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      3 года назад

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  • informatika

    26 секунд назад

    У Васи в телефоне есть игра “Юный бухгалтер”. Ему предлагают несколько чисел (номиналы монет), а ему надо написать минимальное число, которое нельзя представить в виде суммы некоторых из этих монет. Каждую монету из набора можно брать только один раз.

    На простом уровне игры номиналы упорядочены, чтобы было проще играть.

  • literatura

    2 минуты назад

    . Чем был вызван отъезд из Москвы? это я миша михай

  • himiya

    2 минуты назад

    Помогите пожалуйста с химией

  • russkii-yazyk
    Русский язык

    2 минуты назад

    Где тут запятая?

  • geometriya

    2 минуты назад

    Помогите с решением


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  • informatika

    26 секунд назад

    У Васи в телефоне есть игра “Юный бухгалтер”. Ему предлагают несколько чисел (номиналы монет), а ему надо написать минимальное число, которое нельзя представить в виде суммы некоторых из этих монет. Каждую монету из набора можно брать только один раз.

    На простом уровне игры номиналы упорядочены, чтобы было проще играть.

  • russkii-yazyk
    Русский язык

    30 минут назад

    замени соззеологизмы (устойчивые сочетаният наративии с суффиксом —


    Без сучка без заборшчки без коренн

    щепиться мертвой. хваткой-

    за тридевять земель

    при царе Горохо

    с открытым забралом —

    зуб на зуб не попадает —



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Евгений Плющенко (Евгений Викторович Плющенко , или Евгений Викторович Плющенко родился 3 ноября 1982 года в поселке Солнечный (Хабаровский край , СССР) . Он победитель Зимних Олимпийских игр 2006 года и двукратный серебряный призер в зимних Олимпийских играх в 2002 и 2010 , трехкратный чемпион мира , семикратный чемпион Европы , четырехкратный победитель финалов Гран-При и decyatikratny Чемпион России в мужском одиночном катании .

Заслуженный мастер спорта России, старший лейтенант российской армии . Лауреатом многих государственных наград, включая Орден Дружбы , Орден почета , медаль «За заслуги перед Отечеством » I степени медаль «за укрепление боевого Содружества» ( Министерство обороны ) . Лауреат престижных номинаций .Евгений начал кататься в возрасте четырех лет . Мальчик был каток, чтобы укрепить слабое здоровье . Его первым тренером была Татьяна Скала. Затем он продолжал тренироваться под руководством Михаила Маковеева , который был семь лет выиграл свой первый конкурс — турнир » Хрустальный конек .» Когда Евгению было 11 лет , Дворец спорта в Волгограде был закрыт. Вынужденный выбирать между бросить на коньках или разлученный с семьей , он отправился один в Санкт-Петербурге подготовка группы легендарного Алексея Мишина , который тренирует олимпийского чемпиона Алексея Урманова 1994 и будущий олимпийский чемпион Алексей Ягудин .Евгений столкнулись с трудностями в течение первого года в Санкт Петербурга, за тысячи миль от своих родителей и сестер, живущих в коммунальной квартире , в условиях, непригодных для его молодой возраст. Евгений родители были вынуждены работать сверхурочно, чтобы поддержать сына , и несколько раз поднимали вопрос о его возвращении домой. Но воля и мечты были сильнее. Со временем, у жениной мамы переехала к нему в Петербург , и в моральной и материальной поддержке тренера Алексея Мишина , жизнь начала налаживаться , так что Евгений мог сосредоточиться на тренировках . Плющенко шло быстрыми темпами на международной арене под руководством Мишина. В 1997 году, в возрасте 14 лет он выиграл чемпионат мира среди юниоров в Сеуле (Южная Корея). В следующем 1998 году их было только 15 лет он сенсационно завоевал бронзовую медаль на Чемпионате Мира взрослых , вызывает большой ажиотаж вокруг его имени судьи и комментаторы все говорили о новой «чудо-мальчик».ЭТО БЫЛ ПЕРЕВОД 

Evgeny Plushenko (Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko , or Yevgeny Viktorovich Plyushchenko) was born November 3, 1982 in the village of Sunny (Khabarovsk Krai , USSR) . He’s a winner Winter Olympics in 2006 and two-time silver medalist in the Winter Olympics in 2002 and 2010 , three-time world champion , seven-time European champion , four-time winner of the Grand Prix finals and decyatikratny champion Russia in the men’s singles skating .

Honored Master of Sports of Russia, a senior lieutenant of the Russian army . Won many state awards, including the Order of Friendship , the Order of Merit , a medal «For merits before Fatherland » I degree medal » For Strengthening Combat Commonwealth» ( Ministry of Defense ) . Winner of prestigious nominations .Eugene started riding at the age of four . Boy was skating to strengthen weak health . His first coach was Tatiana Scala. He then went on to train under the guidance of Michael Makoveeva , which was seven years old won his first competition — Tournament » Crystal Skate .» When Eugene was 11 years old , the Sports Palace in Volgograd was closed. Forced to choose between to quit skating or separated from his family , he went to one in St. Petersburg to train a group of legendary Alexei Mishin , who has coached Olympic champion Alexei Urmanova 1994 and future Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin .Eugene encountered difficulties during the first year in St. Petersburg, is thousands of miles from his parents and sisters, living in a communal apartment , in conditions unsuitable for his young age. Eugene parents were forced to work overtime to support his son , and several times raised the question of his return home. But the will and the dream were stronger. Over time, Zhenya’s mom moved in with him to St. Petersburg , and in moral and material support of coach Alexei Mishin , life began to improve , so that Eugene could concentrate on training . Plushenko has progressed rapidly in the international arena under the tutelage Mishin. In 1997, at age 14 he won the World Junior Championships in Seoul (South Korea). The following 1998 only 15 years of age he sensationally won the bronze medal at the World Championships in adults , causing a big hype around his name by judges and commentators all talking about a new «miracle boy .»

Evgeny Plushenko (born November 3, 1982 , Sunny , Khabarovsk Krai, RSFSR , USSR) — Russian figure skater , speaking in mens figure skating . Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Two-time Olympic champion ( 2006, figure skating , 2014 in team competition ) , two-time Olympic silver medalist (2002 and 2010 ) , three-time world champion (2001 , 2003, 2004 ) , the seven-time European champion (2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2012 ) , four-time winner of the finals of the World Grand Prix of Figure Skating (1999 /2000, 2000/2001 , 2002/ 2003, 2004 /2005) and ten- champion of Russia. Shares with Yillisom Grafstremom record for the most Olympic medals in figure skating ( 4 ) .Evgeni Plushenko was the first skater in the competition stage fulfilled a quadruple toe loop — triple toe loop — triple loop ( at the Cup of Russia in 2002) , the first among men performed Biellmann rotation [ source not specified 683 days ] , the cascade of a triple axel — triple flip — Oiler (2001 ) .Евге́ний Ви́кторович Плю́щенко (род. 3 ноября 1982 года, Солнечный, Хабаровский край, РСФСР, СССР) — российский фигурист, выступающий в мужском одиночном катании. Заслуженный мастер спорта России. Двукратный олимпийский чемпион (2006 года в одиночном катании, 2014 года в командных соревнованиях), двукратный серебряный призёр Олимпийских игр (2002 и 2010 годов), трёхкратный чемпион мира (2001, 2003, 2004), семикратный чемпион Европы (2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2012), четырёхкратный победитель финалов мировой серии Гран-при по фигурному катанию (1999/2000, 2000/2001, 2002/2003, 2004/2005), чемпион мира среди юниоров (1997) и десятикратный чемпион России. Делит с Йиллисом Графстрёмом рекорд по количеству олимпийских наград в фигурном катании (по 4).Евгений Плющенко стал первым фигуристом, выполнившим на соревнованиях каскад четверной тулуп—тройной тулуп—тройной риттбергер (на Кубке России в 2002), первым среди мужчин выполнил вращение бильман[источник не указан 1212 дней], каскад тройной аксель-ойлер-тройной флип (2001).

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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Eugenie Viktorovich Plushchenko Zarina Gumerova , grade 5 “A”

Слайд 2

Eugenie Plushchenko is a world famous Russian figure skater. He was an Olympic medalist four times in 2002, 2006, 2010 and 2014. Also he was a World champion three times, a champion of Europe seven times and a champion of Russia ten times.

Слайд 3

Plushchenko was born on the 3d of November,1982 in the settlement Dzhamku , K habarovsk Krai . His mother was from Volgograd, and his father, a carpenter , was born in Donetsk. He has an elder sister. Plushchenko lived in Volgograd before moving to Saint Petersburg in 1994. In 1998 a graduate of school № 91 of Petrogradski y District , he began studying at the Lesgaft University in 2000. His childhood

Слайд 4

Early career As Plushchenko frequently suffered from colds, his mother decided he needed exercise and enrolled him into figure skating classes at the age of four. In 1994 his mother took him to Saint Petersburg to train under the guidance of Alexei Mishin . His first coach was Tatiana Skala . He trained in the city of Volgograd until his ice rink closed when he was 11 years old.

Слайд 5

Plushchenko made quick progress on the international sport scene . He became the youngest World Junior Champion and World medalist at the age of 14, winning the World Juniors` Championship in 1997. The following year, at age of 15, he won the bronze medal at the World Championship.

Слайд 6

In 2006 Plushchenko was the overwhelming favorite at the Winter Olympics in Turin in Italy . He became the Olympic champion and won the gold medal . Four years later he took part in the Winter Olympics in Vancouver and said «Without a quad it’s not men’s figure skating. I will do the quad in any case. I believe that the quad is the future of figure skating. » Plushchenko won the silver medal. Plushenko became the only skater who has four Olympic medals.

Слайд 7

Now he is happy with his family! He hopes to open his own school for children

Слайд 8

Now get ready to answer my questions Who is Eugenie Plushchenko ? What is he famous for? When was he born? Where did he live when he was a boy? When did he get his first medal? When did he start skating? Who was his first coach? What does he do now?

Слайд 9

Check yourself now! Eugenie Plushchenko is a world famous Russian figure skater . Plushchenko became the only skater who has four Olympic medals . Plushchenko was born in the settlement Dzhamku . He lived in Volgograd and Saint Petersburg. He got his first medal at the World Juniors` Championship. He started skating a the age of four. His first coach was Tatyana Skala . Now he is going to open his own skating school for children in Saint Petersburg.

Слайд 10

Thank you!

Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko[1] (Russian: Евгений Викторович Плющенко​ (help·info), born 3 November 1982) is a Russian former figure skater. He is a four-time Olympic medalist (2006 gold, 2014 team gold, 2002 & 2010 silver), a three-time World champion (2001, 2003, 2004), a seven-time European champion (2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2010, 2012), a four-time Grand Prix Final champion (1999–2000, 2000–01, 2002–03, 2004–05), and a ten-time Russian national champion (1999–2002, 2004–2006, 2010, 2012–2013). Plushenko’s four Olympic medals once tied with Sweden’s Gillis Grafström’s record for most Olympic medals in figure skating, which has since been surpassed by Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue.[2][3] He also won a record total of 22 titles on the Grand Prix circuit.

Evgeni Plushenko
2012 European FSC Evgeni Plushenko.jpg

Evgeni Plushenko at the 2012 European Figure Skating Championships

Personal information
Full name Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko
Country represented  Russia
Born 3 November 1982 (age 40)
Dzhamku, Solnechny District, Khabarovsk Krai, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union
Residence Saint Petersburg, Russia
Height 1.80 m (5 ft 11 in)
Coach Alexei Mishin
Former coach Mikhail Makoveev, Tatiana Skala
Choreographer Maxim Staviski, David Avdish
Former choreographer Pasquale Camerlengo, Kenji Miyamoto
Skating club Yubileyny Sports Palace
Began skating 1986
Retired 13 February 2014, 31 March 2017
World standing 160 (2015–16)
135 (2014–15)
67 (2013–14)
62 (2012–13)
24 (2011–12)
34 (2009–10)
44 (2007–08)
9 (2006–07)
2 (2005–06)
1 (2004–05)
1 (2003–04)
1 (2002–03)
1 (2001–02)
ISU personal best scores
Combined total 261.23
2012 Europeans
Short program 91.39
2014 Winter Olympics (Team)
Free skate 176.52
2012 Europeans

Medal record

Men’s figure skating
Representing  Russia
Event 1st 2nd 3rd
Olympic Games 2 2 0
World Championships 3 1 1
European Championships 7 3 0
Grand Prix Final 4 2 1
Total 16 8 2
Olympic Games

Olympic rings without rims.svg

Gold medal – first place 2006 Turin Singles
Gold medal – first place 2014 Sochi Team
Silver medal – second place 2002 Salt Lake City Singles
Silver medal – second place 2010 Vancouver Singles
World Championships
Gold medal – first place 2001 Vancouver Singles
Gold medal – first place 2003 Washington, D.C. Singles
Gold medal – first place 2004 Dortmund Singles
Silver medal – second place 1999 Helsinki Singles
Bronze medal – third place 1998 Minneapolis Singles
European Championships
Gold medal – first place 2000 Vienna Singles
Gold medal – first place 2001 Bratislava Singles
Gold medal – first place 2003 Malmö Singles
Gold medal – first place 2005 Turin Singles
Gold medal – first place 2006 Lyon Singles
Gold medal – first place 2010 Tallinn Singles
Gold medal – first place 2012 Sheffield Singles
Silver medal – second place 1998 Milan Singles
Silver medal – second place 1999 Prague Singles
Silver medal – second place 2004 Budapest Singles
Grand Prix Final
Gold medal – first place 1999–2000 Lyon Singles
Gold medal – first place 2000–01 Tokyo Singles
Gold medal – first place 2002–03 Saint Petersburg Singles
Gold medal – first place 2004–05 Beijing Singles
Silver medal – second place 2001–02 Kitchener Singles
Silver medal – second place 2003–04 Colorado Springs Singles
Bronze medal – third place 1998–99 Saint Petersburg Singles
Goodwill Games
Gold medal – first place 2001 Brisbane Singles
Bronze medal – third place 1998 New York Singles
World Junior Championships
Gold medal – first place 1997 Seoul Singles
European Youth Olympic Festival
Gold medal – first place 1997 Sundsvall Singles

Early life and educationEdit

Plushenko was born on 3 November 1982 in Dzhamku, Solnechny District, Khabarovsk Krai, Soviet Union.[4] His mother was originally from Volgograd, Russian SFSR, and his father, a carpenter,[5] was born in Donetsk, Russia.[6] He has an older sister.[5] Plushenko lived in Volgograd before moving to Saint Petersburg in 1994.[7][8] His mother died on 10 July 2015.[9]

A 1998 graduate of school No. 91 in Petrogradsky District, he began studying at the Lesgaft University in 2000, graduating in 2005, and at the Faculty of tourism and hospitality of the Saint Petersburg State University of Engineering and Economics in 2004.[4][8]

His surname is most commonly romanized as Plushenko but other variations exist. The Cyrillic shcha («щ») may be transliterated as ‘shch’ (scholarly šč), but the simplified variant ‘sh’ is often used for convention. The letter «ю» is pronounced «yu», so a more accurate transliteration would be «Plyushchenko». His given name is romanized as Evgeni or Yevgeny.[10][11]

Skating careerEdit

Plushenko and longtime coach Alexei Mishin at the 2004 Russian National Championships

Early careerEdit

Since Plushenko frequently suffered from colds, his mother decided he needed exercise and enrolled him in figure skating lessons at age four.[7] His first coach was Tatiana Skala.[4] He trained in Volgograd, Russia until his ice rink closed when he was 11 years old.[5] In 1994,[8] his mother took him to Saint Petersburg to train under the guidance of Alexei Mishin.[7]

Plushenko made quick progress on the international scene. He became the youngest ever World Junior Champion and World medalist at age 14, winning the 1997 World Junior Championships. The following year, at age 15, he won the bronze medal at the 1998 World Championships.


Plushenko developed a rivalry with Alexei Yagudin, with whom he trained under Mishin until Yagudin left in 1998.[12] In 2000, Plushenko defeated Yagudin at the 2000 European Championships, but finished fourth at the 2000 World Championships.[13]

Plushenko had a very successful 2000–01 season, winning every event he entered, including his first World title.[14]


At the 2002 Winter Olympics, Plushenko and Yagudin were considered co-favorites.[15] Plushenko finished 4th in the short program after falling on his quadruple toe loop,[16] but skated a free skating to «Carmen» and pulled up to finish in 2nd place overall.[17]

Plushenko won most of the competitions he entered in the following four years.[10] He finished second only twice. The first time was to Emanuel Sandhu at the 2003–04 Grand Prix Final for misunderstanding the new ISU Judging System which was now in use. The second was the 2004 European Championships, where he lost to Brian Joubert. He had a difficult 2004–05 season. At the 2005 World Championships in Moscow, Russia, an injury forced him to withdraw after the short program. He eventually required groin surgery. He underwent surgery to correct the problem in Munich, Germany in spring 2005.

Going into the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, Plushenko was the overwhelming favorite because of his past success under the new judging system.[18] Plushenko skated two solid programs and became the Olympic champion. He finished the short program ten points ahead of his closest rival, setting a new ISU record for the short program.[19] His free skating was just as strong, and also set a new ISU record.[20] Plushenko’s free skating music was specially arranged for him by violinist Edvin Marton.

2006–2008: HiatusEdit

Plushenko took a break from competitive skating following the 2006 Olympic season. He has said the off-season helped him rest and recover from past knee injuries he has battled.

After seeing the poor results of Russian skaters at the 2007 World Championships (the worst since 1960), Plushenko was worried about Russia losing its status as a dominant force in figure skating, and was also concerned that Russia might even lose confidence for its skaters for the 2010 Winter Olympics. He announced in April 2007 that he decided to return to competitive skating for the 2007–08 season to keep Russia at a competitive level with other countries until the next generation of Russian skaters could take over but a return to the ice did not materialize. Plushenko also stated that he planned to compete in the 2010 Winter Olympics.[21]

In 2008, Plushenko, together with violinist Edvin Marton, accompanied Dima Bilan on stage as part of the winning Eurovision Song Contest performance «Believe» in Belgrade, Serbia. Plushenko skated on stage as part of the performance.

2009–2010: Return to competitionEdit

In March 2009, Plushenko announced that he had returned to training with longtime coach Alexei Mishin in order to prepare for the 2010 Olympics.[22][23]

Plushenko led the short program in his return to skating at the 2009 Cup of Russia on 23 October 2009.[24] He earned 82.25 points for the short, and won the free skating with a score of 158.40. Overall, he won the gold in his comeback with a total of 240.65 points.[25]

In December 2009, Plushenko signed a partnership agreement with the international management agency FlashLight led by the sports agent Andreas Goller.

At the 2010 Russian Championships, Plushenko earned 100.09 points for his short program.[26] He received 171.50 points in the free skating to win his eighth Russian Championship with 271.59 points.[27]

At the 2010 European Championships, Plushenko set a new world record score in the short program by scoring 91.30 points, and went on to win the event for a sixth time with a total score of 255.39 points.[28]

He skated at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and received a score of 90.85 for his short program performance, breaking the Olympic record and leading all competitors. Following his skate, Plushenko said «Without a quad it’s not men’s figure skating. I will do the quad in any case. I believe that the quad is the future of figure skating. The quad is necessary, that is my opinion.»[29]

Plushenko finished second in the free skating and second overall, ultimately winning the silver medal with a total score of 256.36, 1.31 points behind the winner Evan Lysacek.[30] In the free skating, he landed a quadruple toe loop-triple toe loop combination but left a planned double loop out of a combination jump.[31] He and Lysacek received a similar total score for program components, but Plushenko had a lower total technical elements score than Lysacek. He said of the gold medal winner, Evan Lysacek, «I think we need to change the judging system – a quad is a quad. If an Olympic champion doesn’t do a quad, well I don’t know…»[32] In an interview to Russian newspaper Izvestia, Plushenko brought attention to the fact that, following his short program, three judges placed him 21st and 22nd for skating skills. He said, «Strangely, the computer did not drop any one of the three. But what it did instead was to drop those judges who awarded me first place. Under the current system, if this is the way judges’ marks are awarded, you can win, and you can just as equally lose. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to criticize the new rules, they are not bad. But they do need further refinement.» He also expressed dismay over the Russian Figure Skating Federation not standing up for one of their athletes. «After the short program, I should have had at least a 5 point lead over my competitors. In the end, however, the gap amounted to a mere 0.55 to which our Federation did not react at all.»[33] Russian skating champion Irina Rodnina said that although she had hoped he would win, Lysacek had a stronger overall performance.[34] At the same time, a number of well-known skaters and coaches said they supported Plushenko and believe he deserved the gold medal. Among them were figure skater Elvis Stojko[35] and the coaches Reinhardt Ketterer,[36] Tatiana Tarasova,[37] and Galina Zmievskaya.[38]

Plushenko became the only living single skater to have won medals at three Olympics.[39] He withdrew from the 2010 World Championships citing injury.[40]

Loss of eligibility and reinstatementEdit

Plushenko skated in exhibitions soon after his withdrawal from Worlds.[41] On 28 June 2010, the International Skating Union announced that Plushenko had lost his eligibility due to participating in skating shows in March and April without the Russian figure skating federation’s authorization.[42] He was given 21 days to appeal this decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport,[43] which he did not do. As a result, his loss of eligibility became final as announced by the ISU on 23 August 2010.[44] However, a request for reinstatement could be made in line with ISU regulations subject to a review and decision by the ISU Council.[45] In September 2010, he stated his goal of competing at the 2014 Winter Olympics.[46] In October 2010, he competed in the Japan Open 2010 as part of the European team. Each team was allowed to have an «ineligible» member. He placed third in the men’s event.[47]

Plushenko skated in ice shows around the world while continuing to train for a possible return to competition by practicing quad Salchows and quad loops.[48] In April 2011, he sent a letter to the Russian figure skating federation president, Aleksandr Gorshkov, seeking reinstatement.[49] Plushenko said he hoped the ban was not a retaliation of his criticism of the judging at the Olympics and that he would like to return to competition with a clean slate.[50] Although he said he would have liked to compete at the 2011 World Championships if the ban had been lifted, he did not feel he would have been ready due to lost training time as a result of injury.[50] On 12 June 2011, it was announced that the ISU had reinstated him by a unanimous vote.[41][51]

2011–2012 season: Return to competitionEdit

On 12 June 2011, Plushenko said that he had undergone knee surgery due to a meniscus problem but would be back on track within two weeks.[41] Although his left knee continued bothering him, he resumed training in Mishin’s group, alongside Artur Gachinski, saying «Competition is always good, remember there was a time when Alexei Urmanov, Alexei Yagudin and I all trained together. We pushed each other. With Artur in the group, I have a sparring partner. He does a quad and I have to do a quad as well.»[39] He declined an offer to skate in a 50-show tour in order to train.[52]

In December 2011, Plushenko competed at the 2012 Russian Championships. He won the short program with a score of 88.24 and then won the free skating with a score of 171.43, to win his ninth national title.[53][54] He was named to the Russian team for the 2012 European Championships, although he had not competed internationally recently enough to have the minimum technical elements scores (20 in the short program, 35 in the free). The Russian figure skating federation asked the ISU to allow him to compete, with Aleksandr Gorshkov saying that the minimum scores were designed to filter out weak skaters.[55] In January 2012, the ISU released a statement confirming that Plushenko had been allowed to participate in the 2012 European Championships.[56][57] On 26 January 2012, Plushenko confirmed that he would undergo additional surgery on his meniscus after the competition and would be unable to compete at the 2012 World Championships.[58]

Plushenko competed at the 2012 European Championships, his first international competition since 2010. He earned a score of 84.71 for his short program and a personal-best score of 176.52 for free skating. His overall competition score of 261.23 points was also a personal best and earned him his seventh European title.[59] He became only the third men’s skater to capture seven European titles and the only one to do so in modern history. He is surpassed only by two skaters from the early history of the sport, Sweden’s Ulrich Salchow, who won nine titles from 1898 to 1913, and Austria’s Karl Schafer, who won eight from 1929 to 1936. In a post-Europeans interview, Plushenko said that he had not planned to compete after 2010 but found he missed the adrenaline of competition.[52] He underwent surgery on his left knee to clean up the meniscus and repair a cartilage on 23 February 2012 in Germany.[60][61] In February 2012, Plushenko also mentioned a back problem due to spinal disc herniation.[62] It was later determined that back surgery would not be necessary.[63] Mishin clarified that Plushenko was in good health overall.[64]


In April[65] and July[66] 2012, Plushenko worked with Italian choreographer Pasquale Camerlengo on a new short program. In late June 2012, he also worked with Japanese choreographer Kenji Miyamoto on his free skating for the following season.[67] His work on quad Salchows and Lutzes aggravated his spinal problem and he flew to Munich, Germany for surgery, which involved searing a disk hernia with a liquid. Although doctors recommended he stay off the ice for a month, Plushenko returned in seven days, explaining «I felt that I need to run fast in order to defend my position. I had the National Championships coming up, so, not only did I start to train too early, but I started to train too intensely.» His decision led to complications and he received an injection, a block, in Saint Petersburg. He lost some of his jumps but got them back before the 2013 Russian Championships in Sochi, Russia.[68] Plushenko won his 10th national title at the event.[69][70] He said his plan was to compete at the 2013 European and World Championships if his health allowed him.[11]

Plushenko withdrew from the 2013 European Championships after the short program due to his back problem.[71] He underwent surgery on 31 January 2013 in Tel Aviv, Israel to replace a spinal disk with a synthetic one.[72]


As part of his preparation for the 2013–2014 season, Plushenko planned summer training camps in Pinzolo, Italy and Tartu, Estonia, followed by training in Saint Petersburg and Sochi.[73]

On 7 November 2013, Plushenko returned to competition at the 22nd Volvo Open Cup in Riga, Latvia where he won the gold medal with an overall score of 263.25 points. He landed a 4T, 3A, 3A-3T in the free skating and obtained the minimum TES needed to compete at the 2014 Winter Olympics. He had one Grand Prix assignment, the 2013 Rostelecom Cup, but withdrew due to a minor knee injury.[74] At the 2014 Russian Championships, Plushenko placed first in the short program and second in the free skating. He finished second overall behind Maxim Kovtun, his first loss at Nationals since placing third in 1998.

On 22 January 2014, it was announced that Plushenko had been awarded Russia’s men’s spot for the 2014 Winter Olympics. It was his fourth Olympics appearance.[75] Offered the opportunity to be Russia’s flagbearer, he said it was a great honor but he could not accept due to the competition schedule.[76]

At the 2014 Winter Olympics, Plushenko competed in both the short and free skating segments of the team figure skating competition. He placed second in the short program with a personal best score of 91.39 behind Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan. He placed first in the free skating portion with a score of 168.20, garnering 19 points for his team. Russia won gold, ten points ahead of Canada who got silver. This was Plushenko’s second Olympic gold medal, giving him a total of four Olympic medals, and he became one of the oldest figure skating Olympic champions. This tied him with Sweden’s Gillis Grafström for the record of the most Olympic medals by a figure skater, since surpassed by the ice dance team of Scott Moir and Tessa Virtue. This was also Russia’s first gold at the games.[77]

After struggling with a back injury during practice, Plushenko decided to withdraw from the men’s singles competition following his pre-short program warm up on 13 February 2014. It was announced shortly after that he would be retiring from competitive skating,[78] but was «not ruling out» the possibility of returning for the 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea.[79] On 2 March 2014, Plushenko announced that he was going to have another back surgery citing a snapped pin in his back, and ended any plans for a return to professional competition.[80]

After Sochi OlympicsEdit

Plushenko expressed interest in coaching when he ended his skating career.[48] After retiring officially from competition in March 2017, he opened his own skating school.

He was the coach of Adelina Sotnikova, the 2014 Olympic champion, from April 2017 until she retired in 2020.[81] He is also the coach of Stanislava Konstantinova and Ekaterina Ryabova.[82]

Records and achievementsEdit

ISU abbreviations:
T Toe loop
S Salchow
Lo Loop
F Flip
Lz Lutz
A Axel

Evgeni Plushenko has won four Olympic medals, which, at the time, tied with Gillis Grafström’s record for most Olympic medals in figure skating. Plushenko is known for his dynamic performances, and technical advancement of the sport.[83][84]

Plushenko is the first male skater to perform the Biellmann spin in the senior competitions.[5] At the 1999 NHK Trophy, he became the first skater to perform a 4T–3T–2Lo combination in competition. He has since landed the combination 26 times.[citation needed] Plushenko is also the first to land 4T–3T–3Lo and 3A-1Lo-3F in competition.[85] He first landed the combination at the 2002 Cup of Russia and has since landed it four times.[citation needed] He is the first skater to complete the 3A-3F combination.[86]

Plushenko is also the first to perform a 3T–3T–3Lo–2Lo combination, which he first did at the 2001 ARD Gala.[87][citation needed] At the 2006 Russian Championships, he landed a six jump combination (3T–3T–2Lo–2Lo–2Lo–2Lo) in his exhibition program. He performed a 3A-3T-3Lo combination at the exhibition finale of the 2006 Winter Olympics.[88]

Plushenko has consistently landed 4T in competitions and landed a 4S in Samara, Russia during the 2004 Russian Cup series. It is estimated that he has landed a total of about 100 quads in competition.[citation needed]

Plushenko has worked on and landed 4Lo and 4Lz in practice, but has never completed any of them in competition. He has also worked on a 3A-4T combination.[citation needed]

At the age of 16, Plushenko became the youngest male skater to ever receive a perfect score of 6.0. He received a total of seventy five 6.0’s before the new Code of Points judging system was introduced.[citation needed] Under the Code of Points system, he has set 13 world record scores (5 in the short program, 4 in free skating, and 4 in the combined total).[89]

Coaching careerEdit

Plushenko’s current students include:

  • Sofia Muravieva   → Champion 2021 JGP Austria, finished 6th at 2022 Russian Nationals
  • Anastasia Zinina  
  • Veronika Zhilina   → from May 2020 – present
  • Sofia Titova   → from May 2020 – present
  • Sofia Shifrina   → from June 2022 – present
  • Alena Zhilina   → from May 2020 – present

Former students include:

  • Alexandra Trusova   → From May 2020 – May 2021.
  • Alena Kostornaia   → from July 2020 – March 2021.
  • Ekaterina Ryabova   → Finished 13th at 2019 Worlds and 6th at 2020 Europeans.
  • Stanislava Konstantinova   → from February 2020 to January 2021.
  • Anastasia Tarakanova   → 4th at 2018 JGP Final, 7th 2019 Russian Jr. Nationals
  • Serafima Sakhanovich   → Champion 2019 CS Tallinn Trophy

List of Plushenko’s world record scoresEdit

Plushenko has broken 13 world records in his career:

Combined total records[90]
Date Score Event Note
16 February 2006 258.33 2006 Winter Olympics The record was broken by Daisuke Takahashi on 15 February 2008.
18 December 2004 251.75 2004–05 Grand Prix Final Plushenko became the first skater to score above 250 points.
15 November 2003 234.29 2003 Trophée Lalique
1 November 2003 233.65 2003 Skate Canada International Plushenko became the first skater to score above 230 points.
Short program records[91]
Date Score Event Note
20 January 2010 91.30 2010 European Championships The record was broken by Patrick Chan on 27 April 2011.
14 February 2006 90.66 2006 Winter Olympics Plushenko became the first skater to score above 90 points in short program.
25 November 2005 87.20 2005 Cup of Russia
17 December 2004 84.35 2004–05 Grand Prix Final
30 October 2003 81.25 2003 Skate Canada International Plushenko became the first skater to score above 80 points in short program.
Free skating records[92]
Date Score Event Note
16 February 2006 167.67 2006 Winter Olympics The record was broken by Daisuke Takahashi on 15 February 2008.
18 December 2004 167.40 2004–05 Grand Prix Final Plushenko became the first skater to score above 160 points in free skating.
15 November 2003 158.94 2003 Trophée Lalique
1 November 2003 152.40 2003 Skate Canada International Plushenko became the first skater to score above 150 points in free skating.

Advancement of skating competitionEdit

Plushenko has taken a strong position opposing the current official ban on quad jumps in the women’s short program stating: “When Usain Bolt runs faster than everyone else, should he run with weights? Why should ladies skating be held back? It is not fair to them. There should be equality”, referring to men not being restricted as to the use of quad jumps in competition. Plushenko has advocated the position that both men and women should be equally allowed to use the quad jump in skating competition without gender discrimination.[93]

Political careerEdit

In 2006, Plushenko joined the political party A Just Russia, and in March 2007, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg.[8][94] Following the 2010 Olympics, he announced his intention to quit politics. In April 2010, he gained public attention for poor attendance, having attended only 11 of 123 parliamentary sessions since his election.[95] In December 2011, he announced he was leaving politics to train for the 2014 Olympics.[94] He quit A Just Russia and said he had no plans to join another political party.[96]

Personal lifeEdit

On 18 June 2005, Plushenko married Maria Ermak, a sociology student at the Saint Petersburg State University, in a ceremony at the Hotel Astoria in Saint Petersburg. Their son, Egor Evgenievich (originally Kristian), was born on 15 June 2006.[97][98][99] In February 2008, they were officially divorced.[100] In August 2009, Plushenko announced his engagement to Yana Rudkovskaya, the record producer for Russian singer Dima Bilan.[101] They were married on 12 September 2009.[102] Their first son, Alexander, was born in January 2013 with their second, Arseniy, born in September 2020.[103]

In March 2022, Plushenko published an Instagram video in which he described the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine as an «unavoidable special operation».[104]



Season Exhibition
  • Tango Amore by Edvin Marton

  • Tribute to Vaslav Nijinsky


Season Short program Free skating Exhibition

Not shown in competition

  • Carmina Burana
    by Carl Orff
2014–2015 Did not compete this season
  • Carmina Burana
    by Carl Orff
  • El Tango de Roxanne
    (from Moulin Rouge)
    performed by Mariano Mores
    arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by Maxim Staviski and David Avdish

  • The Girl Like You
    (from We Are The Future)
    by Okean Elzy
    choreo. by Maxim Staviski and David Avdish

The Best of Plushenko

  • Bandit Petersburg
    by Igor Kornelyuk
  • The Godfather
    by Nino Rota
  • Scheherazade
    by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Tango Amore
    by Edvin Marton
  • Tosca
    by Giacomo Puccini
  • Adagio in G minor
    by Remo Giazotto and Tomaso Albinoni
    arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by Maxim Staviski and David Avdish

The Best of Plushenko

  • Bandit Petersburg
    by Igor Kornelyuk
  • The Godfather
    by Nino Rota
  • Scheherazade
    by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Tango Amore
    by Edvin Marton
  • Tosca
    by Giacomo Puccini
  • Adagio in G minor
    by Remo Giazotto and Tomaso Albinoni
    arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by Maxim Staviski and David Avdish
  • Storm
    by Yanni
    arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by David Avdish
  • Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso
  • The Swan
  • Danse macabre
    by Camille Saint-Saëns
    choreo. by David Avdish
  • Storm
    by Yanni
    arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by David Avdish
  • El Tango de Roxanne
    (from Moulin Rouge)
    performed by Mariano Mores
    arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by David Avdish
  • Je suis malade
    by Alice Dona and Serge Lama
2010–2011 Did not compete this season
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
    by Joaquín Rodrigo
    arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by David Avdish
  • Tango Amore
    by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by David Avdish
  • Svetcha
    by Mashina Vremeni

  • Je suis malade
    by Alice Dona and Serge Lama
Did not compete these seasons
  • Tosca
    by Giacomo Puccini
    choreo. by David Avdish, Yuri Smekalov, and Edvard Smirnov

  • Once Upon a Time in Mexico
    by Robert Rodriguez
    choreo. by David Avdish, Yuri Smekalov, and Edvard Smirnov
  • The Godfather
    by Nino Rota
    performed and arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by David Avdish, Yuri Smekalov, and Edvard Smirnov
  • Tosca
    by Giacomo Puccini
    choreo. by David Avdish, Yuri Smekalov, and Edvard Smirnov

  • Caruso
    by Lucio Dalla
    performed by Luciano Pavarotti

  • Sex Bomb
    by Tom Jones and Mousse T.
  • Moonlight Sonata
    by Ludwig van Beethoven
    performed by Victor Zinchuk
    choreo. by Sergei Petukhov and Edvard Smirnov
  • The Godfather
    by Nino Rota
    performed and arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by Sergei Petukhov and Edvard Smirnov
  • The Godfather
    by Nino Rota
    performed and arranged by Edvin Marton
    choreo. by Sergei Petukhov and Edvard Smirnov
  • Tango Flamenco
    by Paco de Lucia
  • Nyah
    by Hans Zimmer
  • Tribute to Vaslav Nijinsky
  • Scheherazade
    by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
  • Art on Ice
  • Magic Stradivarius
  • King of the Forest
    by Edvin Marton
  • Logical Song
    by Supertramp

  • Symphony No.5
    by Ludwig van Beethoven

  • Hafanana
    by Afric Simone

  • Asissai
    from an original performance of Slava Polunin
  • Adagio
    by Tomaso Albinoni, Remo Giazotto
  • Criminal St. Petersburg
    by Igor Kornelyuk
  • Carmen Suite
    by Georges Bizet, Rodion Shchedrin

  • Only You
    by The Platters

  • Town which doesn’t exist
    by Igor Kornelyuk
  • Earth Song
  • Childhood
  • Billie Jean
  • They Don’t Care About Us
    by Michael Jackson
  • Carmen Suite
    by Georges Bizet, Rodion Shchedrin

  • Fixe; Eclipse
    by Cirque du Soleil
  • El Tango de Roxanne
    (from Moulin Rouge!)
    by Mariano Mores
  • La Petite Fille de la Mer
    by Vangelis Papathanassiou
  • Carmen Suite
    by Georges Bizet, Rodion Shchedrin

  • Sex Bomb
    by Tom Jones, Mousse T
  • Boléro
    by Maurice Ravel
  • Xotica
    by Rene Dupere
  • Tango from Hasta que te Conoci
    by Raúl di Blasio
  • Once Upon A Time In America
    by Ennio Morricone
  • Cotton Club
    by Duke Ellington
  • Mortal Kombat
    by George S. Clinton
  • Sex Bomb
    by Tom Jones, Mousse T

  • Pasadena: Maywood
  • Sabre Dance
    by Aram Khachaturian
  • Dark Eyes
    (Russian folk song)
  • Coachmen Don’t Drive the Horse
  • Concierto Madrigal for Two Guitars
    by Joaquin Rodrigo
  • Two Step Nadya
    Russian folk music

  • Ciocarlia
    Romanian folk music
  • Hava Nagila
    by various artists
  • Chronologie 2, 3
  • Zoolookologie
    by Jean Michel Jarre
  • Two Step Nadya
    Russian folk music

  • Ciocarlia
    Romanian folk music
  • Paso Doble
  • Concierto de Aranjuez
  • El Gato Montes
    by Joaquin Rodrigo
  • Chronologie 2, 3
  • Zoolookologie
    by Jean Michel Jarre
  • Enigma
    by Jean Michel Jarre

  • Two Step Nadya
    Russian folk music

  • Ciocarlia
    Romanian folk music
  • Tarantella
    by Witold Lutosławski
  • Santa Lucia
    by Luigi Gordigiani
  • William Tell Overture
  • The Barber of Seville
    by Gioachino Rossini
  • Don Quixote
    by Ludwig Minkus

Competitive highlightsEdit

GP: Champions Series / Grand Prix

Event 95–96 96–97 97–98 98–99 99–00 00–01 01–02 02–03 03–04 04–05 05–06 06–07 07–08 08–09 09–10 10–11 11–12 12–13 13–14
Olympics 2nd 1st 2nd WD
Worlds 3rd 2nd 4th 1st 1st 1st WD
Europeans 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st WD
GP Final 5th 3rd 1st 1st 2nd 1st 2nd 1st
GP Cup of Russia 4th 2nd 2nd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st WD
GP Lalique 1st
GP NHK Trophy 1st 1st 1st
GP Skate America 2nd
GP Skate Canada 1st 1st
GP Spark./Bofrost 1st 1st 1st 1st
Goodwill Games 3rd 1st
Volvo Open Cup 1st
Finlandia Trophy 7th 3rd 1st
Campbell’s 2nd 1st
International: Junior[10]
Junior Worlds 6th 1st
Blue Swords 1st J
EYOF 1st J
Russian Champ. 6th 4th 3rd 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd
Team events
Olympics 1st T
Japan Open 3rd T
3rd P
3rd T
4th P
J = Junior level; WD = Withdrew
T = Team result; P = Personal result; Medals awarded for team result only.
Plushenko did not compete in the 2006–2007, 2007–2008, and 2008–2009 seasons.

Detailed resultsEdit

Small medals for short program and free skating awarded only at ISU Championships. At team events, medals awarded for team results only.

  • ^team event – This is a team event, medals are awarded for the team results only.
  • ^T – team placement
  • ^? – dates of competition, not event
  • ^TFP – Total Factored Placements
  • World records highlighted in bold and italic
2013–14 season
Date Event notes SP FS Total Ref
6–9 February 2014 2014 Winter Olympics team event 2
1T [120]
24–25 December 2013 2014 Russian Championships 1
7–8 November 2013 22nd Volvo Open Cup 1
2012–13 season
Date Event notes SP FS Total Ref
25–26 December 2012 2013 Russian Championships 1
6 October 2012 2012 Japan Open team event 4
3T [127]
2011–12 season
Date Event PR SP FS Total Ref
23–28 January 2012 2012 European Championships 1
25–26 December 2011 2012 Russian Championships 1
2010–11 season
Date Event notes SP FS Total Ref
2 October 2010 2010 Japan Open team event 3
3T [130]
2009–10 season
Date Event notes SP FS Total Ref
16–18 February 2010 2010 Winter Olympics 1
20–21 January 2010 2010 European Championships 1
24–26 December 2009 2010 Russian Championships 1
23–24 October 2009 2009 Cup of Russia 1
2005–06 season
Date Event notes SP FS Total Ref
14–16 February 2006 2006 Winter Olympics 1
20–21 January 2006 2006 European Championships 1
25–29? December 2005 2006 Russian Championships 1 1 1
25–26 November 2005 2005 Cup of Russia 1
2004–05 season
Date Event PR SP FS Total Ref
14–20 March 2005 2005 World Championships 1
25–30 January 2005 2005 European Championships 2
5–8 January 2005 2005 Russian Championships 1 1 1
16–19 December 2004 2004–05 Grand Prix Final 1
25–28 November 2004 2004 Cup of Russia 1
2003–04 season
Date Event PR SP FS Total Ref
22–28 March 2004 2004 World Championships 1 1 1 1
2–8 February 2004 2004 European Championships 1 1 2 2
5–8 January 2004 2004 Russian Championships 1 1 1
11–14 December 2003 2003–04 Grand Prix Final 1
20–23 November 2003 2003 Cup of Russia 1
13–16 November 2003 2003 Trophée Lalique 1
30 October – 3 November 2003 2003 Skate Canada International 1


  1. ^ A more accurate transliteration is Plyushchenko
  2. ^ «Olympics medalists: Men» (PDF). International Skating Union. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 May 2013.
  3. ^ «Figure Skating». Sports Reference. Archived from the original on 17 April 2020. Retrieved 2 May 2014.
  4. ^ a b c Плющенко Евгений Викторович [Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko] (in Russian). Russian Figure Skating Federation. Retrieved 13 June 2014.
  5. ^ a b c d e «Evgeni PLUSHENKO: 2000/2001». International Skating Union. Archived from the original on 17 April 2001.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  6. ^ Borzenko, Viktor (25 October 2006). Родители Жени Плющенко не смотрят его выступления [Plushenko’s parents don’t watch his performances]. Argumenty i Fakty (in Russian).
  7. ^ a b c Mittan, J. Barry (1998). «Evgeni Plushenko». Archived from the original on 14 May 2012.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: unfit URL (link)
  8. ^ a b c d Плющенко Евгений Викторович [Evgeni Viktorovich Plushenko] (in Russian). Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg.
  9. ^ «Tragedy Strikes». Facebook. Facebook. Archived from the original on 26 February 2022. Retrieved 21 July 2015.
  10. ^ a b c d «Competition Results: Evgeni PLUSHENKO». International Skating Union. Archived from the original on 14 June 2014.
  11. ^ a b Fyodorov, Gennady (26 December 2012). «Figure skating-Plushenko makes successful comeback in Sochi». Reuters.
  12. ^ Caple, Jim (15 February 2002). «Russian triangle not likely to be friends soon». ESPN.
  13. ^ «Yagudin captures third world title». ESPN. Associated Press. 23 October 2000.
  14. ^ «FIGURE SKATING; Eldredge Can’t Spin In Front of Russians». The New York Times. 23 March 2001.
  15. ^ Roberts, Selena (5 February 2002). «Salt Lake City 2002: The 19th Olympic Winter Games; Figure Skating». The New York Times.
  16. ^ «Yagudin wins after Plushenko falls in short program». Sports Illustrated. Associated Press. 12 February 2002.
  17. ^ «Yagudin wins; Goebel brings home bronze». ESPN. Associated Press. 14 February 2002.
  18. ^ Zinser, Lynn (7 February 2006). «TURIN: 2006 WINTER OLYMPICS PREVIEW; Figure Skating». The New York Times.
  19. ^ Mihoces, Gary (16 February 2006). «Plushenko alone in first». USA Today.
  20. ^ «Progression Of Highest Scores». Isuresults.com. Retrieved 13 February 2014.
  21. ^ «Plushenko returning to competition». 11 April 2007.[permanent dead link]
  22. ^ «Plushenko to Return for 2010 Olympics». Sports Illustrated. 18 March 2009.
  23. ^ Flade, Tatjana (1 June 2009). «Evgeni Plushenko: Back to the Future». Golden Skate.
  24. ^ «Stories: Channel NewsAsia». Channel NewsAsia. 31 March 2013. Retrieved 13 February 2014.
  25. ^ Flade, Tatjana (27 October 2009). «Evgeni Plushenko: Return of the King». Golden Skate.
  26. ^ / 24 December 2009 (24 December 2009). «ДНИ.РУ ИНТЕРНЕТ-ГАЗЕТА ВЕРСИЯ 5.0 / Плющенко рассердился на детей и хоккеистов». Dni.ru. Retrieved 13 February 2014.
  27. ^ «Домен goldskate.ru продаётся. Цена: 19 000,00 р». Archived from the original on 24 January 2010.
  28. ^ Mittan, J. Barry (21 January 2010). «Plushenko wins men’s title at Europeans». IceNetwork. Archived from the original on 20 April 2013. Retrieved 28 April 2013.
  29. ^ «CTV News».
  30. ^ Macur, Juliet (19 February 2010). «Lysacek Wins the Gold With Style». The New York Times. Retrieved 2 May 2010.
  31. ^ «Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics». Vancouver2010.com. Archived from the original on 8 April 2010. Retrieved 13 February 2014.
  32. ^ «Even in defeat, Yevgeny Plushenko steals show». Reuters. 19 February 2010.
  33. ^ Евгений Плющенко: Зарабатываю, чтобы кормить три семьи. Izvestia.ru (in Russian). 5 March 2010. Archived from the original on 24 March 2010.
  34. ^ «Olympic Champ says Plushenko ‘Has Nothing to Complain About!’«. LifeNews, via translation from WorldMeets.US. 21 February 2010.
  35. ^ «Elvis Stojko».
  36. ^ Akinchenko, Mikhail (21 September 2010). В Петербурге запустили сразу два крупных предприятия автопрома (in Russian). 1tv.ru.
  37. ^ Татьяна Тарасова: «Счастье, что Домниной и Шабалину дали третье место на Олимпиаде-2010» [Tatyana Tarasova: «It’s fortunate that Domnina and Shabalin were given the 3rd place at 2010 Olympics»]. Sovetskiy Sport (in Russian). sports.ru. 1 March 2010.
  38. ^ Remizova, Maria (23 February 2010). Плющенко вызывает на дуэль американца, отобравшего у него «золото» [Plushenko throws gauntlet to the American who wrestled the «gold» away from him]. Komsomolskaya Pravda (in Russian).
  39. ^ a b Flade, Tatjana (13 September 2011). «Evgeni Plushenko: Rising to the Challenge». IFS Magazine. Archived from the original on 27 September 2011. Retrieved 13 September 2011.
  40. ^ «Plushenko pulls out of world championships». USA Today. Associated Press. 19 March 2010.
  41. ^ a b c «Plushenko regains amateur status». usatoday.com. Associated Press. 13 June 2011. Retrieved 13 June 2011.
  42. ^ «Plushenko career over as ISU pull eligibility». Agence France-Presse. 28 June 2010.
  43. ^ «ISU Communication 1622». International Skating Union. Archived from the original on 3 July 2010.
  44. ^ «Note to ISU Communication No. 1622, item 5, eligibility of Mr. Evgeny Plushenko (RUS)». International Skating Union. 23 August 2010. Archived from the original on 19 September 2011.
  45. ^ «Olympic champion Plushenko banned». BBC News. 24 August 2010.
  46. ^ «Banned Plushenko still wants to skate in Sochi». Reuters. 3 September 2010. Retrieved 3 September 2010.
  47. ^ «Japan Open 2010». Skatingjapan.jp. 2 October 2010. Archived from the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 13 February 2014.
  48. ^ a b Luchianov, Vladislav (3 March 2011). «Sochi Games still a possibility for Plushenko». Icenetwork.com. Archived from the original on 15 September 2012. Retrieved 5 April 2011.
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External linksEdit

  • Evgeni-Plushenko.com (in Russian and English)
  • Evgeni Plushenko at the International Skating Union
  • Evgeni Plushenko at fskate.ru (in Russian)
  • Evgeni Plushenko at IceNetwork
  • Evgeni Plushenko at Olympics.com  
  • Yevgeny Plyushchenko at Olympics at Sports-Reference.com (archived)
World Records Holder
Preceded by

  Takeshi Honda

Men’s short program
30 October 2003 – 27 April 2011
Succeeded by

  Patrick Chan

Preceded by

  Jeffrey Buttle

Men’s free skating
1 November 2003 – 15 February 2008
Succeeded by

  Daisuke Takahashi

Preceded by

  Jeffrey Buttle

Men’s total score
1 November 2003 – 15 February 2008
Succeeded by

  Daisuke Takahashi

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