Рассказ про судно на английском


The mine body of a snip is called a hull. The hull is divided into three mine parts the foremost part is called the bow, the rearmost part is called the stern, the part in between is called midships. In dry cargo vessel the cargo spaces is divided into holds. At the fore end of the hull are the forpeak tanks, and at the after end are afterpeak tanks. They are used for fresh water and fuel. All permanent housing above the mine deck is known as superstructure. On deck there are cargo-handling facilities, such as cranes, winches, derricks. The forward raised part of the deck is called the forecastle and its after raised part is the poop. The angle that a ship is making fore and aft with the water is known as trim. A list or inclination from one side to another, caused by faulty loading is known as hell. The divided circle on the left shows the depth to which the ship may be loaded in summer time. Below this line are on the grid to the right two lines. The one marked W means winter loading, the lower marked WNA means maximum depth if a ships going across NORTH ATLNTIC. T- tropic, F-FRESH waters.


Containerizaition means consolidation of goods of single or mixed commodity into a freight containers may be closed or open and which in conformance to the recommendation of the ISO would be 10,20,30,or 40ft in length by 8ft wide and 9ft or 9ft6inch high in external cross-section. A container is designed to be handled mechanically throughout the transit. Specially designed cellular container ships and efficient port facilities are essential in order to take full advantage of the system. Cellular type full container ships are serviced by shore-based or shipboard gantry cranes. The cellular type full container ship is equipped to carry containers in the holds and on the hatch covers. Within the holds of the vessel there is cellular structure of angle bars forming container guides, into which the containers are stowed, one on top of another. Cellular ships operating between load centres equipped with shore based cranes have the advantage of greater dead-weight capacity as compared to self-sustaining ships fitted with shipboard mounted gantry cranes. In many arias of the world on short interport service fider ships of similar configuration but of reduced capacity are in operation. There are also roll on/roll of container ships on which the containers are mounted on the wheels or trailers and are then rolled on ship and stowed complete with their undercarriage.

Ro-Ro vessels are designed to carry all sorts of rolled vehicles and motor cars by driving them on/of the ship- and unified cargo and lengthy/bulky cargo units. Loading may be effected through the stern bow doors or side ports. Latter inside the vessel motor cars and rolled vehicles are allocated with compliance the cargo plane. The types of access and distribution facilities are numerous each designed to serve a specific purpose such as; stern/bow doors, side ports, the doors being normally hydraulically operated, access ramps, internal ramps, hoistable platforms, lifts, bulkhead doors .We known following types of ramps as internal ramp, fixed ramp movable ramp. On some medium sized ships both bow and stern doors are provided, the ramp arrangement at the bow being similar to that the stern. Such arrangement enables the vehicles to drive straight off the ship without having to be turned or reversed, hence the expression » drive-through type vessel. Inside the vehicles are distributed throughout the cargo spaces by either internal ramps or hoistable platforms where space is available, fixed or movable ramps are used since permit faster rates of loading than mechanically operated vertical lifts. The advantages of Ro-Ro vessels: independence of port facilities quick door — to door service; faster cargo handling rate and consequently reduced turn-round time; as goods as generally in containers, the risk of damage or pilferage is reduced. The disadvantage of Ro-Ro ships: 1. a considerable amount of cargo volume is occupied by vehicles or trailers; 2. considerable space below the lower deck cannot be used for trailers.

The only difference between a container and barge is that the latter is much bigger and can float. We known two types barge carrier ship such LASH-lighter aboard ship and SEA BEE barge. The basic difference between the two system is that the LASH ship is a lift-up and lift over type using a 500 tons gantry crane, while the SEA BEE ships float barge on elevator of 2000 t. capacity using rolled system for stowage. The advantages of the barge carrier can anchor and moor clear of quays and thus avoid port congestion, the life of a barge is 2.5 times that of a container and depreciation of a barge is about half that of the equivalent number of containers. The organization of the barge is simpler than that involved with the much larger equivalent number of containers. The disadvantages: distribution is limited, since the barge is restricted to a navigable in land water way suited to the draught of the barge; ice on waterways can restrict barge transport in land waterway transport is relatively slow; this is relation to perishable products.

Tankers are especial designed to carry liquids [mainly oil products] in bulk. Their construction is entirely different from that of dry cargo ships; they are built on a cellular system by which the vessel divided longitudinally and transversely in to compartments. Tankers are equipped with pipes, valves and pumps to transfer cargo from/to the shore and from one tank to another when necessary. The average size is between 20000 and 40 000dwt and speeds vary between 10 and 20knots. Nowadays there are also mammoth tankers of 70 000 — 150 000dwt. Very large crude carriers, /UlCC/ultra large crude carriers of 300 000 to 800 000dwt. and even Megatankers of 1000 000dwt and larger. Only 60 ports in the world have depths of 65 ft. and can accommodate most of the VLCC size vessels. Single boy mooring system permits great flexibility in port location. By using mooring buoys a deep-water port can be created almost anywhere along a coastline. The buoys need not be anchored close to shore; they are placed far out to sea.

Nowadays universal vessels are gradually being transformed in to multi-purpose vessels. Multi-purpose vessels retaining versatility of universal vessels, that is their capability to carry different bulk and general cargoes are becoming to a certain extend specialized. Thus all multi-purpose vessels are adapted to carry standard containers. Some of them are also adapted to carry rolled vehicles, or heavy bulky cargoes. Operation in Arctic require high ice-breaking capability. They are designed to cope with loads of up to80,20ft containers including refrigerated, trailers ,tracks, explosives and inflammable liquids on voyages to northern autposts.10ft containers carried two layers on the tank top and one layer on the upper deck on return voyage. The cargo handling facilities comprise: deck cranes specifically designed for very cold condition, wide hatches a quarter ramp leading to the after tweendeck and allowing vehicles to move through bulkheads doors, over a tweendeck and a 40ft cargo capacity non-propelling hover craft for discharging cargo on the ice, water or marshy land.


Universal vessels can carry practically any types of cargoes, including refrigerated goods and liquids. Thus liners are intended to carry general cargoes, packaged cargo, containers and also, independence of the route special, liquids and refrigerated cargoes. Their dead weight varies between 220000 tns. and the speeds between 10/20kts. Tramp is designed as a rule, to carry bulk cargoes and timber, but can also carry general cargo if necessary. The modern tramp travels are between 12/15kns. Deep tanks may be of two types. First type is designed to carry liquids and dry cargo. Second types for liquids only. Sense late 60s. Universal vessels have been superseded by specialised vessels. But world shipping crises of mind 70s.made shipbuilders and shipowners design new types of universal and specialised combined vessels, as specialised vessels provide to be unprofitable due to their inflexibility. It was than that multi purpose vessel which is further development of universal vessels appeared. Universal vessels have been superseded by specialised vessels.

Bulkers are single-decked ships with no tweendeks in their holds but fitted out with various types of special cargo handling equipment. The cargo is often shot straight in to the holds and discharged by grabs pneumatic suction plants and other bulk handling methods. There are bulk carriers of over 150000 dwt. today but the largest of those in normal use are between 60000 and 70000dwt. Known as Panamax size, while »handy size bulkers are those in 25000-30000 dwt range.


An usual type of vessel is the lightship. Lightships look like ordinary ships, but they do not have engines, because they are towed into position and then anchored there. They not only have a light, but also a foghorn, a radio beacon and meteorological equipment as well. Most lightships have a crew of approximately twelve.
A very important type of boat is the lifeboat. Lifeboats are of many different types. In the United Kingdom they are manned by volunteers and supported by voluntary donations. Lifeboats must be strong, stable and manoeuvrable and their crew must be well trained.
Pilot launches are motor boats for transporting pilots to and from ships. They must be seaworthy as pilots go out in all weathers. In the United Kingdom, some port authorities employ their own pilots, but many pilots in the other ports are foreign.


The passenger liner can carry a small amount of cargo besides stores and passengers baggage. Accommodation varies with the route. It may be all first-class cabin, or divided into three classes. Some passenger ships may have accommodation for deck passengers. Some liners have propelling machinery aft giving improved passenger accommodation. The main features of passenger liners are the immensely unimportant masts, the enormous number of lifeboats, and the great length of enclosed promenade deck. The giant liners are unmistakable and many people know and recognise them individually.

Tugs usually have the bridge and funnel well forward to leave a clear space aft for the tow rope which is attached to the towing hook or bits at the after and of the superstructure. Two or three steel hoops stretch across the after deck to prevent the rope from fouling the hatches and deck fittings. The ocean going salvage tug is a fast high-powered motor vessel. She can deal with most disasters at sea in the worst of weathers. She is equipped with pumps, fire-fighting apparatus, oxyacetylene plants, and comfortable accommodations for a large crew.


Dredging operations are carried on wherever it is necessary to maintain the depth of water in channels, docks, and basins. The spoil is dredged from the bottom and must be removed to dumping grounds some distance out at sea. Some vessels which have hopper space and are self-propelled can take the spoil to the dumping grounds, but as the bucket dredger has no hopper space and is not self-propelled it is move about the port by tugs and transfers the spoil to hopper barges. The suction dredger, also known as a sand-pump or hydraulic dredger, is required when the bottom is particularly soft. A pipe is lowered to the bottom and the spoil, perhaps three-quarters of is water, is drawn up into the hoppers.

Are designed to carry cargo. Some are also designed to carry passengers. Nowadays, most merchant ships are built to carry cargo, but a few still carry passengers. Merchant vessels can operate in the following three basic ways: 1) They can operate as liners. These are employed on regular routes on a fixed timetable. 2) Merchant vessels also operate as tramps. These vessels do not sail on regular routes or keep to fixed timetable, but are employed where there is cargo for them to carry. The traditional tramp cargoes are dry bulk cargoes, but some are designed to carry general cargoes. 3) A large number of merchant ships operate as specialised vessels. These are designed to carry a particular type of cargo. There are several types of specialised vessel. The most common are oil tankers. They are owned by the major oil companies or by independent operators. Two other types of liquid bulk carrier of growing importance are chemical carriers and liquefied natural gas carriers.


On one hand, all cargo ships are divided into two types: dry cargo ships and tankers. On the other hand, cargo ships may be divided into universal ships designed to carry principal different types of cargo and specialized ships designed to carry one type of cargo. Such specialized ships as bulkers, timber-carriers, reefer ships, tankers have long been known. One is cargo-carriers with cargo handling equipment on board for special purposes or routes such as heavy/bulky cargo ships. These ships are also called special-purpose ships. The second trend is Ro-Ro(roll on roll off) ships, in which bow and stern doors and adjustable steel ramps permit vehicles to drive on board and drive off again, requiring only minimum dock-side facilities. The third trend is the container ship. In dependence of the cargo handling method used dry cargo ships may also be divided into: LO-LO (lift-on/lift off), RO-RO (roll on/roll off), FO-FO (float on/float off) — e.g. barges. But there are also hybrid vessels where combinations of the above mentioned methods are used, such as LO-LO/RO-RO, RO-RO/FO-FO, and other.


Container ships. The use of containers has continued to increase in recent years. Containerization means the consolidation of goods of single or mixed commodity into a freight container which may be closed or open which, if in conformance to the recommendations of the ISO would be 10, 20, 30, or 40 ft in length. A container is designed to be handled mechanically throughout the transit

Most fishing vessels are designed for one particular kind of fishing. There are trawlers, drifters, seiners, whale-catchers, crabbers sardine luggers, etc. The design of the modern vessel incorporates a high, soft nosed stern? well-flared streamlined bridge and superstructure? a gantry and transom stern. A recently –built stern trawler is 73m overall, 12,5m molded breadth, 8m molded depth and is powered by 2,350 h.p. diesel engine which gives a speed of 14,5 knots. The fish room has a capacity of 764 cu. m. and can stow 500 tons of frozen fish.The working deck of a large stern trawler would have an area of 418 sq/ m/ which is clear of all deck fittings, so that a full trawl may be spread out. The stern fishing vessel described here must not be confused with the larger, stern fishing factory vessels which concentrate on filleting and freezing all fish in their various species and packing them in cartons ready for supplying to the customer. The fish are futted in the conventional way on an ordinary side trawler and are frozen whole in blocks ranging in weight from 25 to 45 kg. Cold stowage on board is very compact/ All the blocks are of the same size, labelled by species, and kept stored at — 20 degrees F.

Теги: description of a ship, английский для моряков, морской английский




main body of a ship is called a hull.The hull is divided info three
main parts: the foremost part is called the bow; the rearmost part is
called the stern;
the part in between Is called midships. The hull is the main part of
the ship. This is the area between the main deck, the sides (port and
starboard) and the bottom.It is made up of frames covered with
plating. The part of the hull below water is the ship’s underwater
body. The distance between the waterline and the main deck is the
vessel’s freeboard. The hull is divided up into a number of
watertight compartments by decks and bulkheads. Bulkheads are
vertical steel walls going across the ship and along.

hull contains the engine room, cargo spaces and a number of tanks. In
dry cargo ships the cargo space is divided into holds. Openings
giving access to holds are called hatches. In liquid cargo vessels
the cargo space is divided into tanks.

the fore end of the hull are the forepeak tanks, and at the after end
are afterpeak tank.They are used for fresh water and fuel. If a ship
has double sides, the space between the sides contains wing tanks.
The space between the tank top and the space contains double bottom

permanent housing above the main deck is known as
superstructure.Nowadays, cargo vessels are normally built with the
after location of the engine room and bridge superstructure to gain
more space for cargo.The forward raised part of the deck is called
the forecastle and its after raised part is the poop.

deck there are cargo handling facilities, such as cranes, winches,
derricks etc. Ships having derricks also have cargo masts and cargo
posts (or Samson posts) on deck.

a ship is supported by fluid pressure, she will incline in any
direction in the process of loading according to the position of the
weights placed on her. Therefore the ship’s position below water
must be closely watched.The angle that a ship is making fore and aft
with the water is known as trim. An extreme difference between the
water levels at each end of the ship indicates bad loading. The
levels are read by numbers painted on the ship’s stem and called
draught marks. A list or inclination from one side to another, caused
by faulty loading, is known as heel.In
the course of loading load lines must be watched above all. The load
lines are engraved and then painted on the both sides of ships. The
divided circle on the left shows the depth to which the ship may be
loaded in summer time. Below this line are, on the grid to the right,
two lines. The one marked W means winter loading, the lower one
marked WNA means the maximum

to which the ship may be loaded if she is going across the North
Atlantic in winter. The other marks above these are: T for tropical,
F for fresh water. These lines are shown on the ship’s Load Line
In case of overloading a ship, so that these lines are under water,
the penalties are severe.



Основную часть судна называют корпусом.
Корпус состоит из 3 основных частей.
Передняя часть называется «нос», задняя
часть называется корма, средняя часть
называется мидель. Корпус это главная
часть корабля, это пространство между
палубой и бортами (левый и правый борта)
и днищем. Состоит из шпангоутов, покрытых
обшивкой. Часть корпуса наполненная
ниже воды называется подводная часть
корпуса судна. Расстояние между
ватерлинией и главной палубой это
надводный борт судна. Корпус состоит
из ряда водонепроницаемых компактных
отсеков, разделёнными палубами и
переборками. Переборки – это стальные
стены идущие вдоль и поперёк.

включает машинное отделение, грузовые
пространства и ряд резервуаров. На
сухогрузах грузовое пространство
поделено на трюма. Доступ к трюмам
осуществляется с помощью крышек. В
наливных судах грузовое пространство
поделено на танки. В носовой части
находится форпиковый танк. В задней
части судна находится ахтерпик. Они
используются для пресной воды и топлива.
Если судно имеет двойные борта, они
пользуются бортовыми танками. Пространство
между верхним танком и корпусом имеют
танки двойного дна. Все постоянные
постройки известные как надстройка. В
наши дни грузовые суда обычно строятся
за расположением в задней части судна
машинного отделения и мостика, чтобы
выиграть больше места для груза. В
носовой части находится бак и ют. На
палубе находятся грузоперерабатывающие
сооружения такие как краны, лебёдки и
грузовые стрелы. Суда имеющие грузовые
стрелы также имеют грузовые марки и
полумачты на палубе.

Так как
судно поддерживает жидким давлением
оно будет наклоняться в любом направлении
в процессе погрузки с позиции веса
размещённого на судне. Таким образом
позиция судна ниже воды должна быть
отслежена. Угол наклона от носа к корме
называется диферент. Максимальное
расстояние указывается на дифференте.
Уровень читается по номерам и называется
осадка. Наклон с одного борта к другому
называется крен. В ходе погрузки линия
должна быть отсоединена затем покрашена
на обоих сторонах судна. Разделенный
круг слева показывает глубину, на которую
судно может быть загружено в летнее
время. С правой стороны находится
решётка. Одна из них с буквой W
что означает зимняя погрузка W
N означает максимальную
глубину на которую судно может быть
загружено если судно идёт через Северную
Атлантику зимой. Другие знаки выше них
являются: T для тропических, F для пресной
воды. Эти линии показаны на судовых
свидетельствах о грузовой марке. В
случае перегрузки судна, и эти линии
находятся под водой, штрафы являются

Прочтите упражнение, вставляя пропущенные
слова (не пользуясь словарем).

The main body
of a ship is called the … .

The foremost part of the hull is called the … ; its rearmost part
is called the … ; the part in between is called … .

hull is the area between … .

The hull is made up of … covered with … .

The part of the hull below water is the ship’s … .

The distance between the waterline and the main deck is the vessel’s
… .

The hull is divided up into a number of..
… .

are vertical steel walls going across the ship and along. 9. The hull
contains … .

In dry cargo ships the cargo space is divided into … .

Openings giving access to holds are called … .

At the fore end of the hull are …, and at the after end are … .
They are used for

The space between the holds and the bottom of the hull contains ….
They are used for ….

If a ship has double sides, the space in between contains ….

All permanent housing above the main
deck is known as … . 16.
The forward raised part of the deck is called the … and its after
raised part is the … .

Соседние файлы в папке новая папка

  • #
  • #

Обновлено: 10.01.2023

The Titanic, the biggest, finest ship of its time.
Many people thought it was unsinkable, but they were wrong.

The Titanic

In the 1800s, it became popular to build ships that offered people the ease of home. Passengers could have their own private rooms. There were dining areas where people could eat meals. There were places to exercise. There were libraries with books where people could sit and read. Some ships even had swimming pools!
One ship company was the White Star Line. In 1909, it decided to build the biggest, greatest ship. The company named its ship the Titanic. The word titanic means gigantic, or very big.
When people looked at the size of the Titanic, they could easily believe that it was strong. The Titanic was 269 meters long. It had 9 different desks, or levels. If the ship were to stand on its end, it would have been taller than many buildings during that time! The ship weighed about 60 million kilograms. And it could carry 3547 people.

The people who build the Titanic tried to make it the safest ship as well as the biggest ship. The ship had 16 watertight rooms. These rooms were at the bottom of the ship. They were filled with nothing but air. The air helped the Titanic to float. If the ship experienced damage and one room started to fill with water, the other rooms would keep the ship floating. In fact, people believed that the ship could still float even if five of the rooms were filled with water. At the time the watertight rooms were a new engineering idea. Passengers believed that this would protect the Titanic from sinking.

The titanic was also the finest luxury ship of its time. The inside of the Titanic looked the home of a king! There were stairs that connected each different level. One set of stairs was called “Grand Staircase.” That is because it was so beautiful. There were many details cut into the wood. There were golden lights on the ceilings. And there were also lights made of fine crystal glass. Many of the ships in that day had hard wood floors. But the ship builders put soft cloth carpet on the floors of the Titanic.
People could purchase first, second, or third class tickets to ride on the Titanic. The first class tickets cost the most money. People holding a first class ticket experienced all of the best things of the ship. But everyone riding the Titanic experienced wonderful things that they usually did not experience at home.
For example, many people with third class tickets were poor. They wanted to ride on the Titanic from Europe to America. They did not plan to ever return home. They were going to start a new life in America. But even the poor, third class passengers felt special on the Titanic. All of the rooms on the ship had water in the rooms. This was something many of the third class passengers did not have at home.

On April 10, 1912 the Titanic started on its first trip. It was travelling from Southampton, England to New York City in the United States.
Four days into the trip the captain received warnings about icebergs. These large pieces of ice float on the ocean. And several large icebergs were in the path of the Titanic. However, the captain was not concerned about the ice. He believed that it would not damage the ship. At eleven o’clock, on April 14, the Titanic hit an iceberg. The ice did cause damage.
It made a large tear on the bottom of the boat.
Cold, icy, water poured into the bottom of the Titanic. It filled a few of the watertight rooms. Soon, because of an engineering mistake, most of the watertight rooms were filled with water. The Titanic began to sink.
People on the ship were not prepared. They did not know how to get off the boat safely. There were lifeboats – small boats that could float to safety. But there were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers. Even worse, the crew of the ship did not fill the lifeboats. Many more people could have escaped.

In this situation, some people showed great bravery. One famous example was the ship’s musicians. They knew that they would not escape. So they sat with their instruments, and played music for the people left on the boat. Some people reported that they played the Christian song, “Nearer My God to You.” The words if this song speak about how God is close in difficult times.
But soon, the ship was sinking fast. It broke into two pieces, and many passengers fell into the cold water. They died quickly from the extreme cold. Others drowned inside the ship as it sank. The lifeboats only rescued thirteen people from the water.

At that time, the rule was that women and children escaped first. So more than 90 percent of the men on the ship died. Most second and third class passengers also did not escape. About 1500 people died – two thirds of the people on the ship. It was a great tragedy – one of the worst accidents on the sea at that time.


В то время существовало правило: первыми покидали корабль женщины и дети. Таким образом, более 90 процентов мужчин на корабле погибли. Не сбежало и большинство пассажиров второго и третьего классов. Погибло около 1500 человек — две трети людей на корабле. Это была великая трагедия — одна из самых страшных морских катастроф того времени.

Английский для моряков / Морской английский

Английский для моряков / Морской английский

Английский для моряков / Морской английский запись закреплена

Технико-эксплуатационные характеристики судна на английском с переводом

Автономность Sea endurance
Брутто регистровый тоннаж Gross Register Tonnage (GRT)
Вес (масса) порожнем Weight of light ship
Вместимость Capacity
Водоизмещение (в грузу/порожнем) Displacement (loaded/light)
Высота борта (теоретическая) Depth (moulded)
Высота надводного борта Freeboard
Высота наивысшей точки судна над водой Air draught ; Height
Грузовместимость Cargo-carrying capacity (cubic)
Грузоподъемность (судна) Carrying capacity ; Tonnage (weight)
Грузоподъемность, допустимая нагрузка (грузоподъемного оборудования) Load capacity
Дедвейт Deadweight
Длина Length (L)
Длина между перпендикулярами Length between perpendiculars
Длина наибольшая Length overall (LOA)
Мореходность Seaworthiness
Мощность двигательной установки Propulsion power
Мощность силовой (энергетической) установки Powerplant output
Мощность электростанции Electric powerplant capacity
Надводный борт Freeboard
Нетто регистровый тоннаж Net Register Tonnage
Осадка Draught ; Draft
Осадка максимальная Maximum (extreme) draught (draft)
Осадка на ровный киль Even keel draught (draft)
Осадка расчетная Design draught (draft)
Осадка средняя Mean draught (draft)
Осадка порожнем Light draught (draft)
Полная регистровая вместимость Gross Register Tonnage (GRT)
Скорость эксплуатационная Service (commercial) speed
Чистая регистровая вместимость Net Register Tonnage
Ширина Breadth (B); Width
Ширина наибольшая Extreme breadth

1. Tramp
2. Cargo liner
3. Reefer
4. Bulker
5. Oil-Bulk-Ore (ОBО) carrier
6. Tanker
7. Passenger-car ferry
8. Container ship
9. А. Liquefied petroleum gas carrier (LPG)
В. Liquefied natural gas carrier (LNG)
10. Cement carrier
11. Heavy-lift vessel
12. Barge carrier (LASH=Lighter aboard ship)
13. Hydrofoil craft
14. Air-cushion vehicle

1 — forepeak форпик; 2 — forecastle бак; 3 — chain locker цепной ящик; 4 — forepeak bulkhead форпиковая переборка; 5 — double-bottom tank танк двойного дна; 6 — hold трюм; 7 — transverse bulkhead поперечная переборка; 8 — double-bottom plating настил двойного дна; 9 — engine- room машинное отделение; 10 — boiler-room котельное отделение; 11 — shaft tunnel туннель гребного вала; 12 — after-peak bulkhead ахтерпиковая переборка; 13 — propulsion installation гребное устройство; 14 — rudder and steering gear рулевое устройство; 15—afterpeak ахтерпик; 16 — steering gear compartment отделение рулевой машины; 17 — flagstaff флагшток; 18 — flag флаг; 19 — poop ют; 20 — poop deck палуба юта; 21 — upper deck верхняя палуба; 22 — second deck вторая палуба; 23 — tweendeck твиндек; 24 — main mast грот-мачта; 25 — boat gear шлюпочное устройство; 26 — funnel труба; 27 — superstructure deck палуба надстройки; 28 — boat deck шлюпочная палуба; 29 — navigating bridge deck палуба ходового мостика; 30 — wheelhouse top настил рулевой рубки; 31 — midship superstructure средняя надстройка; 32 — fore mast фок-мачта; 33 — cargo handling gear рулевое устройство; 34 — deck house рубка; 35 — hatch люк;
36 — anchor gear якорное устройство.

Тема по английскому языку: Титаник

История Титаника

Титаник был британским лайнером, который затонул 15 апреля 1912 года. Это был самый крупный пассажирский пароход в мире. Считавшийся самым быстроплавающим и почти непотопляемым кораблем, Титаник отправился в свое первое плавание и нес на борту среди 2 223 пассажиров и экипажа множество знаменитостей. Через четыре дня после начала путешествия он столкнулся с айсбергом и затонул. Эта ужасная морская катастрофа повлекла за собой смерть 1 517 человек, большинство из которых были мужчинами. Основной причиной смерти было переохлаждение, так как вода в Атлантике была почти 0 градусов. Несмотря на соответствие всем правилам того времени, количество имевшихся на корабле спасательных шлюпок было рассчитано только на 1 178 человек.

Причины трагедии

Создание корабля

Титаник принадлежал Уайт Стар Лайн и был сконструирован в Белфасте. Корабль был спроектирован одними из самых выдающихся инженеров с использованием самых продвинутых технологий, доступных в то время. Для многих явилось шоком, что несмотря на интенсивные меры безопасности, Титаник затонул.

Описание лайнера

Это был огромный и роскошный корабль. В секции первого класса был бассейн, спортзал, корт для игры в сквош, турецкая баня, электрическая ванная и летнее кафе. Обычные комнаты первого класса были украшены деревом и имели дорогую мебель. В первом и втором классе были библиотеки и парикмахерские. Комнаты третьего класса имели сосновую отделку и жесткую мебель из тикового дерева.

Исследование обломков

Идея найти обломки Титаника появилась вскоре после того, как корабль затонул, но до 1 сентября 1985 данные попытки были безуспешными. Среди обломков было найдено почти 6 000 артефактов. Многие из них показаны в Национальном морском музее в Гринвиче, Англия.

Steamship Titanic

The history of Titanic

Titanic was the British liner that sank on 15 April, 1912. It was the largest passenger steamship in the world. Thought to be the fastest ship afloat and almost unsinkable, Titanic was on her maiden voyage and carried many notables among 2,223 persons aboard. After four days of the trip it struck an iceberg and sank. This terrible maritime disaster resulted in the deaths of 1,517 people, most of whom were men rather than women and children. The main cause of death was hypothermia as the water in the Atlantic was almost 0 degrees Celsius. Although complying with all the regulations of the time, the ship carried lifeboats for only 1,178 people.


Official and other investigations revealed that messages of warning had been sent but had either not been received by the commanding officers of the ship or had been ignored by them. The ship had continued at full speed even after the warnings were sent. Other vessels in the vicinity were unable to reach the Titanic.

Creating the ship

Titanic was owned by the White Star Line and constructed in Belfast. The ship was designed by some of the most experienced engineers and used some of the most advanced technologies available at that time. It was a great shock to many that, despite the extensive safety features, Titanic sank.

Describing the liner

It was a huge and luxurious ship. The First-class section had an on-board swimming pool, a gymnasium, a squash court, Turkish bath, Electric bath and a Verandah café. First-class common rooms were decorated with wood; they also had expensive furniture in them. There were libraries and barber shops in both the first and second-class. The third class general room had pine panelling and sturdy teak furniture.

Finding the wreck

The idea of finding the wreck of Titanic came shortly after the ship sank but no attempts were successful until 1 September, 1985. Approximately 6,000 artefacts were from the wreck. Many of these were put on display at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, England.

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The Titanic, the biggest, finest ship of its time.
Many people thought it was unsinkable, but they were wrong.

The Titanic

Some People called it » The wonder Ship». Others called it «The millionaire’s Special.» Some people even called it “Unsinkable”. It was the Titanic. But on April 15, 1912, this luxury ship sank.
It now lies on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
Before airplanes, ships were the only way to travel from continent to continent. It could take weeks, and sometimes months, to travel across the ocean. So people used ships to travel safely from one place to another.

In the 1800s, it became popular to build ships that offered people the ease of home. Passengers could have their own private rooms. There were dining areas where people could eat meals. There were places to exercise. There were libraries with books where people could sit and read. Some ships even had swimming pools!
One ship company was the White Star Line. In 1909, it decided to build the biggest, greatest ship. The company named its ship the Titanic. The word titanic means gigantic, or very big.
When people looked at the size of the Titanic, they could easily believe that it was strong. The Titanic was 269 meters long. It had 9 different desks, or levels. If the ship were to stand on its end, it would have been taller than many buildings during that time! The ship weighed about 60 million kilograms. And it could carry 3547 people.

The people who build the Titanic tried to make it the safest ship as well as the biggest ship. The ship had 16 watertight rooms. These rooms were at the bottom of the ship. They were filled with nothing but air. The air helped the Titanic to float. If the ship experienced damage and one room started to fill with water, the other rooms would keep the ship floating. In fact, people believed that the ship could still float even if five of the rooms were filled with water. At the time the watertight rooms were a new engineering idea. Passengers believed that this would protect the Titanic from sinking.

The titanic was also the finest luxury ship of its time. The inside of the Titanic looked the home of a king! There were stairs that connected each different level. One set of stairs was called “Grand Staircase.” That is because it was so beautiful. There were many details cut into the wood. There were golden lights on the ceilings. And there were also lights made of fine crystal glass. Many of the ships in that day had hard wood floors. But the ship builders put soft cloth carpet on the floors of the Titanic.
People could purchase first, second, or third class tickets to ride on the Titanic. The first class tickets cost the most money. People holding a first class ticket experienced all of the best things of the ship. But everyone riding the Titanic experienced wonderful things that they usually did not experience at home.
For example, many people with third class tickets were poor. They wanted to ride on the Titanic from Europe to America. They did not plan to ever return home. They were going to start a new life in America. But even the poor, third class passengers felt special on the Titanic. All of the rooms on the ship had water in the rooms. This was something many of the third class passengers did not have at home.

On April 10, 1912 the Titanic started on its first trip. It was travelling from Southampton, England to New York City in the United States.
Four days into the trip the captain received warnings about icebergs. These large pieces of ice float on the ocean. And several large icebergs were in the path of the Titanic. However, the captain was not concerned about the ice. He believed that it would not damage the ship. At eleven o’clock, on April 14, the Titanic hit an iceberg. The ice did cause damage.
It made a large tear on the bottom of the boat.
Cold, icy, water poured into the bottom of the Titanic. It filled a few of the watertight rooms. Soon, because of an engineering mistake, most of the watertight rooms were filled with water. The Titanic began to sink.
People on the ship were not prepared. They did not know how to get off the boat safely. There were lifeboats – small boats that could float to safety. But there were not enough lifeboats for all the passengers. Even worse, the crew of the ship did not fill the lifeboats. Many more people could have escaped.

In this situation, some people showed great bravery. One famous example was the ship’s musicians. They knew that they would not escape. So they sat with their instruments, and played music for the people left on the boat. Some people reported that they played the Christian song, “Nearer My God to You.” The words if this song speak about how God is close in difficult times.
But soon, the ship was sinking fast. It broke into two pieces, and many passengers fell into the cold water. They died quickly from the extreme cold. Others drowned inside the ship as it sank. The lifeboats only rescued thirteen people from the water.

At that time, the rule was that women and children escaped first. So more than 90 percent of the men on the ship died. Most second and third class passengers also did not escape. About 1500 people died – two thirds of the people on the ship. It was a great tragedy – one of the worst accidents on the sea at that time.


Некоторые даже называли его «Непотопляемым». Это был Титаник. Но 15 апреля 1912 года этот роскошный корабль затонул. Сейчас он лежит на дне Атлантического океана. До появления самолетов корабли были единственным способом путешествовать с континента на континент. Путешествие через океан может занять недели, а иногда и месяцы. Поэтому люди использовали корабли, чтобы безопасно путешествовать из одного места в другое.

В 1800-х годах стало популярным строить корабли, которые предлагали людям что-то вроде дома. У пассажиров могли быть свои личные комнаты. Были обеденные зоны, где люди могли поесть. Были места для занятий спортом. Были библиотеки с книгами, где люди могли сидеть и читать. На некоторых кораблях даже были бассейны!
Одной из судовых компаний была компания White Star Line. В 1909 году было решено построить самый большой, величайший корабль. Компания назвала свой корабль «Титаник». Слово «титанический» означает гигантский или очень большой.
Когда люди смотрели на размер Титаника, они легко могли поверить, что он был сильным. Титаник был 269 метров в длину. В нем было 9 разных отсеков или уровней. Если бы корабль стоял на конце, он был бы выше многих построек того времени! Корабль весил около 60 миллионов килограммов. И он мог перевезти 3547 человек.

Люди, строившие Титаник, пытались сделать его самым безопасным и самым большим кораблем. Корабль имел 16 водонепроницаемых помещений. Эти комнаты находились на дне корабля. В них не было ничего, кроме воздуха. Воздух помог «Титанику» парить. Если корабль получит повреждения и одна комната начнет заполняться водой, другие комнаты будут держать корабль на плаву. Фактически, люди считали, что корабль все еще может плавать, даже если пять комнат будут заполнены водой. В то время водонепроницаемые помещения были новой инженерной идеей. Пассажиры считали, что это убережет Титаник от затопления.

Титаник был также лучшим роскошным кораблем своего времени. Внутри Титаник выглядел как дом короля! Лестницы соединяли каждый уровень. Одна ступенька называлась «Большая лестница». Это потому, что она была такой красивой. В дереве было вырезано много деталей. На потолках горели золотые светильник. И еще были фонари из прекрасного хрусталя. Многие корабли того времени имели полы из твердого дерева. Зато на полы «Титаника» кораблестроители положили ковер из мягкой ткани.
Люди могли купить билеты первого, второго или третьего класса, чтобы покататься на Титанике. Билеты в первый класс стоят больше всего денег. Люди с билетами первого класса испытали все самое лучшее на корабле. Но каждый, кто ехал на Титанике, испытал удивительные вещи, которые обычно не испытывал дома.
Например, многие люди с билетами третьего класса были бедными. Они хотели проехать на Титанике из Европы в Америку. Они не планировали когда-либо возвращаться домой. Они собирались начать новую жизнь в Америке. Но даже бедные пассажиры третьего класса чувствовали себя на Титанике особенными. Во всех комнатах корабля была вода. Этого у многих пассажиров третьего класса не было дома.

10 апреля 1912 года «Титаник» отправился в свой первый рейс. Он летел из Саутгемптона, Англия, в Нью-Йорк в Соединенные Штаты.
Через четыре дня путешествия капитан получил предупреждения об айсбергах. Эти большие куски льда плавают в океане. А на пути Титаника оказалось несколько крупных айсбергов. Однако лед капитана не волновал. Он считал, что это не повредит корабль. В одиннадцать часов 14 апреля «Титаник» врезался в айсберг. Лед нанес ущерб.
На дне лодки образовалась большая трещина.
Холодная ледяная вода хлынула на дно «Титаника». Он заполнил несколько водонепроницаемых комнат. Вскоре из-за инженерной ошибки большая часть водонепроницаемых помещений была заполнена водой. Титаник начал тонуть.
Люди на корабле не были подготовлены. Они не знали, как безопасно выйти из лодки. Были спасательные шлюпки — маленькие лодки, которые могли плавать в безопасное место. Но спасательных шлюпок на всех пассажиров не хватило. Хуже того, экипаж корабля не заполнил спасательные шлюпки. Еще много людей могли покинуть корабль.

В этой ситуации некоторые люди проявили большую храбрость. Одним из известных примеров были корабельные музыканты. Они знали, что им не спастись. Так, они сели со своими инструментами и стали играть музыку для людей, оставшихся на лодке. Некоторые люди рассказывали, что они играли христианскую песню «Ближе к тебе, Бог мой». Слова этой песни говорят о том, как близок Бог в трудные времена.
Но вскоре корабль начал быстро тонуть. Он распался на две части, и многие пассажиры упали в холодную воду. Они быстро умерли от сильного холода. Остальные утонули внутри корабля, когда он затонул. Спасательные шлюпки спасли из воды всего тринадцать человек.

В то время существовало правило: первыми покидали корабль женщины и дети. Таким образом, более 90 процентов мужчин на корабле погибли. Не сбежало и большинство пассажиров второго и третьего классов. Погибло около 1500 человек — две трети людей на корабле. Это была великая трагедия — одна из самых страшных морских катастроф того времени.


Описание судна на английском с переводом

Аварийное Distressed ; Disabled
Буксируемое Towed ; Being towed
Буксируемое лагом Being towed alongside
Буксирующее Towing ; Towing astern
Буксирующее лагом Towing alongside
Буксир-толкач Pusher
Быстроходное High-speed
Водометное Jet-propelled ; Hydro-jet
Входящее Inward
Выброшенное на … Thrown on …
Выходящее Outward
Двухвинтовое Twin-screw
Догоняемое Overtaken
Занятое водолазными работами Engaged in diving operations
Занятое дноуглублением Engaged in dredging operations
Занятое ловом рыбы Engaged in fishing
Занятое минным тралением Engaged in mine clearance
Занятое тралением Engaged in trawling
Затонувшее Wreck ; Sunken
Изменяющее курс Altering her course
Каботажное Coaster ; Coastwise
Карантинное Quarantine
Лишенное возможности управляться Not under command
Мореходное Seaworthy ; Seafaring
На мели Aground
На ходу Under way ; Making way
Немореходное Unseaworthy
He на ходу Not underway
Неограниченного плавания Ocean-going
Несамоходное Non-propelled
Обгоняемое Being overtaken
Обгоняющее Overtaking
Обеспечения Support
Обязанное уступить путь The give-way obligated
Одновинтовое Single-screw
Однотипное Sistership
Ограниченное в возможности маневрировать Ship restricted in her ability to maneuver, hampered
Озерное Lake
Остановившееся Stopped
Отставшее Straggler
Отходящее Leaving
Отшвартованное Unmoored
Ошвартованное Moored
Перегруженное Overloaded
Переоборудованное Converted
Пересекающее курс Crossing
Поврежденное Stricken ; Crippled
Покинутое Derelict ; Abandoned ship
Потерявшее управление  Lost steerage ; Disabled ship
Приближающееся Nearing ; Getting closer
Приближающееся к изгибу Nearing a bend
Производящее гидрографические работы Carrying out hydrographic survey
Проходящее Passing
Разворачивающееся Turning
Следующее за вами Following you
Сохраняющее свой курс Keeping her present course
Спасающее Salving
Стесненное своей осадкой Constrained by her draught
Стоящее на мели Aground ; Stranded
Стоящее на приколе Idle ;Inactive
Стоящее на рейде Reader
Терпящее бедствие In distress ; Distressed
Толкаемое Being pushed ahead
Тонущее Sinking
Топить судно Sink the vessel
Трехвинтовое Triple-screw ; Triple-propeller
Которому обязаны уступить дорогу Privileged
Которому уступают дорогу Stand-on
Уступающее дорогу Give-way
Спускать судно на воду Launch a ship
Прибыть на судно Join a ship


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Представлено сочинение на английском языке Морское путешествие/ Cruise с переводом на русский язык.

Cruise Морское путешествие
A year ago, I had an opportunity to take a short cruise with my parents. It was just my second trip abroad. The first time I flew to Turkey with my mother. By the way, there was also a boat trip, but I can’t call it a cruise. Год назад, я с родителями смогла совершить небольшое морское путешествие. Это был всего лишь мой второй выезд за границу. Первый раз я летала в Турцию с мамой. Там, кстати, тоже была морская прогулка, но назвать её морским путешествием, думаю, нельзя.
And this time we had a three-day cruise on the Baltic Sea. First we flew to St. Petersburg, from where the journey actually began. We were already in St. Petersburg, then we decided not to spend time on sightseeing, and walked only along Nevsky Prospect. After the walk, we went to the port, where our huge cruise ship was waiting for us. We liked everything in it: the cabin, dining room, and many other kinds of shop and entertainment. For example, there were such unusual things for the ship as a climbing wall and a casino. А в этот раз у нас был трёхдневный круиз по Балтийскому морю. Сначала мы прилетели в Санкт-Петербург, откуда, собственно, и начиналось путешествие. В Санкт-Петербурге мы уже были, потом не стали закладывать время на осмотр достопримечательностей, а только прогулялись по Невскому проспекту. После прогулки мы отправились в порт, где нас ждал наш огромный круизный лайнер. Нам в нём всё понравилось, и каюта, и столовая, и много других самых разнообразных заведений и развлечений. Например, там были такие необычные вещи для корабля, как скалодром и казино.
The first port was Tallinn. I should say that in each place we took a city tour. In Tallinn, we explored the old town, St. Olav’s Church, Dome Cathedral and many other attractions. Of course, we bought local souvenirs. The second stop was in Stockholm. There I was struck by a very beautiful town hall, and I also liked the view of the city from the observation deck. Having walked around the old city, which is called Gamlastan, we went to a liner. The last stop was in Helsinki, where I liked the Senate Square with the Cathedral and the Assumption Cathedral. Первый порт был город Таллин. Сразу скажу, что в каждом городе мы брали обзорную экскурсию по городу. В Таллине, мы осмотрели старый город, церковь Святого Олафа, Домский собор и много других достопримечательностей. Конечно же, купили местные сувениры. Вторая остановка была в Стокгольме. Там меня поразила очень красивая ратуша, а также мне понравился вид на город со смотровой площадки. Погуляв по старому городу, который там называется Гамластан, мы отправились на лайнер. Последняя остановка была в Хельсинки, где мне больше всего понравилась Сенатская площадь с Кафедральным собором и Успенский собор.
On the ship, in periods between excursions, we also did not get bored. There were concerts and performances every day, various game rooms for children and adults, and evem dance floors were opened for adults. На корабле, в перерывах между экскурсиями, нам не давали скучать. Каждый день были концерты и выступления, для детей и подростков там были различные игровые комнаты, для взрослых открывались танцполы.
I really enjoyed our sea voyage, I saw a lot and learned new things. Now I’m persuading my parents to go on a cruise in the Mediterranean Sea. Мне очень понравилось наше морское путешествие, я очень много увидела и узнала для себя нового. Теперь я уговариваю родителей отправиться в морской круиз по Средиземному морю.

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