 1453 he was the delegate from Toruń at the Grudziądz (Graudenz) conference that planned the uprising against them.[11] During the ensuing Thirteen Years’ War, he actively supported the Prussian cities’ war effort with substantial monetary subsidies (only part of which he later re-claimed), with political activity in Toruń and Danzig, and by personally fighting in battles at Łasin (Lessen) and Malbork (Marienburg).[11] He died in 1462.[11]

Lucas Watzenrode the Younger, the astronomer’s maternal uncle and patron, was educated at the University of Kraków (now Jagiellonian University) and at the universities of Cologne and Bologna. He was a bitter opponent of the Teutonic Order,[h] and its Grand Master once referred to him as «the devil incarnate».[i] In 1489 Watzenrode was elected Bishop of Warmia (Ermeland, Ermland) against the preference of King Casimir IV, who had hoped to install his own son in that seat.[22] As a result, Watzenrode quarreled with the king until Casimir IV’s death three years later.[23] Watzenrode was then able to form close relations with three successive Polish monarchs: John I Albert, Alexander Jagiellon, and Sigismund I the Old. He was a friend and key advisor to each ruler, and his influence greatly strengthened the ties between Warmia and Poland proper.[24] Watzenrode came to be considered the most powerful man in Warmia, and his wealth, connections and influence allowed him to secure Copernicus’s education and career as a canon at Frombork Cathedral.[22][j]


In Poland

Upon his father’s death, young Nicolaus’s maternal uncle, Lucas Watzenrode the Younger (1447–1512), took the boy under his wing and saw to his education and career.[11] Watzenrode maintained contacts with leading intellectual figures in Poland and was a friend of the influential Italian-born humanist and Kraków courtier Filippo Buonaccorsi.[26] There are no surviving primary documents on the early years of Copernicus’s childhood and education.[11] Copernicus biographers assume that Watzenrode first sent young Copernicus to St. John’s School, at Toruń, where he himself had been a master.[11] Later, according to Armitage,[k] the boy attended the Cathedral School at Włocławek, up the Vistula River from Toruń, which prepared pupils for entrance to the University of Kraków, Watzenrode’s alma mater in Poland’s capital.[27]

In the winter semester of 1491–92 Copernicus, as «Nicolaus Nicolai de Thuronia», matriculated together with his brother Andrew at the University of Kraków (now Jagiellonian University).[11] Copernicus began his studies in the Department of Arts (from the fall of 1491, presumably until the summer or fall of 1495) in the heyday of the Kraków astronomical-mathematical school, acquiring the foundations for his subsequent mathematical achievements.[11] According to a later but credible tradition (Jan Brożek), Copernicus was a pupil of Albert Brudzewski, who by then (from 1491) was a professor of Aristotelian philosophy but taught astronomy privately outside the university; Copernicus became familiar with Brudzewski’s widely read commentary to Georg von Peuerbach’s Theoricæ novæ planetarum and almost certainly attended the lectures of Bernard of Biskupie and Wojciech Krypa of Szamotuły, and probably other astronomical lectures by Jan of Głogów, Michał of Wrocław (Breslau), Wojciech of Pniewy, and Marcin Bylica of Olkusz.[28]

Copernicus’s Kraków studies gave him a thorough grounding in the mathematical astronomy taught at the university (arithmetic, geometry, geometric optics, cosmography, theoretical and computational astronomy) and a good knowledge of the philosophical and natural-science writings of Aristotle (De coelo, Metaphysics) and Averroes, stimulating his interest in learning and making him conversant with humanistic culture.[22] Copernicus broadened the knowledge that he took from the university lecture halls with independent reading of books that he acquired during his Kraków years (Euclid, Haly Abenragel, the Alfonsine Tables, Johannes Regiomontanus’ Tabulae directionum); to this period, probably, also date his earliest scientific notes, now preserved partly at Uppsala University.[22] At Kraków Copernicus began collecting a large library on astronomy; it would later be carried off as war booty by the Swedes during the Deluge in the 1650s and is now at the Uppsala University Library.[29]

Copernicus’s four years at Kraków played an important role in the development of his critical faculties and initiated his analysis of logical contradictions in the two «official» systems of astronomy—Aristotle’s theory of homocentric spheres, and Ptolemy’s mechanism of eccentrics and epicycles—the surmounting and discarding of which would be the first step toward the creation of Copernicus’s own doctrine of the structure of the universe.[22]

Without taking a degree, probably in the fall of 1495, Copernicus left Kraków for the court of his uncle Watzenrode, who in 1489 had been elevated to Prince-Bishop of Warmia and soon (before November 1495) sought to place his nephew in the Warmia canonry vacated by 26 August 1495 death of its previous tenant, Jan Czanow. For unclear reasons—probably due to opposition from part of the chapter, who appealed to Rome—Copernicus’s installation was delayed, inclining Watzenrode to send both his nephews to study canon law in Italy, seemingly with a view to furthering their ecclesiastic careers and thereby also strengthening his own influence in the Warmia chapter.[22]

On 20 October 1497, Copernicus, by proxy, formally succeeded to the Warmia canonry which had been granted to him two years earlier. To this, by a document dated 10 January 1503 at Padua, he would add a sinecure at the Collegiate Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew in Wrocław (at the time in the Crown of Bohemia). Despite having been granted a papal indult on 29 November 1508 to receive further benefices, through his ecclesiastic career Copernicus not only did not acquire further prebends and higher stations (prelacies) at the chapter, but in 1538 he relinquished the Wrocław sinecure. It is unclear whether he was ever ordained a priest.[30] Edward Rosen asserts that he was not.[31][32] Copernicus did take minor orders, which sufficed for assuming a chapter canonry.[22] The Catholic Encyclopedia proposes that his ordination was probable, as in 1537 he was one of four candidates for the episcopal seat of Warmia, a position that required ordination.[33]

In Italy

Meanwhile, leaving Warmia in mid-1496—possibly with the retinue of the chapter’s chancellor, Jerzy Pranghe, who was going to Italy—in the fall, possibly in October, Copernicus arrived in Bologna and a few months later (after 6 January 1497) signed himself into the register of the Bologna University of Jurists’ «German nation», which included young Poles from Silesia, Prussia and Pomerania as well as students of other nationalities.[22]

During his three-year stay at Bologna, which occurred between fall 1496 and spring 1501, Copernicus seems to have devoted himself less keenly to studying canon law (he received his doctorate in canon law only after seven years, following a second return to Italy in 1503) than to studying the humanities—probably attending lectures by Filippo Beroaldo, Antonio Urceo, called Codro, Giovanni Garzoni, and Alessandro Achillini—and to studying astronomy. He met the famous astronomer Domenico Maria Novara da Ferrara and became his disciple and assistant.[22] Copernicus was developing new ideas inspired by reading the «Epitome of the Almagest» (Epitome in Almagestum Ptolemei) by George von Peuerbach and Johannes Regiomontanus (Venice, 1496). He verified its observations about certain peculiarities in Ptolemy’s theory of the Moon’s motion, by conducting on 9 March 1497 at Bologna a memorable observation of the occultation of Aldebaran, the brightest star in the Taurus constellation, by the moon. Copernicus the humanist sought confirmation for his growing doubts through close reading of Greek and Latin authors (Pythagoras, Aristarchos of Samos, Cleomedes, Cicero, Pliny the Elder, Plutarch, Philolaus, Heraclides, Ecphantos, Plato), gathering, especially while at Padua, fragmentary historic information about ancient astronomical, cosmological and calendar systems.[34]

Close-up of plaque[l]

Copernicus spent the jubilee year 1500 in Rome, where he arrived with his brother Andrew that spring, doubtless to perform an apprenticeship at the Papal Curia. Here, too, however, he continued his astronomical work begun at Bologna, observing, for example, a lunar eclipse on the night of 5–6 November 1500. According to a later account by Rheticus, Copernicus also—probably privately, rather than at the Roman Sapienza—as a «Professor Mathematum» (professor of astronomy) delivered, «to numerous… students and… leading masters of the science», public lectures devoted probably to a critique of the mathematical solutions of contemporary astronomy.[35]

On his return journey doubtless stopping briefly at Bologna, in mid-1501 Copernicus arrived back in Warmia. After on 28 July receiving from the chapter a two-year extension of leave in order to study medicine (since «he may in future be a useful medical advisor to our Reverend Superior [Bishop Lucas Watzenrode] and the gentlemen of the chapter»), in late summer or in the fall he returned again to Italy, probably accompanied by his brother Andrew[m] and by Canon Bernhard Sculteti. This time he studied at the University of Padua, famous as a seat of medical learning, and—except for a brief visit to Ferrara in May–June 1503 to pass examinations for, and receive, his doctorate in canon law—he remained at Padua from fall 1501 to summer 1503.[35]

Copernicus studied medicine probably under the direction of leading Padua professors—Bartolomeo da Montagnana, Girolamo Fracastoro, Gabriele Zerbi, Alessandro Benedetti—and read medical treatises that he acquired at this time, by Valescus de Taranta, Jan Mesue, Hugo Senensis, Jan Ketham, Arnold de Villa Nova, and Michele Savonarola, which would form the embryo of his later medical library.[35]

One of the subjects that Copernicus must have studied was astrology, since it was considered an important part of a medical education.[37] However, unlike most other prominent Renaissance astronomers, he appears never to have practiced or expressed any interest in astrology.[38]

As at Bologna, Copernicus did not limit himself to his official studies. It was probably the Padua years that saw the beginning of his Hellenistic interests. He familiarized himself with Greek language and culture with the aid of Theodorus Gaza’s grammar (1495) and Johannes Baptista Chrestonius’s dictionary (1499), expanding his studies of antiquity, begun at Bologna, to the writings of Bessarion, Lorenzo Valla, and others. There also seems to be evidence that it was during his Padua stay that the idea finally crystallized, of basing a new system of the world on the movement of the Earth.[35]
As the time approached for Copernicus to return home, in spring 1503 he journeyed to Ferrara where, on 31 May 1503, having passed the obligatory examinations, he was granted the degree of Doctor of Canon Law (Nicolaus Copernich de Prusia, Jure Canonico … et doctoratus[39]). No doubt it was soon after (at latest, in fall 1503) that he left Italy for good to return to Warmia.[35]

Planetary observations

Copernicus made three observations of Mercury, with errors of −3, −15 and −1 minutes of arc. He made one of Venus, with an error of −24 minutes. Four were made of Mars, with errors of 2, 20, 77, and 137 minutes. Four observations were made of Jupiter, with errors of 32, 51, −11 and 25 minutes. He made four of Saturn, with errors of 31, 20, 23 and −4 minutes.[40]

Other observations

With Novara, Copernicus observed an occultation of Aldebaran by the moon on 9 March 1497. Copernicus also observed a conjunction of Saturn and the moon on 4 March 1500. He saw an eclipse of the moon on 6 November 1500.[41][42]


Having completed all his studies in Italy, 30-year-old Copernicus returned to Warmia, where he would live out the remaining 40 years of his life, apart from brief journeys to Kraków and to nearby Prussian cities: Toruń (Thorn), Gdańsk (Danzig), Elbląg (Elbing), Grudziądz (Graudenz), Malbork (Marienburg), Königsberg (Królewiec).[35]

The Prince-Bishopric of Warmia enjoyed substantial autonomy, with its own diet (parliament) and monetary unit (the same as in the other parts of Royal Prussia) and treasury.[43]

Copernicus was his uncle’s secretary and physician from 1503 to 1510 (or perhaps till his uncle’s death on 29 March 1512) and resided in the Bishop’s castle at Lidzbark (Heilsberg), where he began work on his heliocentric theory. In his official capacity, he took part in nearly all his uncle’s political, ecclesiastic and administrative-economic duties. From the beginning of 1504, Copernicus accompanied Watzenrode to sessions of the Royal Prussian diet held at Malbork and Elbląg and, write Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz, «participated… in all the more important events in the complex diplomatic game that ambitious politician and statesman played in defense of the particular interests of Prussia and Warmia, between hostility to the [Teutonic] Order and loyalty to the Polish Crown.»[35]

In 1504–12 Copernicus made numerous journeys as part of his uncle’s retinue—in 1504, to Toruń and Gdańsk, to a session of the Royal Prussian Council in the presence of Poland’s King Alexander Jagiellon; to sessions of the Prussian diet at Malbork (1506), Elbląg (1507) and Sztum (Stuhm) (1512); and he may have attended a Poznań (Posen) session (1510) and the coronation of Poland’s King Sigismund I the Old in Kraków (1507). Watzenrode’s itinerary suggests that in spring 1509 Copernicus may have attended the Kraków sejm.[35]

It was probably on the latter occasion, in Kraków, that Copernicus submitted for printing at Jan Haller’s press his translation, from Greek to Latin, of a collection, by the 7th-century Byzantine historian Theophylact Simocatta, of 85 brief poems called Epistles, or letters, supposed to have passed between various characters in a Greek story. They are of three kinds—»moral,» offering advice on how people should live; «pastoral», giving little pictures of shepherd life; and «amorous», comprising love poems. They are arranged to follow one another in a regular rotation of subjects. Copernicus had translated the Greek verses into Latin prose, and he now published his version as Theophilacti scolastici Simocati epistolae morales, rurales et amatoriae interpretatione latina, which he dedicated to his uncle in gratitude for all the benefits he had received from him. With this translation, Copernicus declared himself on the side of the humanists in the struggle over the question of whether Greek literature should be revived.[44] Copernicus’s first poetic work was a Greek epigram, composed probably during a visit to Kraków, for Johannes Dantiscus’ epithalamium for Barbara Zapolya’s 1512 wedding to King Zygmunt I the Old.[45]

Some time before 1514, Copernicus wrote an initial outline of his heliocentric theory known only from later transcripts, by the title (perhaps given to it by a copyist), Nicolai Copernici de hypothesibus motuum coelestium a se constitutis commentariolus—commonly referred to as the Commentariolus. It was a succinct theoretical description of the world’s heliocentric mechanism, without mathematical apparatus, and differed in some important details of geometric construction from De revolutionibus; but it was already based on the same assumptions regarding Earth’s triple motions. The Commentariolus, which Copernicus consciously saw as merely a first sketch for his planned book, was not intended for printed distribution. He made only a very few manuscript copies available to his closest acquaintances, including, it seems, several Kraków astronomers with whom he collaborated in 1515–30 in observing eclipses. Tycho Brahe would include a fragment from the Commentariolus in his own treatise, Astronomiae instauratae progymnasmata, published in Prague in 1602, based on a manuscript that he had received from the Bohemian physician and astronomer Tadeáš Hájek, a friend of Rheticus. The Commentariolus would appear complete in print for the first time only in 1878.[45]

In 1510 or 1512 Copernicus moved to Frombork, a town to the northwest at the Vistula Lagoon on the Baltic Sea coast. There, in April 1512, he participated in the election of Fabian of Lossainen as Prince-Bishop of Warmia. It was only in early June 1512 that the chapter gave Copernicus an «external curia»—a house outside the defensive walls of the cathedral mount. In 1514 he purchased the northwestern tower within the walls of the Frombork stronghold. He would maintain both these residences to the end of his life, despite the devastation of the chapter’s buildings by a raid against Frauenburg carried out by the Teutonic Order in January 1520, during which Copernicus’s astronomical instruments were probably destroyed. Copernicus conducted astronomical observations in 1513–16 presumably from his external curia; and in 1522–43, from an unidentified «small tower» (turricula), using primitive instruments modeled on ancient ones—the quadrant, triquetrum, armillary sphere. At Frombork Copernicus conducted over half of his more than 60 registered astronomical observations.[45]

Having settled permanently at Frombork, where he would reside to the end of his life, with interruptions in 1516–19 and 1520–21, Copernicus found himself at the Warmia chapter’s economic and administrative center, which was also one of Warmia’s two chief centers of political life. In the difficult, politically complex situation of Warmia, threatened externally by the Teutonic Order’s aggressions (attacks by Teutonic bands; the Polish-Teutonic War of 1519–21; Albert’s plans to annex Warmia), internally subject to strong separatist pressures (the selection of the prince-bishops of Warmia; currency reform), he, together with part of the chapter, represented a program of strict cooperation with the Polish Crown and demonstrated in all his public activities (the defense of his country against the Order’s plans of conquest; proposals to unify its monetary system with the Polish Crown’s; support for Poland’s interests in the Warmia dominion’s ecclesiastic administration) that he was consciously a citizen of the Polish-Lithuanian Republic. Soon after the death of uncle Bishop Watzenrode, he participated in the signing of the Second Treaty of Piotrków Trybunalski (7 December 1512), governing the appointment of the Bishop of Warmia, declaring, despite opposition from part of the chapter, for loyal cooperation with the Polish Crown.[45]

That same year (before 8 November 1512) Copernicus assumed responsibility, as magister pistoriae, for administering the chapter’s economic enterprises (he would hold this office again in 1530), having already since 1511 fulfilled the duties of chancellor and visitor of the chapter’s estates.[45]

His administrative and economic duties did not distract Copernicus, in 1512–15, from intensive observational activity. The results of his observations of Mars and Saturn in this period, and especially a series of four observations of the Sun made in 1515, led to the discovery of the variability of Earth’s eccentricity and of the movement of the solar apogee in relation to the fixed stars, which in 1515–19 prompted his first revisions of certain assumptions of his system. Some of the observations that he made in this period may have had a connection with a proposed reform of the Julian calendar made in the first half of 1513 at the request of the Bishop of Fossombrone, Paul of Middelburg. Their contacts in this matter in the period of the Fifth Lateran Council were later memorialized in a complimentary mention in Copernicus’s dedicatory epistle in Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium and in a treatise by Paul of Middelburg, Secundum compendium correctionis Calendarii (1516), which mentions Copernicus among the learned men who had sent the Council proposals for the calendar’s emendation.[46]

During 1516–21, Copernicus resided at Olsztyn (Allenstein) Castle as economic administrator of Warmia, including Olsztyn (Allenstein) and Pieniężno (Mehlsack). While there, he wrote a manuscript, Locationes mansorum desertorum (Locations of Deserted Fiefs), with a view to populating those fiefs with industrious farmers and so bolstering the economy of Warmia. When Olsztyn was besieged by the Teutonic Knights during the Polish–Teutonic War, Copernicus directed the defense of Olsztyn and Warmia by Royal Polish forces. He also represented the Polish side in the ensuing peace negotiations.[47]

Copernicus for years advised the Royal Prussian sejmik on monetary reform, particularly in the 1520s when that was a major question in regional Prussian politics.[49] In 1526 he wrote a study on the value of money, «Monetae cudendae ratio». In it he formulated an early iteration of the theory, now called Gresham’s law, that «bad» (debased) coinage drives «good» (un-debased) coinage out of circulation—several decades before Thomas Gresham. He also, in 1517, set down a quantity theory of money, a principal concept in economics to the present day. Copernicus’s recommendations on monetary reform were widely read by leaders of both Prussia and Poland in their attempts to stabilize currency.[50]

In 1533, Johann Widmanstetter, secretary to Pope Clement VII, explained Copernicus’s heliocentric system to the Pope and two cardinals. The Pope was so pleased that he gave Widmanstetter a valuable gift.[51] In 1535 Bernard Wapowski wrote a letter to a gentleman in Vienna, urging him to publish an enclosed almanac, which he claimed had been written by Copernicus. This is the only mention of a Copernicus almanac in the historical records. The «almanac» was likely Copernicus’s tables of planetary positions. Wapowski’s letter mentions Copernicus’s theory about the motions of the earth. Nothing came of Wapowski’s request, because he died a couple of weeks later.[51]

Following the death of Prince-Bishop of Warmia Mauritius Ferber (1 July 1537), Copernicus participated in the election of his successor, Johannes Dantiscus (20 September 1537). Copernicus was one of four candidates for the post, written in at the initiative of Tiedemann Giese; but his candidacy was actually pro forma, since Dantiscus had earlier been named coadjutor bishop to Ferber and since Dantiscus had the backing of Poland’s King Sigismund I.[52] At first Copernicus maintained friendly relations with the new Prince-Bishop, assisting him medically in spring 1538 and accompanying him that summer on an inspection tour of Chapter holdings. But that autumn, their friendship was strained by suspicions over Copernicus’s housekeeper, Anna Schilling, whom Dantiscus banished from Frombork in spring 1539.[52]

In his younger days, Copernicus the physician had treated his uncle, brother and other chapter members. In later years he was called upon to attend the elderly bishops who in turn occupied the see of Warmia—Mauritius Ferber and Johannes Dantiscus—and, in 1539, his old friend Tiedemann Giese, Bishop of Chełmno (Kulm). In treating such important patients, he sometimes sought consultations from other physicians, including the physician to Duke Albert and, by letter, the Polish Royal Physician.[53]

In the spring of 1541, Duke Albert—former Grand Master of the Teutonic Order who had converted the Monastic State of the Teutonic Knights into a Lutheran and hereditary realm, the Duchy of Prussia, upon doing homage to his uncle, the King of Poland, Sigismund I—summoned Copernicus to Königsberg to attend the Duke’s counselor, George von Kunheim, who had fallen seriously ill, and for whom the Prussian doctors seemed unable to do anything. Copernicus went willingly; he had met von Kunheim during negotiations over reform of the coinage. And Copernicus had come to feel that Albert himself was not such a bad person; the two had many intellectual interests in common. The Chapter readily gave Copernicus permission to go, as it wished to remain on good terms with the Duke, despite his Lutheran faith. In about a month the patient recovered, and Copernicus returned to Frombork. For a time, he continued to receive reports on von Kunheim’s condition, and to send him medical advice by letter.[54]

Some of Copernicus’s close friends turned Protestant, but Copernicus never showed a tendency in that direction. The first attacks on him came from Protestants. Wilhelm Gnapheus, a Dutch refugee settled in Elbląg, wrote a comedy in Latin, Morosophus (The Foolish Sage), and staged it at the Latin school that he had established there. In the play, Copernicus was caricatured as the eponymous Morosophus, a haughty, cold, aloof man who dabbled in astrology, considered himself inspired by God, and was rumored to have written a large work that was moldering in a chest.[26]

Elsewhere Protestants were the first to react to news of Copernicus’s theory. Melanchthon wrote:

Some people believe that it is excellent and correct to work out a thing as absurd as did that Sarmatian [i.e., Polish] astronomer who moves the earth and stops the sun. Indeed, wise rulers should have curbed such light-mindedness.[26]

Nevertheless, in 1551, eight years after Copernicus’s death, astronomer Erasmus Reinhold published, under the sponsorship of Copernicus’s former military adversary, the Protestant Duke Albert, the Prussian Tables, a set of astronomical tables based on Copernicus’s work. Astronomers and astrologers quickly adopted it in place of its predecessors.[55]


Some time before 1514 Copernicus made available to friends his «Commentariolus» («Little Commentary»), a manuscript describing his ideas about the heliocentric hypothesis.[o] It contained seven basic assumptions (detailed below).[56] Thereafter he continued gathering data for a more detailed work.

At about 1532 Copernicus had basically completed his work on the manuscript of Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium; but despite urging by his closest friends, he resisted openly publishing his views, not wishing—as he confessed—to risk the scorn «to which he would expose himself on account of the novelty and incomprehensibility of his theses.»[52]

In 1533, Johann Albrecht Widmannstetter delivered a series of lectures in Rome outlining Copernicus’s theory. Pope Clement VII and several Catholic cardinals heard the lectures and were interested in the theory. On 1 November 1536, Cardinal Nikolaus von Schönberg, Archbishop of Capua, wrote to Copernicus from Rome:

Some years ago word reached me concerning your proficiency, of which everybody constantly spoke. At that time I began to have a very high regard for you… For I had learned that you had not merely mastered the discoveries of the ancient astronomers uncommonly well but had also formulated a new cosmology. In it you maintain that the earth moves; that the sun occupies the lowest, and thus the central, place in the universe… Therefore with the utmost earnestness I entreat you, most learned sir, unless I inconvenience you, to communicate this discovery of yours to scholars, and at the earliest possible moment to send me your writings on the sphere of the universe together with the tables and whatever else you have that is relevant to this subject …[57]

By then Copernicus’s work was nearing its definitive form, and rumors about his theory had reached educated people all over Europe. Despite urgings from many quarters, Copernicus delayed publication of his book, perhaps from fear of criticism—a fear delicately expressed in the subsequent dedication of his masterpiece to Pope Paul III. Scholars disagree on whether Copernicus’s concern was limited to possible astronomical and philosophical objections, or whether he was also concerned about religious objections.[p]

De revolutionibus orbium coelestium

Copernicus was still working on De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (even if not certain that he wanted to publish it) when in 1539 Georg Joachim Rheticus, a Wittenberg mathematician, arrived in Frombork. Philipp Melanchthon, a close theological ally of Martin Luther, had arranged for Rheticus to visit several astronomers and study with them. Rheticus became Copernicus’s pupil, staying with him for two years and writing a book, Narratio prima (First Account), outlining the essence of Copernicus’s theory. In 1542 Rheticus published a treatise on trigonometry by Copernicus (later included as chapters 13 and 14 of Book I of De revolutionibus).[58]
Under strong pressure from Rheticus, and having seen the favorable first general reception of his work, Copernicus finally agreed to give De revolutionibus to his close friend, Tiedemann Giese, bishop of Chełmno (Kulm), to be delivered to Rheticus for printing by the German printer Johannes Petreius at Nuremberg (Nürnberg), Germany. While Rheticus initially supervised the printing, he had to leave Nuremberg before it was completed, and he handed over the task of supervising the rest of the printing to a Lutheran theologian, Andreas Osiander.[59]

Osiander added an unauthorised and unsigned preface, defending Copernicus’s work against those who might be offended by its novel hypotheses. He argued that «different hypotheses are sometimes offered for one and the same motion [and therefore] the astronomer will take as his first choice that hypothesis which is the easiest to grasp.» According to Osiander, «these hypotheses need not be true nor even probable. [I]f they provide a calculus consistent with the observations, that alone is enough.»[60]


Toward the close of 1542, Copernicus was seized with apoplexy and paralysis, and he died at age 70 on 24 May 1543. Legend has it that he was presented with the final printed pages of his Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium on the very day that he died, allowing him to take farewell of his life’s work.[q] He is reputed to have awoken from a stroke-induced coma, looked at his book, and then died peacefully.[r]

Copernicus was reportedly buried in Frombork Cathedral, where a 1580 epitaph stood until being defaced; it was replaced in 1735. For over two centuries, archaeologists searched the cathedral in vain for Copernicus’s remains. Efforts to locate them in 1802, 1909, 1939 had come to nought. In 2004 a team led by Jerzy Gąssowski, head of an archaeology and anthropology institute in Pułtusk, began a new search, guided by the research of historian Jerzy Sikorski.[61][62] In August 2005, after scanning beneath the cathedral floor, they discovered what they believed to be Copernicus’s remains.[63]

The discovery was announced only after further research, on 3 November 2008. Gąssowski said he was «almost 100 percent sure it is Copernicus».[64] Forensic expert Capt. Dariusz Zajdel of the Polish Police Central Forensic Laboratory used the skull to reconstruct a face that closely resembled the features—including a broken nose and a scar above the left eye—on a Copernicus self-portrait.[64] The expert also determined that the skull belonged to a man who had died around age 70—Copernicus’s age at the time of his death.[63]

The grave was in poor condition, and not all the remains of the skeleton were found; missing, among other things, was the lower jaw.[65] The DNA from the bones found in the grave matched hair samples taken from a book owned by Copernicus which was kept at the library of the University of Uppsala in Sweden.[62][66]

On 22 May 2010 Copernicus was given a second funeral in a Mass led by Józef Kowalczyk, the former papal nuncio to Poland and newly named Primate of Poland. Copernicus’s remains were reburied in the same spot in Frombork Cathedral where part of his skull and other bones had been found. A black granite tombstone now identifies him as the founder of the heliocentric theory and also a church canon. The tombstone bears a representation of Copernicus’s model of the Solar System—a golden Sun encircled by six of the planets.[67]

Copernican system


Philolaus (c. 470 – c. 385 BCE) described an astronomical system in which a Central Fire (different from the Sun) occupied the centre of the universe, and a counter-Earth, the Earth, Moon, the Sun itself, planets, and stars all revolved around it, in that order outward from the centre.[68] Heraclides Ponticus (387–312 BCE) proposed that the Earth rotates on its axis.[69]
Aristarchus of Samos (c. 310 BCE – c. 230 BCE) was the first to advance a theory that the earth orbited the sun.[70] Further mathematical details of Aristarchus’s heliocentric system were worked out around 150 BCE by the Hellenistic astronomer Seleucus of Seleucia. Though Aristarchus’s original text has been lost, a reference in Archimedes’ book The Sand Reckoner (Archimedis Syracusani Arenarius & Dimensio Circuli) describes a work by Aristarchus in which he advanced the heliocentric model. Thomas Heath gives the following English translation of Archimedes’s text:[71]

You are now aware [‘you’ being King Gelon] that the «universe» is the name given by most astronomers to the sphere the centre of which is the centre of the earth, while its radius is equal to the straight line between the centre of the sun and the centre of the earth. This is the common account (τά γραφόμενα) as you have heard from astronomers. But Aristarchus has brought out a book consisting of certain hypotheses, wherein it appears, as a consequence of the assumptions made, that the universe is many times greater than the «universe» just mentioned. His hypotheses are that the fixed stars and the sun remain unmoved, that the earth revolves about the sun on the circumference of a circle, the sun lying in the middle of the orbit, and that the sphere of the fixed stars, situated about the same centre as the sun, is so great that the circle in which he supposes the earth to revolve bears such a proportion to the distance of the fixed stars as the centre of the sphere bears to its surface.

In an early unpublished manuscript of De Revolutionibus (which still survives), Copernicus mentioned the (non-heliocentric) ‘moving Earth’ theory of Philolaus and the possibility that Aristarchus also had a ‘moving Earth’ theory (though it is unlikely that he was aware that it was a heliocentric theory). He removed both references from his final published manuscript.[c][e]

Copernicus was probably aware that Pythagoras’s system involved a moving Earth. The Pythagorean system was mentioned by Aristotle.[73]

Copernicus owned a copy of Giorgio Valla’s De expetendis et fugiendis rebus, which included a translation of Plutarch’s reference to Aristarchus’s heliostaticism.[74]

In Copernicus’s dedication of On the Revolutions to Pope Paul III—which Copernicus hoped would dampen criticism of his heliocentric theory by «babblers… completely ignorant of [astronomy]»—the book’s author wrote that, in rereading all of philosophy, in the pages of Cicero and Plutarch he had found references to those few thinkers who dared to move the Earth «against the traditional opinion of astronomers and almost against common sense.»

The prevailing theory during Copernicus’s lifetime was the one that Ptolemy published in his Almagest c. 150 CE; the Earth was the stationary center of the universe. Stars were embedded in a large outer sphere that rotated rapidly, approximately daily, while each of the planets, the Sun, and the Moon were embedded in their own, smaller spheres. Ptolemy’s system employed devices, including epicycles, deferents and equants, to account for observations that the paths of these bodies differed from simple, circular orbits centered on the Earth.[75]

Beginning in the 10th century, a tradition criticizing Ptolemy developed within Islamic astronomy, which climaxed with Ibn al-Haytham of Basra’s Al-Shukūk ‘alā Baṭalamiyūs («Doubts Concerning Ptolemy»).[76] Several Islamic astronomers questioned the Earth’s apparent immobility,[77][78] and centrality within the universe.[79] Some accepted that the earth rotates around its axis, such as Abu Sa’id al-Sijzi (d. c. 1020).[80][81] According to al-Biruni, al-Sijzi invented an astrolabe based on a belief held by some of his contemporaries «that the motion we see is due to the Earth’s movement and not to that of the sky.»[81][82] That others besides al-Sijzi held this view is further confirmed by a reference from an Arabic work in the 13th century which states:

According to the geometers [or engineers] (muhandisīn), the earth is in constant circular motion, and what appears to be the motion of the heavens is actually due to the motion of the earth and not the stars.[81]

In the 12th century, Nur ad-Din al-Bitruji proposed a complete alternative to the Ptolemaic system (although not heliocentric).[83][84] He declared the Ptolemaic system as an imaginary model, successful at predicting planetary positions, but not real or physical.[83][84] Al-Bitruji’s alternative system spread through most of Europe during the 13th century, with debates and refutations of his ideas continued up to the 16th century.[84]

Mathematical techniques developed in the 13th to 14th centuries by Mo’ayyeduddin al-Urdi, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi, and Ibn al-Shatir for geocentric models of planetary motions closely resemble some of those used later by Copernicus in his heliocentric models.[85] Copernicus used what is now known as the Urdi lemma and the Tusi couple in the same planetary models as found in Arabic sources.[86] Furthermore, the exact replacement of the equant by two epicycles used by Copernicus in the Commentariolus was found in an earlier work by Ibn al-Shatir (d. c. 1375) of Damascus.[87] Ibn al-Shatir’s lunar and Mercury models are also identical to those of Copernicus.[88] This has led some scholars to argue that Copernicus must have had access to some yet to be identified work on the ideas of those earlier astronomers.[89] However, no likely candidate for this conjectured work has yet come to light, and other scholars have argued that Copernicus could well have developed these ideas independently of the late Islamic tradition.[90] Nevertheless, Copernicus cited some of the Islamic astronomers whose theories and observations he used in De Revolutionibus, namely al-Battani, Thabit ibn Qurra, al-Zarqali, Averroes, and al-Bitruji.[91]


As it appears in the surviving autograph manuscript

As it appears in the first printed edition

Copernicus’s major work on his heliocentric theory was Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), published in the year of his death, 1543. He had formulated his theory by 1510. «He wrote out a short overview of his new heavenly arrangement [known as the Commentariolus, or Brief Sketch], also probably in 1510 [but no later than May 1514], and sent it off to at least one correspondent beyond Varmia [the Latin for «Warmia»]. That person in turn copied the document for further circulation, and presumably the new recipients did, too…»[93]

Copernicus’s Commentariolus summarized his heliocentric theory. It listed the «assumptions» upon which the theory was based, as follows:[94]

  1. There is no one center of all the celestial circles[95] or spheres.[96]
  2. The center of the earth is not the center of the universe, but only the center towards which heavy bodies move and the center of the lunar sphere.
  3. All the spheres surround the sun as if it were in the middle of them all, and therefore the center of the universe is near the sun.
  4. The ratio of the earth’s distance from the sun to the height of the firmament (outermost celestial sphere containing the stars) is so much smaller than the ratio of the earth’s radius to its distance from the sun that the distance from the earth to the sun is imperceptible in comparison with the height of the firmament.
  5. Whatever motion appears in the firmament arises not from any motion of the firmament, but from the earth’s motion. The earth together with its circumjacent elements performs a complete rotation on its fixed poles in a daily motion, while the firmament and highest heaven abide unchanged.
  6. What appear to us as motions of the sun arise not from its motion but from the motion of the earth and our sphere, with which we revolve about the sun like any other planet. The earth has, then, more than one motion.
  7. The apparent retrograde and direct motion of the planets arises not from their motion but from the earth’s. The motion of the earth alone, therefore, suffices to explain so many apparent inequalities in the heavens.

De revolutionibus itself was divided into six sections or parts, called «books»:[97]

  1. General vision of the heliocentric theory, and a summarized exposition of his idea of the World
  2. Mainly theoretical, presents the principles of spherical astronomy and a list of stars (as a basis for the arguments developed in the subsequent books)
  3. Mainly dedicated to the apparent motions of the Sun and to related phenomena
  4. Description of the Moon and its orbital motions
  5. Exposition of the motions in longitude of the non-terrestrial planets
  6. Exposition of the motions in latitude of the non-terrestrial planets


Casket with Copernicus’s remains on exhibition in Olsztyn

Georg Joachim Rheticus could have been Copernicus’s successor, but did not rise to the occasion.[51] Erasmus Reinhold could have been his successor, but died prematurely.[51] The first of the great successors was Tycho Brahe[51] (though he did not think the Earth orbited the Sun), followed by Johannes Kepler,[51] who had collaborated with Tycho in Prague and benefited from Tycho’s decades’ worth of detailed observational data.[98]

Despite the near universal acceptance later of the heliocentric idea (though not the epicycles or the circular orbits), Copernicus’s theory was originally slow to catch on. Scholars hold that sixty years after the publication of The Revolutions there were only around 15 astronomers espousing Copernicanism in all of Europe: «Thomas Digges and Thomas Harriot in England; Giordano Bruno and Galileo Galilei in Italy; Diego Zuniga in Spain; Simon Stevin in the Low Countries; and in Germany, the largest group—Georg Joachim Rheticus, Michael Maestlin, Christoph Rothmann (who may have later recanted),[99] and Johannes Kepler.»[99] Additional possibilities are Englishman William Gilbert, along with Achilles Gasser, Georg Vogelin, Valentin Otto, and Tiedemann Giese.[99]

Arthur Koestler, in his popular book The Sleepwalkers, asserted that Copernicus’s book had not been widely read on its first publication.[100] This claim was trenchantly criticised by Edward Rosen,[s] and has been decisively disproved by Owen Gingerich, who examined nearly every surviving copy of the first two editions and found copious marginal notes by their owners throughout many of them. Gingerich published his conclusions in 2004 in The Book Nobody Read.[101]

The intellectual climate of the time «remained dominated by Aristotelian philosophy and the corresponding Ptolemaic astronomy. At that time there was no reason to accept the Copernican theory, except for its mathematical simplicity [by avoiding using the equant in determining planetary positions].»[102] Tycho Brahe’s system («that the earth is stationary, the sun revolves about the earth, and the other planets revolve about the sun»)[102] also directly competed with Copernicus’s. It was only a half-century later with the work of Kepler and Galileo that any substantial evidence defending Copernicanism appeared, starting «from the time when Galileo formulated the principle of inertia…[which] helped to explain why everything would not fall off the earth if it were in motion.»[102] «[Not until] after Isaac Newton formulated the universal law of gravitation and the laws of mechanics [in his 1687 Principia], which unified terrestrial and celestial mechanics, was the heliocentric view generally accepted.»[102]


The immediate result of the 1543 publication of Copernicus’s book was only mild controversy. At the Council of Trent (1545–63) neither Copernicus’s theory nor calendar reform (which would later use tables deduced from Copernicus’s calculations) were discussed.[103] It has been much debated why it was not until six decades after the publication of De revolutionibus that the Catholic Church took any official action against it, even the efforts of Tolosani going unheeded. Catholic side opposition only commenced seventy-three years later, when it was occasioned by Galileo.[104]


The first notable to move against Copernicanism was the Magister of the Holy Palace (i.e., the Catholic Church’s chief censor), Dominican Bartolomeo Spina, who «expressed a desire to stamp out the Copernican doctrine».[105] But with Spina’s death in 1546, his cause fell to his friend, the well-known theologian-astronomer, the Dominican Giovanni Maria Tolosani of the Convent of St. Mark in Florence. Tolosani had written a treatise on reforming the calendar (in which astronomy would play a large role) and had attended the Fifth Lateran Council (1512–1517) to discuss the matter. He had obtained a copy of De Revolutionibus in 1544. His denunciation of Copernicanism was written a year later, in 1545, in an appendix to his unpublished work, On the Truth of Sacred Scripture.[106]

Emulating the rationalistic style of Thomas Aquinas, Tolosani sought to refute Copernicanism by philosophical argument. Copernicanism was absurd, according to Tolosani, because it was scientifically unproven and unfounded. First, Copernicus had assumed the motion of the Earth but offered no physical theory whereby one would deduce this motion. (No one realized that the investigation into Copernicanism would result in a rethinking of the entire field of physics.) Second, Tolosani charged that Copernicus’s thought process was backwards. He held that Copernicus had come up with his idea and then sought phenomena that would support it, rather than observing phenomena and deducing from them the idea of what caused them. In this, Tolosani was linking Copernicus’s mathematical equations with the practices of the Pythagoreans (whom Aristotle had made arguments against, which were later picked up by Thomas Aquinas). It was argued that mathematical numbers were a mere product of the intellect without any physical reality, and as such could not provide physical causes in the investigation of nature.[107]

Some astronomical hypotheses at the time (such as epicycles and eccentrics) were seen as mere mathematical devices to adjust calculations of where the heavenly bodies would appear, rather than an explanation of the cause of those motions. (As Copernicus still maintained the idea of perfectly spherical orbits, he relied on epicycles.) This «saving the phenomena» was seen as proof that astronomy and mathematics could not be taken as serious means to determine physical causes. Tolosani invoked this view in his final critique of Copernicus, saying that his biggest error was that he had started with «inferior» fields of science to make pronouncements about «superior» fields. Copernicus had used mathematics and astronomy to postulate about physics and cosmology, rather than beginning with the accepted principles of physics and cosmology to determine things about astronomy and mathematics. Thus Copernicus seemed to be undermining the whole system of the philosophy of science at the time. Tolosani held that Copernicus had fallen into philosophical error because he had not been versed in physics and logic; anyone without such knowledge would make a poor astronomer and be unable to distinguish truth from falsehood. Because Copernicanism had not met the criteria for scientific truth set out by Thomas Aquinas, Tolosani held that it could only be viewed as a wild unproven theory.[108][109]

Tolosani recognized that the Ad Lectorem preface to Copernicus’s book was not actually by him. Its thesis that astronomy as a whole would never be able to make truth claims was rejected by Tolosani (though he still held that Copernicus’s attempt to describe physical reality had been faulty); he found it ridiculous that Ad Lectorem had been included in the book (unaware that Copernicus had not authorized its inclusion). Tolosani wrote: «By means of these words [of the Ad Lectorem], the foolishness of this book’s author is rebuked. For by a foolish effort he [Copernicus] tried to revive the weak Pythagorean opinion [that the element of fire was at the center of the Universe], long ago deservedly destroyed, since it is expressly contrary to human reason and also opposes holy writ. From this situation, there could easily arise disagreements between Catholic expositors of holy scripture and those who might wish to adhere obstinately to this false opinion.»[110] Tolosani declared: «Nicolaus Copernicus neither read nor understood the arguments of Aristotle the philosopher and Ptolemy the astronomer.»[106] Tolosani wrote that Copernicus «is expert indeed in the sciences of mathematics and astronomy, but he is very deficient in the sciences of physics and logic. Moreover, it appears that he is unskilled with regard to [the interpretation of] holy scripture, since he contradicts several of its principles, not without danger of infidelity to himself and the readers of his book. …his arguments have no force and can very easily be taken apart. For it is stupid to contradict an opinion accepted by everyone over a very long time for the strongest reasons, unless the impugner uses more powerful and insoluble demonstrations and completely dissolves the opposed reasons. But he does not do this in the least.»[110]

Tolosani declared that he had written against Copernicus «for the purpose of preserving the truth to the common advantage of the Holy Church.»[111] Despite this, his work remained unpublished and there is no evidence that it received serious consideration. Robert Westman describes it as becoming a «dormant» viewpoint with «no audience in the Catholic world» of the late sixteenth century, but also notes that there is some evidence that it did become known to Tommaso Caccini, who would criticize Galileo in a sermon in December 1613.[111]


Photograph of a mid-16th-century portrait[t]

Tolosani may have criticized the Copernican theory as scientifically unproven and unfounded, but the theory also conflicted with the theology of the time, as can be seen in a sample of the works of John Calvin. In his Commentary on Genesis he said that «We indeed are not ignorant that the circuit of the heavens is finite, and that the earth, like a little globe, is placed in the centre.»[112] In his commentary on Psalms 93:1 he states that «The heavens revolve daily, and, immense as is their fabric and inconceivable the rapidity of their revolutions, we experience no concussion…. How could the earth hang suspended in the air were it not upheld by God’s hand? By what means could it maintain itself unmoved, while the heavens above are in constant rapid motion, did not its Divine Maker fix and establish it.»[113] One sharp point of conflict between Copernicus’s theory and the Bible concerned the story of the Battle of Gibeon in the Book of Joshua where the Hebrew forces were winning but whose opponents were likely to escape once night fell. This is averted by Joshua’s prayers causing the Sun and the Moon to stand still. Martin Luther once made a remark about Copernicus, although without mentioning his name. According to Anthony Lauterbach, while eating with Martin Luther the topic of Copernicus arose during dinner on 4 June 1539 (in the same year as professor George Joachim Rheticus of the local University had been granted leave to visit him). Luther is said to have remarked «So it goes now. Whoever wants to be clever must agree with nothing others esteem. He must do something of his own. This is what that fellow does who wishes to turn the whole of astronomy upside down. Even in these things that are thrown into disorder I believe the Holy Scriptures, for Joshua commanded the sun to stand still and not the earth.»[102] These remarks were made four years before the publication of On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres and a year before Rheticus’s Narratio Prima. In John Aurifaber’s account of the conversation Luther calls Copernicus «that fool» rather than «that fellow», this version is viewed by historians as less reliably sourced.[102]

Luther’s collaborator Philipp Melanchthon also took issue with Copernicanism. After receiving the first pages of Narratio Prima from Rheticus himself, Melanchthon wrote to Mithobius (physician and mathematician Burkard Mithob of Feldkirch) on 16 October 1541 condemning the theory and calling for it to be repressed by governmental force, writing «certain people believe it is a marvelous achievement to extol so crazy a thing, like that Polish astronomer who makes the earth move and the sun stand still. Really, wise governments ought to repress impudence of mind.»[114] It had appeared to Rheticus that Melanchton would understand the theory and would be open to it. This was because Melanchton had taught Ptolemaic astronomy and had even recommended his friend Rheticus to an appointment to the Deanship of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences at the University of Wittenberg after he had returned from studying with Copernicus.[115]

Rheticus’s hopes were dashed when six years after the publication of De Revolutionibus Melanchthon published his Initia Doctrinae Physicae presenting three grounds to reject Copernicanism. These were «the evidence of the senses, the thousand-year consensus of men of science, and the authority of the Bible».[116] Blasting the new theory Melanchthon wrote, «Out of love for novelty or in order to make a show of their cleverness, some people have argued that the earth moves. They maintain that neither the eighth sphere nor the sun moves, whereas they attribute motion to the other celestial spheres, and also place the earth among the heavenly bodies. Nor were these jokes invented recently. There is still extant Archimedes’s book on The Sand Reckoner; in which he reports that Aristarchus of Samos propounded the paradox that the sun stands still and the earth revolves around the sun. Even though subtle experts institute many investigations for the sake of exercising their ingenuity, nevertheless public proclamation of absurd opinions is indecent and sets a harmful example.»[114] Melanchthon went on to cite Bible passages and then declare «Encouraged by this divine evidence, let us cherish the truth and let us not permit ourselves to be alienated from it by the tricks of those who deem it an intellectual honor to introduce confusion into the arts.»[114] In the first edition of Initia Doctrinae Physicae, Melanchthon even questioned Copernicus’s character claiming his motivation was «either from love of novelty or from desire to appear clever», these more personal attacks were largely removed by the second edition in 1550.[116]

Copernicus’s 2010 gravestone in Frombork Cathedral

Another Protestant theologian who disparaged heliocentrism on scriptural grounds was John Owen. In a passing remark in an essay on the origin of the sabbath, he characterised «the late hypothesis, fixing the sun as in the centre of the world» as being «built on fallible phenomena, and advanced by many arbitrary presumptions against evident testimonies of Scripture.»[117]

In Roman Catholic circles, Copernicus’s book was incorporated into scholarly curricula throughout the 16th century. For example, at the University of Salamanca in 1561 it became one of four text books that students of astronomy could choose from, and in 1594 it was made mandatory.[118] German Jesuit Nicolaus Serarius was one of the first Catholics to write against Copernicus’s theory as heretical, citing the Joshua passage, in a work published in 1609–1610, and again in a book in 1612.[119] In his 12 April 1615 letter to a Catholic defender of Copernicus, Paolo Antonio Foscarini, Catholic Cardinal Robert Bellarmine condemned Copernican theory, writing «…not only the Holy Fathers, but also the modern commentaries on Genesis, the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, and Joshua, you will find all agreeing in the literal interpretation that the sun is in heaven and turns around the earth with great speed, and that the earth is very far from heaven and sits motionless at the center of the world…Nor can one answer that this is not a matter of faith, since if it is not a matter of faith ‘as regards the topic,’ it is a matter of faith ‘as regards the speaker’: and so it would be heretical to say that Abraham did not have two children and Jacob twelve, as well as to say that Christ was not born of a virgin, because both are said by the Holy Spirit through the mouth of prophets and apostles.»[120] One year later, the Roman Inquisition prohibited Copernicus’s work. Nevertheless, the Spanish Inquisition never banned the De revolutionibus, which continued to be taught at Salamanca.[118]


Perhaps the most influential opponent of the Copernican theory was Francesco Ingoli, a Catholic priest. Ingoli wrote a January 1616 essay to Galileo presenting more than twenty arguments against the Copernican theory.[121] Though «it is not certain, it is probable that he [Ingoli] was commissioned by the Inquisition to write an expert opinion on the controversy»,[122] (after the Congregation of the Index’s decree against Copernicanism on 5 March 1616, Ingoli was officially appointed its consultant).[122] Galileo himself was of the opinion that the essay played an important role in the rejection of the theory by church authorities, writing in a later letter to Ingoli that he was concerned that people thought the theory was rejected because Ingoli was right.[121] Ingoli presented five physical arguments against the theory, thirteen mathematical arguments (plus a separate discussion of the sizes of stars), and four theological arguments. The physical and mathematical arguments were of uneven quality, but many of them came directly from the writings of Tycho Brahe, and Ingoli repeatedly cited Brahe, the leading astronomer of the era. These included arguments about the effect of a moving Earth on the trajectory of projectiles, and about parallax and Brahe’s argument that the Copernican theory required that stars be absurdly large.[123]

Two of Ingoli’s theological issues with the Copernican theory were «common Catholic beliefs not directly traceable to Scripture: the doctrine that hell is located at the center of Earth and is most distant from heaven; and the explicit assertion that Earth is motionless in a hymn sung on Tuesdays as part of the Liturgy of the Hours of the Divine Office prayers regularly recited by priests.»[124] Ingoli cited Robert Bellarmine in regards to both of these arguments, and may have been trying to convey to Galileo a sense of Bellarmine’s opinion.[125] Ingoli also cited Genesis 1:14 where God places «lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night.» Ingoli did not think the central location of the Sun in the Copernican theory was compatible with it being described as one of the lights placed in the firmament.[124] Like previous commentators Ingoli also pointed to the passages about the Battle of Gibeon. He dismissed arguments that they should be taken metaphorically, saying «Replies which assert that Scripture speaks according to our mode of understanding are not satisfactory: both because in explaining the Sacred Writings the rule is always to preserve the literal sense, when it is possible, as it is in this case; and also because all the [Church] Fathers unanimously take this passage to mean that the Sun which was truly moving stopped at Joshua’s request. An interpretation that is contrary to the unanimous consent of the Fathers is condemned by the Council of Trent, Session IV, in the decree on the edition and use of the Sacred Books. Furthermore, although the Council speaks about matters of faith and morals, nevertheless it cannot be denied that the Holy Fathers would be displeased with an interpretation of Sacred Scriptures which is contrary to their common agreement.»[124] However, Ingoli closed the essay by suggesting Galileo respond primarily to the better of his physical and mathematical arguments rather than to his theological arguments, writing «Let it be your choice to respond to this either entirely of in part—clearly at least to the mathematical and physical arguments, and not to all even of these, but to the more weighty ones.»[126] When Galileo wrote a letter in reply to Ingoli years later, he in fact only addressed the mathematical and physical arguments.[126]

In March 1616, in connection with the Galileo affair, the Roman Catholic Church’s Congregation of the Index issued a decree suspending De revolutionibus until it could be «corrected,» on the grounds of ensuring that Copernicanism, which it described as a «false Pythagorean doctrine, altogether contrary to the Holy Scripture,» would not «creep any further to the prejudice of Catholic truth.»[127] The corrections consisted largely of removing or altering wording that spoke of heliocentrism as a fact, rather than a hypothesis.[128] The corrections were made based largely on work by Ingoli.[122]


On the orders of Pope Paul V, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine gave Galileo prior notice that the decree was about to be issued, and warned him that he could not «hold or defend» the Copernican doctrine.[u] The corrections to De revolutionibus, which omitted or altered nine sentences, were issued four years later, in 1620.[129]

In 1633, Galileo Galilei was convicted of grave suspicion of heresy for «following the position of Copernicus, which is contrary to the true sense and authority of Holy Scripture»,[130] and was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.[131][132]

At the instance of Roger Boscovich, the Catholic Church’s 1758 Index of Prohibited Books omitted the general prohibition of works defending heliocentrism,[133] but retained the specific prohibitions of the original uncensored versions of De revolutionibus and Galileo’s Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Those prohibitions were finally dropped from the 1835 Index.[134]

Languages, name and nationality


Copernicus is postulated to have spoken Latin, German, and Polish with equal fluency; he also spoke Greek and Italian, and had some knowledge of Hebrew.[v][w][x][y] The vast majority of Copernicus’s extant writings are in Latin, the language of European academia in his lifetime.

Arguments for German being Copernicus’s native tongue are that he was born into a predominantly German-speaking urban patrician class using German, next to Latin, as language of trade and commerce in written documents,[142] and that, while studying canon law at the University of Bologna in 1496, he signed into the German natio (Natio Germanorum)—a student organization which, according to its 1497 by-laws, was open to students of all kingdoms and states whose mother-tongue was German.[143] However, according to French philosopher Alexandre Koyré, Copernicus’s registration with the Natio Germanorum does not in itself imply that Copernicus considered himself German, since students from Prussia and Silesia were routinely so categorized, which carried certain privileges that made it a natural choice for German-speaking students, regardless of their ethnicity or self-identification.[143][z][aa][146]


The surname Kopernik, Copernik, Koppernigk, in various spellings, is recorded in Kraków from c. 1350, apparently given to people from the village of Koperniki (prior to 1845 rendered Kopernik, Copernik, Copirnik, and Koppirnik) in the Duchy of Nysa, 10 km south of Nysa, and now 10 km north of the Polish-Czech border. Nicolaus Copernicus’s great-grandfather is recorded as having received citizenship in Kraków in 1386. The toponym Kopernik (modern Koperniki) has been variously tied to the Polish word for «dill» (koper) and the German word for «copper» (Kupfer).[ab] The suffix -nik (or plural, -niki) denotes a Slavic and Polish agent noun.

As was common in the period, the spellings of both the toponym and the surname vary greatly. Copernicus «was rather indifferent about orthography».[147] During his childhood, about 1480, the name of his father (and thus of the future astronomer) was recorded in Thorn as Niclas Koppernigk.[148]
At Kraków he signed himself, in Latin, Nicolaus Nicolai de Torunia (Nicolaus, son of Nicolaus, of Toruń).[ac] At Bologna, in 1496, he registered in the Matricula Nobilissimi Germanorum Collegii, resp. Annales Clarissimae Nacionis Germanorum, of the Natio Germanica Bononiae, as Dominus Nicolaus Kopperlingk de Thorn – IX grosseti.[150][151] At Padua he signed himself «Nicolaus Copernik», later «Coppernicus».[147] The astronomer thus Latinized his name to Coppernicus, generally with two «p»s (in 23 of 31 documents studied),[152] but later in life he used a single «p». On the title page of De revolutionibus, Rheticus published the name (in the genitive, or possessive, case) as «Nicolai Copernici«.


There has been discussion of Copernicus’s nationality and of whether it is meaningful to ascribe to him a nationality in the modern sense.

Nicolaus Copernicus was born and raised in Royal Prussia, a semiautonomous and multilingual region of the Kingdom of Poland.[153][154] He was the child of German-speaking parents and grew up with German as his mother tongue.[155][156][157] His first alma mater was the University of Kraków in Poland. When he later studied in Italy, at the University of Bologna, he joined the German Nation, a student organization for German-speakers of all allegiances (Germany would not become a nation-state until 1871).[158][159] His family stood against the Teutonic Order and actively supported the city of Toruń during the Thirteen Years’ War. Copernicus’s father lent money to Poland’s King Casimir IV Jagiellon to finance the war against the Teutonic Knights,[160] but the inhabitants of Royal Prussia also resisted the Polish crown’s efforts for greater control over the region.[153]

Encyclopedia Americana,[161] The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia,[162] The Oxford World Encyclopedia,[163] and World Book Encyclopedia[164] refer to Copernicus as a «Polish astronomer». Sheila Rabin, writing in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, describes Copernicus as a «child of a German family [who] was a subject of the Polish crown»,[10] while Manfred Weissenbacher writes that Copernicus’s father was a Germanized Pole.[165]

No Polish texts by Copernicus survive due to the rarity of Polish language in literature before the writings of the Polish Renaissance poets Mikołaj Rej and Jan Kochanowski (educated Poles had generally written in Latin); but it is known that Copernicus knew Polish on a par with German and Latin.[166]

Historian Michael Burleigh describes the nationality debate as a «totally insignificant battle» between German and Polish scholars during the interwar period.[167] Polish astronomer Konrad Rudnicki calls the discussion a «fierce scholarly quarrel in … times of nationalism» and describes Copernicus as an inhabitant of a German-speaking territory that belonged to Poland, himself being of mixed Polish-German extraction.[168]

Czesław Miłosz describes the debate as an «absurd» projection of a modern understanding of nationality onto Renaissance people, who identified with their home territories rather than with a nation.[169] Similarly, historian Norman Davies writes that Copernicus, as was common in his era, was «largely indifferent» to nationality, being a local patriot who considered himself «Prussian».[170] Miłosz and Davies both write that Copernicus had a German-language cultural background, while his working language was Latin in accord with the usage of the time.[169][170] Additionally, according to Davies, «there is ample evidence that he knew the Polish language».[170] Davies concludes that, «Taking everything into consideration, there is good reason to regard him both as a German and as a Pole: and yet, in the sense that modern nationalists understand it, he was neither.»[170]


Orbiting Astronomical Observatory 3

The third in NASA’s Orbiting Astronomical Observatory series of missions, launched on 21 August 1972, was named Copernicus after its successful launch. The satellite carried an X-ray detector and an ultraviolet telescope, and operated until February 1981.


Statue of Copernicus outside of Frombork Cathedral

Copernicia, a genus of palm trees native to South America and the Greater Antilles, was named after Copernicus in 1837. In some of the species, the leaves are coated with a thin layer of wax, known as carnauba wax.


On 14 July 2009, the discoverers, from the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany, of chemical element 112 (temporarily named ununbium) proposed to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) that its permanent name be «copernicium» (symbol Cn). «After we had named elements after our city and our state, we wanted to make a statement with a name that was known to everyone,» said Hofmann. «We didn’t want to select someone who was a German. We were looking world-wide.»[171] On the 537th anniversary of his birthday the name became official.[172]

55 Cancri A

In July 2014 the International Astronomical Union launched NameExoWorlds, a process for giving proper names to certain exoplanets and their host stars.[173] The process involved public nomination and voting for the new names.[174] In December 2015, the IAU announced the winning name for 55 Cancri A was Copernicus.[175]


Copernicus is commemorated by the Nicolaus Copernicus Monument in Warsaw, designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen (1822), completed in 1830; and by Jan Matejko’s 1873 painting, Astronomer Copernicus, or Conversations with God.

Named for Copernicus are Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń; Warsaw’s Copernicus Science Centre; Copernicus Hospital, in Poland’s third largest city, Łódź; and Wrocław International Airport (Copernicus Airport Wrocław).

A Copernicus Award has been established jointly by the Foundation for Polish Science and the German Research Foundation, to promote Polish-German scientific cooperation.


Contemporary literary and artistic works inspired by Copernicus include:

  • Mover of the Earth, Stopper of the Sun, overture for symphony orchestra, by composer Svitlana Azarova, commissioned by ONDIF.[176][177]
  • Doctor Copernicus, 1975 novel by John Banville, sketching the life of Copernicus and the 16th-century world in which he lived.

See also

  • Copernican principle
  • Copernicus Science Centre
  • History of philosophy in Poland
  • List of multiple discoveries
  • List of Roman Catholic scientist-clerics


  1. ^ The oldest known portrait of Copernicus is that on the Strasbourg astronomical clock, made by Tobias Stimmer c. 1571–74. According to the inscription next to that portrait, it was made from a self-portrait by Copernicus himself. This has led to speculation that the Toruń portrait, whose provenance is unknown, may be a copy based on the same self-portrait.[1]
  2. ^ Modern pronunciation of the Polish form of the name: [miˈkɔwaj kɔˈpɛrɲik] (listen).
  3. ^ a b The Greek mathematician and astronomer Aristarchus of Samos proposed such a system during the third century BCE (Dreyer 1953, pp. 135–48).In an early unpublished manuscript of De Revolutionibus (which still survives today in the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków), Copernicus wrote that «It is credible that … Philolaus believed in the mobility of the Earth and some even say that Aristarchus was of that opinion», a passage that was removed from the published edition, a decision described by Owen Gingerich as «eminently sensible» «from an editorial viewpoint».[6] Philolaus was not a heliocentrist as he thought that both the Earth and the Sun moved around a central fire. Gingerich says that there is no evidence that Copernicus was aware of the few clear references to Aristarchus’s heliocentrism in ancient texts (as distinct from one other unclear and confusing one), especially Archimedes’s The Sand-Reckoner (which was not in print until the year after Copernicus died), and that it would have been in his interest to mention them had he known of them, before concluding that he developed his idea and its justification independently of Aristarchus.[6]
  4. ^ Dava Sobel (2011) writes: «Copernicus had no idea that Aristarchus of Samos had proposed much the same thing [as Copernicus was contemplating by 1510, when he wrote his Brief Sketch, otherwise also known as the Commentariolus] in the third century B.C. The only work by Aristarchus known to Copernicus—a treatise called On the Sizes and Distances of the Sun and Moon—made no mention of a heliocentric plan.» Sobel (2011) pp. 18–19. Sobel further writes that in Copernicus’s dedication of On the Revolutions to Pope Paul III—which Copernicus hoped would dampen criticism of his heliocentric theory by «babblers… completely ignorant of [astronomy]»—the book’s author wrote that, in rereading all of philosophy, in the pages of Cicero and Plutarch he had found references to those few thinkers who dared to move the Earth «against the traditional opinion of astronomers and almost against common sense.» Sobel comments: «He still knew nothing of the Earth-moving plan of Aristarchus, which had not yet been reported to Latin audiences» (pp. 179–82).
  5. ^ a b George Kish (1978) argues that Copernicus knew about Aristarchus’s heliocentric theory, saying: «Copernicus himself admitted that the theory was attributed to Aristarchus, though this does not seem to be generally known. … it is a curious fact that Copernicus did mention the theory of Aristarchus in a passage which he later suppressed.»[72]
  6. ^ «Copernicus seems to have drawn up some notes [on the displacement of good coin from circulation by debased coin] while he was at Olsztyn in 1519. He made them the basis of a report on the matter, written in German, which he presented to the Prussian Diet held in 1522 at Grudziądz… He later drew up a revised and enlarged version of his little treatise, this time in Latin, and setting forth a general theory of money, for presentation to the Diet of 1528.»[8]
  7. ^ «The name of the village, not unlike that of the astronomer’s family, has been variously spelled. A large German atlas of Silesia, published by Wieland in Nuremberg in 1731, spells it Kopernik.»[13]
  8. ^ «In 1512, Bishop Watzenrode died suddenly after attending King Sigismund’s wedding feast in Kraków. Rumors abounded that the bishop had been poisoned by agents of his long-time foe, the Teutonic Knights.»[20]
  9. ^ «[Watzenrode] was also firm, and the Teutonic Knights, who remained a constant menace, did not like him at all; the Grand Master of the order once described him as ‘the devil incarnate’. [Watzenrode] was the trusted friend and advisor of three [Polish] kings in succession: John Albert, Alexander (not to be confused with the poisoning pope), and Sigismund; and his influence greatly strengthened the ties between Warmia and Poland proper.»[21]
  10. ^ «To obtain for his nephews [Nicolaus and Andreas] the necessary support [for their studies in Italy], the bishop [Lucas Watzenrode the Younger] procured their election as canons by the chapter of Frauenburg (1497–1498).»[25]
  11. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969) describe Copernicus having attended school at Włocławek as unlikely.[11]
  12. ^ Translated to English, it reads: «Here, where stood the house of Domenico Maria Novara, professor of the ancient Studium of Bologna, NICOLAUS COPERNICUS, the Polish mathematician and astronomer who would revolutionize concepts of the universe, conducted brilliant celestial observations with his teacher in 1497–1500. Placed on the 5th centenary of [Copernicus’s] birth by the City, the University, the Academy of Sciences of the Institute of Bologna, the Polish Academy of Sciences. 1473 [–] 1973.»
  13. ^ Copernicus’s brother Andreas would, before the end of 1512, develop leprosy and be forced to leave Warmia for Italy. In November 1518 Copernicus would learn that his brother had died.[36]
  14. ^ This was based on sketch by Tobias Stimmer (c. 1570), and allegedly based on a self-portrait by Copernicus. It inspired most later Copernicus depictions.[48]
  15. ^ A reference to the «Commentariolus» is contained in a library catalogue, dated 1 May 1514, of a 16th-century historian, Matthew of Miechów, so it must have begun circulating before that date (Koyré, 1973, p. 85; Gingerich, 2004, p. 32). Thoren (1990 p. 99) gives the length of the manuscript as 40 pages.
  16. ^ Koyré (1973, pp. 27, 90) and Rosen (1995, pp. 64, 184) take the view that Copernicus was indeed concerned about possible objections from theologians, while Lindberg and Numbers (1986) argue against it. Koestler (1963) also denies it. Indirect evidence that Copernicus was concerned about objections from theologians comes from a letter written to him by Andreas Osiander in 1541, in which Osiander advises Copernicus to adopt a proposal by which he says «you will be able to appease the Peripatetics and theologians whose opposition you fear». (Koyré, 1973, pp. 35, 90)
  17. ^ According to Bell 1992, p. 111,
    «… Copernicus, on his deathbed, received the printer’s proofs of his epoch-breaking Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium
  18. ^ Koestler 1963, page 189, says the following about a letter from Canon Tiedemann Giese to Georg Joachim Rheticus: «[…] the end came only after several months, on 24 May. In a letter to Rheticus, written a few weeks later, Giese recorded the event in a single, tragic sentence: ‘For many days he had been deprived of his memory and mental vigour; he only saw his completed book at the last moment, on the day he died.'» Koestler attributes this quotation to Leopold Prowe, Nicolaus Copernicus, Berlin 1883–1884, volume 1, part 2, p. 554.
  19. ^ Rosen (1995, pp. 187–92), originally published in 1967 in Saggi su Galileo Galilei . Rosen is particularly scathing about this and other statements in The Sleepwalkers, which he criticizes as inaccurate.
  20. ^ The original painting was looted, and possibly destroyed, by the Germans in World War II during the occupation of Poland.
  21. ^ Fantoli (2005, pp. 118–19); Finocchiaro (1989, pp. 148, 153). On-line copies of Finocchiaro’s translations of the relevant documents, Inquisition Minutes of 25 February 1616 and Cardinal Bellarmine’s certificate of 26 May 1616, have been made available by Gagné (2005). This notice of the decree would not have prevented Galileo from discussing heliocentrism solely as a mathematical hypothesis, but a stronger formal injunction (Finocchiaro, 1989, pp. 147–48) not to teach it «in any way whatever, either orally or in writing», allegedly issued to him by the Commissary of the Holy Office, Father Michelangelo Segizzi, would certainly have done so (Fantoli, 2005, pp. 119–20, 137). There has been much controversy over whether the copy of this injunction in the Vatican archives is authentic; if so, whether it was ever issued; and if so, whether it was legally valid (Fantoli, 2005, pp. 120–43).
  22. ^ «He spoke German, Polish and Latin with equal fluency as well as Italian.»[135]
  23. ^ «He spoke Polish, Latin, and Greek.»[136]
  24. ^ «He was a linguist with a command of Polish, German and Latin, and he possessed also a knowledge of Greek rare at that period in northeastern Europe and probably had some acquaintance with Italian and Hebrew.»[137]
  25. ^ He used Latin and German, knew enough Greek to translate the 7th-century Byzantine poet Theophylact Simocatta’s verses into Latin prose,[44] and «there is ample evidence that he knew the Polish language.»[138] Edward Rosen mentions that Copernicus recorded Polish farm tenants’ names inconsistently, gainsaying that he was fluent in the Polish language.[139] (But decades after Copernicus, each of William Shakespeare’s extant autograph signatures showed a different spelling.[140]) During his several years’ studies in Italy, Copernicus presumably learned some Italian; Professor Stefan Melkowski of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń asserts that Copernicus also spoke both German and Polish.[141]
  26. ^ «Although great importance has frequently been ascribed to this fact, it does not imply that Copernicus considered himself to be a German. The ‘nationes’ of a medieval university had nothing in common with nations in the modern sense of the word. Students who were natives of Prussia and Silesia were automatically described as belonging to the Natio Germanorum. Furthmore, at Bologna, this was the ‘privileged’ nation; consequently, Copernicus had very good reason for inscribing himself on its register.»[144]
  27. ^ «It is important to recognize, however, that the medieval Latin concept of natio, or «nation», referred to the community of feudal lords both in Germany and elsewhere, not to ‘the people’ in the nineteenth-century democratic or nationalistic sense of the word.»[145]
  28. ^ These interpretations date to the dispute about Copernicus’s (Polish vs. German) ethnicity, which had been open since the 1870s, and the «copper» vs. «dill» interpretations go back to the 19th century (Magazin für die Literatur des Auslandes, 1875, 534 f), but the dispute became virulent again in the 1960s, culminating in a controversy between E. Mosko («copper») and S. Rospond («dill») in 1963–64, summarized by Zygmunt Brocki, «Wsrôd publikacji o etymologii nazwiska Mikotaja Kopernika [«Some Publications on the Etymology of the Surname of Nicholaus Copernicus»], Komunikaty mazur.-warm., 1970.
  29. ^ «In the [enrollment] documents still in existence we find the entry: Nicolaus Nicolai de Torunia.»[149]


  1. ^ André Goddu, Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition (2010), p. 436 (note 125), citing Goddu, review of Jerzy Gassowski, «Poszukiwanie grobu Mikołaja Kopernika« («Search for Grave of Nicolaus Copernicus»), in Journal for the History of Astronomy, 38.2 (May 2007), p. 255.
  2. ^ Jones, Daniel (2003) [1917], Roach, Peter; Hartmann, James; Setter, Jane (eds.), English Pronouncing Dictionary, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-3-12-539683-8
  3. ^ «Copernicus». Dictionary.com Unabridged (Online). n.d.
  4. ^ «Copernicus». Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  5. ^ Linton 2004, pp. 39, 119.
  6. ^ a b Owen Gingerich, «Did Copernicus Owe a Debt to Aristarchus?», Journal for the History of Astronomy, vol. 16, no. 1 (February 1985), pp. 37–42. «There is no question but that Aristarchus had the priority of the heliocentric idea. Yet there is no evidence that Copernicus owed him anything.(!9) As far as we can tell both the idea and its justification were found independently by Copernicus.»
  7. ^ Edward Rosen, «Copernicus, Nicolaus», Encyclopedia Americana, International Edition, volume 7, Danbury, Connecticut, Grolier Incorporated, 1986, ISBN 0-7172-0117-1, pp. 755–56.
  8. ^ Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, 1951, p. 91.
  9. ^ Iłowiecki, Maciej (1981). Dzieje nauki polskiej (in Polish). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Interpress. p. 40. ISBN 978-83-223-1876-8.
  10. ^ a b Sheila Rabin. «Nicolaus Copernicus». Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved 22 April 2007.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 4.
  12. ^ John Freely, Celestial Revolutionary, I.B. Tauris, 2014 pp. 103–04, 110–13 ISBN 978-1780763507
  13. ^ Mizwa, p. 36.
  14. ^ a b c d e Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 3.
  15. ^ Bieńkowska (1973), p. 15
  16. ^ Rybka (1973), p. 23.
  17. ^ Sakolsky (2005), p. 8.
  18. ^ Biskup (1973), p. 16
  19. ^ Mizwa, 1943, p. 38.
  20. ^ Hirshfeld, p. 38.
  21. ^ Moore (1994), pp. 52, 62.
  22. ^ a b c d e f g h i Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 5.
  23. ^ Wojciech Iwanczak (1998). «Watzenrode, Lucas». In Bautz, Traugott (ed.). Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL) (in German). Vol. 13. Herzberg: Bautz. col. 389–93. ISBN 3-88309-072-7.
  24. ^ Moore (1994), p. 62.
  25. ^ «Nicolaus Copernicus» , New Advent (online version of the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia). Retrieved 9 June 2013.
  26. ^ a b c Czesław Miłosz, The History of Polish Literature, p. 38.
  27. ^ Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, p. 55.
  28. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), pp. 4–5.
  29. ^ Sobel (2011), pp. 7, 232.
  30. ^ Jerzy Dobrzycki and Leszek Hajdukiewicz, «Kopernik, Mikołaj», Polski słownik biograficzny (Polish Biographical Dictionary), vol. XIV, Wrocław, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1969, p. 5.
  31. ^ Rosen, Ed (December 1960). «Copernicus was not a priest» (PDF). Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 104 (6). Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 October 2013.
  32. ^ Rosen, Edward (1995). «Chapter 6: Copernicus’ Alleged Priesthood». In Hilfstein, Erna (ed.). Copernicus and his successors. UK: The Hambledon Press. pp. 47–56. Bibcode:1995cops.book…..R. ISBN 978-1-85285-071-5. Retrieved 17 December 2014.
  33. ^ Hagen, J. (1908). «Nicolaus Copernicus». Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved 6 November 2015.
  34. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), pp. 5–6.
  35. ^ a b c d e f g h Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 6.
  36. ^ Sobel (2011), pp. 26, 34, 40.
  37. ^ Rabin (2005).
  38. ^ Gingerich (2004, pp. 187–89, 201); Koyré (1973, p. 94); Kuhn (1957, p. 93); Rosen (2004, p. 123); Rabin (2005). Robbins (1964, p. x), however, includes Copernicus among a list of Renaissance astronomers who «either practiced astrology themselves or countenanced its practice».
  39. ^ «Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe Bd. VI: Urkunden, Akten und NachrichtenDocumenta Copernicana – Urkunden, Akten und Nachrichten, alle erhaltenen Urkunden und Akten zur Familiengeschichte, zur Biographie und Tätigkeitsfeldern von Copernicus, 1996, ISBN 978-3-05-003009-8 [5], pp. 62–63.
  40. ^ Studia Copernicana 16
  41. ^ Sparavigna, Ameila Carolina (2017). «Stellarium software and the occultation of Aldebaran observed by Copernicus». HAL. Retrieved 22 July 2022.
  42. ^ «Nicolaus Copernicus – Biography».
  43. ^ Sedlar (1994).
  44. ^ a b Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, pp. 75–77.
  45. ^ a b c d e Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 7.
  46. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), pp. 7–8.
  47. ^ Repcheck (2007), p. 66.
  48. ^ a b Andreas Kühne, Stefan Kirschner, Biographia Copernicana: Die Copernicus-Biographien des 16. bis 18. Jahrhunderts (2004), p. 14
  49. ^ Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 9.
  50. ^ Volckart, Oliver (1997). «Early Beginnings of the Quantity Theory of Money and Their Context in Polish and Prussian Monetary Policies, c. 1520–1550». The Economic History Review. New Series. 50 (3): 430–49. doi:10.1111/1468-0289.00063.
  51. ^ a b c d e f Repcheck (2007), pp. 78–79, 184, 186.
  52. ^ a b c Dobrzycki and Hajdukiewicz (1969), p. 11.
  53. ^ Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, pp. 97–98.
  54. ^ Angus Armitage, The World of Copernicus, p. 98.
  55. ^ Kuhn, 1957, pp. 187–88.
  56. ^ Goddu (2010: 245–46)
  57. ^ «Nicholas Copernicus | Calendars». www.webexhibits.org.
  58. ^ Freely, «Celestial Revolutionary» p. 149
  59. ^ Dreyer (1953, p. 319).
  60. ^ Sobel (2011) p. 188.
  61. ^ Gąssowski, Jerzy (2005). «Poszukiwanie grobu Kopernika» [Searching for Copernicus’s Grave]. astronomia.pl (in Polish). Grupa Astronomia. Archived from the original on 8 July 2014. Retrieved 7 December 2017. It results from the research of Dr. Jerzy Sikorski, an Olsztyn historian and an outstanding researcher of the life and work of Nicolaus Copernicus. According to Dr. Sikorski, the canon of the Frombork cathedral was buried in the immediate vicinity of this altar, which was entrusted to their care. This altar was the one who once wore the call of Saint Andrew, and now St. Cross, fourth in the right row.
  62. ^ a b Bogdanowicz, W.; Allen, M.; Branicki, W.; Lembring, M.; Gajewska, M.; Kupiec, T. (2009). «Genetic identification of putative remains of the famous astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus». PNAS. 106 (30): 12279–82. Bibcode:2009PNAS..10612279B. doi:10.1073/pnas.0901848106. PMC 2718376. PMID 19584252.
  63. ^ a b Easton, Adam (21 November 2008). «Polish tests ‘confirm Copernicus’«. BBC News. Retrieved 18 January 2010.
  64. ^ a b «Copernicus’s grave found in Polish church». USA Today. 3 November 2005. Retrieved 26 July 2012.
  65. ^ Bowcott, Owen (21 November 2008). «16th-century skeleton identified as astronomer Copernicus». The Guardian. Retrieved 18 January 2010.
  66. ^ Gingerich, O. (2009). «The Copernicus grave mystery». PNAS. 106 (30): 12215–16. Bibcode:2009PNAS..10612215G. doi:10.1073/pnas.0907491106. PMC 2718392. PMID 19622737.
  67. ^ «16th-century astronomer Copernicus reburied as hero in Poland». Cleveland Plain Dealer/Associated Press. 25 May 2010.
  68. ^ Dreyer (1953), pp. 40–52; Linton (2004, p. 20).
  69. ^ Dreyer (1953), pp. 123–35; Linton (2004, p. 24).
  70. ^ Dreyer (1953, pp. 135–48); Heath (1913), pp. 301–08)
  71. ^ Heath (1913), p. 302. The italics and parenthetical comments are as they appear in Heath’s original.
  72. ^ George Kish (1978). A Source Book in Geography. Harvard University Press. pp. 51–52. ISBN 978-0-674-82270-2.
  73. ^ Aristotle, De Caelo, Book 2, Part 13
  74. ^ E.Rosen, Nicholaus Copernicus and Giorgio Valla, Physis. Rivista internazionale di Storia della Scienza, 23, 1981, pp. 449–57.
  75. ^ Gingerich, Owen (1997). «Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler». The Eye of Heaven. Springer. pp. 3–51.
  76. ^ Saliba, George (1 July 1995). A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During the Golden Age of Islam. NYU Press. p. 31. ISBN 978-0-8147-8023-7.
  77. ^ Ragep, F. Jamil (2001a), «Tusi and Copernicus: The Earth’s Motion in Context», Science in Context, 14 (1–2): 145–63, doi:10.1017/s0269889701000060, S2CID 145372613
  78. ^ Ragep, F. Jamil; Al-Qushji, Ali (2001b), «Freeing Astronomy from Philosophy: An Aspect of Islamic Influence on Science», Osiris, 2nd Series, 16 (Science in Theistic Contexts: Cognitive Dimensions): 49–64 & 66–71, Bibcode:2001Osir…16…49R, doi:10.1086/649338, S2CID 142586786
  79. ^ Adi Setia (2004), «Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi on Physics and the Nature of the Physical World: A Preliminary Survey», Islam & Science, 2, archived from the original on 10 July 2012, retrieved 2 March 2010
  80. ^ Alessandro Bausani (1973). «Cosmology and Religion in Islam». Scientia/Rivista di Scienza. 108 (67): 762.
  81. ^ a b c Young, M.J.L., ed. (2 November 2006). Religion, Learning and Science in the ‘Abbasid Period. Cambridge University Press. p. 413. ISBN 978-0-521-02887-5.
  82. ^ Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (1 January 1993). An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines. SUNY Press. p. 135. ISBN 978-1-4384-1419-5.
  83. ^ a b Samsó, Julio (2007). «Biṭrūjī: Nūr al‐Dīn Abū Isḥāq [Abū Jaʿfar] Ibrāhīm ibn Yūsuf al‐Biṭrūjī». In Thomas Hockey; et al. (eds.). The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. New York: Springer. pp. 133–34. ISBN 978-0-387-31022-0. (PDF version)
  84. ^ a b c Samsó, Julio (1970–1980). «Al-Bitruji Al-Ishbili, Abu Ishaq». Dictionary of Scientific Biography. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. ISBN 978-0-684-10114-9.
  85. ^ Esposito 1999, p. 289
  86. ^ Saliba, George (1 July 1995). A History of Arabic Astronomy: Planetary Theories During the Golden Age of Islam. NYU Press. ISBN 978-0-8147-8023-7.
  87. ^ Swerdlow, Noel M. (31 December 1973). «The Derivation and First Draft of Copernicus’s Planetary Theory: A Translation of the Commentariolus with Commentary». Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. 117 (6): 423–512. Bibcode:1973PAPhS.117..423S. ISSN 0003-049X. JSTOR 986461.
  88. ^ King, David A. (2007). «Ibn al‐Shāṭir: ʿAlāʾ al‐Dīn ʿAlī ibn Ibrāhīm». In Thomas Hockey; et al. (eds.). The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers. New York: Springer. pp. 569–70. ISBN 978-0-387-31022-0. (PDF version)
  89. ^ Linton (2004, pp. 124,137–38), Saliba (2009, pp. 160–65), Swerdlow & Neugebauer (1984, pp. 46–48).
  90. ^ Goddu (2010, pp. 261–69, 476–86), Huff (2010, pp. 263–64), di Bono (1995), Veselovsky (1973).
  91. ^ Freely, John (30 March 2015). Light from the East: How the Science of Medieval Islam Helped to Shape the Western World. I.B.Tauris. p. 179. ISBN 978-1-78453-138-6.
  92. ^ Except for the circle labelled «V. Telluris» in the diagram from the printed edition, representing the orbital path of the Earth, and the first circle in both diagrams, representing the outer boundary of the universe, and of a presumed spherical shell of fixed stars, the numbered circles in the diagrams represent the boundaries of hypothetical spherical shells («orbes» in Copernicus’s Latin) whose motion was assumed to carry the planets and their epicycles around the Sun (Gingerich, 2014, pp. 36–38; 2016, pp. 34–35).
  93. ^ Sobel (2011), p. 18.
  94. ^ Rosen (2004, pp. 58–59); Swerdlow (1973, p. 436)
  95. ^ Latin orbium
  96. ^ Latin sphaerarum
  97. ^ Dreyer, John L.E. (1906). History of the planetary systems from Thales to Kepler. Cambridge University Press. p. 342.
  98. ^ Sobel (2011), pp. 207–10.
  99. ^ a b c Danielson (2006)
  100. ^ Koestler (1959, p. 191).
  101. ^ DeMarco, Peter (13 April 2004). «Book quest took him around the globe». The Boston Globe. Retrieved 3 June 2013.
  102. ^ a b c d e f Donald H. Kobe (1998). «Copernicus and Martin Luther: An Encounter Between Science and Religion». American Journal of Physics. 66 (3): 190. Bibcode:1998AmJPh..66..190K. doi:10.1119/1.18844.
  103. ^ Westman (2011, p. 194)
  104. ^ «CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Nicolaus Copernicus». www.newadvent.org.
  105. ^ Feldhay (1995, p. 205)
  106. ^ a b Westman (2011, p. 195)
  107. ^ Feldhay (1995, pp. 205–07)
  108. ^ Feldhay (1995, p. 207)
  109. ^ Westman (2011, pp. 195–96)
  110. ^ a b Westman (2011, p. 196)
  111. ^ a b Westman (2011, p. 197)
  112. ^ Rosen (1960, p. 437)
  113. ^ Rosen (1960, p. 438)
  114. ^ a b c Rosen (1995, p. 198)
  115. ^ Repcheck (2007, p. 160)
  116. ^ a b Cohen, I. Bernard (1985). Revolution in Science. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. p. 497. ISBN 978-0-674-76778-2.
  117. ^ Owen (1869, p. 310); Rosen (1995, p. 166–67). Owen’s remark appears in volume XI of his collected works, not the volume (XIX) cited by Rosen.
  118. ^ a b Crowther, Kathleen M. (2020). «Sacrobosco’s Sphaera in Spain and Portugal». De Sphaera of Johannes de Sacrobosco in the Early Modern Period: 161–184. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30833-9_7. ISBN 978-3-030-30832-2. S2CID 214562125.
  119. ^ Finocchiaro (2010, p. 71)
  120. ^ Finocchiaro (2010, p. 75)
  121. ^ a b Graney (2015, pp. 68–69)
  122. ^ a b c Finocchiaro (2010, p. 72)
  123. ^ Graney (2015, pp. 69–75)
  124. ^ a b c Finocchiaro (2010, p. 73)
  125. ^ Graney (2015, p. 74)
  126. ^ a b Graney (2015, p. 70)
  127. ^ Decree of the General Congregation of the Index, 5 March 1616, translated from the Latin by Finocchiaro (1989, pp. 148–49). An on-line copy of Finocchiaro’s translation has been made available by Gagné (2005).
  128. ^ Finocchiaro (1989, p. 30)
  129. ^ Catholic Encyclopedia.
  130. ^ From the Inquisition’s sentence of 22 June 1633 (de Santillana, 1976, pp. 306–10; Finocchiaro 1989, pp. 287–91)
  131. ^ Hilliam, Rachel (2005). Galileo Galilei: Father of Modern Science. The Rosen Publishing Group. p. 96. ISBN 978-1-4042-0314-3.
  132. ^ «Galileo is convicted of heresy». history.com. Retrieved 13 December 2013.
  133. ^ Heilbron (2005, p. 307); Coyne (2005, p. 347).
  134. ^ McMullin (2005, p. 6); Coyne (2005, pp. 346–47).
  135. ^ Stone, p. 101.
  136. ^ Somerville, p. 10.
  137. ^ Angus Armitage, Copernicus, the founder of modern astronomy, p. 62.
  138. ^ Davies, Norman (2005). God’s playground. A History of Poland in Two Volumes. Vol. II. Oxford University Press. p. 26. ISBN 978-0-19-925340-1.
  139. ^ Edward Rosen, Nicolaus Copernicus Thorunensis.
  140. ^ Sidney Lee, Shakespeare’s Handwriting: Facsimiles of the Five Authentic Autograph Signatures, London, Smith Elder, 1899.
  141. ^ Melkowski, Stefan (May 2003). «O historii i o współczesności» [On History and the Present Day] (in Polish). Archived from the original on 24 January 2004. Retrieved 22 April 2007.
  142. ^ Bogucka, Maria; Samsonowicz, Henryk (1986), Dzieje Miast i Mieszczaństwa w Polsce Przedrozbiorowej (PDF), pp. 266–267
  143. ^ a b Rosen (1995, p. 127).
  144. ^ Koyre, p. 21.
  145. ^ Johnson, p. 23.
  146. ^ Koestler, 1968, p. 129.
  147. ^ a b Gingerich (2004), p. 143.
  148. ^ Biskup (1973), p. 32
  149. ^ Moore (1994), p. 50.
  150. ^ Biskup (1973), pp. 38, 82
  151. ^ Malagola (1878), p. 562–65
  152. ^ «Nicolaus Coppernicus aus Thorn über die Kreisbewegungen der Weltkörper/Vorwort – Wikisource». de.wikisource.org.
  153. ^ a b Krystyna Poray Goddu, Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition, BRILL, 2010, ISBN 978-90-04-18107-6, part 1, chapter 1, p. 7.
  154. ^ Jack Repcheck, Copernicus’ Secret: How the Scientific Revolution Began, Simon & Schuster, 2008, ISBN 978-0-7432-8952-8, p. 32.
  155. ^ Manfred Weissenbacher, Sources of Power: How Energy Forges Human History, Praeger, 2009, ISBN 978-0-313-35626-1, p. 170.
  156. ^ Marvin Bolt, JoAnn Palmeri, Thomas Hockey, The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, Springer, 2009, ISBN 978-0-387-35133-9, p. 252.
  157. ^ Charles E. Hummel, The Galileo Connection, InterVarsity Press, 1986, ISBN 978-0-87784-500-3, p. 40.
  158. ^ Krystyna Poray Goddu, Copernicus and the Aristotelian Tradition, BRILL, 2010, ISBN 978-90-04-18107-6, chapter 6, p. 173.
  159. ^ John Freely, Celestial Revolutionary: Copernicus, the Man and His Universe, I.B. Tauris, 2014, ISBN 978-0-85773-490-7, pp. 56–57.
  160. ^ Freely, John (2014). Celestial Revolutionary: Copernicus, the Man and His Universe. I.B.Tauris. p. 6. ISBN 978-0-85773-490-7.
  161. ^ «Copernicus, Nicolaus», Encyclopedia Americana, 1986, vol. 7, pp. 755–56.
  162. ^ «Copernicus, Nicholas», The Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, New York, Avon Books, 1983, ISBN 0-380-63396-5, p. 198: «Polish astronomer».
  163. ^ «Copernicus, Nicolaus», The Oxford World Encyclopedia, Oxford University Press, 1998.
  164. ^ Findlen, Paula (2013). «Copernicus, Nicolaus». World Book Advanced. Archived from the original on 18 October 2015. Retrieved 31 May 2013.
  165. ^ Weissenbacher (2009), p. 170.
  166. ^ Karol Górski, Mikołaj Kopernik. Środowisko społeczne i samotność (Mikołaj Kopernik [Nicolaus Copernicus]: His Social Setting and Isolation), Toruń, Nicolaus Copernicus University Press, 2012, ISBN 978-83-231-2777-2.
  167. ^ Burleigh, Michael (1988). Germany turns eastwards. A study of Ostforschung in the Third Reich. CUP Archive. pp. 60, 133, 280. ISBN 978-0-521-35120-1.
  168. ^ Rudnicki, Konrad (November–December 2006). «The Genuine Copernican Cosmological Principle». Southern Cross Review: note 2. Retrieved 21 January 2010.
  169. ^ a b Miłosz, Czesław (1983). The history of Polish literature (2 ed.). University of California Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-0-520-04477-7.
  170. ^ a b c d Davies, Norman (2005). God’s playground. A History of Poland in Two Volumes. Vol. II. Oxford University Press. p. 20. ISBN 978-0-19-925340-1.
  171. ^ Fox, Stuart (14 July 2009). «Newly Discovered Element 112 Named ‘Copernicum’«. popsci.com. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
  172. ^ Renner, Terrence (20 February 2010). «Element 112 is Named Copernicium». International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Archived from the original on 22 February 2010. Retrieved 20 February 2010.
  173. ^ NameExoWorlds: An IAU Worldwide Contest to Name Exoplanets and their Host Stars. IAU.org. 9 July 2014
  174. ^ «NameExoWorlds». nameexoworlds.iau.org. Archived from the original on 15 August 2015. Retrieved 7 January 2016.
  175. ^ Final Results of NameExoWorlds Public Vote Released, International Astronomical Union, 15 December 2015.
  176. ^ World premiere, 23 January 2013, Salle Pleyel
  177. ^ Dutch premiere, 1 March 2014, at Amsterdam’s Concertgebouw – Movers of the Earth


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  • Swerdlow, Noel Mark; Neugebauer, Otto Eduard (1984), Mathematical Astronomy in Copernicus’ De Revolutionibus: In Two Parts, New York: Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-1-4613-8264-5
  • Thoren, Victor E. (1990). The Lord of Uraniborg. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-35158-4. (A biography of Danish astronomer and alchemist Tycho Brahe.)
  • Valls-Gabaud, D.; Boskenberg, A., eds. (2009). The Role of Astronomy in Society and Culture. Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 260.
  • Manfred Weissenbacher (September 2009). Sources of Power: How Energy Forges Human History. ABC-CLIO. ISBN 978-0-313-35626-1.
  • Westman, Robert S. (2011). The Copernican Question: Prognostication, Skepticism, and Celestial Order. Los Angeles: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-25481-7.

External links

Latin Wikisource has original text related to this article:

German Wikisource has original text related to this article:

Primary sources

  • Works by Nicolaus Copernicus at Project Gutenberg
  • Works by or about Nicolaus Copernicus at Internet Archive
  • Works by Nicolaus Copernicus at LibriVox (public domain audiobooks)
  • De Revolutionibus, autograph manuscript – Full digital facsimile, Jagiellonian University
  • (in Polish) Polish translations of letters written by Copernicus in Latin or German Archived 18 October 2015 at the Wayback Machine
  • Online Galleries, History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries Archived 21 July 2013 at the Wayback Machine High resolution images of works by and/or portraits of Nicolaus Copernicus in .jpg and .tiff format.
  • Works by Nicolaus Copernicus in digital library Polona


  • O’Connor, John J.; Robertson, Edmund F., «Nicolaus Copernicus», MacTutor History of Mathematics archive, University of St Andrews
  • Nicolaus Copernicus at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
  • Copernicus in Torun
  • Copernicus House, District Museum in Toruń
  • Nicolaus Copernicus Thorunensis by the Copernican Academic Portal
  • Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork
  • Clerke, Agnes Mary (1911). «Copernicus, Nicolaus» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 7 (11th ed.). pp. 100–101.
  • Portraits of Copernicus: Copernicus’s face reconstructed; Portrait Archived 27 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine; Nicolaus Copernicus
  • Copernicus and Astrology Archived 21 January 2009 at the Wayback Machine
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy entry
  • ‘Body of Copernicus’ identified – BBC article including image of Copernicus using facial reconstruction based on located skull
  • Nicolaus Copernicus on the 1000 Polish Zloty banknote.
  • Copernicus’s model for Mars
  • Retrograde Motion
  • Copernicus’s explanation for retrograde motion
  • Geometry of Maximum Elongation
  • Copernican Model
  • Portraits of Nicolaus Copernicus

About De Revolutionibus

  • The Copernican Universe from the De Revolutionibus
  • De Revolutionibus, 1543 first edition – Full digital facsimile, Lehigh University
  • The text of the De Revolutionibus
  • Digitized edition of De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium (1543) with annotations of Michael Maestlin on e-rara


  • Nicolaus Copernicus Prize, founded by the City of Kraków, awarded since 1995

German-Polish cooperation

  • (in English, German, and Polish) German-Polish «Copernicus Prize» awarded to German and Polish scientists (DFG website)
  • (in English, German, and Polish) Büro Kopernikus – An initiative of German Federal Cultural Foundation
  • (in German and Polish) German-Polish school project on Copernicus

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