Рассказ про ялту на английском языке

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Yalta is a city in Crimea, southern Ukraine, on the north coast of the Black Sea. The city is located on the site of an ancient Greek colony, said to have been founded by Greek sailors who were looking for a safe shore on which to land. It is situated on a deep bay facing south towards the Black Sea, surrounded by wooded mountains. It enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate with many vineyards and orchards in the vicinity. The term «The Greater Yalta» is used to designate a part of the Crimean southern coast spanning from Foros in the west to Gurzuf in the east and including the city of Yalta and multiple adjacent urban settlements.

The existence of Yalta was first recorded in the 12th century by an Arab geographer, who described it as a Byzantine port and fishing settlement. It became part of a network of Genoese trading colonies on the Crimean coast in the 14th century. Since 1475 the southern coast with Yalta was under direct ottoman rule forming the Eyalet of Kefe (Feodosiya). Yalta was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1783.

In the 19th century, the town became a fashionable resort for the Russian aristocracy and gentry. Leo Tolstoy spent summers there and Anton Chekhov in 1898 bought a house (the White Dacha) here, where he lived till 1902; Yalta is the setting for Chekhov’s short story, The Lady with the Dog, and such prominent plays as The Three Sisters were written in Yalta. The town was also closely associated with royalty. In 1889 Tsar Alexander III finished construction of Massandra Palace a short distance to the north of Yalta and Nicholas II built the Livadia Palace south-west of the town in 1911.

During the 20th century Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. The town came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the «Big Three» powers — the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom — was held at the Livadia Palace.

Yalta has a beautiful embankment along the Black Sea. People can be seen strolling there all seasons of the year, and it also serves as a place to gather and talk, to see and be seen. There are several beaches to the left and right of the embankment. The town has a movie theater, drama theater, plenty of restaurants, and an open-air market.

Famous attractions within or near Yalta are: Yalta’s Sea Promenade (Naberezhnaya), Armenian Church, built by V. Surenyants, Roman Catholic Church built by N. Krasnov, a famous Russian architect, Yalta’s cable car, taking visitors to the Darsan hill, from which one can see Yalta’s shoreline, Renovated Hotel Taurica, the first hotel in the former Russian Empire with elevators, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, constructed by the architect Krasnov, who also constructed the Livadia Palace and the architect P. Terebenyov, Former main building of the Ministry of Defence hotel, built in the style of a Gothic castle, Palace of Bukhara Emir, Yalta’s Zoo, Yalta’s Aquarium, housing small dolphins, Park-museum Polyana Skazok (Glade of Fairytales), House-museum of Anton Chekhov, House-museum of Lesya Ukrainka etc.

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Yalta is a city in Crimea on the north coast of the Black Sea. Ялта – город в Крыму, на северном побережье Черного моря.

The city is located on the site of an ancient Greek colony, said to have been founded by Greek sailors who were looking for a safe shore on which to land. Город расположен на месте древней греческой колонии, говорят, был основан греческими моряками, которые искали безопасный берег.

It is situated on a deep bay facing south towards the Black Sea, surrounded by wooded mountains. Он расположен в глубоком заливе, окруженный лесистыми горами.

It enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate with many vineyards and orchards in the vicinity. Город имеет теплый средиземноморский климат с множеством виноградников и садов в районе.

The term “The Greater Yalta” is used to designate a part of the Crimean southern coast spanning from Foros in the west to Gurzuf in the east and including the city of Yalta and multiple adjacent urban settlements.Термин “Большая Ялта” используется для обозначения части Южного берега Крыма охватывающей территорию от Фороса на западе до Гурзуфа на востоке и в том числе город Ялта и несколько прилегающих населенных пунктов.

The existence of Yalta was first recorded in the 12th century by an Arab geographer, who described it as a Byzantine port and fishing settlement. Существование Ялты впервые было отмечено в 12 веке арабским географом, который охарактеризовал ее как византийский порт и рыбацкий поселок.

It became part of a network of Genoese trading colonies on the Crimean coast in the 14th century. Она стала частью сети торговых генуэзских колоний на Крымском побережье, в 14 веке.

Since 1475 the southern coast with Yalta was under direct ottoman rule forming the Eyalet of Kefe (Feodosiya). С 1475 южное побережье Ялты находится под властью Османской империи.

Yalta was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1783.Ялта была присоединена к Российской империи в 1783 году.

In the 19th century, the town became a fashionable resort for the Russian aristocracy and gentry. В 19 веке город стал модным курортом для русской аристократии и дворянства.

Leo Tolstoy spent summers there and Anton Chekhov in 1898 bought a house (the White Dacha) here, where he lived till 1902; Yalta is the setting for Chekhov’s short story, The Lady with the Dog, and such prominent plays as The Three Sisters were written in Yalta. Лев Толстой провел лето там, а Антон Павлович Чехов в 1898 году купил дом (Белая Дача) здесь, где он жил до 1902; Ялта – место рассказа А. П. Чехова, “Дама с собачкой”, а также такие известные пьесы, как” Три сестры “были написаны в Ялте.

The town was also closely associated with royalty. Город был также тесно связан с монархией.

In 1889 Tsar Alexander III finished construction of Massandra Palace a short distance to the north of Yalta and Nicholas II built the Livadia Palace south-west of the town in 1911.В 1889 году царь Александр III завершил строительство Массандровского дворца на небольшом расстоянии к северу от Ялты, а Николай II построил на юго-западе Ливадийский дворец в 1911 году.

During the 20th century Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. В течение 20 века Ялта была основным курортом Советского Союза.

The town came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the “Big Three” powers – the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom – was held at the Livadia Palace.Город привлёк внимание всего мира в 1945 году, когда в Ливадийском дворце была проведена Ялтинская конференция “большой тройки” – СССР, США и Великобритании.

Yalta has a beautiful embankment along the Black Sea. Ялта имеет красивую набережную вдоль побережья Черного моря.

People can be seen strolling there all seasons of the year, and it also serves as a place to gather and talk, to see and be seen. Люди могут увидеть гуляющих там во все сезоны года, а также она служит как место сбора чтобы говорить, видеть и быть увиденным.

There are several beaches to the left and right of the embankment. Есть несколько пляжей слева и справа от набережной.

The town has a movie theater, drama theater, plenty of restaurants, and an open-air market.В городе есть кинотеатры, театр драмы, множество ресторанов и открытый рынок.

Famous attractions within or near Yalta are: Yalta’s Sea Promenade (Naberezhnaya), Armenian Church, built by V. Surenyants, Roman Catholic Church built by N. Krasnov, a famous Russian architect, Yalta’s cable car, taking visitors to the Darsan hill, from which one can see Yalta’s shoreline, Renovated Hotel Taurica, the first hotel in the former Russian Empire with elevators, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, constructed by the architect Krasnov, who also constructed the Livadia Palace and the architect P. Terebenyov, Former main building of the Ministry of Defence hotel, built in the style of a Gothic castle, Palace of Bukhara Emir, Yalta’s Zoo, Yalta’s Aquarium, housing small dolphins, Park-museum Polyana Skazok (Glade of Fairytales), House-museum of Anton Chekhov, House-museum of Lesya Ukrainka etc.Известные достопримечательности в пределах или вблизи Ялты: Ялтинская набережная, Армянская церковь, построенная В. Суренянц, Римско-католическая церковь, построенная Н. Красновым, Ялтинская канатная дорога, восстановленная гостиница «Таврида»- первый отель в бывшей Русской империи с лифтами, собор Александра Невского, построенный по проекту архитекторов Краснова, который также построил Ливадийский дворец, и П. К. Теребенёва, бывший генеральский корпус санатория Министерства обороны, построенный в стиле готический замок, Дворец бухарского эмира, Ялтинский зоопарк, Ялтинский аквариум, парк-музей “Поляна сказок”, дом-музей А. П. Чехова, дом-музей Леси Украинки и т.д.

Yalta is a city in Crimea on the north coast of the Black Sea. The city is located on the site of an ancient Greek colony, said to have been founded by Greek sailors who were looking for a safe shore on which to land. It is situated on a deep bay facing south towards the Black Sea, surrounded by wooded mountains. It enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate with many vineyards and orchards in the vicinity. The term «The Greater Yalta» is used to designate a part of the Crimean southern coast spanning from Foros in the west to Gurzuf in the east and including the city of Yalta and multiple adjacent urban settlements.

The existence of Yalta was first recorded in the 12th century by an Arab geographer, who described it as a Byzantine port and fishing settlement. It became part of a network of Genoese trading colonies on the Crimean coast in the 14th century. Since 1475 the southern coast with Yalta was under direct ottoman rule forming the Eyalet of Kefe. Yalta was annexed by

the Russian Empire in 1783.

In the 19th century, the town became a fashionable resort for the Russian aristocracy and gentry. Leo Tolstoy spent summers there and Anton Chekhov in 1898 bought a house here, where he lived till 1902; Yalta is the setting for Chekhov’s short story, The Lady with the Dog, and such prominent plays as The Three Sisters were written in Yalta. The town was also closely associated with royalty. In 1889 Tsar Alexander III finished construction of Massandra Palace a short distance to the north of Yalta and Nicholas II built the Livadia Palace south-west of the town in 1911.

During the 20th century Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. The town came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the «Big Three» powers — the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom — was held at the Livadia Palace.

Yalta has a beautiful embankment along the Black Sea. People can be seen strolling there all seasons of the year, and it also serves as a place to gather and talk, to see and be seen. There are several beaches to the left and right of the embankment. The town has a movie theater, drama theater, plenty of restaurants, and an open-air market.

Famous attractions within or near Yalta are: Yalta’s Sea Promenade, Armenian Church, built by V. Surenyants, Roman Catholic Church built by N. Krasnov, a famous Russian architect, Yalta’s cable car, taking visitors to the Darsan hill, from which one can see Yalta’s shoreline, Renovated Hotel Taurica, the first hotel in the former Russian Empire with elevators, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, constructed by the architect Krasnov, who also constructed the Livadia Palace and the architect P. Terebenyov, Former main building of the Ministry of Defence hotel, built in the style of a Gothic castle, Palace of Bukhara Emir, Yalta’s Zoo, Yalta’s Aquarium, housing small dolphins, Park-museum Polyana Skazok, House-museum of Anton Chekhov, House-museum of Lesya Ukrainka etc.


Ялта — город в Крыму, на северном побережье Черного моря. Город расположен на месте древней греческой колонии, говорят, был основан греческими моряками, которые искали безопасный берег. Он расположен в глубоком заливе, окруженный лесистыми горами. Город имеет теплый средиземноморский климат с множеством виноградников и садов в районе. Термин «Большая Ялта» используется для обозначения части Южного берега Крыма охватывающей территорию от Фороса на западе до Гурзуфа на востоке и в том числе город Ялта и несколько прилегающих населенных пунктов.

Существование Ялты впервые было отмечено в 12 веке арабским географом, который охарактеризовал ее как византийский порт и рыбацкий поселок. Она стала частью сети торговых генуэзских колоний на Крымском побережье, в 14 веке. С 1475 южное побережье Ялты находится под властью Османской империи. Ялта была присоединена к Российской империи в 1783 году.

В 19 веке город стал модным курортом для русской аристократии и дворянства. Лев Толстой провел лето там, а Антон Павлович Чехов в 1898 году купил дом здесь, где он жил до 1902; Ялта — место рассказа А. П. Чехова, «Дама с собачкой», а также такие известные пьесы, как» Три сестры «были написаны в Ялте. Город был также тесно связан с монархией. В 1889 году царь Александр III завершил строительство Массандровского дворца на небольшом расстоянии к северу от Ялты, а Николай II построил на юго-западе Ливадийский дворец в 1911 году.

В течение 20 века Ялта была основным курортом Советского Союза. Город привлек внимание всего мира в 1945 году, когда в Ливадийском дворце была проведена Ялтинская конференция «большой тройки» — СССР, США и Великобритании.

Ялта имеет красивую набережную вдоль побережья Черного моря. Люди могут увидеть гуляющих там во все сезоны года, а также она служит как место сбора чтобы говорить, видеть и быть увиденным. Есть несколько пляжей слева и справа от набережной. В городе есть кинотеатры, театр драмы, множество ресторанов и открытый рынок.

Известные достопримечательности в пределах или вблизи Ялты: Ялтинская набережная, Армянская церковь, построенная В. Суренянц, Римско-католическая церковь, построенная Н. Красновым, Ялтинская канатная дорога, восстановленная гостиница «Таврида»- первый отель в бывшей Русской империи с лифтами, собор Александра Невского, построенный по проекту архитекторов Краснова, который также построил Ливадийский дворец, и П. К. Теребенева, бывший генеральский корпус санатория Министерства обороны, построенный в стиле готический замок, Дворец бухарского эмира, Ялтинский зоопарк, Ялтинский аквариум, парк-музей «Поляна сказок», дом-музей А. П. Чехова, дом-музей Леси Украинки и т. д.




Widok na Jałtę ze statku 07.JPG

Flag of Yalta as recognised by Ukraine (de jure)Flag of Yalta as recognised by Russia (de facto)Flag of Yalta


Coat of arms of Yalta as recognised by Ukraine (de jure)Coat of arms of Yalta as recognised by Russia (de facto)Coat of arms of Yalta

Coat of arms

Yalta is located in Crimea



Location of Yalta within Crimea

Yalta is located in Ukraine



Location of Yalta within Ukraine

Yalta is located in European Russia



Location of Yalta within Russia

Yalta is located in Europe



Location of Yalta within Europe

Coordinates: 44°29′58″N 34°10′12″E / 44.49944°N 34.17000°ECoordinates: 44°29′58″N 34°10′12″E / 44.49944°N 34.17000°E
Country Territory of Ukraine, occupied by Russia[1]
Republic Crimea
Municipality Yalta Municipality
Elevation 40 m (130 ft)


 • Total 76,746
Time zone UTC+3 (MSK)
Postal codes


Area code +7-3654
Former name Yalita (until the 15th century)
Climate Cfa
Website yalta.rk.gov.ru

Yalta[2] (Ukrainian and Russian: Я́лта) is a resort city on the south coast of the Crimean Peninsula in Ukraine surrounded by the Black Sea. It serves as the administrative center of Yalta Municipality, one of the regions within Crimea. Yalta, along with the rest of Crimea, is internationally recognised as part of Ukraine, and is considered part of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. However, it is occupied by Russia,[3] which annexed Crimea in 2014 and regards the town as part of the Republic of Crimea. According to the most recent census, its population was 76,746 (2014 Census)[4].

The city is located on the site of the ancient Greek colony of Yalita.[5] It is said to have been founded by the Greek settlers who were looking for a safe shore (Γιαλός, yalos in Greek) on which to land. It is situated on a deep bay facing south towards the Black Sea, surrounded by the mountain range Ai-Petri. It has a warm humid subtropical climate and is surrounded by numerous vineyards and orchards.[6]

The area became famous when the city held the Yalta Conference as part of the Allied World War II conferences in 1945.

The term «Greater Yalta» is used to designate a part of the Crimean southern coast spanning from Foros in the west to Gurzuf in the east and including the city of Yalta and multiple adjacent urban settlements.


12th–19th centuries[edit]

The existence of Yalta was first recorded in the 12th century by an Arab geographer, who described it as a Byzantine port and fishing settlement. It became part of a network of Genoese trading colonies on the Crimean coast in the 14th century, when it was known as Etalita or Galita. Crimea was captured by the Ottoman Empire in 1475, which made it a semi-independent subject territory under the rule of the Crimean Khanate but the southern coast with Yalta was under direct Ottoman rule forming the Eyalet of Kefe (Feodosiya). Yalta was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1783, along with the rest of Crimea, sparking the Russo-Turkish War, 1787-1792. Prior to the annexation of the Crimea, the Crimean Greeks were moved to Mariupol in 1778; one of the villages they established nearby is also called Yalta.

In the 19th century, the town became a fashionable resort for the Russian aristocracy and gentry. Leo Tolstoy spent summers there and Anton Chekhov in 1898 bought a house (the White Dacha) here, where he lived until 1902; Yalta is the setting for Chekhov’s short story, «The Lady with the Dog», and such prominent plays as The Three Sisters were written in Yalta. The town was also closely associated with royalty. In 1889 Tsar Alexander III finished construction of Massandra Palace a short distance to the north of Yalta and Nicholas II built the Livadia Palace south-west of the town in 1911.

20th century[edit]

During the 20th century, Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. In 1920, Vladimir Lenin issued a decree «On the Use of Crimea for the Medical Treatment of the Working People» which endorsed the region’s transformation from a fairly exclusive resort area into a recreation facility for tired proletarians. Numerous workers’ sanatoria were constructed in and around Yalta and the surrounding district. There were, in fact, few other places that Soviet citizens could come for a seaside holiday, as foreign travel was forbidden to all but a handful. The Soviet elite also came to Yalta; the Soviet premier Joseph Stalin used the Massandra Palace as his summer residence.

Yalta was occupied by the German Army from 9 November 1941 to 16 April 1944.

The town came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the «Big Three» powers – the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom – was held at the Livadia Palace.

21st century[edit]

The cableway near Yalta’s Ai-Petri peak.

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, Yalta has struggled economically. Many of the nouveaux riches of ex-Soviet citizens began going to other European holiday resorts, now that they had the freedom and money to travel; conversely, the impoverishment of many ex-Soviet citizens meant that they could no longer afford to go to Yalta. The town’s transport links have been significantly reduced with the end of almost all passenger traffic by sea. The longest trolleybus line in Europe goes from the train station in Simferopol to Yalta (almost 90 km). Yalta is crowded in the vacation season (July–August) and prices for accommodation are very high. Most of the tourists are from countries of the former Soviet Union; in 2013, about 12% of tourists to Crimea were Westerners from more than 200 cruise ships.[7]

Yalta has a beautiful seafront promenade along the Black Sea. People can be seen strolling there all seasons of the year, and it also serves as a place to gather and talk, to see and be seen. There are several beaches to the east and west of the promenade. Many kinds of pine trees (Stone pine and Aleppo pine for example), oleander shrubs, lemon and olive trees and different sorts of palm trees such as the Chinese windmill palm, the Mexican fan palm and the Canary Island date palm are scattered all over the city. The town has several movie theaters, a drama theater, plenty of restaurants, and several open-air markets.

Two beaches in Yalta are Blue Flag beaches since May 2010, these were the first beaches (with two beaches in Yevpatoria) to be awarded a Blue Flag in a CIS member state.[8]

In 2014, Russia, in violation of international law, invaded Crimea and claimed it as part of Russia.[9]

Main sights[edit]

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

Famous attractions within or near Yalta are:

  • Yalta’s Sea Promenade (Naberezhnaya), housing many attractions, which was renovated in 2003 and 2004.
  • Saint Hripsime Church of Yalta, an Armenian Church, with frescoes by V. Surenyants
  • A Roman Catholic Church built by Nikolay Krasnov
  • Yalta’s cable car, taking visitors to the Darsan hill, from which one can see Yalta’s shoreline
  • Renovated Hotel Taurica, the first hotel in the former Russian Empire with elevators
  • Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, constructed by the architect Krasnov, who also constructed the Livadia Palace and the architect P. Terebenyov
  • Former main building of the Ministry of Defence hotel, built in the style of a Gothic castle
  • Palace of Bukhara Emir
  • Yalta’s Zoo
  • Yalta’s Aquarium, housing small dolphins
  • Park-museum Polyana Skazok (Glade of Fairytales)
  • White Dacha – House-museum of Anton Chekhov
  • House-museum of Lesya Ukrainka
  • House with Caryatids, where the composer A. Spendiarov lived
  • Yalta Hotel Complex
  • Roffe Bath, historical monument

Moreover, Yalta’s suburbs contain:

  • Foros Church
  • Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Nikita)
  • Livadia Palace (Livadiya)
  • Organ hall in Livadiya
  • Massandra Palace (Massandra)
  • Massandra Winery and Vaults
  • International children’s centre of Artek(Gurzuf)
  • Ai-Petri Mountain (1233 metres high, with a cable car traveling to and from the mountain)
  • Alupka Palace
  • Swallow’s Nest castle near Gaspra.
  • Tsar’s Path hiking trail



As Yalta lies to the south of the Crimean Mountains and, within an amphitheatre of hills, the climate is mild. Yalta has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfa) that closely borders on a hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Köppen climate classification: Csa).[6] According to the Trewartha climate classification the climate is Do (oceanic.) In February, the average temperature reaches 4 °C (39 °F). Snow is infrequent and melts soon thereafter. In July, the average temperature reaches 24 °C (75 °F). The average annual precipitation is 612 millimetres (24.1 in), most of it being concentrated in the colder months. The sun shines approximately 2,169 hours per year. Since the city is located on the shore of the Black Sea, the weather rarely becomes extremely hot due to the cool sea breezes. The average annual temperature for Yalta is around 14 °C (57 °F), which makes it one of the warmest places in Ukraine.

Climate data for Yalta (1991–2020 normals, extremes 1948–present)
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 17.8
Average high °C (°F) 7.4
Daily mean °C (°F) 4.6
Average low °C (°F) 2.5
Record low °C (°F) −12.2
Average precipitation mm (inches) 76
Average extreme snow depth cm (inches) 1
Average rainy days 14 12 13 12 11 10 8 7 10 10 12 15 134
Average snowy days 6 6 4 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 20
Average relative humidity (%) 75.7 73.6 72.7 72.0 69.7 67.7 61.9 61.5 65.4 71.5 74.4 75.1 70.1
Mean monthly sunshine hours 68.6 85.1 133.3 174.9 239.2 273.2 308.1 280.6 216.2 145.1 89.3 63.2 2,076.8
Source 1: Pogoda.ru.net[10]
Source 2: World Meteorological Organization (humidity and sun 1981–2010)[11]


As of the Ukrainian Census conducted on 1 January 2001, the population of Yalta is 80,500. The main ethnic groups of Yalta are: Russians (65.5%), Ukrainians (25.7%), Belarusians (1.6%), and Crimean Tatars (1.3%).[12] The majority of people speak Russian as their mother tongue.
This total number does not comprise the population of neighbouring villages and small towns. The metropolitan area population is about 139,500.

Twin towns – sister cities[edit]

Yalta is twinned with:[13][14][15][16]

  • Turkey Antalya, Turkey
  • Germany Baden-Baden, Germany
  • Georgia (country) Batumi, Georgia
  • Israel Eilat, Israel
  • Japan Fujisawa, Japan
  • Russia Grozny, Russia
  • Russia Kaluga, Russia
  • United States Santa Barbara, United States
  • Azerbaijan Khachmaz, Azerbaijan
  • Syria Latakia, Syria
  • Ukraine Luhansk, Ukraine
  • England Margate, England, United Kingdom
  • France Nice, France
  • Italy Pozzuoli, Italy
  • Greece Rhodes, Greece
  • Italy Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy
  • China Sanya, China
  • Egypt Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
  • Russia Ulan-Ude, Russia
  • Russia Vladikavkaz, Russia

See also[edit]

  • List of cities in Ukraine


  1. ^ This place is located on the Crimean peninsula, which is internationally recognized as part of Ukraine, but since 2014 under Russian occupation. According to the administrative-territorial division of Ukraine, there are the Ukrainian divisions (the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city with special status of Sevastopol) located on the peninsula. Russia claims these as federal subjects of the Russian Federation (the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol).
  2. ^ English approximation of the name: , (Wells, John C. (2008), Longman Pronunciation Dictionary (3rd ed.), Longman, ISBN 9781405881180).
  3. ^ «Fictitious Annexation Follows ‘Voting’ at Gunpoint». 30 September 2022.
  4. ^ Russian Federal State Statistics Service (2014). «Таблица 1.3. Численность населения Крымского федерального округа, городских округов, муниципальных районов, городских и сельских поселений» [Table 1.3. Population of Crimean Federal District, Its Urban Okrugs, Municipal Districts, Urban and Rural Settlements]. Федеральное статистическое наблюдение «Перепись населения в Крымском федеральном округе». («Population Census in Crimean Federal District» Federal Statistical Examination) (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 4, 2016.
  5. ^ Sergei R. Grinevetsky; Igor S. Zonn; Sergei S. Zhiltsov; Aleksey N. Kosarev; Andrey G. Kostianoy (2015). The Black Sea Encyclopedia. p. 821. ISBN 978-3662518403.
  6. ^ a b Kottek, M.; J. Grieser; C. Beck; B. Rudolf; F. Rubel (2006). «World Map of the Köppen-Geiger climate classification updated» (PDF). Meteorol. Z. 15 (3): 259–263. Bibcode:2006MetZe..15..259K. doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2006/0130. Retrieved 28 August 2012.
  7. ^ New York Times, For Crimea, It’s Russian Troops In, Tourists Out, by Neil MacFarquhar, 24 May 2014,
  8. ^ Four beaches in Crimea receive international certificates of cleanliness, Kyiv Post (May 12, 2010)
  9. ^ «Crimea: Echoes of history on the road to Yalta». 14 March 2014.
  10. ^
    «Климат Ялты» (in Russian). Погода и климат (Weather and Climate). Archived from the original on 14 December 2019. Retrieved 8 November 2021.
  11. ^ «World Meteorological Organization Climate Normals for 1981–2010». World Meteorological Organization. Archived from the original on 17 July 2021. Retrieved 18 July 2021.
  12. ^ Central Statistical Office of AR Crimea Archived 2012-08-28 at the Wayback Machine, see «Ялта», column №3.
  13. ^ «Ялта и итальянский Родвиго планируют стать городами-побратимами». gazetacrimea.ru (in Russian). Gazeta Crimea. 2017-04-28. Archived from the original on 2021-05-16. Retrieved 2020-04-02.
  14. ^ «Ялта и Грозный стали городами-побратимами». crimea.kp.ru (in Russian). 2019-08-13. Retrieved 2020-04-02.
  15. ^ «Ялта и итальянский Родвиго планируют стать городами-побратимами». fontanka.ru (in Russian). Fontanka. 2018-04-22. Retrieved 2020-04-02.
  16. ^ «Луганск и Ялта побратаются. Луганчан ждут скидки на ЮБК?». cxid.info (in Russian). CXID.info. 2019-01-18. Retrieved 2020-04-02.

External links[edit]

Yalta is a city in Crimea, southern Ukraine, on the north coast of the Black Sea. The city is located on the site of an ancient Greek colony, said to have been founded by Greek sailors who were looking for a safe shore on which to land. It is situated on a deep bay facing south towards the Black Sea, surrounded by wooded mountains. It enjoys a warm Mediterranean climate with many vineyards and orchards in the vicinity. The term “The Greater Yalta” is used to designate a part of the Crimean southern coast spanning from Foros in the west to Gurzuf in the east and including the city of Yalta and multiple adjacent urban settlements.

The existence of Yalta was first recorded in the 12th century by an Arab geographer, who described it as a Byzantine port and fishing settlement. It became part of a network of Genoese trading colonies on the Crimean coast in the 14th century. Since 1475 the southern coast with Yalta was under direct ottoman rule forming the Eyalet of Kefe

(Feodosiya). Yalta was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1783.

In the 19th century, the town became a fashionable resort for the Russian aristocracy and gentry. Leo Tolstoy spent summers there and Anton Chekhov in 1898 bought a house (the White Dacha) here, where he lived till 1902; Yalta is the setting for Chekhov’s short story, The Lady with the Dog, and such prominent plays as The Three Sisters were written in Yalta. The town was also closely associated with royalty. In 1889 Tsar Alexander III finished construction of Massandra Palace a short distance to the north of Yalta and Nicholas II built the Livadia Palace south-west of the town in 1911.

During the 20th century Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. The town came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the “Big Three” powers – the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom – was held at the Livadia Palace.

Yalta has a beautiful embankment along the Black Sea. People can be seen strolling there all seasons of the year, and it also serves as a place to gather and talk, to see and be seen. There are several beaches to the left and right of the embankment. The town has a movie theater, drama theater, plenty of restaurants, and

an open-air market.

Famous attractions within or near Yalta are: Yalta’s Sea Promenade (Naberezhnaya), Armenian Church, built by V. Surenyants, Roman Catholic Church built by N. Krasnov, a famous Russian architect, Yalta’s cable car, taking visitors to the Darsan hill, from which one can see Yalta’s shoreline, Renovated Hotel Taurica, the first hotel in the former Russian Empire with elevators, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, constructed by the architect Krasnov, who also constructed the Livadia Palace and the architect P. Terebenyov, Former main building of the Ministry of Defence hotel, built in the style of a Gothic castle, Palace of Bukhara Emir, Yalta’s Zoo, Yalta’s Aquarium, housing small dolphins, Park-museum Polyana Skazok (Glade of Fairytales), House-museum of Anton Chekhov, House-museum of Lesya Ukrainka etc.


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  • Презентация: Yalta-

    Слайд 1

    a world heritage natural
    and cultural site

  • Слайд 2

    Yalta is a resort city in Crimea, southern Ukraine, on the north coast of the Black Sea. The city is located on the site of an ancient Greek colony, said to have been founded by Greek sailors who were looking for a safe shore on which to land. It is situated on a deep bay facing south towards the Black Sea, surrounded by wooded mountains. It has a warm humid subtropical climate with many vineyards and orchards in the vicinity.

  • Слайд 3

    In the 19th century, the town became a fashionable resort for the Russian aristocracy and gentry. Leo Tolstoy spent summers there and Anton Chekhov in 1898 bought a house (the White Dacha) here, where he lived till 1902; Yalta is the setting for Chekhov’s short story, «The Lady with the Dog», and such prominent plays as The Three Sisters were written in Yalta. The town was also closely associated with royalty. In 1889 Tsar Alexander III finished construction of Massandra Palace a short distance to the north of Yalta and Nicholas II built the Livadia Palace south-west of the town in 1911.

  • Слайд 4

    The Massandra Palace

  • Слайд 5

    the Livadia Palace

  • Слайд 6

    During the 20th century Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. In 1920, Vladimir Lenin issued a decree «On the Use of Crimea for the Medical Treatment of the Working People» which endorsed the region’s transformation from a fairly exclusive resort area into a recreation facility for tired proletarians. Numerous workers’ sanatoria were constructed in and around Yalta. There were, in fact, few other places that Soviet citizens could come for a seaside holiday, as foreign travel was forbidden to all but a handful. The Soviet elite also came to Yalta; the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin used the Massandra Palace as his summer residence.

    Yalta was occupied by the German Army from 9 November 1941 to 16 April 1944.

    The town came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the «Big Three» powers — the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom — was held at the Livadia Palace.

  • Слайд 8

  • Слайд 10

  • Слайд 11

    Frigate «Hispaniola» in 1981

  • Слайд 16

    Memorial in honor of the heroes of the Civil and Great Patriotic War on the Hill of Glory in Yalta

  • Слайд 17

    View on Gursuf and Bear Mountain (Ayu Dag)

  • Слайд 18

    Fountain «Night» in Gurzuf

  • Слайд 19

    Chekhov House Gurzuf

  • Слайд 20

    Union pioneer camp «Artek»

  • Слайд 21

  • Слайд 22

  • Слайд 23

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We live in the city of Yalta. It is a well – known fact that Yalta is the capital of the southern coast and the most famous city of Crimea. This is a seaside resort, where in the summer on vacation comes a huge number of people. That is why Yalta has become one of the biggest centers of cultural life, where well-known theater and film festivals, pop and music competitions are held.

At school, we were told about the history of the native city. The first written mention of Yalta refers to the XII century ad, although the traces of human settlements found here date back to the Bronze age. Yalta was founded by the Greeks, probably in the I century. The legend shows that huddled in the storm of the way Greek sailors, long tossed about in search of shore, and when, in the end, I saw the shore («Yalos»), I decided to call based on the landing of the settlement. In the middle ages the town was in the possession of the Roman Empire, the Principality of Theodoro and was known under the names Aleta and Dzhalita. Unlike Alushta and Gurzuf, Yalta has never been a fortress or an important military stronghold. From 1475 to 1774, when the southern coast of Crimea was part of the Ottoman state, Yalta was part of it.

After the eviction of the Christian population from the Crimea to the Azov sea, carried out in 1778 by order of the Russian government and the mass emigration of the Crimean Tatars, Yalta virtually deserted and until the end of the century was a small fishing village. In 1837 the gravel road connected Yalta with Alushta, and in 1848 the road to Sevastopol was built. The city of Yalta became, in 1838, and from the 1860s, when a well-known physician, Professor S. P. Botkin found the climate of South shore healing and recommended that Tsar Alexander II purchased the manor, began its rapid development as a resort. Yalta – a large modern city, whose population today-more than 80 thousand inhabitants. There are a lot of outstanding monuments. Livadia, Vorontsov, Massandra palaces and many other palaces of our city are very famous. As well as the Nikita Botanical garden, founded in 1812, which gathered in its collection more than 28 thousand exotic plants from around the world.     

Yalta itself is interesting for its unique combination of architectural monuments inscribed in the mountain landscape. There are many beautiful (though not always in good condition) buildings of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The most interesting places in Yalta are as follows: city embankment, restored in 2003-2004, the Armenian Church, built by architect Ter-Mikaelyan, painted inside the great Armenian artist Vardges with Suranjana, the Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate conception of the virgin Mary, Yalta cable car that leads to the hill Darsan, which offers a panoramic view of the city, the Church of St. John Chrysostom with the Golden-domed bell tower was built in the Gothic castle style Palace of the Emir of Bukhara, zoo «fairy Tale» and the house-Museum of Lesya Ukrainka in the Moorish style

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