Every Russian knows a lot of folk tales because our parents read them to us when we are little children. Russian folk tales are an important part of our culture.
One of my favourite folk tales in my childhood was “Teremok” and it’s a very popular children’s tale. A teremok was a small wooden house that was standing empty in a forest. One day a mouse found the teremok and began living in it. Little by little other animals asked the mouse to let them live in the house too. So the number of animals grew: there was a mouse, a frog, a rabbit, a fox, a wolf, a cockerel and a mosquito inside. The family lived happily together. But one day somebody knocked on the door. It was a huge bear who wanted to move in too. Unfortunately he was too big for the teremok, so he climbed up on the roof and smashed the little house. Poor animals decided to rebuild the house and make it even better and bigger.
I think that moral of the story is that it is important to live happily as a big family, to help each other and be kind to your friends.
Каждый русский человек знает много народных сказок, потому что наши родители читают их нам, пока мы маленькие дети. Русские народные сказки являются важной частью нашей культуры.
Одной из моих любимых сказок в детстве был «Теремок», и это очень популярная детская сказка. Теремок – это маленький деревянный домик, который стоял пустым посреди леса. Однажды мышка нашла этот теремок и стала там жить-поживать. Так, понемногу и другие звери просили у мышки разрешения тоже пожить в домике. Количество зверей росло и росло: там жили мышка, лягушка, зайчик, лисичка, волк, петушок и комарик. Семейство жило счастливо вместе. Но вот однажды кто-то постучал в дверь. Это был огромный медведь, которому тоже хотелось поселиться у них в доме. К сожалению, он был слишком велик для теремка, поэтому он взобрался на крышу и раздавил маленький домик. Бедные зверюшки решили построить новый дом и сделать его даже лучше и больше.
Думаю, что мораль этой истории такая: важно жить счастливо большой семьей, помогать друг другу и быть добрым к своим друзьям.
Популярная русская народная сказка (Popular folk tale in Russia) — 4.2 out of
based on
5 votes
Представлено сочинение на английском языке Моя любимая сказка/ My Favourite Fairy Tale с переводом на русский язык.
My Favourite Fairy Tale | Моя любимая сказка |
Books have always interested and attracted me. From the very childhood I like listening to my mum’s stories. She normally told me some popular fairy tales, including Cinderella, Pinocchio, Beauty and the Beast. | Меня всегда интересовали и завораживали книги. С самого детства я любила слушать рассказы моей мамы. Она обычно рассказывала мне популярные сказки, такие как Золушка, Буратино, Красавица и Чудовище. |
However, my favourite book was about Alice in Wonderland, which was written by a well-known English author Lewis Carroll. It’s a story about a curious little girl, named Alice, who falls down a rabbit hole and meets lots of strange creatures there. | Но все же моей любимой книгой была «Алиса в стране чудес», написанная известным английским писателем Льюисом Кэрроллом. Это история о любопытном маленькой девочке по имени Алиса, которая падает в кроличью нору и встречает там много странных существ. |
When it comes to this fairy tale, I’m ready to hear, read or watch it many times. I liked every moment of it, for example, when Alice drinks the magic syrup and becomes small enough to sneak into an attractive garden. Later, she eats a piece of cookie and becomes of a tremendous size. She cries so much that her tears flood the hallway. When she becomes small again, she has to swim through her own tears. The tale is full of such abstract incidents, but they are setting wonderful atmosphere. During her journey she meets many friends in this imaginary world. One of them is the White Rabbit, who is always in a hurry. Another noteworthy character is the Cheshire Cat, who has a distinctive mischievous grin. Perhaps, the worst character of the fairy tale is the Queen of Hearts. Her favourite phrase is: “Off with their heads!” She nearly killed Alice for being disobedient. One of my favourite parts from the book “Alice in Wonderland” is “A Mad Tea-Party” with the Hatter and the March Hare. They seemed to be having such a good time. | Когда дело доходит до этой сказки, я готова слушать, читать или смотреть ее много раз. Мне нравился каждый ее эпизод, например, как Алиса выпивает волшебный сироп и становится достаточно маленькой, чтобы проникнуть в красивый сад. Позже, она съедает кусок печенья и становится огромных размеров. Она столько плачет, что ее слезы заполняют коридор. Когда она снова становится маленькой, ей приходится переплывать через собственные слезы. Сказка полна таких абстрактных случаев, но они создают замечательную атмосферу. Во время своего путешествия она встречает множество друзей в этом воображаемом мире. Одним из них является Белый Кролик, который всегда куда-то спешит. Еще один примечательный персонаж – это Чеширский Кот, который имеет характерную озорную улыбку. Возможно, худшим персонажем в сказке является Королева Червей. Ее любимая фраза звучит так: «Отрубить им головы!» Она чуть не убила Алису за непослушание. Одна из моих любимых глав в книге «Алиса в стране чудес» — это «Безумное чаепитие» со Шляпником и Мартовским Зайцем. Создается ощущение, что они прекрасно проводят время. |
Each time I heard this tale, I imagined being in this fantasy world and walking the same routes Alice did. | Каждый раз, когда я слышала эту сказку, я представляла себе в этом вымышленном мире и проходилась по тем же маршрутам что и Алиса. |
1. The Ant and the Grasshopper (МУРАВЕЙ И КУЗНЕЧИК)
One summer’s day a
Grasshopper was hopping about in the field, singing and chirping to its heart’s
content. An Ant passed by, carrying with great effort an ear of corn he was
taking to his home.
«Why not come and have a
chat with me, » the Grasshopper said, «instead of fussing all day long?». «I am
busy saving up food for the winter, » the Ant said, «and that would be better
for you to do the same. » «Why bother about cold? » the Grasshopper answered;
«we have got a lot of food at present. »
But the Ant went on its
supply. When the winter came the Grasshopper got very cold and hungry while it
kept watching the ants replete with corn and grain from the stores they had collected
and saved in the summer.
Then the Grasshopper understood…
2. The Lion and
the Mouse (ЛЕВ И МЫШОНОК)
Once a Lion decided to
have a rest. While he’d been asleep a little Mouse started to run up and down
upon him. The Lion woke up because of that, put his huge paw upon the Mouse and
opened his awful mouth to swallow him.
«I beg your pardon, my
King! » the little Mouse cried, «Forgive me please. I shall never do it again
and I shall never forget how kind you were to me. And who knows, maybe one day
I’ll do you a favor in turn? »
The Lion found the idea of
the Mouse being able to help him so funny, that he let him go. Sometime later
the Lion was captured by hunters. They tied him to a tree and they went away
for a while searching for a wagon to carry him on. Just then the little Mouse
happened to pass by, and the Lion in trouble. At once he ran up to him and soon
gnawed away the ropes that tied the King. «Wasn’t I really right? » the little
Mouse said, being very proud of his role of the Lion’s saviour.
3. The golden
Once upon a time there
lived a man and his wife who were happy to own a goose that laid a golden egg
daily. In spite of their luck, however, they soon stopped being satisfied with
their fortune and wanted even more. They imagined that if the goose can lay
golden eggs, it must be made of gold inside. So they thought that if they could
get all that precious metal at once, they would get very rich immediately. Then
the couple decided to kill the bird. However, when they cut the goose open,
they were shocked to find that its innards were just like any other goose has
4. The Golden
Once upon a time, in a
land far away lived a very poor couple in a shack not far from the edge of the
sea. Their only means of food was the fish that the old man caught in the sea.
One morning, as was his
usual routine, the fisherman took his fishing net down to the sea. But on this
day something unusual happened, on this day the fisherman caught the Golden
The Golden Fish begged for
the fisherman to spare his life, and offered in return to grant the fisherman
any wish he would like. But the kindhearted fisherman asked for nothing, and
returned the Golden Fish to the sea.
However, the fisherman’s
wife was not so kindhearted, she became irate when he related the story to her,
and sent him back to the sea to catch the Golden Fish and to wish for a loaf of
bread. The fisherman did as he was told. He caught the fish and wished for a
loaf of bread. When he returned home he found a fresh baked loaf of bread on
the table.
The fisherman’s wife then
decided that she wanted more than just a loaf of bread.
The next morning she sent
her husband to ask for a new. He returned home to find his wife with a new
washtub, but she still wasn’t satisfied.
The following day the
husband was sent to the sea to find the magic fish and to wish for a new house.
This wish was, like the ones before it, granted to the fisherman. But the
fisherman was sent back again the next day to wish that his wife would become
governor. This time he returned home to find his wife dressed in riches and
ordering about servants. But the woman was still unhappy, and demanded to
become Queen of all the land.
Eventually, even being
Queen of all the land did not satisfy the wife, and so she sent her husband
once last time to the sea to catch the Golden Fish and to wish that she would
be ruler of the sea and of all creatures who live in it. The fisherman caught
the fish, and made the wish. However, when he returned home his wife was
dressed in her old rags, standing by her old broken washtub, inside the old
shack, with not even a loaf of bread to eat.
5. The Bun (КОЛОБОК)
One day the old man says
to his wife ‘Please, bake me a bun’. The old woman takes some flour, some soar
cream, some butter and some water, and makes a bun. She puts it on the
windowsill to cool.
But the bun cannot sit on
the windowsill! It jumps from the windowsill to the
bench, from the bench to
the floor, from the floor to the door, and runs away.
The bun runs along the
road and meets a hare. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the
hare. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from Grandmother. And I can run
away from you, little hare!’ says the bun and runs away.
The bun runs along the
road and meets a wolf. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the
wolf. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from
Grandmother, I ran away
from the hare. And I can run away from you, grey wolf!’ says the bun and runs
The bun runs along the
road and meets a bear. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the
bear. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from
Grandmother, I ran away
from the hare, I ran away from the wolf. And I can run away from you, big
bear!’ says the bun again and runs away.
The bun runs along the
road and meets a fox. ‘Little bun, little bun, I want to eat you!’ says the
fox. ‘I ran away from Grandfather, I ran away from
Grandmother, I ran away
from the hare, I ran away from the wolf, I ran away from the bear. And I can
run away from you, old fox!’
‘What a nice song!’ says
the fox. ‘But little bun, I’m old and I cannot hear you well. Sit on my nose
and sing your song again.’ The bun jumps on the fox’s nose and … the fox eats
6. The Snow
Once upon a time there
lived an old man and woman. They had a good life, but had always regretted that
they didn’t have any children. One lovely winter day the couple saw some neighborhood
children playing in the snow, and the disappointment of not having a child of
their own hurt more than ever.
The old man turned to his
wife and said «Let’s go outside and build a
snow girl — it will be
like the daughter we never had.» So the two built a snow girl, carefully
forming her hands and feet, her cute little nose, her mouth, her chin…
Seconds after they
finished, the snow girl’s lips suddenly turned red and her eyes began to open.
She smiled warmly at the old couple, shook the flakes off her body, and emerged
from the snowdrift as a pretty young girl!
The old couple was
overjoyed, took her into their hut, and named her the Snow Maiden. The Snow
Maiden grew quickly, not by the day but by the hour. Before long, she became
quite beautiful and the old couple doted on her. The Snow Maiden was a dream child.
She always did her chores, never complained, and was very affectionate. When
she sang a melody, it was as if an angel from heaven were singing just for
The Snow Maiden spent much
time outdoors. She liked the feel of the cool breeze on her fair skin and
enjoyed spending time with the small creatures of the forest.
But winter soon passed and
the warm sun of spring started to heat the land. The girl now became quite
«What’s the
matter», the old couple would ask. «Are you not feeling well?»
«No, Mother, no
Father, I’m fine», she would reply.
But there was no denying
that something was wrong. As the last snow melted, as flowers began to grow in
the meadows, as the larks started to sing, the girl became even sadder. And she
would hide from the sun at every opportunity. Once dark clouds moved through,
bringing with them a flurry of hail. The girl rejoiced, looking at the stones
of hail as if they were giant pearls. But soon the hail melted and the girl
Summer arrived and one day
a group of girls called out to the Snow
Maiden, «Come with us
for a walk in the woods!»
The Snow Maiden didn’t
want to go, but her parents urged her, saying, «Go play with them, dear.
You’ll have fun».
So she went with the
girls, who began collecting flowers, singing songs, and dancing. The Snow
Maiden didn’t join in, though, and wasn’t having a very good time. Then it
began to get dark, and the other girls made a fire from some twigs they had
collected. They continued to laugh and sing, and the Snow Maiden could see how
much fun the girls were having. Finally, she decided to join in. For the first
time since winter a smile formed on her face as she laughed, sang, and danced
with the others.
Then, one by one, the
other girls began playfully jumping over the small fire they had built. The
Snow Maiden jumped over when it was her turn, but halfway through her leap, she
suddenly melted and turned into a white cloud. A faint good-bye was heard
before the cloud rose up and
disappeared into
the heavens.