Tula is situated in the central part of the Russian Federation, in about 200 km from Moscow. Tula is the administrative center of Tul’skaya oblast. – Тула находится в центральной части РФ, в около 200-ах км от Москвы. Тула – административный центр Тульской области.
In 1146 Tula was mentioned in historical documents for the first time. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. – Упоминание о Туле появляется впервые в исторических документах в 1146 году. Точная дата основания города неизвестна.
The population of the city is about 500 thousand citizens. Total area is almost 150 square kilometers. – Население города практически достигло 500 тыс. горожан. А общая площадь – почти 150 кв.кв.
Tula consists of 5 administrative districts: Central, Proletarskiy, Zarechenskiy, Privokzalniy and Sovetskiy. – Тула состоит из 5 административный округов: Центральный, Пролетарский, Зареченский, Привокзальный и Советский.
The central district is situated not only in the heart of Tula, but also occupies its Sothern-eastern part, almost all historical monuments are located here. Proletarsiy is the most populated region of the city. Zarechenskiy district is situated in the North-western part of Tula. Privokzalniy district is city suburb, Moscow railway station is situated here. Sovetskiy disctict is located in the central part of Tula.
Центральный округ находится не только в сердце Тулы, но также занимает ее юго-восточную часть, почти все исторические памятники находятся здесь. Пролетарский – самый густонаселенный район города. Зареченский находится на северо-западе Тулы. Привокзальный округ является уже окраиной города. Московский вокзал находится здесь. Советский район расположен в центральной части Тулы.
Tula is very famous for its sightseeing. This is one of the most ancient cities in central part of Russia. The heart of Tula is Kremlin. It is the only preserved masterpiece founded in the 16th century. Tula is also well known for its museums. The most popular of them are The Museum of Russian Samovar and the Museun of Tula’s Prianik (honey cake). There are also many ancient churches, among them Preobrazhenskiy Cathedral and Uspenskiy Cathedral, situated near the Kremlin. The most ancient church of Tula is Blagovesenskaya. Its exact date of foundation is unknown.
Тула знаменита своими достопримечательностями. Это один из самых древних городов центральной России. Сердце Тулы – Кремль. Это единственный сохранившийся памятник 16ого века. Тула также известна музеями. Одни из самых популярных – Музей Самоваров и Музей Тульского Пряника. В городе много древних церквей, среди них – Преображенский собор и Успенский собор, расположенные рядом с Кремлем. Самая древняя церковь Тулы – Благовещенская. Точная дата ее основания неизвестна.
There are four big parks and several smaller public gardens in Tula. In 1987 the first Zoo was founded in Tula. – В Туле 4 больших парка и несколько общественных садов поменьше. В 1987 году в Туле был открыт зоопарк.
One can get to Tula by railway or by bus. The transportation system involves 5 railways directions. Tula is situated at the highway from Moscow to Simpheropol, Crimea, and the highway from Kaluga to Riazan. – В Тулу можно приехать на поезде или на автобусе. Транспортная система состоит из пяти железнодорожных направлений. Тула находится рядом с трассами Москва – Симферополь (Крым) и Калуга – Рязань.
History of Tula
Foundation of Tula
Tula is one of the oldest cities in Russia. In the distant past, the Slavic tribe of Vyatichi lived on the territory of the Tula region. At the end of the 10th century, the Vyatichi became tributaries of the Kiev princes. In 1054, their lands became part of the Chernigov Principality. Tula was first mentioned in the Nikon Chronicle of the 12th century under 1146.
During the first centuries of its existence, Tula was no different from other settlements of this region. It was a small, palisaded village located on an islet at the confluence of the Upa and Tulitsa rivers. The name “Tula”, apparently, is closely related to the Tulitsa River and is most likely interpreted as “a hidden, inaccessible place”.
In the 13th century, the northeastern part of the Chernigov Principality, which included Tula, was captured by the Ryazan princes. During the Mongol invasion, the Tula region was in the way of the Mongols’ advance towards Moscow. In 1380, in the southeastern part of today’s Tula region, between the Don and Nepryadva rivers, the famous Battle of Kulikovo took place (the key point in Russian history at which Mongol influence began to decrease).
More Historical Facts…
Tula in the 16th-17th centuries
From the 16th century, Tula began to be of great strategic importance, as it was located on the southern outskirts of the Russian state, on its steppe border and near several roads along which the Crimean Tatars moved. In 1514-1521, a stone fortress (kremlin) was built on the left bank of the Upa River, which became the core of the developing town. In 1552, Tula withstood the siege of the troops of the Crimean Khan Devlet I Girey, who tried to stop the campaign of the troops of Tsar Ivan the Terrible against Kazan. During the 16th century, Tula suffered greatly from the constant raids of the Crimean Tatars.
At the beginning of the 17th century, Tula found itself in the thick of events known in the history of Russia as the Time of Troubles. In 1605, False Dmitry I, who captured Tula, waited for the fall of Moscow here. In 1607, Tula was engulfed in a peasant uprising led by Ivan Bolotnikov, which the government troops managed to suppress only after a four-month siege of the town.
By the middle of the 17th century, with the annexation of the left-bank Ukraine, Tula lost its position as a defensive center, since the border of Russia moved far to the south. But its location at the intersection of important roads contributed to the fact that Tula became a trade town. The development of the town’s traditional blacksmith craft was supported by the Moscow sovereigns, who needed their own iron and gun industries.
The first arms factory in Tula was built by Andrew Vinius, permission for the construction of which he received from Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich in 1632. Later, his companions, Peter Marselius and Filimon Akema, built new factories near Tula that produced not only military, but also household metal products. From the end of the 17th century, the iron-making production of Tula passed into the hands of the famous Russian industrialist Nikita Demidov.
Tula in the 18th-19th centuries
The 18th century became a new era in the development of Tula. By order of Peter I, the first state-owned arms factory was built in Tula — the basis for the entire arms industry in Russia. Tula became known as a large industrial center of iron production. The town became famous for the art of its masters, who manufactured not only weapons, but also precise measuring and physical instruments, various mechanisms, and artistic metal products.
In 1778, the coat of arms of Tula was approved with the following description: “In a scarlet field, horizontally laid on two silver sword blades, lying like the St. Andrew’s cross, with the ends down, a silver rifle barrel; above and below, one gold hammer. All this shows a worthy and useful weapons factory located in this town.” In 1797, Tula became the center of the Tula Governorate.
At the beginning of the 19th century, during the French invasion of Russia, the importance of Tula as a manufacturing and weapons center increased even more. The town was the main center that provided the supply of weapons to the Russian army. In the years 1812-1814, the factory and private workshops were able to produce a total of almost 600 thousand guns.
After the end of the war, there was a recession in the arms industry, which led to the emergence of new types of production. Samovars and accordions created by local craftsmen quickly gained worldwide fame and, along with the manufacture of weapons, determined the specialization of the Tula industry for a long time. In 1863, the population of Tula was about 56,700 people.
Tula in the 20th century
At the end of the 19th — beginning of the 20th centuries, large enterprises of the metallurgical, metalworking, military, and sugar industries appeared in Tula, which, together with the arms factory reconstructed in 1870-1873, were on a par with the largest industrial enterprises of the Russian Empire. According to the 1912-1913 census, the number of samovar factories in Tula was 50, with an annual production of 660,000 samovars. The population of the city increased to 138,900 people.
During the Russian Civil War, Tula was the center of the armament of the Red Army. In 1929, Tula became part of Moscow Oblast. In 1937, the city was turned into the administrative center of the newly formed Tula Oblast.
In 1939, the population of Tula was about 272,000 people. In October-December 1941, during the Second World War, Tula was almost in a complete siege, was subjected to artillery and mortar shelling, and German air raids. In the crucial days of the defense of Moscow, Tula blocked the southern approaches to it. In 1976, in this regard, Tula was awarded the honorary title of “Hero City”.
In the post-war years in Tula and the region, the machine-building, chemical and coal industries received further development, new research institutes and design bureaus appeared, continuing the traditions of Tula gunsmiths.
In 1991, the population of Tula peaked at 544 thousand residents. After that, it began to decline continuously.
Streets of Tula
Colorful flower beds in Tula
Author: Roman Dawydkin
Tram in Tula
Author: Sitnikov
Tula — Features
One of the features of Tula is its proximity to Moscow (2-3 hours by car or train). The City Day of Tula is traditionally celebrated on the second Saturday of September.
The climate of Tula is moderately continental with distinct seasons. It is characterized by warm, long summers and moderately cold winters with frequent thaws. The average temperature in July is plus 19.1 degrees Celsius, in February — minus 7.5 degrees Celsius.
The territory of the city is crossed or passed in close proximity by important highways of federal significance (Moscow — Crimea, Kaluga — Tula — Ryazan) and railways (Moscow — Donbass, Tula — Kozelsk). Public transport in Tula is represented by buses, minibuses, trolleybuses, and trams.
Tula is a large industrial and commercial centers in Russia. The leading industries are ferrous metallurgy, machine building, and metalworking. There are several large plants located near Tula — OJSC “Tulachermet” (the largest exporter of pig iron in Russia), OJSC “Kosogorsk Metallurgical Plant” (a fairly large producer of blast furnace iron, artistic and industrial casting), OJSC “Polema” (one of the largest in Russia enterprises specializing in powder metallurgy), as well as OJSC “Vanadium-Tula”. The operation of these plants negatively affects the ecology of the city, having a direct impact on the cleanliness of the air.
Tula is known for three activities of local residents rooted deep in the history of the city: the production of weapons, samovars, and gingerbread. Each of them is represented in the city by the Museum of Weapons, the Museum of Samovars, and the Museum of Tula Gingerbread.
In the Russian language there is such a phraseological unit as “Don’t go to Tula with your samovar” which means doing something useless. In English there is a close proverb — “Don’t carry coals to Newcastle”.
In total, on the territory of Tula there are more than 300 objects of cultural heritage: monuments of architecture and urban planning, history. The Tula Kremlin, the oldest building in the city, is an architectural monument of the 16th century. Yasnaya Polyana, the house-museum of Leo Tolstoy, is located about 14 km south-west of Tula. To visit all the sights of Tula, you will need at least 2-3 days.
The center of Tula is Lenin Square located near the Tula Kremlin. The main street of the city is Lenin Avenue — the busiest street in the city with a lot of educational institutions, a drama theater, a philharmonic society, monuments to various cultural figures, monuments dedicated to the Second World War, various shops, restaurants, cafes, and supermarkets. Celebrations, parades and processions are held here.
Main Attractions of Tula
The Tula Kremlin — a brick fortress with 9 towers located in the center of Tula, a unique complex of architectural and historical monuments of the 16th-19th centuries, the oldest building in the city. On the territory of the fortress you can see the Assumption Cathedral, built in the Russian Baroque style in 1766, the Epiphany Cathedral (1862), erected in memory of the soldiers who fell in the Patriotic War of 1812 (the French invasion of Russia) and used as a branch of the Tula Museum of Weapons, as well as the 19th century shopping arcade.
In addition to a tour of the Tula Kremlin, we recommend visiting the exposition of the Spasskaya Tower. In the basement of the tower there is an exhibition “The torture chamber of the 17th century” and on the two upper floors you can see the exhibition “The weapons of a medieval warrior”. There are several souvenir shops with handicrafts on the territory of the Tula Kremlin. The beautiful Kazanskaya Embankment runs right by the walls of the fortress — a great place to walk along the small Upa River.
Holy Dormition Cathedral (1898-1902) — a very picturesque building constructed in the Russian style with red brick walls, black domes, and golden crosses. The interior decoration impresses with its magnificent paintings and frescoes. It is located at the exit from the Tula Kremlin to Mendeleevskaya Street near Lenin Square.
Museum “Tula Samovars” — one of the symbols of Tula located in an old building named after Emperor Alexander II in front of the entrance to the Tula Kremlin. Here you can see a large collection of all kinds of unique samovars of the 18th-20th centuries, learn about the main stages in the history and production of samovars. Mendeleyevskaya Street, 8.
Tula Museum of Weapons — the oldest museum of weapons in Russia, founded in 1873. In 2012, a new building of this museum was opened, designed in the form of an old Russian helmet. In 2015, a new permanent exhibition “The history of small arms and cold weapons from the 14th century to the present” was opened here. An exhibition of Russian military equipment of the second half of the 20th century is located on the territory of the museum. Oktyabrskaya Street, 2.
Museum “Tula Gingerbread” — a small museum dedicated to the history, diversity, and tradition of the production of Tula gingerbread. In two halls of the museum, a huge assortment of gingerbread is presented: personalized, congratulatory with inscriptions, honorary, custom-made, timed to special dates and holidays, including a one-of-a-kind gingerbread weighing 50 kilograms. There is a shop with various edible gingerbread souvenirs at the museum. Oktyabrskaya, 45a.
Tula Museum of Fine Arts — one of the largest regional museums in Russia, which has more than 23 thousand works of painting, sculpture, graphics, arts and crafts, and folk art. There are three collections in total: the department of Russian art, the department of Western European art, and the department of contemporary art. Here you can see the works of such famous Russian painters as Surikov, Repin, Polenov, Aivazovsky, Shishkin, Levitan. Engelsa Street, 64.
Museum “The Demidovs’ Necropolis” — a memorial historical museum dedicated to the activities of the Demidovs, a dynasty of industrialists and entrepreneurs known throughout Russia. The exposition was opened for the 340th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the dynasty — Nikita Demidov. The central place in the museum is occupied by the family tomb of the Demidov family, which is located on the territory of the Nikolo-Zaretskaya church. Demidovskaya Street, 9.
Central Park of Culture and Rest named after P.P. Belousov. In the past, there was a huge city dump on the site of this park, but at the insistence of the chief sanitary doctor P.P. Belousov the territory was cleared and planted with various trees, shrubs, flowers. Today, it is the largest park area in Tula (143 hectares), which has the status of a natural monument of national heritage. The main part of the park is a forest and a recreational area. One of its most picturesque places is a cascade of three ponds.
**Motorcycle Museum “Moto-Auto-Art”. The basis of its exposition is a unique, the world’s most complete collection of motorcycles produced by the Tula Machine-Building Plant. However, there are also other motorcycles here, a lot of which are truly rare examples. The museum is located near Tula, in the village of Kharino (Koltsevaya Street, 12).
Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate “Yasnaya Polyana”. The great Russian writer Leo (Lev) Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born in this estate, about 14 km southwest of Tula. Here he lived the main part of his life. In addition to the old house, the museum complex also includes other buildings: a stable, a smithy, a bathhouse, a gazebo, and a birch bridge. The grave of Leo Tolstoy is also located here. Almost nothing has changed since the time when the writer lived and worked in this beautiful estate.
Museum-Reserve “Kulikovo Field” — a memorial museum-reserve located on the supposed site of the historical Battle of Kulikovo (1380), about 125 km southeast of Tula near the village of Mokhovoye. This museum is included in the list of especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. The following sights and museums are located here: the monument-column to Dmitry Donskoy (1850), the church-monument of St. Sergius of Radonezh (1917), the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1884), the Museum of the Kulikovo Battle, the museum-memorial complex to the heroes of the Kulikovo Battle in the village of Monastyrschino, Memorial on Red Hill.
The most interesting and unusual Tula street monuments are “Taming the Flea” (Lenin Avenue, 85b), “Tula Gingerbread” (Lenin Square), and “Mother-in-law” (also known as “Mother-in-lawsaurus” or “Dinosaur”) (Oktyabrskaya Street, 26).
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Подписи к слайдам:
Слайд 1
Презентация на тему: Приглашаем в Тулу
Слайд 2
Dear friends, Hello, I’m Tula. I was born in 1146, so I’m one year older than Moscow. In spite of my age I’m very energetic and creative. My heart is the Kremlin. It is surrounded by a red wall in brick with 9 towers of 1,000_ meters long, 10 meters high and about 4 meters thick. Have you ever been to Tula? If you haven’t, come and visit me. I’ll be glad to meet you. Best wishes, Tula. Welcome to Tula!
Слайд 3
My Flag My Emblem
Слайд 4
Levsha is the symbol of folk masters. He is a character from Leskov’s story, who shoed a flea. The monument to him was erected in 1989.
Слайд 5
Nikita Demidov , the founder of metallurgical works in the Urals, was buried in Tula in 1725. The monument was erected in 1996 by A. Chernopyatov .
Слайд 6
The Monument to Peter the Great The foundation of the small arms factory in Tula began under the Tsar’s Order in 1712. The monument was erected in 1912. (the sculptor — R. Bach). You can see Peter the Great in the image of a smith . It’s very unusual but symbolic.
Слайд 7
S.I.Mosin was a talented designer of small arms. His famous trifle was used in the army from 1891 till 1970s. The monument to S.Mosin was erected in 1958 by V. Mukhina .
Слайд 8
. The State Arms Museum in Tula was created in 1775 under the Order of Catherine the Great. The modern building was built in 2012. The Museum is one of the main sights in Tula
Слайд 9
The Hero-City
Слайд 10
We Remember, We Honour … The monument to the soldiers and people’s guardsmen defending Tula in 1941. The defense lasted 45 days, and they didn’t let the fascists in! The monument was opened in 1968.
Слайд 11
Do You Like Cakes? Will you come and help yourself to my honey- cakes? They are very tasty! The first Tula Cake was mentioned in ancient books in 1685.
Слайд 12
And What About Tea? The tea from samovars is very tasty. It is a purely Russian invention. And the Tula samovars are the most famous . They were made not only of metal but even of china and crystal. Samovars were first made in Tula more than 200 years ago.
Слайд 13
Filimonovo Toys are made in the village Filimonovo not far from Tula They have only four colours – yellow, red, blue and green. You can see these pieces of art in our Art Gallery
Слайд 14
THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION! See you in Tula! 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 2 7
Описание (английский)
Tula is an industrial city and the administrative center of Tula Oblast, Russia, located 193 kilometers (120 mi) south of Moscow, on the Upa River.
Tula was first mentioned in the Nikon Chronicle in 1146. As the chronicle was written in the 16th century, the date is disputed. The first confirmed mention of Tula dates to 1382.
In the Middle Ages, Tula was a minor fortress at the border of the Principality of Ryazan. As soon as it passed to the Grand Duchy of Moscow, a brick citadel, or kremlin, was constructed in 1514–1521. It was a key fortress of the Great Abatis Belt and successfully resisted a siege by the Tatars in 1552.
In 1607, Ivan Bolotnikov and his supporters seized the citadel and withstood a four-months siege by the Tsar’s
army. In the 18th century, some parts of the kremlin walls were
demolished. Despite its archaic appearance, the five-domed Assumption
Cathedral in the kremlin was built as late as 1764.
In 1712, Tula was visited by Peter the Great, who commissioned the Demidov blacksmiths to build the first armament factory
in Russia. Several decades later, Tula was turned by the Demidovs into
the greatest ironworking center of Eastern Europe. The oldest museum in
the city, showcasing the history of weapons, was inaugurated by the
Demidovs in 1724, and Nicholas-Zaretsky Church in the city houses their family vault. The first factory to produce samovars
industrially was also established there in the course of the 18th
After the Demidovs moved the center of their manufacture to the
Urals, Tula continued as a center of heavy industry, particularly in the manufacture of matériel.
In the 1890s, Ivan Savelyev, a medical orderly, became the founder of social democracy in Tula and set up a workers’ study circle.
The city grew rapidly in the early 20th century as a result of arms production during the 1905 Russo-Japanese War and World War I. Tula’s factories also manufactured weapons for the Red Army during the Russian Civil War of 1918–1921.
During the Great Patriotic War (World War II) of 1941–1945, the city was important in the production of armaments.
Tula became the target of a German offensive to break Soviet resistance
in the Moscow area between October 24 and December 5, 1941. The heavily
fortified city held out, however, and Guderian’s Second Panzer Army was stopped near Tula. The city secured the southern flank during the Battle of Moscow and the subsequent counter-offensive. Tula was awarded the title Hero City in 1976. It is home to the Klokovo air base and the Tula Arms Plant.
A musical instrument, the Tula accordion,
is named after the city, which is a center of manufacture for such
instruments sold throughout Russia and the world. Tula is also renowned
for traditional Russian pryaniki (gingerbread), cookies made with honey and spices (see Tula gingerbread). In the West, Tula is perhaps best known as the center of samovar
production: the Russian equivalent of «coals to Newcastle» is «You
don’t take a samovar to Tula». (The saying is falsely ascribed to the
writer and playwright Anton Chekhov, whose made a satirical portrait of
one of his characters saying «Taking your wife to Paris is the same as
taking your own samovar to Tula».)
The most popular tourist attraction in Tula Oblast is Yasnaya Polyana, the home and burial place of the writer Leo Tolstoy. It is situated 14 kilometres (9 miles) south-west of the city. It was here that Tolstoy wrote his celebrated novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina.
For other places with the same name, see Tula.
Tula (Russian: Тула, IPA: [ˈtulə]) is the largest city and the administrative center of Tula Oblast in Russia, located 193 kilometers (120 mi) south of Moscow. Tula is located in the northern Central Russian Upland on the banks of the Upa River, a tributary of the Oka. At the 2010 census, Tula had a population of 501,169, an increase from 481,216 in 2002, making it the 32nd largest city in Russia by population.
Tula Тула |
City[1] |
Flag Coat of arms |
Location of Tula |
Tula Location of Tula Tula Tula (European Russia) Tula Tula (Europe) |
Coordinates: 54°12′N 37°37′E / 54.200°N 37.617°ECoordinates: 54°12′N 37°37′E / 54.200°N 37.617°E | |
Country | Russia |
Federal subject | Tula Oblast[1] |
First mentioned | 1146[2] |
Government | |
• Body | City Duma[3] |
• Mayor[4] | Yuri Tskipuri[4] |
[5] |
• Total | 153.52 km2 (59.27 sq mi) |
Elevation | 170 m (560 ft) |
(2010 Census)[6] |
• Total | 501,169 |
• Estimate
(2018)[7] |
482,873 (−3.7%) |
• Rank | 37th in 2010 |
• Density | 3,300/km2 (8,500/sq mi) |
Administrative status |
• Subordinated to | Tula City Under Oblast Jurisdiction[1] |
• Capital of | Tula Oblast[1], Tula City Under Oblast Jurisdiction[1] |
Municipal status |
• Urban okrug | Tula Urban Okrug[8] |
• Capital of | Tula Urban Okrug[8] |
Time zone | UTC+3 (MSK |
Postal code(s)[10] |
300000–300999 |
Dialing code(s) | +7 4872[11] |
OKTMO ID | 70701000001 |
Website | www.tula.ru |
A primarily industrial city, Tula was a fortress at the border of the Principality of Ryazan. The city was seized by Ivan Bolotnikov, and withstood a four-month siege by the Tsar’s army. Historically, Tula was a major centre for the manufacture of armaments. The Demidov family built the first armament factory in Russia in the city, in what would become the Tula Arms Plant, which still operates to this day.
Tula is home to the Klokovo air base, Tula State University, Tula Kremlin, The Tula State Museum of Weapons and Kazanskaya embankment of the Upa River (Video360 on YouTube). Tula has a historical association with the samovar, a metal container used to heat and boil water; the city was a major center of Russian samovar production. Yasnaya Polyana, the former home of the writer Leo Tolstoy, is located 12 kilometres (7+1⁄2 mi) southwest of Tula. Additionally, Tula is known for its imprinted gingerbread (pryanik),[12] which has been made in Tula since the 17th century.
The name of the city is likely pre-Russian, probably of Baltic origin.[13][14] [15]
Tula was first mentioned in the Nikon Chronicle (year 1146).[2][16]
In the Middle Ages, Tula was a minor fortress at the border of the Principality of Ryazan. As soon as it passed to the Grand Duchy of Moscow, a brick citadel, or kremlin, was constructed in 1514–1521.[17] It was a key fortress of the Great Abatis Belt and successfully resisted a siege by the Tatars in 1552. In 1607, Ivan Bolotnikov and his supporters seized the citadel and withstood a four-months siege by the Tsar’s army. In the 18th century, some parts of the kremlin walls were demolished. Despite its archaic appearance, the five-domed Assumption Cathedral in the kremlin was built as late as 1764.[citation needed]
In 1712, Tula was visited by Peter the Great, who commissioned the Demidov blacksmiths to build the first armament factory in Russia. Several decades later, Tula was turned by the Demidovs into the greatest ironworking center of Eastern Europe. The oldest museum in the city, showcasing the history of weapons, was inaugurated by the Demidovs in 1724, and Nicholas-Zaretsky Church in the city houses their family vault. The first factory to produce samovars industrially was also established there in the course of the 18th century. After the Demidovs moved the center of their manufacture to the Urals, Tula continued as a center of heavy industry, particularly in the manufacture of matériel.[citation needed]
In the 1890s, Ivan Savelyev, a medical orderly, became the founder of social democracy in Tula and set up a workers’ study circle.[18]
During World War II, the city was important in the production of armaments. Tula became the target of a German offensive to break Soviet resistance in the Moscow area between Friday, 24 October and 5 December 1941. According to Erik Durschmied in The Weather Factor: How Nature has Changed History, one German general reached the southwestern outskirts of Tula on 29-30 October 1941.
The heavily fortified city held out, however, and Guderian’s Second Panzer Army was stopped near Tula. The city secured the southern flank during the Battle of Moscow and the subsequent counter-offensive. Tula was awarded the title Hero City in 1976. It is home to the Klokovo air base and the Tula Arms Plant.[citation needed]
Administrative and municipal statusEdit
Tula serves as the administrative center of the oblast.[1] Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Tula City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts.[1] As a municipal division, the territories of Tula City Under Oblast Jurisdiction and of Leninsky District are incorporated as Tula Urban Okrug.[8][20]
- Sergey Kazakov (1997–2005)
- Vladimir Mogilnikov (2005–2010)
- Alisa Tolkachyova (2010–2011)
- Yevgeny Avilov (2011–2012)
- Aleksandr Prokopuk (2012–2014)
- Yuri Tskipuri (2014–2019)
- Olga Slyusareva (2019-present time)
For more than four centuries Tula has been known as a center of crafts and metalworking. Tula is a developed industrial center. Importance in the industrial structure of Tula are metallurgy, machinery and metal with a high share of the military-industrial complex and food manufacturing.[citation needed]
Armaments industryEdit
- Almaz-Antey Concern: Scientific Production Association Strela (Russian: ОАО НПО «Стрела»)
- Splav (Russian: ОАО НПО «СПЛАВ») part of the Techmash holding of Rostec; only manufacturer of multiple rocket launchers in Russia: BM-21 Grad, BM-27 Uragan, BM-30 Smerch
- KBP Instrument Design Bureau
- Shcheglovsky Val plant (Russian: «Щегловский вал» завод): manufacturer of the Bumerang-BM for the T-15 Armata
- Tactical Missiles Corporation: TsKBA (Russian: ОАО «ЦКБА»)
- Tula Arms Plant
- Tulamashzavod
- Tula Cartridge Plant
Other companiesEdit
- Shtamp Machine-Building Plant
- Oktava
- Yasnaya Polyana: a confectionery factory established in 1973 under the holding of United Confectioners (Russian: Холдинг «Объединенные кондитеры») that produces 340 different candies including «Yasnaya Polyana»[21]
A musical instrument, the Tula accordion, is named after the city, which is a center of manufacture for such instruments sold throughout Russia and the world. Tula is also renowned for traditional Russian pryanik, cookies made with honey and spices (see Tula pryanik). In the West, Tula is perhaps best known as the center of arms manufacturing, mainly by TT pistol, as well as samovar production: the Russian equivalent of «coals to Newcastle» is «You don’t take a samovar to Tula». (The saying is falsely ascribed to the writer and playwright Anton Chekhov, whose made a satirical portrait of one of his characters saying «Taking your wife to Paris is the same as taking your own samovar to Tula».)
The most popular tourist attraction in Tula Oblast is Yasnaya Polyana, the home and burial place of the writer Leo Tolstoy. It is situated 14 kilometres (8+1⁄2 miles) southwest of the city. It was here that Tolstoy wrote his celebrated novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina. The largest public park in Tula is the P. Belousov Central Park of Culture and Recreation.
Tula is home to:
- Tula State University
- Tula State Pedagogical University[22]
- The Tula artillery and Engineering Institute
- A branch of All Russia Economic and Finance Institute
- A branch of Moscow Economics and Management Institute
Since 1867, there has been a railway connection between Tula and Moscow.[23] Tula is a major railway junction with trains to Moscow, Oryol, Kursk and Kaluga. The Moscow to Simferopol M2 motorway runs past the city. City transport is provided by trams, trolleybuses, buses, and marshrutkas. Tula trams, trolleybuses, and bus routes are operated by «Tulgorelectrotrans» (Tula city electrotransport company). Klokovo (air base) of the Russian Air Force is located nearby.
Most of Tula’s churches are Russian Orthodox churches. Next in number are Protestants and Catholics. Non-Christian organizations that are present include Muslims, Jews, Hare Krishna, Buddhists and Taoists.
All Orthodox organizations in Tula and the Tula Oblast are included in the Diocese of Tula and Yefremov. Among the Tula Orthodox churches should be mentioned Saints Cathedral (1776-1800), the oldest church in Tula — Annunciation (1692) and the Assumption Cathedral of the Tula Kremlin (1762-1764). There is also the Shcheglovsky Monastery of Holy Mother of God, built in mid 19th century and consecrated in 1860.[24] In Tula also Old Believers’ community services which are performed in the church of St. John Chrysostom.
In Tula there is the only Catholic church in the area, the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Since the 1990s, Tula has several Protestant denominations, the largest church of which is a Baptist church with a prayer house in Tula. Representatives of other Protestant churches in Tula are Seventh-day Adventists, Presbyterians (Church of the Holy Trinity, The Glorious Jesus the Lord, the Good News), Pentecostals (Tula Christian Center, Church of the New Testament) and other evangelical churches (Word of Life, the Vine Gypsy Church).
Also the city has a synagogue and the Jewish Community House.
In Russian fist fighting, Tula was considered to have some of the most famous fighters.[25][26]
The city association football club, FC Arsenal Tula, played in the Russian Premier League in 2014/2015 and 2016/2017 seasons.
- Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), Writer
- Leonid Bobylev (born 1949), composer
- German Galynin (1922–1966), composer
- Vladimir Mashkov (born 1963), theater and film actor and director
- Vyacheslav Nevinny (1934–2009), theater and film actor
- Maria Ouspenskaya (1876–1949), actress and acting teacher
- Vsevolod Sanayev (1912–1996), theater and film actor, acting teacher
- Sofia Sotnichevskaya (1916–2011), actress
- Irina Skobtseva (1927–2020), actress
- Gleb Uspensky (1843–1901), writer
- Vikenty Veresaev (1867–1945), writer
- Alexey Vorobyov (born 1988), singer, actor and model
- Alexey Goloborodko (born 1994), dance contortionist
Public servicesEdit
- Vyacheslav Dudka (born 1960), governor of Tula Oblast (2005–2011)
- Vladimir Ivanov (1893–1938), Soviet politician
- Yury Afonin, politician
- Viktor Ilyich Baranov, Soviet Army lieutenant general
- Ivan Bakhtin, governor of the Kharkov Governorate
Sciences, technologiesEdit
- Nikolay Artemov (1908–2005) physiologist
- Vladimir Bazarov (1874–1939), philosopher and economist
- Vasily Degtyaryov (1880–1949), weapons engineer
- Valery Legasov (1936–1988), inorganic chemist
- Valery Polyakov (born 1942), cosmonaut
- Ivan Sakharov (1807–1863), folklorist, ethnographer
- Petr Sushkin (1868–1928), ornithologist
- Sergei Tokarev (1899–1985), historian, ethnographer
- Ksenia Afanasyeva (born 1991), Olympic artistic gymnast, world and European champion
- Evgeniya Augustinas (born 1988), racing cyclist, European champion
- Ekaterina Gnidenko (born 1992), track cyclist
- Yevgeny Grishin (1931–2005), speedskater, Olympic and European champion
- Oksana Grishina (born 1968), track cyclist
- Irina Kirillova (born 1965), volleyball player, Olympic, world and European champion
- Sergei Kopylov (born 1960), racing cyclist
- Alexander Kotov (1913–1981), chess player, international grandmaster, SSSR champion, author, mechanical engineer
- Viktor Kudriavtsev (born 1937), figure skating coach
- Andrey Kuznetsov (born 1991), tennis player
- Vladimir Leonov (born 1937), cyclist
- Valentina Maksimova (born 1937), track cyclist
- Ihor Nadein (1948–2014), football player and coach
- Nikolay Novikov, (born 15 May 1946), boxer
- Alexandra Obolentseva (born 2001), chess player
- Yelena Posevina (born 1986), rhythmic gymnast, Olympic, world and European champion
- Anastasia Voynova (born 1993), racing cyclist, world and European champion
- Nikita Demidov (1656–1725), industrialist, founder of Demidov dynasty
Tula has a humid continental climate.[27] This is pronounced by warm summers and cold but not severe winters by Russian standards.
Climate data for Tula (1991–2020, extremes 1897–present) | |||||||||||||
Month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | Year |
Record high °C (°F) | 7.0 (44.6) |
7.3 (45.1) |
19.0 (66.2) |
29.0 (84.2) |
33.2 (91.8) |
35.0 (95.0) |
39.0 (102.2) |
39.2 (102.6) |
30.0 (86.0) |
23.6 (74.5) |
16.9 (62.4) |
9.3 (48.7) |
39.2 (102.6) |
Average high °C (°F) | −4.2 (24.4) |
−3.4 (25.9) |
2.5 (36.5) |
11.9 (53.4) |
19.6 (67.3) |
22.8 (73.0) |
25.1 (77.2) |
23.6 (74.5) |
17.3 (63.1) |
9.6 (49.3) |
1.6 (34.9) |
−2.7 (27.1) |
10.3 (50.5) |
Daily mean °C (°F) | −6.9 (19.6) |
−6.7 (19.9) |
−1.5 (29.3) |
6.8 (44.2) |
13.8 (56.8) |
17.2 (63.0) |
19.5 (67.1) |
17.7 (63.9) |
12.0 (53.6) |
5.8 (42.4) |
−0.8 (30.6) |
−5.0 (23.0) |
6.0 (42.8) |
Average low °C (°F) | −9.7 (14.5) |
−10.1 (13.8) |
−5.3 (22.5) |
1.8 (35.2) |
7.9 (46.2) |
11.6 (52.9) |
14.0 (57.2) |
12.2 (54.0) |
7.4 (45.3) |
2.5 (36.5) |
−3.1 (26.4) |
−7.5 (18.5) |
1.8 (35.2) |
Record low °C (°F) | −34.3 (−29.7) |
−36.1 (−33.0) |
−32.2 (−26.0) |
−16.1 (3.0) |
−4.3 (24.3) |
1.9 (35.4) |
4.6 (40.3) |
−1.1 (30.0) |
−6.8 (19.8) |
−13.0 (8.6) |
−26.3 (−15.3) |
−33.2 (−27.8) |
−36.1 (−33.0) |
Average precipitation mm (inches) | 43 (1.7) |
38 (1.5) |
35 (1.4) |
40 (1.6) |
48 (1.9) |
76 (3.0) |
77 (3.0) |
60 (2.4) |
57 (2.2) |
55 (2.2) |
41 (1.6) |
45 (1.8) |
615 (24.2) |
Average extreme snow depth cm (inches) | 18 (7.1) |
29 (11) |
23 (9.1) |
2 (0.8) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
0 (0) |
3 (1.2) |
10 (3.9) |
29 (11) |
Average rainy days | 5 | 5 | 6 | 12 | 13 | 16 | 15 | 13 | 13 | 15 | 12 | 6 | 131 |
Average snowy days | 21 | 22 | 15 | 4 | 0.2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.3 | 4 | 13 | 21 | 101 |
Average relative humidity (%) | 85 | 82 | 76 | 67 | 64 | 70 | 72 | 74 | 78 | 82 | 86 | 86 | 77 |
Mean monthly sunshine hours | 37.2 | 72.8 | 142.6 | 207.0 | 285.2 | 279.0 | 294.5 | 279.0 | 180.0 | 93.0 | 36.0 | 31.0 | 1,937.3 |
Source 1: Pogoda.ru.net[28] | |||||||||||||
Source 2: Climatebase (sun, 1959–2011)[29] |
Twin towns – sister citiesEdit
Tula is twinned with:[30]
- Albany, United States
- Barranquilla, Colombia
- Kerch, Ukraine/Crimea
- Mogilev, Belarus
- Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
- ^ a b c d e f g Law #954-ZTO
- ^ a b Tokarev, Kirill (October 4, 2011). «Tula: Loved by Tolstoy, hated by Lenin». Russia & India Report. Russia Beyond the Headlines. Retrieved August 31, 2016.
- ^ Official website of the Tula City Duma (in Russian)
- ^ a b «Новым мэром Тулы стал Юрий Цкипури». September 29, 2014.
- ^ Генеральный план города Тулы
- ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2011). Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. Том 1 [2010 All-Russian Population Census, vol. 1]. Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года [2010 All-Russia Population Census] (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
- ^ «26. Численность постоянного населения Российской Федерации по муниципальным образованиям на 1 января 2018 года». Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2019.
- ^ a b c Law #553-ZTO
- ^ «Об исчислении времени». Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2019.
- ^ Почтовые индексы России
- ^ Деловой город: Телефонный код Тулы
- ^ «Gingerbread Tula | Tula, Russia Activities». Lonely Planet. Retrieved April 30, 2020.
- ^ Е. М. Поспелов. «Географические названия мира». Москва: Русские словари, 1998, pg. 423: «The earliest etymologies derived the place name from Russian dialectal tulá ‘hidden, unreachable place’… The pre-Russian origin of the name of the river and town is no longer doubted [Maiorova 1985]…. Since the name of the river Upa is certainly Baltic…, its tributary *Tula [the presumed earlier form of Tulitsa] may also be of Baltic origin, which is supported by a series of parallels in Lithuanian toponymy: the river Tule, the Tulis swamp, the Tulyte field, the meadow Tulejos, the valley Tulija, etc. [Vanagas, 1981]; the meaning of these toponyms is not entirely clear….»
- ^ «VedicTime: Тула».
- ^ «Тула-один из сакрально-потаённых центров на русской карте».
- ^ «Tula». Encyclopedia Britannica.
- ^ «Тула». Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Moscow.
- ^ Biggart, John (1989). Alexander Bogdanov, Left-Bolshevism and the Proletkult 1904–1932 (Ph.D.). University of East Anglia. OCLC 556500696.
- ^ Arcade Publishing, 2002; ISBN 1-55970-624-4
- ^ All rural localities included as a part of Tula Urban Okrug in Law #553-ZTO are listed as a part of Leninsky District in OKATO.
- ^ Тульская кондитерская фабрика «Ясная Поляна» [Tula confectionary factory «Yasnaya Polyana»] (in Russian). Объединённые кондитеры (United Confectioners). Retrieved March 19, 2018.
- ^ «ТГПУ им. Л.Н.Толстого :: Главная страница». Archived from the original on September 26, 2009. Retrieved September 10, 2009.
- ^ Train Station in Tula (in Russian)
- ^ Kamalakaran, A. (July 29, 2016). «4 Orthodox monasteries to visit near Moscow». Russia Beyond the Headlines. Retrieved January 29, 2020.
- ^ Русский кулачный бой: «Tula’s fighters were always glorious, but every place had its heroes.»
- ^ Сказания о русских народных играх «Tula’s fighters were considered the best one on one.»
- ^ «Tula, Russia Köppen Climate Classification». Weatherbase. Retrieved January 25, 2015.
- ^ «Weather and Climate-The Climate of Tula» (in Russian). Погода и климат. Retrieved November 8, 2021.
- ^ «Tula Climate Normals». Climatebase. Retrieved April 5, 2016.
- ^ «Города-побратимы». tula.ru (in Russian). Tula. Retrieved February 2, 2020.
- Тульская областная Дума. Закон №954-ЗТО от 27 декабря 2007 г. «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Тульской области», в ред. Закона №2131-ЗТО от 11 июня 2014 г. «О внесении изменений в Закон Тульской области «Об административно-территориальном устройстве Тульской области» и Закон Тульской области «Об установлении границ административно-территориальных единиц – районов в городе Туле»». Вступил в силу по истечении десяти дней после дня официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Вестник Тульской областной Думы», №11–12(142–143), часть 4, ноябрь–декабрь 2007 г.. (Tula Oblast Duma. Law #954-ZTO of December 27, 2007 On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Tula Oblast, as amended by the Law #2131-ZTO of June 11, 2014 On Amending the Law of Tula Oblast «On the Administrative-Territorial Structure of Tula Oblast» and the Law of Tula Oblast «On Establishing the Borders of the Administrative-Territorial Units–the Districts in the City of Tula». Effective as of the day which is ten days after the official publication date.).
- Тульская областная Дума. Закон №553-ЗТО от 11 марта 2005 г. «О переименовании «муниципального образования город Тула Тульской области», установлении границы муниципального образования город Тула и наделении его статусом городского округа», в ред. Закона №2133-ЗТО от 11 июня 2014 г. «Об объединении муниципальных образований, расположенных на территории Ленинского района Тульской области, с муниципальным образованием город Тула, о внесении изменений в Закон Тульской области «О переименовании «муниципального образования город Тула Тульской области», установлении границы муниципального образования город Тула и наделении его статусом городского округа» и признании утратившими силу отдельных законодательных актов (положений законодательных актов) Тульской области». Вступил в силу через десять дней после официального опубликования. Опубликован: «Тульские известия», №66–69, 22 марта 2005 г. (Tula Oblast Duma. Law #553-ZTO of March 11, 2005 On Renaming «Municipal Formation of the City of Tula of Tula Oblast», Establishing the Border of the Municipal Formation of the City of Tula, and on Granting It Urban Okrug Status, as amended by the Law #2133-ZTO of June 11, 2014 On the Merger of the Municipal Formations on the Territory of Leninsky District of Tula Oblast with the Municipal Formation of the City of Tula, on Amending the Law of Tula Oblast «On Renaming «Municipal Formation of the City of Tula of Tula Oblast», Establishing the Border of the Municipal Formation of the City of Tula, and on Granting It Urban Okrug Status», and on Abrogating Various Legislative Acts (Clauses of Legislative Acts) of Tula Oblast. Effective as of the day ten days after the official publication.).
- Государственный комитет Российской Федерации по статистике. Комитет Российской Федерации по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации. №ОК 019-95 1 января 1997 г. «Общероссийский классификатор объектов административно-территориального деления. Код 71», в ред. изменения №278/2015 от 1 января 2016 г.. (State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation. Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology, and Certification. #OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 Russian Classification of Objects of Administrative Division (OKATO). Code 71, as amended by the Amendment #278/2015 of January 1, 2016. ).
Further readingEdit
- Annette M. B. Meakin (1906). «Tula». Russia, Travels and Studies. London: Hurst and Blackett. OCLC 3664651. OL 24181315M.
- «Tula (government)» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 27 (11th ed.). 1911. pp. 365–366.
- «Tula (town)» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 27 (11th ed.). 1911. p. 366.
External linksEdit
Wikivoyage has a travel guide for Tula.
- Map: Battle of Tula 1941
- «Tula» . The New Student’s Reference Work . 1914.
Достопамятность, достоинство; знаменитость, примечательность Словарь русских синонимов. достопримечательность примечательность (устар.) Словарь синонимов русского языка. Практический справочник. М.: Русский язык. З. Е. Александрова. 2011 … Словарь синонимов
— ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОСТЬ, достопримечательности, жен. (книжн.). Место, вещь, предмет, заслуживающие особого внимания, знаменитые. Туристы осмотрели все достопримечательности города. Толковый словарь Ушакова. Д.Н. Ушаков. 1935 1940 … Толковый словарь Ушакова
— ДОСТОПРИМЕЧАТЕЛЬНОСТЬ, и, жен. 1. см. достопримечательный. 2. Место или принадлежащий какому н. месту предмет, заслуживающие особого внимания. Исторические достопримечательности города. Осмотр достопримечательностей. Толковый словарь Ожегова. С.И … Толковый словарь Ожегова
— Эйфелева башня достопримечательность, собирающая почти 7 миллионов туристов в год Достопримечательность место, вещь или объект, заслуживающие … Википедия
— ж. Место, здание, предмет, достойные особого внимания, замечательные чем либо. Толковый словарь Ефремовой. Т. Ф. Ефремова. 2000 … Современный толковый словарь русского языка Ефремовой
— достопримечательность, достопримечательности, достопримечательности, достопримечательностей, достопримечательности, достопримечательностям, достопримечательность, достопримечательности, достопримечательностью, достопримечательностями,… … Формы слов
— достопримеч ательность, и … Русский орфографический словарь
— (3 ж), Р., Д., Пр. достопримеча/тельности; мн. достопримеча/тельности, Р. достопримеча/тельностей … Орфографический словарь русского языка
— достопримеча/тельность, и … Слитно. Раздельно. Через дефис.
— и; ж. 1. к Достопримечательный. Вызывает восторг д. этих мест! 2. Место, предмет, замечательные чем л., достойные особого внимания. Достопримечательности Петербурга. Резной иконостас главная д. собора. Осмотреть, сфотографировать, обойти… … Энциклопедический словарь
- , Борис Л.А.,перевод.. Пятьдесят или шестьдесят лет назад для большинства населения мира путешествия за границу были нереальной мечтой. Позволить себе отправиться в чужую страну на отдых могли лишь немногие… Купить за 1567 руб
- 501 достопримечательность, которую надо увидеть , . Пятьдесят или шестьдесят лет назад для большинства населения мира путешествия за границу были нереальной мечтой. Позволить себе отправиться в чужую страну на отдых могли лишь немногие…
Tula is situated in the central part of the Russian Federation, in about 200 km from Moscow. Tula is the administrative center of Tul’skaya oblast. – Тула находится в центральной части РФ, в около 200-ах км от Москвы. Тула – административный центр Тульской области.
In 1146 Tula was mentioned in historical documents for the first time. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. – Упоминание о Туле появляется впервые в исторических документах в 1146 году. Точная дата основания города неизвестна.
The population of the city is about 500 thousand citizens. Total area is almost 150 square kilometers. – Население города практически достигло 500 тыс. горожан. А общая площадь – почти 150 кв.кв.
Tula consists of 5 administrative districts: Central, Proletarskiy, Zarechenskiy, Privokzalniy and Sovetskiy. – Тула состоит из 5 административный округов: Центральный, Пролетарский, Зареченский, Привокзальный и Советский.
The central district is situated not only in the heart of Tula, but also occupies its Sothern-eastern part, almost all historical monuments are located here. Proletarsiy is the most populated region of the city. Zarechenskiy district is situated in the North-western part of Tula. Privokzalniy district is city suburb, Moscow railway station is situated here. Sovetskiy disctict is located in the central part of Tula.
Центральный округ находится не только в сердце Тулы, но также занимает ее юго-восточную часть, почти все исторические памятники находятся здесь. Пролетарский – самый густонаселенный район города. Зареченский находится на северо-западе Тулы. Привокзальный округ является уже окраиной города. Московский вокзал находится здесь. Советский район расположен в центральной части Тулы.
Tula is very famous for its sightseeing. This is one of the most ancient cities in central part of Russia. The heart of Tula is Kremlin. It is the only preserved masterpiece founded in the 16th century. Tula is also well known for its museums. The most popular of them are The Museum of Russian Samovar and the Museun of Tula’s Prianik (honey cake). There are also many ancient churches, among them Preobrazhenskiy Cathedral and Uspenskiy Cathedral, situated near the Kremlin. The most ancient church of Tula is Blagovesenskaya. Its exact date of foundation is unknown.
Тула знаменита своими достопримечательностями. Это один из самых древних городов центральной России. Сердце Тулы – Кремль. Это единственный сохранившийся памятник 16ого века. Тула также известна музеями. Одни из самых популярных – Музей Самоваров и Музей Тульского Пряника. В городе много древних церквей, среди них – Преображенский собор и Успенский собор, расположенные рядом с Кремлем. Самая древняя церковь Тулы – Благовещенская. Точная дата ее основания неизвестна.
There are four big parks and several smaller public gardens in Tula. In 1987 the first Zoo was founded in Tula. – В Туле 4 больших парка и несколько общественных садов поменьше. В 1987 году в Туле был открыт зоопарк.
One can get to Tula by railway or by bus. The transportation system involves 5 railways directions. Tula is situated at the highway from Moscow to Simpheropol, Crimea, and the highway from Kaluga to Riazan. – В Тулу можно приехать на поезде или на автобусе. Транспортная система состоит из пяти железнодорожных направлений. Тула находится рядом с трассами Москва – Симферополь (Крым) и Калуга – Рязань.
Всем привет! Сегодня вряд ли найдется человек, который бы не любил путешествовать. Современные условия и предложения позволяют легко отправиться в соседний город или на другой континент. Мы хотим увидеть знаменитые достопримечательности, памятники архитектуры, познакомиться с культурой других городов или стран. Американский английский — это язык, который используют все международные гиды.
Начнем с прочтения очень коротких фрагментов речи Мартина Лернера. Репортер решил выступить в роли экскурсовода и пригласил иностранных журналистов на экскурсию по Вашингтону. Мартин описывает некоторые достопримечательности американской столицы:
Some are government buildings. Most of the small buildings are homes. See the buildings on the right? Those are private homes. — Некоторые правительственные здания. Большинство маленьких зданий — дома. Видите здания справа? Это частные дома.
There are many beautiful old houses in Georgetown. It’s the oldest part of Washington. Some congressmen and congresswomen live in Georgetown. Many wealthy people live here too. — В Джорджтауне есть много красивых старых домов. Это старейшая часть Вашингтона. Некоторые конгрессмены и деловые женщины живут в Джорджтауне. Здесь также живет много богатых людей.
Кстати, в английском языке есть специальное выражение, которое используется, чтобы описать различные достопримечательности. Это выражение «sightseeing
», которое означает в буквальном смысле «осмотр достопримечательностей
Отправляйтесь осматривать достопримечательности или расскажите американцу о красивых местах своего города, но прежде обзаведитесь картой местности (map
) и путеводителем (guidebook
), а также перечитайте и прослушайте аудио урок по данной теме:
Много раз прослушивайте аудио запись урока, чтобы научиться воспринимать беглую речь американского экскурсовода, во время путешествия. Также тренируйте собственное произношение, чтобы вы смогли сделать описание исторических монументов своей родной местности, общаясь с американцами.
Описание архитектуры города по-английски
Изучая достопримечательности любого города на английском языке, необходимо пополнить свой словарно-фразовый арсенал лексикой, которая поможет вам описать красоту того или иного сооружения. А данная удобная таблица с переводом и написанием ключевых слов и фраз по данной теме поможет вам освоить эту лексику для описания городских монументов.
Описание достопримечательностей города |
Фразы |
Видите здания справа? |
See the buildings on the right? |
Это старейшая часть Вашингтона |
It’s the oldest part of Washington |
Существительные (Nouns) |
район | area |
Конгресс | Congress |
конгрессмен | congressman |
женщина- член Конгресса |
congresswoman |
пища, продукты | food |
холм | hill |
район, соседство |
neighborhood |
стадион | stadium |
Глаголы (Verbs) |
обновлять, реконструировать |
to renovate |
спать | to sleep |
Наречия (Adverbs) |
назад, в обратном направлении |
backward |
вперед | forward |
Предлог (Preposition) |
наверху, вверху | above |
внизу | below |
Прилагательные (Adjectives) |
правительственный |
government |
низкий | low |
утренний | morning |
частный, личный | private |
богатый | rich |
несколько, разный, различный |
several |
богатый, состоятельный |
wealthy |
Существительные: достопримечательности Вашингтона (Nouns: sights in Washington) |
Капитолий | Capitol building |
Капитолийский Холм |
Capitol Hill |
Библиотека Конгресса |
Library of Congress |
Мемориал Линкольна |
Lincoln Memorial |
эспланада, бульвар |
Mall |
Юнион-стейшн (ж/д вокзал) |
Union Station |
Белый Дом | White House |
Последняя часть таблицы — это те известные места, которые того, чтобы их обязательно посетить, если вы когда-нибудь будете в столице Америки. Используйте лексику из таблицы также для описания самых красивых мест своего города.
Вспомните также аудио урок
Выполните Домашнее задание (Homework):
- Перечитайте речь Мартина Лернера в начале урока, и используйте ее для описания знаменитых мест Вашингтона.
- Переведите ниже следующие фразы на английский и запишите их в рабочую тетрадь:
- Это — железнодорожная станция Юнион-стейшн. Ее реконструировали несколько лет назад.
- Это — правительственные здания. Вот Библиотека Конгресса.
- А это — частные дома.
- Джорджтаун — самая старая часть Вашингтона.
- В Джорджтауне много красивых старинных домов.
На сегодня все! Всем желаю отличного дня! До скорой встречи на страницах сайта!
London draws people from all over the world. Some come on business, some come to study, to work or on holiday. London is naturally a very English city and it is very cosmopolitan, containing goods, food and entertainment, as well as people, from many countries of the world.
London spreads its influence over much of the southern areas of England; it gives work to millions of people who live not only in the inner city areas but in surrounding districts.
There is much in London which fascinates visitors and inspires the affection of Londoners: the splendor of the royal palaces and the Houses of Parliament, the dignity of St. Paul»s Cathedral and many monuments and beautiful parks.
London shows examples of buildings that express all the different areas of its history.
Buckingham Palace is the official London residence of the Sovereign. The daily ceremony of the Changing of the Guards takes place in its courtyard. The palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham.
Piccadilly Circus has become an important meeting point — for as well as sightseers. At its heart is a bronze fountain topped by a figure of a winded archer, known as Eros, the pagan god of love.
This area is now famous for its theatres, clubs and shops.
Whitehall is a street in central London running from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament and containing many important buildings and government offices, such as the Treasury, Admiralty and others. In the centre of the roadway stands the Cenotaph, the memorial to the fallen of both world wars. The Prime Minister»s residence at No. 10 Downing Street is directly connected to Whitehall.
London is always full of life. The streets are crowded with traffic. High «double-decker» buses rise above the smaller cars and vans.
The city of London today is the financial powerhouse of the country and one of the chief commercial centers of the western world.
The city has its own Lord Major, its own Government and its own police force. Here the medieval buildings stand side by side with modern glass high-rise offices.
The parks of London provide a welcome contrast to the great built-up areas. St.James»s Park, Green Park, Hyde Park, and Kensington Gardens are linked together. They form 313 hectares of open parkland in the heart of London.
Лондон привлекает людей со всего мира. Некоторые приезжают по делам, некоторые учиться, работать или в отпуск. Лондон, естественно, типичный английский город, очень космополитичный, содержащий товары, еду и развлечения, также как и людей, из многих стран мира.
Лондона распространяет свое влияние на большую часть южных районов Англии, он дает работу миллионам людей, которые живут не только в городских районах, но и в прилегающих к нему.
В Лондоне существое много чего очаровывающего посетителей и вдохновляющего любовь лондонцев: великолепие королевского дворца и здания парламента, величие собора Святого Павла и многие памятники, красивые парки.
Лондон показывает примеры зданий, которые отражают различные области своей истории.
Букингемский дворец является официальной лондонской резиденции монарха. Ежедневные церемонии смены караула происходят в его внутреннем дворе. Дворец был построен в 1703 году герцога Букингемским.
Цирк Пикадили стал важным местом встречи равно как и достопримечательностью. В основе лежит бронзовый фонтан, увенчанный фигурой лучника, известного как Эрос -, языческого бога любви.
Эта область сейчас известна ее театрами, клубами и магазинами.
Уайтхолл — улица в центре Лондона, пролегающая от Трафальгарской площади до здания парламента и содержащая много важных зданий и государственных учреждений, таких как Казначейство, Адмиралтейство и другие. В центре проезжей части стоит Кенотафа — мемориал павшим в обеих мировых войн. Резиденции премьер-министра в доме № 10 на Даунинг-стрит напрямую связана с Уайтхоллом.
Лондон всегда полон жизни. Улицы переполнены трафиком. Духэтажные автобусы поднимаются выше небольших автомобилей и микроавтобусов.Город Лондон сегодня является финансовым центром страны и одним из главных торговых центров западного мира.
Город имеет своего главу — мера, свое правительство и собственную полицейскую службу.
Здесь средневековые здания стоят бок о бок с современными стеклами высотных офисов. Парки Лондона отлично контрастируют с огромными застроенными районами. Святого Иакова парк, Грин-парк, Гайд-парк, Кенсингтонский сад и связаны друг с другом. Они составляют 313 гектаров открытого парка в центре Лондона.
Tula is the oldest Russian city. The exact date of its foundation is unknown. It has been mentioned in the annals since 1146. According to one of the versions, the city owes its name to the Tulitsa River. The city was part of the Chernigov princedom, in the XIII century it was captured by the Ryazan princes, and during the Mongol invasion because of its geographical location — on the way to Moscow — Tula participated in the struggle of the Moscow princes against the invaders. It was in the territory of the modern Tula region in 1380 that the Battle of Kulikovo took place, which saved the Russian people from the power of the Mongol-Tatar yoke.
By the middle of the XV century Tula was part of the Moscow principality and had an important strategic significance: it was located on the southern outskirts of Russia. To protect the southern boundaries, Prince of Moscow Vasili III initiated construction of the Tula Kremlin. This fortress has survived in the city till our days. In the 17th century Tula, located close to the important trade routes, became a commercial and industrial city. Then they started developing blacksmith craft, and then gun smithing. By the next century Tula was a major center of the cast iron and iron production. It has preserved the same status today as well. The production of samovars in the scale of Tula’s history is a very «young» craft: the first plants for production of samovars appeared here in the XIX century, and by the middle of the century there were already 28 such plants. But the gingerbread cookies have been made here at least since the end of the XVII century! Separate museums in Tula are dedicated to samovars, as well as the Tula weapons and gingerbread.
In addition to the Kremlin and museums, Tula is also interesting for its religious sights: the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin, All Saints Cathedral and Shheglovskiy Monastery of the Holy Mother of God are popular among the tourists. A number of interesting places are located outside the city: the estate of Leo Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana, the manor of the artist Vasily Polenov and, of course, the famous Kulikovo Field, around which grew a large and modern museum complex with interactive exhibits.
As for local dishes, for the Russian people Tula is primarily associated with gingerbread. They are made here with different fillings: fruit, berries and caramelized milk. One can find gingerbread of different shapes and sizes here. But local culinary traditions do not end only with gingerbread. One should certainly taste traditional Russian cuisine in the city cafes and restaurants: cabbage soup, pancakes, porridges, pies and mushroom dishes. Tula, this charming Russian city, is interesting at any time of the year. One should not grudge the time to get acquainted with Tula, and then it will open before him in all its beauty.
Get directions
Tula is a popular option for short one-two-day trips from Moscow. It is convenient to get here from the capital city of Russia: the train will take you in a little bit more than two hours.