Рассказ про знаменитого спортсмена на английском


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  2. Сочинение на английском мой любимый спортсмен Евгения Медведева 150-180 слов​
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  4. Соченение про спортсмена на англиском 60-70слов
  5. Ответы 10

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Напишите короткий рассказ о знаменитом спортсмене вашей страны Напишите пож если можно то на английском.

Елена Исинбаева родилась 3 июня 1982 года в Волгограде.

Семья жила скромно и небогато.

Мать воспитывала девочек в строгости.

В пятилетнем возрасте Елена пошла в спортшколу, где занималась художественной гимнастикой.

В 2000 году поступила в Волгоградскую Академию физической культуры.

Первые прыжки Исинбаевой показали, что у нее есть прирожденная предрасположенность к данному виду спорта.

Тренеру Трофимову понадобилось всего полгода, чтобы сделать из юной спортсменки настоящую чемпионку.

Исинбаева год за годом улучшала свои результаты.

Постепенное взятие высоты позволяло Елене поддерживать свою известность год за годом.

В 2014 году у Исинбаевой родилась дочь.

Yelena Isinbayeva born 3 June 1982 in Volgograd.

The family lived modestly and wealthy life.

The mother raised her girls in line.

At age five, Elena went to the sports school, where he was engaged in artistic gymnastics.

In 2000 he entered the Volgograd Academy of physical culture.

The first jump Isinbayeva showed that she has a natural predisposition to the sport.

Coach Trofimov took only six months to make young athletes a real champion.

Isinbayeva has improved their results.

The gradual capture of the height allowed Elena to maintain their popularity year after year.

Yelena Isinbayeva is a very open and friendly girl, but his personal life prefers not to advertise.


Сочинение на английском мой любимый спортсмен Евгения Медведева 150-180 слов​

My Favourite Athlete

My favourite athlete is Evgenia Medvedeva, a famous Russian figure skater.

Zhenya is 20 years old and she has already won a lot of medals. She has a lot of fans in many countries all over the world. People like Zhenya because she is very artistic and full of life and energy.

I fell in love with her skating while watching her compete in the Winter Olympics in 2018. Evgenia won the silver medal there. At that time she was competing on a broken foot but her free programme «Anna Karenina» was a real masterpiece. Then there was her brave decision to change coaches and move to Canada. The easiest thing for Zhenya would be to retire, make money hosting TV shows, and skate in ice shows. Instead, she chose to move across the globe and start over. I liked her programs when she was with Eteri Tutberidze, and I am excited about her continuing career with Brian Orser.

I admire Evgenia’s strength of mind, hard work and dedication. I love both of her programs this year and I hope to see her win more competitions in the future!

Мой любимый спортсмен

Жене 20 лет, и она уже завоевала множество медалей. У нее много поклонников во многих странах мира. Людям нравится Женя, потому что она очень артистична, полна жизни и энергии.

Я влюбилась в ее катание, наблюдая за ее участием в зимних Олимпийских играх 2018 года. Евгения завоевала там серебряную медаль. Она тогда выступала с переломом ноги, но ее произвольная программа «Анна Каренина» была настоящим шедевром. Затем последовало ее смелое решение сменить тренера и переехать в Канаду. Проще всего для Жени было бы завершить карьеру, зарабатывать деньги на телешоу и кататься в ледовых представлениях. Вместо этого она решила пересечь земной шар и начать все сначала.

Мне нравились ее программы, когда она была с Этери Тутберидзе, и я с большим энтузиазмом отношусь к ее продолжающейся карьере с Брайаном Орсером.

Я восхищаюсь Жениной силой духа, трудолюбием и преданностью любимому делу. Мне нравятся обе ее программы этого года и я надеюсь, что в будущем она выиграет еще больше соревнований!


Напишите короткий рассказ о знаменитом спортсмене вашей страны Напишите пож если можно то на английском?

Напишите короткий рассказ о знаменитом спортсмене вашей страны Напишите пож если можно то на английском.

Елена Исинбаева родилась 3 июня 1982 года в Волгограде.

Семья жила скромно и небогато.

Мать воспитывала девочек в строгости.

В пятилетнем возрасте Елена пошла в спортшколу, где занималась художественной гимнастикой.

В 2000 году поступила в Волгоградскую Академию физической культуры.

Первые прыжки Исинбаевой показали, что у нее есть прирожденная предрасположенность к данному виду спорта.

Тренеру Трофимову понадобилось всего полгода, чтобы сделать из юной спортсменки настоящую чемпионку.

Исинбаева год за годом улучшала свои результаты.

Постепенное взятие высоты позволяло Елене поддерживать свою известность год за годом.

В 2014 году у Исинбаевой родилась дочь.

Yelena Isinbayeva born 3 June 1982 in Volgograd.

The family lived modestly and wealthy life.

The mother raised her girls in line.

At age five, Elena went to the sports school, where he was engaged in artistic gymnastics.

In 2000 he entered the Volgograd Academy of physical culture.

The first jump Isinbayeva showed that she has a natural predisposition to the sport.

Coach Trofimov took only six months to make young athletes a real champion.

Isinbayeva has improved their results.

The gradual capture of the height allowed Elena to maintain their popularity year after year.

Yelena Isinbayeva is a very open and friendly girl, but his personal life prefers not to advertise.


Соченение про спортсмена на англиском 60-70слов

My favorite sportsman is Michael Schumacher.

During his distinguished career, he broke many records in Formula One racing.

He was twice named the sportsman of the year and is the second richest sportsman of all time and nations, second only to basketball player Michael Jordan.

But important is not his wealth and not even records, Schumacher has become a symbol of the desire for a goal, a symbol of speed. Focused on his business, he reached the heights of skill. It’s inspiring.

Looking at Michael, I want to become the best in my business. Schumacher is a good example for teenagers, he shows what can be achieved if you try, work and improve yourself.

Мой любимый спортсмен — Михаэль Шумахер.

Во время своей выдающейся карьеры он побил множество рекордов в автогонках Формула 1.

Он был дважды назван спортсменом года и является вторым богатейшим спортсменом всех времён и народов, уступая лишь баскетболисту Майклу Джордану.

Но важно не его богатство и даже не рекорды, Шумахер стал символом стремления к цели, символом скорости. Сосредоточенный на своём деле, он достиг вершин мастерства. Это вдохновляет.

Глядя на Михаэля, хочется и в своём деле стать лучшим. Шумахер хороший пример для подростков, он показывает чего можно достичь, если стараться, работать и самосовершенствоваться

I was very glad to hear from you again. I haven’t written for ages because of my school activities.

In your letter you ask me to tell you about my favorite kind of sports. With a pleasure. I like many kinds of sports but best of all I like football. It’s the game of my dream. I play for my school football club «Shkolnik». We are good players and we win almost every competitions.
Besides it I’m a football fan and I like to watch every match on TV or in the stadium. And what about you? Tell me about your favorite kind of sports. That’s for me today. I have to go.

Best regards to your family.
Write soon.

Я был очень рад получить от тебя весточку. Я не писал целую вечность из-за занятости в школе.

В своем письме ты просишь меня рассказать о моем любимом виде спорта. С удовольствием. Мне нравятся многие виды спорта, но больше всего я люблю футбол. Это игра моей мечты. Я играю за мой школьный футбольный клуб «Школьник». Мы хорошие игроки, и мы выигрываем почти все соревнования.
Кроме того, я футбольный болельщик, и мне нравится смотреть каждый матч по телевизору или на стадионе. А как насчет тебя? Расскажи мне о своих любимых видах спорта. Это все на сегодня. Мне нужно идти.

передай привет своей семье.
Пиши как можно быстрее


Ответы 10

Denis Dmitriyevich Cheryshev (Russian: Денис Дмитриевич Черышев; born 26 December 1990) is a Russian professional footballer who plays as a left winger for Spanish club Valencia CF on loan from Villarreal CF, and the Russian national team.

A youth product of Real Madrid, he made his senior debut for the reserves in 2009 and with the first team in 2012. He then had loan spells at Sevilla, Villarreal and Valencia before joining Villarreal permanently in 2016, and returned to Valencia on loan two years later.

Having earned 45 caps and scored 23 goals in its youth categories, Cheryshev made his debut for Russia in 2012. He was a participant at the 2018 World Cup.Early years

Born in Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Soviet Union, Cheryshev started his career at Sporting de Gijón, where his father Dmitri was playing at the time. He soon followed him to his next club, Burgos, entering its youth system at the age of 9.[2]

During his spell, Cheryshev was selected to play for the youth levels of the Castile and León regional team.[3]

Cheryshev joined Real Madrid in 2002, and completed his formative years in their academy.[4] Still a junior, he appeared in nine Segunda División games with Real Madrid Castilla during the 2008–09 season; it was also during this time he formed a long-lasting friendship with future Spanish national team player Nacho.[5]

Over the next two years, Cheryshev played 61 matches and scored 11 goals for the reserve side. He was an important attacking unit as the latter campaign ended in promotion to Segunda División, after a five-year absence.[6]

Cheryshev made his debut in division two on 17 August 2012, playing the full 90 minutes in a 1–2 away loss against Villarreal.[7] On 27 November, he made his official debut for the first team in a 3–0 home win (7–1 on aggregate) over Alcoyano in the season’s Copa del Rey.[8][9]

Мне очень нравиться волейбол.Любовь в волейболу у меня появилась тогда,когда я начала смотреть по телевизору игру волейбол.Мне там понравилась одно девушка,вернее знаменитая волеболистка Екатерина Гамова.Она великолепно играет.Она стала для меня кумиром.Сейчас я вас опишу её портретный очерк.

Она светло кожая девушка,с темными волосами и голубыми глазами.Её тело стройная,красивая,мускулистая.

патриотизм, транслировать, кавалерия ; сезон, консерватория,

в некоторых не уверен, поэтому прошу проверить самим)

Сообщение о группе Imagine Dragons, а точнее о его главе и солисте, Дэне Рейнольдсе.

Его родители хотели чтобы он стал врачом, юристом, но Дэна тянуло к музыке. Делал он свои первые шаги в музыке когда ему былы 6 лет, он играл на фортепиано в виде игры. После этого в 13 лет он тайком прокрадывался к компьютеру старшего брата чтобы включить функцию записи звука и сделать наброски песен о своих подростковых переживаниях.

Также он и его родители принадлежат к распространенному в США религиозному течению мормонов. Одной из особенностей, присущих мормонам, является исходящая из приверженности христианским традициям многодетность. Поэтому неудивительно, что семья Рэйнольдсов воспитывала девять детей, седьмым из них и был Дэниел (Дэн) Колтер.

В семье Рэйнольдса увлечение музыкой считалось скорее хобби, чем жизненным кредо или серьёзной профессией. Позднее в колледже, создавая рок-группу «Imagine Dragons», Дэниел сильно переживал об отношении родителей к его занятию, испытывал дискомфорт из-за разницы с братьями и сестрами, которые уже работали адвокатами и врачами.

Также советую послушать песни Imagine Dragons: Radioactive, Believer, Thunder, Natural.

Maria Yuryevna Sharapova is a Russian professional tennis player. Her parents are originally from Gomel, Belarus, but moved to Russia in 1986 in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear accident. Sharapova was born in Nyagan, Siberia, the following year.

At the age of three, Sharapova moved with her family to the resort town of Sochi, beginning to play tennis at the age of four, using a racquet given to her by Yevgeny Kafelnikov’s father. At age five or six, at a tennis clinic in Moscow, Sharapova was spotted by Martina Navratilova, who urged her parents to get her serious coaching in the United States.

Sharapova is regarded by many as possessing a natural beauty and figure and has done some modeling, having signed a contract in November 2003 with IMG Models. She enjoys fashion and is known to read celebrity magazines. However, she says she does not want to overdo these activities, preferring to focus on her tennis. She is often compared to Anna Kournikova, also a Russian Bollettieri student and model. However, Sharapova, Bollettieri, and Kournikova all reject the comparison.


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Find out more about the greatest Russian Sportspersons, including Fedor Emelianenko, Anna Kournikova, Garry Kasparov, Maria Sharapova and Khabib Nurmagomedov.


Khabib Nurmagomedov

(Former Russian Mixed Martial Artist and the First Muslim to Win a UFC Title)

Khabib Nurmagomedov

Birthdate: September 20, 1988

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Sil’di, Russia

Russian professional mixed martial artist, Khabib Nurmagomedov, is known for holding the longest active undefeated streak in MMA, with 28 wins and no losses. In September 2020, he was named #2 in the UFC men’s pound-for-pound rankings. He practices Islam and is the first Muslim to win a UFC title.


Maria Sharapova

(One of Ten Women, and the Only Russian, to Achieve the Career Grand Slam)

Maria Sharapova

Birthdate: April 19, 1987

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Nyagan, Russia

One of Time’s 30 Legends of Women’s Tennis, Maria Sharapova, the first Russian woman tennis player to top the singles rankings, earned three doubles and five Grand Slam titles. A failed drug test led to her temporary suspension. She bounced back with modeling and launched her confectionary brand Sugarpova.


Garry Kasparov

(Russian Chess Grandmaster and One of the Best Chess Players in History)

Garry Kasparov

Birthdate: April 13, 1963

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Baku, Azerbaijan

Garry Kasparov is a Russian chess player. A grandmaster, Kasparov is a former World Chess Champion who was ranked No. 1 for 255 months during his career that spanned 21 years. After his retirement, Garry Kasparov focused on writing and politics; he founded a social movement called the United Civil Front, which is part of an opposition coalition in Moscow.

Fedor Emelianenko

Birthdate: September 28, 1976

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Rubizhne, Ukraine

Russian mixed martial artist, judoka, and sambist Fedor Emelianenko, also known as “The Last Emperor,” competes for Bellator MMA and the Rizin Fighting Federation. He went from being a firefighter to Sports Illustrated’s top MMA fighter of the 2000s. He is also part of the Russian Presidential Council on sports.

Roy Jones Jr.

Birthdate: January 16, 1969

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Pensacola, Florida, United States

Former American boxer Roy Jones Jr. was born to a boxer father. Despite his defeat in the gold medal match at the 1988 Seoul Olympics due to a faulty decision by the judges, he won the Val Barker Award. He was the second light heavyweight champion to earn a heavyweight title.


Anna Kournikova

(Russian Former Tennis Player and One of the Best-Known Tennis Stars Worldwide)

Anna Kournikova

Birthdate: June 7, 1981

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Anna Kournikova was once world no. 8 in singles tennis rankings, in spite of never having won a singles title. She was no. 1 in doubles, teaming up with Martina Hingis. Following her retirement from tennis due to a spinal issue, she became a popular TV personality.

Alexander Ovechkin

Birthdate: September 17, 1985

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Alexander Ovechkin is a Russian ice hockey player who currently captains the Washington Capitals, a popular team which competes in the National Hockey League (NHL). Considered one of the greatest players of all time, Alexander Ovechkin has won prestigious awards, such as the Rocket Richard Trophy, Art Ross Trophy, Hart Memorial Trophy, Lester B. Pearson Award, and Calder Memorial Trophy.


Lev Yashin

(One of the Greatest Goalkeeper in the History of the Sport)

Lev Yashin

Birthdate: October 22, 1929

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: March 20, 1990

Legendary Soviet goalkeeper Lev Yashin was nicknamed the Black Spider or the Black Panther for his signature all-black attire. He played in four World Cups and later also served as the deputy chairman of the Football Federation of his country. He became the only goalkeeper to win the Ballon d’Or.

Kamila Valieva

Birthdate: April 26, 2006

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Kazan, Russia

Anatoly Karpov

Birthdate: May 23, 1951

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Zlatoust, Russia

Russian chess grandmaster, Anatoly Karpov, was the official world champion from 1975 to 1985, before finally being defeated by Garry Kasparov. With over 160 first-place finishes, Karpov is widely considered one of the greatest players in history. Since his retirement, he has involved himself in several humanitarian causes. He has an extensive stamp collection.

Zyzz (Aziz Shavershian)

Birthdate: March 24, 1989

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: August 5, 2011

Aziz Shavershian was a Russian-born Australian personal trainer, bodybuilder, and model. He started posting videos on YouTube in 2007, establishing a cult following. Aziz was the poster boy of aesthetics, a subculture of amateur bodybuilding. Before his death, due to a heart attack, Aziz Shavershian had established a clothing line and his own protein label called Protein of the Gods.


Kostya Tszyu

(Russian-Australian Former Professional Boxer Who Holds Multiple World Light-Welterweight Titles)

Kostya Tszyu

Birthdate: September 19, 1969

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Serov, Russia

Kostya Tszyu is a former boxer who held multiple light-welterweight championships. Renowned for his punching power, Tszyu is considered one of the hardest-punching boxers in the history of light-welterweight boxing. He represented the Soviet Union at the 1991 World Championships, where he won a gold medal. In 2010, Tszyu was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Boris Spassky

Birthdate: January 30, 1937

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Boris Spassky is a Russian chess player who held the World Chess Championship title from 1969 to 1972. He was part of the famous World Chess Championship match in 1972 where he lost his championship title to Bobby Fischer of the United States. In Bobby Fischer’s 2014 biopic Pawn Sacrifice, Boris Spassky is portrayed by American actor Isaac Liev Schreiber.


Olga Korbut

(Soviet Former Gymnast and Olympic Gold Medalist)

Olga Korbut

Birthdate: May 16, 1955

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Grodno, Belarus

Olga Korbut is a former gymnast who represented the Soviet Union in two Olympic Games, winning four gold medals and two silver medals. Nicknamed the Sparrow from Minsk, Korbut also participated in the 18th Artistic Gymnastics World Championships where she won two gold medals and four silver medals. In 1988, she was inducted into the International Gymnastics Hall of Fame. 

Sergey Kovalev

Birthdate: April 2, 1983

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Kopeysk, Russia

Sergey Kovalev is a Russian boxer who has held several world championships in the light heavyweight category. From 2014 to 2016, he held the IBF and WBA (Undisputed) titles. Between 2013 and 2019, he held the WBO title three times. Kovalev is renowned for his extraordinary punching power. In 2019, The Ring magazine named him the world’s second-best light heavyweight.

Alexander Godunov

Birthdate: November 28, 1949

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Sakhalin, Russia

Died: May 18, 1995

Russian ballet dancer Alexander Godunov was part of the Bolshoi Ballet. He defected to the U.S. in 1979, causing significant U.S.-Soviet tension. He had also appeared in many films, such as Anna Karenina and Die Hard. His final days were marked by alcoholism, which also eventually caused his death.

Sofia Kenin

Birthdate: November 14, 1998

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Sofia Kenin is an American tennis player who won her first Grand Slam title in 2020 when she defeated Garbiñe Muguruza in the Australian Open. By virtue of her Australian Open triumph, Sofia Kenin received the prestigious WTA Player of the Year award in the same year. She is renowned for her persistent determination and mental toughness.


Nikolai Valuev

(Russian Politician and Former Boxer Best Known for Being the Tallest and Heaviest World Champion in Boxing History)

Nikolai Valuev

Birthdate: August 21, 1973

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Saint Petersburg, Russia

The Russian Giant Nikolai Valuev has been the WBA heavyweight champion twice, and at 149 kg and 7 ft., is the heaviest and tallest champion ever. Severe health issues caused him to retire from boxing, following which he appeared in films such as Stonehead and became a State Duma member.

Alexander Povetkin

Birthdate: September 2, 1979

Sun Sign: Virgo

Birthplace: Kursk, Russia

Alexander Povetkin is a Russian professional boxer who won an Olympic gold medal for his country in 2004. The current WBC interim heavyweight champion, Povetkin was ranked the fourth-best active heavyweight in the world by The Ring magazine in 2020. Alexander Povetkin is also regarded as one of the best active boxers, pound for pound.

Yulia Lipnitskaya

Birthdate: June 5, 1998

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Yekaterinburg, Russia

Yulia Lipnitskaya stunned her fans with the news of her retirement at the tender age of 19. Apparently, she had been struggling with injuries and anorexia. The Russian professional figure skater won an Olympic gold at 15, thus becoming the youngest Russian gold medalist in history.

Elena Rybakina

Birthdate: June 17, 1999

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Born in Moscow, Elena Rybakina initially played for Russia, but began representing Kazakhstan when she found herself at no. 175 in the global rankings. Now WTA no. 17, she is known for her powerful serve and her towering 6-foot frame. She also excelled in ice skating and gymnastics as a child.

Maurice Tillet

Birthdate: October 23, 1903

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Ural Mountains, Russia

Died: September 4, 1954

Maurice Tillet was a Russian professional wrestler. A two-time AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Tillet was a very successful and popular wrestler at that time. He even appeared as The Swedish Angel in the 1949 American fantasy film Mighty Joe Young. Maurice Tillet was posthumously inducted into the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame in 2012.


Alina Kabaeva

(Russian Politician, Media Manager and Retired Rhythmic Gymnast)

Alina Kabaeva

Birthdate: May 12, 1983

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Daniil Kvyat

Birthdate: April 26, 1994

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Ufa

Anna Shcherbakova

Birthdate: March 28, 2004

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Artem Lobov

Birthdate: August 11, 1986

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Artem Lobov is a Russian retired boxer and mixed martial artist. He competed in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in the Featherweight division and earned one Fight of the Night award. He also competed in other popular promotions, such as the Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship, Cage Contender, and Cage Warriors.

Becky Hammon

Birthdate: March 11, 1977

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Rapid City, South Dakota, United States

Alexander Alekhine

Birthdate: October 31, 1892

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: March 24, 1946

Alexander Alekhine was a French and Russian chess player renowned for his imaginative and fierce attacking style. He also possessed great positional and endgame skill, which he used effectively to reign as the World Chess Champion from 1927 to 1935 and then from 1937 to 1946. Also a theoretician, Alexander Alekhine innovated several opening variations, including the Alekhine’s Defence.

Sergei Grinkov

Birthdate: February 4, 1967

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Died: November 20, 1995

Sergei Fedorov

Birthdate: December 13, 1969

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Birthplace: Pskov

Ekaterina Gordeeva

Birthdate: May 28, 1971

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Alexandra Trusova

Birthdate: June 23, 2004

Sun Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: Ryazan, Russia


Denis Cheryshev

(Russian Professional Footballer Who Plays as a Left Winger )

Denis Cheryshev

Birthdate: December 26, 1990

Sun Sign: Capricorn

Birthplace: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

A youth product of Real Madrid, Denis Cheryshev is a Russian footballer; currently signed with Valencia CF. Making his senior debut in 2009, he has since been playing as a left winger in different competitions. Also a regular on the Russian national team, he helped his team reach the quarter finals by scoring four goals in 2018 World Cup.

Petr Yan

Birthdate: February 11, 1993

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Dudinka, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia

Petr Yan is a Russian mixed martial artist who competes in the UFC. A former UFC Bantamweight Champion, Yan is currently ranked first in the UFC bantamweight rankings. He has won a Fight of the Night and a Performance of the Night award in his UFC career so far. Prior to his UFC career, Yan was an ACB Bantamweight Champion.


Tigran Petrosian

(One of the Best Chess Players in Armenia During his Generation)

Tigran Petrosian

Birthdate: June 17, 1929

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Tbilisi, Georgia

Died: August 13, 1984

Tigran Petrosian was a Soviet-Armenian chess player who achieved the grandmaster title in 1952. Nicknamed Iron Tigran, Petrosian was the World Chess Champion between 1963 and 1969. Regarded as one of the best chess players in Armenia during his generation, Tigran Petrosian is credited with popularizing the game in Armenia. He also won the USSR Chess Championship on four occasions.

Evgeni Malkin

Birthdate: July 31, 1986

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Magnitogorsk, Russia

Khamzat Chimaev

Birthdate: May 1, 1994

Sun Sign: Taurus

Birthplace: Chechnya, Russia

Russia-born Swedish freestyle wrestler and mixed martial artist Khamzat Chimaev began wrestling as a child, possibly to save himself from the bullies. Eventually, he took up freestyle wrestling, winning the Swedish Championship three times between 2015 and 2018, thereafter emerging as an award winning mixed martial artist. Currently, he competes in the welterweight and middleweight divisions of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Zabit Magomedsharipov

Birthdate: March 1, 1991

Sun Sign: Pisces

Birthplace: Khasavyurt, Russia

Zabit Magomedsharipov is a Russian mixed martial artist who currently competes in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). In the 2018 World MMA Awards, he was honored with the Submission of the Year award for his fight against Brandon Davis. Prior to his UFC career, Zabit Magomedsharipov was a featherweight champion in the Absolute Championship Berkut (ACB). 

Daniil Medvedev

Birthdate: February 11, 1996

Sun Sign: Aquarius

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Daniil Medvedev is a Russian tennis player who won his first Grand Slam title in 2021 when he defeated Djokovic in straight sets to win the US Open. Standing at 6 feet 6 inches tall, Medvedev became the tallest Grand Slam champion in the history of the Open Era. His height played a decisive role in his US Open victory.


Pavel Bure

(Former ice hockey player who played the right wing position)

Pavel Bure

Birthdate: March 31, 1971

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Islam Makhachev

Birthdate: September 27, 1991

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Makhachkala, Russia

Islam Makhachev is a Russian mixed martial artist who currently competes in the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Makhachev is currently ranked fifth in the UFC lightweight rankings. He has won one Fight of the Night award in his UFC career so far. A former Sambo competitor, Islam Makhachev became a combat sambo world champion in 2016.

Evgenia Medvedeva

Birthdate: November 19, 1999

Sun Sign: Scorpio

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Evgenia Medvedeva is a Russian figure skater who has won two silver Olympic medals, two World Championship gold medals, and two European Championship gold medals. At the 2017 World Championships, Medvedeva became the first 16-year-old female skater after Michelle Kwan to win back-to-back world titles. Evgenia Medvedeva is also the first skater to achieve two Grand Slams in a row. 


Valeri Bure

(Russian-American Former Ice Hockey Right Winger)

Valeri Bure

Birthdate: June 13, 1974

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Moscow, Russia

Valeri Bure is a former ice hockey player who played for popular teams in the National Hockey League. In 1991, he became the first Russian to play in the Western Hockey League. An important ex-member of the Russian men’s national ice hockey team, Bure helped his nation win silver and a bronze at the 1998 and 2002 Winter Olympics respectively.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Birthdate: October 21, 1986

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Elista, Russia

Died: April 19, 2013

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a Soviet-born terrorist best remembered for planting two homemade pressure-cooker bombs at the 2013 Boston Marathon, killing three people. Many people were injured and 17 of those lost limbs. He planted the bombs with his brother Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and the two killed a policeman after the FBI declared them suspects. Tsarnaev was killed in the ensuing shootout.

Vadim Nemkov

Birthdate: June 20, 1992

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Belgorod, Belgorod Oblast, Russia

Igor Akinfeev

Birthdate: April 8, 1986

Sun Sign: Aries

Birthplace: Vidnoye, Russia

Askar Askarov

Birthdate: October 9, 1992

Sun Sign: Libra

Birthplace: Kamysh-Kutan, Russia

Yelena Isinbayeva

Birthdate: June 3, 1982

Sun Sign: Gemini

Birthplace: Volgograd, Russia


Mikhail Botvinnik

(Word Chess Champion Known for His Contribution to the Design of the World Chess Championship System)

Mikhail Botvinnik

Birthdate: August 17, 1911

Sun Sign: Leo

Birthplace: Repino, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Died: May 5, 1995

Soviet chess player Mikhail Botvinnik was a three-time World Champion. At 14, he defeated the reigning world champion José Raúl Capablanca in an exhibition match. He was also a skilled computer engineer. He adopted a scientific approach to chess and penned several books on chess, too.

Pavel Datsyuk

Birthdate: July 20, 1978

Sun Sign: Cancer

Birthplace: Yekaterinburg, Russia

Michael Fred Phelps is an American swimmer born on June 30, 1985. He is a frequent winner and the only sportsman of all times who won 23 gold medals on the Olympic Games. Phelps is also a repeated record holder. He won medals both in individual competitions and swimming relays. 

Michael has two nicknames, the Baltimore Bullet, and Flying Fish. He performed more successfully in freestyle, butterfly stroke, and medley swimming. Phelps announced his career ending in 2012 at the age of 27 after the Olympic Games in London. However, he participated in international competitions in 2014 and then was selected for the Olympic Games in Rio. That was his last participation and he got 5 golden and one silver medal. 

There were many facts about Michael Phelps some of which were hard to believe. For example, in 2008 the Media gave information about his diet and confirmed that the sportsman ate 10000-12000 calories every day. This information was belied by Phelps himself. 

In 2004 a new street in his hometown Baltimore appeared which was called Michael Phelps way. Moreover, Michael was added to the top list of people and phenomena that had influenced the history of the XXI century. Phelps was on the 14th position on this list. 

After the Olympic Games held in 2008 Phelps used $1 million to found a special organization which specializes in sports development and promulgation of a healthy lifestyle. 

Майкл Фред Фелпс – американский пловец, родившийся 30 июня 1985. Он является многократным чемпионом по плаванию и единственным спортсменом всех времен, который завоевал 23 золотые медали на Олимпийских Играх. Фелпс также является многократным рекордсменом. Он завоевывал медали как в индивидуальных соревнованиях, так и в эстафетах.


Майкл был награжден двумя прозвищами: Балтиморская Пуля и Летающая Рыба. Более успешными были его выступления вольным стилем, баттерфляем и в комплексном плавании. Фелпс объявил о завершении карьеры в 2012, в возрасте 27 лет, сразу после Олимпийских Игр в Лондоне. Однако после он участвовал в международных соревнованиях 2014 года и был отобран для участия в Олимпийских Играх в Рио. Это стало его последним выступлением, он получил 5 золотых и 1 серебряную медаль.

О Майкле Фелпсе ходило множество слухов, во многие из которых было сложно поверить. Например, в 2008 году СМИ дали информацию о питании Майкла и утверждали, что он съедает 10-12 тысяч калорий ежедневно. Эта информация была опровергнута самим Фелпсом. 

В 2004 году в родном городе спортсмена, Балтиморе, появилась улица, названная Michael Phelps way. Более того, Майкл был включен в список людей и явлений, повлиявших на историю 21 века. Фелпс занял 14 позицию в этом списке. 

После Олимпийских игр 2008 года Фелпс потратил миллион долларов на основание специальной организации, занимающейся развитием спорта и пропагандирующей здоровый образ жизни. 

Полезные выражения

Frequent winner – многократный чемпион/победитель 

Record holder – рекордсмен 

Relay – эстафета 

Free style – вольный стиль 

Butterfly stroke – баттерфляй (стиль плавания) 

Medley swimming – комплексное плавание 

Competition – соревнование 

Belie – опровергнуть 

метки: Олимпийский, Чемпион, Английский, Спортсмен, Майкл, Любимый, Медаль, Sprint

Michael Phelps. Топик на английском

Рубрика: Биографии

Michael Fred Phelps is an American swimmer born on June 30, 1985. He is a frequent winner and the only sportsman of all times who won 23 gold medals on the Olympic Games. Phelps is also a repeated record holder. He won medals both in individual competitions and swimming relays.

Michael has two nicknames, the Baltimore Bullet, and Flying Fish. He performed more successfully in freestyle, butterfly stroke, and medley swimming. Phelps announced his career ending in 2012 at the age of 27 after the Olympic Games in London. However, he participated in international competitions in 2014 and then was selected for the Olympic Games in Rio. That was his last participation and he got 5 golden and one silver medal.

There were many facts about Michael Phelps some of which were hard to believe. For example, in 2008 the Media gave information about his diet and confirmed that the sportsman ate 10000-12000 calories every day. This information was belied by Phelps himself.

In 2004 a new street in his hometown Baltimore appeared which was called Michael Phelps way. Moreover, Michael was added to the top list of people and phenomena that had influenced the history of the XXI century. Phelps was on the 14th position on this list.

After the Olympic Games held in 2008 Phelps used $1 million to found a special organization which specializes in sports development and promulgation of a healthy lifestyle.

Майкл Фред Фелпс – американский пловец, родившийся 30 июня 1985. Он является многократным чемпионом по плаванию и единственным спортсменом всех времен, который завоевал 23 золотые медали на Олимпийских Играх. Фелпс также является многократным рекордсменом. Он завоевывал медали как в индивидуальных соревнованиях, так и в эстафетах.

П еревод

Майкл был награжден двумя прозвищами: Балтиморская Пуля и Летающая Рыба. Более успешными были его выступления вольным стилем, баттерфляем и в комплексном плавании. Фелпс объявил о завершении карьеры в 2012, в возрасте 27 лет, сразу после Олимпийских Игр в Лондоне. Однако после он участвовал в международных соревнованиях 2014 года и был отобран для участия в Олимпийских Играх в Рио. Это стало его последним выступлением, он получил 5 золотых и 1 серебряную медаль.

6 стр., 2914 слов

На английском языке Олимпийские игры/ Olympic Games с переводом на русский язык

… ваши требования всего за 24 часа! Похожие сочинения на тему: «Почему нужно заниматься спортом» — сочинение-рассуждение Сочинение История Олимпийских игр Олимпийские игры возникли в Древней Греции задолго до нашей эры. В те времена все люди старались развить …

О Майкле Фелпсе ходило множество слухов, во многие из которых было сложно поверить. Например, в 2008 году СМИ дали информацию о питании Майкла и утверждали, что он съедает 10-12 тысяч калорий ежедневно. Эта информация была опровергнута самим Фелпсом.

В 2004 году в родном городе спортсмена, Балтиморе, появилась улица, названная Michael Phelps way. Более того, Майкл был включен в список людей и явлений, повлиявших на историю 21 века. Фелпс занял 14 позицию в этом списке.

После Олимпийских игр 2008 года Фелпс потратил миллион долларов на основание специальной организации, занимающейся развитием спорта и пропагандирующей здоровый образ жизни.

Полезные выражения

Frequent winner – многократный чемпион/победитель

Record holder – рекордсмен

Free style – вольный стиль

Butterfly stroke – баттерфляй (стиль плавания)

Medley swimming – комплексное плавание

Usain Bolt. Топик на английском

Usain Bolt is a Jamaican track athlete who specialized in the sprint. He was born on August 21, 1986, in Sherwood Content, a small town in Trelawny Parish, Jamaica. Bolt was an active child who loved to play cricket and used an orange instead of a ball.

However, one day a track coach noticed his speed and potential while young Usain was playing cricket. Bolt turned to track and field and won his first medal in 2001.

After that Bolt became an octuple Olympic champion and an eleven-time world champion. The sportsman made 8 world records and is currently a record holder of 100 (9,58 seconds) and 200 (19,19 seconds) meters and also a 4×100 meters relay (36,84 seconds).

Bolt is the only sportsman who managed to win 100 and 200 meters sprint races on three Olympic Games in a raw. He is also the first athlete in history who took 11 golden prizes during world championships.

Usain has got a nickname for his name and speed – Lightning Bolt. He is now retired but in 2018 he took part in 2 warm-up matches for the Australian team “Central Coast Mariners” and kicked 2 goals. However, in November of the same year, he refused to sign a contract with the club because he was not satisfied with the wages.

Bolt lives in Kingston now and trains on track and field stadium of the West-Indian University. He had a couple of unsuccessful relationships with Slovakian designer and British athlete.

П еревод

Усейн Болт – ямайский легкоатлет, который специализировался в беге на короткие дистанции. Он родился 21 августа 1986 года в Шервурд Контенте, в округе Трелони, на Ямайке. Болт был активным ребенком, который любил крикет и использовал апельсин, вместо мяча во время игры.

Однако однажды его скорость и потенциал заметил тренер по легкой атлетике в тот момент, когда юный Усейн играл в крикет. После этого Болт занялся легкой атлетикой и выиграл первую медаль в 2001 году.

5 стр., 2100 слов

На английском языке Мой любимый спортсмен/ My Favourite Sportsman …

… И с этим нельзя не согласиться. Сочинение на тему: МОЙ ЛЮБИМЫЙ СПОРТСМЕН 3 (60%) 1 vote На этой странице искали : сочинение на тему мой любимый спортсмен мой любимый спортсмен мой любимый спортсмен сочинение сочинение мой любимый спортсмен мой любимый спортсмен сочинение на английском Сохрани к себе на стену! Биатлонист Дмитрий Малышко Биатлон является …

После этого Болт стал восьмикратным олимпийским чемпионом и одиннадцатикратным чемпионом мира. Спортсмен установил 8 мировых рекордов и до сих пор является рекордсменом в беге на 100 (9,58 секунд) и 200 (19,19 секунд) метров, а также в эстафете 4×100 (36,84 секунд).

Болт – единственный спортсмен, который смог победить в беге на 100 и 200 метров в трех Олимпийских Играх подряд. Он также является первым спортсменом в мире, кто завоевал 11 золотых наград на чемпионатах мира.

За свою скорость и имя Усейн получил прозвище «Молниеносный». На настоящий момент он находится на пенсии, однако в 2018 принял участие в двух товарищеских матчах за австралийскую команду «Сентрал Кост Маринерс» и забил 2 мяча. Однако в ноябре того же года он отказался подписать с ними контракт, так как предложенная зарплата его не удовлетворила.

Сейчас Болт проживает в Кингстоне и тренируется на стадионе для легкоатлетов, принадлежащем университету Вест-Индии. У него была пара неудачных отношений со словацким дизайнером и британской спортсменкой.

Полезные выражения

Track athlete — легкоатлет

Sprint – бег на короткую дистанцию

Рассказ Мой любимый спортсмен, сочинение на английском языке, эссе

Продолжаем тему, начатую в сочинении Мой любимый вид спорта и в диалогах о спорте, теперь поговорим о людях.

My favorite sportsman is Michael Schumacher.

p, blockquote 1,0,0,0,0 —>

  • During his distinguished career, he broke many records in Formula One racing.

p, blockquote 2,0,0,0,0 —>

  • He was twice named the sportsman of the year and is the second richest sportsman of all time and nations, second only to basketball player Michael Jordan.

p, blockquote 3,0,0,0,0 —>

  • But important is not his wealth and not even records, Schumacher has become a symbol of the desire for a goal, a symbol of speed. Focused on his business, he reached the heights of skill. It’s inspiring.

p, blockquote 4,0,0,0,0 —>

  • Looking at Michael, I want to become the best in my business. Schumacher is a good example for teenagers, he shows what can be achieved if you try, work and improve yourself.

p, blockquote 5,0,0,0,0 —>

  • p, blockquote 6,0,1,0,0 —>

Мой любимый спортсмен – Михаэль Шумахер.

p, blockquote 7,0,0,0,0 —>

  • Во время своей выдающейся карьеры он побил множество рекордов в автогонках Формула 1.

p, blockquote 8,0,0,0,0 —>

  • Он был дважды назван спортсменом года и является вторым богатейшим спортсменом всех времён и народов, уступая лишь баскетболисту Майклу Джордану.

p, blockquote 9,0,0,0,0 —>

  • Но важно не его богатство и даже не рекорды, Шумахер стал символом стремления к цели, символом скорости. Сосредоточенный на своём деле, он достиг вершин мастерства. Это вдохновляет.

p, blockquote 10,0,0,0,0 —>

14 стр., 6990 слов

Участие спортсменов нашей страны в Олимпийских играх

… части международного олимпийского движения на Олимпийских играх и других Олимпийских мероприятиях; приведение правил МОК в соответствие с требованиями современного мира; расширение процесса коммерциализации олимпийского движения; учет нового статуса спортсмена высшей квалификации …

  • Глядя на Михаэля, хочется и в своём деле стать лучшим. Шумахер хороший пример для подростков, он показывает чего можно достичь, если стараться, работать и самосовершенствоваться.

p, blockquote 11,0,0,0,0 —>

  • Alexander Karelin is my sports idol.

p, blockquote 13,0,0,0,0 —>

  • He was born Siberia, like me, at age 13 began to engage in wrestling. This is a very large and strong man, like Hercules from ancient myths. He is like a rock hanging over the adversaries.

p, blockquote 14,0,0,0,0 —>

  • During his career, he won three Olympic gold medals, won in nine world championships.

p, blockquote 15,0,0,0,0 —>

  • He remained undefeated for more than thirteen years.

p, blockquote 16,0,0,0,0 —>

887 victories and only two defeats, for which he took revenge. Such a number of victories is not only evidence of tremendous physical strength, but also the result of intellectual work, the correct evaluation of the enemy, the ability to take advantage of the current situation.

p, blockquote 17,0,0,0,0 —>

  • At Karelin I’m learning to take the most out of the current moment and make the most of my skills.

p, blockquote 18,0,0,1,0 —>

  • p, blockquote 19,0,0,0,0 —>

Александр Карелин – мой спортивный кумир.

p, blockquote 20,0,0,0,0 —>

  • Он родился Сибири, как и я, в 13 лет начал заниматься борьбой. Это очень большой и сильный человек, словно Геракл из древних мифов. Он как скала нависает над противниками.

p, blockquote 21,0,0,0,0 —>

  • За свою карьеру он выиграл три золотые олимпийские медали, одержал победы в девяти чемпионатах мира.

p, blockquote 22,0,0,0,0 —>

  • Он оставался непобеждённым на протяжении более тринадцати лет.

p, blockquote 23,0,0,0,0 —>

887 побед и только два поражения, за которые он взял реванш. Такое количество побед свидетельство не только огромной физической силы, но и результат интеллектуальной работы, правильной оценки противника, умения воспользоваться сложившейся ситуацией.

p, blockquote 24,0,0,0,0 —> p, blockquote 25,0,0,0,1 —>

  • У Карелина я учусь брать максимум из текущего момента и максимально использовать свои навыки.

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