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Напишите сочинение на английском про шрека и напешите перевод плиз
1 ответ:
Shrek likes to bathe in the mud, eat eyes and frogs, let gases, in general he is a real ogre. Despite this, the Shrek-natured and honest fellow. He is always ready to help and never waiting for gratitude from those he helped. Its strength and sense of justice are others that makes Shrek exposed to various conflict situations. In the struggle for the restoration of justice reveals the character of Shrek, his perseverance, fortitude, courage.
Шрек любит купаться в грязи, кушать глаза и жаб, пускать газы, в общем он настоящий огр. Несмотря на это, Шрек добродушный и честный малый. Он всегда готов прийти на помощь и никогда не ждет благодарности от тех, кому он помог. Его силой и чувством справедливости пользуются другие, что и заставляет Шрека попадать в различные конфликтные ситуации. В борьбе за восстановление справедливости раскрывается характер Шрека, его настойчивость, сила духа, мужество.
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1. What do you usually do in the evening?
2. We went to Great Britain last New Year.
3. Will you meet me at quarter past nine?
4. Mike said that he will come to the station for half an hour.
5. What will you do at two o’clock on Thursday?— I shall have dinner at this time.
6. What are you doing now?— I am repairing TV now. We bought it last Wednesday and it isn’t working now.
7. We shall have exam on Sunday the 23 of January. I was preparing for it all evening yesterday.
8. We plan <span>to get out of town</span> on Easter.
9. I shall come back home in the noon.
10. We shall be going to Sankt-Petersburg today in the evening.
11. We are going to go to our good friends next weekend.
12. We have seen something bright on the river bottom.
13. Who attended the meeting? John, was you on the meeting?— No, I was on the concert. And Jaine was at the cinema. The meeting was in the evening on Friday. Nobody was on the meeting.
14. We go to the <span>gymnasium </span>every Tuesday.
15. What do you usually wear on cold winter day?
<span>When I rang) up my friend, he was sleeping).
When grandfather was watching) TV, he fell) asleep.
When my friend came) to see me, I was doing) my homework.
When I was going) to the stadium, I met) Kate and Ann.
When Nick rang) me up yesterday, I was helping) mother.
When the children were walking through the wood, they saw a fox.
When I came) home, my sister was washing the floor.
When Mike was playing in the yard, he found) a ball.
When I was drawing yesterday, I broke) two pencils.
When I met) Tom, he was going) to the shop.
When I looked out of the window, the children were playing hide-and-seek.
I went to the theatre yesterday.
At seven o’clock yesterday I was going to the theatre.
What were you doing) at 5 o’clock yesterday? — I was playing the piano.
When I came) to school, the children were standing) near the classroom.
We were playing in the yard the whole evening yesterday.
When I was preparing breakfast in the morning, I cut) my finger.
Last year I went to the United States.
Did you go) to Great Britain last year? — No, I went to France.
What were you doing yesterday? — I was translating a very long article.
Toni bought ice cream yesterday
Lara drank some milk yesterday
Karen ate an apple yesterday
Phil had a shower yesterday
Katia made a cake yesterday
Sarah wrote a letter yesterday
Derek rode a horse yesterday
Charlie met his friends yesterday
Yes, she sent a letter to her friend
Yes, she drew a picture about the nature
No, he didn’t. He worked in the laboratory
Yes, they played some instruments
Вопрос по английскому языку:
Напишите сочинение на английском про шрека и напешите перевод плиз
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Ответы и объяснения 1
Shrek likes to bathe in the mud, eat eyes and frogs, let gases, in general he is a real ogre. Despite this, the Shrek-natured and honest fellow. He is always ready to help and never waiting for gratitude from those he helped. Its strength and sense of justice are others that makes Shrek exposed to various conflict situations. In the struggle for the restoration of justice reveals the character of Shrek, his perseverance, fortitude, courage.
Шрек любит купаться в грязи, кушать глаза и жаб, пускать газы, в общем он настоящий огр. Несмотря на это, Шрек добродушный и честный малый. Он всегда готов прийти на помощь и никогда не ждет благодарности от тех, кому он помог. Его силой и чувством справедливости пользуются другие, что и заставляет Шрека попадать в различные конфликтные ситуации. В борьбе за восстановление справедливости раскрывается характер Шрека, его настойчивость, сила духа, мужество.
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Английский язык — язык англо-фризской подгруппы западной группы германской ветви индоевропейской языковой семьи.
Обновлено: 11.01.2023
Shrek (Mike Myers), a green ogre that has always enjoyed living in peaceful solitude in his swamp, finds his life disrupted when numerous fairytale beings, including Pinocchio, the Three Little Pigs, and Donkey (Eddie Murphy), are forced into the swamp by order of the obsessive, fairy-tale despising Lord Farquaad (John Lithgow).
Shrek leaves the swamp to ask Farquaad for the return of his privacy, with Donkey happily tagging along. Meanwhile, Farquaad tortures the Gingerbread Man into revealing the whereabouts of the remaining fairytale creatures until his guards rush in with an object Farquaad has been searching for: the Magic Mirror. The Mirror tells him that Farquaad can only become a real king by marrying a princess. The Mirror gives him three princesses to choose from: Cinderella, Snow White, and Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz). Farquaad chooses Fiona and silences the Mirror before he can mention «the little thing that happens at night» (which is later revealed to be a curse).
Shrek and Donkey arrive at Farquaad’s palace in Duloc, where they find themselves in the midst of a tournament. The winner will have the «privilege» of attempting to rescue Fiona from a castle surrounded by lava and protected by a fire-breathing dragon so that Farquaad may marry her. Shrek (with some help from Donkey) easily beats the other knights in a fashion that resembles a wrestling match and Farquaad agrees to remove the fairytale creatures from the swamp if Shrek rescues Fiona.
Shrek and Donkey travel to the castle and split up to find Fiona. Donkey encounters the dragon and sweet-talks the beast to save himself before discovering that the dragon is female. Dragon takes a liking to Donkey and carries him to her chambers. When Shrek finds Fiona, she is appalled at his lack of romanticism. As they are leaving, Shrek manages to save Donkey, caught in Dragon’s tender clutches, and causing her to become irate, chasing Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey out of the castle. At first, Fiona is thrilled to be rescued but quickly becomes disappointed when Shrek takes his helmet off and she realises that he is an ogre. The three make their return journey to Farquaad’s palace, with Shrek and Fiona finding they have more in common with each other along the way, and falling in love. However, at night, Fiona refuses to camp with them, taking shelter in a nearby cave until morning. Shrek and Donkey stay awake and watch the stars while Shrek informs Donkey that he plans to build a wall around his swamp when he returns. When Donkey persists as to why Shrek would do this, Shrek tells him that everyone judges him before they know him; therefore, he is better off alone.
The next night, Fiona takes shelter in a nearby windmill. When Donkey hears strange noises coming from the windmill, he finds Fiona has turned into an ogress. Fiona explains she was cursed as a child and turns into an ogress every night, which is why she was locked away in the castle, and that only a kiss from her true love will return her to her «love’s true form». Shrek, about to confess his feelings for Fiona, overhears part of their conversation, and is heartbroken as he misinterprets her disgust at her transformation into an «ugly beast» as being disgusted with him. Fiona makes Donkey promise not to tell Shrek about the spell, vowing to do it herself, but when the next morning comes, Shrek has brought Lord Farquaad to Fiona. The two return to the castle, while a hurt Shrek returns to the now-vacated swamp.
Shrek finds that, despite his privacy, he is miserable and misses Fiona. Donkey comes to the swamp, angry at Shrek, and Shrek reveals that he overheard their conversation. Donkey keeps his promise to Fiona and tells Shrek that she was talking about someone else. He then tells him that Fiona will be getting married shortly, urging Shrek into action to gain Fiona’s true love. They are able to travel to Duloc quickly, thanks to Dragon, who had escaped her confines and followed Donkey.
His name is Shrek. His face is round and green. He’s very fat. He’s short. He has two green and long ears. He has big, long hands. The title character of the eponymous series of films and games, this is a huge green Ogre who lives in a swamp, in the vicinity of the city-state of Duloc.
He always liked to live in the peaceful solitude of his swamp.Shrek’s best friends are donkey and puss in boots. Shrek is very funny.
Его зовут Шрек. Лицо у него круглое и зеленое. Он очень толстый. Он невысокий. У него два зеленых и длинных уха. У него большие, длинные руки. Заглавный персонаж одноименной серии фильмов и игр, это огромный зеленый людоед, который живет на болоте, в окрестностях города-государства Дюлок.
Ему всегда нравилось жить в мирном уединении своего болота. Лучшие друзья Шрека-осел и кот в сапогах. Шрек очень забавный.
It is a boy. His name is Shrek. He is fat. He is short. He has a round and green face. He has two big eyes. He has two green and long ears. He has not hair. He has a big green nose. He has big, long hands. He has thin legs. He has big feet. He is ugly.
Shrek is an imaginary character of the children’s book of W. Steyg «Shrek» and series of cartoons. He is a huge man-eater who lives in the moor alone but is very happy because of it. Shrek has a big head, two piped ears, green skin. He always wears beige shirt, brown waistcoat, brown pants and shoes. He prefers calm and comfortable way of life. But the inhabitants who live near him make an attacks at his house. So, to avoid such situations, because he is friendly and soft indeed, he puts rude and frightening nameplates around his home.
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It is a boy. His name is Shrek. He is fat. He is short. He has a round and green face. He has two big eyes. He has two green and long ears. He has not hair. He has a big green nose. He has big, long hands. He has thin legs. He has big feet. He is ugly.
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Шрек — фантастический, анимационный фильм режиссеров А. Адамсона и Вики Дженсона. История происходит в воображаемой стране, где живут люди и сказочные существа. Главными героями являются Шрек, Ослик, Принцесса Фиона и Лорд Фаркуад. Майк Майерс озвучивает Шрека, Эдди Мерфи озвучивает Ослика и Кэмерон Диас — принцессу Фиону.
Шрек — огр. Он — очень большое и страшное зеленое существо, которое живет в вонючем старом болоте. У него счастливая и спокойная жизнь, пока лорд Фаркуад не решит переместить всех волшебных сказочных существ в болото. Шреку это не нравится. Он и Ослик идут к лорду Фаркуаду, чтобы поговорить с ним о проблеме. Лорд Фаркуад говорит Шреку, что он может вернуть свой дом, но только если он спасет принцессу Фиону из замка и приведет ее к нему. Фаркуад хочет жениться на Фионе. В замке Шрек и Ослик должны сражаться с опасным драконом.
Этот фильм стоит посмотреть. Он рассказывает забавную историю и также является отличным приключенческим фильмом. Я настоятельно рекомендую Шрека для тех, кто ищет фильм, которым можно наслаждаться всей семьей.
Shrek is a fantastic, animated film, directed by A. Adamson and Vicky Jenson.The story takes place in an imaginary land where people and fairy tale creatures live together. The main characters are Shrek, Donkey, Princess Fiona and Lord Farquaad. Mike Myers does Shrek’s.
Shrek is an ogre. He is a very big and scary green creature that lives in a smelly old swamp. He has a happy and quiet life until Lord Farquaad decides to move all the fairy tale creatures to his swamp. Shrek is not happy about this decision. He and Donkey go to Lord Farquaad to talk to him about the problem. Lord Farquaad tells Shrek that he can get his home back but only if he saves Princess Fiona from a castle and brings.
This film is well worth seeing. It tells an amusing story and is also a great adventure film. I strongly recommend Shrek for those who are looking for.
*Цитирирование части задания со ссылкой на учебник производится исключительно в учебных целях для лучшего понимания разбора решения задания.
Shrek likes to bathe in mud, eat eyes and toads, let out gases, in general, he is a real ogre. Despite this, Shrek is a good-natured and honest fellow. He is always ready to help and never expects gratitude from those whom he helped. His power and sense of justice are used by others, which causes Shrek to get into various conflict situations. In the struggle for the restoration of justice, Shrek’s character, his perseverance, fortitude, and courage are revealed.
He is able to understand and take to heart the problems of other people in a human way. Shrek, unwittingly, is constantly the winner in any situation. Strong, but timid at heart, the hero performs feats as if by accident. And if it wasn’t for the Donkey that followed him along the road, Shrek would never have been able to assess his capabilities, because he is not used to attach great importance to the good deeds that he constantly does.
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