Рассказ про пикник на английском языке

Сочинение на тему «Пикник» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



In summer I really enjoy going for a picnic. My family lives not far from a park. In this park, there is a special area, where people can go for a picnic and spend time with great pleasure. Everything there is equipped for it. There are several tents. In case it rains, people can hide there. Moreover, in this zone in the park, there is special equipment for barbecue and grill. It is not very expensive, that`s why a lot of people use it to cook something delicious.

Летом я очень люблю ходить на пикник. Моя семья живет недалеко от парка. В этом парке есть специальная зона, где можно устроить пикник и провести время с большим удовольствием. Там все оборудовано для этого. Кроме того, там есть несколько навесов. Если идет дождь, то можно спрятаться там. Более того, в этой зоне в парке есть специальное оборудование для барбекю и гриля. Оно не очень дорогое, поэтому многие люди используют его, чтобы приготовить что-то вкусное.

My parents and I go for a picnic in a park practically every weekend, when the weather is good. We enjoy spending time there. In the city, there are not so many places, where you can have a rest from city fuss. Having a picnic in a park is a good way to have a rest from the working week. We tend to plan everything in advance. My mother and I cook something for this occasion. Very often we eat grilled meat in a park. Picnic for my family is not only an opportunity to eat something delicious outdoors. At the picnic, we communicate a lot and play some outdoor games. It is funny!

Мы с родителями ходим на пикник в парк практически каждые выходные, когда погода хорошая. Нам очень нравится проводить там время. В городе есть не так много мест, где можно отдохнуть от городской суеты. Пикник в парке – это хороший способ отдохнуть от рабочей недели. Мы склонны планировать все заранее. Мы с мамой готовим что-то к пикнику. Очень часто мы едим мясо на гриле в парке. Пикник для моей семьи – это не только возможность поесть что-то вкусное на открытом воздухе. На пикнике мы много общаемся и играем в подвижные игры. Это весело!

I believe, it is very important to have a break from the city life. Unfortunately, my family doesn`t have a country house. Nevertheless, we really enjoy spending time in quiet and peaceful places. Going for a picnic in a park is an ideal way for us to relax!

Я считаю, что очень важно отдыхать от городской жизни. К сожалению, моя семья не имеет загородного дома. Тем не менее, нам очень нравится проводить время в тихом и спокойном месте. Отправиться на пикник в парк – это идеальный способ расслабиться для нас!

Представлено сочинение на английском языке Пикник/ Picnic с переводом на русский язык.

Picnic Пикник
When the weather is fine we like going to the nearby forest on a picnic. This habit starts from early spring and continues till the end of October. In our region the weather is still fine even in the beginning of November. We are lucky to be living on the fringe of the forest, which has become a multifunctional area for us. After the rain we normally go there to pick some mushrooms. In spring and summer it’s a good time to pick delicious berries. Когда погода хорошая, мы с удовольствием ходим в близлежащий лес на пикник. Такая привычка у нас длится с ранней весны и до конца октября. В нашем регионе погода всегда хорошая, даже в начале ноября. Нам повезло жить на опушке леса, который стал многофункциональным местом для нас. После дождя мы обычно ходим туда, чтобы собрать немного грибов. Весна и лето хорошо подходят для сбора аппетитных ягод.
However, the best thing to do in the forest is a picnic. We normally plan everything in advance. I call my best friends up in case they want to join us; we pack all the necessary items; my mum makes us some food and off we go. In the forest we choose a good spot and make a bonfire. In case we get lost, we use a compass. Тем не менее, самое лучшее, чем можно заняться в лесу, это пикник. Мы обычно все заранее планируем. Я обзваниваю своих лучших друзей на случай, если они захотят к нам присоединиться; мы упаковываем все необходимое; моя мама готовит нам еду, затем мы отправляемся в путь. В лесу мы выбираем подходящее место, чтобы развести костер. На случай если потерялись, у нас есть компас.
If you plan to go into the thick part of the forest, you should remember that mobile phones don’t work there. Even in the open parts of the forest the cellular signal is weak. Anyway, we are rather experienced in terms of forest picnic, so we are not afraid to get lost. Если вы планируете отправиться в самую чащу леса, вы должны помнить, что мобильные телефоны там не работают. Даже в открытых частях леса сотовый сигнал бывает слабым. Во всяком случае, у нас достаточно большой опыт в плане лесного пикника, поэтому мы не боимся заблудиться.
Every member on the team has his or her own duties. One of my friends is very good at playing the guitar. So, he carries it along to play some nice music for us near the bonfire. Another friend is rather good at making baked potatoes, so he is responsible for our dinner. Music and good food is not the only reason to arrange a picnic in the forest. Apart from that, there is a nice and clear lake where we can swim if it’s hot. After a good swim we can play volleyball or football in the outer wood. Каждый член в команде имеет свои собственные обязанности. Один из моих друзей очень отлично играет на гитаре. Поэтому, он берет ее с собой и играет нам хорошие песни возле костра. Другой друг неплохо запекает картофель, поэтому он ответственный за наш ужин. Музыка и вкусная еда это не единственное, зачем нужно устраивать пикник в лесу. Помимо этого, там есть хорошее, чистое озеро, где мы можем поплавать, когда жарко. После того, как поплаваем, мы играем в волейбол или футбол на опушке лесу.
In conclusion, I’d like to say that everyone would like to change the scenery once in a while and to relax in nature’s lap, so picnic is an ideal occasion for that. В заключение, я хотел бы сказать, что всем хочется время от времени менять декорации и отдыхать на лоне природы, так что пикник для этого идеальный повод.

A picnic is a kind of excursion that is arranged with friends and families in the scenic outdoors. Everyone gets together in a place, ideally a park or resort with a lot of open space, and cook meals and eat lunch together, play games, and spend a whole day making merry and memories. In tropical countries like India, families generally plan exciting picnics during winter holidays because, during that time, the weather remains largely pleasant. These picnics though apparently mere get-togethers have immense significance in our life. They allow us to take a break from our busy routine and spend time with our family which is very important for our mental and emotional well-being. In this essay, I shall talk about a family picnic that was probably one of the best days of my life.

Picnic Day With My Family

Last spring our whole family decided to go to a nearby park for a fun outing and a picnic at the same time. The day before the picnic we could no longer hold our excitement. We spent the entire day planning what we will do and what we will eat. Thinking about all the fun we were going to have made my heart flutter. 

The next day after packing our things we left our home at 8 am. The picnic spot was about 2 hours away from our home. We had packed delicious food prepared by my mother. On our way to the picnic spot, we played “antakshari” in the car. I could not wait to reach the spot.

Fun At The Picnic Spot

Finally at 10.30 am we reached the picnic spot. It was a beautiful land on the banks of a river. There was a large area of a green field with a lot of bushes and trees scattered here and there. The river and sky met at the horizon. There was a continuous flow of cool breeze blowing from the river to the banks. It was a mesmerizing sight to behold.

Me and my siblings, we started playing games with the adults including my mother, father, uncle and aunt. We played gully cricket and hide and seek. Soon the adults became tired so me and my siblings, we started racing across the fields.

Finally, we were too tired to play anymore. This was the time for the most amazing part of the picnic, the food. We had brought tasty home-cooked meals from our homes. We unpacked our food and divided it among ourselves. After so many activities my hunger had increased. The food tasted tastier than usual, maybe it was because of the company of the whole family, or maybe it was because I was very hungry. After completing our lunch all of us went for a boat ride. It was my first time riding a boat. At first, I was scared but then slowly I overcame my fear and started enjoying the ride. Then around 5.00 pm, we left for home.

The memories I gathered at the family picnic are some moments I will cherish all through my life. The picnic not only provided a break from the everyday mundane life but also made me happy and allowed me to spend some quality time with my family. I hope we can plan more picnics in the future. 

Picnics are a great way to spend time with our loved ones. We have the opportunity to spend meaningful time with them. What can children say about picnics with their families that they enjoy? We have provided an essay about Picnic with Family for Class 1 students to aid them.

A close-knit family is the source of strength for each family member. A family’s members are unselfish in their care for one another. They make a person’s accomplishments and difficulties smaller by being together through good and bad times. Picnics are a great way to stay connected and close to your friends and family.

With Family Picnic

Our family had a fantastic lunch at a neighbouring water park last summer. The adrenaline rush began flowing within us the day we spoke for the first time about going on a picnic. While preparing for the picnic, the family’s pleasure was at an all-time high. This outdoor trip piqued everyone’s interest. The day has finally arrived. We all got out of the house and were on our way to the picnic in no time. The car was buzzing with conversation. Everyone in the family was looking forward to the family picnic. We were all in a completely different state.

Simple 9 line essays on picnics with family for Class 1 students are provided below. These lines will demonstrate how children might create an engaging essay on the given topic.

  • Picnics with our families are one of the best methods to spend quality time with them.

  • We get to converse and play with each other a lot during picnics.

  • We start our trip to the picnic place early in the morning when we go on a family picnic.

  • We usually visit the zoo, gardens, or farms, all of which are a short distance from our home.

  • My mother and grandmother make delectable meals and refreshments for the picnic.

  • My brother gathers all of the necessary equipment for sports such as football and cricket.

  • My father buys chocolates, sweets, and other snacks for the entire family from the shop.

  • My brother and I participate in sports such as badminton, cricket, and football.

  • We all play antakshari, hide-and-seek, dodgeball, and other games before sharing lunch. With a lot of laughter, chatter, and enjoyment, the day flies by.


Even if the family picnic is over, the memories of it live on. All of the wonderful memories we made together, as well as many lovely photographs, will live on in our hearts forever. We’ll be planning our next family picnic soon to celebrate our love, togetherness, and happiness.

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Текст на английском про пикник с семьей с переводом срочно!!!

1 ответ:



In last weekends I with my parents went to the picnic.We were on the green meadow near forest.On the grass we put the red cloth.We laid out a different meal: jam,cheese,some bread, oranges.I eat sandwich.After that we have a tea.That picnic was great!

В прошлые выходные мы с родителями ходили на пикник.Мы были на зелёном лугу(траве) рядом с лесом.На траву мы положили красное полотно,разложили различную еду: джем,сыр,(немного) хлеба,апельсины…Я ел сэндвич.После этого мы пили чай.Этот пикник был великолепным!

Читайте также

1. ‘Will you come to the ball?’ he said to her.
He …invited… her to go to the ball.
2. ‘I’m the best student in the school,’ he said.
He boasted about being the best student in the school.
3. ‘Yes, I’ll lend you some money,’ he said to Jane.
He agreed to lend Jane some money.
4. ‘What a beautiful dress she is wearing!’ he said.
He exclaimed that she was wearing a beautiful dress.
5. ‘He never buys me flowers,’ she said.
She complained that he never bought her flowers.
6. ‘Let’s go for a picnic,’ he said.
He suggested going for a picnic.
7. ‘You stole the money,’ Tom said to Jim.
Tom accuse Jim of stealing the money.
8. ‘Don’t forget to hang out the washing,’ she said to me.
She reminded me to hang out the washing.
9. ‘I promise I’ll write to you,’ she said to him.
She promised to write to him.
10. ‘You must finish the report,’ she said to him.
She insisted on him finishing the report.
11. ‘Don’t touch the wet paint,’ Dad said to us.
Dad warned us not to touch the wet paint.
12. “There’s nothing else I can do,’ he said.
He explained that there was nothing else he could do.

<span>1. you should wear school uniform.</span>2. you should do your homework3.you should be calm<span>4.you should bring all your textbooks at school 5. you should help your classmates and techers. 6. you should listen carefully  дальше фантазии не хватает</span>


<span />

This story happened to me when I was 11 yers old. It was a Halloween night. we had some guests over. There were my uncle with his wife and my cousins: Arthur and Ian. Some of my school friends were also around, so we decided to play hide-and-seek. Arthur suggested playing in the basement, as it’s more intriguing. He secretly told me that he wanted to scare his little brother. Everybody agreed, so we went downstairs.


<span>Do you have any traditional family recipes?
Sure we have. I`m from Russia. And our country is rich of different food. But in our family We eat Japanese and Italian food. Especially spagetti which is very famous in Italy!
 </span><span>How old is the tradition and what isare the dishes?
Before my Mom marries to my Dad she could cook but just traditional So my mom learnt how to cook and went to courses after what she cook European modern and Japanese food.</span>

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